itsabouttimex2 · 28 days
I almost thought the Celestalchaos bot was platonical I'm so sorry I just got curious how that family would be with the user/reader 😅
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(I actually made a Celestialchaos Dads bot!!)
Surrogate Son
“It’s good to have you here with me,” Xiangliu starts, tracing a scaled hand slowly down your cheek before withdrawing it. He rolls over to face Sun Wukong, then cups his face as your had been. Xiangliu’s snakes gently nuzzle your face in turn, their forked tongues licking at your skin. “And you,” the Nine-Headed Demon shakily breathes, his hands moving to roam up and down Wukong’s abdomen, only to be caught by the ginger simian when they drift too low. “My Saint of Chaos,” Xiangliu adulates, kissing at Wukong’s cheeks.
“Love you too, babe,” the Great Sage returns, stretching out slowly. The two spend a moment just gazing back and forth, a locked gaze of gold and orange.
As they spend that precious moment in adoration, you check your phone to see if there’s any new texts… and you find one, from MK.
“Is that- is that the kid?” Wukong asks, rolling over Xiangliu to flip beside you- for his part, the snake demon is unbothered by the sudden squashing, and only leans in to listen close. “Does he need something?”
Lifting the phone again, you read the text-
’Can I come over for my break?? Pigsy says I’m too tired to do any more deliveries today.’
“Looks like the kid wants permission to come over… but I’m guessing he’s already on his way, honestly.”
The boy could be impulsive to a fault, as you had learned well from your first interaction with him- still, he had become a very dear part of your life.
“That sounds like the boy,” Xiangliu agrees, giving a soft smile. He looks over at the simian, who simply groans in response, sitting up slowly.
“Should’ve told me he was coming over,” the Great Sage huffs, moving to swing his legs off the bed. “I’d have ordered us all something,” he starts, shifting nearly off the mattress- only to be immediately pulled back down by Xiangliu wrapping his arms around the ginger monkey’s hips and holding him close.
Ignoring the serpentine demon’s clinginess, you ask: “Oh? But I thought you didn’t like cooked food, hun- wouldn’t you rather forage?”
“I don’t like most cooked foods,” Wukong corrects, with Xiangliu nodding in agreement. The nine-headed demon moves a hand to run through the Great Sage’s messy ginger hair, still holding his waist with the other-
“Except for noodles,” the snake demon interjects, pressing his forehead into Wukong’s shoulder and nuzzling against the bare skin.
“Oh, that’s right! You order them from MK’s boss, right? Jajangmyeon, with extra pork and no zucchini?”
“Just the way I like ‘em,” Wukong grins, tilting his head up into Xiangliu’s motions. The snake demon begins to press small kisses into the monkey’s exposed neck as well, gently drawing along the sensitive skin with his fangs- but the Great Sage doesn’t seem much bothered by the biting, or if he is, he’s good at concealing it.
“Hate to be a joykill, boys… but you’ll have to knock it off when the kiddo gets here.”
Xiangliu gives a quiet grumble at your statement- he knew you had a point, but he didn’t want to fully quit. His forked tongue gives one last long lick up Wukong’s neck before withdrawing back into his mouth.
“Yeah, you’re right,” the ginger simian agrees, tilting his head back onto Xiangliu’s shoulder.“Can’t be snogging when my bud is here.”
My. You don’t exactly miss the use of that word- and really, you haven’t missed the impact that MK has had on the wilder of your lovers- how Wukong has grown; healed, in leaps and bounds thanks to his…
Student. Nephew. Son. Little brother.
So, so many roles.
MK fills them all admirably.
Even though you know the kid is only a few minutes away by now, you send back to him:
‘You’re always welcome here, kiddo.’
After everything he’s done for your partner, you find it hard to argue that he shouldn’t have a place here in this cozy little cabin, on the lavish peaks of Flower Fruit Mountain.
He’s your kid too, after all. As much as he is Pigsy’s, or Tang’s, or Wukong’s…
He’s your kiddo, too.
There’s a beat of silence- and then the tell-tale sound of footsteps approaching the door. Even with the knowledge that MK was on his way up, the sound still makes Wukong jump a bit- he and Xiangliu both share a look, like two kids who were just caught in the middle of doing something they weren’t supposed to.
