#National Caviar Day
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years ago
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National Caviar Day 
Caviar can be expensive, but for one day indulge in the delicacy. Varieties from some fish are cheaper than others, so shop around and try it out.
There’s a delicacy that is the very definition of elegance in the minds of most people, it’s a mysterious word that brings together a longing for the better things in life, with a strange revulsion once you think too carefully about what it is. There are many things that are referred to by the same name, but only one of them stands as the one true caviar. True Caviar comes from one of a few types of sturgeon, and National Caviar Day celebrates this taste of decadence, and the history behind it.
History of National Caviar Day
Caviar has a strange history, when you consider the place that it holds in society today. The origins, however, remain the same. Caviar is the roe (or eggs) of the female of a number of species of sturgeon, with beluga being the most popular and well known variety of sturgeon. Long ago caviar was served for free in much the same way peanuts often are today, given away free to foster thirst and encourage people to imbibe even more. Proper caviar comes in many colors, though it is most often a deep pearlescent black color, and can account for as much as 25% of a sturgeon’s body weight. For those who don’t know, a sturgeon can weigh in at 300lbs+, meaning a single sturgeon can produce up to 75lbs at a time. Caviar was so popular and the supplies so abundant that North America supplied almost all of the 600 tons a year that went to Europe each year.
Once the ban was put on Sturgeon fishing in the 1906 to protect the dwindling number of them in the ocean, the price of caviar started climbing. By the 1960’s, it was of such a price that it practically defined what it meant to have an elegant, expensive meal. The price has only gone up since then.
How to celebrate National Caviar Day
Celebrating National Caviar Day is delicious and adventurous. While beluga sturgeon may be outside the financial means of many people, that’s not the only kind of caviar there is. National Caviar Day celebrates all of them, even the ‘imposters’ like Salmon, trout, carp, lumpfish, and many more. Get out there and explore the culinary delight that is caviar, and if you’re especially fortunate you can enjoy it from the bowl of a mother-of-pearl spoon. There’s no reason we shouldn’t all be able to eat like King’s and billionaires, if only for one day.
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gpstudios · 8 months ago
Celebrating National Caviar Day: Indulge in the Luxury of Caviar
Happy National Caviar Day! 🎉 Dive into the world of this luxurious delicacy, explore its rich history, and learn how to enjoy it best. Whether you're a seasoned connoisseur or a curious newbie, celebrate with us!
Introduction Happy National Caviar Day! 🎉 Dive into the world of this luxurious delicacy, explore its rich history, and learn how to enjoy it best. Whether you’re a seasoned connoisseur or a curious newbie, celebrate with us! The History and Significance of Caviar Caviar, often regarded as a symbol of luxury and sophistication, has a rich history dating back to ancient times. Originally…
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murderousink23 · 8 months ago
07/18/2024 is National Caviar Day 🇺🇸, Nelson Mandela Day 🇺🇳
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subby-sab · 8 months ago
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Today is 18th of July.
Today is Nelson Mandela Day, World Listening Day, National Caviar Day, National Sour Candy Day.
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These are "think tanks" that are part of the government to NGO to government revolving door, and which provide nice sinecures for the Deep State operatives as they take breathers from ruining the world.  Far from distributing rice and beans to needy children, they distribute champaign and caviar to greedy bureaucrats. They are the sort of place you would expect to see a Samantha Power bloviate about saving the world, getting applause from all the people who have been, are, or will be on her payroll in some capacity.  US taxpayers showering tens of millions on these poor, poor think tanks is just one great thing your USAID dollars go to. After all, once you have done your regime change of the day, plunging countries into violent revolutions to replace a democratically elected leader with the candidate of your choice, you need some place to sit back and sip your small barrel bourbon. 
Lest you think that the regime change effort is only in foreign countries, once you dig into the details of where all the money goes you see that it doesn't stop at our nation's shores. 
Republicans have criticized both think tanks over their central roles in what’s been dubbed the "censorship-industrial complex," a network of university and think tank researchers that worked closely with federal agencies to censor content on social media. In September 2020, the Aspen Institute organized a "tabletop" exercise with journalists from the New York Times, Washington Post, and executives from Facebook and Twitter to draft a plan for how to respond to a hypothetical scenario in which Russia leaked documents stolen from Hunter Biden, according to documents uncovered by reporter Michael Shellenberger. Many of the participants—most notably Twitter—censored an accurate New York Post story about Biden’s laptop in Oct. 2020. The Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab is led by Graham Brookie, who served on the National Security Council in the Obama administration. In October 2020, Brookie claimed Trump’s "entire strategy" in the campaign that year was "based on process disinformation in this election." Days later, Brookie dismissed reports of Hunter Biden’s laptop as "unverified misinfo." He cheered Twitter’s ban of Trump’s account and "influencers of the far right" after the Jan. 6 Capitol riots as a "welcome" decision. The State Department awarded the DFRLab a $64,000 grant in September to host two workshops at the U.S. embassy in Vienna on "countering foreign information manipulation and interference," and $250,000 the same month for a project to counter disinformation in Moldova, according to spending records.
NGOs delenda est
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32bitterra · 2 years ago
(July 17 - July 24 2023)
I like the funny psychics so I drew some more. More under the cut. hooraaaaaaaay
Hey did you know that July 18 is National Caviar Day?
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Hey look I didn't get distracted this time and drew all the stuff I meant to draw last time.
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I'm sorry for putting the funny psychics with the space furries it won't happen again (it might.)
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This vision came to me in a dream. I made it so.
