#Child Custody And Support Investigations
Taylor Payton Investigations
Our mission: We are highly competitive, work extremely hard, and document our work efforts meticulously so you know what is going on. We might not have a crystal ball or magic wand, but we will do everything we can to help you get the information needed to make an informed decision on your case. The reports and information we gather are presented in a way that is easy to follow, in-depth, and then it's tied together in a summary to paint a narrative that is clear and concise. We look forward to working with you to make the investigation a success.
Address: 12022 Blue Valley Pkwy, #508, Overland Park, KS 66213, USA Phone: 913-708-8469 Website: https://taylorpayton.com/pages/kansas-private-investigation-services
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call-me-strega · 3 months
Dc x Dp Prompt #22: The Custody Battle Turned Romance
A freshly resurrected Jason is found by Single Dad Danny raising a de-aged Dan and Dani who goes "surely one more kid can't hurt?" and takes him in. Danny helps him deal with his catatonia, trauma amnesia, and other side effects of being undead without the need for a Lazarus Pit.
He takes the kid to a therapist Jazz recommended and supports him thoughout his recovery. They did some bloodwork and found out pretty early on he was The Jason Todd-Wayne but then he decided not to reach out and let Jason decided what he wanted once he was recovered.
Danny, Ellie and Jordan love and treat him like family in a way he's never quite had before even with Bruce. They’re just so open and honest about their feelings and never make him feel out of place. So when Danny ask if he’d like to reconnect with the Waynes or stay with the them, Jason chooses to stay with them.
The world has moved on around them, and so has the Batfam. Jason knows about Tim (and talked through his feelings in therapy). He knows about the foundation Bruce created in his memory and the way he very publicly grieved. He witnessed the news over Nightwing nearly beating the Joker to death. He knows enough to decided it’s better to let the dead remain dead. Instead, he becomes Jason Nightingale, eldest adopted son of a mechanic in the Narrows. The family welcomes him with open arms officially accepting him as a brother and son.
Danny supports Jason to finish his high school and college education and Jason decides to be a doctor as an homage to Thomas Wayne and aspires open a free clinic like Leslie Thompkins. They get his death certificate revoked under circumstances of resurrection (which is a thing that actually exists in public documents due to the resurrections that tend to happen in the DC universe) and legally adopt him so that he can go back to school. However, Batman monitors public records to a degree and this gets flagged in the system bc it’s Jason’s death certificate.
Suspicious, but optimistic Bruce informs the rest of the family what he has found out and ask them to come as back up for when he goes to find Jason. He’s investigated and is sure that the family who helped rehabilitate Jason is clean and nice people but he wants his son back. They others also wanna see Jason but are worried if this is a good idea since Jason hasn’t reach out himself and there is paperwork for an adoption in the system. But Bruce decides to track them down anyway.
Bruce shows up as the Nightingale’s door and asks to see Jason. Danny, sympathetic, agrees on the condition Jason wants to see him. Jason is hesitant, but decided it would be good way for both of them to get closure and agrees. Bruce and Jason have a tearful reunion and a long heartfelt conversation at the end of which Bruce says “Let’s go home son”. To which Jason has to awkwardly break it to him, but he has no intention of leaving the Nightingale’s and returning to the Manor. He lets him know that he’s open to meeting the rest of the family at least once more but that Danny is his dad now and Ellie and Jordan are his little siblings.
Bruce is devastated.
He lets the rest of the family know and they all make their visits while Bruce wallows in despair. Normally he wouldn let it go, but he just can’t stand to lose Jason another time. So he decides to take Danny to court in the hopes of getting visitation rights if not split custody.
It’s one of the weirdest cases to hit the Gotham courts: two dads who were never together in any capacity but aren’t antagonistic of each other, are trying to come to a custody agreement over their adopted resurrected child in family court.
Over the course of the court case Bruce sees what a good dad Danny is and bonds with his two “bio” kids. Meanwhile Danny gets to meet Dick, Tim, and Cass (Bruce’s legal kids as of rn) and gets to talk to them about their experiences with Bruce and how much they want to form/reform relationships with Jason. They do form a healthy respect for each other, and accept each other’s places in Jason’s life.
Court case ends up working out in favor of Danny. It’s split custody but he gets custody of Jason majority of the time (as per Jason’s own wishes) and Bruce and the Wayne's still have partial custody and open contact with the Nightingales.
Over the years kids all start to see each other as siblings and both Bruce and Danny as their dads. By the time Damian shows up Bruce and Danny have been functionally co-parenting each others kids for years. They provide support to each other’s kids that the other parent may not be well equipped to, but helping each other improve.
When Damian does arrive his superiority complex is quickly curbed and Bruce puts him into counseling on Danny and Jason’s recommendation. It takes a while, but Damien slowly finally opens up and gets to act like a real kid. Ellie and Jordan, who are around the same age (maybe a bit younger?), love having him over to roughhouse and play princesses/knights/dragons (but with politics and consequences). Sometimes they’ll go out and trick people into thinking they’re triplets.
It’s actually Damien who first suggests parent-trapping Bruce and Danny so that they can be one big family. He obviously gets Dan and Ellie to agree first. Then the three of them bag Tim and Cass. The five of them approach Dick next. Jason is actually the hardest to convince but the manage to get his approval. Thus, these guys try to set up the Oblivious Danny and the Emotionally Constipated Bruce.
And for Flavor, just when it looks like they’re about to get together, one of their past love interests comes into the mix, re-entering their parents’ live just to stir the pot. (Which ex is up to your imagination: Sam, Talia, Val, Selina, Tucker, Wes, Minhkhoa, Harvey)
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But once the babies are here, the state provides little help.
When she got pregnant, Mayron Michelle Hollis was clinging to stability.
At 31, she was three years sober, after first getting introduced to drugs at 12. She had just had a baby three months earlier and was working to repair the damage that her addiction had caused her family.
The state of Tennessee had taken away three of her children, and she was fighting to keep her infant daughter, Zooey. Department of Children’s Services investigators had accused Mayron of endangering Zooey when she visited a vape store and left the baby in a car.
Her husband, Chris Hollis, was also in recovery.
The two worked in physically demanding jobs that paid just enough to cover rent, food and lawyers’ fees to fight the state for custody of Mayron’s children.
In the midst of the turmoil in July 2022, they learned Mayron was pregnant again. But this time, doctors warned she and her fetus might not survive.
The embryo had been implanted in scar tissue from her recent cesarean section. There was a high chance that the embryo could rupture, blowing open her uterus and killing her, or that she could bleed to death during delivery. The baby could come months early and face serious medical risks, or even die.
But the Supreme Court had just overturned Roe v. Wade, which guaranteed the right to abortion across the United States. By the time Mayron decided to end her pregnancy, Tennessee’s abortion ban — one of the nation’s strictest — had gone into effect.
The total ban made no explicit exceptions — not even to save the life of a pregnant patient. Any doctor who violated the ban could be charged with a felony.
Women with means could leave the state. But those like Mayron, with limited resources or lives entangled with the child welfare and criminal justice systems, would be the most likely to face caring for a child they weren’t prepared for.
And so, the same state that questioned Mayron’s fitness to care for her four children forced her to continue a pregnancy that risked her life to have a fifth, one that would require more intensive care than any of the others.
Tennessee already had some of the worst outcomes in the nation when measuring maternal health, infant mortality and child poverty. Lawmakers who paved the way for a new generation of post-Roe births did little to bolster the state’s meager safety net to support these babies and their families.
In December 2022, when Mayron was 26 weeks and two days pregnant, she was rushed to the hospital after she began bleeding so heavily that her husband slipped in her blood. An emergency surgery saved her life. Her daughter, Elayna, was born three months early.
Afterward, photographer Stacy Kranitz and reporter Kavitha Surana followed Mayron and her family for a year to chronicle what life truly looked like in a state whose political leaders say they are pro-life. [...]
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lazycats-stuff · 11 months
Hey, I love your fics. I wanted to request a bat!bro reader who’s 16 where Bruce has split custody with his mum (he grew up with his mum and wanted split) but it turns out his mum was just using him to get money from Bruce and is kind of neglectful? And he always gives it to her bc he’s a mamas boy?
Stay safe and don’t forget to stay hydrated <33
Thanks anon, you stay hydrated too.
Summary: (Y/N) lives with his mom, but it's not going well.
Warnings: Bruce is protective, neglective mom, brothers are worried for (Y/N), Clark is investigating too, emotional (Y/N).
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Bruce noticed something about his son (Y/N). He had split custody with his mother because (Y/N) wanted to be with both of his parents equally. Bruce respected that wish and made an effort to work with his mother.
At first, his mom has agreed too and the two of them worked together to make sure that their son is happy. Bruce's other sons were happy with the results and they loved spending a week with the brother.
But now, there is something that has been going on, but Bruce couldn't quite pinpoint it on anything. He noticed that his former fling had much more nicer clothes. Bruce has sent a very hefty sum in child support for (Y/N), knowing that she is a single mom and she is not as rich as he is.
There wasn't anything wrong with buying new clothes for yourself, but he keeps seeing (Y/N) in the same clothes all the time. Bruce has tried to see it in a logical way, but there was a paranoia in his mind.
He knew that there were stories about women using men's child support to pay for themselves, especially if the men are rich and the sums are very hefty.
Just like in Bruce's case.
