#Carol Bushman
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The Chordettes in 1951 when they returned to Sheboygan for a show
#jinny osborn#janet ertel#dorothy schwartz#carol bushman#the chordettes#mr sandman#lollipop#vocal quartet#pop#sheboygan#wisconsin#1950s#50s#oldies#classic#vintage
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Here it is, some out of context sentances from my first published TF2 fanfic.
Christmas (or Smismas) time had descended on the town of Toufort, New Mexico, bringing with it colored lights, decorated store fronts, Yuletide carols and of course the seemingly endless sounds of celebratory gun fire from the Team Fortress base.
“What the hell is wrong with you Bushman?” Spy snapped, forcing himself free. “God, you smell.”
“Heavy is in the kitchen with Sniper and Scout.” Soldier answered. “And I’m sure that if you go in there, Sniper will throw something at you. Because I tried to go in there and he threw a spatula at me.”
Scout went outside and found Sniper lying face down in the snow. After poking him to make sure he was still alive, Scout told him to go back inside. Sniper replied that he’d be back once he pulled himself together.
“I didn’t hear ya complaining when I used jarate to put you out when the Blu pyro spotted you.” Sniper scoffed.
“Didn’t you?” Spy questioned. “Because I complained. I begged the pyro to set me back on fire.”
“I’ll repeat mysel, did it not occur to ye to just be good?” Demo gestured at him.
“Old Nick is a sweat shop owner who casts moral judgement on children.” Sniper said seriously. “I have no idea what his standards were. And I wasn’t taking any chances.”
“Lad, do ye think that maybe ye should have talked it over wi us if ye wanted to blow up the world?” Demo asked cautiously.
“SOLDIER WILL KEEP CLOTHES ON!” Heavy roared as he mowed down enemies.
“I am taking my clothes off. Oorah.”
“That’s different, we’ve all seen Sniper naked.” Demo shrugged.
“Men, they say a coward dies a thousand deaths. And I am proud to cause one of those deaths with you.” Soldier added.
Scout and Demo both froze like they had been caught in a police search light. Scout snapped out of it and hugged Sniper. In response, Sniper tensed up and looked at Demo for help.
Medic turned bright red and started fanning himself.
“Heavy likes me?” He squeaked.
Here's the work
#tf2 demo#tf2 comics#tf2 medic#tf2 scout#tf2 spy#tf2 soldier#tf2 sniper#tf2 pyro#team fortress 2#tf2 pauling#tf2 engineer#tf2 spy and scout's mom#heavymedic#soldier Zhanna#tf2 zhanna#tf2 mercs#teamfortress2#soldier tf2#scout tf2#sniper tf2#demo tf2#pyro tf2#engineer tf2#heavy tf2#medic tf2#spy tf2#soldier x zhanna#zhanna tf2
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SA: Venting Doesn’t Reduce Anger, But Something Else Does, Study Says
Science Alert posted the following:
Venting Doesn’t Reduce Anger, But Something Else Does, Study Says
August 6, 2024
Venting when angry seems sensible. Conventional wisdom suggests expressing anger can help us quell it, like releasing steam from a pressure cooker.
But this common metaphor is misleading, according to a recent meta-analytic review. Researchers at Ohio State University analyzed 154 studies on anger, finding little evidence that venting helps. In some cases, it could increase anger.
“I think it’s really important to bust the myth that if you’re angry you should blow off steam – get it off your chest,” said senior author and communication scientist Brad Bushman when the results were published in April.
“Venting anger might sound like a good idea, but there’s not a shred of scientific evidence to support catharsis theory.”
That doesn’t mean anger should be ignored. Reflection can help us understand why we get mad and address underlying problems. It can also aid emotional validation, an important first step towards healthily processing emotions.
Venting, however, often goes beyond reflection into rumination. The study suggests that many people also try to exorcize anger with physical exertion, which can offer health benefits but may not lighten the mood in the moment.
The studies reviewed included a total of 10,189 participants, representing a variety of ages, genders, cultures, and ethnicities. The findings show the key to curbing anger is reducing physiological arousal, the authors say, from anger itself or from the otherwise beneficial physical activity it might inspire.
“To reduce anger, it is better to engage in activities that decrease arousal levels,” Bushman said. …
“I wanted to debunk the whole theory of expressing anger as a way of coping with it,” explained Kjærvik. “We wanted to show that reducing arousal, and actually the physiological aspect of it, is really important.” …
“It was really interesting to see that progressive muscle relaxation and just relaxation in general might be as effective as approaches such as mindfulness and meditation,” Kjærvik said. …
Rather than trying to vent anger, the researchers recommend undermining it by turning down the heat. https://www.sciencealert.com/venting-doesnt-reduce-anger-but-something-else-does-study-says
As far as turning down the heat, the Book of Proverbs teaches:
29 He who is slow to wrath has great understanding, But he who is impulsive exalts folly. (Proverbs 14:29)
1 A soft answer turns away wrath, But a harsh word stirs up anger. 2 The tongue of the wise uses knowledge rightly, But the mouth of fools pours forth foolishness. (Proverbs 15:1-2)
18 A wrathful man stirs up strife, But he who is slow to anger allays contention. (Proverbs 15:18)
The Bible also teaches self-control:
9 Do not hasten in your spirit to be angry, For anger rests in the bosom of fools. (Ecclesiastes 7:9)
5 give yourselves to fasting and prayer; … so that Satan does not tempt you because of your lack of self-control. (1 Corinthians 7:5)
While Paul did not write that specifically for uncontrolled anger, the principle is still applicable.
Also, do not sin when angry:
26 “Be angry, and do not sin”: do not let the sun go down on your wrath, 27 nor give place to the devil. (Ephesians 4:26-27)
If you stay angry, you are sinning and giving the devil a place to impact you. Notice you are not to stay angry.
The old Worldwide Church of God published the following:
Social psychologist Carol Tarvis, in her new book Anger: The Misunderstood Emotion, asserts that anger released, rather than anger suppressed or dealt with otherwise, causes stress and may well spawn more conflict.
Says Dr. Tarvis: “People who are most prone to give vent to their rage get angrier, not less angry. I observe a lot of hurt feelings among the recipients of rage. And I can plot the stages in a typical ‘ventilating’ marital argument: precipitating event, angry outburst, shouted recriminations, screaming or crying, the furious peak (sometimes accompanied by physical assault), exhaustion, sullen apology, or just sullenness. The cycle is replayed the next day or next week. What in this is ‘cathartic’ [bringing release from tension]? Screaming? Throwing a pot? Does either action cause the anger to vanish or the angry spouse to feel better? Not that I can see.”
Dr. Tarvis goes on to show that anger and stress are not necessarily related — people who deal with anger in more mature ways may well be healthier than those who subscribe to the “let it out” theory.
Reflecting about a situation that makes you angry, deciding on a reasonable, effective, calm response and then executing the response is far more effective and healthy than erupting emotionally, increasing your blood pressure and exacerbating tensions between you and whoever else is involved in the dispute.
Rethinking a provocation and deciding on appropriate, intelligent action is a more mature emotional response. …
The Bible offers much sound advice on building successful human relationships. The book of Proverbs in particular contains much useful information on self-control, much of it dealing with emotional maturity. You might just read through these proverbs sometime. They apply to everyday situations and are easy to understand, especially if you read in a modern translation. You may be surprised at the wisdom you’ll find in them.
Lest anyone get the wrong idea, we must make this statement: We are not saying there is never a time for the proper expression of anger. God created our emotions and all of them have their right uses.
The Bible shows that there is a proper time to show “righteous indignation.” Even Jesus himself was angry on occasion, and with good cause.
But the type of anger Jesus expressed — the type we may express — is not selfish, depressing, resentful, hateful or violent toward other human beings. Righteous indignation seeks to teach people how to right wrongs. It feels stabbing sadness at the tragedies sin produces in this world. It is not destructive, but constructive. (Shoaf NL. A Much Overlooked Way to Assure Peace. Plain Truth, May 1983)
God told the prophet Jeremiah:
27 “I have set you as an assayer and a fortress among My people, That you may know and test their way. 28 They are all stubborn rebels, walking as slanderers. (Jeremiah 6:27-28)
Despite Jeremiah being God’s prophet, people rebelled against him and slandered him (e.g. Jeremiah 43:1-4).
Some people allow pride to take over and seem to want to be angry:
22 An angry man stirs up strife, And a furious man abounds in transgression.
23 A man’s pride will bring him low, But the humble in spirit will retain honor. (Proverbs 29:22-23)
The Apostle Paul stated that we needed to be:
5 casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5)
Yes, self-control is to also include your thoughts.
The Book of Hebrews teaches:
12 Beware, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief in departing from the living God; 13 but exhort one another daily, while it is called “Today,” lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin. 14 For we have become partakers of Christ if we hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast to the end, 15 while it is said:
“Today, if you will hear His voice, Do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion.” (Hebrews 3:12-15)
7 Today, if you will hear His voice, Do not harden your hearts. (Hebrews 4:7)
People who claimed to be God’s people rebelled against Moses. There have long been people who think they are right and who also rebel against proper theological governance (see also The Bible, Peter, Paul, John, Polycarp, Herbert W. Armstrong, Roderick C. Meredith, and Bob Thiel on Church Government).
Many have hardened their hearts. Look, when Pharaoh hardened his heart, he thought he was doing what was best for Egypt. When the children of Israel hardened their hearts and rebelled against Moses, they apparently thought that they were the people of God, hence they were doing the right thing. Laodiceans are like that.
