#Working Capital Loans in Canada
cikcapitalcanada · 5 days
Secure Working Capital Loans in Toronto with CIK Capital
Are you seeking flexible working capital loans in Canada? Look no further than CIK Capital. Our customized financing solutions and competitive rates are designed to meet your business needs. Whether you're looking to expand, purchase inventory, or manage cash flow, we've got you covered. Call 8554035626 to discuss your options today and visit cikcapital.com for more details on our services.
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belle-keys · 9 days
I don’t think I’ll ever be over how messed up imperialism and neocolonialism are. Like. Nearly every “developed” country aka the global north is developed because America gave them money/support to rebuild after WW2 ruined them (with the exception of Canada and Australia because they had no fighting on their soil) whilst ever since WW2 The West has made a point of actively screwing over the global south by via coups, invasions, predatory loans, and exploitative trade agreements… and then these global north countries have the AUDACITY to act as if the global south is underdeveloped and war-torn because the people living there are inferior? Like even Japan was rebuilt by America and yet they have their own far-right ethno-supremacist rhetoric??? When the only reason most of these countries are developed is because they have America’s favor and pose no threat to American global hegemony??? It’s messing with my mind tbh
This, this, and this. The toxic combination or capitalism and colonization among other internal factors have made the world unlivable for half its population. I'd recommend reading the works of Frantz Fanon, Aimé Césaire, Edward Said, and Ilan Pappé if you wanna dive more into your feelings on this. Colonialism—it's the nastiest "ism".
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mediaevalmusereads · 7 months
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Ducks: Two Years in the Oil Sands. By Kate Beaton. Drawn and Quarterly, 2022.
Rating: 4.5/5 stars
Genre: graphic memoir
Series: N/A
Summary: Before there was Kate Beaton, New York Times bestselling cartoonist of Hark A Vagrant fame, there was Katie Beaton of the Cape Breton Beatons, specifically Mabou, a tight-knit seaside community where the lobster is as abundant as beaches, fiddles, and Gaelic folk songs. After university, Beaton heads out west to take advantage of Alberta’s oil rush, part of the long tradition of East Coasters who seek gainful employment elsewhere when they can't find it in the homeland they love so much. With the singular goal of paying off her student loans, what the journey will actually cost Beaton will be far more than she anticipates.
Arriving in Fort McMurray, Beaton finds work in the lucrative camps owned and operated by the world’s largest oil companies. Being one of the few women among thousands of men, the culture shock is palpable. It does not hit home until she moves to a spartan, isolated worksite for higher pay. She encounters the harsh reality of life in the oil sands where trauma is an everyday occurrence yet never discussed. Her wounds may never heal.
Beaton’s natural cartooning prowess is on full display as she draws colossal machinery and mammoth vehicles set against a sublime Albertan backdrop of wildlife, Northern Lights, and Rocky Mountains. Her first full-length graphic narrative, Ducks: Two Years in the Oil Sands is an untold story of Canada: a country that prides itself on its egalitarian ethos and natural beauty while simultaneously exploiting both the riches of its land and the humanity of its people.
***Full review below***
CONTENT WARNINGS: sexual harassment, rape
I was familiar with Kate Beaton's series Hark! A Vagrant before reading this book. I didn't know much about her or her life, but I was charmed by her comics, so I decided to pick up this memoir to see what she could do with a related genre (through still graphic in nature).
The first thing I was struck by was Beaton's masterful depiction of identity and community. Where a person is from in Canada matters more than I realized and is integral to one's sense of self, and I admire the way Beaton reflects that on the page through things like accent, music, etc.
Another thing that struck me was Beaton's sense of empathy. The camps, as she describes, are liminal spaces that wreak havoc on mental health, and I think Beaton portrayed that deftly without sensationalizing it. I was also touched by the way she portrayed trauma and how she portrays herself grappling with the after effects of her assaults, highlighting how people's lives can be changed in an instant.
I'm also glad that Beaton took the time to acknowledge the harm oil sands do to Indigenous communities. In her afterward, Beaton talks about how her experience was overwhelmingly male and white, and that it is just one way white supremacy/settler colonialism manifests.
Lastly, I think Beaton did a wonderful job integrating her personal art style with a structured narrative. I like the way Beaton's simple style delivers a lot of pathos through expressive body language, and the almost monochrome color palette creates a kind of hazy mood. Beaton also has a good sense of pacing and how to set up a scene, so the reading experience is fluid and easy to follow.
TL;DR: Ducks is a graphic memoir that takes a hard look at the effects capitalism has on the working class, noting how oil companies exploit itinerant workers and create both environmental and mental health problems.
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weatherman667 · 2 years
That 80′s Guy
I talked about how the 60′s and the 70′s were the peak of Humanity.  This is because the men returned from WWII in the 50′s, and BUILT society.
The 60′s and 70′s rested on the laurels of that successful society.
So, what happened in the 80′s?
