#Cheshire cat sans
agere-infection-au · 3 months
Character reference sheets!
Part 2. 1 healthy, 1 missing
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Crisp : Brother... I will find you.
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Death : M... my powers? What about them?
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Chain : Well, that's interesting one...
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Stretch : Good thing anti-void is safe... at least for now.
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Possessed : Sans... please, be safe... wherever you are...
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Slim : *Growl* I shouldn't have left...
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Button : *sniffle* Pappy... where are you..?
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MadHat : Why long face, my friend? How about some warm tea instead?
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beryllineart · 1 month
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Wunderland Character sheet-- Sans
Undertale belongs to Toby Fox
Wunderland is my idea (based on Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carrol)
I don't know, I was thinking "what if everyone in the Underground was crazy?" and I realized that Frisk would have an experience very similar to Alice when she fell down the rabbit hole. With Sans' smile and other quirks, the role of Cheshire Cat was meant for him. And of course he would troll the whole underground by insisting he's a cat, and no one would know if he was joking or really meant it.
Papyrus is next as the Mad Hatter, and I know what Alphys is, but I have little clue as to what Undertale characters go with which Wonderland ones. Mettaton in particular is a mystery to me.
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seirindono · 1 year
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Second commission for @ mrdavid93 on DA, of Demon/Underswap AU Sans this time! And he's just a smooth looking as in TMS haha
You know the drill, here come some headcanons ;)
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-The clever Lord of Pride! (AU).
-Also known as the Morning Star Demon, he's a bit of a wild card among demons.
-Mischievous and cheerful, he operates mainly in Snowdin and Waterfall, where he offers predictions and wishes in exchange for valuable goods, ranging from souls to beloved memories or mere flowers. Only he decides the price to pay, and it's unknown if his mood has to do with it
-The constellation around his head is that of Perseus, his favorite star being Algol (Demon Star), which he doesn't allow anyone to touch.
-His scarf is made of clouds. Extensible, he sometimes uses it to rest or make spectacular entrances. His top is made of feathers that can change into sharp blades that he controls as he pleases.
-It's said that every time a star dies in the mortal realm, he's the one who retrieves it and places it in the sky of Waterfall.
-He has a great fascination for Humans, whose dreams and futile ambitions he marvels at. No doubt he'd be intrigued by the fallen human whose fate and motives remain uncertain.
-To be his friend and to defeat him, you'll have to give it your all.
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I guess it’s not exactly propaganda, but people keep drawing Sans as just himself, so here’s Sans as a cat.
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lacrimosathedark · 7 months
I want Lian Harper to interact with and get close to Jason Todd for a lot of reasons. Their mutual childhoods as Gotham street urchins and growing up around superheroes (though they did that in like opposite order), they both died tragically at the hands of a villain, their deaths destroyed their parents, they were resurrected by unknown means with their memories fucked up, kept away from their family for years with only a dangerous mother figure knowing where they are, and are actually kindhearted despite everything.
But also, I want her to meet Cassandra Cain.
Like, think about what Lian could learn from Cass! They both have complicated relationships with their mothers who are renowned for their strength, mothers who adore their daughters and want to be part of their lives despite everything (who also contain multitudes of self-loathing yaaaaay). Mothers who also just happen to be also Asian, making them half-Asian and half-white. Not the same, Jade is Vietnamese and Sandra is Chinese, but still.
Lian hasn't had a lot of struggle accepting her mother despite her mother being what she is. Cass, however, has such a visceral disdain for killing that she rejects her mother. She doesn't really hate her, and has respect for her as a fighter, but wants nothing to do with her. And that conflict has, at at least one point, pushed Shiva to try to be better.
I think Cass could get Lian to truly face what Cheshire is, since no one else, Roy especially, seems willing to actually talk to her about that. And because she's in a similar position, she might be able to do it more effectively because Lian won't have to feel alone in it. Hell, Steph could join in too! Though her dad is...Not The Same (his crimes are much lesser but he also has never cared about Stephanie).
