#Carla Romero
lifewithaview · 2 years
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Poirot (1989) The Adventure of the Cheap Flat
Poirot finds himself working on two cases, the first of which is more of an amusement, or so it seems. After meeting a delightful young couple, Stella and James Robinson, at a party he sets out to prove to Captain Hastings that there must be a reason for their good fortune in getting a lovely flat at a ridiculously low price. He is also brought into a more formal investigation by Inspector Japp who is hosting a loud-mouthed American FBI Agent who is on the trail of thieves who have made away with secret US Naval plans for a new submarine. The American isn't too impressed that Scotland Yard have brought in a private detective or that Japp has taken away his gun. When Poirot sees the man the FBI is trailing, he also realizes it's the same man who he has seen lurking outside the Robinsons apartment block.
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fourorfivemovements · 7 months
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Films Watched in 2024: 20. Lisa Frankenstein (2024) - Dir. Zelda Williams
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letterboxd-loggd · 7 months
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Lisa Frankenstein (2024) Zelda Williams
February 28th 2024
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badmovieihave · 5 months
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Bad movie I have Lisa Frankenstein 2024
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callmebrycelee · 26 days
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Which 911 Side Character is the most lovable? Let's find out! Which pairing will reign supreme? This will be a SINGLE ELIMINATION. The pairing with the LEAST votes will be eliminated. Choose wisely!
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theexaltedbride · 1 year
Dead Island 2 Slayers X Reader Headcanons (Part 4!)
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-You once caught Amy playing with a small puzzle piece on a string. When asked about it, she was very shy about it at first. But after thinking it over she decided to open up about it. It’s actually a little gift from her twin sister. Amy’ sister actually has the other half of the puzzle piece and the two of them fit together. Since meeting you she’s actually started considering getting a third piece for you to have. *
-At the theater she tried to sneak away with a few Romero Awards that were left lying around, because when would she ever get another chance at holding one? Plus, she planned on gifting one of them to her sister as a souvenir. 
-You and Amy sometimes share gum via a kiss, which grosses out some of the other survivors. Which Amy finds kind of BS, because they are all regularly covered in zombie guts.
-Amy once wanted to go back to her old school where she taught her students, but was afraid of what she would find. You promised to be there with her the entire time when she felt ready to go back and clear it out.
-Amy has been floating the idea of scavenging one or two arcade machines for the Gameroom back at Emma’s mansion. You’ve tried to tell her that this will be a lot of work and you could just play all sorts of other games. But the fun of playing on an actual arcade machine is worth it, nothing beats the classics. Looks like you might have to raid the pier at some point to give her a nice surprise when she comes back from a supply run.
-Loves talking about his grandfather now and again, and genuinely appreciates when you let him do so and don’t get annoyed or tired of him geeking out over his family. 
-Hated visiting the Santa Monica peer and fighting the Autophage Apex Clown there. Bruno isn’t afraid of clowns, but that freak there almost gave him a phobia of them. When one shows up he might hide behind you because you are braver than him against them.
-Would absolutely clear out the Theater for you so that the two of you could watch movies there and take selfies with the various Hollywood stars on the Walk of Fame. 
-Has started thinking about setting up playlists for you and the group that can be broadcast over one of the radio frequencies to give you all something to listen to when going around Hell-A saving people and fighting Zeds.
-In his free time Bruno has started teaching you some concepts of Tarot cards and asking Lady Luck to look out for you.
-Unironically loves blaring Daddy Yankee’s “Gasolina” when driving around, and will get so excited if you sing along with her even if you don’t speak any Spanish. Tell anyone else about it and she will punch you in the arm (but since she loves you, you get only 5% of the normal force she’d use).
-She got pretty mad at the Santa Monica peer when she played one of those rigged claw games and tried to get herself a stuffed shark. Spent almost five dollars worth of scavenged coins to get one. She nearly smashes the machine open, but she really wanted to win one fair and square, to prove her skill to the machine.
-Would absolutely steal one of the walk of fame stars for you and bring it back to the hideout as a nice gift to you. Might not be the best plan in the world, but it’s the thought that counts.
-On the boardwalk by the beach she showed off just how much she can actually lift, and trying to bring some of it back to Emma’s mansion.
