#Californian summer
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xoxogossiplaur · 8 months ago
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Summer daze 🌞
Long Beach, CA
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thomas--bombadil · 7 months ago
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High summer finds goldfinches on thistle spores.
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ofoceansandtombsanew · 9 months ago
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11:53 ー GOJOU SATORU. even after all this time, the sun never says to the earth, “you owe me”. look what happens with a love like that. It lights the whole sky.
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“Satoru,” as if he can already sense your complaints, the white-haired tree hugs you tighter. Despite yourself, you can’t help the laughter that bubbles from your lips. “It’s too hot to be like this.”
“No it isn’t,” comes the expected reply. “This is, like, the perfect temperature for a Sunset Bird morning.”
It isn’t and you both know it. Still, the boy you’ve known since you were 8 continues to plasters himself to you like a koala. “Moms are gonna freak if they know you’re here.”
“Freakouts stopped when we were 13,” Satoru mumbles into your shoulder.
You finally accept your defeat with a sigh.
Freakouts did stop when you were 13 and sneaking into your room became habit for the boy next door.
Complete with the lack of shame Satoru’s always possessed, however, he had no qualms marching himself downstairs the following morning to get a glass of orange juice. To say your mothers had heart attacks that day is an understatement. Yet despite the scolding that followed, Satoru was unperturbed. As such, Pamela and Noelani [Last] are unperturbed when they wake to Satoru walking around like he’s lived in this house all his life. In some ways, he might as well have.
Your lips quirk into a smile despite the heat, “you’re so annoying.”
“Nah, you love me,” Satoru snorts and you can feel him grinning.
Luckily for Satoru, the sentiment is true.
You’ve always loved him even when he was at his most obnoxious. Even if initially your friendship only started due to close proximities. You were 8 and he was going to turn 8 later in December and his father, desperate to get his son with a terrible attitude some new friends, offered you $20 to be his friend.
It’s a funny tale to look back on.
Befriending the prodigal son of the Gojous took a fair bit of effort on your part, effort and forced proximity, but you’re happy that things ended up this way. The clingy koala laying in your bed is a far cry from the aloof brat you remember. No $20s were required ーpartially because you had run off screaming about stranger danger, partially because Satoru was Satoru and that was more than enough compensation for your time and effort.
Even if I could do without the additional sweat, though.
You wait a few more minutes before you finally force yourself into a seated position, Satoru complaining all the while. “Come on, we need to get up!”
Satoru whines even as his stomach growls, “can’t we just ask Liz to bring us up something?”
“Liz has already fled Casa de [Last], remember?” She’d left the afternoon before for her return flight back to New York. She'd left the coop first and even if it's sad to think about, Liz did have a life outside of Sunset Bird. A different life and different friends but there's comfort in knowing you're still Liz's baby sibling no matter what happens. “And I’m pretty sure moms aren’t cookin’ because it’s hotter than the devil’s asshole today. So come on,” you pat his cheek once, twice. “Get your ass on up, rich boy.”
“Oh,” Satoru opens his eyes with a pout, blue eyes squinting in his dismay. He’d have to leave the volcano nest you called a bed if he wanted to eat after all. “And the other rich kid in the room can’t call me a rich kid. Our parents are in the same country club.”
“I prefer the term,” you wave your hands gracefully. “Middle-class.” Your family is certainly comfortable but to compare their comfort to the riches of the Gojou family is ridiculous. You know Satoru’s poking is good-humored fun, however.
“Still in the country club though,” Satoru snorts with a lazy grin but he’s in an upright position.
Breakfast is typically a serious affair in your household regardless of the season.
Your mothers spared no expense at making spreads that accommodated everyone’s dietary needs and preferences. When Satoru became added to the mix due to your impromptu sleepovers, it was no different. Still, not even the power of your mothers can fully withstand the heat of mid-summer so it’s every man for himself this morning.
