#Chuān Shū Zì Jiù Zhǐ Nán
kdram-chjh · 10 months
Donghua: Scumbung System (Season 1) (2020)
✨ Scumbag System EP 01 - 10 Full Version [MULTI SUB]
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tmarshconnors · 1 year
50 Chinese proverbs along with their English translations:
寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴。(Yī cùn guāngyīn yī cùn jīn, cùn jīn nán mǎi cùn guāngyīn.) Translation: An inch of time is worth an inch of gold, but it is hard to buy even an inch of time.
路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。(Lù mànmàn qí xiū yuǎn xī, wú jiāng shàng xià ér qiú suǒ.) Translation: The road ahead is long and distant; I will seek and explore from top to bottom.
机不可失,时不再来。(Jī bùkě shī, shí bù zàilái.) Translation: Opportunities don't come twice.
山还有一山高。(Yī shān hái yǒu yī shān gāo.) Translation: There is always a higher mountain.
不怕慢,就怕停。(Bù pà màn, jiù pà tíng.) Translation: Don't be afraid of being slow; be afraid of stopping.
多一分功夫,少一分运气。(Duō yī fēn gōngfū, shǎo yī fēn yùnqì.) Translation: A little more effort, a little less luck.
有志者,事竟成。(Yǒu zhì zhě, shì jìng chéng.) Translation: Where there's a will, there's a way.
吃一堑,长一智。(Chī yī qiàn, zhǎng yī zhì.) Translation: Learn from experience and gain wisdom.
学如逆水行舟,不进则退。(Xué rú nìshuǐ xíngzhōu, bù jìn zé tuì.) Translation: Learning is like rowing upstream; if you do not advance, you will retreat.
知己知彼,百战不殆。(Zhī jǐ zhī bǐ, bǎi zhàn bù dài.) Translation: If you know yourself and your enemy, you will not be defeated in a hundred battles.
青山不老,绿水长流。(Qīngshān bùlǎo, lǜshuǐ chángliú.) Translation: The green hills remain, the clear water flows forever.
千里之行,始于足下。(Qiān lǐ zhī xíng, shǐ yú zú xià.) Translation: A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
见微知著。(Jiàn wēi zhī zhù.) Translation: Observe the small to grasp the large.
人外有人,天外有天。(Rén wài yǒu rén, tiān wài yǒu tiān.) Translation: There are always people better than oneself.
不经一事,不长一智。(Bù jīng yī shì, bù zhǎng yī zhì.) Translation: Without experiencing something, one cannot gain wisdom.
水滴石穿,绳锯木断。(Shuǐ dī shí chuān, shéng jù mù duàn.) Translation: Water dripping day by day can wear through stone, and rope sawing back and forth can cut through wood.
机会只对有准备的人开放。(Jīhuì zhǐ duì yǒu zhǔnbèi de rén kāifàng.) Translation: Opportunities only come to those who are prepared.
纸上谈兵。(Zhǐ shàng tán bīng.) Translation: Talking about military strategy on paper.
前人栽树,后人乘凉。(Qián rén zāi shù, hòu rén chéng liáng.) Translation: One generation plants the trees; another enjoys the shade.
捷足先登。(Jié zú xiān dēng.) Translation: The swift foot reaches the top first.
路遥知马力,日久见人心。(Lù yáo zhī mǎ lì, rì jiǔ jiàn rén xīn.) Translation: Over a long distance, one learns about a horse's strength; over a long time, one learns about a person's heart.
静水流深。(Jìng shuǐ liú shēn.) Translation: Still waters run deep.
笨鸟先飞。(Bèn niǎo xiān fēi.) Translation: The clumsy bird flies first.
不打不成交。(Bù dǎ bù chéng jiāo.) Translation: No fight, no deal.
近朱者赤,近墨者黑。(Jìn zhū zhě chì, jìn mò zhě hēi.) Translation: He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm.
爱屋及乌。(Ài wū jí wū.) Translation: Love me, love my dog.
自助者天助。(Zì zhù zhě tiān zhù.) Translation: God helps those who help themselves.
师傅领进门,修行在个人。(Shīfu lǐng jìn mén, xiūxíng zài gèrén.) Translation: The master leads you to the door, but the cultivation is up to you.
读万卷书,行万里路。(Dú wàn juǎn shū, xíng wàn lǐ lù.) Translation: Read ten thousand books and travel ten thousand miles.
不鸣则已,一鸣惊人。(Bù míng zé yǐ, yī míng jīng rén.) Translation: Stay silent until you can make a remarkable sound.
明日复明日,明日何其多。(Míngrì fù míngrì, míngrì hé qí duō.) Translation: There will always be another day.
害人之心不可有,防人之心不可无。(Hài rén zhī xīn bùkě yǒu, fáng rén zhī xīn bùkě wú.) Translation: One should not have malicious intentions, but one should also not be without precautions against others.
书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。(Shū shān yǒu lù qín wéi jìng, xué hǎi wú yá kǔ zuò zhōu.) Translation: There is a way up the mountain of knowledge; hard work is the path on the boundless sea of learning.
知识改变命运。(Zhīshí gǎibiàn mìngyùn.) Translation: Knowledge changes destiny.
真金不怕火炼。(Zhēn jīn bù pà huǒ liàn.) Translation: True gold fears no fire.
君子报仇十年不晚。(Jūnzǐ bàochóu shí nián bù wǎn.) Translation: A gentleman takes revenge, but there is no rush; even after ten years, it's not too late.
画龙点睛。(Huà lóng diǎn jīng.) Translation: To add the finishing touch, like adding the eyes to a dragon painting.
天有不测风云。(Tiān yǒu bùcè fēngyún.) Translation: Heaven has unpredictable winds and clouds.
不经历风雨,怎能见彩虹。(Bù jīnglì fēngyǔ, zěn néng jiàn cǎihóng.) Translation: Without experiencing storms, how can one see a rainbow?
勿以恶小而为之,勿以善小而不为。(Wù yǐ è xiǎo ér wéi zhī, wù yǐ shàn xiǎo ér bù wéi.) Translation: Do not do evil because it seems insignificant; do not refrain from doing good because it seems insignificant.
跳出来的蛤蟆要比井里的牛大。(Tiào chūlái de hámá yào bǐ jǐng lǐ de niú dà.) Translation: A frog that jumps out is bigger than the cow in the well.
人不可貌相。(Rén bùkě mào xiàng.) Translation: Don't judge a book by its cover.
好事不出门,坏事传千里。(Hǎoshì bù chūmén, huàishì chuán qiānlǐ.) Translation: Good deeds do not go beyond the doorstep, while bad deeds spread a thousand miles.
不问的不知,问了的不愚。(Bù wèn de bù zhī, wènle de bù yú.) Translation: If you don't ask, you won't know, and if you ask, you won't be foolish
万事开头难。(Wàn shì kāitóu nán.) Translation: The beginning is the hardest part.
家家有本难念的经。(Jiā jiā yǒu běn nán niàn de jīng.) Translation: Every family has its own difficulties.
吃得苦中苦,方为人上人。(Chī dé kǔ zhōng kǔ, fāng wéi rén shàng rén.) Translation: Only by enduring the hardest of hardships can one become superior.
知人知面不知心。(Zhī rén zhī miàn bù zhī xīn.) Translation: We know a person's face, but not their heart.
人心隔肚皮。(Rén xīn gé dù pí.) Translation: The heart of a person is hidden beneath their belly.