And then, the boy lets himself in- and practically collapses onto the floor, utterly exhausted and panting for breath. His hair and clothes are messy and disheveled, with the his usual upbeat mood entirely missing.
“You two get dressed,” you sigh, standing up from the bed and throwing the sheets over their half-dressed forms. “I’ll take care of our kid.”
“Our,” Xiangliu whispers, all eighteen of his leering yellow eyes glittering at the thought. “Our child.”
“Not all ours, Nine. We’ve got like… three other dads to compete with.”
"I'd say we’re his favorites," Xiangliu tries to counter, a sly grin creeping upon his serpentine features. Wukong gives a scoff at that, scoffing at that notion in time with you.
“No, it’s Pigsy,” you both say.
Xiangliu has no further argument, and instead whips out an elegant robe of green and orange.
As they dress, you kneel to the exhausted hero, offering him a warm smile. With gentle scooping motion, you lead MK to his feet, biting back a gag at the overwhelming smell of sweat.
“Oh, sweetie. Who were you fighting this time?”
MK shakes his head, suddenly moving to latch onto your waist with a hiccup. There’s a shuddering tremble that races from his chest to feet, making the hero look almost like a child ready to bawl in fear.
Nightmares, again. He’s been having them for a while.
Ever since the Lady Bone Demon, in fact.
“Oh, no, baby… don’t cry, it’s okay…”
As you begin to rub his back with a soft coo, your newly-dressed partners look at you with both admiration and love, tempted to join in the doting… but they kept their distance, instead.
“I’ll go start him a shower,” Wukong whispers, heading to the bathroom, but not before Xiangliu presses a long series of slow kisses to his cheeks.
“I’ll go see what we have in the kitchen, then… and maybe find him a change of clothes.”
With once last glance to your doting form, both depart to focus on their own tasks, giving you a perfect moment to forget the rest of the world and simply comfort your child.
“Nothing is gonna hurt you,” is your promise to him.
You don’t intend to break it.
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0rang3sod4 · 4 months
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𝑇ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑖𝑠 𝑎 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑑 𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑣𝑒𝑟 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑐𝑎𝑛 𝑏𝑒 𝑅𝑃, 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒'𝑠 𝑐𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑐𝑎𝑛 𝑗𝑜𝑖𝑛 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑏𝑎𝑡𝑡𝑙𝑒 𝑎𝑔𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑠𝑡 𝑒𝑎𝑐ℎ 𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟, 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑦'𝑙𝑙 𝑏𝑒 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑠 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑐𝑎𝑛 𝑝𝑎��𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑝𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝑤ℎ𝑖𝑐ℎ 𝑐𝑎𝑛 ℎ𝑒𝑙𝑝 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑖𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑣𝑒𝑟
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𝐼𝑛 𝐶𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑜𝑠 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑐𝑎𝑛 𝑑𝑜 𝑠𝑜 𝑚𝑢𝑐ℎ, 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑤𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝑏𝑒 𝑚𝑜𝑟𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑓𝑢𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑒 𝑖𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑣𝑒𝑟 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑦𝑠 𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝐼'𝑙𝑙 𝑘𝑒𝑒𝑝 𝑎𝑑𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑚𝑜𝑟𝑒 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑚𝑜𝑟𝑒
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In Celestial chaos you can invite anyone you want just as long as they follow the rules
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allumette-blog · 13 years
Your blog is absolutely amazing! (: xx.
Thank you so much! 
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itsabouttimex2 · 1 month
Quick question 🙋🙋🙋
This is gonna be about ur headcannons Whats the best ship ever (in your opinion) I like shadowpeach and spicynoods or dragonfruit
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Goldendragon. I’m just… I adore the friends to lovers trope. Yeah, yeah, it’s a “boring straight ship” or whatever, but I love the “two healthy and evenly matched individuals are in a non-toxic and genuinely loving relationship” dynamic that is vanishingly rare in fandoms. The unending support? The constant physical affection? The raw, unfettered love?
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I also ship Freenoodles! “Like an old married couple” is a trope I usually despise because it plays too far into the unhealthy end of things, but here it’s genuinely very well-balanced in a lovely way. They fight, they squabble, yes- but they also make up and move on quickly. It’s clear how much they love one another in both action and word. Also they literally raised MK together. Come on, now.