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worlds-worst-ships · 8 months ago
Do you ship it? (Tory Edition)
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Fun fact: the money thats spent out of tax money subsidizing the food and drink of MPs each year would be enough to cut the number of children that go to school hungry every day (9 out of every class of 30) in the UK down to 0, as well as fix infrastructure issues in impoverished areas across the entire nation.
Example: Grenfell could've been prevented with a mere £5000 worth of fire protection measures.
It could also help the women in the UK who have to use socks instead of tampons (no, I'm not joking) by, yknow, providing them for everyone like they do with contraception and not charging an arm and a leg for them as if thats fair.
"sToP bEiNg pOLiTiCaL" I don't care about picking sides, I care about basic human rights being met. Food, safe shelter and sanitary products are a right. All sides are drinking that wine and eating that food, not just one.
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mortal-kombattore-115 · 8 months ago
Modern Warfare/ Shadow Company OC: Irina Makarova
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General Information:
Name: Irina Makarova (Ирина Макарова)
Code name: Nomad
Alias(es): Natalya Ivanova, Vampira (by Valeria), Vamp (by Graves)
Nationality: Russian
Place of Birth: Moscow, RSFSR, Soviet Union
Birthday: May 22, 1986 (aged 38) 
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Lesbian
Affiliations: Russian Ground Forces (formerly), Gruzdev Bratva (formerly), Shadow Company (currently) 
Eyes: Brown/Blue
Hair: Blonde (was naturally black)
Build: Lean athletic
Height: 5’6
Languages: Russian, English, Spanish, German, and Mandarin Chinese.
Relationships: Valeria Garza (one night stand)
Marks: Scar on neck
Irina was born just before the fall of the Soviet Union in the suburbs of Moscow, alongside her older brother, Vladimir Makarov. As the daughter of a high-ranking politician within the Russian government, Irina watched the Soviet Union crumble, taking her father with it at the age of 4. After her father’s death, Irina grew up with a brother who didn't consider her a sister, but rather a mistake who would often blame her for their father’s death and the failures of the Soviet Union. Irina cut ties with her brother when he enlisted in the Russian military in 1998. Irina would later enlist in 2004.
During her service, Irina was an extraordinary soldier with her fast reflexes and marksmanship skills as she quickly moved up the ranks.
After six years of service, Irina was discharged from the military and soon befriended a former soldier. Impressed with her combat skills, Irina was recruited into the Gruzdev Bratva as an enforcer. Over the years, Irina found a sense of belonging in the bratva, her ruthless methods and loyalty moved her up in the hierarchy.
Sometime in 2021, two members of the crime family broke into Irina’s home one night in an attempt to assassinate her, which resulted in two casualties and an almost slit throat. Discovering Makarov’s involvement in the assassination, she knew from then on that his torment was just beginning. After the failed assassination attempt by Konni, Irina fled the country altered her appearance changed her identity, and traveled to various locations in Europe and Asia.
In early 2022, Irina resided in Las Almas, Mexico, where she would meet Valeria Garza at a small cafe, unaware of the work she does. The two would occasionally meet at the same spot almost every afternoon, which brought them closer together. After the chaos happening in Las Almas between Task Force 141 and Shadow Company, Irina left Mexico and vanished. 
Several months later, Irina met Phillip Graves at a bar during one of her travels. Going over her dossier and being impressed by her military service history, as well as having the same hatred for Konni, Graves recruited her to Shadow Company.
To celebrate one month of friendship, Valeria once gifted Irina a fruit bat.
Best friends with Velikan. Irina reminds him of an old friend she used to have during her bratva days. The two would often share stories about their pasts and often train together.
Her favorite comfort food is Blini (Russian pancake) because of how versatile they are. She loves to put some blueberry jam for when craving something sweet or smoked salmon with caviar for something savory.
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clottedcreamtea · 2 years ago
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Chapter Six
SCHOOL IS HARD!!!! it is SO hard and so is getting over a breakup when my ex says he wants to try again so i just have to be patient omg its awful and so sad. here is chapter six. sorry I've been gone.
"Clotted Cream Cookie,” King Dark Cacao Cookie’s voice boomed through the fortress. “I despise you the most out of any Cookie I’ve ever met, and yet you dare visit my kingdom with no notice? What compels you to commit such an act?”
Royal Milk Tea Cookie cringed at the beginning of the exchange. Clotted Cream Cookie had not dealt with things as delicately as he’d liked to at the beginning of the Council with the Ancient Heroes, and Dark Cacao Cookie did not take well to the young Consul. A grudge had been held ever since.
“I understand I am not welcome, but my friend here, the official representative of the Crème Republic, is in dire need of assistance,” Clotted Cream Cookie got to the point as quickly as he could manage, ushering the shorter Cookie forward.
“Assistance, you say?” Dark Cacao Cookie’s demeanor shifted, likely because he had never met Royal Milk Tea Cookie before, and had no need to be hostile. It wasn’t a welcoming tone in the least, but it was far less aggressive.
“Yes, your highness. My mother, a Cookie of the Milk Tribe, made a wish with a dragon and has since broken her end of the deal.” Royal Milk Tea Cookie saw the king’s eyes widen as he spoke. “In response, the wish dragon has begun to terrorize kingdoms, striking the Republic first. If I fail to find Oat Milk Cookie before it reaches the Vanilla Kingdom, the dragon will crumble me, and may crumble others in its path.”
The many guards surrounding Dark Cacao Cookie’s throne all looked toward their king, hopeful he would have a solution.
“I haven’t heard that name in years,” The king simply said, eyes closed as he reminisced.
“What name, your majesty?”
