#Car repair manuals
Exploring the World of Workshop Manuals for Vans and Commercial Vehicles
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When it comes to maintaining and repairing vans and commercial vehicles, having access to reliable resources is crucial. Workshop manuals tailored for these specific vehicles can be your best companion in the world of automotive repairs. In this article, we'll delve into the importance of workshop manuals for vans and commercial vehicles and how they can simplify the complex world of car repair manuals.
Why Are Workshop Manuals Essential for Vans and Commercial Vehicles?
Specificity: Vans and commercial vehicles come in various shapes and sizes, each with its unique components and systems. Workshop manuals are customized to provide detailed information for a particular make and model, ensuring that the repair instructions are accurate and relevant to your vehicle.
Complex Systems: Commercial vehicles often have complex systems, including specialized equipment like refrigeration units or hydraulics. Workshop manuals offer in-depth explanations and step-by-step guidance on how to troubleshoot and repair these complex systems.
Cost Savings: DIY repairs can save businesses a substantial amount of money, as labor costs for commercial vehicle repairs can be significant. With a workshop manual in hand, you can tackle maintenance and minor repairs independently.
Where to Find Workshop Manuals for Vans and Commercial Vehicles
Manufacturer's Resources: Start by checking the official website of the vehicle manufacturer. Many car companies offer workshop manuals for their commercial vehicle models. Navigate to the "Service" or "Support" section and look for a "Download Workshop Manual" option.
Online Forums and Communities: Automotive enthusiasts and professional mechanics often share workshop manuals on online forums and communities. Join forums dedicated to vans or commercial vehicles and search for manual-sharing posts. If you can't find what you need, don't hesitate to ask for assistance.
Dedicated Manual Websites: Numerous websites specialize in providing car repair manuals, including those for vans and commercial vehicles. Conduct a web search with specific keywords like "Workshop manuals for commercial vehicles" to discover dedicated manual websites.
Commercial Vehicle Repair Shops: Local commercial vehicle repair shops may have access to workshop manuals. Reach out to these shops and inquire if they can provide you with the necessary manuals or direct you to trusted sources.
Using Workshop Manuals for Vans and Commercial Vehicles
Once you've obtained a workshop manual for your van or commercial vehicle, it's essential to use it effectively:
Vehicle Identification: Ensure you correctly identify your vehicle's make, model, and year. Workshop manuals are highly specific, so accuracy is key.
Navigating the Manual: Begin by reviewing the table of contents to find the section that corresponds to the repair or maintenance task you need to perform.
Step-by-Step Instructions: Workshop manuals provide detailed step-by-step instructions, often accompanied by illustrations. Follow these instructions meticulously to complete the repair accurately.
Safety Precautions: Always adhere to the safety precautions and recommendations provided within the manual to prevent accidents and injuries.
In conclusion, workshop manuals for vans and commercial vehicles are indispensable resources for maintaining and repairing these specialized vehicles. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily find the workshop manuals you need to tackle maintenance and repairs, saving your business money and ensuring the reliability of your fleet. Workshop manuals simplify the often complex world of car repair manuals, making it more accessible for van and commercial vehicle owners and technicians alike.