-For as much as an adrenaline junkie she can be, she doesn’t like the rush she gets when you are in danger. It feels terrible, full of fear and anxiety, rather than the world spinning rush she normally loves when doing something dangerous. 
-When the Clown Apex roared at you both and made you jump, Dani actually roared back at it to establish dominance, but also because she didn’t like seeing you so freaked out by any kind of zombie.
-While she is more than happy to do everyone’s hair, she does not let anyone style her own hair, not even you. 
-While she’s a skilled drinker she’s not actually good at doing some of those shot glass tricks you sometimes see on the internet. She’s actually trying to learn how to do them just to impress you.
-Sometimes when you both sleep together she utterly becomes a cuddle bug and refuses to let you get up and out of bed for at least another thirty minutes in the morning.
-During days off from zombie slaying, she will sit back in the pool and drink while listening to music, though whenever you join her she spends a significant portion of that time watching and admiring you.
-Jacob can sometimes be a little sensitive about his damaged right eye (both because it aches in sunlight and because of how much it stands out). So you sometimes make it a point to gently pull off his sunglasses when you are alone together at night, to look at his eyes as they are and show him it doesn’t matter, you still love him.
-Likes to share his smokes with you, and its becoming common for the both of you to just pass the same one around whenever you’re nearby. 
-He shows you some of his old stuntman tricks in areas you have cleared out of Zeds, so that you can better move and fight across Hell-A.
-Has been eager to show you off to his mother, and actually changes his style of dress and hair style when taking a more ‘official’ looking photo for his mom to send to her when you can all finally get a signal out of Hell-A.
-Assures you that hanging on to the tire of a plane in midair was absolutely not the wildest or most dangerous stunt he’s ever done. But that he’d do it all over again because it meant he got to meet you.
-When it was your birthday, Ryan had a special surprise for you by showing you just what he used to do as a male dancer. It was a private show, but everyone knew what was going on just from how much effort Ryan put into cleaning himself up, and how loud the music was during the dance.
-You both actually found the costume shop where Ryan got his fake firefighter helmet and he went into detail about how many costumes he tried on before he was confident enough to try and pull a fast one at the evacuation zone, so of course you ask him if he’d be willing to try some of them on again just for you, and you ended up doing the same for him. 
-You found out that his brother has some teasing names for Ryan, and you have become desperate in trying to guess them. Yet he still holds strong in keeping them from you. I guess you will have to find new names to tease him with.
-If you don’t know how to dance Ryan will be more than happy to teach you. Don’t laugh! Of course he knows how to do more than just stripping. Knowing different kinds of dance styles is paramount to being the best dancer at his agency.
-When Ryan found out you always had the hots for an old 90s Pup Action hero he actually went out of his way to find a costume of it and a fake moustache. Surprisingly he can really pull it off. 
All Purpose Headcanons:
-After you evacuated Sam, Emma and Patton on the chopper your lover, and the other Slayers stood together as one force. Utterly wiping out the swarm of infected, cutting through them all like a scythe through wheat. Seeing all of you working together, the Eschaton Group realized that there was finally someone out there who could challenge them. For the first time now there was something which stood in stark opposition to their ‘Survival of the fittest’ policy, and instead put forth a ‘Survival of the United’ ideal.
-With all of the people you’ve been saving, your reputation amongst Hell-A’s survivor communities is starting to get serious, and more people are actively calling on the radios for ‘The Slayers’ to come and help them. You’re becoming the saviors of Hell-A.
-Given how big Hell-A is, and how many people need help, you can’t always move together as one massive group, and instead have to split into teams to help where you ae most needed and best suited. But when you are all together into one badass zombie slaying mob, there isn’t a single Zed out there who can stand against you.
OOC:  (*So, according to an AMA by the devs it turns out that what Amy had around her neck was a puzzle piece that matches one her twin sister also has. All this time I thought it was a little cross she prayed to or kissed when she was afraid. I never got a good look at it and kind of wish the puzzle piece aspect had gotten more focus in her cutscenes.)