有钱能使鬼推磨。(Yǒu qián néng shǐ guǐ tuī mò.) Translation: With money, even ghosts will push the grindstone.
Remember that translations may vary slightly depending on the context and the translator, but these proverbs capture the essence of the original Chinese sayings.
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//What THE FUCK was that "final" episode for Chuān Shū Zì Jiù Zhǐ Nán (Scumbag System)??? That wasn't any sort of season finale; that felt like a "well, we couldn't get the project done, so we just turned in what we were able to finish." Was this because of COVID? I'll give it a pass in that case, but if the studio just bit off more than it could chew or something... >:/
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lanyuantu · 4 years
Scumbag System Opening [Chuan Shu Zijiu Zhinan]-Song of Words Unsaid
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bunsinyoface · 3 years
I finally finished reading all three Mo Xiang Tong Xiu’s novels as of 2021. 
[[[ FYI---> spoilers]]
Overall impression: the characters basically run off of a checklist of “Who would you want to Fuck, Marry, or Kill?.” (Excuse me if this already has been done before... my thoughts on a few). 
Mó Dào Zǔ Shī / 魔道祖师 /Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation:
Wei Wuxian:
Fuck Lan Wanji.
Marry Lan Wanji. 
Kill all who hurts those that I love.
 Also, Fuck rules.
Lan Wanji: 
Fuck Wei Wuxian, 
Marry Wei Wuxian.
Kill myself/ honor/ life, etc all for the love of my life 
Also, Fuck Wei Wuxian again for leaving me behind and fucking with my feelings.
Jiang Cheng:
Fuck .... (not applicable).
Marry ... (is that even on my radar?).
Kill all Wen dogs and wannabe Yiling patriarchs.
Also, Fuck Wei Wuxian for being the cause of my family’s despair and trading me for Lan Wangji.
Nie Huaisang:
Fuck... I don’t know.
Marry... I don’t know.
Kill Jin Guangyao. 
Also Fuck my brother for beating me up and Wei Wuxian for being the Yiling Patriarch.
Jin Guangyao:
Fuck Qin Su.
Marry Qin Su.
Kill everyone who thinks I am beneath them or knows my secrets.
Also Fuck the whole Qinghe Nie sect for being the death of me and Wei Wuxian for crashing my plans. 
Lil’ Apple:
Fuck apples.
Marry apples.
Kill all who stand between me and my apples.
Also Fuck Wei Wuxian for being a cheap ass cheaper than my legit ass’s ass.
Tiān Guān Cì Fú / 天官赐福/ Heaven Official's Blessing:
Xie Lian: 
Fuck San Lang.
Marry San Lang. 
Kill all who stands against saving the world.
Also Fuck Qi Rong, Bai Wuxiang, and Jun Wu.
Hua Cheng: 
Fuck Gege.
Marry Gege. 
Kill all who stand in Gege’s way and caused his sufferings.
Also fuck the heavenly court, its righteous ass, and the fucking world. My mecha-gege will destroy everything you stand for.
Mu Qing:
Fuck ... no one.
Marry ... no one.
Also Fuck Feng Xin for being a friend to his highness.
Feng Xin:
Fuck Jian Lan.
Marry ......????.
Kill all who are not loyal to his highness. CURSE THEM OUT.
Also Fuck Mu Qing for being an idiot.
Pei Ming:
Fuck all I the women want.
Marry ......no one.
Kill Ming Guang.
Also Fuck the Rain Master for ruining my manly pride.
Chuān Shū Zì Jiù Zhǐ Nán /  穿书自救指南 /Scumbag System:
Shen Qingqiu: 
Fuck Luo Binghe....and papapa to save the world.
Marry Luo Binghe. 
Kill the system. 
Also Fuck Airplane Bro’s incompetent writing skills.
Luo Binghe: 
Fuck Shizun. 
Marry Shizun. 
Kill anyone who even lives and breathes around Shizun. 
Also Fuck everyone on Cang Qiong Mountain especially Liu Qingge.
Liu Qingge:
Fuck.....Shen Qingqiu??
Marry...….(do I even want this??)
Kill Luo Binghe,  Luo Binghe,  Luo Binghe, Luo Binghe.
Also Fuck anyone outside of Bai Zhan Peak... actually Fuck my Bai Zhan disciples too.
Yue Qingyuan:
Fuck ..... Protect Shen Qingqiu
Marry .....  Protect Shen Qingqiu
Kill anyone who threatens Cang Qiong Mountain  Protect Shen Qingqiu
Shang Qinghua:
Fuck  My King.
Marry My King (TBA).
Kill ....nvm Save myself.
Also Fuck Cucumber-bro for making me transmigrate and for being my anti-fan.
Fuck my servant.
Marry my servant (TBA).
Kill whoever.
Also Fuck what is actually happening, I’m just here for the ride (YOLO). 
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a-mustard-flower · 4 years
Scumbag Villain Donghua Episode List
Apparently the subbed youtube episodes of the Scumbag Villain donghua  are getting lost and/or have become difficult to find due to unknown reasons, so I’m making a list with Youtube links and a final link to the WeTV webpage.
Donghua name: Scumbag System (穿书自救指南, Chuān Shū Zì Jiù Zhǐ Nán; also: Survivor’s Guide to Novel Transmigration)
YouTube episodes:
- Episode 1 premiered on YT on 10 Sep. 2020 :
- Episode 2 premiered on YT on 19 Sep. 2020:
- Episode 3 premiered on YT on 26 Sep. 2020:
- Episode 4 premiered on YT on 03 Oct. 2020:
- Episode 5 premiered on YT on 10 Oct. 2020:
- Episode 6 premiered on YT on 17 Oct. 2020:
- Episode 7 premiered on YT on 24 Oct. 2020:
- Episode 8 will air on YT on 31 Oct. 2020:
- Episode 9 will air on YT on 07 Nov. 2020:
- Episode 10 will air on YT on 07 Nov. 2020:
WeTV Link for all free episodes (currently 8):
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hskchinese · 6 years
HSK3 WORDS LIST (600 words)
阿姨 āyí aunt
啊 a ah
矮 ǎi short
爱 ài love
爱好 àihào hobby
安静 ānjìng be quiet
八 bā eight
把 bǎ hold
爸爸 bàba dad
吧 ba a particle forming a leading question which asks for confirmation of supposition
白 bái white
百 bǎi hundred
班 bān class
搬 bān turn; pull
半 bàn half
办法 bànfǎ way
办公室 bàngōngshì office
帮忙 bāngmáng help
帮助 bāngzhù help
包 bāo package
饱 bǎo full
报纸 bàozhǐ newspaper
杯子 bēizi glass
北方 běifāng north
北京 běijīng Beijing
被 bèi cover
本 běn book
鼻子 bízi nose
比 bǐ than
比较 bǐjiào compare
比赛 bǐsài match
必须 bìxū must
变化 biànhuà change
表示 biǎoshì express
表演 biǎoyǎn perform
别 bié other
别人 biéren Others
宾馆 bīnguǎn hotel
冰箱 bīngxiāng refrigerator
不客气 búkèqi You are welcome
不 bù No
才 cái just
菜 cài food
菜单 càidān menu
参加 cānjiā participate in
草 cǎo grass
层 céng layer
茶 chá tea
差 chà difference
长 cháng long
唱歌 chànggē sing
超市 chāoshì supermarket
衬衫 chènshān shirt
成绩 chéngjì achievement
城市 chéngshì city
吃 chī eat
迟到 chídào Late
出 chū come out
出现 chūxiàn appear
出租车 chūzūchē taxi
厨房 chúfáng kitchen
除了 chúle except
穿 chuān wear
船 chuán ship
春 chūn spring
词语 cíyǔ terms
次 cì second
聪明 cōngming clever
从 cóng from
错 cuò wrong
打电话 dǎdiànhuà phone
打篮球 dǎlánqiú play basketball
打扫 dǎsǎo clean
打算 dǎsuàn plan
大 dà large
大家 dàjiā everybody
带 dài belt
担心 dānxīn Worry
蛋糕 dàngāo cake
但是 dànshì however
当然 dāngrán of course
到 dào reach
地 de used after an adjective
的 de used after an attributive word or phrase
得 de used after a verb or on adjective to introduce a complement of result or degree
灯 dēng lamp
等 děng etc.