Because of how many end time Christian believe they were treated and/or what they think is best, they are not Philadelphian (even if they claim to be). Jesus warned the Philadelphians:
11 Hold fast what you have, that no one may take your crown. (Revelation 3:11)
Many Laodiceans have let the actions of men (and women) take the Philadelphian crown away from them. They tend not to really accept BIBLICAL governance (see also The Bible, Peter, Paul, John, Polycarp, Herbert W. Armstrong, Roderick C. Meredith, and Bob Thiel on Church Government). They normally accept the fact that men ordained their leaders, but refuse to accept the fact that the Bible says that God reveals Himself to prophets via dreams (Numbers 12:9). True prophets of God are, from a hierarchical perspective, above evangelists and ministers per Ephesians 4:11 and 1 Corinthians 12:28. Yet, Laodiceans seem unwilling to believe God’s word about these matters (see also Dreams, the Bible, the Radio Church of God, and the Continuing Church of God)–they have hardened their hearts–though they tend not to realize that.
Some tend to develop a “root of bitterness” which is not good for them:
14 Pursue peace with all people, and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord: 15 looking carefully lest anyone fall short of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up cause trouble, and by this many become defiled; (Hebrews 12:14-15)
Yes, those with a root of bitterness can cause trouble–but it is their spiritual life that gets troubled the most. They sometimes think that they are making progress, yet instead of being like the Bereans of old who “searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so” (Acts 17:11), they tend to be focused on not wanting to believe the Philadelphian work we are leading in the Continuing Church of God.
Whether you have been one of them or possibly mainly one with anger issues, don’t think you cannot change for the better.
The Apostle Paul wrote:
13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. (Philippians 4:13)
13 No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it. (1 Corinthians 10:13)
Yes, you can improve and not harbor angry hateful thoughts and actions.
Instead, remember that Jesus said to love, bless, and be perfect (Matthew 5:43-48).
Notice also the following:
4 Be angry, and do not sin. Meditate within your heart on your bed, and be still. (Psalm 4:4)
As far as meditation goes, the Continuing Church of God put together this sermon on its ContinuingCOG channel:
Christian Meditation
Is meditation mainly based on repeating a sound from the Vedas? What about Eastern meditation or Transcendental Meditation? What about mantras such as used by Hindus and Buddhists? What does ‘om’ (AUM) mean? Could Psalm 37 or 73 help some who are facing difficulties? What does the Old Testament teach about meditation? What does the New Testament teach about meditation? Are there differences between men and women when it comes to the brain and meditating? Are Christians to live a contemplating life as opposed to being involved with others? What about love, the Ten Commandments, and the reality of the Kingdom of God? What did Jesus say about what goes on in the heart and then actions? What about meditating on the Sabbath or while fasting? What did the old Worldwide Church of God teach about meditation? When should you meditate? What did the Apostle Paul teach Christians were to think about? Dr. Thiel addresses these issues and more by quoting numerous scriptures.
Here is a link to the sermon: Christian Meditation. We also have a free online booklet: Meditation for Faithful Christians.
Several decades ago, when I needed a roommate to help split the cost of an apartment, there was someone who approached me that I turned down.
Because of something the Book of Proverbs stated:
24 Make no friendship with an angry man, And with a furious man do not go, 25 Lest you learn his ways And set a snare for your soul. (Proverbs 22:24-25)
It looked financially difficult to apply that, but I did — which is why I turned him down. As it later turned out, I did end up with a roommate who was not an angry or furious man.
Self-control, based on the biblical admonishment, was exercised and that was spiritually beneficial.
I did not deceive myself that I would not be affected by the first man’s behavior. The Apostle Paul warned:
33 Do not be deceived: “Evil company corrupts good habits.” 34 Awake to righteousness, and do not sin; (1 Corinthians 15:33-34)
Yet, many are at the sleep spiritually and need to wake up (cf. Matthew 25:5; Revelation 3:14-22).
Proverbs also teaches:
11 The discretion of a man makes him slow to anger, And his glory is to overlook a transgression. (Proverbs 19:11)
You simply should not let every real or imagined slight make you angry. The prophet Samuel made some real mistakes in management, but God was displeased with those who wanted a government with a human leader other than a prophet per 1 Samuel 8:1-20.
The Bible also teaches that males are not the only possible problem when it comes to anger:
19 Better to dwell in the wilderness, Than with a contentious and angry woman. (Proverbs 21:19)
Some time back, we put out the following sermon:
Murder, anger, kindness, and love
The sixth commandment states, “You shall not murder.” How did Jesus extend the understanding of that command? What did He teach about anger and treating enemies? What did the Old Testament teach about anger? What does the New Testament teach about violence, anger, kindness, and self-control? If early Christians would not voluntarily be part of the military, when did that change? Did Roman Emperor Constantine influence this? Did the Greco-Roman saint and bishop Gregory of Nyssa teach that it was fine to hate and fight against those with differing religious views? Would early Christians watch violent sport? Should modern Christians watch sports that, when played according to the rules, results in bodily harm? Have many religious leaders gone “the way of Cain”? How can you reduce anger? Dr. Thiel addresses these issues and more.
Here is a link to the sermon: Murder, anger, kindness, and love.
As far as the rebellious go, they need to repent.
As far as one way you may be able to assist with that, Jesus said:
43 “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, 45 that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. 46 For if you love those who love you, what reward have you? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? 47 And if you greet your brethren only, what do you do more than others? Do not even the tax collectors do so? 48 Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect. (Matthew 5:43-48)
Yes, we are to love, do good, and pray for those who curse and hate us.
Despite our personal flaws, we all need to be striving for perfection.
Related Items:
SIXTH COMMANDMENT: Anger, Murder, Abortion, Sports, Self-Control, & Kindness Is there more to the 6th commandment than not murdering? What about abortion, hate, and violent sports? What is the attitude real Christians should have? Here is a link to a related sermon: Murder, anger, kindness, and love.
Meditation for Faithful Christians Meditation is a tool that can support Christian growth. This free online book goes into meditation from a biblical perspective. It, also, however, discusses Eastern meditation and why faithful Christians would not practice that. A related sermon video is available: Christian Meditation.
Prayer: What Does the Bible Teach? People talk a lot about prayer. Many pray in public. Does God listen? What does the Bible teach about prayer? How can your prayers be more effective? Does the Bible give particular positions to pray in? What does God want you to pray for? What if what you want is difficult? What if what you want is humanly impossible? Why doesn’t God seem to answer all prayers? This free booklet answers all those questions and more. This contains 28 biblically-based tips on improving the effectiveness of your prayers. This is a pdf. A related two part sermon is available: What Does the Bible Teach About Prayer? and What does the Bible Teach About Prayer (& Healing)? There is also a single sermon available: 28 Tips on Prayer.
Christians: Ambassadors for the Kingdom of God, Biblical instructions on living as a Christian This is a scripture-filled booklet for those wishing to live as a real Christian. A related sermon is also available: Christians are Ambassadors for the Kingdom of God.
The Bible, Peter, Paul, John, Polycarp, Herbert W. Armstrong, Roderick C. Meredith, and Bob Thiel on Church Government What form of governance did the early church have? Was it hierarchical? Which form of governance would one expect to have in the Philadelphia remnant? The people decide and/or committee forms, odd dictatorships, or the same type that the Philadelphia era itself had? What are some of the scriptural limits on ecclesiastical authority? Do some commit organizational idolatry? Here is a Spanish language version La Biblia, Policarpo, Herbert W. Armstrong, y Roderick C. Meredith sobre el gobierno de la Iglesia. Here is are link to two sermons: Hierarchical Governance and Corruption and Church Governance.
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The Chordettes, 1953
#vintage#mid-century#singing#quartet#group#vocal#1950s#midcentury#Marjorie Needham#Lynn Evans#Carol Bushman#Janet Ertel#singers#mid century
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Lunar sys au character cards | Read all chapters on ao3
Pinned Messages
Jake [BOT]
Keep it light-hearted. Anything serious Steven will use against you and force you to talk about in therapy. Yes, this is a threat.
Marc [BOT]
Whenever I make tea for Steven I microwave the water
Steven 🦉[BOT]
Marc… I trusted you 😭
🐻Kid! ⚾️🧢[BOT]
I ate a cheeseburger on accident im really sorry!! 😔
Jake [BOT]
Fuck were we supposed to keep kosher?
🕊 Birb 🦜[BOT]
Wait, are we not?? D:
Jake [BOT]
I have a confession
I thought we were catholic until we were like 14
Like i always knew my dad was super religious but
Steven 🦉[BOT]
How??? Why??? We went to Hebrew school, we had a bar mitzvah
The body's last name is Spector??
Jake [BOT]
You had a bat mitzvah, you went to Hebrew school.
I just never put two and two together
In my defense, growing up I only fronted when I had to
Or in Spanish class
Daniela [BOT]
No kids or birds ||I want to sleep with Layla||
Marc [BOT]
Also that’s not a confession, we all know this already
Steven 🦉[BOT]
Thanks for telling us, Daniela. Maybe we can work towards that conversation with Layla and discuss boundaries and what we’re all comfortable with
Marc [BOT]
What no, absolutely not.
Daniela doesn’t get to be an antagonist jerk to us and snuggle with our wife
Steven 🦉[BOT]
Mate, I don’t want to repeat the 2025 fight we had. Remember, we are not competing over Layla’s love, she still loves you. If Daniela loves Layla romantically as well we need to discuss this, she deserve to at least have this conversation
Daniela [BOT]
Stop talking about me like I can’t read the chat
Also Steven stfu I dont need you to white knight for me
All this talks about “open conversation” and “working together as a system” just you’re too much of a coward to talk to me.
Marc [BOT]
message removed
No. Daniela didn’t even want us to date Layla in the first place, she kept telling me that I’m worthless and I’ll never be enough for her. And she did anything possible to sabotage our relationship by making me late/miss dates, deleting texts from Layla, lashing out at her
Daniela [BOT]
You didn’t deserve Layla, you still don’t. She’s still too good for you, murderer
I was doing that for her sake, maybe she’d wised up than to be with someone like you.
You nearly got her killed
It would have all been your fault
Marc [BOT]
Message removed
Daniela [BOT]
Stop deleting your messages, this is so childish.