The Glass-Steagall Act was repealed.  The Glass-Steagall act required deposit and investment banks to be separate.  Now, 5 minutes from where I live, there is a Credit Union, with an insurance company in the same building under the same name as the Credit Uion.  There are only two businesses in the same building.  They have separate entrances.  Why?  Because they have to be legally distinct entities,  If you let banks use your deposits for highly risky ventures, that means that you risk taking down the entire banking establishment, and the entire economy with it.  This is one of the two things that created the Great Recession.  The other being Bill Clinton mandating that banks take on more high risk housing loans.  We have since gone from fractional reserve banking to no reserve banking, whereby banks can lend out all of the money deposited to them.
Replacing the President of a company with the CEO.  Before the 80′s, there were two main forces in the company, the Chairman of the Board of Directors, whom cared only about money, and the President, that cared about the longevity of the company.  The President was removed and the Chief Financial Officer was promoted.  This meant that activist investors / corporate raiders who buy up a company, squeeze as much money out of it as possible, and then run before the whole thing comes crashing down.
Offshoring.  Which was literally created by Mitt Romney’s investment company Bain Capital.   The US went from the world biggest manufacturing economy, to an economy that creates brands, not products.  This lead to the complete annihilation of the effects that made the US strong to begin with.  In the mean time, it’s been kept afloat with debt.
Public Debt.  Canada’s public debt was created by Pierre Elliott Trudeau, (the cuck who raised Justin Castro).   Before then, public debt was for a specific purpose, and was to be paid off in a few years.  Tax and spend has become the norm, with an ever ballooning public debt, and ever increasing inflation.
TL;DR  We tore down everything that made society strong to begin with.  We tore down family, hard work, self-sufficiency.  And since we’ve even abandoned the 40-hr work week.
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eldmandate339 · 1 month
How to Start a Trucking Company in Canada: The Importance of Driver Training Programs
Starting a trucking company in Canada is an ambitious and rewarding endeavor. However, with great opportunity comes significant responsibility, especially when it comes to ensuring the safety and efficiency of your operations. One of the most critical components in the early stages of establishing your trucking company is the implementation of comprehensive driver training programs. These programs not only enhance the skills of your drivers but also play a crucial role in the long-term success and reputation of your business. In this blog, we will explore how to start a trucking company in Canada and emphasize the importance of driver training programs in ensuring its success.
Understanding the Canadian Trucking Industry
Before diving into the logistics of starting your trucking company, it's essential to understand the landscape of the Canadian trucking industry. Canada has a vast and diverse geography, making trucking a vital component of the country's economy. According to the Canadian Trucking Alliance, the trucking industry is responsible for moving 70% of all freight transported in Canada. With this high demand, there's a substantial opportunity for new entrants into the market.
However, the Canadian trucking industry is also highly regulated, with strict guidelines around safety, driver qualifications, and vehicle maintenance. To successfully start a trucking company in Canada, you must navigate these regulations carefully while also building a strong foundation for your business.
Steps to Start a Trucking Company in Canada
. Develop a Business Plan: Like any other business, a trucking company requires a well-thought-out business plan. This plan should include your target market, financial projections, and a detailed overview of your services. It's essential to identify your niche, whether it's long-haul, regional, or specialized freight.
. Register Your Business: Choose a name for your trucking company and register it with the appropriate provincial or federal authorities. Depending on your location, you may need to register for various permits and licenses, including a National Safety Code (NSC) certificate.
. Secure Financing: Starting a trucking company requires significant upfront investment, including the purchase of trucks, insurance, and operating expenses. Explore financing options such as loans, leasing, or partnerships to ensure you have the necessary capital.
. Obtain Insurance: Insurance is a crucial aspect of operating a trucking company in Canada. You'll need coverage for your vehicles, cargo, and liability. Work with an insurance broker who specializes in the trucking industry to find the best policies for your business.
.Hire and Train Drivers: One of the most critical steps in starting your trucking company is hiring qualified drivers. This is where the importance of driver training programs comes into play.
The Importance of Driver Training Programs
When considering how to start a trucking company in Canada, the significance of driver training programs cannot be overstated. Here’s why:
.  Safety Compliance: Canada has strict safety regulations for commercial trucking operations. Comprehensive driver training programs ensure that your drivers are well-versed in these regulations, reducing the risk of accidents and ensuring compliance with federal and provincial laws.
. Skill Enhancement: Even experienced drivers can benefit from ongoing training. Driver training programs help sharpen skills such as defensive driving, cargo handling, and fuel-efficient driving techniques. These skills not only enhance safety but also contribute to the overall efficiency of your operations.
. Reputation and Customer Trust: A well-trained team of drivers is a testament to your company’s commitment to safety and professionalism. This can significantly enhance your reputation in the industry and build trust with customers who rely on your services to transport their goods safely and on time.
. Cost Efficiency: Investing in driver training programs can lead to long-term cost savings. Properly trained drivers are less likely to be involved in accidents, which can reduce insurance premiums and minimize vehicle repair costs. Additionally, training on fuel-efficient driving can lower fuel consumption, one of the most significant expenses in the trucking industry.
. Driver Retention: The trucking industry in Canada, like many other countries, faces challenges in retaining qualified drivers. Providing ongoing training and development opportunities can help improve job satisfaction and retention rates among your drivers.
