#Chinese author
ihearttseliot · 3 months
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It ain’t special, but it’s something. White rice, dumplings, saltfish, okra, tomatoes, and onion.
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cosplay of main character li huowang 李火旺 from next big chinese IP 道诡异仙dao gui yi xian/Dao of the Bizarre Immortal (chinese fantacy-thriller-suspense fiction based on dao culture) and the last part is the trailer of anime unreleased yet
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gennsoup · 7 months
"You know what I think? I think this whole concept of women being docile and obedient is nothing but wishful thinking. Or why would you put so much effort into lying to us? Into crippling our bodies? Into coercing us with made-up morals you claim are sacred? You insecure men, you're afraid. You can force us into compliance, but, deep down, you know you can't force us to truly love and respect you. And without love and respect, there will always be a seed of hatred and resistance. Growing. Festering. Waiting."
Xiran Jay Zhao, Iron Widow
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twinklecupcake · 1 year
Begging people to not mix up Japanese and Chinese wedding traditions/clothing.  I just saw an LMK fic mention a character wearing “a traditional wedding dress, a red shiromuku.”
Which first of all isn’t even red, it’s white, it’s right there in the name, and second of all holy hell no, that’s Japanese.
Not to mention the actual wedding was a Western Christian one.
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guzhufuren · 3 months
most important reason why it would be nice for more people to know about and watch Meet You At The Blossom when it airs cause its success can create an opening for so many future uncensored bl and gl adaptations of chinese wuxia/xianxia novels with the help of Thailand. from SVSSS to Female General and Eldest Princess, as long as it becomes a hit and goes smoothly and makes money. we already have 5 thai adaptations of danmei this year and it could go so much further
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cruyffista · 3 months
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abyssal-debonair · 1 year
You’re a grown man with the trauma of a little girl. ... I don’t mean that trans men cannot speak about the misogyny they experienced; it’s just now, most people will look at me and not see the layers of patriarchal violence I experienced. The song “Sweet Cis Teen” asks: Am I a boy or am I just my trauma? But all of my experiences did not magically disappear the moment(s) I realized I am a man, nor were they left behind. It was traumatic being a Chinese woman. I was spat at, harassed, fetishized, assaulted, told that my worth depended on others, my experience and abilities invalidated. My bodymind holds these memories and shapes itself with them, and I do not want to trivialize these memories because they continue to inform who I am and my politics.
this entire essay is worth a read, but the quotations I pulled out are the ones that strike me deeply, being the most relatable to my own FtM experience.
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conscbgb · 5 months
Thanks to Priest for writing the novel adapted into this beautiful series, thanks to Chris and Xuan for givin' life to these 2 characters in the most perfect way, thanks to all the team who worked on it and as Chris once said "Unknown is not just a BL, it's the story of all of us"
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poomphuripan · 4 months
so about tong...
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Mek Jirakit (Tong): And at first, P'Pep (the director of My Stand-In) said "Tong is not a bad person, Mek. He just has ambition.” I was like okay, I'm not a bad person. When I started playing in the series until the story ends I still haven't seen any goodness in him!!!!! P'Pep is deceiving/fooling the cast!
Mek retweeted the tweet of Pepzi explaining why the Thai team adapted to make May (Ming's sister) a nicer person as opposed to her novel counterpart.
Mek: And when will we get to see Tong's good side? Pepzi: EP. 13... (note: My Stand-In has 12 episodes)
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zvaigzdelasas · 8 months
It's funny how you'll ignore actual Chinese citizens who lived in China and then act like you're more of an authority on what it's like than they are
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themundanedumpling · 2 months
now that myab is airing i have the urge to read the source danmei novel but everytime i try to read a sqc novel it reminds me of utter trauma and devastation i went through when i read sqc's wu chang jie
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王鹤棣wang hedi at the set of chinese costume drama 大奉打更人da feng da geng ren
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northern-passage · 3 months
I came across the character Branwen* in my most recent play-through and was curious if she's supposed to be Inuit or not? It was just a bit unclear since she has a chin-stripe tattoo, a Welsh name, and comes from Gael (which I'm under the impression is supposed to be Norse inspired?) Neither the Welsh/Celts or Norse had tattoos like these and the imagery of such comes from the appropriation of Inuit kakiniit. It's unfortunately common, especially in the fantasy genre, think Yasha from Critical Role, and I wouldn't really blame you for not yet knowing better. Misguided or not, it's very damaging since these tattoos are a closed practice, and Inuit have asked us not to use them for non-indigenous characters. Some other cultures have similar tattoos, but these are specifically what are appropriated from in the "Norse aesthetic".
