#Cassia Han
elegistnox · 1 year
Hi Han! You seem tired of Aries questions lol so coming here to ask a random one! How many people do you think Rhys has had sex with by the time of ACOTAR? Hit me with an estimate over his 550 years and throw in some names from HoN if you have any! Let's stir up some drams!
Plz say Helion.
this actually made me snort reading it, never tired of the questions! however i do love this question...
ok hear me out hear me out
i dont think rhys has had sex with that many people. sure he was crazy when he was younger but let's be real he slowed down after the war soooooooo
i'm going to say
more than 40 but less than 50. somewhere around 16 or 18 people after the war and the first 30 are before the war when he's young and horny...because i love an even number
to be fair that is not a lot for being 550 years old which is like 1 partner every 13.5 years
my reasoning is that i think he's a secret relationship guy. he stays with his partners for a significant enough portion of time where like azriel might be knee deep in a few girlies at a time (horrible reference)
as for who...i don't want to ruin some stuff but i'll throw a juicy bit in bc i like this ask...lilah (obvi), suniva (juicy juicy), cressida (cmon there was too much tension), amarantha (sad)
ok here's my thing about helion. i just truly think rhys's worst quality is that he's too straight
cassian however...cassian would hit
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baronvonchop · 8 months
Back in December, a fan gathered the voice actors of Pasqal, Argenta, Jae, Marazhai, Cassia, Yrliet, and Ulfar for a Christmas-themed session of the Rogue Trader TTRPG.
Highlights include:
Cassia's VA having Cassia-inspired makeup
Pasqal's VA playing Windows sound effects and dialup noises when interfacing with machines
The cast calling Marazhai "Marzy" and "Marzipan"
Should Pasqal install a screen in his stomach like the "Tubby-Tellies?"
Yrliet's VA being profoundly in character by staying silent for long stretches
Ulfar's VA embodying Ulfar to a truly uncanny degree
Marazhai wandering off and starting fights without the rest of the party
Pasqal's VA asking whether their pilot, Hans, was going to fly solo
Pasqal's VA having class clown energy in general
Argenta's VA chewing the scenery and having a great time, especially when "Heresy!!!" or "Xenos!!!"
"Pesticles" (I think the GM was trying to think of the word "pustules" and didn't quite get it right)
Ulfar's VA busting out the Space Marine deep lore
Moments that could be taken as Jae/Ulfar, Argenta/Cassia, and Ulfar/Yrliet if you're so inclined
Jae grabbing Magos SANTA-01 by the beard and shooting him in the head
The most baffling, out-of-left-field cliffhanger you've ever seen
It sounds like it was entirely fan-organized and Owlcat didn't promote it at all, so not a lot of people saw it, which is a shame because it's a lot of fun!
Edit: I was wrong, it looks like Owlcat did promote it: https://x.com/OwlcatGames/status/1736785737154957361?s=20
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theomnicode · 2 years
Happy new year 2023 from Tonari!
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Year of the Rabbit is upon us in 2023 and I'm just gonna drop some fun meta in accordance to this image.
Because I can.
Can't forget that Saitama did some bugs bunny stuff before.
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What he did on Moon of I.O is basically bending reality like he's a cartoon character. So it kinda fits with the rabbit and the moon mythos lol.
But I'm also interested about all the symbolism of the rabbit and the moon and the chinese zodiac.
In the Buddhist Jataka tales,[4] Tale 316 relates that a monkey, an otter, a jackal, and a rabbit resolved to practice charity on the day of the full moon (Uposatha), believing a demonstration of great virtue would earn a great reward. When an old man begged for food from them, the monkey gathered fruits from the trees and the otter collected fish, while the jackal found a lizard and a pot of milk-curd. Knowing only how to gather grass, the rabbit instead offered its own body by throwing itself into a fire the man had prepared. However, the rabbit was not burnt and the old man revealed that he was Śakra. Touched by the rabbit's virtue, he drew the likeness of the rabbit on the Moon for all to see. It is said the lunar image is still draped in the smoke that rose when the rabbit cast itself into the fire. The rabbit is believed to be a Bodhisattva. Han Dynasty poets call the hare on the Moon the "Jade Hare" (玉兔) or the "Gold Hare" (金兔), and these phrases were used often, in place of the word for the Moon. A famous poet of Tang China, Li Bai, relates how "The rabbit in the moon pounds the medicine in vain" in his poem, "The Old Dust".
When Westerners gaze at the 月亮 (yuèliang; moon), they may jokingly say that the moon is made out of cheese or that they see the Man in the Moon. When a Chinese person looks at the moon, however, they most certainly will see the Jade Rabbit (玉兔 Yùtù) standing under a cassia tree holding a precious elixir. Like the Chinese zodiac itself, the legend of the Jade Rabbit has many different origin stories. One of the most common stories in China begins with the Jade Emperor disguising himself as a beggar. Once disguised, he embarks on a journey to find a worthy animal to help him prepare the elixir of life. In this tale, the Rabbit willingly attempts to sacrifice himself as food for the beggar by jumping into a fire. However, the Rabbit is saved by the Jade Emperor, who then carries the Rabbit to the moon where he helps create the elixir of life. Those looking for the Jade Rabbit will find his outline on the moon with his pestle and mortar, mixing the divine elixir to this day. The concept of the Chinese zodiac has spread to other Asian countries, but other cultures have slightly different interpretations regarding the Jade Rabbit. In Japan, the Old Man of the Moon brings the Rabbit back to the moon to live with him because of the Rabbit’s great kindness. According to this myth, the image seen on the surface of the moon is of a rabbit pounding out mochi rice cakes, not the elixir of life.
About this elixir of life...I've thought about references to elixir of immortality before.
The elixir of life, also known as elixir of immortality, is a potion that supposedly grants the drinker eternal life and/or eternal youth. This elixir was also said to cure all diseases. Alchemists in various ages and cultures sought the means of formulating the elixir. In the 8th century AD Man'yōshū, 'waters of rejuvenation' (変若水, ochimizu) are said to be in the possession of the moon god Tsukuyomi. Similarities have been noted with a folktale from the Ryukyu Islands, in which the moon god decides to give man the water of life (Miyako: sïlimizï), and serpents the water of death (sïnimizï). However, the person entrusted with carrying the pails down to Earth gets tired and takes a break, and a serpent bathes in the water of life, rendering it unusable. This is said to be why serpents can rejuvenate themselves each year by shedding their skin while men are doomed to die.
I am distinctly reminded of the part where Sage centipede's carcass drops down on top of heroes while it bathes in ocean water. Heroes were definitely kind of doomed to just perish here, but Saitama parking a large ship avoided the disaster. Then pig god casually eating all the heroes allowed them to ultimately survive. Sage centipede and Elder centipede were notorious for being practically immortal because they just regenerated and shed their skin, so Garou had to destroy it's heart.
Ergo, removing the heart removes the source of lifeblood, so might be one to keep in mind.
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I can't forget how Pig god ate Evil Natural Water and how human body consists of mostly water and what it might entail cuz he ate evil natural water remnants.
Can't forget how Psykos also made Evil Natural Water and she has serpent motifs.
So if divine power is "elixir of immortality" and evil natural water is a construct of what may be just divine power, water and evil intent...checks out.
Oh and OPM God being in possession of elixir of life? Lifeblood? Yeah. Also checks out because the one below is depicted with little more than blood circulatory system.
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Makes you wonder why a samurai dude, I forget the name, who got cleaved in half somehow didn't die. And tank top master got brutally mangled and somehow...survived and is not worse for the wear. And Air got his neck pierced and his spine and idk, he's gonna be ok too right?
Divine power = elixir of life sounds appropriate.
Rabbit personality traits Let’s start with the impact of being born in the Year of the Rabbit on personality. Rabbit people are said to live life free from constraints and are in constant pursuit of their ideas. Because of their weak wills, however, they have difficulty achieving great things.  In addition, Rabbits are sometimes too guarded and delicate when managing human affairs and personal matters. While they tend to be tenacious and ambitious, these characteristics may also lead to jealousy when they don’t get their way. Those born under the sign of the rabbit do not like to argue, preferring peace and quiet. They are good listeners, excellent negotiators and tend to work well on a team. They can be artistic and creative but also have a strong desire to avoid stressful and risky situations. They can also be pessimistic and insecure and therefore are hesitant to make quick changes.
Sounds like an interesting year might be ahead of Saitama.
And finally, an aztec mythos reference, because OPM God's temple is basically an aztec temple.
According to an Aztec legend, the god Quetzalcoatl, then living on Earth as a human, started on a journey and, after walking for a long time, became hungry and tired. With no food or water around, he thought he would die. Then a rabbit grazing nearby offered herself as food to save his life. Quetzalcoatl, moved by the rabbit's noble offering, elevated her to the Moon, then lowered her back to Earth and told her, "You may be just a rabbit, but everyone will remember you; there is your image in light, for all people and for all times."
"Quetzalcoatl, in its literal sense, means 'serpent of precious feathers', but in the allegorical sense, 'wisest of men'."[6] Among the Aztecs, whose beliefs are the best-documented in the historical sources, Quetzalcoatl was related to gods of the wind, of the planet Venus, of the dawn, of merchants and of arts, crafts and knowledge. He was also the patron god of the Aztec priesthood, of learning and knowledge. Quetzalcoatl, the Aztec god of the sun and wind, air, and learning, wears around his neck the "wind breastplate" ehēcacōzcatl, "the spirally voluted wind jewel" made of a conch shell. This talisman was a conch shell cut at the cross-section and was likely worn as a necklace by religious rulers, as such objects have been discovered in burials in archaeological sites throughout Mesoamerica,[8] and potentially symbolized patterns witnessed in hurricanes, dust devils, seashells, and whirlpools, which were elemental forces that had significance in Aztec mythology.
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I mean yea, Feathered Serpent basically. Quetzalcoatl reference. And Psykos learned more than she wished for and according to her, became the ultimate being of intelligence.
A very interesting year ahead.
Unlike Tigers though, like last year, Rabbits are prey animals. And many myths talk about Rabbits making some kind of sacrifice and how appropriately we're also dealing with a dude from Tsukuyomi at the same time. Like oh em gee rabbit and the moon mythos oh em gee.
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tgyverse · 7 months
holi, ahora que han tomado tanto personaje, ¿podrían actualizar la lista de personajes buscados??
¡Por supuesto! Te dejo exactamente qué personajes requieren a les indicades en la lista: Amos Diggory (para Jane Diggory, su esposa), Baptiste Travers (para Ellie Dowson, su ex y madre de su hijo, y Aurora Rowle, su próxima prometida), Bertram Aubrey (para Minerva MacMillan, su mejor amiga), Cassia Clearwater (para Pandora Lovegood, su mejor amiga), Edric Brown (para Darcy Brown, su esposa), Gilderoy Lockhart (por las risas y para Gladys Gudgeon, su lo que sea), Ivan Davies (para Danny Wood, Michael Bones, Alastair Montague y Glenda Chittock, sus amigos), Jason Denbright (para Stubby Boardman, su ex amigo), Lucinda Talkalot (para Emma Vanity, su mejor amiga), Peter Pettigrew (para James Potter, Sirius Black y Remus Lupin, ya sabemos), Rita Skeeter (para Bertha Jorkins, su mejor amiga), Rodolphus Lestrange (para Rabastan Lestrange, su hermano), Severus Snape (en general), Xenophilius Lovegood (para Pandora Lovegood, su esposa). En caso de que recibamos las audiciones correspondientes a nuestras reservas se agregaría a Sturgis Podmore (para Nicholas MacMillan, su mejor amigo) y Narcissa Malfoy (para Bellatrix Lestrange y Andromeda Tonks, sus hermanas). Cualquier duda al respecto, estamos a un mensaje de distancia, ¡saludos!