Starting a trucking company in Canada is a complex but rewarding venture. Among the many considerations, the importance of driver training programs stands out as a key factor in the success and longevity of your business. These programs not only ensure compliance with Canadian safety regulations but also enhance the skills of your drivers, improve your company's reputation, and lead to cost efficiencies.
If you're looking to start a trucking company in Canada, remember that investing in driver training programs is not just a regulatory requirement but a strategic move to position your business for success. At ELD Mandate, we understand the challenges of the trucking industry and are here to support your journey. Whether you're a new entrant or an established operator, our solutions can help you stay compliant and efficient as you grow your business.
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shivam95 · 1 month
Exploring the University of Ottawa MiM Program: A Comprehensive Guide
The Master’s in Management (MiM) at the University of Ottawa is an innovative program designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in the global business environment. Nestled in Canada’s capital, the University of Ottawa offers a dynamic and multicultural learning experience, blending academic rigor with practical insights.
This blog explores the key aspects of the Ottawa MiM program, including the class profile, fees & financing, eligibility criteria, program & curriculum, employment opportunities upon graduation, and the unique attributes that set the Ottawa MiM apart.
Class Profile of Ottawa MiM
The class profile of the Ottawa MiM program reflects the diversity and inclusiveness that the University of Ottawa stands for. Students come from various academic backgrounds, including business, engineering, social sciences, and humanities. This diversity enriches classroom discussions, enabling students to gain perspectives from different fields.
Typically, the program attracts young professionals with 0-2 years of work experience, making it ideal for recent graduates or those in the early stages of their careers. The class is composed of international students from around the world, offering a truly global experience. The gender ratio is balanced, and the average age of students is around 23-25 years. This blend of nationalities, academic disciplines, and genders fosters a collaborative learning environment where students can grow both personally and professionally.
Fees & Financing
The tuition fees for the University of Ottawa MiM program are competitive, especially when compared to similar programs in North America and Europe. As of the current academic year, the tuition fee for domestic students is approximately CAD 20,000, while international students can expect to pay around CAD 35,000. These fees cover all academic costs, including access to university facilities and resources.
Financing your MiM at the University of Ottawa can be achieved through various means. The university offers many scholarships and bursaries based on academic merit, leadership qualities, and financial need. Additionally, Canadian students may be eligible for government loans, while international students can explore scholarships provided by their home countries or international organizations.
Eligibility Criteria
The University of Ottawa MiM program is designed for individuals who show strong academic potential and leadership capabilities. The eligibility criteria include:
Academic Background: Applicants must have a bachelor’s degree from a recognized institution, with a minimum average of 70% (or equal). While the program is open to all academic disciplines, a background in business or management can be helpful.
Work Experience: Although not mandatory, having up to two years of relevant work experience can strengthen your application.
Language Proficiency: Since the program is conducted in English, non-native English speakers must provide proof of English skill through tests like TOEFL (minimum 100) or IELTS (minimum 7.0).
GMAT/GRE: A GMAT or GRE score is not mandatory but can be submitted to enhance your application. Strong scores can also increase your chances of securing scholarships.
Statement of Purpose & Letters of Recommendation: Applicants must submit a statement of purpose outlining their career goals and motivation for joining the MiM program. Additionally, two letters of recommendation from academic or professional referees are required.
Employment Upon Graduation
Graduates of the Ottawa MiM program are well-positioned to enter the global job market with a competitive edge. The program’s strong emphasis on practical skills, coupled with its rigorous academic curriculum, ensures that students are prepared for a wide range of management roles.
Career Opportunities: MiM graduates typically find employment in industries such as consulting, finance, technology, and consumer goods. Common roles include business analyst, marketing manager, project manager, and operations consultant.
Employment Rate & Salary: The employment rate for Ottawa MiM graduates is impressive, with most students securing job offers within six months of graduation. The average starting salary ranges from CAD 55,000 to CAD 70,000, depending on the industry and job role. Many graduates also pursue further studies or certifications to enhance their career prospects.
Career Services: The University of Ottawa provides robust career support services, including workshops, networking events, and one-on-one coaching. The school’s strong connections with industry partners in Ottawa and beyond also facilitate internships and job placements.
Why Ottawa MiM is Unique
Several factors make the University of Ottawa MiM program stand out from other management programs:
Location in Canada’s Capital: Studying in Ottawa offers unparalleled access to government institutions, multinational corporations, and NGOs. The city is a hub for innovation, public policy, and international relations, providing students with unique opportunities for networking and career growth.
Bilingual Environment: The University of Ottawa is the largest bilingual (English-French) university in the world. This bilingualism enriches the cultural experience and offers students the opportunity to improve their language skills, making them more competitive in the global job market.
Focus on Innovation: The program emphasizes innovation and entrepreneurship, encouraging students to think creatively and develop new business solutions. The university’s close ties with the tech sector in Ottawa further support students interested in tech entrepreneurship.
Global Perspective: With a diverse student body and opportunities for international exchanges, the Ottawa MiM offers a truly global perspective on business management. This prepares graduates to work in multicultural teams and manage cross-border projects effectively.