He didn't want to be paranoid because it would seem like he was crazy, but what if he was right about (Y/N)'s mom? (Y/N) seemed more anxious and more withdrawn. And when he wasn't in that mood, he became clingy, almost like he was deprived of love at home.
He wasn't clingy before and Bruce found it to be suspicious. He thought about involving CPS and other organizations, but he didn't have any official evidence. Just because someone starts being clingy, doesn't have to mean that they are neglected.
However, it is weird.
Bruce made sure to observe what was going on with (Y/N). The others agreed that something was off with their brother. (Y/N) has always been a happy kid, outgoing and loved to hang out with his brothers, dad and unofficial grandfather, but now, (Y/N) has completely changed.
Sure, you could argue that teenagers change and it was true. But not this quickly and not this drastic.
Bruce has officially decided to get involved, deciding to ask Clark for help. Clark is an investigative journalist and he would be able to do this unnoticed. And Clark would do anything do help his nephew.
He just adored (Y/N) and would do anything to make sure that he is okay. So, he has decided to see what (Y/N)'s mom is doing. All of this looked like a case of neglect and Clark could only hope at this point.
Hopes dies last.
But he knew that the chances are slim of that. He made sure that he followed his mom without her noticing. At first, everything was fine. Until he saw that she was rarely home. She spent her days shopping, hanging out with her friends, spending nights with random men...
And amidst all of that, (Y/N) was all alone. He had become an adult. He had to make himself meals, he had to do everything in the house. Not to mention that he had to pay the bills himself.
And recently the heating got cut off because the mom didn't pay it. Now, that was something that Clark couldn't take. His nephew doesn't deserve this.
He told Bruce that and Bruce has called CPS. Those sums are for (Y/N) and not for her. He got a lawyer too and now he had to wait. Now, she refused Bruce to see his own son.
And now she has messed up.
Bruce quickly filed for full custody, not allowing her to use his son as a weapon. Not going to happen. Absolutely not. The court hearings and preceding's were quick and efficient and Bruce was happy that (Y/N) was finally in his custody.
And it was discovered that his mom committed financial crimes and FBI was looking into her. (Y/N) didn't need to know that and he didn't need to be involved in that.
He really didn't need to be involved in that. But the one thing that makes Bruce mad every time he thought about it was the fact that she used his love and manipulated it.
(Y/N) has always been a mama's boy and she used it as a weapon against her own son. And despite (Y/N) being happy that he left that home behind, but there was this... Weird feeling.
He felt guilty and happy at the same time. He shouldn't be happy that his mother is going to jail soon, but at the same time he shouldn't feel guilty that he is now going to have a better life.
But she wasn't a bad mother at first. She was a great mom, but he knew that money has changed her. Those hefty sums were for him and yet, he gave her the amount every month.
He knows he shouldn't blame himself for it, but in the end he does. How he didn't see the manipulation of his love and adoration for her? How could he have been so blind?
So stupid too?
Bruce knew that he had to talk with (Y/N) about the situation. He started living with them full time a little over two weeks ago. It has not been easy for (Y/N), knowing that his mother was a criminal now and completely changing the way he lived.
He was still withdrawn and Bruce knew that he had to talk to (Y/N). He needed to make sure that (Y/N) knows that he is not at fault. Not happening.
He went to his room where (Y/N) was reading and Bruce gave him a smile as he entered the room sitting next to him. (Y/N) marked the page and put the book down.
It has been silent and (Y/N) couldn't really look at Bruce. And what does Bruce does? He brings (Y/N) into his lap, allowing him to finally find some comfort. (Y/N) didn't want to be clingy anymore, but he wanted comfort.
" Now, I want you to just listen and not talk, okay? " Bruce said and (Y/N) nodded.
" None of this is on you. She didn't take good care of you and none of this is on you. Whatever you might see in the media, is not true. You don't have to, no you shouldn't feel guilty. " Bruce has started, gently rocking his son.
He loved to rock him, even when he was a baby he rocked him. (Y/N) loved it a lot and it would always calm him down.
" Now, you mother made her own choices and now she has to answer for them. I know that you feel guilty and once again, you shouldn't feel guilty. You are going to have at least 3 warm meals with us, you won't have to do any chores anymore, you won't worry about bills and more importantly, " Bruce paused, glancing down at his son who was softly shaking while sobbing.
" Now, if you ever need something, do not hesitate. We are all here for you. All of us. From Damian to Alfred. All of us. " Bruce has said, giving him a soft kiss to the side of his head. He nodded to his sons who were waiting outside of the room.
They have entered and hugged their brother tightly, making sure to let him know that he is not at fault. Damian was the one who was the most vocal about it.
(Y/N) was so overwhelmed with emotions, but was happy to have so much support in his life. He didn't really have that support with his mom and all of this has made his head spin. All of it.
But he was happy none the less.
" Thanks guys. Love you all. " (Y/N) said so quietly and Dick openly cooed at (Y/N). Everyone felt their heart bursting from the sheer happiness.
Now they had their brother back. With a little bit more time, he is going to be his old self.
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I don’t like how canon’s going so I shall simply introduce you all to the alternative reality of the show that has lived in my head rent free since Lunar and Old Moon died.
Blood Moon and Harvest Moon are living as Sun’s cats. Sun doesn’t know this, Blood Moon and Harvest Moon are too busy getting spoiled and pampered and loved on to tell Sun, nor do they have the voice box to do so.
Old Moon separating from KC didn’t kill him but made a new AI, New Moon, that took over their body while Old Moon is just inactive because he thought he’d die and turned himself into a catatonic state in their head.
New Moon has no idea Old Moon is alive and neither does literally ANYONE else. Not even Old Moon knows he’s alive.
Eclipse does not get the star. After Sun tried to kill him, he went into hiding and became a better person so he could eventually show his family he’s changing so he doesn’t get another murder attempt for his head.
Solar Flare and Eclipse split eventually, Flare stays because he knows Eclipse is lonely and he’s trying to change and he appreciates this.
Flare also sneaks in and deletes the encrypted file he sent to Old Moon of the way to kill every one of Eclipse’s backups and Eclipse himself.
KC still goes off working at the soup kitchen and having tinder dates. But he’s grieving his children in assumptions that Sun has killed all three of them (four if he includes Flare, which he does).
Lunar doesn’t die because Eclipse doesn’t kill him. Lunar is the one to find Eclipse handing out food and blankets to homeless people and just yoinks him home and demands Lunar, Eclipse, and Flare play Uno together. Monty walks in on this and is completely shocked and confused.
Jigsaw comes in like a bat out of hell and does make a New Blood Moon. New BM almost instantaneously hates him and he tosses him off to the daycare so they get two new brothers, neat.
KC comes back once Sun and New Moon send word that he technically has two new kids. KC yoinks them, New BM gets to enjoy living the hippie life in a van in a forest with their dad. New BM gets renamed Zodiac and Horoscope so they can become their own people.
Jigsaw finds out Eclipse is alive. Somehow. He proceeds to scream and whine to Eclipse about how he wants a family and ‘how unfair it was that New BM got a family’.
Eclipse tells him to just reconcile with Moon and Sun. Jigsaw does this. And accidentally tells them that Eclipse is alive.
Sun and New Moon hunt down Eclipse and find him and Flare playing Scrabble. They do not kill him. They just call KC and KC’s camper van now resides in Lunar’s backyard. Lunar moves back into the daycare.
Lunar finally meets Sun’s cats and immediately points out that the cats are Blood Moon and Harvest Moon. Sun hands them over to New Moon to put into new bodies. KC gets another call. Sun gets two new cats. Blood Moon and Harvest Moon keep their cat ears and tails out of spite.
New Moon eventually feels Old Moon moving around in that head of theirs. KC is sent in as a volunteer for investigation. KC sighs and helps them separate New Moon into a new body so Old Moon has his body back. New Moon gets renamed Orbit.
Moon constantly jokes afterward that KC owes him six months of back child support for ‘their illegitimate son that they technically made together’, aka Orbit. KC always jokes back asking for joint custody or visitation. Orbit continues being an adorable boy and following in Moon’s footsteps.
Good Eclipse flees his dimension and becomes part of the main family. KC gets yet another call and yet another kid. KC can no longer fit his family in the camper van in the backyard. Everyone nicknames him Solar. Eclipse claims he, Jigsaw, and Solar are triplets.
The old twins and new twins have a show together. So do Eclipse, Solar and Jigsaw. Lunar’s show is with KC instead of Earth and jokingly gets called the Peepaw and Grandson Show.
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fostercare-expat · 2 months
Question for you all in the USA: Is the division of roles the same as below in your area? Is it just 1 social worker who manages the kids case and also does the guidance and support of mom?
Background- 2 weeks ago I had asked the new social worker this question:
“Who is going to be the staff person who is the main point of contact for Mom and who will be guiding and encouraging her to do everything that she needs to do in order to regain custody of her sons? Is that person you? I just want to make sure that there is someone at CPS who is responsible for really guiding and encouraging Mom, and then I'll step back from that role entirely, and I'll only communicate with Mom about logistics for the kids only, and I'll be more mentally stable if I have a boundary where I don't have any conversations with Mom where I need to be encouraging her to call her kids and organising visits for the kids to see her or explaining to her about how much damage is being done to the kids by keeping them in CPS care. Essentially if I just know that you have that role to manage Mom and help her be a better parent, then I can try to just let you do that without me feeling I need to be doing that. (Because during the Investigation phase, that was clearly not the Social Worker's role. The Social Worker told us that the role was to observe Mom's behaviour and see what sort of parenting she proactively chose to do, and that encouragement and services only began in the Intervention phase.)”
