#Chuck really got a hand hold and a cheek kiss and he wasn't even there to benefit from them
sequentialprophet · 2 years
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Trent really said I’ll leave my boys at home in body but not in spirit 🤷
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22: The Worst in Me
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A/N: Sexual content.
Exhaling, I watched my breath swirl in front of me as the frigid air bit my nose and snow crunched under my boots. The fresh, crisp scent of pine infiltrated me as I weaved in and out of hundreds, maybe even thousands of trees. Stopping in front of one, I slipped off my glove and tugged at a section of needles, frowning when they came loose. This tree wasn't fresh; it wouldn't last until Christmas.
"What about this one?" Noah's velvety voice cuts through the silence. I avert my attention away from the saddened tree, looking up the path to see him motioning to a tree that was towering over him. I shake my head and trek over to him, "Noah, this is massive. It won't fit in my living room." "But it's fresh! See?" he tugs at the needles, proving that he was right since they held on. "Hmm, tempting. But no," I laughed and turned around to continue browsing.
I stopped dead in my tracks when I felt something slap the back of my head and roll down the collar of my jacket. When said thing made contact with my skin, I jumped from the sudden chill down my spine. "Noah!" I groaned, tugging at the back of my jacket to get it out. I turned back around, taking note of the branch that was slowly swaying back to its original position, bare of snow. "What?" he asks, a shit-eating grin on his face. "You are such an ass!" I scolded him, bending down to pick up my own snowball. I chucked it at him, having it go right by him. He turns and glances at the clump of snow behind him, then back at me with a smirk. "Really? That's the best you got?"
I scoffed and made my way towards him, bumping arms with him playfully as I passed. He grabs my wrist and spins me back into him, wrapping his arms around me. I look up at him, pouting while he gives me a bright smile, flashing his pearly whites. I wrapped my arms around his torso and melted into him, forgetting about how cold it was as he pressed his lips to mine.
When he pulls away, he gazes down at me, his espresso-brown eyes glimmering and crinkling my favorite way like they always did when he smiled. His normally pale face was tinted in pink as the air nipped his cheeks and nose, giving him this guileless semblance that I adored.
"I'm sorry for flinging snow at you, but your reaction was cute," he says, pulling his lips into a crooked smile. I rolled my eyes, swatting his chest lightly. "Yeah, yeah. I'll forgive you when you help me get a tree on top of my car." "You mean you can't do it yourself?" I shoot daggers at him. "No, I'm not six feet tall like you." "Six three," he corrects me, barking out a laugh when I roll my eyes at him a second time.
After we found the perfect tree and struggled for what seemed like an hour getting it situated, I wasted no time at all on pulling out the Christmas decorations. Noah headed into the kitchen while I began stringing the lights, starting from the top of the tree, and making my way towards the base. I plugged them in to make sure they all lit up just as Noah makes his way in, holding two steaming mugs.
"Just white lights?" he asks, handing me one of the mugs. The sweet scent of chocolate fills my nose as I take a sniff of it, and I grin. "I didn't know color lights existed until recently, you know." "Oh, right," he chuckles at himself, rubbing the back of his head bashfully. I winked at him, taking a hesitant sip of my beverage. I savored the taste of the cocoa, noting an extra spice I wasn't expecting. I perked an eyebrow and shot him a quizzical look, "Where did you get cinnamon from?" He shrugged and took a sip of his drink, "I brought it from my place. Do you like it?" "I do! It was a pleasant surprise, but you didn't need to make this for me." "I know," he presses a kiss to my forehead before starting to rub my back, "but I wanted to."
I lean my head against his chest, having him move his hand to my upper arm, and stared at the tree. I realized now that it was bland, but it was all I ever knew my entire life.
When we finished our hot chocolates, I continued to dig through the boxes of ornaments. I erupted into laughter when I noticed that none of the colors went well together; there were several different shades of blue and green, a few orange bulbs, some pink, some silver and gold, and a ton of red. Noah had no idea what I was laughing at until he peeked in the box. He chuckled, and shook his head when he realized.
After I settled down and wiped the tears away from laughing so hard, we decided to pick out all the silver and red ornaments, sticking with that color scheme. I was mesmerized by how the decorations shimmered under the lights; the silver bulbs sparkled with minuscule rainbows, the maroon orbs casting rays of ruby, seeming to glow. The garland added that extra highlight, making the tree pop.
Noah drapes an arm around my shoulders and points above the tree, "I think you forgot something." I looked up, realizing he was right; I forgot the tree topper. I gasped and immediately dug it out of the last box, smiling sadly at it as one of my childhood memories with my father comes to mind. "I can't believe I forgot about this."
My dad used to put me up on his shoulders when I was young, calling me his little Christmas angel as I set the topper. As I grew older, it transitioned into stepping into his hands, hoisting me up just enough to reach the tip of the tree, until one year I lost my balance and took the tree down with me. It wasn’t funny at the time, but thinking back on it now, it was hilarious. Ever since then, mom made him top it himself.
"Would you like help with that?" Noah asks as I eyed the distance between me and the top of the tree. I chuckled, "You wouldn't mind?" "Of course not... but it would be hilarious seeing you try to do it yourself," he winks, taking the star from my hands and effortlessly places it on top, plugging it in with the lights. "Man, you're really enjoying making fun of my height today, huh?" "No," he says as he leans an arm on my head, "I enjoy it every day. You're the perfect height for an armrest." "Careful," I warn, elbowing him lightly in the side. "The bigger they are, the harder they fall."
"Merry Christmas, Liv," I wake up to Noah's velvety voice funneling into my ear. It was low and gravelly, still laced with sleep. I grinned, my eyes still closed, and hummed as his breath tickled my ear. "Merry Christmas," I whisper back, wriggling myself closer against his chest. He delicately brushes my hair away from my shoulder, giving me a firm kiss to my neck. I feel a strand of his hair brush against my skin as he inches further up my neck, sending a tingle down my spine. I let out a quiet sigh; I feel his lips curl into a smile.
He slips a hand under my top, cupping my breast gently as he continues kissing my neck, eventually grazing his teeth under my ear. "Noah," I say under my breath, a mewl following after. He chuckles, "Yes, love?" He runs a thumb delicately across my nipple. "What are you doing?" I feel myself involuntarily arching my back, pushing my chest harder against his hand. He hums, amused. "Giving you your first Christmas present."
He presses against my backside, and I can feel his erection growing against my ass. A tingle runs down to the pit of my stomach when he takes my earlobe between his teeth, his warm breath caressing me. "It's too early for this," I state, groaning quietly. "You sure about that?" he asks, giving my now pert nipple a pinch. “I’m sure,” I answer, barely audible, not sure if I was trying to convince him or myself.
He trails his hand down my stomach and I can feel the heat pooling as he halts at the waistband of my panties. I suck in a shaky breath as I anticipated what was to come next. He cups me over my panties, rubbing me against the fabric. “Your body is telling me otherwise,” he chuckles when he feels they’re damp, and he knows he’s right. I don’t say anything as he sneaks a finger underneath my thong and dips into my wetness. I whine when he gets dangerously close to my clit, but purposely avoids it. He knew exactly what he was doing, knowing I’d eventually succumb to his touch.
I gasp quietly and part my legs when he presses a finger inside me, giving him what he wanted. “That’s what I thought,” he coos in my ear, adding another finger. He doesn’t move, just teases me with his digits inside me. I squirm against his hand, wanting him to keep going. “I thought it was too early for this?” he mocks, clearly amused with my need. "I lied," I mumble, wriggling my hips in hopes of urging him on. "Bad girl," he scolds in a low voice, pulling his fingers out of me. "Maybe you don't deserve your present." He drags his fingers over my leg, running my slick over my skin before palming my ass aggressively.
"I didn't ask for it," I retort. He hums against my neck, sending another shiver down my spine. "You know we don't ask for presents, love," he murmurs sardonically before biting my neck gently. I take in a shaky breath and bite down on my lip to hold back the moan I wanted to let out. With my skin still between his teeth he mumbles, "Seems like you want it, though." He slides his hand back down my panties and rolls his finger lazily over my clit, causing me to buck my hips forward. "Do you want your gift?" "Uh huh," I confirm, placing my leg over his hip and rolling slightly towards him, giving him more access to my sex.
I sighed as he slipped his fingers inside me again, slowly curling them against my walls—it wasn't enough. "Noah," I whine, grinding against his hand, begging him to go further. "So needy," he growls in my ear, "but I like feeling you melt in the palm of my hand." He was right; I was a puddle in his possession, and I swear I forgot how to breathe as I processed his words.
With him now pumping his fingers inside me, I fisted his hair and pulled his mouth down to mine, meshing together with passion. He groans against my lips, my nails digging into his scalp to keep him close. He forces his tongue inside my mouth while still fucking me with his fingers, my hips instinctively moving in time with his thrusts. I was getting close, the leg around his side beginning to tremble.
He breaks our kiss and pulls his fingers out of me; I whine at the sudden emptiness. Repositioning, he rolls me back onto my side and moves my top leg forward, pulling my panties down just enough for him to enter me. I moan out when he fills me, adjusting to the feeling of his girth at a different angle. He slowly rocks his hips into me, kissing my neck and cupping my breast again.
“You’re so precious,” he mumbles against my neck, peppering kisses up to my jaw. I look back at him, seeing his chocolate eyes shimmering with adoration as he grins at me, breathing heavy. My heart melts at the softness on his face, and I smile at him. I pulled him in for another kiss; our lips synced together, the both of us panting through our noses as he picked up his pace.
I felt euphoric, being so close to him. The way our bodies moved together, the way he caressed my neck with his lips, his breath dancing against my skin. The way his large hand would journey its way from my thigh, admiring each curve of my body before reaching my breasts and massaging them. My whole body was buzzing; I was completely captivated by him, drunk off him.
He kisses my shoulder before biting down, gently sucking on the area, and earning a quiet moan from me. I moaned louder when his fingers somehow find my clit, slowly rolling over the bundle of nerves as he continued to thrust into me. “Oh God, Noah,” I sighed, relishing the feeling of him all over me. I feel his lips curl against my shoulder before he takes my earlobe between his teeth. He chuckles, his breath tickling the shell of my ear and sending more heat to the pit of my stomach. “You’re enjoying your present, aren’t you?” he asks, his voice low. “Yeah,” I managed to say through a muddled mind, my body teetering over the edge. He hums and mutters a quick ‘Good’ before nipping at my neck again. He hooks my leg over his side, shifting me slightly as he continued to sink his teeth into me, his fingers gliding over my clit faster.
It wasn't long before I was a whimpering mess in his possession as he brought me to my climax, digging my nails into his scalp while my body quaked against him. "Fuck, Noah," I mewled, trying to pull his hand away from me with my other hand. He held on tight, grinding into me with such fervor, his breath hot and heavy in my ear. Tears prickled my eyes as he continuously struck me in the right spot, my bud throbbing, overstimulated by his abuse on it. He takes his hand away and places it on my hip with a chuckle when I cry out, showering me with kisses wherever his lips would land.
He thrusts hard once, twice, three times before he pulls my face in for a firm kiss, groaning against my mouth. I can feel him pulsing, releasing inside me, expelling shaky breaths through his nose with his lips still pressed firmly against mine.
"God, I love you, Liv," he whispers, drawing out slowly. He wraps both arms around me, tugging me against his chest and kisses the top of my head. My body was limp in his grasp as I tried to recoup. "I love you so much," I sighed blissfully. I lazily traced my fingers over his tattoos, becoming comatose as I listened to his pounding heart and admired the warmth radiating from him.
"I have a real gift for you," he says quietly. I giggled, "I figured, but I'd be perfectly fine with this as the only gift." He laughs and gives me a little squeeze. "I can give you that any time you want, though." "Any time?" I look back at him with a smirk. He shakes his head with a chuckle, "Well, maybe not now. Let me give you the real thing first, how's that sound?" "Fiiine," I fake whine, settling into him some.
After we showered and made ourselves breakfast, we settled into the couch with each other's gifts in hand. He insisted that I open mine first, and so I did—I furrowed my brows when I laid eyes on a tiny, 6-inch sword. Thinking it was just a trinket of some sort, I was surprised to see that the sheath could be removed, brandishing a blade. It was a pocketknife, but in the shape of a katana. "This is super cute," I smiled at him. "Is this for self-defense?" He shrugs, a goofy grin on his face. "Something like that," he motions towards the envelope sitting in my lap. "Use it to open that."
I squint my eyes at him with suspicion before I hesitantly slid the blade across the edge of the envelope. "Do you remember our conversation that very first time you were at my place?" he asks before I was able to slip the paper out. I scrunched my lips to the side, trying to jog my memory of that day. I don't remember much of it, other than waking up on his couch and having tea while we talked about the night before. I shook my head at him, unsure of where this was going. "What does a katana have to do with—" I gasped when it clicked.
I remembered that when I took in the decor at his place the next morning, I asked if the katana he had hanging on his wall was real, to which he confirmed it was. When he told me it was from Japan, I remember jokingly telling him to take me with him the next time he planned on going there.
I finally took the papers out of the envelope, seeing there were two plane tickets to Japan. My mouth dropped to the floor, astonished with what was now sitting in my lap. "No, you didn't!" "I did," he laughs. "Thank you," I shake my head at him in disbelief, "but this is too much, Noah. This must've cost you a fortune!" "You told me to take you next time I planned on going so," he shrugs again, a sly expression strewn across his face. "It doesn't matter the cost." I scoffed, "Noah, I was kidding!" "I know," he chuckles, "I just want to make you happy, because I love seeing you happy."
He palms my face between both hands and kisses me when my lips begin to tremble. "Stop crying," he whispers against my mouth. I pout, "I'm not." He pulls away from my face, swiping the apples of my cheeks with his thumbs. "Then why are your cheeks wet, hmm?" I grinned bashfully, giggling at the pointed look he gave me. "I'm just... appalled. You've seen the worst in me, and yet you still go above and beyond for me; I don't deserve you." "Shh, stop that," he disregards me and gives me a peck on the lips. "You absolutely deserve this after the shit you've gone through." "My gift to you doesn't even compare to this, it just seems insignificant now," I whined. He rolls his eyes and picks up his present, "That's not the point, Liv. I'm going to treasure your gift all the same."
I shrugged as I watched him carefully unwrap the box, a delicate smile forming on his face when he opens it. He immediately pulls the silver chain out from the padding it sat on, placing the pendant settled within the links in the palm of hand. He tilts it back and forth in the light, admiring the way the stone shimmered. "Sapphire. Reminds me of your eyes," he looks over at me, dangling it next to my face. I see his eyes shift side to side, comparing the color of the gem to my eyes as he chuckles. "Okay, maybe the sapphire is a little darker, but still. I love it, thank you." He takes my face between his hands again, planting a kiss to my lips. I grin into the kiss, relieved to hear that he enjoyed his present.
"Help me put it on," he says after breaking away from me. He hands me the necklace and turns around, piling his hair on top of his head. I chuckle and place it around his neck, clasping it. "I'm really glad you like your gift," I say as I wrap my arms around him and rest my chin on his shoulder. "I told you I would." I rolled my eyes. "I told you I would," I mimic him, giving him a kiss on the cheek before releasing my hold on him. "Now we gotta plan for a vacation." "Good thing we have four months or so til then."
|Chapter 23|
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lover-girl-estxx · 7 months
Best Friends
part 2
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*not my gif*
| Nicks POV |
I was hitting pads warming up in my room, Y/n wasn't here yet she was waiting and getting ready in the hotel room before coming to the warm up room. The door slightly opened as I took a break Y/n stuck her head in her Y/H/L hair waving as she did "wanted to make sure I had the right room" she stepped into the room. She had on a tight dark purple dress on and black heels to match, she closed the door holding her small purse in hand. She looked beautiful.. "What?" she said I stopped looking at her and moved to the people around us who were all looking at her "nothing....you look nice" I said with a slight smile "thank you!" she smiled widely with a light blush.
Now it was just resting till the fight, I sat on a chair "here" Y/n handed me a water bottle "thanks" she nodded and smoothed her dress before sitting next to me. "c-can you fix my hair? your the only one who does it right" I asked looking over at her "yeah" she moved and stood in front of me running her fingers lightly through my hair. I closed my eyes as she did "I know its dumb but i'll just say it..again..be careful tonight" I smirked "I will promise" "thanks" she cupped my cheeks and kissed my forehead like always "come on i'll take you to your seat" Gilbert said I opened my eyes "okay!" she smiled she fixed one last hair "your gonna do great!" she added and her thumb rubbed my cheek as I shrugged "you will" she stuck her hand out for our hand shake.
| Y/ns POV |
Nick walked out Nate behind him and his music loud, as he past me he smiled. I sat on the end of my seat the whole family till Nick knocked him out I jumped up and yelled. "can you bring her in?" Nick asked a guard who nodded as nick pointed, he helped me to the cage when I got in Nick quickly wrapped his arms around my waist mine his neck "you did it! i'm so proud of you!" I whispered he smiled "thank you" I slightly fixing her hair.
