#Cocktail bars RiNo
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valloninfo · 6 months ago
Mood Festival 2022 - vallon.info Le AR Mood Festival est de retour pour sa troisième édition, et cette année promet d'être encore plus excitante que jamais ! Du 24 au 26 mai 2024, rendez-vous sur la place Longereuse à Fleurier pour trois jours de divertissement inoubliable. Avec ses food trucks alléchants, ses concerts en live, son Kids Park rempli d'activités, sa cantine chauffée, et bien sûr son bar proposant des cocktails par Mood Events, le festival offre une expérience complète pour tous les âges et tous les goûts. Une programmation musicale éclectique La scène musicale du AR Mood Festival propose une variété d'artistes suisses et internationaux, assurant une ambiance électrique tout au long du week-end. Le vendredi soir débutera avec des artistes suisses locaux, dont Mélune et Sylynx, Antony Trice, Chuelee. La soirée se prolongera jusqu'aux petites heures du matin avec une performance captivante de Kurios. Le samedi, préparez-vous à être transporté par les sons envoûtants de Lo&Vie, MAP Duet Rock Band, MC Roger, Diaz Event Orchestra et Sandgino. La soirée se terminera par une session enflammée du DJ Igor Blaska. Et pour clore le festival en beauté le dimanche, détendez-vous avec les mélodies envoûtantes de Like Alice et Just Married Band, offrant une fin de week-end parfaite en musique. Un paradis pour les enfants Le AR Mood Festival n'oublie pas les plus jeunes ! Le Kids Park propose une gamme d'activités divertissantes pour les enfants de tous âges. Du vendredi au dimanche, les enfants pourront s'amuser avec des châteaux gonflables, des jeux géants, des ateliers de décoration de bougies, Zebrano le magicien de ballons, du maquillage artistique et même une Silent Party spécialement conçue pour eux avec Rino & Planplan. Un festival accessible à tous L'entrée sur le site du festival est gratuite pour tous, tout comme l'ensemble des concerts et animations de rue, ainsi que la soirée DJ. Pour accéder au Kids Park, il vous suffit de payer CHF 5.00 par enfant et par jour, offrant un accès illimité pendant la journée. En résumé, le AR Mood Festival est l'événement à ne pas manquer à Fleurier ce mois-ci. Venez profiter de trois jours de cuisine du monde, de musique live, de divertissements pour enfants et de bien d'autres surprises encore !
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lamilanomagazine · 1 year ago
Monza: con BarLegend il FuoriGP 2023 è tutto una festa
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Monza: con BarLegend il FuoriGP 2023 è tutto una festa. Ad animare il FuoriGP2023 scende in campo per la prima volta BarLegend e per quattro giorni in tutta Monza si fa festa. Il brand organizzatore di eventi, nato poco più di un anno fa per volontà di Gabriele Viola Boros, di Stefania Aliprandi e di Massimo Peronetti, soci di tre capisaldi della nightlife, della mixology e della ristorazione monzese (il fine dining restaurant Saint, il cocktail bar Liquors e il Mexican food&cocktail Gomez), firma gli eventi più cool della ricca programmazione della quinta edizione del mega evento parallelo al Gran Premio di Formula 1, in scena a Monza dal 31 agosto al 3 settembre. Sette le location del capoluogo brianzolo a cura di BarLegend dove gustare ottimo street food, sorseggiare cocktail realizzati a regola d’arte, assistere a concerti e ballare gratuitamente sulle note di fantastici djset. Ai Boschetti Reali, ogni giorno dalle 10 di mattina alle 2 di notte, il BarLegend Red Bull Village dove vivere esperienze di realtà aumentata e con sette Airstream (i famosi tondeggianti motorhome americani in alluminio) di varie misure e brandizzati ad hoc dove deliziarsi di sfizioso cibo di strada e drink di ogni tipo secondo le ricette dello chef Michele Cioffi e della bartender Elisabetta Ciceri del Saint. Nel caravan dedicato a cassa, oltre a gadget ricordo come t-shirt, cappellini, adesivi e spillette BarLegend (realizzate da Mezzopieno Studio, agenzia veronese che ha curato tutta l’immagine coordinata del brand) si potranno acquistare i token necessari per gli hamburger e pulled pork di Jurassic Pork, per i fritti e le salamelle di Fattyssimo, per le pizze e pinse di Pizzawagon e per la pasta e i ravioli (ricotta e spinaci o bufala ed erbette) al sugo o cacio e pepe di Pastarda, così come per il beverage scegliendo, oltre a birre Nastro Azzurro, Red Bull e The Organics by Red Bull, spritz by Freni e Frizioni, anche tanti cocktail speciali a base di Vetz e Angostura rum e di Big Gino gin e Roby Marton’s gin, nei rispettivi motorhome. Il tutto condito da musica tutta da ballare, già dalla mattina con tanto di dancefloor di 300 metri quadri, tra dirette radiofoniche e djset con il sound di Miky Garzilli di Radio Studio Più. Serate clou sabato 2 settembre a tutta house con in console PRZI del Nameless Festival affiancato/da vari guest; domenica 3 con l’Autpop festival, una serata speciale ideata da Shorty e Matteo Perego, con in console i ragazzi e ragazze diversamente abili delle Associazioni Facciavista e Il Veliero affiancati da dj di Radio M2O (Shorty Lrnz, Walter Pizzulli, Mauro Miclini, Rino Sparacino, Lori B e Vittoria Hyde), Maurino e Tato di Radio Deejay, Dj Marietto di Silver Music Radio e Dj Funky. In Piazza Trento e Trieste, ogni giorno con la colonna sonora di Radio Number One il chiringuito di BarLegend sarà il punto di ristoro per chi assisterà ai concerti serali: il 31 agosto Millenium Star con la Zurawski Band; venerdì 1 settembre con Andy dei BluVertigo & The Bowieness che omaggiano il Duca Bianco e il Queen Live Show con la Live Queen Tribute Band; sabato 2 con la voce unica di Giusy