#Chapter 423
nooo don't disintegrate into nothing and die, you're so sexy ahaha
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moog-rt · 4 days
ɪɴ ᴀɴᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ᴜɴɪᴠᴇʀꜱᴇ [ch.1]
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[Shigaraki Tomura x Fem!Reader]
Previous: Prologue
➨ Chapter One
Next: Coming Soon...
The multiverse theory is the idea that there is not only one universe but, instead, an infinite number of universes, parallel to one another.
You and Tenko were heroes in your universe. The war came and went, and that left only you. When you are thrown into a universe parallel to yours, you find out the hard way just how similar and different it is from your own.
A/N: I know this is technically the first chapter BUT, there is a prologue for this story. So if you haven't checked that out yet, it's linked above, and I highly recommend reading that first.
If you'd prefer to read on Ao3, here is the link:
Otherwise, enjoy!
♡ ♡ ♡
The rain grew heavier, encouraging you to turn away from your departing friend in favor of heading home. Combined with the cool early-spring air, you were sure you’d get a chill. It was a little surreal, being a top-charted hero who helped save the world from villainous destruction and taking transit like you were a typical commuter. No one batted an eye. They probably didn’t even recognize you regardless of whether or not you were dressed for work.
That’s how the world was.
They cared for the first few weeks following the end of the war, but that dwindled as weeks stretched into months. Once the roads were rebuilt and everyone resumed their daily lives, there wasn’t much to remind them of what had happened.
And after the upheaval of hero-dominated society, the raving over who was Number One and which debuts showed the most promise declined to almost nothing.
Heroes were becoming a thing of the past.
Your apartment was reminiscent of that fact. For nearly your entire life, you were chasing after some dream of becoming a hero and making the world a better and safer place. Yet there was barely anything decorating your walls or countertops to suggest such a thing. You had been living there for roughly two years, just after the end of the war, but there were countless boxes shoved aside still waiting to be unpacked. You’d peered inside them a handful of times, but you decided it was better that their contents stayed tucked away.
After entering your apartment, you wasted no time in peeling off your soaked clothing. The various articles landed on the linoleum flooring with a wet slap. You kicked your pants to the side and shuffled over to one of the stools at your kitchen counter. You grabbed a throw blanket that was draped over the back of one of them and wrapped it around your shivering body.
A pitiful groan emanated from your stomach just before it cramped up uncomfortably. With a slight wince, you huffed and checked your fridge for any remaining left overs or easy meals.
What a sad sight that was. The light inside of the fridge illuminated your face as you stared at mostly empty shelves.
You could always order take out.
Swiping away missed calls and unread messages, you began a search for anything that sounded appealing.
Maybe if you’d gotten a text from Toga or Iguchi, you would have cared. But Toga was obviously busy with her big move, and you couldn’t remember the last time Iguchi had reached out to you. For a while, you two would try to make time to grab lunch or play games like you used to, but you both knew it was hardly the same anymore. You saw each other less and less, until your meetups stopped altogether.
Nowadays, your dreams were filled with memories rather than hopes for the future. Your heart and soul longed for the experiences and the people in your past, and the only way you could indulge was in your sleep. Waking up afterwards was like pulling teeth as you tried your utmost to return to whatever memory had been playing out in your mind.
The doorbell rang.
Your food was left outside your door, and after bringing it in, you ate maybe half of it before banishing the leftovers to the fridge of doom. The light filtering into your apartment gradually turned cool and dim, meaning it was just late enough for you to justify turning in for the night. You didn’t bother putting on a dry set of clothes, instead opting to crawl into bed wearing your mildly soggy undergarments.
Every day was the same. You’d work, go home, eat, and sleep. You never went out anymore, and you were certain that if you picked up your TV remote, it would leave a silhouette behind contrasting the dusty surface.
The only bits of ‘décor’ you had were photographs strewn about your TV stand. None of them were framed. They just lay there for you to peruse whenever you wanted to inflict even more emotional damage upon yourself. The old photos of your friends from work and school before the war best served for collecting dust.
There was one that stood out from the rest. It lay on your nightstand, still sheen from its frequent handling.
Delicately, you picked it up, just as you did most nights, and peered down at it.
It was the day Tenko Shimura officially started as a pro-hero at the AFO Hero Agency.
He spent the past few years with them as an internship and a work study, but everyone felt that starting there as a graduate was something to be celebrated. So you all made a day of it.
Everyone was there, and the conference room had been decorated and rearranged to better fit the occasion. Several platters of food lined the tables, filling the room with a heavenly aroma that complimented the chatter quite well.
Tenko wasn’t typically one for parties or huge get-togethers, especially when he was the focus, but he was kept from standing idly as people took turns congratulating him. You could tell he was beginning to grow tired of all the socializing.
You chuckled as you stepped up to his side, walking him away from his dying conversation. You watched as he relaxed his tense shoulders and dipped his head back with an airy groan.
“How does it feel being the life of the party?” you snickered.
He glowered at you through his messy, black bangs before placing a gloved hand on your shoulder and giving you a strong shove that sent you stumbling. You cursed as you regained your balance, ready to retaliate but he was already walking away from you.
“Hey!” You trotted back up to him.
“You’re next, you know,” he said, looking at you from the corner of his eye.
You tilted your head to the side, “To be the focus of a party?”
“To join the agency,” he corrected. “When you graduate, you’d better.”
“Oh, of course.” You grinned at him before narrowing your eyes slightly. “But only if you promise to stick around until then.”
“I’m planning on it,” he chuckled, “Unless you piss me off.”
It was your turn to jab at him, but, unlike you, he kept his balance, barely even stepping to the side.
The two of you found a secluded place to sit and chat idly but it was mostly filled with a comfortable silence as you scrolled on your phones. You were only granted a few minutes of social reprieve before Magne came looking for you.
“Are you two aware that the party isn’t out here?” she said, crossing her arms like a disappointed mother.
You and Tenko exchanged a glance, but neither of you said a word.
“Get your asses in there!” She scolded, shepherding the two of you back to the celebration. “We’re taking a group picture.”