He stood at the bottom of the stairs holding my hand as I walked down them "thanks Nicky" I smiled. I sat on a bunch in the dressing room, Nick was in the bathroom and the rest of the guys went god knows where. Nicks mom had texted me asking to see how nick was which I replied too "Y/n! can you come help me?" I stood up and walked in, he was running a cloth over his chest and stomach "will you just do my brow you know I hate doing the face cuts?" he added "yeah" I took my heels off setting them to the side, before washing my hands.
He sat on the counter me in front of him, he sucked in as I wiped his brow "sorry" I whispered he rubbed my bent elbow with his finger tips "its okay" he said softly. even with bruise covering him he looked so handsome, should I just tell him? Nate said I should what if he likes me too? But if he doesn't I'm fucked. "what?" he said "what?" I spread the vaseline on his brow "your thinking about something" he opened one eye "nothing" I shook my head "come on don't do that" "um I don't know how to nor if I want to" I dropped my arms after cleaning up everything I used, he put his hands on my hips and putting me back to him "Y/n" I loosely wrapped my arms around his shoulders "I really don't want too" "anything you say wouldn't change anything" "you don't know that" "I promise on everything" "I-I really like yo-" I was cut off by him kissing me I cupped his cheeks kissing him back. He smiled pulling away, I blushed "I love you Y/n/n" I slightly jumped up and down pecking his lips "I love you too Nicky" hugging him "you look so beautiful" he whispered kissing my neck "is it the dress?" I smiled "no it's all you honey" I giggled "you look pretty handsome too" he chucked "we getting to much" I smiled he shook his head kissing me again.
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dulceackles · 3 years
The girls' bathroom | Victoria De Angelis
Requested: no
summary: y/n is on a night out with her friends when she starts to feel lonely and self-conscious. And then she meets a girl named Victoria in a tiny restroom of a rusty nightclub.
Okay so this one is personal cus I hate going to a night out thinking you're going to have fun and then ending up feeling like you're left out or 'the unwanted one'. I thought about writing this a while and I really hope someone can relate and find comfort in this the same way that I do.
Pairing: Victoria de angelis x reader (she/her, third person)
if you have wishes for any other pronouns whether it is to switch them in some fic or write a new one using specific pronounces let me know!
word count: 1.2k
content and warnings: lil spicy it is romantic, mentions of alcohol usage, low self-esteem talk, lil sad.
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The music raged in a small nightclub the owners had named 'Beverly Hilla' for some odd reason Y/n couldn't really explain. She felt the bottoms of her shoes stick to the floor as some forgotten spilled drink had stained the dance floor.
The place was tiny for a nightclub. It wasn't really popular either but as for tonight, the place was overly filled with drunken people which made y/n feel a little overwhelmed.
"Anna?" Y/n called for her friend who had been dancing like a Wildrose for the past 20 minutes now.
"Hmm?" Her hymn shattered making the alcohol in her system and awfully clear.
"Maybe we should go take a seat for a while, I'm a little tired." Y/n exhaled.
"Yeah suree." Anna started to make her way to the bar stools, y/n quickly following after her. If she was honest, she was ready to go home but didn't want to leave her friend alone and she was sure she wasn't done yet.
The girls made their way to the couple of free bar stools that were next to a bar. (I know IRL finding two free bar stools in a tiny crowded bub would be a miracle but for the sake of the story, they found two free bar stools.)
"Are you going to order something?" Y/n asked but Anna had no time to answer when a young nice-looking man sat next to her.
"Hi girls." He smiled at them and soon locking his eyes with Anna.
"Hi, I'm Anna." Anna introduced herself to him, smiling and looking at him underneath her long lashes.
"Want a drink?" The guy asked Anna and she nodded.
Soon y/n realized she wasn't really involved or welcome in the conversation Anna and the guy had. She could see that Anna was clearly into him, he was clearly into her and she didn't want to third-wheel. She leaned away from them, studying her surroundings.
Nearly everyone was with someone, a friend, a lover. And if there was something that was lingering in her mind, it was the bitter-sweet question; why was she sitting here alone? If nothing else, she was a perfect individual for someone looking just a one night stand. She was alone and she was drunk, so why no one didn't come to talk to her?
Y/n had to admit that it was bothering her more than she liked. Not that she wanted a one night stand, not that she was looking for anything but it was just the fact how she felt forgotten, left out, and over anything left out.
She turned to look at her friend one last time, seeing her talking to the guy and she knew she wouldn't be her company and on top of that, the smell of the alcohol was making her feel unwell.
Y/n got up, not sure if Anna even noticed, and made her way to the restroom diving past the crowd of people dancing.
The public bathroom wasn't big, indeed in a way it almost felt claustrophobic with its crapped walls and tiny toilet stalls.
Y/n lifted her eyes to look at herself in the mirror. Her eyes were slightly tired, makeup little off and her hair had gotten messy from all the dancing. But it wasn't even that. If she could have chosen, she would have the beauty queen. Maybe she'd liked to have different shaped eyes and different lips and maybe nicer hair and nicer jaw.
Suddenly she felt really aware of everything that she thought was wrong in her. A tiny tear run across her cheek as she heard the restroom door open. Y/n quickly wiped her tear and went to the sink to wash her hands.
Y/n heard steps as someone walked into the restroom but to her surprise, she also heard a full female voice spoke to her.
"Are you alright?" The stranger asked.
Y/n turned to look at her. The small light-haired girl was eyeing her up and down with her piercing eyes. She was really pretty and her hair rested perfectly on her shoulders.
"Yeah yeah I'm fine." Y/n nobbed her head, Hair messy hair falling over her own shoulder.
"You don't look really fine if I'm honest; you look quite sad." She quietly giggled a little bit. "I'm Victoria."
"I'm Y/n"
"So did you get lost from your mom or..?" Victoria gently joked, trying to lighten the mood.
Y/n chuckled a little bit to her, "No quite frankly I didn't this time." She tilted her head a little bit before continuing, "hmm, I just think I got lonely."
Victoria studied her a while, "Lonely?" She asked.
"Yeah like I got ditched by my friend who found a better company." Y/n chucked again
"Ohh, well we here now aren't we?" She smiled at y/n and then there was a moment of silence.
Y/n couldn't help but have her eyes glued to Victoria. There was something really comforting, safe and lovely about her. In many ways, she felt like the most unreplaceable person in this world. And she was stunning.
"You look really pretty." It escaped from y/n's lips by an accident.
"Aww, thank you." Victoria turned to look at her, "You too."
Y/n thought about it a while, "Don't think I am." She shook her head before turning back to the mirror.
"What?" Victoria sounded slightly surprised. At the end of the day, Y/n wasn't really good at taking compliments and she knew it herself.
"Just don't feel like I look even somewhat nice." Y/n shrugged her shoulders. It was probably the alcohol that was making her being so open about her self-image issues.
"Well listen.." Victoria took a step closer to her. "You'll never see yourself in the same way others see you and just because you think that doesn't mean it's right. I mean you don't have a say in who I think is beautiful" She smiled at her and y/n's eyes fell to her lips.
What came as a little surprise to y/n, Victoria lifted her hand to lightly touch her cheek and gently pushed her against the stall door.
"Can I kiss you?" Victoria lowly whispered, locking her eyes at Y/n's lips.
"I mean please," Y/n whispered back to her and leaned a little bit closer for her to gently press her lips against her own.
y/n could taste the liquor of Victoria's tongue and she probably could do the same off of hers but it didn't matter at that point when her red burning lips were dancing with hers.
After a while, Victoria pulled away. A blush rose to Y/n's face when she looked at her not wanting to let go of her.
Victoria reached her hand to take y/n's hand into her own and pulled y/n off from the stall door, "Come, Let's go get Pizza. I'm hungry and done with this nightclub anyways." She said flashing a smirk to Y/n.
"Okey." Y/n giggled as she followed Victoria out of the restroom still holding her hand.
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spooning - nolan patrick
****ya girl is back w another patty fic. this might be one of my favorite things I've written so let me know what you think! this is some tooth aching fluff with our favorite stoic boy.***** 
“Did you just throw a spoon at me?”
Okay maybe you were being a little over dramatic. But it was warranted, he said over and over that he would be done in 5 minutes yet, here he was, 45 minutes later, still in front of that damn TV. 
You knew the struggle of dating a hockey player and you were okay with them, most of the time anyways. Nolan was back on the ice this season and while you couldn’t be happier to see your boy back doing what he loves, he was driving you crazy. 
Nolan had this weird thought that he had something to prove to the team, to the fans, to the entire city. After missing a season due to injury, he felt that he had to come back 10x better than he already was. You told him over and over again that it was really unnecessary since the team had faith in him and he was already playing fantastic as usual and he didn't owe those loud mouth reporters shit. Yet, it went in on ear and out the other. He spent extra time at the rink after practice, working on his shot, his speed, his passes, anything and everything he possibly could. 
Which lead to right now. You had barely seen Nolan this week due to games, practices, and you working so tonight was supposed to be one night to spend time together. You were going to cook dinner and Nolan even agreed to help and cook with you. You were honestly pretty excited to spend some time together and actually have a conversation with him that wasn't “good morning” or “good night”. 
Except you were standing in the kitchen, alone, halfway done cooking dinner and Nolan was sitting on the couch watching tapes from the team’s game last season against the Islanders in preparation for this weeks game. You asked multiple times for him to pause it and he promised just 5 more minutes every time. 
So yes, you did throw a spoon at him. 
All you did was shrug when he asked and turned around to go back to cooking. 
“Babe? Did you just throw a spoon at me?”
“I have no idea what you're talking about.” If he wanted to lie about being done with the game, then you could lie about the spoon. It was obvious he didn’t believe you but you did hear him pause the TV and heard his feet shuffling around the floor. 
You faced the stove and stir the pot you had on the burners when you felt hands slide around your waist and rest on your hips. Nolan shoved his face into your neck and he nuzzled into your skin as he pressed his body flush against yours. 
He mumbled a “baby?” into your neck and you hummed in response. He pulled his head up a bit to rest his chin on your shoulder.
“Why did you throw a spoon at me?”
“Why am I cooking dinner alone?”
The crickets were awfully loud tonight.
“Okay, so it appears I may have forgotten that I promised to help you cook tonight.” He leaned up and starting repeated kisses to your cheek. “I’m sorry honey, I got dishes tonight and dinner tomorrow, I promise.”. You still had yet to answer him. It may have been a bit dramatic but you were kinda hurt, all you wanted was a bit of quality time with him. Nolan continued to kiss your cheeks, your forehead, your chin, and all the way down to your shoulder blade. You still gave him not reaction and focused on the stove in front of you. It wasn't until Nolan rubbed his beard into your neck and started tickling his finger against your side did you crack.
“Stop it, I’m mad at you! Couldn’t you figure that out when I chucked a spoon at your head?” you were half laughing, half trying to put up a serious front. 
“Yeah, the spoon flying at my head kinda gave that away. I’m sorry baby, I didn’t mean to forget. I promise I’ll make it up to you.” He pouted at you, sliding his arms back around your waist. He pulled you flush against him once again and starts swaying side to side. 
“Nol, you don’t get it. I really missed you this week, we’ve barely seen each other. I was looking forward to actually spending some time together but noooooo you just had watch more stupid hockey tapes.” you grumbled out that last part and took a rather aggressive jab at the pan with the spatula you were holding. He sat quietly for a moment while still swaying you back and forth slowly. You felt him rub his nose against your neck before he pressed his lips softly against the side of your head for a brief moment. 
“You’re right. I got too caught up in being back and got lost in the hockey hype. I neglected you and our relationship. I’m sorry baby, I’ll try to not let it happen again. If it does, you have my full permission to throw more spoons at him.” he mumbled. You hummed in response, appreciating his words and knowing that he meant them. “Here, let me help.” he grabbed the spatula from your hands and bumped you out of your place in front of the stove with his hip. You stared at him in amusement as he started stiring the dinner in the pan. “Cmon, I got this. go pour some wine and put on your favorite song.” he smiled at your, nodding his head toward the bottle of wine sitting on the kitchen island. You sighed but did as he said anyway. You grabbed two glasses and poured you both some wine. You put on your “chill” playlist, a favorite of both you and Nolan, and made your way back over to the stove.
Placing the glasses on the counter, you wrapped your arms snuggly around his midsection and rested your head against his back. You rested against him for a minute and mumbled a soft “missed you” against his shirt. You watched as he lowed the flame on the stove and spun around to face you. His hands landed at your waist as he tugged you close to him. Your chin was on his chest as you stared up at him. He smiled down at you contently and bent down to press a soft kiss to your lips.
“Hi baby.” he said, pressing another soft kiss to your lips. He always had a way of making you feel like a giddy schoolgirl.
“Hi honey.” you smiled back at him, relishing on finally getting a moment with your boyfriend. He kissed you one last time before pulling away from your hold.
“C’mon you love this song.” He said as he grabbed your hands and pulled you into the middle of the kitchen. He spun you around by the hand and dramatically dipped you into his arms, which always made you laugh. Before long, the two of you were spinning each other around the kitchen, dramatically dipping each other. There’s a chance your attempt to dip Nolan failed majorly and he may have ended up on the floor while you cracked up but that was a story for another time.
The two of spun around the kitchen, smiling, laughing, and just enjoying the time you two had together for a couple songs until Nolan realized dinner needed to be finished. He returned to the stove, stirring food around in the pot, while you perched on the counter with your glass of wine. Nolan told you all about his practice and all the funny things the boys chirped at each other while you caught him up on all of the latest work drama and the conversation you had with his sister a few days before. 
You passed Nolan plates as he placed dinner on them and the two of you headed to the table. Dinner was lovely, the conversation flowing as smooth as always. Smiles were spread across both of your faces as both of you clearly loved having this time to catch up with each other. Nolan smiled extra softly at you as you told him how dinner with your friends went the other night and reached out to hold your hand across the table.
“You know,” he started as you finished your story, “this is all I want in life. I just want me and you, together like this, for the rest of my life.”
“I- you- what?” you stuttered as he caught you off guard. He chuckled at your surprise and kissed your hand.
“Babes, you can’t be surprised by that. We’ve legit talked about marriage and kids, why would I not want you for the rest of my life?” he asked you. Well he did have a point, we had talked often about your future together and have recent taken the step to move in together. 
“I don’t know, just caught me by surprise. It’s always nice to hear though, I want you forever too Nols. You’re it for me.” you said as you leaned over the table to kiss him.
“Thanks baby, you’re it for me too.” he replied back to you in his typical deep voice. He lifted the back the your hand that he was holding up to his lips, kissing it gently. Then, in true Nolan fashion, he casually changed the conversation to a story about the boys messing around and almost getting in trouble this morning after practice. 
The two of you ended the night by migrating to your bed, opting for a movie and some comfy clothes. You laid with your head on his shoulder and you two watched the next couple episodes of the newest show you had been binging. You rolled closer to him, resting your head in the curve of his neck and wrapping your arms around his shirtless torso. His hand fell into your hair and your eyes fell shut at the calming feeling. You felt yourself start to doze off but not before you felt Nolan pull you closer and press a kiss to the top of your hair. He mumbled a soft “love you” as you fell asleep, thankful that you decided to throw a spoon at him.
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sofreddie · 3 years
Fricking Free
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Summary: After a close call, Dean decides it's time to settle down into a normal life.
Characters: Dean x Reader, Sam x Eileen, Miracle (the beautiful floofy pupperz)
Warnings: 15x20 AU, Injury to Dean (but no death), Angst, Fluff, Pregnancy
Word Count: 2,239
A/N: A part 3 or epilogue of sorts to the Dog-Gone Witches and Pesky Portals mini-series. I combined them into one list since it's all connected.
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Sam hissed as he pulled Dean's body off the pole of rebar that had impaled him, gently laying him on the floor of the barn. The wound was really bad. The rebar narrowly missed his spine and heart, but he was sure it broke through at least one rib and punctured his lung.
He knew he'd have to get his brother to a hospital immediately if he had any chance of saving him. With his last bit of strength, he hoisted Dean into his arms and hurried to the Impala.
Laying Dean across the backseat, Sam rummaged in his pocket for the keys before shutting the door on his brother and hopping in the driver's seat.
Dust kicked up as he sped off towards the nearest hospital. He kept glancing in the rearview mirror to keep an eye on Dean. He looked like he was passing out.
Other than subconsciously praying that his brother would be alright, only one other thought rang through his mind.
Y/N was going to kick both their asses.
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Y/N parked the antique truck in the large parking lot of the hospital. Sam called her as soon as he got Dean to the hospital. She immediately took off to meet them, several hours away.
Sam shot up from the waiting seats in the hall outside Dean's room as soon as he saw her enter. He stood and waited for the yelling, but she rushed to him and crashed into his chest, wrapping her arms tightly around him. He was surprised, but grateful, as he understood her fear.
"He's in here," Sam said as he pulled from the hug and led her into the room. She walked through the door and her eyes landed on Dean in the bed. He was covered in bruises and bandages and so many things.
Her breath caught in her throat and she choked back a sob.
"Hey," Dean croaked with a small smile.
"You could've died," she blurted out in a whisper. She took several steps closer to him, speaking louder not but not quite yelling, "You almost died."
