#Christian Long
animusrox · 2 months
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cellarrentalsvhs · 2 months
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New V/H/S in October! We definitely *could* be looking at a fun one. The original 2023 press release promised "five new bloodcurdling tapes, placing horror at the forefront of a sci-fi-inspired hellscape," with producer Josh Goldbloom adding it was "only natural" to take the 7th film to space, following in the footsteps of horror giants like Friday the 13th & Hellraiser.
Jordan Downey (Thankskilling, The Head Hunter): Known for violent, irreverant genre films, Downey presents a segment called Stork, co-written by frequent collaborator Kevin Stewart
Christian & Justin Long (Lady of the Manor, Justin better known for his acting career): These brothers have only one horror comedy under their belt, though Justin is a veritable scream queen at this point, and their segment is called Fur Babies.
Justin Martinez (V/H/S, Southbound): This Radio Silence vet has a long career with the franchise, having co-directed 10/31/98 from the original V/H/S, in addition to doing VFX for the three latest entries. His segment, from a screenplay by Ben Turner, is titled Live and Let Dive.
Virat Pal (Recapture): Yet another one feature wonder (with a handful of shorts), Pal's segment Dream Girl, is co-written by Evan Dickson, the co-writer of V/H/S/85's Total Copy.
Kate Siegel: This scream queen is making her directorial debut with Stowaway, written by her husband and modern horror master Mike Flanagan.
Jay Cheel (Cursed Films, How to Build a Time Machine): Best known for his documentary work, Cheel's piece has been described only as a "special presentation."
I'm hopeful. I for one certainly thought "V/H/S goes to Hell" was gonna be a shark jump, but I really enjoyed V/H/S/99 (and especially loved To Hell and Back), so the concept of sci-fi doesn't scare me. I admit, I liked it more than most, but 85 wasn't exactly the strongest entry, so I'm hoping we can bounce back to full power. Sci-fi is certainly a great excuse to get some funky monsters involved, I do love me a good funky monster...
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moviesandmania · 13 days
V/H/S/BEYOND Sci-fi- horror anthology - teaser, first poster and new image
‘No safe space’ V/H/S/Beyond is a 2024 sci-fi horror anthology film and the seventh entry in the V/H/S franchise which began in 2012. “Dive into a sci-fi nightmare with six chilling tapes that push the limits of fear. From Shudder and Studio71, the upcoming seventh instalment of the series “will feature six new bloodcurdling tapes, placing horror at the forefront of a sci-fi-inspired…
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cookinguptales · 1 year
So I’ve been enjoying the Disney vs. DeSantis memes as much as anyone, but like. I do feel like a lot of people who had normal childhoods are missing some context to all this.
I was raised in the Bible Belt in a fairly fundie environment. My parents were reasonably cool about some things, compared to the rest of my family, but they certainly had their issues. But they did let me watch Disney movies, which turned out to be a point of major contention between them and my other relatives.
See, I think some people think this weird fight between Disney and fundies is new. It is very not new. I know that Disney’s attempts at inclusion in their media have been the source of a lot of mockery, but what a lot of people don’t understand is that as far as actual company policy goes, Disney has actually been an industry leader for queer rights. They’ve had policies assuring equal healthcare and partner benefits for queer employees since the early 90s.
I’m not sure how many people reading this right now remember the early 90s, but that was very much not industry standard. It was a big deal when Disney announced that non-married queer partners would be getting the same benefits as the married heterosexual ones.
Like — it went further than just saying that any unmarried partners would be eligible for spousal benefits. It straight-up said that non-same-sex partners would still need to be married to receive spousal benefits, but because same-sex partners couldn’t do that, proof that they lived together as an established couple would be enough.
In other words, it put long-term same-sex partners on a higher level than opposite-sex partners who just weren’t married yet. It put them on the exact same level as heterosexual married partners.
They weren’t the first company ever to do this, but they were super early. And they were certainly the first mainstream “family-friendly” company to do it.
Conservatives lost their damn minds.
Protests, boycotts, sermons, the whole nine yards. I can’t tell you how many books about the evils of Disney my grandmother tried to get my parents to read when I was a kid.
When we later moved to Florida, I realized just how many queer people work at Disney — because historically speaking, it’s been a company that has guaranteed them safety, non-discrimination, and equal rights. That’s when I became aware of their unofficial “Gay Days” and how Christians would show up from all over the country to protest them every year. Apparently my grandmother had been upset about these days for years, but my parents had just kind of ignored her.
