#Chris Bianco
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formeryelpers · 1 year ago
Pane Bianco, 757 S Alameda St, Los Angeles (Downtown), CA 90021
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Pane Bianco is Chris Bianco’s casual, lunch only slice house serving NY style pizza, focaccia, sandwiches made with bread baked in house in the wood-fired oven, and salads. Bianco was named Best Chef Southwest in 2003 by the James Beard Foundation. His focus has been on making pizza with the best ingredients, including his own line of Bianco DiNapoli tomato products from California. You can buy the Bianco DiNapoli tomato products at the shop, along with apparel, hats, and Bianco’s EVOO.
The focaccia was sold out during my visit. They had 4 kinds of NY pizza to choose from: red, salami, green, marinara. You can order them by the slice or get a whole pie. Order at the counter. The pizza slices are reheated. It takes awhile, around 10 minutes.
Green slice ($6): caciocavallo, spinach cream sauce, Parmigiano Reggiano. The slice had puffy edges. The crust was harder and crunchier than usual. I didn’t mind that so much (though I think the crust was a bit too tough) but the crust tasted charred/burnt. The toppings were simple – pureed spinach with cream, cheese. The ingredients were high quality but the pizza seemed too simple and also baked too long (or the temperature was too high).
The space is large with high ceilings, indoor and outdoor seating, and some interesting vintage elements.
Parking is free at The Row on weekdays and weekends.
3.5 out of 5 stars
By Lolia S.
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cinemadetectives · 1 year ago
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Exploring the New World of Chris Reynolds by Emilio Cirri (interview from 4 March 2020 - Lo Spazio Bianco) - "Chris Reynolds was one of the most awaited authors at BilBolBul 2019. We therefore took the occasion to discover his work, his career and his future plans..." (read more here)
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atlantidekids · 5 months ago
La città d'oro: Jumanji! - di nuovo, e finalmente, a scaffale
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clemsfilmdiary · 2 years ago
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The Honeymoon Killers (1970, Leonard Kastle, Martin Scorsese, Donald Volkman)
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that-dam-heartstopper-fan · 6 months ago
hear me out- genderbent PJO universe
Here is my name list so far with the og name on the left and the genderbent name on the right
Percy- Percy
Annabeth- Andrew
Jason- Jacie 
Clarisse- Clarence 
Nico- Nicola (Nico usually)
Rayna- ray (or rara)
Thalia- Thalia (they/them)
Will- Willa 
Lee- Leah 
Piper- peter
Frank- Frances
Hazel- Hazel (mostly Haze)
Mitchell- Michelle
Michael- Mila 
Rachel- Red
Bianca- Bianco and Bianca (they/them)
Grover- grove 
Octavian- Octavia 
Luke- Lucia
Lacy- Liam 
Kayla- Kyla 
Drew- Drew
Charles- Charlie (ik he goes by Charlie sometimes but this is just Charlie)
Chris- Cristina
Sally- Sam (or Sammy) 
Paul- Paula 
I don’t know how I like Bianca’s name but oh well
I need help with anyone’s who does not have a genderbent name
Also let me know if I’m missing anyone- i made this list late last night
@boba-pearl and @seagull9111 - here from last night :))
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diceriadelluntore · 11 months ago
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Storia Di Musica #316 - The Black Crowes, The Southern Harmony And Musical Companion, 1992
La musica rock americana a fine anni ’80 è un calderone emozionante di vibrazioni che ribolle in continuazione. In quegli anni ci sarà una straordinaria concentrazione di visioni musicali, che a seconda della zona dell’immensa nazione prende dal passato per proiettarsi nel futuro. Se per esempio a Seattle la tradizione viene usata per fare a pezzi il vecchio e diventare occasione per buttare fuori tutta l’ansia del periodo, nel profondo Sud è il trampolino di lancio per catapultare nella contemporaneità il rock “classico”. La storia di oggi ci porta in Georgia, ad Atlanta, dove i fratelli Robinson crescono in una famiglia nella quale, nei decenni precedenti, la musica ha regalato qualche soddisfazione: infatti il padre, Dan, arrivò addirittura in classifica con un singolo, Boom-A-Dip-Dip, nel 1959. I fratelli Robinson, Chris alla voce e Rich alla chitarra, prima si avvicinano al punk, ma ben presto trovano molto più stimolante il rock anni ’60, sia quello tipico delle loro parti, il southern rock dal suono caldo e coinvolgente, sia il rock blues anni ’60 portato negli Stati Uniti dai gruppi inglesi. La prima formazione si chiama Mrs. Black Crowe’s Garden, ma nel 1988 cambiano nome in The Black Crowes: diventano localmente richiestissimi nei club di Atlanta e dintorni, dove li nota un emissario della A&M che fa registrare al gruppo dei demo. Non se ne fa nulla, ma una sera a sentirli suonati c’è George Drakoulias, famoso produttore e talent scout, che li segnala alla persona che in quel momento è il produttore più interessante del paese: Rick Rubin. Sebbene non suonino metal, la specialità della Def American di Rubin, i ragazzi suonano meravigliosamente nel loro mix di vecchio e nuovo, un rock solido e arricchito di soul, gospel e passione, e vengono messi sotto contratto. Tutta questa passione si percepisce già dalla copertina del loro primo disco, Shake Your Money Maker (1990): prodotto da George Drakoulias, si rifà nella grafica del titolo e nella foto a quelle mitiche dei gruppi british blues di 30 anni prima, fa pensare ai Faces e ai primi Rolling Stone, e il dubbio scompare sentendo con che voce si presenta Chris Robinson: un mix selvaggio di Rod Steward e di Mick Jagger, il suono potente e solido di brani come She Talks To Angels, Twice As Hard o la superlativa cover di Hard To Handle di Otis Redding. Il successo arriva quasi inaspettato: milioni di copie vendute e una fama crescente, frutto anche delle stupende esibizioni live, pirotecniche e imperdibili, che convincono pure gli spettatori delle band metal della Def American a cui sono chiamati ad aprire i concerti.