And maybe, if Lian realizes Shiva is trying to change, it might give her hope that rejecting her mom could get her to improve too. That maybe one day there'll be no reason to feel guilt for wanting to be with her mom. And we could have a somewhat functional divorced family dynamic rather than...yknow, This. That maybe one day she can actually be with her mom.
I also just love the idea that Lian could get along with Cass. There was this one point where a bunch of orphans were living at Titans Tower, and Lian was going through a phase of being very selfish and wanting her space and loved ones to herself, but the only other kid she could even somewhat tolerate was the kid that was seemingly selectively mute (they thought she was autistic but she was actually possessed sort of? it's a whole thing). So I feel like a more mature and selfless Lian would get along really well with someone like Cass, who relies on actions more than words.
And I actually just have this idea of the two of them dancing together. I love the idea of Cass forcing her brothers to dance with her, but imagine Cass dancing with Lian! Cass teaching Lian ballet! idk it's just adorable to me.
Yeah, "Auntie Cass" should be a thing I think.
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leafwateraddict · 7 months
I’ve come to the realization that Sans has massive cheshire cat energy
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goldengoatgood · 7 months
I've noticed a lot of smiling characters in our world... And people love them...
I'm sure there are a lot more of them than I've drawn. 🤔
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But I was too lazy to draw them... And I also wanted to draw Pinkie Pie.. Because she's my favorite :)
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sirasketch · 9 months
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*My own take on a Alice in Wonderland x Undertale au
*feel free to ask questions about it, idm :]
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warriorcatsobsession · 2 months
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This was bound to happen someday.
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d3slbonez · 1 year
“how can I find the red queen?”
wonderland au
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moaloves · 7 months
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Song Mingi, son of the Cheshire Cat
“Shapeshifting requires the ability to transcend your attachments, in particular your ego attachments to identity and who you are. If you can get over your attachment to labeling yourself and your cherishing of your identity, you can be virtually anybody. You can slip in and out of different shells, even different animal forms or deity forms.”
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beryllineart · 6 days
9 Frisks for Undertale's 9th Anniversary
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Happy 9th Birthday, Undertale!
Undertale belongs to Toby Fox
These are all my Frisks, several of them come from when I was just getting into both Undertale and digital art, so they're pretty bad. A bit of a disclaimer, I know that names like SteamTale and SplitTale have already been used by other people, I hope that doesn't bother you too much, but like Asgore I am so terrible at names. But I am good at stories, and I am especially excited to share SteamTale with you guys after Wunderland. Trust me, there are plenty of twists and turns to make it unique.
Bookworm, Junior Jumble, Holiday and Alix have all appeared on my blog.
This is a queued post because I am swamped with homework right now and don't know if I'll be able to do art specially for today, but I did want to celebrate.
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perdoodle · 2 years
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So awhile back I herd that Cheshire Cat Sans was a thing. With my love for the series and the Cheshire Cat itself I took my take on the concept. Here are the results!
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hesperkat · 2 years
Concept oneshots and drabbles for my Wonderland AU. Not in chronological order. Updated randomly.
The Cat’s Out of the Bag
———— — -
    Cool air breached the warmth of your skin. You’d left the Liberated Ruins. You had a task at hand. Get to the end of Wonderland. Escape. Move on with your pitiful life from above. And never speak of your time down under. Simple. You kept to yourself most of the time. It shouldn’t be too hard to do so with an even greater secret.
    Your eyes hadn’t yet adjusted to the darkness surrounding you. Slowly, your sight began to become more and more familiar with what laid ahead of you.
    A forest. Split down the middle. Between two seasons. Autumn to the left. Winter to the right. Ms. Toriel had told you that your path relied on your adaptability.. but you never thought that a peculiar looking forest would appear right after the Ruins. You had to choose which path to follow.
