#Clark Sandford
aboutzatanna · 2 years
Still annoyed by how the latter half of JLD portrayed Zee as an incompetent leader who made some  outright dumbass decisions while in charge.   
As a palate cleanser, here are some tidbits from Justice League of America Vol 1  Annual #1 written by Paul Levitz and Len Wein and pencilled by Rick Hoberg and her decisions weren’t disastrous.
This was from the period where Zee was elected chairwoman of the League: 
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Oh hey look, it’s Commissioner Gordon on the Watchtower, you don’t see that every day. What could he be there for?   
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(This is from the period where Batman left the League to form the Outsiders but given that he formed the Outsiders to do *more* crime fighting, the fact that Gordon had to go to the League because he couldn’t get in touch with Batman is doubly ironic.)  
Also, pretty cool how Gordon is known and respected even by the JLA.   
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So Zee splits the team into groups and they go investigate the missing artists. Not everyone is too keen on her calling the shots though:  
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Why Ollie? Why? Sadly, Ollie doesn’t do much in this annual besides whining and being a jerk.  
But turns out she was right and it turns out Destiny is pulling out nightmares from artists brain and materializing them in to the real world.   
Diana on the other hand, is more supportive Zee’s decisions:  
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Oh hey look! It’s John Stewart!   
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John teaming up with the League during the Satellite era was rare but always welcome. As a DCAU fan, he will always by *my* Green Lantern.      
After confirming Destiny’s involvement, Zatanna, Red Tornado and Elongated Man chase him into the Dreaming (a much less exciting place before Neil Gaiman joined DC):    
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One of the main sub plots of the annual is Zee’s sometimes mentor/detective Ralph having a crisis of confidence:    
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Zatanna summons the rest of the League and they head to confront Destiny at his HQ:  
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Also shout out to penciller Rick Hoberg here; the League is flying or running towards their target but he gives each member a distinct pose that reflects their personality. Zatanna and the Hawks are soaring through the air while John and Red Tornado are darting through the air laser focused on their target while Firestorm’s pose falls somewhere in the middle.  (Also it’s funny how the Atom is on Firestorm’s shoulder seemingly rooting for him to go faster.)  Even the running poses are different from each other; Flash’s pose looks like a homage to his debut comic cover, Diana is more casual while Aquaman looks more determined whilst Ollie looks like he is oogling Dinah who seems to be doing her best to ignore him.   
The League takes the fight to Dr Destiny’s HQ but it doesn’t go as planned:  
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He defeats the League in a way that makes me think the League all probably collectively agreed to never speak of again:  
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 “So how did Destiny take down all of you again?”
“Yep, giant monster.” 
“Giant monster.”
“He had big fangs.”
“Don’t forget the horns.”
“And the spikes.”
“Practically untouchable.” 
“It was too powerful for us to even comprehend!”
(I’m also going to head canon this as Destiny having more power in the Dreaming.)
Unbeknownst to him however, Ralph has managed to free the original Jack Kirby Sandman, Garret Sanford.  Side note: He is the guy who passed the mantle to Hector Hall who was the Sandman who was being manipulated by Brute and Glob before being “freed” by Neil Gaiman’s Sandman.    
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Destiny’s characterization here; his hatred for the League, unable to dream which in turn turned him into a withering husk because of it and usurping the power of Sandman has echoes of his story arc in Gaiman’s Sandman. The latter was more impactful but I wonder if he drew inspiration from this annual?   
Sandman calls in the cavalry in the form of Superman
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and takes on Dr Destiny again and in probably one of the funniest moment of this annual:   
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So how did they escape?  
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Ralph: The MVP.   
Later, the League offers membership to Sandman who turns it down.  Also, turns out Superman’s dreams are special:   
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So there you have it; Zee was a competent chairman, Ralph got his confidence back by being the MVP, John Stewart finally got some lime light  and Superman dreams about ~peace~.    
Honestly, wouldn’t mind a variation of this story but with the League meeting Morpheus.    
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julio-viernes · 3 months
Screaming Lord Sutch intentó reciclarse sin éxito a mediados de los sesenta. Un año después del último single con The Savages (su estupenda versión de "The Train Kept a Rollin´" en mayo de 1966), publicó en solitario, dejándose el "screaming" por el camino, "The Cheat" o "She Was a Cheat", una canción que musicalmente poco tenía que ver con lo anterior: mayor delicadeza con orquesta emanando un ambiente oriental que presagiaba sicodelia.
En realidad era una versión de un tema de Lee Hazlewood grabado por el cantante rockabilly Sandford Clark en 1958 para Dot Records bajo el título "A Cheat", una cosa realmente fantástica.
Para que el cambio no fuese demasiado traumático para los fans de Sutch, la cara B fue "All Black & Hairy", en su línea habitual de divertido "shock rock" cenutrio. Dio igual, no se comió nada con "The Cheat". Su siguiente paso discográfico fue el polémico "all star" Heavy Friends. La interesante toma para la BBC.