Ferreri. In Piazza Cambiaghi, ogni giorno dalle 10 di mattina alle 2 di notte, il cibo di strada di 18 food truck con al centro il bancone bar BarLegend, tra djset di Alem K e Isa Diamond e musica live: giovedì 31 agosto, dalle 22, con le tre band finaliste del Monza Live Sound Festival e una giuria tecnica che decreterà il vincitore del talent contest; venerdì 1 settembre il live rock della The Next Band; sabato 2 pop e soul con Morena Martini e la Woody Band. BarLegend Jazz&Spritz in Piazza Carrobiolo, dove ogni giorno dalle 10 di mattina a mezzanotte, di mattina si esibiscono ensemble di musica jazz, swing, bossanova, soul e blues, per un pubblico che vuole vivere un’atmosfera più intima sorseggiando cocktail e drink, tra cui lo speciale spritz by Spill e gli innovativi sparkling cocktail in bottiglia Bellini e dall’analcolico RossiNO di Sei Bellissimi (progetto del bar consultant di fama internazionale Giancarlo Mancino), in tutto relax su comode sdraio e sotto ombrelloni in stile Saint-Tropez anni ‘60. Infine le iniziative FuoriGP nei tre locali di BarLegend: al Saint in Piazza Duomo 8 la special drink list Portofino-Velier in un allestimento a tema; al Gomez in Piazza S. Paolo 4 una “playa” con il Red Bull Kombibar (un furgone d’epoca con bancone bar) e al Liquors in Vicolo Molini 14, cocktail speciali a base di whisky Monkey Shoulder. Insomma un incredibile impegno di risorse umane e non per il primo FuoriGP di BarLegend, reso possibile grazie al coinvolgimento di tanti partner/sponsor (Acqua Panna, Amaro Lucano, Angostura rum, Big Gino, Chiarella, D&C Food&Beverage, Freni e Frizioni Bar Selection, Giass Milano Dry Gin, Mancino Vermouth, Monkey Shoulder, The Organics by Red Bull, Peroni Nastro Azzurro, Red Bull, Roby Marton’s, San Pellegrino, Sei Bellissimi, Smirnoff, Spill, Tanqueray, Trussoni Beverage, Velier, Vetz) che hanno aderito con entusiasmo all’iniziativa. Maggiori dettagli sulle molte altre iniziative del FuoriGp sul sito monzafuorigp.it. Tel. 340.8905128, [email protected].... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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sounds-right · 1 year ago
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Fam - Desenzano (BS): 30/6 It's Folklor + 2/7 Paola Peroni
Dall'ora del brunch a notte fonda, Fam Desenzano è perfetto per chi vuol rilassarsi con un certo stile.  Ecco un po' di appuntamenti musicali, perfetti da vivere dopo e/o durante una cena o un pranzo da re, coccolati dallo staff e della brigata di cucina al Fam Desenzano (BS).
Venerdì 30 giugno It's Folklor torna al Fam - Desenzano (BS) dalle 19:30. Ingresso in lista entro le 21:30 10 euro, fuori lista 15 euro. It's Folklor mette inn console ci sono dj dal sound decisamente particolare. Tra gli altri suonano Antonio, Matteo Gurra, Lvca 1812 e Rino Bellandi. La loro musica mette insieme le diverse anime dell'elettronica internazionale più sofisticata. Dalle 19:30 va in scena un invitante apericena vista lago, perfetto per sentirsi protagonisti, al centro della scena e della musica. 
E che succede domenica 2 luglio? In console c'è la dj bresciana Paola Peroni, per un party diffuso in diretta su Studio Più. E' una tra le dj producer più stimate della scena dance internazionale. Tra le molte, moltissime, produzioni va citata la hit Bacon Popper - "Free", uscita nel 1998 (120.000 copie vendute solo in Francia) e tanti altri successi sfornati sui Media Records. Nel 1991 era già al mixer della discoteca Genux, dove diventa resident dj con lo pseudonimo di DJ Groovy. Da allora la sua carriera è in continua crescita. Tra mille diverse esperienze, va citata la collaborazione con Zucchero, di cui Paola Peroni ha aperto diversi concerti. Inoltre gestisce da tempo la sua label musicale Intercool Digital. www.paolaperoni.it
FAM, a Desenzano (BS) è un ristorante d'eccellenza ed un meeting point amato da chi vuol vivere al massimo il Garda in ogni stagione. Di giorno, di sera e di notte, ci rilassa con un certo stile, con brunch, aperitivi, cene e party d'eccellenza. Gli eventi, musicali e non, qui, non mancano mai. Ogni ospite si sente, giustamente, al centro della scena. In primavera, soprattutto. La location è unica e ha un panorama mozzafiato sul lago.
Al Fam,  a Desenzano (BS) va poi in scena da qualche settimana un menu tutto nuovo, che spazia dal pesce fresco alla carne alla griglia. E dopo cena, oltre a cocktail e drink, spesso ecco eventi musicali e non pieni di stile. Nello "slang" americano, Fam sta per famiglia, non solo come nucleo vero e proprio, ma indica un gruppo di amici legati tra loro da una stessa passione comune. La professonalità dei fratelli Guidetti, che insieme gestiscono il locale, si rispecchia proprio in questo termine che oltre a rimandare all'affiatamento della loro famiglia numerosa. Fam abbraccia gli ospiti facendoli sentire parte di quello che, più che un progetto imprenditoriale, è un vero e proprio stile di vita.
FAM - Desenzano (BS)
+39 030 9120281
Via Zamboni, 5 25015 – Desenzano del Garda (BS)
Chiuso il martedì
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303magazine · 7 years ago
Although its name may suggest a dark and secretive place, the brand new Death & Co is a far cry from the intimate bar that opened in New York City’s East Village over 11 years ago. For Denver, the NYC staple has swapped out its snug quarters and dim lighting for the massive sunlit lobby of The Ramble hotel. There’s even a daytime cafe as well as a rooftop bar where co-founder Alex Day jokes they’ll eventually fill an inflatable pool with rosé. This echoes a similar trend their neighbor, American Bonded, is testing out — but theirs involves a slushy machine (I digress).
