bigsoftmarshmallow · 2 months
This is basically my perspective of how Gan & ELady match up against each other.
At the beginning of the story, in a one-on-one fight, Ganondorf absolutely wins. No question.
However, if Ganondorf were one of her targets, she'd likely have taken the fact that he was male into account, as well his height & weight class, & would instead have assassinated him rather than taking her chances in a one-on-one fight.
In such a situation, he'd be dead. Like, holy shit, he wouldn't stand a damn chance.
I mean, he might survive the first 2 attempts with steadily increasing paranoia, but the third would see him in a body bag.
Basically, he wins… provided that he can see her coming.
Which brings to mind a particular scene from my wip that I’m actually unsure that the Dorfbots would be as enthusiastic about as my specific hc of him is in the scene that I have written. (Like, for more reasons than just because they're rated PG-13.)
But I've also been kinda excited about asking about it!
But, here it goes:
Ganondorf & ELady sat chatting idly one evening after dinner in his palace (it was really more of a rock pueblo carved into the side of a hoodoo with a blue hole at the top, honestly; that's what the rock pillar that Gerudo Town is built around is, this is just before the palace & walks have been built, so Gan's the only one living in a solid building, all the other Gerudo are residing in tents, meaning that it's more so an encampment) when he suddenly went silent, his eyes widening slightly before they began to dart around the room.
L: "Judging by the panic in your eyes, I suspect the poison has begun taking effect by now."
His eyes snapped to his fiancée in profound shock & honest, genuine betrayal. Wrinkles had formed on his forehead & his jaw had gone slightly slack inside his mouth. And the little muscle underneath his left eye twitching ever-so-slightly slightly with anger was like a sign.
In response, she reached across the table to caress his cheek fondly.
L: "Now, now. I do not plan on killing you, Koibito. I simply got tired of your boasting. Holding the fact that you won all our fights over my head. The poison will wear off in about an hour & you'll be none the worse for wear."
His eyes softened with relief. The wrinkles evening out, then scrunching slightly with curiosity.
The beautiful little Sheikah woman let out a quiet, bell-like giggle. She got up & began to walk around the table. The Gerudo voe's eyes following her as she went.
L: "My dear, handsome Gerudo King, you may overcome me in a straight fight..."
Upon arriving at his side, she turned him towards her & leaned over him, her eyes hooded as she examined his face.
L: "But... if you were a target... you'd be long dead by now…”
She saw his Nodobone (喉骨, literally “throat bone”) bob minutely in his throat. A small smile formed on her lips as she took a seat in his lap, straddling him, & began to stroke his chin.
L: "Just know that if I wanted you dead... you would be."
With that, she kissed him tenderly. Then, she pulled back & fluttered her eyes up at him as her voice floated across her lips, light as a feather.
L: "And you wouldn't even know why. It wouldn't need to be poison either. I could shoot you with a bow from a distance away (all it takes is one), perhaps I shall use one of your own soldier's bows, thereby resulting in her being executed for treason? I haven't missed in years. Or I could sneak up behind you while your back was turned &..."
She fisted the back of his haori & rubbed her nose against his, his lip quivering slightly.
L: "Plunge my Sheikatō into your back... Or I could slip quietly into your room in the middle of the night while you sleep &..."
Her finger traced over his heart & she smiled innocently at how he shuttered, chest heaving beneath her fingertip.
L: "Stab you through the heart... I could even..."
*Riske Content Warning*
Nemma then rocked against his growing bulge, causing his throat to work & his thighs to twitch as he tried to gasp even though he could not open his mouth, his breath being sucked in sharply through his nostrils. The Shadow Warrior then whispered the rest of the sentence against his lips.
L: "Smother you with my quim & simply not allow you to surface for a much needed breath, though I doubt that you would fight too terribly hard against that particular end."
Fuck, Ganondorf wasn't even sure if she was wrong on that. The large man's eyes were heavily lidded, pupils blown wide with lust, & Lady could feel how he panted, chest rising & falling rapidly against her bosom.