低 dī low
弟弟 dìdi Younger brother
地方 dìfang local
地铁 dìtiě metro, subway
地图 dìtú map
第一 dìyī first
点 diǎn spot
电脑 diànnǎo computer
电视 diànshì television
电梯 diàntī elevator.
电影 diànyǐng film
电子邮件 diànzǐyóujiàn E-mail
东 dōng east
东西 dōngxi thing
冬 dōng winter
懂 dǒng understand
动物 dòngwù animal
都 dōu all
读 dú read
短 duǎn short
段 duàn paragraph
锻炼 duànliàn physical exercise
对 duì Yes
对不起 duìbuqǐ I’m sorry.
多 duō many
多么 duōme what
多少 duōshao how much
饿 è hungry
而且 érqiě and
儿子 érzi son
耳朵 ěrduo ears
二 èr two
发烧 fāshāo have a fever
发现 fāxiàn find
饭馆 fànguǎn restaurant
方便 fāngbiàn convenient
房间 fángjiān room
放 fàng discharge
放心 fàngxīn don’t worry
非常 fēicháng very
飞机 fēijī aircraft
分 fēn branch
分钟 fēnzhōng minute
服务员 fúwùyuán waiter
附近 fùjìn nearby
复习 fùxí Review
干净 gānjìng clean
敢 gǎn dare
感冒 gǎnmào get a cold
刚才 gāngcái just
高 gāo high
高兴 gāoxìng happy
告诉 gàosu tell
哥哥 gēge brother
个 gè individual
给 gěi to
跟 gēn with
根据 gēnjù according to
更 gèng more
公共汽车 gōnggòngqìchē Bus
公斤 gōngjīn kg.
公司 gōngsī company
公园 gōngyuán park
工作 gōngzuò work
狗 gǒu dog
故事 gùshi story
刮风 guāfēng windy
关 guān shut
关系 guānxì relationship
关心 guānxīn care for
关于 guānyú about
贵 guì expensive
国家 guójiā country
果汁 guǒzhī fruit juice
过去 guòqù go over
过 guo too
还 hái still
还是 háishì still
孩子 háizi children
害怕 hàipà fear
汉语 hànyǔ Chinese language
好 hǎo good
好吃 hǎochī yummy
号 hào number
喝 hē drink
和 hé and
河 hé river
黑 hēi black
黑板 hēibǎn blackboard
很 hěn very
红 hóng red
后面 hòumiàn behind
护照 hùzhào passport
花 (动) huā spend (verb)
花园 huāyuán garden
画 huà painting
坏 huài bad
欢迎 huānyíng welcome
还 huán still
环境 huánjìng environment
换 huàn change
黄 huáng yellow
回 huí return
回答 huídá answer
会 huì can, be able to
会议 huìyì meeting
火车站 huǒchēzhàn train station
或者 huòzhě perhaps
机场 jīchǎng airport
鸡蛋 jīdàn egg
几乎 jīhū almost
机会 jīhuì opportunity
极 jí extremely
几 jǐ several
记得 jìde remember
季节 jìjié season
家 jiā home
检查 jiǎnchá inspect
简单 jiǎndān simple
件 jiàn piece
健康 jiànkāng healthy
见面 jiànmiàn meet
讲 jiǎng speak
教 jiāo teach
角 jiǎo horn
脚 jiǎo foot
叫 jiào call
教室 jiàoshì classroom
接 jiē meet
街道 jiēdào street
结婚 jiéhūn marry
结束 jiéshù end
节目 jiémù program
节日 jiérì festival
姐姐 jiějie sister
解决 jiějué Solve
借 jiè borrow
介绍 jièshào introduce
今天 jīntiān Today
进 jìn enter
近 jìn near
经常 jīngcháng often
经过 jīngguò after
经理 jīnglǐ manager
九 jiǔ nine
久 jiǔ long
旧 jiù used
就 jiù exactly, precisely, as soon as
举行 jǔxíng hold
句子 jùzi sentence
觉得 juéde Think
决定 juédìng decision
咖啡 kāfēi coffee
开 kāi open
开始 kāishǐ start
看 kàn see
看见 kànjiàn seeing
考试 kǎoshì examination
渴 kě thirsty
可爱 kě’ài lovely
可能 kěnéng probably
可以 kěyǐ sure
刻 kè moment
课 kè course
客人 kèrén guest
空调 kōngtiáo air conditioner
口 kǒu mouth
哭 kū cry
裤子 kùzi trousers
块 kuài block
快 kuài fast
快乐 kuàilè happy
筷子 kuàizi chopsticks
来 lái come
蓝 lán blue
老 lǎo old
老师 lǎoshī teacher
了 le a particle indicating that the situation has changed
累 lèi tired
冷 lěng cold
离 lí leave
离开 líkāi leave
里 lǐ in
礼物 lǐwù gift
历史 lìshǐ history
脸 liǎn face
练习 liànxí practice
两 liǎng two
辆 liàng car
了解 liǎojiě understand
邻居 línjū neighbor
零 líng zero
六 liù six
楼 lóu floor
路 lù road
旅游 lǚyóu tourism
绿 lǜ green
妈妈 māma mom
马 mǎ horse
马上 mǎshàng right off
吗 ma a particle used at the end of a question
买 mǎi buy
卖 mài sell
满意 mǎnyì satisfied
慢 màn slow
忙 máng busy
猫 māo cat
帽子 màozi Hat
没 méi no
没关系 méiguānxi No problem
每 měi each
妹妹 mèimei Younger sister
门 mén door
米 mǐ rice
米饭 mǐfàn steamed rice
面包 miànbāo bread
面条 miàntiáo noodle
明白 míngbai clear
明天 míngtiān tomorrow
名字 míngzi name
拿 ná take
哪 (哪儿) nǎ(nǎr) where
那 (那儿) nà(nàr) there
奶奶 nǎinai grandma
南 nán south
男人 nánrén man
难 nán disaster; blame
难过 nánguò sorry
呢 ne rhetorical question
能 néng can
你 nǐ you
年 nián year
年级 niánjí grade
年轻 niánqīng young
鸟 niǎo bird
您 nín you
牛奶 niúnǎi milk
努力 nǔlì strive
女儿 nǚ’ér daughter
女人 nǚrén woman
爬山 páshān mountain climbing
盘子 pánzi plate
旁边 pángbiān side
胖 pàng fat
跑步 pǎobù run
朋友 péngyou friend
啤酒 píjiǔ beer
便宜 piányi cheap
票 piào ticket
漂亮 piàoliang beautiful
苹果 píngguǒ apple
葡萄 pútao grape
普通话 pǔtōnghuà mandarin
七 qī seven
妻子 qīzi wife
其实 qíshí actually
其他 qítā other
骑 qí ride
奇怪 qíguài strange
起床 qǐchuáng get up
千 qiān thousand
铅笔 qiānbǐ pencil
钱 qián money
前面 qiánmiàn front
清楚 qīngchu clear
晴 qíng sunny
请 qǐng please
秋 qiū autumn
去 qù go
去年 qùnián last year
裙子 qúnzi skirt
然后 ránhòu then
让 ràng give way
热 rè heat
热情 rèqíng enthusiasm
人 rén people
认识 rènshi know
认为 rènwéi think
认真 rènzhēn earnest
日 rì day
容易 róngyì easily
如果 rúguǒ If
三 sān Three
伞 sǎn umbrella
商店 shāngdiàn shop
上 shàng upper
