#Carl Schurz
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dreaminginthedeepsouth · 8 months ago
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What is the rule of honor to be observed by a power so strongly and so advantageously situated as this Republic is? Of course I do not expect it meekly to pocket real insults if they should be offered to it. But, surely, it should not, as our boyish jingoes wish it to do, swagger about among the nations of the world, with a chip on its shoulder, shaking its fist in everybody’s face. Of course, it should not tamely submit to real encroachments upon its rights.
But, surely, it should not, whenever its own notions of right or interest collide with the notions of others, fall into hysterics and act as if it really feared for its own security and its very independence. As a true gentleman, conscious of his strength and his dignity, it should be slow to take offense. In its dealings with other nations it should have scrupulous regard, not only for their rights, but also for their self-respect.
With all its latent resources for war, it should be the great peace power of the world. It should never forget what a proud privilege and what an inestimable blessing it is not to need and not to have big armies or navies to support. It should seek to influence mankind, not by heavy artillery, but by good example and wise counsel. It should see its highest glory, not in battles won, but in wars prevented. It should be so invariably just and fair, so trustworthy, so good tempered, so conciliatory, that other nations would instinctively turn to it as their mutual friend and the natural adjuster of their differences, thus making it the greatest preserver of the world’s peace.
This is not a mere idealistic fancy. It is the natural position of this great republic among the nations of the earth. It is its noblest vocation, and it will be a glorious day for the United States when the good sense and the self-respect of the American people see in this their “manifest destiny.”
It all rests upon peace. Is not this peace with honor? There has, of late, been much loose speech about “Americanism.” Is not this good Americanism? It is surely today the Americanism of those who love their country most. And I fervently hope that it will be and ever remain the Americanism of our children and our children’s children.
– Carl Schurz, “The True Americanism,” speech delivered on Jan. 2, 1896 in: Speeches, Correspondence and Political Papers of Carl Schurz, vol. 5, p. 258 (F. Bancroft ed. 1913
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kathywaller1 · 8 months ago
Carl Schurz on True Patriotism
I confidently trust that the American people will prove themselves … too wise not to detect the false pride or the dangerous ambitions or the selfish schemes which so often hide themselves under that deceptive cry of mock patriotism: “Our country, right or wrong!” They will not fail to recognize that our dignity, our free institutions and the peace and welfare of this and coming generations of…
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terriwriting · 1 year ago
The Senator from Wisconsin cannot frighten me by exclaiming, "My country, right or wrong." In one sense I say so too. My country; and my country is the great American Republic. My country, right or wrong; if right, to be kept right; and if wrong, to be set right.
Remarks in the Senate (29 February 1872) He was here responding to the famous slogan derived from a statement of Stephen Decatur: "Our country! In her intercourse with foreign nations, may she always be in the right; but our country, right or wrong."
Patriot: "My country, right or wrong"
Me: "Ooh, ooh, I know this one! Wrong! Your country's wrong!"
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newyorkthegoldenage · 9 months ago
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Built by a wealthy shipping merchant in 1799, Gracie Mansion, which today sits in Carl Schurz Park overlooking the East River, became the official residence of New York's mayor in 1942. On May 25, 1942, as Fiorello LaGuardia and his family began to move in, children explored the area.
Photo: Tom Fitzsimmons for the AP via Huffpost
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talonabraxas · 3 months ago
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“Ideals are like stars; you will not succeed in touching them with your hands, but like the sea fearing man on the desert of waters, you choose them as your guides, and following them, you reach your destiny” ― Carl Schurz Alnilam - Central Star of Orion Talon Abraxas
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stench-blossom · 1 year ago
The Strokes on meeting each other
Various excepts from the book “Meet me in the Bathroom: Rebirth and Rock and Roll in New York City 2001–2011” by Elizabeth Goodman
“NICK VALENSI: I remember what Julian was wearing the day I met him in middle school: blue jeans and a white button-down shirt. The shirt had the name of his former school on it - which was funny to me, that he wore the uniform from his old school to the first day of his new school. I was thirteen, he was fifteen.
JULIAN CASABLANCAS: We met at orientation at the Dwight School.