READ: American Bonded is Ready to Introduce Denver to a New Type of Cocktail Bar
Both spots, which are arguably run by the forefathers of the modern speakeasy, are now allowing for a little more sunshine and fun.
“Daylight is new for us,” said David Kaplan, one of the three Death & Co-founders. “But we wanted to see what it looked like when Death & Co goes outside.”
Photo by Brittni Warshaw
According to the team, Death & Co is more of an idea and it doesn’t have to exist within the original walls they built. But even though they’ve had a decade to mull over what that means exactly, it still can be a bit elusive when put into words.
“We haven’t figured out a perfect sound bite yet … but it’s really about giving a shit,” said beverage director, Tyson Buhler. Kaplan agreed, explaining that ultimately it’s about being able to perfect their craft but in a wide range of contexts.
“It’s not that the drinks themselves are more casual. Just as much science and prep and ridiculous labor goes into [these cocktails],” said Kaplan.
You can see this at the bar where you’ll still find drinks that are perfect for moody lighting and close conversation (like the Vaquero  ($16) made with mezcal, reposado, corn husk and cacao) next to cocktails inspired by warmer climates or ones with low/no alcohol meant for a patio. We especially enjoyed the Windjammer ($16) a take on a tiki drink made with Jamaican rum, bourbon, banana, ginger, lime and a chamomile dusting. However, instead of a traditional totem tiki glass, it comes in a cast iron mug shaped like a pioneer man — which is one hint that the Death & Co team hasn’t traded all of its former tricks.
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Overall, there is still something a little macabre about the place. Maybe because the decor — which one writer described as 17th-century France meets the Wild West — has a distinct feeling of a place gone-by. Couple that with American lore of haunted hotels and a part of you may feel like you’re in a turn of the century murder mystery or inside a really fancy game of Clue. But if you go upstairs it’ll become immediately clear that Death & Co’s original aesthetic hasn’t gone far.
���We haven’t given up our dark little room,” said Kaplan.  Suite 6A — set to open sometime by the end of the month — is where you’ll find the traditional Death & Co experience. Small, cozy and intimate surroundings paired with creative cocktails made with rare ingredients and elaborate presentations  — Suite 6A will be the place the Death & Co bartenders experiment with new ideas. The 20-seat space located on the mezzanine can be booked ahead of time or you can walk-in and take your chances.
These compartmentalized spaces inside The Ramble are a big part of the new Death & Co — which services the entire hotel. This includes the daytime cafe DC/AM — located on the western side of the hotel lobby. The cafe and espresso bar offers up coffee from Denver’s Middlestate alongside a full breakfast menu filled with items like an egg sandwich ($7), smoked honey yogurt ($10) and breakfast plates like the bacon okonomiyaki ($9) with zucchini kimchi, cured egg, trout roe and scallions. The menu is imagined by a team of culinary experts including chef Wes Hamilton (former culinary director of Jackson Hole Mountain Resort) and executive sous chefs Kathryn Caine (former executive chef of The Populist) and Quincy Cherrett (former executive chef of The Kitchen in Jackson Hole).
The chefs will also service the lobby and hotel with a wide range of dinner items including a killer dessert menu. We’d highly recommend the fava bean agnolotti ($18) which will be instantly recognizable to fans of The Populist as well as the fabulous olive oil cake ($12) with smoked honey ice cream and almond caramel. The Garden — aka the aforementioned rooftop — will be the hotel’s “pool bar without the pool” when it opens mid-May. It’ll be available to hotel guests all day and open to bar patrons later in the afternoon and on the weekend for brunch.
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If you head back downstairs, there’s yet another component to the partnership between the hotel and the bar. Vauxhall is an event/ theater space that comes with its own Death & Co bar and will be used for private and public events. All programmed through The Ramble, the hotel expects to highlight film, live performance, comedy, art exhibitions and more. Upcoming events include a design showcase with neighbors Topo Designs on May 11, a listening party with Denver’s Vinyl Me, Please on May 26 and a RiNo First Friday showcase on June 1.  As an independent hotel, the space also hopes to give back to its community by providing the area and hotel rooms for local non-profits like Volunteers of America, PlatteForum and the RiNo Arts District. Similarly, Death & Co is continuing its tradition of giving one percent of all of its proceeds to a local charity — although the exact one is still TBD. Featuring its own private entrance off Larimer street and a soon-to-come marquee, Vauxhall aims to be a place of its own while providing a taste of what’s next door.
If you ask the team behind Death & Co, what the main question they get about the new spot is — it may or may not surprise you.
“To everyone else, it’s like why Denver? And I’m like, have you been to Denver? Denver is fucking awesome,” said Kaplan. Now with Death & Co finally open in Denver, we’re expecting a lot of people to stop asking and start agreeing.
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NYC’s Famed Death & Co Comes to Denver with Three Bars, a Cafe and More Although its name may suggest a dark and secretive place, the brand new Death & Co is a far cry from the 
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oatsnmelk · 5 years ago
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foolproofartgallery · 3 years ago
Nicole Barbera of #Nudgetext wrote this great recommendation for a visit to the gallery and a cocktail through the back door. Try us out this weekend at 3240 Larimer St, Denver- #firstfriday #rinoartdistrict #rino #foolproofartgallery #foolproofgallery #thingstodothisweekend #thingstoindenver #datenight #artgallerydatenight #partnersincrime #pic #lauraphelpsrogers #textured
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wineanddinosaur · 5 years ago
The Nation’s 10 Best Brunch Cocktail Programs (2019)
It’s safe to say that we have officially graduated from the days of bottomless Mimosas and DIY Bloody Mary bars. Be it a hangover helper classic like the Corpse Reviver No. 2 or Ramos Gin Fizz or spritzes or even a whole new genre of daytime cocktails, brunch-goers are demanding more from the bar than ever before.
One big trend in the brunch world these days is cocktails that are lower in alcohol, ideal for afternoon consumption. At the base of many of these drinks is sparkling wine, such as Italian prosecco. Enter Riondo, which has become one of the larger producers of DOC prosecco in Italy’s Veneto region in just over 10 years. The company believes in using the charmat method (in which the wine’s fizz is created under pressure in large steel tanks) to produce a lighter, softer sparkling wine — ideal for cocktails. Riondo offers three different styles of prosecco: the gently frizzante Spago Nero, to the more boldly bubbly rosé and spumante.