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64 ships enter, one ship leaves! who will reign supreme? how will your faves fare? it's a tlournament for the ages!
this is a seeded bracket generated from ships suggested in a google form. round 1 begins thursday, 03/30/23 and will run for one week. propaganda is encouraged - tag this blog and i'll share it!
Megan Ito/Parker MacMillan VS Leon Duncan/Andrew Trebek
Finn James/Kennedy Loser VS Hewitt Best/Yeong-Ho Garcia
Flattery McKinley/Niq Nyong'o VS Jessica Telephone/Betsy Trombone
Tillman Henderson/Declan Suzanne VS Don Mitchell/Percival Wheeler
Baldwin Breadwinner/Alyssa Harrell VS Axel Cardenas/Miguel Wheeler
Dominic Marijuana/Andrew Solis VS Eduardo Ingram/Leach Ingram
Pedro Davids/Valentine Games VS Anathema Elemefayo/Patty Fox/Hatfield Suzuki
Stevenson Heat/James Mora VS Baby Triumphant/Castillo Turner
Yosh Carpenter/Sebastian Woodman VS Cannonball Sports/Bees Taswell
Igneus Delacruz/Howell Franklin VS Mcdowell Mason/Sexton Wheerer
Allison Abbott/Kichiro Guerra VS Eugenia Garbage/Ziwa Mueller
Caleb Alvarado/Isaac Johnson VS Conner Haley/Sebastian Telephone
Brock Forbes/Adalberto Tosser VS Domino Bootleg/Theodore Honeywell
Lenny Marijuana/Chorby Short VS Moody Cookbook/Landry Violence
Margarito Nava/Nic Winkler VS Riley Firewall/Geraldine Frost
Inez Owens/Bees Taswell VS Paula Turnip/Hiroto Wilcox
Tyreek Olive/Landry Violence VS Fitzgerald Blackburn/Math Velazquez
Val Hitherto/Nerd Pacheco VS Ortiz Lopez/Pitching Machine
Luis Acevedo/Tot Clark VS Derrick Krueger/Sebastian Telephone
The San Francisco Lovers VS Gita Sparrow/Jayden Wright
Tillman Henderson/Mike Townsend VS Famous Owens/Mclaughlin Scorpler
Alaynabella Hollywood/Magi Ruiz VS Nerd Pacheco/Lars Taylor
Nagomi Mcdaniel/York Silk's Mom VS Qais Dogwalker/Grollis Zephyr
Jacob Haynes/Alaynabella Hollywood/Moses Mason VS Burke Gonzalez/Brock Watson/Joshua Watson
Jaylen Hotdogfingers/Jessica Telephone VS Juice Collins/Sutton Dreamy
Sandford Garner/Don Mitchell VS Famous Owens/Nerd Pacheco
Rivers Rosa/Lou Roseheart VS Jode Crutch/Rush Ito
Declan Suzanne/Edric Tosser/Baby Triumphant VS Lady Matsuyama/Bottles Šuljak
Cornelius Games/Richardson Games VS Mags Banananana/Eugenia Bickle
Workman Gloom & PolkaDot Patterson VS Shannon Chamberlain/Kennedy Loser
Caligula Lotus/Beck Whitney VS Steals Mondegreen/Silvaire Semiquaver
Summers Preston/Stephanie Winters VS Haruta Byrd/Bright Zimmerman
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williamedwardparry · 1 year
Francis Crozier and O'Connell's chariot
In early September of 1844, Francis Crozier was between jobs, having gotten a year's leave from the Admiralty, and was just beginning to plan his upcoming trip to France and Italy. In the meantime, however, he was spending some time in Dublin with his family.
This meant he was in just the right place at the right time (or, as he may have felt, the wrong place at the wrong time) to experience a historic event: the parading of Repeal politician and statesman Daniel O'Connell through the streets of Dublin on a huge gilded chariot.
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(Illustrations taken from the Illustrated London News.)
The ‘chariot’, 3 metres high and 4.5 metres long, was specially made for O’Connell’s glorious re-entry into the city, and modelled on the triumphal cars of ancient Rome. It was upholstered in purple silk and blue wool and adorned with gilded mouldings and decorative overlays, depicting shamrocks and stylised classical foliage. The sides showed Hibernia with the increasingly familiar national iconography of harp, round tower and wolfhound. On the back was a representation in gold of a harp surmounted by the word ‘Repeal’, summarising O’Connell’s campaign for repeal of the Act of Union. (x)
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In May of that year, O'Connell and his son had been found guilty on conspiracy charges and sentenced to a year in prison. They'd appealed the verdict to the House of Lords, and their appeal was granted on September 4th, 1844. They were released after serving three months in Richmond Bridewell penitentiary.
