#Choi Yeo-jin
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k-star-holic · 1 year ago
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Is Park Hae-jin this rich? "2200 conjugates of shoes.. and a warehouse."
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korelist · 2 years ago
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UYARI : Yazılar genel olarak spoiler içerebilir. İçermeyedebilir.
İmdb puanı: 7,6 Benim puanım: 9
Drama: My Holo Love / I Holo You
Hangul: 나 홀로 그대
Director: Lee Sang-Yeob
Writer: Ryoo Yong-Jae
Episodes: 12
Date: 2020
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
Cast: Yoon Hyun-Min, Ko Sung-Hee, Choi Yeo-Jin, Jung Young-Ki, Kang Seung-Hyun
  My Holo Love, Kore sinemasında mini dizi dedikleri 12 bölümlük bir dizi. Beni ikna etti, çok keyifle izledim. Neden bu kadar düşük puana sahip olduğunu hiç anlamadım. Farklı bir konu bulmuş, aksiyon, romantizm, bilim kurgu ortaya karışık yapmış güzel bir iş çıkartmışlar. Konusu; Ko Nan-Do (Yoon Hyun-Min) bir IT araştırma şirketinin gizli sahibidir. Üvey kız kardeşi Ko Yoo-Jin (Choi Yeo-Jin) ise şirketin görünen yüzü ve CEO’sudur. Ko Nan-Do şirket bünyesinde bir yapay zeka geliştirmiştir. Kendisini kimse bilmediği için yapay zeka “HOLO” Nan-Do’nun görünüşüne sahiptir. Yoo-Jin, Holo’yu gizli yatırımcılara ufak bir sunum ile tanıtır. Holo özel bir gözlük aracılığı ile kullanılmaktadır. Tanıtım sonrasında kimliği belirsiz adamlar Yoo-Jin’den gözlüğü almak için peşine düşer. Yoo-Jin’de gözlüğün başkasının eline geçmesini engellemek için kalabalık bir meydanda birini seçip gözlüğü çantasına atmak zorunda kalır. Aslında bu kişiyi gözlük seçer.
Kalabalığın içinden seçilen kişi Han So-Yeon (Ko Sung-Hee)’dur. So-yeon bir gözlük şirketinde müdür yardımcısı olarak çalışmaktadır. Yüz körlüğü olduğu için insanların yüzünü ayrıt edememesi onun hem iş hem özel hayatında yalnız kalmasına neden olmuştur. Başarılı olması için herkesten daha fazla çalışması gerekmektedir. Ama o gün çantasına atılan yapay zeka gözlüğü sayesinde hayatı değişir.
Başlarda Yoo-Jin ve Ko Nan-Do gözlüğü geri almak için girişimde bulunurlar. Ancak yapay zeka So-Yeon’da kalmak istediğini söyleyince, bu durumu bir beta testi olarak görmeye ve yapay zekanın nasıl gelişim göstereceğini incelemeye karar verirler. Dizi bu konu başlıkları etrafında şekillenir.
Aksiyon ve romantizmi bir arada sunan dizide, bence aksiyon kısmı biraz abartılmıştı. Dizinin genel havasına göre fazla geldiğini düşünüyorum. Yine de rahatsız ettiğini söyleyemem. Oyuncuların hepsini ilk defa bu dizide izledim. Sonrasında başka bir dizide denk geldiğimi de sanmıyorum. Be nedenle oyuncular ile ilgili çok yorum yapamayacağım. Yoon Hyun-Min’in oyunculuğu göz doldurucuydu. Choi Yeo-Jin ise koreli kadın oyunculara nazaran farklı bir nefes gibiydi. Benim dikkatimi çeken iki oyuncu oldular.
Diziyi beğenmesine beğendim ama ağzına kadar klişelerle dolu olduğunu da söylemeden geçmeyeceğim. Geçmişte tanışma, tesadüfler, önce kavga sonra aşk, sonra imkansızlıklar vs vs bir sürü minik minik klişeleri dizi boyunca serpiştirmişlerdi. Kore kültüründeki kadercilik benim hoşuma gidiyor. Her dizide gözümüze soksalar bile o kadar da rahatsız olmuyorum. Aslında bir dönem ülkemizde de çıkan yapay zeka ile aşk yaşama haberleri vardı. Dizide biraz bu konu ile ilgili irdeleme yapıldığını düşünüyorum. Kız tamamen yapay zekaya gönlünü mü kaptırdı yoksa hayatı boyunca eksikliğini hissettiği şeyleri onunla yapabiliyor olmasından kaynaklı vazgeçilmez bir araç mıydı? Çünkü; gördüğü insanları tanıyamadığı için yapay zekanın ona söylemesi So-Yeon’un hayatını yaşanılabilir bir hale sokuyordu.
Mini dizi olmasından kaynaklı gereksiz uzatılmış senaryo yoktu. Zaman geçirmek için yapılan boş konuşmalar, olaylarla alakası olmayan sahnelerden arınmıştı. Engelleri olmayan biri gerçekten yapay zekaya aşık olur muydu ya da bu gerçekten aşk mı sorularını kafamıza yerleştirdiler. Romantizm tarafında ise üçüncü kişiler, aşk üçgenleri yoktu belki ama aşk üçgenini iki insan ve holo olarak yapmışlardı. Bir miktar saçmaydı. Ama bu saçmalığı göstermek istedikleri için amacına ulaşıyordu. Bir diğer hoşuma gitmeyen şey ise, önce hoşlanmayıp, sonra hoşlanıp, sonra karşılık alınca kendinden so��utmak için hoşlanmıyormuş gibi yapmalar, genel olarak bu tavırlar beni diken diken ediyor. Ama dediğim gibi çok uzamıyor hiçbir şey.
Sonuç olarak bilim kurgu dizisi gibi başlayıp soft romantizme geçiş yapan senaryosu sağlam yazılmış, keyifli bir diziydi. Gönül rahatlığıyla birine bu diziyi öneririm. Birde son olarak dizi müziği yoktu, keşke güzel bir tane müzik eklemeyi başarabilselerdi.
Raven Melus
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haveyouseenthisseries-poll · 9 months ago
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luxora · 2 years ago
The Glory -> You visit them in prison
Requested: No
Kdrama: The Glory
Genre: Angst. Fluff?
Warnings: Mentions of murder. Mentions of bullying. Mentions of death. No remorse. Swearing. 
A/N: I absolutely do not condone anything that was presented in the kdrama. No one should ever bully others. This is all purely fiction.
Moon Dong-eun
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Dongeun had never been one to truly care about fashion, mainly because she only purchased items of clothing that could conceal the horrid burn scars that were inflicted on her during high school. However, it did not mean that she approved of the prison uniform that was currently fitted to her body. While the colour itself did not bother her, nor that it was a prison uniform, but it was rather the short sleeves of the uniform that bothered her.
Since the day Dongeun had received the burn marks from Yeonjin and the others, she has always covered them with long clothing. Ranging from long-sleeve dressed to oversized jackets and sweaters, Dongeun always made sure to hide her scars from the public eye, hating the looks of horror that were immediately scorned her way, constantly bringing a wave of humiliation to her.
She never should have been forced into the position where she feels that she has to constantly hide herself. She shouldn’t be fearful over the fact that someone could possibly catch a glimpse of her bare forearms in case they notice the first burn scar which had marked her collection. She should not living her life for the sole purpose of revenge, and yet it was the only thing which had kept her alive so far.
Dongeun stared blankly at you from the other side of the plastic screen in the visitation ward, your own face filled with obvious sadness with tears streaming down your face while you stared at her from your side of the screen. While her heart pinched at the sight of your tears, she did not allow herself to show any concern. Between the two of you, she had to be the strongest. You were already the more emotionally one between the two of you, so that meant that she had to be the controlled one.
“Dongeun...” You uttered, your bottom lip trembling after her name left your mouth, the anguish obvious to even the prisoner guard who was monitoring Dongeun’s visit with you. “I’m so sorry.”
“I have already said that it is not your fault Y/N. This was a possible risk.”
Dongeun had expected for Yeonjin to try use her means of wealth and resources in an attempt to stop her journey of revenge; however, she didn’t quite anticipate that she would manage to spin a made up story which incriminated Dongeun for supposedly blackmailing students at her workplace for some benefits. While there was hardly any evidence to the story, there was apparently some constructed proof, no doubt courtesy to Mr Chu who had some sort of vindictive grudge towards Dongeun for some whatever reason. 
And so Dongeun was serving time for a crime that she did not commit, although she did not plan to stay for long.
“Still, so much has happened to you and yet-”
“One thing to know about revenge Y/N is that you should expect the unexpected. I had expected this, but did not anticipate in it actually happening.”
“Why are you so calm?!” You suddenly screeched, slamming your hand hard on the table that it echoed in the room.
Dongeun felt the gaze of the prisoner guard behind her, no doubt attempting to diagnose the cause of your temper flare, but Dongeun did not react. She instead continued to gaze at you with a blank gaze.
“I see no point in losing my temper over something that is inevitable. Becoming lost in a rage is not going to change the fact that I am in here.”
“But you didn’t do it!” You exclaimed, staring at her desperately as tears continued to escape. “You don’t deserve to be in here! Out of all people, it is Yeonjin and her whole group of asshole friends!”
You were not someone who habitually cursed, although it became a different story when you lost your temper. Even though it was hardly appropriate, a small smile found itself gracing Dongeun’s lips, her eyes lighting up slightly as she gazed at your frazzled appearance. You immediately furrowed your eyebrows when you noticed the small.
“Why are you smiling?”
“...I don’t know.”
It was true.
She didn’t know why she was smiling, but she had found that since meeting you, smiles have become a more frequent in her life. After her high school experiences with Yeonjin and the others, Dongeun could hardly feel any sort of happiness during her years into adulthood. Dongeun had to work to survive and survival hardly had any room for emotions such as happiness. Possibly the only form of happiness she felt was when she marked the start of her revenge plot against Yeonjin. Her laborious thoughts of revenge slowly started to become true, and the pieces slipping into place brought a sense of twisted glee to Dongeun, who has been a victim for Yeonjin far beyond their high school days.
And yet somehow and somewhat, she has found herself feeling a different sort of glee when she was with you. Although perhaps the correct word to use was contentment. She became somewhat content in your presence. Something she was not used to.
“There has to be something that we can do.” You said, ducking your head as you sniffled as your tears began to blur your eyesight, making you miss the tilt of Dongeun’s head as she looked at you. Dongeun reached out and tapped the transparent screen, the sound prompting you to lift your head again. She leaned in so that she could talk to you in a lower tone.
“There is nothing that we can do but wait. You must remain home and continue with your everyday life. You do not need to worry about me.”
You looked at her in slight confusion for a few moments before your expression suddenly hardened, your eyes becoming sharp despite the moisture in them.
“If you think that I am going to just leave you like this-”
“You are not because I will not be here for much longer.” Dongeun interrupted, a small gleeful smile gracing her lips again as her eyes lit up with small determination. “I already have a plan for my release, but it will take some time so I need you to continue living normally without me. You will hear more about it from me soon.”
“Dongeun...what are you-”
“I can’t tell you now but I promise that I will soon. Trust me Y/N...I have a plan for something like this.”
While Dongeun did not anticipate for herself to be put into this situation, it did not mean that she did not plan for the possibility. She had already started the process of her eventual release, courtesy of a certain doctor who was determined to be her executioner. Although while he did play an important part, he could not compare to you, her warden.