Once again, VinePair has teamed up with Riondo Prosecco to find the restaurants with the best brunch-time cocktails across the country — and you won’t be surprised to find that a good number of them involve a little bit of bubbly. Here are the ones that will leave you lingering at the bar long after the last plate of avocado toast has been cleared away.
1. Brezza Cucina Location: Atlanta, GA
Brezza Cucina, from legendary chef Jonathan Waxman, has become a brunch staple in Atlanta’s Ponce City Market. Here, Waxman blends his enthusiasm for all things Italian with his California upbringing in dishes like the frittata with prosciutto, burrata, and kale. Stay in the savory vein when it comes to choosing a beverage with The One and Only, a light, fresh drink made with celery syrup, Don Ciccio fennel cordial (an Italian-inspired liqueur made in Washington, D.C.), gin and prosecco.
2. Dante Location: New York, NY
By now, you’ve likely heard of Dante, owned by Linden Pride and located in NYC’s Greenwich Village is dubbed one of the World’s 50 Best Bars. There, creative director Naren Young has a reputation for offering many iterations of Italian aperitivi, like the Negroni and Spritz, but there’s more to his list than that. Consider the Clarified Milk Punch, a boozy concoction of Compass Box Scotch, Italian herbal liqueur Strega, peach, and chamomile, all topped with prosecco. Order a companion plate of cinnamon pumpernickel French toast with ricotta, caramelized bananas, and pecans to match.
3. Irving Street Kitchen Location: Portland, OR
Photo credit: Matt Friedman @mattfriedmancreative
Grabbing a table on the patio at the Pearl District’s Irving Street Kitchen is practically a rite of passage in Portland. There’s only one drink to consider in this instance: the citrusy Rosé All Day (Lillet Rosé, Crème de Pamplemousse, lemon and prosecco), a cocktail that tells you how to proceed right in its name. Then, the only choice left to make is between chef Sarah Schafer’s Moroccan Slow-Poached Eggs and the Guajillo Butter Fried Chicken & Waffles.
4. Bar Beau Location: Brooklyn, NY
Hidden in plain sight just off the BQE (Brooklyn-Queens Expressway) in Brooklyn’s Williamsburg, Bar Beau is one of the prettier bars to open in the five boroughs in the last year. Once past the coffee bar facade, the whitewashed speakeasy has a horseshoe-shaped bar with a Mediterranean vibe — and drinks to match. Try the chic-ly named Gucci Flip Flops, made with sparkling wine, Combier peach liqueur, and Escubac (a gin-like botanical spirit) alongside the umami-rich breakfast udon from Bar Beau’s brunch menu, which just launched this spring.
5. Hearth & Dram Location: Denver, CO
At LoDo’s Hearth & Dram, the food is all wood-fired and the drinks are mostly whiskey based — the restaurant has 300 different expressions from around the world behind the bar. But if you’re looking for something a little lighter in the warm Denver summer months, that’s there, too. Order the crab beignet or the avocado toast with housemade tahini and cool down even further with a Succulent Spritzer, made with Trakal (a pear and crabapple liquor from Patagonia), prickly pear liqueur, Chareau Aloe liqueur, cucumber, and a prosecco float.
6. TRIA: A Level Above Location: Chicago, IL
The Bertucci family has run Fabulous Freddie’s Italian Eatery in South Side Chicago’s Bridgeport neighborhood for almost 30 years, so when the three Bertucci sisters decided to expand with TRIA this spring, they already had a devoted following. To go with the brunch time farrotto dolce (oatmeal’s slightly sweet Italian sister) opt for The Oat Street Beach, made with vanilla vodka, peach purée, oat milk, and prosecco, which comes with a brûléed Granny Smith apple on top.
7. Chop Bar Location: Oakland, CA
Chef/restaurateur Chris Pastena is behind some of Oakland’s most beloved restaurants, including this casual Jack London Square district hangout. Here, you’ll find regulars communing over plates of chilaquiles and pork belly hash alongside the fruity, perfectly spicy Serrano Slam, made with serrano-infused vodka, St. Elder elderflower liqueur, strawberry-raspberry juice, and prosecco.
8. Grand Tavern by David Burke Location: St. Louis, MO
Guests will find Grand Tavern, from celebrity chef David Burke, nestled in the Angad Arts Hotel, which is fittingly located in the heart of St. Louis’s Grand Arts District. When it comes to day drinking, look no further than the AAH Spritz, which is made with strawberry-ginger-infused Aperol and prosecco, uniquely served with a homemade strawberry-ginger fruit roll-up. Not to be outdone by the bar, Burke isn’t holding back in the kitchen: Think brioche French toast, buttermilk pancakes and barbecue brisket with truffle mac & cheese “toast.”
9. Steuben’s Location: Denver, CO
Steuben’s, with two locations in Uptown and Arvada, has been featured on the Food Network and for good reason: It’s a Denver favorite that’s all about making the old new again. Here, you’ll be faced with deciding between such elevated throwbacks as scratch biscuits and gravy and lemon ricotta pancakes. If making a choice is proving to be too much, let us handle your drink order. Get The Spritz, made with Aperol, Lillet Rosé, elderflower liqueur, bitter lemon tonic, and prosecco — one of the more decked-out spritz riffs we’ve seen in a while.
10. ZuZu Location: Scottsdale, AZ
Located in the funky Hotel Valley Ho, this restaurant is as lively as the scene by the pool. With the help of local farmers and suppliers, get ready for a taste of the southwest by way of the Planks + Eggs (crispy potato planks, red chile short rib stew, fried eggs, cotija, lime crema, and scallion). The cocktails bring their own flair. Case in point: The Fizzy Lifting. Made with Aperol, prosecco, Campari-infused blood orange foam, and carbonated blackberry. It’s just what the doctor ordered to help you stay cool on hot desert days.