Marc [BOT]
You’ve never even apologized for the years of torment. I know you’re different with Layla but seriously, you want me to be ok with this when you won’t even say you’re sorry for being a bully for all our life!?
Daniela [BOT]
Apologize!? ME!? What about you? When I BEGGED you to leave the army
That was literally the worst time of my life and you never cared
I was FINALLY happy for the first time in my life after when we got out, without you. Without Steven.
BUT despite everything I did and how much I begged, you went right back to work with ||Bushman||
You NEVER apologize to me yet you want me to apologize to you
Come mierda
Jake [BOT]
We are not having this conversation over discord. Both of you, stop it.
@Jake is Keep it light-hearted. Anything serious Steven will use against you and force you to talk about in therapy. Yes, this is a threat.
Steven 🦉[BOT]
Both you better front during today’s session, I already texted Carol
(the cooler) Mr. Knight [BOT]
I’m banned from 13 countries and there is an active warrant for our arrest in Texas
Also, who changed my username?
Text message to Carol (Psychologist)
Lunar Sys
Hey Carol it’s Steven. Daniela just told us that she wants a physical relationship with our wife. To be honest, I’m really gutted over this. Marc got upset and went off on her in the chat long but to be honest, I think Marc has a point. It’s very unfair that Daniela has done the bare minimum to cooperate and be kind to the system yet still wants to be with our wife.
I know Daniela is hurting and just wants to be loved but still.
I tried to be neutral and compromise and hear her out but now Marc is gone and I can’t reach him. Can we please talk about that today?
Carol (Psychologist)
Of course. See you this afternoon!
#moon knight#marc spector#steven grant#jake lockley#layla el faouly#usaigi speaks#marvel#mk lunar sys
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Whitley Heights was one of the first Hollywood neighborhoods. Constructed in the early 1920s, it still looks exactly the same.
Here you will find gorgeous old homes that once belonged to the likes of W.C. Fields, Harold Lloyd, Rosalind Russell, Greta Garbo, William Powell, Carole Lombard, Tyrone Power, Donald O’Connor, and Francis X. Bushman.
The neighborhood has secret tunnels and passageways and many outdoor staircases that are over one hundred years old. They generally lead from one part of the neighborhood to the other - although a few lead to no place at all.
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The Chordettes on stage circa: 1950s
#the chordettes#mr sandman#lolipop#group#decade: 1950s#janet ertel#lynn evans#carol bushman#jinny osborn#1950s#vintage
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// Google search Lainey Gossip The Best Films of the Decade (2010s): Part I December 19, 2019 at 6:24 PM by Sarah John Wick movie poster 352687 After months of consideration, and getting so deep in the weeds that the words “best”, “film”, and “decade” have lost all meaning, here it is: my list of the best films of the decade. This list, which was supposed to be 20 films and ended up at 32, is a combination of quality, influence, and gut feeling, but all are films that stand out when looking back on the cinema of the 2010s. As always, this list is alphabetical, not ranked. A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night (2014) An Iranian-Western-vampire genre mashup, Girl is strange, creepy, feminist, and at times, achingly romantic. This is also the first film on the list that marks a decade trend of women claiming genre spaces to do brilliant, inventive work. A Hidden Life (2019) Terrence Malick has wrestled with themes of human suffering, perseverance, and religious fervor throughout his career, and A Hidden Life is his most perfect expression of beatific suffering yet. It’s also a timely story about standing up to Nazis, which gives Life an immediate resonance Malick’s films don’t usually carry. A Simple Favor (2018) Satirizing everything from Cool Girl thrillers to the true crime craze to mommy bloggers, A Simple Favor is a black comedy that also works as a (completely batsh-t) mystery. This movie has everything: secret twins, incest, a series of increasingly insane plot twists, and some of the best contemporary artistic design of the decade. The Act of Killing (2012) Co-directed by Joshua Oppenheimer, Christine Cynn, and an anonymous Indonesian, The Act of Killing is a portrait, made terrifying by the relative mundanity of these men’s lives today, of some of the men who led death squads during the Indonesian killings of 1965-66. The men recreate their atrocities as classic film scenes, until one man pretends to be a victim in a scene and then simply cannot go on. It is a testament to the power of cinema, and of stories to evoke empathy, even where you believe no feeling can exist. The Avengers (2012) I can hear you, Black Panther hive, and believe me, I thought about it. But the fact is, there is no Black Panther without The Avengers. This is the film that started it all, and it had an immeasurable impact on Hollywood, setting records previously thought impossible, giving audiences a once-in-a-generation experience, and popularizing the blockbuster cinematic universe. That it holds up as an entertaining, thrilling adventure is almost just a bonus. The Babadook (2014) Jennifer Kent’s debut feature film is either a horror movie about a haunting, or it’s a domestic drama about grief and mental illness. Either way, this is one of the creepiest, most unsettling genre films of the decade, and it also gave us one of the most memorable sound effects since a tyrannosaurus rex roared. Blue Ruin (2013) This is not the sleek, sexy revenge of typical Hollywood thrillers. Jeremy Saulnier’s Blue Ruin is bleak, brutal, and spare, with a protagonist shattered by trauma and whose revenge is uncoordinated, sloppy, and carries an inter-generational price. This is the best case against backwoods justice since Reba McEntire sang, “That’s the night the lights went out in Georgia”. Carol (2015) A romance that is at once universal and achingly specific to the roadblocks and repressions of queer women in the middle 20th century, Carol typifies Todd Haynes’ rich, detailed style and intimate sense of drama. Romantic, intimate, and infuriating, Carol captures how simple it is to fall in love and how hard it is to be in love, especially when society does not accept you. Compliance (2012) A gut-wrenching, almost impossible to watch psychological thriller/horror movie, Compliance begs you to fact-check its “based on a true story” narrative (it’s terribly, awfully true). No film this decade better captures both the ease with which people surrender their civil liberties to authoritarians, and the ease with which people will stand by and do nothing as a woman is abused. Compliance is as infuriating as it is chilling. The Duke of Burgundy (2015) An erotic S&M fantasy set in a world with no men, The Duke of Burgundy is a lavish exploration of sex, intimacy, and power exchange. Writer/director Peter Strickland uses fetishism to examine a deteriorating relationship and the particular poignancy of a love affair coming to an end. There have been a lot of breakup movies this decade, but none as unique as The Duke of Burgundy. Get Out (2017) A horror comedy that works equally well in either genre, and works even better on second viewing, Get Out is an immediate genre classic. It gave us a new way of thinking of the black experience in America, and also the insidious supremacy of white liberalism. This is one of the sharpest social observations of the decade, and also a really damn good horror movie. The Guest (2014) Stylish, sexy, and violent, The Guest mashes up horror and superhero tropes into a story about a super-soldier gone rogue, who will stop at nothing to cover his tracks. It’s easy to get lost in the aesthetics, but The Guest has something to say about the toll of America’s endless war, and bad men who only pass as good because we’re socially conditioned to accept them. The Handmaiden (2016) Park Chan-wook adapts Sarah Waters’ novel, Fingersmith, into an erotic thriller set in colonial Korea. Using shifting perspective and a twisty, layered crime plot, Park tells a story of colonialism, class, gender, and love that is sexy, smart, romantic, and surprisingly funny. Inherent Vice (2014) Any one of Paul Thomas Anderson’s three feature films this decade could have made this list, but in the end, I chose the film that is the MOST Paul Thomas Anderson. Like if you asked me what PTA’s whole deal is, I would point you to Inherent Vice. Shaggy, strange, and risky, Inherent Vice is a cinematic psychedelic trip that invites multiple viewings. Inside Llewyn Davis (2013) The Coen Brothers also had a couple contenders this decade, but Inside Llewyn Davis is exceptional for the prickliness of its lead character (played by a breakout Oscar Isaac) and the mundane lyricism of his story. This is not a tale of transformational genius, this is a tale of mediocrity and near misses featuring Llewyn Davis, one of contemporary cinema’s greatest cynics. John Wick (2014) Keanu Reeves experienced another career renaissance with John Wick, giving us an immediately indelible, impossibly cool character with the titular John Wick. Sleek, stylish, and with a laughably, yet incredibly effective, streamlined story, John Wick is a high-water mark for American action cinema. Part 2 coming soon… Tags: Movie Reviews and Previews PS I Still Love You trailer stills 352677 PS. I Still Love You Peter Kavinsk…oh HI John Ambrose! It’s here! The first trailer for PS I Still Love You, the sequel to To All The Boys I’ve Loved Befor December 19, 2019 at 5:27 PM by Lainey Sebastian Stan on the set of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier in Atlanta, December 19, 2019 352688 Sebastian Stan Year In Review: Hotness Maintained Sebastian Stan caps off his Year In Hot by appearing in Men’s Health. 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0 notes
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Jordyn Lines < [email protected]> Date: Mon, Oct 18, 2019 at 12:16 PM Subject: FW: FW: FW: lurp out work out To: Nick Trowbridge<[email protected]>, Shaylee Sly<[email protected]>, Joseph Eddie<[email protected]>, Ellizabeth Coleman<[email protected]>, Nathan Young<[email protected]>
Just so you guys know what the most recent government experiment is. First Area 51, then chem trails, then Polybius, now mind-damaging workout videos. At least 6 people have gone brain death in some way associated with this full routine. Perhaps this is part of their plan to destabilize foreign governments by destroying the cognitive capabilities of the unsuspecting masses using the modern internet? Spread via VHS tapes? Does a digital version of the full set exist? Or is this just a harbinger of things to come?