"I know," Dean rasped, "But I'm okay-"
She raised a hand to silence him, "I did not travel across the universe for you to turn around and die on a hunt Dean Winchester," she chastised, "You saved the world countless times. You've replaced God. You're frickin' free!" she huffed, "So be free Dean, with me. please," she begged, carefully taking one of his hands in her, tears streaming down her face.
"I can't handle seeing you like this. I can't handle not knowing if you're coming back. Please, please," she sobbed, dropping her head to his chest and holding him as carefully as she could.
Dean carefully draped an arm over her back, holding her to him as she cried. It broke his heart to see her like this. She didn't know, but Sam had had a similar conversation with him when he woke up.
He glanced at Sam then over Y/N's shoulder. His brother gave him an 'I told you so' look and Dean minutely nodded, looking back at Y/N.
"Okay," he said, brushing her hair back and looking into her eyes, "You're right."
He may never feel like he could completely quit hunting. But he trusted them and they both said he should. So he'd try. She was right. She was here, with him. After he had missed her so much.
It would be dumb to throw that all away. He almost died on that hunt. He swore to himself to never do that to her again.
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Sam drove Dean and the Impala back to the Bunker, Y/N following behind in the truck. She was angry, hurt, scared. Sam hoped the drive back might give her time to calm down.
Dean was certain she didn't believe him and was gonna leave him. They all do eventually.
When they finally parked in the Bunker's garage, Dean was surprised to see Y/N there, helping him out of the car and offering to help him to their room.
Sam followed behind with their bags, ready to help if Dean seemed to falter. But he and Y/N seemed to make it to their room just fine. Sam set their things inside and helped Y/N get Dean settled onto the bed.
He still had a long way to go to heal. They were back to doing things old school. Just another reason not to take so many risks. This hunt made Sam realize that any day could be the last now. For real.
It was sobering. It made him want to seek out all the things he couldn't before because of the life, because of Chuck. He wanted that for Dean too.
Y/N sat on the bed next to Dean, taking his hand and Sam smiled.
"I'll just leave you two to it," Sam said, going for the door.
"Hey Sam," Y/N said, turning to look at him, "Thank you for your help, and for keeping him alive."
Sam grinned and nodded, "Always."
Y/N smiled then turned back to Dean once the door was closed, "You're gonna be laid up for a while," she sighed.
Dean swallowed hard, "Are you gonna leave?" he asked in such a small voice it surprised her, "Are you gonna go back home?"
She stared at him as if he'd grown a second head, "I am home," she responded, "I'm not going anywhere, Dean. But I am not above nagging and a little shoving and smacking if you put me through this again. I'd kick your ass now but looks like someone else did me the favor."
Dean laughed, taking in her playful smile. She called this home. She was staying.
"Now, do you want food or do you want to get comfy and watch some mind-numbing entertainment?"
"Pizza and Netflix in bed with you sounds fucking perfect," Dean groaned, letting his head drop back against the headboard with a lazy grin.
"On it, Babe," she responded, pecking his lips. Dean drew her back to him, reigniting the chaste kiss and deepening it. She pulled from the kiss and giggled, "Oh, no stud. You're out of commission for the time being," she patted his chest and he groaned once more, before taking off to set up for their relaxing evening.
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Dean actually enjoyed the break he got while healing. Spending time with Y/N was just like back at her farmhouse. Except he was practically an invalid for weeks, Sam and Y/N having to help him with everything.
Now that he was healed, he was restless. He promised he wouldn't hunt, and he knew Y/N was still wary that he could or would even keep that promise. But he was determined.
Instead, he started picking up odd jobs around town: handyman, car repair, lawn maintenance. Whatever people needed, Dean offered a hand and started making a decent amount of money.
That's when the idea struck him.
If he could make and save enough money, maybe he could find a small home in the area. Maybe even a little farmhouse on the outskirts of town. Y/N would love that.
Suddenly, the apple pie life seemed attainable, tangible. So he turned to Sam for help with his plan. Sam was completely on board and started making all sorts of suggestions on how they could make the money: side jobs, part-time gigs, hustling, and selling a few non-dangerous artifacts from the Bunker.
Sam was certain they could make enough for Dean and Y/N, and for him and Eileen. Dean was over-the-moon when Sam told him he and Eileen wanted a home and to start a life.
Everything finally seemed to be falling into place.
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Dean found Y/N in their room, folding and putting away laundry. He smiled at her, always loving the small moments of domesticity. They were new and refreshing and he didn't want to take any of it for granted.
"Hey, Babe," Dean caught her attention. coming up behind her and grabbing her by the waist as he placed a kiss on her cheek, "Can we talk for a minute?"
Y/N stopped what she was doing, turning to Dean with trepidation. She knew Dean wasn't a big talker. She nodded, giving him her full attention. He sat her on the edge of the bed and joined her.
"I've been doing a lot of thinking since that last hunt. You're right. It's time I left the life behind. It's time I focused on our future."
"Dean-" she interrupted, feeling incredibly guilty, "I'm sorry I said what I said. I know you hunt. I know that-"
He raised a hand silencing her, "I want to. I want a life with you."
She smiled brightly, leaning in and kissing him deeply with relief. Maybe they could have a simple, domestic, safe life.
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"Rise and shine, Sweet Thing," Dean said as he swiftly pulled back the covers, revealing Y/N. She groaned as she wiped her mess of hair from her face to glare at him with barely open eyes.
Dean chuckled and pecked her lips before handing her a mug of coffee and sitting beside her on the bed.
"Why are you so chiper so early?" she groaned, "I thought that was Sam's thing."
He laughed again, "Well, I'm in a good mood and I'm really excited."
She raised a curious brow at him, taking a hefty gulp of her coffee to help her mind, "What's going on?"
"Get up and you'll see," Dean said, getting up from the bed and beginning to go through the closet and dresser, pulling out clothes for her. She decided arguing with this crazy person wouldn't get her anywhere, so she just went along with it.
Whatever it was, at least it made him smile so brightly. That tugged on her heart strings a bit.
She took turns getting dressed and gulping her coffee, trying to move as swiftly as her body would allow. Dean was practically vibrating in place, like a kid ready to go to Disneyland.
An hour later and she understood why.
Dean stopped the car at the end of the long driveway - practically a private road - to the charming yet dilapidated farmhouse in front of her. She climbed out of the car, her eyes taking in the property around her.
It reminded her of her own farmhouse in a way. Or it would if it wasn't so rundown and overgrown. That didn't deter her though. She wouldn't shy from a fixer-upper. Hell, her home was one too.
"I bought it," Dean said, coming up behind her and wrapping his arms around her middle. He rested his chin on her shoulder as they both looked over the house and property.
There was plenty of land. She could already pick out a few good spots for a garden. The property was surrounded by woods too, so there was a sense of privacy and quiet.
"I figured we could fix it up together," He said as he took her by the hand and led her inside, showing her around and telling her all the ideas he had for the place. Her face hurt she was smiling so hard so long, "Sam said he'd come by and help too."
"He's not coming with us?" she asked, wondering why Dean would leave his brother behind.
"He bought a house too," he grinned, "For him and Eileen. It's in town."
"Wow," she huffed a laugh, "So you really were serious. About leaving it behind? Building a life with me?"
"Yes. We can be happy here."
She looked around once more before settling on him again and smiling brightly, "I think we can," she agreed.
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Y/N groaned as she placed the bowl on the floor, petting Miracle on the head with a smile. She stood up straight, a hand on her lower back for support, the other on her large belly.
She perked up, hearing a car pull up the drive outside. She opened the front door and went down on the porch, smiling in greeting at Sam and Eileen as they exited the car.
Sam reached her first, giving her a hug and kiss on the cheek. He rubbed a hand over her belly in greeting to the baby, before stepping aside for the women to hug and coo. They laughed, barely able to hug each other as their matching protruding bellies got in the way.
"Dean in the garage?" Sam asked and Y/N nodded with a roll of her eyes.
"Is he ever anywhere else?" she joked. She ushered Eileen inside, Miracle happily greeting them both.
Sam made his way to the garage. It was a large barn previously, but he and Dean had converted it. Sam smiled at the sign above the entrance: Family Business Auto Repair & Restorations.
With Baby and a few cars from the Men of Letters Bunker, Dean was able to showcase his skills locally - and eventually regionally - which allowed him to really take off with cars professionally. He always thought about it, but never thought it could be a reality.
After a quick hug and greeting, the brothers made their way back to the house. The four of them tried to have dinner together at least once a week.
The brothers stopped in the trek, spying the women sat on the porch chairs, sipping at lemonade. A pitcher and additional glasses sat waiting. Dean smiled at his brother.
"Living the dream."
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Dean Winchester:
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boxofbadaddiction · 4 years
Just Call Me Cupid
Fred Weasley x Reader
George Weasley x Reader(Platonic)
This story is inspired from a request of my F.R.I.E.N.D.S Themed Prompt List:
Prompts: 15, 24 & 25
"Could you be anymore annoying?"/"Maybe I can make it up to you by...taking you roughly in the barn."/"[Y/N or Character] DOESN'T SHARE FOOD!"
Warnings: Swearing (always)
-Part One-
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You know how the story goes. Three mischievous Gryffindors bonding over pranks and countless detentions. Becoming inseparable during their first year, and sticking together through thick and thin. That was the relationship between Y/n y/l/n and Fred and George Weasley. She fit into their lives perfectly. Her humour was exactly like theirs. She liked the same sports. Had the same classes. The same friends. Although one would wager that y/n held all the common sense of the three, always sure to rein the Twins in if they were edging too close to a line they shouldn't cross.
They used to joke she were the "Missing Triplet". Unknowingly separated from them at birth. They'd even gone as far one year to dye her hair fire orange, referring to her as Y/n Weasley for months.
With every passing holiday the Twins would bring y/n home with them. Her home life wasn't particularly grand, it was adequate in a way but had nothing on life at the Burrow. Molly welcomed her everytime with open arms. It wasn't uncommon for her to stay the entire holiday, start to finish, as she got along so well with the family, all of whom loved her like their own sister and, in Mr and Mrs Weasleys case, own daughter. So of course this Summer would be no different.
As the second week of their holiday came around; Fred, George, Ron, Ginny, Harry, Y/n and even Hermione found themselves left to their own accord for the day as Percy and Mr Weasley had work and Mrs Weasley had errands to run.
The group woke to a fully prepared breakfast waiting for them and a completely chore-free schedule, a rarity in this home.
"Morning all" y/n greeted cheerily as she entered the kitchen. "Someone's happy this morning" "I'm happy every morning, Georgie." She replied as she made her way around the table with a spring in her step. "Oo, toast!" She exclaimed reaching for a single piece balancing on the edge of Ronald's plate, which earned her a stern slap across the wrist from the boy. "Damn. Relax! It's not like I went for a piece of bacon..." "Careful, y/n/n" began Harry from beside her, "that's a sure fire way to lose a hand." He joked. "Oh, right! I'm so sorry I forgot!-"
"RONALD, DOESN'T SHARE FOOD!" everyone, aside from Ron, shouted amusedly before falling into loud laughter. This had been a long running joke amongst the friends and family after Ron had yelled the line at dinner one night years ago. Y/n had to grip the back of Rons chair to stop from falling as he scowled at the groups mockery. "Oh sod off. HEY!" Y/n stole a piece of bacon from Rons otherside while he had been distracted. "Payment for one viscous assault on your favourite sister." She goaded taking a bite from the crispy piece of meat. "You're not even related." "Not yet." Smiling across the table she shot George a wink. George grinned, tongue pressed to cheek as his brow raised amused by her insinuation, in response he pursed his lips blowing her a kiss.
Y/n finally made her way around the table to a vacant seat by Freds side, chuckling lightly at Rons uncomfortable expression.
"Wow y/n, can't believe you'd really settle for the less-attractive Twin." Fred feigned insult as George threw a piece of crust at him. "I didn't. Otherwise I would have chosen you, wouldn't I?" She smiled innocently.
Fred's jaw dropped open in shock at her words. Though he fought hard to contain the smile and laugh forming on his lips, Fred was unsuccessful, cheeks grinning as a chuckle made it's way from his throat.
"WOW!" he placed a hand to his chest, "wound me why don't you?" He looked back to his gathered friends and family, all of whom were laughing at his dramatic reaction. "That's my girl", George spoke fondly, leaning back in his chair, hand hung behind Fred to y/n as they low-fived.
"Some 'best friend' you are." Fred continued, "and GINNY! I can't believe you would laugh at such a heinous lie! I thought we were closer than that!" Ginnys face were so red it near rivalled her hair at this point. Fred turned his attention back to y/n to find her face a similar shade, light joyful tears brimming in her eyes. He stuck his bottom lip out in a fake pout. "Awwe...Freddie..." she tried to speak, "come on, you know you're my favourite" she leant into his side - hugging his arm - placing a quick kiss to the corner of his mouth.
"OI!" her 'future husband' protested, "I'm right here!" "Sorry Georgie, gotta keep my options open. You know how it is."
The remainder of the meal was spent discussing how to fill in their first day home alone for the holidays. Everyone was excited at the prospect of a potential Quidditch match, except Hermione - the only one who doesn't play the sport, and the sloppy ground outside from the past days rain didn't appear very inviting in her opinion. Their plan was thwarted regardless as Ginny reminded the Boys of their current grounding.
Fred, Ron and George had all been forbidden access to their brooms and Quidditch equipment for two weeks, after accidentally breaking a kitchen window with a bludger - released too soon near the house. In the end everyone simply parted into their own groups.
Ginny and Hermione disappeared to her room, Ron and Harry to his, while the remaining three spent the day outside.
Fred, George and y/n were partaking in some 'friendly' bits of competition to occupy their time. It started innocently enough; "let's see who can throw a Garden Gnome the farthest". But naturally, as all three individuals were highly competitive, it escalated. It was all out War by the afternoon.
Basically, they were now running around, breathless and sweaty, chucking mud cakes in their "opponents" direction. A total free for all.
As a cramp set in y/ns ribs she sought shelter behind a shrub by side of the Burrow, trying desperately to spot either Twin and failing. She was thankful however for the opportunity to catch her breath. That was untill...
"Tired are we?" Startled by the sudden voice y/n jumped eye's locking with those of George who stood far too confidently before her, hands tucked behind his back, as he smirked. Y/ns eyes widened, this couldn't be good. Her eyes quickly scanned the surrounding area. No sign of Fred. That definitely isn't good. She began stepping away slowly from the redhead infront of her who cocked his head at her movements slowly following. Smile only growing as he lowered an arm revealing a metal pail filled with sludge.
"Oh God. George, please no!" Her arms came out in defence, "I'm begging you...Georgie, please don't!" Though worried and pleading she couldn't help the nervous smile and giggle that came to the surface. Eyes staring into his "I'll do anything! Mate, please just...put. down. The bucket."
George let out a long sigh, contemplating, as he swung the pail loosely in his hand staring to it's contents. With a dramatic roll of his head and a groan he dropped the bucket by his feet. "Oh thank you! Thank you thank you thank you!" Y/n repeated, relieved. "Had you done that I'd never get my chance..." Georges brows furrowed, "chance for what?" "THIS!" Y/n scooped up a large mud patty from her feet, hurtling it directly across the side of his face, laughing maniacally. Though as George slowly scooped away the gathered muck on his eye, flicking it off his fingers, she couldn't help but feel bad. A little anyway. Offering a half-hearted apology as he wiped away the dirt by his mouth.
"Oh you're sorry, are you?" He began advancing on her again, "to think I took it easy on you, my 'loving' wife-to-be." He added sarcastically. Y/n gulped as she noticed the new found determination held in his gaze. Laughter turning nervous as she backed away. "I'm sorry. Maybe I can make it up to you by...taking you roughly in the barn?" "Mmm tempting. But I have a better idea" he smirked wickedly. Y/ns face dropped as she made to run, but she wasn't fast enough, George wrapped his arms around her body holding her tight in place. "Not so fast, love." He lifted her from her feet walking blindly back towards the house. "No! Please no!" She whined through giggles, "Geoooorge" "It's not me you should be worried about, sweetheart." He whispered to her ear. Huh?
"Oooooh FREDDIE!" he called over his shoulder. FUCK! Where was Fred!?
George turned sharply on the spot and y/n suddenly found herself face to face with one Fred Weasley, complete with bucket. Only this one wasn't the same from earlier, it was bigger. And filled with...what was that? Oh god. Ice.
"Woah y/n/n, you look really flustered. Reckon you might need to cool off." He grinned. "Freddie, I was thinking exactly the same thing." Georges grip on y/n tightened as she began to squirm furiously. Pleading them not to. Fred raised the bucket in his arms as she slipped to the ground, George pinning her down and tugging back the side of her shirts collar.
Fred leaped into action, pouring the buckets contents over her exposed shoulder so the ice would fall down her back as well as down her chest. Y/n squealed at the brisk temperature change. Breath hitching and shuddering in response. The boys jumped back as she scrambled to her feet, shaking the material of her shirt to lose the ice still clinging beneath it. Various curses and insults being shot to the twins whilst doing so.