Supportive Learning Environment: The University of Ottawa fosters a collaborative and supportive learning environment, with small class sizes that allow for personalized attention from faculty members. The school’s emphasis on teamwork and peer learning enhances the educational experience.
The Master’s in Management at the University of Ottawa is an exceptional program that combines academic excellence with practical experience, preparing students for successful careers in the global business landscape. With its diverse class profile, flexible curriculum, strong career outcomes, and unique location, the Ottawa MiM is a top choice for aspiring business leaders. Whether you are looking to kickstart your career or pivot into a new field, the Ottawa MiM provides the tools, knowledge, and network to achieve your professional goals.
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seo1718 · 2 months
Quartier Micro: Microlending to Cultivate a Thriving Local Economy
In the heart of a bustling urban center,installment loans in canada a grassroots initiative is quietly transforming the economic landscape. Quartier Micro, a community-driven organization, has pioneered an innovative microlending program that is empowering local entrepreneurs and nurturing a vibrant local economy.
The premise behind Quartier Micro is simple yet powerful: by providing accessible, low-interest loans to small businesses and aspiring entrepreneurs, the organization is helping to unlock the incredible potential that exists within the community. "We recognized that so many people in our neighborhood had fantastic ideas and the drive to succeed, but were held back by a lack of capital," explains Lucie Mercier, the co-founder of Quartier Micro. "Our microlending program is designed to address that gap and give them the boost they need to turn their dreams into reality."
Since its inception five years ago, Quartier Micro has disbursed over $1 million in microloans, supporting the launch and expansion of dozens of local enterprises. From a community bakery serving up artisanal sourdough to a bicycle repair shop that doubles as a popular gathering spot, these businesses are not only thriving, but also reinvesting their profits back into the local economy.
"The ripple effects of Quartier Micro's work are truly remarkable," says Sarah Dupont, a longtime resident of the neighborhood. "By empowering local entrepreneurs, they're creating jobs, strengthening community ties, and cultivating a sense of pride and ownership in this place we call home."
Indeed, the success of Quartier Micro's microlending program can be seen not only in the balance sheets of its borrowers, but also in the vibrancy of the community itself. Bustling storefronts, lively street markets, and a palpable sense of energy and innovation have all become hallmarks of this once-overlooked urban enclave.
"What Quartier Micro has accomplished is nothing short of inspirational," reflects Mercier. "We're not just lending money - we're investing in people, in ideas, and in the future of our community. And the returns we're seeing, both in economic and social terms, are truly extraordinary."
As the organization looks to the future, its leaders are exploring ways to expand their reach and replicate their model in other underserved communities.cash advance loans canada But for now, Quartier Micro remains firmly rooted in its local context, continuing to cultivate a thriving, self-sustaining ecosystem that is the envy of urban centers around the world.
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cikcapitalcanada · 13 days
Truck Financing Near Me
Truck Financing Near Me - Need truck financing options nearby? CIK Capital offers hassle-free solutions for all your commercial truck financing needs. Whether you're an owner-operator or a fleet manager, we provide flexible and competitive financing options. Call us at 855-403-5626 and let our team assist you in getting the best truck financing deal near your location.
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factoringcompany456 · 2 months
Understanding Factoring in Canada: A Comprehensive Overview
Factoring Canada is an essential financial service that provides businesses with immediate cash flow solutions by leveraging their accounts receivable. This practice is increasingly popular among companies seeking to optimize their cash flow and streamline their financial operations. In this article, we will explore the key aspects of factoring Canada, including the benefits of partnering with factoring companies, the role of accounts receivable factoring companies, and the range of Factoring services Canada available. We will also examine what sets apart Canada factoring service and how to choose a factoring company that meets your business needs.
The Essentials of Factoring Canada
Factoring Canada involves selling your company’s outstanding invoices to a factoring company at a discount. This process helps businesses convert their receivables into immediate cash, allowing them to cover operational expenses, invest in growth opportunities, and maintain a healthy cash flow without waiting for customers to pay their invoices.
Benefits of Partnering with Factoring Companies
Immediate Cash Flow Partnering with factoring companies provides immediate access to cash. By converting outstanding invoices into funds quickly, businesses can address urgent financial needs, manage day-to-day operations, and avoid cash flow gaps that could disrupt business activities.
Flexible Financing Factoring companies offer various types of financing solutions tailored to different business needs. Whether you require full-service factoring or selective invoice factoring, these companies provide flexible options that align with your financial strategy and operational requirements.
Reduced Credit Risk Engaging with accounts receivable factoring companies can reduce the risk of non-payment from customers. Many factoring services include credit protection, ensuring that your business is shielded from potential losses due to unpaid invoices.
No Additional Debt Unlike traditional loans, factoring services Canada do not add to your company's debt. The funds provided by factoring are based on existing receivables, which means businesses can access working capital without affecting their credit profile.