“Oat Milk Cookie,” Dark Cacao Cookie clarified. “She was a Milk villager that had helped me when I was down on my luck so many years ago. She had a child… Milk Tea Cookie.” The king smiled sadly. Royal Milk Tea Cookie stiffened at the mention of his given name. “It’s been too long since we spoke. I understand she has fled her home, though I did not know it was in response to a wish she did not care to pay the terms.”
“Do you know where she’s run to?” Royal Milk Tea Cookie pressed, but the king shook his head.
“I am sorry, young Cookie, but your mother is nowhere near my nation, and I lack the time to search the land for you. My people need protecting if a dragon is to soon approach.”
Captain Caviar Cookie approached the young representative, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. “It’s okay, kid. I’m sure the Hollyberry Kingdom will be housing her.” The assurance was appreciated, but Royal Milk Tea Cookie knew that there was no guarantee Oat Milk Cookie would be anywhere nearby. He nodded, though, and began to think about the next nation to search.
“Thank you, Dark Cacao Cookie,” Royal Milk Tea Cookie bowed his head, turning to leave the fortress. “We will be on our way toward the next nation.”
“No, please, Milk Tea Cookie,” Dark Cacao Cookie spoke, standing from his seat on the throne. “You are a child of the Dark Cacao Kingdom. How long will your journey last?”
Royal Milk Tea Cookie thought back to the beginning of the trip across the sea. “I think we have six days to make it to the Vanilla Kingdom, your majesty.”
“Well, before you continue your quest tomorrow, how about we welcome you home with a wondrous feast?” Dark Cacao Cookie boomed, joyful. Many of the guards seemed put off at this excitable demeanor.
“Oh!” Royal Milk Tea Cookie was flattered, glad that he had a positive reputation with at least one head of a nation. ��Home? Well, of course! We would be glad to stay within the walls of the Dark Cacao Kingdom’s borders for the night.”
“Excellent!” Dark Cacao Cookie’s face was no longer tense and wary, but now beaming with hospitality. “Watchers, find rooms for our guests. A feast will commence at sundown!”
Several guards appeared from out of nowhere, each escorting a pair of Cookies further into the castle, toward what appeared to be dorms for the guards.
“Please,” the guard escorting both Royal Milk Tea Cookie and Clotted Cream Cookie began. “Allow me to escort you to the nicest of our rooms, often saved for couples just-wed!”
“Oh, no, we’re not–”
“You need not hide your love for each other, young Cookies!” The watcher assured. “I am the kingdom’s Cupid Cookie! I can smell love from a mile away. Please, settle in while the cooks prepare supper.” The door shut behind her, and the pair of Cookies were left with a large, plush bed, golden lighting within the room, and a large window right behind the bed, showcasing the intense blizzard that had just begun.
“From a mile away, she said,” Clotted Cream Cookie laughed. “Do you believe that?”
“Absolutely not,” Royal Milk Tea Cookie unclasped his cape, revealing long white sleeves and fleece-lined tights beneath his heavy velvet dress. While the outfit looked ordinary, the representative had known to dress for the weather. “Maybe she can smell it from a couple of feet away, tops.”
Clotted Cream Cookie chuckled, settling onto the bed and motioning for Royal Milk Tea Cookie to do the same. Rolling his eyes, the shorter of the two joined his friend on the soft sheets, laying back and closing his eyes.
“Financier Cookie said that you two truly care for each other. Is she right?” Unable to see the change in Clotted Cream Cookie’s face, Royal Milk Tea Cookie simply shook his head, understanding the silence that followed as an answer. “I hope you make each other happy, then.”
“No, Royal Milk Tea Cookie, you don’t understand. Yes, I care for her, but I don’t care for her the same way I care for you,” Royal Milk Tea Cookie was pulled upward into a sitting position, hands clasped with Clotted Cream Cookie’s and their faces inches apart. “We were so close as children, and after our parents’ argument, I never forgot you or wished you weren’t in my life.
“Financier Cookie loves me, that I know,” Clotted Cream Cookie said sadly, “and I would be a terrible Cookie to throw her feelings away by simply declaring I did not love her. She is one of my closest friends, and I do care for her, but,” The Consul pressed a hand against the younger Cookie’s cheek, directing his face to look him right in the eyes. “I care about you, Royal Milk Tea Cookie. With all my dough.”
The shorter of the pair shook his head and pulled his hands away from the blond Consul. “No, Clotted Cream Cookie.”
“No! You can’t wait an entire decade and then decide you prefer me over someone who hasn’t left your side since we were children. It isn’t fair.”
“Not fair?” Clotted Cream Cookie scoffed at the remark. “What’s not fair is that I was blackmailed into getting engaged to a girl I despised following me around everywhere!”
Royal Milk Tea Cookie’s face fell slightly. “Blackmailed? What are you talking about?”
The blond Cookie rolled his eyes, standing up in frustration. “Your parents, the ones we’re currently searching Earthbread for? Elder Mille-feuille Cookie knew that you were the child of legend. The lower city had heard about it the moment you were delivered to the Republic. It spread like wildfire, a lower Cookie becoming so fortuitous.”
“You knew about the legend? You knew I wasn’t Oyster Cookie’s son?” Royal Milk Tea Cookie felt his jam boil, standing up as well, though he was still nearly a head lower than Clotted Cream Cookie. “You knew and you just let everything play out?”
“I was a child when my father told me, Royal Milk Tea Cookie,” Clotted Cream Cookie sighed. “I didn’t want you or Oyster Cookie to have any harm come to you. My father said if I didn’t accept the proposal that he’d tell everyone. What else was I supposed to do other than just agree to the proposal?” Clotted Cream Cookie had tears forming in his eyes, tone growing emotional as he went on, voice breaking toward the end. “What else was I supposed to do?” He repeated. “I was a child.”