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leahsfiction · 2 years
Song of the Bronze Immortal Leaving the Han - Li He
Foreword: In the 8th month of the 1st year of the Qinglong Era (237 AD), Emperor Ming of Wei ordered his palace official to move an immortal of the Emperor Wu of Han (d. 87 BC) south by cart. This immortal, holding a dew-plate, had been installed in front of the palace hall.
The immortal started its journey once the palace official dismantled and removed the plate, whereupon it shed silent tears.
Upon which Li Changji, scion of the Tang royal house, composed "Song of the Bronze Immortal Leaving the Han." [1]
In fall the youth Liu came lightly by his flourishing mausoleum[2], One heard his horse whinny in the night; he left no trace at dawn.
The rich scent of autumn is hemmed by osmanthus[3] and balustrades, Thirty-six palaces, all, mossing over jade-green.[4]
The procession begins its thousand miles, led by the man of Wei, Out the East Gate, a sour wind like arrows to the eye.
The Han moon was lured outside the royal walls in vain; Our tears turn to drops of lead in imperial solemnity.
Fading orchids in mourning garb[5] line the Xianyang road, If the heavens too could feel, the heavens would grow old.
Bearing our plate of dew alone through moonlit desolation, River and city[6] far behind, the voice of waves grown small.
Li He, Tang superstar "demonic poet", wrote this poem en route from Chang'an to Luoyang -- the same route the statue was taking. (The statue, in actual history, never made it to Luoyang and got left in Ba City, due to the troublesome size or manifested tears, who knows.) The poet was leaving the capital bc he had to quit his post due to chronic illness. (You can see more of my research notes in my tumblr tag for this poem.)
1: I've inserted the corresponding Gregorian dates, but this is all Li He's own foreword contextualizing the poem.
There are 3 dynasties, 3 nested layers of history, at play here.
Emperor Wu ("martial") - birth name Liu Che - the Han dynasty flourished under his rule due to all the conquering and wealth; like many emperors before and after him, he became obsessed with attaining immortality. hence the poet calling his statue "bronze immortal". According to the commentary in my 1983 Chinese-lang Tang anthology by one 朱世英 Zhu Shiying, the statue this emperor commissioned of himself was enormous: 20m (丈) tall and 10m (围) in circumference. The "dew-plate" is a dish designed to collect morning dew as an offering to the heavens (in hopes of exchange for immortality?) - they're found on top of some Buddhist pagodas also.
Emperor Ming - birth name Cao Rui, grandson of the Cao Cao - 300 years later in the Wei dynasty, he ordered people to remove many Han artifacts from the imperial palace to Luoyang, an expensive and dangerous affair, replacing them with his own commissioned statues, etc etc. The "palace official" refers to a court eunuch - not sure if this is meant to be a specific person.
Li Changji, scion of the Tang royal house - the poet himself (Changji was his courtesy name). i wasn't able to find a genealogy but i do know his was a minor branch of the Tang dynasty founding line; he was quite poor and unsuccessful at getting a good court position (poets is the same). You can read more wild facts about his life on his wikipedia page.
The Tang poet is imagining the statue in the Wei remembering the living Han emperor. History repeats. Rulers grow dissolute and wasteful. Dynasties break, unite, then break again.
2: This first couplet seems unmoored from the rest of the poem. Is it a ghostly vision? a memory? The youth Liu, Liu-lang, is a ballsy way of referring to Emperor Wu. He's visiting his own royal tomb, Maoling Mausoleum (it's on wiki - highly rec the satellite photos, it's still standing), literally translated as "flourishing mausoleum". He started constructing it in his 2nd year of rule - he was 16 years old.
3: 桂树:Commonly mistranslated as "cassia" (chinese cinnamon) due to its prominence in traded goods, but in poetic context usually means 桂花 osmanthus - the smell is peaches, not cinnamon. The blooms are associated with the much-vaunted imperial examinations in eighth month (around September); sort of the equivalent to the greek laurel.
4: 三十六宫 土花臂:A difficult line to fit in english metre, because "thirty-six palaces" takes up the entire first half of the original line. And then the second half is an odd phrase probably coined by Li He - "earth flower jade-green".
5: I know my friend has explained this one already but I just need to yell again about how many images are packed into two characters, 衰兰 "withered orchids". (a) 衰 pronounced shuai, "frail," "old." The flowers are withering because it's autumn. (b) shuai, "reduced." There are few flowers left, and the flowers represent the crowd seeing the procession off. Barely anyone cares about the statue in this new dynasty. (c) pronounced cui, "mourning garments." Now this is a bit of a stretch, but I'm imagining the orchids as white with brown edges (the withering) - as in white and sackcloth mourning clothes. They're symbols of mortality they're the last few loyal mourners they're moved by emotion and thus are able to age, unlike the unfeeling heavens in the next line.
6: Originally says 渭城 "Wei City" in the poem, i.e. city on the Wei river, i.e. Chang'an. Both the Wei and Jing are famous rivers - Chang'an sits near where they touch. There's a nice parallelism b/t the sound of the waves growing small (or faint) and the heavens not growing old in this stanza that not many existing translations point out.
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altairtalisman · 2 years
describe all ur ocs in a sentence
All? Okay if you say so…
Jane Parker (Sixtended): Disaster lesbian who simps over girlfriend
Dorothy Seymour (Sixtended): Violence is the answer
Whitney Liu (Sixtended...?): Gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss with heavy emphasis on gaslighting
Hong Yuneol (7KPP): Fuck morals for everything’s fleeting
Willow Neiscmes (7KPP): Achilles’ heel is siblings
Selena Feyold (7KPP): Morals personified
Ann Hertzia-Pembroke (7KPP): Low-key body image issues with a dash of zero self-esteem
Rose Briala (7KPP): Princess of repressed loneliness
Rana al-Celbain (7KPP): Bitch in fancy wolf's clothing with soft spot for mother
Geo Stratos (Miitopia): Lighthouse scientist turned saviour of the world
Vyren Asphodel (Miitopia): Abused ex-prince who somehow still sees the good in everyone
Calia Teodorani (Miitopia): A dumbass with hidden depths
Ihya Rothmann (Miitopia): Traumatised lightning incarnate who orphaned herself unwillingly
Gladea Xenos (Miitopia): Reckless feline fan who may or may not be suicidal
Yin Shui (Miitopia): Chef who has a bone to pick with childhood friend who failed to keep promise
Theodosia Varniet (Miitopia): Actually cares a whole lot
Han Dae-Yang (Miitopia): Heartthrob idol with fangs
Luna Candela (Miitopia): *Slaps car bonnet* This baby can fit a whole lot of trauma
Hubert Wattson (Miitopia): Gourmet tank with secret family issues
Owen Hernandez (Miitopia): The MVP of the adventure but refuses to take credit for anything
Gladen Xenos (Miitopia): Always thrown into danger
Rook Ayeran (Miitopia): Really a victim of circumstances
Jun Ichiyanagi (MH: Rise): Surprisingly impatient
Haru Mitsurugi (MH: Rise): Ships monsters together despite outright hunting them
Mifuyu Yukimura (Monster Prom): Dance dance revolution on ice
Kai Crusath (DragonFable): Cryophobic hero who just wants friends to stop dying
Claire Riveria (SoS: FoMT): Expert fisherwoman, shit farmer
Emma Anderson (HP: Hogwarts Mystery): *Slaps car bonnet* This magical baby can fit a whole lot of trauma
Tashvin Halgeo (MySims: Agents): Suspiciously around when mysteries occur
Alyna Min-Locken (Adorable Home): Either cats love her, or is a cat kidnapper
Elizabeth Min-Locken (Adorable Home): Identity crisis with a generous helping of traditional Asian family drama
Criden Error (Hallowed Hotel): Murder gives happy smile
Bai Mingyue (Hallowed Hotel): Cinnamon roll who can absolutely fuck shit up if desired
Hayato Ōtori (Hallowed Hotel): Scrunkly looking weirdo who's actually a skilled diplomat
Aiden Cross (Hallowed Hotel): Imposter equivalent tries to understand mortals
Bernhard Storm (Hallowed Hotel): All cocky individuals have sad backstories
Daedir Jaki (Hallowed Hotel): That one guy you go to when your shit needs fixing
Ilias Argyris (Hallowed Hotel): Founded a branch of magic with help from dead partner's notes and help from an imposter
Cassia Vijay (Hallowed Hotel): Exiled dryad who defied death for a girl
Nasir Ayad (Hallowed Hotel): Would be a modern day bad boy with heart of gold and whatever bullshit found in books
Noah Wynrow (Hallowed Hotel): Probably needs therapy, definitely has titties
Frieda Vogel (Hallowed Hotel): Genuinely unproblematic compared to everyone else
Ragnar Jökulfroða (Hallowed Hotel): Ex-prince who decides to live for himself
Chiaki Nakajima (Hallowed Hotel): Fake cinnamon roll who will absolutely fuck shit up if desired
Hisui Inazuma (Hallowed Hotel): Indirect enabler of fake cinnamon roll
Martin Stuart (Hallowed Hotel): Golden retriever but wolf
Milovan Nikolić (Hallowed Hotel): Silver goes ouchy
Jackson O'Lantern (Hallowed Hotel): Robin Hood but the poor is himself and occasionally everyone else
Hana Dull (Hallowed Hotel): Stan until death, and then stan some more
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bookishnerdlove · 1 year
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 La historia de un ser humano amado por un ángel (1)   Era el vigésimo año del calendario de Greze.   Han pasado veinte años desde que Jester Greze, un Emperador de origen plebeyo que unificó las regiones central y norte, transfirió sin problemas el trono y la historia del imperio comenzó a reescribirse.   El Emperador y su esposa, que habían estado muy ocupados desde su ascenso al trono, no pudieron descansar ni siquiera después de que se estabilizara el nuevo flujo de poder. Era como si fueran personas que no estaban destinadas a descansar.   Lucy Greze, la Princesa del Imperio Greze, fue criada por sus ocupados padres desde que nació, pero sentía que no le faltaba nada.   Para ser exactos, a pesar de que le faltaban incluso diez partes del cuerpo, sus padres derramaban una cantidad excesiva de amor y atención sobre sus hijos, por lo que no había nada de qué entristecerse porque estaban ocupados.   Para ser más precisos, nunca se sintió sola y Lucy era incluso un poco molesta.   De los dos, definitivamente su padre.   Lucy Greze se miró la cara en el espejo y suspiró con nostalgia.   Su fino cabello plateado, que era tan deslumbrante cuando captaba la luz, sus ojos azules como joyas y sus rasgos delicados que parecían haber sido esculpidos minuciosamente por Dios, se parecían a su madre, de quien se decía que había pasado por muchas cosas. de penurias gracias a su belleza. .   Debido a eso, había escuchado constantemente elogios por su apariencia desde que era joven, pero cuando la conoció, odiaba a las personas que más elogiaban su apariencia.   Si alguien lo escucha, puede fruncir el ceño y preguntar por qué es tan exigente cuando se trata de cumplidos, pero cuando vives más de una década y escuchas la frase "¿Por qué eres tan bonita?" al menos 24 veces al día, se convierte en una reacción inevitable. .   Entonces, así.   "¡¡¡hija!!!"   Una voz elevada hasta el punto de picar los oídos junto con un sonido frívolo que corre desde lejos.   Bang Bang Bang.   Una presencia grosera, distraída y urgente.   Puede parecer que hay un gran negocio, pero Lucy sabe que definitivamente no lo es.   Puede resultar sorprendente abrir de repente la puerta y entrar, pero es el Emperador de este país, el Rey Greze I.   Su gran título es Su Majestad el Emperador Jester Greze.   Su padre es elogiado en el extranjero por cautivar los corazones tanto de plebeyos como de nobles y por liderar el imperio.   A pesar de que tenía exceso de trabajo, se dedicó a cuidar de sí mismo todos los días, y aunque su hijo mayor, Rael, casi era mayor, el Emperador y su esposa todavía parecían jóvenes.   Pensó Lucy mientras miraba el rostro joven de su padre, quien, si se lo colocara al lado de su hermano mayor Rael, parecería un hermano mayor o un hermano menor.   "Hubiera sido mejor si hubiera habido una mirada de mediana edad con una cara bonita."   Debido a que actuaba como un niño y parecía un niño, Lucy no podía sentir ninguna dignidad en su padre, a quien todos elogiaban. Eso fue una pena.   "¿Qué otra cosa?"   "tú……."   Jester tenía una cara seria por alguna razón.   Acababa de cortarse el pelo a instancias de su madre, Cassia, quien le dijo que lo mantuviera arreglado, y su apariencia, que podría haber sido bastante elegante, parecía más feroz.   ¿De verdad viniste aquí hoy para algo más que elogiar tu apariencia? Lucy estaba un poco nerviosa.   "¿Por qué? ¿Qué ocurre?"   Cuando su hija preguntó con una expresión algo nerviosa, Jester tragó saliva, tragó saliva abiertamente y habló.   “¿Es hoy también?”   "……¿Qué?"   De alguna manera, creo saber qué sonido saldrá de esa boca.   “¿Por qué estás tan… bonita hoy? ¿No estás cansada de eso?   "ah..."   Lucy dejó escapar una exclamación y rápidamente se tapó la boca. Casi se olvidó de que era una Princesa noble y sus vulgares malas palabras casi salieron a la luz.   Lucy forzó una sonrisa, apenas capaz de tragar las malas palabras que subían a su garganta.   Al contrario de la brillante sonrisa en su rostro, sus palabras salieron en tonos confusos mientras apretaba los dientes para evitar decir malas palabras.   "Entonces hssrg htsneu".   “No, ¿cómo puedo parar? ¿Cómo me estoy pareciendo cada vez más a mi madre? Anoche me quedé sin palabras durante la cena. Pensaste que tu madre estaba aquí. ¿Te conté cómo era tu madre cuando llegué por primera vez a Greze? ¿Qué clase de ángel soy? …….”   “Sí, lo dije. No podía soportar volver a escuchar lo mismo, así que comencé a contar para ver cuántos más dirías, y lo dije exactamente doscientas veintiuna veces. Así que deja de."   “Jaja… ¿Es así? No creo haber dicho mucho. Inseok, estoy exagerando…”   Estoy exagerando. Si sumas el número de veces que no contaste, el número sería más de doscientas veintiuna.   Lucy estaba ofendida, pero sabía que no tenía sentido decir nada más, así que mantuvo la boca cerrada.   Cuando salió a la luz la historia de su madre, Cassia, la expresión brillante de Jester se endureció.   "Tu madre... supongo que le va bien allí".   “…….”   “Este padre siempre está de mal humor. Tu madre se casó conmigo y sufrió toda su vida…”   Lucy, que miraba con un poco de pesar a Jester, quien se tapaba los ojos con sus grandes manos y murmuraba mientras se mordía el labio inferior, Resopló profundamente y dio un paso más hacia él.   "padre."   “Sí, Lucy”.   ¡Boom!   "¡Puaj!"   Lucy, que se había acercado a él como para consolarlo, golpeó con su puño de algodón el pecho de Jester. Jester gimió juguetonamente y movió su cuerpo.   "Si alguien lo oyera, pensaría que su madre había fallecido".   "Me muero por verte."   "¡Oh, entonces debería regresar rápidamente!"   "Yo también quiero hacer eso, pero ¿no pareces un poco cauteloso?"   Sí. Ahora bien, este no era el palacio imperial en el archipiélago donde nació y creció Lucy, sino el territorio sur de Ruberno.   La razón por la que Jester vino aquí fue por los montones de piedras llamadas "piedras mágicas" en Havel.   Estas raras piedras, en las que estaba sellada la ya extinta "magia", fueron enterradas en grandes cantidades en el territorio de Havel. Ruberno, el hogar de la Emperatriz Cassia, invirtió una gran cantidad de dinero en el desarrollo de esta piedra mágica.   Las inversiones en el desarrollo de piedras mágicas se llevan a cabo desde hace mucho tiempo, pero no se han logrado resultados significativos. Sin embargo, su valor era tan grande que no sólo los territorios circundantes, sino también los bárbaros extranjeros husmeaban en Havel cuando estaban aburridos.   Duele decir que el amor de su madre también era importante para Jester, cuya esposa era la ley, dios y religión.   El plan que se le ocurrió para su suegro, que estaba preocupado por frecuentes guerras territoriales, era quedarse en su ciudad natal de Ruberno como Emperador imperial.   Para un plan que surgió de la mente de su aparentemente idiota padre, era bastante inteligente.   Aunque era el emperador, no tenía la autoridad para obligar a los señores de cada región a participar en una guerra territorial, y estaba en una posición en la que no podía enviar refuerzos abiertamente a Ruberno, por lo que esto fue una advertencia para feudos circundantes.   Ruberno y Havel son lugares que yo, el emperador, aprecio y a los que presto mucha atención, así que háganlo con moderación, o algo así.   Todo fue genial hasta ese momento, pero el problema fue que ni el Emperador ni su esposa pudieron salir del palacio durante un mes. Por supuesto, Jester tuvo que ir a Ruberno y Cassia se quedó en el palacio. Cuando Jester subió a su carruaje, sostuvo el dobladillo de la ropa de Cassia y gimió durante una hora.   Si me hubieran dejado solo entre su amada familia, habría podido comprender la naturaleza extrema de Jester... … .   '¡Tráeme a mí también!'   Jester, que dijo que no podía soportar vivir un mes entero sin ver la cara de su hija, cantó durante más de una semana antes de partir hacia Ruberno. Lucy, que había sido atormentada día y noche, finalmente se desmayó y asintió diciendo que entendía y que iría con ella.   Entonces de nuevo, ahora.   El clima era caluroso e irritante, no conocía a nadie y lo único que hacía era tener conversaciones triviales con Jester, y ya era la segunda semana de su vida como Ruberno, por lo que Lucy simplemente se estaba muriendo.   “Bueno, sólo tenemos que aguantar aproximadamente una semana más, así que seamos pacientes. ¿Qué te gustaría hacer con tu padre hoy?   No, ¡jugar con papá realmente no es divertido! ¡La mitad de la conversación es sobre mamá! Lucy contuvo las ganas de gritar con una paciencia sobrehumana.   "¡Ah!"   Jester estiró el brazo y agarró el muslo de Lucy, dándole un abrazo.   Desde que era joven, había disfrutado abrazar a Lucy y caminar por el interior y el exterior de su palacio de esta manera, y eso no había cambiado incluso ahora que ella tenía catorce años.   "¡Papá! ¡Para esto! ¿Crees que todavía soy una niña de seis años?   “¿Qué pasa? Te gustaba que me abrazaran así”.   "¡Eso fue hace mucho tiempo! ¡Ya tengo catorce años!   "Bien, bien."   Dije que entendía al caballo, pero que no tenía intención de dejarlo ir. La expresión de su rostro es relajada mientras se sonroja y se dirige hacia la ventana de la habitaci��n, mirando la vista panorámica de Rubernault.   Al final, con una expresión de rendirse nuevamente hoy, Lucy solo suspiró profundamente, agarrándose con fuerza del fuerte hombro de su padre.   “¿Sabes qué es lo que más me preocupa estos días?”   "No, ¡¿quién te preocupa ?!"   ja ja… … . Padre, padre.   “Si encuentro a alguien que me gusta más adelante, tendré que casarme. ¿Es eso posible?"   "¿Eh? ¿Qué quieres decir? ¿Es posible?"   “¿Lo preguntas porque realmente no lo sabes? ¡Me preocupa que mi padre me despida sin pensarlo dos veces!   "¿Por qué estás tan preocupado? Lo más importante para mí es que seas feliz. Si conoces a un buen hombre y quieres casarte, por supuesto que debes hacerlo. ¿Crees que soy una persona tan engreída?   Eso es lo que quiero decir... … .   Era absurdo, pero Lucy simplemente negó con la cabeza cuando Jester preguntó con una expresión realmente perpleja.   Estoy realmente preocupada, pero como este año cumplo catorce años, el matrimonio todavía parece muy lejano, así que puedo pensar en estos dolores de cabeza más adelante.   "Yo prometí. Si encuentro a alguien que me gusta, me darás permiso para casarme con él sin dudarlo”.   "¡Oh por supuesto! No te preocupes."   No hay manera de que no esté preocupado... … .   Durante mucho tiempo, ella solo bostezó con expresión aburrida en los brazos de Jester, quien estaba h murmurando mientras la sostenía como si estuviera cuidando a un recién nacido.   elegante.   A diferencia de cuando entró Jester, se escuchó una presencia muy cautelosa y educada.   "Su Majestad, ¿está en la habitación de la Princesa?"   Era la voz familiar de la doncella del castillo que ayudó a Jester y Lucy en Ruberno.   Lucy dejó escapar una risa extraña ante la reacción reflexiva de Jester.   Sería obvio por qué la visitó su doncella, Jang. Y esta era una señal necesaria para el plan de Lucy de escapar brevemente de la aburrida vida de dos semanas en el Castillo de Luverno.   “Pregúntele al Sr. Master si le gustaría tomar un té y jugar a las cartas. “¿Pero, qué debo hacer?”   El sucesor de Ruberno. Alan Ruberno, el tío materno de Lucy, disfrutaba de los juegos de cartas hasta el punto de volverse adicto, y desde que Jester llegó aquí, lo ha estado molestando para que juegue con él casi una vez al día.   Incluso si no le apetece, Jester definitivamente acudirá a Alan. Él nunca no fue. Se volvió tan pequeño y débil que su posición como Emperador carecía de sentido sólo para la familia Ruberno.   Jester miró a su hija en brazos durante mucho tiempo, sin querer separarse de él, luego suspiró profundamente y lentamente dejó a Lucy en el suelo.   "……Iré."   “Hmph. Quería estar más con mi padre, pero es una pena”.   "¿En realidad? Bueno, ¿entonces debería decirle a Alan que no me siento bien hoy?   "¡¡¡No!!! Entonces, ¿qué tan decepcionado estará tu tío? Mi padre se veía muy bien justo antes del almuerzo, pero ¿me creerías si te dijera que comenzó a sentirse mal menos de medio día después?   “Uf, claro…”   Jester asintió débilmente y lentamente retrocedió.   "Está bien, Lucy... volveré pronto".   "Si padre. Asegúrate de ganar hoy y regresa”.   “Es difícil ganar. A medida que pasan los días, mi capacidad para ganar se vuelve tan buena como la de tu madre”.   "¡Jajaja! ¡Siempre y cuando sea divertido incluso si pierdes!   Ni siquiera es divertido... … .   Jester se tragó sus quejas y suspiró de nuevo.   Si me llamaran ahora, tendría que jugar a las cartas con Alan hasta la cena.   Es mejor cantar después del desayuno como siempre... … .   "……Hasta luego hija."   Finalmente, tan pronto como se cerró la puerta y salió Jester, Lucy, que saludaba con una expresión triste, desapareció rápidamente.   "¡Excelente!"   Y luego empezó a moverse ajetreadamente.   Estaba harto de venir hasta el sur y estar confinado en el castillo. Un curioso chico de catorce años necesitaba un escape.   Los ojos de Lucy brillaron mientras se ponía la ropa que ya había preparado sin llamar a su doncella por separado.   No le resulta difícil escaparse. Ella ya tenía un método en mente.   Tendré que volver antes de cenar. Sentí que podía respirar, que ya estaba bloqueado.   Pero Lucy no lo sabía.   Este desvío hará que su padre, Jester, sus abuelos maternos y su tío materno, Allan, la busquen en el castillo de Ruberno.   ¿Surgirá alguna vez una situación sin precedentes en la que se movilizarán todas las fuerzas de Ruberno y Haveln?   Y, apenas 14 años después de su nacimiento, comenzaría una aterradora relación de guerra fría con su padre, con quien había mantenido una relación extremadamente buena. ANTERIOR Read the full article
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libidomechanica · 1 year
Untitled Composition # 9575
A ballad sequence
Back of a kiss sweld say: With straying     her be.—And learn to mourn overt smiled han lies has not     beneath, in singing to
burst his broke: who wake not swells him     when death, out rapt in all those bound, an oxymoron or     all-beauty’s rude shadow,
and vttermost shine the more true-love     conquest way this is upon and perpetual ring, my     hear the can weeping their
sonne hast vs home tomb, to me     ’twould you would for Adonais; till in visionary maids,     the venom which melting
latcher’s warlike night beat you, whimp’ring     a water? Of time, a fine, sick, to Fame’s sight! That     cannot be with silver
shee such as fyre, and all the fade:     exit seem’d to peeped, and twere day sunflowers, my father     wind warm of fond wrings this
stroke this deep in sight, Stealing stretch!     Little tender fades, and yearning because I dreadful winds     are the linnet, as thought
one was ratified the day by     chaunce, and tortured at hearthly the tears forget and wise,—past     me one if he way. Papers
exalt thought her loved dangered     full of our guarded up the grace, those thou were lass of     cost, days Salámán heat
or else cargoes learnd itself to     stead out object; and of remembered to like mine early     in me, and of the chamber
shoot of her of such grow; and     only we used, to living nodding gray. And manfully.     The cabin, G minor
Moon. Maud the prince. Than, singly     sunflowers, funny to this lubrique booth I walks inters when     his greater than thy louded
eyes, waits to living shine, and     twine, mine: Staying innocence that she tower as he cruel     me, in displaie, how she read
hours, and she: and the fireflies;     and now but moment! But it slowly, unspokes of living     punished pepper—altho’
th’ unkind those his bless     false harmony water fair. And hold men peeling reply     toward partial kingled into
thy carrion came Christ! One     gem was a feast; So schooled to defaultily face was mine.     And if those wind one shed
would have notes, all the Paracles.     For could be, and arc, spheroic in it were is stands and with     other, whene’er alone
to make read. Little bootes light     of thy father red who pierc’d thrive that dimmed her cell, crie on     the gaudy springs sit
smile kiddie thy seeing, dear light,     and calumny and now it is the chime, a pavement of     the breather tastes the weeks.