FABRIZIO MORETTI: Dwight sucked.
NIKOLAI FRAITURE: Julian was cool even before the band. He was cool from first grade. We went to Friends School, on the Upper East Side. I don't remember meeting him but I remember when our friendship was solidified. We were six or seven. Our school had a water main break. It was in the morning so it was right after class started and everyone had to go home. My parents were working and they couldn't come to pick me up, so Julian told me to come home with him. The water main didn't get repaired for three days so I just stayed over.
FABRIZIO MORETTI: Nikolai was always around. Julian has this very attractive way of being, even on a subconscious level. People run the risk of wanting to bend towards his wishes. And at that time, the way I saw it, Nikolai was the only one who Julian would bend to. That changed, but I remember Nikolai's school got out later than ours, and Julian would wait for what seemed like a long time, for him to come home and just hang out.
NICK VALENSI: Fab was in my grade at Dwight-I didn't have classes with Julian, but I had English and French with Fab.
FABRIZIO MORETTI: Then they found out Nick was actually better at French than they initially graded him so he moved. We were all friends. But I always felt like I was chasing them, like I wasn't cool enough. They would kinda let me in every once in a while. They were thick as thieves, those two. I would try to hang out with them, and it always felt like a privilege when I did.
NIKOLAI FRAITURE: The first time I met Nick, were going to a music store on Forty-Eighth Street, Sam Ash. He was much younger than Julian and I were-he was thirteen and we were fifteen- but then we got home and he played "The Star-Spangled Banner" by Jimi Hendrix and I was like, "Holy shit."
NICK VALENSI: Right away Julian and I started doing music together. He started writing songs basically right away.”
RYAN GENTLES: Those guys all go so far back. Albert knew Jules since they were eight years old. He met Jules when he was eight!
ALBERT HAMMOND JR.: Julian and I went to boarding school together in France.
JULIAN CASABLANCAS: Before Dwight, I was kind of messing up in school as usual so I got sent to the boarding school that my father had gone to and that he loved. I had a roommate who had some video games, Street Fighter II and shit. People would come over and play.
ALBERT HAMMOND JR.: We connected in a way where he was like an older brother. We hung out in his room and played video games, that kind of thing. I was like a little kid to him, even though really, it was only a two-year difference.
JULIAN CASABLANCAS: Albert was a little younger so I wasn't really friends with him then, but he was one of the only other Americans there. I kept a pretty low profile at that school. I mean, it was a pretty big culture shock.
ALBERT HAMMOND JR.: I met Julian and Nikolai first, before I even tried out for the band. We went to Ryan's Daughter and had margaritas. I was never a big drinker. I was more of a stoner in L.A., so I was pretty wasted already, and then they were like, "Let's get forties!" I was like, "You want beer after this?" So we get forties and we're hanging out on the east park, Eighty-something, drunk.
NIKOLAI FRAITURE: Oh yeah, Carl Schurz Park, with the L.A. boy.
ALBERT HAMMOND JR.: It was a fun little bonding experience. Then I went home and threw up everywhere.
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kafkasapartment · 1 year ago
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Carl Schurz Park, New York, c. 1922. William James Glackens. Oil on canvas.
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julianbashir · 2 years ago
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pigeon glamor shots in carl schurz park
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toasttt11 · 1 year ago
maleah barzal
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Malakai Elise Barzal
Career: Business Owner
Height: 5”6
Hometown: Coquitlam, British Columbia, Canada
Harvard University
Accepted in 2015 when she 16.
She got her Major Degree in Business Administration and her Minor in Fashion.
Received the Lucy Allen Paton Award in Humanities.
Received the Detur Book Prize.
Received the Louise Donovan Award.
Received the Artist Albert Alcalay Prize.
Received the Richard Glover Ames and Henry Russell Ames Award.
Received the Helen Choate Bell Prize.
Received the Carl Schurz Prize.
Received the Joseph Barrett Award.
Received the Harvard College Women’s Leadership Award.
Received the Sophia De Mello Breyner Andersen Prize
Received the Jeremy Belknap Prize.
Graduated the top of her class of 2020.
