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cherridawne · 6 years ago
Family Tribulations
So, family I personally believe is the MOST important people you can have around to support you or they can be. I say they can be with the upmost respect. While some family members can very supportive, understanding and keep it a buck all the way many are envious, jealous and out-right unforgiving.
Looking among different cultures, and age ranges I have to stay I believe that regardless of all those many factors you will have family rooting for you and some may be rooting against you. As a young adult it can be hard to differentiate the real supporters from the doubters, especially if they are family because ideally, we are taught to love, unite and defend our family no matter what. But often times family doesn't have our best interests and that makes it difficult on younger adults. I mean ya, all families have their issues but even if there is family drama you should still support your blood and try to help them become a better person (IF YOU CAN).
Not every family is perfect, after all we are humans.  
My family is filled with so many generational curses that I want to break I am going to break. It’s time for a change, its time for: 
openness and UNDERSTANDING,
(and most of all) abundance of LOVE.
I know every case is different and every person is different and will be a difficult task to grasp, but believe it or not, there are some family members that will walk past you like your strangers. My heart isn’t made for that. I am a very family-oriented person and I have love for all my family regardless of any situation. I wish them well always. Like Popcaan’s Slience song says “Mi love mi family but mi nuh trust di whole ah dem”. I can only hope and pray that when I finally start my family things turn around.
Think about the changes that you can make with your family to improve your family unit. 
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thesepeopleproject · 8 years ago
These people are always sexing!
— Cherri (@CherriDawne) February 1, 2017
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cherridawne · 7 years ago
Love your flaws ❤️
What is it anyway? 
Everyone can’t be perfect, and many of us are NOT.
Often, we are taught to hide our flaws and/or differences to blend in with the norm or to what people are used too. But why?! Our flaws and our differences make us unique. They make us, US! (WHY ARE THEY EVEN CALLED “FLAWS”....SOUNDING SO NEGATIVE!)
Most of us only think of flaws as physical things. Imperfections don’t only come physical but can be mental or medical as well (or viewed as such anyway). Its always easier to hide a birth mark, a skin condition or even a part of the body you aren’t too fond of. But not all physical flaws are hard to hide. A lisp or stutter (which can be argued as a mental one too) are nearly impossible to hide along with a bunch of other mental and medical imperfections. Think about it. There are a large number of people who just cannot hide their flaws even if they wanted to. These people (I believe) are strong and had to be even if they weren’t. Literally anything you don’t like about yourself can be a flaw whether you choose to hide it or embrace it. Or even accept it as a flaw or not because I don’t believe in flaws.
Have you ever considered that our flaws are blessings? Have you thought that you were blessed with such flaws for a reason? By now ya’ll know I believe in a higher power and I personally know that He gives his strongest the most to handle. He knows you can handle what ever He throws at you. He doesn’t make flaws, because then that would mean he makes mistakes! Even if you don’t look at it from a religious stand point I’m sure many of you readers can understand that difficult situations can make you stronger person. 
One day, a friend of mine was just talking to me and he explained how my biggest flaw was effecting him so positively. I was shocked to hear him express his views regarding my flaws just because we never really spoke on it before. I mean, I didn’t really care what he had to say about it (regardless if it was good or bad), but I respected his opinion nonetheless. He said admired my bravery and strength for just simply not caring about it anymore and not trying to change who I am. It took A LOT for me to get to this point and of course nothing was easy about it. He understood the things I went through although he wasn't there and he knew I was a lot stronger because if it. He told me he hoped his children one day would understand the same values I taught myself as a kid and it would make them stronger beings for it. 
I’m sure by now, ya’ll are wondering what the hell is wrong with CherriDawne?! What is this FLAW?! I suffer from have a deformity condition called brachymetatarsia (click the link for more information) on both of my feet. In simple non-medical terms is just a shorten toe. I can’t recall if i was born with it (after my own research I found out you actually can..but from what I heard learning to walk around things was always a challenge and I might of hit it among many other body parts while learning how to walk. LOL. SOMEHOW FINALLY MASTERED IT THOUGH!) but I don’t remember having "normal” feet. Either way, I was teased by family and children for years to the point I hid it. In Grade 6 it started to bother me less. I was asked if I wanted a surgery to correct it and have normal feet. I declined. In the sixth or seventh grade I knew that if I altered myself I would NEVER be fully satisfied with my body and not be who I was intended to be. It wasn’t like I was difficult to walk or my shoes didn’t fit so why make such a drastic change just to convince myself nothing was wrong with me. Nothing IS wrong with me,though. I was made to be this way. 