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wmco121 · 1 year
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https://workshopmanuals.co/ Service and Repair Manuals for All Makes and Models. Repair manuals are technical documents that provide detailed instructions on how to repair and maintain a vehicle. They are often used by professional mechanics and technicians, Workshop manual pdf, Mercedes workshop manual, Car repair manuals, Mercedes workshop manual, BMW tis download as well as DIY enthusiasts who want to fix their own vehicles. workshop manuals co provides workshop repair manuals just like the professional repair shops use. We provide an instant manual download after purchase. A workshop manual, also known as a service manual, is a comprehensive guide that provides detailed instructions on how to repair, maintain, and service a specific make and model of vehicle, machine, or equipment. car workshop manuals are important for safety reasons. When repairing or maintaining a car, it's essential to ensure that the work is done correctly and safely. Workshop manuals provide detailed information on the correct procedures, tools, and safety measures to take when working on a car, reducing the risk of accidents or injuries. We are always here to help. Our workshop manual support staff answers support emails 24/7. Instant Download
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dreamlogic · 7 days
finally got a job & then my car's engine immediately started smoking on the way home from meeting my supervisors & filling out tax paperwork. 🫠
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dashcamidiots · 1 year
Cool Winter Driving Tips - How to drive in snow and ice
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firjii · 9 months
ngl one of the biiiiiiig pitfalls of selling things on eBay is the fact that the original userbase (i.e. oldest accounts) are largely now a bunch of cranky, kinda old, occasionally not-lucid mansplainers who insist on haggling the price of EVERYTHING down, like bish I've been there 12 years under my own account and was aware of its intricacies long before that, I know what the fuck I'm doing as a seller and I know what my shit's worth
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m1autorepair · 27 days
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fuzzy-robot · 1 month
I proved my 20 year old car is hardy enough for a cross-country roadtrip but also it's accumulating more and more baffling quirks and I don't know when it's going to go too far. like what do you MEAN trying to lock it with the key now makes all the doors unlock. why and how does a station wagon become Haunted
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Whether it's a simple tune-up or a major overhaul, Smith Brothers Transmission, is committed to keeping you on the road safely and confidently. Schedule your appointment today at www.topekatransmissionrepair.com or call us on 785-806-2712 for more.
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techdriveplay · 4 months
What to Do if Your Car Breaks Down
Experiencing a car breakdown can be a stressful and potentially dangerous situation. Knowing what to do if your car breaks down is crucial for your safety and for the well-being of other road users. This guide aims to provide you with detailed steps to follow, ensuring you handle the situation as safely and efficiently as possible. 1. Pull Over Safely The moment you notice something is wrong…
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workshop09m · 10 months
How can I repair a car with a workshop repair guide? 
A step-by-step guide to car repair using a workshop repair guide. Owning a car comes with the responsibility of maintenance and occasional repairs. While some problems may require professional assistance, many common problems can be easily resolved by following workshop repair guidelines. These guides provide detailed instructions and diagrams specific to the make and model of your vehicle, empowering you to save time and money on repairs. In this article, we'll walk you through the step-by-step process of using a workshop repair guide to repair your car efficiently and effectively.
Step 1: Get the workshop repair guide
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The first step is to obtain a workshop repair manual for your vehicle's make and model. You can find these guides on our website . Alternatively, you can consider purchasing a physical copy from an auto parts store. Make sure the guide covers the correct year, make and model of your vehicle to get the correct instructions.
Step 2: Diagnose the problem
Identify the problem your vehicle is facing before starting the repair process. Diagnosing the problem correctly is crucial to selecting the appropriate section in the workshop repair guide. Listen for strange noises, check for warning lights on the dashboard, and do a visual inspection of the damaged area.
Step 3: Gather the required equipment
Before starting the repair, gather all the necessary tools mentioned in the workshop repair guide. Commonly required tools include screwdrivers, wrenches, pliers, a socket set, jack stands, and safety equipment such as gloves and eye protection. Organise your workspace to have easy access to tools during the repair process.
Step 4: Follow the step by step instructions
Once you've diagnosed the problem and gathered the necessary tools, it's time to start the repair process by following the workshop repair guidelines. Read the guide thoroughly to understand the steps involved and familiarise yourself with possible safety precautions.
Most workshop repair guides will include the following sections:
a) Introduction: An overview of repair procedures, safety guidelines and general information about your vehicle's systems.
b) Diagnostic Procedure: Detailed steps to identify the problem correctly.
c) Removal and Disassembly: Step-by-step instructions on how to disassemble affected components.
d) Inspection and Repair: Guidelines for inspection of parts for damage and their repair or replacement.
e) Reassembly: Instructions for putting everything back together after repair.
f) Adjustment and Testing: Procedures to ensure proper functioning of repaired components.
Step 5: Take your time and be patient
Repairing a car requires patience and attention to detail. Take your time and follow the instructions carefully. Rushing through the process can lead to mistakes or missing important steps, potentially causing more significant problems.