Exploring Accounts Receivable Factoring Companies
Accounts receivable factoring companies specialize in purchasing outstanding invoices from businesses, allowing them to receive immediate cash. These companies play a crucial role in managing cash flow by offering tailored solutions to meet specific financial needs. Key services provided by these companies include:
Invoice Financing This involves advancing a percentage of the invoice amount upfront, with the remaining balance paid once the invoice is collected. Accounts receivable factoring companies ensure that businesses have the liquidity needed to operate efficiently.
Credit Management Many factoring companies provide credit management services, which include assessing the creditworthiness of customers and handling collections. This added service helps businesses manage their accounts receivable more effectively.
Flexibility in Terms Factoring services Canada offer customizable terms to suit different business models. Whether a company needs short-term or long-term factoring, these services provide options that align with various financial strategies.
Selecting the Right Canada Factoring Service
Choosing the right Canada factoring service involves evaluating several factors to ensure the service aligns with your business needs:
Reputation and Experience Look for a factoring company with a strong reputation and extensive experience in the industry. Research client reviews and industry standings to ensure reliability and trustworthiness.
Fee Structures Understand the fee structures of potential factoring companies. Compare rates, discount fees, and any additional charges to select a service that offers transparent and competitive terms.
Service Range Assess the range of services provided by different factoring companies. Ensure that the service includes features that meet your business’s specific needs, such as credit protection, flexible terms, and responsive customer support.
Customer Support Exceptional customer support is crucial for a smooth factoring experience. Choose a Canada factoring service that offers responsive and effective support to address any issues and provide assistance throughout the factoring process.
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lending-hub-mortgage · 3 months
How to Secure the Lowest Mortgage Rates in Ottawa
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Buying a home in Ottawa? You need to understand mortgage rates. Why? They affect your monthly payments and total costs. The mortgage rate is basically the interest you pay on your home loan. Lower rates mean you pay less over time. Ottawa's housing market changes fast. Prices go up and down. This makes finding good mortgage rates Ottawa crucial.
Want the best rates? Here's what to do:
Check your credit score. Is it high? You'll get better rates. Pay bills on time. Keep credit card balances low.
Save for a big down payment. Can you manage 20%? Lenders like that. You'll avoid extra insurance costs too.
Shop around. Don't take the first offer. Check banks, credit unions, and online lenders. Compare their mortgage rates Ottawa.
Use a mortgage broker. They know where to find good deals. Let them do the work for you.
Watch the economy. Bank of Canada decisions affect rates. Keep an eye on the news.
Fixed or variable rate? Fixed mortgage rates don't change. Variable mortgage rates might go up or down. Which fits your budget? Your mortgage broker might help you decide the right mortgage type.
Negotiate. Did you find a good rate? Ask other lenders to beat it. It never hurts to ask.
Read the fine print. Look at more than just the rate. Check penalties and prepayment options.
How's Ottawa's market different?
Ottawa, as Canada’s capital, is bustling with activity. Though less crowded than Toronto or Vancouver, it attracts a diverse mix of permanent residents and newcomers. Most of them are in need of affordable housing. This creates healthy competition in the Ottawa mortgage market and benefits prospective homebuyers.
Ottawa's unique. It's got government stability mixed with tech sector buzz. This can affect mortgage rates Ottawa in ways different from other cities. Keep this in mind when comparing rates. Mortgage rates change like Ottawa's weather - frequently and sometimes unexpectedly. Be ready to act when you spot a great rate, but don't rush into anything. Finding the best mortgage rate in Ottawa is like planning the perfect outdoor adventure. It takes preparation, knowledge, and a bit of daring.
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thxnews · 3 months
G7 Summit: Trudeau Enhances Global Security
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Prime Minister Justin Trudeau took center stage at the G7 Summit in Apulia, Italy, emphasizing Canada's commitment to global security and economic growth. Announcing substantial support for Ukraine and robust measures against Russia, Trudeau highlighted Canada's role in fostering international stability and prosperity.  
Strengthening Global Security
At the G7 Summit, Trudeau participated in pivotal working sessions, focusing on strengthening global security, especially concerning Ukraine and the Middle East. He underscored the necessity of global solidarity to support Ukraine’s defense of its freedom. Trudeau's announcements included: - $5 Billion in Funding for Ukraine: Canada's contribution to the G7 Extraordinary Revenue Acceleration Loans aims to support Ukraine with approximately $69 billion (US$50 billion) through frozen Russian sovereign assets. - New Sanctions Against Russia: Targeting Russia’s military-industrial complex, Canada imposed sanctions on 11 individuals and 16 entities involved in supplying technology and electrical components for Russia’s war efforts. - Armored Vehicles for Ukraine: The first four of 50 Canadian-built armored combat support vehicles were exported to Europe, reinforcing Canada’s practical support for Ukraine's Armed Forces.'  
