#Chart of Accounts
casefoxinc · 1 year
Learn how to set up your law firm's chart of accounts with this easy-to-follow guide, designed to help you keep track of your finances and optimize your business operations.
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bookkeeperlive12 · 4 months
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billa-billa007 · 1 year
Ida Butera talking about her experience with Future Proof Accountants courses
In this video Ida Butera, Senior Accountant from Andresen Mccarthy Partners, shares her experience using Future Proof Accountants Courses and webinars.
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i have been resurrected from the dead by the pure energy of absentmindedly scrolling through rendogs channel and being forcefully YANKED back into my hermitcraft phase by the sound of his voice
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klavierpanda · 2 years
A reminder that 1) asexuality and aromanticism are spectra, there isn't an allo/a binary, and 2) the repulsed/favourible spectrum isn't reserved for the use of aspec people. It is possible to be allosexual and be sex averse or alloromantic and romance repulsed. "Attraction doesn't necessarily mean action" also applies to allos and I wish that was more widely accepted because it would save a lot of allos a lot of hassle. I just didn't expect to have to point either of these put to the aspec community
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sainamoonshine · 5 months
My unpopular opinion is that in languages with grammatical gender like french, it does make sense for Murderbot to be referred to by whatever pronoun is usually used for robots or constructs. (In french, therefore, grammatical masculine.) Because there are no traditional « it » pronouns in these languages for objects, and while there are neo-pronouns, they are things one must choose for themselves. Do you honestly think MB actually spent time thinking about its pronouns?! No it didn’t. On forms it picks « non-applicable ». When people ask it what pronouns they should use, its honest opinion is « why do you even need to talk about me. Just don’t fucking do that. Don’t think about me either. Just fucking stop perceiving me altogether! »
Thinking about what pronouns to use probably makes it way more uncomfortable than letting people call it what they’ve already been calling it. Making a conscious choice about its identity? And telling other people about it??? No thanks bye, it’s just gonna walk into the ocean now, see you never.
Lbr it probably thinks the only bots that get fancy pronouns are comfort units, and the pronouns are probably shoved into them by humans same as everything else. MB would meet a bot using a neopronoun and it would wish it could barf. Because in a language like french, he/him and she/her, when applied to objects, ARE fulfilling the function of the english « it ». Nobody is saying the table is a woman or related to feminity in any way outside of stand-up comedy; when it comes to objects grammatical gender really has fuckall to do with human gender even if we use the same words. Even animal species names have grammatical gender and everyone gets that there are male and female turtles even if the word « turtle » is a female word, it’s not that confusing.
(I know this is strange when your language has different pronouns for people and for objects, but understand that english uses the same word to indicate if I’m addressing one or many people, and that is confusing to me.)
TL;DR; stop harassing international fans for not getting the correct MB pronoun in english right off the bat. Yes in english calling it « he » or « her » or « them » is upsetting because it’s projecting an identity unto it. But same goes for trying to get a foreign language translation to use a pronoun intended to express or showcase an identity (or even a lack of one!). Murderbot has not thought about it this hard, refuses to think about it this hard -> and that is its only canon accurate gender identity.
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jmsdear · 5 months
alright jeno…. 🤭
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applejongho · 1 month
honestly the y**ngi dui situation is one of the most interesting events that has unfolded in kpop... maybe it's bc he was my ult for ~3 years and my dad loves him (he has not spoken a word to me about The Situation tho so idk how he feels) but i do think the reaction that came out of fans is why it's so compelling for me to follow to a T
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smolbimbo · 4 months
Ship chart for Cathyrn and Lloyd
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omg i totally forgot i also made these and i don't feel like adding them to the original posts heheh
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billa-billa007 · 1 year
What does Futureproof Accountants do
Accounting and Bookkeeping are fundamental financial processes that involve recording, organizing, and interpreting financial transactions and information within a business or organization. They play a crucial role in ensuring accurate financial records, aiding decision-making, and meeting legal and regulatory requirements. Bookkeeping is a subset of accounting that focuses on the systematic recording and organizing of financial transactions. It provides the foundation for accurate accounting records.
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notfernintheslighest · 5 months
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this is verger hate account (also with the ones who can def do both I put what they’re better at)
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bottomgun-maverick · 1 year
Top Gun (1986) Behind The Scenes!
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thedogeveryonehates · 2 months
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I doubt you needed any further convincing but he has a cat too
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awfulalignmentcharts · 6 months
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y'all going wild on these things huh
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oathkeeper-of-tarth · 29 days
What am I up to? Well, I promised myself I would use this final conveniently chill seaside week to finish up the draft of the final part of Moon-chosen, Moon-guided that I've been poking at for more than six months at this point. As distracting/inspiring as lounging around on moonlit beaches at night might be.
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The thing is a monster, even as riddled with holes as it still is:
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And, in a super exclusive super exciting preview that everyone is certainly clamouring for, Isobel has decided to be a Jaheira/Nine-Fingers truther:
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