Her warden who did whatever they could to protect her, as expected of a warden. You guarded and protected, be it Dongeun or her proof for revenge. She trusted you and she knew that you trusted her to keep to her word and eventually tell you her plan. Although not for the moment. It was not the right time. She will tell you when the time is right, when there is no possibility of derailment.
Joo Yeo-jeong
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Despite the dark grey uniform that was clothing his body and the plastic screen that was separating him from you, Yeojeong couldn’t help but smile thoughtfully while you looked at him from the opposite seat, eyebrows furrowed at his expression.
“Why are you smiling?” You asked, your hand raised half in the air as you leaned back in your chair, fingers lazily moving against one another. His eyes brightened at your question.
“I’m happy.” He said, as if it was the most obvious answer in the world.
Although to Yeojeong, it was the most obvious answer in the world. He had finally done it. He had finally ended the life of his own tormentor. It took over two years but he eventually managed to see the light fade away from that animal that had ruined his entire life. He had so meticulous with his revenge. He at first started with the weekly medication that prisoners were entitled to have until eventually progressing to the food that he would eat. He maintained his professional facade the entire time, no one suspecting his true intentions.
He internally found delight in the wariness of the animal, cautiously stepping towards the counter to receive his medication, all while Yeojeong maintained his friendly demeanor. While he had smiled at tormentor, appearing friendly from the public eye, only he could recognize the iciness of the smile. Yeonjeong had promised him that he had to be careful when the two of them met again because then Yeojeong was going to mark the start of his revenge. He had promised that he was going to kill him and that nobody was going to suspect foul play because Yeojeong was a doctor.
It had worked for the whole two years. Yeojeong had made sure that the process was slow. He wanted to draw it out as much as he could because the animal did not deserve a quick death. He made sure that his father had choked on his blood, suffocating him and making his death panicked and painful with himself being the last thing that his father would ever see until he finally succumbed to his injuries. That was something that Yeojeong could never forgive. He could never forgive the monster who had created his father’s death, nor could he forgive that the betrayal he demonstrated by killing the doctor who had saved his life.
Yeojeong drew out his death deliciously, and when he finally stared down at the dying monster, he couldn’t help but smile. He had leaned down so that they were practically face-to-face, a calm smile on his face as he took in his moment of victory.
“Do you need me to give you something for the pain?”
The terror in his eyes were wonderful and nothing brought Yeojeong more delight than seeing the moment of death. He had finally completed his revenge. He avenged his father and his family. He managed to make the monster pay for all the pain he had caused Yeojeong and his family. He could finally move on with his life, with you and with his mother.
...Only he was eventually suspected of being the cause of the death.
It took some digging to eventually track down the proof that would give them the right to imprison Yeojeong. He did not even put up a fight when they had arrived with handcuffs. He did not feel any fear or sadness; however, he did feel a sense of guilt when he turned around to see you standing in the entryway of his home, having rushed from the table where the two of you were having dinner. He did make sure to utter an ‘I love you’ to you before he was hauled away, the officer reading out his rights as he was escorted out his home and towards the police vehicle which was waiting for him.
“...You are happy that you are in prison?” You asked, snapping him out of his thoughts as he began to recall his memory of his object of revenge finally becoming lost in the next realm, most likely to a fiery inferno. He smiled serenely at you.
“Not exactly.”
“...Then why are you happy?”
“I feel achieved.”
“I achieved?”
“Yes. I finally did it Y/N, I finally killed that monster. He’s dead and its all because of me. He feared for it. He feared for his death. He feared me. It was glorious.”
It was truly glorious. It was possibly the best entertainment that Yeojeong could ever have in his life. While it was expected for him to find a new means to entertain himself, nothing could ever compare to the two year game he had to play. It was wonderful.
Yejeong suddenly jumped at the sound of your fist hitting the table, your facial features twisted harshly as you glared from your end of the screen, your jaw clenching tightly.
“Right. It was so glorious that you didn’t think of the possibility of getting caught, or even think about how this would affect me.” He furrowed his eyebrows at you, slightly confused. You scoffed at his expression. “Were you so obsessed with your idea of revenge that it didn’t even occur to you to even mention the fact that you were going on a whole revenge trip to kill a man?!”
Yeojeong felt his body tense defensively, his facial features hardening as he stared at you.
“It wasn’t just any man, he was the man that-”
“Yes I know that now Yeojeong, after I had to hear it from a detective! Don’t you think I had to right to know about your whole plan? Don’t you think that I had the right to know that you were trying to kill someone?!”
Yeojenong couldn’t help but stare at you with furrowed eyebrows, the suddenly posed question making him ponder to himself. Why hadn’t he told you about it? The two of you had steadily progressed in your relationship. You found him after Dongeun had suddenly vanished, and he found himself finding comfort and contentment in your presence, slowly but surely falling in love with you.
...But it did not occur to him to inform you of his plans.
He was unable to say anything because he didn’t know what he could say to placate you. It simply never did cross his mind, and you had been by his side for the past two years. Why didn’t he tell you?
His lack of an answer angered you and he couldn’t help but whip his head up at you as you stood up from your seat, shaking your head before sparing him with a final glance.
“Forget it Yeojeong.”
And then you left. Your shoes leaving an echoing sound in the room as you exited the through the door and slammed it shut, leaving Yeojeong behind in stunned silence.
Ha Do-yeong
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Doyeong could not stand the look that you were giving him from your side of the screen, your eyes glossed over with pity and fear for him; although he did not blame you since neither of you knew when he would eventually be let out. He let out a sigh and threaded his fingers through his hair, it becoming longer than usual due to the past time in the prison. While he could have it done, he has chosen not to. He decided that it was going to be one of the first things he was going to do once he released.
“How is Yesol?” He asked, looking at you with tense eyes as he waited for an answer. You sighed and leaned back in your seat.
“She is sad but she is doing okay, much better than I had expected. But she missed you. She misses her daddy. She doesn’t understand why you are in here...and I don’t know what to tell her.”
“Did you tell her what we had agreed on?” He asked, anxiety shooting through him at the thought of his daughter finding out the truth. You nodded.
“Yes. As far as she knows, you were put in here by mistake. That you were put in here by some bad people. But Doyeong, she is a lot smarter than you think. She has started asking me questions that I don’t know how to answer. She is going to eventually figure out the truth.”
“Yes but lets prolong it for just a bit longer. She already has a mother who is a bully and a murderer...me being a crook is not something that she needs to deal with. I know better than anyone that at times ignorance is simply bliss.”
“But Doyeong...it wasn’t even your fault.”
“But it is in the eyes of the law.”
Doyeong has always prided himself on his natural instincts towards certain topics because they had never failed him. From his business school years to the strong, effective progression of his company, Doyeong had always managed to trust his instincts to guide him along the correct path.
And yet that had incorrectly guided him into the arms of a black widow, better known as Yeonjin, childhood bully and adult terror. Doyeong could not believe that he was so blind to her true nature, even though he had fallen for her during their whole courtship. She was beautiful, it was obvious, and perhaps that was why he was so attracted to her in the first place. He liked them pretty. She had a charm about her which could not be easily replicated, and like a moth to a flame, he was drawn in, not realizing that he was going to be burnt nearly a decade later.
His instincts had started working again when Moon Dongeun had entered Yeonjin’s life again, which inevitably caused the woman to enter his own. He could not believe the cruel capabilities of his wife, inflicting such cruel harm onto somebody simply because she could. While Doyeong would hardly say he was an innocent student during his high school years, he would have never done anything that Yeonjin and her friends had done to Moon Dongeun.
What they had done to the woman...it was inhuman.
Doyeong was disgusted that he had married a monster. He wouldn’t even be able to call her a human because no human would be cruel enough to inflict such pain onto another. Yeonjin could not be classified as a human. She was an animal. A monster. Anything but a human. The only way Yeonjin preserved any form of her humanity was through the birth and upbringing of Yesol.
Despite her not being his biological daughter, she was the purest thing in the world. While she had her mother’s beauty, she did not possess her twisted personality. She was innocent, sweet, and naturally curious. She was such a sweet girl who loved dolls and soccer. She enjoys making food for him and you, the two of you often bonding in the kitchen and sharing smiles and laughter which couldn’t stop a smile crawling along his own face.
The last bit of innocence that Yeonjin had before it died in school was reincarnated in Yesol, and Doyeong was going to do his best to protect it. He was not going to allow her to become like either of her biological parents. It was a vow that he had made to himself.
“I’m sure your lawyers will find something. You were not the reason for the whole scheme. You didn’t even know that it was a scheme in the first place.”
“But I am the one who had signed the papers Y/N. In the eyes of everyone and the law, I knew exactly what was happening. My signature on the documents says it all.”
His instincts had failed him for the first time with his marriage to Yeonjin, and they failed him for the second time for his entrapment in a money laundering scheme that had been discovered.”
He should have known better than to sign. He should have had his people investigate the company even more, but the business people had done their homework carefully and meticulously. Doyeong would almost be impressed if he was not the one who was had become the drop man, taking all the blame and burden once the scheme was discovered. Even though his hands were clean, they were not in the eyes of the law, hence why he was locked up in prison in a visiting ward with you.
“Don’t lose hope Doyeong. The truth will come out. I’m sure of it.” You said hopefully, a resolute look in your eyes.
Doyeong gazed at you for a few moments, almost thoughtful because he could not understand why you were so hopeful in a time which seemed hopeless to him. His lawyers would have found something by now to prove his innocence, but they have found nothing. As far as he knew, he was stuck here and there was a possibility that he was never going to get out.
“...Let us hope so.” Doyeong said, forcing a small smile on his face as he gazed at you, leaning forward to rest his elbows on the table. “Please keep looking after Yesol for me.”
You flashed a small smile at him, shaking your head before leaning forward in return to be closer to him as best that you could.
“You don’t even need to ask me that Doyeong. Of course I will.”
Doyeong smiled in return, a more genuine one this time as he nodded gratefully to you, thankful to have someone like you in his life to man the ship outside the prison until he hopefully returns.
Park Yeon-jin
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The silence was eating away at Yeonjin, burrowing her out from the inside while she trembled in her seat, her fingers incessantly picking at her cuticles as she waited for you to speak. You have already been here for twenty minutes and had yet to answer a single question that Yeonjin had asked. She had assumed that it was because it was still a shock to you to see her in such a horrible dressing clothes. Yeonjin was still in a state of disbelief herself that she was wearing the prison uniform, the garment doing nothing for her but torment her for all the things that have happened to her ever since the arrival of that bitch Moon Dongeun.
She should have just killed her years ago...just as she did with Sohee.
But there was hardly any time for her to think about those two pathetic beings. You were here in front of her, the only person who would visit her. Sara she knows is locked up somewhere for her stupid drug addiction, as well as stabbing that backstabber Hyejeong in the neck. Yeonjin sincerely hopes that she bled out or swallowed the whole pencil whole. And Jaejun hadn’t even bothered to show his face. But he was literally the last person she wanted to see her like this. It was humiliating enough for that damned Moon Dongeun to see her like this...that pathetic bitch deserved to die for everything that she has done to her.
Her perfect life was shattered the second that bitch had stepped foot back into that school hall.
