#Centaur Thoughts
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asteroidtroglodyte · 1 year ago
A Cursed Image!
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(I had to see this with mine own eyes and I feel compelled to inflict it upon all of you)
Credit: Petry & Crisian
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theartingace · 6 months ago
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Been working on some centaur clothes, exploring more options- especially for my much more clothing-focused Mountain Culture and Merchants And then for funzies DRESS-UP DOLL and way too much chatter!
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First a couple Runner outfits - first the average casual harness most Runners would wear around home base, allows family members to rider comfortably at any time but more importantly the make and decorations are personal and declare group affiliations. Wearing no harness or at least a girthband basically says you are unridable or unaffiliated with a herd. Second image is an above-average armored battle harness- front end is plated for protection while charging, back end harness is all about additional contact points and stability for the rider to hook a foot in for their acrobatics.
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Next, a comparison between Mountain robes and Merchant robes! The first, Mountain robes are heavy expertly woven rugs with lots of fiber decorations and fur and wool linings to keep comfy in their alpine homes- our model is quite a bit lankier than the usual Mountain folk so he gets less coverage but he'll stay cozy regardless. Second is the more svelt Merchant Trader robes! These are more light and loose linen fabrics, meant to block the sun in their more Mediterranean climate and more importantly- show wealth and status. Wrapped legs are common and almost entirely decorative.
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And lastly: some assorted armors- this would be an EXTREMELY uncommon sight in my own headworld as the interactions between the metallurgy-rich eastern human kingdoms and the centaurs is usually pretty tense or business oriented at BEST and hostile to exploitative at worst so the chances of them crafting such large difficult pieces of fitted armor for any of them would be rare one-offs at most. But it's still fun to think about!
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solacebean · 7 months ago
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The Goat
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bleaksqueak · 4 months ago
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Well, well, well... just look who it is!
Read today's page.
Read from the start
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what-the-floofin · 7 months ago
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Back into Taur thoughts
There are four types to the cervitaurs - though with a far-traveling nomadic culture, these forms came to spread and blend extensively throughout the populace.
Finding traits from all ends in a single herd is very typical!
The four strains have unique features that were once their own though.
The origin tales vary, but each are known fondly as gifts that were made to last, as the result of deep loyalties and unbreakable connection. Bonds powerful enough to alter their own blood and being.
(a far less popular version places them as parting gifts from when the Taurs’ connection to the Feywild became tied to the Material instead. How this version first came about is unknown, but it lingers persistently in some areas)
The Forest lines carry crowns of antlers. The Alpine are shielded with thickened fur. The Prairie bare teeth fiercer than their foes. The Field run swift on dexterous feet and striking spurs.     
These examples are at their ‘strongest’ mind you. It’s easy to sport minimal qualities, and far rarer to carry the full extent – though not impossible!
Additional notes:
Antlers grow in from velvet to bare, but don’t shed frequently. A pair can be held for a few years at a time if well kept. Moderately tined, with fine ends. Generally stays on the small and delicate side. Not gender restricted. Said to have originated from the Autumn Courts.
Alpine fur is thickest at the neck, creating its distinct silhouette. Fur can be thick and wiry or long and silky. The ruff is also one of the first areas to reduce on a less ‘extensive’ expression of the coat. Said to have originated from the Winter Courts.
Fangs of the Prairie are the rarest of the four amongst the populations – though not to consider it unheard of. Carriers are often described as ‘fierce and powerful’ in skill and nature, suggesting an additional boon to the emotional aspect rather than a purely physical enhancement. Said to have originated from the Summer Courts.
Hooves of the Field are unique in that the toes can spread and flex considerably more than norm, providing a sure-footedness over difficult terrain like no other. Dewclaws are thickened spurs, adding an extra oomph to kicks. The most widespread of the four traits, albeit in as equally widespread variations. Most commonly exhibits as short spurs only. Said to have originated from the Spring Courts.
More Taur notes here!
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queeniehostapasta · 29 days ago
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Ok hear me out on this one folks because I had this in mind for a while…anyone interested in a Centaur (Western ish?) DB AU…??? Or Is this one just too weird?
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Horse anatomy is really difficult, had to exaggerate some features to keep my brain frying but I enjoyed the learning process! (Hours and hours of finding how many references and horse videos)
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eldritchpotato · 3 months ago
Admittedly I can see the awkwardness of having a centaur girlfriend. But, counterpoint, on long journeys you could hold onto her tits to “stabilize” yourself and hike up your dress so that the motion of her trot makes you rut against her back. If she figures out what you’re doing then she can just keep changing pace before you can get yourself off so by the time you arrive you’re going you are a soaking mess and she’s going to be more than ready to fuck you into next week.
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temporary-tats · 2 months ago
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A Yorse in your yard? Its more likely than you think! Really loved making this (incredibly cracked) ko-fi request for @notoftheskaal - thank you very much for your support, and for making me draw this haha!
(My links and my ko-fi, should you wish!)
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mountainshroom · 10 months ago
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The cowboys ever !!
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runfreebirdrun · 6 months ago
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portrait of the artist as a centaur
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soothedcerberus · 1 year ago
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A really sweet commission I got from Casey White! 🥹🥺
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asteroidtroglodyte · 1 year ago
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ilions-end · 3 months ago
apollonius you CAN'T slip in a random verse in the argonautica apropos of nothing mentioning that the reason chiron is half man half horse is because cronos got so startled mid-fuck that he momentarily turned into a horse as he was orgasming. what am i supposed to do with this knowledge. dude i'm so distracted now
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wistfxlwishes · 2 months ago
dear santa,
the only thing i want for christmas is more centaur ragbros on my dashborard
thank you
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lesbianoms · 1 year ago
Getting too close to a hungry centaur girl in her stable and yelping in surprise as she suddenly gulps me down, sending me first to her too tight, cramped human stomach, only to push me down with a big GLUT into her much more spacious horse gut...
Moaning from inside as I dangle and wobble along her undercarriage, sloshing gently in the slimy, snug space...
A farmhand would come to check up on her, and he'd see her big bulging belly and ask, "Woah! What did you eat?"
Only for her to give him an awkward, silent stare, as my muffled moaning gets a bit louder, and he sees my imprints along the gut.
"Don't worry," she'd huff. "It wasn't anyone important..."
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heytherecentaurs · 2 years ago
Lady Plumbeline so thoroughly dishonours her father. Not only betraying King Amethar, her father's dear friend, heir to the Concordant throne and a man who has shown her nothing but grace and kindness, she throws away two decades of a hard won peace her father built, she sides with Ceresia and Vegetania against Fructera's long-standing ally Candia, and goes against every wish Emperor Gustavo Uvano could have regarding the Concordant Empire and House Uvano. And in the end she is killed by a teenage boy in front of Castle Candia, having gained nothing but dishonour.
All that being said she's an absolute smokeshow and that hot plum lady can commit as many crimes as she wants.
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