Step 6: Test the repair
Once you've completed the repair and reassembled the components, test the repaired area to make sure everything works as expected. Take the car for a short drive to verify that the problem has been resolved and there are no new problems.
Conclusion: Using a workshop repair guide can empower you to repair your car with confidence and precision. By following step-by-step instructions and taking the time to understand the process, you can effectively troubleshoot common vehicle problems and keep your vehicle running smoothly. However, keep in mind that some repairs may require professional skills and if you ever feel unsure or encounter unexpected problems, it is best to consult a qualified mechanic. With the right approach and a workshop repair guide, you'll be well on your way to becoming a more self-reliant car owner.
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car2repair · 11 months
Unlocking the Secrets of Car Repair with Workshop Manuals: A Comprehensive Guide
Owning a car comes with the responsibility of maintenance and repairs. While some minor fixes can be easily handled by the car owner, more complex issues may require the expertise of a professional mechanic. However, there's a valuable resource that lies at the heart of every successful DIY car repair endeavour: the workshop repair guide. In this article, we'll explore how to effectively use workshop manuals to repair a car and unleash the potential of these comprehensive guides.
Understanding the Workshop Repair Guide
A workshop repair guide is a comprehensive manual that provides detailed instructions, illustrations, and diagrams to help diagnose, troubleshoot, and repair various components of a car. These manuals are often created by the manufacturers themselves, making them highly reliable and specific to each car model. They cover a wide range of repairs, from basic maintenance tasks like oil changes and brake pad replacements to more complex procedures like engine overhauls and transmission repairs.
Accessing Workshop Repair Guides
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Gone are the days when workshop manuals were only available in printed form, stored in cluttered workshops. Today, these valuable resources are readily accessible online. Many automakers provide digital versions of their workshop manuals through official websites or authorised platforms. Additionally, automotive forums and third-party websites may offer these manuals for download or purchase. Always ensure you obtain the correct manual for your car's specific make, model, and year.
Unravelling the Contents
Workshop manuals are packed with valuable information, but they can be overwhelming at first glance. Here's how to make the most of the contents:
Table of Contents: Start by familiarising yourself with the manual's table of contents. It serves as a roadmap to find the specific repair procedures you need.
Step-by-step Procedures: Workshop manuals present repair tasks in a step-by-step format, guiding you through each process with detailed instructions. Follow the steps meticulously, ensuring you understand each action before proceeding.
Visual Aids: Take advantage of the illustrations and diagrams provided. These visual aids help you understand complex systems and pinpoint the location of various components.
Essential Tools and Safety Measures
Before diving into any repair, gather the necessary tools and safety equipment. Workshop manuals often include a list of required tools for each procedure. Ensure you have the correct tools and follow the recommended safety measures to protect yourself and prevent damage to your vehicle.
Diagnostic Assistance
Workshop repair guides are not only for when you know what needs fixing. They can also help you diagnose problems. Many manuals contain troubleshooting sections that assist in identifying the root cause of issues. Utilise these diagnostic tools to save time and effort in pinpointing the problem.
Practice Makes Perfect
Car repairs can be challenging, especially for beginners. Don't be disheartened if you encounter difficulties during your first few attempts. Practice and patience are key to becoming proficient in DIY car repairs. The more you work with workshop manuals and tinker with your vehicle, the more confidence you'll gain.
Conclusion:- Workshop repair guides are a treasure trove of automotive knowledge, empowering car owners to take charge of their vehicle's maintenance and repairs. By understanding how to use these manuals effectively, you can save money on costly mechanic visits and develop valuable skills along the way. Always approach repairs with caution, and if a task seems beyond your expertise, don't hesitate to seek professional help. Happy repairing!
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geweke-ford · 1 year
Signs Your Ford Needs a Transmission Repair
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1. Your Vehicle Has Issues Switching Gears
If you notice your car is struggling to change gears, you’re likely looking at an issue with your transmission. This can be more noticeable if you’re driving a standard transmission, but can also be felt in an automatic. Sometimes this can be fixed by changing your transmission fluid, but check with your mechanic before any further issues occur.