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Title: Lisa Frankenstein
Rating: PG-13
Director: Zelda Williams
Cast: Kathryn Newton, Cole Sprouse, Liza Soberano, Henry Eikenberry, Joe Chrest, Carla Gugino, Joey Harris, Bryce Romero, Jenna Davis, Joshua Montes, Trina LaFargue, Paola Andino, Jennifer Pierce Mathus, Luke Sexton, Chris Greening, Mae Anglim, Ayla Miller
Release year: 2024
Genres: comedy, romance, horror
Blurb: In 1989, a misunderstood teenager has a high school crush...who just so happens to be a handsome corpse. After a set of playfully horrific circumstances bring him back to life, the two embark on a murderous journey to find love, happiness, and a few missing body parts along the way.
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medium-observation · 3 months
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Frozen - First US National Tour
April 14, 2024 (Matinée) - Medium Observation
Natalie Goodin (u/s Elsa), Lauren Nicole Chapman (Anna), Savannah Lumar (Young Elsa), Emma Origenes (Young Anna), Jeremy Davis (Olaf), Dan Plehal (Sven), Daniel Switzer (s/w Oaken/Ensemble), Evan Duff (Weselton), Brian Martin (Pabbie), Renée Reid (Bulda), Natalie Wisdom (s/w Head Handmaiden), Sammy Schechter (s/w Bishop), Kate Bailey (Ensemble), Kristen Smith Davis (Ensemble), Leigh-Ann Esty (Ensemble), Michael Everett (Ensemble), Jason Goldston (Ensemble), Sarah Dearstyne (s/w Ensemble), Zach Hess (Ensemble), Adrianna Rose Lyons (Ensemble), Alexander Mendoza (Ensemble), Kyle Lamar Mitchell (Ensemble), Katie Mariko Murray (Ensemble), Nick Silverio (Ensemble), Peli Naomi Woods (Ensemble)
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Natalie's Elsa Debut. Incredible video of this incredible cast. some washout and shakiness, and readjusting throughout.
NFT Date: July 1st, 2025
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Screenshots: https://www.flickr.com/gp/196227588@N02/J55tdr219n
Video is $20
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In the Heights - Cleveland Playhouse
June 7, 2024 - Medium Observation
Joseph Morales (Usnavi), Addie Morales (Nina), Chibueze Ihuoma (Benny), Kalyn West (Vanessa), Trinidad Snider (Abuela Claudia), Rudy Martinez (Kevin), Michelle Aravena (Camila), Shadia Fairuz (Daniela), Kirsten Angelina Henry (Carla), Gabriel Subervi (Sonny), Courtland Davis (Graffiti Pete), Kevin Solis (Piragua Guy), Amy Romero (s/w Ensemble)
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Excellent capture of this incredible production. some washout and shakiness, and readjusting throughout.
NFT Date: January 1st, 2025
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Screenshots: https://www.flickr.com/gp/196227588@N02/11270N1L8A
Video is $20
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Six - Second US National Tour (Boleyn)
June 15, 2024 - Medium Observation
Kristina Leopold (Catherine of Aragon), Cassie Silva (Anne Boleyn), Kelly Denice Taylor (Jane Seymour), Danielle Mendoza (Anna of Cleves), Alize Cruz (Katherine Howard), Adriana Scalice (Catherine Parr)
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Near perfect capture of this incredible 2.0 Boleyn Cast! lots of latecomers at this theater so you will see some people walk in and out of frame at times. some washout and shakiness, and readjusting throughout.
NFT Date: July 1st, 2025
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Screenshots: https://www.flickr.com/gp/196227588@N02/E3iE5F81Xh
Video is $20
Videos can be purchased through me at [email protected]
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docpiplup · 7 months
In the 9th century, Emma of Barcelona (c. 880-942), a 17-year-old girl, is named abbess in order to repopulate and Christianize border territories in 897. Upon arriving at the abbey, she will have to overcome the mistrust aroused by a woman determined to fulfill her mission, which will lead her to confront nobles, like her brother Count Guifré II Borrel of Barcelona (874-911), peasants and the nuns themselves. Despite everything, Emma will show that it is possible to challenge established power structures. Although she will pay a high price to get it...
Emma is willing to carry out the commission of her deceased noble father, Count Guifré I of Barcelona, Guifré el Pilós (840-897), founder of the House of Barcelona: convert the abbey that he founded in 885, the Monastery of Sant Joan de les Abadesses, for which she is now responsible into the engine of change and transformation of a society that comes down. She must help with all her resources to help the lands that are emptied due to hunger caused by border wars, which in turn are a consequence of the ambitions of the feudal lords of the area.