This could be a great opportunity to represent a community that's regularly misrepresentationed and appropriated from in the genre, though! I don't believe you had any ill intentions, if this is a mistake you've made, since you've done really well about a lot of other things so far.
Also, I've done a lot of research on the topic for my own world building and I can try to help if you have any questions!
Here's a list of Inuk creators and artists from my own following (on TikTok specifically):
And fairy.gothparent (not indigenous) has some really educational content on the subject also!
I'm sorry I've misread or misinterpreted anything, and I hope none of this came off as aggressive! I'm just genuinely curious and want to help others do better!
hi :-) no worries, you are not aggressive at all. Branwen is not meant to be Inuit, nor is she meant to be Welsh or Norse. Gael and Adrania are just Fantasy Lands with their own lore & culture-- but with that being said, i am fully aware that the setting for TNP is very much giving medieval Europe, hahahaha. regardless, when i choose names they are mainly just because i like them, so i wouldn't put too much stock in them when reading.
same thing when i designed Branwen, the tattoo was mostly for the aesthetic and because i liked it. i was aware of a few different types of indigenous tattoos (like the Māori tāmoko as well as the Inuit kakiniit) at the time i chose the thick, solid line because i was purposefully trying to avoid conflating it directly with those indigenous tattoos. you're the first person to point this out to me and i appreciate it and it has made me reevaluate my decision to give her such a distinct tattoo. i wanted tattoos to be a big part of Gaelish culture & planned for them to be made with heavy lines & geometry, but in the end a lot of the designs are all over the place (Merry's are way more modern due to basing some of the designs around nautical/sailor tattoos with only a few geometric designs, while Lea's are strictly geometric runes meant for their alchemy)
i absolutely want to avoid misrepresenting these tattoos, especially since it was never my intention for this character to be interpreted as a part of any of the mentioned indigenous groups. this is a good reminder for myself that my work does not exist in a vacuum and regardless of my intentions, the names i choose & the designs i make still reflect my own personal biases and have implications outside of my story.
i appreciate you messaging me and sharing resources. and i always want to encourage people to do so! especially because in my worldbuilding for Gael and Adrania i am pulling inspiration from a lot of different places and a lot of other fantasy media. i've always intended for Adrania to be a "melting pot," with a lot of different influences as in-game cultures converge around their ports & trade routes, but that can also lead to me unintentionally harming real world groups & cultures in my interpretations. as much as i want to "build from scratch" it's just not possible, i will always be influenced by the society i live in, hence me including the tattoo to begin with because you're right, i have seen similar designs in other fantasy media & just didn't think much about it.
going forward i'll most likely just remove that tattoo from Branwen's design, and maybe give her a neck tattoo instead 🤔 just something different to distinguish it from those indigenous designs.
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asideoftrashplease · 2 years
On racism and the moral condemnation of certain danmei characters
In light of recent fandom discourse, I’ve been thinking of this open letter by diaspora, published in July last year. This statement really hit hard for me. Since then, I’ve talked to other diaspora at length about the meaning MDZS and the wider danmei fandom holds for us, the ways interacting with fandom can be a deeply painful experience, and the way that pain can be exacerbated by fandom discourse— in this particular case, black-and-white moral statements about certain characters, and by extension, about certain aspects of Chinese culture.
For non-Chinese people, I feel like danmei can be "just" a fandom, a book that you can pick up and put down. But for us diaspora, it's a lot more fraught. A common theme I've observed across a lot of the diaspora I know is the sense of having at some point shunned Chinese culture, language, or heritage, and thus becoming alienated from it, only to regret it later. Being in danmei fandom and being immersed in our culture forces us, in a lot of ways, to confront the ways we've grown alienated from our own culture. And in that way, it also forces us to confront the painful reasons for that alienation.