So I say love your flaws! Accept who you were intended to be! Embrace your uniqueness! I have had a long battle and excepted mine. Maybe your flaws have nothing compared to others people’s, but you should never compare them anyway. Whatever your “flaw” is still will be a “flaw” until YOU say it’s not. Your opinion is the only one that really matters. Its time to toss all insecurities out the window and just be you! It’s not going to be easy but it is worth it! BELIEVE ME! 
P.S I have met people that also have brachymetatarsia and JENNIFER GARNER has brachymetatarsia too!
Also guys, I’m not telling to you not to hide your flaws. At the end of the day you gotta make that ultimate choice and decide. “Do you Boo Boo!” This is just MY outlook on what flaws are and how I dealt with my flaws.
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cherridawne · 7 years ago
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In the mist of Family Day, I’m sharing one of the many things my Grandmother says. “When you marry a teef, you get teef pon?” What does this mean to you? Feel free to answer in the comments! #HappyFamilyDay #GramsProverbs #Metaphors #WestIndians #WiseWomen #Writer #TorontoBlogger #ChatWithCherri #CherriDawne (at Family Day)
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cherridawne · 7 years ago
Crossing Paths
Sometimes the right people enter your life at the strangest times. They may be part of your life journey temporarily or permanent but there is always a reason for it. Treat everyone you meet as a lesson learnt as you don’t know what they have to offer to you or you may have something to offer them. As low-key as I’ve become I admire all interactions with people. I love the idea of bringing minds, bodies and souls together to see what they can create or conquer. Personally, I enjoy problem solving and helping others (duhh that’s why I started this advice blog in the first place). Even from young I always knew I wanted to help people, just wasn’t sure which way. 
So today, I have a story (Yes, again.) 
It was a regular day at work where I worked as a Beauty Expert in a beauty boutique. (Shoppers Drug Mart you were good to me for many years!) I gave make up, skin care and fragrance advice. That day, there  was this woman that seemed like she needed help. She explained to me she was really excited and nervous about her new job but she needed a new look for a work event. (Anyway, for this sake we shall call her Ms. Dainty, because that was what she was dainty.) Ms. Dainty was in need of a new look so I showed her a bunch of things.  During those ten minutes of conversing over outfits and looks that can go well with them our vibes clicked. I offered her a free makeover for her event because she was so dope. But before all of that Ms. Dainty broke down in the middle of the beauty boutique as she was explaining her excitement and nervousness about the new job. I was there to console her. At this point I wasn’t sure what was really doing on with her in her life. This woman I just met crying her eyes out in my arms after I managed to get her away from all the other customers. We had a real heart to heart conversation. She apologized for her breakdown and I simply told her “Sometimes we need to break down to build back up”.  That’s when I began to show her items around the department conversing more about life and beauty products. Shoppers Drug Mart has (not sure if they still go by this) this saying or slogan “Look Good, Feel Good”. That is when I offered her a free makeover and exchanged contact information. I gave her a few samples and goodies to cheer her up. A few visits later, after her event, and after she came back and showed me pictures, I found a notebook in my work drawer with a passage written in it.
The passage read: 
“To Sheree,  Thank you for being there for me in the middle of the SD makeup aisle… time is irrelevant when you meet someone genuine who you want to call friend and one day sister. You combined both in one by being my “friend sister” when I most needed one. For all your big, little and medium dreams, whatever I can do to help you realize then I will. You had me, now I have you. xoxox”
Her melt down was needed for her growth. Because of that she was able to open up more and express herself. Which gave her the courage to share her story, share her poetry, confront many things she’s been avoiding for years and to start working towards her dreams and goals.
Now, Ms. Dainty and I don’t speak often, however I am grateful or that day when she broke down. Every time I see my notebook, I remember those moments with Ms. Dainty and it gives me the courage to write, the strength to start and maintain my blog and  the motivations to push through the battles like she did. It constantly shows me and reminds me that people enter your life for a reason. Treasure them; treasure all the people that cross your path. The good and the bad, temporary and long-term beings. They will all teach you something and you have to be open to accept it. If I or Ms. Dainty were to be stand-offish or unfriendly we wouldn’t have gained in learning about ourselves and growing where we both need to be.Thank you Ms. Dainty
I know more than ever in this world we are too afraid to open up but you never know who you might meet and what they can do for you or you for them. Don’t be closed minded. Use your mind and be cautious when approaching others and them approaching you. Look back at the people that crossed your path, what did you gain from them? What did you teach them? 