Her nerves were already on the edge with being in this prison, the vilest of women residing in here that one could mistake them as the slugs on the garden wall that has been residing there for generations. They disgusted her and sharing her living quarters with them horrified her. There was no sense of elegance or luxury. She had no reason for being here. She did not deserve to be here. It was all because of that damned scarred bitch. She should be the one in this damn prison for ruining her life.
The only thing that could give her some sense of reprieve was you, but your silence was making her hell even more torturous. She hasn’t spoken to anyone since her arrival. They were not people who she could converse with, or even want to converse with. Tossing backwater in the dryers with Hyejeong would have been more enjoyable that interacting with those disgusting slug women. You were the only one in the prison who was worth her time and sanity, and yet you are not speaking to her.
She has sent you letters and yet you have not answered them. Yeonjin felt like she was going mad here. You were the only form of sanity that she had left in this hell. You were the only reminder of her previous utopia before she ended up in here. You were her past life. She wanted it back. She wanted you.
“Y/N...speak to me already.” She said, letting out a nervous laugh as she looked at you, expression tightened seriously as you stared at her. “Do you have news for me? Have my lawyers said anything? How is Yesol, is she-”
“You don’t have to worry about Yesol. Doyeong is taking care of her.” You suddenly interrupted, finally speaking your voice after the last twenty minutes. Yeonjin flinched at your hard voice, but she immediately fixed her attention on you.
“T-That’s good. Y/N I am telling you that this place is my living hell. You have to talk to my lawyers and get them to-”
“What lawyers Yeonjin? In case you had forgotten, the lawyers that were helping you out were hired by Doyeong. You don’t have a single cent to spend on a lawyer, not even a public one.” You snapped, your voice sharp as a knife as you glared at her from your side. Just the sound of your hard voice and glare immediately made Yeonjin tighten up defensively.
“What do you think you are saying to me? Y/N I swear-”
“What can you do Yeonjin? You are in there and I am out here. There is literally nothing that you can do to me. Nothing.”
Your sudden hiss took Yeonjin aback completely, her eyes widening at the harsh way that you were talking to her. You have never spoken to her in this manner before. You have always been more soft spoken , submissive to Yeonjin in a sense, but it was the way Yeonjin liked you because you always made her feel more powerful and worshiped. Your eyes were always filled with awe and adoration when you saw her...and yet the only thing she could see in them were ice.
“I don’t have time for this. So I’m just going to give it to you straight. I’m leaving.” You announced, checking your watch for good measure before glancing at Yeonjin again, showing no reaction to her stunned expression.
“...What? What do you mean?” Yeonjin questioned, her eyebrows furrowing as she sat frozen in her seat, a wave of anxiety slowly building up with her the longer she continued to stare at you. You sighed again.
“I got a job offering overseas. I’m going to take it.”
“You can’t.”  Yeonjin immediately snapped, shaking her head as she stared at you with hard eyes, the wave getting bigger within her. “You can’t go anywhere.”
“Newsflash Yeonjin, it is not up to you. And even if it was, there is literally nothing you can do to stop me from leaving.” You snapped, leaning down to grab your bag. The sight of you gathering your belonging immediately made a snap of panic through Yeonjin’s body, making her leap out of her chair and completely pressed against the screen, her action making you startle as she pressed her palms against the plastic and dug her nails against the surface.
“What the hell do you think you are saying? You can’t leave! What about me? Did you fucking think about me?!” She screeched against the screen, her entire body trembling as she stood before you in a deranged state, the sight making your eyes widen for a second before hardening the next. You stood up from your seat.
“All this time I have thought about you and it led me to accepting the job. What did you expect Yeonjin? Did you expect me to come here everyday to see you when it is a known fact that you are never going to get out?”
“I am going to get out! I am going to-”
“Wake the fuck up Yeonjin! You are never getting out! You fucking killed people! You literally bullied people so badly that they much preferred death than spending another second living in the same world as you! And whats worse is that you don’t even feel remotely sorry for what you have done! It’s disgusting, and I can’t believe that I fell for you in the first place!”
Yeonjin could see it. Your lack for love for her. The previous affection and adoration you had for her before was completely vanquished from your body. All she was staring at was an ice cold individual who looked disgusted at the very sight of Yeonjin. She hated it. She detested it. It fucking terrified her. And it terrified her even more when you turned around and started to walk away from her.
“Yah! Where are you going?! Where the fuck are you going?! You can’t leave me here! You bitch, you can’t fucking leave me!”
Even when Yeonjin heard the shout of the prison guard behind her, she did not stop punching the plastic screen separating you and her from one another. You didn’t even turn back to look at her as she cursed and screeched at you. The sound of the door slamming as you exited the room was almost as lethal as a bullet to her heart. A bullet would have been less painful than the fact that you had presented her.
You were leaving.
And she had just been left behind.
Jeon Jae-jun
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Prison did not suit him.
Jaejun has gone through literal hell being here, especially when it was discovered that he was a part of the higher society than the fucking animals that resided in these walls. The stunts that have pulled on him day and night, it was enough to make him to want to smash his fucking head against the concrete walls.
He was pissed over the fact he was in here in the first place. He paid a shit ton to his lawyer and men to make sure that all of his finances were clean, but its seemed like that asshole Myeong-oh purposefully left some documents laying around which allowed Jaejun to get arrested for tax evasion. He had been so fucking careful but the mess up by one asshole had brought him to a literal downfall.
If that asshole Myeong-oh wasn’t already dead, he would have fucking killed him.
You have tried your best to help him get through this, visiting him nearly five times a week to keep him some sort of company, although it hardly did shit because in the end you were able to leave this hellhole while he had to stay behind and deal with the down dogs that he was sharing his living quarters with. It also didn’t fucking help that you brought along his lawyer, attempting to keep him updated with his bail process but it kept coming to a damn dead end.
“If you want me to be realistic...you have about a 20% chance on being granted bail.” His lawyer said, his matter-of-fact tone making Jaejun tighten his fists in anger as he stared across from you and him from his side of the visitation table. He noticed you flash his lawyer a disheartened look before it brightened into a hopeful expression as you turned to look at Jaejun.
“But that is still better than nothing. I’m sure a miracle can happen and-”
“I don’t believe in fucking miracles Y/N. You fucking know that.” Jaejun snapped, shifting his gaze at you with a sharp edge. You immediately flinched at his tone and look, making him sigh and shaking his head to try get a hold of himself. ‘Forget it.”
“Jaejun, I-”
“Get out.” Jaejun suddenly ordered, snapping his head up at attention.
He noticed your eyes widened at his sudden order, shock and fear evident in them before they eventually settled away when you realized that he was not talking to you but to his lawyer. His lawyer was startled by Jaejun’s sudden harsh look on him, making him shift uncomfortably in his chair.
“Listen Jaejun, I know it is tough, but I-”
“Are you fucking deaf? I said get out!” Jaejun screeched, kicking his legs out for good measure as he shared at his lawyer, who immediately shot from his seat and scurried out of the room, leaving you and Jaejun alone. Once he disappeared from sight, Jaejun slumped into his seat, exhaustion suddenly washing over him.
“...Jaejun?” You meekly called out, causing him to lift his head in question as he took in your small frame. He sighed again before repositioning himself and staring at you with a solemn expression.
“How is Yesol?” He asked, anticipating and anxiety building up in his stomach as he looked at you for answers.
That was probably the worst part about him being in prison. He was missing out on his time with being with Yesol. The little girl was nearly the spitting image of Yeonjin when they were kids, but she no doubt had his adorable looks. He was a cute kid back in the day, and it was a no brainer for his kid to be adorable, which Yesol has evidently proven because she is the cutest thing that he has ever seen in his life. He was making a plan for her to finally become his, for the two of them to finally become a family. He wasn’t going to be an uncle to her anymore, he was going to be his father.
And Meyong-oh fucked up his plans perfectly with this fucking stunt.
You seemed almost hesitant to answer, glancing around nervously before you cleared your throat and slowly grabbed your bag and dug through its contents before pulling out your phone. He watched you unlock it and slide your finger across the screen multiple times before finally turning it around to show him a picture of Yesol in her soccer uniform, a smile on her face as she kicked a ball. A smile immediately crawled along Jaejun’s face as he looked at the photo, a light feeling filling his chest the longer he looked at it.
“She is adorable.” He uttered, genuine happiness evident in his face as he continued to look at the photo. “You got any more?”
“I...no.” You confessed, tugging your phone back and clutching it to your chest. “I...I got caught by the security guard and he tossed me off the grounds.”
“...Why the fuck did he do that? What right does he have?!” Jaejun suddenly yelled, picturing a large, beefy man forcefully pulling you away from the soccer field and Yesol.  You looked at him meekly.
“I...because I wasn’t a parent, and...it also doesn’t help that I...I...”
“...You what?” Jaejun said, narrowing his eyes at your sudden nervous stammer. You gulped at his glare and didn’t say anything for a few moments before finally speaking again.
“I...got a restraining order against me for Yesol.”
This time Jaejun leapt up from his seat as he screamed, making the prisoner guards immediately rush at him to force him back but he shook them off, snapping that he was fine before taking a seat again. His breathing was suddenly very uneven due to the progressive boiling of his blood.
“Why the fuck is there a restraining order against you?!”
“I...people started noticing me take photos of Yesol...and...and they found it suspicious and told Doyeong. He is the one that issued it against me.”
“That fucking asshole!” Jaejun screeching, earning himself another scolding yell from the prisoner guards which made him turn around to glare at all of them before turning back to you. “Can you reverse it?”
“I asked if you can fucking reverse it. Can you?”
“I...I don’t know.”
“Then you better fucking find out! I need you to keep an eye on Yesol for me while I’m in this fucking hellhole. You need to get it reversed!”
“...I just told you that I got a restraining order against me...and you are concerned about Yesol?”
The look you gave him was a mixture of shock and disbelief, something which did not stir right with Jaejun. He cursed and rubbed his face before looking back at you.
“Listen, I know its bad but I need you to keep watching Yesol for me. Talk to my lawyer and he can start the process with reversing it. Out of all of this, Yesol is the most important person here.”
“...Jaejun, I can’t just break a restraining order. I...I’ll get into real trouble if I do.”
“So what! It’s for Yesol!” Jaejun suddenly screamed, making you jumping in your seat. “She’s my fucking daughter. Why the fuck wouldn’t you break a stupid piece a paper for her?!”
“Because she is not mine!”
Jaejun froze when the words left your lips. You also froze the moment you realized what you had said, staring wide-eyed at Jaejun before scurrying out of your seat, bag and phone gripped tightly in your hands. You shook your head at him as you slowly began to back away.
“I’m sorry Jaejun...but I can’t do it.”
You flashed him a remorseful look before scurrying away, leaving him in stunned silence until his mind finally clicked with your words, causing him to lash out and deliver several sharp punches against the plastic screen until he was forcefully restrained by the prisoner guards, your name leaving his mouth as he shouted blue murder as he was dragged away from the visitation room.
Lee Sa-ra
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Sara could not stop shivering. It was not because it was cold but because her body was yearning for the sustenance she has been relying on for nearly eighteen years. She couldn’t help but dig her fingers into her hair, tugging at the strands harshly, feeling her scalp burn from the intense amount of force she was using. It was not much but it was a small sense of relief, but it did not do the job like the real thing did.
The tremors wouldn’t stop and Sara felt like she was losing her grip on her sanity the longer she stayed cooped up in this hellhole with no form of entertainment, inspiration, or pleasure.