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Greg Hatch < [email protected]> Date: Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 12:16 PM Subject: FW: FW: FW: lurp out work out To: Micah Wilcock<[email protected]>, Claire Robinson<[email protected]>, Alex Chandler<[email protected]>, Ian Woodberry<[email protected]>, Kassidy Hamilton<[email protected]> Jordyn Lines <[email protected]>, Isaac Wright<[email protected]>,
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Jessica Brownell <[email protected]> Date: Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 12:16 PM Subject: FW: FW: FW: lurp out work out To: Justin Holland<[email protected]>, Matthew Ricks<[email protected]>, Greg Hatch<[email protected]>
I’m actually a big fan of this! body positivity is soemthing really important today in our society- you don’t have to be jacked or ultra buff to be fit, even super skinny people can too! We should consider doing this as an activity for community awareness week!
Jessica Brownell
Co-Vice President
AJHS Student Council
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Jordan Smith < [email protected]> Date: Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 12:16 PM Subject: FW: FW: FW: lurp out work out To: Christine Grosland<[email protected]>, Jessica Brownell<[email protected]>, James Smith<[email protected]>, Brylee Perry<[email protected]>, Derick Shawns<[email protected]>
This haunts my dreams.
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Jon Parker <[email protected]> Date: Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 12:16 PM Subject: FW: FW: FW: lurp out work out To: Adam Cook<[email protected]>, Courtney Farnsworth<[email protected]>, Olivia Ockey<[email protected]>, Riley Field<[email protected]>, Jordan Smith<[email protected]>
They got a boxed set of the LOWO tapes at a yard sale, thought they looked funny, I don’t know. Picked them up on monday. Told us they were going to carpool up to my parents house for sunday dinner with us, but on sunday, they didnt come outside. We honked, called, nothing. We just went without them.
Then we heard that they had missed all of their college classes from some mutual friends. Somebody went over- found them standing in the living room, staring at the tv. They were barely moving, looked like they hadnt eaten in days, one was mumbling something over and over again. Hospitalized for three days each. Neither had any memory of what happened or why they were just standing there. Chucked all the tapes though.
So do at your own risk. Im not going to!
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Carol Neibaur < [email protected]> Date: Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 12:16 PM Subject: FW: FW: FW: lurp out work out To: Mark Hailstone<[email protected]>, Matthew Laudie<[email protected]>, Justin Hendricks<[email protected]>, Megan Warner<[email protected]>, Jon Parker<[email protected]>
Some kids in my class started doing this and have now missed an ENTIRE WEEK OF SCHOOL. They’ve been doing it every day---- even one of their moms is doing it too! DON’T GO IF YOU VALUE YOUR GRADES CAUSE YOU WONT STOP.
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Amaryllis Lorelai < [email protected]> Date: Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 12:16 PM Subject: FW: FW: FW: lurp out work out To: Carol Neibaur<[email protected]>, Wesley Andersen<[email protected]>, Alyse Walker<[email protected]>
Does anybody else think this is creepy? XD
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Kyle Crossmore <[email protected]> Date: Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 12:16 PM Subject: FW: FW: FW: lurp out work out To: Chad Anderson<[email protected]> Jake Ferndale<[email protected]>, Caroline Everett <[email protected]>, Zaryia Meades<[email protected]>, Karen<[email protected]>, Grace Kelly<[email protected]>, Amaryllis Lorelai <[email protected]>, Charlie Kaufmann<[email protected]>
Ive never felt so good in my entire life.
Love the lurp
Go with the gangle
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Sarah Dalley <[email protected]> Date: Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 12:16 PM Subject: FW: FW: FW: lurp out work out To: Jake Ferndale<[email protected]>, Caroline Everett <[email protected]>, Zaryia Meades<[email protected]>, Karen<[email protected]>, Chad Anderson<[email protected]> Kyle Crossmore <[email protected]>, Grace Kelly<[email protected]>, Amaryllis Lorelai <[email protected]>, Charlie Kaufmann<[email protected]>
For all of you who were wondering why Bo, Devs, BJ, Xavier, Evan, Erik, and Cynthia missed class today, I think they were doing this? They started last weekend, and idk must be pretty good if they’d all miss stats for it. We should try it?
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Quin Dalley <[email protected]> Date: Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 12:16 PM Subject: FW: FW: FW: lurp out work out To: Anne Dalley<[email protected]>, Richard Dalley<[email protected]>, Stephen Dalley<[email protected]>, Sarah Dalley <[email protected]>,
Hey fam tried this with friends. Was alright. 3/10. Pretty funny to watch everybody else go crazy tho.
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Brett James <[email protected]> Date: Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 12:16 PM Subject: FW: FW: FW: lurp out work out To: Cynthia Yates<[email protected]>, Blake Moore<[email protected]>, Erik Ortiz<[email protected]>, Veronica Belt<[email protected]>, Quinn Dalley<[email protected]>
GUYS YOU ALL HAVE TO COME!!!!!1!!!1 We did numbers 2 through 7 tonight and when we’re done with them we’re going to do it all again! We’re going to do it tomorrow! At 11 AM!
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Xavier Bushman <[email protected]> Date: Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 12:16 PM Subject: FW: FW: FW: lurp out work out To: Beau Robertson<[email protected]>, Devin Livingston<[email protected]>, Brett James<[email protected]>, Evan Hansen<[email protected]>, Xavier Bushman<[email protected]>
Luke and I got his brothers tapes and got a VHS player at Savers and tried the first one. Was crazy good. We’re doing the next one on Friday at my house at 5 if any of you want to join!
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Andrew Caldwell <[email protected]> Date: Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 12:16 PM Subject: FW: FW: FW: lurp out work out To: Beau Robertson<[email protected]>, Devin Livingston<[email protected]>, Brett James<[email protected]>, Evan Hansen<[email protected]>, Xavier Bushman<[email protected]>
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Luke Yang <[email protected]> Date: Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 12:16 PM Subject: FW: FW: FW: lurp out work out To: Victor Klein<[email protected]>, Samantha Bale<[email protected]>, Adam Redford<<[email protected]>>, Harry Stein<[email protected]>, Elizabeth Nelson<[email protected]>, Bradley Warren<[email protected]>, Andrew Caldwell<[email protected]>
This is actually really great! My brother did this! He got so buff! He could punch down a wall! And its fun! What more could you want! I think he still has the VHS! I will ask him!
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Samantha Bale <[email protected]> Date: Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 12:16 PM Subject: FW: FW: lurp out work out To: Luke Yang<[email protected]>, Garret Jeffs <[email protected]>
I can’t unsee this. XD
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Victor Klein <[email protected]> Date: Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 12:16 PM Subject: FW: lurp out work out To: Carlos Reyes<[email protected]>, Adam Redford<[email protected]>, Samantha Bale<[email protected]>, Felix Arias <[email protected]>, David Johnson <[email protected]>
Lol wut
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Iggy Beriman <[email protected]> Date: Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 12:16 PM Subject: lurp out work out To: Victor Klein<[email protected]>, Loren Brunken <[email protected]>
Guys guys guys guys guys check this out we need to totally do this!!! Its like its made for you
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Jordyn Lines < [email protected]> Date: Mon, Oct 18, 2019 at 12:16 PM Subject: FW: FW: FW: lurp out work out To: Nick Trowbridge<[email protected]>, Shaylee Sly<[email protected]>, Joseph Eddie<[email protected]>, Ellizabeth Coleman<[email protected]>, Nathan Young<[email protected]>
Just so you guys know what the most recent government experiment is. First Area 51, then chem trails, then Polybius, now mind-damaging workout videos. At least 6 people have gone brain death in some way associated with this full routine. Perhaps this is part of their plan to destabilize foreign governments by destroying the cognitive capabilities of the unsuspecting masses using the modern internet? Spread via VHS tapes? Does a digital version of the full set exist? Or is this just a harbinger of things to come?
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Greg Hatch < [email protected]> Date: Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 12:16 PM Subject: FW: FW: FW: lurp out work out To: Micah Wilcock<[email protected]>, Claire Robinson<[email protected]>, Alex Chandler<[email protected]>, Ian Woodberry<[email protected]>, Kassidy Hamilton<[email protected]> Jordyn Lines <[email protected]>, Isaac Wright<[email protected]>,
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Jessica Brownell <[email protected]> Date: Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 12:16 PM Subject: FW: FW: FW: lurp out work out To: Justin Holland<[email protected]>, Matthew Ricks<[email protected]>, Greg Hatch<[email protected]>
I’m actually a big fan of this! body positivity is soemthing really important today in our society- you don’t have to be jacked or ultra buff to be fit, even super skinny people can too! We should consider doing this as an activity for community awareness week!
Jessica Brownell
Co-Vice President
AJHS Student Council
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Jordan Smith < [email protected]> Date: Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 12:16 PM Subject: FW: FW: FW: lurp out work out To: Christine Grosland<[email protected]>, Jessica Brownell<[email protected]>, James Smith<[email protected]>, Brylee Perry<[email protected]>, Derick Shawns<[email protected]>
This haunts my dreams.
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Jon Parker <[email protected]> Date: Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 12:16 PM Subject: FW: FW: FW: lurp out work out To: Adam Cook<[email protected]>, Courtney Farnsworth<[email protected]>, Olivia Ockey<[email protected]>, Riley Field<[email protected]>, Jordan Smith<[email protected]>
They got a boxed set of the LOWO tapes at a yard sale, thought they looked funny, I don’t know. Picked them up on monday. Told us they were going to carpool up to my parents house for sunday dinner with us, but on sunday, they didnt come outside. We honked, called, nothing. We just went without them.
Then we heard that they had missed all of their college classes from some mutual friends. Somebody went over- found them standing in the living room, staring at the tv. They were barely moving, looked like they hadnt eaten in days, one was mumbling something over and over again. Hospitalized for three days each. Neither had any memory of what happened or why they were just standing there. Chucked all the tapes though.
So do at your own risk. Im not going to!
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Carol Neibaur < [email protected]> Date: Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 12:16 PM Subject: FW: FW: FW: lurp out work out To: Mark Hailstone<[email protected]>, Matthew Laudie<[email protected]>, Justin Hendricks<[email protected]>, Megan Warner<[email protected]>, Jon Parker<[email protected]>
Some kids in my class started doing this and have now missed an ENTIRE WEEK OF SCHOOL. They’ve been doing it every day---- even one of their moms is doing it too! DON’T GO IF YOU VALUE YOUR GRADES CAUSE YOU WONT STOP.