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cherridawne · 8 years ago
Beat Down
I’m tired of getting beat down I’ve been beat down my whole life And even before that Some would say I should be used to it Accept my fate, Accept the hurt, Accept the pain, But I can’t. Not no more, I’m done.
I’m tired of getting beat down I’ve been beat down my whole life Pushed around, used, And abused Emotionally, physically And mentally By everyone. It won’t happen no more, it’s done.
I said it’s over You, You and YOU Will no longer beat me down Lash me Pummel me Look down upon me Break me Until I am unrecognizable
Why? Cuz, I am a powerful woman A black woman, that is who I am; A Queen. Who is tired of being misguided and mistreated That will not accept being defeated An Empress. Who needs to be uplifted; t r a n s c e n d e d Beyond her limits; e x t e n d e d
- Cherri Dawne
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cherridawne · 7 years ago
Yin to My Yang
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There are so many things I can say. We are almost the same being. You are the worsts parts and best parts of me, and I am the worst and best parts of you. We are still learning to understand an except each other’s faults and our own. As a result, we dump heads and get on the wrong sides of each other, temporarily. Temporarily, because there’s no place we’d both rather be than together. 
This picture is so powerful and so beautiful. Two strong beings dark and light head to head, literally. Notice the differences between these two lions. They are not mirrored images, But literally the opposite of the other. Light and dark. Eye open and eye closed. Day and night. Mouth open and mouth closed. It’s crazy how much the opposites attract to form the yin and yang symbol, but in this case the shape of love (the shape of the two together). What one lacks, the other has. No one being dominates the other; they are interconnected. And that is the beauty of love; knowing that  you can be connected with someone a way that no one else could connect with you. We might never get to fully experience love in this way, but we all hope to try at least. I was lucky enough to experience this type of beauty. Trust me when I tell you it is not easy, but definitely worth the experience even if you are not a hopeless romantic. 
Everyone interprets art differently, this was my interpretation of this art work. Also NOT my work. I just found this picture and fell in love kind like I fell in love with the “Yin to my Yang”. 
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cherridawne · 7 years ago
Eyes Reveal Everything
Eyes have a way of showing others who you really are; what type of person you may be. I’m going to share an insight about me. I HATE EYE CONTACT; especially if I don’t know you. Or fuck with you. Or if I’m mad at you. I don’t mind eye contact if were good, but it takes a while for me to get on that level with a person to where they can look into my eyes and me look into theirs. Reason being, is because I feel like I’m being looked way beyond the exterior. Maybe I only feel like that because I look way beyond the exterior and into the soul at times.
I believe eyes can change. Not the shape per say, although you can change the illusion of the shape of the eye with make-up and eye lashes. Thanks to my beauty advisory background I have learn a few of those tricks. But no, really the mood of your eye can change. Think of a mood ring, they have different colors which express different moods solely based on the temperature of your body and/or air. I personally believe eyes can show a person’s mood, and an outlook on who they really are; their soul and character. 
The other day I looked into a pair of beautiful brown eyes. Ironically prior to looking into them I was upset with their owner. It was strange because I haven’t seen their eyes like that in a while. Like almost 2 years ago; awhile. Anyway starring into these beauties allowed me to see their owner’s happiness, openness, calmness, warmness, beauty and welcoming heart. Now, it’s not that the person who owned these eyes were usually miserable, but, more so a person always has to be responsible for too many things that there is no time to be at ease. The type of person so many people depending on them, there is no room for calmness as they are constantly on the go dealing with shit so they always gotta be ready. This person is a protector, a fighter, a motivator with a strong body language and considered to be elite; an alpha. For about a minute or maybe longer I starred into the eyes of this person. I DON’T GIVE A FUCK; I STARRED AT THESE BEAUTIFUL BROWN EYE BALLS. Until the owner caught me, their eyes changed immediately. They weren’t so soft anymore as if they knew what I actually saw (beyond the exterior). They changed instantly almost like a defense mechanism and their usual pair of eyes came back. The pair of eyes were still welcoming but not so open. They were darker and appeared to be smaller and I could not see beyond them no longer. 