2. Your Vehicle Makes Strange Noises
If your vehicle is making any new noises, especially if you’re sitting in neutral, or when the gears are changing, this could indicate your transmission needs attention. Again, it could simply mean a transmission fluid flush is needed, but you’ll want to get it checked as soon as possible
3. Your Vehicle’s Check Engine Is On
Even though the light says to check the engine, it could signify an issue with other important parts of your vehicle. Issues with the transmission can cause the engine to struggle, which may trigger the light to come on. It’s important to visit a mechanic quickly to get them to read the code with their special tool to find out the issue.
4. Your Vehicle Puts Out a Strange Smell
If you notice a burning smell coming from your vehicle, you need to get this checked immediately. This can indicate the transmission fluid is too old and is burning off, or it could be the transmission itself struggling. Either way, this can quickly lead to further issues, which can be harder to fix.
5. Your Vehicle Is Leaking Fluid
Every so often, take a look underneath where you park your vehicle. If you see red fluid, chances are this is your transmission fluid leaking out. Take your car in to get fixed as soon as possible before your transmission starts to struggle from lack of fluid.
6. Your Ford Dealer Lets You Know
If you’re taking your car in for regular maintenance, your mechanic will let you know if your transmission needs any repairs. Luckily, with regular maintenance, it can usually be caught before it creates more damage.
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bookloversofbath · 1 year
Austin-Healey Sprite Mark I Workshop Manual Issue 3 :: Anon.
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knsautorepairss · 1 year
Repairing Cars: What is the Hardest Part?
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A car is a major mode of transportation that helps people get from one place to another. They're also a source of income for farmers and garage owners who use them to transport goods. Cars are pretty expensive, but people need them for work and for leisure. People have to take care of their cars so they can drive them without trouble. Plus, if someone fixes a car, other people will be able to use it safely.
The body of a car is the hardest part to repair. All the engine parts are built into the chassis, and all the electrical components are in the dashboard. Even if you know how to repair cars, it's hard to find replacement parts for damaged vehicles in this age of mass production. Plus, some car manufacturers don't allow used parts to be used in repair jobs; they're too worried their parts will harm other vehicles. Ultimately, automakers are tough to repair- but they're worth it when done right.
The body of a car is the hardest part to repair. All the engine parts are built into the chassis, and all the electrical components are in the dashboard. Even if you know how to repair cars, it's hard to find replacement parts for damaged vehicles in this age of mass production. Plus, some car manufacturers don't allow used parts to be used in repair jobs; they're too worried their parts will harm other vehicles. Ultimately, automakers are tough to repair- but they're worth it when done right.
Car owners usually have very little money when they want to repair their vehicles. They don't receive many benefits from their employers and just want to get the job done. However, it's hard to replace broken parts when you don't have much money. This is why many cars break down when people need them the most. They can't afford new replacement parts, so they ruin their vehicles by trying to fix them themselves. If everyone had enough money, cars wouldn't break down so often.
Fortunately, there are ways around this problem that don't involve money at all. All you need is a screwdriver and some patience- two things anyone can afford without a problem. Anyone can fix a car by replacing worn out parts with new ones he got for free from the manufacturer or from auto parts stores online. This way, cars stay functional regardless of how much money people have. Plus, fixing your own vehicle lowers gas emissions and reduces auto manufacturers' costs for emissions control and disposal of auto parts. This is all good for the environment and good for everyone's wallet.
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m1autorepair · 3 months
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teapartyprincess4two · 4 months
Messy- J. Webber
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pairing: Waitress!reader x Mechanic!Jake
classification: SMUT SMUT NO FLUFF
warnings: 18+, MDNI, literal sex, messy sex, public sex, facial, cream pie, cursing
inspiration: request
summary: Jake is a regular customer at the diner you work at, eating the same meal everyday before returning back to work. One day, when you’re taking his order, you can tell he has much more sinful intentions than a quick meal.
The diner is slow today, it always is on Sundays. You’ve had a total of 5 customers and it’s already past noon, making the day feel endless. You’re currently messing with the fryer in the kitchen. It turned off suddenly and now it won’t turn back on. “Stupid fucking fryer,” you grumble, clicking random buttons until it finally starts heating.
