#Catalogs and collections
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monkeyssalad-blog · 4 months ago
n262_w1150 by Biodiversity Heritage Library Via Flickr: A companion to Mr. Bullock's London Museum and Pantherion [London] :Printed for the proprietor,1812. biodiversitylibrary.org/page/28995358
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fragrantblossoms · 10 days ago
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Matsuda. Automne Hiver 1988 - Design by Yukio Kobayashi, Photographs by Nadir
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garadinervi · 2 months ago
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Gordon Onslow Ford. Retrospective Exhibition of Paintings, 1937-1975, Pyramid Galleries, Washington, D.C., 1975 [Art Book Viewer, Brooklyn, NY. © Gordon Onslow Ford]
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Exhibition: October 21 – November 22, 1975
↗ Gordon Onslow Ford Collection and Archive (Lucid Art Foundation)
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yetitakinginventory · 6 months ago
Okay, putting this to rest.
Jack Frost Mezco Plush
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While the other 2 Mezco dolls stay up for months at a time at $15-$20 there are a few sellers who see the lack of Jack Frost dolls up for sale to price him outrageously high.
(Keep in mind a good custom plush can go for as low as $100)
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uwmspeccoll · 6 months ago
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It’s Feral Friday! 
This week we’re taking a look at Taschen: Oliver Payne & Nick Relph. This beautifully designed exhibition catalog was printed by Busch Druck Medien Verlag (Bielefeld, Deutschlan) and published by Kerber Verlag in New York in 2004. It accompanied the exhibition Oliver Payne & Nick Relph, which was presented by the National Museum of Art (Oslo) and the Musee d'Art Moderne (Paris) the same year. Designed by graphic designer and artist Halvor Bodin, the text was authored by Payne & Relph in collaboration with curator Hans Ulrich Obrist, Andrea Kroknes (Senior Curator of the National Museum), and Sune Nordgren (director of the National Museum at the time).  
Oliver Payne & Nick Relph are a British artist duo who internationally exhibited film, video, & installation works from 1999 until 2009. Their practice grappled with themes of cultural identity, subcultures (such as skater, gaming, and DIY cultures), and corporate imperialism. This publication is particularly interesting within the context of our collection because it juxtaposes the design language of Fine Press movement forerunners like the Kelmscott Press with the lo-fi aesthetics of early internet & DIY culture and advertising, bringing the principles of the Arts & Crafts movement into critical conversation with the aesthetic and cultural landscape of our time.
In their early video work Driftwood (a "psycho-geographical tour of London"), Payne & Relph call to 'smash the symbols of the Empire in the name of nothing but the heart's longing for grace.' They demonstrate this ethos by gaming information and cataloging systems through their choice of the title Taschen, the moniker of one of the most ubiquitous and celebrated publishers of art books, thereby hacking their way into in a realm where artists working in new media and experimental art were rarely represented.
--Ana, Special Collections Graduate Intern
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spookygibberish · 1 year ago
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@july-19th-club HI I just thought I'd respond to these EXTREMELY flattering tags because they were the push I needed to finally get around to listening to the Xenogenesis series. I've been meaning to check out Octavia Butler for a really long time, and after finishing those books I'm actually mad at myself for not getting around to it sooner, because like, holy shit.
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Looking at the books I've enjoyed the most out of all the titles I've listened to in the last year, to picking out commonalities and trends, I came up with:
Explorations of speculative societies and cultures
Xenofiction! Inhuman perspectives, inhuman thought processes; monsters, aliens, and animals as perspective characters
Alienation. Relfect the experience of living in a society which is strange to you, persisting, finding value and beauty in a world that is ugly, complicated, and hostile
Body horror, shape-shifting, transhumanism
Surreal imagery and situations
Often violent, often sexual, (frequently both at once...). strongly visceral
Unsurprising preference for sci-fi over fantasy (it's much more prone to high concept strangeness, though on a surface level I like the trappings of fantasy more)
A LOT OF THESE ARE DOWNERS but I noticed there aren't a lot of straightforwardly bleak endings, I guess I can't resist that uncertain glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel... barring what they say about oncoming trains
Given all that it turns out Xenogenesis was baisically laser targeted to appeal to me and I'm incredibly grateful for these tags for nudging me to nudge Butler to the front of my queue.
