#Cie Twain
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bigyack-com · 5 years ago
So you think you can dance? - art and culture
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Stefano Fardelli, of his eponymous dance company, is of the opinion that India has a huge dance community but unfortunately, “there are hardly any academies that offer a degree or diploma, which is recognised at the international or a professional level”. He says, “To be a part of an international dance group or platform, you will have to prove that you have a certified degree. It also means that you have to be trained in ballet and contemporary. EurAsia gives a chance to talents to learn and work at such a level. Also, it is an opportunity for these dancers to spread their culture outside their own country.”So, if you have always had the desire to pursue dance at an international level but didn’t know how to go about it, then EurAsia Dance Auditions by Stefano Fardelli Dance Company, supported by the Italian Embassy and Istituto Italiano di Cultura of Delhi and Mumbai, is organising an audition for dancers, who perform contemporary and hip-hop styles. Those who are selected, will get the opportunity to become a part of the EurAsia Network in Italy. They will also be awarded a 50% scholarship for the three to four year-long programme or two-year-long masters course.Born in Italy, Fardelli is a dancer, choreographer, teacher and artistic director of EurAsia Dance Project International Network. Trained at the MAS Academy in Milan, Italy, he then continued his studies in other choreographic centres across Europe. Among his international collaborations are the Berlin Opera, BBC, The Place, Royal Finland Opera, Les Gens d’Uterpan, English National Opera, Cie Twain, to name a few.Fardelli will select aspiring contemporary and hip-hop dance students for a professional course in DanceHaus (Italy), CDSH (Germany), DanceHaus Hip-Hop Department (Italy), and The Danish Talent Academy (Denmark). “We don’t give this kind of scholarship even to our students for all three years. This is a great opportunity for people coming from outside Europe, otherwise it is not possible for many to do justice to their own talents,” Fardelli says, adding that it is difficult for people coming from other countries to bear the costs at European institutes.He goes on to share, “There are also not many teachers here who would be able to teach the correct techniques of contemporary styles. I am not talking about the Indian traditional dance forms. That is your form and you are the best at it. I’m talking about careers in ballet, hip-hop, etc. Dance is not considered a career in many countries, so a lot of talented people do not receive the kind of support they should get. Our attempt is to help these people.” Read the full article
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culturame · 9 years ago
Festival Tolfarte 2016, "Cie Twain physical dance theatre"
Festival Tolfarte 2016, “Cie Twain physical dance theatre”
Nelle piazze e nelle vie di Tolfa ci sarà anche Cie Twain physical dance theatre; in occasione dell’annuale Festival Tolfarte 2016 la compagnia diretta da Loredana Parrella il 6 e il 7 agosto sarà protagonista di SGUARDI SULLA CITTA’, un progetto di incursione urbana che prevede una serie di appuntamenti tra performance e danza contemporanea, realizzato in collaborazione con il Festival. Il…
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persinsala · 5 years ago
Il divenire della Danza / Festival inDivenire
Il divenire della Danza / Festival inDivenire
Il Festival inDivenire, giunto oramai alla terza edizione, andrà in scena fino al 12 ottobre allo Spazio Diamante di Roma, grazie all’intraprendenza di Alessandro Longobardi che ha affidato la direzione artistica a Giampiero Cicciò. (more…)
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persinsala · 7 years ago
Il Cigno
Andato in scena al Teatro Argot in occasione della rassegna Focus Danza d’Autore, Il Cigno è uno spettacolo di danza contemporanea profondamente interiore e intimo, una ricerca di linguaggio senza soluzione di continuità. (more…)
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persinsala · 7 years ago
Io non ho mani che mi accarezzino il viso / Romaeuropa Festival
Io non ho mani che mi accarezzino il viso / Romaeuropa Festival
Al Teatro India per Romaeuropa Festival va in scena Io non ho mani che mi accarezzino il viso di Francesca Macrì e Andrea Trapani. (more…)
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yes-bernie-stuff · 4 years ago
Au mémo­r­i­al Mark Twain à Hart­ford, Con­necti­cut, vous trou­verez ces mots gravés : « Agis­sez tou­jours avec droi­ture. Vous con­tenterez quelques uns et éton­nerez tous les autres. Bien à vous, Mark Twain, New York, 16 févri­er 1901. » Si votre con­science est con­duite par la Parole de Dieu, vous fer­ez tou­jours ce qui est bien. Ça com­mence aux pre­mières leçons sur le bien et le mal. C’est pourquoi les par­ents ont le tra­vail le plus impor­tant au monde. Sans cette édu­ca­tion, impos­si­ble de dévelop­per une con­science. Ces leçons mal appris­es ou incom­plètes génèrent une con­science atrophiée. Sa petite voix intérieure devient inaudi­ble, on développe une con­science endur­cie, et avec le temps, on finit par vivre comme si elle n’existait pas. On fait des com­pro­mis, on prend des rac­cour­cis pour obtenir ce qu’on veut. La con­science ne se voit pas, ne se dis­sèque pas, mais on peut l’entendre chu­chot­er dans sa tête et la sen­tir peser sur son cœur. Et ce sont ces mur­mures et ces tiraille­ments aux­quels on doit répon­dre pour marcher dans la béné­dic­tion de Dieu. Paul a dit deux choses impor­tantes à pro­pos de sa con­science : 1) « C’est en toute bonne con­science que je me suis con­duit devant Dieu jusqu’à ce jour ». 2) « Je m’ex­erce à avoir con­stam­ment une con­science irréprochable devant Dieu et devant les hommes » (Ac 24.16). Par-dessus tout, ne jamais nég­liger sa con­science. Saine au départ, elle peut facile­ment se cor­rompre. Mais si on en prend soin, petit à petit, elle forge le car­ac­tère, con­solide une répu­ta­tion et améliore la vie.
B365 — Plan de lecture
1 Samuel 17-18, Jean 12.1-26
Prière du jour
Merci mon Dieu de garder ma conscience pure.
The Word for Today écrit par Bob et Debby Gass © UCB UK 2021
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persinsala · 8 years ago
Street Art rules | Attraversamenti Multipli
Street Art rules | Attraversamenti Multipli
Il reading sperimentale by Nano Egidio, la performance di Olivia Giovannini, il primo studio di Gravure dei Santasangre, Le città in_visibili, Dominio Pubblico con Albania casa mia, una domenica dedicata a «un pubblico dai 0 a 99 anni» (e non solo): tentativi di multimedialità contemporanea, tradizione narrativa e circo si intrecciano felicemente nel primo weekend di Attraversamenti Multipli. (mo…
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persinsala · 9 years ago
Carmen, les hommes
Nella Rocca Costanza di Pesaro è andato in scena – con impeto e mascolinità – il teatro fisico di Loredana Parrella. (more…)
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persinsala · 10 years ago
L’invisibile agli occhi che lega e avvolge tre intensi interpreti, tre performer mossi da magnetica attrazione e repulsione: è Profumo, coreografia andata in scena, in prima nazionale, al Furio Camillo di Roma all’interno della rassegna Recitardanzando 2014. (more…)
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