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Alright, so hear me out-
I’m calling this Celestialchaos, I think. Xiangliu openly and outspokenly craves, wants, needs chaos. He’s sought it for what seems to be aeons. And what is Sun Wukong if not renowned and revered for the chaos he spreads? So positioning Xiangliu as an admirer who tries his best to enable the worst of Wukong’s trait (with roses and chocolates in hand) while the Monkey King tries his best not to succumb to that thrilling and wild call… because if he did, even if just for a day, the Great Sage could go back to what he was and live without his learned humanity and the guilt and sorrow it inspires in him. And when he breaks down afterwards and regrets what he’s done? Xiangliu is there to reassure him that he’s perfect, and encourage him to be worse.
I just think it’s a cool dynamic!
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itsabouttimex2 · 1 month
LMK Bot Drop
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I’m going to start calling the platonic Nüwa + MK duo “Monkeyspaw”!
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Given the original short story's focus on fate and how interfering with it has severe consequences for yourself, and the eponymous "Monkey's Paw" that supposedly performs said interference, I think it fits!
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itsabouttimex2 · 16 days
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All The Things I’ve Left Behind
(Yandere Celestialchaos Drabble, where Sun Wukong snaps halfway through one of Xiangliu’s “punishments” and doesn’t exactly get better.)
“It’s not possible to get “bored” on Flower Fruit Mountain, bud! Or, uh- are you one of those big nerds who still say “Mount Huaguo?”
”Monkey King!” Calls MK, beaming ear to ear, ignoring his mentor’s jab at the bitter words he had muttered. “You’re back already! Man, I thought it’d be forever!
Already. Forever.
His cherished student, a gem he works to polish and sharpen, like a nephew or maybe a grandson, expected him to be later. Thought he might never come back.
“Not the first person you’ve failed”, muses Xiangliu. “And he wasn’t the last, either.”
The image before the two demons fractures in a spray of irradiant light, midair sparks gleaming for the briefest of seconds before they sizzle into a brand new picture, just as painfully familiar as the first.
“Monkey!” Angrily cries Sanzang, slender hands gripped tightly around his golden khakkhara, which he lifts as the image of Sun Wukong preemptively recoils- and it comes down with a round of metallic clattering, sounding a divine chime that tightens his fillet. “Is there no end to the blood you’ll spill?! No end to your mischief and trouble?! Why can’t you just be good?!”
“It hadn’t been hard for any of your fellow disciples- why couldn’t you just be good, Wukong?”
The serpentine demon turns to face his captive with a grin, but sours at the sight of his lack of response.
Sun Wukong stares blankly at the dissipating illusion, his mind far from the chaotic swirl of memories and emotions that once were an onslaught after a “session” like this.
Once, he would’ve drank in the replay of MK’s excited voice, an infectious enthusiasm that reminded him of his younger self—bold, relentless, unyielding. A part of him wanted to bask in the warmth of his student’s admiration, to return the role of the infallible mentor.
Once, the echoes of Sanzang’s voice would have lingered in his ears for hours, sharp as the remembered sting of the fillet tightening around his head. The reprimands, the disappointment, the countless moments of failure—all of it would have resurfaced like old wounds torn open anew.
But now?
Now Sun Wukong just stared ahead, gold eyes slowly graying.
What was the point of a “punishment” if the recipient wasn’t even paying attention?
”Really, now… I’m disappointed.”
The spell fades entirely, smeared by an all too casual swipe of Xiangliu’s scaled hand.
“This isn’t like you,” Xiangliu sighs, his voice low and silky, a hint of threat woven into the false tenderness of the snake’s voice as he took taking Wukong’s clasped hands and pulling them away from each other with too much ease. “What’s wrong, darling?”
The simian feels Xiangliu’s gaze on him, felt the demon’s cold, scaled fingers pry his hands apart. There was no resistance left in him, no fire, no defiance. The Monkey King who had once defied Heaven itself now felt like a shadow, a hollow shell wearing a mask of bravado.
‘I’m not myself anymore’, he wants to answer. ‘Because of you.’
“…just thinking,” he barely returns.
“Of us, I hope.” ‘For your own sake’ goes unspoken, because Xiangliu never says it aloud.
”…do you want to know why I fell for you?”
Wukong barely reacts, his gaze fixed on some far-off point that only he can see. The words wash over him like water over stone, leaving no mark, no impression. He feels nothing—no anger, no pain, not even the sting of humiliation. It’s all gone, drained away, leaving behind a void where once there had been light and life.