After 2 weeks and a reminder, this was the answer I got:
“Regarding this:
- my role as the CPO is to ensure that the child protection concerns are addressed, and to guide mom towards the reintegration of her children. That involves working with mom such as coordinating services and access etc, and supporting her so that she will be able to provide safe care for her children in the long term.
- we appreciate that you have been doing your best to encourage and push mom to improve as a parent.
- however, mom's motivation to be a better parent for her children needs to come from within, and she needs to demonstrate the necessary commitment towards ensuring her children's safety and wellbeing, on her own. Ultimately this will go into CPS's assessment of the likelihood and timeline of reintegration as well.
- we do hope that moving forward you will not feel inclined to take responsibility for having to constantly chase or push for mom to step up. This is not a role nor responsibility for others except the children's parents to bear.
- still, thank you very much for your continued efforts in supporting mom and her children, which have undoubtedly contributed to the children's current safety and wellbeing. I hope this clears up some of your concerns!”
My response:
“Thanks, [Her Name]. It does help clear up some of my concerns. I know that when I see opportunities where Mom can be a better parent that I can communicate them to you, and it will be your choice if you do or don't discuss those things with Mom.
Just to reassure you, I have held back IMMENSELY in encouraging her to be a better parent over the last 3 years. I haven't said 99% of thing I would have liked to :)
I do have some concerns about if Mom is going to get enough guidance to inspire true change though. From what I can see, she never had a positive role model for what being a good parent looks like. I feel she needs a lot of guidance to help her see what sort of different choices she could make which have a positive impact on her kids. She isn't a bad mom, but she isn't a good mom either. But I see great potential in her to be a genuinely good mom. I'm guessing she is probably repeating the cycle of parenting that she grew up with herself, and if she isn't exposed to a different way of parenting, then I fear she will just continue as is.
I hope that you will have the time to spend with her to help guide her and cheer on her efforts, but I know that you have many cases to attend to. I also think it will be challenging for her to accept advice from someone younger than her who hasn't raised kids. I think it will also be difficult for her to trust you as you are also the same person who has decided that her boys can't return home yet. I'm sure you are already aware of all these factors of course.”
@predictablyunpredictablelife You seem to have some good ideas on how to improve the support element. Thoughts?
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haggishlyhagging · 9 months
As the fetus's rights increased, mother's just kept diminishing. Poor pregnant women were hauled into court by male prosecutors, physicians, and husbands. Their blood was tested for drug traces without their consent or even notification, their confidentiality rights were routinely violated in the state's zeal to compile a case against them, and they were forced into obstetrical surgery for the "good" of the fetus, even at risk of their own lives.
Here are just a few of the many cases from the decade's pregnancy police blotter and court docket:
• In Michigan, a juvenile court took custody of a newborn because the mother took a few Valium pills while pregnant, to ease pain caused by an auto accident injury. The mother of three had no history of drug abuse or parental neglect. It took more than a year for her to get her child back.
• In California, a young woman was brought up on fetal neglect charges under a law that, ironically, was meant to force negligent fathers to pay child support. Her offenses included failing to heed a doctor's advice (a doctor who had failed to follow up on her treatment), not getting to the hospital with due haste, and having sex with her husband. The husband, a batterer whose brutal outbursts had summoned the police to their apartment more than a dozen times in one year alone, was not charged —or even investigated.
• In lowa, the state took a woman's baby away at birth even though no real harm to the infant was evident—because she had, among other alleged offenses, "paid no attention to the nutritional value of the food she ate during her pregnancy," as an AP story later characterized the Juvenile Court testimony. "[S]he simply picked the foods that tasted good to her."
• In Wyoming, a woman was charged with felony child abuse for allegedly drinking while pregnant. A battered wife, she had been arrested on this charge after she sought police protection from her abusive husband.
• In Illinois, a woman was summoned to court after her husband accused her of damaging their daughter's intestine in an auto accident during her pregnancy. She wasn't even the driver.
• In Michigan, another husband hauled his wife into court to accuse her of taking tetracycline during her pregnancy; the drug, prescribed by her physician, allegedly discolored their son's teeth, he charged. The state's appellate court ruled that the husband did indeed have the right to sue for this "prenatal negligence."
• In Maryland, a woman lost custody of her fetus when she refused to transfer to a hospital in another city, a move she resisted because it would have meant stranding her nineteen-month-old son.
• In South Carolina, an eighteen-year-old pregnant woman was arrested before she had even given birth, on the suspicion that she may have passed cocaine to her fetus. The charge, based on a single urine test, didn't hold up; she delivered a healthy drug-free baby. Even so, and even though the Department of Social Services found no evidence of abuse or neglect, State prosecutors announced that they intended to pursue the case anyway.
• In Wisconsin, a sixteen-year-old pregnant girl was confined in a secure detention facility because of her alleged tendencies "to be on the run" and "to lack motivation" to seek prenatal care.
Certainly society has a compelling interest in bringing healthy children into the world, both a moral and practical obligation to help women take care of themselves while they're pregnant. But the punitive and vindictive treatment mothers were beginning to receive from legislators, police, prosecutors, and judges in the 80s suggests that more than simple concern for children's welfare was at work here. Police loaded their suspects into paddy wagons still bleeding from labor; prosecutors barged into maternity wards to conduct their interrogations. Judges threw pregnant women with drug problems into jail for months at a time, even though, as the federal General Accounting Office and other investigative agencies have found, the prenatal care offered pregnant women in American prisons is scandalously deficient or nonexistent (many prisons don't even have gynecologists)—and has caused numerous incarcerated women to give birth to critically ill and damaged babies. Police were eager to throw the book at erring pregnant women. In the case of Pamela Rae Stewart of San Diego the battered woman charged with having sex against her doctor's orders—the officer who headed up the investigation wanted her tried for manslaughter. "In my mind, I didn't see any difference between born and unborn," Lieutenant Ray Narramore explains later. "The only question I had was why they didn't go for a murder charge. I would have been satisfied with murder. That wouldn't have been off-base. I mean, we have a lady here who was not following doctor's orders."
Lawmakers' claims that they just wanted to improve conditions for future children rang especially false. At the same time that legislators were assailing low-income mothers for failing to take care of their fetuses, they were making devastating cuts in the very services that poor pregnant women needed to meet the lawmakers' demands. How was an impoverished woman supposed to deliver a healthy fetus when she was denied prenatal care, nutrition supplements, welfare payments, and housing assistance? In the District of Columbia, Marion Barry declared infant health a top priority of his mayoral campaign—then cut health-care funding, forcing prenatal clinics to scale back drastically and eliminate outright their evening hours needed by the many working women. Doctors increasingly berated low-income mothers, but they also increasingly refused to treat them. By the end of the decade, more than one-fourth of all counties nationwide lacked any clinic where poor women could get prenatal care, and a third of doctors wouldn't treat pregnant women who were Medicaid patients. In New York State, a health department study found that seven of the state's counties had no comprehensive prenatal care for poor women whatsoever; several of these counties, not so coincidentally, had infant mortality rates that were more than double the national average. In California in 1986, twelve counties didn't have a single doctor willing to accept the state's low-income MediCal patients; in fact, the National Health Law Program concluded that the situation in California was so bad that poor pregnant women are "essentially cut off from access to care."
-Susan Faludi, Backlash: the Undeclared War Against American Women
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mariacallous · 23 days
Authorities in France arrested Pavel Durov, the founder and CEO of the messaging app Telegram, on Saturday, sparking a public controversy over online speech, encryption, and digital rights as well as a potential diplomatic fallout in Europe. 
Prosecutors in Paris released a list of charges against a “person unnamed” in a criminal investigation in connection with which Durov is being questioned. Those charges include possession of child pornography, money laundering, and association with organized crime. Durov has not been charged but is being detained and questioned; French authorities can keep Durov in custody until Wednesday, at which time they must either release him or charge him with a crime. 
Telegram struck a defiant tone in a statement posted to its platform Sunday, saying that its moderation policies were in line with industry standards “and constantly improving” while adding that Durov had “nothing to hide.”
“It is absurd to claim that a platform or its owner are responsible for abuse of that platform,” the company said. 
Durov, who founded Telegram in 2013 in his native Russia, has long styled himself as a champion of unfettered free speech online. The platform has adopted a lighter-touch approach to content moderation than many of its social media peers, even as it has grown to nearly a billion global users. 
“Unless they cross red lines, I don’t think that we should be policing people in the way they express themselves,” Durov told the Financial Times in a rare interview in March this year, saying the platform planned to improve its content moderation without elaborating on what he considers a red line. 
In another interview in April with right-wing media personality Tucker Carlson, Durov said the company would cooperate with “legitimate” demands to take down content. 
“If there was a group of people who were promoting violence, there was terrorist activity that was spreading violence in some parts of the world, publicly posting things that any decent human being would disallow or wouldn’t want to be posted, we would help them,” he said. “But in some other cases where we thought it would be crossing the line, it wouldn’t be in line with our values of freedom of speech and protecting people’s private correspondence, we would ignore those.”
That approach has seen Telegram being used by protesters and dissidents around the world as well as the authoritarian governments they are often fighting against, and it has become a leading source of information and intelligence in the Russia-Ukraine conflict. 
