#Dragons Forever
chernobog13 · 2 months
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Jackie Chan and "big brother" Sammo Hung hanging out on set between takes.
Based on Jackie's wardrobe, I'm going to guess this photo is of behind the scenes during the making of Dragons Forever (1988). This was the last of six films starring Jackie, Sammo, and Yuen Biao, another "brother" of theirs. The three were known collectively as the Three Dragons, and were incredibly popular due to their comedic timing and amazing chemistry on screen.
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jca-archive · 1 year
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Dragons Forever (1988)
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lordbettany · 3 months
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St George and the Dragon Modern AU Mpoodboard
So, there I was making an 𝒶𝓋𝑜𝒸𝒶𝒹𝑜 𝓉𝑜𝒶𝓈𝓉 while reading @rmelster 's adorable fic about St George and his hatchling, Philip (<3), and I put my hand to my bargain basket full of avocados I bought from the farmer's market to see that the avocado I picked had a brownish scaly skin. And I went, "ohh, kinda like an egg. A dragon egg, lol." And then I went, "ohh, wait a minute.. what if.. ooh.. oOoOh!" So here it is! A modern St George and the Dragon, where he is in the air force (he'd be a missionary I guess but I despise them (I also despise the military but for fictional reasons let's imagine they are not complete pieces of shit)) He goes out one day and buys a bunch of avocados for himself and his mates and finds out that one of the avocados is actually an egg. There's a weird-looking lizard inside of it. He helps the little lizard survive and soon realises that it has wings and coughs little pieces of ember. So he raises little Philip as a single father and they fly together and all that. He does not use Philip as a military weapon!!
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of-fear-and-love · 6 months
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Yuen Wah in Dragons Forever (1988)
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xiaogf1589 · 2 months
"Ashes are all around, and many people are trying to find a safe distance from the dragon's attacks. The fire creates an orange and yellow sky as darkness pools around the witches in the kingdom. There is screaming and crying, the agony of war. Below, a woman is wailing as she is covered in blood, her hair in disarray."
"Remember to take care of yourself, my dear."
Faye woke up startled and gasping for air, her breathing erratic as she looked around her room. She was relieved to find herself in her own bed, with no signs of blood or the burning kingdom she had dreamt of. After taking a moment to compose herself, she got out of bed, the covers and pillows scattered from her restless sleep.
                                Faye pov
I touched the carpet floor with my feet as I sat on the bed, feeling drowsy. I wanted to lie back down and rest for a bit because I didn't want to go to work. However, as an adult, I know that I need to earn money, and in this world, money is everything. I sighed, sat down for 5 seconds, and then walked over to the bathroom.
Doing my usual morning routine, washing my face and brushing my hair, making sure I got my work uniform on. The same routine always goes on for me. Wake up, get ready, go to work, head back home, and sleep. Then it repeats like a never-ending cycle. Sometimes I wish my life was full of endless adventure and full of surprises but instead, I'm stuck in this never-ending loop. I look at my uniform one last time. 
A dark, flowing cloak with multiple pockets and compartments to hold various vials, powders, and ingredients. The cloak is made of a lightweight, flowing material that allows for ease of movement and is belted at the waist with a leather belt that is lined with pouches and pockets. Underneath the cloak, I wore a dark, fitted shirt and trousers made of a flexible, breathable material. Comfortable, dark boots, suitable for long hours of standing and moving. Once I look at myself making sure I'm in check I grab my name tag and head out the door.
                            Narrator pov
The town is a small, charming place full of magic and wonder, a haven for witches and warlocks. The girl walked down the cobblestone path, past the thatched roof cottages and cozy tea shops. The air was filled with the scent of roses and fresh-baked pastries, and the sound of laughter and chatter echoed through the streets. The villagers were all witches and warlocks, and they went about their daily lives, casting spells and practicing their magic with ease and familiarity. The school children all walk hand and hand ready to head to magic school.
Faye sighed softly, she never had a childhood like those kids. She had been to magic school before but she never experienced the friend group of it all. She continued to walk with her head in the clouds, and as she walked she bumped into someone. She grits her teeth as she looks up and sees a tall man. The guy was tall, at least six foot, with striking features - ears that tapered to a point and slit, cat-like eyes. His face was angular, with high cheekbones and a strong jaw. His hair was raven black and hung to his shoulders in tousled waves, framing his face and emphasizing his elven features.
The guy reacts by standing his ground, planting his feet, and keeping his balance, only moving enough to avoid being knocked over.  He gave Faye a withering glare, silently expressing his annoyance or disapproval of her lack of awareness. He may not say anything to her, but his expression might be enough to make Faye feel a bit sheepish or embarrassed.