Emma acquired small or large properties with which the monastery came to have a territory equivalent to that of a county. Her sovereignty was also similar to that of a countess: by concession from her father, her domains were exempt from all interference from the neighboring counts, whom she knew how to oppose with resistance.
On cinemas: Friday 22 March
Filming began in January 2023 at the Loarre Castle, and included scenes filmed at the Turó de la Seu Vella, until concluding at the end of February 2023.
Main cast
Emma of Barcelona - Daniela Brown
Eloisa - Blanca Romero
Guifré II Borrel of Barcelona - Carlos Cuevas
Eduard - Ernest Villegas
Odón - Oriol Genís
Bishop Gotmar of Vic– Joaquín Notario
Clara-Berta Sánchez Bajona
Melisenda - Anäel Snoek
Elvira- Olivia Auclair
Data sheet
Script and direction: Antonio Chavarrías
Produced by: Antonio Chavarrías, Jose María Morales, Miguel Morales, Mónica Lozano
Photography direction: Julian Elizalde
Editing: Clara Martínez Malagelada
Music: Ivan Georgiev
Casting: Irene Roqué, Carla Bisart, Sara Bisart, Elena Gómez Zarzuca and Doriane Flamand
Direct sound: Elsa Ruhlmann
Sound editing: Corinne Dubein
Blends: Emmanuel de Boissieu
Art direction: Irene Montcada
Costumes: Catherine Marchand and Pau Aulí
VFX: Natacha Brohan
Assistant director: Falele Ygueravide
Production direction: Anna Boneta
Executive producers: Alba Bosch-Durán, Flavia Biurrun and Jennifer Ritter
Co-producer: Huber Toint, Alex Verbaere, David Claikens, Samuel Feller
Production of Oberon Media, Wanda Films, Icono 2020, Saga Film, RTVE and TV3.
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(Based on a true story/ Based on a true woman)
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useless-catalanfacts · 9 months
Creadores sobre moda i lifestyle en català
Natàlia Möller (YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, Threads): lifestyle, natura (reconèixer flors i bolets, passejades...), benestar, sortides, cottagecore.
Jordina Cot (TikTok, Instagram): tutorials, maquillatge, moda, humor.
Carla Clavera (TikTok, Instagram, YouTube): consells, moda, lifestyle, recomanacions, etc.
Reich Roca (YouTube, Instagram): opinions sobre moda, tutorials de roba DIY. Ara també porta el pòdcast de moda Llepafils (el podeu escoltar a YouTube, Spotify i Ivoox; també les pots trobar a Twitter, Instagram).
Laia Argelaguet i Franquelo (TikTok, Instagram): moda, viatges, humor.
Marta Pontnou (Instagram, LinkTree a altres): assessora d'imatge de The Pontnou Agency que parla sobre moda i reivindicació, sobretot sobre pressió estètica i de gènere.
Ania Posada (TikTok, Twitter): llibres, salut mental, moda. Porta el pòdcast Em baixa la serotonina sobre salut mental (YouTube, Spotify).
Maria Vallespí (TikTok, Instagram, Threads): moda, lifestyle.
Siobhan (YouTube, Instagram): estudis, llibres i lifestyle.
Mariona Batalla (YouTube, Instagram): moda alternativa, converses sobre diferents temes socials.
Farners Pei Hong (YouTube, TikTok, Instagram): moda, lifestyle.
Gina Martínez Madramany (Instagram): lifestyle.
Bibiana Buch (Instagram): moda.
Marinajuks (TikTok, Instagram): lifestyle.
MakuModel (Instagram, Facebook): sobretot indumentària tradicional valenciana.
Merceria Sant Jordi (Instagram): compte d'una merceria on hi expliquen elements de la roba, pot ser molt útil si us interessa cosir o la moda DIY.
A més de cantants que pengen contingut semblant com la Lau Gibert (Instagram), la ballarina Nadine Romero (Instagram, TikTok) o la Juliana Canet (Instagram, YouTube) i la seva secció de safareig a Catalunya Ràdio (YouTube).
