#di2 sola festival
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glitxhy-b0yy · 11 months ago
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There's literally nothing about this post besides Bruno. LOOK AT HOW PRETTY HE IS, I loved how many third person cutscenes there were, it was super cool to see (I had so much fun with this DLC)
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morgana-artt · 10 months ago
Like Old Times
Bruno (DI2) x FtM!Reader
Note: request done for @hyunjinbiased-blog I hope you like it!
You kick a can off to the side, you decided to head to LA for the SoLA fesitival not knowing the absoloute shit storm that was about hit you and everyone else in LA.
Your mind wondered to the people you care for and one came to mind specfically...Bruno. A good friend of yours and also your ex, you parted on bad terms or maybe it wasn't bad per say but you did leave on unfinished terms to say the least. In times like this, you miss him and his stupid humour, you can picture it now of him trying to make you laugh while you worry about being zombie chow.
You sigh, you really did miss him and still loved him but god knows where he was now since the evacuation... you really hoped he got out of LA, you remember him talking about taking a flight back but you can't remember since so much went on since then.
You sigh once more as you kept walking on, you look to your left to see some zombies clawing at a vendor not paying any attention to you. You keep walking not wanting to fight, you turn a corner and see a pharmacy and decide to head in and look for supplies as your knees and feet were hurting from walking for so long. You take a peek under the shutters to make sure no zombies were in and crawled under. Once you saw it was clear you scavanged for supplies and while you were doing this you heard a voice, you curse and hide behind a shelf as you heard the voices come closer. At best, they were friendly and would leave you alone if you were caught by them and at worst they'd mug you or beat you up. You had your fair share of crazy people throw this damn thing.
Your heart pounded as you heard someone shuffle under the shutters and make their way in and a voice that you immediately knew had made your brain freeze for a second. It can't be...is it?
You heard a laugh, "nah, girl. We'll go in and get supplies and head back to yours, we'll be fine!" a masculine voice spoke. You peak around the corner and your eyes widened as you knew that beanie, those chains, those dreadlocks and overall fashion from anywhere.
"Bruno?" You spoke as Bruno jumped out of his skin and yelped making you chuckle, collecting his barings he looked at you and blinked, "(Y/N)? Is that you?!" a sudden smile appeared on his face as he came in for hug and so did you, the hug was held a second longer than your usual hug. You pull away, his hands on your arms, "I can't believe you're here! I...wait, what are you doing here, (Y/N)? Weren't you back in-", you interrupted him, "-Yes..but I came here for the SoLA festival and...yeah." You explain making Bruno slow whistle, "Ahhh... yeah the festival sort of got cancelled in it's own way. You know, zombies and stuff..heh" he chuckled but you could see him sort of shiver at the mention of the festival.
He shook his head and smiled, giving your arms a squeeze before letting go. "You look good, friend! Like...really good" you raise an eyebrow as you swore you saw him check you out before looking away sheepishly. You chuckle, "and you're still Bruno...", he raised an eyebrow now "is that good?", "very much so" you reply with a smirk as you both chuckle. You were both quiet for a second before Bruno spoke, "Aye...Cariño- I mean, (Y/N)..I know we had some...problems before all this but I-" you see him clear his throat, "-I'm glad you're okay, friend. I was worried about you..."
You can't help but smile as you see a soft look in his eyes, "I'm glad you're okay too...friend." He smirks at that and before he could speak another voice was heard on Brunos radio.
He picks up the radio and replies, "Yeah I'm fine. Met up with an old friend! Hey, you don't mind if i bring him along...", the voice on the radio huffed, "seriously?! I have enough with- ugh... fine as long as it's just him" it was a womans voice. Bruno give you a wink, "thanks, Emma." he turned the radio off as you look at him, "Emma?", "Emma Jaunt! I'm staying at hers with a few others" he explains and your eyes widened. "Wait...THE Emma Jaunt?" you ask, you've seen some of her movies. Bruno nodded, "she's a bit..prickly but overall okay." He chuckled, "you found anything in here?", he asks making you shake your head, "I just arrived before you came, wanna look around?", he nods at that and you two scope out the place before heading out.
The two of you walk along the houses in Berverly Hill and up to Emmas place, "still rocking those knock offs?" you ask smirking as you see him groan, "ugh...seriously? yes, I am. I hopes you forgot about that lil' fact" he mutters making you snort. You two are careful to avoid much trouble with the zombies. You see Bruno jump over Emmas gate and you follow, Bruno helps you down as you walk with him inside the mansion.
You were intrduced to Andrea and her family, then came amanda talking about her videos and how Bruno was her kick ass 'Bestie' making you chuckle and Bruno rub his head and sigh. You're then introduced to Emma, Michael and Sam, she was..something. No comment. Michael was pretty okay and Sam was...Sam.
It eventually got darker and you were on the rooftop leaning over the railing watching the zombies gargle and stumble on by, you sigh as your body was aching from so much walking but you finally found a safe place...at least for now. You feel someone lean on the railing next to you and you smile knowing who it was, "hey..." you greet as Bruno smiled, "hey to you too." You both looked out at the view, "it's crazy how fast things escalated, huh..." you hear him say and you nod, "yeah...lost some friends while being here..." you reply, voice quiet as you think back to your friends demise. "Tchhhh...sorry to hear that. I lost a few people trying to save them..." he says, despite Bruno being chirpy and a 'man with the plan', he was sensitive at heart and did care for people so when he couldn't save them it did weigh on him. You look at him and lean on his arm, you feel him lean back.
"I'm sorry..." you hear him say making you look up at him, "what?" He looks back at you, "I'm sorry for what I said before the apocalypse, when things went down...all I could think of was you." his voice was laced with a gentleness that only you recognised, he was being sincere. Your gaze softened, "oh, Bruno...I'm sorry for what I said too. When this all went down I was so worried about you. I know you can handle yourself but...I just wanted to pick up the phone and ring you..." you say, your voice breaking a little. You hear him chuckle, "aye...this zombie apocalypse really does make you think, doesn't it?" you chuckle at this, "it does and I'm glad it does...because..." You face him as he faces you, "yeah?" his voice is quiet, "because...I want to get back together with you, if you'll have me" you say, looking down at his shirt.
You hear him chuckle and you're pulled into his chest, you could smell his scent and feel the warmth that you were so familiar with. You wrap your arms around his waist, "Cariño...I'll run through a horde for you..." he says making you laugh. "Let's not get too crazy, okay?" you pull away a little, you look into his eyes before leaning in and kissing him softly.
You feel him jump a little before pulling you close and kissing back. You pull away a little, "so that's it then? We're back together?" you ask as he nods, "yeah...and we're gonna take LA by storm!" he grins as you laugh, "you idiot..." you say lovingly as you share another kiss, glad to be in his arms again.
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glitxhy-b0yy · 1 year ago
This has got to be one of the greatest announcements I have woken up to, we FINALLY have the first teaser trailer for the next Dead Island 2 DLC, SOLA Festival! And it seems like more news is also approaching later on in the week, so definitely stay tuned for that at @deadislandgame on Twitter! See You At SOLA, Slayers!!
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