"Prats." She shivered, "the both of you. Prats." All three couldn't contain their laughter at this. George excused himself for a moment to rid his eye of a few pesky grains of dirt under his eyelid.
He dunked his head under the tap of the kitchen sink in order to rinse his eye, and face while he was at it, clean before filling himself a glass of water having become quite hot from all the running he'd done this afternoon. A sudden yell pulled his attention out the window.
Chuckling as he watched Fred frantically running from y/n who held the bucket of mud George had threatened her with earlier.
Fred was running backwards with his arms raised trying desperately to bargain his way out of his punishment. George could only just make out the conversation carrying on in the moment.
"Come on, said I was sorry didn't I?" "Why don't you put the bucket down and I'll run you a bath" "I have a stash of chocolate frogs upstairs you can help yourself to!" George was amused by that line in particular as he knew for certain that stash was well and truly gone, days ago, as he and y/n had helped themselves to it whilst he showered.
Fred were a fairly safe distance away as he out manoeuvred his friend easily with such long legs and lack of bucket. He probably could have kept up their little dance for some time, enough for her to admit defeat, if he had not tripped back over his own feet. George snorted at the sight, water nearly shooting from his nose, as his brother fell flat on his back. Y/n seized her moment. Standing above him with bucket raised smiling.
Many 'please's, and 'y/n's and of course countless 'no's falling from Fred mouth, all in vain as the bucket tipped above him. Contents hitting directly to his chest and covering him in filth. George really wished he had a camera right about now.
"What are you laughing at?" Ginny had appeared, grabbing a glass of water for herself. "Y/n getting revenge." "Why aren't you out there?" "To avoid exactly that happening to me." The two watched as Fred stood, wrapping himself around y/n to smear mud over her body as well, swaying them side-to-side dramatically as he did so. Muffled shrieks came from her mouth which was pressed tight against his chest.
"Mum's going to have a field day with you three." Ginny commented, placing down her cup as she ascended the staircase. George inhaled sharply as his jaw clenched at the thought. His eyes scanned the yard...they had made quite the mess. He wondered if they'd ever be allowed to play Quidditch again. Or even be allowed out of the house for that matter. His thoughts were cut short as his attention fell back to his brother and best friend.
They'd stopped rough-housing. Y/n pushing back from him with a huff. She stood before him with a pout, covered completely in muck. Fred was laughing haughtily at the sight as he took a step forward, sweeping a dirty piece of hair behind her ear. His fingers delicately traced her cheek bone and down toward her lips which had parted slightly as she stared at him. His head was hung towards her as he gazed back, hand now resting just below her jaw. Both slowly leaning closer...
The moment was over as quickly as it'd began, by Fred clearing his throat and dropping his arm, both hands finding his pockets and standing back a pace. He had said something about needing a shower to which y/n laughed awkwardly, avoiding any further eye contact.
"Ho-ly FUCK!" George exclaimed to himself as realisation hit him like a bag of bricks. "They fancy one another" his eyes were wide. How hadn't he noticed before?
The way their eyes seemed to linger on one anothers a tad longer than two friends would. The shameless flirting. The "innocent" light touches. How Fred always had his arm over her shoulder if he could. The quick kisses to their cheeks. The blushing. The way Fred tensed, white knuckled, when boys were 'too friendly' with y/n. The way y/ns teeth would grind as girls would fall over Fred. It all seemed so obvious now.
Without a second moments thought George bolted up the stairs.
Hermione and Ginny sat cross-legged on her bed, chatting casually about the upcoming school year and what excitement it may hold, when the bedroom door violently swung open. Slamming into the wall, one hot, sweaty and very much out of breath George clung to its handle.
The girls stared wide-eyed at the sight. "...yes?" Ginny asked curiously. Her brother was a sputtering mess, attempting to speak through deep burning breaths. "F-Fre-and y/...Fred and y/n!" He gasped, arms waved and flailing dramatically trying to make them understand him in his frantic state. "They-they're...they fancy one another!" He finally exclaimed before clutching his side painfully, "Oh, cramp".
Ginny and Hermione looked at one another with identical blank stares before shrugging simply, "We know" they spoke. "You KNOW!?" "It's pretty obvious." Said Hermione. A deep, frustrated, sigh left Georges throat, his head rolled and he flopped heavily into the small space between both girls, the action causing them to bounce.
"Could you be anymore annoying?" Ginny groaned but George ignored her, "This is unbelievable." "Is it though?" His sister questioned. "They're always all over one another. Always staring when they think the other's not looking." "Not to mention they're perfect for one another." Hermione giggled " "He stops her from stressing too much over school work, keeps her out of her shell when she's struggling. And she very well may be the only person on the planet capable of settling him down when he gets worked up."
"Do you think they know?" George asked, eyes fixed to the ceiling. "Not a chance" "Absolutely not." The girls answered. "Look how long it took you to realise, and you're their best friend." Added Hermione causing Georges brows to furrow. She had a point. They'd spent nearly every day together since they met in their first year. Practically attached at the hip and yet it only clicked now.
He couldn't quite wrap his head around how he was feeling at the moment as too many thoughts flooded his mind.
Was he worried? Excited? What if they dated? Would they hang out with him less, as a result? Would it work out? What if they broke up!?
"My best friend and my brother..." he wondered aloud, tone sceptical. The girls remained silent as George thought, chewing his cheek. The atmosphere was tense as they worried over his reaction. That was until a wide smile crept its way across his face. "My best friend and my brother." He spoke louder, more assured, with a curt approving nod. "I'm gonna make it happen." He stated matter-of-factly as he lifted himself from the bed, making his way to the door.
"And how, pray tell, are you going to manage that?" "Easily, my dear sister." George looked over his shoulder as he grabbed the doors handle, "Just call me Cupid." He winked, quickly shutting the door as he left with a smirk.
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soft headcanons for when chen yuzhi and/or jiang yuelou have a bad day? if you have the time, no pressure! hope you're well. :)
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Anon, I am a slut for any Killer and Healer headcanons, especially if they are soft headcanons. Oh, they are my shit. Okay. Here we go.
Oh, thank you anon, I am doing very well!  A little stressed since grad school starts next monday, but other than that, I’m good!
Jiang Yuelou
Has two moods: either stews in his office or goes immediately to chen yuzhi
if he stews in his office, all police personnel know not to fucking bother him unless they want something chucked at their head. the only people who are even remotely allowed to enter his office are song rong and sun yongren and even they got shit chucked at their heads the first time they tried to check on him
if he's stewing in the office, song rong and sun yongren know to go get chen yuzhi from his clinic and bring him back to the station
chen yuzhi is really the only person whom everyone knows can bring jiang yuelou out of his bad day. no one even tries to stop him when he comes into the station anymore; they know he's only there to see one person and one person only so they just let him go on his merry way
(of course the first time he waltzed into jiang yuelou's office, he did get a tea cup chucked at his face that cut his cheek so he wasn't completely immune from jiang yuelou's rage)
when he gets to jiang yuelou's office, he walks over to the couch and sit down, patting the place beside him, jiang yuelou immediately getting up and walking over to him, sitting down beside him
they'll sit in silence and chen yuzhi has to judge how badly jiang yuelou is feeling before he reaches out and either places a comforting hand on his arm or takes jiang yuelou's hand in his, gently rubbing it with his thumb
they'll sit like that for a while before jiang yuelou talks about his bad day. chen yuzhi doesn't say anything and just listens to jiang yuelou vent and rage and once he's done, he'll just lift jiang yuelou's hand to his lips and give it a gentle kiss; just to let him know that he's here and that he's not alone
if jiang yuelou immediately heads to chen yuzhi's clinic, he makes a beeline for chen yuzhi's desk and either sits on the edge of the front of it or sits right next to chen yuzhi
if it's a really bad day, he has to reach out and touch chen yuzhi somehow. he doesn't care if it's a neck caress, a head scritch, a face caress, a hand hold, he just needs to touch
chen yuzhi will hold out his hand for jiang yuelou to hold or to gently trace his fingers over if jiang yuelou is sitting in front of him while he continued to work or read files/books. same goes for the neck caressing or head scritching/petting; jiang yuelou will pet him or touch him and he'll just continue to work
if it's really bad, chen yuzhi will have jiang yuelou follow him upstairs to where the clinic beds are and they'll sit on one of the beds and jiang yuelou will just cup him either by his face or by the back of his neck and pull him close until their foreheads are touching, both men breathing together
Chen Yuzhi
chen yuzhi is much more quiet when it comes to bad days; he tends to keep to himself and hide away, not so much look for comfort
over the years jiang yuelou has coaxed him out of his shell to get him to tell him what's wrong (which is impressive)
if chen yuzhi is having a bad day, he keeps it to himself until he's able to go home and if he sees jiang yuelou on the couch, he immediately goes over to him and sits down next to him, all but burying his face in the policeman's shoulder or neck
jiang yuelou would then lift his arm so that chen yuzhi could snuggle against him before wrapping his arm around the young doctor, just holding him close
xiao bai, the ever knowing cat, would always show up then and hop into chen yuzhi's lap, letting out a comforting purr
whenever keying comes home from school and sees everyone cuddled up on the couch, she immediately drops her bags and goes over to cuddle as well and it just turns into one big cuddle party
if it's really bad, he doesn't even say anything, not even a "I'm home" and just takes off his shoes before heading straight to the bedroom. jiang yuelou watches him go and sighs before standing up to go comfort him
in the bedroom, chen yuzhi is just lying on the bed trying either to not have an anxiety attack or a emotional break down when jiang yuelou just walks into the room and over to the bed, lying down
jiang yuelou then pulls chen yuzhi into a hug and even though chen yuzhi is slightly taller than him, he still tucks him under his chin and hugs him tightly, just rubbing his back comfortingly
sometimes there's silence, sometimes jiang yuelou will hum softly, sometimes jiang yuelou will whisper soft, comforting words if chen yuzhi looks like he's slipping
chen yuzhi will either just bury his face into jiang yuelou's chest and just breathe or he'll break down in tears if the day has just been really bad. that's when jiang yuelou will press a gentle kiss to his hair and they'll stay like that until chen yuzhi can calm down and talk about it (or not, jiang yuelou doesn't push)
xiao bai, again all knowing, will hop into the bed and either squeeze his way in between them or curl up next to one of them (mainly whoever is feeling shitty that day)
if keying finds them in the bed, just like if they're cuddling on the couch, she will come over and promptly flop/dog pile onto jiang yuelou and chen yuzhi and just cuddle them. chen yuzhi nor jiang yuelou can stay sad/upset for very long because who can say stay upset at keying adorable face
they stay like that for a while until keying or xiao bai gets hungry and then they all have to go get up and eat (or get xiao bai his food) and by then, everyone is feeling a little better
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Shadow From The Window (Leonardo)
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Imagine your scared of the dark and alone, but your sexy hero-in-the-half-shell comes to sleep at your side, after a long partol. Exausted, he forgets how easy you startle, and comforts you.
(SFW but blushy, leaning Fem!Reader/ but also gender-neutral, Bayverse Leo, no swearing, FLUFF, a lil spooky at the start but all sweet and completely handle-able. Its safe 💙)
(So, this is my first official post here and I'm so excited! First of all, HI EVERYONE! I'm so happy to have found my peoples and to be here uwu, I love you all. Hopefully, this brings you comfort to rest before bed, or in the middle of the night. Want me to do one for all the boys? Lemme know!💙)
I am writing this at 2-3 am, after imagining this scenario to comfort myself, settling down to rest. The thought of Leo hiding in the dark, makes the dark a lot less scary. (Tho I decided to write it instead of resting lol) LETS GET IT!
Its 3 am in your studio apartment.
You've been living in New York city for a while now, but its always been a hassle to fall asleep in your own place. That's been the hardest adjustment after leaving home... how scary it can be on your own. Truth be told, you're 'scared of the dark'. Not nescessarily scared of the darkness itself, but the shadows in the corner of the room... the random noises and things that go bump in the night... the mere thought in the back of your mind that something, as ridiculous as it sounds to others, will come and get you once your guard is down.
There you lied, stiff as a board on your back. The covers, pulled up to your neck, as you breathed in and out as silently as you could. Why did you still feel like you had to hide from monsters or bad guys in your own home? "Dang it, y/n..." you sighed, wiping the nervous cold sweat from your forehead, overheating internally from the anxiety.
"WHY... why did I have to watch that horror movie with Donnie?" You thought, internally shouting at yourself. "He said its not scary, that its 'too absurd to be plausible, and thus won't trigger a reaction of fear'. So much for a slow and steady introduction to the genre!"
You should have known when Raph said "Nope, I'm out." Donnie sat there the whole time, laughing at the movie at the scariest and most ill-timed moments... and you recall just glaring at him, teeth chattering, whispering to yourself:
"Yeah, he's cracked alright."
Just because something isn't scientifically proven, doesn't mean it can't happen... or hasn't happened, right?
"Ugh..." you groaned, curling your lips into a gremace, scared your groan was too loud amongst the unsettling silence. "I can't sleep with the lights on again..."
Glancing toward your phone, you noticed a blue light illuminate the screen, informing you that you got a new text. But that blue light... it instantly made you think of the blue-loving turtle you so dearly loved. The light of your life.
'Leo would protect me.'
Ah, that comforting reminder that you would feel so safe in your boyfriend's arms... if only he were here with you.
But... he wasn't. He was probably out on patrol, far away, and unable to come any time soon, even if he could.
"That's it." You said, taking and deep breath and mustering up all of your courage, throwing the covers off and dashing to the light switch.
*flick!* And... everything in the room was normal. It was comforting, but you scolded yourself for not accepting that everything was already secure, and nothing was lurking in the dark.
Everything was still, as you closed your curtains and lied back down in bed.
"Light on it is." You sighed, before the light suddenly flickered by itself.
"Oh crap-" you muttered, taking a gulp, as the power went out. "OH CRAP, ITS JUST LIKE THE MOVIE-"
Now, you felt screwed. You lied as still as possible, for what felt like forever, refusing to close your eyes. Dang it... DANG it!
Grabbing your phone light, you quickly tip-toed to the bathroom, trying to pee as fast as you could, so you could get back to your warm bed where it feels semi-safe.
As soon as you opened the bathroom door, you noticed your curtains flowing and twirling in the night wind. Street sounds from the never-sleeping city below echoed faintly through your widely-opened window.
"My window... is open?" You thought in horrified shock, examining your surroundings in the dark carefully.
You froze in your tracks, as your phone light turned itself off.
A chill went down your spine, as you stood there in the center of everything, slowly backing to a corner, where you planned to crouch in the fetal position, so you could see all angles of the room for the rest of the night.
You took another step back, and another, before you bumped into a large mass, standing behind you.
'Not the wall...' your brain registered, feeling the heat of whomever or whatever this tall thing was, radiating against your back.
"Hello, beautiful~" A deep voice chuckled, startling you.
Jolting around, you saw a dark, tall shadow, looming before you.
The fear disoriented you, quickly rushing adrenaline through your body, as your fight or flight reacted. You quickly let out a shriek, chucking your dying phone at the shadow and darting quickly toward the window.
The shadow caught the phone instantly, with lightning fast reflex, as a large hand suddenly wrapped around your wrist, gently yet firmly pulling you back into the room before you crawled out onto the fire escape.
"WHOA, hey hey! Y/N easy! Its okay." A gentle, farmiliar voice assured, gently pulling you around to face him. "Its just me!"
"L-let go!" You whimpered, still not realizing who it was. "P-please..."
"Hey, its me..." he softly whispered, as your breath began to steady, blinking a couple of times as his identity fully set in. "Shh, sh sh sh." He lulled.
"L-Leo?" You squeaked in disbelief.
The figure slowly leaned into the moonlight, casting over you from the open window, revealing his GORGEOUS, icy blue eyes. Those intense-yet-soft eyes... that you knew and loved more than anyone else's. That comforting, strong, lovingly soft gaze, that instantly reassured you that you were safe.
"Your aim is getting better," he softly chuckled, smirking with his adorable grin. Leo slowly slid your phone before you, onto the moonlit sheets, barely revealing his outstretched, chiseled, manly hands. "I'm so sorry I scared you, love. I didn't mean to... I would never on purpose..."
Leo's voice sounded composed, but also ashamed and regretful, as he became more serious to apologise. He always spoke so softly to you...
"Leo, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to, I-" you desparately assured, bursting into tears. "I-"
"Hey hey, I should have knocked, or called. I'm sorry I scared you, sweetheart. I thought I would suprise you in a good way, not startle you." He murmured, reaching his large hands out to gently grasp you, holding you in his arms.
"Oh... I'm so happy to see you!" You sighed, falling against him.
"Donnie felt bad about that scary movie, he told me about how scared you were and begged me to check on you." He whispered, with that composed, reassuring voice.
"Oh Leo... you really came." You whispered, sniffling back your tears.
"Of course, my love... I came straight here after patrol. I would have come sooner, but Raph was getting his shell handed to him by this big..." he hesitated, biting his lip.
"Leo?" You asked, wondering why he stopped.