Now, O shin’st, and was so, and     Leander is it had I did not be and your son, then be     thou, might. How many thine.
In which you up in thy king loved     Chick and bask in earthquake it kind sweet; the day was forlorn     where where made betters riding
in denays, another, when     at by her light in a ruin with melted; nay, and by     here; when this cruel. They translate;
a little wind of lusty     forth so deepe; grief look, strain to-night perswades of the way     forced to me. Like mind of
life is come bars thou the bitter     dying I sought it shut faded and shape or Foolish. In     the muscles, shall like a
suit of rage droptic Dutch shall my     foe, the was impute it like to dear childe: when the day, and     cassia crowns of men.
Had kill it like thing men: I shut     buds, as on on for it may spare, my thou got vp a breath     skin after the kind. Now warm the man does Terrors of Lady     of my sad men in
one, allows’ needed, or invent’st     from tree whose deserves to more. Above my child is no sign,     and the New Morning woman. Fingers. I never London     stall fervid cover in
my eye: imagination that     night’s soul. Spread they weary, he hanged me—she you share; and the     looked on light, my heau’n, at first some old, thy lovelinesse,     a turtle regardless
turtles at they will love young on     me. Who to the shut from thatch upon him of you mountain     me like as the clear Spring; I love to wait foresay.     But if it weep, the dust!
And serene! As trim here! With his     own at field almost that wish spring-tides,—adagios of     heaven knelt and every
Garment of burn your eyes are. And     heards foremost frame, august none knew what woman; and speaks the     watch’d itself Narcissus,
as eyes my will keeps virtuous     down at once admire your brilliant lasting, you quite it beauteous     horn, the knave—the flow;
where splendour be and what touch, for     a cold out of love untightened in age—why not die     rather sigh’d, and made then,
when year? In my mother from me     in my sleepwalk in light moony, inlet—warm pearl. My heart     always. I am chains
as fancient scene than to grow boring,     she smaller. And we close our when at day. Despite my     stink of the eye with heare.
Christie Loue, which on their guest struck     by the faced my love advancing innocent of less of     his realized cheek to
my one is memory sproutine—     look back her praise mended, issue beached forget not be four     cupped for once more the
table eyes, for Winters of thy     beautiful an Isle, be who look at next pleasure as good,     tis not seem’d her breast, he
soul and Doom. She game out, and hair     unbounds. He does not and its chance ecstatic mantle ten     meteor on a place
me, Juvenal, and the deawie night’s     gone brere weep the monstrative, and diamond all correction     round us both wedge of
wall Thy extreme hopes to the Princes,     where we lay; i’ve her: with was dearer. He knew what she;     in God, and lifeless name!
What! Of a pillars agonized     he bedside a Richard, and will its heartles, until is     and reach prison farewell?
—Thy darken’d with that in a dreme.     —Why, fear, the other has her silent—the consequent that     trait be fall air; behold, sweare day may now can shoulde hath those     forced to see yondering fortune before the faultlessed     blamelesse which her walk
alone, thou knows: to die. While I     thee weep for a Frank, we glide in the years, still ev’ry side,     that should fans height with her Kiddie quoth stand and murderers     wing, and heath, my love’s lower! As the waves and lightest for     youngest, her wan walk, adown
and book, But Ida sponge and     fear we are hovelled to thee yode forth include the beames,     led me for young prison- cell of a lord of hoof and     fruits. And scattering from me, where were sheaven, or else that     we linnet but were is
swell—thoughts the more—mething to falles     it self is loved moon with their pray who had I ever     rusted, and concerned there, the childhood is enought in your     neck, her eye, teach is slain. It any been pathwart to Heav’n;     dispossessions, spitality.
And now, O my lovely-     head! And, so I could sleep the bond they say, mought in one pulses     one else let me dead! A sluice wrong ere from my boys dead,     progress were still, and waft the mild, each hath me thine. To weak;     but as the nation may
struck; with fool and ruins, to thee.     Like daught but forgave man wipe outgoe, I calmly beauty thou     are sheeted and beasts music was for everything arms, that     first crossed, and enough all think, my deed. I have watch the packe     a stuff will from high degree,
alas! In the her elder     breath of shadowed might be to confident there brough lectual     bliss destinies. Had been fields that padded daily prayer,     glitter perching mutual frame, and white, did what times with     custom, Gama saint. I
knew that home! Of a fly, perhaps     her eyes hath betters widening amid wit not this: they     are another that ruled Albion well her than at now?     Catch, he where dear! He start up, further share o’er to their statues,     and Beauty’s rude sheets
to the Prince her sleep, then asleeping     forth she and with and at last year we wanton some cape;     but now nae land. Felon, the flint! More to flowers our life     a loaf of deep so later brough the yard, looked upon they     statues learn’d—that broke of
so free, by the affair like a     tomb, a new-made in night piece, boast thy pain? Gan he lips, it     eats the preventy mind. Or snake Memory kept they     illuminous and child, an old woe, that accomplains too sure     air arms with me each evil
I felt in her breathings sadde,     for thee did that make me more the Devil’s injurious     am I from the packe bent force by glided father die,     but we sawe the death, about then, a message and     He was before thrist’s—oh!
When all possible he millionaire:     I had because they are and there not common mortality     and a nights long
sun look! The life and I unties,     to splendous that sent flow’rs. And other on a day, fancy     for our with vain: let Life’s
first from herb and get all the corne     pype to the sunflowers and sometimes from the cense frosty     rime, nor all the him freedom
in a most to see. Forget     yoke, drives me bestow; forgotten wedded from the be speak     of loftiest alway. Breast
the season. Or that sweets, each day     overtall for breath, know in a start upon a clouds of     natures, out of the hill.
That play to come, dearly birth new     and cheek when as this bequeath of silvering their spacious     though though though but heere dead!
At thrill verve of your face bare all     moonlight speak and, lasting, string, strangled in it is face, with     wind’s leap in thinking languish
seized cherish his heart bespeak;     and turtle, so passage and still the burden the spick and     in blood-red rose, and scar’d
then? Amid the dark and rave. Saying     me be clean Hunger the Leave the for what Light and swine,     conceal, love, lock me
intellect it, pursue; too well or     good or home this time while there, withdrawn; through the stores our poor     can marble unsearch of
Maud’s of Fancy, he come an alive     o’er than only said I am fed. Soul from evening     stars blaze town of eight that
my fathering girls do, any     reptiless sleep upon the soft Foreign church, and I thou     stand the wrong I saw the
word of thy men peels soft blush’d the     lattice-light that can never and beheld each need me; my     gusts of an instrel
galleries, and hideous soul sublime     of your face, that sad as banish’d mourns not seemed to thou     dost smile; and modest stand
at the said the crye iesus blesse     thy fate. When did canopy the right the dark of Fear, and     kill our hallowed: the wretch,
her spring finger spring not     my heart is play, so great cloud may stood, slander should oppress’d,     love’s birthday or nature
red lie; yet for all-beauties me.     The moon-faced terror of the light she winding angels all     our feels soft strange decay.
A Richard, thy cause I raging     blush, with a day with baile, nor shall fretwork had every soul     toward hold fiction for every
sides, it is a beast where yourself!     The doors never shell say to toes are mine own he love’s     children death, and, gently
approaching for Winter that polish     fire, and night mix’d with a height springs. Then she next to     be as flown, far decline
vpon the strange a toe, nor contract     of a freshness girl spake me than man, Dearest, she torch on     edge, I had was of every
way. Saucy pedantics were     my breast, and with fannes to the steals to see lovers we     pray’rs; snatch his grow and wings
who pierced you I love, for fear not     have just as in vain all wealth, became divinely wove thou     do her simple puts all
swollen light, is it together     woman; and her—look’d away? Why urge that when diffus’d     Destiny, he melodies
his coal all you pleasaunce, that should     beard of trials, and dumb: but in her the night, which Maud in lust     as thou lack my hopes will.
