#Christian cartoons
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potatothemouse · 4 months ago
did anyone else grow up with fever dream Christian cartoons.
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ophelialoveshandsomemen · 5 months ago
Got to thinking today, about some cartoons I watched when I was a kid, called the Saints and Heroes collection( great stuff), and how it's all, y'know, saints! St. Bernadette! St. Francis Xavier! St. Nicholas! The Fatima story! Yeay! They're great 30 min. episodes for kids to learn a bit about catholicism's greatest saints! And in the heroes sections, they got Columbus: which is fine, they mainly focus on navigation and how he worked hard to achieve that level of education, lots of catholic stuff floating around in that one. They got Ben-Hur; classic jewish/early christian story, though not real, per se. Really good stuff. Great for christian kids.
Then we got the bloody ODYSSEY?!?!? Like, Greek pagan Odysseus running around the seas, killing monsters and suitors and tricking his way across the Mediterranean, all narrated by a Grandpa Owl?!? telling the story to his grandson owlet?!?! Very princess bride style... super weird in this context. None of the other films are narrated by animals. I'm not saying that kids shouldn't know the story of Odysseus, I'm just saying you can get serious whiplash watching chill saint movies for kids and then coming across The Odyssey, with no catholic connections, ( at least that's easily grasped by a child), getting thrown in the middle of the list and once you're done, brother you feel like you been in a fever dream. It's so bizarrely disconcertingly different in style to the rest of the films, too.
But at least they keep the fact that Odysseus 'slept around'( for lack of a better term), during those years at sea completely absent from the story. So it does have that in it's favour.
Still lots of fun to watch!
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cyberfairyblog · 3 years ago
Society if Angel Wars: Guardian Force got multiple seasons and nostalgia clout instead of stupid Bibleman:
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juanmolecula88 · 4 years ago
watch the series here ;D https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7za9pb also watch this suscribe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJ9qhHULY7c  really like it
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elmundodeanalu · 4 years ago
Evolution of Baby Jesus in animation
Early 1990's - mid 2000's
First: Animaniacs: Little Drummer Warners (Warner Bros, US, 1993-1998)
Second: The Story of Christmas (Hemdale Home Video, France, 1994)
Third: The Beginners Bible; The Story of the Nativity (Sony Wonder, US, 1995)
Fourth: Jesus: A Kingdom without Frointiers, King Herod and the Wise Men (Mondo TV, Italy, 1996)
Fifth: Stop, Look, Listen: Animated Bible Stories; The First Christmas (Channel 4, UK, 1997-1998)
Sixth: Greatest Heroes and Legends of the Bible; The Nativity (Tundra Productions, Goodtimes Entertainment, US, 1998)
Seventh: The First Christmas (Clay Classics, The Catholic Communication Capaign, US, 1998)
Eighth: El Rosario de los Niños; Misterios Gozosos (Paso Alto Original Media Films, Spain, 2003)
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light-and-heartful · 5 years ago
Lenny & Sid: Love Thy Neighbor (2003) Full DVD w/ bonus features
You know I've been thinking of a my own episodes for the series 
 one of them is a retelling of the story of Joshua and the city of Jericho, with Lenny as Joshua, Sid and the other students as the Israelites (with Sid being the one to suggest to Storm and Attack Jericho and Tommy the Nerdy Turtle suggesting to go back to Egypt), Candy and Frieda (the Bully Cat from "Love thy Neighbor" friends) as the guards of Jericho, and Mr. Bixby as the Messenger from the Lord 
 and another one is actually based off a webcomic on furaffinity.net by oreofish ( http://www.furaffinity.net/view/21941491/ ) where Lenny has a pet Tarantula (a big and rare one in matter fact) and due to a mishap where Lenny convinces Sid to pet it and Sid accidentally strokes it too hard, Sid gets bitten by the spider and got sent to the hospital, but he gets out fine after being sent there, but after that ordeal Sid's wants some time away from Lenny for a little while actually gets a little nervous to the point where he gets more quiet and nervous like the Spider Bite made him "lost his mojo" and Lenny isn't doing much better when thought to himself that he could've killed Sid even to the point where he imagines Sid's Funeral and everyone blames Lenny and thinks to himself if he should get rid of his Tarantula, and the next day at school he tells Candy about the ordeal (I'll get to that in a second), and afterwards she spreads a rumor around to the other students that Lenny's Tarantula is a ruthless killing machine and that he's going to unleash it during the Big Easter Party at school during the egg hunt (you know those big school parties with egg toss game, an egg hunt, and treats during the last hours of school before the Spring Break, come we all had that party at school sometime or another), and when both Lenny & Sid asks their parents their parents about how they have been kind of scared and worried about the whole incident before they go to school, and Sid's Dad & Lenny's Mom (with each of them cutting to them telling the story to their kids back and forth) tells them each about Jesus Death and tells them that they shouldn't worry about Death and just enjoy life and that every life matters, so when they go to school, during the Easter party's egg hunt (and after Show and Tell where all of Lenny's Class moves their desks back to the wall, except for Sid's), Candy gets Frieda to sneak into the classroom and release the Tarantula out to the field during the hunt so that they make it look like Candy would squash the spider and become a hero among her classmates giving her more votes for the school beauty contest, and of course during the