”I loved your chaos.”
The serpentine demon tightens his grip, pulling Wukong closer, their faces now inches apart. Xiangliu’s breath is cold, like the wind that howls through the caves of the underworld, and it brushes against Wukong’s fur, sending a shiver down his spine.
“I loved how you defied Heaven and Earth, how you tore through the cosmos with that reckless abandon of yours. I loved the way you danced on the edge of destruction, unafraid, unyielding. But now?” Xiangliu’s voice drops to a whisper, dripping with disdain. “Now you’re just… becoming a husk. Where’s that fire that made you the Great Sage Equal to Heaven? Where’s the defiant king who laughed in the face of gods?”
Wukong’s silence is an answer in itself—a heavy, empty acknowledgment of what he has become. The once-mighty Monkey King, who had once challenged the Jade Emperor and the forces of Heaven, now reduced to this—nearly broken, dangerously close to being void of the very essence that had made him legendary.
Xiangliu sneers, his serpentine eyes narrowing to slits. “This… isn’t what I wanted,” he hisses, his tone laced with both anger and disappointment. “I can’t worship a shell. I need you to fight, Wukong. I need you to resist. Otherwise… what’s the point?”
Wukong blinks slowly, his gaze unfocused, barely registering the demon’s words. The void inside him yawns wider, threatening to consume what little remains of his spirit.
With a sigh, Xiangliu releases Wukong, lightly pushing him backwards. The Monkey King stumbles, but he doesn’t fall—just sways on his feet, like a puppet whose strings have been cut.
The cavernous space they occupy seems to grow colder, the shadows lengthening, as Xiangliu moves away, his presence still oppressive, still a looming threat. Wukong doesn’t move, doesn’t speak. He just stands there, eyes dull, lost in the depths of his own despair.
As the echoes of Xiangliu’s footsteps fade into the distance, the silence returns—deeper, more suffocating than before. And in that silence, Wukong is left alone with his thoughts, with the memories that haunt him, with the crushing weight of his own failures.
Once, he had been the Great Sage Equal to Heaven, the Monkey King, the warrior who had conquered Heaven. But now? Now, he is nothing. A ghost. A shadow.
The cold presence clinging to the king fades, leaving him alone in the suffocating silence, thick and stifling, a void that seems to swallow the remnants of Sun Wukong's once boundless energy. His mind drifts, slipping between memories of his past—flashes of battles fought, allies won and lost, a time when his laughter echoed across Flower Fruit Mountain, unburdened by the weight of his own existence. That all felt like a distant dream now, and with each passing second, it faded further into the recesses of his memory.
Wukong remains where he is, motionless, his thoughts empty. Not for the first time in his long, tumultuous life, he doesn’t know what comes next. There is no plan, no path, no purpose. Just an endless, aching emptiness that stretches out before him, with no end in sight.
And, by Xiangliu’s design, Wukong is starting to think that’s what he deserves.
Not that the primordial demon’s intentions stop at merely “reshaping” the king and forcing him to forget a punishment-ridden past.
No, Xiangliu wants to break him into a brand new being of unrestrained chaos.
”I’m back, darling,” he coos, each of the eight snakes on his head shifting and flicking their tongues. In his hands is a hot mug, seething with steam.
As always, after one these “punishments”, the demon is on standby with a treat or comfort to soothe at least some small amount of Wukong’s pain. To endear himself. To “apologize” and bridge the forming gap.
He approaches slowly, the scent of fruit-peel tea drifting in the air.
“You know,” Xiangliu says, his voice even and casual, “it doesn’t have to be like this, Wukong. You don’t have to keep suffering, reliving the past over and over again. You could just let go. Accept what you’ve become. Accept me.”
He holds out the mug, offering it as though it were a lifeline. Wukong’s eyes shift slowly to the steaming drink, the warmth of it a stark contrast to the cold that has settled in his bones. But he doesn’t reach for it. He just stares at it, as if the simple act of choosing to take the drink or not is a decision too monumental to make.
None of his other decisions seemed to have ended well, after all.
Xiangliu’s patience wears thin again, but this time, he hides it behind a mask of concern. “Come now, my saint,” he murmurs, leaning in closer, his breath brushing against Wukong’s ear, sending an involuntary. “Let me tend to your pains.”