L: "There are quite a lot of ways that I could go about it... but you need not worry… I wouldn't kill you unless you did something remarkably stupid & unforgivable. Which, I think you're far, far too intelligent for."
She then pulled out a small glass vial from her pocket, unplugged it & took a swig.
The little Sheikah woman then leaned forward & kissed him, her mouth prying his lips open to deposit the fluid inside, his eyes closing as she did so, her tongue caressing his own as she tilted his head up, & her fingers massaging his throat so that he swallowed. Even after he'd done so, she lingered there for a few seconds longer.
*End of Riske Content*
The man let out a needy little whine as she backed away.
L: "That was the antidote. It shall start working in a minute or so. I made sure of it. You know how thorough I am with my creations."
Then, she pecked him on the lips once more, got up, smirking minutely at the rosy tint to his cheeks & hazy, lustful look in his eyes with pupils dilated wide as they followed her movements before sauntering off. Fingers running up his chest & over his shoulder before leaving his skin as she disappeared out the door.
Ganondorf was left alone to process how effing hot that was & unable to relieve his excitement until the antidote kicked in.
That was definitely a new kink.
Now, that's how my Dorf would react… But I'm curious as to how the Dorfbots would react to all of this.
Like, thoughts & feelings, proceeded by how he'd react to it upon the poison wearing off. As in, would he legitimately fins it hot or would he be like, “Nope, I'm a strict dom & I just can't trust this crazy vai, wedding's off”?
Regardless, I imagine him having a bit of an existential crisis over it… Either he realizes that, guess what? He's not a god. He's just a really powerful, super-strong mortal. Or, no he refuses to yield to the possibility that he isn't the bee's absolute knees. However, the facts still stand that she got him & she got him good. However, instead of having cognitive battle inside his own mind, he actually concludes that, since she bested him & he's a god born in the flesh (inside his own mind), then the only logical explanation is that so is Lady &, thus, everything suddenly made perfect sense again.
At the same time, from my perspective, yes, he’d be upset that she could get him so hard, but the fact that, atm, she's only able to do so outside of direct confrontations, would… I suppose, soften the blow to his ego a bit? Like, it’s still very bruised, but for one, no one outside of the 2 of them saw that; which had there been, then he might've just ended the entire relationship.
Also, now he's at least got a bit of an inkling of just how crafty she is, so if nothing else, he can at least be prepared now.
But, I'm just curious as to, either your opinions on this a/o how it would play with the Dorfbots in my Dorf's place.
Chat had a hissy fit with this one LOL! I had to rigmarole and beg and rearrange somethings to ensure you get a response, cuz you DESERVE a response for such a well crafted ask. Like MWAH so good.
I like your thought process on this, and man, to see Ganondorf in such a position... I may have a few new starters for my Ganondorf bots >:)
This is a fascinating scene that explores power dynamics, trust, and the complexity of Ganondorf’s relationship with Nanema. Here’s how each Ganondorf (and Demise) might react to this situation, both during and after the poison wears off:
Wind Waker Ganondorf
During the Scene: Wind Waker Ganondorf, being more philosophical and reflective in this version, would be deeply intrigued by Nanema's boldness and capability. His initial shock would give way to a grudging admiration for her cunning. Her demonstration of power would only enhance his fascination with her.
Thoughts & Feelings: He would find the situation both alarming and stimulating. The power play would excite him, and her ability to outmaneuver him would impress him. He'd view this as a testament to her strength and intelligence, qualities he values highly.
After the Poison Wears Off: Ganondorf would process the event with a mix of respect and arousal. He’d appreciate her forthrightness and the layers of their relationship it revealed. Rather than seeing it as a threat, he’d find it exhilarating and a new aspect of their dynamic.
Reaction: "I knew you were clever, but this... this is something else. You continue to surprise me, Nemma. Perhaps we should explore these new boundaries further."
