#Nolan Patrick imagines
harlowhockeystick · 5 months
22- So High School with Princess and Nolan pleeeeeeeaase 🫶🏻
"you knew what you wanted, and boy you got her" | poetic prompts | warnings: anxiety, panic attacks, chaos, weddings
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it was everything they could imagine, even though it was the most stressful day of their life.
the wedding day had finally approached. after almost five years of dating, a year of being engaged, the day arrived. typical wedding day jitters fell upon both parties, the usual last minute thoughts and touch ups, nothing prepared either of them for the massive chaotic crowd that was waiting outside the venue.
even though the bridal party did their best to keep it away from y/n, she knew that the flowers hadn't been delivered, the photographer was an hour late, and the shuttle was also late. as a group they decided to push the wedding back at least an hour to make room for adjustments. but nothing, absolutely nothing, was going to stop her from getting married today.
not even a nervous groom.
"y/n, i need to talk with you for a second." her maid of honor whispered in her ear. she was about to get in her dress, hair and makeup done and set, ready for pictures when the photographer would arrive. stepping to the side in her silk robe and slippers, she felt her stomach drop. god, what now?
"no bullshit. i know we're all done with that today, but you need to talk to nolan. travis texted me saying he is having a panic attack and won't come out of the bathroom. all of this massive chaos is probably freaking him out too," y/n was handed a tissue when she felt tears well up in her eyes, "no no, no crying, it'll all be okay. i'll go with you?"
"no, i can do it. when the photographer gets here y'all go ahead and take pictures and just wait for me."
walking across the venue and where the guys were getting ready, she knocked on the door and was greeted by travis. she made sure all the guys left before talking to nolan. it was like his soul knew she was there before she spoke. a few seconds before she knocked on the door he felt his breathing steady out.
"nolie it's me, please open the door. nobody else is here, just you and me." she softly spoke. he got up, leaning his forehead against the wooden door with a soft thud.
"it's bad luck to see each other before the wedding," his thick accent present in how he spoke, sniffling after he finished. he heard her giggle and slide her slippers across the wooden floor.
"we've had enough bad luck today, so i think we're gonna be okay." he unlocked the door then leaned against the wall, waiting for her to open it. her heart softened when she opened the door, noticed that he'd been crying a lot with tear tracks down his cheeks. his shirt was unbuttoned and his hair was messy. "oh baby," she placed her hand on his cheek, wiping another tear away.
"'m sorry, princess." he took in a sharp breath before letting out another cry. "i just got really nervous, y'know? i mean what if i'm not a good husband? i don't want you to get sick of me and...and leave."
she tucks a lock of loose hair behind his ear, grabbing a tissue from the counter and wiping his cheeks and nose for him. "if i was gonna get sick of you, i would have left by now." she kisses his forehead softly, "remember when we went on our first date? you were so confident, and it was really hot." nolan chuckled, "and when you came to the shop like ten times that next week? you knew what you wanted, and you got her. you got me, and i'm not going anywhere. i'm gonna be your wife, you're gonna be my husband, and we're gonna have a happily ever after together."
nolan places a hand on her cheek as she spoke, a smile on his lips and this time, happy tears filling his eyes. they share a sweet and emotional kiss, one she hopes to recreate in an hour at the altar. they pull apart and she helps nolan fix his tie and to get rid of some of the tear tracks on his cheeks.
"alright, nothing is stopping me from getting married to you today." nolan laughs with his head thrown back, "i'll see you in an hour," she walks to the door of the groomsmen suite, "i'll be the one in a pretty white dress." nolan kissed her on the cheek.
"i'll be the one waiting for you at the altar, princess."
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2-fast-2-curious · 1 year
i like your blog so much! i’d like to ask you for a nolan patrick audio 🥺 that would be really really cool
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I'm always a sucker for the soft stuff so of course I chose the praise audio
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[M4F] Frat boy PRAISES you over his project at a party
[MDOM] [Two audios] [Praise] [Degradation] [Pussy Eating] [Listener orgasm] [Speaker orgasm] [Cunnilingus] [REALLY NICE] [Embarrassment] lots of [kisses] [moaning] [slaps]
Creator Reddit: u/UrSwitchyBf
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toasttt11 · 6 months
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March 17, 2024
Jamie walked into the apartment seeing most of the lights all off and just a glow coming from the dinning room, “Nix?” Jamie called out as he knew Phoenix would be home as Jamie had the car. Jamie sniffed slightly and could smell something good cooking.
“In here.” Phoenix called back nervously wiping his hands on his pants as he waited for what felt like forever for Jamie to walk into the dinning room.
Jamie furrowed his brows in confusion but walked down the hallways and into the dinning room and gasped slightly seeing the dinning room.
There were lots candles around the whole room, the dining room table was decorated very fancy like a restaurant, there was sushi on the plates and Phoenix was holding a bouquet of orange tulips.
“What is all of this?” Jamie soflty asked as he looked all around and he noticed how the sushi was his favorite kind.
“Jamie, I would love if you would be my date for tonight.” Phoenix nervously asked as he stepped closer to Jamie holding the flowers in one hand.
Jamie smiled softly his cheeks flushing bright pink, “Just tonight?” Jamie teased slightly letting out a small chuckle.
“As long as you will have me.” Phoenix told Jamie and gently grabbing Jamie’s hand.
“Did you talk to Z?” Jamie titled his head curiously.
“I uh was telling him about my feelings and he may of told me that you felt the same for me.” Phoenix sheepishly explained he was glad Trevor told him that so he had enough confidence to ask Jamie out.
“And how do you feel?” Jamie soflty asked stepping closer and looking up at Phoenix.
Phoenix swallowed nervously with Jamie being so close, “I like you and i would really like for you to be my boyfriend.” Phoenix soflty spoke maintaining eye contact with Jamie.
“Yes. Yeah i would really like that.” Jamie beamed and nodded quickly.
Phoenix let out a laugh of relief, “Good.” He gently pressed a kiss to Jamie’s cheek before stepping back and pulling Jamie to the table, Phoenix pulled out the chair and Jamie sat down. Phoenix handed the flowers to Jamie before he walked around the table to sit across from Jamie.
“This is my favorite sushi.” Jamie stated as Phoenix opened the bottle of wine that’s also Jamie’s favorite.
“I know.” Phoenix simply replied and smirked slightly at Jamie making him shake his head fondly.
Jamie and Phoenix ate their sushi talking about random things before Phoenix excused himself and walked out of the room.
Jamie gently brushed his fingers over his flowers and smiled softly, he’s never gotten flowers before.
Jamie looked up and saw Phoenix walking back in with a plate, with something that smelled really good.
Jamie perked up happily when Phoenix put a steak on his plate and he beamed. Steak is already Jamie’s favorite but when Phoenix’s makes it it’s even better.
“Thank you.” Jamie smiled softly and reached over the table gently grabbing Phoenix’s once they both finished their steaks, “No one has ever done something like this for me.” Jamie sadly added, he’s never been very lucky in relationships and a lot of people in LA just wanted to try to get with him for money and no one ever has treated as kindly as Phoenix does.
“Of course Jay.” Phoenix smiled softly squeezing Jamie’s hand, he was sad no one ever treated this sweet boy the way he should he, “I wanted to do something for you because i care for you.” Phoenix’s words made him smile brighter and blush more.
“Got room for dessert?” Phoenix playfully questioned and Jamie chuckled but nodded.
Phoenix lifted Jamie’s hand pressing a soft kiss to it before he gently set it back on the table and let go of it getting up.
Jamie flushed even brighter at Phoenix’s actions and watched him walk out of the room.
Jamie stared at the door until Phoenix walked in with a round tin in his hands. Phoenix set it down in front of Jamie and Jamie beamed as he realized it was his favorite dessert, cheesecake.
“Did you make this?” Jamie asked noticing how it was a reusable pan.
Phoenix sheepishly nodded and his cheeks turned pink, “If it’s not good then-“ He was cut off by Jamie leaning up and pressing his lips to his.
Phoenix stopped talking and cupped Jamie’s face bringing him closer as he desperately kissed him back.
“It’s going to be great.” Jamie whispered against Phoenix’s lips. Phoenix smiled softly back.
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shawtys-things · 9 months
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laurenairay · 1 year
slamming down my girlfriend nolpats for first kiss thank YOU (congratulations btw i love u sm)
First Kiss – Nolan Patrick
Words: 1.5k
Thank you for kicking us off with nolpats, Cam! (ily too!) – I really hope you like this one!
“Well aren’t you a sight for sore eyes.”
You looked up from your book to see a very welcome body filling the doorway to your backyard.
“Nolan!” you squealed happily.
You quickly shoved a bookmark in to make your page before leaping to your feet, throwing your arms around your friend. Your two families had always lived on the same street, and while you were a year younger than Nolan, the two of you had grown up together as close as any of your other friends. Sure, his hockey had taken him away from the familiar neighbourhood, as had your college years, but the two of you always made time for each other in the summers.
“Nice to see you too,” Nolan mused, kissing the top of your head as you finally dropped your arms.
You just grinned, sitting back down on the bench your father had built for the back porch, inviting Nolan to join you with a sweep of your hand, which he happily did.
“When did you get home?”
“Yesterday afternoon, actually,” he admitted.
“Oh?” you said, surprised.
He huffed out a laugh. “I was going to text you straight away, but I ran into Josh and he invited me to his party last night, and I kinda thought you’d be there?”
“Since when have I ever gone to hang out with Josh or any of your friends without you?”
He tilted his head in acceptance, before he seemed to hesitate.
“Actually, about last night…”
He trailed off, looking a little awkward, making you frown.
“What? What happened?” you asked.
He winced a little before smiling, although it was more like a grimace, only confusing you more.