You find yourself not minding it much as you go to the bathroom, Satoru trailing not too far behind with a yawn.
It’s crazy how much ‘Satoru Gojou’ is in your house, you realize as you brush your teeth.
He’s everywhere.
His clothes litter the floor of your room, the kitchen cabinets contain his favorite plates and cups, he’s even in a few of the framed photos scattered across your house. First day school photos, the times you’ve gone trick-or-treating, but most importantly the summers. Because everything happens in summer in Sunset Bird.
It’s the season you met and it’s the season Satoru became yours. The summer he moved in, the summer you celebrated your birthday at the park. You’re pretty sure your moms even snapped a picture of the two of you with Liz before she took off on her flight because of course he tagged along to the airport.
You glance at Satoru as you both brush your teeth. He’s lazy but efficient at it, leaning against the wall as his mind drifts to who knows where. Even the toothbrush he is using to clean his already perfect teeth is one of many your mothers have bought him over the years. 
“Well, if he’s going to be here so often we might as well be prepared,” Ma shook her head with a laugh the first time they him bought one.
Mom placed her hands on her hips more bemused than dismayed, “it would certainly save the boy the trip to just brush ‘em at our place instead of heading all the way back home, wouldn’t it?”
As such, Satoru always had a toothbrush of his own to find in your family’s bathroom. Sky blue, like his eyes. Your mothers were cheesy like that and yet you can’t imagine his toothbrush being any other color. It’s the color you reach for whenever it’s time to buy a replacement and your parents have dragged you to help with the grocery shopping.
“He’s a jerk but his dad says he has no friends so I’ll play with him anyway,” you recall 8 year old you telling your moms the first night you met him. You wonder what little you would think about how things have turned out for you now. Would they be surprised? Pleased? You aren’t able to continue your guessing game when Satoru takes notice of your staring.
“What,” he grins, completely disregarding the foam on his cheeks and lips. He’s matured a fair amount since the summer you were 8 and 7 but there’s still some boy in him. You hope that childlike innocence he has never dies.
“Nothing,” you chuckle.
“It’s clearly something,” you can’t resist his impish grin even if you try to.
“I was just thinking how I hope we get to spend more summers together,” you finally relent with a sound of nostalgia mixed with knowing. It seems a little silly to hope for more summers when you’re quite sure those future summers are guaranteed. “But I’m pretty sure I’m stuck with you for the long haul. Not that I want it any other way.”
He might have been born in late fall but summer is the season that suits Satoru Gojou best, you think as you watch his face morph from surprise to a smile that matches the sun. Yeah, summer is perfect for us. Your smile is one that’s as soft as you feel for the boy you’ve grown up with. You love him more than you can express, that’s an unwavering truth. Even with that unwavering truth, unfortunately, you still hold up a hand the moment he leans forward with his lips puckered.
“Um,” white eyebrows suddenly quirk downwards as Satoru frowns in shocked displeasure. “Excuse me?”
“I am not kissing you with toothpaste foam all over our mouths,” you push your boyfriend’s face away with a snort. You laugh even harder at how Satoru’s face contorts dramatically into one of mock horror and betrayal.
“Why not it’s clean!”
You rinse and wipe your mouth with a snort, barely dodging his attempt to land one on you again. “Satoru, hurry up so we can go eat.”
Satoru crosses his arms, far too serious for the subject matter at hand, “I’m not eating without my good morning kiss.”
“The good morning kiss can be obtained once you wash your face off, you dork!”
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Happy (early) birthday to my buddy @hash-slinging-slasher-trash! I recently got them into the Our Life franchise just in time for their birthday and I had to capitalize on that with a JJK x Our Life AU. Everyone's happy and the angstiest thing you have to deal with is a certain someone realizing they didn't get their good morning kiss. Godspeed to you, my friend. It took so much effort not to post this early lmao but here you go! Sorry readers if your birthday is not in the summer/spring, this is very much catered to my friend who is a June baby.