Languages she can speak
Swish German
Ancient Greek
She first sold a pieces of clothes when she was young at little set up shops, when she 15 she started her online business and started to sell clothes more often and had her first warehouse, she had pop up shops and eventually got her first real shop and it blew up even bigger and it she quickly needed more locations. Within in a few years she had hundreds of locations and skyline in New York City. By the time she was barely 19 she was already proffering millions of dollars. By 2021 she had one of the biggest companies in the whole world.
Her business name has always been τόλμη which means darling in Greek.
Born July 31, 1999
Daughter of Mike and Nadia
Has two siblings Matthew and Liana
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waltfrasescazadordepalabras · 10 months ago
Los ideales son como las estrellas; no conseguirás tocarlas con tus manos. Pero como los marinos en las aguas desiertas, puedes usarlas para guiarte y, siguiéndolas, llegar a tu destino.
(Carl Schurz)
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roosterarts · 2 years ago
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Battle of Gettysburg - Day 1
July 1
3:00 PM
Collapse of the Union line
The enemy struck them hard from the front, but they managed to hold them off. Volley against volley, the smoke of gunpowder soon filled the air. In the chaos and confusion of the battle, as the troops of the 153rd Volunteer Infantry Regiment focused on the enemy ahead of them, they failed to notice a new threat forming on their left. From that direction, a new Rebel brigade formed up a struct. Outnumbered and outflanked, there was no other option but to turn back and run.
With Reynolds dead, Major General Oliver Howard, commander of the XI Corps, assumed command of Union forces at Gettysburg. This thus left Major General Carl Schurz, as commander of XI Corps. Tasked with covering the northern outskirts of Gettysburg, Schurz only had two infantry divisions to cover the flat terrain there.
As forces of the Confederate Third Corps began appearing north of town, the 1st Division of the Union XI Corps, under the command of Brigadier General Francis Barlow, decided to occupy a piece of high ground to deny it to the enemy. This ground was then known as Blocher's knoll. Barlow believed that Confederate forces could use it as a place to position artillery and fire down on them. To prevent this he deployed his division on it. However, it was far beyond the Union line, thus leaving his force exposed on both flanks.
At 3:00 in the afternoon, the Confederate Third Corps began swarming Blocher's knoll. Barlow's division did their best to hold their ground, but with their flanks in the air they were unable to hold. In the fighitng Barlow himself was injured and soon left behind as his division retreated.
However, the disaster at Blocher's knoll was only one of a series of bad news for Union forces.
At 4:00 in the afternoon, Lee ordered all Confederate forces to adance. Soon Union forces north and west of Gettysburg were under heavy attack.
Following the loss of Barlow's division, the Union XI Corps was already in disarray and were already pulling back from the north, falling back south and across Gettysburg. This left the Union I Coprs' right flank exposed, as I Corps' 2nd Division tried to hold the right flank. Meanwhile, the Iron Brigade had fallen back from McPherson's ridge and retreated to Seminary ridge. There they tried to hold on, as the corps' artillery provided supporting fire.
But soon the Union lines gave way.
With heavy pressure pressed against them, Union forces on all fronts soon broke and had to retreat. Behind them were the Confederates, who were encouraged at the sight of retreating Union troops.
Falling back through Gettysburg, Union troops retreated south. It seemed like another defeat was to befall the Union Army of the Potomac. However, some Union forces managed to recover from the retreat and gather around at Cemetery Hill, located south of Gettysburg. There, they were joined by Major General Winfield Hancock, the commander of the Union II Corps. Hancock had been ordered by Major General Meade, commander of the Army of the Potomac, to ride ahead to Gettysburg and assume command of forces there.
Once on the field Hancock immidiately got to work. He began organizing the tattered and defeated Union units, deploying them on Cemetery Hill. Seeing the good high ground in that area, Hancock sent a message to Meade, telling him that the ground south of Gettysburg was a good place to hold an army and defend againts enemy attacks.