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Amaryllis Lorelai < [email protected]> Date: Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 12:16 PM Subject: FW: FW: FW: lurp out work out To: Carol Neibaur<[email protected]>, Wesley Andersen<[email protected]>, Alyse Walker<[email protected]>
Does anybody else think this is creepy? XD
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Kyle Crossmore <[email protected]> Date: Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 12:16 PM Subject: FW: FW: FW: lurp out work out To: Chad Anderson<[email protected]> Jake Ferndale<[email protected]>, Caroline Everett <[email protected]>, Zaryia Meades<[email protected]>, Karen<[email protected]>, Grace Kelly<[email protected]>, Amaryllis Lorelai <[email protected]>, Charlie Kaufmann<[email protected]>
Ive never felt so good in my entire life.
Love the lurp
Go with the gangle
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Sarah Dalley <[email protected]> Date: Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 12:16 PM Subject: FW: FW: FW: lurp out work out To: Jake Ferndale<[email protected]>, Caroline Everett <[email protected]>, Zaryia Meades<[email protected]>, Karen<[email protected]>, Chad Anderson<[email protected]> Kyle Crossmore <[email protected]>, Grace Kelly<[email protected]>, Amaryllis Lorelai <[email protected]>, Charlie Kaufmann<[email protected]>
For all of you who were wondering why Bo, Devs, BJ, Xavier, Evan, Erik, and Cynthia missed class today, I think they were doing this? They started last weekend, and idk must be pretty good if they’d all miss stats for it. We should try it?
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Quin Dalley <[email protected]> Date: Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 12:16 PM Subject: FW: FW: FW: lurp out work out To: Anne Dalley<[email protected]>, Richard Dalley<[email protected]>, Stephen Dalley<[email protected]>, Sarah Dalley <[email protected]>,
Hey fam tried this with friends. Was alright. 3/10. Pretty funny to watch everybody else go crazy tho.
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Brett James <[email protected]> Date: Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 12:16 PM Subject: FW: FW: FW: lurp out work out To: Cynthia Yates<[email protected]>, Blake Moore<[email protected]>, Erik Ortiz<[email protected]>, Veronica Belt<[email protected]>, Quinn Dalley<[email protected]>
GUYS YOU ALL HAVE TO COME!!!!!1!!!1 We did numbers 2 through 7 tonight and when we’re done with them we’re going to do it all again! We’re going to do it tomorrow! At 11 AM!
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Xavier Bushman <[email protected]> Date: Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 12:16 PM Subject: FW: FW: FW: lurp out work out To: Beau Robertson<[email protected]>, Devin Livingston<[email protected]>, Brett James<[email protected]>, Evan Hansen<[email protected]>, Xavier Bushman<[email protected]>
Luke and I got his brothers tapes and got a VHS player at Savers and tried the first one. Was crazy good. We’re doing the next one on Friday at my house at 5 if any of you want to join!
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Andrew Caldwell <[email protected]> Date: Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 12:16 PM Subject: FW: FW: FW: lurp out work out To: Beau Robertson<[email protected]>, Devin Livingston<[email protected]>, Brett James<[email protected]>, Evan Hansen<[email protected]>, Xavier Bushman<[email protected]>
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Luke Yang <[email protected]> Date: Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 12:16 PM Subject: FW: FW: FW: lurp out work out To: Victor Klein<[email protected]>, Samantha Bale<[email protected]>, Adam Redford<<[email protected]>>, Harry Stein<[email protected]>, Elizabeth Nelson<[email protected]>, Bradley Warren<[email protected]>, Andrew Caldwell<[email protected]>
This is actually really great! My brother did this! He got so buff! He could punch down a wall! And its fun! What more could you want! I think he still has the VHS! I will ask him!
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Samantha Bale <[email protected]> Date: Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 12:16 PM Subject: FW: FW: lurp out work out To: Luke Yang<[email protected]>, Garret Jeffs <[email protected]>
I can’t unsee this. XD
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Victor Klein <[email protected]> Date: Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 12:16 PM Subject: FW: lurp out work out To: Carlos Reyes<[email protected]>, Adam Redford<[email protected]>, Samantha Bale<[email protected]>, Felix Arias <[email protected]>, David Johnson <[email protected]>
Lol wut
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Iggy Beriman <[email protected]> Date: Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 12:16 PM Subject: lurp out work out To: Victor Klein<[email protected]>, Loren Brunken <[email protected]>
Guys guys guys guys guys check this out we need to totally do this!!! Its like its made for you
0 notes
by Paul Batters
Recently, Harrison Ford made an interesting declaration regarding one of his most iconic characters, which is also part of one cinema’s most financially successful franchises – Indiana Jones. Famously close-mouthed about previous roles, the actor made the comment in anticipation of the Disney announcement that a 5th instalment of the Indiana Jones franchise would be released in July 2021. Basically, Ford claimed the role as permanently his, stating:
‘Nobody else is gonna be Indiana Jones! Don’t you get it? I’m Indiana Jones. When I’m gone, he’s gone…’
Whether this declaration is tongue-in-cheek or serious, I cannot ascertain nor does it particularly matter for the purpose of this article. The vast majority of fans would probably agree with Ford, as Indiana Jones is one of cinema’s most loved action heroes. (If his friend George Lucas is anything to go by, there is little to be held sacred in remaking or re-hashing films. Star Wars, anyone?)
But it does raise an interesting question – are there screen characters which should never be re-visited?
It’s also a polarising question and one which probably raises another more divisive question ��� should classic films be re-made? Cinema is certainly in a strange place at the moment, and there have been consistent attacks on the state of film-making with criticism aimed at the lack of creativity, the focus on special effects and CGI and particularly the obsession on re-makes. The Marvel and DC domination has been discussed ad nauseam and the recent Godzilla movie speaks to this issue as well. (What’s the current tally of Godzilla movies since the 1954 original?)
The criticisms are not unfounded, and this reviewer certainly agrees with the aforementioned sentiments regarding cinema’s current sins. However, are these problems simply a contemporary phenomenon? Or has Hollywood been re-making films and re-casting iconic roles since its’ earliest days?
Indeed, the ‘re-make’ has been a part of entertainment that goes back to ancient times. Initially, the ancient Greeks, who created the concept of drama, would see performances only the once and their plays were unique, one-off experiences. However, over time, those plays were performed again and again, particularly during the Hellenistic period. It was also meant that those plays stayed alive and they are still with us today. Consider the plays of Shakespeare. They have been performed, interpreted and even changed (depending on context) since Elizabethan times. King Lear has been interpreted through a whole range of approaches from a medieval Japan context to one set with 1950s Eastern Bloc /Cold War aesthetics! The richness of these stories in language, theme, character and emotion are still alive because they have been performed for hundreds of years. And of course, the Bard’s stories have been interpreted for the screen. Think Olivier’s 1945 film version of Henry V, which is often considered one of the finest screen interpretations of the play. Does this become the one and only version, never to be remade? What of Baz Lurhman’s Romeo And Juliet (1995)? It is not the first nor will it be the last telling of the tragic story of two star-crossed lovers.
The truth is that some of our most loved, revered and celebrated films are remakes, whether we realise it or not. We often chide Hollywood for remaking films within only a few years of each other but actually it’s been a practice since the silent days. By the time, Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde was made in 1932 at Paramount, the story had been filmed at least 8 times, with three versions being made in one year! (1920 to be precise, two in the U.S and one in Germany). John Barrymore’s 1920 turn as the infamous dual personality was a benchmark performance but March as the doomed doctor is perhaps the most superb in sound film history, with even the great Spencer Tracy unable to reach audiences in the 1941 version with Ingrid Bergman.
The same is true for quite a number of films based on classic literature such as A Tale Of Two Cities, Treasure Island, The Three Musketeers and A Christmas Carol – all being filmed numerous times. By the 1935 MGM version, David Copperfield had been made 3 times. The story of Oliver Twist was on its’ 8thversion in the loved 1968 musical Oliver!(with the film being made 6 times during the silent era!). William Wyler’s Ben Hur is often cited as the greatest epic ever made and a standard by which other ‘big films’ are measured. Yet it too is a remake of the 1925 silent epic starring Roman Navarro and Francis X. Bushman. (Ironically, the recent remake of Ben Hur was critically panned and financially an unmitigated disaster).
Interestingly enough, Cecil B. deMille is an example of a director who revisited earlier films he had made and gave them a new perspective. The Squaw Man (1914) would be remade two more times in 1918 and 1931! Of all the films he made, his most celebrated, known and loved is his final film, The Ten Commandments (1956), a far superior remake of his own 1923 silent version. In this case, the original is not the best. The 1956 version is the quintessential epic tale, resplendent in Technicolor, with all the kitsch, pageantry and excitement of Biblical proportions that are synonymous with deMille and the epic film.
But not only have epics and tales from classic literature been remade to great or greater success. Contemporary stories have been revisited as well. In the world of film noir, one film which justifiably makes every top five list was on its third remake when it was redone by John Huston. The Maltese Falcon (1941) remains one of the greatest films ever made, far out-pacing it’s prior two incarnations which would have become little more than a footnote in cinema history. The previous 1931 same-titled version starring Ricardo Cortez and Bebe Daniels is a little stilted, whilst its’ 1936 remake, Satan Met A Lady, starring William Warren and Bette Davis feels more like a typical Warner Bros. programmer and was even considered by critics at the time, such as Bosley Crowther, as ‘inferior to the original’. Neither are remarkable and again, the original is not the best. Huston’s version of the Dashiell Hammett pulp fiction novel, would help to create the tropes and cinematic expression for film noir, and Bogart’s performance as private eye, Sam Spade has become legendary and would make him a star.