Faye blushed as she realized her mistake well that goes her morning. Though it was her fault for not watching where she was going. She apologizes to the guy and quickly walks away from him. Hoping she doesn't have to meet the same guy again.
                                 ???? Pov
I watch the girl hurry past me after she apologizes to me. I look at her for a bit before I turn my head and continue walking down the path...
                              Narrator pov
Faye made her way to her job. The building is small and unassuming, with a thatched roof and a plain wooden door. Hanging above the door is a wooden sign that reads "The Potion Shop" in old-fashioned script. The windows are framed by curtains of faded lace, and a few potted plants are placed outside the door. The building blends in with the rest of the quaint town, giving the impression that it has been there for many years, a staple of the community. She sighs as she opens the door causing the little bell to ding. Smelling the scent of the sweet potion smell.
The interior of the shop is filled with row after row of glass-fronted cabinets, each one holding an array of potions in various colors and sizes. The shop is a little dim, with just a few lamps providing soft lighting, creating an air of mystery and intrigue. The walls are lined with shelves that hold a wide range of herbs and spices, and the whole place has a faint, pleasant scent of anise and lavender. The shop is also home to a few small flying creatures, such as fairies and sprites, that dart about the place, making the place a little more magical.
Behind the desk was a boy. The boy is young around 21 years old with long pointed ears and sparkling eyes. He is the son of the shop's owners and has inherited their alchemy skills. He is cheerful and outgoing, always ready to greet customers with a smile and a friendly word. Despite his age, he is quite knowledgeable about the potions and ingredients that his parents sell and is often found helping out in the shop. His hair is a mess of blond, tousled waves, and his cheeks are perpetually flushed with excitement. Overall, he gives off an air of energy and good cheer.
                                  Faye pov
I walk inside as I look at my coworker his green eyes lighting up as he saw me walk in ready to start the day. He was unloading something that I didn't pay attention to as I got behind the register.
"Good morning Faye. How's morning treating you" Felix spoke to me with his happy tone. Sometimes I wonder how he gets all that energy from. I just sighed as I replied.
"It's fine"
I open the cash register to see if everything is in order and ready for today's transaction. I hear Felix talking about some matters about the store. Saying a new hire is coming over. I just shrug. We have workers here but not a lot. Me, Felix, his parents who's the owner of the shop. So then hiring someone new is... surprising.
So who's the new hire
He looked at me as he shrugged as well. So even he doesn't know. Well, that's fine. I just hope the new person isn't someone that rude or mean.
"Father said the new hire was job searching. Saying he's new around the area"
I hum taking that intel in. Someone that new around the area. Well, this is a small town where the potion shop is located. It's called "Eldvale". It is a town that has a rich history of magic and witchcraft and has been home to many generations of witches and warlocks. The people who live in Eldvale are generally friendly and welcoming, and outsiders are generally treated with curiosity and intrigue. Not many people come here just merchants or travelers that just cross around here.
I close the register as I notice everything is in order. I need to check if any potions or ingredients need to be re-stocked on the shelves. Felix followed behind me as I went into the back to grab some boxes to restock the shelves accordingly.
I started stacking a row of potion bottles, each one a different color and size. I  carefully place each bottle on the shelf, making sure they are evenly spaced and properly labeled.
I heard the bell ring and turned my head to see a woman. Ah, she's probably gonna buy some things. Felix got into position as he was positioned behind the counter as he spoke with the lady. I continue to stock each item on the shelf.
I made my way from shelf to shelf, moving quickly yet carefully as I organized the various potions, ingredients, and supplies. Using my memory and the labels on the bottles and containers to help me arrange them in the proper order. I took care to place the more fragile items towards the center of the shelf, where they would be less likely to get knocked over. With each row of bottles and jars I completed, I took pride in my work, feeling satisfied with the neat and organized display.
                              Narrator pov
As Felix watched Faye working away, he couldn't help but get lost in thought. He leaned against the counter, a smile playing at the corners of his lips as he observed her every move. She was incredibly focused, moving with a practiced ease that spoke of her experience and skill. He found himself mesmerized by the way her fingers moved, arranging each item on the shelf with a gentle, almost delicate touch. He wondered what it would feel like to hold her hand, or to run his fingers through her hair...
The sound of the bell was heard making a soft tinkling sound making Felix pull his eyes away from Faye and straight to the person at the door
As Felix turned to the door to welcome the incoming customer, he felt a pang of embarrassment as he realized he had been staring at Faye. He quickly composed himself and turned his attention to the customer, who was now standing in front of the counter and looking curious.
"Hello, welcome to the potion shop," Felix said with a smile, hoping his cheeks weren't as flushed as they felt. "How can I help you today?"