“It was just something that the guys said. They were chatting shit, you know what they’re like, most of them bragging about girls and stuff. And then they mentioned you.”
You sure as hell had never fooled around with any of them. You hadn’t even…
“Have you really never been kissed?”
Oh those assholes. Really? That was one of the things discussed at the party last night? Brilliant. It was only the fact that his voice was full of concern, rather than taunting, that you steeled yourself to reply.
“Have you seen the greaseballs that live around here?” you said dryly.
“Hey, I’m a greaseball that lives around here,” he shot back, although the grin on his face let you know he wasn’t mad.
“True, true, but you’re a greaseball that only lives here in the summer – totally different,” you teased.
Nolan shrugged as if to say ‘fair enough’, making you laugh and nudge him with your shoulder. Nolan nudged you back, before turning to face you properly, bending his knee up between the two of you as he shifted. You waited patiently as you saw him visibly think over his words, knowing him well enough that he wouldn’t speak until he was ready.
“Does it bother you?” he finally asked.
Okay, not what you were expecting.
“Bother me?”
“That you haven’t kissed anyone,” he added, his cheeks flushing a little with his words, “That people know you haven’t.”
You huffed out a laugh, shifting to face him properly too.
“It used to? When I was at college it did for sure – on the rare occasion that I would go to a party, and I saw all these beautiful girls making out with guys at the end of the night, I used to think there was something wrong with me, that I just wasn’t pretty enough to be wanted.”
“That’s bullshit,” Nolan said sharply.
An ugly knot squeezed in your chest. “What?”
“There’s nothing wrong with you. You’re beautiful, and if those stupid college boys couldn’t see that, then that’s their loss.”
Your lips parted in shock, cheeks heating softly while Nolan blushed fiercely, but he didn’t take back his words. He really was that sweet, sweet boy still, wasn’t he?
“That’s sweet of you to say, Nolan. I got over it eventually? Only a handful of friends there knew and they never brought it up, so no-one ever made a big deal of it? By the time senior year came around I was too busy with classes and assignments anyway, and the novelty of it all wore off. When I graduated two years ago, I came straight back home for work and you already know my opinion of the boys round here.”
You rolled your eyes with your last words, making Nolan laugh, which only settled you even further.
“I guess…I guess I’ve gotten to the point where I don’t know what I’m missing out on, so it’s not really something I think about?” you shrugged.
“I still can’t believe that no guy has swept you off your feet,” Nolan said, frowning, “beauty, brains, and you’re actually a nice person? I don’t get it.”
“Believe it,” you mused, “But I accept your compliments all the same.”
Nolan chewed his bottom lip for a moment, seeming to think heavily again, before he caught your eyes with an expression you couldn’t read.
“Can I kiss you?”
Your breath hitched in your throat, your heartbeat racing. What?
“I don’t want a pity kiss,” you managed to choke out.
He’d never been cruel before, not like this.
Nolan’s face froze for a moment, before he rapidly shook his head.
“Holy shit, no, that’s not why…you really think I’d kiss you out of pity?” he spluttered.
“What other conclusion was I meant to reach after this ridiculous conversation?” you shot back, heart still racing.
But his frown persisted, even as he reached forward to take one of your hands.
“I think you’re beautiful, I’ve already told you that. I think every guy who hasn’t kissed you is a fucking idiot. Obviously if you don’t want to kiss me then I won’t push it because I’m not that kind of asshole. But the offer is open if you want to,” Nolan explained, “You’re my friend, and there are literally no stakes here, no pressure, and you deserve to have a first kiss with someone that isn’t going to be a dick about it.”
That was quite possibly the most you’d ever heard him speak in one go, and every single one of his words sent your head swirling. Could it really be that easy? Kissing Nolan just to say you’d kissed someone?
“I do mean it, no pressure. If you want me to leave, I will. If you don’t want to kiss me, then just let me know and it changes nothing about our friendship. If you…”
“You can kiss me,” you said suddenly, interrupting him before you could even process the words leaving your mouth, “I trust you. I know you won’t make fun of me for not knowing what I’m doing.”
“I would never,” he said seriously.
He cheeks were a little pink again though. That was a good thing, right?
“Do you want to, um, how should we…?”
You trailed off, your own cheeks flooding with heat as Nolan huffed out a laugh.
“Just like this,” he said softly.
You caught a flash of his rare soft smile as he cupped your face with his hand, barely remembering to take a breath before his lips were pressed to yours. You knew enough to close your eyes, leaning forward enough to rest your hand on his thigh for balance, but every other thought was consumed with the feeling of Nolan’s lips on yours. You’d expected him to pull away immediately, but Nolan didn’t – instead, he moved his lips slowly against your own and it was all you could do to mimic his motions, your blood surging through your veins like liquid fire as your heart raced.
You really had been missing out all these years.
Or maybe it was just Nolan.
At that thought, you broke the kiss, closing your eyes as you rested your forehead against his, not having the functioning thought processes to move any further.
Nolan’s murmur cut through the cloud in your mind, and it was all you could do to laugh as you finally sat upright, opening your eyes to look at his flushed face.
“Was that okay?” you found yourself asking, wincing as the words left your mouth.
“Okay? Babe you’re a fucking natural,” Nolan laughed.
You didn’t know what your face looked like – you could only hope it wasn’t ridiculous – but Nolan’s face softened, and he took your hand in his again. “I mean it, okay? You’re an amazing kisser.”
You let out a shaky breath, nodding even as you felt stupid for needing that reassurance. At least you knew Nolan wouldn’t lie to you.
“We can always practice some more if you want to be sure yourself though.”
His smooth offer was almost successful, if it wasn’t for the red on his cheeks giving him away. He…liked kissing you?
“I’m sure more practice couldn’t hurt. Only if it’s not going to be a burden on your time, of course,” you said, smiling innocently.
Nolan just grinned. “Oh I think we can work something out.”
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greazyfloz · 1 year
Hi. Could you write number 2 off the fluff list for Nolan Patrick? Thank you and have a good day.
Fluff: 2. “Stop looking at me like that” “I can’t help it, you’re just so beautiful” w/ Nolan Patrick
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It's our second day of our honeymoon and we are currently in Amalfi, Italy. I woke up before Nolan and quickly but quickly, making sure I didn't wake up Nolan made my way to the sitting room which was attached to our room. I grabbed the book off the coffee table and then headed out to the deck.
I didn't even hear Nolan creep his way quietly onto the deck until the lounge chair beside me made the floor boards of the resorts deck creek as he sat down. I look over and Nolan stops himself from fully sitting down, seeing he disturbed me from my book not meaning to, to make his way over to plant a kiss on my forehead but I lean my head backwards so he can connect his lips with mine instead.
"Mornin' beautiful" he says as he pulls away and plops down on the lounger beside me.
"Hi" I smile back closing my book and setting it on the table beside me
"Keep reading, we don't have to go just yet" he assures me.
Today we had plans to hike the coast then afterwards go down to the beach and relax but I really only felt like doing the relaxing part, even though the hike was my idea.
"Can we just go down to the beach and relax instead?"
"No hike?"
"Nah" i say as I stand from my spot, "I'm going to get changed, then we can head down to the restaurant for breakfast" I tell him leaving him out on the deck.
I quickly get changed into a simply white bikini then slide on some light wash jean overalls before grabbing my crochet purse and sliding on some flip flops before heading back out to the deck.
"Ready?" Nolan asks me with a smile and I nod smiling back at him then grab his hand before we leave our villa. We walk hand in hand to the resorts little restaurant to grab a quick bite to eat before heading down to the beach.
The hill was steep and my flip flops were becoming uncomfortable between my toes so I slide them off and began walking barefoot down the rocky road
"What are you doing?" Nolan laughs watching me cautiously walk on the rocky ground
"My feet hurt"
"Well get on my back then" he laughs
"I'm fine" I say being stubborn
"Alright then" he says laughing slightly. As we continue walking down the hill I look over and catch Nolan staring at me grinning as he watches me struggle down the hill.
"Stop looking at me like that" I say to him smiling as I shake my head
"Like what?"
"You're staring at me with a huge grin on your face"
"I can't help it, you're just so beautiful" he says making my cheeks burn red, even married to the man he can still manage to make me blush
"Stop" I say covering my face slightly
"Are you blushing?" Nolan asks me teasingly
"Don't you dare tease me for blushing, rosey cheek boy"
"Hey!" he laughs out
We make it down to the beach and dress down into our bathing suits before I decide to put my feet in the water to heal them from the walk. Nolan races behind me as I made my way picking me up and running me down into the water.
When he drops me I hang on tightly to his shoulders so I don't fall, but instead I lower my self into the water. "You're lucky" I say to him splashing him as I let out a slight giggle
"You're right" he smiles down at me bringing me in close and kissing my lips.
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dogwittaablog · 9 months
the mitts on that man…jfc
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A Little Jealousy
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A/n: this is an old imagine from my Ao3 when Nolan played for the Flyers and I wanted to share it again. Please enjoy grumpy Patty.
You chuckled at the joke your best friend had told you as you unlocked the front door to get in. Honestly Adam’s joke was stupid but you couldn’t get over how stupid it was.
“Hey did you leave the lights on?” Adam asked you abruptly.
“I don’t think so.”
A rush of anxiety flooded your senses, what if you forgot to lock the door and someone broke in? Several worse case scenarios ran through your head at the same time, causing you to look back at Adam.
“I’ll go first.”
You nodded your head in agreement. Staying huddled close behind him, his much taller body shielding you from any danger. Slowly you staggered behind your friend, you heard the TV on in the bedroom and you know for sure you didn’t leave that on.
“I definitely turned that off…”
“Wait here.”
“Adam don’t leave me here to be killed!” You whispered-yelled harshly, “I’m easy to strangle!”