Suddenly the front doorbell rings, indicating a customer has entered the lobby. “Hello! I’ll be right with you!” you call out from the kitchen, peering your head over the order window to catch a glimpse of the customers. You instantly recognize that it’s Jake, he’s a regular customer and arrives everyday at exactly 12:30pm without fail.
Jake saunters in, dirty and sweaty from a hard days work. He works at an automotive repair shop that sits right on the corner of the street, choosing your diner everyday as his preferred dining spot. The walk from his car shop isn’t long, but he always leaves early so he misses the lunch rush.
Because he’s such a frequent customer, Jake knows the diner well, so he situates himself in the booth that gives him the best view of the kitchen. When he first started eating here, he realized that this booth provided him with a cinema worthy experience because he could watch you work as he enjoyed his meal.
You emerge from the kitchen with a big smile on your face, walking around the front counter and over to Jake’s table. “Can’t get enough of this place, huh?” you joke, retrieving a small notebook and ball point pen from the depths of your apron.
“Guess so,” Jake replies with a chuckle, folding his dirty hands over the table. They’re permanently stained with car oil, calloused by countless hours of manual labor. Your eyes travel from his broad, tattooed shoulders down to his folded arms, relishing in the way his sweat glistens in the sun that trickles in through the window. His white tank top is adorned with black smudges and stains, ripped and frayed along the edges. There’s dirt under his fingernails, a detail that you’d usually find disturbing, but it adds even more grit to Jake. You love the idea of being fucked by a hard working man who isn’t afraid to get dirty.
Jake’s messy look completely juxtaposes yours. You’re wearing your diner uniform, clad in a pastel pink dress and an apron so white it reflected the sun. Your hair is curled and pinned back, a matching pink bow dangling in between your bouncy strands. Stark white sneakers sway back and forth, as you wait patiently for Jake to order. You looked so clean, too clean, and Jake wanted to roam his hands all over you and watch how messy you could really get.
“So, your usual?” you ask, knowing Jake’s order by heart. Over the course of his visits, you’ve learned that Jake is a simple man. He orders the same thing everyday and although the food was slightly above average, he claimed it was his favorite as an excuse to watch you work.
Jake loved watching as you diligently wiped down tables, your hips rocking back and forth as you worked the rag into tough, grimy spots. When you were mopping, he’d scoot closer to the edge of his seat and watch you bend over as you rung out the mop. He especially loves watching as you walked over to his booth with his meal in hand, because once you arrive to the table you bend over just enough to expose the top of your breasts.
“You know how I like it, baby,” the nickname slips out naturally, the flirtatious undertones evident in Jake’s voice. At first you would become flustered with his incessant flirting, but now that you’re used to it, you get turned on. You feel like a car engine, revved up and ready to fuck some miles into him.
“Alright, it’ll be right out,” you reply with a playful smile, shoving the notepad and pen back into your apron before making your way back to the kitchen. Your hips sway as you walk away, the string of your apron slapping against your ass with each step.
Jake’s eyes are glued to you, mentally undressing you from across the room. He’s really hungry now, but not for the food.
20 minutes have passed and you’re still not back with his food. Jake isn’t the type to complain, but he knows it never takes you this long. Loud beeping rings throughout the diner, followed by a loud yell from the kitchen, “Ow! Fuck!” Metal clangs on the floor shortly after, a string of cuss words coming from you.
Jake’s natural instinct is to get up and check on you, but you come out from the kitchen before he can act on it. You’re pressing a cold, wet towel on your hand, “Sorry, it’s gonna be a while. The fryer’s been acting up all day and it just turned off. I burnt myself trying to fix it, but I popped your fries in the oven instead, okay?”
Jake sees the opportunity and takes it, “No problem. I can take a look at it if you want?” He’s an extremely handy man, and he’s hoping to get handsy with you if he plays his cards right.
“At what?” you ask confused, applying pressure to your hand.
