#Carpentry Works near me
damodar-hd · 1 year
Carpentry Works in Shamshabad
Carpentry Works in Shamshabad - Home-Decode - Home-Decode - Carpentry Services in Shamshabad Cub board work, TV Unit Designs, Hall Arch, Modern Kitchen Design works, Dining Hall Work, Bed room with Dressing table works at Hyderabad with Best prices and customised designs at client home. Carpentry is a skilled trade that involves the shaping and joining of wood to create various structures and objects. Carpenters work in Shamshabad a variety of tools and techniques to create everything from simple furniture to complex building structures. Carpentry services are in high demand, as there is always a need for skilled carpenters to build and repair structures and objects made of wood. One of the primary benefits of carpentry services is the ability to create custom pieces that are tailored to the specific needs and preferences of the client. Whether it's a custom-built bookshelf or a unique piece of furniture, carpenters Works in Shamshabad work with clients to design and create something that perfectly fits their vision. This level of customization is not possible with mass-produced items from big box stores. Carpentry services are also essential for building and repairing structures. Carpenters can work on everything from small home repairs to large commercial building projects. They have the expertise to assess the structural integrity of a building, determine what repairs are needed, and then complete the repairs using the appropriate materials and techniques. In addition to building and repairing structures, carpentry services also include the installation of various fixtures and fittings. Carpentry Works near Shamshabad This can include everything from doors and windows to cabinets and countertops. Carpenters can also install flooring, trim, and molding, which can add a decorative touch to a home or commercial space. Another benefit of carpentry services is that they can help improve the energy efficiency of a building. This can be achieved through the installation of energy-efficient windows and doors, as well as through the use of insulation and weatherstripping. Carpentry services can also include the construction of outdoor structures such as decks and pergolas, which can enhance the functionality and appearance of a home or commercial space.
Any jackass can kick down a barn, but it takes a good carpenter to build one:
Carpentry services are essential for building, repairing, and maintaining structures and objects made of wood. From custom furniture to large commercial projects, carpenters have the skills and expertise to create something that perfectly fits the needs and preferences of their clients. Whether it's a small repair or a large-scale project, carpentry services are a valuable investment for anyone looking to improve the appearance, functionality, and value of their home or commercial space.
Expert Carpentry Works near Shamshabad Hyderabad for Flawless Woodwork
Expert carpenters in Shamshabad Hyderabad - Looking for top-notch carpentry services in Hyderabad? Look no further! Our skilled carpenters are here to cater to all your woodworking needs with precision and expertise. Whether it's a minor repair or a complete renovation project, we deliver exceptional craftsmanship that exceeds expectations. Quality carpentry Hyderabad - With a proven track record and a commitment to customer satisfaction, we are the go-to choice for carpentry work in Hyderabad.
Why Choose Us for Carpentry Work in Shamshabad Hyderabad:
Skilled Craftsmanship: Our team consists of highly skilled carpenters with years of experience in the industry. Skilled carpenters Works near Shamshabad Hyderabad - They possess the expertise to handle various carpentry tasks with finesse, ensuring excellent results every time.
Diverse Service Range: We offer a comprehensive range of carpentry services in Hyderabad, including furniture installation, custom cabinetry, door and window repairs, wooden flooring, and much more. Whatever your carpentry Works near Shamshabad, we have you covered.
Quality Materials: We understand the importance of using premium materials for durable and long-lasting woodwork. Our carpenters source high-quality wood and other materials to ensure the highest standards of craftsmanship and longevity.
Customization Options: We believe in creating personalized solutions that align with your unique preferences and requirements. Carpentry work Shamshabad Hyderabad - Our carpenters work closely with you to understand your vision and deliver custom designs that perfectly suit your space.
Timely Project Completion: We value your time and strive to complete every project within the agreed-upon timeline. Our efficient workflow and organized approach enable us to meet deadlines without compromising on quality.
Competitive Pricing: Our carpentry services are competitively priced without compromising on quality. Wooden flooring Shamshabad Hyderabad - We offer transparent pricing with no hidden charges, ensuring you get the best value for your investment.
Client Satisfaction: Customer satisfaction is our top priority. Custom cabinetry Hyderabad We take pride in our exceptional service and go the extra mile to ensure our clients are delighted with the results. Our numerous positive reviews and repeat customers are a testament to our commitment to excellence.
Carpentry services in Shamshabad Hyderabad - When it comes to carpentry work near Shamshabad Hyderabad, trust our team of skilled craftsmen to deliver exceptional results. With a wide range of services, top-notch materials, customization options, and a commitment to customer satisfaction, we are the preferred choice for all your carpentry needs. Woodwork specialists in Hyderabad Contact us today for reliable, professional, and flawless woodworking services in Hyderabad.
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Every home needs a wardrobe since it offers space for clothes, shoes, and other personal belongings to be stored. Wardrobes do, however, finally wear out, just like any other home appliance. There are a number of problems that can occur with your Wardrobe Repair that affect its looks and usefulness, such as broken doors or loose hinges.
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50calmadeuce · 5 months
Ch. 2: Two weeks and Counting Down
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Warning: Mention of miscarriage. Some chapters have sex.
Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction using characters from the Top Gun: Maverick world, trademarked by Paramount Pictures Corporation. I do not claim ownership of the characters and the world that I am borrowing.
The story and situation I am creating are a work of my imagination and I do not ascribe them to official story canon. This work is for entertainment only and is not a part of the storyline.
I am not profiting financially from the creation and publication of this story, but I do hope it gives you happy thoughts.
These stories are my own, so please do not take them and use them for yourself without my permission. If you see them somewhere else, please let me know. :)
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You steered the Expedition off the main road, guiding it onto the lengthy driveway leading to your home.
Jake looked around, his curiosity piqued. "Where is this?"
"We're on the driveway to our house," you explained.
As you continued, trees bordered both sides of the driveway, creating a secluded path. Gradually, the tree line began to thin, revealing fencing on the left side as the landscape opened up to your property.
Jake's eyes widened in amazement as the log cabin emerged into view. You directed the vehicle toward the garage, which automatically opened, allowing you to smoothly park inside. As you switched off the engine, the garage door began to lower behind you. Opening the truck's door, you were greeted by the sight of Chuck standing in the doorway to the mudroom.
Turning to Jake, you offered a gentle, "Welcome home." Then, you stepped out of the truck, and Jake, taking in his surroundings, opened his door to follow suit.
In his early to late fifties, standing about 5'8" tall and dressed in Wrangler jeans paired with a flannel shirt, Chuck approached the Expedition. His white hair was just visible beneath a well-worn baseball hat. As he neared, he announced, "Dinner's ready, Y/N."
"Thanks, Chuck," you responded with warmth in your voice. Turning to facilitate the introduction, you said, "Chuck, meet my husband, Lieutenant Jake Seresin. Jake, this is Chuck." You made the introductions as Jake walked over to join you.
Chuck extended his hand, offering a respectful greeting, "It's nice to finally meet you, Sir."
Jake accepted the handshake. "Likewise," he said, his gaze briefly wandering around the garage.
"Chuck, there are 4 bags in the truck. Could you grab them and bring them to," you started, glancing at Jake for a moment. He met your gaze.
"The master bedroom," Jake concluded.
"The master bedroom," you repeated, directing your attention back to Chuck. "I'd like to give my husband a quick tour of our house."
"Of course, Doc," Chuck replied, ready to assist.
As Chuck busied himself with retrieving the bags from the back of the truck, you focused on Jake, seizing the opportunity to share more about the home he was returning to.
"The place is heated," you mentioned casually, then gestured towards a section enclosed by a barn-style door. "Over there's the workshop. Chuck's pretty handy with repairs, too."
Jake followed your gaze to the workshop area, his interest piqued. "That's good to know. I might have a thing or two that needs fixing," he said, a hint of curiosity in his tone.
You smiled, walking closer to the barn-style door to give him a better view. "We've got a decent setup. Anything from vehicle repairs to some basic carpentry. Chuck has been invaluable around here."
As you slid the door open, revealing the organized chaos typical of a well-used workshop, Jake stepped in closer, inspecting the array of tools and machinery. "Looks like you've got everything you need."
"Yeah, Chuck likes to keep things organized. Says it makes the work go smoother," you explained, watching Jake as he ran his hand over a workbench, inspecting the tools laid out.
He turned to you, a thoughtful look on his face. "I used to help my uncle in his workshop back when I was a kid. Taught me a lot about fixing things, making do with what you have."
"It's a valuable skill to have," you agreed, closing the distance between you two. "Especially out here. It's not like we can just run to the store for every little thing."
Jake nodded, his gaze lingering on a half-assembled engine on one of the benches. "Maybe I can help out around here, too. It's been a while, but I'm sure it'll come back to me."
"I'm sure he'd be into that," you said, catching the direction of his gaze which had settled on a partially assembled engine. "I believe that's from the tractor."
"Come on. There's so much more to see, and tonight you'll only get a glimpse of it." You began to lead the way towards the door that opened into the mudroom.
Jake followed you, his steps mirroring your own anticipation. As you reached the door to the mudroom, you paused, hand on the knob, and glanced back at him. "Ready?"
He nodded, a slight smile playing on his lips. "Lead the way."
Opening the door, you stepped into the mudroom, a well-organized space that immediately spoke of a home lived in and loved. The aroma of the outdoors mixed with the scent of clean laundry filled the air. You pointed out the various features, "Here's where the magic happens after a long day's work. Laundry, pet wash station, and plenty of storage. That bathroom is attached to the guest bedroom."
Jake's gaze wandered over the room, taking in the practical yet cozy setup. "I like it. It's... homey."
"That door over there takes you down the back porch steps and out towards the stables," you explained, moving towards the sliding barn door that would lead into the kitchen and living area.
The kitchen, living room, and dining room flowed together in an open concept layout, imbuing the space with a rustic charm.
Jake surveyed the surroundings, visibly mesmerized. "You built and planned all of this?"
"Yup," you confirmed with a sense of pride. "It was a lot of work, but worth every moment," you continued, watching as Jake absorbed the details of the space. "I wanted a home that felt welcoming, where every corner had a story or a purpose."
Jake walked over to the dining area, running his hand along the back of one of the chairs before turning to face you. "It's incredible. It has warmth, character… It's a reflection of us."
You couldn't help but blush at the compliment. "Thank you. I hoped to create a place that felt like a sanctuary, somewhere we could find peace and comfort."
He nodded, understandingly. "You've succeeded. It's more than just a house; it's a home."
Chuck descended the stairs, interrupting the moment with a practical inquiry, "Are you ready for dinner?"
You glanced at Jake, giving him the opportunity to respond.
"Yeah, I'm actually pretty hungry," he admitted, his attention shifting from the house's interior to the matter of dinner.
"Great," Chuck responded, his tone amiable. "I thought, considering the nights have been getting chillier, we'd have chili tonight." His suggestion seemed to perfectly suit the cozy, rustic atmosphere of the house.
"That sounds perfect," you agreed, pleased with the idea. "Chili is always a great choice for a chilly evening." You smiled at the unintended pun.
Jake chuckled. "Sounds good to me. I can't remember the last time I had homemade chili."
Chuck nodded towards you, "The dining room is all set for you."
"Thank you, Chuck," you replied, appreciating his attention to detail.
He then shifted his attention to Jake, "Is there anything in particular you'd like to drink?"
Jake gave a casual shrug. "A beer is fine," he responded, settling into the homely atmosphere.
"Coming up," Chuck acknowledged, before disappearing down a staircase to fetch the drink.
"Come on. This way to the dining room," you beckoned Jake, leading him to another area nearby.
As the two of you entered the dining room, the ambiance immediately struck you. Candles flickered softly, casting a warm glow in the dimly lit space, creating an intimate and welcoming atmosphere.
The centerpiece of the dining room was a large pine table, accompanied by matching chairs, all contributing to the room's rustic appeal. The wood's natural texture and the room's subtle, earthy tones created a sense of warmth and coziness, enhancing the intimate atmosphere set by the candlelight.
"You can sit wherever you like," you offered, gesturing to the table.