    Although you loved both seasons equally back home, something drew you to the winter-esque side of the forest. Something mysterious that would usually leave you wanting to avoid it at all costs. But all that lay ahead was fluffy white snow, with reddened and fallen leaves to the left.
    You started towards the way a cryptic feeling in your gut wanted. Was it really even you who was in control of your body anymore? Was it destiny pulling you towards your future… or your possibly impending doom. Regardless of the uncertainty accompanying your mysterious feelings, you allowed yourself to continue. Regardless of willingness. Regardless of fear. This was your destiny now.
———— — -
    He watched you make your way down a snow-touched path. Your rosy cheeks gaining more pink. Your buttoned up shirt being the only thing on your torso separating you from the cold of the Forest of Snow.
    Why had you come down this path? Surely you knew the Forest of Amber was more welcoming with its temperature. Were you an ignorant human? You looked bright and clever…. so why had you decided to allow your body temperature to drop. He knew that humans and other kinds of monsters’ temperature directly affected them, so why? Why were you here?
    His phalanges brushed clumps of snow that had attached themselves to his white tail. They had almost been invisible.
    His feline ears twitched with every twig you had stepped on. He was watching you pass by, he only moving when you had strayed from his line of vision.
    His tail swayed in the wind, only settling when you seemed confused by a passing noise. Some from him, some from the surrounding snow-covered greenery brushing against one another.
    Was he stalking you? Not necessarily. He wanted to make sure you wouldn’t pull a surprise on him. He’d be making sure you didn’t end up being a hyperactive lunatic like he thought all humans were like when he was a kit.
    Before he gained much of an understanding of morals, his early childhood consisted of his bones rattling from fear stemming from horror stories from the war. His tail would curl around his phalanges and ears fall flat against his skull. Even now, certain things could cause him to repeat that action he ever-so commonly did as a babybones.
    Babybones, kit? He was just a child then. A weak little thing…. like he was now.
    You were going forward… He could tell his brother was nearby. He could hear the distant crunching of snow, the distant calls of his name. If you met his brother, you’d be invite to tea. An inevitable time of meeting you. He wanted to do so sooner. Just to make sure you were sane enough to even stand next to his own family.
    Then, he’d be able to see the intelligence that humans possessed. Riddles, puns, and whatever took extensive knowledge of everyday things. That is, if you weren’t a human of negativity.
    He had a feeling, though. That you wouldn’t be horrible. That you’d find the Underlands interesting. He’d guessed that, from the way you held yourself when gazing upon Underlandian rarities, you held a certain curiosity of the world around you. A never ending fire burning within your Soul, always keeping it ablaze.
———— — -
    Your comprehension of what happened of only moments before was lost to you. A tall skeleton in an orange suit had invited you to tea. Could skeletons even drink tea?
    He had been loud, but kindhearted. Maybe slightly self-absorbed (or what you had gotten from your brief interaction), but willing to supply you with valuable information.
    He was the Mad Hatter and wasn’t in the least bit mad… or mad looking. Before any other questions could be directed towards him, he ran off into the distance, saying, “WELL IT WAS A VERY GREAT MEETING INDEED! BUT I MUST BE ON MY WAY! I SHALL BE SEEING YOU SOON GRACIOUS HUMAN!!!”
    Although, he’d warned you before turning completely to leave, “I Must Say…. Be Careful When Your Path Crosses With My Brother… He Can Be Quite… Cryptic. Even Mad At Some Points… Please, Stay Safe.”
    His once loud voice had morphed into one of a quiet mouse… almost. You had agreed, wanting to ask more about his seemingly harmful sibling, but couldn’t. The Hatter had been quick to leave, he had a tea party to set up after all… and you had to make your way even further into Forest of Snow than what you had anticipated. Reaching the Hatter’s cottage meant you’d have to cross into the autumn forest, which was many miles away.
    Curse you and your weird sense of destiny.