En sabeu més?
Més llistes de comptes en català: comptes de manga i anime, gamers i videojocs, de viatges, influencers i xarxes socials de temes variats, alguns podcasts.
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For fun, here's my updated OC list
Marco Perida and Isla Perida (Nee. Vasquez Born. Sulandre) ~ Gastón's parenst
Diego Alvarez and Carla Alvarez (Nee. Lopez) ~ Simon's parents
Rico Alvarez, Julio Alvarez, Maria Alvarez and Racheal "Rika" Alvarez  ~ Simon's younger siblings
Maya Carcia (Nee. Alvarez), Antonio Carcia, Valeria Carcia and Garen Carcia ~ Simon's older sister, brother-in-law, niece and nephew
Sofia Balsano (Nee. Perelli) ~ Matteo's stepmother
Lucia Balsano (Nee. Astrella) ~ Matteo's diseased mother
Alice Vargas (Nee. Lopez) and Agustin Vargas ~ Simon's aunt and uncle, Leon's parents
Maria Aquirre ~ Buenos Aires based jeweler who is a close friend of Gastón's mother
Sarah Arya ~ Chilean designer who Jazmin discovered from Fundom
Ariana Williams and Marlee Wynne ~ Nina's Oxford roommates
Oliver Carson and Jacob "Cob" Thomas ~ Gastón's Oxford roommates
James Wilson and Isabel Davidson ~ Gastón's friend from his engineering class and his girlfriend
Lisa White and Jess Smitson ~ Classmates from Nina’s literature course
Jakinda Vasquez (Nee. Romero) ~ Gastón’s maternal grandmother
Joakim Vasquez ~ Gastón’s mother’s late adoptive/stepfather
Mía Ruiz (Nee. Vasquez) and Luis Ruiz, and Elise Otero (Nee. Vasquez) and Calvin Otero ~ Gastón’s aunts and their husbands
Jonathan Ruiz and Windy Ruiz (Nee. Zelora) ~ Gastón’s oldest cousin and his wife
April Ruiz, Angelina Ruiz, Cris Ruiz, Liliana Otero, William Otero, Camellia “Mel” Otero, Iris Otero, and Matias Otero ~ Gastón’s other cousins
Tomas Perida and Coral Perida (Nee. Vidal) ~ Gastón’s uncle and his wife
Viviana Astrella (Nee. Bianchi) ~ Matteo’s maternal grandmother
Edoardo Astrella and Rosalinda Astrella (Nee. Varela) ~ Matteo’s uncle and his wife, Flor’s parents
Evelyn Sulandre, Isaac Sulandre and Maxima “Max” Sulandre ~ Gastón’s cousins from his biological maternal grandfather’s side
Jorge Sulandre ~ Gastón’s late biological maternal grandfather
Toni Sulandre and Jay Sulandre ~ Gastón’s uncles from his biological maternal grandfather’s side
Dr. Daniel Alzamenti and Dr. Serena Alzamenti (Nee. Evania) ~ Delfi’s parents, Neuro and Trauma surgeons at Swiss Medical 
Aaron Alzamenti ~ Delfi’s younger brother
Clarion Carbajal (Nee. Clevro) and Samuel Carbajal ~ Jazmin’s parents
Alejo Medina and Dr. Marisa Medina (Nee. Kezne) ~ Jim’s parents 
Ashlyn “Lyni” Medina ~ Jim’s older sister
Pío Sanches and Dr. Julissa Sanches (Nee. Julyer) ~ Yam’s parents
Rodrigo Ramirez ~ The Headmaster of Blake South College
Elias Winton ~ Gastón’s former boss at Renishaw
Some of these character have not appeared in a fic of mine yet, so send me guesses on how they will factor in something or what you would like to see them in
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Stories on AO3
Old Intros
Introductory Pages:
Morvant-Adjacent Babies:
Sunny ‘Rose’ Sonnshine
Lilah Reed Nyx Bloom Chuck Dourif Helena Reese Matheson-Adjacent Babies: Emilie Mayson Adelaide Dean Deanna Louis Ellie Sutton Marisol Swinton Delilah Symonds
Merrilees Marston Candice Castor Samantha Marston Calleigh Dean Amanda Matthews Judith Ellison Desmond/Desdemona Mercury Matilda Westwood Charlotte Jessica Burlingame Alexia Mill Hannah Hardstone Willow Walker Barbara Dean