...There was perhaps only one form of pleasure that she found in this hellhole and that was when you decided to visit her.
Sara raised her head from its hiding place on the table surface, her arms creating a tent over her head to protect her from the daylight while her hair hung loose around her face, curtaining her from the offensive sunlight. Although even though her hair was in her eyes, it did not properly conceal her vision of you, your beautiful face staring at her with worried eyes as you sat from side of the screen. A crooked smile crawled along her face along with an empty cackle as she released her hair and sat up more straightly in her seat.
“You are so pretty.” She uttered, cackling afterwards before leaning her cheek against her palm as she gazed at you lovingly.
But you did not flush like you usually did when Sara commentated on your beauty, you instead look even more worried. You scanned her shivering body from what you could see from the barrier between the two of you before looking back at her, your hand gliding along the table surface towards the plastic screen.
“Sara...” You said softly, your eyes intensifying in their worry as your fingertips reached the plastic, tapping rhythmically against them as you continued to gaze at her. “Are you okay?”
“...Do I look okay?”
Instead of saying the words with a harsh bite, Sara instead lowered her arm and face to the table, resting her chin against her flat forearm with her eyes drifting towards your tapping arms.
tap. tap. tap. tap.
tap. tap. tap. tap.
She started tapping her own fingers in time with yours, matching their beat. The action made you sigh before you looked at her sadly.
“...No, you do not look okay.”
Sara didn’t say anything. She instead kept her focus on the tapping beat between your and her fingers.
tap. tap. tap. tap.
tap. tap. tap. tap.
“Is there not anything that the doctors can give you? A pill, a sedative, or something?” You asked, genuine concern in your voice.
...Laughter broke out of Sara’s mouth before she could say or do anything else. She simply couldn’t control it. She turned her head into the table and continued to laugh into it for a good few minutes before finally turning her head back to face you, your eyes wide in horror as Sara continued to cackle over your suggestion.
“Sorry baby...but who in the hell is going to give someone like me a drug for my nerves? They are the reason I am here in the first place.”
Sara had to admit that Moon Dongeun really did play her into her tricky little web despite their best efforts to not be caught by the damn black widow. When she had said that she had come for revenge, she was not joking and Sara was paying her apparent price for the stupid things they had done to her when they were in high school. The thought of the woman immediately made Sara’s smile disappear, the action not going unnoticed by you as you moved your hand to instead press it fully against the plastic screen, your palm pressed against it.
“Sara, I’m worried about you.”
“Aww...that’s sweet.” Sara teased, cackling again as she pressed her cheek against her forearm to gaze at you horizontally, her own hand moving to press against the plastic screen to cover yours.
So close and yet so far.
“Sara I’m serious.”
“So am I.”
“I can’t stand seeing you like this.” You finally confessed, moving your hand from the screen to instead press your fingers into the speaker wholes that were provided in the screen. Sara didn’t hesitate to move her own hand until her fingertips were finally touching yours.
Her tremors stopped for a small moment. Her body responding to the small hint of warmth that you provided to her, the only kind of relief that she could find in this prison.
“...If you hate seeing me like this, why do you come?”
“Because I miss you.” You said immediately, your finger tips tightening over the edges of the plastic holes in the screen.
Sara gazed at you intensely, her previous lighthearted staring evaporated as she critically analyzed you from where you sat until finally softening her feature. Her tremors were subsided for the first time in weeks since she had been in here. For one moment, her mind finally felt at peace, and her body warmed at the single touch that your fingertips gave hers.
“I miss you too.”
“You will get out soon Sara, I know it.”
“...I hope so.”
Choi Hye-jeong
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The cut on her lip still stung when she spike, and her left eye was almost completely swollen shut, making it difficult for her to even see you as you sat in the visitors seat while she sat on the opposite end. You didn’t even try to mask the gasp that had left your lips the second you saw her enter the room, the sound of it already breaking what was left of her already broken heart, which has been stomped on, cut, and bruised during her whole situation her.
Hyejeong felt like she was going to die. Death was quite possibly the only way that she would be able to save herself from this hell.
That damn Moon Dongeun...she completely ruined her life. She should be married by now, she should be on her honeymoon, being lavished in money and luxury while she would eagerly be awaiting to return to the city to be able to spend the rest of her time with you. She had it perfectly planned in her head, it was almost achieved too, but then she found herself suddenly being handcuffed by the police and led to a police vehicle and taken to the station for intense police questioning.
Hyejeong literally thought that her whole word was grinding to the edge of the universe when the words ‘accessory to murder’ had left the detective’s lips, along with the name of Sohee, who has been dead for practically eighteen years. Hyejeong immediately denied everything, refusing to accept any responsibility that Yeonjin had created when she decided to end the life of the high school student. But apparently there was proof for Hyejeong’s participation in the murder...even though there was no possible way for her to be involved with it because she was not there.
It had then dawned on Hyejeong that she was being framed by none other Moon Dongeun, the promise of revenge by the woman immediately ringing true as Hyejeong found herself being transported to a cell for the night until she was eventually transported to the prison. By the time she was eventually given the opportunity to call you, she had already been shipped off to the prison had been exposed to the multiple initiations of the women's prison.
“Hyejeong...” You uttered her name in such an anguished voice, the sound of it sending a wave of hurt and humiliation over her body as she ducked her head to avoid looking at you. “W-Why...”
“Because the people here are sick.” Hyejeong answered, not bothering to look up at you as she did not want to see the full damage to her face so up close.
“Hyejeong...” She heard a tremor in your voice and she glanced up to see tears forming in your eyes, your bottom lip trembling as you stared at her with a heartbroken expression. You lifted your hand and pressed it against the screen, your palm face her, almost as if you were trying to reach out to her. “Hyejeong...I am so sorry.”
“Don’t look at me with those eyes.” Hyejeong snapped, not reacting to your reaching hand as she ducked her head even further, her own hands tightened into fists in her lap as humiliation and pain continued to wash over her despite her attempts to stop it. “I can’t stand it.”
“Stop pitying me.” Hyejeong ordered, lifting her head to glare at you but then quickly returning it to its previous position in order to continue hiding it from you. She heard you tap against the screen.
“I’m not pitying you.”
“Yes you are.”
“No I’m not Hyejeong. I’m heartbroken for you.”
“That isn’t any better.”
“Dammit Hyejeong, you don’t deserve this!”
Your raised voice made Hyejeong raise her head to gaze at you in surprise, not expecting you to raise your voice so suddenly. You were breathing heavily on your end, tears running down your cheeks with your bottom lip still trembling. With her eyes on you, you swallowed thickly before adjusting your hand on the plastic screen so it was not directly between the two of you. It was instead resting on the lower part of the screen where it met the table, your arm laying flat against its surface.
“Out of all five of you, you are not the one who deserves to be in bars. It is all four of the others who deserve to be here. Not you.”
Hyejeong knew that she did not deserve to be here. While she was a part of Yeonjin’s gang when they were in high school, she was not the one who had done all the stuff to Sohee, Dongeun and all the others. She was just watching. That is what she did best. She was not actually the one who had participated in all the stupid things they did when they were kids. She was not the one who killed someone, it was Yeonjin.So it was complete injustice to her to be locked up like some kind of animal, beaten down constantly while the rest of the others were outside living their lives.
None of them even bothered to see her, which clearly told her that she was no longer obligated to save them from the wrath of Dongeun anymore.
“...I hate them.” Hyejeong confessed, finally moving her hand to cover yours against the screen. Your expression grew dark as you nodded.
“I hate them too.”
“I hope Dongeun will bring hell on all four of them. In fact, she can take them to hell with her.”
“And I will get you out of here Hyejeong. If it is the last thing I’ll do, I will get you out of here.”
Hyejeong tensed her fingers as they pressed against yours against the screen, her own hand aching from her defensive attempts during her time here, her knuckles covered in bruises which you had not yet noticed.
“...Please take care of me.”
“I will Hyejeong, I will.” You promised, it being the only form of comfort that Hyejeong could take while she was trapped in this hellhole.
She hoped that Yeonjin and the others burned in hell for this...and from what she has learnt so far, Moon Dongeun was effective in her revenge so she could only imagine what she had in store for those other assholes. Guess she did have a small comfort to think of during her time here. Hopefully it was be as good in person as it is in her head. Guess she will have to wait to find out.
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deepestconnoisseurmoon · 3 months ago
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Parasite (2019)
Dir. Bong Joon-ho
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ds29gurl2 · 2 years ago
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Seeing all these sadistic m*ther f*ckers get theirs, cleansed my soul, watered my garden and cleared my skin.
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I finished season 2 in one day and it was an awesome time!
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heartofwolves · 2 years ago
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mediamatinees · 4 months ago
Another Eat-the-Rich Film, "Parasite" is an Exploration of Class at Its Deadliest
The wait is (finally) over! My review of Bong Joon-Ho's materpiece, "Parasite" is now live!
Content Warning: Parasite contains depictions of severe class disparity, violence, grooming, and extreme manipulation. Viewer discretion is advised. Spoilers for Parasite ahead! In January of 2020, the English-centered film industry was put on blast for not giving foreign language films their proper flowers. Director Bong Joon-Ho, already celebrated by Hollywood and audiences alike for previous…
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brokehorrorfan · 2 months ago
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Spoke Art has released a Parasite poster by Stephen Campanella. Hand-numbered out of 75, the 18x24 archival pigment print costs $65.
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groovycoffeebread · 3 days ago
Beneath The Surface (Yandere The Glory x reader)
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I was thinking about who reader should end up with or if they should end up with no one and leave. I also kind wanted to reader ending up with Dong-eun and Yeo-Jeong and three of them be Poly. I like that idea but it's a maybe.
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k-star-holic · 1 year ago
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Choi Yeo-jin Disclosure Paul Manafort ManActor' Who is it?
Source: k-star-holic.blogspot.com
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suuho · 2 years ago
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BROS ON FOOT: Yeo Jin Goo x Aoraki, Glacier Lake.
If you want to feel the nature of New Zealand with your whole body, (the) glaciers in Mount Cook, one of the world’s top 10 snow sceneries, it’s a shame to miss it, right? It’s not a shame for me. I’m so happy. I’m satisfied just looking at it.
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mymilovesfashion · 1 month ago
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[2024 year in review ~ Vogue Korea #1]
JAN - Lulu Tenney
FEB - Georgia Palmer
MAR - Doona Bae, Greta Lee, Yuna Kim, CL, Chloe Oh, Hyunji Shin, Sora Choi, Ko Hyun Jung, Kang Sue-Jin, Koo Jeong-A, Kim Da Mi, Kim Min Ha, Hong Jin Kyung, Hyein, Taeyeon, Krystal Jung, Jeon So Mi, Jang Won Young, Lee Ha Nee, Yeo Seo-jeong, Uhm Jung-hwa, An Yu-jin, Park Gyu-young, Park Se Ri
APR - Vittoria Ceretti
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luxora · 1 year ago
The Glory -> You Leave Them
Requested: No
Kdrama: The Glory
Genre: Angst.
Warnings: Mentions of murder. Mentions of bullying. Mentions of death. No remorse. Swearing. Violence.
A/N: I absolutely do not condone anything that was presented in the kdrama. No one should ever bully others. This is all purely fiction.