Nel 1992, in un paio di settimane, registrano il loro secondo album, chiamati all’arditissimo compito di replicare il successo del primo: ma sin dalle prime note, The Southern Harmony And Musical Companion, che prende il nome dal titolo di un inno di William Walker, un pastore battista dell’800, non delude le aspettative e sarà un disco epocale per bellezza e successo. È sempre la copertina che rivela la nuova strategia della band: i musicisti sono fotografati in bianco e nero facendo intuire che stavolta più che il rock blues inglese è la tradizione del southern rock alla Allman Brothers Band e Lynyrd Skynyrd ad essere di ispirazione. Con l’innesto di Marc Ford alla seconda chitarra (il resto vedeva Johnny Colt al basso, Steve Gorman alla batteria e Eddie Harsch alle tastiere), il suono diventa più pieno e pastoso, l’aggiunta di cori femminile rimanda alla grande tradizione Soul, l’affiatamento generale e le doti da cantante di Chris Robinson, davvero convincente, ne fanno un disco che schizza in vetta alle classifiche, con 4 singoli numero uno nella classifica di Billboard, record rimasto per anni imbattuto. La travolgente Sting Me apre il disco, seguita da Remedy dove si innalza il piano di Eddie Harsch a cadenzarne la ritmica . Thorn In My Pride, un super blues, come No Speak No Slave, ha echi zeppeliani (amore mai nascosto, dopo anni la band registrerà un live nientemeno che con Jimmy Page in persona). Bad Luck Blue Eyes, Goodbye è una ballatona ariosa e stupenda, come Sometimes Salvation, dove Robinson canta alla maniera straziante di Janis Joplin. Hotel Illness è il brano più immediato, come la bellissima My Morning Song. Chiude un omaggio a Bob Marley, Time Will Tell, che sigilla con una struggente natura gospel un disco che si ascolta tutto d’un fiato. Dopo l’ennesimo tour a mille e pieno di soddisfazioni, cambiano produttore e pubblicano nel 1994 Amorica: però più che per le canzoni è ricordato per con la famosa copertina, anche censurata, di un primo piano di un succinto slip a stelle a strisce che appena copre un pube di una donna nera. La band, dopo vari avvicendamenti (il più famoso fu l’allontanamento di Marc Ford come secondo chitarrista, per i gravi problemi di dipendenza da droghe di quest’ultimo) pubblicherà un altro grande disco, By Your Side del 1999, e continuerà una strepitosa carriera live nei più grandi festival e con collaborazioni prestigiose (oltre al già citato Page, anche i mitici Dead) ma i dissidi tra i fratelli, anche economici, porteranno ad una serie di liti e reunion, intramezzati anche da un ottimo disco, Warpaint del 2008, fino allo scioglimento del 2015.
Nel 2019 però l’inattesa svolta: prima l’annuncio di un tour celebrativo di Shake Your Money Maker, poi lo stop per la pandemia Covid-19, ma dal 2022 nuove date e addirittura un nuovo, inatteso disco, che uscirà la settimana prossima, il 15 Marzo 2024, dal titolo che è un programma: Happiness Bastards. Quando uscì, oltre 30 anni fa, Shake Your Money Maker (che è il titolo di un classico blues di Elmore James) la band era considerata la next big thing del rock a stelle e strisce, persino all’esordio musicale band dell’anno 1990 per la rivista Rolling Stone. A distanza di anni si può dire che in parte hanno disatteso quella speranza, ma hanno lasciato degli esempi di musica genuina e viscerale che sembra quasi stridere con tutto quello che in quegli anni diventerà preponderante.
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jules-has-notes · 11 months ago
Will.of.Oz (Unexpected Musical) — PattyCake Productions music video
For the third offering in their Unexpected Musicals series, the PattyCake guys got even more ambitious. Combining the club jams of the Black Eyed Peas with the spectacle of The Wizard of Oz required a bigger cast and more locations than their first two videos. Not to mention all the costumes, props, set pieces, and visual effects. But they pulled all of it off with their own unique flair.