"-You know what? It doesn't matter." He gently corrected, changing the subject.
"What? What was it?" You innocently asked, curling up against his warm, sculpted chest.
You could feel Leo's skin grow warmer with a blush, as he slowly and sweetly welcomed your embrace, holding you close.
"I'll tell you during daylight. Just... sweetie, I'll never let anything bad happen to you, as long as I live. You're safe, whether I'm near or far. Okay, sweetheart?" Leo promised with his deep innocent voice, planting a soft kiss against your forehead.
Suddenly, you heard a generator power on through your front door, and the power flicked back on.
You could at last see him. See his muscled arms around you, and the tails of his worn out blue mask resting against his chest, along side you. His plastron... rising and falling as he took in slow breaths.
Leo was so careful holding you in his arms... like you were this precious, tiny thing, that he adored with his entire existance.
"Hey, you... you there?" He muttered, growing increasingly bashful in his tension.
"I'm here." You gently assured with a smile, before pulling away to examine his handsome face.
Leonardo. Sexy, handsome, justly-confident, fierce leader. This fearless, giant turtle mutant, who was unlike anyone else in the world. His jaw clenched from sudden bashful nervousness, as his gaze shyed away from your eyes. Your stare always overwhelmed him... it was such an intimate thing to meet his eyes.
Leo cleared his throat, as he slowly reached out to your face, ever-so-carefully wiping away a tear from your cheek, watching intently and focusing as he did so.
Over cautiously gentle so he wouldn't risk hurting you with his strength.
"There we go..." he softly whispered in satisfaction, sighing with a relieved smirk.
"Can you..." you began, with every ounce of security and confidence you could muster. "Can you... stay? With me, all of tonight?"
You felt your cheeks blush intensely, blooming red, as Leo bit on his bottom lip. His eyes widened, as he fully realized your question.
"Y-yeah, o-of course I can..." Leo answered, all of a sudden a thousand times more innocent and adorable, intensely flattered and touched that you wanted him to stay at your side. "Uh... I'll... uh-" he began, moving back from kneeling on your bed before you, aimlessly pacing into your tiny kitchen.
Leo usually was so bold and certain, organized and authoritative, when he was on the move.
You recalled how you had seen first-hand how he can lay out the strategy of attack for the boys. He could be flipping into action, or running through the rooftops as he did it, with perfect coordination in his speech and movements. But with you and only you, Leo wasn't able to get the words out when he was this nervous or bashful.
He had a tendancy to overthink things.
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Leo wandered into the cupboard, beginning to steep some tea on the stove as his tongue caught up with his brain.
"Do you want... tea?" He gently asked, clearing his throat.
Such husband material...
"Ah, sure." You grinned, sweetly answering.
You realized how safe and secure you felt now, with him in the studio. You weren't alone anymore.
Leo didn't say much while he prepared the tea. He hyper-focused to distract himself from the nervousness of staying at your place, ALONE with you for the night. He paced around without speaking... doing little thoughtful things, like closing the window and locking it for you, shutting the closet and bathroom door, and picking out the perfect cups for the two of you, from your DC glass cup collection.
(Leo liked the Nightwing one since it was blue, and he always gave you the batgirl one, because you loved purple. He loved it when you would geek out and tell him how those heroes were the perfect couple... it reminded him of the both of you, and hoped that you gushed about him like that when he wasn't around.)
Leo brought the cups over, moving carefully with his eyes on the glass, gently placing one in your hand, and his own at your bedside.
"I"ll sleep right here, beside you." He thought out loud, examining the hardwood floor panels.
"Ah, Leo, you're not sleeping on the ground." You ordered, taking a long drink from your cup.
"Its no trouble," he assured, unlatching and taking off his belt and sword straps, placing them on your countertop. Leo sat down across from your bed, and began taking off his customized traditional ninja footwear, so all that remained were his pants and mask.
Why did this make you blush and get so flustered, the way he lifted those muscular arms over his head? Its not like he's taking anything revealing off...
"Modest like Leo... modest like Leo..." you whispered under your breath, recomposing your wandering thoughts.
He slowly walked up to you, lying you back and pulling your covers over you. Leo gently placed his hand against your cheek, staring deep into your eyes, as a soft smile rested over his lips.
He slowly nuzzled his nose beside yours, cherishing every small movement, before planting a soft kiss on your forehead. Then, he pulled away.
You felt your arms involuntarily reach out to him, taking his face into your hands. You both stared innocently into one another's eyes, before you made a bold move, planting your lips against his. You gently kissed Leo's lips, and he kissed you back, in the most respectful, admirable, and sentimental way possible.
Kissing Leo always felt so intimate and special... even as soft and innocent as it was. Leo made the tiny gestures special to you again.
"Leo, would you please... hold me?" You whispered, tightly closing your eyes and resting your forehead against his. "Please, sleep with me tonight."
"S-sleep with-" he panicked, turning vibrant red. For the first time that night, he realized that you were wearing blue pj's... and you looked gorgeous in them. Suddenly his heart began to pound through his chest, as his posture stiffened. "Sleep... together? Like... m-make love together?"
"Ah not like that!" You bashfully assured, unable to hide your shy grin. "Just... sleep together, at least for tonight."
He took a deep breath in, that sounded shaky, like the remenants of your kiss and closeness gave him the chills. The thought of you being together in the most close and intimate form made him overwhelmed, causing him to slightly tremble. Leo invoulintarily giggled, pecking a kiss against your nose, before he pulled his mask off.
"Alright." He grinned, suddenly much more eager and confident, leaning close to you as he set his mask on your night stand, switching off the light switch with a mere stretch.
Suddenly, it was dark again. But, a peaceful dark.
"Will you, Leo?" You muttered.
"Yes." He whispered, so softly and so intimately, gazing bravely into your eyes. "Yes, Y/N."
You beamed with joy, resituating to the side of your bed, curling up and watching Leo with an adorable, excited expression. Leo broke out a nervous, adorable chuckle, as he hesitantly sat down on your bed, realizing how massive he was on the size of it. He downed his tea like a shot, (wanting to finish it as fast as possible, so he could do this soft and intimate thing with you) and clearing his throat. Blushing, he slowly lied down on his back, slowly turning to his side that faced you, and hesitantly placing his hand over your shoulder, unsure of what was too much touch.
You giggled, sliding his hand on your waist, so you could sit up and pull the covers over him. "O-oh..." Leo murmured, stiffening up from his shyness.
This was very overwhelming to him, since he really liked taking things slow and was inexperienced to everything involving romance before you. But... you loved that. It was like everything was new to you again too. It endeared you beyond belief.
You lied on your side, examining his face one last time, as he examined yours, trailing your fingertip across his sharp jawline.
"I really love you..." he whispered, meaning every word.
"I really love you too, Leo." You softly agreed, as you continued to smile.
You and Leo talked quietly for a bit, sweet whispers between soulmates, as you scratched his shell and caressed his shoulders to help relieve his stress and tension. He would slowly drift off more and more, talking less and less, gifting you with tiny, soft, slow kisses, all over your face instead.
You both drifted off to sleep, and slept wonderfully side by side, as safe and sweet as can be, just the two of you.
And, as you found out in the morning, Leo was a total, clingy cuddler in his sleep. Throughout the night, he had nuzzled closer and closer, wrapping his arms around you and cradling you, until you were cozy against his body, sharing the same warmth.
💙 Sweet dreams.💙
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wild-horses1 · 3 years
How did Hannahs family react to her marrying Alfie?
Also love your writing 💞 I love how much Alfie and Hannah love each other, u really bring them both to life.
Hello, anon! Thank you for your very sweet and lovely message. I really do appreciate that ❤️❤️❤️❤️
And Hannah's brother, Jack, is her only real family( before she meets Alfie of course.)
Jack reacted very badly. He told her that if she went ahead with the wedding, he would disown her. She, of course, was madly in love and chose Alfie. Her brother followed through with his threat, and did not speak to her again. He threw her out of the house when she told him she definitely would be marrying Alfie. He wouldn't even look at her.
I want to write a little something to do with this:
When Hannah stormed into the bakery one morning, with mascara smudged eyes and tears rolling down her cheeks, Ollie went wide eyed. He wasn't good at dealing with upset people, especially upset women.
"Is Alfie available, Ollie?" Hannah asked. She was still crying.
"Y-yes. He's in his office." Ollie stuttered, showing her the way with a point of his finger.
"I do know where his office is, Ollie. I worked here up until a week ago." Hannah snapped. Ollie gulped and made himself scarce, looking at a barrel like it was suddenly very interesting.
Hannah stormed to the office and threw open Alfie's door.
"He's chucked me out. I'm homeless." Hannah sobbed.
"C'mon now. C'mhere darlin'." Alfie opened his arms and she sat on his lap, still sobbing hysterically.
"Hannah. Hannah, slow down. 'ere wipe your nose."Alfie handed her a white handkerchief out of his trouser pocket.
"I told 'im I was marryin' you. And he said 'Well, you're marrying a thug so you better get used to bein' treated like dirt' and he told me I had to pack and find a new place to live by tonight."Her voice was calmer now, but she was still crying.
Alfie held her, and softly wiped the fresh tears from her cheeks with his thumbs.
"Come and live with me." He said.
"But we ain't married." Hannah frowned.
"Han, if you cared about societal fuckin' rules you wouldn't be marryin' me."
"True."Hannah bit her lip as she thought about it.
"Come and live with me, darlin'. Y'know you want to, eh?" Alfie kissed her cheek, and she blushed and smiled.
"Alrigh'. I'll live with you." She said.
"Well, that's that sorted then. What are we goin' to do about your stuff?" Alfie questioned.
"I don't get why you won't let me send the boys 'round to get your things." Alfie sighed.
"Because it'll scare Jack, Alf." Hannah said, as she looked out of the car window at her soon to be old house. She'd been there for 10 minutes, trying to give herself the courage to just go in and get her stuff.
"Good. He should be fuckin' scared. I'm comin' in with you. C'mon. Shift it."Alfie grunted as he got out of the car. He opened Hannah's car door for her. She was wearing the new light blue, lace embellished sweetheart neckline dress Alfie had bought her. Her old neighbours stared at her. Some waved, but most talked behind their hands about little Hannah Gold marrying a big bad gangster.
"He'll shit 'imself when he sees you."She muttered, holding Alfie's hand tightly.
"Good." Alfie said, checking his pocket watch.
Hannah took out her key, and used it for the last time. Her hand shook slightly, but before she could open the door, Jack did.
"Hello." He said to Hannah, glancing at Alfie. Alfie glared at him, and Hannah nudged him, raising her eyebrows.
"Alright?" Alfie muttered.
"Didn't know you were going to bring him." Jack snapped.
"There'll be fuckin' none of that, mate. You'll not raise y'voice to Hannah."Alfie warned with pointed finger.
Jack gulped.
"Sorry. Are you coming in with Hannah?" He asked.
"Yeah. I think I will, mate, yeah."Alfie said, looking him right in the eyes. Hannah looked at the pavement, wishing it would swallow her up.
Jack stepped back to let his sister and Alfie into the house. He was civil, yes, but Hannah could feel the coldness coming off him and she hated it.
She squeezed Alfie's hand tight.
"It'll be alright, petal."Alfie reassured.
Jack walked back into the hallway from the living room with two packed boxes. Hannah could've cried. Her memories packed into two boxes. Her whole life.
"I thought I was goin' to pack my room." She whispered. Alfie's glare deepened. He wanted to punch Jack, but Hannah had specifically told him not to.
"This is easier for everyone."Jack replied.
"Nah, mate. It's easy for you. You've disowned your sister 'cause she wants to marry me, like you're lord of the fucking Manor. And you stand there, judgin' me, when I was the one who gave you a fuckin' job when you were on the bones of your arse! And now, after your sister has fuckin' raised you when your shit stain father fucked off, you throw her out. If that wasn't fuckin' bad enough, you pack her memories and her fuckin' life into two fuckin' boxes!" Alfie shouted, spittle flying.
"Alf-" Hannah put a hand on his arm, to try and placate him.
"No, Hannah. He's a little fuckin' shit who needs to be reminded who he's dealing with." Alfie hissed at Jack.
"Of course I'm not jumping for joy at my sister marrying you. You, of all people. And yeah, you gave me a job but you also fired me."Jack yelled back, and Alfie almost lunged at him before Hannah put herself between them.
She cupped Alfie's face. He was apoplectic, red in the face. If he was a dog, he'd be snarling.
"Alfie, darlin'. Please don't. For me. Please don't hurt him."She pleaded. Alfie looked at her, at the desperation in her eyes and nodded. He gave Jack one last look. If looks could kill, Jack would be dead.
And when Alfie turned around, gesturing for Ollie to get the boxes, Hannah backhanded Jack across the face. She didn't know she was going to do it until she really processed what Jack had said about Alfie, and the fact he was happy to make her homeless after all they'd been through together.
Jack was wide eyed with a beetroot red cheek, and he stared at his sister. He could not believe it.
"Fuck you."She spat on the ground, and got into the car, and sat next to a laughing Alfie.
"That's my girl."He laughed, as Ollie drove them away, to her new life.
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lem-20 · 4 years
Summary: Frustrated that Ethan won't let their relationship develop, will MC find some time alone with Bryce too much of a temptation? Rewrite of Bk 1 Ch 11 Bryce scene.
Book/Pairing: Open Heart/Bryce x MC / Ethan x MC (Cecilia Gibson)
Category/Rating: Smut/Explicit
Word Count: 1.7k
Authors notes: I thought I'd try something a bit different for this fic. I had an idea in mind, but I'm not sure if it has come out as I'd hoped 🤣
I have included this weeks @wackydrabbles prompt Hold still
Also inspired by @choicesmonthlychallenge prompt Day 18: Waiting
Characters and some dialogue owned by pixelberry
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Cecilia never meant to fall for Ethan Ramsey.
She had always admired his work and had been hugely inspired by him, but a romantic relationship wasn't something that had ever crossed her mind - she hadn't even known what he looked like before her first day at Edenbrook.
When she first met him his condescending behaviour had actually led her to think that he was a bit of an asshole - admittedly she didn't realise it was him at that point, but he definitely hadn't left a good first impression.
It didn't take long for her opinion of him to change though. Working together when Dolores came in and then trying to help Naveen had brought them much closer together than either of them could have imagined. What was blossoming between them certainly wasn't a normal attending/intern relationship.
When they finally kissed in Miami, she'd hoped that it would be the start of something between them. They had got so close to ending up in bed together—something she had been fantasising about for some time—but Ethan had stopped things going any further and she had been feeling frustrated ever since.
A few days after returning from Miami, she had questioned Ethan about what was happening between them.
"Be honest...about us," she said.
"I'm...not sure what you mean," he replied, avoiding her eyes.
"I think you know exactly what I mean."
He turned his back to her and she walked up close behind him, placing a hand on his shoulder.
"Please Cecilia, this is hard enough already."
"Then why keep fighting it? We both want this. We both feel this. It almost seems inevitable..."
He turned to her, his eyes filled with longing...and pain.
Reaching up, he gently stroked her cheek. "We're doctors, Cecilia. Fighting the inevitable is our job description."
Without another word he walked past her and out of the lab. She hung her head—her heart sinking—as the sound of his footsteps faded away.
She couldn't deny the hurt she felt. Even though part of her understood his reasoning, she couldn't just pretend there wasn't a connection between them.
Several nights later Cecilia was at home in her apartment researching Rhodes disease for Mrs Martinez. Her friends had volunteered to help and several hours had passed when her reading was interrupted by snoring. She looked up to see that everyone had fallen asleep, except for Bryce.
"And then there were two," he smiled before looking back down at his research. "Wait a second...Cecilia, come look at this."
"What'd you find?" she asked, taking a seat next to him.
"Wound up on a message board. Looks like a pissed off employee leaked some old R&D memos from Panacea Labs...Check it out. It says a drug used for Huntington's cured some test subjects of Rhodes disease."
"If they've found a cure...why isn't it on the market?"
"This is pretty recent...Human trails can take years before a new drug gets F.D.A approval."
"Bryce, you found the answer!" Overwhelmed with excitement, she threw her arms around him and he hugged her back tightly.
The hug lingered and she feel reluctant to let go of him...
"I dunno about you, but I feel like celebrating," he whispered.
She looked into his eager eyes, knowing exactly how he wanted to celebrate.
If she went along with this she knew she may end up regretting it. Her feelings for Ethan were undeniable and there was definitely more to it than just a sexual attraction. But their interactions over the past few weeks had left her so confused and sexually frustrated that she was seriously considering taking Bryce up on his offer. She didn't know if Ethan would even allow anything to happen between them in the future and she couldn't wait around for him forever.
It wasn't as though Bryce was a random stranger. He was a good guy...kind...sexy. They had already been physical with each other before—after her housewarming party—so she knew he could definitely help release some of her frustrations there and then.
She gave him a smirk as she made her decision.
She grabbed Bryce's hand and led him to the bathroom. They bumped hard into the door as she pulled him in for a passionate kiss.
"Shh, don't wake the others up."
"I'm not the one you're gonna have to worry about," he teased.