Moon Dong-eun
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The apartment was remarkably quiet, not filled with the with your singing voice as you would flounder around the rooms, usually the kitchen, as you made dinner for the two of you. Dongeun closed the door behind her silently, dark eyes flinting across the room as she began to take her coat off. It was dark, not a single light on, a sign that you were not home.
She frowned.
You always were home before her, being a creature of routine as you always returned home after work, diligently waiting for her as she would be out doing her own work and alternative dealings with Yeojeong, productively placing all the puzzle piece of her plan together. She was close to achieving her revenge on everyone, time being her side as it always has been since her high school years. She had the five of them running around like headless chickens, flustered and terrified about her next moves. It was silently delightful, to see them so terrified of her presence, of her very lingering around the diameter of their lives, not really truly lifting a finger of direct interaction with them.
Mice do not truly feel terror towards a cat until they see it watching them, only then do survival instincts kick in, but Dongeun was not ready to pounce yet. She was simply biding her time until the ultimate position was set for her to deliver the final kill.
But aside from that, she was concerned on where you were. She pulled out her phone, checking to see if you had perhaps sent her a message about your whereabouts, something you always do even though she has stated that it is not necesarry.
Dongeun’s frown deepened as she pocketed her phone before reach out to switch on the lights, eyes blinking as they adjusted to the sudden light in the apartment, still hoping to catch a glimpse of you in the room.
“Y/N?” she called out, her voice leaving a slight echo in the empty room as it went unanswered.
A small bundle of unease began to form in Dongeun’s chest, not enjoying the aspect that you were not home like she expected. Throughout her life, Dongeun has never had anything that was constant, especially after her ordeals in high school, so when you stumbled into her life, it has been a concept she has never had to deal with before.
You were so...good. Dongeun has never been surrounded by something good or positive, her whole life until now being filled with pain, fear, and wrath. So when you were adamant to become involved in her life, slipping through the concealed cracks in her armor, she thought herself and you to be insane. Although Dongeun lost her sanity years ago, lost all sense of her humanity ever since that curling iron laid its first kiss to her skin.
But since meeting you, she felt that perhaps she will finally be able to feel a sense of normalcy in her life again. Or to just feel something again. She hasn’t quite be able to outright say what her feelings towards you were, but she knew that it was something that could be worthwhile. Something tangible and something that she can act upon which will not wind up with someone paying for their past sins.
But the feeling of unease was not welcomed and even though you did not answer the first time she called your name, she tried again, hoping that just perhaps you were someone deeper in the apartment that you simply did not hear her.
But you voice didn’t answer her back.
This was a strange circumstance, and Dongeun knew that she did not like it. Swallowing a bitter pill of nerves, Dongeun walked through the kitchen and headed towards your bedroom, it being the other likely place you would be aside from the kitchen. She opened the door without hesitance, hand going for the light switch, eyes moving to where your bed was, hoping to see your sleeping bundle in it.
But nothing. Your sheets were pressed and straight, not a single sign of disturbance on their immaculate design. Her eyes flinted across the room, your organization obvious to the naked eye but Dongeun froze when she noticed a piece of paper on your desk, a pen on top of it which indicated that something had been written down. While usually Dongeun respected your privacy, only entering your room when she required your assistance or when you finally managed to convince her to sleep beside you for the night, she could not help but forgo her previous reservations upon entering your room without you as she bee lined for your desk.
She immediately noticed the writing on the piece of paper, your cursive writing curling with one another, forming her name on the folded piece of paper, making the ball of unease increase as she reached out and picked it up from the desk, unfolding the piece of paper with slightly shaky fingers.
To Dongeun
There is nothing more that I want than you happiness. After everything that has happened to you, it is what you deserve.
I have tried to be a source of your happiness, to try be a semblance of what you can call happiness. But I don’t think that I am someone who is able to give you what you want.
Your revenge...it is what you want. And I understand why. I sincerely hope that you are able to find what you need Dongeun, but I am scared that I will fall into a hole which I will never get out of. And while you are happy to fall...I am scared to fall with you.
I am not sure when you will find this letter, but Dongeun, please don’t think I have left because of you. I have left because of myself. Because I am not strong enough to handle to consequences that may come from your revenge.
If this will add me to your list...then I accept it.
I just hope that you will hopefully find your happiness soon.
Dongeun stared at the piece of paper, rereading the word, a stone forming itself in her throat as she tried to get a handle of herself. And yet she could not stop the tear that escaped her eye, nor could she stop the following ones as she lowered herself to her knees, slumping over the letter as it fell from her fingertips to the floor.
The last time she cried was when she was saved from making the ending choice that winter in the river. When she was embraced by her landlady, giving her the comfort she so desperately craved. Afterwards, she became completely numb with her emotions, the only thing motivating her forwards in life was the ultimate revenge she was going to carry out against Yeonjin and the others.
And yet now she is finding herself beginning to bawl like she did all those years ago, her arms wrapping around her body as she attempted to comfort herself, halfheartedly patting herself as she slumped her head forward.
You were gone...and she had no idea where she could start to find you.
Her constant was gone. And you didn’t even realize just what you were to her. And it seems that she will never be able to tell you.
Joo Yeo-jeong
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Both of you froze when you locked eyes, him already having stared at you in shock as he watched you shoving clothes into a suitcase, you not realizing he was there until you lifted your head. Neither of you said a word, just staring at each for a few long moments, either trying to figure out what to say or to truly determine if the other was in fact in the room.
But eventually you were the one who broke eye contact first, turning around to head back to the closet and yanking out more of your blouses, hurried undoing them from the hangers. Only then did Yeojeong hurry pass the threshold and headed towards you.
“Y/N, what on earth are you doing?”
Your voice was firm, but he could hear the fragility of as you kept your head down, not daring to lock gazes with him. But he was not going to allow that, not when you were doing something sudden. He reached out to you and grabbed you by the arm, only for you to rip it out of his hand.
“Don’t touch me.” You hissed, still not looking at you as you shoved your blouse in the bag before grabbing another, only for Yeojeong to grab it before you.
“Stop. Y/N, what is going on?” he asked, tugging the piece of clothing closer to him as you reached out to grab it back. You paused for a moment before deciding to forgo the captive blouse, turning around and shoving the others in before heading back to the closet, him following quickly after you. “Y/N, what are you doing? Why are you pack? Where are you going?”
“Away from you.”
Your words were as sharp as three daggers being plunged into his chest, curved blades that have truly wedged themselves into is sternum, causing excruciating pain while he was trying to determine your reasoning for such harsh words.
“W-Why? What did I do-”
His words got caught in his throat when you suddenly whirled around to look at him, eyes hard but red with tear streaks down your cheeks, clearly indicating to you that you have been crying. But before he could reach out to try wipe away the old remnants of tears, your words made the blood in his body freeze.
“Are you seriously going to try play dumb with what you did. To what you have been drawing out for the past years until you finally managed to achieve what you wanted?”
While you did not outright state what he did, he knew immediately what you were referring to. His revenge, his long, drawn out revenge which he finally managed to achieve last week. To watch the light fade away from that monster’s eyes, to see the blood seep out of his body, the sign of life escaping him, it had been wonderful. And the best thing about it is that it all seemed to be an accident, the pouncing of other prisoners on the monster. No one has suspected his participation in the attack, after all, he was just a doctor. The beast had been brought to the medical wing of the prison, but he already knew that the beast was gone, as he waited the entire time during the whole ordeal until his last breath was taken.
It was hours of pain for him, but Yeojeong, it was hours of bliss. And he made sure to treasure the memories in his mind.
But now...it seemed that he was no longer the only one who knew about it.
“H-How did you-”
“It doesn’t matter. But what does matter is that I am leaving.”
You whirled around and grabbed your favorite cloak, his eyes flicking to the closest to realize that all the clothes that he had gotten for you during the entire relationship was left hanging in the closet, you having no intention of taking them with you. As you moved to walk past him, he immediately stepped in front of you, his hands moving to grab you.
“Wait, Y/N, just listen to-”
Your scream made him flinch backwards, not expecting you to scream so suddenly. Your eyes were blazing, but he noticed that they were becoming wetter by each passin second until you angrily wiped at them, tightening your grip on your cloak before you pushed past him and head towards the suitcase on the bed.
“I don’t need to listen to a damn thing you say.”
“Y/N, you have to understand that-”
“Understand what?” you said, whipping around to face him again. “Understand that you killed a man in cold blood? That you had been planning it out even before you transferred to that prison? That you enjoyed it? What else is there for me to understand?”
Yeojeong tightened his hands into fists, slightly shaking on the spot as he clenched his jaw tightly, his adam’s apple bobbing as he stared at you, trying his best to keep his emotions in check.
“Y/N...he deserved it. After what he did to me, to my father, he deserved to die. He deserved it!”
He didn’t mean to raise his voice towards the end, but he couldn’t help it. Just...the thought of that beast, the memories of him laughing and mocking Yejeong as he laid on the floor in the hospital as his father bled out...it made his blood boil. His father was a great man who was only doing his job. He saw the best of people, and yet that monster slit his throat without hesitation. He deserved to go out the way that he did, by Yeojeong’s hand, precise and slow were all of the cuts and stabs, he made sure that he suffered, he made sure that he felt his wrath.
You had flinched at his raised voice, but your features tightened up even more, the cloak in your hands being thrown onto your open suitcase before you took a step towards him.
“He deserved to die...but not by your hand.”
His jaw dropped in shock. What the hell were you saying.
“That monster deserved to die Yeojeong. But not by your hand.”
“I...Yes he did! He killed my father Y/N! He has sent me letters about it for years! You’ve read them! You’ve seen them! And you are saying that he didn’t deserve to be killed by me! I had the right to do it! It was my right.”
He couldn’t help but be infuriated by your words. Out of all people, you should be the one the most understanding. You understood the utter disgust and hatred he felt towards that man, no, that beast, and yet you are staring at him like he was some kind of stranger, or a predator you had been locked in with in a cage.
You stared at him with cold eyes, cool tragedy fooling your orbs while your lips quivered as you stared at him. Your jaw was clenching and unclenching, your neck flexing as you swallowed before you shook your head.
“You just don’t see it Yeojeng.” You said before turning around, moving towards your suitcase and slamming it shut with a resounding click. “You refuse to see it.”
“...refuse to see what?” he probed, his eyes staring darkly into yours as you turned around to face him again, hands on the handle of your suitcase. You gazed at him solemnly before uttering the words which made his entire conscious freeze.
“You’re just like him.”
It almost felt like you fired a bullet through his brain, bring an entire end to his living soul when he heard those words. He didn’t even realize that you had left until he heard the resounding slam of the front door, which startled him out of his daze. He hurried to chase after you, only to trip on the lone blouse you had abandoned in his hands earlier, making him fall to the ground with a hard thud.
Pain...that was all he could feel. Physical, emotional, and soulful.
Ha Do-yeong
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Following his disastrous marriage to Yeonjin and divorce, Doyeong was apprehensive to get involved with someone else, believing that he had to just focus on his overseas expansions and on providing Yesol the best life that he could. 
But then you entered his and Yesol’s life, and managed to slowly fill in the void that was caused by his ex-wife. You had a warm air about you which was different Yeonjin, or rather any other woman he has come across in his social circles. He was not naive enough to believe that woman were attracted to him because of his personality, but because of his wealth. The reason he and Yeonjin had been introduced to one another was because her mother had been an acquaintance of his father’s, the two of them running in the same social circles that eventually she caught his attention, charmed him, and managed to convince him to fall in love with her and give her the life she had always wanted.