Jake looked around, then asked, "Where do you normally sit?"
You pointed to a specific chair. "When family is here, I sit at the head of the table."
"Then I'll sit next to you," he decided.
As you moved to navigate around Jake, he unexpectedly stepped in front of you, prompting you to stop and look up at him.
"Y/N…" Jake began, but his words were interrupted as Chuck re-entered the room, prompting you both to step apart.
"Here's your beer, Sir," Chuck said, extending the beverage to Jake.
Jake took the beer with a nod of gratitude. "Thank you."
"Dinner will be served shortly," Chuck announced, ready to bring in the meal.
"Great, thanks, Chuck," you replied, appreciating Chuck's help and timing as you sat down in the chair.
The interruption had momentarily paused your conversation with Jake, but as Chuck went back to the kitchen, there was a brief moment of silence between you two.
You looked at Jake, sensing there was something he wanted to say. "You were about to say something?" you prompted gently, encouraging him to continue.
Jake took a sip of his beer, gathering his thoughts. "I was just going to say… it's really nice here. You've done an amazing job with this place. It feels like a real home," he responded as he sat down in the chair to the left of you.
You smiled, touched by his words. "Thanks, Jake. That means a lot. I wanted to create a place that felt welcoming and comfortable."
The conversation was interrupted again as Chuck returned, this time with bowls of chili. The savory aroma filled the room.
"I'll leave you two to catch up," Chuck said and left.
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Jake's gaze lingered on his wife, a mix of emotions swirling within him. Guilt crept in as he remembered how upset he had been when she chose not to quit school after their loss. It was a difficult time, and the distance that had grown between them in the past four years felt more profound in this moment of reflection.
He sighed, his eyes wandering over the dining room. Despite everything, he couldn't help but feel impressed by what you had accomplished in their time apart. The home you had built was a testament to you resilience and dedication. It was clear you had considered both their tastes and needs in its design, creating a space that was both a reflection of your strength and a potential haven for your shared future.
Jake's internal struggle was evident as he continued to observe his surroundings. The home spoke volumes about the person you had become in his absence. It was warm, welcoming, and meticulously crafted—a stark contrast to the empty spaces he had grown accustomed to in his military life.
Realizing the gravity of his past decisions and the impact they had on your relationship, Jake turned to you with a newfound sense of understanding and humility. "Y/N," he began, his voice carrying a hint of vulnerability. "I've been thinking about everything...about us. I know I haven't been there for you like I should have, especially after...after our loss."
You looked at him, your eyes reflecting a mix of surprise and cautious hope. You could sense the sincerity in his voice, something you hadn't felt from him in a long time.
Jake continued, "I was wrong to expect you to put your life on hold. What you've done here, it's incredible. You've built a life, a home, and I... I want to be a part of it, if you'll have me."
There was a long pause as you processed his words. The pain and misunderstandings of the past few years hung heavily between them, but so did the love and shared history they couldn't deny.
Finally, you spoke, your voice soft but steady. "Jake, I've missed you. I've missed us. But we can't just go back to how things were. We need to rebuild, to learn about each other again."
Jake nodded, a glimmer of hope in his eyes. "I agree. I want to do that. I want to understand you, to support you. I want us to be a team again."
You took a moment, collecting you thoughts before asking, "When do you have to go back?"
Jake answered, "I have two weeks until I have to go back."
Hearing this, you met his gaze with a determined look. "Then we'll make it the best two weeks we've got." Your voice carried a mix of resolve and hope, signaling a willingness to make the most of the limited time you had together.
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cutestraspberry · 1 year
honestly im quite shy to ask without anon but hello!!! thank you for opening your blog and i want to wish you good luck and a happy time with writing!! truth be told I've been experiencing a blushy sebastian brainrot for approximately 5 days aka ever since i started playing the game and i was wondering if i could inspire you to write anything with the reader bluntly flirting with him in multiple occasions and turning him into mush! id appreciate it even more if it was a gender neutral reader! thank you for your time and once again, have a great time!!!
- my darling, i missed you so.
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. . .
characters: Sebastian + GN!Reader
genre: fluff, pining
warnings: a slight, cheeky suggestive joke
Sebastian goes out for a little cigarette, just to find himself blushing due to the farmers antics.
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU<3 for the request, even if it took me AGES.
raspberry signing out!
. . .
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The gentle pitterpatter of the rain filled the quaint valley, causing most of its residents to seek shelter in the comfort of their homes. Most.
The Farmer, [S/O], was an odd little duckling however. Sebastian frequently seen them running about wildly, carrying baskets full of goods they had sowed or fish they had caught near his house and were looking to gift to their neighbours. At times it made him wonder, why? Why was [S/O] so willingly to give up the fruits of their work to the residents of the valley, people they had only met a couple seasons ago? Of course, it made sense to bring something from time to time to his mum, who frequented the [NAME] farm whenever the farmer needed carpentry work. In Sebastian's opinion, the farmer was too eager to impress.
Or maybe it was jealousy speaking.
[S/O] visited his family home often, too. And whenever they did, they would make a point to come down and greet him. With that stupid grin and warm disposition that managed to make him feel bashful and shy. At some point Sebastian has found himself seeking them out, too.
Going to the kitchen to grab something to eat or drink, passing by the corridor to the house entrance where his mum and the farmer stood talking, discussing some sort of new project. [S/O] then would gently turn in his direction and give him that small, cute wave accompanied with their everyday attitude and smile. He would grumble some sort of 'hello' back to them which would cause them to chuckle, every single time, and he would rush off in an attempt to escape their gaze. Before they could spot the pinkish tint on his cheeks and ears, before he could embarass himself by trying to say more.
He attempted to act indifferent and avoid conversation with the farmer whenever possible, but they were relentless. As he said before, eager. It made his heart swell with unbridled joy, not that he would ever admit to it, though. It was nice to not have someone give up on him, no matter how unpleasant he seemed or acted.
They seemed to fill every single thought of his even as he just stood there, a cigarette in hand. The rain threatening to extinguish it.
"Sebastian!" A voice suddenly rang out, his name sounding so sweet on their lips. He could recognise it anywhere and in mere seconds he found himself turning towards its direction. That smile, that damned smile. "I was just on my way to look for you, you know?" The sniffled slightly, face blushed from the cold rain nipping at their skin, their hair damp.
Sebastian had to fight the urge of running up to them, to stop himself from throwing his jacket over them and scolding them for being so careless and how they will catch a cold if they don't take better care of themselves. In truth, he wanted to take care of them himself. They weren't that close, so instead he just gave them a smile. [S/O] was looking for him, though, specifically for him. That alone made him feel shy, avoiding their direct gaze.
"Oh, that's just adorable.." The farmer murmured, watching Sebastian's ears turn a bright shade of red. He snuck a quick glance at [S/O], the mischievous glint in their eyes telling him he did not misheard. The farmer called him adorable, straight to his face. It was almost like they knew he would react that way and decided to do it on purpose.
Sebastian coughed, trying to direct the topic off of his presumed 'cuteness' and towards anything else. Literally anything else. "You were coming to find me, [S/O]?" The farmer seemed to perk up slightly at the reminder, the crate in their hands clanking as the various stones and metals moved about. Upon further examination, it was clear that [S/O] was just on their way back from the mines, a sword and a pickaxe attached to their hip haphazardly. One more reason for Sebastian to be worried about them.
Without a further thought [S/O] started to run towards him, looking absolutely ecstatic the closer they had gotten to him. Suddenly, wham! The farmer landed on the floor, the contents of the crate spilling all around them. All soaked in mud, just like the farmer themselves was.
Without hesitation, Sebastian dropped the cigarette in his hand and made his way towards the farmer who was still laying on the ground as disoriented as ever. "You okay?" He asked, kneeling down and extending his hand towards [S/O].
"Yes, I'm fine," they started, reaching out to grab his hand. It was rough but there was enough gentleness in the grasp to make the interaction sweeter, almost innocent. That is till Sebastian pulled [S/O] up with as much strength as possible, causing their bodies to collide with a little 'umph!' upon impact. It was rather hard to tell but Sebastian could almost bet money that the farmers face flushed bright red, almost as red as his face probably was.
He watched their hand travel up his arm, feeling their gaze on his face instead. But he couldn't bring himself to look at them, not now, not when a single glance at their face would make him fold. Make him give in to his wants. And what he really, really wanted right now was to brush their hair out of their face, watch the glistening raindrops drip. Kiss them, Sebastian wanted to kiss them.
"Hey, Sebastian?" [S/O] asked him, their voice barely a whisper. Loud and clear. The whisper so close to him he swore that if he looked up from the farmers hand, which was now on his shoulder, he would stare right into their eyes. And that's what [S/O] wanted, just waiting for a simple nod.
When the nod came, their hand grasped his face, pulling it closer to theirs. Kissing him.
The farmer was kissing him, Sebastian. The guy that barely spoke to them, and ran from them frequently - and [S/O] decided that they want to kiss him. He wasn't going to complain, quickly going in to kiss back. It was hasty, and he didn't even know where to hold or what to do. That did not go unnoticed, the farmer chuckling against their kiss. "You're all muddy now.. I think we might need a bath. Together."
They just couldn't help themselves, could they?
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rudimentary-rutabaga · 4 months
I got what I asked for, so here are my Deltarune Yellow Ideas! Feel free to comment or send me askes on these guys/the storyline. I have way more ideas I didn’t list here.
This is… very long, so be warned. Designs coming soon.
-Nothing changes too much, still socially awkward
-Friends with the Ketsukanes, but nowhere near Starlo’s level.
-The snowdin attack never happened. He was actually friends with the Integrity human, and they would help him look after baby Kanako if Starlo was away.
-That is, until they disappeared out of the blue. Now he has anxiety over that instead.
-Writes books for a living. He also babysat Kanako and Clover when they were younger.
-Used to help out on Starlo’s farm.
-One of Kanako’s friends.
-Design is mostly the same.
-No royal guard to join, so she went to college instead. Now that she’s graduated, she’s currently unemployed and living with her mom.
-Still helps Chujin out with building/carpentry, but doesn’t feel good enough to start a business.
-One of Clover’s friends, like a sister to them.
-Met Asriel at college. They didn’t get along.
-A farmer. Takes more pride in farming than his UTY counterpart.
-Still loves cowboys/western media, but he’ll only dress up as them in the safety of his own backyard.
-Still has a crush on Ceroba but knows he’ll most likely never be with her, so he just tries to be the best for Kanako he can be.
-Has his own house now! His ‘posse’ are just his high school friends. They’ll talk about western stuff a lot with him but won’t go much farther than that.
-One of Clover’s friends. Pretty much their dad, but hasn’t been able to officially adopt them.
-Still dresses up the same as in UTY
-Her and Chujin are practically the founders of the town (This is not hometown, by the way.)
-The whole family would be considered intimidating if everyone didn’t know them already.
-Clover lives with her + her family , but they don’t think they consider them family.
-Shows a bit of favoritism towards Kanako, but she’s working on it.
-Stay at home mom.
-Still an engineer, but when not at work he uses most of his skills for carpentry and woodworking.
-No Snowdin attack, so he isn’t as distrustful of humans. He's just glad Kanako seems happy to have Clover.
-Programmed a video game for Kanako called ‘Belowstory’
-Doesn’t like to dress how she does in UTY. She dressed like that when she was younger, but now prefers to look more like her peers.
-Loved western stuff when she was younger, but sometime after Clover arrived she decided cowboys were lame and she liked superheroes (another predominantly human thing) more.
-Recently decided cowboys actually are better.
-Amazing at art and piano, gets good grades and everybody loves her! Nevermind the fact that she feels stressed and pressured.
-Minor envy issues with Clover. Feels like they don’t have to be impressive to be liked.
-Considers Clover a sibling.
-Considers Kanako a cousin.
-Major jealousy issues with Kanako. Feels like they’ll never be as good and loved as her. They aren’t good with sharing.
-‘Works’ at Starlo’s farm (they volunteer on afternoons and he pays them allowance)
-Shares a room with Kanako.