A pause took over the room. Reality sunk into Royal Milk Tea Cookie, and he understood the conflict. Clotted Cream Cookie’s engagement wasn’t out of love, but out of protection for his friend. Elder Custard Cookie had manipulated his son to no end, and now everyone was facing the emotional consequences.
“I’m sorry,” Was all the shorter Cookie could manage. “I didn’t know…”
“It’s alright.” Clotted Cream Cookie wiped his eyes and cleared his throat, regaining his composure. “No one knew. Once Elder Mille-feuille Cookie was banished, I had thought the engagement would come to an end. Mille-feuille Cookie had no power, so my father wouldn’t achieve a higher ranking position after the marriage.”
“But it wasn’t about power anymore, was it? You said Financier Cookie really cares about you, didn’t you?” Royal Milk Tea Cookie pieced together. “Elder Custard Cookie wasn’t telling you to do it anymore. You just would have felt guilty if you asked to end the relationship.”
Clotted Cream Cookie nodded. “Yes. And it is true…Financier Cookie truly cares about me. She always has, I suppose. I just was always after you.”
Before he could form another response, Royal Milk Tea Cookie was interrupted by one of the servants in the castle announcing the feast was ready. 
“I supposed we should make our way to the dining hall, shouldn’t we?” Clotted Cream Cookie smiled, though Royal Milk Tea Cookie could tell it was full of bittersweet sadness. The engagement was one-sided, but there was no calling it off. Financier Cookie was kind and meant no harm. She truly cared about the Consul, and without a reciprocated want to end the engagement, houses Custard and Financier would soon be one, regardless of whether or not an increase in political power was on the table.
The pair exited the room, making their way down the long hallway until they came upon King Dark Cacao Cookie, who was waiting calmly for his guests.
“Milk Tea Cookie,” The king’s voice was deep and hoarse, but kind. “I would like to invite you to sit by me, toward the head of the table. I have quite a few things to discuss with you if that’s alright?”
Looking toward his companion, Royal Milk Tea Cookie received a nod from Clotted Cream Cookie. The pair separated, allowing Royal Milk Tea Cookie to sit beside King Dark Cacao Cookie, and Clotted Cream Cookie sat alongside his fiancee at the opposite end of the table. 
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lindsaywesker · 2 years ago
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Good morning! I hope you slept well and feel rested? Currently sitting at my desk, in my study, attired only in my blue towelling robe, enjoying my first cuppa of the day.
Welcome to Too Much Information Tuesday.
On Mars, sunsets are blue.
Nothing holds you back more than your own insecurities.
The letters ‘ough’ can be pronounced ten different ways.
The national bird of Peru is the Andean Cock Of The Rock.
93% of students do their research online rather than in a library.
The County of Los Angeles has a bigger population than 40 US States.
Studies have found that being a ‘bad boy’ is no longer perceived as ‘cool.’
Spiny lava lizards are less choosy about who they have sex with when it’s hot.
If you don't dream, you most likely have some sort of personality disorder.
If caught in a burning building, get low. The breathable air will be near the floor.
Women speak an average of about 7,000 words a day. Men average just over 2,000.
Lava lamps were invented by an accountant whose hobby was making underwater nudist films.
Shy people usually end up being some of the coolest people you know … once you start talking to them!
We tend to prefer the original version of a song because we heard it first, not necessarily because it's better.
In the Polish town of Suoszowa, all 6000 residents live on the same street that stretches some 9km (5.5 miles).
The Bloody Mary has been scientifically proven to be the best alcoholic drink to enjoy on an aeroplane.
If 99% of the human population thought you were ugly, about 80,000,000 people would still find you attractive.
Lypophrenia: A vague feeling of sadness seemingly without cause. This often occurs when a person misses someone.
The U.S. Army uses 1.5 billion rounds of ammunition a year. ‘Call Of Duty’ players use 1.5 billion rounds every 17 hours.
The Talmud suggests testing blockages in a penis by heating the afflicted’s anus with some warm barley bread. (Eh?)
Male bed bugs don't bother with vaginas when mating. They simply stab the female in the abdomen with their penis and ejaculate in her body.
A video game developer snuck a proposal into a game, but his girlfriend refused to play it for years, delaying their eventual marriage.
Town planners in Porters Lake, Nova Scotia seem to have run out of ideas. There are streets named This Street, That Street and The Other Street.
About one third of Australian polling stations have barbecues outside them. It is so common to buy a sausage when you go to vote that they are called Democracy Sausages.
Corn kernels are coated with cellulose that's tough enough to withstand the rigors of the human digestive system, which is why they come out almost the same way they went in!
Child marriage is currently legal in 43 U.S. states. The only states with a minimum age of 18 - with no exceptions - are Delaware, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania and Rhode Island
In 2004, a £140,000 diamond was placed in the front of a Jaguar F1 car for the Monaco Grand Prix as a promotional stunt for Ocean’s Twelve. The driver crashed on the first lap and the diamond has never been recovered.
The ‘fountain of tits’ in Treviso, Italy, is a 16th-century marble fountain of a topless woman squeezing her breasts. The statue sprinkles water from each nipple. During celebrations, the fountain spouts red and white wine, which is free to drink.
On August 8th, 2004, over the Kinzie Street Bridge in Chicago, Illinois, a tour bus belonging to The Dave Matthews Band dumped an estimated 800 pounds of human waste from the bus’s septic tank on to a passenger sightseeing boat on the Chicago River below.