Now this is not the first time I’ve starred at some beautiful eyes. Once I starred into a pair of eyes and saw pain and hurt, another time I saw love and passion, other times I’ve see frustration and confusion. Eyes are a DEAD giveaway of what you are actually feeling. Although I don’t enjoy people look into my eyes all the time, I enjoy looking into others eyes and finding out who they are. Eyes are sooooo vulnerable and you cannot fake the funk with them. They will show you the truth, if you look into them and into the person who owns them. Eyes call tell you a lot about a person if you are able to see.  But if you have some pretty ass eyes best believe I’ma be looking. My ass will be starring, mesmerizing and just adoring the beauty of your eyes without looking deeper. 
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Take a look into my eyes, I’m allowing you to this one time. What do you see?
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cherridawne · 8 years ago
Arising From a Dark Place
Being strong is the only thing I know; being strong for my close friends, being stronger for my partner and being strongest for my family. I’ll motivate them, support them and care for them.  A lot of the times I neglect to be strong for me.  So this week Ima get a lotta bit personal with you guys…maybe not THAT deep…but ill scratch the surface on a personal level.
This past weekend I was in a funk (For this purpose and lack of a better term, being in a funk is ALMOST like a depression state). The worst weekend to be in a funk, it’s a long weekend and I actually had a day off. It should have been great.  Either way I was in a funk…a SUPER FUNK. I’m sure we all get to the point of our troubles get the best of us and we collapse and break. Although I prayed on it, and attempted to get the toxins (or troubles) out my aura, I could not. It kind of felt like I didn’t want them to go away and kind felt like it was just coming into who I was becoming. I was not strong for myself and I broke down drastically. I actually never felt that weak in a LONG ASS time. Emotionally and physically I was weak, yet I was still strong for my friends, my partner and my family.  Not even going to front, it was the weakest couple days of my life (so far and hopefully the last time).
No one really knew. I’ve gotten great at masking my troubles. Even the closest people to me were unaware. My break down behaviour was not in my character, it was not healthy at all. I’m not proud so say I broke down to that level that way especially from being strong for sooo long. I am glad that I had the break down as an experience. Everything is an experience and this is one specially, I never wanted to experience again. Like all other types of experiences you learn something out of them. I learnt that in order to build, things have to be broken. “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” Since I was “broken” something wasn’t right and I had to be fixed. My strength had to be fixed. The aftermath of my break down behavior caused me to really think about what I was doing to myself. The strength wasn’t there, my productiveness wasn’t there, I was not myself therefore I could not be strong for those that needed me especially if I was a mess. I reasoned with myself, had a pep talk and basically told myself to “Bounce back. Snap outta it.” The only messed up thing about it was it took me to getting to my lowest to find the strength for myself so I can care for myself. And it’s okay to break down just don’t give up. “Sometimes you gotta get knocked down to your lowest than you’ve ever been to stand up taller than you ever were” - Unknown
With this experience I shared with you I hope you pick up this lesson if you don’t get anything else. Never lose strength especially for yourself. You cannot be effective in the other aspects of your life if you have lost all the strength to get you through the day. Fuel your mind, body and soul with positivity to maintain your strength throughout. Do not forget to motivate yourself as you would others. Keep this thought in your mind. Use it this as a daily affirmation. “No matter what happened yesterday, you can be strong today and even be stronger tomorrow” – Terry Mark
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cherridawne · 8 years ago
“Communication is KEY”
A long with a bunch of other things, like trust and honesty, I can testify that the art of communication can make the largest impact in any form of relationship. (Yes, communication is an art. Its a creative skill that takes work to effectively do) People automatically assume that once you can speak well, you can communicate. NOOOOOOOO! THIS IS NOT THE CASE. In order to effectively communicate you need to be able to speak, be able to listen and be able to understand. Communication is not hard, yet we (as a collective) fail to communicate correctly. You also don’t have to be able to speak or hear in order to communicate effectively but that’s a whole other pot of tea (which we can discuss later…comment if you want me to do a post).
The first part of communication is to deliver the message, in this case speech; the ability to speak. Verbally state the message clearly to be received. Be direct. Be respectful and mindful of who is receiving the message and how they will receive it. For an example, don’t start throwing “F” bombs to your grandmother just because you didn’t get your way. But for the most part say what you mean and mean what you say. Words are so powerful you don’t even know. Try to choose the right words to effective get your message across. I know it’s always easier to blurt out the first thing that comes to mind, I don’t recommend it. Think about WHAT you want to say and HOW you want to say it. Make sure the person receiving the message can hear you as well. Speak loud enough so the person is able to hear it. You cant expect the message to be received if it was never heard. 