Commitment to Middle East Peace
In addition to supporting Ukraine, Trudeau and other G7 leaders reaffirmed their commitment to resolving the crisis in Gaza. They supported President Biden's comprehensive deal, which includes an immediate ceasefire, the release of remaining hostages, increased humanitarian aid, and an enduring solution ensuring the security of both Israelis and Gazan civilians. Trudeau expressed deep concern over the conflict's impact on civilian life and emphasized Canada’s $165 million assistance funding for essential services in Gaza.   Promoting Global Economic Growth Beyond security, Trudeau emphasized Canada's leadership in promoting global economic growth. At the G7 working session on Africa, climate change, and development, and during the G7 Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment side event, he announced a $1.6 billion package to foster inclusive and dynamic growth. Key initiatives include: - Concessional Finance Facility: $720 million over five years to FinDev Canada, mobilizing additional capital for sustainable development. - World Bank Hybrid Capital: $274 million to enable up to $1.8 billion in additional lending to developing countries. - Climate Resilience Accelerator Fund: $510 million to the Inter-American Development Bank Group, incentivizing private-sector investments in Latin America and the Caribbean. - Just Energy Transition Partnership: $120 million loan and $6.5 million grant to South Africa, supporting its transition to clean energy.  
Reinforcing Canada's Global Leadership
Trudeau’s participation at the G7 Summit highlights Canada's steadfast commitment to addressing the world's most pressing challenges. His announcements reflect a broader strategy to ensure global security, promote economic development, and combat climate change. By working with G7 partners, Canada is positioned as a leader in fostering a secure, stable, and prosperous world.   Additional Facts About Canada's Involvement in the G7 - Bilateral Meetings: Trudeau held discussions with French President Emmanuel Macron, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz. - Innovative Sanctions: Canada introduced the world's first legislation to seize and forfeit sanctioned Russian assets. - Hybrid Capital Initiative: Canada’s $274 million investment in World Bank hybrid capital supports $1.8 billion in lending to developing countries. - Climate Finance Commitment: Canada’s $5.3 billion climate finance commitment includes significant contributions to global sustainable development.   Final Thoughts Prime Minister Trudeau's leadership at the G7 Summit in Apulia underscores Canada's pivotal role in enhancing global security and stability. By committing substantial support for Ukraine, imposing new sanctions on Russia, and promoting inclusive economic growth, Canada continues to lead in addressing critical international issues. Trudeau’s initiatives exemplify Canada's dedication to building a secure, prosperous, and sustainable future for all.   Sources: THX News & The Canadian Government. Read the full article
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cikcapitalcanada · 26 days
Woodworking and carpentry financing in Toronto
Are you seeking woodworking and carpentry financing in Toronto? Look no further than CIK Capital. Our specialized funding options cater to the unique needs of the woodworking and carpentry industries. From equipment acquisition to business expansion, we offer tailored financial solutions. With competitive rates and flexible terms, we're committed to helping your business thrive. Contact us at 855-403-5626 to discuss your financing needs today!
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newstfionline · 7 months
Sunday, March 10, 2024
Spring starts early as US winter was warmest on record (AP) Across much of America and especially in the normally chilly north, the country went through the winter months without, well, winter. In parka strongholds Burlington, Vermont, and Portland, Maine, the thermometer never plunged below zero. The state of Minnesota called the last three months “the lost winter,” warmer than its infamous “year without a winter” in 1877-1878. Michigan, where mosquitos were biting in February, offered disaster loans to businesses hit by a lack of snow. The Great Lakes set records for low winter ice, with Erie and Ontario “essentially ice-free.” For a wide swath of the country from Colorado to New Jersey, and Texas to the Carolinas, spring leaves are arriving three to four weeks earlier than the 1991-2020 average, according to the National Phenology Network, which tracks the timing of plants, insects and other natural signs of the seasons.
US ‘prepper’ culture diversifies amid fear of disaster and political unrest (Reuters) Thirty-year-old Brook Morgan surveyed booths at the “Survival & Prepper Show” in Colorado that were stocked with boxes of ammunition, mounds of trauma medical kits, and every type of knife imaginable. Morgan is one of a new breed of Americans getting ready to survive political upheaval and natural catastrophes, a pursuit that until recently was largely associated with far-right movements such as white nationalists since the 1980s. Researchers say the number of preppers has doubled in size to about 20 million since 2017. Much of that growth is from minorities and people considered left-of-center politically, whose sense of insecurity was heightened by Donald Trump’s 2016 election, the COVID-19 pandemic, more frequent extreme weather and the 2020 racial justice protests following the murder of George Floyd.
UnitedHealth could take months to fully recover from hack (Reuters) UnitedHealth Group, the largest U.S. health insurer, is likely to need several months to make a full recovery from a cyberattack that has been one of the most disruptive hacks against America's healthcare infrastructure, security experts said. The insurer’s Change Healthcare unit processes about half the medical claims in the US and its offerings touch a third of US patient records. In short, it’s a smorgasbord for hackers. The company expects its payment platform to be operational on March 15, and its claims network three days later. Doctors face a hard choice because of the hack: stop treating patients or stop paying staff.
Foreigners trapped in violence-torn Haiti wait desperately for a way out (AP) Dozens of foreigners, including many from the United States and Canada, are stranded in Haiti, desperately trying to leave the violence-torn country where anti-government gangs are battling police and have already shut down both of the country’s international airports. They were in Haiti for reasons ranging from adoptions to missionary and humanitarian work. Now, they are locked down in hotels and homes, unable to leave by air, sea or land as Haiti remains paralyzed by the mayhem and the gangs’ demands that Prime Minister Ariel Henry resign. “We are seriously trapped,” said Richard Phillips, a 65-year-old from the Canadian capital, Ottawa, who has traveled to Haiti more than three dozen times to work on projects for the United Nations, USAID and now, a Haitian nonprofit called Papyrus.