Out of curiosity, I ended up reading one of the books my grandmother kept leaving at our house. And friends — it’s amazing how similar that (terrible, poorly written) rhetoric was to what people are saying these days. Disney hires gay pedophiles who want to abuse your children. Disney is trying to normalize Satanism in our beautiful, Christian America. 
Just tons of conspiracy theories in there that ranged from “a few bad things happened that weren’t actually Disney’s fault, but they did happen” to “Pocahontas is an evil movie, not because it distorts history and misrepresents indigenous life, but because it might teach children respect for nature. Which, as we all know, would cause them all to become Wiccans who believe in climate change.”
Like — please, take it from someone who knows. This weird fight between fundies and Disney is not new. This is not Disney’s first (gay) rodeo. These people have always believed that Disney is full of evil gays who are trying to groom and sexually abuse children.
The main difference now is that these beliefs are becoming mainstream. It’s not just conservative pastors who are talking about this. It’s not just church groups showing up to boycott Gay Day. Disney is starting to (reluctantly) say the quiet part out loud, and so are the Republicans. Disney is publicly supporting queer rights and announcing company-supported queer events and the Republican Party is publicly calling them pedophiles and enacting politically driven revenge.
This is important, because while this fight has always been important in the history of queer rights, it is now being magnified. The precedent that a fight like this could set is staggering. For better or for worse, we live in a corporation-driven country. I don’t like it any more than you do, and I’m not about to defend most of Disney’s business practices. But we do live in a nation where rights are largely tied to corporate approval, and the fact that we might be entering an age where even the most powerful corporations in the country are being banned from speaking out in favor of rights for marginalized people… that’s genuinely scary.
Like… I’ll just ask you this. Where do you think we’d be now, in 2023, if Disney had been prevented from promising its employees equal benefits in 1994? That was almost thirty years ago, and look how far things have come. When I looked up news articles for this post from that era, even then journalists, activists, and fundie church leaders were all talking about how a company of Disney’s prominence throwing their weight behind this movement could lead to the normalization of equal protections in this country.
The idea of it scared and thrilled people in equal parts even then. It still scares and thrills them now.
I keep seeing people say “I need them both to lose!” and I get it, I do. Disney has for sure done a lot of shit over the years. But I am begging you as a queer exvangelical to understand that no. You need Disney to win. You need Disney to wipe the fucking floor with these people.
Right now, this isn’t just a fight between a giant corporation and Ron DeSantis. This is a fight about the right of corporations to support marginalized groups. It’s a fight that ensures that companies like Disney still can offer benefits that a discriminatory government does not provide. It ensures that businesses much smaller than Disney can support activism.
Hell, it ensures that you can support activism.
The fight between weird Christian conspiracy theorists and Disney is not new, because the fight to prevent any tiny victory for marginalized groups is not new. The fight against the normalization of othered groups is not new.
That’s what they’re most afraid of. That each incremental victory will start to make marginalized groups feel safer, that each incremental victory will start to turn the tide of public opinion, that each incremental victory will eventually lead to sweeping law reform.
They’re afraid that they won’t be able to legally discriminate against us anymore.
So guys! Please. This fight, while hilarious, is also so fucking important. I am begging you to understand how old this fight is. These people always play the long game. They did it with Roe and they’re doing it with Disney.
We have! To keep! Pushing back!
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stil-lindigo · 1 year
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the fox god.
a comic about a trickster.
creative notes:
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all my other comics
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starlightomatic · 2 years
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Wow, thank you JewWhoHasItAll for posting this helpful guide! Now I can support my Christian students much better :)
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Twitter thread
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grapefruit185 · 1 year
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he loves those dumb twins sm, the found family aspect of this show makes me go crazy!!!!!!!
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(1st pic is referencing this post lol)
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feluka · 10 months
in all honesty i feel there shouldn't be any christmas celebrations at all until palestine is free
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hymnsofheresy · 1 month
what are your thoughts on your religion stealing every single one of its holidays from pagans? xo
That in order to relieve themselves of guilt and discomfort, white people create and believe narratives that deprive their European ancestors of any autonomy whatsoever. Casting their ancestors as victims of the church rather than active participants.
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hellsitegenetics · 7 months
Blast the Book of Genesis, Chapter 1 from the Bible so we can finally know what was the first creature God created.