For the sake of receiving the full entire message, you got to be able to hear and listen to it. With that being said STFU and just listen to the message that has been given. Don’t try to figure out, decode or assume what YOU think the message is, JUST LISTEN. It is impossible to understand a message that you did not listen out for. Listening is the easiest part to communicating only if you actually listen. Hearing and listening are two different things. You can hear a message and not listen to it. Listening requires a little more brain work where you would have to form the message in your mind and put sense to it. Hearing just naturally happens if your not hearing impaired; it’s just hearing the sound. Hearing typically goes in one ear and out the other where as listening goes in one ear and up into the brain to get deciphered. 
Understanding the message is the most important part. There is no need to communicate if the message has been clearly delivered, received and understood. It’s like why even mention anything. You just wasted time trying to deliver a message for what purpose, for it to be received, and to not be understood. NO! You want to be heard. You want to be understood and you most likely want a response. If you have to reiterate the statement again to make sure it’s understood, do so. It could be the case that the deliverer wasn’t clear. Maybe the receiver didn’t hear it or just didn’t understand the message. Maybe there are other outside factors as to why your message got intercepted. Doesn’t matter which side of the message you are on if you are unclear, just ask. We are communicating after all, right? After you received and understood the message I recommend you respond, even if its just to notify the sender the message was received.   
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Communicating like this may seem weird as hell at first. But I promise you it is the most effective way. Not only is it a great way to build a relationship (no matter the type) it is also knowledgeable to know in order to communicate in every aspect of your life. You never know who you will need to communicate with and to what extend, but at least now you know how to effectively communicate in speech form. Communication is essential and there are so many was to communicate. I am a talker, so its harder for me to listen sometimes, but I am able to (even if some of you disagree….). Like I said communication is an art, so lets perfect this skill.  
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cherridawne · 8 years ago
What makes people most insecure about themselves? 
Body image, (HUGE ONE) societal expectations/norms, any type of comparison and fear of failure. I want you all to understand insecurities have NO gender or age range. Men as well as women of all ages can become insecure. Insecurity is a feeling, like any other feeling and is not subjected to a gender, age or race. Personally all I have been insecure or still insecure about every last one of the reasons I’ve mentioned. 
Sad, but true; I am insecure too.
Imagery on social media has caused too many people to become insecure of unrealistic things by comparing situations to their own. Social media isn’t the only thing that causes people to have insecurities. But I personally think its the HUGEST platform to become insecure about yourself because it never shuts off. You can really compare your situation to anyone else’s and become insecure, man or woman. (Yeah, I said it again men can become insecure too). Its always easier to say “Don’t be insecure! Its bad for your health! Everyone’s different for a reason”. But when you have constant reminders its SUPER HARD to overcome your insecurities. It’s your perception, your thoughts, your confidence and only you can really change it. I mean there are TONS of famous/well known individuals who have given others a place to feel positive and secure about their insecurities especially on social media. 
Fear can doubt your thoughts and you can become doubtful of yourself. Self-doubt in my opinion is the first step of insecurity. Think about it (and I’m not talking about your typical phobias…but fears that can doubt your success such as fear of failure, fear of being accepted, fear of success, fear of embarrassment, etc). For example, often people doubt thinking they cant accomplish a goal because they think they will fail at it. In some cases they never try, ever. In others scenarios, it can take years to finally overcome the fear and your doubts. Thus being a form of insecurity. You have become insecure about your success because you have convinced yourself that you will fail (in this case). 
We are all human, each individually uniquely formulated and therefore you really cannot compare two separate beings. You can only find the the differences in the two; the contrasts. You cannot compare apples to lemons although they are both still fruit but you can contrast them. Most insecurities are  found from differences and are pushed to the side and hidden if possible. Accept your uniqueness and understand that being different should not make you insecure, but make you stronger. Even I have to constantly remind myself not to let my insecurities get the best of me and I am stronger than them. 