Everyone crowded together. You were pushed up against Tenko’s side, and the two of you felt Iguchi drop his arms onto your shoulders. He stood behind you, still clearly visible between your heads, and Toga latched herself onto your free arm. Touya lurked on the very edge of the group while Compress took on a dramatic pose to ensure his theatrics would be captured for all of eternity.
One of Jin’s doubles positioned himself in front of everyone, partially crouched down and shuffling this way and that in order to get the perfect angle.
He didn’t have to tell you to say ‘cheese’ to get you to grin from ear-to-ear.
You felt Tenko’s gloved hand press against the small of your back as the camera flashed, immortalizing the occasion.
Seeing everybody grinning back at you in the photo four years later made your heart ache in many ways. You were happy that you possessed that memory as well as a picture to always remind you of it. But you were also tormented by the fact that it would never be recreated.
Unfortunately, plans didn’t always come to fruition.
When you started as a pro-hero at the agency, the world was in too much chaos to celebrate. And even if you held a celebration once everything settled down, Tenko wouldn’t be there to congratulate you.
In spirit, maybe.
When you really thought about it, almost everyone would be missing.
Magne had passed many years ago, when your team was assigned to the Overhaul-Eri case. The war took away Jin, Touya, Sensei, and, of course, Tenko. Iguchi would have stuck around long enough, but Atsuhiro was forced into retirement when the war first started.
In a way, the villains got what they wanted. Countless heroes were decommissioned, and those who remained were no longer viewed in the same positive light as they once were. Criticism was high if a hero couldn’t carry out a job flawlessly and without any casualties. Even then, you were always at risk of being deemed a ‘fame-chaser’ or that you were only in it for the money.
The only heroes that remained were the honest and the resilient.
You liked to think you were both, but as time went on, you grew more unsure. In the beginning, you were more than eager to make a positive impact on people’s lives, regardless of whether or not you were credited or paid for it. Eventually, you met everyone at your agency, and hero work changed your life for the better. Even if you failed a job, you had people by your side to pick you back up and keep you pushing forward.
But now?
Now, you were tired.
You no longer had your support system keeping you motivated and in good spirits. While you still felt pleased with every life you protected, that feeling of fulfillment would be gone by the time your head touched your pillow.
That’s where you were at currently.
With a deep sigh, you let go of the photograph, letting it fall back onto the nightstand, and rolled onto your back to stare at the ceiling. You shut your eyes, but you knew it would be hours before you actually fell asleep. You would either sleep the day away or you’d barely sleep at all. Rarely could you find a balance between the two.
Usually, you would stay up thinking about how everything ended up the way it did, and whether there was anything you could have done to prevent it all from happening. What could you possibly have done so that your team would still be at your side?
If you were split up differently during the Overhaul raid so that you were in Magne’s group, you could have pushed her out of the way of Chisaki’s fatal touch. If you had stuck by Jin’s side instead of letting him go into the Paranormal Liberation Front’s headquarters alone, you could have fought off Hawks before he landed his deadly blow.
And Tenko…
You’d probably have to end the war all on your own in order to save him. He was at the forefront of every battle, leading the charge. He had no regard for his own safety. He gave up his own body so that Mr. Shigaraki could transfer his quirk and conscience to it. You’re pretty sure that was the point of no return.
After that, you don’t think anything that came out of Tenko’s mouth was truly him.
Whether or not he could even hear you scream and cry for him in the final moments of the war would remain a mystery.
The heels of your hands pressed deeply against your eyes as if you could physically push the thoughts out of your head. You couldn’t do this tonight. You needed to do something, anything, other than lay there and dwell on things of the past.
How could you have known what was to come?
Throwing off your covers, you ripped the last garments from your person and got up to change into something clean and dry. You had to get out of your sad and dingy little apartment. You wiggled your way into a spare hero suit after deciding that lending a helping hand for the night was your best chance at clearing your head.
You made your way back to your agency as quickly as you could through the frigid rain. It wouldn’t be so bad if it were summer time, since the warmth would typically counteract it, but you still had a few months of spring to get through. By the time you arrived, you were a bit damp, but you found it hard to care. Pulling your keycard out of your wallet, you tapped into the system so you could get in.
Even though it was late, there were still a few people around in case of emergency, and none of them were surprised to see you stroll in. Two of them were people you had graduated with, though they did their work studies elsewhere.
“Hiya,” Minji, a pink-haired and bubbly girl, sang to you in greeting. She was sitting alert at her desk, ready for whatever report came her way.
“Hi,” you nodded, walking over to her.
Another girl you attended school with was lounging in the space adjacent to hers, leaning back as far as her chair would allow, both feet propped up on the desk. Her head turned over in your direction before she acknowledged you, “Need something to do?”
“If you have anything,” you said with a shrug.
“I think Sakiko got a call-in just a few minutes ago requesting a hero to accompany the transport of a villain,” Minji chimed with a soft smile, eyes darting over to her companion.
“Uh, yeah. Let me get the details on that,” Sakiko mumbled as she kicked her feet off of the desk and scooted closer to search through her computer. “Yeah, so the police want to transport a villain to a higher security prison… His name is Dai Uchuu. He was involved with Overhaul during the raid, but he was able to escape, and there’ve been no updates on his activity since. We also don’t have any official documentation but his quirk is believed to be a teleportation-type triggered by his hands making contact with each other.”
“Sure, that works. Send me the address, and let them know I’ll be there.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
The station wasn’t too far from the agency. You walked for maybe ten minutes before you could see its lit-up sign at the end of the block. There was a brief flicker but it recovered almost immediately. However, the lights within the station began to spasm on and off, which was slightly more concerning.
The police relied mainly on quirk-nullifying restraints and cells to prevent breakouts. If they were having issues with the power, then the nullification effects would likely be down, and that would be quite the problem.
You quickened your pace and rushed into the building. The first thing you noticed was the plethora of odd objects that had been thrown about the lobby. There was a bicycle on top of the desk, a canoe sticking out from one of the doorways, and a large tub of paint that was actively rolling across the floor, leaving a trail of blue behind it. You could see a large splatter on the wall where you assumed it had made contact.
The second thing you noticed was the silence. Despite the apparent chaos, not a single cop was in sight. You couldn’t even hear any voices emanating from adjacent rooms. There was no one.