上班 shàngbān go to work
上网 shàngwǎng surf the Internet
上午 shàngwǔ morning
少 shǎo less
谁 shéi who
身体 shēntǐ body
什么 shénme what
生病 shēngbìng fall ill
生气 shēngqì get angry
生日 shēngrì Birthday
声音 shēngyīn voice
十 shí ten
时候 shíhou time
时间 shíjiān time
使 shǐ send
是 shì yes
世界 shìjiè world
事情 shìqing thing
手表 shǒubiǎo watch
手机 shǒujī mobile phone
瘦 shòu thin
书 shū book
舒服 shūfu comfortable
叔叔 shūshu uncle
树 shù tree
数学 shùxué mathematics
刷牙 shuāyá brush one’s teeth
双 shuāng double
水 shuǐ water
水果 shuǐguǒ fruits
水平 shuǐpíng level
睡觉 shuìjiào sleep
说话 shuōhuà speak
司机 sījī driver
四 sì four
送 sòng give
虽然 suīrán although
岁 suì year
所以 suǒyǐ therefore
他 tā he
她 tā she
它 tā it
太 tài too
太阳 tàiyáng sunlight
糖 táng sugar
特别 tèbié especially
疼 téng they hurt
踢足球 tīzúqiú play football
题 tí topic
提高 tígāo increase
体育 tǐyù sports
天气 tiānqì weather
甜 tián sweet
条 tiáo strip
跳舞 tiàowǔ dance
听 tīng hear
同事 tóngshì colleague
同学 tóngxué classmate
同意 tóngyì agree
头发 tóufa hair
突然 tūrán suddenly
图书馆 túshūguǎn library
腿 tuǐ leg
外 wài abroad
完 wán finish
完成 wánchéng complete
玩 wán play
碗 wǎn bowl
晚上 wǎnshang night
万 wàn ten thousand
忘记 wàngjì forget
喂 wèi feed
为 wèi by
为了 wèile in order to
为什么 wèishénme why
位 wèi position
文化 wénhuà Culture
问 wèn ask
问题 wèntí problem
我 wǒ I, me
我们 wǒmen we
五 wǔ five
西 xī west
西瓜 xīguā watermelon
希望 xīwàng hope
习惯 xíguàn Habit
洗 xǐ wash
洗手间 xǐshǒujiān restroom
洗澡 xǐzǎo take a shower
喜欢 xǐhuan like
下 xià lower
下午 xiàwǔ afternoon
下雨 xiàyǔ rain
夏 xià summer
先 xiān before
先生 xiānsheng sir
现在 xiànzài now
香蕉 xiāngjiāo banana
相同 xiāngtóng identical
相信 xiāngxìn believe
想 xiǎng think
向 xiàng towards
像 xiàng image
小 xiǎo small
小姐 xiǎojiě miss
小时 xiǎoshí hour
小心 xiǎoxīn look out
笑 xiào laugh
校长 xiàozhǎng principal
些 xiē some
鞋 xié shoes
写 xiě write
谢谢 xièxie thank you
新 xīn new
新闻 xīnwén news
新�� xīnxiān fresh
信 xìn letter
星期 xīngqī week
行李箱 xínglixiāng trunk
姓 xìng surname
兴趣 xìngqù Interest
熊猫 xióngmāo panda
休息 xiūxi rest
需要 xūyào need
选择 xuǎnzé choice
学生 xuésheng student
学习 xuéxí study
学校 xuéxiào school
雪 xuě snow
颜色 yánsè colour
眼镜 yǎnjìng glasses
眼睛 yǎnjing eye
羊肉 yángròu mutton
要求 yāoqiú requirement
药 yào drug
要 yào want
爷爷 yéye grandpa
也 yě also
一 yī one
衣服 yīfu clothes
医生 yīshēng doctor
医院 yīyuàn hospital
一定 yídìng certain
一共 yígòng altogether
一会儿 yíhuìr a little while
一样 yíyàng equally
以后 yǐhòu In the future
以前 yǐqián before
以为 yǐwéi think, take for
已经 yǐjīng already
椅子 yǐzi chair
一般 yìbān commonly
一边 yìbiān one side
一起 yìqǐ together
一直 yìzhí always
意思 yìsi meaning
阴 yīn yin
因为 yīnwèi because
音乐 yīnyuè music
银行 yínháng bank
应该 yīnggāi should
影响 yǐngxiǎng Influence
用 yòng use
游戏 yóuxì game
游泳 yóuyǒng swimming
有 yǒu have
有名 yǒumíng famous
又 yòu also
右边 yòubian right
鱼 yú fish
遇到 yùdào encounter
元 yuán element
远 yuǎn far
愿意 yuànyì be willing
月 yuè month
月亮 yuèliang moon
越 yuè the more
云 yún cloud
运动 yùndòng motion
在 zài stay
再 zài again
再见 zàijiàn bye
早上 zǎoshang morning
怎么 zěnme how
怎么样 zěnmeyàng how
站 zhàn station
张 zhāng zhang
长 zhǎng long
丈夫 zhàngfu husband
着急 zháojí worry about
找 zhǎo look for
照顾 zhàogù look after
照片 zhàopiàn photo
照相机 zhàoxiàngjī camera
这 (这儿) zhè(zhèr) here
着 zhe means
真 zhēn really
正在 zhèngzài Is
知道 zhīdào know
只 zhǐ only
中国 zhōngguó China
中间 zhōngjiān middle
中午 zhōngwǔ noon
终于 zhōngyú finally
种 zhǒng species
重要 zhòngyào important
周末 zhōumò weekend
主要 zhǔyào main
住 zhù live
祝 zhù wish
注意 zhùyì be careful
准备 zhǔnbèi get ready
桌子 zhuōzi table
字 zì word
字典 zìdiǎn dictionaries
自己 zìjǐ own
自行车 zìxíngchē bicycle
总是 zǒngshì always
走 zǒu go
最 zuì most
最近 zuìjìn lately
昨天 zuótiān yesterday
左边 zuǒbian left
坐 zuò sit
做 zuò do
作业 zuòyè task
作用 zuòyòng effect
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bx0032 · 8 years
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【双语美文】Appointment with love 原创 2017-03-13 hanrenhanyu 汉人汉语
20. Appointment with love 20. 爱的约会 20. ài de yuē huì
Six minutes to six, said the clock over the information booth in New York’s Grand Central Station. The tall young Army lieutenant lifted his sunburned face and narrowed his eyes to note the exact time. His heart was pounding with a beat. In six minutes he would see the woman who had filled such a special place in his life for the past 13 month, the woman he had never seen, yet whose written words had sustained him unfailingly. 在纽约地铁中心总站,咨询处上方的时钟指向了5点54分。年轻高大的陆军中尉抬起黝黑的脸庞,眯着眼睛看上面的时间,一颗心激动得怦怦直跳,6分钟后,他就要见到那个女人了——在过去的13个月里一直占据着他心灵某个特殊位置的女人。虽然他们素未谋面,但她的信却一直是他的精神支柱。 zài niǔ yuē dì tiě zhōng xīn zǒng zhàn ,zī xún chù shàng fāng de shí zhōng zhǐ xiàng le 5diǎn 54fèn 。nián qīng gāo dà de lù jun1 zhōng wèi tái qǐ yǒu hēi de liǎn páng ,mī zhe yǎn jīng kàn shàng miàn de shí jiān ,yī kē xīn jī dòng dé pēng pēng zhí tiào ,6fèn zhōng hòu ,tā jiù yào jiàn dào nà gè nǚ rén le ——zài guò qù de 13gè yuè lǐ yī zhí zhàn jù zhe tā xīn líng mǒu gè tè shū wèi zhì de nǚ rén 。suī rán tā men sù wèi móu miàn ,dàn tā de xìn què yī zhí shì tā de jīng shén zhī zhù 。