title: Unexpected Musicals – Will.of.Oz
performers: Rachel Copeland (Dorothy); Alexander Browne (Scarecrow / coronor / Winkie guard); E. Michael Evans (Tin Man); Earl Elkins, Jr. (Cowardly Lion); Olivia Adkins (Glinda); Kathy Castellucci (Wicked Witch); Fletcher Wakim (Toto); Eli Jacobson (Lollipop Guild); Annesley Kolb, Kelsey Kolb, & Lilly Kolb (Lullaby League); Charlie Crook, Blanca Rosero, Savannah Simerly, Annabel Rosario, Danielle Peronto, Fred Ramos, Nick Perez, Britt Nicole, Richard Bianco, Polly Pocket, & Jonathan Shane Ferrell (munchkins)
original songs / performers: [0:20] "Let's Get It Started" by the Black Eyed Peas; [1:46] "Don't Phunk with My Heart" by the Black Eyed Peas; [2:10] "Don't Lie" by the Black Eyed Peas; [2:40] "I Gotta Feeling" by the Black Eyed Peas; [3:10] "Boom Boom Pow" by the Black Eyed Peas; [3:28] "Scream and Shout" by will.i.am, featuring Britney Spears; [3:54] "The Time (I've Had the Time of My Life)" by the Black Eyed Peas
written by: all songs by William "will.i.am" Adams in collaboration — "Let's Get It Started" with Allan "apl.de.ap" Pineda, Jaime "Taboo" Gomez, Terence Yoshiaki, Michael Fratantuno, & George Pajon, Jr.; "Don't Phunk with My Heart" with Stacy "Fergie" Ferguson, Priese "Printz" Board, George Pajon, Jr., Full Force, Kalyanji–Anandji, & Shyamalal Babu "Indeevar" Rai; "Don't Lie" with Stacy "Fergie" Ferguson, Jaime "Taboo" Gomez, Allan "apl.de.ap" Pineda, Chris Peters, Drew Peters, & Richard "Slick Rick" Walters; "I Gotta Feeling" with Allan "apl.de.ap" Pineda, Jaime "Taboo" Gomez, & Stacy "Fergie" Ferguson, David Guetta, & Frédéric Riesterer; "Boom Boom Pow" with Allan "apl.de.ap" Pineda, Jaime "Taboo" Gomez, & Stacy "Fergie" Ferguson; "Scream and Shout" with Jean Baptiste Kouame, Tula "Tulisa" Contostavlos, & Jef Martens; "The Time (I've Had the Time of My Life)" by John DeNicola, Donald Markowitz, & Franke Previte
arranged by: Tony Wakim & Layne Stein
release date: 5 December 2016
My favorite bits:
the munchkins' various entertaining entrances
Eli recreating the Lollipop Guild's expressions and herky-jerky dance moves
the Scarecrow saying ♫ "lose control of body and soul" ♫ as he's gangling about
the "Ding Dong" instrumental melody playing underneath Dorothy and the Scarecrow's exit
and "If I Only Had…" under the Tin Man's introduction
including the iconic "Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!" as a counterpoint to "Don't Phunk With My Heart"
Earl's fantastic lion growl and melodramatic wailing (and poor little Fletcher getting confused by it)
the lovely harmonized ♫ "no no no no" ♫ section in "Don't Lie"
the bombast of "Boom Boom Pow" being delivered by the illusory visage of Oz the Great and Powerful
Kathy's pitch-perfect Margaret Hamilton witch cackle
the layered melodies in the coda section
all those incredible costumes (Tony was busy!)
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According to PattyCake's Instagram teasers, it took 68 yards of fabric to make Glinda's voluminous gown, 2500 hand-stiched sequins to cover each pair of ruby slippers, and 57 pounds of actual tin to make the Tin Man's armor.
The Lullabye League is portrayed by Layne's step-daughters.
Jonathan Shane Ferrell isn't just one of the munchins. He's also one of the artists from Makeup & Creative Arts who provided the incredible character prosthetics.
PattyCake released their first public blooper reel for this project, and it is very fun.
The team at Makeup & Creative Arts released a time lapse prosthetics demo video for their Oz collection a couple years later with Dan Varnum donning the Lion's mane, Kathy Castellucci reprising her Wicked Witch role, Geoff Castellucci going gray silver as the Tin Man, & Paul Kaleka getting stuffed into the Scarecrow's burlap.
Rachel slipped back into Dorothy's gingham dress the following year to play Judy Garland in PattyCake's "La La Land" video.
Tony had performed "Let's Get It Started" many, many times during his decade as Dracula in the "Beetlejuice Graveyard Revue" at Universal Studios.
"Let's Get It Started" was also part of the opening medley for VoicePlay's second episode of The Sing-Off, though not the section the guys were featured in.
Layne had previously created a remix of "I Gotta Feeling" back in 2010 through his studio, Rayne's Room.
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famouspeopleeatingpizza · 1 year ago
Discovering America's Best: The Top 10 Pizza Places in the USA
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Pizza, a dish beloved across the globe, holds a special place in the hearts of Americans. From New York's thin crust to Chicago's deep dish, pizza in the United States is not just food; it's a cultural icon. After extensive research, sampling, and considering feedback from pizza aficionados, I present to you the definitive list of the top 10 pizza places in the United States.
1. Lombardi's Pizza - New York City, New York
Established in 1905, Lombardi's is recognized as the first pizzeria in the United States. Their coal-fired oven imparts a unique, smoky flavor to their pizzas, making it a must-visit for any pizza lover.
2. Pizzeria Bianco - Phoenix, Arizona
Chef Chris Bianco brings his culinary expertise to Pizzeria Bianco, where the wood-fired pizzas have gained a nationwide following. The Rosa, with red onion, rosemary, and Arizona pistachios, is a standout.
3. Pequod's Pizza - Chicago, Illinois
Chicago is synonymous with deep-dish pizza, and Pequod's caramelized crust sets their pizza apart. This local favorite is an essential stop for deep-dish enthusiasts.
4. Frank Pepe Pizzeria Napoletana - New Haven, Connecticut
Frank Pepe's, a New Haven institution since 1925, is famous for its coal-fired, thin-crust pizzas. The White Clam Pizza is an iconic choice.
5. Una Pizza Napoletana - San Francisco, California
Anthony Mangieri's Una Pizza Napoletana serves up Neapolitan pizzas with a Californian twist, cooked in a wood-fired oven for a perfect char.
6. Di Fara Pizza - Brooklyn, New York
Di Fara, a Brooklyn staple since 1964, is renowned for its handcrafted pies topped with imported ingredients, crafted by the legendary Dom DeMarco.
7. Pizzana - Los Angeles, California
Pizzana blends traditional Italian techniques with local Californian flavors. Their slow-fermented dough and high-quality toppings make each pizza a gourmet experience.
8. Antico Pizza Napoletana - Atlanta, Georgia
Antico brings a taste of Naples to Atlanta. Their authentic Neapolitan pizzas, baked in wood-burning ovens, are known for their flavorful and airy crust.
9. Sally's Apizza - New Haven, Connecticut
Another New Haven gem, Sally's Apizza has been serving up coal-fired, thin-crust pizzas since 1938. Their tomato sauce and perfectly charred crust are legendary.
10. Lou Malnati's Pizzeria - Chicago, Illinois
Lou Malnati's is synonymous with Chicago-style deep dish. Their buttery crust, Wisconsin cheese, and sweet tomato sauce make for an unforgettable pizza.