Unfortunately, there is sometimes an element of exploitation that comes with the remake. But Hollywood is a business and driven by profit. If an audience responds, then it the film is deemed a success. The horror genre is one where the remake is a constant, driven by the profit margin rather than artistic merit. That has certainly been the impression felt with Universal’s recent attempt at ‘re-booting’ the classic Universal monsters with disastrous results. (This writer feels that Universal was making an attempt to trash its’ legacy!) The classic monsters were first seen in monochrome but would be remade in the 1950s and 1960s in Britain by Hammer Studios, complete with full-blown colour, gore and sex. Exploitive? Perhaps. Yet audiences saw a new interpretation of the undead Transylvanian count – from a dream-like, hypnotic and slow-speaking Lugosi to an animalistic and vivid Christopher Lee, complete with bloodied fangs. Horror fans often find it difficult to choose, with the character of Dracula ‘belonging’ to both actors. Yet Lee would be less successful with the Frankenstein monster, as would many who preceded and followed Lee, and the monster has been firmly associated with the brilliant performance of Boris Karloff in the original 1932 film and its’ two sequels. Still, the Hammer remakes resonated with audiences, offering something new and exciting.
Yet there are characters that belong to certain actors and actresses and their ownership of those performances are complete. It is impossible to think of anyone else but Vivien Leigh as Scarlett O’Hara or for that matter, Clark Gable as Rhett Butler. And of course, Gone With The Wind is a film that no-one would dare remake. The same could be said for Casablanca,again a film with iconic performances from Bogart and Ingrid Bergman, a song that had stood the test of time in its’ poignant definition of love and of course some of cinema’s most famous lines. How could it be remade? The story of Robin Hood has been told numerous times, with mixed results and mixed reviews. Arguably, the role was firmly identified with Douglas Fairbanks Snr, one of the great silent stars, after his 1922 film was a huge hit; until Warner Bros. remade the film in full colour in 1938, with Errol Flynn. A natural for the role, Flynn has owned the role since, despite numerous A-listers taking on the role over the decades.
There are countless other roles and films which, if recast or remade, would results in loud cries of protest. And perhaps rightfully so. Could The Wizard Of Oz be remade? (Actually, it, too is a remake!) How about Edward G. Robinson as ‘Little’ Caesar Bandello? Imagine a ‘reboot’ of Chaplin’s work. Or Hitchcock’s films. (It’s been done!) Singin’ In The Rain? Double Indemnity? The Godfather? Metropolis? Duck Soup? Some Like It Hot?
In the end, a remake will work or fail if it resonates with the audience. For better or for worse, that’s the lowest common denominator that determines a film’s eventual worth andif it will stand the test of time. For silent films (and indeed even some sound films from the golden years of Hollywood), this has proved difficult. Aside from cinephiles and classic film lovers, silent films find difficulty in gaining traction in a mainstream market and for audiences not exposed to silent film. Additionally, we have audiences trained to expect blockbuster films over-cooked with CGI and action every 30 seconds. A silent film, without sound, colour and very different contexts finds it difficult to gain a foothold.
But all the technological advancements in the world cannot replicate, re-design or replace the impact of story.
It takes a fair amount of courage and risk when a remake is given the green light. It means big shoes to fill and an attempt to draw out a performance from under the giant shadow of its’ predecessor. Cinematic history shows that it does happen. But there are films that are like classic works of art. Can a work by Monet or Dali be redone? Should a piece of music by Mozart or Brahms be re-written? And the importance of textual integrity cannot be over-stated either. The recent tragedy of the near destruction of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, will see deep discussion and debate on how to ‘remake’ what has been lost or damaged. Will it be in keeping with the historic and architectural integrity of the building? Will it be true to the cathedral’s past whilst reflecting the modern era (or does it have to)? And how will people react in the present and in the future to any change or lack of change?
The remaking of classic film shares a similar dilemma.
There are advantages to classic films being remade. It sounds almost unthinkable but Nosferatu (1922) would be successfully remade by Werner Herzog (in an English AND German version!) in 1979 with the famed Klaus Kinski in the title role, to great critical and commercial success. It is an impressive film, with stunning visuals, incredibly deep pathos and emotion, and Kinski is outstanding as the vampire. As a result, it also brought new interest in the original 1922 film. If remakes can arouse interest, educate audiences and broaden the experience of cinema, whilst offering a new and exciting perspective/interpretation, then it serves a great purpose.
But just because classic films can be remade, does not mean that they shouldbe. As already mentioned, Universal came close to trashing their own legacy with the attempted (and hopefully permanently aborted) reboot of the classic horror monsters, which felt watching someone take fluorescent spray cans to the Sistine Chapel. But as audiences, we do need to set aside prejudged notions and allow for new interpretations of stories. This is what provides a richness to cinema and art. Multiple and contemporary readings offer greater insights and new interpretations offer inclusivity to modern and future audiences – and there is great value in that prospect.
But new is not enough. ‘New’ for the sake of ‘new’ does not do justice to a work of art. Nor does new mean better. What is also important to recognise is that masterpieces do not and cannot be replicated. Nor do they need to be. We can already enjoy what exists, revisit them time and time again and walk away re-spirited, revitalised and emotionally moved.
Paul Batters teaches secondary school History in the Illawarra region and also lectures at the University Of Wollongong. In a previous life, he was involved in community radio and independent publications. Looking to a career in writing, Paul also has a passion for film history.
To remake or not to remake? The question on rebooting classic film. by Paul Batters Recently, Harrison Ford made an interesting declaration regarding one of his most iconic characters, which is also part of one cinema’s most financially successful franchises – Indiana Jones.
#ben hur#cinema#classic film#classic horror#dr Jekyll and mr hyde#dracula#epic film#Hollywood#nosferatu#remake#silent era#the maltese falcon#the ten commandments
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The best movies on Stan: a list of the top films streaming in Australia now
http://www.internetunleashed.co.uk/?p=4959 The best movies on Stan: a list of the top films streaming in Australia now - http://www.internetunleashed.co.uk/?p=4959 UPDATE: Celebrate Friday the 13th by watching one of the greatest horror movies of all time: Carrie! Find out more about it on Page 3!As each streaming service's content library continues to grow, it's hard to keep track of the best movies these platforms have to offer. When it comes to the Australian streaming service Stan, there's an enormous amount of films of variable quality available to stream instantly. Our job is to sift through that huge catalogue and pick out the 'crème de la crème' for you. Don't have Stan? These are the best movies on Netflix: great films you can watch in Australia right now To make things as straightforward as possible, we've separated our choices into genres, so that you can jump straight to the type of movie you actually feel like watching. Curated by TechRadar editors and backed up with ratings from IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes, these films should offer something for everyone. We'll keep this list up to date with must-watch movies, so you can spend less time browsing and more time watching! Here are the best movies on Stan. TV shows more your thing? Here are the best TV shows to stream on Stan Need some kid-friendly content to entertain the family with? Stan has a number of great kids and family movies on offer that should keep everyone happy. These films are guaranteed to please the whole family. Red Dog An Australian family favourite, Red Dog tells the heartwarming true story of a delightful pooch that united an entire community while roaming the Outback looking for his actual owner. The dog brings people together everywhere he goes – some people find love, others find themselves. Starring Josh Lucas and Rachael Taylor, Red Dog is a beautiful movie that the whole family will enjoy. Though the dog is red, this is a true-blue Aussie classic. IMDB Rating: 7.5, Rotten Tomatoes 82% Speed Racer A movie that's way better than its reputation would suggest (the film was derided upon its initial release but has steadily grown a cult following), Speed Racer was clearly a passion project for the Wachowskis, directors of The Matrix. A tale of integrity, family and standing up to corruption, Speed Racer is much more than a sugary kids film (though it is that, too). Featuring some of the most mind-blowing and cartoony visuals of any live action film in existence, Speed Racer puts its pedal to the metal and achieves some deliriously psychedelic race sequences in the process. Sure, it'll still have its fair share of detractors who refuse to get behind its incredibly vibrant and overwhelming visuals, but give it a chance and you might just find it to be a sensational family film with a huge heart. IMDB Rating: 6.0, Rotten Tomatoes 40% Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole When one thinks of director Zack Snyder, the mind often goes to his violent action films, such as 300, Watchmen and Batman v Superman. But did you know he also directed an Australian animated kids film about warrior owls? While obviously lighter in tone than some of his other works, Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole is just as stylish as you'd expect from Zack Snyder, with his liberal use of slow-motion and speed-ramping giving the film that unmistakable Snyder look and feel. Featuring stunning animation and terrific voice performances from Aussie actors like Ryan Kwanten, Essie Davis, Abbie Cornish, Richard Roxburgh and Joel Edgerton, Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole is a real hoot.IMDB Rating: 7.0, Rotten Tomatoes 50% Happy Feet Another Australian animated kids film about birds, Happy Feet took the world by storm when it released in 2006. A delightful family film from director George Miller (Babe, Mad Max: Fury Road), Happy Feet follows a penguin named mumble whose lack of singing talent leads him to dance to find his mate. With an all-star cast featuring Elijah Wood, Robin Williams, Hugh Jackman, Nicole Kidman and Brittany Murphy, Happy Feet is guaranteed to make you tap your