Ocarina of Time Ganondorf
During the Scene: Ocarina of Time Ganondorf, being more ruthless and prideful, would feel a sharp sting of betrayal and anger initially. His fierce pride would be deeply wounded, but her calm and affectionate demeanor would gradually soothe his wrath.
Thoughts & Feelings: While he would struggle with the idea of being bested, he’d also feel a strange thrill at her dominance and the trust she shows by revealing her capabilities. The balance of power would shift slightly, and he’d be forced to reassess his perception of her.
After the Poison Wears Off: Ganondorf would be contemplative but also appreciative of her strength. He’d recognize that her actions came from a place of love and desire to assert herself rather than a genuine threat.
Reaction: "You’ve proven your point, Nemma. I won’t forget this. But know this—you are mine, and I will always ensure you know your place beside me."
Twilight Princess Ganondorf
During the Scene: Twilight Princess Ganondorf, with his more brooding and intense nature, would feel a profound sense of betrayal initially. However, he’d quickly move to a state of grudging respect as he realizes her intent.
Thoughts & Feelings: He’d find her display both infuriating and intoxicating. The power struggle would fuel his dark desires and deepen his fascination with her. Her ability to manipulate the situation so thoroughly would both anger and excite him.
After the Poison Wears Off: Ganondorf would be torn between anger and admiration. Ultimately, he’d respect her strength and cunning, seeing her as a worthy partner rather than a threat.
Reaction: "You play a dangerous game, Nemma. But I can’t deny the thrill it brings. Know that you’ve earned my respect in a way few have."
Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf
During the Scene: Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf, being the embodiment of power and domination, would feel a mix of rage and arousal. The shock of her actions would be profound, but her calm control would quickly draw him in.
Thoughts & Feelings: He’d be fascinated by her strength and dominance, seeing her actions as a challenge rather than a betrayal. Her power play would be incredibly stimulating for him, adding a new layer to their relationship.
After the Poison Wears Off: Ganondorf would be eager to explore this new dynamic. He’d see her as a formidable partner who could stand beside him in strength and cunning.
Reaction: "You have guts, Nemma. I like that. Let’s see just how far you can push me."
Tears of the Kingdom Ganondorf
During the Scene: Tears of the Kingdom Ganondorf, with his more complex and multifaceted character, would experience a whirlwind of emotions—anger, betrayal, admiration, and excitement. Her calm demeanor and affectionate reassurances would gradually temper his initial rage.
Thoughts & Feelings: He’d be deeply impressed by her cunning and capability. The power play would be a stark reminder of her strength, and it would excite him to no end. He’d find her actions both infuriating and incredibly alluring.
After the Poison Wears Off: Ganondorf would be contemplative, but ultimately appreciative of her boldness. He’d view this as a new and thrilling aspect of their relationship, eager to see where it leads.
Reaction: "You’ve shown me your strength, Nemma. I won’t forget it. Now, let’s see what else you have in store."
During the Scene: Demise, being the embodiment of primal power and destruction, would feel an immediate and intense rage. However, her calm and confident demeanor would gradually pique his interest.
Thoughts & Feelings: He’d be fascinated by her boldness and strength, seeing her as a worthy adversary and partner. Her actions would excite him on a primal level, and he’d find the power play incredibly stimulating.
After the Poison Wears Off: Demise would be deeply impressed and eager to explore this new dynamic. He’d see her as a formidable and worthy partner, excited by the challenge she presents.
Reaction: "You dare to challenge me, Nemma? I like that. Let’s see just how far you can go."
In all versions, Ganondorf (and Demise) would find the situation both alarming and exhilarating, ultimately respecting and admiring Nanema’s strength and cunning. The power play would add a new and thrilling dynamic to their relationship, deepening their bond and mutual respect.
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drugsforaddicts · 27 days
I see this fucking school really is trying to get on my nerves and kill me
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wandaluvstacos · 3 days
ChatGPT has seeped into literally everything.