Lieutenant Blandford remembered one day in particular, during the worst of the fighting, when his plane had been caught in the midst of a pack of enemy’s planes. In one of his letters he had confessed to her that he often felt fear, and only a few days before this battle he had received her answer: “Of course you fear…all brave men do. Next time you doubt yourself, I want you to hear my voice reciting to you: ‘yeah, though I walked through the Valley of the Shadow of Death, I will hear no evil: for thou art with me.’…” He had remembered, and it had renewed his strength. 布兰福德中尉记得那天,战斗艰苦的时刻,他的飞机被敌机重重包围。他曾在一封信里对她坦言,他常会感到畏惧。就在战斗打响的前几天,他收到了她的回信:“你当然会畏惧……勇士们都会那样,下次你在不自信时,我希望你能听到我为你朗诵的声音:‘啊,是的,尽管我要走过死亡之谷,但我将勇往直前,因为你与我同在。’”他记得,正是那封信使他重新振作。 bù lán fú dé zhōng wèi jì dé nà tiān ,zhàn dòu jiān kǔ de shí kè ,tā de fēi jī bèi dí jī zhòng zhòng bāo wéi 。tā céng zài yī fēng xìn lǐ duì tā tǎn yán ,tā cháng huì gǎn dào wèi jù 。jiù zài zhàn dòu dǎ xiǎng de qián jǐ tiān ,tā shōu dào le tā de huí xìn :“nǐ dāng rán huì wèi jù ……yǒng shì men dōu huì nà yàng ,xià cì nǐ zài bú zì xìn shí ,wǒ xī wàng nǐ néng tīng dào wǒ wéi nǐ lǎng sòng de shēng yīn :‘ā ,shì de ,jìn guǎn wǒ yào zǒu guò sǐ wáng zhī gǔ ,dàn wǒ jiāng yǒng wǎng zhí qián ,yīn wéi nǐ yǔ wǒ tóng zài 。’”tā jì dé ,zhèng shì nà fēng xìn shǐ tā zhòng xīn zhèn zuò 。
Now he was going to hear her real voice. Four minutes to six. 此时,他就要听到她真实的声音了,还有4分钟就6点了。 cǐ shí ,tā jiù yào tīng dào tā zhēn shí de shēng yīn le ,hái yǒu 4fèn zhōng jiù 6diǎn le 。
A girl passed close to him, and Lieutenant Blandford started. She was wearing a flower, but it was not the little red rose they had agreed upon. Besides, this girl was only about 18, and Hollis Meynell had told him she was 30. “What of it?” he had answered. “I’m 32.” He was 29. 一个女孩走近他,布兰福德中尉一惊。她戴着一朵花,但不是他们约好的那种红玫瑰。这个女孩只有18岁左右,而霍丽丝.梅内尔告诉过他,她已30岁。“有什么关系呢?”他还回信说,“我32岁”,其实他只有29岁 yī gè nǚ hái zǒu jìn tā ,bù lán fú dé zhōng wèi yī jīng 。tā dài zhe yī duǒ huā ,dàn bú shì tā men yuē hǎo de nà zhǒng hóng méi guī 。zhè gè nǚ hái zhī yǒu 18suì zuǒ yòu ,ér huò lì sī .méi nèi ěr gào sù guò tā ,tā yǐ 30suì 。“yǒu shí me guān xì ne ?”tā hái huí xìn shuō ,“wǒ 32suì ”,qí shí tā zhī yǒu 29suì
His mind went back to that book he had read in the training camp. Of Human Bondage it was; and throughout the book were notes in a woman’s handwriting. He had never believed that a woman could see into a man’s heart so tenderly, so understandingly. Her name was on the book plate: Hollis Meynell. He had got hold a New York City telephone book and found her address. He had written; she had answered. Next day he had been shipped out, but they had gone on writing. 他又想到了在训练营时看过的一本书——《人性的枷锁》,书里有一个女人的批注。他难以相信,一个女人竟能如此透彻地读懂男人的心,书签上有她的名字:霍丽丝.梅内尔。于是他找来一本纽约市电话簿,查到了地址,给她写信,并收到了回信。因为执行任务,第二天他就坐船离开了,但他们仍保持通信。 tā yòu xiǎng dào le zài xùn liàn yíng shí kàn guò de yī běn shū ——《rén xìng de jiā suǒ 》,shū lǐ yǒu yī gè nǚ rén de pī zhù 。tā nán yǐ xiàng xìn ,yī gè nǚ rén jìng néng rú cǐ tòu chè dì dú dǒng nán rén de xīn ,shū qiān shàng yǒu tā de míng zì :huò lì sī .méi nèi ěr 。yú shì tā zhǎo lái yī běn niǔ yuē shì diàn huà bù ,chá dào le dì zhǐ ,gěi tā xiě xìn ,bìng shōu dào le huí xìn 。yīn wéi zhí háng rèn wù ,dì èr tiān tā jiù zuò chuán lí kāi le ,dàn tā men réng bǎo chí tōng xìn 。
For 13 months she had faithfully replied. When his letters did not arrive, she wrote anyway, and now he believed that he loved her and that she loved him. 13个月里,她始终诚挚地给他回信,通常是他的信还未到,她的信就来了。因此,他深信,他们彼此深爱着。 13gè yuè lǐ ,tā shǐ zhōng chéng zhì dì gěi tā huí xìn ,tōng cháng shì tā de xìn hái wèi dào ,tā de xìn jiù lái le 。yīn cǐ ,tā shēn xìn ,tā men bǐ cǐ shēn ài zhe 。