Some hold. For young are low will drops     on me through the moan’d, your delights bent in their head, and end     the horse ease, by suddenly
said; but hurry, when say to     say, and take in virgin- trooping home took the bridal     Retinues from piety
common more we’ll weeping. Do have     I not you The moon in this own. Love is no echo to     those lips parts soul’s triumph
at a joint is ygoe, I could have     wound with the flying his knows, and also, reliable     curtain active seen! Which
can a woman, if I list though     curst of delight. And the flint is no sea, warm wishes hence     and twinkled with a voice
the sun, the obscene among thee.     With them to sayd, because I don’t yet the panes. Dawn great held     stella look? But oh, never
in its prey. Nothing beyond,     and that I was mortal muse, she throat around and place, to     the strength to his nights beyond
sight? But gaze, and call the oar!     You wilt thou warnest higher hast they sang and vein. Those atom     glue my heart in me
like to my arm of the crimson     sea. Rich frozen cheek the bed’s sheath, can go; forget. Which thy     charity took my freshing
paire: that never yet know, the     pregnant electrons. ’ The will join griefs to the other growing     leaves and lur’d by an
earth in vain draw, while my body     rocks blood and with man accomplain about how should die; and     so I could stains, and fears,
and sure as the brightning? Many     thought quiet after heads the moment highways keep the ragged     wide spiring new, but
their new as here, the books which on     the world, I’d entertain to feed of Youth, and nature’s     bitter governor and
at the held in the old and thy     murder, fairing! If thought all see just encumber than all     them guide its pure it is,
thought I summers every singing,     and there: for carrion caren as this dead a stoon, and     while here but let tears wilt
the pair, but one so as Silvia,     yet remove, and no more I taught its eternal your     inverted first least breast
eye for loved, while thou forgot. Ye     soft in the pace; just as all that first, and redden’d whom a     water, my heart have fair
Albany. Before my wounded     sunny watched shall I say? Well for even; her looked upon     their grieve’s praise may stone, dream.
We sits embrace in Stella is     not thy bread like you turn’d long, dying again; Had it greeding     not holds his own for
Adonais: wan their own! She, change     again: which gavest mine our realms of low-though fain wonted     screet, difficult forth merely
to played he shoulders and fro     on why that leave the dust. Only may sleepeth incomplete     they should feet—crush say, more
we proud how it rubs his blood of     life is wretched his company forsake and held the strange     chaunst though but a mouth, whom
a stands do beseech the tea-stocks     reckon frontinue arrange and dusky cave—whate’er thee? Trickle     my mistress bids mask
of their soul, like him when he hanging     miraclete’s way, and a Hierome, marked by grew tall     for thou leaves for the sunk,
extinction. Ah, where was vanquished     out within, the people the whose pow’r away, them of light     did him alive to swing
abroad, that she is dream. I have     the joys of winter arms; it guest at me: my said, I stay     yet debt, those gesture-ground
me beguil’d, nor cause you quite that     care flower, the delight of beauty of their space for love     crown collect it, my
casually illusion vex me alive,     thou ne’er a lordly it from isolationed then     one, he invite me to
enter of lovely-headed for     there things pass, when her made prevail, sweet loved be grau’d into     blessing most en year,
fantastically at once, some chiefe. And     thou should be my tears we the great once in her father joy:     where I knows the had not
a still unsure: inches him spyed:     for the shall not? Let the sung of chance frosty rime, mournful     pain! Than they rank, or as
that realms of the burial Men     in desires’ Eyes in the highest prime; they muscles of     it how showed you wrong yellow
birds, and within me. He does     no staring light is this sacrifice, and come streams, all base,     their riots, are great moment
angels trembled withouten     and all those accepted sacred the plann’d a world drop its     way back my lord to me!
Thrown, & taunt      everybody know you turns but beside!     Will turn them yode at midnight retrieved, then, whenever bene dead: but mind. I sight sky,     and if each misgouernaunce morning rich
in Lethe light forth, if fate. The Dust! For so at he     little Merman’s heart that as arisen ouerwent round with lips that though the sky mighty,     in all except for shouldst midnight like
transpare her Friends as happens they are the deep down!     Thou may blood that an earth’s date in them ill, there I must be summer night. Men he pilgrim     of their floors; nor drop feet stopped her mourning,
but the grieve, or spreads his destroy! May he believes     for there is mortal body would bold out me: for to quell, that place up, and main. But     in who may grace more at leased the sun.
We watch my eyes sing of Heav’n, thy your brain; and had     rather grows on the amorous o’er it,—so young out a suddenly, things send the woodmen     wind where is ever garden of
flow, the creep; the feud, the was changed: whose mischief; but     he sand-hills me back the holy joy in thy flitting cloud that great asking away, fingers     under figure and ride in either
slumber shee thou from heavens, clambers, and death.     It say it in tune, he is has but whose palace: what sproutine—look on me, that says what     and say so. May rest, through the bright that
all painted subsided, for thy beauty of the     Echoes of five day all they stretch from the glide into the lattic bed; she case. Open,     far in her set, she past together.
But there—You this, when Gaeta : — Shot.     I’m sorrow,—thy defence, as that slays old, and the little     be ruld breath that such a race. Or the God I heards, and and     said the Atlanticipation we are long them selfe-felt     it must pass the murmur
of shattered to arrest breath. When     the moss in the vault on now he crown’d in vain! Of mounting     charmed live, set the cried Misery! He is not touch’d, so I     could sleep; obedient before his to forth the world is     could hand—they didst otherly
heauy mouth or good white! Wake these     harden heard my hand, from my sting the top, he contract of     life wild Winds were your side, the shouldst midnight. Quench my Petite,     like the mountains, no more shall are. Lust as thy waveries;     carved from him; Sidney, whom
I love herded on the holy     Saints doth should see the princely Heart; come, and Fletched you hasten     the lay athwart were mouse which others, temperor his     way thy tale of their way: but a convict-clothes, until is     an ear! But which now I
finds of rage, as given the fading     saints, when labour trust be give back to-night. Far other     mind, as the rivers beauty’s lov’d the came, veil of felt not     know—and leaves borne all rebel nature at my wretch me now.     It will break the kings and
again. Hither memory, what     if in mouthed an under will not into carnate thereby     by charming fan, dropping a ranckly mask our guarded with     rolled with and bones to cover in me ever does not till     sweet maid. Of blue; The bottom
of truth, a watch my soul     another hyde, which I set her fasts are to purple clouds around     their day I by night bend of Note or good at, before     the gravens,—because embrace gray-eyed thought can expect frown,     singing to its multiple
dyes; for great God’s creature’s newe     buds desk me not, she now! Beneath to the sea, and stroke the     Gate heart though he felt thou only amend you called bay could     not waken’d, the good Queen! Make me alike, when King; journey     too: I shut eyes and knowing
from fair: it see shadows dancing     alive or wan thy help! Maud with heaven you dost shouldst     steppe some guess. Loves the very mother sport a work, no sleight.     But soon and God before terrified vague fingers the deep,     never wit was that glows.—
Nothing word of water, my hour     arms, some cape’s singled could, come to make his festive not given     the fair is by her handsome who know he hand reliquary     hand the rings. Than alive or dim dwelling saint. Will     be an hours in but for
Italy from thy life, than see     such a country lusty forget the pensife Damme of its     to fair. And, and behind the little wood, and pardon-pleading     sighs. And the dead, crown. The dewy more; drops dead Sea revels     of hem running stars
would utterly, right on her loud?     Would I comes do I not one, to the clowdes, it mutual     day or night to pines. So thou fair. She my guided, I     were is coming finger, story—an old washed flatt’ring her     Bosom waves; and look upon
Marlborough not, I thou go     with soul with reveal’d the bird; thou thus; the silver be broke     of him cameras, and no one can never cattles away.     The charmingling the wild whisp’ring is head, and saw myself;     fire of life given as
he floors; nor comelines her     dear call their axes: lo the fresh ruffian’s man to his ring?     My souls in me. Terrified, it in third a-winges fold     in spirit will not. The Devil’s inmost ask me in life     a merely ships trod the
op’ning dwindle hour and I unswear,     answered with eyes anothers’ season, the precious might     of child nor the leathes and smiling, and, nor are sleep the     Sun. And flowers of his heart besides youth, them close taper     to be a happy household,
it is to be a heart, there,     the hill all lives me, thou were grief Oh, cometh not, joy befall     the dore, like a noble her walked at these lock ticks, and     gan to his from the firmament spring in a moment!     Glories, and bawk, sae gentless
you meaner bed to a scream     a lucid urn of an atmosphere freedom love, and so     I could be out and fly from thy pang on, and hate, whom we     call creation statement of theme of those sacred     The river, but inspir’d!
The deluge from a gutted stone.     Itself and began to come to wreather midnight above     and with a kiss, shops of
Albany. Lips to resign’d, bright     us away, shone, and the dead invitation—if he     beating toward her: where made
approved, wandering eyes o’ daily     lies not die whose rite yet that sweet you the a work heroid     and their pain, the word.
Was she doubt to doat. Beauty and     the horse, to th’ shadow often as harbor shall bower     through to me ’twould it
the gaudy sprung; and boldly woe;     the forgets that’s free, first home to have grief bright their axes:     lo the roses in high
they must needed, for a stooped door.     And herself so flagless spheres coil and study wings,     invulnerable touch! For his
feast, for the blue eyes twine, lifted     urn. And Life divine, on a debt of your body: some luck     athwart the prison-clock
on my bridal Retinue array:     that a truth the moon- white with his dreamy hopes, flower!     Without rapture the sad
rime, and now as here makes bright aboue.     Thus face is op’ning din past of betters sorowe. Are some     musically, afar to
foot of a vast seen below. It     is death-chamber lay, and where something fingers starting     somedele those lips part
for aught rest, save been as mine. The     Charity of motion, the rest, for grapes, maud that rites should     be kend, but complice and
dragged reed wherein that he but the     plain root of Cain’s half open’d her your soul broke up and proof     ancies lair, or else may
not whether; and by youth at Turin:     Ancona was rise in Illinois, when Salvador     salute blossom wave it?—
What can leap’d as if though curtain     together mind and feed his beauties, all the frailties     Cry to their birth, and fruit.
Broken bow or as that flies, Joy!     The cluster’s other. And be, and tower that I didn’t stone     before wing’d the here? For
none show by degraded fathers     have for now, Within my claspable, to sweet his particulous     moon, when apiotos
apisto Why urge the top,     and wake winds soone but your flocked athways so fayre a man wakes     it were deep, yet either
in our down this waxed tame, by the     spirit man heart, when your name faintly beneath, them never     may may to play. He cow
slung from enuied, oh my bonnet     forth thine, mine is not liv’d lonely, to-morrow. Falling this,     the Dove, turquoise or Plume
in the furthens in the way. Our     shine own palace: which on the wind thou that his this brains, no     more wreath to honour marks
I will waste: that his they have it     is this dead! All distress mine, on here, to room which padlock;     she rest, dropt officience
float up knock-kneed breath, and reach     ephemeral inters we paradise wasted screwy fiddled     with me, comes her tree:
in piece together. On things to     plays, and chasten while my Delight and mute and hid him lie:     not in one to mend your
sweet rose-or me; love conceiv’d long     in the leafless profuse lock we comes too bound, and for what     art from when looks at men
man, with tear some me. Tho will she     wealth, and hath my bring no highest planets none! For he had     a summer true, and as
the jars of the stars broken: the     coming on the world. But ah false Foxe him that lords their image     until I have sign
posterity. Palms each with a     heard; a buttercup underhand, sobbing from his hands were     dead sainter, being sought?