A lonely radio nerd. A poet. Vladimir Putin’s crackdown sweeps up ordinary Russians (AP) A lonely man jailed for criticizing the government on his ham radio. A poet assaulted by police after he recited a poem objecting to Russia’s war in Ukraine. A low-profile woman committed to a psychiatric facility for condemning the invasion on social media. President Vladimir Putin’s 24 years in power are almost certain to be extended six more by this month’s presidential election. That leadership has transformed Russia. A country that tolerated some dissent is now one that ruthlessly suppresses it. Along with opposition politicians, independent journalists and human rights activists, ordinary Russians have been increasingly swept up in a crackdown reminiscent of the Soviet era.
Turkey’s Erdogan says March election will be his final, state media reports (Reuters) Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said local elections scheduled for March 31 would be his last vote, the state-run Anadolu news agency reported on Friday. Erdogan, modern Turkey’s most successful politician, has led the country for more than two decades. A winner of more than a dozen elections since 2002, Erdogan was re-elected for a five-year term during hotly contested elections in May 2023.
The Taliban once smashed TVs. Now it fosters YouTubers to promote its image. (Washington Post) The Taliban-run government is fostering a thriving community of YouTube influencers and video bloggers in Afghanistan, seeking to shape a positive narrative about the country by rewarding those who have welcome viewpoints with access to stories that can draw millions of views online. The Taliban, which smashed televisions and burned films in the 1990s during its first stint in power, is now using modern video technology in its radical campaign to remake Afghanistan. The regime grants influencers coveted broadcasting licenses that put them on an equal footing with TV networks and radio stations, and threatens to withdraw the licenses of those who break official rules. Influencers whose work is seen as benefiting the regime have been allowed to embed with government ministries and showcase their achievements. Meanwhile, videos that are critical of the Taliban have largely disappeared from platforms such as YouTube over the past two years as a result of Taliban pressure and self-censorship.
With Unusual Speed, Hong Kong Pushes Strict New Security Law (NYT) Under pressure from Beijing, officials in Hong Kong are scrambling to pass a long-shelved national security law that could impose life imprisonment for political crimes like treason, a move expected to further muzzle dissent in the Asian financial center. The law known as Article 23 has long been a source of public discontent in Hong Kong, a former British colony that had been promised certain freedoms when it was returned to Chinese rule in 1997. Now, it is expected to be enacted with unusual speed in the coming weeks. China has sought to tighten its grip over Hong Kong after massive antigovernment protests in 2019 engulfed the city, posing the greatest challenge to Beijing’s rule in years. Many protesters had taken to the streets to push back against Beijing’s encroachment over the city and its erosion of Hong Kong’s civil liberties, but Chinese officials said the demonstrations were instigated by Western forces seeking to destabilize the territory and China.
Taylor Swift gave Singapore’s economy a massive boost (Washington Post) Singapore is set to earn big money and a big reputation from hosting global pop sensation Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour, analysts are calculating. Swift’s six sold-out concerts, which run from March 2 to 9, are expected to bring in an estimated $260 million to $375 million in tourism receipts, Erica Tay, Maybank director of macro research, told The Washington Post. The city-state is the latest beneficiary of “Swiftonomics,” the phenomenon named for the economic boost experienced by destinations of the record-breaking tour, which has surpassed $1 billion in global sales. Singapore’s GDP is likely to expand by 2.9 percent in the first quarter of the year—its highest in six quarters—Bloomberg News reported Friday, with economists raising predictions for annual growth from 2.3 percent to 2.5 percent.
Philippines strikes security deals as tensions rise with China at sea (Washington Post) The Philippines has been striking new defense agreements with other countries at a rapid clip, seeking to build what officials here call a “network of alliances” that could deter Chinese aggression in disputed waters. The Philippines has signed or entered discussions over new security agreements with at least 18 countries since a Chinese coast guard vessel flashed a military-grade laser at a Philippine coast guard ship in the South China Sea last year, according to the Philippine Defense Department. While the deepening Philippine alliance with the United States—which includes granting the U.S. military expanded access to Philippine military bases—has drawn much attention, Manila’s security campaign goes beyond Washington. Since 2022, the Philippines has inked new defense agreements with the European Union, India and Britain. Japan, Canada and France are looking at signing visiting-forces agreements with the Philippines, which would allow those countries to send troops to Philippine bases, according to their embassies.