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On Saturday, September 7th, O'Connell was paraded through the streets of Dublin on his gilded throne-chariot, drawn by six "splendid grey horses" and surrounded by "a crowd of around 200,000 citizens." Several guilds were also represented in the long parade, as well as town council and corporation members and the Lord Mayor. Their route took them from the penitentiary (now the Griffith Barracks Multi-Denominational School) to O'Connell's home on Merrion Square.
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If the Crozier house, which was located at 2, Sandford Place, was near where we find Sandford Parish Church today, this was a bit of a walk away. But the crowd clearly made itself felt throughout the city, because on Monday, September 9th, Francis Crozier wrote to James Clark Ross:
What think you the decision of the house of Lords, it has been & is considered here a great victory for Dan – Such a set of Ruffians as were perading [sic] about here on Saturday they say that they Dans people may now do anything as he can get them clear – I did not see one drunk man nor one that looked the least like a gentleman although I suppose he has many adherents that are so by both
Whether Crozier happened to catch sight of O'Connell and the triumphal procession itself isn't clear, but as he gives no description of the spectacle, he may not have. Accounts in the Illustrated London News bear the latter assertion out: "It is a fact worthy of notice, that there was not, in the immense assemblage, a single individual intoxicated; each guild was followed by a temperance band […]," and though excitement continued through the evening, "everything passed off with the utmost quiet."
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Leinster (which includes Dublin) was a stronghold for O'Connell and the Repeal movement, but the movement had met resistance in the predominantly Protestant, largely Presbyterian, Ulster. For his own part, though he had publicly stressed common cause and appreciation for Protestant Repealers, O'Connell had privately expressed disdain for the Presbyterian support for the United Irishmen, and for Protestantism in Ireland itself.
Crozier, an Ulsterman and a Protestant, was evidently not very impressed with "Dan" O'Connell and his followers, nor with the handling of the House of Lords:
I must confess that I think the house of Lords have signed their own death warrant as a house of appeal by leaving the case in the hands of a few mountebank political Lords.
A quotation of unclear origin that's often attributed to Sophia Cracroft states that Francis Crozier was an "indifferent speller" and a "horrid radical". If she did say (or write) that, it's difficult to know what sort of radicalism she had in mind.
At the time of Francis' and his siblings' baptisms in the late 18th century, the Crozier family belonged to the Banbridge First Non-Subscribing Presbyterian Church—but had, as one of "only four or five" Presbyterian families in town, taken the minority position of not supporting the United Irishmen. Later, Francis' brother Graham became a vicar in the Church of Ireland. Overall, the Croziers come off as fairly solidly establishment. And while we don't know much about Francis Crozier's politics and he may have espoused views Sophia Cracroft would find radical, we do know that he was—unsurprisingly, given his origins—not a Repealer.
MSS 284/364/17: Letter from Francis Crozier to James Clark Ross September 9th 1844 (SPRI)
The Illustrated London News, September 14th 1844, pp. 164-6
The Croziers of Banbridge by Olga Kimmins on The Thousandth Part
O'Connell's Chariot on A History of Ireland in 100 Objects (by An Post, The Irish Times, the National Museum of Ireland, and the Royal Irish Academy)
Icebound in the Arctic (2nd edition 2021) by Michael Smith
Modern Ireland, 1600-1972 (1989) by R. F. Foster
Griffith Barracks (Wikipedia)
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tvguidancecounselor · 22 days
TV Guidance Counselor Episode 652: Irene Bremis and Frank Conniff
February 26 - March 3, 1972
RETURNING guests to the show comedians Irene Bremis (watch her special Sweetie) and TV's Frank Conniff join Ken this week.
Ken, Irene and Frank discuss growing up in New York, the horrors of Staten Island, good pizza, racism, Mary Tyler Moore, Sherlock Holmes cigarettes, Doral Cigarettes, True Cigarettes, killing women, Rain Barrell, questionable protein stains, fabric softener, The Old Man Who Cried Wolf, movies vs tv series, where Irene and Frank met, Brian Denehy, the map of Ireland on Frank's face, Maureen O'Hara, psychic detectives, Saturday night death slots, MTM productions, strong women, Maude, how awful Bill Cosby is, dying on stage, Bob Hope, Dana Gould, Bing Crosby and Friends, women's lib, Ear Stoppies, wigs, Rowan & Martin, Gene Hackman, Jerry Stiller, Anne Meara, comic comradery, Sid & Marty Kroft, Hart to Hart, the show with the woman, James Garner, Left Behind, Kirk, Christians, losing your mind, cycle cell anemia, Greeks, Cannon, William Conrad, MeTV, It Takes a Thief, Carson, Serling, meeting Dick Cavet, Adam 12, Dick Clark, Hellzapoppin the TV series, Dom DeLuise, George Wallace, working on Sabrina, That Girl, Cannonball Run, Eddie Murphy, Red Foxx, Sandford and Son, Soap, Room 222, and watching MeTV at 2am. 