feet. IMDB Rating: 6.5, Rotten Tomatoes 75% Where the Wild Things Are Based on the classic children's book by Maurice Sendak, Where the Wild Things Are is an awe-inspiring story of a young boy named Max (Max Records) who runs away from home after an argument with his mum (Cathertine Keener), only to end up on an island filled with creatures who name him as their king. Max instantly befriends a gentle giant named Carol (voiced by James Gandolfini) and while everything is going well for a while, things start to turn dark, leading Max to realise how much he misses home. Directed by Spike Jonze (Her, Being John Malkovich), Where the Wild Things Are is an artful family film that hits you right in the heart.IMDB Rating: 6.8, Rotten Tomatoes: 73% Feel like watching something that'll put a tingle in your spine? Well, look no further, because Stan has a large selection of horror films that should please even the most hardened gore-hound. These are some of the best. Carrie There have been countless Stephen King film adaptations over the last few decades, but Carrie was the first (and arguably best). Sissy Spacek plays a tormented teenage girl who is pushed over the edge by her mean classmates and domineering mother – with incredibly violent results. A bloody classic. IMDB Rating: 7.4, Rotten Tomatoes: 93% The Descent Not one for claustrophobic types, The Descent follows a caving expedition that goes horribly wrong, leaving a group of women to fend for themselves against some truly terrifying cave-dwelling creatures. An absolute masterpiece of terror, The Descent is one of the best horror movies to come out of the UK.IMDB Rating: 7.2, Rotten Tomatoes: 85% Scream The late, great horror director Wes Craven had a habit of making a game-changing fright flick at least once per decade. In the '70s, it was The Last House on the Left. In the '80s, he birthed the horror icon Freddy Kruger in A Nightmare on Elm Street. The kids of the '90s, however, had grown accustomed to the usual horror tropes, which is why Craven's self-aware slasher Scream became such a sensation. The characters in this knew they were in a horror film, which allowed the movie to exploit the genre's rules at every turn. IMDB Rating: 7.2, Rotten Tomatoes: 79% Wolf Creek Loosely inspired by actual events, Wolf Creek gave birth to Australia's first real horror icon in Mick Taylor (John Jarratt), a sadistic bushman who enjoys nothing more than hunting and killing tourists in the middle of the Outback. Once you've watched this, check out its sequel, Wolf Creek 2, as well as the incredible Stan Original series. IMDB Rating: 6.3, Rotten Tomatoes: 53% Cabin in the Woods Another self-aware horror movie in the vein of Scream, Cabin in the Woods acts as a meta-commentary of the horror genre and its audience. We've all seen countless horror films set in a cabin, each one featuring a different group of stock characters facing some form of horrific demise – we don't even seem to mind that only the threat itself ever really seems to change. The joke here is that there are actually people behind the scenes who are pulling the strings – it's all a matter of re-arranging the pieces to see what happens next. Starring Chris Hemsworth (before he was famous) and written by Joss Whedon (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, The Avengers), Cabin in the Woods is both clever and scary.IMDB Rating: 7.0, Rotten Tomatoes: 9.2 In the mood for a good tear-jerker? What about a serious, high-brow piece of cinema? The films below should do the trick. Here are our picks for the best dramas on Stan. Patriots Day A harrowing (and eventually) uplifting retelling of the events surrounding the Boston Marathon bombings in 2013 which killed three people and injured hundreds of others. Directed by Peter Berg (Deepwater Horizon, Lone Survivor), Patriots Day plays out like a procedural thriller that begins with the morning in question and follows through to the aftermath, including the ensuing manhunt that saw brave police officers and federal agents (played by Mark Wahlberg, Kevin Bacon and John Goodman, among others) track down and confront the terrorists responsible. Emotionally devastating yet hopeful for the future, Patriots Day is a powerful film that's filled with heart, showing how the inhabitants of a city can come together to rise up against hatred.IMDB Rating: 7.4, Rotten Tomatoes: 80% There Will Be Blood A stunning commentary on the nature of greed and morality, Boogie Nights director Paul Thomas Anderson's There Will Be Blood is a blistering examination of how easy it is for a soulless man to prosper in a morally bankrupt world, while those who attempt to sink to his level find only their own demise. Daniel Day-Lewis won an Oscar for his portrayal of Daniel Plainview, an unscrupulous prospector who will stop at nothing to achieve wealth and power as an oil magnate, even if that means wrenching away oil rights from people who don't know any better. On the other side of the coin is Paul Dano's character of Eli Sunday, a preacher whose family was swindled by Plainview for their oil rights. Though Sunday, as a man of God, attempts to take the moral high ground against Plainview, his soul is quickly corrupted by greed and a need to overpower his adversary, demonstrating how religion can be poisoned by capitalism. If you come into the film looking for a plot, you may find yourself disappointed. However, if you're after a story filled with big, overarching themes that explore the very essence of human nature, almost like a biblical parable, you might find There Will Be Blood to be a stone-cold masterpiece. IMDB Rating: 8.1, Rotten Tomatoes: 91% The Social Network Based on true events, The Social Network gives us an insight into the crazy drama behind the formation of Facebook, in which founder Mark Zuckerberg (Jesse Eisenberg) is sued by his co-founder Eduardo Saverin (Andrew Garfield) for squeezing him out of the business, as well as the Winklevoss twins (both played by Armie Hammer), who claim that Zuckerberg stole their idea for the whole site. With sharp, elegant direction from David Fincher (Fight Club, Gone Girl), a cracking script from Aaron Sorkin (The Newsroom, Steve Jobs), and a classic score by Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross (The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo), The Social Network is one of the best films about the tech industry ever made. Needless to say, we certainly 'Like' this film.IMDB Rating: 7.7, Rotten Tomatoes: 96% Good Will Hunting Matt Damon and Ben Affleck became global megastars off the back of Good Will Hunting, each bagging an Oscar for writing the film's incredible screenplay. Damon plays Will, a troubled young man from the South Boston projects who is gifted with unparalleled intellect and a photographic memory. When his gift is discovered by a genius M.I.T. professor (Stellan Skarsgård), Will is sent to see a psychologist (Robin Williams) in an attempt to get his life back in order so that he can reach his full potential. A tear-jerking masterpiece.IMDB Rating: 8.3, Rotten Tomatoes: 93% Chopper Playing Australia's most notorious criminal, Eric Bana absolutely disappears into the role of Chopper Read. At the time, it was unthinkable that the TV funnyman could convince in such a dark and intense role, but his comedic edge, backed by the hulking frame he developed for the film, turned out to be a match made in heaven. Perhaps the best and most quotable Aussie true(ish) crime movie ever made. IMDB Rating: 7.2, Rotten Tomatoes: 72% Moonlight Winner of the Best Picture award at the 2017 Oscars, Moonlight is a shattering chronicle of the childhood, adolescence and adulthood of a gay African-American male. Told in three segments, the lead role of Chiron is portrayed by three different actors, each facing the struggles of growing up in a poor neighbourhood in Miami. Burdened by drug-addicted mother, Chiron's only guidance comes from an unlikely source in local drug dealer Juan (Mahershala Ali in his Oscar winning role). Gripping and powerful, Moonlight is a triumph.IMDB Rating: 7.5, Rotten Tomatoes: 98% Animal Kingdom After the death of his mum, Joshua (James Frecheville) is forced to live with his maternal grandmother (Jacki Weaver), the matriarch of a crime family that starts to fall apart after the after one of her sons is killed by police and the others kill a random cop in retaliation. Will Joshua fall into this cycle of violence, or will he resist it? Playing out like a Greek tragedy in the suburbs of Melbourne, Animal Kingdom is one of the most powerful Australian films of all time.IMDB Rating: 7.3, Rotten Tomatoes: 95% Raging Bull Based on the life of real life boxing champ Ray LaMotta (Robert De Niro giving what is perhaps the most powerful performance of his career), Raging Bull explores a man gripped by insecurity – one who'd rather get his face bashed in than confront his own demons. Abusive to his wife (Cathy Moriarty) and violent towards his brother (Joe Pesci, also magnificent), LaMotta frequently attempts to pay for his sins in the ring, each gruelling fight feeling like a culmination of his troubles at home. De Niro famously packed on the kilos to portray an out of shape LaMotta past his prime, but that's arguably the least impressive aspect of this amazingly raw and ferocious performance. One of director Martin Scorsese's greatest achievements, Raging Bull is a gripping study of toxic masculinity.IMDB Rating: 8.2, Rotten Tomatoes: 95% Need a good laugh? Stan has a number of great comedies in its library, and these are some of our favourites. Here are the best comedies currently streaming on Stan. Goon Perhaps the best ice hockey movie since Slap Shot, Goon follows Doug 'The Thug' Glatt (Seann William Scott), a loveable meathead with fists of steel who becomes the enforcer on a minor-league hockey team. An enforcer's role is to forcibly protect his teammates and have their backs when opposing players mess with them on the ice. That also means handing out beatings, something that Glatt is quite adept at doing. But when famously-ruthless enforcer Ross 'The Boss' Rhea returns from suspension (for seriously injuring the star player of Doug's team), he and Glatt are destined to throw down in a bout of on-ice fisticuffs for the ages where only one man will walk away. A sports comedy with Fight Club-level violence, Goon might be a bit much for the squeamish. That said, if you're well aware of how bloody ice hockey can be and think you can handle it, this is a seriously great sports movie. If you do like what you see, you might also want to hit up its sequel, Goon: Last of the Enforcers, which is also on Stan.IMDB Rating: 6.8, Rotten Tomatoes: 82% Ghostbusters When there's something strange in your neighbourhood, who you gonna call? Ghostbusters, that's who! Released in 1984, Ivan Reitman's spooky comedy achieved instant-classic status, thanks in part to a brilliant and hilarious script by stars Dan Aykroyd and Harold Ramis. But it would be Bill Murray's burgeoning star-power and wise-ass demeanour that would bring the whole film, which is about ghost hunting scientists in New York City, together so perfectly. Equal-parts hair-raising and rib-tickling, Ghostbusters is a positively ghoulish movie that the whole family can