Jessike ‘Sike’ Logan Elvie Ellory Cassidy Cole Elen Ellis Carlie/Carl Connor Essie Ellory Jenni Oriel  Jessamyn ‘Jess’ Oriel  Jessika ‘Sika’ Oriel  Josie Oriel Jodie Oriel  Jazz Oriel   Jemima ‘Jem’ Oriel Jemma Oriel Jade Oriel  Jasmine ‘Mina’ Oriel  Jo Oriel  Janine Oriel Juliet Oriel     Coralee ‘Cora’ Matthews Millie Meadows Joey Jackson Josh Jackson Gia Wolfe Darla Wolfe Arlene Wolfe Brigitta Wolfe Donna Amato Gina Amato Jeanne Amato Aria Amato Willow Amato Carla Amato Fiona Amato Fiamma Amato Isla Amato Inga Amato Anton Allegro Vincenzo Lombardi Solina Ramirez Lolita Sanchez Marisol Espinoza Jodeyne Morrison Ellory Masterson
Mallory McMichaels
Raffaela Romero Malina Ramirez Lina Markov Candida Crowe Adelaide Marconi Emilie Porter Dervla O’Brady Ava Viva DiLorenzo Jessica Dallas Melissa Madison Katrina Archibald Abigail Novak May Southerlyn April Meadows Julie-Anne Callas Pippa Galston Thea Tallis Kate Isles Lily McQueen Jewel Estella Richardson Alexia-Mae Cathstone Eliza-Beth Leigh Izzy ‘Six’ Sexton-Richards Alice Anais Andrews Britta Roslin Julie Dark Alexandra Jane Castle Jodie Noelle Richards Tallie Marx Michaela Philippa Kingsman Love Aniston Jessie Cole Tali Rice Hollie Mann Madison Mitchell-Mann Roslyn Hall Cariad Hall Joe-Lee Parton Bobby Parton Jim Parton Sonny Parton Lupa Wolfe Anne Rose
Belle Rose Jade Orton Jennifer Orton Jessica Orton Mirabelle Orton Judith Amato Angel Croft Brittany Walker Julietta Day Billy Bristol-Ives Tony Bristol-Ives Julianna-Rose Winstanley Sam Salmon Joe Vattore Danny Richardson-Drake  Mickie-Stephanie Cullen Megan Valentine Millie Maus Mattie Maus Georgina Thompson Finnley ‘Finn’ Shore Sera Shore River Morrison Max Willows Savannah Morrison Lola Claus Mira Claus Mellie Claus Maxie Claus Mirabelle Claus Missy Claus Maura Claus Maisie Claus Mindy Claus
Morella Claus Jack Wilson-Patterson
Bindi Wilson-Patterson
Freya Dalton
Michaela Swallow Elizabeth Walker
Edward Woods
Nadira Richards & Cyrene Roberts Britta Pike
Marguerite Beaulieu Agnes Guirale
Shadow World Babies: Angelike Kirk Eliana Olivier Marisol ‘Sunshine’ Corazon Annabella Sciorra Gianna Fioretti Rhiannon Ellis Cara Sutton Kat Trellis Kimber Bell Marisol Lees Ria Leigh Delilah Daae Hanna Weiss Mindie Swallows Kismet Christian Juliette Loomis Vanessa Myers Arielle Sea Ellie Dewey Lace Belle Esme Innocent Katie Rollins Cherie ‘Cherry’ Garcia Jessie Wolfe Erin Willows Suzannah Davies Emilia Loss Melanie Jeffries Meredith Greylek Kelly Greylek (No relation to Meredith) Cassidy Rubirosa Candice Banks Kendra Copper Ariadne Todd Desdemona Hex Raven Rose Candace ‘Candy’ Caine Angelina Haven Mina Schiff Callie Dennis Esme Ross Susanna Johnson Consuela ‘Connie’ Sanders Raffaela ‘Raffi’ Angeles Ariel Warton Syren Sirena Hela Helios Anne Dread Rose Rayes Hope Evans Faith Hopkins Elizabeth ‘Eliza’ Eames-Olivet Alexandria ‘Alex’ Eames-Olivet April Dawson June May May Engel Augusta Haim Billy Wolfe Savannah Stanley Stanley Cyprus Kellie Cyrano Bella Wolfe Mina Marston Nadiya Corazon Annalise Sciorra Samantha Southhall Amelia Borstein Elena Greenwood Elizabeth Preston Suella Randall Marienne Rubirosa Lilith Morningstar Saralee Rayes Destiny Dracula Martha Curatola Solina Dracula
Valentine Dracula Queenie Annabeth Queen Lily Sharpe Isobel Rubirosa Rose Wolfe Lily Marigold Savannah Rider Marigold Rose Baby Baker Mami Morrison Sugar ‘Sweet’ Sunshine Melody Eros Allie Gayson-Enders Pippa Gayson-Enders Michaela Orville-Hampton Janet Orville-Hampton Mariposa Shadows Lolita Mayhew Tamberlyn Alexara Sukila  Arielle Denver Suzanne Denver Thalin Chelsea Heart Jessica Brisbin Henna Jenkins Dora Jessop Kathleen Shore Samantha Carson Sarah Carson Karen Nielsen Belinda Andrews Amelie Ellis Sister Tatjana Nichols Madison ‘Sugar’ Fuller Daniel Rabebe Angelika Rabebe-Cortez