-The orphanage they escaped from didn’t bother to educate the kids there, so Ceroba homeschools them until they can catch up with others their age.
-Got made co-deputy with Kanako. Felt like their western thing was the only thing separating them from being nothing but ‘Kanako’s friend.’
-Yes, he exists.
-Instead of being a royal guard robot, he was made to be Kanako’s companion before Clover came along.
-Currently confined to the basement because of his limited power source.
-Knew Integrity before their sudden disappearance.
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symphonic-scream · 3 months
Okay hear me out
Persona 5 Stardew Valley au
So we've got the animal seller, Haru, who's parents divorced when she was young. She spent her teen years in the city with her father, but once an adult she decided to live with her mom, and has fallen in love with country life
Makoto has lived in town her whole life. Her older sister left to have a fancy city job, and thinks Makoto is wasting her talents and smarts by staying to keep up the family tradition. Makoto knows someone has to protect the town, and gladly draws her sword to do so. She trains by cutting down trees for the local artist and for town projects
Ryuji is a former golden child. He was going to be a star athlete, but an accident took it from him. He's not really doing anything at the moment, just working on loving life again. His Ma is the bus driver
Shiho moved to town after a similar incident to Ryuji, only she puts all she is into work, to have a place so when they're adults, her girlfriend can leave her family behind so they can be together. She only recently took over the carpentry business from her mentor, and her girlfriend Ann helped expand the business to include furniture and house decor, with design input
The pub in town in Leblanc. While the owner, Sojiro, specializes in coffee, he'll accept local foods to make dishes by request of the townspeople. His daughter Futaba is a recovering shut in, and his wife Wakaba runs the town clinic, with her med student Tae
Yusuke appeared one day, having sold all he had to find a font of inspiration. He fell for the valley, and at first lived in a tent near the mountain. Makoto, who nearly mistook him for a monster, invited him to stay on her family's property. He mostly paints, but does sculptures for order from the nearby city to pay his share of living costs
The town blacksmith is named Munehisa Iwai. He's the broody type, but cares for his son a whole lot. He's just, not good at showing it. He often requests things his kid would like
The town store used to belong to an older man, but he passed it on to a wayward boy and his younger brother, both whom he met by chance. The boys, then in foster care, lived with him until he became too old and ill go run the store. Akira and young Morgana still keep the Velvet Room running, even if old man Igor is living in Hospice
And, the mayor, Lavenza. She's very new to the position, which used to be Igor's. She's hoping to improve the town a lot, and is caring for her younger twin sisters
A strange man lives on the beach, with a strange talent for fishing. Goro doesn't talk about who he was before he moved there. It's behind him.
The library is run by Hifumi, who wants to reopen the museum portion after her parents sold the artifacts to keep it from closing. Hifumi thinks a museum would inspire tourists to donate,
And, finally, our farmer.
Sumire feels lost. Her sister died, her parents can't speak to her without crying, and she feels, trapped, so she impulsively quits her profession. She finds a letter from her grandfather, with the deed to a farm. Needing a reset, she leaves the city and life behind to live in a small town in the valley, where no one knows her, or her sister.
To clear things up, Makoto and Ryuji both grew up in town, have been friends the whole time. Futaba has been in town since she was 6, Hifumi was born there, and Akira and Morgana have been there since they were 14 and 6, now about 21 and 13. Shiho and Ann were in Ryuji's class at school, since they had to travel to a nearby city for school. Haru moved there when she was 18, Yusuke and Goro appeared around 19-20.
Anyways. Talk to me about this
(I'm open to any ships for it pretty much, but I will say I have Okujima in it.)
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silkscream · 2 years
it’s missing arvin hourssss if you’re open to a req!! the towns in the midst of a heat wave and arvin can’t get over how you look licking a cherry ice pop on the tailgate of his truck
goddd i miss him sm. you know that humidity is getting the best of him, but he's trying real damn hard to be productive out in the garden pulling weeds so the summer vegetables can thrive.
meanwhile, you're sitting pretty on the open bed of his truck in your halter tank and matching shorts, sprawled under the western sun. you like watching arvin work -- you like the way the veins in his arm flex when he grips the earth, like how when he wipes the sweat off his brow his dirty white tee hitches up just in the slightest to reveal his happy trail. you like those momentary looks he gives you, knowing full well that his eyes are scanning your bare legs before nodding at you casually like he isn’t fully smitten. the twinkly sound of the neighborhood’s ice cream truck’s jingle makes your ears perk up.
“you want a lemonade or somethin’, arv?” you beckon after him once you get to your feet.
“‘m good, baby,” he gruffs, fixated now on some sort of carpentry project in the garage. pouting, you skip your feet less than a block to get a treat, batting your eyes generously enough for the teenage clerk to stammer over his words and fuck his counting over a handful of coins. ultimately, your warm face makes him give in, so he lets you off the hook and lets you buy the little girl in line behind you an ice cream, too. he’s bewitched after you wink goodbye.
arvin doesn’t notice your return, which makes you roll your eyes. and you’re not one to be needy, anyways, so you crank up the radio to drown out the sounds of manual labor with doo-wop, and you suck on your cherry ice pop. it’s refreshing, it really is, but what’s more refreshing is the moment arvin looks up to see you in the bed of his truck blooming like a flower with carnation-red lips. 
“is it getting all over me?” you pout. “or do you want some?”
“i want something, alright,” arvin mumbles under his breath. “you tryna put on a little show for me, pretty thing? chrissake.”
“father benjamin says not to say the lord’s name in vain.”
“fuck father benjamin.”
you giggle, pushing the red popsicle deeper into your mouth until liquid dribbles down to your chin. you struggle to clean yourself up, cupping your palm to collect the excess as arvin stares.
“you’re fuckin’ killing me, doll.”
“huh? i’m mindin’ my own fuckin’ business,” you chuckle. “if you’re so desperate for a break, just take one, vinny.”
he sighs, looking back into the garage as he wipes his face with his t-shirt. he does it deliberately -- arvin isn’t one to show off, but he knows what makes you tick -- as he exposes his bare midriff and the defined lines of his abs.
“think i might take a cold shower. think you might need one, too.”
before you can register it, arvin takes a few steps closer to you just so he can kiss you on your neck, lick you down to your chest where he can lap up the sweet slick of the cherry ice pop that had melted and dripped onto your skin without you noticing. you gasp at the feeling and immediately feel a fluttering in your core.
“you’re getting it all over your hands, angel,” he gives you a low chuckle, lips right near your earlobe. “better clean you up, huh?”
it takes less than two minutes for the two of you to walk back into the house to turn on the shower -- water running cold -- but he doesn’t even bother to get you into it. instead, he’s quick to strip off your matching set along with his t-shirt and jeans, whiplash overcoming your senses when he’s got you leaning over the bathroom sink with his mouth licking up the sweat on your neck.
he loves you like this -- submissive and bent down under him with his hand around your throat while the mirror starts to fog up from your desperate pants. the moment you feel him slide into you from behind, your skin feels like it’s on fire, which may be counterproductive considering the heat wave both of you are trying to escape, but both of you are too busy riding the throes of ecstasy to care.
it’s so much -- the feeling of his thick cock, the sweltering heat, his fingers in your mouth. 
“fuck, honey,” arvin grunts into your shoulder. “most beautiful woman i ever seen. shit.”
you moan back unintelligibly. maybe it’s the heat, the sweat, the pheromones working on overdrive, because arvin doesn’t expect to be this close so fast. he’s got your hair balled up in his fist as he thrusts into you, a much more fulfilling workout than the damn yard work consuming all his days.
when he does cum, so do you. your thighs nearly give out, actually, shaking from the impact of him being so deep that the coil inside of you breaks completely. your stomach aches in inferno, but you suppose the pain is worth it if it’s always going to be this honey-sweet.
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wontyoubeg · 5 months
Sadly it’s been too cold around here for me to justify hiking, but it’s gonna warm up here in the next couple of days so I’m excited to go again!
I do get plenty of sore muscles tho, since I have an indoor bouldering gym near me, plus I work in carpentry, but a hot bath can do wonders lol 😁
Great game choices! I haven’t had the motivation to play single player games in awhile, so I’ve been playing a lot of quick round team games with my friends, like Lethal Company. You get some funny clips out of that game, it’s great.
I love your style of domming btw, gentle and comforting but clearly in control, I can confidently say if I met you in person I’d be putty in your hands 😜
Carpentry? I bet you are great with your hands
Lethal company is a great choice!
Well thank you, im into pretty gentle domming, i want my sub to feel comfortable and cared for ���
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violetmuses · 11 months
New Life - Tommy Miller
TITLE: “New Life” - Tommy Miller
FANDOM: “The Last Of Us” (HBO Series Adaptation) 
CHARACTER: Tommy Miller
MAIN PAIRING: Tommy Miller + Female Reader (Pre-Outbreak AU)
MAIN STORYLINE: When you join the neighborhood, Tommy notices… 
Author’s Note: Hey! Feedback would be greatly appreciated and thanks so much for reading as always. - V.  💜
Main Masterlist 💜
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“Need to drop Sarah off at school before work. Still got food here. Don’t you dare burn my house down, all right?” Joel finishes coffee, pushing in his chair at the kitchen table and sits up, silently gesturing for Sarah to keep moving this morning. 
“Not much going on. I’m not five years old either, man.” Tommy casts both eyes towards the ceiling, still munching from his own plate. 
“Sure about that?” Joel then mumbles over his shoulder, still annoyed by his little brother after all this time. “Sarah, let’s go.” 
When that front door finally closes and Joel pulls his truck out of the narrow driveway, Tommy stands near bay windows, looking out towards his small but quaint hometown. 
Across that same street, a moving truck pulled in. Meanwhile, Tommy can’t even remember the last time that new folks settled here for long. 
Before long, this second vehicle rolls in behind the truck, parking soon after. 
From this particular angle, Tommy realizes that someone has been driving that sedan. As far as Tommy  knows, this person is alone, and presumably single. 
Workers carry items to the new house. Everyone there is currently instructed by a neighbor. 
Don’t step out, Joel would kick your ass. Tommy reminds his own thoughts. He needs to wait here until Joel comes back. Carpentry is hard work, especially on the clock. 
“Fuck.” Tommy whispers to himself. He can see the woman walking back and forth, calling out placement for each item or otherwise. 
Everyone in this town sweats through their clothes, but the stranger catching Tommy’s eye this morning seems ready for anything. 
Despite his niece Sarah beginning the school year, Tommy knows that summer down here doesn’t end for quite a while. 
A few minutes won’t hurt. Tommy perks up again, stepping out near the porch as a compromise. 
Clean-shaven face. Light eyes. Dark swept hair. His bright over shirt settled with a dampened tee. Blue jeans covered his legs as dusted boots creaked along that porch.
You roll both eyes. It’s Tommy Miller. Even one food mart clerk had warned you earlier. At least his brother Joel calmed down antics. 
Before you can close the car’s trunk one final time and take a much-needed shower inside, he’s already walking towards you, beaming a Colgate smile. 
“Excuse me.” His Southern accent is charming, but the humidity in this place only makes you feel irritated. 
“Yes?” You know better, staying cordial regardless. 
“Hi, uh. I’m Tommy. It’s hot out here, so I’ve got some lemonade in a pitcher if you’d like.” He points back towards the house behind him, but you quickly shake your head. 
“No, thanks.” You introduce yourself, but refuse the drink, silently wishing that this man would go away instead of flirting up a storm. You need that shower, or else handcuffs would line up in your future. “Maybe next time.” 
“Yes, Ma’am.” It’s not long before Tommy steps back, lifting up both hands in the name of surrender. There’s no other choice with you. “Have a good one.” 
“I heard. Come on.” Joel doesn’t even cut off the engine as Tommy settles into that passenger seat. 
“What’d you hear?” Tommy smirks, laughing after clicking his seatbelt. 
“Happens every time. New neighbor, more flirting.” Joel keeps grumbling with his eyes on the road. “Too old for that shit.” 
“30 ain’t old.” Tommy defends himself, thinking of you on his way to another job site. 