“Jesus Christ,” he mumbled with a chuckle, “Just wait here.”
As he proceeded on his own and left you standing in the living room, you heard a sound coming from the bathroom. Not wanting to die you jetted after your friend.
“Someone’s in the bathroom!”
“Go check Adam!”
It was as you two were having a loud bickering match that you neglected to hear the footsteps coming toward you.
You gasped at the deep voice you loved so dearly, with one dramatic hand on your chest and the other on your friend’s arm you let out a large sigh. “Nols you scared me halfway to hell I thought you weren’t going to be home until tomorrow…”
Patty stood there in just a pair of sweatpants it looked as if you two interrupted him getting in to the shower. He looked so good, all you really wanted to do was kiss him and welcome him home but when you noticed his expression you knew he wouldn’t receive you well.
Nolan’s gaze lingered in between you and Adam before he licked his lips, “If you had picked up your phone you would’ve known we were coming back a day earlier.”
Your boyfriend was notorious for being monotonous and deadpan in his delivery; most people who didn’t know him would miss the actual ice dripping from each word. You bristled at his comeback, Patty was easily annoyed couple that with his tendency to get jealous and you had yourself a square off that was explosive.
“I didn’t ignore you on purpose Nol,” you retorted calmly, “I was working all day.”
“Yeah working,” the way he said the second word as if he were mocking you was irritating beyond belief. You also couldn’t believe he was doing this in front of company.
“We’re not doing this again Pat…”
He brushed a hand through his growing blonde hair and you knew instantly how angry he was. Whether he was going to show your best friend was another story.
You weren’t too sure why Nolan had such huge insecurities where Adam was concerned, you two never crossed any boundaries. You never even liked each other that way. The only thing you could think of that made sense was Adam was around twenty-four seven while Patty was away.
Nolan smacked a hand against the doorframe before he turned away from you heading toward the living room.
Adam faced you quickly after your boyfriend’s departure, “I didn’t mean to make you guys argue.”
You waved your hand in a nonchalant gesture, “It’s not your fault he gets like this sometimes when he comes home from a roadie. He’s just tired.”
“Should I go?”
Chewing on your bottom lip you nodded affirmatively. Feeling terrible for kicking out your closest friend. It just wasn’t the best idea to let him hang around when your boyfriend’s mood was so poor. Nolan was really a great person and you didn’t want anyone to see him as anything else. So you walked your friend to the door and wished him a good night.
As soon as the door was closed and there were no unwanted visitors Nolan spoke from his position on the couch, “You know the only reason I left the car here was because you were going to give me a ride home, I had to catch one with TK.”
You refrained from showing any signs of agitation, “Nols I’m really sorry time just got the better of me today.”
“You had time to hang out with Adam.”
This time you did put a hand to your face, “We work together not to mention we live one block apart. We weren’t really hanging out.”
“Then why was I stranded at the airport?”
“Because I messed up after I saw your text this morning I got swamped at work I just forgot to text you back.”
“So you knew I was coming home but you left me there anyway?”
“Nolan I just told you it was an accident. I didn’t mean to forget you I’m sorry.”
He looked at you as if you had just insulted him, “Im going to shower.”
“I didn’t do it on purpose—” the shutting of the bathroom door cut off your defense.
You huffed, you knew he was hurt and of course you understood why. There was really only one thing to do and that was to give him space. You watched some TV for about ten minutes but you found it hard to concentrate, you hated when Nolan was mad at you. So you decided to take a shot in the dark.
Quietly you disrobed on your way to the bathroom easing your way behind the door that was miraculously unlocked. You slipped in behind him, threading your arms around him so that your hands rested on his shoulders. Gently you placed a kiss on his shoulder blade.
“I’m sorry,” you mumbled against his skin, “No excuses.”
Everything was so still except the water. You were so sure he was going to reject you but he surprised you, he took a hand of yours and squeezed it.
“I know.”
You knew he forgave you but you were kind of curious, “Were you jealous of Adam?”
“Should I be?”
You shook your head, “No you just seemed extra grumpy.”
“I had to ride home with TK anyone would be annoyed after traveling so long and then having to listen to him talk.”
You chuckled, “TK is your best friend yet you treat him like a bad crush.”
Nolan scoffed at you, “All he does is talk.”
“He’s a nice guy.”
“Then date him instead.”
You couldn’t help but let out a monstrous laugh, “Pat seriously, I love you stop trying to give me away.”
He shrugged his shoulders reaching for his soap shortly after, you knew Nolan always had an issue expressing his emotions and often it left him feeling unsure about himself. You were fine with the way he was, you gave enough affection for the two of you.
“I was jealous…”
He mumbled so quietly in his baritone you could barely hear him but you didn’t dare ask him to repeat himself.
You hugged him tight around his middle, “I love you Nols, no one else there’s no need to worry.”
He nodded his head for you and you knew that’s all that was going to be said on the matter. You placed on last kiss on his shoulder before you tapped it. “I’m starting to prune I’m out.”
“Babe...” Nolan grabbed your hand gently, “Love you.”
Your heart swelled as you leaned on your toes to place a kiss on his lips, “Love you too.”
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buttercupjosh · 1 year
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(Gif credit to @fivehole)
word count: 5,152
warnings: none
genres: strangers to lovers to ex’s, a bit sad, somewhat happy ending
A/N: To start, I know that Nolan’s not as popular anymore and his future in the NHL is looking a bit bleak but despite that, this story exists. This story is based off of the songs, the Hayley Williams cover of Nineteen by Tegan and Sara, (which is where the title comes from), You All Over Me by Taylor Swift feat Maren Morris and Last Kiss by Taylor Swift (I highly recommend listening to those songs before reading. I’m taking vibes, elements and references from them and putting them in the story and listening will also help with understanding the plot). I’ve wanted to write a fic based off of those songs for a while and my vision for the story works best with Nolan. It’s set in a timeline format by the hockey season. It’s written with a female reader in mind because I’m a female of color but the reader doesn’t specifically have to be a POC or a woman and there’s no dialogue. As always, I’m open to any and all feedback, comments or questions; just put them in my inbox or dm me. Thank you so much in advance for reading, I appreciate it😌
(P.S. I have other stories (linked here) that I have written for other players as well if you want to check it out)
“You were mine, always but now you’re gone. Look what we’ve become, just another sad song of a love gone wrong.” -Pictures by Judah and the Lion feat. Kacey Musgraves
Nolan could feel you in his limbs before he ever met you and he could feel you in his life before he ever thought to. How can you feel someone that you don’t even know yet? On the day you met, Nolan felt an unexplained tingle in his body. He was dreading having to go to the DMV but he misplaced his license so on a rare weekday off, he went to get a replacement license. Nolan really needed his license; he legally couldn’t drive without it. He could only imagine the chaos that would ensue if the recently 2nd overall NHL draft pick was pulled over and caught driving without his license so he couldn’t put off getting it done. To top it off, Nolan felt this weird tingling sensation in his body so he mentally made a note to talk about it with the team doctor. Travis (TK) kindly dropped Nolan off at the DMV and continued with his other plans for the off day. For you, you had some time after your classes to pop into the DMV to renew your license, which was going to expire soon because your birthday was coming up.
That tingling feeling that Nolan was experiencing went away when you first interacted with each other in that crowded waiting room back in 2018, in the middle of his first season with the Flyers. The softness in your voice asking if the seat next to him was taken directly contrasted with the deepness of Nolan’s voice. It was going to be a long wait so to pass the time, you and Nolan started talking to each other. Nolan usually was against unnecessary small talk and preferred to keep to himself but chatting with you felt different. Throughout these conversations, you learned little details about each other; details that would be held onto throughout the course of your relationship. You learned that Nolan was actually a funny guy behind his intimidating demeanor and he learned that you deeply valued family. The connection that you had made in the hours of waiting felt special to Nolan. You didn’t even know each other for that long and that well but it was almost like you could feel each other in your hearts as you talked. Since Nolan had arrived before you did, his number was called sooner so he left first. Before leaving, he quickly wrote his number down on the back of the waiting room ticket.
Later that same day, you sent Nolan a text to check in on him and that started a long text chain between the two of you. In the beginning of your friendship, Nolan definitely had his walls up but as you got to know more about each other, the walls came down. Nolan enjoyed talking to you because you made him feel like a regular person, not some superstar; the pressure of being a high NHL draft pick disappeared in the chats that you shared. Over time, he became more comfortable and trusting with you, even inviting you to his games and team events and telling his teammates about you. You began falling for each other and your relationship grew from texting buddies to friends to lovers. Your relationship with Nolan was quiet but it worked well that way. There was a slow introduction to the most important people in your lives; you’ll never forget how your father complimented Nolan’s handshake and how that handshake indicated to him that Nolan was a strong man and your mother admired how Nolan treated you so well. Nolan didn’t want outsiders to judge and ridicule his relationship with you so there were no direct social media posts of your presence in each other’s lives –only small snippets of his face or hands in your Instagram story posts, listening to songs that you liked or that reminded him of you on his story posts and location tags of being at the same place– but the right people knew you were together. There were also fun things, like surprise flowers and other gifts at your door, inside jokes, and secret road trips down to the beaches on the Jersey Shore. You were down so bad for Nolan and he could make you melt like ice cream on a hot June day with just one look. Nolan was down badly too; he tried to be all cool and push it aside but as soon as you walked into the room or opened his car door, the heat in his cheeks would rise and it was game over. The first year of your relationship together was so amazing until things changed.
Due to your summer internship commitments, you only got to spend 2 weeks in Winnipeg with Nolan before school started back up at the end of August. Nolan was anxious about you coming to his safe space of his hometown; it rained the day you arrived and the smell of rain brought comfort to him. As both a test and a joke, you ran towards your boyfriend in the airport to see how he would respond. Nolan saw you running at him and his first reaction was to open his arms to catch you; having you in his arms meant everything to him.