    Things had been quiet after the Hatter left, you following the path ever since then. Maybe you had journeyed farther into the part of the forest where his brother was. Shivers were sent down your spine. Best not to think about meeting someone who had the potential to do something that had clearly scared the Hatter half to death. You went forward anyways, even if you knew the obvious danger you were walking into. You were brave. You were determined.
    What was that?
    Who was following you?
    Looking behind you, you saw footprints.
    Oh heavens.
    You heard chuckles echoing throughout the clearing. Baritone at that.
    Who- what- where- how? That was all your mind could think of. You were as still as a rock… not that rocks in Wonderland were unmoving.
    You felt something…. fluffy (?) touch your exposed neck. Ceasing to turn around, you let out a small squeak.
    The figure behind you let out a snort. They had hummed in satisfaction. Whoever was behind you was definitely, one hundred precent, a privacy invader. You held yourself back from calling them anything more. You knew the culture down under was different from your own, but you still wanted to label them as something.
    “hm. turn around. shake a cat’s paw… don’t worry, i don’t scratch, little mouse.”
    Baritone laughs, hums, and voice led you to believe that they were male. Had he just called you ‘little mouse’?
    You hesitated. You were determined, but you were determined for other reasons.
    Cat. The word rang through your head. Hadn’t the Hatter mentions a lazy cat of a broth— Oh no….
    Something told you the mysterious figure looming behind you was the sweet Hatter’s mad brother. Was he a cat or—
    You turned around by reflex as curiosity got the best of you.
    White eye lights gazed into your eyes. A seemingly permanent smile glued onto his boney face. He was a skeleton, just like his brother.
    He wore a cerulean blue jacket with white fluff coming from the hood. A cyan tabby pattern was visible on the sleeves. And… he wore oddly short sweatpants that looked more like slightly oversized basketball shorts. Pink slippers with cat ears were hidden beneath the fluffy, white snow.
    But he was also a cat?! He had white cat ears stemming from the top of his skull with the tips being cyan. His tail was primarily white, also with cyan in the form of a tabby bone pattern along it and a colored tip.
    It took you ages to figure out his expressions, you’d been staring at him (probably wide-eyed) for a long while.
    He looked… amused? Almost accomplished.
    “well now, this has certainly drawn the reaction out of you,” he made sure to gesture to himself mid-sentence.
    You were at a loss for words. “I-I… a-are y-yo-you…?
    He replied to your confusion.
    “i may or may not. a skeletal hatter may be the relative of a skeletal cat. a skeletal cat may not be the relative of a skeletal hatter.”
    You usually enjoyed dorkish wordplay, but right at that moment you didn’t entirely appreciate it, even if you thought it was slightly enjoyable.
    You inhaled. Best to get it over with. “Do you know the way to the Hatter’s estate?”
    Mischievousness flashed across his face for a brief moment before being replaced with a poker face.
    “it’s neither here nor there. left not right. up nor down. what is coming, but never arrives?”
    “Um,” you were confused, was he talking about the way to the Hatter’s house in riddle form? “The answer?”
    Your guess couldn’t be farther off, “tomorrow,” he repeated looking delighted, “tomorrow, mouse.”
    He started walking off the path. Where was he going? You knew he knew where the route to the cottage was. How couldn’t he. A small annoyance was building up inside of you, slowly.
    No sooner than later, while you had been following him into the wood, he shifted into cat form. You stopped for a moment before realizing the, now cat, monster had still been on the move during your trance.
    He was far ahead. You needed to catch up. You ran. You ran, but never seemed to catch up. What was this? How? Why—
    Your thoughts were interrupted when you felt your hair flatten to your head. You were wet. And liquid was still pouring down on you. You fought to get out of the transparent pillar of water. One foot in front of the other, one at a time, you were freed from the damp prison.
    You turned to snatch a glimpse of the falling water. It wasn’t there. It disappeared. Had it manifested only for a few moments? Why did it disappear?