Despite Russia’s historical baggage with Durov and Telegram (the Russian government unsuccessfully tried to ban the app in 2018), the country’s military has become dependent on the app for battlefield communication as well as propaganda in support of Russian President Vladimir Putin. “In the last two years of the war, no platform has played a greater role in helping us get insight into Russian thinking about the war than Telegram,” said Eto Buziashvili, a Tbilisi, Georgia-based researcher with the Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab.
Multiple Russian officials have expressed outrage at Durov’s detention. Unless France provides strong evidence to back up its claims, “we are witnessing a direct attempt to restrict freedom of communication and, one might even say, direct intimidation of the head of a large company,” Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov told reporters in a briefing on Tuesday, adding that Moscow is “ready to provide all necessary assistance and support” to Durov.
Durov’s arrest was also slammed by X owner and fellow tech billionaire Elon Musk—who has espoused a similarly unbridled approach to online speech and is engaged in his own content moderation fight against European authorities—as well as former U.S. National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden, who called it “​​an assault on the basic human rights of speech and association.” 
French President Emmanuel Macron sought to quell accusations of government censorship on Monday, pushing back in a post on X against what he referred to as “false information” about Durov’s arrest. “The arrest of the president of Telegram on French soil took place as part of an ongoing judicial investigation,” Macron wrote. “It is in no way a political decision.” He also added that France remained “deeply committed to freedom of expression and communication, to innovation, and to the spirit of entrepreneurship.” 
Both Russia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have requested consular access to Durov. Durov is a citizen of both countries as well as France. A spokesperson for the UAE foreign ministry said the country is “closely following” his case.
Durov has a complicated relationship with Russia, having fled the country in 2014 after refusing (in his own telling) to share data from VK—another hugely popular social network that he founded—with the Russian government. He sold his stake in VK and eventually moved to Dubai, where he has largely been based since and where Telegram is now located. 
But the geopolitical implications of Durov’s arrest go beyond his citizenships. Countries around the world, particularly in Europe, have been grappling with how to regulate social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, X, and TikTok, attempting to draw the line between free expression and illegal content. Governments in many cases have also sought to break through the end-to-end encryption provided by messaging services such as WhatsApp and Signal to protect user privacy, citing a need to police potentially illegal content. 
Telegram sits at the intersection of both of those debates. It allows users to exchange private messages (though its encryption is somewhat weaker than other messengers) while also letting them create public broadcast channels that function more like social networks, albeit with far less content moderation. 
“In a lot of use cases around the world, especially where we see the use of Telegram in conflict zones and for broader public messaging, it very much hedges more toward a social media app than a point-to-point communications app,” said Graham Brookie, vice president for technology programs at the Atlantic Council and senior director of the Digital Forensic Research Lab. “Telegram has very intentionally taken a very, very light touch to what the rest of the industry would refer to as trust and safety or content moderation,” he added. 
That combination of privacy and lax oversight has made the platform a haven for bad actors, including cyber criminals, drug dealers, and even terrorist groups such as the Islamic State. 
France appears to be taking issue with multiple aspects of Telegram’s model, calling out the illegal activity and content available on the platform in its statement on Monday detailing the charges against the “unnamed” person that Durov is being questioned about, which include three charges related to “cryptology” and the provision of encryption services. 
But the broad nature of the charges and the lack of detail from the French government leave room for the case to be distorted in the public eye, according to Brookie. “We’re in this dangerous gray area where a lot of projection can be put onto whatever the reason [is] for his apprehension in France,” he said. 
Durov’s arrest and the conversation around it could create misconceptions about encryption and hurt activists and dissidents around the world who rely on encrypted messaging for safety, said Mallory Knodel, a researcher at New York University who studies cryptography. “These kinds of violations could happen on any platform … and these alleged crimes are not related to whether the service is encrypted,” she said. “I do worry about this sort of perception of encrypted applications as being a place that enables these kinds of crimes to be committed.” 
And despite the proliferation of harmful content on Telegram and what she terms a lack of “duty of care” for vulnerable users on the part of its leadership, Knodel said arresting a technology executive for content shared on their platform sets another dangerous precedent. 
“Arresting a CEO is a harsh measure in any country,” she said. “It’s definitely an extreme measure, and it feels like it’s intended to send a message.”
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coochiequeens · 7 months
An 11 year old girl is dead because her family allowed a man with a history of crimes involving minors on their property.
CNN — 
The man suspected in the death of 11-year-old Audrii Cunningham is a family friend who was entrusted with taking her to the school bus on the morning she vanished – and later participated in the massive search for the girl before her body was found in an east Texas river, authorities said.
Audrii’s family thought the suspect, Don Steven McDougal, was just taking the girl down the street when the pair left her home Thursday morning, Polk County officials said. But she never made it onto the school bus or into her classroom, and a bag resembling her bright red Hello Kitty backpack was later found near a local dam.
Prosecutors are preparing an arrest warrant for McDougal, 42, and believe the evidence supports a capital murder charge, Polk County District Attorney Shelly Sitton said Tuesday.
Audrii’s body was found Tuesday in the Trinity River, downstream from the reservoir near where the backpack was found. It was one of several locations McDougal told investigators he had gone around the time of her disappearance, Sheriff Byron Lyons said.
Investigators located Audrii’s remains using cell phone records, video analysis and information from McDougal, Lyons said.
The condition of Audrii’s remains is not being released, the sheriff said, and the Harris County Medical Examiner’s Office will determine her cause of death.
To help uncover the body, Lyons said, water management authorities slowed the flow of water from the Lake Livingston reservoir – one of the largest reservoirs in the state, with 83,000 surface acres – allowing the river level to recede enough to reveal the remains.
“I express my deepest sympathies and condolences to everyone who knew, who cared for and loved Audrii,” the sheriff said. “We will continue to process the evidence that has been gathered to ensure justice for Audrii.”
The suspect is already in custody after being arrested Friday night on an unrelated aggravated assault charge, the sheriff’s office said.
CNN has been unable to determine if McDougal has obtained legal representation and has reached out to his family for comment on the accusations against him.
McDougal, a friend of Audrii’s father, lived in a trailer on the family’s property and sometimes took the girl to catch her school bus in the neighborhood, the sheriff said. He has been the main person of interest in her disappearance as authorities frantically scoured the rural east Texas town of Livingston – about 70 miles northeast of Houston, he said.
McDougal joined the search efforts and was seen knocking on neighborhood doors and asking if anyone had seen Audrii, the sheriff told CNN. But Lyons doesn’t believe his efforts were genuine.
“To me, it simply tells me is that he’s trying to give the appearances that he has no play or he’s not at fault in her disappearance and that (he’s) part of the concerned parties who were trying to locate her,” Lyons said Tuesday.
In the days after Audrii vanished, McDougal claimed in several social media comments that he was not guilty in her disappearance and has “done nothing wrong,” according to activity on a Facebook account appearing to belong to the suspect.
“I’m not guilty,” reads a comment from the account under a post on the Facebook page “True Crime Society” the day after Audrii was reported missing.
“I was there and was questioned. I am not running or hiding,” McDougal wrote before commenting again and saying, “I have done everything I can to help find her. I have done nothing wrong.”
CNN has sought comment from investigators about the Facebook comments.
Suspect has decadeslong criminal history
McDougal has a lengthy criminal history dating back to at least 2003, with convictions for violent crimes and one for enticing a child, according to court records in several Texas counties.
In 2007, he was convicted of enticing a child in Brazoria County, Texas. Court records show he pleaded no contest and was sentenced to two years in prison but was given credit for 527 days.
Online records do not detail the specific allegations in the child enticement case. But the offense is defined by the state as “the intent to interfere with the lawful custody of a child younger than 18 years” when a person “entices, persuades, or takes the child from the custody of the parent or guardian.”
McDougal was also convicted in 2010 and 2019 for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.
The victim in the first aggravated assault case said McDougal, his former coworker, attacked him after being thrown out of his house.
“He showed up with some other friends that I had,” Elic Bryan told CNN on Tuesday.
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By: Joseph Figliolia and Leor Sapir
Published: May 14, 2024
Ted Hudacko’s fate was sealed when his son’s court-appointed counsel, Daniel Harkins, wrote in his notes, “[t]hese parents have a choice, they can either continue to believe that they should be in total control of their child’s life or they can come to an understanding that those days are past . . . and give their children some independence and the ability to make some of their own decisions.”
The decisions in question? Whether to start Hudacko’s trans-identified 16-year-old son on a puberty-blocker regimen, followed by a course of estrogen.
As Abigail Shrier recounted in a 2022 City Journal investigative report, shortly after returning from a trip to New York with their two sons, Hudacko’s wife, Christine, told him that she wanted a divorce—and that their oldest son identified as transgender. During divorce proceedings, the presiding judge, Joni Hiramoto, granted Hudacko shared legal and physical custody of his youngest, but stripped him of all custody of his trans-identified son. Hudacko was concerned about administering experimental drugs and preferred to wait and see if his son’s gender issues might resolve on their own, as usually happens in such cases. To the California judge, this confirmed his unfitness as a father.
Hiramoto’s view is shared by a growing social movement bent on deeming parents “abusive” for declining to “affirm” their child’s “gender identity.” The idea that failing to endorse a child’s identity constitutes psychological abuse has spread across major American institutions and power centers and is reflected in recent court precedent, school “social transition” policies, journal publications, and several proposed state laws. Illinois’s House Bill 4876, for example, would redefine child abuse to include denying minors “necessary medical . . . gender-affirming services,” meaning parents who take a more cautious approach to their child’s dysphoria—an approach endorsed by a growing number of European countries—could become targets of investigation by the Illinois Department of Children and Families, with some even losing custody.
