#Christopher reeve superman
ordinaryschmuck · 1 year
Some of my favorite live-action adaptations of Superheroes
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...That last one's Billy Batson who is also Shazam...Yeah, Zachary Levi being a piece of work REALLY hurts the enjoyment I have for that character.
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dat2ndaccount97 · 6 months
Made a long ish thread on my twitter about growing up liking superheroes as a kid in the early 00s while not living near a comic shop and how it sorta shaped my tastes with Marvel/DC stuff, and that got me thinking back and feeling nostalgic for my childhood, then looking at barbie posts on here got me thinking about the childhood I didn't have because no dolls because boy and gender norms.
The latter is making me feel a bit sad and wanting to buy some Early 00s barbies, like the ones I could've had when I was 3-8 years old.
and the former is making me want to watch some old late 90s/early 00s Marvel and DC shows Sam Rami's Spider-Man, the Burton/Schumacher Batman films (even though I'm engaging with those films regularly because of that other twitter I run) and the Chris Reeve Superman Movies, aka some of the super formative Superhero stuff I watched as a kid
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free-for-all-fics · 7 months
Quick Random Superman thoughts/prompt things after watching Superman and Superman II. (Listen, I love Henry Cavill but Christopher Reeve was also incredibly handsome and I feel like he’s being slept on. But these can work for any version of Superman.)
1. Martha and Jonathan Kent were just driving along down the country road in Kansas when some sort of explosion in a nearby empty field caused their car to get a flat tire and veer off the road. Upon investigating the strange object that left a charred path in its wake, the couple discovered a boy and a girl, naked as the day they were born, climbing out from the crater, lifting their arms triumphantly with smiles on their faces. Martha and Jonathan wrapped the matching red and blue fabric they found in the strange object around your waists to cover your lower halves up. While Jonathan worked on replacing the flat tire, Martha marveled at the two of you.
“All these years, as happy as we’ve been…how I’ve prayed the good lord see fit to give us a child. And now here’s two. A boy and a girl.” She was ecstatic when you and the boy both hugged her, wrapping your arms around her neck and waist.
“Now the first thing we’ve got to do when we get home is find out who that boy and girl’s proper family is.”
“They haven’t got any. Not around here, anyway.”
“Martha, are you thinking what I think you’re thinking?”
“We could say they’re the twins of my cousin in North Dakota. And just now orphaned.”
“Oh, Martha.”
“Jonathan, they’re only babies.”
“Martha… Now, you saw how we found them. Martha Clark Kent, are you listening to what I’m saying?”
Though neither she nor Jonathan could know for sure, they had a feeling you were brother and sister, possibly even twins, if your resemblance in the eyes, face, or hair color was anything to go by. Or the superhuman strength when you both lifted their truck as if it was nothing more than a paperweight after the car jack slipped and gave out. That could’ve given it away too. And so the couple adopted you both, giving you the earth names of Clark and Y/N and raising you as their son and daughter. Your new birthday was the day they found you.
What would growing up with your alien brother and human parents be like? Your human father always used to say you were both brought to Earth for a reason. When you were both eighteen and lost him to a heart attack, you went all the way to the North Pole where you weren’t cold at all, where you discovered the living hologram of your biological father, Jor-El, who explained who you both were and answered any other questions you had. What would your human life be while Clark uses eyeglasses and a job as a reporter at the Daily Planet to disguise himself? How would you and Clark cover for each other when your secret identities almost get exposed, like when Lois throws herself into the rushing water to try to prove Clark is Superman? When she discovers she was right all along after she sees he has no burn on his hand from the fireplace, he’d have no choice but to come clean, not just about himself, but about you too and tell her yes, you’re his biological sister and yes, you’re the other superhero that’s been seen flying around with him. When he and Lois are forming their romance and going on dates, especially in the Fortress of Solitude, your brother doesn’t need to tell you twice. He doesn’t even need to tell you once. You make yourself scarce while he and Lois get intimate. You have much better things to do than awkwardly be around and act as a third wheel.