Boxes unpacked. Shower done. Dinner finished. You’ve stepped to relax on your new wraparound porch.  
Across from you, the Miller household is silent. Few lights. No sign of Joel, young Sarah, or Tommy, out here either. No one’s even perched near the front door. 
Before you can think of going back in tonight, one car pulls back into the Miller driveway. 
Those back lights cut off, meaning that he’s parked. Seconds later, he walks around and takes something from the backseat, piquing your interest as the heat finally cools down. 
His footsteps are moving back towards your house. 
He’s actually holding flowers, smiling this time underneath the brim of his own work cap. 
“Sorry for the rough start.” He meets at the door, genuinely happy to see you again. 
“Thank you.” You smile at him and can't refuse. Even more rejection would’ve outright deflated this moment. 
Only time would tell what the future holds. 
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spinjitsuburst · 8 months
Walker Farm Day 1
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hi gang i'm liveblogging me playing through stardew valley as jay let's go
first off! we hop off the bus as we arrive in the valley to greet Robin :D she kind of reminds Jay of Skylor, just much less into wood and carpentry than noodles
she leads us to the farm, a little shack by the beach that uh
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well. it's seen better days
the mayor has already dropped some seeds off for us and after a goodnight's sleep we can begin the game
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leave it to jay to have bad luck his first day
i spawned jay in a beack farm, as it's a farm type i've never used before and thought it'd be fitting! upon taking a screenshot to see what i'm working with:
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eugh boy... almost no farmland. hmm. definitely going to be relying on other means of making money for the time being
after clearing some of the area and planting the parsnip seeds given to us by the mayor, jay heads into town to meet some of the townsfolk. rumor has it befriending a certain neighbor will grant him some blue chickens, so he heads to the bar to meet him!
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great start
after talking to some more townsfolk, he begins to head home, noticing a tent off in the distance. there's a man living on his own, and growing up in a junkyard he knows what it's like to not have much. he decides to befriend Linus, giving him some spring onion he'd foraged near the south river
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(tip from a Stardew Valley veteran: foraging spring onion is a great way to make some money in the beginning when you don't have much!)
back at his farm, jay has to fend off some monsters with his scythe before he can make it to his house
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because of this he doesn't make it home until 12:30am, and when he does he crashes into bed, absolutely exhausted
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what in ninjago has he gotten himself into
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In the modern age, finding an honest carpenter shop near you can be difficult. Whether you require custom furniture, home renovations, or general carpentry services, you must select a reliable source who can produce high-quality results. If you're in Dubai, your search becomes much more specific. But do not be afraid! This detailed guide will walk you through the process of locating the ideal carpenter shop near you, with a special focus on CSD Carpentry Services Dubai.
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clonemedickix · 11 months
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Rating: E
Word count: 834
Pairing: Captain Rex x OC General Lara Lin
Warnings: clone SMUT - Under 18 DNI, foreplay and banter, P in V sex, breeding kink, alcohol consumption on the beach
Excerpt Summary - A little sun bathing, some appropriate liquids for that activity, Rex wants to appreciate what’s under Lara’s bikini more closely
Link to full chapter on AO3 here
If you’d like to be tagged for new posts, click here
@blueink-bluesoul @523rdrebel @anxiouspineapple99
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Rex returned a few days later from his trip with Primer and Cody, bearing more refugees. The population of Nidhogg was increasing at a fairly steady pace, thanks to all the clones being rescued. Some didn’t stay permanently, but others decided to take the opportunity to settle down on the beautiful planet. It was a haven, a complete change from everything they’d ever known, and while they knew the Dragons continued to train and mount missions agains the Empire, life was so much better there it was hard to choose to leave it behind.
After heading for his hut and stowing his gear, Rex went in search of Lara, finally finding her laid out on a towel on the beach with a big container of red sangria sitting in the sand at her head and small cup of it half drunk next to her. She was laying on her stomach, soaking up the rays in a two piece suit. Rex noticed there were other females on the beach - the wives and girlfriends of clones doing the same as Lara. Smiling to himself about the peace and contentment of the scene before him, Rex sat on the sand near Lara’s head, bringing his knees up and wrapping his arms around them, then placidly watched the waves roll in.
“So this is what you meant, by needing a towel and some sangria to be happy at the beach?” Lara could hear the smile in his voice.
Turning her head she smiled up at him, and reached a hand up to take his. “It’s for sure not a bad way to spend an afternoon. We’ve built furniture and worked at one of the new huts all day. I think I was due a little relaxation.” Lara paused and gave Rex a slightly harried look. “Besides, tempers were starting to flare a bit over ‘creative differences’ regarding how to best to design and construct some of the items in question. I needed a break from all the amateur engineers and their input.”
Rex laughed and then nodded to her pitcher of beverage. “Bad enough that you made a trip home for your choice of booze, I see.”
“Uh… yes, and some Scotch. It was necessary.” She sat up and took a swig of the beverage in question and then offered the cup to Rex, if he wanted a sip. “I’m pretty sure they did a better job without me here to offer opinions, seeing as how they managed to throw so many buildings up by their wee selves. Maybe they’re showing me I’m irrelevant.”
Rex took another sip of the sangria and then drained the cup. The stuff really was good, he had to admit. “Mm. This is good. I’ll give you that - you were right about it, that day on Floston.” There was a small moment of silence between them as they thought back on that beautiful planet, destroyed now in the aftermath of the coming of Morgoth. There had been happy days spent there. “Lara, you know you’ll never be irrelevant to any of those men. Carpentry isn’t leading men in battle, or in life. Maybe you need to spend more time being their leader, rather than their job boss.”
Lara turned and sat on the towel, bringing her knees up like Rex and wrapping her arms around them. “You know, it’s rather annoying when y’all start to make sense and I’m not in the mood to agree.” She heard Rex snort in amusement next to her.
“I guess you can take comfort that it’s not very often.” He reached over to the large thermos and held it up to pour more sangria into the cup, then sealed it again. “Remember when we were all alone on Floston? Nobody there but us and Baiulus, and he didn’t care what we did?”
Lara laughed at that. “You know, y’all always forget that dragon is sentient and smarter than most humans. He might not ‘care’, but he damn well knows what we were doing.” She gave Rex a little mischievous grin and some side eye, and saw he had a strange, thoughtful look on his face at that information.
“Well. That being said, would you care to come be alone with me in our hut? In our bed? Perhaps… with no clothes on? You’re not exactly wearing much at the moment anyway.” Rex did his best to deliver that offer with a rather innocent face, like he was truly proposing to help her with something.
“You could help me look for sand fleas?” Lara asked with an arched eyebrow.
“What in dank ferreck is a sand flea? It’s not related to those stupid tick things on Earth is it? Those are so creepy!” He’d been horrified to find the little crawling bugs on his skin one day after walking through the woods of Lara’s farm. She’d given him a thorough inspection once home to make sure she got them off of him, but he’d never recovered from the horror.
Lara started giggling and sang out “‘I’d like to walk you through a field of wildflowers, and I’d like to check you…for ticks.’ Come on Brad, let’s go make sure we are both tick free. And sand flea free.” Lara gave him a huge smile and a wink and stood, reaching to get her towel and sarong. While she was bent over Rex reached up and smacked her on the butt once, lightly, and heard her give a snort of laughter. She straightened back up and tied the sarong around her, while Rex reached down for the thermos of sangria and the cup.
“Don’t forget this! Hope you have more of it hidden away somewhere.” Rex seemed to be a convert to the fruity, citrusy drink.
“I can always get more, my love.” They walked back to their hut together happily, content with each other’s company. Soon as they walked inside and barred the door behind them, Lara dropped her stuff to the floor and turned, throwing her arms around Rex’s neck. She looked him in the eyes and then leaned in and kissed his lips gently, feeling him return her kiss. She felt the tip of his tongue brush her top lip and knew he wanted more, their mouths opening slightly and the kiss deepening suddenly. Rex’s hands held her at the waist; she felt his thumbs caress her sides and then he moved one hand up to the center of her back, pulling her closer, untying her bikini top at the same time. Lara’s hands moved to his chest, sliding along his sides to his back, then down to grasp his backside firmly. She heard Rex give a little grunt of need, and he started to walk her back towards their bed, pulling her loose top off and dropping it to the floor.
Lara let him guide her backwards carefully, breaking off their kiss to look him in the eye. She suddenly felt this day was different than others. There seemed to be a rising power within her, an answer to his need that was like that first night spent on Floston. She hadn’t felt her power return to her like this since that horrible day she had battled Morgoth, what felt like so long ago now. Really, Lara had had little to no interest in the Force since then, rather blissfully ignoring it and trying to be a normal person for a while, only using it occasionally. Now, she felt it flooding back to her, filling her like a cup, and she gasped, almost like she was drowning.
Rex looked back at her steadily, a slight note of confusion and concern in his eyes. He could see her skin starting to glow, the luminescence of her power shining from her very pores, and her eyes were lighting up like they always did when she was feeling high emotion. She hadn’t shone like this in many months, not since that last day on Floston. It was almost like holding onto a star. He could see she wasn’t doing it on purpose, and that the rush of the power returning to her was sudden and slightly overwhelming. “Lara, are you okay?” He finally asked her, worried at how she appeared to be struggling a bit before him.
“I’m…” Lara had to take a breath to steady herself. “I’m fine. I’ll be fine. Oh my god I need you so bad, Rex. I need you to take me, fill me up.” She was breathing hard now, almost gasping, and her voice was a bit husky. “Like, now. Now now.” She tugged at his hand a little, pulling him towards her and the bed. Lara started to help him get his clothes off quickly, throwing the discarded items in the floor with abandon, ripping her bikini bottom off at the same time. She reached back to pull the blankets down on the bed, and sat quickly, scooting back to the center and making room for Rex.
Rex followed her down onto the bed quickly, crawling towards her and straightening out to lie next to her, getting his arms around her. He pulled Lara’s body to him and immediately kissed her, passionately, his left hand reaching down to pull her leg over him. He could smell the salt of the beach on her skin, the spicy floral scent of her curly hair drifted to him as she shifted. Lara could feel he was ready, his cock stiff and warm between them. She reached her hand down to grasp his erection, running her hand over the length of him and caressing his balls softly. Rex gasped at her touch, pressing himself into her hand and kissing her even more deeply. He rolled to his back and pulled her fully on top of him, looking her in the eyes and pushing her back to mount him properly. Lara seated herself over his cock, feeling him enter her, stretching her deliciously. They both sighed softly, relishing the feel of their joining. Lara started to move her hips slowly, taking him deeper and pressing herself against him, her hands on his chest for balance. She leaned forward and kissed him again, raking her teeth over his bottom lip lightly, pulling on it. She felt him give her his tongue and she ran her own over his, all the while the movement of her hips became more and more assertive. Lara’s hands moved over his body, his shoulders, his waist, back up his chest to his face, cupping his jaw with her right hand, while she braced herself with her left. The lightest rasp of his stubble on his jaw was a contrast to the smooth skin over his muscles, save where she felt the irregular texture of battle scars here and there. She was no stranger to the scars, her own collection having only grown in the time she’d known Rex.
Suddenly Rex rolled her onto her back without pulling away from her, holding her leg against his hip. He could see her light was getting brighter, an atmospheric air glow surrounding her like a halo. He’d only seen her do that once before, and he stopped his motion for a moment, waiting on her to focus on him. When she opened her eyes to look at him, it was like gazing into the heart of a star. “Lara, are you sure? I can stop. We don’t have to do this now.” He was momentarily panicked, at the thought of was about to happen, the conclusion that would follow their making love right now.
Lara could see his fear, and she felt it in her heart as well. They’d lost so much before. Could they stand to try again, with the memory of their little boy on their minds? A part of her realized they were being offered this second chance by Fate. The Force was telling her it was time. It had been nearly two years since Floston, and the exchange of her son’s life for her own, and Lara had always known they would not be able to avoid the coming of the Child of Promise. She looked into Rex’s eyes steadily, and reached up for him, pulling him to her for a soft, loving kiss. When they parted, she nodded to him and said, “It’s time Rex. It is the will of the Balance, that this happen. Join with me, put a child in me. This time I will not fail you, nor the Child.”