“The fryer. I can try to fix it. It’ll only take a few minutes,” he replies, using his hands to push himself out of the booth. Before you can protest, Jake begins walking to the kitchen. His dirty work boots leave a trail of footprints on the floor as you follow closely behind, trying to keep up with his long strides. He quickly finds the fryer, following the smell of gas until he locates the source.
“No, it’s okay! I’ll just put in a work order,” you reason, watching as he kneels in front of the machine. You were beginning to panic, no one other than employees were allowed in the kitchen. What if your boss suddenly showed up and found him back here? Not to mention how unsanitary it was for him to be touching everything with his soiled hands.
“Yeah? And when will they finally come fix it?”
The question has you stumped, causing you to think for a while. The maintenance men usually didn’t come until weeks after the initial work order was put in, and working without a fryer for that long sounded like actual hell. That didn’t mean you wanted a customer working while on their lunch break, “Probably a couple of weeks, but it’s okay. It’s not a big deal, really!”
Your words fall on deaf ears though because Jake is opening the fryer hatch, a whiff of cooking oil and gas hitting him straight in the face. From that smell alone he immediately knew the problem, “Yeah, see, the gas line isn’t connected. One stray spark and this whole place is blowing up.”
Jake’s used to working in much hotter temperatures, surrounded daily by the summer weather and even hotter car engines. So, although the fryer is emitting a lot of heat, it’s nothing compared to what he deals with daily. He manages to find the main gas line, turning the nob off to ensure there isn’t any other leaks. After that, he swiftly turns the machine off before unscrewing a hot, black tube. He pulls the black tube off with a grunt, causing a loud hissing noise as the last bits of gas spill out.
“How do you know it’s the gas line?” you ask curiously, blissfully unaware and nose blind to the smell. “The smell,” he replies blatantly, strong hands removing random pieces from the machine. Well they were random to you, but Jake seemed to know the purpose of each piece.
The oven dings faintly in the background, indicating that the fries are finally done baking. You would love to stay and watch his arms flex as he worked, but you didn’t want to cause another hazard, “I’ll be back, those are the fries. I don’t want them to burn.”
He hums in response, the sound being followed by another animalistic grunt. You feel your core clench at the sound, there was something about him that made you want to push him to the ground and get messy.
You force yourself to look away, finally walking over to the oven to retrieve the fries before they burn.
The fryer was worse than either of you anticipated, causing Jake to spend more than a ‘few minutes’ working on it. He’s lying face up on the floor to get a better view, a broken down cardboard box is sprawled out under him to serve as a cushion and as a barrier from the cold floor.
Luckily you’ve only had one other customer since then and all they ordered was a drink, so you’ve been able to watch Jake work this entire time. Your pussy is throbbing at the possibilities, your mind delving into uncharted territory as you imagine what he’d look like under you.
Jake’s hips buck upward as he adjust himself, pushing himself further into the machine each time. Your eyes fall onto his crotch every time, you can’t help but stare and salivate at the growing bulge. He knows you’re watching and it’s turning him on.
“Here, hold this piece right… there,” he instructs, voice trailing off as his fingers pinch a wire in place. You comply, scooting closer so you can properly hold the wire in place. The position is uncomfortable though, your legs struggling to remain in place as you try not to fall on Jake.
After a while your legs start to hurt, trembling from the constant strain. “I can’t reach,” you explain, attempting to shift your weight so you’re comfortable.
Jake lifts his head up, careful not to hit it against the metal above him, as he peers at you. You were awkwardly reaching over him, one hand gripping onto the edge of the fryer as the other stretched to properly hold the wire in place. He looks down at your legs, watching as they shake before he accidentally catches a glimpse of your underwear.
“Here, just…” he begins to say, forgetting his sentence as his mind fills with sinful thoughts of you. He places his tools on the ground before taking a hold of your waist, dirty fingerprints immediately soaking into the fabric of your dress. He uses his hands to carefully guide you over him, stopping once you’re situated directly above his crotch.