Soon the remains of XI Corps held on to Cemetery Hill, while the remains of I Corps deployed on a hill east of them, called Culp's Hill. As night fell, more Union Corps arrived to reinforce the line. Eventually, the Union Army of the Potomac formed the iconic "fish hook", which started from Culp's Hill and ended at the two Round Top Hills in the south. As the troops arrived and began digging into their new positions, General Meade, commander of that army, arrived. Colsulting with his corps commanders, he asked them if they should stand and fight. They were unanimous in their decision. The army should stay and hold the high ground they were on.
Meanwhile, across the battlefield, the Army of Northern Virginia deployed north and west of this fish hook. Many of their troops were in high morale. Lee had oncemore brought them a victory. However, although Confederate forces had been victorious during the first day of fighting, the battle was still far from over. The Union still held the high ground and were not yet defeated.
Featuring @thedumbguywithaheart43 and @bexdrey as members of the 153rd Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry Regiment, which was a part of Barlow's 1st Division. On Boom's forage cap is the a Corps patch. The cresent indicates that he is a member of the Union XI Corps, while the smaller red cresent indicates that he is a part of the corps' 1st Division.
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zwangstherapie2016 · 1 year ago
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Die Januarkonferenz: 20.01.2012 | Das Meeting zum 5. Krieg der Türkei gegen Deutschland.
Am 20. Januar 1942 fand in Berlin-Wannsee eine Konferenz über die Endlösung der Judenfrage statt, die als Wannseekonferenz in die Geschichte eingegangen ist. Das Motiv: Antisemitismus. 70 Jahre nach der Wannseekonferenz, am 20. Januar 2012, informierte mich Simon Otroschko vor dem Rathaus Spandau, Carl-Schurz-Straße 2–6, 13597 Berlin-Spandau, an der Bushaltestelle der Linie X33 in Fahrtrichtung Berlin-Reinickendorf, im Auftrag des SPD-Politikers Olaf Scholz und SPD-Arztes und Lobbyisten Dr. Gerhard Heim, beide Mitglieder im rechten Parteiflügel der Sozialdemokratischen Partei Deutschlands (SPD), der "Seeheimer Kreis" bezeichnet wird, detailliert und präzise über einen geplanten politischen Krieg in Deutschland unter dem Deckmantel einer Pandemie. Das Motiv: Ausländerfeindlichkeit. Nach Mitteilung der brisanten Informationen, die als Betriebsgeheimnisse der Sozialdemokratischen Partei Deutschlands (SPD) und als Staatsgeheimnisse der Bundesrepublik Deutschlands (BRD) bezeichnet wurden, vernebelte der Informant mehrmals Aerosolmedikamente in meine Atemluft, die mir unmittelbar nach meiner Inhalation eine Amnesie auf diese Informationen auslösten. Plötzlich wusste ich nichts mehr von einem Krieg. Bis ins Jahr 2019. Nach zunehmender Begegnung mit dubiosen Gestalten, die ich als Geheimdienstler enttarnte, wurde mir die Besprechung mit Simon Otroschko wieder bewusst. Bis heute recherchiere ich in meinem Gedächtnis nach neuen Informationen. Das Meeting mit dem SPD-Informanten Simon Otroschko bezeichne ich seit dem 20. April 2021 (wieder) als die "Januarkonferenz".
Chronik des 5. Kriegs der Türkei gegen Deutschland
Metin Akgün: *20.03.1982 in Halle/Westfalen Zwangstherapie (ZT): 1987–2024 Die Januarkonferenz: 20.01.2012 | Das Meeting zum 5. Krieg.