But you were different because you had no idea who he was when the two of you first met. In fact, you weren’t even aware of the wealth that he had as he had happened to bump into you at a soccer match at Yesol’s school, you being there to support your niece as she played on the opposing team to Yesol. You introduced yourself and offered to buy him a coffee, almost bewitching him at first sight with your kind smile and bright eyes.
Yesol took a liking to you, she was a bit shy at first but when you had offered to buy her a victory ice-cream after beating your niece and nephews team, she lightened up like a Christmas tree. And soon afterwards, you started become an aspect to their life, a development which had startled him.
It was not that he did not want you a part of his life. He did, in fact, he craved it. But he couldn’t help but worry the confusion his relationship may cause with Yesol, especially since it has not been too long ago that the whole ordeal of Yeonjin had affected their lives. Doyeong did not believe that Yesol needed Yeonjin to be happy, that him being her father was enough for her. But when he watched you and Yesol bond with one another, playing soccer, dress up and going on shopping and arcade trips, he could help but start to feel panicked with how much of a figure you were becoming in their lives, and with how fast things were starting to move.
Doyeong would not describe himself of being a coward. In fact, he would consider himself the opposite, but with how fast things were moving, he was getting scared. Of what, he did not exactly know, but he couldn’t stop the fear from growing until he finally snapped in an unfair moment of panic when all you were doing was trying to be there for both Yesol and him.
When he had received a phone call from a hospital about Yesol, he thought his entire world had shattered when he heard the word’s ‘accident’ and ‘missed traffic light’. He flew out of his office like a banshee out of hell, uncaring of the meeting that he was to enter because the only thing that was on his mind was his daughter. He probably broke about a dozen overseas laws with his driving but he did not simply care for it because nothing was going to stop him until he knew the state of his daughter.
He had all but sprinted into the hospital and demanded to know where Yesol was, nearly scaring the receptionist half to death with his rapid Korean, not understanding what he was saying until he eventually had to calm himself to speak English, eventually being directed to the after-care unit where Yesol was being kept. He sprinted through the corridors and corners until he eventually arrived in the corridor to where Yesol’s room was, only to see you stepping out of a room with your arm in a sling.
You immediately turned your head in the direction of Doyeong as he hurried towards you, a small smile on your face as you raised your uninjured arm towards him.
“Yesol! Where is she? Is she okay?!” He immediately asked, staring at you with panicked eyes as he demanded to know the status of his daughter. You gave him a comforting look, resting a hand on his arm in an attempt to calm him.
“She’s okay, the doctor is busy checking up on her now. He will be done in a few minutes and then you can see her.”
Doyeong relaxed slightly now that he knew that Yesol was okay, but his anxiety immediately raked up again when he remembered the reason Yesol was in the hospital in the first place. You had your day off and wanted to spend it with Yesol since it was the school holidays. Doyeong was initially hesitant about it since he knew that he was going to be busy all day and not be able to join the two of you, but when Yesol pleaded for him to agree to your desire, to let the two of you spend the day together, he eventually succumbed to his daughters wishes and agreed.
But it seemed his initial hesitance was valid because if he had refused your request, then Yesol wouldn’t be injured and in the hospital in the first place.
“You said that she would be okay with you. Why the hell didn’t you take care of her?”
Doyeong didn’t realize that he had said such harsh words until he said them, and by the way your furrowed your eyebrows and flinched, you weren’t expecting such words from him either. You removed your hand from his arm and took a step back.
“I didn’t mean for it to happen Doyeong. It was an accident. It was my right away and another car had jumped the stoplight and-”
“That is not enough! Yesol was in the car! You should have been more aware on the road!”
You furrowed your eyebrows even more and took another step, taking an unsteady breath while you bit your bottom lip.
“I didn’t see them coming Doyeong. You know that I would never deliberately put Yesol in danger like that. It was an accident, and while I understand how you feel-”
“You have no idea how I feel. Yesol is my daughter!” He yelled, his hands tightening into fists as he whipped past you to stand in front of the door where you had come out from. He needed the doctor to come out already, he needed to see Yesol for himself, to scoop her up in his arms to truly comfort him that she was okay. He heard you sigh and walk up behind him, reaching out to touch his elbow.
“I understand why you are upset Doyeong and I’m sorry. I should have been careful, and you know that I love Yesol like she is my own daughter-”
Before Doyeong could stop himself, he whirled around to face you with a snarl on his lips, his eyes flashing angrily as he glared at you.
“She will never be your daughter, just like you will never, ever be her mother!”
He might as well have slapped you with how strong of an effect his words had on you. You completely stumbled away from him, eyes wide and jaw slacked, staring at him in complete and utter shock. Doyeong widened his own eyes when his own words and indication of them dawned on him, filling him with immediate regret as he watched you fold in within yourself, your bottom lip quivering as you looked away from him.
“I-I see.” You stuttered out, your voice strained, an indication to him that you were trying to stop yourself from crying. “T-Then, I will see myself off.”
Without another word, you turned around and began to hurry away, his own body acting on instinct to chase after you, but before he could, the door behind him opened and another voice called out to him.
“Oh, are you Mr. Ha? Yesol’s father?”
Doyeong turned around to see a well-dressed man in a doctor’s coat, a kind smile on his face as he looked at him. Doyeong swallowed thickly, trying to push down his emotions of dismay and regret as he nodded, running a hand through his hair.
“Yes. I-Is Yesol alright?”
The doctor smiled and nodded before inviting Doyeong in, Yesol smiling face immediately greeting him as she sucked on a red lollipop which the doctor must have given her, a plaster on her cheek.
“Hi daddy!” She greeted, giving him a wave, only to frown slightly as she looked behind him. “Where’s Y/N?”
And Doyeong was at a lost to what to say.
Park Yeon-jin
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We’re over
Not a lot of things have ever scared Yeonjin, but the second she saw that text message from you, an avalanche of terror and panic washed over her. She knew that the reappearance of Dongeun in her life was going to be the cause of so much trouble, especially since Sara had already taken a fall, being one of the first of them to crumble under the so called ‘revenge’ Dongeun was trying to pull over them, but she thought for certain that you were going to remain untouched throughout this duration of Dongeun’s stupid revenge scheme.
She was in the middle of broadcasting when she had received the message, and it was only afterwards did she finally managed to read it and was sent into a complete state of shock because she refused to believe you would actually send such a text to her during a time when she needed you the most. 
She immediately tried to call you, but it went unanswered, prompting her to call you a second time, then a third, and then a fourth to finally realize that you were purposely ignoring her calls. And she could not stand for it.
Yeonjin did waste another second of her time, immediately grabbing her stuff and all but sprinting out of the studio to get to her car. She all but stranded her assistant behind, not bothering about them because they were not a priority. They could take a taxi for all she cared, but the only thing she had in mind was to find you.
You could not leave her. Not now when she needed you the most. Sara was a lost case, Jaejun has lost his mind, Myeong-oh was dead, and Hyejeong is a pathetic bitch who could get burnt alive for all she cared, but she could not handle the thought of you leaving her as well. You were her only constant right now, the only reminder that she had that her life was still fine. Doyeong was all but a distant memory, her husband being the last thing on her mind when the only person she needed was you.
You were the only one able to bring pleasure and joy into her life. They only to make her feel alive and rejuvenated.
And you were leaving her.
She could not allow it.
She knew journey to your home like the back of her hand, her body driving to it with muscle memory while she continued calling her number via her car system, but each time it continued to go unanswered. You were ignoring her...but not for long. She could not have you treat her like this, she needed you to listen to her, to explain why you were doing such an outrageous thing.
Yeonjin roughly parked her car in the apartment parking lot without a car and slammed the door shut before hurrying towards your building, not sparing a glance to any other the home owners who noticed her presence as she made her way towards your apartment. She sprinted up the stairs like a hell hound was at her heels, her eyes focused on one thing, being your front door apartment when she immediately reached your floor. She hammered her fists against the door while simultaneously ringing your doorbell.
“Y/N! Open this door! Open this door right now!”
There was a possibility that you were not home, but if you were, it would only be a matter of time before you answered her because you were the kind of person who hated drama being aired out in public, and while no one knew of your and her relationship aside from her friends, you would rather not risk anyone else finding out since it will only send tongues wagging and have some kind of effect on you, especially since Yeonjin was a married woman.
And Yeonjin was right when after a few minutes of her make a ruckus at your front door, it whipped open and revealed an infuriated you dressed in pajamas.
“Are fucking insane right-”
Yeonjin didn’t let you finish your sentence, pushing herself past the door and into your arms where she immediately wrapped her arms around your waist and then forced you against the wall, forcing you to let go of your front door and let it slam itself shut, the sound echoing through your apartment. Yeonjin pressed herself closely against your body, pinning you to the wall while her nails dug into your lower back as she held you tightly.
“Just what is it that you are trying to do to me?” She hissed softly into your cheek, brushing her lips against the skin as she tried to gather as much comfort that she could from the warmth of your body, her throat tight with blurry emotions that she could distinguish to herself yet. “What are you trying to do to us? Y/N, you are not thinking straight again.”
You scoffed.
“The only one who is not thinking straight is you. Now get off me.”
She felt your hands on her shoulders, trying to push her away, but Yeonjin was not going to allow herself to be moved so easily. She instead curled her chin over your shoulder, forcing you closer into her body as she tightened her hold around your waist. She heard you hiss annoyance and felt the increased pressure of your hands against her shoulders.
“Yeonjin! I am not joking, let go!”
“Yeonjin I am serious!”
“So am I. No.”
“Bloody hell Yeonjin, get off!”
She was not expecting you to headbutt her, gasping immediately in when she felt your head collide with temple, making her loosen her grip on you to clutch at the injured spot, giving you the opportunity to shove her way entirely from you. Yeonjin stumbled backwards, almost falling if not for her quick reflexes. Betrayal spouted out of her chest as she locked eyes with you as you cradled your own head, eyes burning in fury as you stared at her.
You have never laid a hand against Yeonjin. Never. Not even when she maybe deserved when she was more cutting with you during some of her bad days. But never have you been physical with her, not even during arguments, so the fact that you headbutted her...she felt as if the entire world had been pulled out from her.
“H-How could you?” She said, her voice betraying her usual intention to try be as composed as she could be. You scoffed.
“How could I? I told you to get off but you didn’t listen. But then again, you have always done what you wanted and have never considered the feelings of someone else.”
Yeonjin flinched at your words, so unused to hearing your voice to be so curt and sharp. You were usually so soft-spoken with her, endearing and loving as you whispered sweet nothings in her ear while burning kiss marks against her skin as she arched her body into yours for more of your embrace.
You were acting so different, it having been only a day since she last saw you. Just how could you be acting like such a different person in a short amount of time. What has happened.”
“I know you got my message. So I don’t get why you are here.” You hissed, crossing your arms over your chest as you glared at her. Narrowing her own eyes, Yeonjin took a step towards you, tightening her lips into a straight line.
“You are stupid if you think I would just read that message and do nothing about it.”
You laughed. 
“Calling me stupid in my own home? Wow, that is quite something to say.”
“Stop fooling around Y/N. You are making no sense with anything?”
“I’m not making sense of everything? I think I have been pretty clear.”
“Y/N, stop messing around already, otherwise I will-”
“You will what? Burn me?”