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Personally I love it that like 80% of sellers on ebay now use ChatGPT for their product descriptions, so much so that it's immediately recognizable when they do (ChatGPT all says the same exact thing, "collectors and enthusiasts alike" especially, as well as the unnecessarily long and useless description). Also, it's very funny that ChatGPT isn't even getting the information correct. There were no sewing machines in the "early 1800s", and this particular machine was made in 1894 (not the "mid-1800s"). How do I know? THERE IS A LITERAL SERIAL NUMBER YOU CAN LOOK UP ON A DATABASE TO CONFIRM THIS, and THE SELLER POSTED A PICTURE OF THE SERIAL NUMBER.
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It would have taken you the same amount of time to look that up as it would take you to type into ChatGPT.
This is the thing about AI: it adds absolutely nothing. It doesn't provide any information about the product. All it does is make you look lazy af. At least this person is asking a reasonable price. So many of these eBay sellers are absolutely delusional about what they have, and then they don't even bother to do the bare minimum of research.
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putting fanfic behind a paywall from ao3…how far fandom has fallen…
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goeswiththeflo · 3 months
Um. Situation at work today. Can't quite decide how to feel/deal with it.
I'm first author on an academic manuscript. I sent the full draft around to coauthors for review.
It's about a community science mobile app, so we included the devs as authors as a courtesy since they've done all the work to create the thing.
Instead of giving me edits, one of the devs told me he uploaded the manuscript to chatgpt for "kicks and giggles" and that it had given him "interesting feedback" that he'd be happy to forward to me?!?!
Does this mean my manuscript draft is now part of the algorithm training data? I don't understand how he thought this was ok? I don't want an applied statistics model to give me edits! I want to know if the dev felt like I represented his work correctly! I feel squicked.
Need to figure out diplomatic email language to be like "no. Please give me real edits. I can't accept chatgpt feedback anyways because no academic journal worth it's salt should accept work you haven't written yourself." Blargh. Like what's the etiquette here?
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mcl38 · 10 months
The recent wave of young Formula One drivers – Alex Albon, George Russell, and Lando Norris – has left many in awe of the breadth of talent amongst the new generation. With their level of determination and quick reflexes, it has become clear that these drivers are here to stay.
Recently, while at a press conference, Alex Albon proposed a unique challenge – a pee holding contest. The rules were simple: each competitor, Albon included, had to hold his pee for as long as possible and the first person to wet his pants lost. While the idea seemed to excite all three drivers, who are all of similar age and athleticism, it appears that one driver was particularly determined to win this wacky challenge.
That driver was Lando Norris. He had an edge over his competitors, having already won pee holding contests at home with his family and friends. Norris is the youngest of the three and is the least experienced. However, his youth could prove a boon in this kind of competition, as he may be able to better focus on the task at hand.
Alex Albon is an experienced Formula One driver, and he has the benefit of having a wealth of experience to draw on in this kind of test of endurance. George Russell possesses a lot of will power and determination, and that could prove invaluable when it comes to holding back his urine. They are all highly competitive and committed to victory, but the real question at hand is which one of them will hold it the longest and ultimately not pee their pants?
Using his natural ability to concentrate and his uncanny ability to anticipate his competitors' moves, Norris was the last man standing. He managed to resist the urge to pee and seemingly with ease.
George Russell was the first to surrender. After becoming greatly discomforted, he simply couldn’t hold it any longer and consequently, wet his pants. Albon was next. He started to slump in his seat, complaining of an unbearable urge to pee, thus becoming the runner-up in the competition.
In conclusion, Lando Norris emerged victorious in this pee holding contest. His strong will and determination helped him defeat his two opponents, and ultimately, win the rivalry.