Check out this episode!
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palmviewfm · 30 days
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clemsfilmdiary · 2 years
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The Stranger Within (1990, Tom Holland)
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actuallysaiyan · 2 years
It Ain't Nothing To Me by Sanford Clark
"Oh well that’s life
Or it was
It's nothing to me."
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Masculine Names
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Lachlan  Lake Lamar  Lance Lancelot  Landon Lane Larkin  Larry Lars Laurence Laurent  Lawrence Lawson Lazlo Legend Leif  Leith Leland Leo Leon Leonardo Leopold  Leroy Levi Liam Lincoln Linden Logan Loki  London Lonnie Lonny Lorcan Lorenzo Lou Louie  Louis Luc Luca Lucas Lucian Lucky Luke Lupe Luther
Maddox  Maksim Malachi  Malachy Malakai Malcolm  Malik Manfred Manny Marcel Marcello  Marcellus Marcio Marcius Marco Marcos  Marcus Marian Marino Mario Marius Mark  Marlin Marlon Marmaduke Marques Mars Marshall  Martin Marty Marvel Marvin Massimo Mason Matt Matteo  Matthew Maurice Maverick Max Maximilian Maximus Maxwell  Melvin Mercury Meredith Merritt Micah Michael Miguel Miles  Milo Mitchell Moe Monte Montgomery Murdoch Murphy Murray Murtagh  Murtaugh Myles
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Obadiah  Octavio Octavius  Odin Olaf Oleg Oliver  Olivier Omar Orion Orlando  Orville Osborn Oscar Oso Osvaldo  Oswald Ottis Otto Owen Oz Ozzy
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Qadir  Quincy Quinn  Quinton 
Raiden  Ralph Ramone  Ramses Randall Randolph  Randy Raphael Ravi Ray Raymond Red  Reece Reggie Reginald Regis Reid Remington  Reuben Rex Reynald Reynaldo Reynard Rhett Rhys  Ricardo Richard Richie Richmond Rick Ricky Rico Ridge  Riley Rio Riordan River Robert Roberto Robbie Rocco Rocky  Rodney Rodrigo Roger Ricky Riley Rod Rodrick Roger Roland  Roman Romeo Ross Rowan Rudy Rufus Russell Ryder Ryker Rylan Ryland 
Salem  Salvador  Salvator Sam  Samir Sampson Samson  Samuel Sander Sandford Sanjay  Santiago Saul Sawyer Scott Sean Sebastian  Septimus Serge Sergio Seth Seus Seymour Shane  Shawn Shayne Sheldon Shepherd Sherlock Sherman Shin Sidney  Sigmund Silas Silver Silvester Simon Sinclair Sinjin Sirius  Slade Slate Sol Solomon Sonny Sparrow Spartacus Spencer Spike  Soren Stan Stanford Stanley Steele Stephen Steven Stevie Stone Sven Summit  Sullivan Sully Sylvester
Tad  Tag Talon  Tanner Tate  Ted Teddy Teo Teodor  Teodoro Terence Terrell  Terry Tex Thad Thaddeus Thane  Thatcher Theo Theoden Theodore Thomas  Thor Thorn Tiberius Tiger Tito Titus Timothy  Titus Tobias Toby Tommy Tony Topher Trace Travis  Trent Trenton Trev Trevor Trey Tristan Troy Truman Tucker  Tudor Tullio Tullius Tully Tycho Tyler Tyrell Tyrese Tyrone  Tyson
Uberto  Ulric Ulrich  Ulysses Uriah Urban Urijah  Uriel
Van  Vance  Vaugn Victor  Vince Vincenco Vincent  Vinny Virgil Vlad Vladimir 
Wade  Walden  Waldo Walker  Wallace Wally Walt  Walter Warner Warren  Watson Waylon Wayne Wendall  Wesley Westley Weston Wilbert  Wilbur Wilder Wiley Wilfred Will William  Winston Wolf Wolfe Wolfgang Woodrow Wyatt 
Xander  Xavier Xavion  Xenon
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Zac  Zach Zachariah  Zacharias Zachary Zack  Zander Zane Zayden Zeke  Zeus Ziggy Zion Zoltan
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geekynerfherder · 3 years
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'Dragons Forever' 4K Bluray Steelbook.
Includes slipcase, steelbook and poster with art by Thomas Walker.