The way that you said those last two words, looking at her with such cold conviction, made the blood in Yeonjin’s body freeze. And her body continued to become more ice cold as you took steps towards her, eyes growing more infuriated with each passing second.
“Are you going to burn me Yeonjin? Perhaps with a curling iron? Or maybe a normal iron will be better. Although who knows, maybe you have taking a liking to boiling water instead, or maybe just your lighter. You have on you at all times, so perhaps that will be your weapon of choice. Everybody matures from their past actions after all.”
As you got closer, Yeonjin couldn’t help but stumble back away from you, your words scaring her more than she has ever been before. And you could see it clearly on her face, but you did not care. Instead of stopping in front of her, you walked past her without another words, making Yeonjin slowly turn around to watch you retreat. She took a few hesitant steps forwards, only to freeze again when you returned back with some documents in her hand. But when you got closer, she realized that they weren’t just documents, but rather photographs.
You didn’t say a word as you shoved the photos in her chest, making her clumsily clutch at them as she felt your burning gaze on her as she slowly lifted them to see their captured picture. Her eyes widened in horror when red, burn marks on skin, most particularly, on Dongeun’s skin as the teenage Dongeun looked at the photo, only to be followed with a current Dongeun photo staring at the camera with an empty gaze. There were about ten photos of Dongeun as a teen and as an adult, displaying the new and faded marks from captured time period.
“I can’t believe you could be that cruel.” Your voice interrupted her thoughts, forcing her to look up and see you disgusted face, arms crossed as you stared at her. “How could you have done something like that to her?”
“I-I didn’t-”
“Don’t even try lie to me Yeonjin. Don’t you dare.”
“I-This wasn’t me! T-This was-”
“She came by my house today. Alone.” You finally said, making Yeonjin’s words become trapped in her throat as she stared at you in horror. “She told me everything. About what you and the others did to her in school.”
“I never want to see you ever again.” You finally said, uncrossing your arms and pointing at the front door. “Get out of my house before I call the fucking police.”
“Now Yeonjin.” You growled, lowering your arm as your glare brightened with each passing second. “Otherwise I will do it myself.”
Yeonjin started to shake her head, the photographs falling out of her hands as she walked towards you, reaching out to touch you, to grab you and tell you that everything that Dongeun had told you was wrong. That she was a delusional girl who wanted to blame her very everything bad that went in her life. But you didn’t let her. Instead, you roughly grabbed her by the hair, making Yeonjin screech in pain as you pulled her towards the front door and all but tossed her outside, making her land painfully on her knees before she turned to look at you in shock and horror. You stared her down with disgusted eyes, you face screwed up in fury.
“I never want to see you again.”
And then you slammed the door shut, leaving her outside with bruised knees and a shattered heart.
Jeon Jae-jun
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Shock washed over him like ice-cold water as he stared at your crumbled body on the floor, your head turned away from him and your shoulder shaking as you tried to compose yourself from the pain that he just caused you. His hand was sting from the slap, his body frozen stiff like a statue as he stared at you in shock, unable to say anything as he came to terms with what he did.
He hit you.
He just...he didn’t realize he did it until he saw you on the floor.
He just knows he was angry. He was angry over the fact that no matter he did or said, there was no way that he was ever going to have Yesol. There was no chance for him to be a father to Yesol. His little girl, his own flesh and blood. He had the right to her like Yeonjin did, and the fact that some snobby motherfucker like Ha Doyeong was acting like Yesol’s father when he was actually her real one, it pissed him off to no degree.
You came by to visit him to try calm him down, to just let him see a little reason, but he did not want to listen. He didn’t want you there because there was no way you would be able to understand the problem he was dealing with. You were no mother and no wife; therefore, you had no semblance of understanding towards his situation.
Jaejun has gotten better at handling his temper, knowing he was a little shit in high school, kicking everyone's ass when given the opportunity, but that didn’t mean that he didn’t lose it sometimes. And he was already raging when you arrived at him home, already have a spare key to his place. You tried to calmly talk him down out of his rage, keeping to the edge of the room as he kicked and punched furniture and walls as he marched around the room. His mood certainly wasn’t helped with the half of bottle of whiskey he had already consumed, having swallowed the glasses with one mouthful one after the other before answering the your previous phone call.
Your words were half-heard, the buzzing in his head taking preference as he cursed around the room, his blood pressure only rising when he thought back on that arrogant look Doyeong gave him, reminding him that the law was on his side, that Jaejun will never be able to call Yesol his daughter nor that Yesol will ever call his father. The fact that it was the truth, that even though the shared blood between him and Yesol means nothing, it made him so furious that he was ready to kill someone.
“...Jaejun, you know that I am on your side. You know that I will stand by you every way that you want to go.” He recalled your voice saying, someone near the edge of the room while continued to pace up and down. “You are her father, nothing changes that.”
“But Yesol will never know that until I tell her. Until I do, she keeps calling that motherfucker her dad when he isn’t!”  He kicked his coffee table hard, pain shooting through his toes but he hardly paid any mind to it because he was still so furious. He grabbed at his hair roughly, growling before he screamed out another curse and wildly slammed a punch to his armchair before pacing again. “She’s my fucking daughter! He can’t have her!”
“I know she is Jaejun, I know she is.”
“If I have to fucking drive down there and tell Yesol myself, then I will fucking do it! She will choose me over him! I am her real dad!”
The thought of doing the deed, the images of Yesol leaping into his arms in a tight hug while calling him dad made a ball of happiness and hope fill his chest, making a dent in his anger as he thought of the wonderful look of dismay which will cross that motherfuckers face when he realizes that he will no longer be called dad by Yesol.
Fuck it, he was gonna do it.
“-Jaejun, that isn’t a good idea.” He heard you say, your contradiction to his thoughts suddenly make that ball of hope disappear and be replaced with his anger. He whipped around and glared at you.
“What the fuck do you mean? She is my fucking daughter! She deserves to know who her real dad is!”
You flinched at his raised voice being directed at you, but you fixed him with a sympathetic look, your eyes genuine in emotion.
“Of course she does Jaejun, but she is young. You telling her the truth will only confuse her. As far as she knows, Doyeong is her dad, and you suddenly telling her that he isn’t will only hurt her.”
“I will never fucking hurt Yesol! Fucking never!” he screamed, insulted by you insinuating that he would do such a thing. With another curse, he turned around and started marching towards the door. “Fuck it, I’m going to tell her!”
“Wait, Jaejun don’t!” He heard you yell behind him, following after him with hurried steps as he headed towards the door and grabbed his car keys. “You’ve been drinking and you’re angry! Think this over tomorrow!”
“I don’t need to fucking think it over! I am going to tell her I’m her real dad!”
He reached for the front door, ready to leave, only to feel your hands on his arm, trying to pull him back.
“Jaejun please think this through! This won’t help Yesol, and if you go there and tell her the truth, it will only push her more into Doyeong’s arms and-”
It happened so quickly.
He was just so furious that you didn’t support him with his decisions, as well that you were trying to stop him, that he just dropped his keys and spun around with his other hand, his palm connected directly with your cheek, sending you flying to the floor with the powerful blow.
He didn’t even really remember doing it. Or rather, it felt like he was an outside observer to someone controlling his body when he did it. And now that the truth dawned on him, he just stared at your crumbled body in shock, his hand still sting from the blow.
The wool which was dangling in front of his eyes caused by the alcohol suddenly was lifted, sobering up really quickly as he watched you move so that you were kneeling, your hand cradling your face while you took shaky breaths to try control yourself, obviously trying to control the tears that were no doubt falling from your eyes.
“Y-Y/N...” He called out, horror slowly filling his veins as you continued to remain on the floor, not uttering a single thing aside from the pained gasp that broke past your lips when he struck you.
The saying of your name made your breaths freeze entirely, making Jaejun watch in frozen fear as you hastily stood up from the floor, your head bowed down as you turned around and tried to move past him, not saying a word. He immediately reached out to you.
“Y/N, wait-”
You flinched at his approaching hand, making him freeze from his actions as he stared wide-eyed at you, stunned like a deer-in-headlights that you would flinch at his approaching touch.
Only he understood why.
Instant regret filled him at your flinch, and you took the opportunity to hastily grab the door handle and open the door and retreated out of it, slamming it shut just as he rushed at it to follow you.
“Y/N! Wait!”
He immediately opened the door and rushed out of it just to make out your figure disappearing around the corner as you escaped from him, prompting Jaejun to immediately give chase, not wanting you to leave him like this. He had to apologize, he had to make you know that he didn’t mean it. But just as he managed to run outside,  he saw your car speeding out from the parking lot into the street, escaping him entirely and leaving him stone cold in his even more colorless world.
Lee Sa-ra
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The twitches in her body were uncontrollable, curses leaving her lips every few minutes as she nibbled at her nails, tearing them down until they were almost exposing her nail beds, making her curse even more as she was unable to do anything else. The drip on her arm was hardly improving her mood at all, limiting her movements in the hospital bed that she has been chained to for the past few days.
Her father was adamant about getting her cleaned up, or rather to try clean up his reputation as much as he can since the police was sniffing around the church and other activities he has been conducting aside from daily services, Sara being nothing but extra goods which he is locking up to keep her out of sight.
Fuck, it pissed her off.
Hyejeong has been unbearable as usual, trying to act all high and mighty in front of her during visiting hours to the extent that Sara nearly threw her entire lunch tray at the bitch. Yeonjin and Jaejun have been no shows entirely, although to be honest she was quite glad because she was just about read to tear both of their faces off with all the shit they have started ever since that damn Moon Dongeun returned.
Her mother has visited her every single day, offering her prayers of recovery but each time her mother spoke, Sara just wanted to scream. Fuck, all of this could just be avoided if her parents will just let her leave the country again! But no, they have to be these hard-assed holier-than-thou parents suddenly wanting to be all responsible and prim, even though she knows they are everything but that.
Dammit, she was just so fucking pissed!
Probably the only thing that was keeping her from losing her damn sanity was you, visiting regularly whenever you could, always making sure to visit during the hours her mother and father’s weren’t there, as well as Hyejeong because she knew that she would rip that air hostess’s head off if she made a comment towards you and her during one of your visits. She has anxiously been waiting for your arrival, needing to have some sort of stability in this damn place before she completely lose her shit.
And just as she was contemplating ripping her drip out, consequences be damned, she was interrupted by the hospital door opening up and you stepping through it. Sara let out a sigh of relief.
“Thank fuck you’re here.” She said, grabbing you by the wrist and tugging you close to her once you got into close proximity, pressing hers lips to yours in a kiss.
But as she kissed you, she could feel something was wrong by the way you stood stiffly next to her bed, lips barely moving against hers. She pulled back to look at your face, eyebrows furrowed, and she noticed how downcast your eyes were, barely maintaining any eye contact. She squeezed your wrist, fingers flexing around your delicate delicate arm.
“What’s wrong?” She asked, her thumb subconsciously rubbing circles around your wrist bone in some sort of comforting manner, but it seemed her actions made your more anxious, your arm halfheartedly trying to tug itself from her grip but she wouldn’t let you. “What happened.”
“Sara...” you started, biting down your bottom lip as you paused your words, seemingly contemplating what to say next. And then you seemed to figure out your next phrase. “How...are you feeling?”
Sara immediately frowned at your questions, glancing at her lap and her bed before looking back at you with a slight sneer.