The Biden administration is seeking to entrench this redefinition of “abuse” with its recently published foster-care regulations. Guided by misleading characterizations and omissions of existing research, the new rules from the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) enshrine activist talking points about what constitutes a child’s “best interest,” with dire implications for foster children and parents alike.
Under the new rules, state agencies must follow specific protocols when placing “LGBTQI+” foster children in residential settings. Given what the ACF describes as the “specific needs” of these children, the agency requires federally funded providers to qualify as “Designated Placements” to serve such youth. To obtain this designation, providers must undergo specialized gender-identity and sexual-orientation training, facilitate access to “age- or developmentally appropriate resources, services, and activities that support the [child’s] health and well-being,” and “commit to establishing an environment that supports the child’s LGBTQI+ status or identity.” State foster agencies, to get federal funds, must develop and submit to the ACF case plans that ensure each child is placed in the most “appropriate setting available.”
Repeating popular activist talking points, the ACF claims that refusing to use a child’s chosen name and pronouns is linked with poor mental-health outcomes. The agency then follows a familiar pattern of citing self-reported survey data to show a supposed connection between “gender affirmation” and positive mental-health outcomes in trans-identifying kids. Surveys of this kind, however, cannot support the ACF’s conclusion that “significant mental health disparities” facing “LGBTQI+” youth “result from experiences of stigma and discrimination.”
One of the ACF’s sources, a research brief from the Trevor Project, claims that “LGBTQ youth” who say they have been in foster care had nearly three times greater odds than non-foster youth of reporting a past-year suicide attempt (notably, the final rules incorrectly cite the wrong Trevor Project survey for this claim instead of the correct survey cited in the proposed rules). The agency’s purpose in citing this study is to imply that youth suicidality is driven by how foster parents deal with the “gender identity” of those in their care. But the correlation has an alternative explanation: Youth who enter the foster system have more adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) than do non-foster children, a fact linked to increased suicidality. It’s possible that foster youth with more ACEs and higher suicidality are also more likely to adopt a transgender identity as a maladaptive coping mechanism. This makes sense, given the weakness of the “minority stress” hypothesis and the mounting evidence of elevated rates of co-occurring, suicidality-linked conditions in trans-identified populations that predate their trans-identification.
The U.K.’s recent Cass report bolsters this view. In that review, foster youth were overrepresented in the first clinical cohort seen at the nation’s gender-identity clinic, with nearly a quarter of referrals having spent time in foster care. A systematic review cited in the report found that among children referred to gender clinics, maternal mental illness (53 percent) and substance abuse (49 percent), paternal mental illness (38 percent) and substance use (38 percent), and combined neglect and abuse (11 percent to 67 percent), were very common—meaning that kids at the clinic likely had a higher-than-average number of ACEs, and may have identified as transgender as a coping mechanism.
A different survey question in the same ACF-cited brief tries to establish that trans-identified foster youth are “kicked out, abandoned, or run away” at disproportionate rates because of their “gender identity.” The survey question, though, conflates running away with being kicked out or abandoned; the actual reason for running away is not specified, and the results are not reported separately for each item. The group even disclaimed that its “data isn’t [sic] able to establish whether youth were kicked out, abandoned, or ran away prior to, during, or after being in foster care.” All we can conclude from this survey is that youth in foster care, who, for whatever reason, experience dissociation from their bodies or their sex are more likely to report negative family experiences compared with their peers.
Apparently unphased by these issues, the ACF used another Trevor Project survey to justify the agency’s claim that living in supportive homes results in fewer suicide attempts among trans-identified youth. Significantly, though, the Trevor Project report does not define the term “support,” effectively leaving it up to the child respondents to define it for themselves. Based on the most common ways youth in a separate item self-reported feeling supported—having parents use the correct names and pronouns, and supporting their gender expression—however, it seems reasonable to conclude that the respondents often conceive of “support” as affirming their identity. “Un-supportive” parents could therefore refer to anything—parents who are actually neglectful, or those who refuse to use their children’s preferred pronouns, or even those who do something as banal as not letting their children buy cell phones. Given the muddled inputs, the data are unpersuasive. Elsewhere in the document, the authors disclose that the self-reported suicide-attempt rate didn’t change much between youth who reported living in an a “gender-affirming” home (14 percent) compared to those who lived in a “not gender-affirming” home (20 percent).
Further, a child’s perceptions of “support” may be conditioned by his mental-health history, independent of his trans-identification status. A study by the Family Acceptance Project, for example, concedes that, “Independent of levels of family acceptance, transgender young adults reported lower social support and general health.” This is one weakness of the “minority stress” theory and the associated research, as noted by J. Michael Bailey: it never empirically tests for the possibility that the group in question has greater sensitivity to stressors to begin with, trading on the classic correlation/causation confusion. It is possible, therefore, that youth with more severe psychiatric issues are both more likely to identify as trans and to perceive and report familial situations as unsupportive.
The ACF later asserts that “research consistently shows that when LGBTQI+ youth experience supportive environments and services, they experience the same positive mental health outcomes as other youth.” It cites a Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration (SAMHSA) report to justify this claim.
The citations SAMHSA uses to support its view that “access to gender affirmation can reduce gender dysphoria and improve mental and physical health outcomes among transgender and gender diverse people,” however, are two “conceptual framework” papers, not rigorous empirical studies. These documents cannot possibly provide the required evidence. Meantime, so-called social transition—publicly recognizing a trans-identifying child’s chosen identity, a practice the SAMSHA report endorses—has not been shown to be necessary in improving mental health in high-quality research. A 2023 study from the U.K., for example, found “no significant effects of social transition or name change on mental health status.” That finding is corroborated by a new systematic assessment published as part of the final Cass Review, which found no credible evidence that social transition is either helpful or harmful. Other emerging evidence suggests that “social transition” may interfere with the natural resolution of gender dysphoria and greatly increase the chances that a passing phase becomes the basis for lifelong and potentially harmful medical interventions.
The Cass Review alludes to this possibility, emphasizing that social transition is “an active intervention because it may have significant effects on the child or young person in terms of their psychological functioning and longer-term outcomes.” The Review recommends consulting a clinician when deciding whether or how to facilitate social transition for children. The Biden administration’s ACF, in contrast, instructs state recipients to ensure social transition on demand, no clinical input required.
The SAMHSA report—which, as mentioned, also endorses social transition—claims that “[e]xtensive research indicates that even just one supportive adult, such as a family member, teacher, or mental health provider, can have a positive impact on the mental health of youth of diverse sexual orientation and/or gender identity; such support can reduce adverse mental health impacts including suicide.” However, the research SAMHSA cites in support of this claim looked only at acceptance of sexual orientation, not of “gender identity.”
This points to another concern about social transition: the most common outcome of dysphoria is not a transgender identity, but homosexuality. As the DSM-5 observes, among childhood “desisters”—people who once identified as transgender or experienced dysphoria but later revert to identifying as their biological sex or cease having dysphoria—63 percent to 100 percent of natal males and 32 percent to 50 percent of natal females turn out to be gay.
The ACF guidance compares objections to child gender transition with “conversion practices” and claims that multiple professional organizations agree that gender-identity conversion efforts have been “rejected as harmful.” This comparison is spurious, however, and has been addressed by psychologist James Cantor in response to an American Academy of Pediatrics’ policy statement on “gender-affirming care,” which made the same argument. Cantor said that the AAP’s claim about “conversion” practices “struck me as odd because there are no studies of conversion therapy for gender identity. Studies of conversion therapy have been limited to sexual orientation, and, moreover, to the sexual orientation of adults, not to gender identity and not of children in any case.” He added, “it simply makes no sense to refer to externally induced conversion. The majority of children ‘convert’ to cisgender or ‘desist’ from transgender regardless of any attempt to change them.”
The ACF’s rules treat “LGBTQI+” youth as a monolith. They assume that research done on gay and lesbian youth applies seamlessly to youth who identify as transgender. This is a well-known strategy of transgender activism: to exploit the ignorance of well-meaning Americans about the differences between sexual orientation and gender dysphoria. 
The finalized rules also fail to address the actual problems in the U.S. foster system. Data on foster-care capacity show a critical shortage of available homes. State foster systems remain generally underfunded, and the average annual turnover rate at U.S. child welfare agencies is almost 30 percent. The ACF could have endeavored to solve these problems.
Instead, the Biden administration seeks to use federal policy to cajole foster families and agencies into affirming a child’s mistaken gender identity, entrenching the idea that failing to do so constitutes abuse. The policy will compound the challenges facing some of the nation’s most vulnerable children.
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rozonrozark · 26 days
1- soooooo about Bread growing feathers... Was it a one time thing or something permenent? Since Adrien alergic to feathers will he get sneezy around her? That might be one last fuck you from wish lmao.
2- We know wish forces cat miraculous wearers to always be against Order, since Order is gone does that mean they can finally take some steps to fix their relationship?
3- I feel like every hero's secret identity (other than Bread and Adrien) is known by their family. Nora seemed like she was about to punch and drag her sister in safety but held back because of... reasons...
4- (Early Discovery au) Can we say marriage counseling can save the Paris? That au spesificly is very funny to me because its just a rich family failing to communicate properly while looking for an underage girl with most inconvient ways possible so they can recieve magic macarons. Meanwhile Adrien stares at his parents who is one argument away from divorce, nods then leaves. Magical chibi sized gods are here too i guess.