“Try again,” he instructs, forcing himself to think about anything other than the newfound pressure you’re applying to him. You reposition the wire with your right hand, your left hand resting on Jake’s chest for support. Once the wire is in place, he scoots forward, his hips bucking up again as he does it. The rough material of his jeans rubs against your clothed pussy, causing you to squirm from above him. You’re forced to bite back a whine, realizing that this was not the time nor the place to be getting all riled up.
Jake is extremely concentrated, choosing to ignore the growing erection in his pants. “Hand me the pliers,” he says, but it comes out more like a command. His toolbox sits next to you, the short distance being close enough for you rummage through it quickly. You subconsciously grind down on his crotch, surprised to feel the outline of his dick through the thick material of his jeans.
His hands instinctively travel to your hips again, a firm grip willing you to stop your movements. “Sorry,” you murmur, becoming drunk on the idea of Jake fucking you long and hard on the kitchen floor.
Jake lets out a small groan, the innocence in your voice seducing him even further. “Here,” you whisper, eyes locking with his for a second through your long, thick eyelashes. He takes the pliers from you, forcing himself to return to the task at hand.
“Don’t look at me like that.”
You squirm from above him, wiggling so you can feel him again. Usually you wouldn’t be this bold, but your pussy is hungry and your mind is drunk. Jake chases the feeling too, wishing there was nothing to restrict him from feeling you entirely.
“Don’t look at you like what?”
“Like you want to fuck me,” he replies sternly, the heels of his boots digging into the floor as he drags himself out from under the fryer. The cardboard makes it easier for him to slide out and he’s strong enough to bring you with him, eliciting a gasp from you as you place your hands on his chest to anchor yourself.
He sits up, his left arm immediately wrapping around your waist in the process. “Don’t start something you can’t finish, princess,” he smirks, pushing you down onto his crotch.
Your hands gingerly rest on his shoulders as you look at him through hooded eyes, were you really going to do this? The sexual tension is blinding you, causing you to make yet another bold remark.
“What if I do want to fuck you?”
“That’s fine, baby. Just don’t complain when it gets messy,” he replies coyly, pulling you further into him. Jake’s plump lips latch onto yours, metal lip rings digging into your face. The pain only eggs you on, your hands traveling up his neck and tangling into his hair.
“So eager,” he murmurs into the kiss, scrunching your dress up around your abdomen. His hands find your ass, slapping and kneading the skin in his firm grip. Moans are slipping from you, all of them being swallowed by Jake as he hungrily kisses you back. Your hips grind onto him again, desperate for release.
You’re whimpering, trying to feel as much of him as possible through the multiple layers of fabric that separate you. “Patience, baby,” he moans, but even he’s becoming impatient.
It comes to no surprise when you scoot back onto his thigh and feverishly unzip his pants, he doesn’t protest either, instead he watches eagerly. You make swift work of his pants, Jake lifts his hips to help you tug them off. “I want you to make a mess on my face,” you whisper, hopping off of Jake’s lap so you can wiggle further down.
The suggestion makes Jake’s dick twitch, precum spilling out from the tip and soaking into his boxers. You pull his boxers down and they pool around his ankles alongside his pants. His dick stands up straight, and it’s so big you begin to wonder if this was a good idea. How was that supposed to fit inside of you?
Jake knows exactly what you’re thinking, smirking at the sight of you gawking over the size of his cock. You’re brave though, so you crawl closer to him and slowly begin pumping his shaft. His head is immediately thrown back in pleasure, your touch alone almost being enough for him to spill his seed onto your hand.
You wrap your lips around the tip, your head inching down to the base slowly. If you go any faster, you’ll surely gag around his cock and start crying. “Just like that,” he groans, swooping some of your hair out of your face with one hand as the other holds his dick in place for you. Your lips kiss his hand as you take as much of his as possible, your throat struggling to keep up with the sheer size of him.
His hips thrust into your mouth, eliciting a gag from you that flips a switch in Jake. He wants to hear that sound again and again, so he holds your head firmly and guides it up and down his cock repeatedly. Each time you reach the tip, you gasp for air before he’s pushing you back down again. Saliva is dripping down your chin and bubbling at the corners of your mouth, tricking far enough to coat Jake’s penis entirely.
