caremaven · 1 year
what kills fleas on dogs instantly
As a dog owner, you may have noticed your furry friend scratching more than usual. This could be a sign of fleas, which are a common problem for dogs
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ourpetwarehouse · 2 years
Capstar is a fast-acting oral treatment for cats. The tablet eliminates 100% fleas within 7 hours of administration. It effectively starts working to kill fleas within 30 minutes of administration. The easy to administer tablets are odorless and provide protection against fleas without causing any irritation to cats.
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krinues · 2 months
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The Star and the Cat
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frogseasons · 24 days
second week of class and got my ass beat by the beater bar. loom baby please be nice to me
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amerasdreams · 2 years
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New glasses!
After pet sitting I took the roas to the nearest Walmart and as I went by the clinic I realized I could go in and pick up my glasses. I was sent the text yesterday they were ready but hardly realized it. I got there just in time, a few minutes before closing, and went out 1 minute before.
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jedi-bird · 1 month
Just got bit by a flea while cleaning up the backyard. Guess I'm buying yard flea spray today.
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chobirghor20 · 7 months
Cats and Little Girls Have a Special Bond 2024 #lovely cat #cutecat #cats
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peony-pearl · 1 year
I wasn't expecting the last day of my vacation to be waking up early to get flea medicine for the cats wheeee
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shrimpin-aint-easy · 1 year
hey friends!! holy crap I hate making this kind of post. I recently lost my cat for around two weeks, and I found her Sunday absolutely emaciated, anemic, severe upper respiratory infection, incredibly infected and deep wound on her left armpit, yellow, and infested with fleas. I brought her to work with me (vet) and spent the last of my greenery on medication and treatment for her; we ran her blood work and her liver values were sky high, and as I said, severely anemic. We are doing antibiotics (Convenia), Onsior, fluids, recovery food, Capstar and Senergy for the fleas, iron and mineral supplements. At home I’ve been steaming her in my bathroom and I have a humidifier in the room she is quarantined in. The total was $236 (to be as transparent as possible, lol) and I still need to pick up 2 more medications for her, another supplement & some lysine powder.
Would anyone be able to spare like $20 so I can go stock up on wet food cans for her?? She’s having a hard time chewing the dry kibble, and I need to go get her kitten food specifically to help with her weight anyways. My last little bit of extra money has to go to gas and food for myself
Here’s a picture of the poor old lady
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She is doing a LOT better. I just need to stock up on wet food until I get paid next Thursday. Any little bit counts! I’m just going to get whatever cheap stuff I can for now. Any food is better than no food, and she needs all of the food.
💴 app: $metacat4
Vænmo: @sara-parkour
Thank you all, I’m sorry about this post and we will be back to scheduled shrimp activity 🍤
*** edited in a few things I forgot the first time. my mind is all over the place, I have a horrific living situation and I’m stressed about finances so forgive me 🫠
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Another cat update a mixture of good and bad news but all around weird and confusing!
We had our vet visit and once we got back to an exam room my first request was to see about a microchip. He has one! However, the phone number attached to it is disconnected! I've never dealt with this situation before (never had a cat of my very own to be fair) so the vet techs were extremely helpful in explaining what to do. He's now in a 10 day limbo as we wait to see if anyone comes forward to claim him. If not, we can keep him!
In the meantime we've decided to keep him in our home still rather than send him to the shelter during this time. We figured it would be far more comfortable and we don't know how he would handle being in a shelter to begin with.
Then last night as we were discussing the cat, we were also discussing the various animals hanging around the neighborhood and I remembered something. A month ago I had taken a pic of a stray cat curled up sleeping in our yard. Thankfully I still had it in my phone and it seems to match up to the cat living in our house currently. He's been out on the streets for over a month at least.
But everyone is confused about the whole situation. Why is this 2ish year old cat chipped but not neutered?? How long has he been out on the street? What happened to his former owner? Did they move away and dump him? Did they die and he just got put out? Did they just decide to not want him anymore? Did he escape and they gave him up? How was I able to take control of a flea situation and kill them off so fast??**
(** spoiler! It's very easy when you don't own any other pets, have no carpet in the house, keep him contained to a small part of the house, do laundry and cleaning constantly every day, brush the hell out of him whenever you can, give him a quick bath, and dose him with Capstar to kill the adult fleas.)
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ourpetwarehouse · 3 months
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Get your Capstar Cats 2 - 25 lbs at the lowest price. Buy now with free shipping all over usa | OurPetWareHouse.com
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djcranberry · 1 month
Parka and I had another bad night because I took his boot off because he was stepping in his poop and it was sticking to the boot. It took a lot of effort to keep him still to get it off because they wrapped it tight and I had to cut it with my bandage scissors a good bit to get it off. However, despite him screaming and growling at me and me raising my voice at him more than I should have, he has offered me his belly and is accepting pets
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I’m just gonna give him space and let him set the pace now that we’re done with his pain meds and his antibiotic was an injectable so other than a capstar I need to pop in him he’s good to rest. We have 2 weeks before he’s due for boosters so barring an emergency he doesn’t need to be manhandled anymore
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snarp · 10 months
Unfortunately, Bu Cat is better at detecting Baytril in his food than Capstar
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loosiusgoosius · 1 year
So I work in a vet hospital (a poor choice, really) and predictably the day came where someone came in with a kitten they found on the side of the road. And. I'm only human.