5- Watching inside out then reading the series made me realise if we could see Mari's head anxiety would hold the reins in her head. Poor girl.
6- (joke) How much more time needs to pass for Plag to be able to ask for child support? Can he claim he raised his kitten? Will he and Tom fight against each other? Will he get much much emotional during important events in Bread's life compared to canon Adrien's? (okay last one wasnt really a joke)
7- (Early Discovery au) I noticed Mari was quite nervous while talking to Adrien... Was it because she is afraid of possible backlash or she is really uncomfortable about trying to decieve him? I feel like it's more likely social awkwardness but there is more...
8- (Early discovery au) Emilie seems very insecure as a mother. Is there any spesific event that caused that?
9- Let's assume Wishmaker gave Mari her childhood dream. How much different it would be compared to canon? And how much knowing it would screw Luka?
1: The feathers are magic so, maybe they are non-allergenic. Yes it is a partial F U from the wish but it is more just the punishment of using the combined Catalyst.
2: Misterbug is no longer under the Wish's influence that does not mean that the Wish is gone. Remember Feast was defeated...
3: Nora held back at that time due to not being a hundred percent certain and needing to confirm it. It would have been very awkward/rude if she was wrong after all.
4: For the most part yes, marriage counseling could save Paris. At least for a bit, I won't say much but Emilie does still need her medicine. Adrien is in the background with the kwami getting there help.
5: Anxiety is working overtime in Marinette's head. Meanwhile Fear has a conspiracy board set up and Sadness's has a room full of memories.
6: Plagg will have a full legal battle so he can get custody! His lawyer, a clever fox named Trixx is more than ready to help! The rest of the kwami are getting tissues and will have a party for her at each major millstone.
7: A bit of both. She was walking into a situation that could have easily backfire, Marinette hates lying/deceiving people but there was also a third thing. This Marinette hasn't had any good social situations with anybody in a long time.
8: Well, she is slightly insecure because she started to release that she wasn't the best mother before the events of the series. Remember she was fully onboard with essentially isolating her son and now whenever Adrien has trouble with social situations or connecting with people Emilie blames herself.
9: Hmm, now that is a question. On one hand younger Marinette would still have the wish of being the knitting fairy due to how young she was back then. However, that wish would be overshadowed by her other childhood wish of being the best cat hero and making Plagg proud of her! So she would become Super Cheshire! As for Luka if the first situation happened he would investigate who Cheshire's civilian identity is then proceed to be horrified by what is going on followed by being beyond pissed at Juleka for her part in this girl's broken heartsong.
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zahri-melitor · 1 year
The thing about working on a Tim-Robin focus reread is I’m now staring blearily at common fanon assumptions again and going “now where did you come from”, and today’s target is the weird as hell “Tim doesn’t think he’s part of the family, he’s just an EMPLOYEE you guys” nonsense, because Tim? Tim doesn’t think he’s part of the family? C’mon. There ISN’T an extended Batfamily as we understand it today without Tim.
Tim the Team-Up Robin is like 50% of how we ended up where we are now. (The other 50% is No Man’s Land of course, which solidified the larger supporting cast’s shape that allowed for future additions and had Bruce actually accept that he was stuck with *handwaves* everyone from here on out).
I mean. I just put together a list of Tim’s early-mid 90s team ups, and it’s like: Clyde Rawlins (sorry dude) and Shiva (Robin I); Helena Bertinelli (Robin III, Robin #6/Showcase ’94 #5-6 – Benedictions, Robin #17); Steph Brown (‘Tec #647-649, Robin #3-5, Robin #15); Azrael!John-Paul Valley (Prelude to Knightfall/Knightfall); Azbats!John-Paul Valley (Knightfall/Knightquest) (fun fact, Azbats is literally a canon nickname for him); Nightwing!Dick Grayson (Showcase ’93 #11-12, then regularly from Contagion onwards); Robin!Dick Grayson (Robin #10); Batman!Dick Grayson (Prodigal); Connor Hawke (Robin #25, Brotherhood of the Fist); Selina Kyle (who is really not thrilled about it) (Contagion). He works with Harold Allnut in the cave. He works with Barbara Gordon as soon as she starts giving Oracle assistance to the Bats (and is the first of the Bats to properly thank her for her work! Robin #30 is the first really good Tim-Babs moment). He goes out with Alfred Pennyworth as support in person (Robin II, Contagion). He works with Renee Montoya and Harvey Bullock when their investigations overlap. He seeks help from Ulysses Armstrong’s siblings to get Ulysses back in custody (Robin #19-20). He gets TOLD OFF by Bruce for his habit of just latching on to the nearest hero/anti-hero/villain who has a similar goal and going “cool, let’s work together”. Bruce gets SO grumpy over Tim just hanging out with Helena every time they cross paths and Tim and Alfred actively work to hide the fact he teamed up with Selina from Bruce (and you know that post about Bruce going “I have found a more acceptable partner for you” and showing Nightwing? That’s EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED when Bruce found out)
Tim’s anchoring or helping anchor MOST of the extended cast who we’d recognise as vigilantes under the Batfamily banner during the 90s, until Nightwing and BoP both get ongoing titles and take over handling part of the load. But there again, you have the central trio of Babs-Dick-Tim holding onto relationships with other characters that Bruce can’t or won’t manage, and they’re doing it as a little bonded triple unit all the way up to hmm somewhere around Identity Crisis and Infinite Crisis. (Except for Azrael. Poor JPV really is a red-headed step-child and nobody wants to play with him).
And then I recall that your average fanon Batfamily fan can identify only about half this list and is probably extremely confused by why Selina really doesn’t want to be teaming up with Tim back in the 90s and doesn’t realise that Tim had a close working relationship with HELENA before he had one with Dick. (I’d forgotten that Tim and Helena were at “team up every time we cross paths” stage before Prodigal happened and Dick decided that he had a new little brother now, thank you very much, until I mapped all this out)
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beardedmrbean · 17 days
After the rape and murder of a junior doctor in a Kolkata hospital led to widespread protests, the West Bengal Assembly has unanimously passed a bill ordering life imprisonment for convicted rapists and the death penalty for rape which results in the death or vegetative state of the victim.
Several other proposals will also be enacted through the Aparajita Woman and Child Bill, including a special task force led by a female officer to accelerate investigations into rape cases, dedicated fast track courts, penalties for delays in investigations and a time limit of 21 days -- with a potential 15-day extension -- to issue a decision.
The bill will now go to the governor of West Bengal who is expected to sign it into law.
The new law was inspired following the death of a trainee doctor at R.G. Kar Medical College, wo was found dead with injuries indicating rape and strangulation in a seminar room in the hospital on Aug. 9. The murder sparked protests and rallies, drawing tens of thousands of people calling for justice. The suspect in custody, Sanjay Roy, stated he is innocent and is being framed.
Many in India see the bill as a step towards justice and assembly members from the opposition BJP party have lent their full support to its passage.
Sujata, a 55 year old protester who did not want to be identified by her last name, supported the bill. “You have to put some examples before the people so they will be aware of the punishment,” she said.
But others saw the bill as a knee-jerk reaction that precludes sustainable change.
“We need to look at not only the act, but what precedes the act,” said Piya Chakraborty, 39, a mental health rights activist. She believes India needs to focus on larger systemic reforms addressing rape culture and victim blaming.
The current proposal “is an easy way out for the state to say, ‘We’ve got a law,’” said Jhuma Sen, an Advocate practicing at the Calcutta High Court and the Supreme Court. She says parts of the bill are unconstitutional as Indian law forbids the mandatory minimum punishment for any crime as being the death penalty.
Advocates who oppose the death penalty bill say that capital punishment policies do not deter crime. Instead, innocent people are framed and sentenced to death as government bodies rush to reach a verdict and appease the public.
Maitreyi Misra, the director of death penalty mitigation at the pro bono legal aid and research center Project 39A, stated that 95% of all Indian death row cases from 2000 to 2015 either ended in acquittals or commutations.
“Procedural safeguards are not being insured,” she said, pointing to flawed interrogations, improper collection of evidence, and lack of representation from lawyers -- all common during rushed investigations and trials. “What kind of justice are we aiming to have?”
At the rally that Chakraborty attended soon after she spoke to ABC News, a large blue banner condemned the bill, calling for transparent investigation and justice.
“Justice cannot be reduced to revenge,” she said.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Hello hello, I'm the slime again, I'm sorry for my insistence, I really got hooked on this blog.
My request is for Amaterasu's Miko Reader theme.
Continuing with Poseidon, let's say that centuries have passed since the incident, and thanks to Eros's lead arrow Poseidon got away from the Miko. But since those feelings for the miko were true, sometimes those desires to have her filtered through, and he projected them onto his wife Amphitrite, resulting in her having Triton (because we all know that he wouldn't approach that woman with the screaming dolphin complex, except for some secondary effect of some spell). Returning to the point, Triton, barely being a child, suffers from the abuses of her mother so that he is perfect and does not embarrass her, since he knows that she does not occupy a place in the heart of Poseidon. And the servants do not report this to Poseidon or Proteus for fear of the witch whose wife is the Tyrant of the Seas.