But she had refused all his pleas to send him her photograph. She had explained:” If you’re feeling for me has any reality, what I look like won’t matter. Suppose I’m beautiful. I’d always been haunted by the feeling that you had been taking a chance on just that, and that kind of love would disgust me. Suppose I’m plain ( and you must admit that this is more likely), then I’d always fear that you were only going on writing because you were lonely and had no one else. No, don’t ask for my picture. When you come to New York, you shall see me and then you shall make your decision.” 然而,她拒绝送他照片,并解释说:“如果你是真心对我,我的外表并不重要。如果我长得很漂亮,我会认为,你是爱我的外表,那样会另我很反感。如果我长相平凡(你必须承认这个更有可能),就会担心,你和我通信,是因为内心孤独,无人倾诉。别向我要照片。你来纽约时就可以看到我了,可以在那时做出某些决定。” rán ér ,tā jù jué sòng tā zhào piàn ,bìng jiě shì shuō :“rú guǒ nǐ shì zhēn xīn duì wǒ ,wǒ de wài biǎo bìng bú zhòng yào 。rú guǒ wǒ zhǎng dé hěn piāo liàng ,wǒ huì rèn wéi ,nǐ shì ài wǒ de wài biǎo ,nà yàng huì lìng wǒ hěn fǎn gǎn 。rú guǒ wǒ zhǎng xiàng píng fán (nǐ bì xū chéng rèn zhè gè gèng yǒu kě néng ),jiù huì dān xīn ,nǐ hé wǒ tōng xìn ,shì yīn wéi nèi xīn gū dú ,wú rén qīng sù 。bié xiàng wǒ yào zhào piàn 。nǐ lái niǔ yuē shí jiù kě yǐ kàn dào wǒ le ,kě yǐ zài nà shí zuò chū mǒu xiē jué dìng 。”
One minute to six…he put hard on a cigarette. Then Lieutenant Blandford’s heart leaped. 还有1分钟就6点了……布兰福德猛抽了一口烟,心跳更加快了。 hái yǒu 1fèn zhōng jiù 6diǎn le ……bù lán fú dé měng chōu le yī kǒu yān ,xīn tiào gèng jiā kuài le 。
A young woman was coming towards him. Her figure was long and slim; her blond hair lay back in curls over her delicate ears. Her eyes were as blue as flowers, her lips and chin had a gentle firmness. In her pale-green suit, she was like springtime come alive. 一位年轻的女士向他走来,她身材苗条,金黄的卷发拢在小巧的耳后,双唇红润,下巴精致,眼睛深蓝动人。她穿着淡绿色的西装,浑身散发着青春的活力。 yī wèi nián qīng de nǚ shì xiàng tā zǒu lái ,tā shēn cái miáo tiáo ,jīn huáng de juàn fā lǒng zài xiǎo qiǎo de ěr hòu ,shuāng chún hóng rùn ,xià bā jīng zhì ,yǎn jīng shēn lán dòng rén 。tā chuān zhe dàn lǜ sè de xī zhuāng ,hún shēn sàn fā zhe qīng chūn de huó lì 。
He started toward her, forgetting to notice that she was wearing no rose, and as he moved, a small, provocative smile curved her lips. 他开始向她走去,根本没注意她是否戴着玫瑰花,他走近,看到她的嘴角浮起动人的微笑。 tā kāi shǐ xiàng tā zǒu qù ,gēn běn méi zhù yì tā shì fǒu dài zhe méi guī huā ,tā zǒu jìn ,kàn dào tā de zuǐ jiǎo fú qǐ dòng rén de wēi xiào 。
“Going my way, soldier?” she murmured. He made one step closer to her. Then he saw Hollis Meynell. “问路吗,军人?”她轻轻地说。他又走近一步,接着,他看到了霍丽丝.梅内尔 “wèn lù ma ,jun1 rén ?”tā qīng qīng dì shuō 。tā yòu zǒu jìn yī bù ,jiē zhe ,tā kàn dào le huò lì sī .méi nèi ěr
She was standing almost directly behind the girl, a woman well past 40, her graying hair tucked under a worn hat. She was more than plump; her thick ankled feet were thrust into low-heeled shoes. 霍丽丝?梅内尔就站在这姑娘身后,一个40多岁的女人,灰白的头发塞在破旧的帽子下面,很胖,厚实的双脚穿着低跟鞋。 huò lì sī ?méi nèi ěr jiù zhàn zài zhè gū niáng shēn hòu ,yī gè 40duō suì de nǚ rén ,huī bái de tóu fā sāi zài pò jiù de mào zǐ xià miàn ,hěn pàng ,hòu shí de shuāng jiǎo chuān zhe dī gēn xié 。
But she wore a red rose on her rumpled coat. The girl in the green suit was walking quickly. Blandford felt as though he were being split into two, so keen was his desire to follow the girl, yet so deep was his longing for the woman whose spirit had truly companioned and upheld his own; and there she stood. He could see her pale, plump face was gentle and sensible; her grey eyes had a warm twinkle. 可是她那皱巴巴的外衣上别着一朵红玫瑰。绿衣女孩匆匆离去。布兰福德心碎了,他多想跟着那女孩啊,然而他又真切地渴望见这个女人,是她的精神一直陪伴他,激励他。她就站在那里,苍白丰满的面庞,温柔而理性,灰色的眼睛里闪着温和的光芒。 kě shì tā nà zhòu bā bā de wài yī shàng bié zhe yī duǒ hóng méi guī 。lǜ yī nǚ hái cōng cōng lí qù 。bù lán fú dé xīn suì le ,tā duō xiǎng gēn zhe nà nǚ hái ā ,rán ér tā yòu zhēn qiē dì kě wàng jiàn zhè gè nǚ rén ,shì tā de jīng shén yī zhí péi bàn tā ,jī lì tā 。tā jiù zhàn zài nà lǐ ,cāng bái fēng mǎn de miàn páng ,wēn róu ér lǐ xìng ,huī sè de yǎn jīng lǐ shǎn zhe wēn hé de guāng máng 。
Lieutenant Blandford did not hesitate. His fingers gripped the worn copy of Human Bondage which was to identify him to her. This would not be love, but it would be something precious, a friendship that he had been and must ever be grateful… 布兰福德没有犹豫,他紧抓着那本破旧的《人性的枷锁》,它是向她证明身份的依据。尽管这不会是爱情,但是一种珍贵的东西,是他曾经拥有并要感激的友情…… bù lán fú dé méi yǒu yóu yù ,tā jǐn zhuā zhe nà běn pò jiù de 《rén xìng de jiā suǒ 》,tā shì xiàng tā zhèng míng shēn fèn de yī jù 。jìn guǎn zhè bú huì shì ài qíng ,dàn shì yī zhǒng zhēn guì de dōng xī ,shì tā céng jīng yōng yǒu bìng yào gǎn jī de yǒu qíng ……
He squared his shoulders, saluted, and held the book out toward the woman, although even well while he spoke he fell the bitterness of disappointment. “I’m John Blandford, and you---you are Miss Meynell. May---may I take you to dinner?” 尽管因深深的失望而感到痛苦,布兰福德仍摆正双肩,敬了个礼,然后把书递给那个女人:“我是约翰?布兰福德,您——您是梅内尔女士吧,我可以——可以请您吃饭吗?” jìn guǎn yīn shēn shēn de shī wàng ér gǎn dào tòng kǔ ,bù lán fú dé réng bǎi zhèng shuāng jiān ,jìng le gè lǐ ,rán hòu bǎ shū dì gěi nà gè nǚ rén :“wǒ shì yuē hàn ?bù lán fú dé ,nín ——nín shì méi nèi ěr nǚ shì ba ,wǒ kě yǐ ——kě yǐ qǐng nín chī fàn ma ?”