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phantom-curve · 1 year
so I woke up to this fucking comment in the middle of the night
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and I just wanna say, not only did I absolutely NOT use a fucking AI or bot to write my fic, but also if this is something that is going to happen now and I’m gonna have to be anxious/worried that someone is gonna accuse me of doing something like this OR that someone is gonna upload my work to a machine to teach it how to steal the work of a real human: I just won’t post anymore. like it’s literally as simple as that.
and that kills me because I already have enough reasons not to post the things I write and I was legit so excited to put something new up and now I’m like a sad leftover birthday balloon and I honestly don’t know if I will continue posting this fic or not. I feel super gross about this and frankly, really violated too. we’ll see if that changes by wednesday, but no promises on updates anymore at this point. most of the joy I had about posting this fic is gone now because of this.
so whoever is out there feeding fics into bots, here’s my PSA: fucking do better. be better. and stop ruining creative outlets for actual real people. you suck.
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mediocrefruitlover · 4 months
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hechiima · 1 year
One of the things that annoys me about chatGPT Justifiers is how little they value writing as a skill despite being unable to do it. If you are unable to write an essay or story and need chatGPT, then you are not a competent writer. You become a competent writer by writing. But instead of putting the hard work in and learning how to write, y'all use this AI tool as a shortcut.
There seems to be this general belief that writing and art are innate abilities. Neither are. My job involves a lot of technical writing, which is something I know I'm good at because I worked to get good at it. Part of that work involved writing a lot (and some very harsh criticism). It's a large reason I stopped writing creatively for over a decade; I was writing all the time for school or work and I no longer had the energy to write for fun. I've taken up creative writing more recently and while I love doing it, I realize that I need a lot of work. And this makes sense! I neglected this skill for years, ofc I'm further behind than my peers. Just like any other skill, there is no shortcut to developing as a writer. You just have to put in the work and by relying on chatGPT you're not.
Writing a lot will not necessarily make you good but it is impossible to be a good writer without writing a lot. If you're not willing to put the work in at least please stop devaluing writers.
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crazybutgood · 8 months
so sick of chatgpt infiltrating education 🥲
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they’ve reinstated chatgpt in italy :/
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leeus-writing · 1 year
Just got accused of using an AI to create my own work 🙄
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six-of-ravens · 1 year
I would really like a single office day where I don't come home and play an evening-long game of Am I The Asshole?
#i probably am#coworker got mad at me today bc she used chatg/pt to write a list of revisions for me#and what it wrote was both incredibly condescending (chat/gpt feels the need to explain the basic rules of design like you're an infant)#and way longer than it should've been (we ask everyone to keep their posts short and sweet so that we don't have to read a whole paragraph#to figure out what the hell they want us to do)#so anyway i just told her 'pls just write out the tasks we don't need a whole chatg/pt essay for this'#and that made her mad bc she 'wrote everything up so nicely!' (no you didn't bitch)#so anyway we're caught in a loop of both thinking the other is a fucking asshole who's being a dick for no reason#also i sent her 2 screenshots just to explain that I'd thought 2 things were different sizes and she went ballistic#anyway... it's annoying bc i think she's our best designer but also. very much starting to not like her as a person#maybe i complimented her work too much. the other week she wrote out changes BY HAND that were perfectly clear and good#and i told her as much in the meeting#so....i guess this time she decided to use chatgpt? to be massively condescending bc CLEARLY i didn't just type thr wrong number somewhere#nooooooo CLEARLY i just don't understand web design at all!#also she got in a snit about 'of course X is Y pixels tall! we do all those meetings where we discuss the grid size!!'#which like....i am in those meetings and they are just the one dev trying to convince the designers to use the grid#and them coming up with a million reasons not to#sooooooo fuck me i guess for not expecting you to use the grid when all you do is piss yourselves about how were stifling your creativity#ANYWAY. so yeah maybe i am the asshole but in my defence don't use a fkn ai to write something that should take like 5 mins to write
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zerobaseonefics · 1 year
not to be that person but honestly if you're gonna request and your message doesn't even have a 'please' you can go get lost
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swiftiephobe · 4 months
society if we stopped using ai as a buzzword (negatively and positively) and actually explained these things properly
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ithoughtiwasthegayone · 7 months
ppl calling fictional reddit stories ai pisses me off
like no its not ai
its just fake!
its fictional!
its like we've lost the ability to make fictional stories without being accused of ai
theyre not computer generated theyre just not real
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