Nolan isn’t a man of many words but being with you made him want to sing. On your first night in Winnipeg, Nolan took you to a bonfire party to meet some of his friends. At the party, you mixed and mingled with the people who Nolan trusted the most. Nolan even pulled you in for a dance, which surprised you because he knew that you weren’t much of a dancer and also that he would bust out a move in front of so many people. After the party flamed out, you and Nolan drove back to his house and by the time you arrived, it was almost 2 am. Before going inside, Nolan had looked at you with those blue eyes of his that you adored and you could sense that he was nervous; something was up. Nolan took a deep breath and told you that he loved you for the first time in that same deep voice that captivated you when you first met and you repeated it back to him. You always knew in your heart that you loved Nolan but hearing him say it meant so much more.
Summer Nolan was much more laid back and chill than Hockey Season Nolan. During your time in his hometown, Nolan showed you around the place that shaped him into who he was and let you meet the people who impacted him along the way; he even drove you all the way out to Brandon to see his old stomping grounds before he was drafted. It wouldn’t be summer unless he also took you fishing, hunting, and out for a day on the golf course as well. You got along well with Nolan’s family and meshed great with them. By the time you left to return to Philly, Nolan was already looking forward to bringing you back home to Winnipeg for many summers to come.
After you had left, Nolan was doing some summer training and unexpectedly started experiencing some migraines; he had experienced injuries and concussions before but this wasn’t like that. Due to Nolan’s career choice as a hockey player, he had access to the best doctors and specialists in the country so that helped relieve some of the stress that came with having a chronic illness. His migraines came with good and bad days and one of those bad days came as a test when you were together.
The first time you had ever spent the night at Nolan’s place in Philadelphia, he had a random migraine. Thankfully, it wasn’t so bad that he would miss time from playing; Nolan was still trying to navigate his newfound diagnosis but he handled it the best way that he could. At the time, he was living with Kevin (you were taking things slow and hadn’t talked about moving in together yet) so you weren’t originally planning on staying overnight but Nolan really needed you there. You weren’t trained like a doctor or nurse to take care of him but you did everything in your power to make him feel as comfortable as possible and to help to alleviate his pain. The only thing that helped Nolan was laying down in the dark with no light and you cautiously lay beside him in the darkness of his bedroom. Whenever you were sick as a child, one of your parents would come into your room to make sure you were breathing okay on your own and you did the same for Nolan. You watched him as he slept and could feel him breathe. That evening was a bit rough but Nolan was so grateful that you sacrificed your time to be with him during an unexpected, difficult situation. Like anything else in life, there would always be ups and downs but you would always be there to take care of him, no matter what.
2019-20 and 2020-21
Nolan continued to miss time away from the team and he did his best to try to get healthy enough to return to play but it took more time than expected. Patience would end up becoming an important, key virtue throughout your relationship. During this time, you graduated early from the University of Pennsylvania with a Bachelor’s in Public Health and Nolan was super proud of you, beaming with joy from watching his lover achieve such a great accomplishment. You decided to take a year off from school before going back to get your Master’s degree in Epidemiology but then in early 2020, a pandemic hit; suddenly, you were hunkering down in Canada with Nolan and his family, your hope-to-someday-be in-laws. The world that you all knew was changing dramatically. The NHL season paused for a bit and started back up in a bubble-style tournament but due to his extended absence and health concerns, the Flyers and Nolan’s doctors felt like it was best for him to continue his recovery instead of having him come down to play in Toronto and Edmonton. You could sense the hurt from Nolan having to watch his team play in the playoffs without him and you felt that same pain, both sharing the hope for things to get better.
After the Flyers season concluded in late 2020, Nolan’s health had stabilized by then and he felt confident about returning to play so the Flyers gave him a contract for the shortened 2020-21 season. That condensed season was a bit brutal on Nolan since he hadn’t played professionally in over a year and the team wasn’t in the best condition at the time but he tried his best to persevere through it. He had a minor setback when Phillippe Myers accidentally hit him with a puck mid-game but thankfully, Nolan only missed 2 games and finished out the season without another injury. You saw a light in Nolan’s eyes when he played; a light that both shined and dimmed as time would go on.
The Flyers missed the 2021 playoffs and Nolan was so appreciative for the time off to recover but he also felt fearful for what was to come for the future. Nolan wanted to escape the criticism and pressure from being in Philly so during the 2021 off-season, he talked to you about his plans for leaving. He thought your input was super important and you were supportive of whatever he chose to do and were open to moving wherever he ended up.
The trade to Vegas was a bit surprising because there was no solid guarantee of where he was going to play but you were both grateful for the chance that the team took on Nolan and to open to this new chapter. It wasn’t easy leaving everything you knew behind in Philly but there was something exciting waiting for the both of you in the desert. You originally wanted to finish grad school in Philly but took a pause on your studies to move with Nolan to Vegas; this was also going to be the first time you had lived together. Living in Vegas had its expected highs and lows but you both made the best of the new city. You still kept in contact with some of the Flyers WAGs and made new friends with Golden Knights ladies, discovered new things to love about each other and the new place you lived. Yes, there still were some setbacks with Nolan’s health and his play needed some adjusting but it was okay because he was glad to be back on the ice and starting over somewhere new. Things were looking fine for both of you until February 16, 2022.
You had a rare weekday off so you trekked down to T-Mobile Arena to go watch Nolan play. That game happened to be against the Colorado Avalanche; conference rivalry games always had some sort of chaos and drama but this time, that drama and chaos hit too close to home. As you sat in the stands, chatting away with the other WAGs, something devastating happened. Early in the first period, Nolan got hit. The hit was brutal to watch and you angrily cursed Nathan MacKinnon’s name for what he did to your man. You had always known that hockey was aggressive and physical but this hit ignited both a rage and sadness within you. During the game, you left to meet with the team doctor to discuss Nolan’s prognosis; it was a head injury so you knew what was coming ahead and you had to drive him home. You always liked when Nolan let you drive his car but this time it was different. The car ride back home was very quiet, the only noise was the sound of the other cars around you and the clicks of the turn signal. Every time you saw Nolan hurting, it made your heart break a little. You loved him so much that seeing him in pain made you feel pain and you wished that you could just erase the pain that Nolan dealt with and make him 100% better.
Nolan eventually did return to play before getting hurt again and playing his last game on March 24. After his final game, there was a shift in Nolan and the light in his eyes disappeared. His migraines continued to be on and off but the time away allowed them to stabilize for a bit. During his hiatus from hockey, Nolan became more distant and less affectionate with you. You tried to let his actions not bother you but it silently hurt you. You knew Nolan was upset with the way how his hockey season ended and you tried to comfort him and distract him from his pain but it wasn’t enough for him; it was terrifying to watch him fade away like that. Nolan was hurting a lot, not only physically but emotionally. He couldn’t quite fully escape the injuries and the lingering pressure of returning to hockey was always there. Everything in his life was centered around hockey; his identity, his goals, and the conversations people had about and with him. It was almost like he resented the sport that he was the most grateful for; hockey was the only thing people seemed to know him for and that was gone. The loss of Nolan’s hockey career would be a very challenging loss that he would grieve over but you were right there by his side to support him during this difficult time.
Throughout his recovery time, Nolan began to get rid of anything and everything that reminded him of the life that he once had but didn’t have anymore. First, it was removing the social media posts. Then, it was unfollowing his old teammates and so-called friends who never checked in on him. Finally, it was hurting you. At the end of the 2022 season, Nolan requested that you have a deep serious talk together. In the back of your mind, you knew that something big was coming; Nolan was already distant with you so maybe he needed some more time and space from you. He dropped the already expected and painful news but it didn’t make it hurt any less. Nolan expressed that you deserved better than him and being around you, unfortunately, reminded him both of his past and of a future life that he couldn’t give to you. You didn’t care about those things and it didn’t matter what he could or couldn’t do because all you wanted was him but Nolan already made up his mind to end the relationship.
You couldn’t believe that he would just give up on what you had but he did. Nolan told you he loved you so frequently but now, the feelings of love were going away. You already knew Nolan was devastated with the way his hockey career and life derailed but you never would have imagined him hurting you because of that. You were already there with him through some of the toughest moments for him and were willing to continue to stay through them; if you didn’t love Nolan as much as you did, you would have left sooner. Naturally, you tried to reason with him but everything was pointing towards the end of your relationship. It frustrated you that Nolan wanted to break up for good instead of just taking time apart from each other; you were willing to give him the time and space he desired and the hope of you possibly come back together lingered around throughout the air. You had Nolan but he ended up burning you; you thought your relationship was so solid and strong, that these setbacks and other things wouldn’t break it down but it shattered everything you built together.
Nolan blamed being young in love and wanting to meet new people as a reason for wanting to separate. Deep down, he wanted to be with someone who didn’t know or had any connection to his hockey days so that he could leave that part of himself behind; Nolan just wanted a blank slate to start over from it all but that came at the expense of the beautiful relationship you spent years in. Breaking up with you was like watching a part of himself die; you and Nolan were always separate individuals but your relationship interconnected you together in such a profound way. Nolan’s honest confession to end the relationship hurt so deeply; you could feel the pain in your chest and Nolan could feel the pain of what he did rattling in his bones. It was almost like that tingling feeling Nolan felt the day when you first met returned back.
This breakup was 100% one of those “it’s not you, it’s me” moments. Nolan felt bad about breaking your heart but he felt like the only way for him to get peace from his past wasn’t to carry things from it into his future. He wanted out because of himself, not because you were a bad person or something you did; Nolan truly did have a catch on his hands being with you but he couldn’t hold on much longer so he let you go. You held out and held on to your relationship with Nolan for so long; you sacrificed so much to be and stay with him but Nolan just didn’t want to continue. At the time, it was hard to understand why he didn’t fight for your relationship harder but maybe it was a sign that Nolan wasn’t the one for you and you were never really meant to be.