[1:1] In the beginning when God created the heavens and the earth,
[1:2] the earth was a formless void and darkness covered the face of the deep, while a wind from God swept over the face of the waters.
[1:3] Then God said, "Let there be light"; and there was light.
[1:4] And God saw that the light was good; and God separated the light from the darkness.
[1:5] God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And there was evening and there was morning, the first day.
[1:6] And God said, "Let there be a dome in the midst of the waters, and let it separate the waters from the waters."
[1:7] So God made the dome and separated the waters that were under the dome from the waters that were above the dome. And it was so.
[1:8] God called the dome Sky. And there was evening and there was morning, the second day.
[1:9] And God said, "Let the waters under the sky be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear." And it was so.
[1:10] God called the dry land Earth, and the waters that were gathered together he called Seas. And God saw that it was good.
[1:11] Then God said, "Let the earth put forth vegetation: plants yielding seed, and fruit trees of every kind on earth that bear fruit with the seed in it." And it was so.
[1:12] The earth brought forth vegetation: plants yielding seed of every kind, and trees of every kind bearing fruit with the seed in it. And God saw that it was good.
[1:13] And there was evening and there was morning, the third day.
[1:14] And God said, "Let there be lights in the dome of the sky to separate the day from the night; and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years,
[1:15] and let them be lights in the dome of the sky to give light upon the earth." And it was so.
[1:16] God made the two great lights - the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night - and the stars.
[1:17] God set them in the dome of the sky to give light upon the earth,
[1:18] to rule over the day and over the night, and to separate the light from the darkness. And God saw that it was good.
[1:19] And there was evening and there was morning, the fourth day.
[1:20] And God said, "Let the waters bring forth swarms of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the dome of the sky."
[1:21] So God created the great sea monsters and every living creature that moves, of every kind, with which the waters swarm, and every winged bird of every kind. And God saw that it was good.
[1:22] God blessed them, saying, "Be fruitful and multiply and fill the waters in the seas, and let birds multiply on the earth."
[1:23] And there was evening and there was morning, the fifth day.
[1:24] And God said, "Let the earth bring forth living creatures of every kind: cattle and creeping things and wild animals of the earth of every kind." And it was so.
[1:25] God made the wild animals of the earth of every kind, and the cattle of every kind, and everything that creeps upon the ground of every kind. And God saw that it was good.
[1:26] Then God said, "Let us make humankind in our image, according to our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the wild animals of the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth."
[1:27] So God created humankind in his image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.
[1:28] God blessed them, and God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every living thing that moves upon the earth."
[1:29] God said, "See, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit; you shall have them for food.
[1:30] And to every beast of the earth, and to every bird of the air, and to everything that creeps on the earth, everything that has the breath of life, I have given every green plant for food." And it was so.
[1:31] God saw everything that he had made, and indeed, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day.
String identified:
[1:1] t gg G cat t a a t at,
[1:2] t at a a a a c t ac t , a G t t ac t at.
[1:3] T G a, "t t gt"; a t a gt.
[1:4] A G a tat t gt a g; a G aat t gt t a.
[1:5] G ca t gt a, a t a ca gt. A t a g a t a g, t t a.
[1:6] A G a, "t t a t t t at, a t t aat t at t at."
[1:7] G a t a aat t at tat t t at tat a t . A t a .
[1:8] G ca t . A t a g a t a g, t c a.
[1:9] A G a, "t t at t gat tgt t ac, a t t a aa." A t a .
[1:10] G ca t a at, a t at tat gat tgt ca a. A G a tat t a g.
[1:11] T G a, "t t at t t gtat: at g , a t t at tat a t t t t." A t a .
[1:12] T at gt t gtat: at g , a t ag t t t t. A G a tat t a g.
[1:13] A t a g a t a g, t t a.
[1:14] A G a, "t t gt t t t aat t a t gt; a t t g a a a a a a,
[1:15] a t t gt t t t g gt t at." A t a .
[1:16] G a t t gat gt - t gat gt t t a a t gt t t gt - a t ta.
[1:17] G t t t t t g gt t at,
[1:18] t t a a t gt, a t aat t gt t a. A G a tat t a g.
[1:19] A t a g a t a g, t t a.
[1:20] A G a, "t t at g t a g cat, a t a t at ac t t ."
[1:21] G cat t gat a t a g cat tat , , t c t at a, a g . A G a tat t a g.
[1:22] G t, ag, " t a t a t at t a, a t t t at."
[1:23] A t a g a t a g, t t a.