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miruvolp · 1 year ago
Un Candido Segreto (Camelia)
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Un Candido Segreto
Guardava fuori dalla finestra, sospirando; i lunghi capelli ondulati le ricadevano sulle spalle e la vestaglia bianca in morbide onde dorate. Gli occhi di un leggero verde primaverile, scrutavano il paesaggio al di fuori delle mura calde, mentre i fiocchi di neve si accumulavano sul terreno, creando una vasta distesa bianca e candida, che poteva essere considerata pari, a un telo di morbida seta. Seta… lo stesso materiale di cui era fatta la rosa datale dal suo amato in un giorno innevato proprio come questo… si, esattamente come questo tuttavia con una piccola differenza, la luce che faceva brillare la neve appena caduta come un mare di cristalli di ghiaccio, non era quella del sole invernale che splendeva con una luce più fievole e gelida rispetto all’autunno o l’estate, ma era la luce della luna piena immutabile nel passare del tempo, delicata ed elegante nel lasciare un velo di oscurità lieve abbastanza da poter celare segreti in sua presenza.
Quella notte la giovane fanciulla colma di entusiasmo, curiosità e senso di ribellione, era sgattaiolata fuori di casa all’insaputa di suo padre che l’avrebbe sicuramente ripresa per avventurarsi all’esterno della dimora a notte fonda, tuttavia alla ragazza nella quale straboccava lo spirito della gioventù interessava ben poco l’opinione del padre in questi casi. I suoi passi che risuonavano leggeri sulla superficie soffice, erano nascosti dalla mantella di velluto verde che le volteggiava intorno mentre percorreva a passo spedito il giardino fino al boschetto di ciliegi; si arrestò per un momento e fu allora che lo intravide, alto e robusto stava appoggiato con il dorso contro la corteccia di un’albero, i capelli color carbone leggermente nascosti da un berretto trasandato, e le mani infilate nelle tasche della giacca blu notte mentre gli occhi color ghiaccio osservavano le nuvole formate respiro che si congelava a contatto con l’aria.
«CHRIS!» Il grido di lei fu sufficiente affinché il ragazzo portasse tutta la sua attenzione su di lei che con foga si gettò tra le sue braccia facendolo sbilanciare e sprofondare nella neve assieme a lei. «Camelia… ti saresti potuta ferire!» disse Christopher preoccupato per la sua amata mentre le scostava dalle guance rosee rimasugli di quel candido e freddo bianco. Camelia rise accarezzando le guance di lui sentendo con i polpastrelli la ruvidità di una barba leggera; mentre lei si perdeva nell’oceano degli occhi di lui, lui si immergeva prendendo a pieno la vista degli occhi di lei, come se fossero la prima giornata di piena primavera, ipnotica e inebriante.
Il bacio fu passionale, focoso, talmente da fargli dimenticare il freddo circostante, ma non durò a lungo, dovevano lasciare il perimetro della casa alla svelta senza essere scoperti, dopotutto la notte era ancora giovane; lui le prese la mano aiutandola ad alzarsi ed insieme iniziarono a correre verso l’oscurità della foresta, lasciandosi dietro le orme dei loro passi che sprofondavano nella distesa fredda.
Ora Camelia guardava di nuovo fuori, sorridendo al ricordo di quella notte, al ricordo di lui e il loro segreto, al ricordo della loro passione, era divertita inoltre dalla bufera che cancellò completamente le orme del loro passaggio, del loro amore proibito e della loro avventura notturna.
«Milady, la vedo alquanto pensierosa.» disse Ingrid la sua dama di compagnia, scrutandola con i suoi grandi occhi castani,«È per caso colpa della neve Milady?»
Camelia rise lievemente voltandosi verso la ragazza con occhi sorridenti ed espressione divertita, «È sempre colpa della neve Ingrid, perché in un modo o nell’altro in inverno si ritorna sempre alla neve.»
Camelia però tenne per sé una piccola informazione, una preghiera di gratitudine che la riportava con il pensiero a lui e a quella notte, “La neve, la mia unica complice e l’unica a conoscere il segreto di quella notte, poiché lei cancello le nostre tracce.”
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thenwothm · 24 days ago
Lady Beast "The Inner Alchemist" coming March 28th!