You briefly reported the situation to your agency through the communicator strapped to your forearm and cautiously proceeded onto the other rooms. The holding area and the locker rooms were empty and in similar condition to the lobby. You were about to say the same for the offices, but you noticed a quiet murmur coming from behind one of the far desks.
In a slight crouch and with light feet, you slinked in that direction. As you peered around one of the desks, you saw the villain, Uchuu, still dressed in his medieval garb. His colorful back was turned to you as he rummaged through a filing cabinet. The quirk-nullifying restraints dangled from one of his wrists. One of the officers must have gotten that on him after he had a go at most of the building.
But then why hadn’t you run into him?
You silently reached forward and cast your quirk, causing his clothes to freeze him in place. As you walked forward, he began to snicker. You faltered a step at his odd behavior.
“Of course you would be the one to show up,” he spoke with a strange accent.
“I guess?” You positioned yourself in front of him. You wouldn’t be able to attach the restraint he had on to his other wrist due to it being frozen along with him, so you pulled out one of the few that you carried. “What happened to everyone?”
You reached forward to attach the new set of cuffs, but as you did, you caught sight of the file he was holding.
Was that your name?
The cabinet he was going through was supposed to contain criminal profiles. Just as you were about to question how and why he had one that was addressed to you, you felt a sharp pain on the back of your hand.
“Ow! What the fuck?!” You jerked away and were about the curse the man out for fucking pinching you, before processing the fact that he was standing up. Your surprise had caused you to release your quirk, freeing him.
“What a fortunate turn of events this has been,” he drawled with a wicked grin. You narrowed your eyes and raised your arm to use your quirk again, but before you could, his hands clapped together.
You felt your entire body lurch forward, and for a moment, everything was black.
You figured you must have blinked because it was only a second before you could see clearly again. A wave of nausea began crawling its way up your belly, but you did your best to ignore the feeling while you frantically looked around.
It took you a moment to realize that Dai Uchuu was no longer in front of you. The filing cabinet was closed and no more papers were littering the floor. He must have gotten what he was looking for and bolted… Were you seeing black for longer than you realized?
If he clapped his hands, he must have tried using his quirk but he still had a restraint around one of his wrists. That should have been enough to still subdue his quirk, so he had to be around somewhere.
You quickly made to leave, almost bumping into an officer who was standing up from his desk. He shouted after you, and you gave a clipped apology but kept on your pursuit. As you entered the lobby, you almost ran head first into another officer and had to pause to move out of her way. She didn’t seem to be in much of a hurry though.
“Do you know which way he went?” you quickly asked her as you began walking backwards towards the exit of the building.
She looked perplexed, doing a double take of you. “Who? What were you doing in that area?”
He must not have gone that way otherwise, given his outlandish appearance, she surely would have remembered. That meant he would still be in the building.
“That’s where I found Dai Uchuu. He was going through some of the criminal records but he managed to get away,” you explained, slowly walking back towards her. “I’m not sure what he was looking for, but I’m guessing—”
“Who are you?”
“I’m the hero assigned to your case,” you said matter-of-factly. “You guys sent in a request for help, so I came.”
She jerked her head back, scrutinizing you. “We didn’t—”
“Listen, if you didn’t see him come this way, he must still be in the building. You guys should look for him here, and I’ll check outside in case he found some other way out,” you said as you began a quick pace into the lobby.
They made quick work of cleaning up, because all of the foreign objects that were thrown about when you’d arrived were nowhere to be seen. You noticed even the giant paint splatter was gone. Actually, the entire place looked spotless of even normal dirt and wear-and-tear. Maybe you should’ve hired them to clean up your apartment for you.
The room erupted in clamor as you booked it outside. It was a lot clearer out without the rain, but you still couldn't see any sign of the villain. Leaving it up to intuition, you started sprinting down the road to your left as you updated your agency through your communicator with a request for more heroes to help search.
You were barely running for a minute before you began feeling overheated. There was no way you were that tired already, you didn’t go through all that training for nothing. Then, you realized it wasn’t your body that was too warm, it was the air around you. Not even ten minutes ago, you were freezing your ass off as you trudged to the station in the rain. Now, it felt like the temperature outside was pushing 70 degrees.
Someone had to be controlling the weather. Quirks like that were rare, but not unheard of. Either way, that was somebody else’s problem. You were a little preoccupied at the moment.
You were growing irritated that you hadn’t heard anything from your colleagues. Minji was usually super responsive. She must have stepped away and left Sakiko in charge, which would explain the lack of urgency on their end.
Your pace began to slow as your energy grew more and more depleted.
Your end of the search was proving to be pointless. You passed a run-down convenience store when you decided it would be best to head back to the station to see if the police were fruitful. You heard the chime of the shop’s bell too late, turning on your heel to retrace your steps and crashing into someone as they were exiting.
You jostled back.
There were two people, and your collision caused them to drop their bags, scattering the contents. You crouched down to help them pick up whatever had fallen, hoping they didn’t have any paper products for the rain-soaked ground to get soggy.
Your eyebrows pressed together as you picked up a messy handful of napkins. You looked down at the sidewalk and pressed your hand against it.
It was bone dry.
That couldn’t be right, there’s no way the water would have evaporated that quickly.
You couldn’t ponder the strange occurrence for long as the shoe of one of the people stepped closer to you. Hurriedly, you scooped as many items back into the bag as you could and peered up at them with an apologetic smile. They were already reaching toward you with an open hand. It was a bit too close to your face for your liking, so you leaned away as you stood.
“I’m so sorry. I wasn’t paying attention.” You pushed the bag into their hand and finally looked at the person’s face to see it was mostly covered by a black face mask and a hood. Despite that, peeking through a plume of dusty blue hair was a pair of fiery red eyes that felt as if they were burning through your soul.
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taglist: @boogiemansbitch
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hashbrowne08 · 1 month
Just got to chapter 423
Great, another thing to call kdj
We have kdj, ugly king, king of a kingless world, demon king of salvation and now we have watcher of light and darkness!
This man has too many names
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i'm so emotional, chapter 423 is just... wow
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mysteroads · 1 month
So, in regards to my fanfic, and what we learned in MHA Chapter 423... I would like to formally say CALLED IT!!!