2. You’re either a citizen of Atlantis or Talokan. Either way, you live deep in the sea but somehow find yourself falling in love with Superman, the last son of Krypton, an alien from outer space, whether you’re aware of it or not. Maybe you met him as Clark Kent first. “A bird may love a fish, but where would they live?” story. A good ol’ “They’re from different worlds and can’t be together…or can they?” romance. You maybe use technology or some sort of powerful object to grant Clark the ability to breathe underwater so he can see your home. For a man (alien?) of such incredible powers, he can still drown. Uh oh if your brother is Arthur Curry/Aquaman and he finds out you’re dating Superman, especially before joining the Justice league. Not because of what he can do to Clark/Kal-El, but what Clark/Kal-El can do to him. Arthur grabbed Bruce by the collar and shoved him against a wall, but Bruce is just an ordinary human. Or you’re Namor’s daughter or sister and don’t have blue skin like the Talokanil so both you and Clark thought the other was human (surprisingly easy to hide your pointed ears with a hat and/or long thick hair and your winged ankles with the right kind of socks and shoes.) But oh no when you each discover the other isn’t human after all. You’re a mutant, he’s an alien. But maybe a match between the two of you could be used to form an alliance between earth and sea and possibly even space even though Krypton has been destroyed?
3. Sorta The Last Of Us inspired: You’re Clark Kent’s/Kal-El’s biological daughter. You’re not the result of some heinous science experiment involving cloning or stealing his DNA or anything of the sort. You were born normally, but during a dangerous situation in which Lois was under extreme stress and, for whatever reason, she had no other option but to give birth alone and cut the umbilical cord herself with a shard of green Kryptonite since it was the only sharp object around. You have inherited all your father’s powers just like your brothers Conner and Jonathan, but you’re immune to most, if not all types of kryptonite. Not just the green variety. Red, Gold, Yellow, Black... It doesn’t weaken or have any effect on you and you can’t be killed with it. You have no reaction to it at all. To you, it’s just a glowing rock. Pretty, but… Scientists are baffled and want to experiment on you to learn more, but no way in hell would your family let that happen. Over their dead bodies. Supervillains are eager to find out what your weakness is, if you even have one, but the villains are also a little terrified of you since they usually rely so heavily on Kryptonite and don’t really have a plan B yet for taking you down specifically without it.
4. In Superman II, Clark/Kal-El is shown to have the ability to give Lois a kiss that inexplicably erases all her memory of him ever being Superman. However this kiss works, what if he uses it on you to his advantage so he can further manipulate/gaslight you? Like a dark fic sorta thing where he can just devolve the relationship whenever he wants to go back by taking away whatever memories of yours he doesn’t like. He can’t put false memories in, but if you ever get too close to discovering the truth or finding out something about him he doesn’t want you to know, he can just kiss you and make it go away. He can alter your reality to a degree. In a softer note, he could use this ability to take away any painful or traumatic memories that you don’t want because they’re proving to be detrimental to your emotional, mental, or physical health and causing you tons of pain and anguish.
5. Platinum Kryptonite was used on you, an ordinary human, and now you have powers permanently and can’t get rid of them. You tried to many times, but none of your attempts worked. Not even when you entered the crystal chamber that harnessed the rays of the red sun of Krypton in the Fortress of Solitude. Whether Clark/Kal-El used the platinum Kryptonite on you because he’s soft!dark/dark and wanted you to be more like him under some delusion of being able to keep you with him forever by making you an outcast among the humans, or you were experimented on by a villain, either way, Clark/Kal-El may be the only person who can help you. The only person you can go to. But even with powers, you’re not as powerful as he is. You’ll never match the power or strength of a full-blooded Kryptonian.
6. Lilo and Stitch inspired: You went to the pet store to pick out a new friend, but when you went to the kennel in the back, there were no animals in there. It was so empty you could hear your voice echoing. Unbeknownst to you, all the other dogs were cowering above you, clinging to the top of the cages or the support beams of the roof. Then you turned around and suddenly, there was a white dog sitting at attention! You weren’t sure if he was a Labrador Retriever, a plain white Dalmatian, or a White Shepherd, but he was a handsome boy.