On March 28th, Lady Beast will release their highly anticipated fifth album, The Inner Alchemist, through Dying Victims Productions. The album features stunning cover art by Nightjar Art of Adam Burke, which perfectly reflects the essence of what the band are all about. With Deborah Levine on vocals, Andy Ramage and Chris Tritschler on guitars, Amy Bianco on bass, and Adam Ramage on drums, Lady…
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my-chaos-radio-80-list · 2 months ago
Kalimba De Luna - Tony Esposito
Karma Chameleon - Culture Club
Kathy's Gone - Robin Gibb
Kiss Me - Stephen Duffy
Kokomo - The Beach Boys
Kyrie - Mr. Mister
L.A. Goodbye - Secret Service
La Isla Bonita - Madonna
Lambada - Kaoma
Land Of Confusion - Genesis
Last Christmas - Wham! (Xmas)
Late At Night - Maywood
Lay Your Hands On Me - Thompson Twins
Leave Me Alone - Michael Jackson
Lean On Me - Club Nouveau
Legacy - The Art Of Noise
Lessons In Love - Level 42
Let's Dance - David Bowie
Let’s Hear It For The Boys - Deniece Williams
Life On Your Own - The Human League
Life's What You Make It - Talk Talk
Like A Virgin - Madonna
Lily Was Here - David Stewart feat. Candy Dulfer
Limousine - Hubert Kah
Little 15 - Depeche Mode
Little Girl - Sandra
Little Lies - Fleetwood Mac
Live Is Life - Opus
Live It Up - Mental As Anything
Live To Tell - Madonna
Live Together - Lisa Stansfield
Living In A Box - Living In A Box
Living In Another World - Talk Talk
Living On Video - Trans-X
Long & Lasting Love - Glenn Medeiros
Look Mama - Howard Jones
Losing My Mind - Liza Minelli
Lost Again - Yello
Lost In Your Eyes - Debbie Gibson
Love Bites - Def Leppard
Love Changes (Everything) - Climie Fisher
Love Comes Quickley - Pet Shop Boys
Love Is A Battlefield - Pat Benatar
Love Is A Shield - Camouflage
Love Is A Stranger - Eurythmics
Love My Way - The Psychedelic Furs
Love Of The Common People - Paul Young
Love Somebody - Rick Springfield
Love Spy - Mike Mareen
Love Theme From Flashdance - Helen St. John
Love Train - Holly Johnson
Love Why - Century
Loverboy - Billy Ocean
Lovesong - The Cure
Loving You Is Sweeter Than Ever - Nick Kamen
Lucretia My Reflection - The Sisters Mercy
Luka - Suzanne Vega
Lullaby - The Cure
Lunatic - Gazebo
Madonna's Eyes - Jennifer Rush
Magic - Olivia Newton-John
Major Tom (Coming Home) - Peter Schilling
Mama - Genesis
Manchild - Neneh Cherry
Manhattan - G'race 
Maniac - Michael Sembello
Mary's Prayer - Danny Wilson
Master And Servant - Depeche Mode
Mercedes Boy - Pebbles
Merry Christmas Everyone - Shakin’ Stevens (Xmas)
Midas Touch - Midnight Star
Midnight Man - Sandra
Mirror Mirror - Dollar
Missing You - Chris de Burgh
Money For Nothing - Dire Straits
Moonlight Shadow - Mike Oldfield
More Than I Can Bear - Matt Bianco
More Than Physical - Bananarama
More Than This - Roxy Music
Mountains - Prince And The Revolution
My Baby Just Cares For Me - Nina Simone
My Inner Voices - Two Of Us
My Oh My - Slade
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resreviews · 4 months ago
The Best Pizza Restaurants in the U.S.
Pizza is one of the most beloved foods in America, and over the years, it has evolved into a culinary art form. Whether you prefer thin-crust, deep-dish, or wood-fired pies, the U.S. is home to some of the best pizzerias in the world, offering a diverse range of styles and flavors. From classic pizzerias with decades of history to modern spots pushing the boundaries of what pizza can be, there's something for every pizza lover.
At Resreviews, we’ve rounded up the top pizza restaurants across the U.S. to help you find your next must-try pie. Here are the best pizza spots that you should visit, coast to coast.
1. Di Fara Pizza (Brooklyn, New York)
No list of top pizza spots would be complete without mentioning Di Fara Pizza, a legendary pizzeria in Brooklyn. Opened in 1965 by Domenico DeMarco, this family-run shop has become synonymous with classic New York-style pizza. Each pizza is handcrafted, with fresh dough, San Marzano tomatoes, and high-quality Italian olive oil, making it a true pizza pilgrimage for anyone visiting New York.
Why Di Fara is a Must-Visit
The thin, crispy crust and perfectly balanced sauce-to-cheese ratio set Di Fara’s pies apart. Every pizza is made by hand, often by DeMarco himself, making each bite a labor of love. Be prepared for a wait, but trust us—it’s worth it.
2. Pizzeria Bianco (Phoenix, Arizona)
Pizzeria Bianco in Phoenix is often hailed as one of the best pizza restaurants in the U.S., thanks to the incredible craftsmanship of chef Chris Bianco. His dedication to using top-quality ingredients, from locally sourced produce to organic flour, results in unforgettable wood-fired pizzas. The crust is chewy yet crispy, and each pie is topped with simple, fresh ingredients that let the flavors shine.
Why Pizzeria Bianco Stands Out
The restaurant’s signature pizzas, like the Margherita and the Wiseguy (topped with house-smoked mozzarella, sausage, and roasted onions), are fan favorites. The combination of a perfect crust and locally sourced toppings make this a must-try spot in the Southwest.
3. Lou Malnati’s Pizzeria (Chicago, Illinois)
When it comes to Chicago-style deep-dish pizza, Lou Malnati’s is an institution. Known for its buttery crust, layers of cheese, and chunky tomato sauce, this deep-dish pizza is a Chicago classic. Lou Malnati’s has been serving up hearty, indulgent pizzas since 1971, and it remains a favorite for both locals and tourists.
Why Lou Malnati’s is Chicago’s Deep-Dish King
Lou Malnati’s signature buttercrust is the star of the show, offering a rich, flavorful base that perfectly complements the generous layers of cheese and sauce. The Malnati Chicago Classic, topped with sausage, extra cheese, and vine-ripened tomato sauce, is the perfect introduction to Chicago deep-dish.
4. Frank Pepe Pizzeria Napoletana (New Haven, Connecticut)
Frank Pepe Pizzeria Napoletana, commonly known as Pepe’s, is a New Haven institution and one of the oldest pizzerias in the U.S., dating back to 1925. Pepe’s is known for its coal-fired, thin-crust pizzas, with their charred edges and crispy texture. The most famous pizza on the menu is the white clam pie, topped with fresh clams, garlic, olive oil, and grated cheese.
Why Frank Pepe is a Must-Try
Pepe’s signature white clam pizza is unlike anything you’ve tasted before—light, garlicky, and perfectly balanced. The coal-fired oven imparts a distinct flavor and crunch to the crust that pizza purists will appreciate. For a true New Haven pizza experience, Pepe’s is unbeatable.