“Making such a big mess, beautiful,” he grunts, pulling you away from him to get a better look at your face. Streaks of mascara run down your face, your hair is all over the place, and saliva is actively dribbling down your chin. “Come here, let me ruin you,” he instructs, pulling you back down so he can coat your face and uniform in his cum.
He pumps his cock aggressively over your face, watching with a slack jaw as you close your eyes and allow his cum to paint your face. You’re glazed in the liquid, squealing slightly at the new sensation. “Yummy,” you giggle, licking your lips to gather as much of it on your tongue as possible.
Jake isn’t done though, he’s fully prepared to go another round with you, but this time with his dick balls deep in you. Right as you’re about to continue, you hear the front doorbell ring.
“Hello?” a customer asks, peering over the counter in search of an employee. Luckily, because you’re on the floor, you’re perfectly out of view. Jake gets an idea, immediately pulling you onto his lap and pushing your panties to the side so aggressively they rip.
“Sit,” he commands, aligning his cock with your entrance. You look at him in shock and whisper shout, “there’s a customer!” He’s unrelenting, dragging the tip of his cock up your folds as a response. You bite your lip, accepting the challenge as you sit on his thick dick.
A small gasp escapes your mouth once you bottom out, the girth of his cock stretching your walls.
“Hello? Anybody there?!” The customer shouts, tiptoeing to see behind the order window and into the kitchen. They’re becoming more and more impatient by the second.
You begin bouncing on Jake’s dick, his hands leaving prints all over your dress. You’re a whimpering mess, the stretch being both pleasureful and painful.
“C’mon, princess, is anybody there?” he taunts, sucking on the skin of your neck. You pull him in closer by his neck, moaning into his ear as quietly as possible.
“I just want a coffee!” the customer pleads, still trying to find at least one employee. Jake slaps your ass, silently instructing you to respond.
“Take a seat! I’ll be right with you,” you squeak out, trying not to sound like you’re getting your brains fucked out. Jake is satisfied with your response, arms wrapping around your waist as he pulls you down harder on him.
“You’re making me wait for a coffee?!”
Jake’s angles you forward so he can fuck you harder, his head resting on your chest. “I’m fixing the- fuck,” you begin, but Jake hits a spot inside of you that has you clenching around him. “What are you fixing?” Jake questions, loving how flustered you are.
“I’m fixing the fryer,” you spew out, the lame excuse annoying the customer further. The euphoric feeling in your pussy is enough to wash away any anxiety you feel, your walls clenching around Jake with each thrust.
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum,” he moans, his orgasm from earlier catching up to him. “Cum in me,” you demand, so drunk off his dick that you don’t realize what you said. The idea is enticing, so enticing that Jake doesn’t second guess it either.
One last thrust has him spilling his hot seed inside of you, the warm feeling sending you over the edge shortly after.
“Just a coffee! UNBELIEVABLE.”
“I’m coming,” you yelp, as your orgasm washes over you. You’re whimpering, moaning, and panting as you convulse around Jake’s cock. The statement puts a smirk on his face, you were definitely coming.
Once you come down from your orgasm, Jake is pulling you off of him slowly. You look like a beautiful mess. White liquid drips from your hole down your thighs, your underwear is ripped, your dress is stained from Jake’s oily hands, streaks of mascara run down your cheeks, your face is coated in cum, and your hair is tangled.
“Go get him his coffee,” Jake teases, watching as you slowly realize how crazy you look right now. He slaps your ass one last time before you’re hopping off of him, adjusting your dress and smoothing your hair down haphazardly.
You grab a napkin, running it across your face as you try and clean yourself up as best as possible. It’s no use, you look a mess. Without another word, you’re stumbling out into the lobby.
First Jake story
- L.A.M.B👼🏻💗
taglist: @nicksmainbitch @sturniololovers @mayhem-72 @worldlxvlys @gnxosblog @meg-sturniolo @creamoncreamoncream2 @mattnchrisworld @sanyi5 @lustfulslxt @whicked-hazlatwhore @tworosesblackthorn @mxqdii
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