Rex sighed a little brokenly at that, and gave her a stern look. “Lara - you have NEVER failed me. In any way. Please never say that again.” He took a breath, feeling a deep need to fuck her until she cried out; he could already feel the response of her body in answer to him, how she would arch her back, how her body would clench around his. He placed his forehead against hers for a moment to steady himself and took a breath. “I want to see you heavy with my child, more than anything. I want to see you bring it into this world, hold it, feed it, hear you sing to it. I want to put a child in you, Lara. But are you ready for that?” Her answer to him was to wrap her legs around his waist and pull his face to hers for a kiss, pushing her hips against him and taking him deeply inside. Okay then, Rex thought, immediately thrusting into her and kissing her back passionately. He rode her hard, wanting to feel himself as deep as he could get, wanting to plant his seed as close to her center as he could. Lara’s light grew brighter as she neared her climax, and her breathing got slightly ragged, before she suddenly arched her back beneath him, closing her eyes and gasping in ecstasy. Rex felt her body contract around him and it spilled him over into his own orgasm, powerfully finishing within her as he too cried out. They rode that wave together, finally reaching for each other to kiss again, knowing their work that day would yield results. Rex held her for a long time, kissing her, nuzzling her and holding Lara’s body to him, running his fingers through her thick curls; he’d always loved them, how they had bounce and would spring back into shape when he straightened them. Rex spent time simply looking into her captivating eyes, the color reminding him of the oceans on Kamino, when that place had been the clones’ home. The two of them wouldn’t surface from their hut for the rest of the day, making love through the night, slaves to their powerful attraction and devotion to each other.
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imaginedreamwrite · 2 years
Yay monster theme monday again! 🥳
For the menial job matchup; reader works in customer service, deals with entitled customers on the daily and asked for more than her paygrade. Her monster pairing is Orc!Curtis. While he isn't fabulously wealthy, he makes do with carpentry and hunting and he lives is a beautiful home in the woods complete with a garden and greenhouse.
Forest? Hermit lifestyle? Reader doesn't have to interact with people anymore...? And she can be with a handsome orc? Sign her up!
“You still my money you stupid bitch! You won’t give me what I’m due-“ your eyes flickered toward the clock to the left, gauging the time and the second hand that was nearly at your golden hour, only a few more seconds and you could leave.
“No receipt, no return.” You slammed the phone down and pushed your chair back, standing with enough power to topple the chair. “Fuck this job.”
You didn’t bother responding to your boss when she asked you where you were going with a snide comment, you didn’t bother trying to explain yourself to your co-workers who would likely find out that you quit with the middle finger.
You didn’t care about anything but the date you were set to go on, a date that was made through a match-making service that would set you up with a compatible beast. The beasts that wanted to be mated with a human, desiring someone to take care of and provide for.
A much better alternative than slaving away for a minimum wage job that sucked the life out of you.
This is your representative from the agency, your date is airing for you at the lounge downtown. His name is Curtis Everett, he’s an orc with tattoo sleeves
“An orc,” you didn’t know much about the monsters, only that they were massive and impossibly strong, “named Curtis Everett.”
The drive to the lounge downtown was peaceful, quieted by the lack of radio in your beat up vehicle. And the sunset drifting off behind you, the natural sunlight being replaced by street lamps. When you arrived outside the lounge you found a place to park and started to get out of the vehicle, taking a moment to stare at the neon lights hanging above the building, flickering with the possibility of going out.
“Curtis Everett.” You locked your vehicle and shoved your keys into your jeans pocket before you started to approach the lounge, first giving your ID and then letting them know you were waiting for someone.
When you were allowed to go in, you stepped into the lounge and swept your eyes around the open room spying a few other women with beasts and creatures, however as your eyes landed on the right side of the lounge you had found him.
He was sitting facing you, his large hands cupping a pint of ale, something with a thicker head and darker colour trapped inside the weighty glass. You could see the start of his tattoo sleeves, the dark ink splayed against his flesh that started at his wrists was hidden at his elbows by the thick flannel he wore, the material rolled up to his sleeves.
His hair was longer than you anticipated or expected, the picture he’d sent you through the agency showed his hair cropped. Now it was long enough to be tied at the nape of his neck with a piece of tanned leather.
“Curtis,” you approached the table nervously but only due to his sheer size and strength he clearly endowed, “I’m Y/N.”
“Sunflower,” he had raised his head and you were stunned by the shine of his blue eyes that held you captive.
“What?” You stuttered, taken back by how beastly and thick this orc was, how vastly larger he was.
“Your profile said you like sunflowers,” his lips were pulled into a smirk, and the two teeth that peeked out from his plump lips were sharp yet clean, “you didn’t mention you smelled like sunflowers.”
“I don’t..?” You turned your head and tried to subtly scent yourself, your eyebrows becoming knitted when you found it near impossible.
“Relax, Y/N.” he was gruff, yet soft. “Its a scent most humans can’t detect.”
“Oh.” You swallowed thickly and slowly sank into the bench Shea, sweeping your eyes over him. “God, you’re huge.”
“You’re rather small aren’t you, sunflower?” He chuckled under his breath, mirth escaping him. “So delicate.”
“I didn’t mean it as a bad thing.” You mumbled, clenching your thighs together as his pet name had incurred some warmth between your legs.
“I didn’t either, little one.” He had held you in his gaze, warmed between your legs and made your heart flutter.
And you had only just met him.
“You wanna get outta here? The city is too loud.” He offered, starting to slide out of his seat. “I got a place that’s peaceful.”
“I quit my job today.”
“Good,” he held his hand out for you, “I can start taking care of you immediately.”
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notadecepticon · 3 months
Usui's design makes me wanna make a HM/Story of Seasons dmmd AU... Fuck it:
Aoba - Player character therefore out unsuspecting farmer, gets left his parent's farm on the edge of town. Doesn't find out till he turns 23. Previously worked at Haga-san's general store. Can see forest sprites, which other people cannot.
Tae - Town Doctor who runs a small clinic that sells animal medicine as well. Aoba used to live with her at the clinic before moving out to live on the farm. Still comes by all the time to eat.
Haga - Runs the general store in town. Sells farming supplies and basic goods. The terrible trio still run amuck in this shop too.
Yoshie - Mayor and #1 nosey neighbor. Gives town improvement quests. Often sends Aoba treats and recipes in the mail. Akushima - Town's police. Constant harassing you about regulations and minor rule violations. Always patrolling around town.
Sei - Mysterious stranger that starts showing up in town after Aoba takes over the farm, seen in town only on sundays. Sometimes can be found in the forest clearing. Turns out he is actually a human form of the Harvest Goddess. Goddess form is Usui. Gives player farming quests to restore the town to balance with nature. Mizuki - Owns the town's only inn. The Black Needle, which is also a tavern that the townsfolk often gather at in the evening. Still does tattoo work in a private studio in the back. Sometime people come from out of town to seek out his skills.
Koujaku- A hairdresser who moved back to town a few years ago, used to play with Aoba as kids. Opens up a shop that- in addition to serving as a salon- sells new outfits. Very well liked in town and known for lending a helping hand to anyone who needs it.
Noiz - Moved to town somewhat recently and has a permanent room rented out at The Black Needle. He is barely seen out around the town, only at the occasional meal time in the tavern. No one knows him very well or why he moved here. Sticks out in the otherwise tight knit town. Said to be a programmer of some kind, working freelance.
Mink- Runs his own farm just outside of town. Lived here a long time but is fairly reclusive, but well respected. Comes to town to do carpentry work for the townsfolk. He offers to sells seeds from his farm to Aoba once he starts his farm. He can be commissioned to improve farm buildings as well.
Clear - Somewhat mysterious man who lives down near the ocean. Moved here after his grandfather passed away. Wanted to be near the ocean. Collects sea shells and baubles for a living. Gives the Aoba a fishing rod he bought but never figured out how to use (wanted to catch jellyfish). Can still be a secret robot, harvest moon get's wild sometimes. Ren - Basically the secret bachelor option in this game, like the witch/wizard character usually is. Forest sprite that is close to Aoba. Was in the form of a small fluffy talking dog that Aoba has known since he was a kid. Hangs out on the farm with Aoba. As part of doing a side harvest goddess quest line, Sei grants Ren a human body.
Allmates - Torn between keeping them as-is (minus ren) or making them all Forest sprites that start socializing with townsfolk as your progress the Harvest goddess quests and more people are able to see them again.
Virus and Trip - Weirdos who come to town on occasion and cause problems for Aoba. Interested in the the legend of the Harvest goddess and the power associated. Show up to hinder or help with the main questline depending on their mood.
Thank you for reading this far if you did lmao
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mama-qwerty · 1 year
Darkling Wade - Instincts
Here we go!
I hope this comes across like I intended, and I’m not just reading it KNOWING how it should sound. Because it seemed really good in my head.
It had been four months since Wade became a Dark.
Four months of adjusting to: taking care of scales, not stepping on his own tail, working with three fingers instead of five, and preventing himself from scratching anything and everything with his claws. Not to mention the whole ‘see better at night so the slightest light source could blind him’ thing.
There were advantages. His sense of smell was much better now, which brought with it a few surprising benefits.
He could detect bad food much faster. As someone who used to mostly live off whatever he felt like tossing in a saucepan, this would have come in handy on more than a few occasions. Best by dates just never occurred to him a lot of the time, meaning he spent his fair share of nights curled on the bathroom floor.
And he’d always scoffed at the whole ‘scent of danger’ thing, but now he found it somewhat accurate. Sometimes he’d get a whiff of . . . something, and his senses would go on alert until he could determine what had set him off. Sometimes it was something small, like a new cat stalking through the trees near the house, but sometimes it was much more urgent, like the frayed wires in the light fixture over the sink. That had been disaster waiting to happen.
He also noticed each member of his family had a distinctive scent, too—he couldn’t always put a specific descriptor to it, but each brought to mind a certain feeling reminiscent of his childhood.
Callie was his Pap’s workshop, where he spent summers learning carpentry at his grandfather’s knee. Silver was his treehouse, his secret oasis when his father was too drunk and too loud. And Eclipse was the creek he loved to splash in on summer afternoons.
He couldn’t pinpoint why they brought these particular images to mind. They just did. It was weird.
And this wasn’t even touching on his new instincts. He seemed to devolve into more . . . animalistic behaviors without noticing. Hissing when threatened. Growling when angry. Dropping into a crouched position when scared or curious. That one, in particular, was especially embarrassing.
But there’d been a new instinctive behavior that was particularly unnerving. At least he thought it was instincts. He’d zone out at strange times, and often awoke to find himself standing in the kitchen, staring out the side door in the middle of the night. He would have no recollection of how he got there, or what he’d been doing, but he felt . . . uneasy. Like his adrenaline—did Darks even have adrenaline??--had been pumping, preparing him for fight or flight.
Again. Unnerving.
Eclipse hadn’t been much help, when asked about it.
“I was created with all the best parts of Black Arms,” he’d said with a shrug, scrambled eggs tumbling out of his mouth. “I’m not like any of the other types. So, you’re not either. I dunno why you’re doing that. Maybe it’ll happen to me when I get older!”
Wade had sighed at that, while Callie had reminded her younger son that food works better when it’s in your mouth, not your lap.
At first these nighttime trips only happened every now and then, but lately they’ve been increasing in frequency. It bothered Wade, and he felt his chest tighten every night as the sun went down. Tonight it was especially bad, and he massaged his chest plate in a vain effort to loosen the knot. He paced the bedroom floor, claws digging into the carpeting.
“Go have a beer,” Callie suggested, brushing out her long red hair. “I know it doesn’t really hit you like it used to, but maybe it’ll help?”
Wade sighed, flopping onto his belly on the bed. “Doesn’t taste the same.”
“Warm milk?”
“Gives me gas.”
“Ugh, that’s definitely out, then.” She twisted her mouth to the side, chewing her cheek as she thought. “How about just a nice hot shower? Those always help me relax.”