    “are all these so-called rarities so peculiar to you?” The cat’s voice range in your ears. “all of your expressions match the one you just made, mouse.”
    Had he just…. Did he just trick you?
    “Cat! I can’t believe you. We just met and you decide to lead me straight into a literal waterfall and then play it off as you pushing my buttons to see what I react to?!?!” You didn’t care if his brother said he was mad. You didn’t care. Not anymore. You’d been through to much. This was just the cherry on the top of your ugly looking life.
    After moments of silence and the feline figure giving you a poker face, he chuckled. He chuckled!
    You muttered a cuss under your breath, one that he mustn’t have understood as he didn’t show any sign of it registering.
    “well now. cat i am. surprising intelligence i see,” he continued, “we’ll see where this all goes next, shall we?”
    He gestured, using his tail as he pointed towards a direct that most likely didn’t lead to the cottage.
    As much as you despised Cat’s behavior, you couldn’t help but want to go in the direct he pointed towards. The wood wouldn’t be as kind to you now that you were wetted in a cold forest of snow.
    He started for the lamppost just visible in the distance. You followed, your senses took control of the wheel.
———— — -
    The next one will be about Undyne in the AU. Nothing is in chronological order by the way. It’s just concept, so a lot of this will be spread across chapters and split apart in the actual series. ;333333
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ratremusowo · 7 months
Oh to be a non-gendered jester coded character that is weirdly overpowered and has a unknown amount of knowledge of everything around them, only for then not to be helpful at all to the protagonist either telling them shit to cause chaos or making it the hardest riddle to even comprehend just for shits and giggles.
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llamagoddessofficial · 7 months
I know it’s been a long time since you’ve wrote about him but do you think you could write about Cheshire Sans dating headcanons?
👁️👁️ oh... it's been so dreadfully long since we played with this harmless fella!
He's just a silly little guy!
... You think
A relationship with him is surprisingly normal. He has a silly personality, a penchant for teleporting and floating, a love of riddles and harmless pranks. But that's seemingly the extent of it.
He knows you aren't going to want to spend forever with someone you can't understand, someone who scares you with their insanity. Spending forever with you is what matters most. So for you? He'll tone down the crazy.
He's very affectionate. I mean - he's literally a cat with his favourite person. Every time you lie down, or sit down, or even just stand still long enough, he slinks on in and wants a cuddle. He likes when you touch his face.
(He's an absolute fiend when he flirts, though. He turns into a cat on the hunt~)
Favourite scritch spots are shoulderblades, cheekbones and skull.
Never underestimate how nice he is to cuddle. You will end up falling asleep. He smells like sweet blue flowers and yarn, the smell gives you good dreams.
Don't worry if you can't actually answer his riddles; he mixes his real riddles with complete nonsense, he really just comes up with them because he likes watching you think.
As far as you're concerned, purring is super common for him. He purrs when he talks to you, he purrs when you talk, he purrs when he cuddles, he purrs when you get mad at him and make that '>:(' face he likes so much. He hardly stops purring.
Purring is far from a common trait of his, though. His fellow Wunderland inhabitants will be shocked to learn he even CAN purr.
He's honestly more of a coffee guy.
Does he get jealous? Absolutely. He likes terrifying guys who flirt with you by completely dropping the persona and giving the grin of death. But he knows that you won't want to stay with him if he turns people into still-screaming meat pretzels... so he just playfully sulks until you give him kisses and assure him he's your favourite.
The entire world is lucky this reality-bending entity adores you so much. He could be ending the world. Instead, he uses his powers to play harmless pranks, teleport you back into bed when he's not done cuddling, and float the groceries so you don't have to carry them. Why would he end the world? You are his world.
He wants a normal life with you. He wants to make you laugh. You bring him (and his moral compass) back from the edge.
You're his most beloved anchor to reality.
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