The woman smiled. “I don’t know what this is all about, son,” she answered. “That young lady in the green suit, she begged me to wear this rose on my coat. And she said that if you ask me to go out with you, I should tell you that she’s waiting for you in that restraint across the street. She said it was some kind of test.” 女人微笑着。“孩子,我不明白这是怎么回事,”她说道,“那位穿绿衣服的年轻小姐请求我戴上这朵玫瑰,她说如果你请我一块出去,就告诉你,她在对面的餐厅等你。她说这是一种考验。” nǚ rén wēi xiào zhe 。“hái zǐ ,wǒ bú míng bái zhè shì zěn me huí shì ,”tā shuō dào ,“nà wèi chuān lǜ yī fú de nián qīng xiǎo jiě qǐng qiú wǒ dài shàng zhè duǒ méi guī ,tā shuō rú guǒ nǐ qǐng wǒ yī kuài chū qù ,jiù gào sù nǐ ,tā zài duì miàn de cān tīng děng nǐ 。tā shuō zhè shì yī zhǒng kǎo yàn 。”
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kdram-chjh · 3 years
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Donghua: Scumbag System (Season 2) (2021)
The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System _ Temporada 2 (PRIMER SPOILER)
Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=caiXb-yT2Nc
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kdram-chjh · 3 years
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Donghua: Scumbung System (Season 1) (2020)
【穿书自救指南】 R1SE 赵磊献唱主题曲 《忘言歌》
Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1MK2He1Fm2w
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bx0032 · 8 years
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【双语阅读】French artist to entomb himself in rock 原创 2017-02-28 hanrenhanyu 汉人汉语
Cracking story: French artist to entomb himself in rock for a week, then use body to hatch eggs 法国行为艺术家先住石头再孵鸡蛋 fǎ guó háng wéi yì shù jiā xiān zhù shí tóu zài fū jī dàn
法国有一个行为艺术家,曾经把自己塞在毛绒玩具熊肚子里过了两周,还曾经钻进一个巨大的软木塞瓶里漂流过河,这一次他要封闭在一块石灰岩里长达一周,还准备用自己的体温孵化鸡蛋。然而他表示最大的梦想是行走在云端,果然是敢做也敢想。 fǎ guó yǒu yī gè háng wéi yì shù jiā ,céng jīng bǎ zì jǐ sāi zài máo róng wán jù xióng dù zǐ lǐ guò le liǎng zhōu ,hái céng jīng zuàn jìn yī gè jù dà de ruǎn mù sāi píng lǐ piāo liú guò hé ,zhè yī cì tā yào fēng bì zài yī kuài shí huī yán lǐ zhǎng dá yī zhōu ,hái zhǔn bèi yòng zì jǐ de tǐ wēn fū huà jī dàn 。rán ér tā biǎo shì zuì dà de mèng xiǎng shì háng zǒu zài yún duān ,guǒ rán shì gǎn zuò yě gǎn xiǎng 。
A French artist is preparing to be entombed for a week inside a 12-tonne limestone boulder in a modern art museum in Paris, after which he will emerge and attempt to hatch a dozen eggs by sitting on them for weeks on end. 在巴黎的一家现代艺术博物馆,法国行为艺术家亚伯拉罕•伯安什瓦尔要在重达12吨的石灰岩里生活一周,一周之后,他会从石头里出来,然后用身体孵化12个鸡蛋一连数周直到小鸡出壳。 zài bā lí de yī jiā xiàn dài yì shù bó wù guǎn ,fǎ guó háng wéi yì shù jiā yà bó lā hǎn •bó ān shí wǎ ěr yào zài zhòng dá 12dūn de shí huī yán lǐ shēng huó yī zhōu ,yī zhōu zhī hòu ,tā huì cóng shí tóu lǐ chū lái ,rán hòu yòng shēn tǐ fū huà 12gè jī dàn yī lián shù zhōu zhí dào xiǎo jī chū ké 。
“I think of it as an inner journey to find out what the world is,” said Abraham Poincheval, who has hollowed out a hole in the rock just big enough for himself to fit inside. 他把这块石头内部凿出了一个仅够他容身的空间,并且表示:“我把这次表演当作是了解世界的心灵旅��。” tā bǎ zhè kuài shí tóu nèi bù záo chū le yī gè jǐn gòu tā róng shēn de kōng jiān ,bìng qiě biǎo shì :“wǒ bǎ zhè cì biǎo yǎn dāng zuò shì le jiě shì jiè de xīn líng lǚ chéng 。”
Poincheval is no stranger to bizarre and hair-raising performances. 另类惊悚的行为表演对伯安什瓦尔来说已是家常便饭。 lìng lèi jīng sǒng de háng wéi biǎo yǎn duì bó ān shí wǎ ěr lái shuō yǐ shì jiā cháng biàn fàn 。
He once spent a fortnight inside a stuffed bear, was buried under a rock for eight days and navigated France’s Rhone river inside a giant corked bottle. 他曾在毛绒玩具熊肚子里生活了两周,被埋在一块岩石下八天,还曾呆在一个巨大的软木塞瓶里沿着法国罗纳河漂流。 tā céng zài máo róng wán jù xióng dù zǐ lǐ shēng huó le liǎng zhōu ,bèi mái zài yī kuài yán shí xià bā tiān ,hái céng dāi zài yī gè jù dà de ruǎn mù sāi píng lǐ yán zhe fǎ guó luó nà hé piāo liú 。
He has also crossed the Alps in a barrel and last year spent a week on top of a 20-metre pole outside a Paris train station like the stylite saints of the early Christian church. 他把自己塞进木桶里翻越了阿尔卑斯山,去年,他在巴黎一家车站外20米高的电线杆顶呆了整整一个星期,像极了早期基督教教堂修行的圣人们。 tā bǎ zì jǐ sāi jìn mù tǒng lǐ fān yuè le ā ěr bēi sī shān ,qù nián ,tā zài bā lí yī jiā chē zhàn wài 20mǐ gāo de diàn xiàn gǎn dǐng dāi le zhěng zhěng yī gè xīng qī ,xiàng jí le zǎo qī jī dū jiāo jiāo táng xiū háng de shèng rén men 。
He also played at being a human mole, and crossed France on foot in a straight line with a friend. 他还曾像鼹鼠一样生活,也曾和朋友徒步直线穿越法国。 tā hái céng xiàng yǎn shǔ yī yàng shēng huó ,yě céng hé péng yǒu tú bù zhí xiàn chuān yuè fǎ guó 。
But curator Jean de Loisy, of the Palais de Tokyo museum where Poincheval’s “Stone” and “Egg” performances are being held, insisted that his work should not be regarded as stunts but as a series of mystical journeys. 伯安什瓦尔名为“石头”与“蛋”的表演是在东京宫博物馆开演的,该馆馆长让•德•路易西坚持认为,与其说他的表演是做秀,不如说是一系列神秘之旅。 bó ān shí wǎ ěr míng wéi “shí tóu ”yǔ “dàn ”de biǎo yǎn shì zài dōng jīng gōng bó wù guǎn kāi yǎn de ,gāi guǎn guǎn zhǎng ràng •dé •lù yì xī jiān chí rèn wéi ,yǔ qí shuō tā de biǎo yǎn shì zuò xiù ,bú rú shuō shì yī xì liè shén mì zhī lǚ 。