He groaned in response. Hot showers were nice, but it just didn’t appeal to him tonight.
“Well then be anxious and miserable,” she said, rolling her eyes. “I don’t hear you coming up with anything.”
Wade rolled his head to the side and shot her an annoyed look, barely suppressing the urge to hiss at her. He’d done that exactly once after he’d changed. Callie didn’t take too kindly to it, and he’d been much more careful since then.
“Don’t give me that look,” she said, wrinkling her nose at him. She put her brush in the bathroom and walked back toward the bed. “I’d help you if I could, but you’re not giving me much to go on. I can’t fix ‘feeling off’. You gotta toss me a bone, Bear.”
A frustrated grunt this time, and Wade rolled over to his back. “I don’t know! I don’t know how to explain it! I just feel . . . off. Like . . . antsy. Like there’s something I’m supposed to be doing, but don’t know what. Like that.”
Callie nodded, sliding onto the bed. She tucked her legs beneath her and leaned over him, an arm extended to keep her upright. He lifted his head automatically to lay on her bent knee, gazing up at her with his gold-on-black eyes.
“Okay, let’s take this one step at a time,” she said, and his tail moved to lazily curl around her wrist. “I don’t think there’s anything on your honey-do list, right?” He shook his head. “And the boys would be talking non-stop about it if you promised them something. No one’s birthdays are coming up. I’m not aware of any get-togethers with the Wachowskis.” She furrowed her brow as she thought. “Hmmm.”
He watched as she thought, a small smile curling his lips. Her eyes were unfocused, staring at the bedspread beneath them, her mouth still twisted as she worked her cheek. He never told her, but he’d always thought it cute when she did that.
“Well,” she said, her face clearing as she looked down at him. “Barring anything I don’t know about, maybe this is some kinda sixth sense thing.”
He furrowed his brow ridge. “You mean like . . . like ghosts?”
She gave him a look. “What? No. Well. I mean, I guess that could be an explanation, but I’m thinking like how sometimes dogs and cats can sense bad weather or earthquakes or something.”
“You think we’re gonna have an earthquake. In Montana.”
“I’m spitballing here, Wade,” she said, casting him a cocked eyebrow. “Interpreting hidden Dark instincts isn’t exactly my expertise.”
She made to move, but his tail tightened around her wrist, keeping her in place. “I know, I know, I’m sorry!” he said, gripping the arm tented over him. “I just . . .” He sighed. “This feeling is getting worse and I don’t know what it is. It’s freaking me out.”
“I know, hon,” she said, leaning forward to place a soft kiss on his forehead. “I wish I could do more for you, I really do. But this may just be something you’re gonna have to figure out on your own.”
Wade blew out a long sigh. “Great.”
Later that night, the Dark that used to be human sat up in bed. Its eyes reflected green in the low light, and it looked to its left, where another form lay. It sniffed the hair, receiving a small sound in return as the being rolled over. A word formed in the Dark’s mind—MATE—and it gave a small huff through its nose before slipping out of bed.
The Dark stalked through the house, sniffing under doors, identifying two other beings with the word HATCHLINGS—although that didn’t seem quite right but it got the idea across—and uttering a small grunt in greeting at the two animals at the bottom of the stairs (the resident cats were used to these nightly journeys, and barely batted an eye), before moving toward the glass kitchen door. It stopped there, pushing itself up to stand on two feet.
And it watched.
Even through the barrier it could smell . . . something. Danger. Intruder. THREAT.
The smell had come and gone, grown in strength and then faded for weeks. Tonight it was strongest. The Dark smelled blood. Fear.
With a growl, it threw itself into the glass, shattering the door and sprinting off in pursuit of the thing that drew this instinct to the fore. To meet and destroy the THREAT.
A loud shattering sound shocked Callie out of a deep sleep, and she looked to her right to find Wade missing. She flung the covers back, slipping into her house shoes as she made for the hall.
Doors opened, and Silver and Eclipse poked their heads out of their rooms.
“Wha?” Silver said, rubbing his eyes with a fist. His current favorite plush, Applejack from My Little Pony, was tucked into his elbow.
Eclipse yawned. “Whawazzat?” The neck of his favorite plush, a googly-eyed ostrich dog toy he named Dorothy for whatever reason, hung from his fist.
“I don’t know,” Callie said, and pointed at the boys. “Stay here.”
She hurried downstairs and found her kitchen door shattered. Fear gripped her for a moment—did someone break in??--when she noticed something green shining on some of the jagged glass. A closer inspection confirmed her guess.
It was the blood of a Dark.
Wade’s nighttime ritual had just added a new complication.
“Great,” she muttered to herself.
Callie gathered up her cats and headed upstairs. Looks like they’d have to stay in the bedroom until she could cover this door.
And she had a wayward lizard boyfriend to find before he got himself into too much trouble.
“I’m so sorry to bother you this late, guys,” Callie said as she lead her sleepy boys into the Wachowski house. Silver was sleeping against her chest, while Eclipse hung off her arm. “I just didn’t know what else to do, and--”
“Cal, don’t worry about it,” Maddie said, taking Silver from the redhead and cuddling the boy to her. “I’ll keep your boys safe.”
“Thank you.” Callie tucked Eclipse onto the couch, just as Tom came downstairs, shrugging on his jacket.
“I checked with the station and they said Carl had just called in about weird noises in the woods around his house,” the sheriff said, as he headed toward the door.
Callie rolled her head back. “Ugh! Of course he’d go over to Carl’s!” She uttered an annoyed grunt. “He’s gonna get his fool head blown off.”
“I called Carl myself and told him that it may be Wade and to not shoot until we got there,” Tom said, pulling his shoes on. “Although you know Carl.”
“Yeah, I know Carl,” Callie said, heading toward the door.
A few pairs of footsteps came down the stairs, one pair heavy, the other fast. Sonic and Knuckles hurried into the room, woken by the unusual action down there.
“What’s going on?” Sonic asked with a yawn. He looked like he was still half asleep.
“Nothing, go back to bed,” Maddie said, shooing her boys back upstairs.
“Why are the MacPherson’s here?” Knuckles asked, looking much more awake than his brother. “Has something happened?”
“Boyfriend troubles,” Tom said, giving Maddie a kiss as he and Callie headed for the front door.
“Has Wade done something?” the echidna asked, his fists clenched. “Did he harm you?”
“No,” Callie said, one foot out the door. “He’s run off and I’m worried he’ll get hurt if we don’t find him.”
“Ah. Then I will come with you.”
“No, stay here,” she said, pulling the door shut. Knuckles zipped over and grabbed it before it could close completely, and Callie uttered a frustrated grunt. “Knux, we really gotta go!”
“Wade is a Black Arms now. You may need protection,” the boy said, bringing a fist to his chest. “I will come.”
“Hey, I wanna come too!” Sonic said, zipping over.
“No!” Callie snapped, just as Tom poked his head back in.
“We going or what?”
The redhead uttered another frustrated grunt before turning back to the boys. “Fine. Knuckles, you come, Sonic, you stay here and protect Silver and Eclipse. I don’t know what’s going through Wade’s mind right now, and if he comes here looking for them, I need someone to keep him busy until we get back. Got it?”
The hedgehog snapped to attention and threw her a two fingered salute. “Yes ma’am!”
“Great, let’s go!”
Callie, Tom, and Knuckles pulled onto the gravel road leading to Carl’s trailer at a little after 2am. The librarian and echidna watched out the windows, trying to catch sight of anything that may indicate Wade’s location. Only dark trees stared back at them.
As Tom pulled the pickup in near the battered trailer Carl called home, the trio found the homeowner standing right outside his door with a shotgun in his hand. Two large spotlights were hung off the front and back of the mobile home, trained into the dark woods to their right.
“Sheriff,” Carl nodded in greeting as the three approached him. “Miz Callie. Knuckles.”
“Carl, I thought I told you no shooting,” Tom said, stopping with his arms crossed.
The older man shook his head. “Ain’t let loose a single shell, Sheriff. But that don’t mean I should stand around defenseless. Somethin’s out there.” He nodded toward the trees.
“Did you see anything?” Callie asked, and she tried to keep the fear out of her voice. It kind of worked.
Carl shook his head. “No ma’am. Didn’t see any sign o’ yer man. But I been hearin’ a bunch of sounds.”
“What kind of sounds?”
Carl pursed his lips in thought. “Shufflin’, like somethin’ big lumberin’ through the trees. Growlin’. An’ heard something like a deer get taken down.”
Tom and Callie exchanged a glance, before they turned toward the trees. There were no sounds coming now, but that just added to the eerie feeling. There should have at least been normal nighttime animal sounds—owls, and crickets and the like. But there was nothing.
That was never a good sign.
“Well,” Carl said, looking between the sheriff and librarian. “You gotta plan?”
The two exchanged another glance.
“I guess I should go in and look for him,” Callie said, and Tom and Knuckles both turned to her in alarm.
“Are you nuts?” the sheriff asked.
“I will not allow it!” Knuckles added.
Callie blinked, and one eyebrow shot up. “Excuse me?” She turned to Knuckles. “Allow it? Who are you, my father?” Turned to Tom. “Wade won’t hurt me. I’m sure of it. I’ll go in, calm him down, and then we can all go back home and be a little less sleep deprived when the alarms go off in about four hours.”
“Look,” Tom said, moving closer to her. “I get the whole power of love angle, and admit I don’t really understand this Dark thing with Wade, but come on. It’s pitch black in there, and it might not be Wade anyway. Could be a bear or rabid coyote or something. You shouldn’t go in there.”
“Well, what’s your plan?” she asked, hands on hips. “Sit here and wait until morning? See if he comes to his senses and wanders out on his own? What are we doing here if we aren’t going to actually look for him?”
“We will look,” Tom said, holding his hands up slightly as a calming gesture. “But running off into the woods willy-nilly isn’t exactly a plan. Best case scenario you’ll get lost, worst case scenario you’ll get hurt. We need to be careful about this so everyone goes home in one piece.”
Callie uttered a sharp sigh and crossed her arms. She hated to admit it, but Tom had a point. “All right. So what do we--”
“Quiet,” Knuckles said, his voice low. He looked toward the trees, quills bristling in alarm. “We are being watched.”
The echidna’s stance widened, and he positioned himself between the trees and Callie. Tom also moved closer to the librarian, pulling his service pistol from his holster. Carl cocked his shotgun, pointing the business end toward the dark forest.
The silence dragged on.
“Okay, big guy,” Tom said, his voice quiet. “Can you tell what’s out there?”
Knuckles lowered his head slightly, his fists tightening. “Something big.”
Movement to the right, and a pair of eyes flashed in the darkness. Green reflective light. Like a cat.
Or a Dark.
“Wade?” Callie called, and the eyes disappeared, moving quickly, deeper into the trees. “Wade!”
She was moving before she even realized it, running after him in the dark. Voices called after her, but she ignored them. If she could get to Wade, she could talk him down, and they could go home. Bing, bang, boom.
Which would have worked, had it not been pitch black, and had she not run into a tree. With her face.
“Ow,” she whined, touching her battered nose. Her fingers came away wet and sticky and she blew a sigh through her lips. “Perfect.” At least she hadn’t shattered her glasses. Small miracles.
“Callie!” a voice called out to her immediate left and she yelped, jerking away. Recognition clicked into place and she stopped, brow furrowed. “Knuckles?”
A light clicked on and the echidna stood with a small flashlight, his face full of worry. “Are you--” He gasped. “You are injured!”
She waved a hand. “It probably looks worse than it is,” she said, pushing herself to her feet. “What are you doing here?”
“Father sent me in to bring you back,” he said, reaching out to take her hand. “Come. I will get you to safety.”
“Knux, I’m fine,” she said, pulling her hand back. Or tried to, at least. The kid was strong, and came up to nearly her shoulders. He had her hand in an iron grip. “Seriously, kiddo, it’s just a little bloody nose.”
He pulled his lips tight. “You’re coming where it is safe and I can protect you.” He narrowed his eyes. “Do not make me carry you.”
