#Cassandra Claire
brunoartist · 2 months
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"I'm so happy for you"
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wisewordsofpolly · 18 days
I found two problems with the shadow hunters show
There was a huge plot gap where clary and Jace were together and obviously dating in the other dimension but in their dimension they soon after were told they were siblings and believed it without a second thought. Even though it was an alternate dimension it doesn’t really make sense overall of how they would be related in one dimension but not the other.
im supposed to believe a small blond British twink is capable of destroying the world
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little2nerdy · 18 days
when i was in high school i reread the entirety of the mortal instruments and all the other related books that were out at the time, while i did this i was obsessed with this very disjointed jazz playlist i made and would listen to on repeat. today my horoscope told me to listen to jazz (i know it’s stupid leave me alone) so i put on this playlist and immediately was bombarded with every thought and headcanonon and feeling i’ve ever had about the mortal instruments universe. this is the third playlist i’ve ruined by associating it with a book series, fml
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Draco Veritas? This week, V and Emily dig into just one of many messy threads in one of fandom's most famous wankfests: the drama of Cassandra Claire and her Harry Potter fic, The Draco Trilogy. When this fic was yanked from Fanfiction.net for allegations of plagiarism, reverberations echoed through fandom in ways that we're still feeling today -- from Fiction Alley all the way to Freeform. This is an episode in which we're pretty unrepentent li'l haters. Did you read the Draco Trilogy? Have you ever interacted with Cassandra Claire?
This Week In Fandom History is a fandom-centric podcast that tells you… what happened this week in fandom history!
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mikhayhu · 10 months
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"Zhe shi jie shang, wo shi zui ai ne de" In all the world, you are what I love the most.
- Jem Carstairs to Tessa Gray
"For that was love, wasn't it. To burn bright in someone else's eyes" - Jem Carstairs to Tessa Gray
"You speak of sacrifice, but it is not my sacrifice I offer. It is yours I ask of you," he went on. - Jem Carstairs to Tessa Gray
"I can offer you my life, but it is a short life; I can offer you my heart, though I have no idea how many more beats it shall sustain. But I love you enough to hope that you will not care that I am being selfish in trying to make the rest of my life--whatever its length--happy, by spending it with you. I want to be married to you, Tessa. I want it more than I have ever wanted anything else in my life." - Jem Carstairs to Tessa Gray
"Your place is with me. It always will be". - Jem Carstairs to Tessa Gray
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jadzidraws · 7 months
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Draco co' le brache de pele
Couldn't resist, after the whole "Cassandra Clare "invent" a language for her new book, it is actually Venetian"
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cassandra clare what emotional turmoil did you just put me through
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brunoartist · 2 years
The Best Parabatai Duo ever: Jem and Will
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opinions-about-tiaras · 11 months
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Dammit, George!
I was in Barnes and Noble the other day and saw this enormity.
Look. I get it. Clare and Martin are both published by the same publisher, Simon and Shuster, and both write in the same broadly similar genre. Given how huge Martin is you imagine they pester him a lot of cover blurbs, and he says yes to a lot of them because that's professionally courteous to up-and-comers. And he can't know about every ancient skeleton in everyone's closet.
But it still grinds my gears that noted plagiarist and gaslighter Cassie Claire is big enough these days she can get cover quotes (and do events with alongside UGH) from George friggin' Martin. This doesn't elevate Clare's work in my eyes, it diminishes Martin's standing.
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vixs48 · 2 years
guys where are the fanfics about julian being a dad to his siblings??? i need this!!
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malecbuddie · 1 year
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My fanfic is out!
Thanks you for reading this fanfiction. English is not my native language, so if you have any advice feel free to write them in the comments. See you next time!
Good reading!
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sephirajo · 9 months
I can't be the only one around who used to get bullied by and watch Cassie Claire and her lackies go after people for literal high school reasons.
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mikhayhu · 10 months
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"Our hearts, they need a mirror, Tessa. We see our better selves in the eyes of those who love us. And there is a beauty that brevity alone provides.” He dropped his gaze, then raised it to hers. “I would give you everything of myself,” he said. “I would give you more in two weeks than most men would give you in a lifetime.”
“There is nothing you haven’t given me, nothing I am dissatisfied with… .”
“I am,” he said. “I want to be married to you. I would wait for you forever, but …”
But we do not have forever. “I have no family,” Tessa said slowly, her eyes on his. “No guardian. No one who might be … offended … by a more immediate marriage.”
“I don’t know,” Jem said, gazing up at her from the floor, his expression a mixture of hope and disbelief. “The Council has not yet approved our request … and you do not have a dress …”
“I do not care about the Council. And I do not care what I wear, if you do not. If you mean it, Jem, I will marry you whenever you like.”
“Tessa,” he breathed. He reached for her as if he were drowning, and she ducked her head down to brush her lips against his. Jem raised himself up on his knees. His mouth ghosted across hers, once, twice, until her lips opened and she could taste his burned-sugar sweetness. “You are too far away,” he whispered, and then his arms were around her, and there was no space between them.
He held her to him, and her hands traced the shape of his face, his sharp cheekbones. So sharp, too sharp, the bones of his face, the pulse of his blood too close to the surface of the skin, collarbones as hard as a metal necklace.
His hands slid from her waist to her shoulders; his lips skimmed across her collarbone, the hollow of her throat, as her fingers twisted in his shirt, drawing it up so that her palms were against his bare skin. He was so thin, his spine sharp under her touch. Against the firelight she could see him painted in shadow and fire, the moving golden path of the flames turning his white hair to gilt.
I love you, he had said. In all the world, you are what I love the most.
She felt the hot press of his mouth again at the hollow of her throat, then lower. His kisses ended where her dress began. She felt her heart beating beneath his mouth, as if trying to reach him, trying to beat for him. She felt his shy hand slip around her body, to where the lacings fastened her dress closed… .
“Tessa,” he said. “Did you mean what you said? That you would marry me tomorrow ?”
She raised her chin and looked directly into his eyes. She could not bear the thought of waiting, and wasting another instant of his life. She wanted suddenly and fiercely to be tied to him—in sickness, in health, for better, for worse—tied to him with a promise and able to give him her word and her love without holding back.
“I meant it,” she said.
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glamourweaver · 2 years
Reading Chain of Thorns
I <3 Tessa all but overtly saying to Cordelia “it’s really fine if you’re in love with both of them. You can be with my son and his parabatai. It’s cool.”
Of course that doesn’t actually solve the issues Cordelia was having, and Cordelia is not as innately poly as Tessa is clearly oriented (see Cordelia’s feelings about wanting to give James her whole heart and how Matthew deserves someone who will do the same, in contrast to everything Tessa thinks in Infernal Devices about her heart being split but love not being finite), but still Tessa just being me telling everyone their love triangles aren’t actually problems and they should just all be together <3
(Wish we’d gotten Tessa shaking some sense into Christina in Dark Artifices)
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