Target found themselves in an awkward situation and had to issue an apology due to a labelling error that offended some 'plus-sized' customers. While selling a dress in various sizes, the small size was listed as 'Gray,' while the larger size was labelled as 'Manatee Gray'.
In 1771, Swedish king Adolf Frederick ate large servings of lobster, caviar, sausages and sauerkraut, washed down with copious amounts of champagne. For dessert, he had 14 (FOURTEEN) servings of semla – a Swedish sweet roll topped with whipped cream – with hot milk. Not long after dinner, he began complaining of stomach aches, which steadily worsened until he died a few hours later.
Thomas Jefferson's draft of the Declaration of Independence contained a passage that condemned slavery as one of the many evils brought upon the colonies by the British crown. The passage was removed from the final version for fear of alienating the southern colonies, which were heavily dependent on enslaved labourers. Ironically, although Thomas Jefferson called slavery an “abominable crime”, he was a lifelong slaveholder.
Okay, that’s enough information for one day. Have a tremendous and tumultuous Tuesday! I love you all.
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starfiresyugiohocs · 2 years ago
OC Profile: Iris
Full Name: Iris Ophelia McGinnis. Nicknames: Irey, Petals (by her grandfather), Cupcake (a nickname that happened for a good while from Alister) Aliases: N/a Nationality: American, Japanese citizenship, ⅓ Irish Birthplace: Domino City, Japan. Gender: Female (she/her, comfortable with they/them as well). Sexuality: Demisexual demi/biromantic. Age: 19-21 years old. Birthday: September 7th. Star Sign: Virgo. Occupation: Nursing student -> Pediatric nurse; counter clerk at Kame Game; book seller at Marcie’s Marvelous Books; Pro Duelist. Voiceclaim: Janet Varney.
Hair Color: Blonde. Hairstyle: Shoulder length, very thick and more shaggy than wavy (though it does curl at the ends), has long sideswept bangs over one eye. Eye Color: Violet. Skintone: Pale. Notable Features: Scar underneath her right eye. Typically wears dark, heavy makeup. Pierced ears, two piercings on the top of each ear, a tongue piercing and a naval piercing. Also got her nips pierced on a drunken dare by Maddox. After Season 4, she starts getting various tattoos as well, mainly on her arms, legs and one on her collarbone. Outfit Style: Thrifted goth, usually getting a lot of her clothes second hand or on sale. Lots of blacks, not a lot of room for other colors unless they're accents. Loves a good fishnet stockings and ripped jeans combo. After season 4 and she gets into Dueling in tournaments more and more, her younger brother finally got to go on a shopping spree and get her some new clothes, coming in touch with her roots as Kaiba's big sister but even more goth. Accessories: Silver rings on her fingers she'll find antiquing, choker necklaces (definitely a lot more of the spikey ones early on).
Personality: Very snarky and sarcastic. Suffers heavily from resting bitch face; also tends to not be able to hide it when she does not like somebody. Beyond that, however, she typically struggles with expressing emotions and vulnerability; to the point that not even her siblings have ever seen her even shed a tear. She tends to also bury a lot of her more negative emotions and feelings to "deal with it one day when she's dead". Is absolutely fantastic with kids and animals. Isn't afraid to be blunt when she needs to be and can be overly straightforward. When you've earned her respect and care, she will be the most loyal person in the world. Very much has a caretaker nature and wants to help heal everyone she can and look out for everyone. Tired Big Sister energy as well as depressed broke zillennial energy. Hobbies: Reading, annotating books,  gardening, thrift shopping, collecting Addams Family merch where she can afford it, researching anything and everything, cooking, playing different card and board games with her family. Habits/Mannerisms: Brushes her bangs back during serious talks, easily slips into neutral masks when upset, crossed arms when she doesn't have much to do with them, lip biting, hand holding for small shows of affection, eats cupcakes the way Anne Hathaway does by taking the bottoms off and smushing it on top of the frosting. Likes: Halloween, thick books, fanfiction, motorcycles, cats, history, mythology, small businesses, rainy days, anything mint chocolate, seeing karma work its magic. Dislikes: Rich people, corporate assholes, heights/flying, overly noisy places, animatronics, hard candies, sports, writing essays. Favorite Food: Chicken fried rice, mint chocolate fudge. Least Favorite Food: Caviar.
Deck: Cyber Angel. Signature Card: Cyber Angel Izana. Ranking: Wasn't much for Dueling early on, but after she starts getting into the tournaments, she starts to rank pretty well. As of the moment, she's sitting somewhere between the top 25-50 range I think, but is pushing to get further and further.
Parents: Meredith McGinnis-Butler, Steven Nesbitt (estranged, deceased), Roland Butler (step-father, views as her real Dad). Sibling(s): Henry Nesbitt (half-brother, deceased), River McGinnis (younger sibling), Flora Butler (younger half sister); Seto Kaiba (younger foster brother), Mokuba Kaiba (younger foster brother). Children: Orion Gayle (born right before Season 4). Extended Family: See family tree here. Pet(s): None at the moment, looking at getting a cat. Love Interest(s): Alister Gayle. Extensive Relationships: See post here (coming soon).
Grew up being raised by her single mother. Steven was a very infrequent part of her life early on, and was not a good or loving presence and kept a firm distance.
He disappeared almost completely out of her life after the death of her half-brother, Henry, and after his reaction to her mother finding out that she both had MS and was pregnant again with River.
Showed back up when Iris was in middle school to bribe her mother into letting her and River attend a dinner with his boss, and she met the Kaiba brothers. He tried to arrange a marriage contract between her and Seto, and it became a heated battle.