Is June 15 technically summer? No, but it's 5 days off from the equinox and in California, spring is just early summer so- anyways, your girl couldn't wait 3 more days apparently.
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nope-nora · 2 years ago
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an ode to summer
Lorde, “Solar Power” | Ocean Vuong, “Because It’s Summer” | J. L. Carr, A Month In The Country | Taylor Swift for 1989 (Taylor’s Version) | Caleb Azumah Nelson, Open Water | Louise Glück, “Heaven and Earth” | Mary Oliver, “The Pond” | Julia Quinn, Romancing Mister Bridgerton | @butterfly
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compacflt · 2 years ago
what are bradley’s earliest memories of ice and mav? the bits of his perspective on them that you’ve written are so fascinating
fairly unsurprising answer but: ice: when he came to see Carole to apologize for killing goose in ch 2 of wwgattai (sets the tone of their relationship)
mav: something very benign like mav doing magic tricks for him as a little little kid. you know how your earliest memories are always a little fuzzy and always afternoon sunshine? imagine a desaturated maverick sitting crosslegged in the grass in pale afternoon southern california sunshine showing Bradley how he can detach his thumb from his hand and then put it back again. no blood, no bone, no pain, and he’s got this daredevil grin like he’s enjoying separating his thumb from his hand. can’t see his eyes behind his aviators. the best magicians are the ones who can make even their pain disappear. or, playing “got your nose,” holding Bradley’s nose up so he can see it right in front of his very eyes, NO PAIN!, and then making it disappear. “where’d your nose go, Gosling? oh, my gosh, I lost your nose!! how’re you gonna smell? i bet you’re gonna smell bad. get it? get it? —here it is, i found it, don’t worry, it’s all good!” and putting his nose back so everything’s ok. that’s Bradley’s earliest memory of mav.
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whiteshipnightjar · 2 years ago
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Tulle, painted silk, cool knits and flowers! Sisters back at it again!
Rodarte Pre-Fall 2023 📸: Todd Cole
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limblesstar · 2 years ago
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Let’s get lost, you can take me home. Somewhere nice, we can be alone!
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bayoubodycount · 2 years ago
For those of you East side, contending with the wildfire smoke along with our northerly brothers and sisters, this Californian completely understands and wishes you all well. May the fires die down soon and nature heal itself. May you all stay healthy and safe💜💛😎✌️
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threecheersmaka · 1 year ago
Every time the seasons change people on the internet argue about what the best season is and we all forget we live in different parts of the world and therefore have different experiences of the seasons
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perfectlyscentedturtle-7 · 2 years ago
Some photos from today!!!🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years ago
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National Caviar Day 
Caviar can be expensive, but for one day indulge in the delicacy. Varieties from some fish are cheaper than others, so shop around and try it out.
There’s a delicacy that is the very definition of elegance in the minds of most people, it’s a mysterious word that brings together a longing for the better things in life, with a strange revulsion once you think too carefully about what it is. There are many things that are referred to by the same name, but only one of them stands as the one true caviar. True Caviar comes from one of a few types of sturgeon, and National Caviar Day celebrates this taste of decadence, and the history behind it.
History of National Caviar Day
Caviar has a strange history, when you consider the place that it holds in society today. The origins, however, remain the same. Caviar is the roe (or eggs) of the female of a number of species of sturgeon, with beluga being the most popular and well known variety of sturgeon. Long ago caviar was served for free in much the same way peanuts often are today, given away free to foster thirst and encourage people to imbibe even more. Proper caviar comes in many colors, though it is most often a deep pearlescent black color, and can account for as much as 25% of a sturgeon’s body weight. For those who don’t know, a sturgeon can weigh in at 300lbs+, meaning a single sturgeon can produce up to 75lbs at a time. Caviar was so popular and the supplies so abundant that North America supplied almost all of the 600 tons a year that went to Europe each year.