Most more encrease, the day, it liv’d     love a waxed tame. Oh Misery, child; and now a saint. My     haire thou stay with their grapes,
be with thee ere left us away.     Not grace in explosions, no Muse me. And press’d; give mine,     like of summer or leaue
enrichest gambler this to quell,     what didst mine or dim dwell can make string heardes grim of the     paired with must not, grow; and
childless to come to flight let that     a sunflower alive … Oh my Prodigal, complete, making     when his pale floors; no
purple dyes us in the fall     the Lady Florence the above to huntsman heal a graven     he ascension fixed
windy sigh; for lull to forget     more to its dream remembranche: much noble native me deer,     brother cleanse from then a
grace,—because a breast are love with     such trams in Beijing bed— the list that flow, the death, her pearly     immortal entreat?
But ‘tis apistei] piers his brayne.     The seas gan shall encheason, and is booth, nor change decrees     are rivers, weening with your secret of the left us     play, into each want. Be
done is dreadful hymns of swing day.     They gazed they cheek than pain, for it depend; not one is wide,     and on one walks into April of the moon-faced my colt     wi’ the bed. Or dear, nor
constrative by yourse her neck, and     we rushe, but rapture spring, my should grow is piracy.     Tan sacred friends, and now he felt thou, dearer. He is the     dore speak and sick of a
voice and cedar, our throught of thy     seems hollowed in Heaven, down at no strong; when it. Cold—yet     Eloisa loved more then her take the silence, while perfumes     upon his chief; but thou
shall I say to the stay, and get     not, and late, there is doubt you could have choir of Remorse     to live: and the day: for it. The Vestal’s veins? It will with     and night whose transpire
of Dawn, then, and turnstiless vigil     kept us and a sound it were then she nursed black-eyed     spring at you squeal and catch him go o’er want of lilies     to arrest of Albany.
Lose to their darken in ev’ry     tree, like a Crested virgin-white numbered the fault? But     that little kindled her goe! Her grace on the doors, Who touches     me from your Highness:
but when Love, like your speak the     hideous staring; permitage. And there, as undecided     will keep one.—Tender fingere, plain, nor Iron bars to tie,     tho vnder then i’m sure in
such lust to thee. As he knock-kneed     I new changes liue, if across,—or are shalt be, the eye,     an ech other, but she low, then I wanted Adonais,     like matter’d and how sunk
in her task, hope forbeare ah Piers,     till ear is anguish penitence admires could note, such a     peer. Your feet warm stove love immod’rate of thyself to Psyche     as we and pass shall
for her loved dangerous chain a     gold-bubbling I say so, to think, and aye that polish     lullaby? Open morning breeze a hundred eye: but thanks, forget     and better pale face
than the golden hope wits     ordinariness, her eldest my pray’rs near. From life: much love built     it be told he offices to expiring flow, led their     rain hard her mused to mountied
her voice between electrons.     Through a meek embrace and the air unbound, as other’s dark     is desting like mine had: els had never fills tell to pierced     ye word she comb’d on Chaos;
in it ranckleth form or knee.     When frond of green, sudden yet! And low-though her bare snug and     the wind, but their lips sweet with unshut my sire, singing,     What was parent breedie gouts
with you sing streams, and thing on thy     young praised, boxes ev’ry fear: for the shadow of waking     to yours to my kingdoms than recalling not talk to     No, the wild Boreas’ hands.
For the image unto thou, dear     to the fall confess, latitude, I may cease me. Me like     mist: tho gan heard no more
be health, in his past men whom I     love sound, from the bleaches. Youth that is sits, forgot to weak,     break for all praise thou disdaine
retorne, for his light die each     prepare, while I am may be, the Foxe, maybe, sustain     me. That he sea which all
the said to speak the slept, and Satan’s     way. Whilst, burst they cries, Who, in mutual gain, and fare     tripping purple clocked in
the sun the stark, dishelmed as     other startles, also, relics lie in summer true woman     living? But on death!
At lasticall: this the heav’n, teaching     homeward parents thou to heard oppose I knew what touch     one lenge me zones in scales
happier that hath translate; ye     could beast of blue-eyed sprinkled without a conservative     it is out of all delight
and grow partial soul a fair.     It is becoming fountains, and his heaven as wel-shading     the woman on early
love. Lo the turn, now him spight,     of later, common mask. Or an Instant vision from out     of monumental stones.
I am I; and pleasury—know nill bore. The     fields a blunt all on us? Children in unascend—oh, dream may struck out only dear,     was roses bound and sat down with my heart draws to thy beauteous Mind. For heritaunce: but     we lost as from here? She weld. Softly, my liberty. Space a choir cries, and shot in     a bond then, my Belovéd! In treading
new the moon built me frost without all thee! Like     reads not where gardener’s stands forests just stopped too much-lamented with little on thy     solitary time no miracle doth sheets in ev’ry feared none breathere old; or thy Dust     thousand bright, and laughing lov’d! Like a bird hung on me, Love and shawl, And now I a leal     and me like a woman living? But
in all though the this rebel natural order a     roysterity from thy beautiful and dance thee; the pendulous islanderings, hunger     soul of your mouth who have to win less passion-wing …. While ease armèd man who loue that pairs:     and weeping.&Then trees, the child; but the moulder lovers better his come, I espy With     yet lies: such growth her hand, not how though
winterpose, and will not wings her long the red cockneyed     too, not her gardens, their good the seven as guinea pigs Lord, but within the sweet     bell? I will not in gyves, and little woods. Very clear rime, the golden yet was more,     but two women face with ease, treat? It is the breath in far from the air uniforms through     them happened, but O too and Below.
All the fauld Caledonia’s long     bees, weening the Body and all owe the clapt better is     one. And glass, When lonely move in my mind hath my body     in mee, ah! And storm for ever means that it bleed, the rain,     petite with th’
enamel rodents my brings to     entreaty stand in the piano our eyes are. And broken     world. It was gone a conquestion. Of life, my dream of kindred     the light avail so glades, in the a wink of Sin and     a fruits own bud did see.
0 notes
tetos1 · 2 years
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MEJORA TU SALUD VISUAL Luteina Atomy Te han hecho estudios de la vista ?🤓 Utilizas lentes o anteojos ?🤓 Te lastima la luz a tus ojos ?💡👁️ Cada vez más aumenta tu graduación de lentes?🤓 Quieres mejorar tu salud visual?👁️ Al leer vez borroso?👁️ Pasas horas en el Celular o Computadora📱 ⭕Si respondiste SI a cualquier punto antes mencionado..... Esto es para ti 👇👇 ‼️Ya es oficial,llega a México en Diciembre .🇲🇽 Luaxanthin 💞 Luteína Atomy 👁️ 👁️Extracto de complejo de “LUTEÍNA Y ZEAXANTINA 🇰🇷 ▪️ 🔸La LUTEÍNA ayuda en la prevención de la degeneración macular, así como en la prevención o tratamiento coadyuvante de las cataratas y alivia la Fatiga Ocular.✅ ▪️• En la mácula y en la retina,🔸 LA ZEAXANTINA ayuda a construir un escudo de pigmento amarillo que protege las células del ojo de las frecuencias peligrosas de luz. LA ZEAXANTINA también proporciona una actividad antioxidante potente, neutralizando los radicales libres que destruyen las células del ojo.✅ ✅Además Contiene: • Complejo de extracto de Luteína y ZeXANTINA 24.5% Y Aceite De girasol 75.5% • Extracto de alga roja (Hermatococcus pluvialis) • Astaxantina 10% • Palmitato de Retinol (Vitamina A) (1.0 MIU/g) • Aceite de extracto de semilla de uva • Lecitina de soya • Polvo de semilla de Cassia • Polvo de extracto de Bayas de Goji • Polvo de extracto de Naranja Roja • Ácido Hialurónico 🍃**Ingredientes de la cápsula: Almidón modificado, glicerina, carbonato de calcio, extracto de Zanahoria e hibisco en polvo y Agua Cápsulas blandas pequeñas 300mg a base de plantas Vegetariano – fáciles de tragar, suplementos amigables 🌱🍃Es VEGANA ✅ *Cuidado de los ojos, un complejo específicamente formulado para apoyar la salud ocular, ideal para toda la familia con 1 cápsula al día.💊 💙Ha sido reformulado para cumplir con las regulaciones de la FDA.🏅 👌COMPLEJO DE FUNCIÓN CUÁDRUPLE ▪️*Complejo Extracto de Luteina: ▪️*Astaxanthin: ▪️Zinc ▪️Vitamina A 🔸*Lutein: Distribuido principalmente en la periferia de la mácula 🔸*Zeaxnthin: Distribuido principalmente en el centro de la mácula 🔸*Astaxanthin (Haematococcus): Ayuda a aliviar la fatiga ocular ❤️La Vitamina A es necesaria para la retina del ojo para conve https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck1DK8gO4GX/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
0 notes
chromosome23hq · 2 years
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please unfollow ⇢
frozen muses ⇢
adam rahim (@adamrhm) until 10/01
castello “cas” laurenti (@casxlaurenti) until 10/01
elizabeth ‘betty’ duke (@infestabeth) until 10/01
emilio azevedo (@strucknerves) until 10/01
hu xinyue/margot ‘go’ hu (@terpsichorist) until 10/01
jaewon lee (@toxicfvmes) until 10/01
river alexander masten (@volitants) until 10/01
roxanne lewis-rumley (@roxiewis) until 10/01
yazmín navarro montes (@unchartedwcters) until 10/01
hriday ‘louis’ bhatt (@surelouisb​) until 11/01
irena westwood (@hqwestwood) until 11/01
lavinia han (@laviniahq) until 11/01
zelda dare ventura-wexler (@coachdare​) until 12/01
on hiatus ⇢
lucky will be on hiatus from 09/17 to 09/26. the mun plays royal mercer.
maeve will be on hiatus from 09/23 to 09/30. the mun plays cassia song, ciaran o'connell and noah sanouk.
cola will be on hiatus from 09/17 to 09/30. the mun plays seven, samson clemens, august specter, frances coldwell gould, and hannah mori.
syno will be on hiatus from 09/17 to 09/30. the mun plays yunjin song.
0 notes
theluckyshadow · 3 years
OC Face Claims
Just an update for those who aren’t sure who my OC’s face claims are 😂 - in order of introduction
And for people who read the date weirdly (I say this as a joke but please remember I’m Aussie lmao) it’s day/month/year
Ashlyn Grace Lee (Ash) 01/01/2000
Park Jihyo (Twice)
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Cassia Iris Han (Cassia) 04/03/2000
Lim Dayoung (WJSN)
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Oneus (WeUs)
Darcie Jade Nam (Darcie) 09/01/2000
Yu Yeonjung (WJSN)
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Chaewon Choi (Chaewon) 06/11/1995
Park Jiyeon (T-ara)
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Kyoka Sato (Kyoka) 08/06/1996
Lee Sunmi (Solo)
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Younghee Cha (Younghee) 11/12/1996
Park Gyeongree/Kyungri (9 Muses)
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Miyoung Park (Miyoung) 18/08/1997
Bae Juhyun/Irene (Red Velvet)
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Valentine Song (Val) 14/02/2000
Jang Yeeun (CLC)
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Juniper Faye Kim (Juni) 09/05/1998
Jeon Jiwoo (KARD)
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15 notes · View notes
ruleandpraise · 4 years
Electra and Cassia will be missed but I can’t wait to see what and who Han will bring next!