5. Türkischer Krieg gegen Deutschland: 09.11.2016 Massenmord-Skandal! Herzinfarkte wurden mit Aerosolmedikamenten ausgelöst: 2016–2024 Ärzte und Geheimdienste der CDU, AKP, SPD haben meiner ganzen Familie über Nacht im Schlaf mit Gasmasken Karzinogene verabreicht: Juli/August 2017 COVID-19 Pandemie: 11.03.2019 Sexueller Missbrauch der Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel (CDU): 17.07.2019
1. Aussage zum 5. Krieg: 3. Untersuchungsausschuss der 19. Wahlperiode des Deutschen Bundestages. Wegen der Zensur wurde dieser in der Presse umschrieben als "Wirecard, Wirecard-Skandal und Wirecard-U-Ausschuss" bezeichnet: 2019–2023 SARS-CoV-2 Pandemie: 31.12.2019
2. Aussage zum 5. Krieg: Landgericht Berlin: 2020–2024 Mord meiner ganzen Familie (192 Personen): 06.02.2022
Murat Akgün ist tot: *15.01.1955–28.07.1999 Altkanzler Helmut Kohl (CDU) ist tot: 15.01.2017 Thomas Roth (FDP) ist tot: 04.10.2017 Ilfan Kara (geb. Yavuz) ist tot: *20.05.1963–30.10.2017 Melina Akgün ist tot: *17.10.2005–17.10.2019 Simon Otroschko (Informant der Januarkonferenz) ist tot: 17.12.2019 Dr. Gerhard Heim (SPD, Seeheimer Kreis, KV Berlin) ist tot: 25.06.2020 Jens Spahn (CDU) ist tot: 13.12.2020 Armin Laschet (CDU) ist tot: 15.01.2021 Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer (CDU) ist tot: 15.01.2021 Georg Nüßlein (CSU) ist tot: 07.03.2021 Alfred Sauter (CSU) ist tot: 21.03.2021 Altkanzler Gerhard Schröder (SPD) ist tot: 09.04.2021 Markus Söder (CSU) ist tot: 16.04.2021 Karl Lauterbach (SPD) ist tot: 14.06.2021 Alice Weidel (AfD) ist tot: 18.06.2021 Hasan Akgün ist tot: 15.08.2021 Ilkay Köse (geb. Akgün) ist tot: *26.01.1980–21.08.2021 Altkanzler Olaf Scholz (SPD) ist tot: 30.08.2021 Altkanzlerin Angela Merkel (CDU) ist tot: 08.09.2021 Lars Klingbeil (SPD) ist tot: 17.10.2021 Ayhan Akgün ist tot: *23.11.1988– Manuela Schwesig (SPD) ist tot: 23.11.2021 Cem Özdemir (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen) ist tot: 26.11.2021 Anton Hofreiter (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen) ist tot: 01.12.2021 Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann (FDP) ist tot: 15.12.2021 Michael Roth (SPD) ist tot: 15.12.2021 Claudia Roth (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen) ist tot: 15.01.2022 Christine Lambrecht (SPD) ist tot: 15.01.2022 Gülay Akgün-Yilmaz ist tot: *31.03.1981–17.01.2022 Ricarda Lang (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen) ist tot: 29.01.2022 Omid Nouripour (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen) ist tot: 29.01.2022 Nancy Faeser (SPD) ist tot: 03.02.2022 Meine ganze Familie ist tot: 06.02.2022 Christian Lindner (FDP) ist tot: 06.02.2022 Franca Lehfeldt (Ehefrau von Christian Lindner) ist tot: 06.02.2022 Meral Akşener (İYİ-Partei) ist tot: 03.03.2022 Annalena Baerbock (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen) ist tot: 20.03.2022 Sahra Wagenknecht (Linke) ist tot: 20.03.2022 Recep Tayyip Erdoğan (AKP) ist tot: 31.03.2022 Britta Ernst (SPD) ist tot: 17.04.2022 Volker Wissing (FDP) ist tot: 23.04.2022 Daniela Schmitt (FDP) ist tot: 23.04.2022 Franziska Giffey (SPD) ist tot: 28.04.2022 Robert Habeck (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen) ist tot: 20.05.2022 Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu (CHP) ist tot: 28.05.2022 Devlet Bahçeli (MHP) ist tot: 12.06.2022 Christopher Vogt (FDP) ist tot: in Bearbeitung Lisa Paus (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen) ist tot: 2022 / in Bearbeitung Rolf Mützenich (SPD, Seeheimer Kreis) ist tot: 2022 / in Bearbeitung Jürgen Resch (Deutsche Umwelthilfe, DUH) ist tot: in Bearbeitung Sascha Müller-Kraenner (Deutsche Umwelthilfe, DUH) ist tot: in Bearbeitung Barbara Metz (Deutsche Umwelthilfe, DUH) ist tot: 2022 / in Bearbeitung Dr. Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU) ist tot: 26.12.2022 Dr. Florian Toncar (FDP) ist tot: 2023 / in Bearbeitung Dr. Kahraman Dönmez (Türkischer Geheimdienst MİT) ist tot: 2023 / in Bearbeitung Hasan Özmen (Türkischer Geheimdienst MİT) ist tot: 2023 / in Bearbeitung Dr. Christine Glauning (Dokumentationszentrum NS-Zwangsarbeit) ist tot: 2023 / in Bearbeitung Dr. Marco Buschmann (FDP) ist tot: 2023 / in Bearbeitung
Wegen der Zensur des 5. Türkischen Kriegs erklärte die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) dies am 11.03.2019 zur COVID-19 Pandemie und wegen der weltweit stark ansteigenden Todeszahlen am 31.12.2019 zur SARS-CoV-2 Pandemie. Umgangssprachlich auch Corona, Coronavirus, Coronakrise und Coronapandemie bezeichnet. In der Presse auch Nord Stream, Nord Stream 2, Gas-Krise und Klima-Krise bezeichnet.