Let's say that one of the many times that Amphitrite abuses her position as mother (Poseidon loves her son but was almost always absent), Triton escapes from his father's domain and gets lost. But he is found by a slightly older miko who wears magatama earrings and carries a katana at her waist. (I don't know, maybe an appearance for y/n between 40 or 50, but that despite her age she retains her figure, I couldn't explain it more clearly.)
y/n takes care of Triton and tells him that he can live with her as long as he wants, after Triton tells him about her mother he tells Amaterasu. Then the goddess of the sun attends a meeting where Poseidon is desperate for news of his missing son, Amaterasu tells him what his son said and that he was happier with y / n than with the real mother of he. Zeus, to support the verbal evidence, asks Hermes to investigate and there the abuses of Amphitrite come to light. Closing the case, making y/n keep custody as guardian until Triton was older, due to the absence of the father and therefore his inability to care for him.
Poseidon is surprised to see his son calling a mother older than him the last time he saw her, and there the lead arrow's tether breaks. But he knows that he can't take her like last time, plus she followed Sasaki's training to be able to defend herself against her. And she's not the scared little miko she used to be.
Then Triton (knowing y/n's past and what his father Poseidon did) wants them both to start over, wishing for a new family, y/n took the little god to a Tanabata festival on Earth and there he asked for that desire.
(I don't know where this fits, but the y/n miko feels like an adoptive mother who likes to fatten up her son with homemade mochis, giving toys to a child that she never had and taking him to play with good Yokais) (Is it too much to ask that y/n apply a German Suplex for Amphitrite if he tries something bad?)
-It had been many years since you first arrived in Valhalla with Amaterasu, your adoptive mother, and many years since you were stolen away by Poseidon, but thankfully rescued.
-You were still sweet and polite, serving under your mother who adored you, but you had been trained by your uncles, Tsukuyomi and Susanoo, as well as many other warriors, like Sasaki Kojiro, who all taught you to use a sword and defend yourself.
-You still looked to be a teenager, although around 18 or so, despite being over fifty now, Amaterasu told you it had something to do with Valhalla, as humans age differently, they can grow old by their own wishes, to become stronger, or remain forever youthful, depending on what they looked like when they arrived.
-With your own maturity and growth, you only grew to look a few years older, like a young lady, but you would always be your mother’s daughter, her cuddle bug.
-Upon your graduation from training, all of your teachers deeming you a talented swordswoman, your mother gifted you a pair of magatama earrings and Kojiro got you a katana, which you keep on your hip, just in case.
-You were heading back to the Shinto pantheon after delivering paperwork to Odin when you heard someone crying and you quickly investigated, finding a young boy, with bright blue eyes and blond hair, covered in wounds.
-If you had to take a stab at a guess, he was maybe six or so, and he backpedaled in fear when you pushed back the bushes he was hiding in.
-You smiled softly, to not scare him, but your eyes were full of worry, kneeling down, “Are you alright?” he shook his head, trembling in fear and you remembered your time on earth, when you were scared of others.
-The young boy, after a half hour of coaxing, crawled into your arms, breaking down in harsh sobs, clutching at your hakama top and you picked him up and quickly carried him to your mother.
-Amaterasu was stunned when you walked in with a wounded and crying child, instantly demanding him to be brought to her so she could treat his wounds, but he clutched at your top, refusing to let you go.
-Amaterasu softened, allowing you to hold him as she carefully tended to his wounds, her eyes narrowing as she easily recognized these as abuse wounds, as she remembered your own, from all those years ago.
-Once he was healed and you prepared some rice balls, which he almost choked on, scarfing them down like he hadn’t eaten in days, you spoke, “My name is Y/N, and this is my mother, Amaterasu. May we ask for your name?”
-Once he finished inhaling his food, he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, “My name is Triton!”
-Amaterasu froze, pulling back, a bit shocked before her eyes narrowed only slightly, “Is your father Poseidon?” he immediately beamed up at her, “He is! He’s the best papa in the whole world! He reads to me and teaches me all sorts of stuff!!”
-You were a bit uneasy now, remembering your interactions with Poseidon, wary that he was going to come back, even though Eros’ arrow was still affective.
-Amaterasu put her hand on his head, not missing the flinch, as she patted gently, “Who did this to you?” Triton went silent, his hands clutching his pants as he looked away, biting his bottom lip.
-You put your hand on his back, rubbing gently, consoling him before he spoke, his voice barely a whisper, “My- my mother…”
-The wave of heat from your mother caused both you and Triton to lean back, only for a moment as she glared darkly, “A mother dares to treat her child like this? Unforgiveable!!”
-Triton explained that since Poseidon isn’t around much, his mother, Amphitrite would yell and scream at him all the time, hitting him when he would make mistakes.
-Your mother saw you pull your hands to your chest, rubbing the back of your hands gently as you both remembered when the priests who were supposed to care for you treated you similarly.
-Triton managed to run away, not caring where he was until he was far away, but that’s when he realized that he was lost.
-He then beamed at you, “Then Y/N found me and brought me here! You two are both so nice! Can you be my new mothers?”
-You held your cheeks, face flushing while your mother held her cheek, cooing at the two of you, thinking his words were adorable.
-She nodded and spoke, “You may stay here for as long as you like, Triton, while you are in this pantheon, your mother will not be able to touch you, unless if she wants to face me.” her tone went a bit darker towards the end and you two shared a small look before looking back at her.
-Triton adored both of you, sticking close to you, holding onto your hand and you taught him lots of things about the Shinto pantheon, the gods, and the humans who inhabited it.
-In return, Triton told you about his father’s kingdom, about how pretty it was and how many creatures were around, swimming in the ocean.
-Amaterasu, knowing she couldn’t hide the fact that Triton was there, attended a meeting of the gods, to seek out Poseidon, and she was stunned to see him frantic, asking the gods if they had seen his son.
-Poseidon turned and saw her as she approach and spoke, “Calm yourself, Sea God, your son is safe with my daughter.” He almost instantly deflated, feeling relief to know that he was safe as Hades and Zeus approached her, inquiring with her why Triton was with you.
-She explained the state that you found Triton in, and Poseidon was stunned to learn about the abuse, horror crossing his face, as he knew nothing about it.
-Zeus immediately turned to Hermes, “Investigate this as quickly as possible.” Hermes nodded, feeling anger at the knowledge of the abuse of a child and ran out.
-Poseidon surprised Amaterasu that he was such a good father, worried about his son, wanting to know about how he was doing, she softened, only just slightly, with him, as she knew his worry well, as a mother herself.
-She smiled softly, “Y/N has done a good job fattening him up a little, he was very malnourished, but giving him balanced meals and lots of treats, he looks much healthier now. He likes mochi the best.” Poseidon relaxed as she told him about you, about how well you were taking care of his son.
-Ever since the arrow hit him, killing his desires for you, his emotions had been a bit out of whack, which was the reason he turned to Amphitrite, a wicked and vile woman and with her, he produced his pride and joy, Triton.
-Had he known of the abuse, he would have killed his wife and saved his son years ago.
-Amaterasu summoned you and Triton, asking you to bring Poseidon’s son to the meeting and when Triton, dressed in his own hakama outfit, saw his father he instantly ran for him, delight on his face as he all but plowed his father down.
-You stepped close to your mother, hiding a bit behind her as you were still wary of Poseidon.
-He looked up at you, unlike before, where you only saw lust and insanity, you saw relief and happiness, “Thank you Y/N- thank you.” To see the mighty Poseidon thanking a human was shocking, but many thought it was touching, seeing what a good father he was.
-Aphrodite saw the arrow that had pierced Poseidon’s heart vanish, making her smile softly, seeing that his obsessive love for you had left, being replaced with pure love.
-When Hermes arrived back, holding the tied-up Amphitrite, who was screaming in fury about his treatment, Poseidon spoke, “Go back to Y/N.” you were a bit surprised, but the boy instantly ran for you as you kneeled, hugging him close before your mother and uncles stepped in front of you both, shielding you as Amphitrite saw you hugging her child, screaming at you.
-Hermes announced his findings to everyone in attendance, that she not only beat him, she starved him, locked him up, and abused her position to threaten the servants into silence, keeping everything from Poseidon, as she wanted nothing but perfection from her son.
-Poseidon was furious at her, near tears as he demanded to know why she had been so cruel, while the other gods were discussing punishment.
-Poseidon turned to Amaterasu with fierce but determined eyes, “I ask you, Sun Goddess, will you keep my son safe until I am able to care for him properly?”
-You mother instantly agreed and Amphitrite screeched in fury, “That’s my son! How dare you give him to another woman?!”
-Triton hugged himself to you tightly, his hands over his ears in fear, “Mama I’m scared!” you held his head to your chest, and Poseidon was stunned, hearing him call you mama, as he felt safe with you.
-Amaterasu agreed instantly, willing to protect and care for his child, and Poseidon sent both her and you a small nod.
-Nobody was sure how it happened, but Amphitrite got free and charged for you, as you were holding her son, her bargaining chip to get out of here, her hand reaching to grab his hair, “Give me my child, you bitch!”
-You hugged Triton close to you, “Close your eyes and keep them shut tight!” he nodded, his arms around your neck as you quickly drew your sword and seemed to flash right by her, your sword now bloody as she began to scream, as you cut off the hand she was going to grab Triton with.
-Poseidon ran over, putting himself in front of you both as Triton was shaking hard.
-Amaterasu spoke, “Y/N! Take care of Triton!” and in a flash, you and the child were gone.
-When you opened your eyes, they widened, seeing you were in Japan, at the Tanabata Festival.