Wukong says nothing, his gaze still locked on the mug, his mind distant. He feels Xiangliu’s presence enveloping him, the demon’s aura thick and suffocating, as though the very air around him has become tainted by his malice. But Wukong doesn’t resist. He doesn’t push back. He just… exists, barely clinging to the remnants of what he once was.
Finally, after what feels like an eternity, Wukong lifts his hand, his movements slow and lethargic, as if every motion is a battle against the weight of his own apathy. His fingers curl around the mug, the warmth seeping into his hand, but it offers no comfort. He lifts it to his lips, takes a small sip, and feels the liquid slide down his throat, hot and sweet.
Xiangliu watches him closely, his eyes gleaming with satisfaction. “That’s it,” he whispers, his voice soft and coaxing. “Just let it all go. Let me take care of you. You don’t need to be the Monkey King anymore. You don’t need to fight. Just… rest.”
The words wrap around Wukong like chains, binding him tighter to the abyss that yawns within him. He feels the warmth of the tea spread through his body, but it doesn’t reach his heart. It doesn’t fill the void. It doesn’t bring back the fire that once burned so brightly within him.
But maybe that’s okay. Maybe it’s better this way. Better to let go of the pain, the anger, the endless struggle. Better to just… fade away.
Maybe that’s what he should’ve done from the start.
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itsabouttimex2 · 24 days
Random but like
I love your idea of CelestialChaos . I just do. Idea of craving something in different way. One want to avoid fearing not able to stop while other encouraging bringing the worst. It's mess up and beautiful.
Can see Xiangliu calling Wukong perfect when watching the world torn apart
Yes yes exactly! There’s a fine line between “I love you and want you by my side” and “If you destroyed yourself I would love all the broken pieces anyways” and Xiangliu feels both.
He genuinely and honestly loves ALL of Sun Wukong. All of him. Xiangliu loves not “in spite of flaws” but because of them. If Sun Wukong grows as a person and moves forward to be better? Sure, Xiangliu will celebrate with him and he glad that he’s happier with himself now.
But… if the king were to, say… undergo a traumatic experience or whatnot, and regress in his character development?
Well, he’d be equally happy about that.
After all, what matters isn’t that the boat is tipping- but that they’ll drown together.
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Also, I’ve finished making a Yandere Celestialchaos bot! Example chats below… and a spoiler for the next installment of A Brand New Journey!
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"The Knight and the Soldier were like the Dawn and the Dusk. Their powers, reflections of the powerful beings that came before them, grew quickly. Together, they became the best of friends, naught a secret kept between them. But the Knight could not respect the powers given to him, and squandered those gifts with youthful naivety, leaving the Soldier to toil harshly in lonely shadows. As the rift between talent and skill grew, so too did the rift between these inheritors. Eventually, their only meetings would occur on the battlefield, previous bonds forgotten."
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0rang3sod4 · 4 months
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STRAWPAGE X3 (epilepsy warning ‼️)
✪My amazing partner :3 @garlicbreadisgood29362
You can request anything for me to draw like ships and gifs, it'll mainly focus around undertale aus and such (I mainly draw that)I mostly draw during the weekends also I only will draw the shoulders up for free :33
Please credit me if you use my art!!!
(I don't really do commissions so like idk I don't have any payments apps so gift cards ig also yeah I'm not that great of an artist XD )
✮The ask lunation sans blog
Im still underaged so yeah
Even though it says ink sans out of rp you guys can call me orange
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You can request any and I'll do it (mostly) but the rules for requests still apply (mostly)
When you use my PFPs please credit me :3
Ink Sans
Fresh Sans
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You can dm me if you need anything or just wanna talk dms are open!
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Undertale(current hyper fixation), Deltarune, FNaF, TMNT, Qsmp, SaMs, Pokemon (I'm a therian and otherkin)
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(Ask them anything)
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Og fill in thingy
Swapfell design
Nootmare design
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This blog is safe for any likes!
Except if you are a pedophiles, zoophiles, homophobic, transphobic, racist, aphobic, necrophiliac, or people that just hate for no fuckin reason DNI (and yes proshippers and comshippers apply too)
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Item Boards+Borders
Fresh Ink
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Contestants ❕
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