For a lot of western diaspora, it's confronting the racism they face as minorities, which caused them to shun their culture out of a wish to integrate fully and be accepted by others. For me, as someone living in Asia, it's confronting the sexism, homophobia, and transphobia rampant in our society. It’s confronting the many ways I've been told, angrily, and with disgust, that I do not have a place in Chinese culture because I am a queer, non-binary feminist, and that I’m “westernized” for believing in my own rights.
I feel in a lot of ways, danmei fandom has become a space in which diaspora can "come home", a safe space we can reconnect with our culture, and celebrate it in a prejudice-free zone. But too often, we face racist microaggressions in the way non-Chinese audiences condemn parts of our culture. Sometimes, it’s even outright racism, open declarations that “Chinese culture is backwards and barbaric”. All this drives us to have to DEFEND our culture against western audiences in our own safe space, even the aspects of it that we struggle with ourselves, the aspects that are the very basis of our own oppression. As the statement explains:
There is often a frankly stunning lack of self-awareness re: cultural biases and blind spots when it comes to discussions of MDZS, particularly moral ones. There are countless righteous claims and hot takes on certain aspects of the story, its author, and the characters that are so clearly rooted in a Euroamerican political and moral framework that does not reflect Chinese cultural realities and experiences.
Too often, I’ve seen fellow diaspora having to tackle issues of corporal punishment in the discussion of YZY and JC. I’ve seen diaspora having to defend collectivist norms or Confucian social hierarchy, or to explain the sexism and homophobia woven deeply into Chinese society, in discussions of characters like JC, LXC, and LQR. Often, these defenses are prompted by western audiences attempting to paint these characters, their fans, or even MXTX herself as BAD and WRONG in completely black and white terms. When diaspora have tried to provide perspective that “unfortunately, these mindsets are still prevalent and accepted in Chinese society, so the issue is really not so black and white”— they get slapped with accusations like “abuse apologist” and “homophobe”. OFTEN, we also get slapped with racist remarks or insinuations that we and our culture are backwards and barbaric.
The unfortunate fact is that due to the prevalence and widespread acceptance of these mindsets, we navigate a society where people we care about, people we love, people we know to care about us deeply, are inflicting these prejudices and oppressive hierarchies on us. Our defense of these parts of Chinese culture is often, in fact, a defense of our parents, family, and friends, the people we care about and love. Sometimes, it’s also because we’ve been outright and directly accused of “homophobia” “sexism” and “apologism” for liking these characters and producing positive meta of them. But do you think we like doing this? Do you think we LIKE having to defend the parts of Confucian hierarchy, the parts of broader Chinese society that oppress us?
Discovering MDZS was wondrous for me, it was like finding a promised land where I finally have a place in Chinese culture, language, media, and society. Here, I get to reconnect with my culture alongside other queer diaspora, other people who are like me. It has helped me to come to terms with both my queer identity and my Chinese identity, and it is helping me to reconcile the two. That's why MDZS fandom is a deeply meaningful place for a lot of diaspora. It is a safe space where we can “come home” to our culture and heritage.
That is why I am asking: PLEASE do not make this place a hostile environment for Chinese diaspora. PLEASE do not normalize the demonization of Chinese culture and Chinese people. No one is telling you that you have to agree with and be comfortable with all aspects of Chinese culture. HECK, most of us diaspora aren’t! No one is telling you that you have to like characters that represent these uncomfortable aspects. Not all diaspora like those characters either. But please— do not thoughtlessly fling around moral accusations. Please do not demonize diaspora for saying things that you disagree with.
To you, danmei and the culture depicted in it may just be a work of fiction— a book you can scrutinize, pick apart, and morally condemn, before closing the book and walking away to resume your life. But to us, it is a difficult and fraught social reality that we have to live with and navigate every single day of our lives. And so, I’d like to end off by quoting a line from the statement’s conclusion, a line that has stuck with me since it was published:
We don’t have the luxury of stepping away from our culture when we get tired of it. We don’t get to put it down and walk away when it gets difficult. But if you’re not Chinese or Chinese diaspora, you get to put this book down—we’d like to kindly request that you put it down gently.
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guzhufuren · 2 months
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i hope when Huaien and Xiaobao make history by kissing on the screen for the first time it will be explosive and tender and filled with feelings and be a true expression of real love
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swiftbell · 1 year
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Some fanart for the fanfic Finders Keepers, featuring pining idiot gay monkeys and human disguises for dates.
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