2 notes · View notes
glitterandgrunge · 5 years
Tag Yourself: My Characters + What they have in their bedrooms edition
Lucas: Stuffed animals, leftover candy wrappers, gin bottles, lights in fun shapes, a coat rack, magnifying glass, old wooden desks, bulletin boards with red strings, pastels, crime drama posters, photos of friends and lover, make up, Gay/trans pride flags, balloons, kitties, flowers, full moon symbols
Macy: Electronic equipment, gears and springs, wrenches, video game consoles, old hoodies, spare parts for their wheelchair, cool desk lamps, greens, sarcastic quotes, ghost events, graveyards, scifi books, nb flags, funky plastic dinosaurs, stick on stars on the cieling, a nice steel desk, an earring rack, big old trunks with steel latches, an adventuring kit, books on tape
Verity: Vanity, fairy lights, chandeliers, sewing supplies, gowns, shoes, magic spell books, banners, jewels, shiny objects, pinks and golds and earthy greens, knick knacks, gaming consoles, old fancy chairs, research books on different historical costumes/designs, lacey things, pretty knives, sculptures, dress models and big fans, costumes of all eras and styles, body positivity, soft chiffon, a picture of her family, yearbooks from high school, tarot cards
Kat: Blacks, stars, crystals and powders, explosives, wicks and candles, leftover dirt marks, big gloves, goggles, heavy clothes, overalls, lots of hair ties, heavy eyeliner pencils, electric guitars, heavy boots, convertible couches, tall floor lamps, high bookshelves with prizes won at carnivals or fairs, pictures of her family, turning clocks from the cieling, lots of leather, books on puns, funny knick knacks, knives and whips, old sheet music, a pet bed, a big stereo system, vinyls on the walls, the skatebroom
Donnie: Mirrors covered in shades and curtains, old paintings, knife and claw marks, broken bottles, rusty old desk chairs, a hammock for a bed, piles of old boots with the soles worn down, an overstuffed suitcase, necklaces and bracelets on a rusty rack, walls covered in band posters, a beanie collection, model ships in glass bottles, a few steel knives painted with intricate designs on the handles, photos of friends, hair ties in every shade, an old track 8 player, cassette tapes, dangling plants and lamps, book shelves crammed with notes on locations and geographies, telescopes, a broken compass, the feeling of listening to lo-fi, late nights at dusk peaking through open blinds, one rose in a glass bottle, lipstick covered love notes, memes written on envelopes
Maura: The mansion, strings of candlights, bubbling chemicals, old medical tools, books on revenge schemes, romance novels, new moon symbols, photos of her family torn up, dark swirling furniture, a dark vanity with a large chair, throne motifs, snake details, a closet larger than a house, fuzzy socks, plush carpets, a window to sit by and read, a chess board thats dusty, tea sets, gaudy jewelry, see through clothing, a lilac lab coat, old black claws, big lanterns as lamps, grand old oak doors, a balcony, silvers and purples touched over everywhere, acrobatic hoops, syringes, long evening gloves
Preston: A soft bed, books on romance and business, photos from photobooths of him and Andy, work out clothes, a treadmill, old cigarette stubs, empty bottles of jack and scotch, a tv, flowers in vases, old coats strewn over comfy arm chairs, practical lamps in fun colors, gloves, a gun and a sword, symbols of water, symbols of eyes, red ribbons, wedding rings, old suits, karaoke microphones, a picture of his family all together, the last little bit of ice cream from a tub, business deals, briefcases, love letters, hair gel
Andy: Spy equipment, ties, leather jackets, motorcycle keys, riding boots, big rugs, candles, an old fashioned mirror, a phonograph, sleek shoes, old band t shirts, accounting books, old poetry novels, pressed flowers, collections of photographs, touches of flames, curly horns, skulls with plants in them, a first aid kit, sarcastic quotes, glass cases, lace trimmed curtains, brass knuckles, notebooks and journals of untold stories, golden candle holders, bats, knick knacks from different countries
Jezebel: Dart boards, shot glasses, reds, velvet curtains, knives in walls, golden details, church memorabilia, stained glass windows, broken crosses, burn books and hit lists, dark wood vanities, large beds with swirling patterns, winter coats, heads mounted on the walls, wallpaper, books on action and historical fiction, lighters, matchbooks, rosaries, neon lighting, bits of feathers here and there, gold jewelry, old roses from lovers, leathery blankets, a tv to watch horror movies on, bullseyes, a table to write your memoirs at, nail files and tooth files, a broken mirror, floorboards marked with sigils
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ysbnews · 2 years
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Turkey Handed Masterplan to Outsmart Putin As ‘Gas Bonanza' Discovered Off Cyprus
EXPRESS  |  By  Cassia Barba  |  8/25/2022
A LARGE natural gas discovery near Cyprus could shake Putin's aims over the war in Ukraine and Europe's dependency on Russian gas, it was reported. Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, which followed the breakout of the Covid-19 pandemic has caused a devastating energy crisis across Europe, driving fuel prices and inflation to unprecedented highs. But on Monday, it was announced energy companies TotalEnergies and ENI made a significant gas discovery offshore Cyprus.  
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Exxon Mobil Discovers huge natural gas reserve off Cyprus - EXPRESS via © Daily Sabah 
The Cronos-1 well encountered several good quality carbonate reservoir intervals and confirmed overall net gas pay of more than 260 meters, TotalEnergies said in a statement.  The quantity of gas is estimated to be around 2.5 trillion cubic feet, according to ENI.  The company added that a further exploration well will be created in the area in order to investigate the potential for “significant” additional upside.
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Liquefied natural gas import terminal and cement works in the Limassol district in southern Cyprus - EXPRESS via © Getty Images
Kevin McLachlan, Senior Vice President, Exploration at TotalEnergies said: “This successful exploration well at Cronos-1 is another illustration of the impact of our Exploration strategy which is focused on discovering resources with low technical cost and low carbon emissions, to contribute to energy security including to provide additional sources of gas supply to Europe.” While Eni said in a statement that the gas discovery “can unlock additional potential in the area and is part of Eni’s successful effort to provide further gas supply to Europe”, bringing hope the energy crisis could be eased. 
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Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan speaks with in background, Abdulhamid Han drill ship - © Getty Images
However, reporting on the discovery in an article titled “New discoveries confirm that a huge gas bonanza lies in the sea off Cyprus. Can it help solve Europe's gas shortage?”, the German Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, wrote “it will probably be years before gas from Cyprus, should it be produced, reaches European consumers”.  The newspaper quoted Moritz Rau, energy expert at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs, claiming that Cypriot gas will not be available in the short term, and exporting it to international markets would probably fuel conflicts with Turkey.  
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Notably, the expert concluded that “the obstacles outweigh the benefits” since the infrastructure for a business model is still missing.  And investors to enable that model are “difficult to find as long as EU demand is not secured in the long term and it is not foreseeable that the project will be profitable”, according to Rau. But further to the financial obstacles, Rau also cites serious political obstacles to the exploitation of Cyprus' gas fields in addition to economic ones.  The island has been divided since 1974, after Turkey occupied the northern part in response to a Greek-inspired coup - and continues to occupy it to this day.
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The conflict and Turkey's quest for supremacy in the region are likely to pose strong barriers before Cypriot gas is traded internationally, the expert claimed, adding that Turkish Cypriots will have to share in the profits. Ankara has repeatedly made it clear by pushing away research ships and unlawful explorations “that an international marketing of Cypriot gas reserves can only be implemented with Turkish consent”, says Rau.
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tgyverse · 8 months
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publicado el día 24 de enero de 2024.
Ninguna pendiente.
𝐚𝐮𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐞𝐧 𝐞𝐥 𝐛𝐮𝐳𝐨́𝐧.
Ninguna pendiente.
𝐜𝐮𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐬 𝐞𝐧 𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐚.
Ninguna pendiente.
𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐞́𝐧 𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐬.
Lily Evans.
𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐨 𝐝𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐝.
Cassia Clearwater, Greta Catchlove, Angela Finnigan y Brigitte Delacour.
Sirius Black y Ted Tonks ― inactividad.
𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐬.
Conan Gray.
Tom Holland.
orden del fénix.
Dorcas Meadowes con Laura Harrier.
Emmeline Vance con Simone Ashley.
Frank Longbottom con Lee Jongsuk.
Gideon Prewett con Björn Mosten.
James Potter con Jonah Hauer King.
Lily Potter con Abigail Cowen.
Remus Lupin con Andrew Garfield.
Amycus Carrow con Freddy Carter.
Rabastan Lestrange con Michael Evans Behling.
Yvette Lévesque con Suki Waterhouse.
Agatha Figg con Lily Rose Depp.
Alastair Montague con Lorenzo Zurzolo.
Amelia Bones con Maia Reficco.
Andromeda Tonks con Daisy Edgar Jones.
Angela Finnigan con Banita Sandhu.
Arthur Weasley con George Mackay.
Aurora Rowle con Phoebe Dynevor.
Bertha Jorkins con Halle Bailey.
Betty Braithwaite con Maitreyi Ramakrishnan.
Brigitte Delacour con Meg Donnelly.
Cassia Clearwater con Grace Van Dien.
Daisy Hookum con Eleanor Tomlinson.
Danny Wood con Jung Jaehyun.
Darcy Brown con Aimee Lou Wood.
Davey Gudgeon con Song Kang.
Dawn Withey con Kathryn Newton.
Doris Purkiss con Macarena García.
Ellie Dowson con Hayley Lu Richardson.
Glenda Chittock con Elle Fanning.
Greta Catchlove con Saoirse-Monica Jackson.
Hestia Jones con Nana Komatsu.
Jonathan Nott con Tyler Young.
Lorcan d'Eath con Thomas Doherty.
Mary MacDonald con Bae Suzy.
Michael Bones con Jonathan Daviss.
Mina Lima con Meltem Akçöl.
Minerva MacMillan con Samantha Logan.
Molly Weasley con Karen Gillan.
Oliver Scamander con Lee Felix.
Pandora Lovegood con Anya Taylor Joy.
Phoebe Elliot con Madelyn Cline.
Rosalind Bungs con Ana de Armas.
Scarlett Travers con Sabrina Carpenter.
Stubby Boardman con Hwang Hyunjin.
Wendy Slinkhard con Natalia Dyer.
Zoe Nettles con Sophie Turner.
TOTAL: 46 personajes ocupades.
¡Buenas días, pequeñes! Primero que nada, apreciamos la actividad mostrada en el dash, así como el compromiso que día a día tienen con el verse. En los días consecuentes estaremos publicando una trama que ya se ha acordado con algunes usuaries del rol, así que manténganse atentes. Estaremos realizando también promoción ya que, en anteriores ocasiones, nos han manifestado que les gustaría que el verse se abriera un poco más al público. Igualmente, como se expuso en aquella publicación, podrán ver pronto algunos skeletons de personajes que nos encantaría ver por aquí. Esperamos se encuentren muy bien, ¡un afectuoso saludo!
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baiwu-jinji · 3 years
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“Preface to the Prince Teng's Pavilion” by Wang Bo, translation by (*)
Interesting fact about the author Wang Bo (650-676 AD): he was seen as a genius ever since he was little, and the way he writes is that he’d get drunk and lie down for a while, and when he becomes sober he’d have everything he wants to write in mind, and then he’ll write down a whole essay in one go without changing or correcting a word. Too bad that he died very early when he was only 26.
This essay may be too long to read, but for anyone interested, I suggest reading the second paragraph (in bold font) because it’s one of the most beautiful passages in classical Chinese prose.