I was so. freaking. close. to what actually happened!
I am probably the only one who cares, but I'm still pretty pleased with myself. 😎 (And, if I'm honest, I kinda like my version a little better. I certainly like what happens AFTER better.)
Good for Kurogiri though. Gonna have to add a oneshot with him to my series. He deserves a good catharsis.
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cherrytenko · 1 month
I’m not kidding if that’s how shiggy’s story ends, I’m gonna be so let down. He could’ve done so much more y’know??? Like… r you telling me he suffered all that time just for his ending to be *****. Like, it seems to be a trend with the villains that their ending is to just *** as if that’s fair and disappointingly predictable
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algumaideia · 25 days
Tiny Luffy tão pichicochinho
Grandma is a siren? 🤨
Fight is tense
Robin trusts her friends!!!
Ha Franky is beating loser guy
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smolthealmighty · 1 month
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654 notes · View notes
peterokii · 8 days
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waterdropsfall · 1 month
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At least he died happy
He's in a better place now
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828 notes · View notes
Man, as much as I like Kurogiri's line this chapter (and seemingly his final line ever as he disappears) for the found family aspect to it; "His friends are waiting for him” has an awfully morbid twist to it now that Tomura's death has me reevaluating who among the League may still be alive, and who might not be.
When the whole point was saving these guys; I didn't really consider that Dabi might succumb to his burns, or Toga to her blood loss, or that I really needed to worry about Spinner's disappearance. It's a shonen manga, they could walk that off if the point is for them to live.
But now we know the point isn't for them to live. So I have to ask; which of his friends are waiting for Tomura, waiting to greet him with Magne, Twice, and Kurogiri? Who got left behind, to potentially rot in Tartarus 2.0? Which is worse?
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224 notes · View notes
moog-rt · 5 days
ɪɴ ᴀɴᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ᴜɴɪᴠᴇʀꜱᴇ
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[Shigaraki Tomura x Fem!Reader]
➨ Prologue
Next: Chapter 1
The multiverse theory is the idea that there is not only one universe but, instead, an infinite number of universes, parallel to one another.
You and Tenko were heroes in your universe. The war came and went, and that left only you. When you are thrown into a universe parallel to yours, you find out the hard way just how similar and different it is from your own.
A/N: Basically, hero!reader x villain!Shigaraki. I'm still in denial about Chapter 423. Who is she? I don't know her. Anyways, quick disclaimer that the beginning of this story reflects the inner turmoil Horikoshi has caused me. That being said, godspeed, Soldier.
If you'd prefer to read on Ao3, here is the link:
Otherwise, enjoy!
♡ ♡ ♡
Was that refrigerator always there?
Falling from the sky?
Barreling right for you?
No. No it wasn’t.
You threw yourself to the side just in time for the massive hunk of metal to crash into the pavement where you had been standing. As you released an exasperated breath, you noticed a glint from the corner of your eye. It was a set of kitchen knives flying through the air at an alarming speed.
Their path also appeared to overlap with the space you were occupying. This time, the predicted points of contact were varied and too spread out for you to avoid. They were only a few inches away from impaling you when they stopped midair.
You sighed. Times like these, your quirk really was a blessing. It got the name ‘freeze frame’ once you’d enrolled in UA, but you always felt the name was a bit dramatic. Your quirk allowed you to freeze any nonliving thing within a sphere less than 40 feet in diameter.
You released the blades as you shakily got back on your feet, the metal ringing out as the knives fell against the pavement. Looking around, you couldn’t see the villain your team had been called out to address. However, the yelling and loud crashing coming from a few streets over gave you a pretty good idea of where you could find him.
Your agency had received a number of reports describing a funny-looking man downtown who was materializing kitchen appliances out of thin air. All the while, items being sold at several stores around the area were mysteriously vanishing.
The man himself was just as perplexing. He had a gray buzzcut as well as a long swirly mustache, and he donned what looked like an outfit suited for a medieval jester. Appearances aside, he would be sighted at one location just to disappear and be spotted several blocks down only moments later.
Your team went in under the assumption that he had a teleportation-type quirk.
As soon as you had arrived on the scene, items were being hurled at you left and right. All the while, your coworkers were able to engage the man relatively unimpeded. His ability to pop in and out of existence however he pleased made it difficult for anyone to land a blow or immobilize him.
Your quirk was your best bet at containing him. He seemed to know that as well, keeping you too busy playing professional high-risk dodgeball to do anything.
However, now that you were out of his line of sight, you were relieved of the tiring onslaught of potentially deadly blows. Brushing yourself off, you wasted no time rushing back into the battle, cutting through an alley to the other side of the block in hopes of catching it in time.
You could already see some of the chaos in action as you exited the alleyway, culinary equipment flying through the air accompanied by an occasional shout. As you were about to rush back into the fray, you were forced to skid to a halt.
The man of the hour had materialized just a few meters ahead of you.
On instinct, your arm jerked forward, aiming an open palm in his direction. By the time he noticed you, it was too late. A translucent sphere shot from your hand and expanded to encapsulate him. It appeared as though he was about to clap his hands together, but his clothing froze his arms in place before they could make contact. His face twisted into a scowl.
Your chest swelled with accomplishment as a prideful grin forced its way onto your lips. It had been quite a while since you’d gotten so frustrated over a villain encounter, and finally putting a stop to his nonsense was satisfying.
Walking forward, you reached behind your back to unlatch a pair of quirk nullifying restraints from your belt. You had a plethora of equipment strapped all over your body in order to be prepared for whatever you were called in to address. Most was for rescue assignments, as that was an area your agency excelled at, but you also had to be ready for the occasional villain encounter here and there.
You entered the sphere you’d created to secure the restraints around the man’s forearms. Though nonliving objects within the sphere were frozen, anything new entering it would be unaffected.
Electrical tethers emitted from either wristband, latching onto the other. When you released your quirk, the sphere dissipated and the tethers jerked the villain’s arms together. By design, however, they maintained roughly half a foot between his wrists.
The police rushed to surround the both of you. A few grabbed hold of the villain, dragging him to the cop cars parked down the road, while two others pulled you aside so you could debrief them on the situation. You shared whatever information you had, and as they walked away, a new, unfamiliar figure was bounding up to you.