Lady Liandrin MacBeth Juliet MacIntosh John-Ross Croft Annchi ‘Angie’ Croft Morgana Addams Angeline ‘Angel’ Verna Lane Eulalie Tamerlane Poe
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heypetu · 2 years
CIRCLE from Films.Dance on Vimeo.
An analogy between the modern human being, living in mass cities, and the phenomenon of the circle of death - observed in nature with ants who are separated from the main foraging party and lose the pheromone track. They begin to follow one another, forming a continuously rotating circle, commonly known as a "death spiral" because the ants might eventually die of exhaustion. Shot in Mexico City, this vibrant and impressive city is a protagonist, symbolizing a life in endless high speed movement and the humans who are dedicating their lives to endless movement, self-exhaustion in a modern capitalistic based world.
Filmed in Mexico City, Mexico
Director: Phillip Kaminiak Choreographer: Qiaoqiao Zhang Featuring: Brenda Loustaunau Aguilar, Juan Carlos Estrada De La Cruz, Fernando Guez, Elisa Romero Ramírez, Carla Segovia, Paulina Vargas, Frank Vázquez, Diego Vertiz Composer: Raven Bush Editor: Sander Houtkruijer Cinematographer: Phillip Kaminiak Drone: Luciano Larobina Gomez Dance Producer: Carla Segovia Production Company: Landia Mexico Executive Producer Landia: Thomas Amoedo Producer Landia: David Kohan Production Coordinator: Gustavo Ezequil Anselmi Production Assistant: José Antonio Covarrubias Cepeda Costume Designer: Constanza Nahmad Styling: Constanza Nahmad, Dominga Huidobro Colorist: Manuel Portschy CGI Producer: A Current State CGI Creative Producer: Robert Wunsch Generalist: Arber Gishto VFX Supervisor: Mark Scott Retouching: Sujan Sureshan 1st AC: Edwin Vladimir Olivera Ramirez Ronin Operator: Fernando De Alba León Ronin Ronin Assistant: Arturo David Andrade Mundo Production Design House: Alina Bashirova Makeup Artist: Thania Erika Diaz Gomez Location Sound: Aldonza Contreras Castro Location Manager: Miguel Vargas Location Coordinator: Julio Cortez Scouter: Diego Mota Transportation: Agustin Malavar Flores Driver 1: Oscar Javier Delgado Sánchez Driver 2: Joel Bravo Cabrera Special Thanks: Patricio Perdomo, Fran Paparella, Thomas Amoedo, David Kohan, Agnes Lupion, Omar Uscanga, Aldonza Contreras Castro, Aura Collective, Bite Management, Jolanta Kniebel
PRODUCED BY: Jacob Jonas The Company Executive Producer/Creative Director: Jacob Jonas Producers: Jill Wilson, Emma Rosenzweig-Bock, Associate Producers: Joy Isabella Brown, Francisco Cruz, Steve Hackman, Emily Kikta, Rubberlegz, Anibal Sandoval, Mike Tyus, Peter Walker Fashion Director: Christian Stroble
CO-PRESENTED BY: BAM, The Harris, The Soraya, Stanford Live, Stanford Global Studies
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hiddenwashington · 2 years
@drvcxrys​ said : Hi! I would like to drop cayetana and reserve carla roson and ask for some fc suggestion as well pls! Thank you 💜
no problem love , carla roson is now reserved for swan until 11/28 at 11:57pm est ! for suggestions , maybe : azul guaita , bruna marquezine , anya taylor joy , sydney park , kaia gerber , savannah lee smith , camila mendes , kiana lede , sofia carson , or macarena garcia ( romero ) !