Special features include:
Disc 1:
Brand New 4K Remaster of the Original Hong Kong Version [94 mins]
Remastered Cantonese Mono with Newly Translated Subtitles
Remastered Cantonese 5.1 DTS-HD MA created exclusively for this release with Newly Translated Subtitles
Classic English Dub Hybrid Audio [Golden Harvest soundtrack, filled with Fortune Star’s for sections not present in export version]
[New] Audio Commentary by Hong Kong cinema experts Mike Leeder and Arne Venema
[New] Benny Forever: Interview with Benny “The Jet” Urquidez
[New] Discussing Dragons Forever: Interview with David Desser
[New] Hong Kong Cinema Forever: Interview with Mike Leeder
[New] Working with the Dragons: Interview with Jude Poyer
[New] The Legacy of Dragons Forever Featurette with todays actors & martial artists including Troy Sandford, Chris Jones, Ross Boyask, Maria Tran, Mike Leeder, Jean-Paul Ly, Mark Strange, Mike Moeller, George Clarke, Jude Poyer & Steve Lawson
Double Jeopardy: An Interview with Brad Allen
Beyond Gravity: An Interview with Joe Eigo
Kick Fighter: An interview with Andy Cheng
Thai Breaker: An Interview with Billy Chow
Deleted Scenes
End Credits from the Japanese Version
Behind the Scenes Footage
English Trailer
Hong Kong Trailer
Disc 2:
Full CYCLONE Z Cut of the Film [98 mins] [Produced exclusively for the Japanese market, this Cantonese-language version includes two extra scenes and an ending with outtakes]. Newly restored Cantonese Soundtrack in Mono or 5.1 options and newly translated English Subtitles
Recreated Export Version of the film [94 mins] [Commissioned by Golden Harvest for international audiences outside Asia] with the Full Classic English Dub and optional English SDH subtitles
On sale for preorder now for £29.99 through Zavvi.
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whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years
: Friday 31 July 1835
7 ¾
11 ¾
A-‘s cousin came this morning no kiss. Breakfast at 9 - had Mr Husband - walked with him to Whiskam quarry - he thinks the stone will do very well for the drybridge, to form Mr Gray’s arch up against it - told Mr Husband I should put Charles and James H- under his orders - said I wanted the 2 horse stable doing and 20 to 30 trees guarding in the Wheat field and (GR-‘s) field above Lower brea - then had Washington - explained to him about Charles H- told W- to get the gates done (ordered of Fawcett) for Mawson and order as many more such for Aquilla Green as he (AG-) wanted - and Joseph Hepworth to make the barn and other doors for Hopkin’s barn to find the stuff, I not choosing to spare my good dry planks and boards - otherwise Charles H- might have made the doors - Captain Sutherland has written to SW- to desire the notices to quit may be sent to the tenants - John Clarke got home before or about 1 bringing a letter from Mr William Grey advising that the notices should not be sent if no authority for sending them arrived from Captain S- sat reading and slumbering in the blue room till 2 50 - then A- off to Cliff Hill - I wrote the last 2 lines of page 129, the whole of the last page and so far of this - then had Messrs. Charles Robinson and Henry to solicit subscriptions to the Hipperholm school clock - the trustees put down £10 and Mr Warburton £5 and A- desired that I should put down her name for £10 - I said I was glad they had gained her over - she had been surprised to hear the clock was already ordered - Messrs. R- and HC- did not know that it was - very well, said I, then on the faith that it is not ordered I will put £10 for myself as well as Miss W- and so I did observing that if the clock was ordered I would only give £5. Advised their writing to some leading clockmaker in London or Liverpool to ask if in his opinion a good clock could be made for the sum demanded by the man at Sowerby bridge (£60+ bell £15 + putting up £5) - I doubted this estimate very much - besides a good
clock-maker ought to be employed to examine the clock before put up to see that it was good and according to estimate which estimate had better be laid some leading man in the trade in Liverpool - they seemed struck with and obliged by my advice and I hope will profit by it - said I thought they had better settle about the price before soliciting more subscriptions as people ought to know exactly what they were subscribing for - and foolish to tell them £60 would do when I thought nothing worth having could be had under £100 at least - my father and Marian came into the drawing room - Marian thinks the striking the quarters made £50 difference in the price of the Weighton church cloak, and that without quarters-striking the estimate was £150 or £180 - my father declined giving anything - stood sometime talking to Marian in the hall then a few minutes with my aunt (very poorly) - then wrote the last 18 lines