Their skin and clothing appeared as if it were melting and being sloughed off. You scrambled to remove a large piece of fabric you always had secured to your back and threw it over your friend before she was rendered nude to the world. You’d used to wear three or four at a time when going out on rescues, and it made you look as if you were wearing a ton of capes, trying to be dramatic. However, they served a very real purpose—
They used to.
Nowadays, you only needed to wear one. Afterall, somebody had to preserve your friend’s modesty.
“Hah…Finally!” Toga sang, enveloping herself in the fabric as the last bits of her disguise washed away. Her blonde space buns looked as if they had just been done up a few minutes ago. Their perfectly put together appearance did not reflect the fact that she had been relentlessly duking it out for the last half hour. “I was beginning to think we had no chance of catching him.”
You glanced over at the car the villain was forced into, and the hairs on the back of your neck stood on end. It was a ways away, but you could just barely make out his face behind the shrouded glass, staring unblinkingly at you.
It wasn’t unusual to have a few glares thrown your way after apprehending a suspect or villain, but for some reason, his gaze sent an ice-cold wave of discomfort through your body. The frigid rain drops that had begun to land on your bare skin only amplified the unsettling feeling.
You thought the weather called for clear skies, but it was completely overcast.
Forcing your eyes away, you sent a soft smile to the girl beside you. “You know I wouldn’t let that happen on our last assignment together.”
Toga’s blissful expression fell.
“I’m sorry I didn’t let you get the last move in,” you chuckled in an attempt to delay what you knew would be a difficult conversation.
“I wouldn’t have it any other way…” she hummed, looking down as the skin under her eyes as well as the tip of her nose began to flush, “I’m gonna miss you always being there to save the day.” 
Your dear friend was moving on from your agency to a much larger hero organization. After the war, several countries agreed to band together to create a group of stellar heroes who would tend to assignments all over the world. The position was offered only to the best of the best or to those with particularly useful quirks–the selected few would receive private training as preparation for the jobs to come. It was no surprise to anyone that they reached out to Toga, impressed by her skill and versatility.
Many aspects of her new job would be confidential–which you could understand–and communication with those outside the organization would be extremely limited. So although you were elated about the news, you were also understandably upset.
Her hair tickled against your cheek as you pulled her into a hug. “Give yourself more credit. I’d never be able to pull anything off if it weren’t for you always setting me up for success.”
She wrapped her arms around you and pressed her cheek against yours. Her skin was  mostly cold and wet from the rain but there were also warm tears intermingling with everything else. You could feel your eyes starting to burn and glaze over.
“You’re going to be amazing,” you murmured.
You felt her nod, and the two of you held each other for a while before she finally pulled away, the redness in her face dissipating. She puffed up her chest and gifted you another one of her signature smiles.
“I’m ready,” she said.
You nodded with taught lips.
She took her leave, waving a hand with a fistful of the fabric you’d wrapped around her. “I’m keeping this by the way!”
You choked out a laugh.
You were happy for her. Really you were. She was only a year younger than you, and she had stuck by your side through the majority of your high school years, following you to the agency you worked at now. You two had worked together for almost the entirety of your hero careers.
Working without her by your side would be a difficult adjustment. Recently, there were many aspects of your life that changed in ways you weren’t too fond of. As a result, you were beginning to grow used to having to adapt to such undesirable circumstances.
But this was good for her. She could start a new chapter in her life, and leave behind the dark stain the war had left on you both. She was still young, and there was so much left for her to work towards. Her new position would be perfect for setting her in the right direction.
You, however, had become far too attached to the life you had before. The relationships and dreams you held dear were wrenched away, leaving you grasping for empty air. Whether it was due to unwillingness or lack of energy, you couldn’t find it in you to rebuild what you had lost.
“Goodbye, Toga. I’m gonna miss you.” Your arms hung at your sides as you fought to retain a smile that felt too heavy for your face.
She turned to look back at you over her shoulder as she trotted away, her eyes squinted from her abnormally large grin. “I’m gonna miss you, too! Make sure to take good care of yourself!”
Of course. That was no challenge for you.
Your definition of ‘taking care’ was akin to tending to a houseplant or a pet hamster. You made sure you’d eat and drink water. You spent more than enough time sleeping. And you settled on hero work as your preferred form of enrichment.
A couple years ago, it would have been something like video games or training. Maybe it would be those rare but oh-so-joyful nights where the whole agency would go out to celebrate a promotion or someone rising up the hero ranking.
A couple years ago, you wouldn’t have to worry about taking care of yourself. If you didn’t, one of your friends would be on you in a heartbeat, nagging at you to get your shit together. Spinner and Toga would snitch to Magne, and she’d waste no time in hunting you down.
A couple years ago, you were in the midst of a war between heroes and villains. You had full faith in yourself as well as your allies that you’d all save the country, if not the world, and live to tell the tale.
That faith was only proven true for a few of you.
➨ Chapter One
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pikahlua · 1 month
MHA Chapter 423 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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tagline 1 ねじ込んだ一撃ーー‼︎ ねじこんだいちげきーー‼︎ nejikonda ichigeki--!! A single, exacting blow--!!
tagline 2 No.423 OFA vs AFO 堀越耕平 ナンバー423 ワン・フォー・オールバーサスオール・フォー・ワン ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 423  WAN FOO OORU vs OORU FOO WAN  Horikoshi Kouhei No. 423 One for All vs All for One Kouhei Horikoshi
1 何故気付けなかった なぜきづけなかった naze kidzukenakatta Why didn't I notice?
2 この窶れた"身体"に「超再生」が適用されない違和感 このやつれた"からだ"に「ちょうさいせい」がてきようされないいわかん kono yatsureta "karada" ni 「chousaisei」 ga tekiyou sarenai iwakan [This] sense of discomfort that Super Regeneration no longer applies to this worn-out body.
3 こいつだ…いやーーー koitsu da...iya--- It's this guy...no---
4 こいつらがーー‼︎ koitsura ga--!! All of these [people]--!!
5 謀ったのだ はかったのだ hakatta no da They conspired.