At least once every day since the first time it was shared, you would tell each other “I love you.” Now, all you could say to each other was goodbye. You could see in Nolan’s eyes that he was trying his hardest to not cry but he did anyway. For one last time, Nolan held you in his arms in a tender embrace as the both of you lost tears. Normally, a couple that just broke up wouldn’t do this but Nolan tilted your head up towards him and sealed the end of your storied relationship with a final tear-soaked kiss.
Over the course of the next few days, you packed up your respective things and began the separation, silently removing things from your shared space. Throughout your packing, you both found little mementos from your relationship; things like the paper ticket Nolan wrote his number on when he first met you, the gold N necklace Nolan gave you on your first anniversary, the birthday card you gave Nolan when he turned 23 last year, a bottle of your perfume that was Nolan’s favorite. You had also found some of Nolan’s clothes that he had given you over the years you were together. The world that you had known together had turned around and it was a lot to process; you really were beginning to enjoy your new home but now, you both had to return back to your old one. Thankfully, one of your local friends let you stay at her place in the meantime until everything was in place for you to return back to Philadelphia and Nolan stayed at the apartment. You were all his and Nolan was all yours but that was all gone. Leaving you behind wasn’t easy but he did it anyway. It was wild how you moved to Vegas at the start of the 2021-22 season and by the time the season ended in April 2022, the relationship was over.
The 2022 off-season was supposed to be different this time. At the start of the year, you and Nolan had made plans to explore Europe for an off-season couple’s trip but before the start of the summer, that trip never happened. Flights and hotels were refunded; the diamond ring Nolan had planned on proposing to you with on the trip was returned to the jewelry store. Nolan went back to his happy place at home with his family but returning to Winnipeg without you this time did hurt him a bit. As expected with returning back, Nolan had to deal with the whispers and rumors that came from people who had no idea what he was going through.
The only bright side of the otherwise sad off-season was that Nolan’s quality of life improved a lot as his migraines continued to get better with the time off; he eventually found a good regime to help him cope and he was able to do some of the things he loved, like golfing and listening to loud music. While he was home, Nolan cooked up a good plan to fly back to Philadelphia to convince you to take him back but that was all in his head; he hadn’t been to Philly since you both moved to Vegas for the trade and he never did return to play a game there. Nolan couldn’t bring himself to go back to the city that was home at one point but isn’t anymore so he let the plan go and let time pass by.
The 2022 off-season turned into Nolan not returning to the NHL at all. The Vegas Golden Knights ended up winning the Stanley Cup in 2023 without him; it hurt the both of you to see Nolan’s old team succeed at achieving one of his goals. Despite the progress made in Nolan’s recovery, playing hockey full-time unfortunately never really made its way back into the picture for him.
Nolan still quietly kept tabs on you, watching you from the sidelines. You finished up your Master’s degree program and he was proud of you again, just like he was when you graduated with your Bachelor’s degree. It had been over a year since you last talked to Nolan. You tried to keep tabs on Nolan but he wasn’t really close with anyone from his old teams anymore and you only saw brief glimpses of him through his Winnipeg friends. You romantically moved on with someone new, someone who fulfilled the “if he wanted to, he would” that Nolan chose not to meet. Nolan moved on too, he met a girl in an online support group for athletes whose careers were derailed by injuries. His new girlfriend met the requirement of no hockey connections and she was great; he deeply loved and cared for her, just like he did for you.
Despite the amount of freedom you had from each other since the break up, you weren’t fully clean and still had pieces of each other left lingering all over you. You would never look at a vehicle with muddy tires the same way –they reminded you of when you and Nolan went to Hawaii for All-Star Break, rented a Jeep, and explored the island–, you would never look at anything related to ham and cheese without thinking of Nolan’s pre-game meal and how you missed going to watch him play, the migraine medication commercials made you think about the treatments that didn’t work and wondered what was helping him now. Nolan was notoriously known for his privacy and for being a lurker so you had no idea if he had truly missed you.
Sometimes, Nolan did miss you but he wasn’t going to let you know that. When the Italian restaurant that you had gone to on your first date closed down, Nolan wanted to talk to you to reminisce on those good times but he didn’t reach out, he couldn’t see orange juice without thinking about how he always kept a bottle in the fridge for you, plaid always reminded him of the flannels you wore in the fall, hearing certain songs on the radio made him wonder if you would like this song. One day, while figuring out what to listen to, Nolan came across the playlist. During your relationship, Nolan made a secret playlist called “y/n-core” and it contained all of the songs you liked and songs that reminded him of you. He listened to it whenever he missed you; when you found out about it, you made a similar playlist for him. Music was something important to both of you so deleting the playlist was hard so you both kept it; Nolan would secretly listen to it whenever he missed you and look back at old photos from when you were together and when you missed him, you would put on one of his old shirts and play it as a coping mechanism.
Looking back at the relationship, some questions began to arise. Were there any warning signs that you missed beforehand that could have indicated that the relationship was doomed? Could you blame Nolan for wanting a change? Could you blame Nolan for not changing his mind and not wanting to reconcile what you had? Could Nolan blame you for moving on when he didn’t want to stay together? Neither of you would have ever thought your relationship would have ended the way it did. It started off like a beautiful love song but it crumbled like a piece of paper when it ended. Neither of you would say that you wasted your time being together because you lived and learned throughout your relationship; you both carried those things into your new relationships. Even though you’re not sure if you’ll ever see or hear from him again, you had hoped that Nolan was doing okay and he had the same hope for you. Over time, you forgave Nolan for what he did and Nolan forgave himself for his actions. You understood why Nolan broke your heart the way that he did; he did it because he loved you so much that he willingly walked away from you so that someone better could come into the picture. Nolan’s capacity for love was enough for you but he saw it differently so you had to fully accept his decision.
Even though you’ve both moved on to new partners, your name and Nolan’s name still lingered on each other’s lips whenever either of you kissed your new lover. Sometimes, you missed the moments when Nolan would randomly interrupt you with a kiss (your new partner wouldn’t attempt such a thing) and Nolan actually missed doing it to you and couldn’t bring himself to continue that with his new girlfriend. Every now and then, the feelings of missing each other would occasionally sink in and you both would miss and think about the other. You both hated missing each other because you both had new lovers, but that didn’t prevent those feelings coming up. Sometimes, you both wished that the other would call but those calls would never come and you had to let each other go. If you somehow did end up back together, it would cause more pain than love; how do you fully trust someone who hurt you so much? You both still carried a little of the love you shared together but things would never go back to being the same. After being out of touch for so long, there was no point in trying to revitalize the relationship you had together or to even try attempting to be friends because you were both on different roads and chapters in life. The last drop of rain from the storm of your relationship dried off the pavement and there were no physical stains left behind.
20xx-xx (Epilogue)
Many years later, when you were chilling with your new partner at your apartment, they accidentally spilled water on their shirt so you gave them one of Nolan’s old practice shirts to wear. Seeing your new lover wear something from your old lover made you short-circuit for a minute. How can someone that you love now look so good in something that belonged to someone you loved before? Your new lover also asked you to marry them underneath a pillow fort while wearing Nolan’s old shirt with your dream ring and the date this occurred was the 19th. On a warm sandy beach somewhere, Nolan proposed to his new girlfriend on the exact same day with the same ring you wanted (his now fiancee’s dream ring). Throughout your relationship with Nolan, the number 19 started appearing more in your life and started holding more importance to you because of him. It was Nolan’s jersey number in Philadelphia (changed to 41 in Vegas), his birthday was on the 19th of September, it was part of the address of the first place you lived together, and it was the age that you fell in love with each other. The number nineteen meant something significant to the both of you and neither of you would ever forget it.
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comphy-and-cozy · 2 years
yay finally caught you when your requests are open!! I still have so much to backread (🙈) but how about cheek kisses with nolan patrick? 🖤
anything for you sweet pea xo
I changed up the format for this a little bit, with a series of snippets instead of a full blurb! hope you enjoy 🤍
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Prompt: Cheek kisses
Pairing: Nolan Patrick x Reader (f)
Word Count: 833
Warnings: Just absolutely disgusting fluff.
On a first date
The pink tinge of his cheeks as he drives through the snow is sweet, and you aren’t sure how much of it is from the cold or from nerves.
You were surprised when Nolan asked you out on a date, never thinking that the soft-spoken curmudgeon could ever have that kind of softness in his heart. What surprised you even more was the thoughtfulness he showed, planning a date that was surely out of his comfort zone — an arcade and mini-golf.
He wasn’t perfect, but truthfully, you found his quiet demeanor incredibly charming, and the more time that passed, the more he loosened up, cracking dry jokes and even poking fun at you when you sent your ball flying into the pond.
“I’ll walk you in,” he mumbles, and you have to hide your smile as you hop out of his car, the warmth from his body shielding you from the breeze.
The tell-tale anticipation sets in as you approach your front door, digging for your keys in your purse. This is it.
“I had a really nice time, Nolan,” you say, looking up at him through your lashes. The flush in his cheeks darkens as he shifts nervously on his feet.
“Me too,” is his quiet reply. Then, as if he’s mustering his courage, he leans forward to press a kiss against your cheek. It’s warm, though you can’t tell if it’s more from his lips or the heat in your own cheeks.
When you finally get inside, your cheek is still tingling from his kiss, and you can’t stop smiling. Maybe, you think, it’s just Nolan.
Holding the door open
“You look incredible,” he murmurs, heat radiating from his eyes as they scan over your body. It’s been two months since your first date, and though you’ve been on several since then, he seems to be just as captivated by you now as he was then.
