#Dead Island
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doni030 · 7 months ago
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no reposts/any use of my art without permission
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boozerman · 1 year ago
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DEAD ISLAND 2 (2023) dev. Dambuster Studios
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morgana-artt · 1 year ago
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glitxhy-b0yy · 11 months ago
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There's literally nothing about this post besides Bruno. LOOK AT HOW PRETTY HE IS, I loved how many third person cutscenes there were, it was super cool to see (I had so much fun with this DLC)
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jugger-heads · 11 months ago
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slayer carla
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german-garbage · 11 months ago
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When the Beat took me, it knew me completely: Everything I am, was, and will be. But I knew it too. It felt... familiar.
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yesiplaygamez · 1 year ago
When a character you don't like dies/leaves.
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winterfieldfrontiers · 1 month ago
So grateful to see these franchine has a thriving sequel.
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Deep Silver's still have debt but they cooked these.
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mageswithcats · 3 months ago
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That one character
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hermajesdyke · 2 months ago
2011 was such an insane year for video games
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videogamepolls · 5 months ago
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Requested by anon
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theology101 · 3 months ago
I love Dead Island 2’s representation of a Federal/Military response to a zombie apocalypse cause it perfectly shows the extreme competence and incompetence of the American Government.
Like okay, the US Military is the most powerful institution in the History of Mankind, it’s been the only thing our country has cared about for 80+ years. Against Zombies - which just use even *less* effective version of wwI strategies - the Military can and should easily steamroll the zombies. Shit, even the strongest Apex Zombies go down with a few clips from a rifle - btw, standard issue for the US Army is the 5.56x45 M4 Carbine, or another words, your standard soldier is more then capable of taking down the most elite Zombies around, especially if they are operating in squads/units.
Like this is something a lot of Zombie Media gets wrong - I have a M61 Vulcan, it does not MATTER if I get a head shot. Hell, it doesn’t matter if I’m using a M134 - the sheer amount of concussive force delivered can, should, and will pulverize bone, tissue and organs across the entire body as your mortal flesh tries to contain the impact. Even if you need to break the brain to kill the zombie, concussive force traveling through the body will handle that. Even if it doesn’t, a zombie that’s made up of teo hundred random component shreds aint a threat, is it?
On paper - the US Military could and should have been able to handle the Zombie Apocalypse. But militaries don’t just exist on paper and when rubber meats the road, the two predictable enemies of Capitalistic Military Might rear their heads: Corporate Interests and overconfidence.
The Military intentionally released the virus onto Hell-A in Dead Island 2, with the goal of finding a cure to the Zombie Virus. The Virus would pop up inevitably, and so sacrificing the city of LA (But not the children, over 99% are evacuated before the opening cinematic) to get the 1 in a Million people who were immune to then make a cure is, to the military, reasonable. The problem is that the Military didn’t know what they were dealing with and didn’t have time to learn, and they trusted a Tech Billionaire.
The military could’ve had everything handled, but they didn’t know how to despose of Infected. So, they melted them with Acid and flushed them down the drains. Big problem - the Acid didnt kill the Autophage cells. Instead of having a few million Zombies each running as an autonomous machine, so much biomass is depositted in the Sewer that it begins to grow. The Flesh eats the fat, the waste, the garbage in the sewer to make massive tendrils and whole walls of living, thinking flesh.
In the opening cinematic, 3 days after the infection starts, the military has things pretty organized. Of course, there will be an attack against the border every thirty minutes, and at least one refugee turns out to be bit once every three hours, but things are generally hunky dorey. And then all of a sudden, a dozen earthquaks form around LA that are perfectly in line to breach all of the Military’s defenses
Dumbasses actually invented a Super Intelligent Hive Mind able to command the zombies and burrow into the earth to form artificial earthquakes
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boozerman · 1 year ago
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DEAD ISLAND 2 (2023) dev. Dambuster Studios
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morgana-artt · 1 year ago
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vergiliault1ma · 1 year ago
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Xian Mei fanart. My fav character in Dead Island
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theexaltedbride · 2 years ago
Dead Island 2 Slayers X Reader Headcanons.
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-Always tries to make sure you eat right for a day of surviving the undead. Amy also likes to take the time to show you how to properly limber up and run so you don’t pull a muscle during an attack or a retreat from the undead.
-Amy isn’t afraid to let you touch her prosthetic leg, so long as you ask nicely and don’t tug on it.
-When things get tough, Amy has a thousand little pick-me-up phrases and feel good mottos she can give you that she’s said to herself many times.