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So meet Tooby (To Be Determined)
Medical stuff below the cut if you're interested
he's got a nasty viral infection that we're treating first, that's the crust on his eyes and nose. He was covered in fleas but that seems to have been solved with a capstar. His back leg was degloved so he's gonna have some scarring there, but it should heal fine, it's wrapped for now. The only major issue is a hyper extended front leg. If the torn nerves heal, he'll be able to use that leg, albeit with limited movement. If they don't heal, he'll need to have it amputated. You can kind of see it's tucked oddly. My money (literally, ha) is on an amputation, so it's possible you might see a post asking for monetary help with this guy. I'm doing my best and already getting am employee discount but yknow. Failing capitalist society and everything.
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moonlight26posts-blog · 10 months
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In Baltimore City, MD: Two perfectly adorable 5-week-old kittens are seeking rescue placement ASAP - BARCS, Baltimore MD
Chin Chin 1&2- 5 weeks, unaltered, 1M/1F
Chin Chin 1&2 were found by a Good Samaritan over the weekend without their mama. Despite being a little unsure in the shelter environment, these guys are vocal, easily handled, and cute as ever.
Upon examination, our vets noted that the Chin Chin kittens appeared overall pretty healthy, but had some audible congestion and occasional sneezing, so have been started on antibiotics. They also had some diarrhea in their carrier, which was parvo SNAP negative. Both are fortunately eating well at this time and a full medical summary can be provided upon request.
A shelter is no place for such young kittens to stay, so we are seeking immediate rescue placement for them.
Stray kittens, diarrhea in holding den. Parvo snap negative. Both ate a/d well.
#1 - 1.2lb, M, brown tabby
#2 - 1.24lb, F, torbie
Both kittens are BARH, pink moist mm, almost all deciduous teeth present, no ocular or nasal discharge seen, #1 did sneeze a few times on exam and sounded audibly congested, thoracic auscultations wnl, soft abdomens, fleas present, ambulatory x4, BCS 5/9, normal external genitalia.
Drontal/capstar PO at intake
Doxycycline 20mg/ml - 0.3 mL PO SID x10 days
Panacur 100mg/ml - 0.3 mL PO SID x5 days
Marquis 227% - 0.08 mL PO SID x3 days
Probiotics PO SID x5 days
Recheck weights in 7 days
Recheck URI in 10 days
Found litter a week ago, began feeding, found mom on road last night and brought cats inside. One skiddish one, one sick one. diarrhea. one has solid. poss worms
When are they available for pick-up
Please let us know if your organization can help!
Thank you,
The BARCS Rescue Team
Baltimore Animal Rescue & Care Shelter (BARCS) ​New Address! 2490 Giles Rd, Baltimore, MD 21225 [email protected]| (410) 396-4695
Rescue pick-up hours: Monday-Friday: 10:30 a.m.-6:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday: 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m
Adoption hours: Monday-Friday: 2 p.m.-6 p.m. Saturday and Sunday: 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Baltimore Animal Rescue and Care Shelter, Inc. (BARCS) | 2490 Giles Rd, Baltimore, MD 21225
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midnightsprings · 8 months
"CLOWDER" for 30% off "Cat Lovers" section!
Hi! We are certified Crazy Cat People™️ and we need help. A week ago in the snow, while trying to trap a different cat we saw lurking around outside, this guy showed up on our porch drinking water left outside, pitiful and upset.
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This is now the 4th cat that has showed up on our back deck (and let us catch them!) in a little over a year. The first was a feral and needed hip surgery, 2nd was starving and had tapeworms like this guy, 3rd was a young lad who was also very skinny and grew quickly after we brought him in. All those cats, plus the 2 others we rescued/were given to us from what seemed like a hoarding situation, needed every single one of their shots, FIV/FeLV/heartworm testing, microchipping, and to be sterilized on our dime. And of course…our one pre-existing cat from before we moved here is very elderly and chronically ill.
When we pulled him in, we gave him praziquantel for the worms, a capstar for his fleas, and he's had 2 baths (both from him peeing himself from fear...poor guy). Thankfully, this guy also had very generous benefactors who paid for his testing! He is negative for FIV/FeLV, no longer has any intestinal parasites, doesn't have ear mites, urinalysis didn't seem concerning nor did CBC, he's got his rabies shot and first FVRCP, and he's feeling better enough to spend all his time screaming at the small window in his little room now. His neuter is scheduled for Feb 12th and prepaid, and after that he will be rehomed.
I'm disabled and my shop is my only job. My partner is currently out of work because he gets chronic migraines and has chronic back pain and they refused to schedule him manageable shifts so that his migraines would be triggered less often.
Rescues are all full; anyone involved in rescue small and large scale within the past few years knows the homeless animal population worldwide skyrocketed in 2020-21 because of the plague and how people reacted to it, and it was already horrible.
With 6 other cats, cats who permanently call our home their own, we are super, super financially overwhelmed. I'm trying to afford a Popur litter box before my own hip surgery in early March of this year to help alleviate some of the physical burden.
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Please consider sharing the word about the cat-themed designs in my shop! If you want to help the cats directly, there is also this Amazon wishlist. Thank you so much for reading!
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