“Thanks, Nol,” you smile. “You do too. As always.”
With a blush, Nolan helps you shrug your coat on before leading you out the door. Once you approach his car, he shuffles forward to open the door for you, and you smile at him, offering a kiss to his cheek as thanks.
Your heart floods with butterflies when you see the dopey smile on his face as he jogs around to the driver’s side, wings beating even more rapidly when his hand reaches over the center console to grab yours. For a quiet grumpy gills, he sure does love affection, always wanting to have some part of you touching some part of him.
When he presses his lips against the back of your hand, you think to yourself that you don’t mind it one bit.
Before bed
The warmth of your blanket is comforting, your boyfriend’s arm slipped over your shoulders even more so as he gently strokes circles onto your arm. The volume on the TV is turned down low, the play-by-play announcers talking softly as the camera pans over the players on the bench.
“Babe, go to bed,” Nolan says with a chuckle. “You’ve yawned like, three times in the last five minutes.”
“But I wanna see the end of the game,” you say sleepily. It’s not often he is home at night for you to fall asleep in his arms on the couch, so you don’t want to take the moment for granted, even if it’s something as simple as watching a hockey game.
“I’ll tell you all about it tomorrow,” he promises. “Now, go.”
It’s with another nudge that you finally heave yourself up out of the warmth of his arms, leaning over to press a kiss to his cheek. “Goodnight, Nols.”
“Night, baby.”
Playing video games
You’re on the couch, snuggled up in your blanket with Charlie in your lap when your phone buzzes on the table beside you. Sacrificing the warmth of your cocoon, you stick your arm out to grab it, surprised to see a text from Nolan.
[Nolan 💖:] can u refill my water bottle please
[Nolan 💖:] im in the middle of a game and I can’t leave or I’ll die
Rolling your eyes, you chuckle to yourself as you gently slip out from underneath Charlie’s head, doing your best to avoid disturbing him, though he looks up at you with curious eyes.
“Sorry, buddy, your dad is too busy gaming to get his own water,” you say apologetically.
Padding into the office where Nolan’s game system is set up, you sneak behind him to grab his Hydroflask off of his desk. He doesn’t even notice you, eyes focused on shooting his target, his headphones blocking out all sound.
When you return a few moments later with fresh water and fresh ice, you press a kiss to his cheek to let him know his water is waiting for him once he’s done. With the split second he has, he turns his head to peck your lips, murmuring a “Thank you.”
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toasttt11 · 6 months
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January 21, 2024
Jamie was sitting in his room on FaceTime with Trevor, listening to Trevor yap about something from practice.
Jamie heard a knock on his door and knew who it was, “Yeah?” Jamie soflty called out and Trevor quieted down looking interested.
Phoenix poked his head looking at Jamie he didn’t notice his little brother on Jamie’s screen, “Hey sorry,” Phoenix apologized quickly seeing he was on call, “Did you want to get lunch before we need to head out?” Phoenix soflty asked knowing Jamie hasn’t eaten lunch yet and they need to head to the stadium in a few hours for their game.
“Yeah give me like fifteen minutes?” Jamie softly nodded and asked him with a soft smile that made Trevor look at him suspiciously.
“No rush.” Phoenix smiled and turned around to walk out.
“Wow! Don’t even say hi to your own brother!” Trevor yelled through the screen making Phoenix turn around and Jamie turned his phone to Phoenix.
Phoenix and Jamie share a fond look of Trevor’s dramatics.
“Hi Trev.” Phoenix softly greeted his baby brother.
“Hi!” Trevor beamed happily back as he got his attention.
“I’ll talk to you later.” Phoenix gave Trevor a look and walked out of the room not wanting to take away from the time Jamie has to talk to his best friend.
Jamie watched Phoenix go with a sappy look o his face and snapped his head back at the phone at the sound of Trevor’s mischievous snicker.
“What?” Jamie asked alreadly dreading what Trevor is going to say.
“You like my brother!” Trevor singsonged with a giant grin on his face.
Jamie blanched and looked extremely pale while also his cheeks flushing bright red, “N-No!” Jamie stuttered out quickly looking extremely panicked.
“Relax Jimmy.” Trevor smiled seeing that Jamie most definitely has a crush on his big brother and his didn’t mind.
“I don’t.” Jamie tried to be stern but his voice wavered, “But uh hypothetically if i did, would that be okay?” Jamie hesitantly asked not looking at the screen.
Trevor felt his face soften and shook his head with a fond smile, “Jamie there is no one else i would want to be with my brother.” Trevor knew how much the two would be good together and while he was sad about the trade he was glad that Jamie got traded to Philly.
“Thanks.” Jamie cleared his throat sheepishly rubbing his neck.
“Now go get food with Nix.” Trevor smiled softly at his best friend once more.
“Bye Z.” Jamie smiled softly back and nodded.
Trevor waved with a grin before he hung up.
Jamie blew out a long breath, Trevor was okay with him liking Phoenix, maybe it was okay to accept what he felt for Phoenix.
Jamie has always felt nervous around Phoenix but not the anxious nervous that he is used to but more of a nervous he really likes, Jamie has always felt himself with Phoenix and Phoenix just always seems to know how to read him in a way Trevor can’t even do.
Jamie nodded slowly and knew he couldn’t pretend he didn’t feel anything for Phoenix anymore, he’s been crushing on him since Trevor introduced them in 2021.
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hockeyboysimagines · 10 months
A very Merry NHL Christmas
Warnings: Mild cursing, some sexual humor, talks of Christmas, Jesus and the holidays.
This was originally planned for last Christmas but ya girl had writers block. So enjoy this now. Let me know what you think!
Note: this is a small group of blurbs about all the couples currently in process on my Masterlist. This won’t include anyone who’s not currently being written about. Merry Christmas to all who celebrate, and happy holidays to the rest🤍
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‘Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house, the kids were asleep, and Matthew and Brady were trying to get Keith into a Santa costume without laughing too loud.
Chantal had one hand over her mouth as she watched them struggle with the zipper before finally closing the suit, and adjusting Keith’s beard. Brady was red faced, and coughing to cover his laughter as Keith whipped around and glared at him, while Matthew had one hand braced on his knee, the other holding his side laughing openly.
“I’m never doing this again.” He grumbled as he stepped into the boots and straightened up looking for the sack of presents. The kids had set up a hidden camera earlier in hopes of catching a picture of Santa putting presents under the tree. Taryn was outside picking up the reindeer food they had left in the front yard and making hoof marks on the front walkway, the milk and cookies had been disposed of and Emma, who would be spending her first Christmas with them since they got married, was sprinkling sand by the front door because south Florida Santa had no snow to work with. Noticeably pregnant Hallie rubbed her hands together and smiled excitedly. Keith placed the presents under the tree, keeping his back to the camera.
“They’re going to love this.” Chantal said giving her hand a squeeze.
Matthew was smiling at her from the doorway as he watched his dad carefully set out gifts and made his way over. He glanced down at her baby bump and rested a hand on it.
“Merry Christmas in there.” He said softly rubbing it “Can’t wait to celebrate with you next year. And by that time someone else will be taking up your space.”
“Uh I don’t think so.” Hallie said shaking her head “This mama is done….for a little while.”
“How many fucking-freaking kids are you guys gonna have Jesus.” Brady said around a mouth full of Christmas cookie. They were all looking at them mildly interested and Hallie wasn’t really sure how to answer.
Matthew shrugged “I guess until I don’t get it done on the first try.”
Her face burned in embarrassment, and she couldn’t believe she had let him answer, but the others were laughing. He threw an arm around her shoulders “But who am I kidding, that won’t happen. I’m 3 for 3. A triple champ.”
“Yeah kind of like an ugly, skinny, Conor McGregor.” Brady said elbowing him.
That started a scuffle and Hallie crossed her arms shaking her head, eyes moving over their house. Over the pictures on the walls they’d amassed over their years together. The ones that started with just them, and then their family, and then their children. Over the decorations, and lights, and ornaments the kids made for them at school that hung on the tree. Her life was so full, so wonderful.
Taryn bumped her shoulder and smiled, eyes moving around before coming back to meet hers “So? Is it everything you hoped for?” She looped an arm around her waist.
She nodded, reaching an arm around her “It’s more than I hoped for.” And then she laughed when Matthew and Brady’s scuffle dissolved and he came over and grinned at her.
“If you don’t stop fighting with Brady you’ll end up on the naughty list, and you won’t get any presents.” She said, reaching forward to wrap her arms around him, as much as possible, with the baby bump in between them.
“The naughty list is more fun anyways. It’s how I became 3 for 3.”
Music played softly in the background of Pierre’s apartment as snow fell outside. It was warm and cozy, the house smelled of cinnamon, and Mila and Pierre were snuggled on the sofa watching the snow fall.
“It’s so pretty.” Mila said off handedly, eyes following the flakes as they blanketed the ground below them, creating a fluffy white blanket on the ground.
“Not as pretty as you.”
She rolled her eyes and tilted her head up to look at him “Your so cheesy.”
“It’s all part of my appeal babe…which speaking of. I have something for you.” He nudged her so he could stand and disappeared around the corner and came back with a box.
“Here.” Pierre said handing it to her. It was long and rectangular shaped and she took it before looking at him.
“Didn’t I tell-“
“Oh shutup.” He said waving her off “Stop trying to police my spending habits on Christmas.”
She giggled and rolled her eyes “Okay Jesus.”
He held a hand up to his chest “Did you just take the lords name in vain…on his birthday?”
“Okay now you shutup.”
“Open it.” He said nudging his chin impatiently at her.
She pulled off the paper, which was no easy feet as it was wrapped like a car ran over it, and pulled out a long blue velvet box. Inside of it was a shining, glittery diamond bracelet.