Mitglieder der Christlich-Demokratischen Union Deutschlands (CDU) stiften systematisch Deutsche dazu an, die Türken unter dem Einfluss von Aerosolmedikamenten sexuell zu missbrauchen. Während des Missbrauchs wird ihnen mit Aerosolmedikamenten das Bewusstsein abgestellt. Die Opfer können sich an den Missbrauch nicht erinnern und haben eine Amnesie. Wegen der Zensur wird darüber umschrieben, mit den Pseudonachrichten – "Sexueller Missbrauchsskandal in der katholischen Kirche" berichtet.
Mitarbeiter des türkischen Geheimdienstes MİT vom türkischen Konsulat in Berlin haben ab dem 09.11.2016 gemeinsam mit Geheimdienstlern verschiedener politischer Strömungen und dem rechten Parteiflügel der Sozialdemokratischen Partei Deutschlands (SPD), der Seeheimer Kreis bezeichnet wird, der Freien Demokratischen Partei (FDP), Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, Linken, Basisdemokratischen Partei Deutschland (die Basis), der Deutschen Umwelthilfe (DUH) und mit Ärzten der Kassenärztlichen Vereinigung Berlin (KV Berlin) der Zivilbevölkerung in Deutschland mit Aerosolmedikamenten Herzinfarkte ausgelöst. Zudem haben sie eine unbekannte Anzahl von Männern, Frauen und Kindern im Einfluss von Aerosolmedikamenten sexuell missbraucht (2016–2023). Wegen der Zensur des 5. Kriegs der Türkei wurde dieser umschrieben und ab dem 24.02.2022 mit den Pseudonachrichten "Russischer Krieg gegen die Ukraine" veröffentlicht.
Das Robert Koch-Institut (RKI) bestätigte am 20.02.2024 in Deutschland 38.818.710 Fälle von COVID-19. Todesfälle.
Deutsche Geheimdienste erwiderten den türkischen Massenmord. Die Johns Hopkins University (JHU) veröffentlichte auf ihrem COVID-19-Dashboard am 10.03.2023 in der Türkei 17.042.722 Fälle von COVID-19. Todesfälle.
Die (WHO) bestätigte am 19.12.2023 weltweit 772.838.745 Fälle von COVID-19. Todesfälle.
Wegen der Zensur des Massenmords und der tatsächlichen Todeszahlen wird von "Infektionszahlen" und "Fallzahlen" berichtet.
Kriegsursache: Sexueller Missbrauch von 400.000 Türken in Deutschland
Tatwaffe und Kriegswaffe: Aerosolmedikamente
Was sind Aerosolmedikamente?