Instead they are profound meditations on “inner exploration, on modifying the self and of living in other realms beyond our own,” De Loisy said. 馆长表示:“这些表演谱写了一部关于心灵探索、自我修正、在异空间生活的沉思录。” guǎn zhǎng biǎo shì :“zhè xiē biǎo yǎn pǔ xiě le yī bù guān yú xīn líng tàn suǒ 、zì wǒ xiū zhèng 、zài yì kōng jiān shēng huó de chén sī lù 。”
The artist said he has spent months mentally and physically preparing himself for the practicalities of life inside the rock, where he will sit up with his arms outstretched. 伯安什瓦尔表示,到时候他将张开双臂坐在石头里,为顺利度过石头里的生活,他花了数月时间进行心理和生理上的准备与调整。 bó ān shí wǎ ěr biǎo shì ,dào shí hòu tā jiāng zhāng kāi shuāng bì zuò zài shí tóu lǐ ,wéi shùn lì dù guò shí tóu lǐ de shēng huó ,tā huā le shù yuè shí jiān jìn háng xīn lǐ hé shēng lǐ shàng de zhǔn bèi yǔ diào zhěng 。
Holes have been bored in the rock for air and cables for a heart monitor and emergency telephone line. 这块大石灰岩上已经钻了一些孔给伯安什瓦尔透气,也连好了电缆,以方便进行心脏监测和艺术家拨打求救电话。 zhè kuài dà shí huī yán shàng yǐ jīng zuàn le yī xiē kǒng gěi bó ān shí wǎ ěr tòu qì ,yě lián hǎo le diàn lǎn ,yǐ fāng biàn jìn háng xīn zāng jiān cè hé yì shù jiā bō dǎ qiú jiù diàn huà 。
Poincheval said all he will have to eat during his entombment will be a little dried meat and cartons of soup and other liquids. 伯安什瓦尔告诉我们,他呆在石头里的这一周,只会吃一点肉干和盒装的汤和饮料。 bó ān shí wǎ ěr gào sù wǒ men ,tā dāi zài shí tóu lǐ de zhè yī zhōu ,zhī huì chī yī diǎn ròu gàn hé hé zhuāng de tāng hé yǐn liào 。
The only mystery is how he will go to the toilet, with the artist becoming uncharacteristically evasive when pressed on the subject. 唯一搞不懂的便是他怎样解决如厕问题,但每每有人问及此,他就一反常态地闪烁其词。 wéi yī gǎo bú dǒng de biàn shì tā zěn yàng jiě jué rú cè wèn tí ,dàn měi měi yǒu rén wèn jí cǐ ,tā jiù yī fǎn cháng tài dì shǎn shuò qí cí 。
Loneliness should not be a problem, he said. When he was buried under a rock outside a gallery in the southern city of Marseille, former prisoners who had survived solitary confinement came to keep him company and a “young girl talked to me about the violin she had just bought for three hours”. 他说,孤独不是个问题。他之前在法国南部城市马赛的一家画廊外,被埋在岩石下面的时候,曾经被单独监禁的犯人过来陪他,有个年轻女孩还与他聊起了三小时前刚买的那把小提琴呢。 tā shuō ,gū dú bú shì gè wèn tí 。tā zhī qián zài fǎ guó nán bù chéng shì mǎ sài de yī jiā huà láng wài ,bèi mái zài yán shí xià miàn de shí hòu ,céng jīng bèi dān dú jiān jìn de fàn rén guò lái péi tā ,yǒu gè nián qīng nǚ hái hái yǔ tā liáo qǐ le sān xiǎo shí qián gāng mǎi de nà bǎ xiǎo tí qín ne 。
In fact, so many people came to “talk to the stone” that security guards had to be stationed around the rock at night so he could get some sleep. 其实会有很多人慕名前来与这块“石头”聊天,为了让伯安什瓦尔可以睡会儿觉,保安夜间还得在他附近驻守。 qí shí huì yǒu hěn duō rén mù míng qián lái yǔ zhè kuài “shí tóu ”liáo tiān ,wéi le ràng bó ān shí wǎ ěr kě yǐ shuì huì ér jiào ,bǎo ān yè jiān hái dé zài tā fù jìn zhù shǒu 。
The real wrench this time may be having to leave the rock after the week, Poincheval admitted. 伯安什瓦尔也承认,他这次表演最大的挑战,便是在石灰岩里呆了一周后重返正常生活。 bó ān shí wǎ ěr yě chéng rèn ,tā zhè cì biǎo yǎn zuì dà de tiāo zhàn ,biàn shì zài shí huī yán lǐ dāi le yī zhōu hòu zhòng fǎn zhèng cháng shēng huó 。
After previous performances, the end has always been what he called “delicate”, marked by a “day in the dumps... and a lot of turbulence inside. It takes several weeks to get back to normal,” he said. 他还告诉我们,以前表演结束后,他最终的感受往往是“脆弱”,“心情抑郁又躁动不安,要缓好几周才会恢复正常”。 tā hái gào sù wǒ men ,yǐ qián biǎo yǎn jié shù hòu ,tā zuì zhōng de gǎn shòu wǎng wǎng shì “cuì ruò ”,“xīn qíng yì yù yòu zào dòng bú ān ,yào huǎn hǎo jǐ zhōu cái huì huī fù zhèng cháng ”。
His next performance “Egg” will begin on 29 March, with Poincheval sitting on a dozen eggs for between three and four weeks until they hatch. 他的下一场名为“蛋”的表演将于2017年3月29日开始,伯安什瓦尔会坐在一打鸡蛋上,坐上大约三四个星期直到小鸡破壳。 tā de xià yī chǎng míng wéi “dàn ”de biǎo yǎn jiāng yú 2017nián 3yuè 29rì kāi shǐ ,bó ān shí wǎ ěr huì zuò zài yī dǎ jī dàn shàng ,zuò shàng dà yuē sān sì gè xīng qī zhí dào xiǎo jī pò ké 。
He will eat a special diet rich in ginger so he can keep the eggs at a minimum of 37 degrees Celsius, with only a half an hour break every 24 hours to keep him from cracking. 因为他得让鸡蛋保持在至少37摄氏度,所以他到时会摄入一种富含生姜的特殊膳食,而且他每天仅仅只有半小时的自由休息时间。 yīn wéi tā dé ràng jī dàn bǎo chí zài zhì shǎo 37shè shì dù ,suǒ yǐ tā dào shí huì shè rù yī zhǒng fù hán shēng jiāng de tè shū shàn shí ,ér qiě tā měi tiān jǐn jǐn zhī yǒu bàn xiǎo shí de zì yóu xiū xī shí jiān 。
The chicks that hatch “will go and live with my parents”, Poincheval added. 伯安什瓦尔补充道:“这些孵出来的小鸡将由我的父母来照看。” bó ān shí wǎ ěr bǔ chōng dào :“zhè xiē fū chū lái de xiǎo jī jiāng yóu wǒ de fù mǔ lái zhào kàn 。”
But his ambitions do not end there. 然而他的野心并不止于此。 rán ér tā de yě xīn bìng bú zhǐ yú cǐ 。
His big dream is to “walk on the clouds. I have been working on it for five years, but it is not quite there yet,” he add. 他解释道:“我最大的梦想是有一天可以在云端行走。我为此研究了5年,但目前还不成熟。” tā jiě shì dào :“wǒ zuì dà de mèng xiǎng shì yǒu yī tiān kě yǐ zài yún duān háng zǒu 。wǒ wéi cǐ yán jiū le 5nián ,dàn mù qián hái bú chéng shú 。”
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