At Jerusalem’s al-Aqsa Mosque, Ramadan brings uncertainty and fear (Washington Post) Just days before the start of Ramadan—the busiest and often most volatile month in Jerusalem’s Old City—the offices of al-Aqsa Mosque were bustling with preparations and uncertainty. Even in quieter years, al-Aqsa is a Ramadan tinderbox. Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians come to worship at this mosque that has sat for more than a millennium on a site that both Muslims and Jews claim as sacred ground. It’s administered by Jordan, but access is controlled by Israeli security. Jews revere the site they call the Temple Mount as the location of the first and second temples and worship at the Western Wall, a remnant of the ancient complex. Muslims know it as the Noble Sanctuary, where the prophet Muhammad is said to have ascended to heaven. It’s the holiest site in Judaism and third holiest in Islam. The competing claims are one of the most challenging elements of the decades-long Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Clashes here have been a repeated flash point for war. With Ramadan only days away, tensions around al-Aqsa are soaring. Hard-liners in the Israeli government have pushed to limit the number, age and gender of Palestinians allowed on the plateau, prompting warnings from both sides that restrictions could lead to violence.
Europe and U.S. Plan to Supply Gaza by Sea, but Aid Groups Say It’s Not Enough (NYT/Reuters) A day after President Biden announced plans for maritime aid delivery to the Gaza Strip, European leaders said Friday they would deliver aid by ship as early as the weekend. But aid groups and Gaza officials criticized shipments by air or sea as too cumbersome, urging that vastly more food and medicine be supplied by trucks. The complications of delivering aid to the hungry residents of Gaza were underlined on Friday when the authorities in Gaza said at least five Palestinians were killed and several others were wounded after they were struck by packages of humanitarian aid that were dropped from an aircraft. The United Nations has warned that five months of war and an Israeli blockade have left hundreds of thousands of Gazans on the brink of starvation, prompting a variety of proposals to speed the delivery of food and other vital needs. Israel insists on inspecting all supplies going into Gaza, and aid trucks have been allowed in through just two border crossings—one from Egypt and one from Israel—in southern Gaza. One UN official said discussing complicated aid routes to reach territory blockaded by an ally “is absurd in a dark and cynical way.”
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singaporebridging · 8 months
How to use your home equity to access immediate cash flow for investments
Get immediate cash flow for investments through home equity!
As the clear leader in high-value bridging loans in Singapore, with numerous awards in recent years, we understand the benefits of bridging loans and how they can help local Singaporeans with their cash flow.
What is a bridging loan?
A bridging loan is an asset-based, short-term loan designed to “bridge” the gap between immediate financial needs and longer-term funding options. Singapore bridging loans have gained popularity as a quick and flexible solution for urgent financial requirements. 
Whether you are a property buyer, seeking real estate investments, or a business owner in need of quick capital, Bridging Loans offer easy and rapid access to funds. They are also referred to as bridge financing, swing loans, and caveat loans.
How do bridging loans work?
Bridging loans serve as a temporary financial solution, typically requiring repayment within a few months to a couple of years. These short-term loans are secured against valuable assets, such as real estate or other properties. Bridging loans offer a quick and versatile option for various needs.
In this case, we focus on using Singapore real estate as the asset to collateralize and access funding.
Bridging loan case study:
Singapore businessman is offered an opportunity to purchase a hotel for $5M, a significant discount from the book value of $10M, but needs funding within 30 days!
The client contacted GMG to explore how to use their landed property as a liquidity tool to access cash flow.
Step 1. Assess the value of your Singapore real estate through an appraisal. For example, the property value in this case is $10M.
Step 2. Arrange a private loan for 70% of the appraised value. In this case, $10M x 70% = $7M loan amount.
Step 3. Any existing mortgage must be paid off first. For instance, say there is an existing mortgage with UOB for $2M: $7M loan amount – $2M existing mortgage = $5M net loan amount.
Step 4. The client uses $5M to acquire the distressed hotel, immediately doubling its value to $10M: a 100% net asset value for the client!
How can you use a bridging loan?
Property purchases: Bridging loans are commonly used in real estate transactions to secure dream homes while awaiting the sale of existing property, ensuring a seamless transition.
Property development: Property developers use bridging loans to fund construction or renovation projects, enabling them to start promptly and capitalise on favourable market conditions
Business expansions: Temporary Bridging Loans bridge cash flow gaps during business expansions and enable seizing growth opportunities
Auction financing: Bridging loans can provide the solution for immediate funding that are required for auction purchases
Opportunistic investments: Savvy investors use short-term bridging finance to take advantage of time-sensitive investment opportunities.
Why bridging loans?
Not only do bridging loans have a variety of potential uses, but they also offer unique benefits:
Immediate access to finds
Online application form
Flexible repayment options (including interest)
Increased liquidity
Minimal required documents
Smooth property transitions
Free loan assessment
How can GMG help?
GMG offers exclusive opportunities with bespoke bridging funds:
High loan-to-value (LTV) – funding of up to 75%, tailored to customers’ individual needs, which traditional banks tend to not consider
Ease of qualification – focus on qualification based on property value rather than personal financials (e.g., age, income, and Total Debt Servicing Ratio (TDSR)) unlike with a bank bridging loan
Speedy approval process – bridging loans are approved within 24 hours and funded in as quickly as 3 days.
GMG provides bridging funds not only within Singapore but also offers similar financing solutions in the United States, United Kingdom, France, Canada, Australia, Thailand, Philippines, and Hong Kong.
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