He pinned her against the closed bathroom door and kissed her, while she pulled off his shirt.
His strong hands roamed her body, gliding under her clothes, trying to feel every part of her.
"Pent up much?"
"I'm always pent up when I see you," he replied.
She could feel the blush reaching her cheeks.
"Before we go any further, you should know...we have to keep this casual."
She knew this probably didn't need to be said, Bryce was a casual sort of guy, but she didn't need any extra drama in her life right now.
"No strings...fine by me," he grinned, pulling her clothes over her head.
She kissed up his neck and across his smooth jawline as she undid his trousers and pushed them to the ground.
She snapped the band of his underwear with a cheeky smile before sliding her hands beneath the fabric.
"I really don't need to keep those on," he whispered.
She kissed his chest as she slid his underpants down, her fingers brushing against him.
The sight of him standing to attention for her was a massive turn on.
She kissed him again as she took hold of him, enjoying the way his breath stopped and started as she pumped his length.
"Who has magic hands now?"
"You're giving me a run for my money," he replied before pulling her bra down and kissing and licking his way across her breasts.
A moan was the only sound she could make as a shiver ran throughout her entire body.
"How 'bout we have some good clean fun," he said pushing her backwards, guiding her toward the shower.
She turned to step in.
"Wait, hold still, "he grabbed her hand to stop her. "Before we get in, I want to get a proper look at you."
He spun her back to face him, before looking her up and down—eyes filled with lust.
"You're gorgeous," he stated while flashing her a grin.
She couldn't help but giggle. "You're quite the charmer Lahela."
Continuing into the shower, Bryce gently pushed her against the shower wall, turning on the tap. Warm water poured down on them as he kissed her, his hands exploring her body.
She returned the favour, running her hands over his slippery muscles.
Bryce reached between her legs and began to move his fingers, slowly but surely. She let out a moan.
"I told you I wasn't the one you had to worry about making noise..."
"I don't think I care anymore..."
She leaned her head against the shower wall and sighed as Bryce's hands worked their magic, circling round her most sensitive part. His lips traced across her collarbone as he dipped a finger inside her.
Her breathing grew heavier as he added another finger.
"Bryce...I need more..."
He gripped her by the back of the thighs and lifted her, pinning her high against the cold tiles.
She sighed with pleasure as she wrapped her legs around his waist and he slid himself inside her.
A whisper of guilt flickered across her mind, but it was too late to take it back now, this was happening and she wanted to enjoy it. It felt too good not to.
She squeezed her eyes shut, forcing any doubts out of her head. Instead concentrating on the sensations, the pleasure.
Bryce moved his lips down her neck, softly sucking and kissing as he went.
For a brief moment her mind took her back to Miami where it was Ethan's lips on her neck, his stubble gently scratching her sensitive skin. She remembered the taste of wine on his tongue as his mouth crashed into hers.
She lifted a hand up and ran it through Bryce's hair, gripping tightly as her pleasure started to build.
He plunged himself deep inside her over and over again and she moved her hand down to his chest, feeling his heart thundering as she neared her climax. Her fingernails clawed into his back as she lost control.
"Yes Eth—, Bryce."
She clung on to him, breathing heavily as he thrust a few more times, until he got his own release.
As she came down from her high she cringed as she recalled the fact she had started calling out Ethan's name while having sex with someone else.
She slowly opened her eyes and looked at Bryce. He smiled at her and kissed her on the lips.
"That was amazing," he said.
"Yeah, it was," she replied through her heavy breathing.
Somehow she seemed to have got away with her slip up. Either he was too wrapped up in the moment to notice or he had decided not to mention it. Either way, she was extremely relieved.
He lowered her back down to the ground and they held each other close for a moment before getting dressed.
Bryce looked at the time, it was 2am.
"I'd better head home if I'm going to get any sleep before work tomorrow."
She grabbed his arm.
"You don't have to go, you could sleep here tonight."
He gave her a little smirk. "I think if I stayed here, you would prove to be way too distracting for either of us to get any sleep."
They both laughed.
"Okay, I'll walk you to the door."
They threw their clothes back on before stepping out into the corridor, where they could talk without waking the others.
"Thank you for tonight Bryce. For the help with the research and the...other thing. I really needed that."
He smiled broadly at her.
"Anytime, Gibson. And I mean it. Any time you need a special release, I'm there. Supply closet, on call room, gym, shower, locker room, your place, my place..."
"Yeah, okay Bryce," she chuckled, playfully pushing him away. "Goodnight."
"Goodnight Sien—, I mean Cecilia."
She tilted her head quizzically and he winked at her before turning to leave. Her eyes widened suddenly with realisation that she hadn't got away with her slip up after all.
Although she felt her face burn with embarrassment, she couldn't help but giggle to herself as she watched him walk down the corridor, before disappearing out of sight.
Next part (What is this?)
Thank you so much for reading, I really appreciate everyone who takes the time to like, comment and reblog 🥰
I only tag those who ask, so please feel free to let me know if you would like to be added to my list 😃
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arwavastaniii · 3 years
Tessa | The Vampire Diaries x Shadowhunters | Chapter 2
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Pairings - Damon x main oc, Stefan x  main oc, Klaus x  main oc, Elijah x  main oc, Jace x main oc, Alec x main oc, multiple oc x  main oc
After Elena tried to give herself to Klaus in exchange for the safety of her friends and family, she had received a huge lecture on how irresponsible it was of her. Stefan was stuck in the tomb with Katherine and that vampire that was supposed to be dead was apparently very much alive.
Tessa had decided to sleep in and stay away from all the supernatural drama for one day. ONE DAY. And her best friend tried to kill herself, her other best friend got stuck with her psycho friend and now her favorite vampire best friend was whining about how annoying his life had become to her.
"What Elena did was stupid," Tessa said, "But it wasn't wrong. I would have done the same thing."
"You would have sacrificed yourself?" Damon questioned furrowing his eyebrows as he looked at her with a bit of hurt.
"If it means keeping the people I care about safe, then yes. I don't think I could live with myself if anything happened to you. Any of you."
Damon sped in front of her, their faces barely touching as he looked into her eyes. Lust and desire flashed in his eyes as he slightly leaned in. It was as if a button was clicked in his brain and he back away, speeding away leaving a very confused Tessa behind.
"You should really lock your door." Damon joked as he came into the room with a smile on his face, Elena had a pour on her face while Tessa tried to get her to eat something.
"Come on, pouty. At least give me 2 points for ingenuity."
"Do you think this is funny?"
"Yes, Elena I find hilarity in the lengths that I have to go to repeatedly save your life.
"What did Stefan say about this?"
"He had a good laugh."
"And what did he say about Elijah still being alive?" Damon lifted Tessa's feet up and rest them on his lap. He then proceeded to take her sandwich out of her hands and takes a giant bite.
"Sharing is caring."
"Not when it comes to my food," she complained and he responds by kissing her cheek.
"Yeah, and that I didn't tell him about Elijah."
"Why not?" Tessa asked him and he pursed his lips.
"Well, A he can't do anything about it, and B what I just said."
"Wow, such a profound argument."
"Where is Bonnie?" Damon asked as Jeremy came into the room.
"I thought she was meeting you," Jeremy answered.
"No, she's on moonstone duty and I'm on Elena patrol."
"And who's on Tyler Lockwood and the full moon?" Elena widened her eyes realizing what the night was.
"Vampire Barbie asked me if she could handle it and I said why not figured if she screwed up, he'd bite her, and then I'll be rid of two of my problems."
"Don't be a dick." Tessa scolded him as she smacked his head.  
"Hold on a second. Tonight's the full moon." Elena asked them.
"Yep, but you're too absorbed with all your suicidal tendencies to notice." Damon took a call, "Hey, change of plans." Damon hung up and looked at Jeremy and Tessa.
"You babysit tonight." He orders them and Tessa raised her brow at him.
"Hey, you know, you should get out. Enjoy the sun. Oh, wait you can't." Elena chucked a pillow at Damon and missed. Jeremy and Tessa laughed leading to her shoving him to the floor and glaring at Tessa.
Elena had warmed up to being trapped in the house. Even watching a movie in her room with Tessa and eating a giant bowl of popcorn. Knowing they needed some more food, they head downstairs to see what they had in the kitchen.
They walked down the stairs to see Jenna taking boxes out of the closest.
"What are you doing?" Tessa asks her.
"Oh, perfect timing." She thrusts a box in Elena's arms and then another in Tessa's.
"What is this stuff?' Elena asked.
"Your mom's files from the historical society. I got roped into helping Mrs. Lockwood. And by roped, I mean very excited to participate." She slammed the closet door and both their jaws dropped to see the suit-wearing original in Elena's house, staring right back at them with a small smirk.
"Hey, I'm Elijah." Tessa had never felt my heart beat faster than it was then. Jenna had let in a vampire who had tried to kidnap Elena, but apparently not to give her to Klaus which was extremely confusing, and now there was nothing they could do to get him out.
"Elijah's in town doing research on Mystic Falls," Jenna informs them like it was no big deal. If only she knew what Elijah was.
"It's a pleasure." Elijah holds out his hand for Elena and Tessa to shake. Elena hesitantly shook his and when Tessa went go to shake it he bent down and placed a kiss on it making her shiver in fear.
"So, you know, you're welcome to stay here and rummage through this stuff. Or Elena, Tessa, and I could help you load it into your car."
"Yeah, or I can get someone to pick it up tomorrow."
"Also a good plan."
"Thank you so much for inviting me into your home, Jenna." Elijah went to follow Jenna to the front door but stopped. "Oh, Tessa and Elena I hope to see you two again sometime soon."
Once the door was shut, the two girls raced upstairs to alert Jeremy and banged on his door when they realized it was locked.
Right when they heard it quick, Elijah came next to them and signaled them to be quiet.
"What?" Jeremy all but snapped at his sister before glancing at Tessa with a smile.
"Aunt Jenna was asking if you could help her with the boxes."
"Okay," the younger Gilbert said before he walked off.
"That was a smart choice," Elijah said before he asked to speak to us alone.
"Oh, forgive the intrusion. I mean your family no harm," Elijah started.
"That is why you tricked your way in her house?" Tessa said crossing her arms and glaring at the original.
He just shook his head amused at her bravery.
"Why'd you kill those vampires when they tried to take me?" Elena asked. Elijah opened his mouth to answer only to be cut off by a furious Tessa.
"You mean when you tried to give yourself over to them because you are a stupid suicidal doppelganger?" She said making Elena glare at her.
"I didn't want you to be taken. Klaus is the most feared and hated of the originals. Those that fear him are desperate for his approval. Word gets out the doppelganger exists, there will be vampires eager to take you to him and I can't have that."
"Isn't that exactly what you're trying to do?" Elena asked.
"Let's say my goal is not to break the curse."
"Then what is your goal?"
"Klaus' obsessions have made him paranoid. He's a recluse. He trusts only those in his circle," Elijah explained.
"Like you?" Tessa asked.
"Not anymore."
"You don't know where he is, do you?" Elena asked.
Tessa was already tired of their conversation. Her head was spinning, and her body was begging for a change. They were sitting in that room for ten minutes and she was tired. Her focus went from Elijah to the tiles on the floor and the frames on the table.
This always happened. And it annoyed Tessa more than anything. She couldn't stay in one place. Do one thing without being distracted; without this need to move away, do something else.
Overwhelmed, she got up and walked without a word, making the doppelganger and original stop and look at her worried.
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liron-ao3 · 3 years
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Dean sets the moving box on their new dining table.
It still feels strange to say and think that. But this is their house. Castiel's and his. Fully furnished, a back garden with a bee-friendly meadow, and a huge garage at the front for Baby and whatever eco-friendly monstrosity his partner will be able to talk him into.
They fixed this house for months, working with their bare hands, sweating ridiculously, stealing kisses in between. They have been the best months of Dean's life, and even though his joints creak just a little more now and his knee is acting up like a bitch, Dean wouldn't change it for the world.
It's a house to be filled with memories. A home, like maybe only the bunker ever was to Dean. It's full of things, some shiny and new, some old, given a second life. Just like them.
Dean has never owned so many things before. Even in his year with Lisa. He had always known that he was only a guest in her life. He lived in her house, loved her son, mowed her lawn. Maybe that would have changed over time. Maybe a year is simply not enough to create an 'ours' from 'mine' and 'yours'.
It's their house already though, even though they are only moving in today.
Dean opens the box that holds the few things he might call his own forever, though. Like the picture of him and his mum before she died. Well, the first time when he was a kid. There are bits and bobs, knick-knacks picked up on the road, too. A tiny drawing that a little girl made for him after he saved her and her parents on a solo hunt. It's yellowed and crinkled. He smiles at it. That had been one of the good days.
Some pieces remind him of the women he used to love. A ring that he had meant to give Cassie more than a decade ago. He doesn't even know why he kept it. Maybe as a reminder? Of what, he isn't so sure. Maybe that someone once loved him, simply for being himself. It's a fucked-up, twisted way of thinking, but well. He's Dean Winchester, after all. Not the best boyfriend material.
He looks up and through the wide windows that give the impression of the garden reaching into their living room. He watches Castiel for a long moment, the way his shoulders twitch as the angel seems to be in deep conversation with a hummingbird. Dean huffs a laugh. Castiel is a weird little bean, avenging angel and little puppy cramped into an unfitting trench coat. At least, his boyfriend owns more clothes now. He simply wears it out of nostalgia.
It's still hard to believe that this man wants to be his, saw his very soul and fell in love with it. Dean still struggles, but he's tired of running away from himself, from love in the fear of losing it. Castiel is his best friend and the third love of his life. Hopefully the last.
Dean has slept with many, girls, guys, and non-binary people. It didn't matter. There only had to be the sparkle, the special tension that pulls two bodies together until they collide in an explosion of passion, fast-burning, the flame already extinct come morning.
It was all he thought he deserved. Everyone who stayed with a Winchester was destined to die for them. He can count the women in his life that didn't die through Chuck's stupid games on one hand.
Dean clicks the ring box open. He hopes that Cassie is happy with whatever bastard is blessed enough to have her at his side. She still holds a special place in Dean's heart. And he loves that he can talk about her with Castiel, that there is no jealousy, just happiness that Dean once had someone who loved him, and grief that it wasn't meant to be.
Like with Lisa. But that was different. Dean still doesn't know what he loved more—her or the idea of loving her, the version of himself that he was at her side. It doesn't matter now. Castiel made all their pictures disappear, along with the memories in her and Ben's heads. He left one photograph of their little family on Dean's pillow, though. The one he crammed into his duffle bag and put into his bedside drawer in the bunker.
Leaving Lisa and Ben had hurt like a bitch. And Castiel held him after a nightmare in which Dean dreamt they were taken by vampires. He had been so angry at him, shouting that it was all his fault. And Castiel had looked at him with sad eyes, saying, "I know."
But he was wrong. Dean knows it wasn't anybody's fault. Both of them tried to do the right thing. Even Castiel as he watched him raking the leaves and decided to let him go. Out of love, even though Castiel didn't have the word for this emotion back then.
Dean runs his fingers through the items that he only spilt from the drawer in a rush, already too late because of a hunt popping up. Castiel didn't comment on his tardiness. Dean knows that he worries about losing him. He can see it in his eyes, every time he needs to heal him. But Dean is worried about him, too. He has seen him die too many times. Castiel may be an angel, but he's far from invincible.
Dean stops still when he touches a small magnet, nestled between a soldier figure he played with growing up on the backseat of the Impala, and a flyer for a wedding venue that was haunted by a ghost before he and Castiel banished it. He took the leaflet, just in case. It's stupid, of course. He's officially dead and he won't marry Jimmy Novak. No way! And it's not as if he would think about marriage, or giving kids made orphans by the supernatural a home or something.
He takes the magnet and looks at it. It's bent a little, the colours slightly chapped. But the pink, purple, and blue are still recognisable. He got it many years ago when he stumbled into a pride event hunting a werewolf.
"So, what letter of the alphabet are you?" a gum bubble making twink had asked him, scanning him from head to toe, sending a rush of endorphins through Dean, better than the one after killing the rogue wolf half an hour earlier.
"B," Dean had said, flashing him his most winsome smile. He had never said it out loud before that moment. Why define who you are if you only share a bed for one night?
Sam had been surprised when he and Castiel got together. Eileen much less so. Maybe because she had known it all along, kindred souls and all that crap.
A smile tugs on the corner of Dean's lips, and he looks up from the magnet to the garden again. Castiel is standing on their porch, watching him with a soft, close-lipped smile.
"Creepy," Dean calls, heat rising into his cheeks. He's still not used to being looked at like this. With so much love and devotion. Castiel said he had to learn to live with it. Dean's trying, but as of yet, it still makes him squirm. But in a good way.
"Mind if I put these on the fridge?" He holds up the photographs and the drawing with a questioning, vulnerable look.
Castiel smiles even wider. "Of course. They're all family."
Dean takes out a breath, feeling like he hasn't drawn air for days. He nods, walks to the kitchen, and fixes the items with magnets on the fridge. Then he looks at the three-coloured magnet in his hand. He may not really have hidden his sexuality, but he didn't show it proudly either. Maybe it's time for it now.