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savefrog · 2 years ago
Will never relate to people who get upset at game delays or the thought of there being less tv shows during a strike or a band not making enough music
How do you not have 3000 untouched games on steam. Youre caught up on every anime? ALL OF IT? ALL THE OBSCURE 80S OVAS??? GO WATCH SOME FRENCH FILMS!!! Go watch one of the trillions of youtube videos - you mean you havent seen 2527r8393.mp4 yet!?!?!? You have already listened to every song? You've heard every Finnish or Greek or Azerbaijani song ever made???? DOWNLOAD 8GB OF WEIRD WALKING SIMS AND VISUAL NOVELS OFF ITCH.IO!!!! GO TRAWL THROUGH ARCHIVE.ORG (IF ITS STILL AROUND)!!! DONT YOU ALSO HAVE 100 HALF-READ BOOKS AROUND!?!?!
If youre not hyperventalating at the thought youll never see every single cool thing in the world before you pass (like i constantly am) then you havent looked hard enough!!! What is it like to hear that a game you want to play has been delayed and NOT breathe a sigh of relief because you already have 5 unfinished games you started in the past year HOW!!!!!
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thecryptkeeper · 9 months ago
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i love working with zines
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saltyverse · 2 years ago
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marblebees · 28 days ago
I need to build a new deck….
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yatiso · 5 months ago
im sorry digital world analog devices no matter how finicky or straight up entirely more liable to be defective or time/money consuming will always have the top shelf in my heart
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fragrantblossoms · 9 months ago
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garadinervi · 25 days ago
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Richard Serra Drawing: A Retrospective, Edited by Gary Garrels, Bernice Rose, and Michelle White, with additional contributions by Lizzie Borden, Magdalena Dabrowski, Richard Serra, and Richard Shiff, The Menil Foundation, Houston, TX, 2011 (Internet Archive here) [Saint-Martin Bookshop, Bruxelles-Brussel. Art: © Richard Serra / ARS, New York]
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Exhibitions: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY, April 13 – August 28, 2011; SFMOMA, San Francisco, CA, October 15, 2011 – January 16, 2012; The Menil Collection, Houston, TX, March 2 – June 10, 2012
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yetitakinginventory · 2 months ago
Rise of the Guardians Cardboard Snack Container
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This is the most common of the popcorn buckets, made to hold the individual theater's popcorn bag or to be poured in directly, with a small slot on the side to hold a 12oz-16oz cup or a larger drink size if the base is narrow enough.
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One of the few items where Toothiana takes a central place, 3 of the wider sides of the box feature Tooth, North, and Jack. Bunnymund, Sandy, and Pitch take the 3 sides of the drink holder, with the 4th side of the box split between Sandy and Pitch's backgrounds.
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This popcorn and drink box was available through a wide range of theaters, mine came from Caribbean Cinemas.
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(cries at the price of popcorn today, but also I earned $8 an hour in 2012)
You can usually find these carboard boxes for around $10
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uwmspeccoll · 1 year ago
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Yet Another Wood-engraved Feathursday
This 10 x 8 in (20.4 x 20.32 cm) wood engraving entitled Grasshopper (because, after all, there are some grasshoppers in it) by Minnesota artist Cindy Koopman is very reminiscent of our daily experience here in Special Collections. Every day, sometimes three or four times a day, the green roof outside our windows gets visited by a gang of 3-7 crows that investigate the undergrowth, jump and flutter about, toss random objects into the air, and on occasion actually take a slide down the solar panels on the roof just for fun! They are endlessly fascinating, and every day when they arrive all work stops in Special Collections and the entire staff line up along the windows to watch crows be crows for five minutes or so. It's just a part of our workday, but also one of its highlights.
Cindy Koopman is a Minnesota artist with an MFA in printmaking, and is a faculty member at Normandale Community College in Bloomington, MN. This print was selected for inclusion in the Fourth Triennial Exhibition 2020-2022 of the American wood engravers society, the Wood Engravers’ Network (WEN), and the image is from the catalog for that traveling show.
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othmeralia · 1 year ago
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Recently, I was able to put together a small rare book exhibit of new acquisitions and some cataloging quirks!
In this exhibit:
Tabulae medicae seu medicina domestica euporista ac facile parabili experientia at[que] authoritate comprobata medicamenta continens, das ist, Kleine Hauß-Apothek (1673)
Magiae naturalis libri viginti (1644)
Medicina magnetica, or, The rare and wonderful art of curing by sympathy (1656)
De secretis naturae (1542)
Cours de chymie (1679)
Essai sur l'éducation des aveugles, ou Exposé de différens moyens (1786)
Der werth der bestehenden Milchproben für die Milchpolizei (1866)
Each book in this mini-exhibit features something fun or cool (to me) I encountered while cataloging. For instance, the German title was so fun because of the English translation- the milk problem for the milk police? Love it! Magiae Naturalis had so many pagination mistakes, including page 413 written as 143 with an upside down 4. How'd that happen in the printing process?
Putting this together was incredibly fun and a worthwhile professional experience! Hoping to put more exhibits together in the future!
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