Her eyebrow shot up. “Is that a threat?”
“A promise. Now come.”
“Knuckles Echidna Wachowski, let go of my hand right now,” she said, digging her feet in to give a good tug. His grip didn’t budge. “Leggo echidna!”
“You are in danger!” he snarled back. “I just want to keep you safe!”
“The only danger here is you losing your status as ‘Favorite Wachowski Boy’! Lemme go!”
He gasped. “That is hurtful.”
“Oh, like it would ever happen, Knux,” Callie sighed. “Look, you don’t have to--”
He suddenly released her and moved closer, his eyes scanning the trees around them. His quills bristled again, and Callie could feel the hair on the nape of her neck doing the same.
Something was here. Growling at them.
Callie stood straighter, straining her eyes to see through the black trees. The only light they had to see by was the little flashlight Knuckles had dropped to the ground behind them. The echidna circled her, keeping her at his back while he tried to determine the source of the danger.
The growling grew louder, and suddenly something leapt out of the trees to their right. It hit Knuckles, knocking him aside like a ragdoll. The boy uttered a surprised grunt when he hit a tree, and growled as he regained his footing.
“Not bad,” he said, lips curled in a sneer. “But that will be the only blow you land.”
His opponent moved through the darkness, trying to circle around for another attack on the boy, but Knuckles was prepared this time and caught it with a solid punch first. The creature flew back, splintering trees as it collided with them from the force of the echidna’s blow.
Growling and hissing, the figure returned upright, and circled for another attack.
Knuckles moved back toward Callie, red sparks flashing across his quills and fists.
“Stay clear,” he told her, his now glowing eyes never leaving the moving target. “I do not wish to hurt you by accident.”
Now that there was a little more light to see by, Callie squinted at the oncoming enemy. It moved strangely, in a kind of ape-like movement, kind of on all fours, but not quite. It was coming straight for them, and there was a flash of green eye reflection. Callie gasped.
“STOP!” she yelled, moving in front of Knuckles. “It’s Wade!” The echidna looked at her in confusion, and she turned toward the still-approaching form. “Wade, stop! It’s me! It’s Callie!”
The Dark pivoted, digging its claws into the soft ground to stop its forward momentum. It stopped a few feet from Callie, breathing hard and dripping green blood from one of its slit nostrils. Its eyes flicked back and forth between her and Knuckles, and every time the Dark regarded the echidna, it bared its teeth.
“What is he doing? Why did he attack?” the boy asked, still hunched and ready for a fight.
Callie shook her head, watching Wade. “I dunno.”
When she’d shaken her head, the Dark’s eyes stared beneath her nose. She reached up and touched there, forgetting about the blood. On a hunch, she reached her bloody fingers out, and the Dark sniffed them before turning and growling at Knuckles. Understanding bloomed and Callie turned to the echidna.
“He thinks you hurt me.”
Knuckles’ eyes went wide. “I would never!”
“I know that, but Wade’s . . . not himself right now. I think he’s protecting me. He thinks you’re a threat.”
“Why would he come all the way out here if he wanted to protect you?”
Callie sighed. “I don’t know, Knux. I’m just guessing. But he only attacked when you grabbed me. It seems like a logical conclusion.”
The echidna seemed to consider this, before relaxing his stance. “Very well. What do we do?”
“I think you should head back to Carl’s. I’ll talk Wade down and we’ll be out as soon as we can.”
Knuckles raised an eyebrow. “You expect me to leave you here. Alone.”
“Knuckles. Please. I’ll be fine.”
The look on Knuckles’ face was clear as crystal. He really didn’t want to leave. But he finally gave her a little nod, before turning and walking back toward Carl’s trailer. After a few seconds, Callie turned to the Dark, who stood staring at her.
“Okay, the big, bad echidna’s gone,” she said, keeping her voice calm and soft. “It’s just you and me. Okay?” The Dark gave no sign it heard or understood. “Wade?”
Nothing. It stood still, its eyes flicking between hers and the blood drying beneath her nose. After a few seconds, it moved closer, sniffing.
“I’m okay, Wade, really. Just a side effect of my habit of running blindly into various situations, that’s all.”
The Dark didn’t respond, but continued to sniff her, rounding her to stand where Knuckles had stood a minute before. She turned to keep him facing him.
“Ookay,” she said, her eyes going to the blood on its muzzle. “That looks bad. Does it hurt?”
She reached forward, and the Dark blinked, unsure. Callie froze. After a second she crept her hand forward, delicately touching its hurt muzzle, and wiping away the blood. The Dark huffed through its nose, uttering a small grunt in the back of its throat at her touch.
“Where are you, Wade?” she said, her voice soft. “You better still be in there, or I’m gonna be pissed. Come back to me, Bear.”
The Dark suddenly curled its lip up in a snarl, a growl rumbling deep in its throat. Callie pulled her hand back.
The Dark’s eyes flicked over her shoulder, and the growl grew in volume.
No. Wait.
A second growl had joined in.
Slowly, like a dream, like a nightmare, Callie turned. A massive dark shape lumbered behind her, and it hauled itself to its hind legs, uttering a deep-throated roar.
“Bear,” she whispered, all conscious thought consumed by sheer terror.
The Dark watched as the small THREAT retreated, leaving MATE behind. She turned, and sounds came from her mouth the Dark didn’t understand. The tone was familiar, though. Soothing. Safe. It moved forward to check her for additional injury. Nothing serious. That was good.
MATE shouldn’t be here. MATE should be at the dwelling, with the HATCHLINGS. It didn’t smell the HATCHLINGS here, so at least they were likely safe. But there was another THREAT nearby. A larger one. More dangerous. MATE needed to go. To be safe.
She made some more noises before reaching toward its face, and it blinked. An attack? No. She didn’t smell aggressive. It allowed her to continue, and when her hand touched its muzzle, a warmth spread where her fingers brushed. Its heart beat faster, and a contented grunt escaped its throat. MATE was gentle. Soft. The Dark was very fond of her.
A stench suddenly hit its nostrils, and it snarled. The THREAT it had been smelling for weeks was here. The THREAT that was dangerous. MATE held great fear for the THREAT. The Dark would kill the THREAT, so MATE could be safe.
The Dark moved between MATE and the THREAT, lip curled and growling the whole while. The THREAT reared up, making itself taller and more massive, but the Dark wasn’t impressed. It was about to launch itself at the THREAT, when another scent reached its sensitive nose.
Fear. MATE was afraid.
The Dark acted quickly. It turned and grabbed MATE and teleported with her back to the bright area, where the other HUMANS were. She had been there before. She wasn’t afraid then. She would be safe.
They appeared in a flash of light, and the Dark gently laid MATE on the ground. It ignored the noises from the other HUMANS, but the small THREAT was here too. No matter. There was a larger THREAT that needed tending.
The Dark sprinted back into the trees, using its nose to lead it back to the THREAT.
Without pause, the Dark launched itself, latching onto the THREAT’S back, slashing, biting, and clawing. The THREAT roared in response, twisting and slashing with its own claws to try and shake the Dark loose. It got a single slash onto the Dark’s leg, and the Dark roared in pain and anger.
The THREAT tossed the Dark aside, roaring in apparent victory.
Rage boiled inside the Dark, and it felt a surge of power flow through its body. Muscles tightened, and it felt a great swelling, stretching, growing. In a split second, it no longer had to look up at the THREAT. The Dark was an equal size.
A sneer crossed the Dark’s face that could have been mistaken for a grin. The THREAT stood no chance now.
The Monster Dark launched itself at the THREAT, roaring in its great fury.
Callie stood frozen, staring at this massive, huge, unbelievably gigantic bear. Her mouth went dry, and her heart hammered in her chest.
Everyone was afraid of something, and the librarian was no exception. She was positively, completely, and unwaveringly terrified of bears. They were big, they were strong, they were deadly. And she would have been very happy to go her entire life without seeing one face-to-face.
Looked like her “never seen a bear in real life before” streak had come to an end.
The massive thing roared, pulling itself to its hind legs and taking a step closer. Wade moved in front of her, growling in response.
She thought of her boys, and wished she’d hugged them before leaving the Wachowski’s, and told them she loved them. She was sure Tom and Maddie would take good care of them for her.
She’d just had time to wonder if the bear would start eating her with her face when Wade suddenly turned. He curled his arms tightly around her, and she felt the stomach churning sensation of teleporting. Suddenly she was out of the dark trees, and back in the brightly lit side yard of Carl’s trailer. She blinked rapidly, and found Wade beside her, giving her a concerned look before turning toward the others.
Tom, Knuckles, and Carl rushed toward her, and Wade spared another look back before sprinting back into the trees.
“No!” she cried, trying to regain her feet. “Wade, don’t!”
“What happened?” Tom asked, kneeling next to her. “Are you okay?”
“Did he harm you?” Knuckles asked, looking for all the world like he was about to rush back into the trees after Wade.
“I’m fine, there’s a bear in there!” she said, letting Tom help her back to her feet. “A big one. Huge one.”
As if to confirm, loud roaring and thrashing sounds floated out to them, and Callie plunged both hands into her hair.
“Oh my God,” she hissed. “He’s gonna get ripped to shreds.”
“Why did he come all the way out here to fight a freaking bear??” Tom cried.
“I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know! If he survives I’ll ask him.” It seemed to occur to her what she said and she grimaced. “Oh God.”
“I will assist him,” Knuckles said, and started toward the trees when both Tom and Callie grabbed an arm.
“No you won’t!” they cried in unison.
“But I--”
That’s as far as the boy got when a loud roar erupted from the dark trees, and then all went silent.
The three humans and young echidna stood in the yard, staring into the darkness. All they could do was wait.
The THREAT put up more of a fight than the Dark expected. Stronger, too. But no matter. This enhanced form would be more than enough to end things quickly.
The Monster Dark drove into the THREAT with a massive shoulder, pushing it into the nearby trees. The creature roared, swiping at the Dark with a large paw, and catching the Black Arms on its side. Green blood dripped to the forest floor.
The Dark retreated, circling around for another go. The THREAT roared, running straight for the Dark before falling on it, biting and clawing. The Dark held the massive paws away, and rolled back, lifting its legs and shoving its sharp foot claws into the creature’s belly, kicking and slashing. The THREAT gave a pained roar, pushing off to retreat and regroup.
The smell of blood was thick in the air, and the Dark huffed through its nose to clear the stench.
The THREAT growled again, but kept its distance. Its energy quickly waning, the Dark launched its final attack, and leapt at the THREAT, bringing its claws across its throat in one swift motion.
The THREAT opened its mouth, but no sound came out. Its head dropped, and the body slumped to the ground seconds later.
The Dark opened its mouth, voicing a loud roar of victory. The THREAT was gone.
Mission complete, the Dark turned and hobbled back toward the light area. It held a hand against its side, the slashes it received from the THREAT already clotting.
It moved slowly, its body shrinking, returning to normal. Its mind was beginning to cloud. All it could think was to get to MATE. MATE was safe. MATE would care for . . . him. His feet dragged through the forest floor, leg pounding with each step. Everything was sore.
Wade stepped through the trees, blinking in the bright spotlights of Carl’s yard. He just had time to register the shocked faces before him, before Callie hit him at a full run, locking her arms around him and crying his name. Then he knew nothing, as he passed out.
Wade Whipple, former human, opened his eyes. He lay on the couch, staring up at the ceiling in the house he shared with Callie.
Sounds came to him, and he recognized Silver and Eclipse shouting at each other in the backyard. He heard the squeak of the swings on their playset, and made a quick mental note to oil those before too long.
Water ran in the sink, and there was soft humming. He turned his head and immediately regretted it. Pain shot up his neck and he groaned. The water turned off, and footsteps came his way.
“Well, look who’s finally awake,” Callie said with a smile. She settled herself on the edge of the couch by his hip, facing him. “Welcome back, Sleeping Beauty.”
Wade furrowed his brow ridge and opened his mouth to speak. A harsh croak came out, and he cleared his throat. His mouth felt like he’d been sucking on old socks.