He bends it so that it is plane again, and presses it under the pictures of him and his mum, a snapshot of him, Sam, Eileen, and Castiel. Next to the picture of him with Lisa and Ben, and the drawing of that little girl who drew him with a cowboy hat. He looks at the fridge door and nods. This is him.
Loving son and brother, friend, saviour, bisexual man, surrogate father, and boyfriend. He's more than a hunter, more than a piece on Chuck' checkerboard, more than the sum of his mistakes. He has loved, and he has failed. And despite it all, he is proud. Not too much. But he can feel it, burning in his chest. He is valid and worthy of having it all.
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vanderlustwords · 4 years
Liquor and Loose Lips
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(not my gif)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
Prompt: 15. Drunkenly confessing feelings
Summary: There are countless times Bucky has shared drinks with you. No matter how much he drinks, he’s always careful with guarding his feelings close to his chest. Maybe it’s the cocktail, maybe it’s the way the moon looks tonight, maybe it’s the way you look under the streetlight. Whatever it is, Bucky can’t hold it in anymore.
Note: My first Bucky fic! Feedback is always appreciated :) oneshot dedicated to @empyreanwritings​
Count: 2432
Not Bucky's go-to ever, but he'll drink it if someone offers. 
A taste he's grown to love. During his time when he studied in Russia, there was probably nothing better to drink and help pass the time. 
He likes it, but mostly because when he drinks it, he thinks this is what you'd taste like.
And that might be as close as he can get.
Bucky finds himself in a fight when he has too much. 
No one could probably tell, but Bucky did have a specific cocktail. Something he enjoyed at a leisurely pace. A blend of rye whiskey, extra dry vermouth, and maraschino liqueur. He likes that it's smooth, it's dry bite keeping him coming back. 
Bucky has a high tolerance, he always has. No one could outdrink him, and you'd be hard-pressed ever to find him drunk. But he likes a good party. He likes being able to take care of you if you drank too much, even though it's not really his job.
Because you're not his girl. 
He turns over to see you coming over with a huge grin and rosy cheeks.
"Are you drunk already, doll?" He laughs as you stumble into him at your last step, fumbling over a faulty tile. He catches you easily as he wraps one of his arms around you as you fling your arms around his waist.
"God, no, maybe, yes, no," you decidedly answer with a laugh. "I think Tony poured me way too much rum in my last drink."
"And you drank it?"
"You know I love rum."
Bucky merely sighs playfully, painfully aware of how warm your body feels against his. How perfectly you fit under his arm and into his side. His fingers ache to flex, to hold you more tightly, but he can't. 
So, he helps you stand upright as you cheekily blow a raspberry at him.
"Careful now, you don't want to finish off so early when the night's just begun," Bucky tells you, and you blow air out of your mouth before grabbing a water bottle. 
"C'mon, it's my first party since the breakup. Surely this is better than having to hang inside watching b-rated chick flicks, eating an unhealthy amount of pizza and ice cream while I cry," you wryly quirk your lips.
But Bucky doesn't say that he secretly enjoyed those times.
Not you crying.
That was awful, and it broke his heart to see you cry like that. But there was something about hanging in your apartment for long periods with nothing to do but watch movies and eat together.
It was like on some level, only the two of you existed in those moments. It helped that you would snuggle up to Bucky under the blankets, and sometimes even fell asleep.
"You sure you're up for tonight? I know Sam is here too," Bucky asked quietly. 
You sighed but shook your head. "I can't avoid him anymore. Besides, I can't keep you locked up with me forever, either."
Bucky wishes he could say he wouldn't mind. 
He looks at you, watching as your turn to your head to look out into the living room where Sam is standing talking with a bunch of guys.
For the longest time, you were Sam's girl. 
Bucky has known you since pre-K, then Sam came in the picture in junior high, and when the two of you started dating in high school, everyone was surprised.
It was no secret that Sam was a notorious player, never have been in a long-term relationship. But the two of you had always clicked, and Bucky couldn't help but feel that it was like a cliche movie. 
The player settles down for the one girl who's always been by his side and keeps up with him the way no one else can.
Bucky was convinced this was only destined to end happily ever after. 
And so, he kept quiet about his feelings.
But then midway through the first year of university, Sam broke up with you. Sitting on the couch crying your eyes out, you had told Bucky that Sam said he just wasn't ready for a relationship right now. It was amicable, you didn't hate Sam, but it had also hurt a lot. He didn't know what to say when you had said that perhaps you just weren't the girl who could get a player to retire from his game. 
It made Bucky's chest ache painfully because he's stopped looking at other girls for a long time now. 
"Alright," Bucky decides, "finish up that water bottle, and we're going to find some duds to destroy beer pong at."
You smile at him, tipping the water bottle all the way up as you finish the last of it. Chucking the water bottle aside, you take Bucky's outstretched hand as he leads you into the living room. 
You pass Sam, giving him only a nod of acknowledgment as you keep walking. You hear Bucky give him a brief greeting, but he doesn't stop to chit-chat with his friend.
Entering the area for games, the two of you arrive just in time to enter into a new game with two strangers that seemed to have been dominating the game the entire night.
The two frat boys looked at you, making wolf-whistling sounds that made Bucky quirk his brow. You didn't react to it, but you did meet Bucky's eyes from the side. He gave you a knowing smile as the game started.
Sinking cup after cup, the game ends way too quickly, and the frat boys aren't too happy about being trounced, but they're not willing to start something with Bucky Barnes, so they leave quietly.
Bucky starts to walk off, but you pull his sleeve.
"Let's play a couple more rounds," you smile at him. He tilts his head, a little surprised as you usually don't like to play the same game in a row, but he nods nonetheless.
Seven rounds. 
You don't call it quits until after seven rounds. With Bucky by your side, you never lose a game, but you are feeling buzzed again. 
"Done with the games?" Bucky teases.
You're about to answer, but the words get caught in your throat. 
You probably weren't meant to see it, but you did. Sam's on the dance floor with some girl you don't recognize, she might be in her second year of university. 
They're grinding and kissing, and even though you're pretty sure you're starting to move on, it still hits you in the gut. 
There's a momentary flashback to when Sam first broke up with you and the painful feeling of knowing somehow, you weren't enough. 
You know Sam didn't mean it that way, but that's how it felt.
Bucky follows your line of sight and feels his gut sink. He doesn't know what to do other than to move to stand in front of you. You blink, your view being blocked as you look into Bucky's eyes.
"Let's grab some drinks," Bucky turns you around, pushing you towards the kitchen. 
He thinks it might still be too early for you to be out and partying when you've got a broken heart, but when you don't cry, he's impressed.
You swallow the lump in your throat, coughing lightly to clear your throat as you turn to Bucky. 
"This party blows," you tell him, watching him quirk his brow with a smile. "You know, Tony has the good stuff up in his study room."
You don't say anything, but Bucky grins right away, knowing what you're insinuating.
"Meet me out back?" You lick your lips.
"You've got yourself a rendezvous, doll."
Bucky finds you not too far from the house, just down the block where the road curves. You're sitting on the edge of the sidewalk under the streetlight. 
Normally, Bucky would scold you for being so reckless, but it's late in the night, and you've got a look on your face that he just decides to let this one slide.
He walks up to you, taking a seat and shows you the treasure he brought.
You chortle, "I knew Tony was hiding the good stuff."
"We're probably going to hear about it from him tomorrow," Bucky smirks, but that doesn't stop him from cracking the bottle open. 
"That's a tomorrow us problem," you shrug, causing him to laugh.
You both take a shot of the premium vodka Bucky stole, licking your lips at how smooth it goes down. 
Even as good as it was, you still make a face and a displeased noise.
Bucky turns to you and laughs.
"I knew I should've brought the rum instead," he jokes, and you lean over and push him playfully with your shoulder.
"You fool," you smile, "there was rum, and you took vodka? Rookie mistake."
Bucky throws his head back with laughter. There's something that feels warm in your stomach as you watch Bucky laugh, and you wonder if it's the vodka.
"Here," you say, turning over slightly pick up two glasses you had brought out earlier.
"What's this?" Bucky asks as he looks at the cocktail. The orange color looks familiar to him, and there's a toothpick with cherries in it. 
You quirk your eyebrow at him as if he should know. "Your favorite cocktail? The Brooklyn cocktail. I think it should be called the Bucky Barnes cocktail, though."
Bucky takes the drink slowly, sipping it. He's not sure if it's because he's already had so many drinks tonight, or if it's the fact that you made it, but it tastes better than usual.
"I hope you appreciate this. I stole the cherries."
"From where?"
You were silent.
"From where?" Bucky jokingly begged.
The two of you burst into laughter as you share drinks under the night sky.
"How did you know this was my favorite cocktail? I drink everything, and I've never mentioned this drink," Bucky asked, savoring the flavor.
You look at him with furrow brows.
"What do you mean?" You lick your lips. "It's the only cocktail you'll drink twice."
It was so small, something no one else ever has noticed. Bucky likes to drink, and he really will drink everything. It's easy for people to assume he likes vodka the best. 
Fuck, he's so in love. 
But he downs the rest of the drink along with his feelings.
The night passes quietly with the two of you drinking from the vodka bottle, and Bucky is feeling the liquor a little more than usual.
"This is so dumb," you sigh.
"What is?" Bucky asks softly back.
"I dragged you and myself to this party, but now we're sitting out here on the curb."
Bucky shrugs. "This right here is the coolest party 'round town."
You laugh, "Not sure if two people make it a party."
"What does it make then?"
"A date, maybe?" You say.
It's meant innocently, but Bucky's chest flares with butterflies, and he's gripping the edge of the curb tightly.
Suddenly, you groan as you lean against his shoulder.
"Be honest, you think I'm tragic, don't you?" The warmth immediately seeps through Bucky's shirt against your temple. 
"Not at all, doll," Bucky licks his bottom lip.
You pinch his side lightly. "Doll this, doll that. Careful, Barnes, I might just fall for you."
And maybe it's the alcohol that has him relaxed. 
Maybe it's the way you look under the streetlight. 
Maybe it's the way you look like you don't believe you can be anyone's entire universe.
Whatever it is, it has Bucky leaning over your face. You look up, caught in his steel-blue eyes. Your breath hitches when you feel his breath ghost over your cheeks and on your lips. 
His other hand comes to cup your face, thumb dragging from the corner of your mouth across your cheekbone.
Your eyes flutter closed as you unknowingly move closer. 
"What are you doing?" You whisper.
You open your eyes when Bucky doesn't answer. He only swallows visibly. 
"How long?" You ask instead.
"Before Sam," Bucky's forehead touches yours as your noses brush.
Your jaw clenches because that was ages ago. 
You come to a sobering realization that Bucky has loved you longer than you have ever known. 
There's a nagging thought in both of your heads that this could be a mistake. 
But as quick as Bucky's lips brush against yours, he pulls back. 
You blink.
Bucky coughs, standing up.
"Sorry," Bucky smiles contritely. 
Because the thing is, even if you're not Sam's girl, you're not Bucky's either.
And he's not about to risk something just because his entire body feels like he's about to go through vertigo if he doesn't kiss you. 
You stare at Bucky as he gives you that goofy grin, scratching the back of his head. 
"Let's head back inside," Bucky starts walking, "I bet Tony is white girl wasted at this point."
You watch Bucky's back as you stand up.
The truth is, you don't understand. You don't know what the right decision is or if you'll regret it in the morning. 
The only thing you know is that things have changed regardless of what you choose to do.
There's this uncomfortable feeling in your gut as you bite your nail before running your hand through your hair frustratedly. 
You look to the side, huffing before you look back.
You're already running when he turns around as you collide into his body, hand cupping his jaw with a bruising kiss. 
Bucky responds immediately, both his hands coming around to hold your face. You feel the ring on his thumb as it's pressed just right on the corner of your lips. 
He kisses you like he's known your lips forever. Even though the last thing you drank was vodka, there's still an underlying tone of rum, and Bucky thinks rum might be his new favorite. 
The smell of orange blossoms and dry leaves invades his nose as he pulls back, both breathless. 
He doesn't dare pull back any further, feeling your warm breath on his lips. 
He catches your eyes, the way they flutter to his as your chest heaves. Your fingers move to hold his fingers that are cupping your jaw and neck.
And Bucky falls all over. 
"I'm in love with you, doll," Bucky confesses, pulling you into another consuming kiss. 
Cars pass you, their headlights shining just momentarily on the two of you as you share something new from drinks. 
And whatever panic tomorrow brings, you'll at least have known kissing Bucky Barnes tastes like a promise.
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“Knocking on Heaven’s Door”
Kai Parker x OC!Mack Grace
Series synopsis: "We're both cursed, in a way."
We all know the story of Kai Parker, but he once lived in a very different life. Do you ever wonder what that life looked like?
Chapter summary: Kai realised he fucked, Mack isn’t so willing to forgive him, Joshua is a shading little shit
Warnings: swearing, slight violence, arguing, mention of drug use (or misuse I guess)
Masterlist | series Masterlist
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Kai’s affection didn't last long, the second the announcement was over he released Mack's hand with such haste you'd think it'd burnt him. Kai was quick to ignore his girlfriend - looking straight ahead and following the Police with his eyes as they made their way out of the room - but not before announcing they would be questioning certain individuals.
This put Mack's stress on overdrive, knowing that they'd find out that she killed him and that Kai helped destroy the body and they'd both go to prison. The girl shuddered at the thought of the cold, dingy cells; the cool metal bars that would not doubt be lathered in a layer of thick rust; the grumpy, disgruntled guards; and lastly, the inmates - the ones who had done awful things, much more so than she had than her, or even worse, the ones she outdid.
Mack visibly shook, a chill tickling along her spine as the thoughts encased her mind in a state of anxiousness. She hardly noticed the police had left until the jabbing of the bell pierced her ears, bringing Mack back to her senses as she scrambled to her feet. What she'd also failed to notice was that Kai was no longer in the class, having snuck out when he'd let go of her shaking hand.
"Who the fuck are you?" Kai hissed, approaching Shawn, shoulders squared and jaw locked. Shawn smirked, leaning away from the wall and closing the distance between them. Both boys were around the same height - neither of them having an advantage of dominance due to being tall.
"None of your damn business." He smirked, winding Kai up even further.
"Oh, you're right - it's none of my damn business that your asking my girlfriend to kiss you in front of me, is it?" Kai mused, a sinister looking smirk reaching his own lips. Shane's didn't falter either.
"Mmm, girlfriend? She looked more like a slut to me." Shawn pondered and Kai's jaw clenched uncomfortably, hands balling into tight fists at his sides.
"What did you just call her?" Kai spat through gritted teeth and Shawn chuckled, looking back at the group of friends stood behind him with amused expressions.
"What? That's what she is, isn't it? I mean you only called her your girlfriend when you pissed off your sister so bad and her ex went missing." Shawn smirked, his friends laughing and egging him on with cheers. "I bet she's the one who killed him, right? Then ever the hero you swoop in, claiming to be her boyfriend so any motive she may hold becomes futile." Shawn declared, before turning back to his friends with outstretched arms. "Am I right, boys?" He called loudly, met with hoots of agreement that made Kai's anger bubble, their laughter creating a scowl on Kai's brows.
"I mean, nice catch though dude - a bet she's a real freak in bed, probably hard to keep up with her, huh?" Shawn taunted.
Shawn only stopped at the impact of Kai's fist colliding with his jaw, snapping the boy's head to the side as Kai's ring caught the soft skin of his cheek, a slither of crimson breaking the surface. Shawn's jaw clenched tight lung, his thumb swiping the blood from his cheek as his dangerous glare met Kai's.
"You son of a fucking bitch!" Shawn growled, grabbing Kai by his jacket and shoving him into the wall behind him. "Don't you dare fucking touch me again!"
"Or you'll what?" Kai smirked, Shawn's nostrils now flared and his breathing heavy. He was clearly bothered by how unaffected Kai was, this frustration showing clearly when he moved to punch Kai.
But Kai got there first.
No one was really sure how I'd happened, including Kai, but next thing either of them new a teacher was peeling Kai off of Shawn as he straddled the boy, landing punch after punch to his bartered and bruised face.
And yet weeks went by and neither Mack nor Kai said a word to each other.
Awkward silences became more awkward, uncomfortable moments became more uncomfortable, wistful gazes became more wistful.
It was getting too much, and Mack was dying for Kai just to say something to her, yet she was too stubborn to say anything first. She sighed heavily, slamming the front door behind her and dumping her bag on the floor. Mack quickly chucked the car keys onto the table before walking into the kitchen for a glass of water. For the past month Mack has been borrowing her dad's car to get to school.
"Hey dad!" She called and Ian soon walked round the corner, joining her in the kitchen.
"Hey, kiddo." He smiled, "how was school?" But before Mack got a chance to answer Kim called from the other room.
"Mack! Kai's here!" The colour instantly drained from Mack's face, her smile falling and her thought spiralling into dread.
Why was Kai there? And why had he now decided to talk to her?