-The blood on your sword was gone and you were quick to sheath it before Triton pulled back, in awe, “Where are we?”
-You smiled, standing and taking his hand, “A festival on Earth, shall we walk around?”
-His eyes sparkled brightly up at you, a grin on his face as you headed into the festival, knowing this was a good way to get away from the drama happening in Valhalla.
-Triton loved the colors of the paper lanterns, everyone wearing clothes similar to the two of you, and all sorts of treats around. You were solely to blame for getting him hooked on red bean shaved ice.
-When you approached the temple, he tugged your hand, “Mama what is that tree?” you looked up, seeing the Wish Tree and you smiled, “This festival is all about making wishes. When you make your wish, you write it on a piece of paper and hang it on the bamboo for good fortune with hopes that your wish will be granted.”
-He nodded earnestly, and you took him over to the paper slips and you both wrote your wishes on the paper and found a branch to tie them together, side by side.
-The two of you held hands as you walked through the festival, enjoying the music before Triton spoke up, “Y/N, I can’t wait for my wish to come true! I want you and papa to be friends again!”
-Triton knew of your past with Poseidon, as you told him about it, and you smiled softly down at him, at his kind words, “I think it would be nice to be friends with him.”
-He beamed up at you, swinging your arm lightly before he asked you what you wished for and you smiled down at him, “For you to be healthy, strong, and happy.” His smile could only widen, and you grinned, mischievously, as you both went back and got another helping of red bean shaved ice, which made him cheer loudly.
-The two of you returned to Valhalla, holding your treats and Amaterasu couldn’t help but giggle as Triton went to share his treat with his father and you shared with your mother.
-She pecked your forehead gently, a soft look in her eyes, “I heard both of your wishes, little one, I will stand beside you in your decisions.” You smiled, thanking her while Poseidon was holding his head, having a brain freeze while Triton was laughing, not questioning where Amphitrite was, as neither of you wanted to know.
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California Is Officially the First Sanctuary State for Trans Youth | Them
OAKLAND, CA - FEBRUARY 9: Governor Gavin Newsom speaks at a press conference on Wednesday, Feb. 9, 2022, in Oakland, Calif. Newsom signed legislation to extend COVID-19 supplemental paid sick leave for workers and bolster Californias support for small businesses. (Aric Crabb/MediaNews Group/East Bay Times via Getty Images)MediaNews Group/East Bay Times via Getty Images
We all need some good news to close out the week, and here it is: California is now the first sanctuary state for transgender youth in the U.S.
On Thursday, Gov. Gavin Newsom, who is currently running for reelection against Republican challenger Brian Dahle, signed into law SB 107, blocking states with anti-trans laws from prosecuting families who seek gender-affirming care in California. The law, which was introduced by state senator Scott Wiener in April, takes several measures to protect families of trans youth who flee their home states due to legal threats or investigations in states including Florida and Texas.
Under the new legislation, no subpoenas based on out-of-state laws that “interfere with a person’s right to allow a child to receive gender-affirming health care” will be honored or issued; doctors are no longer compelled to disclose a trans child’s medical information if the request is made in relation to a law prohibiting gender-affirming care; and state courts are now granted emergency jurisdiction over child custody cases in the event that the child or family is fleeing such a law or investigation.
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Abusive Sexual Contact
Advocating Overthrow of Government
Aggravated Assault/Battery
Aggravated Identity Theft
Aggravated Sexual Abuse
Aiming a Laser Pointer at an Aircraft
Airplane Hijacking
Armed Robbery
Assault with a Deadly Weapon
Assaulting or Killing Federal Officer
Assisting or Instigating Escape
Attempt to commit Murder/Manslaughter
Bank Burglary
Bankruptcy Fraud/Embezzlement
Bank Larceny
Bank Robbery
Bombing Matters
Bond Default
Breaking and/or Entering Carrier Facilities
Bribery Crimes
Certification of Checks (Fraud)
Child Abuse
Child Exploitation
Child Pornography
Civil Action to Restrain Harassment of a Victim or Witness
Commodities Price Fixing
Computer Crime
Concealing Escaped Prisoner
Concealing Person from Arrest
Concealment of Assets
Conspiracy (in matters under FBI jurisdiction)
Conspiracy to Impede or Injure an Officer
Contempt of Court
Continuing Criminal Enterprise
Conveying False Information
Copyright Matters
Counterintelligence Crimes
Credit/Debit Card Fraud
Crime Aboard Aircraft
Crimes on Government Reservations
Crimes on Indian Reservations
Criminal Contempt of Court
Criminal Forfeiture
Criminal Infringement of a Copyright
Cyber Crimes
Damage to Religious Property
Delivery to Consignee
Demands Against the U.S.
Destruction of Aircraft or Motor Vehicles Used in Foreign Commerce
Destruction of an Energy Facility
Destruction of Property to Prevent Seizure
Destruction of Records in Federal Investigations and Bankruptcy
Destruction of Corporate Audit Records
Destruction of Veterans’ Memorials
Detention of Armed Vessel
Disclosure of Confidential Information
Domestic Security
Domestic Terrorism
Domestic Violence
Drive-by Shooting
Drug Abuse Violations
Drug Smuggling
Drug Trafficking
DUI/DWI on Federal Property
Economic Espionage
Election Law Crimes
Embezzlement Against Estate
Entering Train to Commit Crime
Enlistment to Serve Against the U.S.
Environmental Scheme Crimes
Escaping Custody/Escaped Federal Prisoners
Examiner Performing Other Services
Exportation of Drugs
Failure to Appear on Felony Offense
Failure to Pay Legal Child Support Obligations
False Bail
False Pretenses
False Statements Relating to Health Care Matters
Falsely Claiming Citizenship
False Declarations before Grand Jury or Court
False Entries in Records of Interstate Carriers
False Information and Hoaxes
False Statement to Obtain Unemployment Compensation
Federal Aviation Act
Federal Civil Rights Violations (hate crimes, police misconduct)
Female Genital Mutilation
Financial Transactions with Foreign Government
First Degree Murder
Flight to Avoid Prosecution or Giving Testimony
Forced Labor
Forcible Rape
Fraud Activity in Connection with Electronic Mail
Fraud Against the Government
Hacking Crimes
Harboring Terrorists
Harming Animals Used in Law Enforcement
Hate Crime Acts
Hostage Taking
Identity Theft
Illegal Possession of Firearms
Immigration Offenses
Impersonator Making Arrest or Search
Importation of Drugs
Influencing Juror by Writing
Injuring Officer
Insider Trading Crimes
Insurance Fraud
Interference with the Operation of a Satellite
International Parental Kidnapping
International Terrorism
Interstate Domestic Violence
Interstate Violation of Protection Order
Lobbying with Appropriated Moneys
Mailing Threatening Communications
Major Fraud Against the U.S.
Medical/Health Care Fraud
Missile Systems Designed to Destroy Aircraft
Misuse of Passport
Misuse of Visas, Permits, or Other Documents
Money Laundering
Motor Vehicle Theft
Murder by a Federal Prisoner
Murder Committed During Drug-related Drive-by shooting
Murder Committed in Federal Government Facility
Narcotics Violations
Obstructing Examination of Financial Institution
Obstruction of Court Orders
Obstruction of Federal audit
Obstruction of Justice
Obstruction of Criminal Investigations
Officer Failing to Make Reports
Partial Birth Abortion
Penalties for Neglect or Refusal to Answer Subpoena
Picketing or Parading
Possession by Restricted Persons
Possession of False Papers to Defraud the U.S.
Possession of Narcotics
Possession of Child Pornography
Private Correspondence with Foreign Government
Probation Violation
Product Tampering
Prohibition of Illegal Gambling Businesses
Protection of Foreign Officials
Public Corruption Crimes
Radiological Dispersal Devices
Ransom Money
Receiving the Proceeds of Extortion
Recording or Listening to Grand or Petit Juries While Deliberating
Reentry of an Alien Removed on National Security Grounds
Registration of Certain Organizations
Reproduction of Citizenship Papers
Resistance to Extradition Agent
Rescue of Seized Property
Retaliating Against a Federal Judge by False Claim or Slander of Title
Retaliating Against a Witness, Victim, or an Informant
Robberies and Burglaries Involving Controlled Substances
Sale of Citizenship Papers
Sale of Stolen Vehicles
Searches Without Warrant
Second Degree Murder
Serial Murders
Sexual Abuse
Sexual Abuse of a Minor
Sexual Assault
Sexual Battery
Sexual Conduct with a Minor
Sexual Exploitation
Sex Trafficking
Solicitation to Commit a Crime of Violence
Stalking (In Violation of Restraining Order)
Stolen Property; Buying, Receiving, or Possessing
Subornation of Perjury
Suits Against Government Officials
Tampering with a Witness, Victim, or Informant
Tampering with Consumer Products
Tampering with Vessels
Theft of Trade Secrets
Trafficking in Counterfeit Goods or Services
Transmission of Wagering Information (Gambling)
Transportation into State Prohibiting Sale
Transportation of Slaves from U.S.
Transportation of Stolen Vehicles
Transportation of Terrorists
Unauthorized Removal of Classified Documents
Use of Fire or Explosives to Destroy Property
Use of Weapons of Mass Destruction
Video Voyeurism
Violation of Prohibitions Governing Atomic Weapons
Violence at International airports
Violent Crimes in Aid of Racketeering Activity
Willful Wrecking of a Train Resulting in Death
Wire Fraud
That’s the list of all of my crimes
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