As the tall, elf-like boy entered the shop, Faye immediately felt a pang of embarrassment as she recognized him as the person she had bumped into earlier. She quickly averted her gaze and busied herself with tidying up the counter, trying to act casual and avoid making eye contact.
However, it was difficult to ignore him, as his striking features made him stand out in the small shop. She couldn't help but steal glances at him as he spoke to Felix.
"Ah, right. You're the one who applied for the position, correct?"
"Yes, that's correct."
                                Faye pov
I watched as that same guy walked into the store. No way. No way in hell. Is the world out to get me?!?! I turned my head hoping he didn't see me. He seems to be busy talking to Felix about job positions. I groan softly. I hid myself behind a bottle of moondust powder as I watched them secretly. What the heck is he doing here?
As Felix gave the new guy a tour of the shop, I couldn't help but steal glances in his direction. I didn't want to admit it, but I was curious about him and his elven background. I also felt a twinge of embarrassment, remembering our earlier encounter.
Despite it all in the past, I found herself studying his features closely. His angular, feline face was striking and exotic, and his raven black hair fell to his shoulders in tousled waves, framing his high cheekbones.
I thought about how we had run into each other earlier, and how I had felt embarrassed and clumsy in front of him. I wondered what he thought of me now, and if he remembered our brief conversation from before.
I tried to act nonchalant, pretending to focus on tidying up the countertop, but my eyes kept drifting back to Nero and Felix as they made their way around the shop.
                             Narrator pov
Felix leads Nero around the small shop, pointing out different sections and explaining the purpose of each area.
"This is where we keep the ingredients for our potions," Felix explained, gesturing towards a row of shelves stacked with various vials and jars. "And over there we have the cauldron and other equipment we use for brewing."
Nero nodded, taking in the information as he followed Felix around the shop.
Felix continued to explain the various potions and elixirs they had in stock, as well as the different types of customers they typically served.
He noticed that Nero was paying close attention and seemed genuinely interested in the workings of the shop.
"Any questions so far?" Felix asked, glancing over at Nero.
"I do have a question. I heard that your family has a reputation for their alchemy skills, and they've saved many creatures and the land. Do you have any potions or remedies specifically for healing, even for creatures like...dragons?"
Felix raised an eyebrow at Nero's question. Dragons were known to be fierce and dangerous creatures, and it was uncommon for someone to ask for healing potions specifically for them. Felix looked at Nero with surprise and curiosity at his question but tried to act casually. "Dragons, huh? That's a unique request. We do have some potions that can aid in healing, but they're not specifically designed for dragons. Why do you ask?"
Nero hesitated for a moment, clearly hesitant to reveal too much. "Just curious," he said, attempting to play it off. "I've heard that dragons can be difficult to heal, so I wondered if you had anything that could help.
Felix raised an eyebrow, sensing that Nero was being evasive but decided not to push the issue. "Well, we do have some advanced healing potions that might work, but there's no guarantee they will be effective for dragons," he said. "Is there a specific healing issue you need to address?"
Nero looked a bit uncomfortable as if he was hiding something. "No, just a general question," he said quickly, trying to change the subject.
Felix decided to drop the issue for now but made a mental note to keep an eye on Nero and his unusual interest in dragon healing.
"Alright then," Felix said, trying to keep the conversation light. "If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to ask. In the meantime, let's finish up the tour."
He led Nero around the rest of the shop, showing him the storage room and the small office where they kept records and inventory.
As Felix led Nero around the shop, he sensed that the young man was distracted and seemed to be looking for something. Suddenly, his eyes landed on Faye, who was trying to hide behind a tall shelf, clearly not wanting to be seen.
Felix chuckled to himself as he saw the young woman trying to hide from Nero. He couldn't blame her; the tall, elfish man had an intense aura about him.
"Ah, I see you've spotted Faye," Felix said casually.
                             Nero pov
I couldn't believe it when I saw the girl from the streets earlier. She was trying to hide behind a shelf as if she didn't want to be seen. But I knew it was her. I remembered the distinct diamond mark on her forehead. Why was she here? Was she trying to avoid me?
I turned to look at Felix, who seemed amused by her behavior.
Felix chuckled as he looked at the girl hiding behind the shelf of bottles. "That's Faye," he said to me casually. "She's our most experienced employee, and she's in charge of mixing and brewing the majority of our potions."
Felix noticed that I was staring at Faye's diamond mark, clearly intrigued by it.
As Felix introduced Faye, I felt a pang of embarrassment as I remembered the earlier incident. She looked equally uncomfortable, clearly remembering it as well.
But my mind also started racing as I realized that Faye was the chief potion mixer at the store. Could she help me with my curse?
I felt a flicker of hope as I considered the possibilities. But before I could say anything, Felix spoke up again.