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1 それ単体では それたんたいでは sore tantai de wa By itself
2 あまりに脆弱な"敵意" あまりにぜいじゃくな"てきい" amari ni zeijaku na "tekii" [each one's] enmity was too frail,
3 しかし撚り集まって しかしよりあつまって shikashi yori atsumatte but when they gathered together,
4 いつしか僕を覆い感受を鈍らせていたのだ いつしかぼくをおおいかんじゅをにぶらせていたのだ itsu shika boku wo ooi kanju wo niburasete ita no da before I knew it, they enshrouded me and dulled my sensitivity. (Note: He means his ability to sense one person via Danger Sense became dulled because there were too many people with enmity gathered together in one place.)
5 与一と継承者どもを打ち込まれたあの時にもう精神のみならず よいちとけいしょうしゃどもをうちこまれたあのときにもうせいしんのみならず Yoichi to keishousha-domo wo uchikomareta ano toki ni mou seishin no minarazu Yoichi and all the successors were cast [into me]. At that time, not only my spirit but
6 身体も…‼︎ からだも…‼︎ karada mo...!! my body, too...!!
7 生半可な"身体"では なまはんかな"からだ"では namahanka na "karada" de wa (literal) A half-baked body (official) Your limp-noodle body isn't ready for it.
8 受け取り切れず四肢が爆散してしまうんだ! うけとりきれずししがばくさんしてしまうんだ! uketori kirezu shishi ga bakusan shite shimaunda! (literal) can't receive it. Your limbs would explode! (official) Your limbs would pop right off!! (Note: This frame is from chapter 2.)
9 たった2年…!8代目より少し上乗せされた… たった2ねん…!8だいめよりすこしうわのせされた… tatta 2nen...! 8daime yori sukoshi uwanosesareta... "Only 2 years...! I only added a little more to [what it was with] 8th..." (Note: He means he only added 2 years' worth of power to OFA, a tiny amount after what it was when All Might passed it off.)
10 9人分の力の結晶だ 9にんぶんのちからのけっしょうだ 9ninbun no chikara no kesshou da "It's the crystallization of power in proportion to nine people."
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1 既に"身体"も すでに"からだ"も sude ni karada mo This body also has already
2 砕かれていた事に くだかれていたことに kudakarete ita koto ni been broken, unfortunately.
3 "個性"が崩れてく… "こせい"がくずれてく… "kosei" ga kuzureteku... "His quirks are crumbling..." (Note: This is a word often used to describe the effects of Tomura's Decay.)
4 やったのか緑谷…! やったのかみどりや…! yatta no ka Midoriya...! "Did you do it, Midoriya...!"
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1 まだだ‼︎ mada da!! Not yet!!
2 "個性"で無理矢理 "こせい"でむりやり "kosei" de muriyari With his quirks, he forcibly
3 つなぎ止めた! つなぎとめた! tsunagitometa! tied himself together! (Note: This word also means "to save someone's life." In this case AFO is forcibly preserving his own life by using his quirks to keep himself from falling apart.)
4 まだ何も為していない まだなにもなしていない mada nani mo nashite inai "I haven't achieved anything yet."
5 誰にも奪わせはしない…‼︎ だれにもうばわせはしない…‼︎ dare ni mo ubawase wa shinai...!! "I won't let anyone steal it away...!!"
6 僕だけが夢を為す ぼくだけがゆめをなす boku dake ga yume wo nasu "Only I will achieve my dream."
7 誰にも…!継がぬ…紡がぬ‼︎ だれにも…!つがぬ…つむがぬ‼︎ dare ni mo...! tsuganu...tsumuganu!! "No one...! [They] won't inherit it... [They] won't spin the tale*!!" (*Note: The word used here means "to spin (thread), to make up a story, to assemble, to put together.")
8 魔王は常に唯一‼︎ まおうはつねにゆいいつ‼︎ maou wa tsune ni yuiitsu!! "The Demon King is always the only one!!"
9 そうだとも繰り返せばいい… そうだともくりかえせばいい… sou da tomo kurikaeseba ii... Even if that's true, I can just do it over again...
10 愚かな弔にそうしたように‼︎ おろかなとむらにそうしたように‼︎ oroka na Tomura ni sou shita you ni!! Just like how I did to foolish Tomura!!
11 OFA無き今緑谷でも…!誰でも‼︎ ワン・フォー・オールなきいまみどりやでも…!だれでも‼︎ WAN FOO OORU naki ima Midoriya demo...! dare demo!! Even Midoriya, now that he doesn't have One For All...! Anyone!!
12 "個性"を「与え」奪えばいい‼︎ "ぼく自身"を「あたえ」うばえばいい‼︎ "boku jishin (kanji: kosei)" wo 「atae」 ubaeba ii!! I can give and take away "myself" (read as: my quirk)!!
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1 器を!!! うつわを!!! utsuwa wo!!! "[I'll make] a vessel!!!"
2 もうやめろAFO もうやめろオール・フォー・ワン mou yamero OORU FOO WAN "Give it a rest, All For One."
3 緑谷‼︎ みどりや‼︎ Midoriya!! "Midoriya!!"
4 白雲…⁉︎ しらくも…⁉︎ Shirakumo...!? "Shirakumo...!?"
5 消…太 しょう…た Shou...ta "Shou...ta"
6 山…田… やま…だ… Yama...da... "Yama...da..."
7 ゴメン…ナ…… GOMEN...NA...... "I'm...sorry......"
8 行かなくては…私はーーーーー いかなくては…わたしはーーーーー ikanakute wa...watashi wa----- Have to go...I-----
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1 死柄木弔を守らなくては しがらきとむらをまもらなくては Shigaraki Tomura wo mamoranakute wa I have to protect Tomura Shigaraki
2 Xあ‼︎X生‼︎ Xあ‼︎Xしょう‼︎ XA!! Xshou!! (Note: This speech bubble is partially cut off.)
3 やっぱり…‼︎どこまでも… yappari...!! doko made mo... "As expected...!! No matter what..."
4 手ぇ差し伸べちまうんだよあいつは‼︎ てぇさしのべちまうんだよあいつは‼︎ tee sashinobechimaunda yo aitsu wa!! "he's that guy who'll hold out his hand [for someone]!!"