Once the ban was put on Sturgeon fishing in the 1906 to protect the dwindling number of them in the ocean, the price of caviar started climbing. By the 1960’s, it was of such a price that it practically defined what it meant to have an elegant, expensive meal. The price has only gone up since then.
How to celebrate National Caviar Day
Celebrating National Caviar Day is delicious and adventurous. While beluga sturgeon may be outside the financial means of many people, that’s not the only kind of caviar there is. National Caviar Day celebrates all of them, even the ‘imposters’ like Salmon, trout, carp, lumpfish, and many more. Get out there and explore the culinary delight that is caviar, and if you’re especially fortunate you can enjoy it from the bowl of a mother-of-pearl spoon. There’s no reason we shouldn’t all be able to eat like King’s and billionaires, if only for one day.
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Prev youre fucking insane anything below 72 is FREEZING
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melancholicscoundrel · 8 months ago
Alright it’s settled once I get my bucket hat in the mail I’m shaving my head
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c0nnverse · 2 years ago
it decided to be 90 degrees today and even though it's well in the night my room is. well let's just say i have two fans running
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awfullyqueerwriter · 2 years ago
I’m just gonna add this: Stay inside if at all possible, keep rooms dark and try and keep your body touching ice. Stick your feet in a bowl of ice water, keep an iced drink handy, hell- run a cool bath and add as much ice as possible. If you can, a good option is to do to somewhere you know has air conditioning, and just stay there- lots of Starbucks have them, as do a lot of grocery stores, so if you can find one with a cafe inside, that might be worth it.
For pets, I would provide covered ice for them to lay on- grab some ice cubes, head to tile, cover it with a tea-towel, and let your pets lay on it. If your pets get any kind of heat related illness, they can’t tell you, and the signs can be subtle!
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I need UK journalists to not show 43 degrees is not beach weather like people are gonna die
Americans do not interact
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vicxky98 · 4 months ago
How do people view you? (Pick a Card)
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(This is all for entertainment purposes only, if it doesn’t resonate this is not the PAC for you) ; Thanks for stopping by! If you like this and want to see more from me, comment so I know to do more in the future. :)
Pile 1
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I’m seeing that people view you as ambitious, kind, confident, quiet, and introverted. They see you as a daydreamer off in your own world. People believe you’re content with your life and have strong connections with the people you care about. They feel you radiate happiness and shower other people with love and care. People see you as nurturing and feel welcomed being around you. People are captivated by your appearance, they could really like your eyes. They see you as highly skilled, confident, and smart. People overall see you as loving, compassionate, caring, and think you look opulent even if you’re not.
Other messages: Red hair, compassionate, Virgo, Pisces, Gemini, Taurus, green eyes, brown eyes, Grace, Summer, Genuine
Shuffled song channeled for you:
Pile 2
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People think you’re a control freak & if things don’t quite go your way you’ll get annoyed. As of right now people see you as a little bit of an angry person and think you’re masking any pain or sadness you feel by hyper-fixating on your outside appearance. They see you as lethargic, unmotivated, unenthusiastic, and having a creative block. People feel as though you’re sturdy, dependable, and perseverant. They think you’re smart and a problem solver who’s on a journey of healing any pain in your life. You may also like to dress comfy.
Other messages: Long brown hair with bangs, fair skin, tan skin, brown eyes, Aries, You could be a Tara Yummy fan, Scorpio, Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, 16
Shuffled song channeled for you:
Pile 3
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People feel like you need to start making changes in your life, they see that you’re unhappy but you’re scared of the discomfort that comes with change, even if it’s what’s best for you. People think you’re kind and have material stability. They see you as creative, very physically attractive, energetic, and extroverted. They think you’re confident, respectable, and care a lot about your family and social circle (also that you dress as though you have money).
Other messages: Brunette, Blonde, popular, has money, Taurus, Virgo, gold jewlery, Californian, wears Lululemon, Adidas, beach
Shuffled song channeled for you:
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