Then he started to levitate in the air! Wow!! A flying dog!! You were so amazed you didn’t even care about the melted kennel you passed by, even though the metal was still sizzling. That must’ve been where he escaped from.
“Oh yes, mhm, all our dogs are adoptable. EXCEPT THAT ONE! This one was dead this morning!”
“It was dead this morning?”
“Well, we thought it was dead. It was hit by a truck!”
“I like him! C’mere, boy!”
“Wouldn’t you like a different dog? We have better dogs, dear.”
“Not better than him! He can fly!”
“Dogs can’t fly.”
“He did.”
“Does it have to be this dog?”
“Yes, he’s good. I can tell.”
“You’ll have to think of a name for him.”
“His name is…Skip.”
“No, that’s not a real name…in…Iceland…but here it’s a good name! Skip it is. And there’s a two dollar license fee.”
And that’s how you got your new best friend! He had been living with you for months and you loved him so much! He was the best boy! The bestest boy! He was very smart, learned all these cool tricks and commands with ease. You had some accidents involving his heat vision or flying, but nothing major! Nothing was broken or damaged that couldn’t be fixed or replaced. And hey, he was invulnerable to most things and had accelerated healing abilities, so you didn’t need to worry about vet bills! You were so happy, but suddenly Superman showed up on your doorstep asking you to give him his dog, Krypto, back. He would’ve come for him sooner, but he was sorta…dead. What??? It’s a long story. Too long. He’s very grateful to you for taking good care of him and keeping him safe while he was dead, but now he wants him back. But…but he’s your dog! And his name is Skip! You adopted him, you named him, you have a stamped certificate proving you own him, he has a shiny new license he proudly wears around his neck with the name you gave him, and you’ve been giving him love and treats and walks for all this time. You’ve grown attached, and it looks like…Krypto? (Such an odd name after you’ve been calling him Skip for so long) has too because, despite his excitement at seeing Superman, which proves to you Superman is telling the truth (he always tells the truth), he still whines and stubbornly refuses to move away from you when his master whistles and tries to command him to come. He wraps his tail around you and looks at you with those big puppy eyes of his. Well…shit. What are you and Superman supposed to do now? Share the dog?
7. You’re Bucky Barnes’ sister and are put on cat-sitting and house-sitting duty while your brother is on a mission. You love Alpine and she loves you just as much as your brother. Your boyfriend, Clark, who you know is Superman, comes over with his dog, Krypto. You were a little nervous about them meeting at first because Krypto is a super dog and Alpine is just an ordinary house cat, but they become instant best friends once they get the chance to sniff each other and check each other’s vibe and pass the vibe check. Two sweet babies with white fur ready to play together and fight crime! Alpine is just a normal cat, but you and Clark like to joke that in her head she’s a superhero. She’s not so much startled by Krypto flying and shooting lasers from his eyes, just confused and curious like “What the heck? How are you doing that? Weirdo.” She clings to his back as he flies around, but enjoys it. She likes being tall. You send video of the shenanigans to your brother knowing that he’s gonna run his hand over his face exasperatingly with a smile on his face. But it’s cute, dammit!! And hey, Kryto’s laser eyes didn’t set the curtains on fire this time!