note : cayetana granjera is now reopened for applications , please do not unfollow as this is a mumu.
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callmebrycelee · 23 days
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The results are in! Detectives Lou Ransome and Rick Romero - our Blue Team - is out! We're down to 5 teams. Out Turquoise Team (Linda and Tommy) courted a whopping 54.4% of the vote so they will receive immunity from the next eilimination. This poll will be SINGLE ELIMINATION. The pairing with the LEAST votes will be eliminated. Choose wisely!
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lesterplatt · 1 month
CIRCLE from Films.Dance on Vimeo.
An analogy between the modern human being, living in mass cities, and the phenomenon of the circle of death - observed in nature with ants who are separated from the main foraging party and lose the pheromone track. They begin to follow one another, forming a continuously rotating circle, commonly known as a "death spiral" because the ants might eventually die of exhaustion. Shot in Mexico City, this vibrant and impressive city is a protagonist, symbolizing a life in endless high speed movement and the humans who are dedicating their lives to endless movement, self-exhaustion in a modern capitalistic based world.
Filmed in Mexico City, Mexico
Director: Phillip Kaminiak Choreographer: Qiaoqiao Zhang Featuring: Brenda Loustaunau Aguilar, Juan Carlos Estrada De La Cruz, Fernando Guez, Elisa Romero Ramírez, Carla Segovia, Paulina Vargas, Frank Vázquez, Diego Vertiz Composer: Raven Bush Editor: Sander Houtkruijer Cinematographer: Phillip Kaminiak Drone: Luciano Larobina Gomez Dance Producer: Carla Segovia Production Company: Landia Mexico Executive Producer Landia: Thomas Amoedo Producer Landia: David Kohan Production Coordinator: Gustavo Ezequil Anselmi Production Assistant: José Antonio Covarrubias Cepeda Costume Designer: Constanza Nahmad Styling: Constanza Nahmad, Dominga Huidobro Colorist: Manuel Portschy CGI Producer: A Current State CGI Creative Producer: Robert Wunsch Generalist: Arber Gishto VFX Supervisor: Mark Scott Retouching: Sujan Sureshan 1st AC: Edwin Vladimir Olivera Ramirez Ronin Operator: Fernando De Alba León Ronin Ronin Assistant: Arturo David Andrade Mundo Production Design House: Alina Bashirova Makeup Artist: Thania Erika Diaz Gomez Location Sound: Aldonza Contreras Castro Location Manager: Miguel Vargas Location Coordinator: Julio Cortez Scouter: Diego Mota Transportation: Agustin Malavar Flores Driver 1: Oscar Javier Delgado Sánchez Driver 2: Joel Bravo Cabrera Special Thanks: Patricio Perdomo, Fran Paparella, Thomas Amoedo, David Kohan, Agnes Lupion, Omar Uscanga, Aldonza Contreras Castro, Aura Collective, Bite Management, Jolanta Kniebel
PRODUCED BY: Jacob Jonas The Company Executive Producer/Creative Director: Jacob Jonas Producers: Jill Wilson, Emma Rosenzweig-Bock, Associate Producers: Joy Isabella Brown, Francisco Cruz, Steve Hackman, Emily Kikta, Rubberlegz, Anibal Sandoval, Mike Tyus, Peter Walker Fashion Director: Christian Stroble
CO-PRESENTED BY: BAM, The Harris, The Soraya, Stanford Live, Stanford Global Studies
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