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Crossing Paths
Sometimes the right people enter your life at the strangest times. They may be part of your life journey temporarily or permanent but there is always a reason for it. Treat everyone you meet as a lesson learnt as you don’t know what they have to offer to you or you may have something to offer them. As low-key as I’ve become I admire all interactions with people. I love the idea of bringing minds, bodies and souls together to see what they can create or conquer. Personally, I enjoy problem solving and helping others (duhh that’s why I started this advice blog in the first place). Even from young I always knew I wanted to help people, just wasn’t sure which way.
So today, I have a story (Yes, again.)
It was a regular day at work where I worked as a Beauty Expert in a beauty boutique. (Shoppers Drug Mart you were good to me for many years!) I gave make up, skin care and fragrance advice. That day, there was this woman that seemed like she needed help. She explained to me she was really excited and nervous about her new job but she needed a new look for a work event. (Anyway, for this sake we shall call her Ms. Dainty, because that was what she was dainty.) Ms. Dainty was in need of a new look so I showed her a bunch of things. During those ten minutes of conversing over outfits and looks that can go well with them our vibes clicked. I offered her a free makeover for her event because she was so dope. But before all of that Ms. Dainty broke down in the middle of the beauty boutique as she was explaining her excitement and nervousness about the new job. I was there to console her. At this point I wasn’t sure what was really doing on with her in her life. This woman I just met crying her eyes out in my arms after I managed to get her away from all the other customers. We had a real heart to heart conversation. She apologized for her breakdown and I simply told her “Sometimes we need to break down to build back up”. That’s when I began to show her items around the department conversing more about life and beauty products. Shoppers Drug Mart has (not sure if they still go by this) this saying or slogan “Look Good, Feel Good”. That is when I offered her a free makeover and exchanged contact information. I gave her a few samples and goodies to cheer her up. A few visits later, after her event, and after she came back and showed me pictures, I found a notebook in my work drawer with a passage written in it.
The passage read:
“To Sheree, Thank you for being there for me in the middle of the SD makeup aisle… time is irrelevant when you meet someone genuine who you want to call friend and one day sister. You combined both in one by being my “friend sister” when I most needed one. For all your big, little and medium dreams, whatever I can do to help you realize then I will. You had me, now I have you. xoxox”
Her melt down was needed for her growth. Because of that she was able to open up more and express herself. Which gave her the courage to share her story, share her poetry, confront many things she’s been avoiding for years and to start working towards her dreams and goals.
Now, Ms. Dainty and I don’t speak often, however I am grateful or that day when she broke down. Every time I see my notebook, I remember those moments with Ms. Dainty and it gives me the courage to write, the strength to start and maintain my blog and the motivations to push through the battles like she did. It constantly shows me and reminds me that people enter your life for a reason. Treasure them; treasure all the people that cross your path. The good and the bad, temporary and long-term beings. They will all teach you something and you have to be open to accept it. If I or Ms. Dainty were to be stand-offish or unfriendly we wouldn’t have gained in learning about ourselves and growing where we both need to be.Thank you Ms. Dainty
I know more than ever in this world we are too afraid to open up but you never know who you might meet and what they can do for you or you for them. Don’t be closed minded. Use your mind and be cautious when approaching others and them approaching you. Look back at the people that crossed your path, what did you gain from them? What did you teach them?
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✨I love weight training 4 life 👊🏻🤛🏼✨ #meditate #dailycalm #yearofcalm #dosomethinguncomfortable #breakdowntogrow #itishealthy (at Eden Prairie, Minnesota)
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