Tried to put up with it to help keep an eye on Seto and Mokuba, though fought against it the best she could. The boys became like brothers to her and River.
Her Mom and Roland worked to protect the kids and eventually fell in love with each other.
Has quite a bit of trauma from Steven, as well as Gozaburo, during the time leading up to Seto taking over KaibaCorp, all that she took in an attempt to protect her siblings.'
Started taking college credits her last year of high school and even graduated high school a semester early. Went to college on a full scholarship to get her nursing degree.
Meets Alister a year before the story starts when he begins working for KaibaCorp in the IT department (all undercover to try and take them down from the inside) and they end u pbecoming friends and later something more.
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rabbitcruiser · 8 months ago
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National Caviar Day 
Caviar can be expensive, but for one day indulge in the delicacy. Varieties from some fish are cheaper than others, so shop around and try it out.
National Caviar Day, celebrated on July 18th, is a day dedicated to enjoying and appreciating the luxurious delicacy of caviar.
It marks a time to indulge in the rich, flavorful pearls that come from sturgeon fish. Depending on the species, these pearls boast a variety of colors and tastes.
This special day encourages people to learn more about caviar, its health benefits, and the art of serving it. Caviar is highly nutritious and packed with proteins, vitamins, and minerals​​​​.
The celebration of National Caviar Day offers a chance to explore the diverse world of caviar. From the renowned Beluga and Sevruga to the rare Diamond Ossetra, each type of caviar offers a distinct flavor profile and experience.
High-quality caviar should be firm, not mushy, and served with non-metallic utensils to preserve its flavor. The day also serves as an opportunity to raise awareness about the importance of sustainable fishing practices, highlighting efforts to replenish sturgeon populations​​​​.
So, whether you’re hosting a caviar-tasting party, making your caviar, or simply enjoying a spoonful of this exquisite delicacy at a fancy restaurant, National Caviar Day is all about celebrating the elegance and history of caviar in all its forms.
It’s a day for culinary adventurers and fine dining connoisseurs to explore the luxurious world of caviar, reminding us of the centuries-old tradition that caviar represents​​.
History of National Caviar Day
National Caviar Day, celebrated every July 18th, is quite a fancy affair! This day is all about indulging in the luxurious treat of caviar, known for its rich flavor and creamy texture.
The tradition of enjoying caviar dates back to ancient Persia, making it a delicacy with a history. People around the globe mark this day by diving into the world of caviar. By doing so, they explore its various types, from the prestigious Beluga to the nutty Osetra and even the intensely flavorful Sevruga​​.
But how did National Caviar Day come to be, you ask? Let’s say it’s a day that has grown in popularity, much like the price of caviar itself. After the ban on Sturgeon fishing in 1906 to protect these precious fish, the price of caviar skyrocketed.
By the 1960s, caviar had become synonymous with elegance and luxury. Nowadays, the day celebrates all kinds of caviar, not just the ones from sturgeons but also ‘imposters’ like salmon and trout roe, inviting everyone to feast like kings and billionaires, if only for a day​​.
From the royal courts of the United Kingdom, which declared all sturgeon to be royal property in 1324, to become North America’s major caviar producer in the 1800s, caviar has had quite the journey.
The day also highlights the need for sustainable fishing practices following Russia’s 2008 decision to suspend wild sturgeon fishing to let the population replenish​​.
How to Celebrate National Caviar Day
Engaging in National Caviar Day activities can range from dining out at upscale restaurants to hosting a caviar tasting at home.
It’s a perfect occasion to experiment with different caviar types and pairings. National Caviar Day provides a fun, educational opportunity to explore the exquisite taste of caviar and its cultural significance​​​​.
Taste-Off Extravaganza
Start National Caviar Day with a bang by hosting a taste-off. Gather your pals and an assortment of caviars. Everyone gets to sample and vote on their favorites. It’s a fun way to discover new flavors together. Don’t forget to provide palate cleansers between tastings!
Caviar Creations at Home
Why not set up your caviar bar? With all the essentials like blinis, crème fraîche, and finely chopped onions, you can let guests craft their perfect bite.
Alternatively, dive into an online cooking class if you’re feeling adventurous. There are plenty out there that focus on incorporating caviar into home-cooked meals. It’s a great way to learn something new and impress at your next dinner party.
A Day of Caviar Delights
Consider making a day of it by exploring local restaurants renowned for their caviar dishes. If you’re more into a quiet night-in, why not get artistic?
You could create caviar-themed art or use it as a medium for food art. Sharing the caviar love is always a great idea, too. Surprise a friend with a small tin to brighten their day.
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murderousink23 · 2 years ago
07/18/2023 is National Caviar Day 🇺🇲, Nelson Mandela Day 🇺🇳, Botswana President's Day 🇧🇼, Public Holiday 🇮🇳, Uruguay Constitution Day 🇺🇾
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dailyanarchistposts · 3 months ago
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Section VIII: Surplus Value
When a worker labors for his wage, often times he is laboring productively. By this, I mean he is creating wealth for his employer. If a Capitalist employs 10 workers to plant and harvest a field, by the end of the season, he may find himself with 10,000 crops. Since the workers are paid a subsistence wage, the Capitalist pays each of these workers an amount of money that would keep them subsisting, or in this scenario, perhaps an amount of money equal to 1,000 crops. So, 1/10th of his income goes to pay for his expenses. The rest, 9/10ths, becomes profit. (In a realistic scenario, there are other expenses incurred, such as taxes, capital, etc., etc., but I am simply trying to demonstrate a point here.) The 9/10ths, though, is 9,000 crops. To a region of people, there is value in 9,000 crops. But, to a Capitalist, every crop, besides those he does not eat, is useless. If, in a month, a Capitalist can only eat 100 of these crops, then the rest, 8,900, which would have gone bad, are completely useless to him. He may trade them, very well, to another Capitalist. Perhaps another Capitalist employs 10 workers to operate a factory, and creates 1000 pairs of clothes in a season. The owner of the farm can trade his crops for clothing, but beyond several pairs of clothes, the rest are useless. Perhaps the Capitalist can trade the surplus of crops to a construction firm, to build him several small huts, but every hut beyond the one he uses, is completely useless to him. He may, in the end, trade all of his crops for money, which would be rational, but money is only a sort of credit. It only means that in the future, he will be able to purchase these common items: clothing, food, housing. But, all of the money that he cannot use before he dies, will be completely useless. The surplus, which he has procured through legal contracts, becomes utterly useless to him.