Honorable Mentions
Avenue Le Club Location: Long Branch, NJ
Transport yourself to Nice without ever having to leave the Jersey Shore. Do as the French do and dig into this modern brasserie’s top-of-the-line raw bar (who doesn’t want to start the weekend with king crab legs?) or simply go straight for a classic: the croque madame. Whatever you decide, the perfect cocktail to wash it all down is the French Mimosa, a combination of ginger syrup, absinthe, orange juice, and topped with prosecco — à votre santé!
Call Location: Denver, CO
Named to Bon Appetit magazine’s Hot Ten restaurant list in 2018, from the start Denver’s Call has attracted more attention for its daytime menu than its evening offerings. The team behind the RiNo neighborhood spot, mostly alums from Colorado restaurant royalty Frasca, stays true to its motto — fresh, vibrant, craveable — both on the plate and in your glass. Ask for bartender Joe Buckley’s Love Mail, made with Cognac Park Saison Rum, rhubarb honey syrup, and prosecco.
Harold’s Location: New York, NY
Lauded chef Harold Moore of Bistro Pierre Lapin is also behind this hip, brightly tiled, all-day spot in SoHo’s Arlo Hotel. Should more virtuous menu items, like a matcha & chia seed bowl or shakshuka, be calling your name, that means you can have an extra hot pink Hibiscus & Sage Highball. The hibiscus-and-sage infused vodka-based drink gets its sweetness from pomegranate syrup and its lift from a good dose of prosecco. And it won’t weigh you down too much for an afternoon of shopping.
This article is sponsored by Riondo Prosecco.
The article The Nation’s 10 Best Brunch Cocktail Programs (2019) appeared first on VinePair.
source https://vinepair.com/articles/the-nations-10-best-brunch-cocktail-programs-2019/
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myblckcty · 2 years ago
Join My Black City in Celebrating and Supporting Bar Helix. We Shine Brighter Together. #MyBlackCity https://myblackcity.org/bar-helix/?feed_id=13277 >> cocktail bar, RiNo >>
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mellowgirlblog-blog · 6 years ago
The Denver Central Market, a review from a local
The Denver Central Market is an eclectic and engaging collection of shops and dining choices that I know you’ll love! Here’s a review and a few must-try items, all hand-picked by me, a Colorado native!
Denver has such a unique, small-town vibe to it while. Yet we've still got diverse food and entertainment options. Last week my hubby and I explored another really cool spot, The Denver Central Market, and I want to share my findings with you!
In the heart of RiNo (River North Art District, for those not in the know) on the corner of 27th and Larimer, The Denver Central Market calls itself a "food hall." It's filled with local vendors selling delicious foods and desserts, plus a really fantastic bar.
If you're a local and you haven't been, you gotta check this out right now! And if you're planning a trip to Denver, I highly recommend coming here. It has a cool vibe, a great location, and gourmet food at a reasonable price.
What we love about food halls, cafeterias, or food courts is that everyone can get what they want. There are several in Denver (Avanti being an honorable mention in the category). I'm sure I'll write about all of them at some point because of my food obsession, but this one just has something special about it. It feels like you've stumbled onto something old and unknown, even though it is very critically acclaimed. There really is something for everyone. I could just chill out here for a few hours. If you want to make a day of it, there's a  lot of very beautiful street art on this block too. You could grab coffee at The Market, then walk around a little, and come back for lunch! Especially if you're visiting Denver on vacation this summer; it would make for a fun day.
We've had several different things from several different places, but my absolute favorite food item was the honey and feta cheese plate from Culture Meat & Cheese. Just look at how gorgeous this is! If you want to treat yourself, take a minute to slow down and completely enjoy this perfect dish. Even the flowers taste amazing. The sweet honey paired with the creamy feta and crunchy nuts is a perfect summertime treat. It's indulgent but still refreshing. I love the combo of feta and honey anywhere I can get it, but this is one of my favorites!
  If you want to set up an indulgent, self care day, you could easily stock up here and take some treats home. The Local Butcher is a really cool spot. Their gourmet, all-beef hotdogs are only $1 each, and are really excellent. We brought some home and smoked them!
My sweet husband also brought me gorgeous chocolates from Temper. They looked like tiny works of art. Chocolate isn't my favorite thing, but these flavors were bomb. They hold up to their beauty, that's for sure. Their flavors rotate so there's always something new (and gorgeous) to sample.
Although the Denver Central Market offers a lot of dessert options, High Point Creamery ice cream is probably the best. My favorite flavor there is their brown sugar and cinnamon. It's not too sweet and the perfect texture, probably because they make all their ice cream from scratch! They have lots of other fun things to try too, like egg creams and ice cream sandwiches.
Then, to finish it all off, we got drinks at Curio. I ordered the Fancy Pants, which has vodka, lime juice, sugar, sparkling wine, and (best of all) pomegranate popping pearls. The pomegranate pearls provide this amazing  burst of fruit flavor in the sweet sparkling wine. It may be one of the best drinks I've ever had; I liked it that much. Let's hope they never take this off the menu. I can't wait to go back and try it again!
All in all, the Denver Central Market is a perfect destination no matter what you want to do this weekend. Even with all our exploring we didn't try half of the shops there! Kids would love the ice cream, adults will love the cocktails. It made for a lovely date, but like I said, I also think it's great if you're visiting and want to eat like a local. Get a taste of the best of Colorado! I hope you all enjoy the Denver Central Market as much as I do!
I'm excited to continue sharing my adventures around Colorado (and other places we've traveled). What's on your summer vacation lists? Any cool spots in Denver you've been to? I'd love to hear, we're always looking for new things to do! Don't forget to share, like, and follow! Thanks for reading, mellow girls!
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johnboothus · 5 years ago
Denver Bar Owner and Sommelier Kendra Anderson Wants to Throw a Party Every Night
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“I want to throw a party every night,” Kendra Anderson says. At Bar Helix, her chic bar in Denver’s RiNo district, she does just that.