8. 101 Dalmatians inspired: You and Clark Kent meet in a dog park when his dog, Krypto, plays with your female dog. Unbeknownst to you, he’s Superman/Kal-El, the last son of Krypton and an alien, and Krypto is a super dog. Clark has a nifty piece of technology installed in one of his dog’s collars, something to neutralize all his superpowers. (Maybe even Krypto has an alternate common dog name so it’s really convincing just how Average and Mundane both Clark and his dog are). Your dog and Krypto seem to be attached at the hip, only playing and spending time with each other from the moment they meet. They’re both sad when you and Clark part ways. Every subsequent time you meet at the dog park, your dogs end up playing matchmakers between you and Clark. Krypto purposely pulls Clark towards you then wraps his leash around yours and Clark’s knees and lower legs, which tangles you together and causes you to bump into each other’s chests. You put your hands on Clark’s chest to push yourself away from him, but that doesn’t help much and you both end up losing your footing and stumbling. Your dog tries to save you by grabbing the back of your shirt with her teeth, but that only causes your shirt to tear as you fall together in a nearby pond or lake. Krypto feels bad and sheepishly grabs your purse for you with what’s his attempt at a smile, but Clark gives him a look as he takes it from the dog’s teeth and wraps his coat around your shoulders before handing it to you. Not that it helps since it’s just as soaked as the rest of you. You note that Clark’s glasses are all fogged up from the water. You both take out handkerchiefs at the same time, but share a laugh when you realize they’re also soaked. Clark invites you to come back to his place to dry off and have dinner with him as a form of apology for his dog’s behavior. He has some clothes you can borrow. You accept. Krypto goes from being sad and embarrassed to one happy boy!! His plan worked!! He shares a loving look with your dog. About a year and a half later, you and Clark have been dating for a while and your dog is pregnant. The puppies are so cute but then one starts flying while another shoots tiny red lasers out of its eyes. Uh oh. Guess Clark has no choice but to reveal to you his identity as Kal-El/Superman and Krypto’s identity as a Superdog.
9. Suddenly and randomly remembered Christopher Reeve played the Prince in Faerie Tale Theatre’s Sleeping Beauty so going back to the magical Superman kiss thing, what about an AU where Clark/Kal-El is a Prince, but you don’t know this because he and his squire switch and pretend to be the other, or you only know him as Clark Kent? He comes to earth in search of a bride, not because he needs a queen to rule with him (Krypton has been destroyed, so there’s nothing and nobody to rule over anymore), but because, as an alien, time works differently for him and his lifespan is much longer than that of a normal human’s. He wants a companion, and has the technology or other means to make the human of his choosing have an extended lifespan like his. Maybe you’re just an ordinary human who doesn’t know Clark is Superman or maybe you’re an alien princess that’s the last of your kind from a different planet that was also destroyed. (Though, are you and Kal-El still technically royalty even if there’s no planet to sovereign over?) Maybe instead of a literal sleep spell, you’re the victim of a spell/brainwashing a supervillain put on you similar to Bucky when he was the Winter Soldier. Instead of making you forget, Kal-El’s kiss helps you to “wake up” and remember who you are, and who he is to you.
You’re Princess of Asgard and Loki and Thor’s beloved sister (Whether you’re Loki’s biological sister and half-Jotun or Thor’s biological sister is up to you). Whether or not you know this and are raised in Asgard from birth, or are whisked away to Midgard for your safety and raised as a human after a sleeping death curse gets placed on you when you’re a baby, is up to you.
For a platonic version, maybe you’re coincidentally found by Martha and Jonathan Kent around the same time they found Clark, so you’re raised as his sister but you both realize you have great powers, though they’re very different. You come with Clark to the North Pole but, if you’re half-Jotun, you turn blue, your eyes become red, and don’t get cold. You ask Jor-El who you are. Possessing a vast knowledge that spans thousands of years, he tells you that, based on your human-like stature but your blue skin, red eyes, and imperviousness to cold, you must be half-Jotun and come from a planet called Jotunheim, which still exists, though he doesn’t know who your parents are or if you have any living blood family. The curse hits before you fall in love with anyone, and Clark/Kal-El and even your brothers Thor and Loki believe you to be dead. Your adoptive brother teams up with Justice League and/or the Avengers to defeat the bad guys. At your funeral, Clark says goodbye by giving you a kiss on the forehead. You wake up in your casket, which scares the living hell out of everyone. Holy shit, they thought you were dead! The curse only said a kiss of true love would break it. It never said anything about the true love having to be romantic. Somehow along the way you realize Loki is your blood brother when he also turns blue with red eyes and you’re both ecstatic! You have three very cool and protective and loving brothers who are all willing to do almost anything for you.