5. Roberta’s (Brooklyn, New York)
Roberta’s in Brooklyn has redefined the modern pizza scene with its inventive toppings and hip atmosphere. The pizzeria started in a modest space in Bushwick and quickly gained a cult following for its wood-fired pies. While it honors traditional techniques, Roberta’s also experiments with creative combinations of ingredients, making it a go-to spot for pizza enthusiasts.
Why Roberta’s is a Modern Pizza Star
The Bee Sting, topped with spicy soppressata, mozzarella, chili flakes, and a drizzle of honey, is a fan favorite and perfectly embodies Roberta’s playful yet thoughtful approach to pizza. The crust is blistered to perfection in their wood-fired oven, resulting in a soft yet crispy base.
6. Pizzana (Los Angeles, California)
Pizzana brings the flavors of Naples to Los Angeles with a California twist. Founded by Candace and Charles Nelson, and helmed by Neapolitan pizza master Daniele Uditi, Pizzana is known for its attention to detail, using 48-hour fermented dough and ingredients imported from Italy. The result is a pizza that’s light, airy, and bursting with flavor.
Why Pizzana is a Must-Visit in LA
The Neo Margherita, with San Marzano tomatoes, buffalo mozzarella, and basil, is a standout for its simplicity and freshness. Pizzana’s perfect balance of traditional Italian methods with modern creativity makes it one of LA’s top pizza destinations.
7. Prince Street Pizza (New York City, New York)
Prince Street Pizza in Manhattan’s Nolita neighborhood has made a name for itself with its iconic spicy pepperoni square. This Sicilian-style pizza features a thick, chewy crust topped with crispy, curled pepperoni slices and a tangy tomato sauce. The bold flavors and generous toppings have earned Prince Street a loyal following.
Why You Should Try Prince Street Pizza
The Sicilian-style pepperoni slice at Prince Street is unlike any other—thick, cheesy, and with a spicy kick that pizza lovers crave. The crunch of the crust and the perfectly crispy pepperoni make it a memorable slice that’s worth a visit.
8. Flour + Water Pizzeria (San Francisco, California)
Located in San Francisco’s Mission District, Flour + Water Pizzeria is known for its Neapolitan-style pies and dedication to craftsmanship. The pizzas here feature a chewy, flavorful crust and a variety of creative toppings that elevate the dining experience. The restaurant’s focus on quality ingredients and innovative flavors makes it a standout in the Bay Area.
Why Flour + Water Pizzeria is a Must-Try
The menu rotates seasonally, but favorites like the Margherita and Funghi pizzas are always a hit. The use of fresh, local ingredients combined with traditional Italian techniques creates pizzas that are both familiar and exciting.
9. Sally’s Apizza (New Haven, Connecticut)
Another New Haven favorite, Sally’s Apizza is a beloved spot for thin-crust, coal-fired pizzas. Founded in 1938, Sally’s offers a more straightforward approach to pizza, with a focus on simple, high-quality ingredients. The charred, thin crust is what draws people in, and the no-frills menu lets the pizzas speak for themselves.
Why Sally’s is a New Haven Classic
Sally’s traditional tomato pie, topped with a thin layer of tomato sauce and little to no cheese, is a classic example of New Haven-style pizza. The simplicity of the toppings and the crisp, smoky crust make it a must-try for pizza purists.
10. Buddy’s Pizza (Detroit, Michigan)
Buddy’s Pizza is the birthplace of Detroit-style pizza, a thick, square pizza with a crispy, cheesy crust and a chewy center. The pizza is baked in a steel pan, which gives it its signature texture and flavor. Buddy’s has been serving this iconic style of pizza since 1946, and it remains a favorite for Detroit locals and visitors alike.
Why Buddy’s Pizza is a Detroit Staple
The crust at Buddy’s Pizza is a revelation—crispy on the outside, soft on the inside, and topped with a layer of caramelized cheese. The signature Detroit-style square pizza, topped with tomato sauce and a variety of toppings, is a must-try for anyone visiting the Motor City.
From the coal-fired ovens of New Haven to the deep-dish pies of Chicago and the creative wood-fired pizzas in Brooklyn, the U.S. offers a wide range of incredible pizza experiences. At Resreview, we believe in celebrating the diversity and craftsmanship that goes into each pie. Whether you’re a fan of classic styles or innovative creations, these pizza restaurants are sure to impress.