Anderson’s decades in hospitality began as a chef and then an advanced sommelier in the early 2000s. She later launched a catering company that became an event and wine consultancy business. Her social media persona, “Swirl Girl Denver,” became a brand unto itself, through which Anderson spread the gospel of food-and-wine pairings and clever hashtags like #21stcenturyhedonist and #champagnecampaign. She also penned a column for Denver’s alternative rag, Westword.
That apparently wasn’t enough for this powerhouse, so, in 2017, Anderson opened Bar Helix. The menu at Bar Helix blends high- and low-brow influences, like the caviar service, which includes Calvisius black reserve caviar, Pringles, tater tots, and lemony crème fraiche. The wine list draws on Anderson’s favorites, especially Champagne, as does the cocktail menu, which features an array of Negronis (her other obsession) with snarky names like The #badbitch Cosmo.
Here, Anderson recalls the exact moment she decided to become a sommelier, and how she plans to drink Champagne right up until the end.
1. What’s the bottle that made you fall in love with wine?
People ask me this question a lot. and I’m sad to admit that I don’t remember the name of the producer, but I do remember the occasion that made me fall in love with wine.
I was in culinary school, where the curriculum incorporated both food and wine education. We were studying Germany, and class that day included cooking a very traditional German dish — choucroute — and tasting alongside it a slightly off-dry Riesling from Mosel. Experiencing that magical pairing was the day the lightbulb went off for me — and also the day I decided to become a sommelier.
2. FMK three varieties: Cabernet, Pinot Noir, Chardonnay?
Cabernet, kill. Pinot Noir, marry. Chardonnay, f*ck.
3. You’re on death row. What’s your last-supper wine?
Without a doubt, Champagne.
4. You can only drink one wine for the rest of your life. What is it?
See my answer above (Champagne).
5. You can only drink at one bar for the rest of your life. What is it?
Pegu Club, NYC.
6. What’s the best and worst wine on your rack (or in your fridge) right now?
Ha! I‘m rarely at home, and so my wine collection is pretty grim. The best bottle I’ve got here is a Domaine Chave Hermitage. The worst? A terrible bottle of California Moscato that was gifted to me — and I haven’t gotten around to pouring down the drain yet.
7. If you could no longer drink wine, what would be your beverage of choice?
A Negroni, obviously!
The article Denver Bar Owner and Sommelier Kendra Anderson ‘Wants to Throw a Party Every Night’ appeared first on VinePair.
Via https://vinepair.com/articles/kendra-anderson-swirl-girl-denver/
source https://vinology1.weebly.com/blog/denver-bar-owner-and-sommelier-kendra-anderson-wants-to-throw-a-party-every-night
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isaiahrippinus · 5 years ago
Denver Bar Owner and Sommelier Kendra Anderson ‘Wants to Throw a Party Every Night’
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“I want to throw a party every night,” Kendra Anderson says. At Bar Helix, her chic bar in Denver’s RiNo district, she does just that.
Anderson’s decades in hospitality began as a chef and then an advanced sommelier in the early 2000s. She later launched a catering company that became an event and wine consultancy business. Her social media persona, “Swirl Girl Denver,” became a brand unto itself, through which Anderson spread the gospel of food-and-wine pairings and clever hashtags like #21stcenturyhedonist and #champagnecampaign. She also penned a column for Denver’s alternative rag, Westword.
That apparently wasn’t enough for this powerhouse, so, in 2017, Anderson opened Bar Helix. The menu at Bar Helix blends high- and low-brow influences, like the caviar service, which includes Calvisius black reserve caviar, Pringles, tater tots, and lemony crème fraiche. The wine list draws on Anderson’s favorites, especially Champagne, as does the cocktail menu, which features an array of Negronis (her other obsession) with snarky names like The #badbitch Cosmo.
Here, Anderson recalls the exact moment she decided to become a sommelier, and how she plans to drink Champagne right up until the end.
1. What’s the bottle that made you fall in love with wine?
People ask me this question a lot. and I’m sad to admit that I don’t remember the name of the producer, but I do remember the occasion that made me fall in love with wine.
I was in culinary school, where the curriculum incorporated both food and wine education. We were studying Germany, and class that day included cooking a very traditional German dish — choucroute — and tasting alongside it a slightly off-dry Riesling from Mosel. Experiencing that magical pairing was the day the lightbulb went off for me — and also the day I decided to become a sommelier.
2. FMK three varieties: Cabernet, Pinot Noir, Chardonnay?
Cabernet, kill. Pinot Noir, marry. Chardonnay, f*ck.
3. You’re on death row. What’s your last-supper wine?
Without a doubt, Champagne.
4. You can only drink one wine for the rest of your life. What is it?
See my answer above (Champagne).
5. You can only drink at one bar for the rest of your life. What is it?
Pegu Club, NYC.
6. What’s the best and worst wine on your rack (or in your fridge) right now?
Ha! I‘m rarely at home, and so my wine collection is pretty grim. The best bottle I’ve got here is a Domaine Chave Hermitage. The worst? A terrible bottle of California Moscato that was gifted to me — and I haven’t gotten around to pouring down the drain yet.
7. If you could no longer drink wine, what would be your beverage of choice?
A Negroni, obviously!
The article Denver Bar Owner and Sommelier Kendra Anderson ‘Wants to Throw a Party Every Night’ appeared first on VinePair.