enjoy. IMDB Rating: 7.8, Rotten Tomatoes: 97% Zoolander Though it wasn't immediately loved at release, Zoolander has grown over the years into an honest-to-goodness comedy classic. Ben Stiller is the titular beef-witted male model that is duped into a plot to assassinate the Malaysian Prime Minister. Owen Wilson plays Hansel, an up-and-coming rival to Zoolander. Though the two initially hate each other, they soon come together in an attempt to stop the evil plan that has been orchestrated by the truly ridiculous fashion designer, Mugatu (Will Ferrell). Backed with quotable lines and hilarious scenes, Zoolander is really, really, really, ridiculously funny. IMDB Rating: 6.6, Rotten Tomatoes: 64% Ace Ventura: Pet Detective Jim Carrey was an unstoppable force in the early nineties, and along with The Mark and Dumb and Dumber, Ace Ventura: Pet Detective solidified him as the world's biggest comedy star. Carrey plays a ridiculously over-the-top private dick who specialises in animal-related cases. When the NFL's Miami Dolphins mascot is stolen, it's up to Ace to find out where it is and who was behind it. Cue a whole lot of hilarious tomfoolery!IMDB Rating: 6.9, Rotten Tomatoes: 46% American Ultra Like Pineapple Express meets The Bourne Identity, American Ultra is much better than it has any right to be. Jesse Eisenberg plays a stoner convenience store clerk who hears some specific words and is promptly activated into a CIA killing machine. In an effort to cover up this mess, the agency sends two agents (Topher Grace and Connie Britton) to neutralise the situation, but things don't fly as smoothly as they'd hoped. Playing opposite Kristen Stewart, Eisenberg does a decent job of playing an action hero. Funny and surprisingly violent and action packed, American Ultra is an underrated gem. IMDB Rating: 6.1 In Bruges A hilariously dark comedy about hit men who must lay low in Belgium after a hit gone wrong, In Bruges is the type of movie that will have you laughing uncontrollably one minute, then crying the next. Writer/director Martin McDonagh (Seven Psychopaths, Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri) delivers a witty script filled with sudden moments of brutal violence that will leave you speechless. IMDB Rating: 7.9, Rotten Tomatoes: 84% If you're a fan of muscular action films, you've come to the right place. Stan has a great selection of high-octane, testosterone-fuelled movies for adrenaline junkies. Here are our picks for best action movies on Stan. The Expendables The film that rounded up some of the greatest action movie stars of the '80s and '90s (along with a couple of newcomers), Sylvester Stallone's The Expendables will bring a huge smile to the face of anyone who grew up during this high-testosterone era. Joining Stallone are the likes of Jason Statham, Dolph Lundgren, Jet Li, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bruce Willis, Terry Crews and more. While the film itself is far from perfect, we can't help but get a kick out of seeing our heroes fighting alongside each other. IMDB Rating: 6.5, Rotten Tomatoes: 42% Kill Bill Quentin Tarantino's grand homage to exploitation cinema, Kill Bill sees star Uma Thurman go on a roaring rampage of revenge, killing everyone who was involved in her attempted assassination. Fresh out of a coma after several years, this former assassin will make her old associates pay, one-by-one, for ruining her life. And when that's done, she's taking her blood-drenched katana on a trip to meet Bill (David Carradine), her former boss and lover. Split into two pieces (both of which are now streaming on Stan), Kill Bill is a violent revenge masterpiece. IMDB Rating: 8.1, Rotten Tomatoes: 85% The Terminator James Cameron made his career with this time travel-themed action thriller, which also worked to solidify Arnold Schwarzenegger as one of the biggest stars on the planet. Arnold plays a Terminator – a cyborg killing machine that's sent back in time to kill a great military leader's mother (Linda Hamilton) before he's ever conceived. This mother's child will eventually be responsible for defeating the machines in the distant future. Thankfully, a human soldier (Michael Biehn) has also travelled back in time to protect her. Perfectly mixing action, sci-fi and horror, The Terminator is a white-knuckle experience from beginning to end.IMDB Rating: 8.0, Rotten Tomatoes: 100% Mad Max Long before he reached Fury Road, Max Rockatansky (Mel Gibson) was a highway cop in a particularly rough part of Australia – his beat ravaged by murderous and borderline savage street cretins. When Max's family and partner are killed by a gang with a vendetta, he gets mad. Extremely mad. One of Australian cinema's most classic films, Mad Max is high-octane revenge thriller that boasts some of the greatest scenes of vehicular carnage ever committed to celluloid. Max would eventually end up in a post-apocalyptic future, but his humble origins should never be forgotten.IMDB Rating: 7.0, Rotten Tomatoes: 90% The Nice Guys Shane Black, writer and director of Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, returns to the world of gumshoe detectives with The Nice Guys, a smart and funny mystery that establishes Russell Crowe and Ryan Gosling as a comedic match made in heaven. Set in the late '70s, Crowe's tough guy enforcer teams up with Gosling's bumbling private eye to solve the mystery of a dead porn star. Filled with hilarious one-liners and terrific action sequences, The Nice Guys is the kind of movie they really don't make anymore, which makes its very existence something of a miracle, wouldn't you say?IMDB Rating: 7.4, Rotten Tomatoes: 92% We all like a good thriller, and Stan is chock-full of them. If you want a film that will have you on the edge of your seat, you've come to the right place. Below is a list of some of the best thrillers currently available on Stan. Nightcrawler Jake Gyllenhaal is incredibly creepy as Louis Bloom, a man who makes money by filming grisly crime footage and selling it to news stations in Los Angeles. Driven by greed and hubris, Louis starts blurring the line between observer and active participant, eventually instigating violent incidents in order to get the scoop. A cutting commentary on our modern news cycle obsession, Nightcrawler is a riveting thriller with terrific performances.IMDB Rating: 7.9, Rotten Tomatoes: 95% Wake in Fright An absolutely brilliant and confronting critique of Australian drinking culture and 'mateship', Canadian director Ted Kotchoff (First Blood) does not hold back at all when it comes to showing some of our country's uglier aspects with Wake in Fright. A school teacher finds himself trapped in an Outback mining town after losing all his money in a two-up game, leading him to go on a night of binge-drinking, fighting and kangaroo shooting with some unhinged locals. It's safe to say that he may never be the same again after this night...IMDB Rating: 7.7, Rotten Tomatoes: 100% Léon: The Professional French director Luc Besson has made several cult classic films (The Fifth Element, La Femme Nikita, The Big Blue), but perhaps none is more beloved than Léon: The Professional. Notable for being Natalie Portman's first film, Léon tells the story of a lonely assassin (Jean Reno) who befriends a young girl after her whole family is killed by a crooked cop (Gary Oldman). Violent and thrilling, yet filled with warmth and heart, Léon: The Professional is bloody fantastic. IMDB Rating: 8.6, Rotten Tomatoes: 71% Science fiction films offer us visions of the future (well, from the perspective of the times in which they were made) that open our minds to the possibilities of what humankind might be capable of, in both the good and bad sense. These are some of the best sci-fi films on Stan. Blade Runner Ridley Scott's thought-provoking cyberpunk masterpiece wasn't fully appreciated until a decade after its release, where it received a director's cut that addressed and excised some of the studio interference that plagued the theatrical version of the film. Harrison Ford plays Deckard, the titular Blade Runner. He's a cop of sorts whose job is to hunt down and eliminate rogue replicants, which are like artificial humans created as off-world slave labour. When a group of them decide they'd rather live, going on a killing spree in the process, Deckard sets out to take them down, but maybe this time it won't be so easy... IMDB Rating: 8.2, Rotten Tomatoes: 90% RoboCop A cutting satire of corporate greed in the '80s, Robocop is more than the sum of its parts. Brilliantly directed by Paul Verhoeven (Total Recall, Starship Troopers), the film sees a rookie cop viciously murdered by a group of criminals, only to be revived by a corporation and used as a robotic crime-fighting product. Pretty soon, his memories start to return, and it's only a matter of time before he tracks down his killers and discovers the real intents of his makers. IMDB Rating: 7.5, Rotten Tomatoes: 88% The Matrix A science fiction classic, The Matrix is a cautionary tale about artificial intelligence packaged as an action-packed, visual effects spectacular. Inspired by martial arts films, anime and cyberpunk literature, The Matrix sees Neo (Keanu Reeves) discover that the world as we know it is an elaborate computer simulation that masks the real truth – Earth is a wasteland and humans are being kept alive in chambers to act as the batteries powering our new machine overlords. Whoa. IMDB Rating: 8.7, Rotten Tomatoes: 87% E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial Steven Spielberg is known for making heart-warming, sentimental movies, and E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial might be the one that best embodies that. A classic family film about a lonely kid (Henry Thomas) who develops a bond with a friendly alien marooned on our planet, E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial is capable of melting even the coldest of hearts. IMDB Rating: 7.9, Rotten Tomatoes: 98% Source link
0 notes
Thomas Kubiak - Sentinel-Tribune
... (Sheryl) Kubiak of Katy, Texas and Mark Kubiak of Maumee; grandchildren, Ahren, Alyson and Ashton Kubiak, all of Katy Texas; stepchildren, Steven (Carol) Bushman of Pemberville, Mark (Barb) Bushman of Pemberville, Lori (Gary) Tuck of Bowling Green ...
0 notes
Thomas Kubiak - Sentinel-Tribune
... (Sheryl) Kubiak of Katy, Texas and Mark Kubiak of Maumee; grandchildren, Ahren, Alyson and Ashton Kubiak, all of Katy Texas; stepchildren, Steven (Carol) Bushman of Pemberville, Mark (Barb) Bushman of Pemberville, Lori (Gary) Tuck of Bowling Green ...
0 notes
Thomas Kubiak - Sentinel-Tribune
... (Sheryl) Kubiak of Katy, Texas and Mark Kubiak of Maumee; grandchildren, Ahren, Alyson and Ashton Kubiak, all of Katy Texas; stepchildren, Steven (Carol) Bushman of Pemberville, Mark (Barb) Bushman of Pemberville, Lori (Gary) Tuck of Bowling Green ...
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Thomas Kubiak - Sentinel-Tribune
... (Sheryl) Kubiak of Katy, Texas and Mark Kubiak of Maumee; grandchildren, Ahren, Alyson and Ashton Kubiak, all of Katy Texas; stepchildren, Steven (Carol) Bushman of Pemberville, Mark (Barb) Bushman of Pemberville, Lori (Gary) Tuck of Bowling Green ...
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