#Christ's commandments
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The Great Commission
18 Jesus came and spake unto them, saying: All power is given unto me in heaven, and in earth. 19 Go therefore and teach all nations, baptising them in the name of the father, and the son, and the holy ghost: 20 Teaching them to observe all things, whatsoever I commanded you. And lo, I am with you alway even until the end of the world. — Matthew 28:18-20 | Tyndale New Testament (TYN) Holy Bible, Tyndale New Testament copyright © 1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. All rights reserved. Cross References: Proverbs 8:15; Isaiah 9:6; Jeremiah 26:2; Daniel 7:13; Matthew 13:19; Matthew 13:39-40; Matthew 13:52; Matthew 25:32; Mark 16:15; Acts 18:10
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kocoloco · 3 months
Jesus and Judas
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when your partner reads u 15 paragraphs of a catholic prayer about being gay for Jesus it gives you inspiration apparently. (We love gay people here)
also just realized I haven’t like, posted art on here for a while, chat should I do it more?
I have and never will read the epilogues, but beyond canon is, intriguing, mayhaps. I need gay people team.
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Boom, get fucking advertised, big post, might as well show this for its good cause of charity people.
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tajcox · 10 days
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silentagecinema · 18 days
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beauty in the 1920s
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spocks-husband · 10 months
Okay, hold on, here's the thing. We as a fandom seemed to have collectively agreed that Killing Time is the gayest Star Trek novel, but I am beginning to FIRMLY disagree with that; partially because I read Killing Time and I didn't really like it that much, but also because I'm currently reading The Price of The Phoenix and it is 100000× GAYER. It's also really beautifully written.
Anyways, here's part two of this book being so gay and so fucking romantic it hurts.
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unabashedllamamusic · 6 months
Yk what's fucking great about Mass Effect? In my two playthroughs so far (both femshep, one with a Traynor romance and one with a Liara romance), Shepard wants a normal family life. With Liara, it's lots of "little blue" kids, and with Traynor it's a house, white picket fence, two kids, and a dog. I feel like 99% of the time when a badass female lead wants children it takes away from their badassery or their independence, it's a way to tie them down and make them seem more domestic. Somehow (I credit Jennifer Hale's incredible voice acting), instead it feels more like Shepard wants to be normal. She spends three games getting thrown into insane situations that she didn't ask for, losing friends, literally dying, having an entire galactic war on her shoulders, going into a mission expecting to die TWICE, and all that on top of whatever trauma her background leaves her with. Bonus points if you do colonist + sole survivor, because that woman must be so far beyond PTSD. But even after all the shit she's gone through, at the end of the trilogy she can say with absolute certainty that she wants to experience a normal life- something she's never gotten before, no matter your background. The best part is she doesn't mention retiring, there's no reason she can't keep her rank and have kids at the same time, she was raised by active-duty officers in one background so it's definitely a possibility. This isn't the "female lead wins by giving up her powers and becoming a mother" trope, it's proof that she's still a normal human despite everything. That's also why I prefer Traynor's romance to Liara, Shepard opens up to her more and seems more human. The mix of flirtyness and honest vulnerability is incredibly normal, through all the galaxy's insanity.
In general, Shepard's trauma is often mentioned in passing but never really shown. No matter the background or choices you make, they've been through hell to begin with and go through it a dozen more times throughout the trilogy. Everyone around them is like "oh wow that must've been tough" but Shepard usually just brushes it off, or gives a line or two about how much they miss whoever it was that died. She definitely had a lot more nightmares than the game let on.
I've walked through a destroyed city once, and it's haunted me daily for five years. I can't imagine being in multiple cities, on multiple worlds, as they're being destroyed, and knowing stopping it is your job, not to mention losing a shit ton of friends + family, your unit, or just the occasional comrade (background depending)
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phantom-of-the-keurig · 7 months
Okay so why didn’t anyone tell me there’s official concept art of Rex with a tattoo????
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varpusvaras · 1 year
Continuing on this post because I said in the tags that it goes together with the Codywan desert husbands au. I just think it would be really funny if neither Cody or Rex (or anyone of the surviving batch) knew that the others are alive, other than Fox.
Fox helps with the Rebellion, being a contact and such, because he is not that much in the limelight (Bail and Breha are taking care of that part), and he, of course, goes by a codename. He did recognise Rex, like, immediately when he heard about things going on with other clones leaving the Empire and such. He couldn’t give himself away, because there is still a risk that him getting recognised could lead to Bail and Breha being implied to be part of the Rebellion. Fox keeps an eye out on Rex though, to make sure he’s okay.
Then Leia gets kidnapped, they reach out to Obi-Wan, and Fox learns that Cody is alive and well as well. But because of the whole thing surrounding the twins, he decides that it’s the best to stay away still.
This leads to, eventually, Luke meeting up with Leia’s family after the Death Star and coming back to Cody and Rex like “...do you guys have a brother?” “Multiple, how’s so?” “Well I mean Leia’s dad looks a lot like you, so I just thought...” “....I didn’t think we looked much like Bail Organa?” “No, not him, the other dad!” “What other dad?” “The one who looks like you, this tall, grey hair, kinda looks like wants to murder you?” “....I swear to GOD -”
Fox hears the scream to the other side of the base.
“Leia, sweetie, do a solid for your old man?” “Okay?” “Kill me.”
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dramoor · 4 months
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rqgnarok · 6 months
"But, sir, they're traitors."
"Perhaps. But they're clones."
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cath-lic · 3 months
when are we gonna break it to american conservatives that we already HAVE schools that teach the bible and they are called private christian schools. oh right i forgot they don’t actually care about that and are trying to enforce a state religion
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friendrat · 5 months
The problem with the church today is that so many "Christians" do not actually believe in redemption.
#unironically christian#i say this because of all the people who make comments about people's testimony#like saying they don't believe that only fans girl who was saved and baptized was really saved#like... reading through the comments it becomes clear that the “Christians” don't actually accept her#like... my brother in Christ... your good deeds are as worthy as my used pad#that is straight up in the bible#you are not better than her and you do not deserve redemption more than her#her salvation is between her and God#and yes... you say that time will reveal her fruit and you are correct#but guess what#ananias was called to extend a hand to paul *before* his fruit showed#and he was a frigging serial killer who was out for ananias's blood the week before#you do not get to pick and choose which converts you get to except#you are not God and thank heavens for it because if you were we would all be doomed#*deep breath*#i am just so sick of this... farse... that Christianity has become#Christians need a wake up call#oh! and and when you act like its impossible to accept that she could be saved you belittle God's power#you call into question Jesus's blood and it's ability to cleanse and if that is false your salvation is worthless!#also also you go against the things clearly written in the Bible while wearing the title of Christian#which means you are misrepresenting God's nature and intentions which means you are breaking the command to not take the lord's name in vain#wow... i thought i was done at the deep breath... guess not😅#rat rants
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tajcox · 6 months
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rhapsoddity · 4 months
Anon is closed until the weirdos fuck off from there!
If you wanna accuse me??? Of having a noncon kink??? Say it with Ur full chest on main
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wecanbeperfect · 5 months
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Proverbs 3:6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
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