source https://vinepair.com/articles/kendra-anderson-swirl-girl-denver/ source https://vinology1.tumblr.com/post/189572272954
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valloninfo · 2 years ago
Samedi 6 et dimanche 7 mai, le Val-de-Travers vivra la 2ème édition de l'AR Mood Festival sur la Place Longereuse de Fleurier. Cette année, une quinzaine de foodtrucks proposeront de nombreuses spécialités culinaires d'ici et d'ailleurs. Sur la scène principale ce sont 8 concerts gratuits qui rythmeront les journées et les débuts de soirées. Samedi soir, une grande soirée DJ gratuite sera organisée sous la cantine chauffée. Les enfants, eux aussi, auront leur festival avec un espace "kids" qui leur sera entièrement dédié. Durant le festival, il sera possible de payer par carte, Twint ou en espèces. Après le franc succès rencontré lors de la première édition, l'association Vallonnière Mood Events organise le week- end du 6 et 7 mai 2023 sur la Place Longereuse de Fleurier, la 2e édition de l'AR Mood Festival. Les nouveautés par rapport à la précédente édition : une tente plus grande, la possibilité de payer par carte de crédit / débit, encore plus de foodtrucks et enfin 2 concerts gratuits supplémentaires. Côté food et bar 15 foodtrucks (+5 par rapport à 2022) proposeront tout au long du week-end leurs spécialités culinaires. Les amateurs de nourriture auront ainsi le loisir de tout goûter et ceci même plusieurs fois. Une grande tente chauffée abritera le bar central avec les fameux cocktails "by Mood Events", des tables pour se restaurer, ainsi qu'une grande scène. Les paiements au bar pourront se faire par carte de crédit/débit, Twint ou en espèces. Les organisateurs recommandent vivement d'opter pour un paiement sans contact (carte ou Twint). Sur scène : 8 concerts gratuits Afin que tout le monde puisse en profiter, l'accès aux concerts reste totalement gratuit. Cette année, la programmation artistique propose un doux mélange de plusieurs styles. Samedi à 11h30, c'est "Sicdelis" (F) qui ouvrira le festival. À 14h15, les neuchâtelois de "Last Station" présenteront sur scène leur tout dernier album. Tandis qu'à 16h30, le groupe de la région "Reborn" enflammera le village de Fleurier. Pour terminer cette première journée de concerts, c'est le duo mère-fille "Wheelwork", originaire des Ponts-de-Martel qui se produira sur la scène de l'AR Mood Festival. Dès 21h00, place au talentueux "DJ RINO", artiste local aux compétences multiples. Accompagné de ses platines, il fera danser toutes les générations. Dimanche à 11h30 la jeune rappeuse originaire de Buttes "Mélune" ouvrira le bal des concerts. Elle sera suivie, à 13h00, du duo soleurois "The Two of us". À 15h00, place à la légèreté avec la jeune et talentueuse "Ozé" qui interprètera son dernier single. Et enfin à 16h30, les chaux-de-fonniers de "The Boppin'Sausages" auront la lourde mission de clôturer la 2e édition de l'AR Mood Festival. Pour les plus petits Les jeunes aussi auront droit à leur propre festival avec l'espace "Raiffeisen Kids Park" (forfait journalier de CHF 5.00). Au programme le samedi : châteaux gonflables, atelier de décoration de bougies et jeux géants par Alfaset ainsi que la présence de Aaronik avec ses immenses bulles. Dimanche : encore et toujours les châteaux gonflables de Magic Château, alors que pour les ateliers ce sont les scouts Trois-Raisses qui animeront des ateliers bricolages et découverte du pain-trappeur. Durant l'après-midi, les enfants pourront se faire grimer ou tatouer, de manière éphémère évidemment par Détour Beauté et Art Mania. Horaires et retour en toute sécurité Les premiers festivaliers sont attendus le samedi dès 11h00 alors que les derniers repartiront tôt le matin, vers 3h00. Dimanche matin, les premiers visiteurs fouleront le sol de l'AR Mood Festival dès 11h00 jusqu'à 18h00. Durant la nuit du samedi au dimanche, le somnambus du Val-de-Travers sera du service pour ramener les festivaliers à leur domicile avec notamment une course spéciale prévue à 03h00. Accès à la Place Longereuse et à l'Eco-point Les organisateurs rappellent que la Place Longereuse sera totalement interdite d'accès dès le mardi 2 mai à 07h00.
L'écopoint sera quant à lui disponible jusqu'au vendredi 12h00. Durant le week-end de festivités, l'écopoint de Longereuse sera fermé et la benne à carton sera déplacée à l'écopoint de la Pénétrante. Le programme complet du festival ainsi que les horaires des animations sont à découvrir sur moodevents.ch
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delfinamaggiousa · 5 years ago
Denver Bar Owner and Sommelier Kendra Anderson ‘Wants to Throw a Party Every Night’
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“I want to throw a party every night,” Kendra Anderson says. At Bar Helix, her chic bar in Denver’s RiNo district, she does just that.
Anderson’s decades in hospitality began as a chef and then an advanced sommelier in the early 2000s. She later launched a catering company that became an event and wine consultancy business. Her social media persona, “Swirl Girl Denver,” became a brand unto itself, through which Anderson spread the gospel of food-and-wine pairings and clever hashtags like #21stcenturyhedonist and #champagnecampaign. She also penned a column for Denver’s alternative rag, Westword.
That apparently wasn’t enough for this powerhouse, so, in 2017, Anderson opened Bar Helix. The menu at Bar Helix blends high- and low-brow influences, like the caviar service, which includes Calvisius black reserve caviar, Pringles, tater tots, and lemony crème fraiche. The wine list draws on Anderson’s favorites, especially Champagne, as does the cocktail menu, which features an array of Negronis (her other obsession) with snarky names like The #badbitch Cosmo.
Here, Anderson recalls the exact moment she decided to become a sommelier, and how she plans to drink Champagne right up until the end.
1. What’s the bottle that made you fall in love with wine?
People ask me this question a lot. and I’m sad to admit that I don’t remember the name of the producer, but I do remember the occasion that made me fall in love with wine.
I was in culinary school, where the curriculum incorporated both food and wine education. We were studying Germany, and class that day included cooking a very traditional German dish — choucroute — and tasting alongside it a slightly off-dry Riesling from Mosel. Experiencing that magical pairing was the day the lightbulb went off for me — and also the day I decided to become a sommelier.
2. FMK three varieties: Cabernet, Pinot Noir, Chardonnay?
Cabernet, kill. Pinot Noir, marry. Chardonnay, f*ck.
3. You’re on death row. What’s your last-supper wine?
Without a doubt, Champagne.
4. You can only drink one wine for the rest of your life. What is it?
See my answer above (Champagne).
5. You can only drink at one bar for the rest of your life. What is it?
Pegu Club, NYC.