“I have self-doubt. I have insecurity. I have fear of failure. I have nights when I show up at the arena and I’m like, ‘My back hurts, my feet hurt, my knees hurt. I don’t have it. I just want to chill.’ We all have self-doubt. You don’t deny it, but you also don’t capitulate to it. You embrace it. “ 
- Kobe Bryant
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cherridawne · 8 years ago
As a young human in this messed up world stress comes and goes, but it’s actually how you manage it makes the BIGGEST difference.
Over the years I have learnt that stress not only effects your mentality but your spirit and your body too. You might not think it’s a big deal but that’s the only concrete thing you have in this life; YOU ( your mind, body and spirit). Being stress-free or manage it differently makes life better. 
So at times my life can get overwhelming, to the point where being naked my bed provides the most comfort; snacking on chocolate covered almonds sipping water (cuz it’s healthier lol). Sometimes eating junk doesn’t help me personally so I indulge in some guilty pleasures (drugs, sex and alcohol). And if that doesn’t work I get so frustrated and I cry a river. I’d get breakouts on my face, my hair would fall out, I’d have less energy and the the list goes on. THIS IS NOT OKAY! These are not cures to my problems. I am not trying to sort it out; but I’m dwelling on the negative and bringing myself FURTHER in this dark hole sometimes leading into a slight form depression. 
I started the way I approached my challenges differently. Notice how I call them challenges. Which they are; obstacles, tests if you will. But think about it. Changing the negative automatically in a positive phrases starts to help me manage the task at hand. So these are the ways I attack my challenges.
Analyze my best position. -  See if I can eventually solve this thing. Critical thinking at its finest. Keep rational thoughts in minds. Let go of the negative and focus on the positives
Find a Solution - If it can be solved, solve it. The best rational way possible. If it can’t, you aren’t thinking and fast forward to #3. Start the shower or bath with desired temperature (I LOVE IT HOT) water and/or bath accessories; then try #2 again. 
BATHE & PRAY -BATHE away the pain, hurt and negative thoughts. Get your head wet. Let it wash all those thoughts away. Or just your face (for my sistas…who cannot afford to wet their hair). Cleanse the body, then pray as the water is rinsing you off. Pray for the things you have, things you have a achieved and the obstacles you have encountered and overcame. Pray for what you have and don’t have is what I like to say.  YOU GOTTA LET GO AND LET GOD!
Sleep - get a good night’s sleep. Sometimes the sub-conscience has a way of telling us things. It also allows the mind to take a break from overthinking about the problem sulking or working towards a solution. 
Now for those of you who are not religious. I still encourage you to be thankful in whatever way you can while cleansing the body.
I’m not gunna lie to y'all these basic steps has changed me. Not only have I notice my physical body and my mind has been effected but my spirit too. My skin gets clearer, my hair grows (except for these damn brows). I don’t sulk around drowning in negative energy and thoughts therefore I have the energy to eat better and sleep better; which goes back to my body. And over all a lot happier making me be more pleasant to be around.
Now this can be applied to ANY and I say ANY type of stress or problems that may appear in your life. There are probably a million and one ways to de-stress the body; this has been the most effective for me. I urge people to try it.
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cherridawne · 7 years ago
The First of December
Not every child or fetus is born, but from the beginning I was given a fighting chance. I lived in her womb for nine months, kicking and punching her insides; fighting. I took my first breath on the first day of December in ‘92 and been fighting ever since. Now, I am still fighting for everything I have. I know nothing comes easy so maybe that’s why I push and fight for it all; I am a fighter.
Reflecting back on the 25 years of my life, there are numerous things I wish I did differently. But then I’d be a completely different person and I love who I am and who I am becoming. Over those years I have learnt a lot on ALL levels. I learnt about myself, others, and the world. I have met a lot of people who played their part in my life and I am very grateful for all of you. 
This year I wish to experience more out of life and to get more goals accomplished (including being more active on this blog).I look forward to see what God has in store for me and what he knows I am capable to handle. 25 is a remarkable accomplishment for many and now I am added to that list. 
December 1st was my day one and I’m going to fight for every day I am given. I am grateful for life and everything that comes along with it. Everyday is a new opportunity for me. Not every one gets a chance at life, so I am very grateful for mine. Lets make the best out of it! 
H A P P Y               T W E N T Y     F I F T H              B I R T H D A Y !