5 A…FO… オール…フォー・ワン… OORU...FOO WAN... "All...For One..."
6 死柄…木弔を…オ返シ…下サイ しがら…きとむらを…オかえシ…くだサイ Shigara...ki Tomura wo...OkaSHI...kudaSAI "Tomura Shigara...ki...Please give...him back."
7 オッおォッ OoO "Ooo"
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1 オ友達が待っテイルんデす オともだちがまっテイルんデす Otomodachi ga matTE IRUnDEsu "His friends are waiting."
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1 爆豪⁉︎ ばくごう⁉︎ Bakugou!? "Bakugou!?"
2 病���にって…‼︎うっそだろあいつ! びょういんにって…‼︎うっそだろあいつ! byouin ni tte...!! usso daro aitsu! "They said [you were heading to] the hospital...!! That guy's unbelievable!"
3 「爆破」で一人で来やがった‼︎ 「ばくは」でひとりできやがった‼︎ 「bakuha」 de hitori de kiyagatta!! "He went and came over alone using Explosion!!"
4 轟の"ジャンプ台"貸りたけどよォ〜〜〜〜〜 とどろきの"ジャンプだい"かりたけどよォ〜〜〜〜〜 Todoroki no "JANPU dai" karita kedo yoO~~~~~ "I borrowed Todoroki's jump platform, but~~~~~"
5 俺に追い越されてンなよ出久‼︎ おれにおいこされてンなよいずく‼︎ ore ni oikosareteN na yo Izuku!! "don't let me overtake you, Izuku!!"
6 AFO…‼︎おまえを許しはしない オール・フォー・ワン…‼︎おまえをゆるしはしない OORU FOO WAN...!! omae wo yurushi wa shinai "All For One...!! I won't forgive you."
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1 けれど理解できない化物だとも思わない けれどりかいできないばけものだともおもわない keredo rikai dekinai bakemono da to mo omowanai "But I don't think you're an incomprehensible monster."
2 …やめろ ...yamero "...Stop."
3 おまえは魔王なんかじゃない おまえはまおうなんかじゃない omae wa maou nanka ja nai "You are not actually a Demon King."
4 見るな みるな miruna "Don't look [at me]."
5 おまえはただの omae wa tada no "You're just"
6 寂しがりな人間だ‼︎ さみしがりなにんげんだ‼︎ samishigari na ningen da!! "a lonely person!!"
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1 与一…⁉︎ よいち…⁉︎ Yoichi...!? "Yoichi...!?"
2 緑谷くんは みどりやくんは Midoriya-kun wa "Midoriya-kun"
3 限り限りのラインでカケラが残るよう ぎりぎりのラインでカケラがのこるよう girigiri no RAIN de KAKERA ga nokoru you "seems to have a fragment remain for as long as possible."
4 ぶつける力を調整したんだね…… ぶつけるちからをちょうせいしたんだね…… butsukeru chikara wo chousei shitanda ne...... "I guess he adjusted the force of his hit......"
5 そして 残り火による"感応"で叩き起こしたんだ そして のこりびによる"かんのう"でたたきおこしたんだ soshite nokoribi ni yoru "kannou" de tataki okoshitanda Then, I was roused awake in response to his embers.
6 僅かな残滓となった僕を わずかなざんしとなったぼくを wazuka na zanshi to natta boku wo I, who became mere dregs,
7 ワン・フォー・オールを WAN FOO OORU wo One For All.
8 正しく完遂させる為に ただしくかんすいさせるために tadashiku kansui saseru tame ni In order to properly follow [things] through. (Note: The order of the lines here makes this confusing. He's saying that, in response to Izuku's final attack with his embers, the barest dregs of Yoichi's vestige was roused. This one last piece of his vestige remained likely because Izuku held back on his attack using Yoichi's vestige. Now that he, the base One For All quirk, has awoken, he will carry out the mission of One For All.)
9 どうでもいい‼︎ dou demo ii!! "I don't care!!"
10 どうでもいい‼︎ dou demo ii!! "I don't care!!"
11 消えるな‼︎顔を見せろ! きえるな‼︎かおをみせろ! kieruna!! kao wo misero! "Don't disappear!! Show your face!"
12 無理だよ むりだよ muri da yo "That's impossible."
13 消える きえる kieru "I'll disappear."
14 駄目だ だめだ dame da "You can't!"
15 僕のモノだ‼︎僕を見ていろ‼︎目を見せろ‼︎ ぼくのモノだ‼︎ぼくをみていろ‼︎めをみせろ‼︎ boku no MONO da!! boku wo mite iro!! me wo misero!! "You're mine!! Look at me!! Show [me] your eyes!!"
16 兄さん にいさん niisan "[Older] Brother,"
17 貴方を導けなかった あなたをみちびけなかった anata wo michibikenakatta "I couldn't guide you."
18 これは緑谷くんが見出してくれた これはみどりやくんがみいだしてくれた kore wa Midoriya-kun ga miidashite kureta "Midoriya-kun discovered this for me."
19 僕らへの最期の救済だ ぼくらへのさいごのきゅうさいだ bokura e no saigo no kyuusai da "It's our final* salvation." (*Note: The word used for "final" here means "one's last moment at their time of death.")
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1 駄目だ‼︎許可しない‼︎大好きだ! だめだ‼︎きょかしない‼︎だいすきだ! dame da!! kyoka shinai!! daisuki da! "You can't!! I won't allow it!! I love you!"
2 大好きなんだ!!!おまえがいないと僕は駄目なんだ!!! だいすきなんだ!!!おまえがいないとぼくはだめなんだ!!! daisuki nanda!!! omae ga inai to boku wa dame nanda!!! "I love you!!! If you're gone I have no purpose*!!!" (*Note: The word used here, dame, means many things depending on context. It means "bad, no good, useless, broken, hopeless, wasted, in vain, purposeless.")
3 そうやって sou yatte "In that way,"
4 全てを己が為に利用してきた代償を払う時だ すべてをおのがためにりようしてきたツケをはらうときだ subete wo ono ga tame ni riyou shite kita TSUKE (kanji: daishou) wo harau toki da "it's time to pay reparations for taking advantage of everything for your own sake."