Here, though, we will see something that is rather marked in every nation’s economy: the rise of industry which cater to the desires of the wealthy. Factories, farms, and mines will be erected that create things which only the wealthy could afford. The laborers here, however, labor with a certain unproductivity. For instance, a garment that a wealthy person would typically wear. Perhaps it is equal in production cost to ten commoner garments. It may very well take ten workers to create it in a day, whereas if those same ten workers were employed in making commoner garments, they would be able to produce a single garment each. Food, as well, will be of the best quality, often times made in a method, or of a distinct nature, that it is difficult to obtain. Clams, for instance, are often times a food of the Capitalists. If ten Proletarian workers, all of them working on a boat obtaining these claims, had abandoned this task, and one of them had decided to work the fields of a farm, they will produce more than the nine other Proletarians working on the ship. If every worker on the ship had decided to work on a farm, but was only required to produce as much food, each would be working one tenth of the normal time. It is quite true, also, that Capitalists enjoy rather expensive, fancy housing, some of their purchases being compared to palaces.
So, once a Capitalist produces 10,000 crops, his profit being 9,000 of those crops, they will be useless to him, so he will trade them for things which are of worth to him. Instead of living in a hut, he will live in a mansion. Instead of eating corn, he will eat clams and caviar. Instead of wearing commoner garments, he will wear outfits which had been reserved for royalty and wealth. Also, since there are some workers which are paid more than a subsistence wage, there will also be a rise of industries which cater to the needs of those workers. The foods, clothing, and housing, for instance, which are between commoner and wealth, are sold to those whom are Proletarians, but paid more based on their skill, education, or ability.
There are countless specific examples of Capitalists using their funds to support extraordinary luxuries. In 1668, Josiah Child writes, “Many of whom then would not go to the price of a whole Sattin Doubtlet; the Embroiderer being yet living, who hath assured me he hath made many hundreds of them for the Nobility with Canvas backs.” [179] In 1691, Dudley North writes, “A very rich Man hath much Plate, for Honour and Show.” [180] In 1755, Jean Jacques Rousseau, sometimes called the peoples’ philosopher, would write in an economic treatise, “As long as there are rich people in the world, they will be desirous of distinguishing themselves from the poor...” [181] In document which I cannot find a date for, David Hume wrote (presumably around the mid 1700’s), “Great quantities of plate are used in private houses; and all the churches are full of it.”[182] Since all the wealth and luxury that is used by the wealthy is obtained by the poor and laboring classes, it is the poor who have produced such wealth. In 1767, James Steuart writes, “...the progress of luxury brings distress upon the poor industrious man...” [183] Describing the principle of trading useless objects for items which are usable, Steuart further writes, “Otherwise, the plenty produced, remaining in the hands of those who produced it, will become to them an absolute superfluity; which, had they any trade with a neighbouring state, they would sell, or exchange...” [184] Still describing the transactions of common items for extravagant ones, Steuart writes, “...when raw silk and delicate wines, &c. are given in exchange for grain and other provisions.” [185] And elsewhere he writes: “...the wealthy among them insist upon purchasing all the instruments of luxury which they formerly were used to enjoy...” [186] In one last final part, he still describes the lifestyle of the wealthy, “The most virtuous man in France may have the most splendid table, the richest clothes, the most magnificent equipages, the greatest number of useless horses, the most pompous palace, and most extensive gardens. The most enormous luxury to be conceived...” [187] Thomas Malthus, the classical economist, in 1778 would write...
The owners of surplus produce would in general seek some more obvious mark of distinction. And it seems both natural and just that, except upon particular occasions, their choice should fall upon those who were able, and professed themselves willing, to exert their strength in procuring a further surplus produce... All who were in want of food would be urged by imperious necessity to offer their labour in exchange for this article so absolutely essential to existence. [188]
In his 1830 speech, Nassau Senior would describe the mechanics of workers, their subsistence, and the Capitalist employing them, and — inevitably — the wealth that the workers create for their employer: “He [an economist] supposes him [the capitalist] to have been in the habit of commencing every year with a capital consisting of wages for a certain number of labourers, which we call twenty-six, and of employing that capital in hiring twenty men, to reproduce, during the year, wages for the whole twenty-six, and six to produce commodities for himself.” [189] In November of 1862, the T. E. Cliffe Leslie would have an article published entitled, “The Love of Money.” In it, he writes, “The mistake made by the ladies of our time seems to be that of aiming at show and accomplishing waste; while the mistake of the gentlemen is that of aiming at plainness and accomplishing gloom.” [190] Describing the other ways in which the wealthy manage to accomplish extravagance...