[1:24] A G a, "t t at g t g cat : catt a cg tg a aa t at ." A t a .
[1:25] G a t aa t at , a t catt , a tg tat c t g . A G a tat t a g.
[1:26] T G a, "t a a ag, accg t ; a t t a t t a, a t t a, a t catt, a a t aa t at, a cg tg tat c t at."
[1:27] G cat a ag, t ag G cat t; a a a cat t.
[1:28] G t, a G a t t, " t a t, a t at a t; a a t t a a t t a a g tg tat t at."
[1:29] G a, ", a g at g tat t ac a t at, a t t t t; a a t .
[1:30] A t at t at, a t t a, a t tg tat c t at, tg tat a t at , a g g at ." A t a .
[1:31] G a tg tat a a, a , t a g. A t a g a t a g, t t a.
Closest match: Naumovozyma dairenensis CBS 421 chromosome 11, complete genome Common name: Budding yeast
(I could not find an image of this organism, so here is an image of Naumovozyma castellii instead.)
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fromthestacks · 2 years
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Lady of the Manor
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"I work in the field of violence. Not knowing Eliot Spencer in our line of business, it's a bit like not knowing Rembrandt."
Leverage Redemption S01E01 The Too Many Rembrandt's Job.
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moviesandmania · 24 days
V/H/S/BEYOND Sci-fi- horror anthology - teaser and release news
V/H/S/Beyond is a 2024 sci-fi horror anthology film and the seventh entry in the V/H/S franchise which began in 2012. “Dive into a sci-fi nightmare with six chilling tapes that push the limits of fear. From Shudder and Studio71, the upcoming seventh instalment of the series “will feature six new bloodcurdling tapes, placing horror at the forefront of a sci-fi-inspired hellscape.” ‘Stork’ was…
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katabay · 1 year
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Perceval, de Troyes (trans. Burton Raffel)
ALRIGHT alright. so previously I did an illustration that explained the premise of all this, that it's inspired by the narrative choices that Bresson made in his film Lancelot du Lac etc
to dive in more into it (because this is something like derivative fiction. I'm putting concepts into a blender and seeing what comes out of it): the setting is haunted by the previously existing narratives that started cannibalizing each other until it regurgitates itself into the more well known narrative beats, and something else about the invasive rot of christianity and empire mythmaking into settings. it's an intertextual haunting, if you will! and this scene takes place during the grail quest narrative, but the temptation of Perceval plays out differently.
in both Chretien (and Wolfram's) Perceval narratives, what 'wakes' Perceval up (in more ways than one. desire and self actualization in one go!) is seeing knights, something his mother tried hard to keep him from. so instead of the temptation of lust & etc in the Morte narrative taking the form of a lady, it takes the form of a knight. the temptation to renounce one's faith to serve something else remains.
so Perceval still stabs himself, but instead of continuing on the grail quest in the shadow of Galahad, he becomes the narrative's Fisher King because his earlier state of being as a the grail quest hero is creeping back into his marrow. it was waiting for an opening, and stabbing yourself in the thigh is one hell of a parallel!!!
that wound isn't going to heal buddy, and the state of the setting will now be reflected on your body. sure hope that Arthur hasn't like. corrupted the justice of the land or anything. that sure would suck for your overall health.
all the red in this sequence is because in de Troyes' Perceval, Perceval takes the armor of the Red Knight and becomes known as the Knight in Red.
and now for the citations, which I will try to order in a way that makes sense!
Seeing Knights For The First Time
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Perceval, de Troyes (trans. Burton Raffel)
The Temptation of Perceval
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Le Morte Darthur, Mallory (modernized by Baines)
The Fisher King, and Perceval The Unfortunate
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Perceval, de Troyes (trans. Burton Raffel)
On Perceval and Gender, etc.
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Clothes Make The Man: Parzival Dressed and Undressed, Michael D. Amey
On Wounds
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Wounded Masculinity: Injury and Gender in Sir Thomas Malory's Le Morte Darthur, Kenneth Hodges
The Red Knight
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Perceval, de Troyes (trans. Burton Raffel)
On Arthur and the Corruption of Justice
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The Failure of Justice, the Failure of Arthur, L.K. Bedwell
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corpsentry · 2 months
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a glass sun 1/2
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jessica-xtreme-slut · 3 months
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Hello, hello💋
This is just a little reminder from me to anyone who has forgotten what day of the week it is😉. Enjoy😘
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