5-6 彼が起こしたのは僕だけじゃない かれがおこしたのはぼくだけじゃない kare ga okoshita no wa boku dake ja nai "I was not the only one he awoke."
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1 先生に喰われて消滅したと思ったんだけどな… せんせいにくわれてしょうめつしたとおもったんだけどな… sensei ni kuwarete shoumetsu shita to omottanda kedo na... I thought I had been devoured by Master and disappeared, but...
2 あんたが俺を あんたがおれを anta ga ore wo were you
3 消えないように繋ぎ止めてたのか きえないようにつなぎとめてたのか kienai you ni tsunagi tometeta no ka tying* me down so I wouldn't disappear? (*Note: Again, this word also means "to save someone's life.")
4 おばあちゃん obaachan Grandma,
5 黒霧…………… くろぎり…………… Kurogiri............... Kurogiri...............
6 先生から身体を奪い返しただけで せんせいからからだをうばいかえしただけで sensei kara karada wo ubai kaeshita dake de I only stole my body back from Master, and
7 何も壊せやしなかった なにもこわせやしなかった nani mo kowase ya shinakatta I didn't destroy anything.
8 結局俺はおまえの言った通り…泣いてるガキだったって事か けっきょくおれはおまえのいったとおり…ないてるガキだったってことか kekkyoku ore wa omae no itta toori...naiteru GAKI datta tte koto ka "In the end, I was just as you said... A crying kid, huh?"
9 この手をX壊せなかったX このてをXこわせなかったX kono te wo X kowasenakatta X "This hand X couldn't break X"." (Note: Some of this speech bubble is cut off. It could say something like "I couldn't break these hands of yours.")
10 …やった事を許せはしないだから戦った …やったことをゆるせはしないだからたたかった ...yatta koto wo yuruse wa shinai da kara tatakatta "...I can't forgive the things you've done; that's why I fought."
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1 止めたかったし…止まってほしかったんだ とめたかったし…とまってほしかったんだ tometakatta shi...tomatte hoshikattanda "I wanted to stop [you]... I wanted [you] to stop,"
2 悲しみが紡がれないように かなしみがつむがれないように kanashimi ga tsumugarenai you ni "so that the sadness wouldn't [keep] spin[ning]*." (*Note: This is back to that word that means "to spin yarn, to spin tales, etc." Izuku is saying he didn't want the sadness to beget more sadness. He wants the chain of sadness to stop.)
3 ハッ HA "Ha." (Note: This is an exhalation that could mean any number of things, like shock, laughter, realization, etc.)
4 緑谷出久 みどりやいずく Midoriya Izuku "Izuku Midoriya,"
5 スピナーが生きてたら伝えてくれよ スピナーがいきてたらつたえてくれよ SUPINAA ga ikitetara tsutaete kure yo "if Spinner is alive, please tell him [something]."
6 "死柄木弔"は最期まで壊す為に戦ったって "しがらきとむら"はさいごまでこわすためにたたかったって "Shigaraki Tomura" wa saigo made kowasu tame ni tatakatta tte "Tomura Shigaraki fought until the very end* in order to destroy." (*Note: Again, this is that "finale" word that means "one's last moment at their time of death.")
7 もう…壊したよ もう…こわしたよ mou...kowashita yo "You already...destroyed [it]."
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tagline 決着‼︎永きにわたる因縁が晴れ上がるーー‼︎ けっちゃく‼︎ながきにわたるいんねんがはれあがるーー‼︎ kecchaku!! nagaki ni wataru innen ga hareagaru--!! Settled!! The chain of cause and effect that spans a long time is cleared up--!!
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buttercupshands · 1 month
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rewatched Kurogiri's holiday story from ultra impact (not related to sketch at all)
(but it did inspire me)
on another note
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#fanart#sketch#my art#bnha#shigaraki tomura#tenko shimura#kurogiri#I cried a bit while playing it I missed the classic LoV I missed Kurogiri WITH the LoV it's been so long :(#and it feels like last chapter (423 atm) broke the seal of sketching them as anything but something static#it took me two or so days to just understand that Kurogiri is... yeah#I can't believe it took Horikoshi so long to bring him back but as I said and will say it again I glad it happened at all#after some thought I just want to sit with the chapters#anyway getting the preordered book was so much fun#it was full of LoV from Toga and Dabi talking about her house to Tenko being upset over being told that he doesn't have friends#and everything in-between basically only Compress left to join in the next volume#I think????#I actually want to get another one already they're so goodddd#and the translation sounds pretty good but I checked some pages not the whole book it'll be boring#it's actually so weird to think that I started a goal of reading the whole series ad it was now officially coming out like this back in 201#and now it's 2024 and the translation is pretty much ahead of anime and maybe it'll be faster than viz volumes too#since it's 2 in 1 basically - I think it's really great since I save some money but get LoV chapters every time#because they appear every 2 books at the start of the series and back then it was hard for me to get them#but I felt content seeing all the books that I bought when I was visiting family for holidays this month because there are so many of them#and I don't need any wi-fi or internet in general to read them back to back now with an addictional volume#they have some mistakes but I don't mind them it feels good to just hold all of them (and a bit heavy after like 8 books) and now it's 18
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commander-revan · 1 month
Remember that this whole battle has been happening near Mount Fuji, and there's a lot of ties to it and death/rebirth symbolism.
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What are Overhaul's Destruction and Restoration aspects if not Death and Rebirth?
This may be the death of Tomura Shigaraki and his desire for destruction, but I truly don't think Tenko is dead. Hell, I think most of the LOV having these fakeout deaths, and us being unsure of their status, is also symbolizing the sort of Death/Rebirth that I think is happening here with Tomura.
Tenko as a concept has been around since Horikoshi's first published one-shot back in 2007, and I truly don't think he'd kill Shigaraki like this so unceremoniously. He only had a few pages after destroying AFO and then he was gone, and that really doesn't feel right. There has to be more. I don't trust most shonen mangaka's when it comes to ending their series, but I really don't want to believe Horikoshi would do this with a character he obviously cares about.
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featherstorm2004 · 1 month
I take a break from Tumblr for ONE day and I come back to find my fave disaster child AFO dead, Yoichi gone, Kurogiri sacrificing himself and now Deku and Tomura are also possibly dead.
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