“How am I feeling? Shit, that’s what.” She hissed, letting go of your wrist to slam her hands against her bed mattress. “Fucking look at this Y/N. I am in hell! I mean fuck, the nurses are a pain in the ass and the doctors are even worse! Fuck, they look at me like I’m some pitying school girl! I’m not, I’m fucking not!”
Her blood boiled at the images of the doctors and nurses that she regularly sees, all having the same look as the other, pitying and at times disgusted. It pisses her off. They have no right to judge her. They have  no right to feel they are better than her in any other way. Fuck, they should just mind their damn business! She doesn’t even want to be here! She is being held captive by her own damn father, she should probably get one of her lawyers to sue him, fuck, that will teach him a lesson. And probably mess up his reputation even more.
The idea really seemed like a good idea and Sara started to smile at the prospect of it, but then a sudden chill hit her and her teeth rattled as her body twitched, breath catching in her throat as her body tried to re-stable itself. Your hands went out to touch her, grounding her by the hold on her shoulders as she broke out into a cold sweat, her hands gripping her bed sheets tightly as she trembled.
Dammit, she hated it when this happened.
Since she hasn’t had anything in her system in weeks, her body was trying to reconfigure itself, but it was absolute hell for Sara because she felt that she was conducting a sinful punishment handed to her by hell itself. Her hands were gripping her sheets so tightly that her knuckles were turning white and she felt like she was breathing through a test tube which was forced down her throat. Minutes felt like hours and when she eventually felt her body settling itself down, she couldn’t help but curse.
“Fuck I hate them! I hope they getting hit by a fucking bus!” She hisses, putting the wish into the universe with the hopes that it will carry it out. She felt your stiffen beside her, hand tightening for a moment before finally releasing her as you moved to stand in front of her bed.
“Don’t wish for something like that Sara. They are your parents.” You murmured, making Sara let out an empty chuckle.
“And what? That gives them the right to fucking throw me in here against my will! They are only acting like decent parents now because a fire has been lit under their ass. Dad is only trying to save face.”
“...That’s not true Sara.” You said, knitting your fingers together and rubbing your thumbs uncertainly. “They are worried about you. They want you to get better.”
A flash of irritation snipped through her mind, making Sara grit her teeth as she glared at her.
“Don’t give me that shit Y/N, they just fucking want to save face for the church. They don’t give a shit about me.”
“That’s not true Sara, if they didn’t care about you, they wouldn’t be trying to help you get...clean.”
You looked at her with an uncertain flash in your eyes, which immediately made her blood boil because it replicated the same looks as the doctors, nurses, and even her mother whenever they visited her. Her lips curled back and she bared her teeth like an animal, eyes burning in anger.
“You have been fucking speaking to my mother, haven’t you? She has tricked you into adopting her fucking stance, hasn’t she?”
Your eyes widened at her words, immediately making you shake your head as you reached out to her.
“Wait, no, Sara I am just saying-”
Sara slapped your hand away, lip curling further in anger as she pushed herself up to the head of her bed, pointedly ignoring your hiss of pain as you cradled your struck hand.
“I should have fucking known they would have gotten to you too! Fuck, you are supposed to be on my fucking side! You should be supporting me!”
You looked up from your struck hand, lips wobbling but your eyes suddenly resolute.
“I do support you Sara! But Sara...the drugs, they are eating away at you. You are becoming the shell of yourself, I’m worried about you. While it may be hard, I know that once you go through this, that we can-”
“FUCK OFF!” Sara screeched, grabbing her pillows and hurling them at you with so much force that the impact was loud as they hit your body. She then grabbed the glass and jug beside her table and hurled it at you, uncaring of the shattered remnants that flew across the wall and floor as you dodged them, backing away towards the side of the room as Sara went ballistic. “YOU CAN GO RIGHT TO HELL!”
“S-Sara please, c-calm down-”
Sara grabbed whatever she could and threw it at you, screaming and cursing as fury filled every inch of her body. You, of all people, siding with her parents. That was the most absolute betrayal you could ever pull against her, and it made it furious. And it certainly didn’t help that her body was starting to go through one of its episodes again.
“Sara, please-”
She was so bloody angry, she was seeing red in everything in the hospital room, uncaring of how her arm was burning from the drip as she ripped her arm around. She heard the door of her room open and saw nurses rushing towards her, hands attempting to pin her down, which only infuriated her even more. She immediately tried fighting them off, hissing and biting at them like a wild animal.
“Miss Lee, please calm down-”
Sara snarled and twisted about on the bed, trying to rip her body away from the nurses, barely paying attention to your lingering body as you slowly edged towards the exit, your eyes sad as you gazed at her. Feeling your gaze, she whipped her head in your direction, locking eyes with you as you shoulder your bag with wobbly lips, swallowing thickly as you attempted to keep your tears at bay.
“Goodbye Sara. I hope you recover from this.”
And then you were gone, and only after a few more weeks in hospital did Sara realize that it was for good.
Choi Hye-jeong
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“Let me go! Just let me go!”
You were fighting against her, trying to break free from her strong grip but Hyejeong held firm. There was no chance of her letting go until you heard her end of the story. To just understand where she is coming from.
“Just let me go already!” You screeched, renewed energy soaring through your body as you kept fighting, but Hyejeong tightened her grip even more.
“Just listen to me!”
“No! Because nothing you will say will ever make this any better.”
Hyejeong gritted her teeth and curled her chin over your shoulder to try keep you in place, squeezing her eyes shut as she tried to calm herself.
You knew just hard it was to live the life she wanted without the aid of her friends, even she could even call them that. All her life she has struggled, either it be socially and financially, and even though she makes her own money, it is only a matter of time before she will be replaced with a prettier, younger air hostess who will cater to all the needs of passengers. Taking over her parents business was out of the question, she already has taken social blows due to her association with them, so for her to inherit the business will be the entire end of her upstanding reputation.
Even though Jaejun is the dirtiest bastard she has ever known, he can provide her with a life which she knows her deserve, only expecting a few nights from her to cater to his manly needs and maybe give Yesol a sibling, but otherwise the two of them will be open to any other relationships without hurt feelings.
You and her didn’t need to separate...and yet you were adamant to leave her.
“It won’t mean anything Y/N! I promise it won’t mean anything!” She pleaded, digging her fingers in your body in attempt to reaffirm her grip, and yet your fighting body wiggled around furiously.
“How the hell will it mean nothing? You are going to become his wife Hyejeong! His wife!”
“He and I won’t do anything! We will just-”
“Please...as if that asshole will not want to do anything on his wedding night.” Finally finding some success, you managed to rip yourself out of Hyejeong’s arms and scurried away, raising a warning finger at Hyejeong as she attempted to close the distance between the two of again. “Don’t treat me like an idiot Hyejeong, cause I’m not.”
“I’m not trying to-”
“Bullshit,” you hissed, “You would much rather marry a bastard like Jaejun than even try have a life with me.”
“That’s not true Y/N!” Hyejeong exclaimed, horror shooting through as you spoke, scurrying towards you to pull you into her arms again, only for you to match her footsteps and to keep the distance between the two of you. “You know that I love you! I love you so fucking much it scares me!”
You let out an empty laugh.
“Scares you so much that you run into the arms of someone else.”
“Y/N, you have to see it from my point of view!” Hyejeong screeched, hands suddenly rushing to her hair to tug at it furiously before throwing her hand in the air. “I have nothing to make something decent for myself. My parents own a damn laundry cleaning service and it will only be a matter of time before I can no longer air hostess! I need Jaejun to help me to maintain...well, this!”
Hyejeong indicated towards the room, pointing out the luxurious items that she has managed to afford and gather, either by herself or given to her by one of the others. But instead of adopting a more unstable expression, your face became more thunderous.
“So in the end, it is all about money. I am not even surprised, that is all you care about.” You growled, shaking your head. Hyejeong tightened her hands into fists.
“Y/N, without money, I’,-”
“You. And to me, you are enough. And yet it seems I am not for you, cause I wasn’t born with a damn golden spoon in my mouth.” You shook your head and moved across the room to grab your bag. “But I guess that is it then.”
Hyejeong immediately shook her head and hurried after you, grabbing you by the elbow before you could pull away entirely.
“Y/N, you and I can still-”
“Let me stop you right there.” You snapped, ripping your elbow out of Hyejeong’s grip, glaring at her. “There is no way I am going to become some sidepiece to you while you are happy wife to that bastard!”
“I don’t love him Y/N!” Hyejeong suddenly snapped, tossing all caution out the window as she grabbed you by the shoulders, looking at your earnestly while panic started building up in her throat. “You are the one I love! You are the one who matters the most to me! Jaejun is just-”
“Going to marry you. Call you his wife, and have you raise his child. And me?” You grabbed at Hyejeong’s wrists, squeezing them angrily with your own death grip that Hyejeong flinched at the instant pain you began to cause. “And you expect me to wait around at home like some good little lapdog, wagging my tail when you decide to give me the time of day once you finish doing your wifely duties? Not a chance in hell Hyejeong.”
You ripped her hands off of you and began marching for the front door, only to be pulled back by Hyejeong again, the air hostess refusing to simply accept you wanting to leave her. She has already said that the two of you could still be together, that she and Jaejun will only be wife and husband in name, albeit with some exceptions.
But she wanted you. Of course she wanted you. And her marrying Jaejun does not change that. Why can’t you just see how important it was for her to maintain the lifestyle she has had until now?!
“You can’t just leave me Y/N! Think about everything we have been through together!”
You paused in your footsteps and then turned to look at her with a sarcastic smirk, shaking her head.
“Are you seriously trying to pull that card right now in this discussion. Hyejeong, out of the two of us, you are the one who has not considered the fact we have been through a lot together. In the end, you are just a selfish bitch who is content to stay a gold digger for the rest of her life.”
Hyejeong couldn’t help but gasp in shock at your words, never having heard them from your lips before. Sure, she has heard it from Yeonjin, Sara, and many others, but you...you have never used the same labels as the others before. And the fact that you are using them now just sends unshakable pain to her heart, as well as fury.
“Y/N, you-”
“Let me put it this way Hyejeong,” You said, pulling your arm out of her grip again and turning fully to face her, a cutting glint in your eye. “If I was the one marrying Jaejun, would you even bother staying by my side as number 2?”
You didn’t even bother to hear you answer as you turned around and stormed out, slamming the door hard behind you, its slam echoing through her house while Hyejeong lowered herself to her knees, numbness flowing through her entire body, rendering motionless as you words repeated themselves in her head in an indefinite loop.
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nytgaih · 1 month ago
just wanted to share that stranger/secret forest s1, s2, and dongjae spin-off are 3 dramas i hold super dear to my heart.
these dramas aren't my first exposure to kdramas (and im very grateful they are, bc idt many can match that the standards set). but the way stranger sucked me in right from the start (im a huge thriller fan so. makes sense.) was insane.
the way i binged the whole s1, digested it, and then binged the whole of s2,, i think i was possessed LOL. to think that i only discovered this gem of a universe was through the little ad on tvn on dongjae. (thank you dongjae. my pookie ❤️)
i actually have no idea how to coherently organise my thoughts, bc i think a lot of what i have rn is just feelings. i love this universe so much and really, i can't wait for s3, s4, and even s5. (mr cho seungwoo promised an s5, so i will wait for an s5.)
i ran out of tags.
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conscbgb · 8 months ago
My heart is aching for them 🥹 they are so dear to me...
I just want them to be happy together 🥹
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