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ulkaralakbarova · 7 months ago
Over the summer of 1976, thirty-six bombs detonate in the heart of Cleveland while a turf war raged between Irish mobster Danny Greene and the Italian mafia. Based on a true story, Kill the Irishman chronicles Greene’s heroic rise from a tough Cleveland neighborhood to become an enforcer in the local mob. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Danny Greene: Ray Stevenson John Nardi: Vincent D’Onofrio Joe Manditski: Val Kilmer Shondor Birns: Christopher Walken Joan Madigan: Linda Cardellini Mikey Mendarolo: Tony Darrow Ray Ferritto: Robert Davi Grace O’Keefe: Fionnula Flanagan Jerry Merke: Bob Gunton Art Sneperger: Jason Butler Harner Keith Ritson: Vinnie Jones Jack Licavoli: Tony Lo Bianco Ellie O’Hara: Laura Ramsey Mike Frato: Steve Schirripa Tony Salerno: Paul Sorvino Leo “Lips” Moceri: Mike Starr William “Billy” McComber: Marcus Thomas Frank Brancato: Vinny Vella Valet: Brian Balzerini Young Danny Greene: Cody Christian Young Billy McComber: Dante Wildern Tony Lupero: Sean O’Reily Vic Centauro: Vincent Rogo Angelini Tommy Sinito: Grant Krause Joe Buka: Jeff Chase Stan Gilroy: Jim Porterfield Undercover Cop: Jeff Wolfe Film Crew: Director: Jonathan Hensleigh Executive Producer: Tara Reid Casting: Mary Vernieu Production Design: Patrizia von Brandenstein Director of Photography: Karl Walter Lindenlaub Editor: Douglas Crise Executive Producer: Arthur M. Sarkissian Visual Effects Supervisor: Chris Ervin Producer: Al Corley Producer: Eugene Musso Unit Production Manager: Bart Rosenblatt Producer: Tommy Reid Casting: Juan Carlos Cantu Screenplay: Jeremy Walters Book: Rick Porrello Executive Producer: Jonathan Dana Costume Design: Melissa Bruning Original Music Composer: Patrick Cassidy Music Supervisor: John Bissell Production Supervisor: Michael D. Jones Art Direction: Gary Baugh Script Supervisor: Dug Rotstein Still Photographer: Kim C. Simms Set Decoration: Joan MacFarlane Production Sound Mixer: Beau Williams Second Assistant Director: Phil Robinson Stunt Double: Cassandra McCormick Movie Reviews: Kenneth Axel Carlsson: This is the story of the irishman, Danny Greene (Ray Stevenson), a corrupt union man, who ended up as sort of a Robin Hood figure of Cleveland. This is the story of how he rose in the ranks, making countless of enemies along the way. This is also the story of how they tried to kill him, but failed. I’ve never heard of Danny Greene, but the movie paints a nice realistic picture of the 1970s. This is not a pleasant world, but one where everyone is trying to get their piece of the cake. Danny himself is a hard one to figure out, is he good, is he bad? The one moment he helps out a friend in need, the next… he is killing people. I kinda like the fact that he is a person with both sides to him, allowing us to make up our own mind about him. Life is never as simple as most movies would like us to think it is. The movie itself is a little messy, and I had expected a bit more from the cast, but of course, this is a movie based on actual events and characters, and of course that means that they can’t change too much. In minor roles we find Val Kilmer and Christopher Walken, both excellent actors that tend to make quirky and interesting characters, but not so much here. Last words… a solid movie that gives us some insight into a man who really lived and breathed. It has some heart, for sure, but ain’t all that interesting when it comes down to it. I probably won’t ever see it a second time, but I definitely survived seeing it once.
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clemsfilmdiary · 2 years ago
The Best of April 2023
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Best Discovery: Husbands
Best Rewatch: The Day of the Locust
           Close Second: Dog Day Afternoon
           Runners Up: Diary of a Mad Housewife, The Honeymoon Killers, Who'll Stop the Rain
Most Enjoyable Fluff: The Perfection
           Runners Up: A Picture of Her, The Coca-Cola Kid, Cool as Ice, Willie Dynamite
Oddity of the Month: Willie Dynamite
           Runner Up: The Perfection
Best Male Performance: Al Pacino in Dog Day Afternoon
           Runners Up: Richard Benjamin and Frank Langella in Diary of a Mad Housewife, John Cassavetes, Peter Falk and Ben Gazzara in Husbands, Tony Lo Bianco in The Honeymoon Killers, Nick Nolte in Who'll Stop the Rain
Best Female Performance: Karen Black in The Day of the Locust
           Runners Up: Carrie Snodgress in Diary of a Mad Housewife, Shirley Stoler in The Honeymoon Killers, Tuesday Weld in Who'll Stop the Rain
Best Supporting Performance or Cameo: Donald Sutherland in The Day of the Locust
           Runners Up: John Cazale, Charles Durning, Susan Peretz and Chris Sarandon in Dog Day Afternoon, Delores Delmar and Jenny Runacre in Husbands, Jackie Earle Haley, Burgess Meredith and Geraldine Page in The Day of the Locust, Mary Jane Higby in The Honeymoon Killers, Richard Masur in Who'll Stop the Rain
Most Enjoyable Ham: Franco Nero in High Crime
           Runners Up: Tyler Hynes in A Picture of Her, Vanilla Ice in Cool as Ice, Sylvia Miles in Farewell, My Lovely, Eric Roberts in The Coca-Cola Kid, Roger Robinson and Diana Sands in Willie Dynamite
Best Mise-en-scène: The Day of the Locust
           Runners Up: Dog Day Afternoon, Easy Rider, Farewell, My Lovely, Husbands
Best Score: The Day of the Locust (John Barry)
Best Cartoon: Ye Olden Days
           Runners Up: Baby Puss, The CooCoo Nut Grove, Thrills and Chills
Best Hunk: Jeff Bridges in Against All Odds
Assorted Pleasures:
- All-out fashion show of flamboyant pimpwear in Willie Dynamite
- Bloodcurdling expressionistic nightmare sequence in The Day of the Locust
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diceriadelluntore · 1 year ago
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Storia Di Musica #296 - Eleven, Eleven, 1993
La storia di oggi è una storia di incroci. Sia emotivi sia scambi di persone e di formazioni. Jack Irons è un batterista che verso la fine degli anni '80 vuole mettere su una band. Lo fa con Alain Johannes, con cui fonda gli Anthym. si uniscono altri due amici, Hiller Slovak e Michael Peter Balzary. Cambiano subito nome in What Is This?. Iniziano a suonare alle feste e nei locali fino a quando un amico comune di Slovak e Balzary, Anthony Kiedis, non chiede a loro due di aiutarlo a trovare musicisti per la sua band. Finiscono per entrarci loro stessi, tanto che Balzary cambia nome in Flea e diventeranno il nucleo originario dei futuri Red Hot Chili Peppers. Tuttavia Slovak e Irons non abbandonarono Johannes e continueranno a suonare con lui, pubblicando un EP prima, Squeezed, un album poi, intitolato come la band What Is This?. Nell'impossibilità di continuare a suonare in due gruppi, la band si scioglie. Johannes però non si dà per vinto e ha lui l'incontro della sua vita. Ad un festival rock incontra una ragazza lettone che anglicizza il suo nome in Natasha Shneider, musicista e attrice. Si piacciono e formano un duo, Walk The Moon. Registrano alcuni brani, aiutati da Irons alla batteria e da un bassista, Chris Hutchinson, che però abbandona poco dopo. Irons nel 1988 lascia i RHCP e i tre, Johannes, Shneider e Irons fondano gli Eleven.