till 5 5 - copied out the 2 estimates for Northgate house and then wrote letter to ‘Mr Powson master of Sandford school near Brough, Westmorland Post paid’ to go this evening by George - in answer to letter of the 28th instant sent up this morning by Messrs. Whitely and Booth - my answer written in the names merely to say the ladies thought it understood that if he did not hear from them in the course of 10 days or a fortnight he would consider the school disposed of - A- returned at 6 - dinner at 6 ¼ - Mr Harper came during dinner - went to him about 6 ¾ - and he staid till 9  explaining his calculations about the coal water wheel etc ...... taking the mytholm mill wheel as his basis of calculations he recommends a wheel of 20ft diameter with 5ft of breast (or rim) - this we could always keep going with a six power horse more than enough to keep two pumps § eight inch bore constantly going which 2 pumps Holt allows will be more than enough to dry the coal - average height of water for 12 hours = 3in. in a 2ft. bread guage and average height for 12 hours = 7in. .:. average of water for 24 hours = 5in. - 2 eight-in bore pumps to lift the water 90ft. high ‘without (according to Holt) requiring a quick stroke’ - 1 cubic ft. of water weighs 62lbs. two 8in. diameter pumps 90 ft. long will contain 45 cubic ft. of water, but say that they shall be full only to the length of 30in. or say 3ft. 6in. then in the latter case 10 cubic ft. of water may be lifted each time by each pump, and each will come up once in a minute = 10x2 = 20 cubic ft. per minute - Recommends the tail-goit to be 3ft. wide 2ft. to the spring of the arch and from the springing to the centre to be 1ft. - the bottoms to be 3ft. 4in. long, 2in. on each side of lap on the walls being enough better than having no more - thinks I decided right in taking Nelson - B. he has no tackling - could not begin so soon as N- who will begin on Monday and want the carts next Tuesday week - BH- quick and honest workman but has much work on hand and is more for long chimneys and mills than such work as at Northgate - the 1st payment to the masons at Xmas - thinks it will be about £500 - told him to arrange about the payments a she thought best - gave him carte blanche about this - could very [well] pay £500 at Xmas or more - Extra masons’ work for paving and making common shore etc may amount to about £200 + Nelsons’ estimate = £2900 to £3000 Mr. H-‘s estimate calculates £1500 for joiners’ work and all other etc at £1500 more consequently he will not exceed his original estimate of £6000 - Mr. Husband to be paid separately - Mr. Harper will give him a check upon me - Mr Harper himself makes a point of receiving nothing till he has completed his job to the satisfaction of his employer - very good - Booth had the Lodge and bridge both to be completed by the end of November - but if he gets on well Mr Harper may indulge him a month with respect to completing the latter - sometime talking to George in the stable - fear A-‘s pony’s putting out a splent  - the veterinary surgeon Wheatley to come in the morning - George sorry he cannot go with us to London - coffee at 9 ½ - ¼ hour with my aunt till 10 ¼ then till 10 55 wrote the last 30 lines of today - very fine day F67° at 11 pm
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nevinslibrary · 3 years
Weird & Wonderful Wednesday
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Aliens and Math. That’s a unique combo if ever I did read it.
It’s about Ranjit Subramanian, who has managed to reconstruct and publish Fermat’s proof of his famous Last Theorem. Enter the aliens who see a flash from early nuclear explosions and decide, nope, it’s time to end humanity, and Earth nations being like, well, maybe we should get along instead of blowing each other up too. And it was a book packed full of story.
I’ve liked books by both the authors on this Clarke and Frederik Pohl, and so I thought I’d give this one a try. It was definitely nerdy, and the hard science and math in it were nothing to sneeze at. But, I did enjoy it, I just had to get out of my own head and go with the story and let it take me where it would, instead of how I usually read with the puzzling and such.
You may like this book If you Liked: The Three-Body Problem by Cixin Liu, Saturn Run by John Sandford, or Children of Time by Adrian Tchaikovsky
The Last Theorem by Arthur C. Clarke
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64 ships enter, one ship leaves! who will reign supreme? how will your faves fare? it's a tlournament for the ages!
this is the second round of the bracket. round 1 ran 03/30-04/06 - check out the results here. thank you to everyone who has voted so far! this round will run for a week starting sunday, 04/09. propaganda still encouraged, tag me if you'd like me to reblog something!