"Faye," Felix said, looking at her with a mischievous glint in his eye. "I was thinking you could train Nero for the day. Show him the ropes and all."
I watched as Faye's eyes widened in surprise, but she quickly composed herself and nodded.
"Sure, I can do that," she said, giving Felix a slightly reproachful look.
I couldn't help but smirk at her reaction. It seemed even she wasn't immune to Felix's antics.
"Excellent," Felix said cheerfully. "I have some errands to run, so Faye will be training you for the day. Be nice, kids," he added with a wink before grabbing some boxes and leaving the store.
                            Faye pov
As Felix announced that I would be training Nero for the day, I felt a pang of nervousness. After our embarrassing encounter earlier, the last person I wanted to spend a whole day with was him. But I knew it was my job, so I suppressed my reluctance and nodded in agreement.
Felix left the store, leaving me alone with Nero. I took a deep breath and turned to face him.
"Alright," I said, trying to sound more confident than I felt. "Let's get started. First, I need to show you how we handle and store the potions."
I walked towards the storage room, gesturing for Nero to follow me. As we walked, I couldn't help but notice how tall he was. It was a little intimidating.
I opened the door to the storage room and led Nero inside, pointing out the various shelves lined with jars and bottles of all sizes and colors.
"We have a strict organization system in place," I explained. "Each potion has its own designated spot on the shelf, and we have to make sure everything is in the right place."
Nero nodded, taking in the information.
I walked over to a shelf and picked up a bottle of blue liquid. "This, for example, is a healing potion," I explained, holding it up for him to see. "It's one of our most popular products. People come from far and wide to buy it."
Nero was listening intently, clearly absorbing the information eagerly.
Nero watched as I explained the healing potion, clearly impressed by my knowledge and expertise.
"You're very knowledgeable about these potions," he said, studying me carefully. "Have you always worked here?"
I smiled slightly at Nero's question. "Yes, I've worked here since I was about 15," I said. "I've known Felix and his family for a long time. They're like family to me."
I didn't mention the fact that I had nowhere else to go and that working here was the best option I had.
I put the blue bottle back on the shelf and turned back to Nero. "What about you?" I said. "How did you end up here?"
Nero shrugged nonchalantly. "I'm new to town," he said. "Just looking for a job and heard this place was hiring. Thought I'd check it out."
I studied Nero thoughtfully as he spoke about being new to town and looking for a job. I did find it a bit strange that I had never seen him before, considering how small the town was. But I decided not to push him for more information.
"Well, welcome to the team then," I said, forcing a smile. "I'm sure Felix and his family will be glad to have an extra pair of hands around here."
Author note: thank you for reading. I decided to make this book because I had the idea of it at first and was like "What if I wrote my oc into a book" This is just the prologue so more chapters will be released soon 🩷
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baddawg94 · 5 months
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Yuen Biao
Jackie Chan
Sammo Hung
Behind the scenes
1988’s “Dragons Forever”
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may8chan · 2 years
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Dragons Forever - Sammo Hung 1988
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omercifulheaves · 2 years
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Dragons Forever (1989)
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My favourite first-time viewings from last year.
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purple-eyesgreydragon · 8 months
Happy Appreciate A Dragon Day!
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To celebrate, I reveal myself🩶💜! By all means if you know no other dragon personally, appreciate me.
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This is more a generic form of mine. Not a Yu-Gi=Oh! styled one. Kind of like a day-to-day anytime appearance. I'm both bipedal and quadruped, my bones are strong and can shift when I want. The spiked frills on my head can flex and move at will or emotion. As for powers, mine resides in those of wind, ice, and water. My sister's dragonself is of fire, lightning, and earth. But between the two of us, I'm shadow and night and she's light and day. The grey scales are also symbolism for me. I'm pretty impartial, don't often take sides, I see the world in shades of grey. I can see through fake innocence, and cold hearted tough acts. The glittery wings were my mother's suggestion. I'm not all that physically strong. But my bones are like diamonds, they're what make me stronger then my big sister. She had to build to her dragonish-ness. I however was born on the year of the dragon. Also I'm a gemini, aka twins. Twin dragons, double the dragon. Also symbolism to my grey tone, the gemini duality.
If ever you'd like to draw me respectively, go right ahead. Just give a shout out.
A tad late on tumblr, but better late than never.
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danielpico · 2 years
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extrakoolblu-rays · 2 years
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this slo mo move is one of the coolest things in any kung fu movie
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verflares · 8 months
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also on inprnt :]
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of-fear-and-love · 3 months
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Subtle product placement in 飛龍猛將 / Dragons Forever (1988)
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eilistraaee · 1 month
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It is calming to see something familiar in another
inspo x x
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