“Pierre!” She said mouth falling open “This is-“
“Nope!” He held up a hand “It’s not too much. You are worth every single dollar I spent on that, which is none of your business before you ask.”
Mila bit her lip. It was gorgeous, platinum with what looked like a hundred tiny diamonds, held together by a small clasp with her initials on it.
“Well?” He was smiling widely “Do you like it?”
“Of course I like it.” she held it out to him so he could put it on. She turned her wrist so the light caught the diamonds and smiled a little before looking at him.
“Merry Christmas Mila.”
“Wake up! It’s Christmas Eve!”
Vince felt a weight bounce across his bed, rip the covers off of him, and a body wriggle under the blankets, kicking him out of his warm spot.
Josie had come barreling in the room, smiling so wide it could light up a city’s worth of Christmas lights.
“Noooooo.” He groaned eyes closing again. He reached down and pulled the blankets up over his head, and then pulled her closer, leaning down to kiss her deeply but she pushed away from him and tapped him on the lips.
“Uh uh. Santa says no funny business on Christmas Eve until we do something fun!”
“Well Santa can-“
“Ah! None of that or you won’t get any presents!”
She jumped out of bed and pulled the covers off of him, pointing at a neatly folded pile of clothing, “Get dressed. We’re going somewhere.”
He sighed and rolled over with a groan, but when he saw the look on her face he sat up. She looked so excited, hands clasped under her chin as she stood in the doorway of his bedroom.
“Okay, okay I’m awake.”
She squeaked excitedly and bounced from the room, leaving him to get dressed and brush his teeth. She was bundled by the front door as he came around the corner.
“So where are we going?”
“You’ll see.”
10 minutes later, he was chuckling as they stood in front of an outdoor ice rink, and he knelt down to tie her skates. He finally got them tied, even though her legs were shaking in excitement and looked up at her.
“Do you even know how to skate?” He asked as he adjusted her leg warmer over the top of her skate and then did the same on the other one.
“Nope!” She said brightly, tapping him on the nose and standing, hands resting on her hips “That’s why you’re going to teach me.”
He helped her out on to the ice and stood facing her, gripping both of her hands in his. He skated backwards pulling her along. It was slow going and he was laughing as she went split legged a few times.
“Hang on. I have a better idea.” He skated around her and pressed himself against her back, arms coming to rest around her waist.
“Hang on.” He said lowly in her ear.
Josie smiled with excitement as he started moving, allowing her to just let her skates sit on the ice without having to do anything else. She closed her eyes and breathed in, the winter air stinging her skin.
“Having a good time?” he asked from behind her.
“Always when I’m with you. Are you having a good time?”
“Of course.” He slowed down a little and walked over her shoulder to kiss her cold cheek “Even though I’m doing all the work. Santa had better reward me with a great gift.”
Josie giggled to herself thankful for Christmas with Vince.
And thankful that he didn’t know, she really did know how to ice skate.
Mat snapped the picture of Leighton and Lucy in front of the tree and smiled.
His first Christmas with his girls had been perfect. The entire month of December had been like something from a dream. Lucy had been to every possible Christmas event they could find on Long Island, often accompanied by her godparents, who were across town celebrating their first Christmas together. Snow angels, Christmas decorating, and even the first time she’d been in an ice rink had all happened in the part month and Mat’s heart felt so full it might burst.
“Let me see.” She squinted at the picture and smiled down at Lucy, who was looking more and more like her as she got older.
“Who’s that beautiful girl?”
He smiled down at them and stood up, setting his phone on the couch and picked up a box and went to hand it to Leighton.
“From Santa. I guess I’m not the only one who thinks you’re beautiful.”
She rolled her eyes and blushed, but pulled out a box and handed it to him. “Here open this first. I think you’re gonna love it.”
He sat on the sofa and pulled at the paper. It was small, enough to fit in his hand. The box was flat, with a cardboard lid and when he pulled it off he saw a blank sheet of paper that said “Pick me up.”
He glanced at her, to find her smiling brightly and she nodded “Go ahead.”
He gripped the paper and pulled, and from it another long sheet of paper fell like an accordion. He pulled it up to look at it and saw that it was t a sheet of paper.
It was a sonogram.
He whipped up his head to find that Leighton was now crying, cheeks red.
“Are you-Oh my god.” He reached forward to hug her, chin resting on her head.
“Are you happy?”
“More happy than I’ve ever been.”
She closed her eyes and breathed him in as he spoke again “This is the best Christmas gift I’ve ever gotten, and I love you.”
“Is this dress to short?” Ginny asked turning in front of the mirror. Beau leaned out of the bathroom and grinned in a way that was not appropriate on any level, but especially not on Christmas.
“Yes. You should definitely wear it. Can’t wait to take it off later.” He leaned back in the bathroom.
She smiled and looked at her closet for shoes. The Islanders Christmas party was in a half and hour and they were running a little behind.
She’d been on time until he came into the bathroom and cracked a joke about opening a present, which turned out to be his jeans and the rest of it was a Christmas story for another time. But not the kind you read before bed.
He walked out of the bathroom looking better than he needed to in a pair of grey pants and a black button up. Ginny paused while she slipped a shoe on, eyes moving from his face to his feet and then back up. He winked and smiled at her.
“Not bad huh? But you’ve got me beat. WOW.” He said as he took in her red dress, and heels. It had been a little over six months and she continued to surprise him by outdoing herself. This was the first big holiday they were spending together and tomorrow she’d be meeting his parents.
He stood staring at her “You look beautiful.”
She smiled and blushed a little. Though she was used to a slew of compliments from him, and she knew he was always being genuine when he said them. But it still made her blush.
“Thank you.” She said softly, slipping into her shoes and turning back to the mirror.
“Are Mat and Leighton coming?”
She nodded and sat at her vanity to find earrings “Yes. She said she has something for me.”
“Like a gift?”
Ginny shrugged “I’m not sure. She just said it was something I would love.” She smiled a little as she poked an earring in her ear.
“You know what I love? That dress. Gosh.”
She rolled her eyes and shook her hair over her shoulder to put in her other earring “Why are you being so nice to me? Keep being too good and I won’t let you unwrap my present later on.”
His mouth fell open “I think it’s supposed to be the other way around. Only people on the nice list get to unwrap presents.”
Ginny smiled at him over her shoulder “I much prefer my present openers to be on the naughty side.”
Beau leaned on the doorway, smile as wide as it could possibly get “Best Christmas ever.”
“Stop laughing.”
“I’m not!” Nash giggled from the ground.
Travis was up on a ladder hanging lights from the archway inside the living room of their new house. She’d insisted for weeks that she didn’t want any there, until she announced she was throwing a Christmas party, and then decided the house wasn’t festive enough, which meant she’d shoved a bunch of lights into his hands and told him to hang them.
“Oh come on!” He yelled as he turned the bulb on one of the strings and the rest went out. He’d been fighting with them for 10 minutes “One goes out, they all stay on. One goes on they all go out!”
“Well at least we know that if hockey doesn’t work out, you won’t have a career as an electrician.” She said from the bottom of the ladder with a shrug.
He glanced over his shoulder “Ha Ha. I’m glad you’re having fun down there.”
“Of course I am. The view is fantastic.” She said with a wink.
Travis chuckled and went back to hanging lights, finally getting them all lit “Finally.” He turned to find her smiling at the bottom of the ladder, hands on her waist “How does that look?”
She nodded and pursed her lips “Perfect. Thank you.”
He shrugged “Don’t thank me. It’s the least I could do. And it makes you happy so it’s a win in my book.”
He made his way down the ladder and pulled her into his arms “Besides. A good deed on Christmas always gets rewarded and I-“
But he was cut short when there was an electrical pop and every light in the house went dark.
“It’s not funny.”
“I’m not laughing. You can’t even see me.”
He grinned “I don’t need to.”
She sighed and he felt her arms slide around his waist “We could just stay here…in the dark I guess.”
“But then how would Santa find our house?” As he said that the lights all lit up at once just in time for him to see her smiled widely at him.
“Who cares? Nothing he could bring me would ever be a better gift that the one I have right here.”
“Merry Christmas!” Sawyer yelled as she pulled open the door to find Nolan’s parents on the other side. She pulled them inside and out of the cold Winnipeg winter and into their cozy house that was full of friends and family.
Nolan was parked on a barstool at the counter watching Sawyer. She was having the absolute time of her life and just looking at her made him want to smile.
It had been a hard year. A hard few years actually but this one in particular had been rough. They’d had so much hope for Vegas and it had only been more of the same, and no one was sure that he’d ever be able to play hockey again. It was sad and scary and she held his hand every minute, but he’d come to terms with it now.
But he didn’t have time to think about it because Sawyer herself came bounding over, hanging mistletoe over his head and kissing him on the cheek with a loud “smack”
“Come on you Grinch! At least smile a little.”
He smiled and she made a face “I mean a real one. Santa is watching.” She pointed upwards.
“I thought that was Jesus who lived up there.”
“Yeah well then he’s watching too. So you won’t get any presents and you might get struck by lightning and that will ruin the whole holiday.” She grinned “And I’ll have to take all these decorations down by myself.”
He chuckled and reached forward, wrapping his arms around her shoulders.
“Thank you.” She said against his chest, quietly enough that only he could hear.
“This.” She pulled back and gestured around “I know this isn’t your thing, but it means a lot to me that you let me throw this party.”
“It’s not that bad. I’d do anything to make you happy, you know that. My Christmas gift to you.”
She looked up at him and smiled the most beautiful smile “Your the gift that keeps on giving Nolan Patrick, and no gift could ever be better than spending my life with you.”
Nolan rested his chin on her head “Merry Christmas Sawyer.”