In the north of Ireland, for example, it is common to see a girl on the road with a smart bonnet, an extensive petticoat, and a gay parasol carried in the usual manner, but with a pair of shoes not upon her feet, but in her hands. Five-and-twenty years ago such a girl would have no more minded the effect of the sun on the skin of her face, than she now minds the effect of the earth on the skin of her foot; and five-and-twenty years hence it may be safely predicted that such a girl will not only think it advisable to wear her shoes on her feet, but will discover that they really hurt less there, when one is used to them, than the stones upon the road. [191]
John Muir was a Conservationist of the late 1800’s, who greatly opposed the destruction of the natural environment for corporate profits — a trend that could be seen in society by just about anyone. On March 25th of 1873, he described a luxury of the wealthy: “...the costly lily gardens of the rich...” [192] Thorstein Veblen, speaking more as a sociologist than an economist, in an article published in a journal for the year 1898 to 1899, would write, “Notions of economic rank and discrimination between persons, whether in point of possessions or in point of comfort, are almost, if not altogether, in abeyance.” [193] In another part, he writes more authoritatively, “In the further cultural development, when some wealth has been accumulated and the members of the community fall into a servile class on the one hand and a leisure class on the other...” [194] Lawrence Veiller had an article published in the Charities Review of 1900 to 1901, in which he wrote, “The well to do classes do not live in the country, and so long as they live here there will be a large number of persons to do their work, on whom they are dependent for their very lives, ‘hewers of wood and drawers of water,’ or their modern equivalent.” [195] As a reformer, who was sick of society and the way things were being done, J. W. Hart says with a sense of bitterness: “Give a man the right to come and go as he will, the employer the right to hire and discharge at will, and that is all there is to it in their estimation. Comfortably housed and well fed they have no conception of conditions among honest, hard-working men.” [196] In another part, he writes still with more emotion in his words, “If there was famine in the land and no help could be given we might stand these things, but the problem of production has been so successfully solved that we have ‘over-production’ in every department of industry. The cause of the trouble is that a few are determined to pile up millions they have no use for, and we will not stand it to see our children sacrificed on the altar of greed and oppression.” [197]
Lewis E. Palmer was a tenement inspector, whose job it was to make sure that residents of rented housing were living in sanitary and safe conditions. He published an article in the 1906 to 1907 year of a journal. In it, he describes a story of one of his fellow building inspectors...
From such a tenement it is quite a step to the “St. Georges” and the “Gwendolyns” that are rising along the Hudson River. An old building inspector visited one of these high-priced apartments on the West Side, a short time ago, leaving a notice for the owner with the bellboy. Across the envelope in black letters was printed--“Tenement House Department.” The boy looked at the inscription, glanced over his shoulder at two silk-gowned women entering the elevator and whispered, “Gee, wat would de loidies tink if dey only knew.” [198]
In the 1908–1909 volume of the Quarterly Journal of Economics, Joseph Schumpter’s article reads: “Nobody values bread according to the quantity of it which is to be found in his country or in the world, but everybody measures the utility of it according to the amount that he has himself, and this in turn depends on his general means.” [199] The book by Henry Demarest Lloyd of 1910 would be full of examples describing the luxury of the wealthy. In one part he describes the home of a Capitalist of a major monopoly: “...his marble fortress on Twenty-third Street...” [200] Describing the recreational activity of the investors: “...a party of Chicago business men were idling in their yacht over the cool waters of Lake Michigan...” [201] Still describing their recreational activities, he writes, “They all do something to raise prices, or hold them up, and they wind up with banquets for which we pay.” [202] And finally: “The livery companies of London, with their gloomy guildhalls, their wealth, their gluttony and wine-bibbing, their wretched Irish estates...” [203] In his inaugural lecture of 1930, L. F. Giblin spoke to his audience...
...expensive motor cars, two or three to a family; clothes marked up in the shops at extravagant prices; great hotels crowded with visitors who spend more on food for one day than he spends in a week; expensive looking houses with carefully tended gardens and grounds; thousands of people going off every week to spend hundreds of pounds each sight-seeing in Europe. He sees in the papers the deaths of men leaving millions. He reads of stations and city blocks being bought for fabulous prices. [204]
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judyreppart · 7 months ago
Experience the Best of Outdoor Dining This National Eat Outside Day in Las Vegas   Restaurants for National Eat Outside Day (Saturday, Aug.31): Aqua Seafood & Caviar Bar inside of Resorts World Las Vegas Description: At Aqua Seafood and Caviar bar visitors can enjoy a leisurely meal in an open-air setting while indulging in ome ... Read more
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nobertsales · 8 months ago
National Caviar Day
#Caviar is any single salted fish roe or egg. True caviar comes from the icy waters of the Caspian Sea from the finest #sturgeon. Ninety-five percent of the caviar produced in the world comes from the Caspian Sea.
The quality of caviar is determined based on its color, flavor, texture and maturity.
Only three sturgeon species produce this caviar: Beluga, Osetra and Sevruga. As a result, the caviar produced varies in colors depending on the species. Caviar is full of protein and vitamins making the delicacy a healthy meal.
Sturgeon have survived since the days the dinosaurs roamed the Earth. Commercial fishermen have hunted sturgeon for their roe and meat since at least 1100 BC. Ancient Greek and Roman literature refers to caviar, and the Chinese were trading it as early as the 10th century AD.
There are alternative caviar from other fishes such as #salmon, #trout, #whitefish and #carp.
🐟 #NationalCaviarDay #FoodOfTheDay #NobertSales @NobertSales #Food #FoodSolutions #FoodService #FoodServiceSolutions #FoodSales #WeKnowFood #FoodConsultant #FoodDude
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