For the romantic route, maybe you meet Clark Kent on Earth and fall in love but then the curse strikes and Clark believes you dead until your brothers show up and explain who you are and that supervillains somehow found where you are and are after you now. Asgard isn’t an option, but your brothers have to bring you someplace for your protection, so Clark takes them to the Fortress of Solitude in the North Pole. After the bad guys are defeated, Clark saves you with his kiss. (For spiciness, what if you have celebratory sex in the Fortress of Solitude? Clark/Kal-El has a massive bed in there. Even though the colors of the blankets makes it look like tin foil, a bed is a bed, and it can get very cold since it’s in the North Pole. Best way to warm up is to share body heat and exercise and what better way to do both than sex?) He later formally comes to Asgard and presents himself as Kal-El, the last son of Krypton, and kneels before your mother and father, Odin and Frigga, and asks them to let him marry you. This might be the moment you discover he’s Superman and an alien. If you’re aware of your Asgardian heritage from the beginning, maybe you’re deeply saddened and believe you and Clark can’t be together because you’ll live for thousands of years while he’ll live less than a century. Maybe you try to acquire one of Idunn’s golden apples for him, but then he reveals to you he’s a Kryptonian and has the same lifespan as you. Time was measured differently on Krypton than it is on earth.
Maybe there’s a bit of a soulmate AU within the AU, where you lucid dream that you’re in each other’s dreams or you lucid dream of each other.
“Oh, it is my dream. And yet more lovely than I dreamed. Had not the journey been so long, and the dangers so great, and the hazards so many, I…I wouldn’t have believed such beauty could crown my enterprise. And yet for all the time and the hazards and the peril, you’re too beautiful, you’re too pure, you’re too good. Do I dare to wake you to reality? And my dream become real. Or am I dreaming now?”
“What kept you?”
I love fairytale AUs so much and you can’t tell me Clark/Kal-El wouldn’t be fit the bill for it.
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🥗 idk if you know this Superman but can I have a moodboard of the 70s Superman (and the best) Christopher reeve?
Absolutely! He is honestly my favorite too! Here's your moodboard!
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bixels · 6 months
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Rewatched 1978 Superman and remembered how much of a total dreamboat Christopher Reeve is, both as Clark Kent and Superman.
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angels-in-overcoats · 2 months
DC: we're gonna defile the memories of famous actors by creating CGI cameos to cash in on classic superhero movies of the past
Marvel: we're gonna throw in cameos from movies that never even existed in the first place and give happy endings to stories that never got the chance to finish for themselves
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joyisoverparty · 4 months
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Superman II (1980) dir. Richard Lester
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sassylittlecanary · 1 year
People are acting like himbo!Clark Kent (aka “actually smart but still awkward, sweet, and hunky”) is new because of MAWS, as though all these versions don’t exist—
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He’s almost always portrayed as a big, sweet, lovable guy who can be awkward and nervous just like anybody else but who’s also competent and brave when helping others. That’s just Clark.
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georgeromeros · 8 months
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Superman: The Movie (1978) dir. Richard Donner
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cloudkentsstuff · 7 months
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Clark Kent / Icons
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ssavaart · 6 months
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Happy Monday, All!
My mom loves Superman. And especially Christopher Reeve's Superman.
So, 10 years ago, when I was teaching myself gouache painting... I did this little painting for her.
It hangs proudly in her laundry room... right next to the detergent.
My mom is my biggest fan.
Sending Big Hugs from the Hobbit Hole. ♥♥♥
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atomic-chronoscaph · 3 months
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Chris Reeve to play Superman - Starlog magazine (1977)
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bisupergirl · 3 months
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contac · 4 months
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c86 · 8 months
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Christopher Reeve working out in preparation for Superman, 1977
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spaceshiprocket · 5 months
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Christopher Reeve as Superman by Bill Sienkiewicz
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