-When fighting he undead Amy likes to hit and run, picking the zombies down one by one (Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee). But she will go all out if she spots you being cornered or pushed too hard by the swarm.
-Will always compliment your music choices even if he doesn’t actually like them, and is always the first one to suggest blaring music loudly when you find a working car and can drive around the zombies. His main choice seems to be some song called “Stay Alive’ which he was playing on his phone before the plane crash.
-Phone is now full of selfies with you, but only the ones that make you look good and got the right filters on, so everyone can see you as he sees you.
-Bruno is not the most gun savvy person and tends to shoot it gangsta style, if you can teach him the right way to use one (especially proper gun-safety) he will appreciate it, especially after the two of you start stacking Zeds left and right.
-Promises that once this is all over, you and him are gonna hit it big on the internet. He’s gonna make a song about you.
-After swearing so much at the undead, or at dickish survivors, she decided to teach you Spanish, starting with every swear she knows and even some new ones. But when you are alone together, she will also teach you by whispering sweet (or even dirty) things in Spanish to you and telling you to translate it.
-Once punched out another survivor for getting too handsy with you, and afterwards will start teaching you how to properly fight with someone.
-Will always offer a comforting touch, even if she can be a little rough around the edges. Gives the best hugs out of the group, but don’t tell anyone.
-Is going to teach you to ride a motorcycle, so you can get the same rush as she does from her bike, but also so you can get away quickly if things go bad.
-Will teach you how to drink like you mean it, but is willing to start with the weaksauce stuff if you are hesitant to drink during the apocalypse.
-Can play up her accent if you want, but it tends to happen when she gets very angry, to the point even she doesn’t know what she said.
-Is constantly trying to decide what kind of tattoos would look good on you, and promising you it doesn’t hurt.
-Promises you that if you both survive this, she’s gonna make you part of the Blood Faeries.
-Normally doesn’t like to put his cigars out for anyone, but will do so for you. If only because he wants to make a good impression.
-Loves clearing out, fancy, mansions in LA of zombies and turning them into a safehouse where you and him can have a great time together just eating the food, watching the movies and raiding anything there for some fun. Its important to keep a happy mindset during the apocalypse.
-When raiding for supplies, he will go out of his way to find things he knows you like and bring them back, which is slowly turning the both of you into loot goblins and packrats. You’re gonna need a bigger bag or storehouse for all the stuff you’ve picked up.
- Even when he’s feeling down, he forces himself to smile through it, but the smile becomes much more genuine when you are around.
-Genuinely afraid of all the undead overwhelming LA, but will put on a brave face so that you aren’t scared. Eventually he won’t have to fake it, and will genuinely be brave, especially with you around.
-You genuinely thought he was a real firefighter, until you noticed his helmet was a toy. He loves going over that story and sometimes sharing his craziest stories from his career as a male stripper.
-Wants to survive the apocalypse and show you off to his brother and boast about how badass you are for having survived alongside him.
-Will only pull out his old stripper dance moves when in a safezone, and only if he’s 110% sure no one will barge in.
All purpose Headcannons:
-They will love you regardless of if you are ‘Immune’/a ‘Numen’, or not. They care about you for who you are, not what you are. And if the other group of (evil?) Numen try to step between them and you, then those bastards have another thing coming.
-They tend to let you handle the radio calls when it involves civilians in danger, or them trying to sell their ‘Hero Services’ out to any survivors in LA.
-Movie Night back at Emma’s mansion is the highlight of the week now, with everyone voting over what movie to watch. There tends to be a trend of the longer movies being chosen, so that the group can forget about the chaos outside a little longer.
-The excitement you sometimes show when you nerd out over something is also a welcome distraction and has led to in depth nerdy debates even in the middle of fighting against swarms.
-The group is slowly turning Patton’s bunker into a second home/safehouse for survivors.
-None of them can decide on a group name for themselves.
-If the group encounters other survivors they feel are dangerous, they might start closing ranks around you subconciously to keep you safe.
-If you have loved ones outside of the Quarantine Zone, they will do their best to make sure they know you are okay and will be taking care of you.
-Someone is gonna make a scrapbook of all the selfies you’ve collectively taken around famous landmarks or memorable moments.
-They totally stopped to check in to see if your favorite actor/actress is still alive/safe.
-Sometimes you all just sit and watch the stars from the roof of Emma’s mansion, and its in these moments, together, safe, and united as a group, that you all truly feel alive.
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