Aerosolmedikamente werden mit verschiedenen Medikamentenverneblern in der Luft vernebelt. Aerosolmedikamente werden nicht nur zur Behandlung von Asthma eingesetzt. Damit arbeiten auch andere Ärzte, Lobbyisten, Spione, Geheimdienstler, Richter, Rechtsanwälte, Psychologen, Politiker, Polizisten und Insider. Wenn man in der Luft vernebelte Aerosolmedikamente einatmet (inhaliert), dann lösen sie im menschlichen Körper eine Wirkung aus. Mit Aerosolmedikamenten können viele Zwänge in einem Menschen ausgelöst werden. Wenn man in anderen Menschen Zwänge auslöst, dann kann man sie zu verschiedenen Verhaltensweisen bewegen. Die meisten Opfer merken nicht, dass ihre Verhaltensweisen von anderen Menschen mit Aerosolmedikamenten ausgelöst wurden, weil der Übergang fließend ist. Mit Aerosolmedikamenten kann man in anderen Menschen schwere Krankheiten auslösen, die bis hin zum Tod der betroffenen Menschen führen können. In der Luft vernebelte Aerosolmedikamentenpartikel sieht man mit bloßem Auge nicht, und wenn man sie durch Mund und Nase einatmet, dann riecht und schmeckt man sie nicht. Je nachdem, wie die Aerosolmedikamente zusammengesetzt sind, kann das die psychische Befindlichkeit der betroffenen Menschen verändern. Damit kann man auch das psychische Bewusstsein eines Menschen abstellen und diesen in dieser Zeit sexuell missbrauchen. Wenn das Bewusstsein abgestellt wurde, kann man sich als Opfer an die Missbrauchstat nicht erinnern. Die meisten Opfer kennen den Täter dann nicht. Manchen Opfern gelingt es kurz nach der Tat und manchen nach vielen Jahren, sich an den sexuellen Missbrauch zu erinnern. Um den Missbrauch juristisch aufarbeiten zu können, muss man sich als Opfer an die Tat und an den Täter erinnern. Wenn man sich nicht erinnern kann, dann gilt der Vorfall als nicht geschehen und nicht nachweislich. Was kann man mit Aerosolmedikamenten noch machen? Damit kann man noch viele andere Sachen machen. Man kann Menschen damit Herzinfarkte auslösen, an deren Folgen sie sterben können. Wie werden im Krieg die Menschen ermordet? Die meisten Menschen werden im Krieg nachts, wenn sie schlafen, ermordet. Dafür kommen bis an die Haustür und Wohnungstür Ärzte, Aerosoltherapeuten oder Geheimdienstmitarbeiter der jeweiligen Kriegsparteien und vernebeln durch einen kleinen Spalt in der Tür oder am Fenster die Aerosolmedikamente in die Wohnungen der Zivilbevölkerung. Wenn die Menschen im Schlaf diese Aerosolmedikamentenpartikel einatmen, erleiden sie sofort einen Herzinfarkt. Die meisten Opfer sterben sofort. Diese Kriegsführung hat sich nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg (1945–2024) etabliert, wird umschrieben auch der "Kalte Krieg" bezeichnet und wird wegen der Schwere des Falls von vielen Ländern der Welt zensiert. Auch die Bundesregierung zensiert gegenüber der eigenen Bevölkerung diese Fälle.
Ergänzende Informationen
Die "Spanische Grippe" ereignete sich 1977/1978. Die "Spanische Grippe" ist auch ein Massenmord-Skandal! Herzinfarkte wurden mit Aerosolmedikamenten ausgelöst. Wegen der Schwere des Falls und wegen der Zensur wurde dieser Massenmord-Skandal "Spanische Grippe" (Pandemie) bezeichnet. Wegen der Zensur und wegen der Absicht, diesen Massenmord-Skandal in Vergessenheit geraten zu lassen, wird das tatsächliche Datum der "Spanischen Grippe" bewusst wie folgt falsch veröffentlicht: "1918–1920". Die "Russische Grippe" ereignete sich nicht 1977/1978. An den Folgen der "Spanischen Grippe" starben weltweit 500 Millionen Menschen.
Topographie des Terrors | Dokumentationszentrum NS-Zwangsarbeit
Wegen der Zensur der türkischen Fälle werden diese umschrieben im Dokumentationszentrum NS-Zwangsarbeit (Britzer Straße 5, 12439 Berlin-Schöneweide), dokumentiert und wegen der Zensur umschrieben ausgestellt. Nach der Errichtung eines Neubaus wird dieses Dokumentationszentrum in die Niederkirchnerstraße 8 in 10963 Berlin-Kreuzberg umziehen.