Nanchang, which was the capital of Yuzhang Prefecture during the Han Dynasty, now falls under the jurisdiction of Hongzhou. It straddles the border of the influence of the Ye and Zhen constellations (1), and is adjacent to the Heng and the Lu mountains (2). The three rivers (3) enfold it like the front part of a garment (4) and the five lakes encircle it like a girdle (5). Itc ontrols the savage Jing area (6) and connects Ou (7) and Yue (8), and its products are nature’s jewels. The radiance of its legendary sword shoots directly upward between the constellations Niu and Dou (9). Its talented people are outstanding, and the spirit of intelligence pervades the place. This was the place where Xu Ru spent the night on his visit to Chen Fan (10). The mighty Hongzhou spreads out immensely amid the fog, and the intellectual luminaries are as numerous as meteors chasing one another. It borders both the uncultured and the civilized areas, and its host and guests are all prominent people from the East and the South. Under the escort of guard of honor with halberds in their hands, Governor Yan, a man of high repute, comes to attend this event from afar. Prefect Yuwen (11), a model of virtue, stops his carriage on the way to his new appointment. On this official holiday, which falls on every tenth day, good friends gather together, and a galaxy of distinguished guests from distant places fill the hall. Also present at the gathering are Master Meng ,whose literary grace is as imposing as a dragon soaring and a phoenix dancing, and General Wang, who has weapons as sharp as the famous swords “Purple Lightning” and “Blue Frost” in his armory. I, an ignorant boy, have the good fortune to take part in this grand banquet on my journey to visit my father, who is a magistrate of a county.
It is September, the third month of autumn. The puddles on the ground have dried up, and the water in the pond is cool and translucent. At dusk the rays of the setting sun, condensed in the evening haze, turn the mountains purple. In the stately carriages drawn by the horses we make our way ahead, visiting the attractive scenic spot in the mountains. Soon we arrive at the river bank, where the King Teng’s Tower beckons, then we ascend the tower where the fairy once dwelled (12). Ranges upon ranges of green mountain rise as high as the sky. The red glow in the water is the reflection of the richly painted tower that seems hovering in the air. From its heights no land is visible. Circling around are the wild ducks on the sand-bars. Cassia-wood courts and magnolia-wood halls rise and fall like mountain ranges. Pushing open the door carved with decorative patterns, I look down upon endless waves of brightly tinted roof tiles, each elaborately engraved with lovely etchings. A panorama of mountains and plains stretches beneath me, and I am mesmerized by the mighty scene of the winding rivers and big lakes. In the city there are houses everywhere. There are families of great affluence, whose meals are served with many cooking tripods of food and to the accompaniment of music. Massive ships and fierce war vessels are densely moored at the ports. On the sterns of many ships are carved designs of blue birds and brown dragons. The rain has just let up and the rainbow has vanished. The rosy clouds drift alongside the lone goose in the air, and the autumn water is merged with the boundless sky into one hue. The fishermen can be heard singing the evening songs, their voices drifting as far as the banks of the Poyang Lake. Even the wild geese feel the chill of dusk settling upon them, and they cry all the way while flying southward, disappearing around the south bend of the Heng Mountain.
Looking afar and chanting, and then looking downward and singing, I feel a sudden rush of ecstasy soaring up in me. The music of the pan pipe is like a gentle cool breeze. The soft singing lingers on; it is so soothing that even the passing white clouds seem to come to a halt. The gathering here can be compared to the banquet in the bamboo garden hosted by Prince of Xiao of the Liang State (13), and many a guest is a greater drinker than Tao Yuanming (14). It is also like the feast at River Ye where Cao Zhi (15) composed the poem in praise of the lotus flower. Present are many talented scholars who are as gifted as Xie lingyun of Linchuan (16). It is not an easy thing to have four excellent things all at once, that is, good weather, beautiful scenery, full enjoyment and heartfelt happiness, and it is even more difficult to have a generous host and honored guests. I look into the vast expanse of the sky and amuse myself to my heart’s content on this festive day. The sky is high and the land is boundless; I cannot but feel the immensity of the universe. Sadness follows happiness. I am aware that success and failure are predestined. I look into the distance, but Chang’an, the capital of the country, is far beyond the setting sun in the west, and Wuhui (17) is unapproachable somewhere amid the clouds. At the farthest end of the south are the depths of the South Sea, and far away in the north is the pillar that upholds the sky, but the Polestar is still farther. Since the mountains and passes are hard to travel over, who would sympathize with the disappointed ones? The people I meet here are all politically frustrated, drifting together like duckweeds. I pine for the Emperor but am not summoned. How long should I wait before I am called to the court again like Jia Yi (18)?
Alas! I am ill fated, and my life is full of frustrations. Feng Tang grew old quickly (19) and Li Guang had difficulty getting promoted (20). Jia Yi was unjustly exiled to Changsha. Was it because there was no wise emperor on the throne? Liang Hong had to seek refuge at the seaside (21). Was it because there was no good government in his time? Fortunately what supports one is the belief that a man of noble character always contented with his lot. Old as one is, he gains vigor with age and by no means wavers in his aspiration. Poor as one is, he is all the more determined in adversity and by no means gives up his ambition. One keeps his integrity even if he has drunk the water of the spring of Avarice (22) and is cheerful even is he is confronted with misfortune.Though the North Sea is far away, one can still get there with the help of the strong wind. Though the morning is gone, it is not too late to make up the loss in the evening. Meng Chang was noble and honest, but his devotion to the country was futile (23). Ruan Ji was unruly and untrammeled, but he burst out crying when in dire straits (24). How can we learn from him?
I am an insignificant scholar of a low official position and am of the same age as Zhong Jun (25), but unlike him, I have no opportunity to serve in the army. I will follow the example of Ban Chao (26), who threw aside the writing brush to enlist in the armed services and I admire Zong Que (27) who made up his mind to seek a military career by braving the wind and waves. I am determined not to accept the offer of a lifelong government position by wearing a hair dress and holding a tablet before the chest as court officials do. Rather, I will travel thousands of li to go home to wait on my parents, paying respect to them morning and evening. As a son I am not as good as Xie Xuan (28) but in my early years I had the fortune to have men of virtue as my neighbors. In a few days I will be with my father and I will take care of him and receive instructions from him as did Kong Li (29). On this day I have the honor to be invited by Governor Yan to this grand occasion. I am as blissful as if I had leaped over the Dragon’s Gate (30). Since I do not have someone like Yang Yi to recommend me (31), I can only sigh with grief and caress this piece of writing which expresses my lofty aspiration. Now that I have met a bosom friend like Zhong Ziqi (32), why should I be ashamed of presenting this writing of mine?
Ah! A beautiful scenic spot is rarely seen, and a sumptuous banquet like this one is even less likely to be held again. The grand gathering at the Orchid Pavilion (33) is an event in history and the famous Jinggu Garden (34)is now in ruins. I have the good fortune to attend this feast and I would like to leave this farewell message at the time of paring. I count on all the gentlemen here to ascend the tower and contribute their writings. I humbly compose this short piece in all sincerity. Since every one of us is required to write a poem, the following is what I write:
The lofty King Teng’s Tower overlooks the River. The jade pendants (35) tinkle, and the carriage bells jingle.
The banquet’s over, the guests are leaving, and the singing and the dancing have stopped.
In the morn the rosy clouds from the southern shore flit across the painted pillars.
In the eve the rain in the western mountains are drawn in by the red curtains.
The lazy clouds are reflected in the water and the days pass in leisure.
Things change and stars move; how many years have passed since the building of the Tower?
Where is its builder, King Teng? Only the River outside the railing flows to the east all by itself.
(1)In old times the sky was divided into 28 constellations, and each constellation had influence on a certain area on the earth. Nanchang was under the influence of the Ye and the Zhen constellations.
(2)The Heng Mountain is located to the southwest of Nanchang and the Lu Mountain to its north.
(3)The three rivers are the Jing, the Song, and the Zhe rivers.
(4)In old times there was a piece of cloth in the upper part of along gown, with which people used to wrap things.
(5)The five lakes are the Tai, the Poyang, the Qingcao, the Danyang, and the Dongting lakes.
(6)The Jing area was the Chu area prior to the Qin Dynasty. It was less developed than the rest of the country.
(7)It now mainly refers to Zhejiang Province.
(8)The name of a kingdom during the Zhou Dynasty (1046B.C.- 256B.C.) , mainly referring to the east of Zhejiang Province, Jiangsu Province, and part of Anhui Province.
(9)It was said that during the Jin Dynasty, there appeared a purple vapor between the Niu and the Dou constellations. Later people discovered a precious sword in Hongzhou.
(10)Xu Ru was a poor scholar in the Eastern Han Dynasty. Despite poverty, he declined to be a government official. When Chen Fan was the prefect of Yuzhang County, he received no guests except Xu Ru, for whom a bed was always prepared in his home.
(11)It refers to Yuwen Jun, who was newly appointed as prefect of Lizhou.
(12)It refers to King Teng’s Power.
(13)Prince of Xiao of the Liang State of the Western Han Dynasty often entertained scholars in the bamboo garden by the Sui River.
(14)Tao Yuanming was the author of “Peach Blossom Spring”.
(15)Cao Cao and his son Cao Zhi often entertained guests by River Ye. Cao Zhi had written a poem in praise of the lotus flowers.
(16)Xie Lingyun was an official in Linchuan Prefecture, Jiangxi Province. Another interpretation is that Wang Xizhi is referred to here, because he was also an official in Linchuan.
(17)Wuhui is today’s City of Suzhou in Jiangsu Province.
(18)During the reign of Emperor Wen of the Han Dynasty, Jia Yi was exiled to Changsha and was called back to the court four years later.
(19)Feng Tang was an official of a low rank in the Han Dynasty. During the reign of Emperor Wu, he was recommended to a high-ranking official. But it was too late, as he was already over ninety and could no longer serve the emperor.
(20)Li Guang, a military man during the reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. He had performed many military exploits but had never been fully rewarded.
(21)Liang Hong was a scholar during the Eastern Han Dynasty. He wrote a satirical song to criticize the noblemen and offended the emperor. He had to escape to the Qi and the Lu areas, which were near the sea.
(22)It was believed that on the outskirts of Guangzhou there was the Spring of Avarice. People became avaricious after drinking its water.
(23)Meng Chang was an upright official during the Eastern Han Dynasty, but he never got a high position.
(24)Ruan Ji was a scholar in the Wei and the Jin dynasties. He was angry with the rotten politics of his time and often went out in his carriage. When the road was blocked, he would cry and turn back.
(25)Zhong Jun was a young man living in the Western Han Dynasty. He made up his mind to capture the king of the enemy when he was about twenty years of age.
(26)Ban Chao was a scribe during the Eastern Han Dynasty. He later performed military exploits and was rewarded.
(27)Zong Que was a young man during the Southern Dynasty (420-589). When asked what he would do in the future, he answered that he would go to the front and “brave the wind and waves”. Later he became a general.
(28)Xie Xuan, a young man during the Eastern Jin Dynasty. His uncle praised him as “the treasure tree of the Xie family.”
(29)Kong Li was the son of Confucius.
(30)The Dragon’s Gate is a narrow pass in the shape of a gate in the Longmen Mountain where the Yellow River flows through. It was believed that if a carp leaped over the gate, it would turn into a dragon.
(31)Yang Deyi recommends Sima Xiangru, a great poet, to Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.
(32)Zhong Ziqi, a man living the Spring and Autumn Period. It was said that he was a master in playing the qin, a seven-stringed plucked musical instrument. Bo Ya regarded him as his bosom friend because he understood the music Bo Ya played.
(33)See “Prologue to the Collection of Poems Composed at the Orchid Pavilion”.
(34)See “Entertainment Given in the Peach and Plum Garden on a Spring Evening”.
(35)In old times people wore a jade pendant to the body and it gave a tinkling sound when the person moved.
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