Natasha Shneider è una polistrumentista straordinaria, suona piano, organo e uno strumento particolare, il clavinet, che è un piano elettronico (amatissimo da Stevie Wonder) che lei suona con la mano sinistra in modo particolare come se fosse un basso, riuscendo così a sopperire alla mancanza nel trio di questo strumento. La band si sceglie un logo (un 11 disegnato come due linee, II) e firmato un contratto con una piccola etichetta pubblicano il primo disco, registrato e pubblicato nel 1991. Awake In A Dream è hard rock, certo, e si posiziona nella parte più hard rock della nascente scena alternative americana di quel tempo ,che farà nascere il grunge. Ma ha anche dei particolari davvero unici, tra cui il doppio ruolo di lead vocal tra Alain e Natasha. Tra i brani dell'esordio, Break The Spell fu parte della colonna sonora del film di fantascienza Freejack - In Fuga Dal Futuro, dove tra i protagonisti c'è Mick Jagger. La prova del nove è il loro secondo album, che si intitola Eleven.
I riferimenti sono i canonici (Led Zeppelin, l'hard rock degli anni '70, i nuovi suoni di Seattle) ma sono mischiati in modo del tutto singolare. Eleven esce nel 1993. La chitarra di Johannes passa con disinvoltura tra i riferimenti canonici ad un uso particolare e originale degli effetti, soprattutto del pedale fuzz per esemplari distorsioni armoniche. Il tutto si sposa perfettamente, e termine non fu più adatto dato che presto diventeranno marito e moglie, con la tecnica di Shneider, sfoggiando entrambi vocalità particolarissime per intensità e variazioni. Preceduto dal singolo Reach Out, dal suggestivo video musicale in bianco e nero e dominato da un assolo infinito e memorabile di Johannes, Eleven è un disco compatto e suonato alla grande, secondo me da riscoprire perché molto sottovalutato. A brani corposi e potenti come Crash Today, Tower, Heavy esempi di perfetto nuovo hard rock, a cui si aggiungono brani più particolari, come Hieroymus, dal prezioso intro di fisarmonica e di organo, che accompagna il meraviglioso canto di Natasha Shneider, o la litania di distorsioni di Let Down, o l'atmosfera dark di Ava Tar (scritto così in due parole). Il disco colpisce la critica, che ne parla egregiamente ma poco il pubblico. Mentre il gruppo sta registrando il terzo disco, Thunk, Irons se ne va a suonare con i Pearl Jam, e viene sostituito da Matt Cameron, dei Soundgarden, che il caso volle andrà a prendere le bacchette della band di Eddie Vedder qualche anno più tardi. Cameron si prestò ad aiutare gli Eleven poiché questi ultimi furono la band apripista di tour degli stessi Soundgarden e Pearl Jam e di decine di altre formazioni.
Johannes e Shneider divennero anche un ricercato team di produzione che lavorò su album come Euphoria Morning di Chris Cornell (sul quale scrissero, suonarono e andarono in tournée). ), Return of Saturn dei No Doubt , Revive degli inglesi Steadman e The Desert Sessions 7&8 and 9&10 con Josh Homme, che li conobbe quando gli Eleven suonarono per delle date in apertura ai suoi Queens Of The Stone Age. Con Chris Cornell una Ave Maria di Franz Schubert, riarrangiata da Shneider, che apparve in una compilation speciale natalizia, con il preciso intento di fare avvicinare interessare i giovani alla musica classica. La storia però finisce tristemente, perché nel 2008 una malattia portò via Natasha Shneider. Johannes continua a suonare e produrre, spesso accompagnato nel ricordo della moglie da tutti i grandi artisti che li conobbero, li apprezzarono e ne chiesero la collaborazione.
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garudabluffs · 9 months ago
Jerry Seinfeld on Turning 70, Series Finale of Curb with Larry David & Making a Film About Pop-Tarts
May 1, 2024 #Kimmel Jerry talks about being on the show in person for the first time, celebrating his 70th birthday with their mutual friend Chris Bianco’s amazing pizza, Colin Quinn getting him the best birthday present, filming the series finale of “Curb Your Enthusiasm” with Larry David, his new movie Unfrosted on Netflix, not checking with Kellogg’s before making it, the possibility of getting sued and ending up in court on Pop-Tart related charges, working with Hugh Grant, wanting Daniel Day-Lewis to be in the movies, being on the Jerry Lewis Telethon, and interviewing Jerry Lewis on “Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee.”
Jerry Seinfeld on Making a Life in Comedy (and Also, Pop-Tarts) | The New Yorker Radio Hour | WNYC Studios
Jerry Seinfeld used to have a comedy bit about the invention of the Pop-Tart, but when his friend Spike Feresten—who wrote the famous “Soup Nazi” episode of “Seinfeld”—suggested it as a topic for a movie, even Seinfeld said “There’s no movie here.” But they work shopped the story, turning the invention of the Pop-Tart into a nutty postwar epic. Seinfeld has written films before, including “Bee Movie,” but this time he’s making his début as a director with “Unfrosted.” (The production did not, he says, have permission from Kellogg’s.) The comic talks with David Remnick about making a life in comedy, and why he continued to work so hard on his craft after retiring his massively successful sitcom. “This is a writer’s game. If you can write, you succeed. If you can't, you will not make it. . . . Any comedian can be funny onstage, but the bullets are the writing.”  And he offers thoughts on old age, as he turns seventy. “God is like, ‘I'm with you up to about thirty-eight,’ ” Seinfeld posits. After that, God says, “ ‘if you want to stay, you can stay. But I’m moving on.’ ”
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