“Merry Christmas Nols.”
“Cash will you sit still!” Tyler grumbled as he tried for the third time to stick reindeer antlers on his head. Marshall, Molly and even Gerry were all sitting obediently, but Cash had shaken them off twice. Even though he was as uncooperative as possible, Ava was having so much fun. There was a magic in the air that only lasted one month out of the year that you couldn’t find any other time. The feeling of Christmas was unlike any other and it was the first one she was spending with Tyler, and the first one she could remember being excited for.
She was knelt down, phone in one hand, tennis ball in the other which had the attention of the other three dogs, waiting for Tyler to quit wrestling with their most unruly child.
“Freakin dog.” He said with a huff as he finally got them fastened and made him sit.
“Just like his dad.” She said smiling at him “Okay ready, hey guys!” She waved the ball so they all looked and quickly snapped several pictures before they all started moving with excitement.
“Got it!” she said tossing the ball.
All four took off running after it, skidding through the house and falling over each other like Bambi on ice, and Ava and Tyler both yelled “No!” as Gerry went flying right into the tree.
It swayed for a second before it fell in slow motion as Tyler raced forward to catch it, which he did, but not before it rained ornaments that hit the floor and rolled in all directions.
Ava covered her mouth the keep from laughing and hurried forward as Tyler tipped the tree back up on to its stand, and made a loud noise of annoyance.
“What’s so funny?” He asked when he saw her laughing.
“What’s funny is now you have to help me redecorate it. Since you conveniently seemed to be missing last time.”
“I was at practice.” He said eyeing her with a small smile.
“Sure. That’s why Jamie called looking for you.”
“That douche. Busted I guess. Okay I wasn’t at practice I was out-“ he reached into his pocket and pulled out a box “Buying this.”
She smiled and glanced up as she took it “That’s funny cuz I wasn’t here waiting for you, I was out picking up this.” She pulled a bigger rectangular box from under the sofa.
As they opened their respective gifts she heard Tyler make a noise like a gasp and an exclamation and she smiled. She’d had blown up and framed the first picture they’d ever taken together, them and all four of the dogs. It had been the first time Ava had let anyone take a photo of her in years, and Tyler was so proud of her for it. But she’d kept it hidden, telling him it didn’t take for months. This was the first time he’d seen it, and his eyes softened as he looked at it and then at her.
“I love this. Thank you it’s amazing. We gotta hang this.” He glanced around and picked a spot right by the front door “There. So people see it right when they get here.”
He turned as she pulled her own gift out, a silver locket with a tiny photo of the dogs on one side, and them on the other, and a date a time inscribed on the back.
“This is beautiful, but what’s this?” She asked pointing at the date and time that was engraved at the bottom.
“The day and time I saw you for the first time.”
“Oh my gosh.” She was blushing but he continued “That day and time changed my life. The only thing that could would have made it better was if you wanted to join the mile high club or something.”
She laughed and swatted his arm “Tyler!” She turned holding up her hair so he could put it on and then smiled “Thank you for this and for making every other day better than the one before.” She placed a hand on his heart.
“Thank you.” He said placing his hand over hers “For letting me.”
He squeezed her hand and then pulled her into a hug. He was warm, and she could feel his heart beating through his chest. Tyler smiled and squeezed her tighter. “Best Christmas ever. Don’t you think?” He asked glancing down. She nodded with a small smile.
“Better than all your others?”
“Everything with you in my life is better, Christmas included.” She closed her eyes and squeezed him tightly.
There really was something magical about Christmas.
“Ho Ho Ho!” Joel rumbled as he made his way inside of the Connolly’s house. He and Libby had gone home for Christmas and though they wouldn’t be able to stay long, there was no way they were missing her parent’s Christmas party.
“AH!” Heather screamed rushing forward to pull them both into a hug, as she had also voyaged home just for the holidays “Happy kissaversary lovebirds.”
Th house was packed with guests and family and friends, and Libby couldn’t stop smiling. It felt so good to be here in her parents house, on Christmas Eve, with Joel where their story had started. She’d kissed him for the first time right upstairs in her room, and at that moment their lives together began.
“What are you thinking about?” He asked from beside her, arm around her shoulders.
“Oh just about that Christmas Eve when I kissed you upstairs.”
“Uhm no.” He scoffed “It was me who kissed you actually.”
“Im thinking about-“ they turned to find Heather, standing with her sweater half open to conceal a bottle of wine under it. Discreetly they all made their way up to Libby’s room and out on to the roof, bundled in jackets as they each took sips from the bottle.
“Last time we did this we were teenagers.” Joel said from his spot next to Libby.
“The last time your mom had a party was when I was in Florida and you guys were in there making out, thinking we all had no idea.”
“Well you might, but my parents didn’t.”
Heather rolled her eyes “Yes they did Libby. They just didn’t think Joel had it in him so they didn’t care.”
Joel gave her a dirty look and an eye roll, and stared off into space for a second before he asked them “Do you guys ever think about what things would be like if you hadn’t moved here in 8th grade?”
“I don’t like to.” Heather said rubbing her arms “You moving here was the best thing that could have happened to us.” She said smiling at Libby “Because I gained a best friend and Joel finally found someone who would go out with him.”
Libby started laughing, breath turning into fog and Joel’s mouth fell open “On Christmas? Really Heather? Aren’t you already pretty low on the naughty list?”
“I live on the naughty list. Alright I’m not 15 anymore. It’s too cold for this, you guys coming?” She said as she climbed back in.
“In a minute.” She disappeared out Libby’s bedroom door leaving her with Joel on the roof. She reached forward grabbing his hand to hold it in her mittened one.
“If I hadn’t moved here in 8th grade, we still would have found each other some way.”
“You think?”
She nodded and looked out across town, at the black sky, white snow and twinkling stars above their heads “I do. Just would have needed some magic. Some Christmas magic.” She pointed at a star that streaked across the sky and disappeared before she rested her head on his shoulder.
“Can you think of a better way to spend Christmas Eve?” He asked.
She shook her head “No. I want to spend every Christmas Eve here, and every other day of the year with you until we’re old and grey. Promise me that?” She looked up at him, eyes wide under her glasses.
“Promise. Merry Christmas Libby.”
“Merry Christmas Joel.”
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sundriedmilano · 1 year
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pretty boy
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laurenairay · 2 years
16 with Nolan Patrick Please!!! Thank you, absolutely adore your writing 💖
You are so sweet Kayla! I love writing Patty, so thank you for requesting him to finish out the birthday prompt list!
“What are you doing up?” “My personal heater went away”
Words: 534
Waking up alone wasn’t an unusual thing, not really. But what was unusual was the fact that your boyfriend Nolan had the day off today, so you knew he should still be curled up by your side. The two of you had plans to spend the day together, reconnecting after days apart, and him not being next to you made you frown.
Even his side of the bed was cold.
And now that you were waking up properly, with the combination of the air con and the early morning, you felt a chill slowly creeping over your bare body. That wouldn’t do. What the hell Nolan?
But it didn’t take you long to realise where he’d disappeared to. As you got out of bed and pulled on your discarded pyjama shorts and t-shirt, you heard some clattering down the hallway as well as quiet grunted curse. The kitchen? Yes, definitely the kitchen. With a yawn and a quick run of your fingers through your hair, you left the bedroom to find your boyfriend. Just as you’d thought, he was standing in the kitchen, his back to you, wearing a pair of old sweatpants and an ancient sleeveless t-shirt, clearly picked up from the floor just you’d dressed yourself too.
“Good morning handsome,” you called out, walking slowly into the room.
Nolan turned to face you, lips parted in surprise before he smiled, ducking his head to peck your lips sweetly in greeting as you reached him.
“What are you doing up?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.
“My personal heater went away,” you said simply.
Nolan laughed softly as you snuggled into his side, your hands slipping under this threadbare shirt to rest on his bare skin. Hm, much better. This guy was better than a hot water bottle in front of roaring fire, that was for damn sure.
“Any chance you can go back to bed so I can finish making you breakfast?” he mused.
“You were making me breakfast in bed?” you asked, a little taken aback.
“It was meant to be a surprise,” he shrugged, huffing out a laugh.
Oh that sweet boy.
“I can absolutely go back to bed,” you grinned.
“Don’t make this into a big thing,” he groaned.
“Too late!” you shot back, grinning even wider, “You are a romantic, Nolan Patrick, and I’m not going to let you pretend otherwise.”
Nolan shook his head in amusement, leaning down to press his lips softly to yours before you could walk away. You froze in place, melting a little into his gentle kiss, needing a moment to get your breath back when he pulled away.
“Romantic. Down to your bones. Damn,” you murmured.
He just laughed, cheeks flushing pink as he smiled to him, clearly pleased with rendering you useless.
“10 minutes, I promise,” he mused, “Then I’m all yours for the day.”
“I’ll hold you to that,” you said, smiling up at him.
You leant up to peck another kiss to his lips, before turning and leaving the kitchen once more.
“Hate to see you go, love to watch you leave!” he called out after you.
The sound of your laughter filled the apartment. That was more like it.
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Hi ally!
Can you please write prompt #2 with Nol Pats hehe thank youuu <3
Gotchu! Here you go love! Feel free to request more!
“Call me back…please?”
*leave a message!*
Hey hun, it’s Nolan. Um I don’t normally do this and I’m normally not uhhh anxious like this. Um could you call me back…please?
It’s just–uh you’ve been gone awhile and normally you text. Or call. I don’t know.
I guess I’m just worried about you. I love you.
See you later, honey! Call me soon though
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dogwittaablog · 7 months
I want nolie to post a day in the life, just to narrate whatever the fuck his unemployed ass does all say
All accompanied by being filmed in shitty angles, shaky camera work and muffled audio paired with his mumbling 😃
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