6. What’s the best and worst wine on your rack (or in your fridge) right now?
Ha! I‘m rarely at home, and so my wine collection is pretty grim. The best bottle I’ve got here is a Domaine Chave Hermitage. The worst? A terrible bottle of California Moscato that was gifted to me — and I haven’t gotten around to pouring down the drain yet.
7. If you could no longer drink wine, what would be your beverage of choice?
A Negroni, obviously!
The article Denver Bar Owner and Sommelier Kendra Anderson ‘Wants to Throw a Party Every Night’ appeared first on VinePair.
source https://vinepair.com/articles/kendra-anderson-swirl-girl-denver/
source https://vinology1.wordpress.com/2019/12/09/denver-bar-owner-and-sommelier-kendra-anderson-wants-to-throw-a-party-every-night/
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pulsdmedia · 5 years ago
The Week Ahead 7/21-7/27
Have we all had a chance to cool off yet? Probably not, but if your air conditioner can work it in over 100 degree temps, so can you. Get into the swing of summer with events designed to “chill” you out this season, like a Blue Moon Beer & Food Experience or Premium Open Bar Cruises, and even a colorful, refreshing picnic in Prospect Park. We want you to drink, eat, and play like a pro, so maybe buy yourself a mini portable fan and get out there!
$29 3 Course Picnic Package for Two With Drinks, Prospect Park (a $50 value)
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Indulge in refreshingly delightful eats that have garnered attention from the likes of Eater and The New York Post, all while soaking in the warm sunshine or finding some shade under a tree to enjoy Bowl & Blade's elevated eats in one of the most beautiful parks in the city! This $29 pulse (a $50 value) gives you a 3 Course Prospect Park Picnic Package for Two that includes 1 Appetizer, 2 Entrees, 1 Dessert, 2 Drinks, 1 Picnic Cloth & Utensils so you can dine in unfettered outdoor bliss. Rajesh Bhardwaj (founder and CEO of Michelin-starred Junoon) and Executive Chef Adin Langille (Adour, Marea) teamed up to develop the delectable picnic menu that has eager epicurean adventurers excited to explore.
Exclusive Beers & Food Pairings from Blue Moon at This Epicurean Adventure
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The night begins with a crisp Belgian White and a perfectly sliced Valencia orange in a beautiful orange grove. As the journey continues, you'll discover the magic behind pairing food with delicious Blue Moon brews. Near the end of the experience, try four different custom beer and food pairings, featuring previously unreleased flavors right from the RiNo brewery. It’s a magical evening where beer and great food unite, all under a Blue Moon.
$15 GA & $69 Premium Open Bar Tickets To A NYC Hornblower Cruise
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Fall head over heels in love with New York City all over again with some fresh perspective aboard a massive Hornblower yacht, taking in sweeping views of The Big Apple from the Hudson River and snapping as many photos as your phone's storage can hold. Grab your $15 pulse (a $42 value) for a GA Ticket for the Friday Night Sunset Happy Hour Cruise or the Saturday Night Party Cruise to majorly level up your weekend plans. Tipplers will love the $69 pulse (a $115 value) for a Premium Open Bar Ticket that gives you all the GA benefits aboard either cruise, plus all-inclusive access to 3 Hours of Unlimited Bubbly, Premium Spirits/Cocktails, Wines, and Beers!
Celebrating Authenticity & Craftsmanship In Fashion
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Join The RealReal and Julie Gilhart for a special evening of "Real Fashion," in conversation with designer Emily Adams Bode. She'll discuss the spirit and significance of authenticity and craftsmanship in her fashion line BODE, which won her the CFDA's 2019 Emerging Designer of the Year Award.
$19 VIP Ticket To a 6 Hour Open Bar & Interactive Pop-Up Shopping Collective
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Discover the heart of where food, style, and drink intersect at Sip. Shop. Eat!, an immersive & interactive collective pop-up extravaganza where you'll imbibe on specialty cocktails, nosh on scrumptious fare, and stock up on goodies from 25 different New York City-based brands. This $19 VIP Ticket (a $28 value) grants exclusive All-You-Can-Drink access, plus you'll receive a Free Tote & Surprise Gift so you can keep the festive vibes going at home! Your adorable Signature Tote will be loaded with treats by The Honey Pot Co., Palmers, Smashmallow, Coconut Cloud, Pop Chips and more!
Erica Blumenthal & Nikki Huganir Celebrate Their New Book, "Yes Way Rosé"
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Fresh, easygoing, and a little bit whimsical, rosé is more than just a wine - it's shorthand for an entire lifestyle. And nothing embodies the lighthearted joy of "drinking pink" more than the wine and lifestyle brand "Yes Way Rosé." Equal parts informative and celebratory, "Yes Way Rosé" is both a wine primer and a source of lifestyle inspiration. Readers will learn the ins and outs of rosé production, as well as the major wine-making regions, before diving into food pairings, rosé cocktails, and even rosé-inspired astrology.
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travelpassuniverse-blog · 6 years ago
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Hotel Review: The Ramble Hotel, Denver Prices From $ 249 The basics To get to the reception of the 50-room Ramble Hotel, which was opened last May in Denver's River North Art District (RiNo), guests stroll to a cocktail jamboree: the bar's first outpost Death & Co beyond New York's East Village. 725 more words
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loveintheafternoooon · 7 years ago
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Love In The Afternoon #27 Knut Jonas Sellevold aka King Knut is a London DJ and producer - and also the owner of the great intimate club/cocktail-bar Servant Jazz Quarter where I met him one night after a gig and we stayed for hours drinking and smoking and talking about French prog records... Dive into his great collection of records, a journey through time and space Steven Halpern - Leviathan Blue Lino Capra Vaccina - Voce in XY Rino De Filippi - Oriente Complentativo Wapassou - Châtiment Serge Bulot - Le Vélo De La Sorcière Gastr Del Sol - The Sea Incertain Oval - Do While ⌘X Caroline Peyton - Light-years Bridget St. John - I Like To Be With You In The Sun Heldon - Omar Diop Blondin Tonto's Expanding Head Band - Riversong David Lee Jr - Freedom Bells Henry Cow - Deluge Italian garden picture found online or in a dream ? or in a film ?
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