Mack quickly shook off the thoughts, pulling on a hard stare and calling as emotionlessly as she could to Kim,
"I don't want to talk to him. Tell him to leave!" Kim merely shrugged, giving Kai a half-ass apologetic look before letting the slab of wood slam shut in his face, the tiny draft the force created combined with the monotone drawl of Mack's words felt like it hit Kai's face almost as hard as if the girl had charged outside and slapped him across the face herself. He took a deep swallow, choking down the lump in his throat as he stared blankly at the door, fist twitching as he tried to make up his mind.
Another hollow knock on the door. Kim's hand still remained on the handle, so she simply yanked it open before giving Kai a bored look, Amber eyes rolling dramatically.
"Look, lover boy, give it a rest. She doesn't want to talk to you." Mack's sister deadpanned, before letting the door smack shut with an even louder thud than the first time. Kai took a deep breath, his chest rising greatly as he rose his hand another time.
Another hollow knock on the door. Kim scoffed, turning to open the door once again - figuring it could be another person as the pause between knocks had been much longer this time. The second Kai's face met hers Kim huffed out an exasperated sigh, not even bothering to speak before letting the door close dully in Kai's face. A wince escaped him when the last thud met his ears, shoulders slumped as he slowly made his way back to his jeep.
He'd just have to wait Mack out.
10pm. Perfect. Kai claimed out his car hastily, limbs aching after being cooped in his jeep for the last five or so hours. He crept as quietly as possible past her front windows, letting out a small sigh of relief when he noticed that the curtains were already closed so he wasn't in trouble of being seen. Only one light beacons out from the house, the yellow hue of Mack's lamp echoing into the crisp night air. Even though it was already February, the weather was still as harsh as it had been throughout the bitter January.
Kai grabbed onto the bricks, suddenly much more appreciative to the fact he had a small magical boost as he scaled the side of the small building.
Mack nearly jumped three foot in the air, her heart beating so fast she thought it jump out of her chest. The unexpected, unwelcome and unnecessary rattle of Kai's knuckles against her old window bounced off her bedroom walks, filling her ears with anxiety as she turned to see her ex-boyfriend's concerned face looking into her room. Mack inhaled sharply, biting her lips to hold back her grimace as she realised what he'd seen.
The window climbed upwards, Kai's hands sliding the glass up enough to stumble through until he was awkwardly stood in Mack's room, both teens staring at each other uncomfortably.
"That's how you've been coping?" Mack's gaze dropped to her bed, guilt washing over her at the sight of the half-rolled joint. "Weed? Really?" Kai scoffed and Mack's guilt soon rolled into anger, rage.
"That's none of your business." She said with an unturned nose, scooping the mess into a bag and shoving it in the little drawer in her desk which held a small lock. The sound Kai made resembled one of mocking laughter, short and bitter.
"None of my business, huh? I think you doing drugs is damn well my fucking business!" Kai demanded, shaking his head at her in disbelief.
"It stopped being your business the second you decided to dump me!" Mack was raising her voice now, her enmity melting into her face in a deep red hue. Kai's jaw clenched and unclenched, his eyes burning holes through the little wooden drawer shed just stuffed the weed into.
"That was a mistake." He muttered and Mack's eyes lit up with fury.
"A mistake? Kai you've made hundreds of mistakes!" Mack said harshly, voice cracking. Kai wiped his hand over his jaw, hiding his pout. "No. That wasn't a mistake, Kai. That was your shitty past making you doubt me as much as you doubt your shitty father and your shitty coven!" Mack shouted, eyes shellacked with tears.
And awkward silence fell over them, but Kai's stung expression told Mack everything she needed to know.
"Why are you here, Kai?!" Mack spat.
"Ben, he's uh- he's been confirmed dead." Kai murmured meekly, pressing his lips together. Mack's eyes were as wide as saucers.
"What?!" She whispered-shouted. Kai nodded.
"The police- they confirmed it, earlier. It was on the news." A somber mood had undertaken the room, a mutual air of what-do-we-do-now becoming the two teens.
"They found the ashes in the woods. And Kim talked." Kai admitted and Mack's face quickly morphed back into one of acrimony.
"That bitch-" Kai's hand quickly caught her wrist, pulling Mack back into him before she could get any further. He quickly backed her up into the door, a finger hovering over her lips.
"Shhhh. I have a sneaking suspicion that your name wouldn't have come up." He whispered calmly, but the fear and anger in his blue eyes were evident.
"What are you going to do?" She asked, a hint of concern creeping into her eyes.
"Well, I was thinking we could run away. You and me." Kai suggested, a hopeful glint to his voice that made Mack scoff.
"You haven't spoken to me in weeks," she emphasised the word heavily, "and you just expect me to run away with you? Not a chance." Mack dismissed, pulling away from Kai and quickly slipping out of her room - feet padding down the stairs swiftly. But Kai's heavy footsteps could be heard behind her.
"Come on, Kenz, you know you want to-" at that Mack turned harshly on her heal to face him
"What makes you think I'd want to go anywhere with you?" She hissed and Kai was taken aback.
"I thought you loved me.." he mumbled and Mack rolled her eyes, but really she was only trying to hide the siege of tears persisting at her bottom eyelids. She continued her path out, pulling the front door open harshly. "Where are you going?" Kai called, before coming to a stop a few feet behind Mack outside the small house.
"I'm just asking myself, why do I," Mack took a pause, inhaling a deep breath, "pick people who treat me like...nothing..." she exhaled deeply, turning around to face him and Kai's bottom lip began to quiver. Tears pooled in his deep blue eyes and he shook his head slightly.
"That's not true." He murmured, head still shaking as Mack kept her eyes trained to the floor. She gave him no response.
Kai's lips smashed to hers, his hands cupping her face and his eyes closed. Mack balled her fists by her sides, trying with all her strength to not kiss back. She finally pulled away, her hand making a hard connection with Kai's cheek.
"No! You don't get to do that, Kai!" She screamed, tears running down Mack's red cheeks. "You don't get to screw everything up and expect to kiss me and make it better!" The tears stung his eyes too now, an expression of sadness over coming him.
"I'm sorry." The words were mumbled, directed at the floor.
"Sorry?! You thought so little of me that I'd throw away what we had for some - some guy I'd just met! I can't be with you if all you can do is think of me as some lying, manipulative bitch like you do you coven! I can't, Kai. God, I can't believe I actually fell in love with someone as- as immature as you!" Mack seethed, but Kai was crying silently now, shaking his head no as she spoke even though deep down he knew every word she spoke was true.
"Please don't leave me." Kai begged, his desperation lacing his deep blue eyes with a rim of sadness, eyes finally making contact with Mack's. "Please, Kenz, I can't live without you."
"Kenz? Oh we are so not at nicknames right now Malachai." Mack spat out his name like is tasted bad, as if the word held a lingering bitter taste on her tongue. It stung Kai, Mack using his full name.
"I love you." Was all Kai suggested and Mack let out a heavy sigh through her tears.
"If you truly loved me, you would have trusted me. I can't be with someone who I have to tread on eggshells around, Kai. I can't do that." Mack cried, biting down on her lower lip to hide a sob. She looked at her feet, then back up again and put on a brave face as her eyes bored into Kai's blue orbs. "We're done." She whispered and Kai's eyes widened.
"No..." he muttered, shaking his head slowly in protest as Mack sorrowfully nodded.
"Yes, we're done. For good. I'm sorry." Mack said authoritatively, wiping the tears away quickly before turning back around and walking over to her dad's car.
"Kenz!" He shouted after her, but Mack pretended to ignore him - a new wave of tears threatening to drip down her chin now. The lights on the car flashed orange, the button on the keys clicked and the door now open. Mack slipped in, seating herself in the car and pushing the keys into the ignition, starting the car with a small sob.
As Mack attempted to shut the door, a strong hand caught it, Kai's wrecked face looking down at her with a pleading beg.
"Please don't leave, don't you get it? I love you Kenz." Kai begged. Mack shook her head.
"Let me go, Kai." He shook his head back, pressing his lips together to stop himself choking over a sob.
"I can't."
"And you've lost the right to call me anything but Mackenzie." She whispered, finally out manning Kai and slamming the door shut, not even hesitating before driving off.
The words buzzed through Mack's mind, her eyes trained on the road ahead of her as she desperately drove further away from home. She couldn't put her family through this, not right now, couldn't face him. She had to get away, go somewhere to think.
Mack tapped her foot restlessly, chewing on her bottom lips as she drove down the secluded road. As she approached a corner, she turned around it to see a car parked up at the side of the road, lights flashing.
As she drove closer, she realised it was Kai's father's car, so she made to pull over. Even thought she was avoiding Kai, Joshua hadn't done anything wrong and he could be in serious trouble. Once parked at the side of the road, Mack quickly climbed out her car, locking it behind her and walking over to Joshua - who was stood by his tyre, bent down to examine it.
"Hey, Mr Parker!" She called, arms crossed over her chest, and he looked up.
"Ah, Mackenzie! What are you doing out here alone?" He asked with a small frown.
"Well I was just driving to clear my head and I saw your car...are you okay? Do you need help?" She asked worriedly, stepping back slightly as Joshua rose to stand.
"Actually," he spoke rather menacingly, "there is something you could help with." He continued walking until Mack was backed into a tree and she let out a sharp gasp. Joshua raised his hand. "Phasmatos Somnus!" he spoke, and Mack's body fell limp, eyes closed as she fell unconscious.
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noxsoulmate · 4 years
We Are Real (15x18 coda)
by noxsoulmate
“As long as I’m alive, you’ll never stay dead. Not truly. Not for long. I will always find a way to bring you back.”
When Dean finally makes it to the Empty, convincing Cas to let himself be saved is not as easy as he had thought…
With only a few hours left until the series finale, I finally got to post my very first coda 🥰 I hope you will like it - the ending we deserve 😉
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@deanandcasbingo​, square filled: O2 "Hurt/Comfort"
Read on ao3 or here:
It didn’t matter how he had gotten here. It didn’t matter how he had found him.
All that mattered was that he was here, that he had found him.
“Hello, Cas.”
“What… how… What are you doing here?”
“Isn’t that obvious? I’m saving you.”
“Why– Why would you do that?”
For a moment, Dean thought about calling his angel a dumbass for such a stupid question. Why wouldn’t he do this? Had Cas really thought Dean would let him stay dead? That he would move on and live a happy life, knowing Cas had sacrificed himself for him and was now in the Empty?
One look into Cas’ sad eyes told him… yes, that was exactly what Cas thought.
“What's the matter, Cas?” he asked with a soft smile as he took a step closer. “You don't think you deserve to be saved?”
Cas’ eyes went wide, obviously catching the reference to the words he had spoken to Dean all those years ago. Right after he had gripped him tight and raised him from perdition.
“I… no, I…” Licking his dry lips, Cas was clearly searching for words. “I just… I was under the impression I had to stay dead this time. For good.”
“Cas, buddy. You should know one thing by now,” Dean said, stepping closer yet. So close he could easily grab Cas’ arm. The soft touch had the angel look up, right into his eyes. “As long as I’m alive, you’ll never stay dead. Not truly. Not for long. I will always find a way to bring you back.”
For a moment, there was light in Cas' eyes. A light Dean hadn't seen in a long time.
The light dimmed within a heartbeat.
“Maybe you shouldn’t.”
It came out as a whisper and cut all the deeper, piercing right through Dean's heart.
“Don’t say that.”
“No, but, Dean… I was prepared to die. I’m… I’m okay with this.”
The worst part about this? Dean could tell that Cas really meant it. He really was okay with being dead – as long as it meant Dean was safe.
“But you think I am?" he challenged, unable to keep all his emotions at bay. 
There was a bit of anger. Anger that Cas had just left him, anger that he had never told him about the deal, anger that he had waited until the last possible second to lay his heart bare.
But mostly, there was desperation.
"You think I’m okay with you just dying on me? You think it’s okay for me to lose my best friend in such a way?" 
Cas' winced at his words but Dean had a hunch it was more about the 'best friend' remark than the accusations in itself. Still, he lowered his voice, softening it.
"You think I'm okay with you telling me all these things and then just leaving me like that?”
"Dean, please–"
"No, Cas. It's my turn to talk. You got to say your piece, now I get to say mine."
There was a tortured expression on Cas' face and he wouldn't look at him. But he also didn't pull away, never claiming his arm back from Dean’s grip, which he took as a good sign.
Somewhere in the back of his mind, he knew they should probably leave this place first. Should probably get Cas to safety before discussing all this. But right now, even in the middle of the Empty, there was nothing more important to Dean than making his angel see the truth.
"You say you know how I see myself – but Cas, I know how you see yourself too. You see yourself as fallen and broken. You feel like you need to bleed for us to be of use, that we only keep you around because your powers are useful to us – which makes you useful to us."
He could see tears glistening in Cas' eyes and damn, he was close to tears again as well.
"You sacrifice yourself for us because you think that's all you're good for. Like it’s the only reason we could possibly want you around."
A single tear was softly running down Cas' cheek and Dean didn't even try to suppress his need to reach for him. When his fingertips touched Cas' skin, the angel visibly jerked in surprise, turning wide and stunned eyes on Dean. Not letting himself be deterred, Dean softly cupped Cas' cheek and wiped away the tear with his thumb. 
"And I know, it's mostly our fault – my fault," he amended. "Because I never bothered to stop and reassure you that none of that is true. I've… I've treated you terribly in the past–"
"That wasn't–"
"I know, Cas. I know some of it wasn't my fault, some of it was Chuck, playing his games with us. But not all. Not all, and I will spend the rest of my life making it up to you. I'll spend the rest of my life reminding you that you're not broken. I'll show you, every day, that we don't keep you around because you're useful – but because we want you around."
His thumb caught the next tear that fell, gently brushing over Cas' cheek.
"I want you around."
Cas broke their eye contact, letting his head hang, gaze turned down. He looked defeated.
"I'm sure you don't–"
"I do," Dean interrupted right away, tilting his head to try and catch Cas' gaze. "Cas, I do."
When Cas still refused to look at him, Dean swallowed. Apparently, he had to spell it out for him.
Then again, so had Cas…
"You were wrong, you know?"
With a shy gaze, head still tilted down, Cas looked up at him.
"You said the one thing you want is something you know you can't have."
Tenderly but also with a sure hand, he cupped Cas' other cheek, lifting his head as he stepped even closer.
"Well, guess what."
He could see Cas' eyes grow wide as he slowly leaned in, tilting his head just enough to catch Cas' lips in the barest, softest brush.
If he had thought his angel would melt into the touch, he would have been severely disappointed. As it was, he had almost expected the frozen posture and shell-shocked look. If the situation wasn't so dire, he might have even laughed.
Pulling back just enough to be able to look back at Cas, Dean still kept his face cradled in his hands.
"You can have it, Cas. Because I want you, too. Not because I need you. Not because you're family. Not because you're my best friend and you always will be."
There was that light again. That shimmer in Cas' eyes that told him he finally got it. He finally understood that being Dean’s best friend – his buddy, his pal…
It didn't mean he couldn't also be so much more to him.
The light of hope was shining and Dean never wanted it to dim again.
"I want you too. Because I love you."
A sob broke from Cas' throat but there was also a smile, slowly stealing itself onto Cas' lips.
"I never… I never dared to hope. And when you didn't say it back…"
"Cas, seriously? Death was literally pounding on the door, God was out there ending the world. You just told me you’d made a stupid-ass deal with the Empty and that it would take you away from me the moment you get to be happy. And if that wasn't too much to take on already, you also said all these– these things that no one… no one had ever said to me…"
It was Dean’s turn to cry now, letting the silent tears run freely down his face.
"And to top it all, you finally confessed your love and… and I just… I couldn't…"
He let one of his hands brush down Cas' cheek and to the side of his neck, his fingertips burying into the softness of Cas' hair.
"I didn’t have time to process a single thing and then, you were just… gone."
"I'm sorry, Dean. I know I shouldn't have burdened you in such a way. But the Empty–"
"No, Cas, it's alright. Honestly. I know why you did it. I just need you to understand why I didn't say it back. I wanted to. My heart was screaming for me to say something. But all I could think, all my brain let me focus on, was the fact that you were about to die. Again! That I was going to lose you. Again. And that, if I told you I love you too, the happiness would only take you quicker."
"I…" Cas began shyly, a small smile pulling at his lips. "I was able to sense that you weren't disappointed or even disgusted by my declaration. It… it was all I needed to feel truly happy."
"Dumbass," Dean replied with affection in his voice. "I'll make sure you soon realize what true happiness really looks like."
When Cas smiled at him, Dean leaned in again, chasing another kiss. This time, Cas timidly reciprocated and the sweet softness of his lips sent waves of warmth through Dean's body, straight to his very soul.
Huffing a shy laugh once the kiss ended, Dean leaned his forehead against Cas', basking in the moment.
"You were right about something else, though," he whispered, stepping impossibly closer yet, winding one of his arms around his angel, while the other hand was still buried in his hair, Cas' own hands sliding around Dean’s hips to carefully hold on.
"What's that?" 
"We are real."
And after a long, long kiss, Dean finally gripped his angel tight and raised him from the Empty...
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