“Oop, hang on a sec,” the redhead said, before rushing into the kitchen. The tap ran again, and she returned with a glass of water. “Bottom’s up.”
Wade drank it quickly, surprised at how thirsty he was. Once the glass was empty, he handed it back and wiped his muzzle with the back of a hand. “Thanks.”
“Ah, and he speaks, too. How do you feel?”
“Tired.” A pause. “Beat up. What happened?”
“You don’t remember?”
He shook his head.
“None of it?”
Another shake.
“Well, my darling, you took down the largest grizzly Montana has ever seen.”
Wade’s stomach clenched. “I did?”
“You did,” Callie said, nodding. “You had one of your . . . episodes, and crashed through the kitchen door in the middle of the night to hunt the thing down. You were in rough shape after. Tom and Knuckles helped get you back here, and you’ve been unconscious for two days.” She crossed her arms, casting him a cocked eyebrow. “Now, care to tell me why you had a sudden urge to go bear hunting at one in the morning?”
He went quiet. If he really focused, he could remember bits and pieces of what happened. Dark trees. He thinks he and Knuckles may have . . . fought? But he didn’t have any memories of the bear itself. Just Callie. And an urge to . . .
“Protect,” he muttered.
He blinked, looking back at her. “I . . . I was protecting you. I think.”
She nodded. “Yeah, I had that theory, too. But why would you go all the way to Carl’s to fight some monster of a bear to protect me? I was only out there because I was chasing after you.”
Wade sat up a little, wincing at his sore muscles. He remembered talking about that feeling, that new instinct. He remembered, vaguely, standing at the kitchen door. He remembered smelling something, and then a flash of realization hit him.
“You’re afraid of bears. I guess . . . that one was too close for comfort, and I wanted to get rid of it, so you wouldn’t be afraid.”
She sat staring at him for a long moment, her brows furrowed. “You could have been killed.”
He didn’t respond. It wasn’t like he had full control over himself. The instincts took over. He gave a helpless shrug.
“No, don’t shrug at me,” she said, and she sounded angry. No. Scared? “Don’t you dare shrug that off, Wade Whipple. You crashed through the door in the middle of the night to run off and fight a freaking grizzly the size of a bus, all for some convoluted idea of protecting me. That’s not a shruggable thing. Don’t do that.”
Wade pulled his shoulders up, this time in shame. “Sorry.”
She closed her eyes, and dropped her forehead into a hand with a tired sigh. After a long moment, she looked back up at him, her hand flipping her braid around to tug on it.
“I know it wasn’t your choice to run off like that,” she said, her voice soft. “I know instincts can override rational thought. I’m reminded of that every time you and Eclipse get into a hissing contest with that stray cat we see every now and then. But Wade . . . this was really scary. I thought . . .” She pulled her lips tight. “I thought I was gonna lose you.”
Wade sat up straighter, ignoring his protesting muscles, and reached for her hand. “I . . . I’m sorry. I’ll try to . . . ignore it or something next time.”
“No,” she said, but squeezed his hand. “You can’t ignore instincts. I . . .” She uttered a soft laugh. “I don’t even know why I’m talking about this. I just . . .” She paused, and a look passed over her face he didn’t often see. “You really scared me.”
Fear. She was really afraid. Had he scared her? Was she worried he would hurt her while in these . . . blackouts?
“Cal,” he said, sandwiching her hand between his. “I . . . you know I’d never hurt you.”
“No, Wade,” she said, placing her other hand on top of his. “I wasn’t scared of you, I was scared for you. You were a mess when you stumbled out of those trees. I honestly don’t know how you survived.”
A memory flashed then. Rage. Power. Growing.
Then it was gone.
He gave her a crooked smile. “Maybe I’m tougher than we thought?”
A look passed over her face then, like a cloud passing in front of the sun. Then it was gone, and her usual confident, somewhat snarky look was back.
“Well, I hope so,” she said, and he thought her voice sounded a little too nonchalant. A little too light. “Because you took down a monster of a bear. Oh, and if you’re gonna be doing this kinda stuff all the time, I don’t want to chase you down in the middle of the night again. Try to schedule these little excursions between regular business hours, okay?”
She dropped a little wink and made to leave, but Wade wouldn’t let go of her hands. She dropped back down to the couch, a look of mild surprise on her face.
“I’m sorry,” he said, his voice soft. He gave her hands a squeeze, his tail snaking out to wrap around her ankle. “I’m really sorry I scared you. I . . . I don’t know what happened, but I don’t want to see that look on your face anymore. I’m sorry. I’ll . . . I’ll try harder to control it.”
Callie looked at him for a few seconds more, before a smile appeared. A real one this time. “No one said being in a relationship with a Dark would be easy,” she said with a shrug. “Gotta take the bad times with the good, right? The occasional instinct fueled middle-of-the-night chase just keeps things interesting, yeah?”
He searched her face for a long moment, trying to determine if she was being genuine. Sometimes it was hard to tell with her. She had gotten really good at faking ‘being fine’ over her lifetime.
“Really?” he finally asked, eyes slightly narrowed. It was always better to ask, as he hoped she wouldn’t lie to him. “This is ‘Honest Cal’, and not ‘I’m Fine Cal’?”
Another smile, and she nodded. “Honest Cal. I don’t know how many more of these instincts will crop up, but . . .” She sighed. “I’ll be here to help you through them. If I can. We’ll see if we can’t try to . . . I dunno, hone your ability to identify them before they go all sleepwalker mode on you. Or something.”
Wade’s mouth pulled into another crooked smile. “You really wanna stay with me? Really?”
She rolled her eyes. “Honestly, Wade. If I can put up with those nasty sausages you love so stinkin’ much, I can deal with some random instinct that may make you go a little feral now and then.”
He smiled, and reached forward to pull her into a hug. “You’re the best, you know that?”
“Yeah, I know that,” she said, wrapping her arms around him. She heaved another sigh. “You keep things interesting Wade Whipple. I’ll give you that.”
“You love it. Because you love me. Right?”
“Some days, against my better judgment.” She pulled back, a smile on her lips. “But yes.” She cupped his muzzle and pulled him to her, planting a kiss on his forehead. “But if you ever scare me like you did the other night, I’ll skin you myself and make a couch out of you. Get it?”
“Got it.”
“Good.” Callie stood, heading toward the kitchen. “Hungry?”
“God, yes.” Wade pushed himself off the couch, hobbling after her. He was still pretty sore. “I’m so hungry, I could eat a bear.”
She had been pulling a pot of chili from the oven, and now slammed it onto the kitchen island. She looked unamused.
“I guess you could say, I have a bear of an appetite.”
A single eyebrow raised. “I’d think long and hard about the next words out of your mouth, Whipple.”
Wade pulled his lips tight. “I love you?”
She narrowed her eyes.
“A lot?”
Without breaking eye contact, she opened a nearby drawer and pulled out a serving spoon.
“You’ve narrowly avoided disaster, Dark. Grab a bowl and come fill your belly.”
Wade flashed her a fangy grin, and moved around the kitchen island to plant a kiss on her neck, before she batted him away with a little smile. He chuckled as he pulled down a bowl, and set to work on demolishing as much of that chili as she’d let him.
Being a Dark was sometimes scary. But with Callie by his side, Wade was sure he could deal with whatever this new body had in store.
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jennahandymanservices · 10 months
Finding Reliable Handyman Services Near You: Your Complete Guide
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Whether you're facing a home repair emergency or planning renovations, finding trustworthy handyman services near you is crucial. These skilled professionals can handle a wide range of tasks, from fixing a leaky faucet to tackling complex home improvement projects. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the world of handyman services and provide valuable insights into finding reliable options right in your neighborhood.
Understanding the Role of Handyman Services
Defining the Handyman
A handyman is a skilled professional known for their versatility in various areas of home repair and maintenance. They can handle tasks ranging from minor fixes to complex projects, making them valuable assets for homeowners.
The Versatility of Handyman Services
Handymen offer a unique advantage – they can efficiently complete a diverse range of tasks in a single visit, saving you both time and money.
Why You Need Professional Handyman Services
Safety and Expertise
Professional handymen prioritize safety and possess the expertise required to complete tasks safely, reducing the risk of accidents or damage to your property.
Time and Convenience
In today's fast-paced world, finding time to address home repairs can be challenging. Handymen can efficiently tackle tasks, freeing up your schedule for more important matters.
Cost-Effective Solutions
Contrary to common belief, hiring a handyman can be a cost-effective solution. They can often complete multiple tasks in one visit, eliminating the need for multiple contractors and reducing overall costs.
Types of Home Repairs and Maintenance Services Offered
Handymen are well-equipped to handle a wide range of services, including:
Plumbing Repairs
From fixing leaky faucets to unclogging drains, handymen can address various plumbing issues effectively.
Electrical Services
Professional handymen can install or replace electrical fixtures, outlets, and switches.
Carpentry Work
Whether it's repairing damaged woodwork or installing shelves, handymen are skilled in carpentry tasks.
Painting and Drywall Repairs
Handymen can refresh your home by painting rooms and repairing drywall damage.
Home Improvement Projects
They can assist with home improvement tasks such as installing cabinets, countertops, or backsplashes.
General Maintenance
Handymen excel at routine maintenance, including gutter cleaning and deck repairs.
The Search for Reliable Handyman Services Near Me
Recommendations and Referrals
Begin your search for reliable handyman services by asking friends, family, and neighbors for recommendations based on their experiences with local handymen.
Online Directories and Platforms
Explore online directories and platforms that list professional handymen near you. These platforms often provide reviews and ratings, helping you make informed decisions.
Local Advertisements
Check local newspapers, community bulletin boards, and flyers for handyman services advertising their expertise.
Licensing and Insurance
Ensure that the handyman you hire is licensed and carries adequate insurance coverage. This protects both you and the handyman in case of accidents or property damage.
Interviewing Prospective Handymen
Interview potential handymen to assess their experience, expertise, and communication skills. A personal conversation can give you insight into their professionalism.
Comparing Handyman Services Near Me
Obtaining Multiple Quotes
To make an informed choice, request quotes from multiple handymen. Comparing prices and services will help you find the best fit for your needs and budget.
Checking References and Reviews
Contact references provided by the handyman and browse online reviews to gauge their reputation and the quality of their work.
Ensuring Transparent Pricing
Choose a handyman who provides clear and transparent pricing, with no hidden fees or unexpected costs.
Questions to Ask Your Potential Handyman Near Me
Experience and Expertise
Inquire about their experience in handling tasks similar to yours and their expertise in various areas of home repair and improvement.
Scheduling and Availability
Discuss their availability and scheduling to ensure it aligns with your needs and project timelines.
Guarantees and Warranties
Ask about any guarantees or warranties they offer on their work. A reputable handyman should stand by their craftsmanship.
Permits and Regulations
Ensure that the handyman is knowledgeable about local permits and regulations relevant to the work they will perform.
The Handyman Hiring Process Near Me
Signing a Written Agreement
Always enter into a written agreement that clearly outlines the scope of work, project timeline, and payment terms. This document protects both you and the handyman.
Setting Expectations
Clearly communicate your expectations regarding the project's outcome, timeline, and any specific requirements.
Payment Terms
Agree on fair and reasonable payment terms that both parties are comfortable with.
Working with Your Handyman Near Me
Preparing Your Home
Prepare your home by clearing the work area and ensuring access to necessary utilities. A well-prepared workspace facilitates efficient work.
Communication and Collaboration
Maintain open communication and collaborate with your handyman throughout the project to ensure it runs smoothly and meets your expectations.
Recognizing Quality Workmanship Near Me
Signs of a Professional Job
Learn to identify signs of quality workmanship, such as attention to detail and precision in completing tasks.
Addressing Concerns
If you have any concerns or issues during the project, address them promptly and professionally to achieve the desired results.
Maintaining a Long-Term Relationship Near Me
Regular Home Maintenance
Consider scheduling regular maintenance tasks with your trusted handyman to keep your home in excellent condition and prevent major issues.
Future Projects
Build a long-term relationship with your handyman for future projects and repairs, ensuring you always have a reliable professional to call on.
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