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cherridawne · 7 years ago
Positive Affirmations
Words have a way of getting to people like nothing else can. They can either cut deep or heal wounds. The words you choose matter, not only to you, but also to who is listening and hearing them. Keep in mind that our words reflect our thoughts and not everyone is going to think like you. To be completely honest, the world would be hella boring if we all thought the same. We would have no diversity. Since we are diverse and we all have unique minds, our words which reflect our thoughts might clash among each other’s. The only words which we can control are the ones that come from our own mouths. We need to train our own minds to think positive so our outcomes (our words) reflect that.
This week I plan on waking up every morning and say three positive statements about myself. I’m going to keep repeating them all day, especially when something bothers me. Before I go to bed, restate these facts about myself. That is exactly what they are facts; truthful facts. This will be how I will start training my mind to think more positive, starting with myself first. These positive daily affirmations will begin this week, but will become apart of my daily routine for the rest of my life. Along my journey I hope to only find new positive affirmations to say about myself.  These positive affirmations will train my mind into being more positive so I can express positive thoughts and words. 
Can y'all tell communication is a HUGE, thing for me? I always get lost in speaking about words and how they affect others and yourself. So never forget how important words can be whether they come from you or directed towards you. Be mindful on what you say and how you say it. Most importantly speak positivity into your life and the lives of others. I motivate you to start your own daily affirmations keep modifying them as you learn more about who you are, so you to can begin to speak and express positively. Not to mention, I strongly believe in the power that words and thoughts have; the law of attraction. 
“I am strong. I am smart. I am worthy of it all and will continue to be.”  - Cherri Dawne
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cherridawne · 7 years ago
Keep Pushing Yourself
This week has been a legit roller coaster. So many bumps, scary-steep-fast-paced downhill dives and that irritating banging-of-head-from-side-to-side (You know that one that gives you a headache? YEAUPPPP That’s the one!). I mean there were times when things were smooth sailing but then, the bumps, the dives and the head banging came back. Through it all, on the thrill-seeking adventure, you gotta just keep pushing, praying and hoping you’ll be okay. The joke is, we know it will be okay, or should be okay but there are always doubts. Thank God that the ride week is over. Now, it’s time to regain strength and move on to the next arising adventure; a new ride week.
The trick is to keep pushing forward, remaining positive and not allowing other negative vibes get to you. This trick is the hardest thing I have YET to master. A few times in my life, I have been at a lost. I didn’t know what to do or how to even do it. But I never lost hope and faith that somehow, someway things will happen. Specifically I know that good karma pays off. I always try to do the right things and be a good person. I do this without expecting anything in return. Whether its from people or the universe. (You can most definitely ask the many people I’ve helped over the years without anything in return. I am far from selfish). But, there has been a few times when I had wonderful things happen to me when I needed it the most. I believe that my good morals, faith and my continuous positive outlook on life have blessed me with this things and will proceed to do so. 
So whatever challenge you are facing at this moment, keep pushing forward and remain positive.There will be a way to solve it. Even if $60 gets blown out a car window into your walking path. (Fun fact:This actually happened to me and I actually wanted to give it back but the car speed off. Legit!) Life works in mysterious ways. Its not always easy to always cope during the difficult times. Cry it out if you need to. Go to the gym to burn off the anger if that helps. Read an inspiring book, or blog. Listen to music. Most importantly, do not give up. Keep pushing yourself, better will come! 
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cherridawne · 7 years ago
Reflection of Love
So this week I wrote a list of reasons why I love myself. I also wrote a list of reasons why I love the people in my circle. Ironically enough, I found a lot of similarities. So basically,  the reasons why I love my circle is because they are a reflection of the reasons why I love myself. I collected the lists and to put them all together. Here is what I came up with… Well a few of them. It was a LONG ASS list. I attempted to be poetic again but literally it’s just a list I collected.
Writing those lists were very therapeutic for me. It helped me add value to the individuals around me and also for myself. Try writing your own list and see what things you come up with. See if the reasons why you love others are the same reasons why you love yourself.   
I Love You.
I love your mind,
I love your spiritually,
I love your aspirations,
I love your drive and passion.
I love how respectable you are,
I love how overly caring you are,
I love how comfortable I am with you,
I love how I can connect with you on a deeper level.
I love you because you’re strong, smart and the most honest person I’ve met.
I love you because you express yourself regardless of everything.
I love you because of your struggle and suffering, that made you who you are.
I love you because you see something that I don’t see in myself.
There isn’t a thing I don’t love about you
I love you
I love all of you
And I will continue to love all of yous
- Cherri Dawne
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