Leon Duncan/Andrew Trebek VS Finn James/Kennedy Loser
Flattery McKinley/Niq Nyong'o VS Tillman Henderson/Declan Suzanne
Baldwin Breadwinner/Alyssa Harrell VS Dominic Marijuana/Andrew Solis
Pedro Davids/Valentine Games VS Baby Triumphant/Castillo Turner
Yosh Carpenter/Sebastian Woodman VS Mcdowell Mason/Sexton Wheerer
Eugenia Garbage/Ziwa Mueller VS Caleb Alvarado/Isaac Johnson
Brock Forbes/Adalberto Tosser VS Lenny Marijuana/Chorby Short
Margarito Nava/Nic Winkler VS Inez Owens/Bees Taswell
Tyreek Olive/Landry Violence VS Val Hitherto/Nerd Pacheco
Luis Acevedo/Tot Clark VS The San Francisco Lovers
Famous Owens/Mclaughlin Scorpler VS Nerd Pacheco/Lars Taylor
Nagomi Mcdaniel/York Silk's Mom VS Jacob Haynes/Alaynabella Hollywood/Moses Mason
Jaylen Hotdogfingers/Jessica Telephone VS Sandford Garner/Don Mitchell
Rivers Rosa/Lou Roseheart VS Declan Suzanne/Edric Tosser/Baby Triumphant
Cornelius Games/Richardson Games VS Shannon Chamberlain/Kennedy Loser
Caligula Lotus/Beck Whitney VS Summers Preston/Stephanie Winters
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1828 Sunday 25 May
8 50/60 1 3/4
Foolish last night felt her bosom but she was not very angry and I thought to myself I might contrive to go any lengths I liked tho since being at Redford I have often alluded to Pi [Marianas] living with me -
Breakfast at 10 1/4 - at 10 3/4 Miss Mc.L- [Maclean] and I off to St. John's church (bp. [bishop] Sandford's) - It being Whitsunday, and consequently sacrament sunday we had no sermon so that I missed hearing the bp. [bishop] preach - but heard him read the chief part of the communion service - an old man with weakish voice - handsome modern gothic church - but inside the clustered shafts of the columns too long and lanky and thin, and the pointed arches too short and dumpy   and outside the tower looking too long and lanky for the rest and the proportions somehow not pleasing -
From church called at the Thackerays' - they were out - then took a little round about by Murray place, the royal circus, Queen street etc. home - called on Mrs. and the Miss Clarks Mc.Donald's [MacDonald's] friends - they speak very queer broad Scotch - mentioned Mr. Irvines preaching - offered me a seat in their pew at St. George's this afternoon and to send a young nephew to go with me - got home at 1 - sat talking to Miss Mc.L- [Maclean] the young gentleman not coming, off by myself at 1 3/4 - found the entrance (vestibule) completely full - impossible to gain admittance - espied Mr. Trotter, the great upholsterer, and he got me in - took the 1st. vacant seat in the first unfilled pew - the church already crowded tho' 20 minutes before the service began - the service lasted 1 3/4 hour beginning with the 100th. psalm read aloud by Mr. Irvine then sung - then a prayer by Mr. I- [Irvine] then the 62nd psalm as before - then Mr. I- [Irvine] opened the bible (a thick 8vo. [octavo]) and read something I think from Luke, but somehow not being aware he was really beginning to preach, I lost the text chapter and verse if they were given out at all -
The discourse seemed a continuation of some former discourse on the same subject - however Mr. I- [Irvine] began by stating the end or purport of the creation to have been for the glory and worship of God, and that his subject would naturally divide itself into 3 parts the knowledge of God, the worship of God, and the communication of God by which last I suppose he meant our connection with God - God could not be known but thro' Xst. [Christ] and that not by the tale that he told, but by his actions well might Xst. [Christ] and the resurrection be so put together - it was the resurrection which proved him to be God - Mr. I-'s [Irvine's] short answer to an atheist would be, whence his sensations his joys griefs etc.? he (the atheist) would tell him they were from Life - well! but whence that life? Mr. I- [Irvine] would say, it was not from the atheist himself or he would never die; it was not from any other man, for then that man could prevent death - it must therefore be from some invisible being, and that being was God - therefore Xst. [Christ] being able to die and rise again had the power which could belong to God alone - God could be worshipped only thro' a religion the basis of which was the trinity - much to prove the necessity of the fall and scheme of redemption lest man should have confounded himself with God - 3 persons in 1 substance were required for our proper union with, yet distinction from God - no other no. [number] than 3 persons could do - the doctrine of distinctions much insisted on - Xst. [Christ] the head of the redeemed church which is united to him thro' the holy ghost, and to God thro' Xst. [Christ] - thus the 3 distinctions, - the redeemed church joined with the holy ghost - the redeemed church and holy ghost joined with Xst. [Christ] - and the 2 former joined with the almighty father - then the unredeemed form a 4th. distinction or division - seemed to call God the father the will, Xst. [Christ] the expression of that will, and the holy ghost the fulfilment of that will - all this seemed to be in illustration of what was in the commencement of the discourse styled the communication with God - It seemed to be insinuated that the fallen angels had confounded themselves with God; therefore not payed proper worship to God, and were thus cast out - combatted the idea, that the 2nd deaths would not be eternal damnation - if at the end of any cycle of time, sin could be as it were worn out, then there would, in fact, be no positive sin at all, since all could be atoned for - every system of religion not founded on the basis of the trinity, must lead to materialism, materialism which made God in everything and everything God -
A very singular, enthusiastic, fanciful? dicourse - delivered with an ardour of manner which made one almost apt to say, art thou beside thyself? action at times theatrical, yet not ungraceful - handsome looking dark man in the pulpit - yet said to squint very much - Should think he preached 1 1/4 hour - waited ten minutes before attempting to get out - and perhaps 5 minutes more before all the congregation was out - church said to contain 3,000 people - church heavyish within - a large dome with 4 circular wings the square filled up at the great entrance (west) with the vestibule -
In returning walked round St. Andrew's Square - got home about 4 3/4 - found colonel and lady Elizabeth Thackeray here - went with them to walk in Princes Street gardens, and got back again in 3/4 hour at 5 3/4 - dinner at 6 - tea at 9 - sat talking to Miss Mc.L- [Maclean] finish day - west wind - the 1st. time since my arrival, and therefore warmer and clearer - the only clearish day we have had -
Reference: SH:7/ML/E/10/0163
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tvguidancecounselor · 22 days
TV Guidance Counselor Episode 652: Irene Bremis and Frank Conniff
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February 26 - March 3, 1972
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RETURNING guests to the show comedians Irene Bremis (watch her special Sweetie) and TV's Frank Conniff join Ken this week.