hunt Lenny & Sid run each other (with Sid getting his mojo back), and just before they make up the spider comes out and scares everyone causing a panic and before Candy can get a chance to squish it, Lenny tries to tame his spider, but some of the other students try to hold them down after he is accused of unleashing the spider, and before Candy can get the killing blow, Sid show's and tells all that this spider is not a monster, it is just a creature like everyone else, and to prove it Sid bravely pets it and pets it genteelly to the point where the Spider purrs, revealing that it's not that bad, so Candy's scheme gets found out, Lenny & Sid apologize to each other, Mr. Bixby has a talk with Candy that ends up with Candy being disqualified from the beauty contest and have to do some cleaning up during spring break, and Lenny decides to let the Tarantula out to the wild where it'll be safe, and the episode ends with Sid convincing Lenny to go eat some leftover chocolate from the party with him to cheer Lenny up (sorry if it was long, I have a really big thing for creating ideas like this) 
 I also imagine different things to happen in the first two episodes, like in "Love Thy Neighbor" Sid having to fight back against the Bully Cat Hilda by standing, dodging every punch, and using his wit and speed to out match her, all while doing some typical Eddie Murphy verbal comedy that's he's known for (cause that's what's he's trying to impersonate), and after a while Sid decides to give Hilda a free blow and tells her hit him as hard as she can to prove her strength, and after a big punch that gave Sid a black eye that's sends him flying to wall, Hilda mocks his comedy and laughs, and all Sid can say while she's laughing is "You... you think this is funny? This... this is not... not as funny as... as..." and then with a smug grin he says "...as your face" and then Lenny blows the panic whistle to signal Principal Bixby, also earlier when Sid first sees Hilda and her crew, he starts hitting on Candy, and before the fight Candy says to Sid "Hey, if you beat Hilda, I'll go on a date with you", and since that was a win by default, Sid gets a date with Candy as shown in the End Credits
and in "Tis' the Reason", Jenny gets guilt tripped too like Lenny & Sid, it happens when the wind mixed the two pieces of paper with the roles on them, Jenny thought that the Baby in the Manger was Lenny (and basically they would both have the same thought that Lenny had when he saw that he got baby in the manger and shutter after realizing how awkward it would be) so Jenny gives the part of Joseph to Lenny and gives the part of Baby in the Manger to Sid, and she starts to worry that, after to hear that there will be a dress rehearsal of the play performed in front of the entire school before they do it on Christmas Eve, Sid may get humiliated (especially in front of Candy), so she uses the missing cat as an excuse to not see all the drama go down, although she denies it and says she trying to help and during her search she starts thinking about how she doesn't want to Sid to be embarrassed, but she doesn't want to admit that she switched them cause she doesn't want do the play with Lenny as the Baby in the Manger, and she thinks about it more and more until she gets a headache and eventually a head cold, and when Lenny & Jenny admit what they did to each other (and Sid saying, that those people don't bother me, it just what god think that matters) they both gave a sigh of relief, and Sid points out that they would've been better off with Sid as the Baby in the Manger since he's the size for it again, sorry for the long paragraph of speech there, but like I said I'm real creative with my ideas, I go into great detail about them, 
so yeah, but I like to know what you think of them
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saltyseazdgx · 6 years ago
I need help
Did you grow up with Christian children’s entertainment in the USA?
Maybe you can help me! 
When I was kid (I received this probably between 2002 and 2006) my aunt got me this weird cartoon movie about a weird yellow creature going on some journey. He was kind of rounded and I think he had a big flashlight. The theme was courage, I think.
For the life of me I can’t remember what it was called but it’s been bugging me! Does anyone remember this and what it was called, or what the character was called?
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"The two great graces essential to a saint in this life, are faith and repentance. These are the two wings by which he flies to heaven." - Thomas Watson, The Doctrine of Repentance 1668
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davidbraswell · 8 years ago
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWUOxaCMVWE)
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gritsandbrits · 4 years ago
The only christian media i can think of that's genuinely any good is Superbook (both the og & 2011 version) Veggietales, 321 Penguins and Adventures in Odyssey
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theinkpost · 11 years ago
Christian Cartoons
Christian Cartoons
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"Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:5–7
Read Thomas Watson's "The Art of Divine Contentment" FREE: https://www.monergism.com/art-divine-contentment-exposition-philippians-411-ebook
Watson's "A Body of Divinity" on Amazon: https://amzn.to/2RTMYUg
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shantierjames · 11 years ago
Meditation Monday - Some Joyful 'Toons
Meditation Monday – Some Joyful ‘Toons
It is Monday once again! For some of you, it is one of the toughest days of the week and having a good chuckle can made a big difference. Here are some cartoons that will do just that and teach you a sound lesson at the same time. A Joyful ‘toon by Mike Waters helps us visualize the biblical messages in a way that it can be understood at any age!
Enjoy! (more…)
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