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beatrice-otter · 2 years ago
My country, right or wrong; if right, to be kept right; and if wrong, to be set right.--Carl Schurz, 1872
Too many people remember only the first bit.
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haggishlyhagging · 2 years ago
For many years, Mary Putnam Jacobi was "theoretically opposed" to woman suffrage. She had stood quietly against it for several years, not publicly denouncing it, but not endorsing it either. Women's education and work in the professions were bigger priorities because they could provide the true means for gender equality, she believed. With the woman suffrage movement split and struggling in the 1870s and early 1880s and the failure of Reconstruction to secure black male suffrage and citizenship, Jacobi did not see the vote as a pressing need for women. Her scientific faith determined her priorities, so that early on, conducting medical experiments was more important than casting votes. But by the last stage of her career, science and suffrage had become related, if not inseparable, causes.
In 1885, she publicly vowed her support for women's political enfranchisement. In a short article in The Woman's Journal, the suffrage newspaper of Lucy Stone and Henry Blackwell, she announced, “Please count me henceforth among those who believe in woman suffrage.” In the years that followed, Jacobi became deeply involved in the resurgent suffrage movement, so that by 1894 she was the leading voice for the New York City campaign. Explaining her commitment to the cause, she told Agatha Schurz, daughter of Carl Schurz, “My great reason for desiring Equal Suffrage, is as a formal recognition of the equality of the sexes, — and because such recognition as a matter of theory is essential to securing equality as a matter of fact.” Late in her life, she came to see suffrage as the most important right of citizenship and, consequently, that it represented the actualization of gender equality.
Jacobi initially opposed woman suffrage as a matter of strategy and priorities but also because she opposed universal suffrage, in general. She believed it granted the vote to the uneducated and, in her eyes, the undeserving. Showing both her scientific sensibility and class position, Jacobi held that voters should be intellectually agile and properly trained to comprehend complex questions and analyze data. She explained her position: “Persons habituated to technical pursuits are ... always inclined to distrust the action of masses in relation to subjects about which they must be inadequately informed.” For years Jacobi questioned the ability of the male "masses" to vote with integrity; she also questioned whether women were intellectually prepared and ready for the vote. Frustrated with the spotty educational opportunities for women early in her career, she at first was reluctant to support woman suffrage. But by the mid-1880s, she believed that women had evolved and were ready and capable of enfranchisement. They were no longer a political liability but an asset in the promotion of social justice and the struggle to end corruption. Jacobi now echoed fellow women advocates who celebrated women's "progress" as a justification for female enfranchisement.
Philosophically, Jacobi also changed her mind because she had come to see woman suffrage as compatible with her positivist views on women's health and the social organism. She believed that "the real basis of democracy, republicanism and justice is the physiological equality or equivalence of human beings." Society could be a healthy body when all of its elements contributed to the larger whole, and this meant the full inclusion of women in political activity. When women were denied the vote and full political participation, they were prohibited from being complete living organisms, and the social organism failed to function to its most healthful capacity. She believed this denial explained a "large share of . .. the physical ill health of women, not to speak of [their] moral unhappiness." Again, Jacobi used her identity as a woman physician to blame female illnesses, as well as social ills, on women's second-class status.
-Carla Bittel, Mary Putnam Jacobi & The Politics of Medicine in Nineteenth-Century America.
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greenthena · 5 months ago
"My country, right or wrong; if right, to be kept right; and if wrong, to be set right." Senator Carl Schurz, 1861. Yah. You've probably heard the first half used out of context. I certainly had.
"Why are you in this country if you hate it so much?"
Umm... I was born here? Moving out of the country is expensive and one of my criticisms of the US is how we treat the poor? It's actually somewhat difficult to get citizenship somewhere else? You're supposed to be critical of your own culture and engage in politics somewhat? I have a right to speak my mind?
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julianbashir · 2 years ago
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northern cardinals in carl schurz park
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