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Ken, Irene and Frank discuss growing up in New York, the horrors of Staten Island, good pizza, racism, Mary Tyler Moore, Sherlock Holmes cigarettes, Doral Cigarettes, True Cigarettes, killing women, Rain Barrell, questionable protein stains, fabric softener, The Old Man Who Cried Wolf, movies vs tv series, where Irene and Frank met, Brian Denehy, the map of Ireland on Frank's face, Maureen O'Hara, psychic detectives, Saturday night death slots, MTM productions, strong women, Maude, how awful Bill Cosby is, dying on stage, Bob Hope, Dana Gould, Bing Crosby and Friends, women's lib, Ear Stoppies, wigs, Rowan & Martin, Gene Hackman, Jerry Stiller, Anne Meara, comic comradery, Sid & Marty Kroft, Hart to Hart, the show with the woman, James Garner, Left Behind, Kirk, Christians, losing your mind, cycle cell anemia, Greeks, Cannon, William Conrad, MeTV, It Takes a Thief, Carson, Serling, meeting Dick Cavet, Adam 12, Dick Clark, Hellzapoppin the TV series, Dom DeLuise, George Wallace, working on Sabrina, That Girl, Cannonball Run, Eddie Murphy, Red Foxx, Sandford and Son, Soap, Room 222, and watching MeTV at 2am.
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earnestscribblr · 5 years
Letter from Captain Crozier (HMS TERROR) to midshipman John Henderson
So I was actually searching the National Maritime Museum's manuscripts collection for something entirely different, but I stumbled across this letter Crozier wrote to an old friend and had to share.
Background info: “John Henderson had been a midshipman at the same time as Francis R M Crozier and James Clark Ross on the first voyage of the FURY into the Arctic in 1821 under William Edward Parry. The three midshipmen were promoted to lieutenant with seniority dated 26 December 1822. Henderson did not progress any further in his career in the Navy and was still listed as a lieutenant in 1845. The Arctic Navy List (compiled by Clements Markham) states he was part of the company of the Royal Arctic Theatre and had Cape Henderson named after him on Somerset Island.”
Whale Fish Island July 4th 1845 My dear Jack, I do sincerely hope this will find [you] recovered from the effects of your most unfortunate accident often indeed have I thought of it since knowing that it was your kindness in executing my commissions led you into such a trap – There is no excuse for them at the Ship, in that I have no patience with such carelessness.
Well old boy we were a long time getting clear of the coast of England & Orkneys our passage across was very boisterous however we are safely moored here & busy clearing the Transport – How full we shall be but I am still in hopes we shall be able to stuff into her three years provisions from the present time. Our steering is decidedly improved by the alterations in the counter we now sail much more evenly with Erebus which is advantageous to us in many ways. Bergs are numerous this year but we did not stand far enough to the west to make the packed Ice on our passage up Davis Straits.
We were two days at Stromness. Steamers towed us about 50 miles to West’d of Land – Rattler towed the two Vessels at about 5 miles an hour – not bad I think – I would rather be on a Sailing Vessel I mean as a Command. Well Jack I wonder when we shall again meet – some years no doubt – this season will have a good deal to do with our future operations if we can only make a good hit at the first, it will be most glorious – All going on as well as I could wish, every one has fallen very speedily into their places and things are progressing quietly.
My time I find is fully occupied with observations of various kinds which I have not as yet instructed our youths in although they are full of zeal and anxiety to do well. Living alone is the great drawback to me, but I know well it cannot be otherwise. I belong to the gregarious tribe of animals I believe but I do not pine much when alone. My Tea and Sugar has not yet turned up the latter is to me a great loss – however that will be a triffle [sic] if we only make a good season work of it – I am sending three men home in Transport reducing my compliment to 62 from 68 which we know is quite enough too many I would say still. In Fury if you recall we had only 58 or 60 but now we have more officers which would make us about the same number of working men – If you see anything in newspapers about us send one old Boy to my Sisters 2 Sandford Place Dublin. I mean if it is so that it would give them a favourable impression as to our movements.
I intend writing a line to old Bird before we leave. God bless you old Boy and that you may not have any bad effects from your unfortunate accident is the prayer of your Loving friend [signed] F R M Crozier [Envelope addressed to: John Henderson, Esq., 2 Lower Eaton St, Pimlico, London Henderson was Midshipman with Crozier on HMS Fury in 1821-2.]
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