#hatred for konni
mortal-kombattore-115 · 2 months
Modern Warfare/ Shadow Company OC: Irina Makarova
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General Information:
Name: Irina Makarova (Ирина Макарова)
Code name: Nomad
Alias(es): Natalya Ivanova, Vampira (by Valeria), Vamp (by Graves)
Nationality: Russian
Place of Birth: Moscow, RSFSR, Soviet Union
Birthday: May 22, 1986 (aged 38) 
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Lesbian
Affiliations: Russian Ground Forces (formerly), Gruzdev Bratva (formerly), Shadow Company (currently) 
Eyes: Brown/Blue
Hair: Blonde (was naturally black)
Build: Lean athletic
Height: 5’6
Languages: Russian, English, Spanish, German, and Mandarin Chinese.
Relationships: Valeria Garza (one night stand)
Marks: Scar on neck
Irina was born just before the fall of the Soviet Union in the suburbs of Moscow, alongside her older brother, Vladimir Makarov. As the daughter of a high-ranking politician within the Russian government, Irina watched the Soviet Union crumble, taking her father with it at the age of 4. After her father’s death, Irina grew up with a brother who didn't consider her a sister, but rather a mistake who would often blame her for their father’s death and the failures of the Soviet Union. Irina cut ties with her brother when he enlisted in the Russian military in 1998. Irina would later enlist in 2004.
During her service, Irina was an extraordinary soldier with her fast reflexes and marksmanship skills as she quickly moved up the ranks.
After six years of service, Irina was discharged from the military and soon befriended a former soldier. Impressed with her combat skills, Irina was recruited into the Gruzdev Bratva as an enforcer. Over the years, Irina found a sense of belonging in the bratva, her ruthless methods and loyalty moved her up in the hierarchy.
Sometime in 2021, two members of the crime family broke into Irina’s home one night in an attempt to assassinate her, which resulted in two casualties and an almost slit throat. Discovering Makarov’s involvement in the assassination, she knew from then on that his torment was just beginning. After the failed assassination attempt by Konni, Irina fled the country altered her appearance changed her identity, and traveled to various locations in Europe and Asia.
In early 2022, Irina resided in Las Almas, Mexico, where she would meet Valeria Garza at a small cafe, unaware of the work she does. The two would occasionally meet at the same spot almost every afternoon, which brought them closer together. After the chaos happening in Las Almas between Task Force 141 and Shadow Company, Irina left Mexico and vanished. 
Several months later, Irina met Phillip Graves at a bar during one of her travels. Going over her dossier and being impressed by her military service history, as well as having the same hatred for Konni, Graves recruited her to Shadow Company.
To celebrate one month of friendship, Valeria once gifted Irina a fruit bat.
Best friends with Velikan. Irina reminds him of an old friend she used to have during her bratva days. The two would often share stories about their pasts and often train together.
Her favorite comfort food is Blini (Russian pancake) because of how versatile they are. She loves to put some blueberry jam for when craving something sweet or smoked salmon with caviar for something savory.
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koisuko · 8 months
You save Soap's life after a near death experience, but at what cost?
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tw: death, blood, guns, mw3 spoilers, sad shit, violence, angst, gn reader, reader insert
Never has a mission gone this haywire, never have you felt your heart pounding against your chest in rhythm with the beeping of the bomb behind you. The burning hatred for Makarov growing brighter with every tick of the timer, this wild goose chase becoming increasingly more exhausting. What if he gets away again, what if this bomb is just another diversion for a much bigger scheme? Bullets whizzed passed your head, nearly missing you mid peak from over a crate you took cover behind, your hands sweating profusely from beneath your gloves as you took out another Konni solider. "Copy- Bear. Cutting the wire..." the sound of snipping sparked a sudden sense of impending doom, squeezing your eyes shut quickly to await the blast that never came. You glanced over at Soap, the wire cutters firm in his grasp. "Got it! That bought us some time!" he added, his face so calm and focus unbroken. It amazed you how he handled this situation with such grace and stoicism, as if this was just another mission, a daily occurrence for him.
Your comms clicked before Ghost's frantic voice reached your ear piece, "Price, be advised: Makarov is in the chunnel- He's heading your way!" you groaned with frustration, turning to glance at Price as you spoke, "remind me again why we didn't let Soap kill this fucker last time?" Before he could answer, you ducked, hearing the clang of a bullet ricocheting off a metallic surface, "SOAP—! Get your gun up…!" Price ordered over the gunfire, raising his gun to purge the Konni police rapidly approaching. "It'll blow if I let go, Captain! Y/n, cover me!" Your brain went on autopilot, rushing to his side with your gun held high. You took out as many Konni as you could, several bullets imbedding themselves in various objects just inches from you. The bodies of both allied and enemy soldiers began littering the concrete floors of the subway, bullet holes scattered across the walls in all different directions.
With the last Konni police down, Price made haste back to the snake camera while you remained a cover to the two men. "0-7 to Six - We're punching through now!" Ghost conveyed over comms. The beeping became more frantic, causing a peak in anxiety while you kept watch in front. Soap and Price exchanged various key numbers to aid in defusing the bomb, "Copy— good work— This bomb has two fuses! We need to cut both at the same time. Red wire, y/n come help me with this." You nod in response, kneeling beside Soap only to be cut short with a rapid set of footsteps from behind. Before you could turn, your body collided with the cold concrete floor. A sharp burning pain rippled through the flesh of your shoulder.
Even in your pained state, you darted your eyes around to meet Soap. He was on the floor a few feet from you, bleeding from a gunshot to the shoulder, similar to yours. Your attention averted to Price, the rat Makarov stood over him with a gun pointed to his head. “Never bury your enemies alive,” he uttered, a twisted smirk playing on his features that you despise so much. You needed to act fast, pushing yourself off the ground to attempt to potentially save Price’s life. Soap beat you to it, slamming a knife into Makarov’s shoulder with a grunt.
If you were honest, you weren’t even thinking. Everything seemed to have slowed down, as if a bubble formed around the scene for prolonged decision making. Yet, you didn’t even need to decide, your body acting for you in a blind protective instinct. It happened so fast, but so slow, with bits and pieces coming together in a faded memory. Sound seemed to become muffled around you, tunnel vision taking a hold of your sight. You had one goal in mind, one clear whisper in your head egging you on, save him.
Price lay nearly unconscious on the floor, watching the scene unfold helplessly as actions moved faster than his battered mind could comprehend. The gun was poised, aimed at Soap’s head, dangerous pressure on the trigger. This was it, Makarov was going to win, he thought. How could the man he wanted to kill so badly be this close to him, yet still leagues ahead. It all took a turn, when from the sideline came you, slamming yourself into Makarov and successfully knocking Soap to the side, where he collided with a nearby crate. Unfortunately, fate can be cruel, if one does not go, another will take its place. In a sick turn of events, Makarov turns the barrel and pulls the trigger, this time directly through the flesh of your throat. Your body was discarded to the side like a mere doll. “Y/n no!” They both seemed to yell simultaneously, but to you, they were simple whispers.
Ghost and Gaz arrive on the scene a second too late, opening fire at the Konni while a half conscious Soap and Price return to their senses. They both turned to look at your limp form, watching you briefly convulse from the blood spurting out of your neck with each fading pump of your heart. Faint choking sounds could be heard under the gunfire in your desperate attempt to cling to life, to take just one breath, before finally falling silent. Price wasted no time in grabbing his pistol, taking aim at the retreating form of Makarov, only for a train to put a barrier between them. “Bloody hell, y/n!” For the first time, you could hear a subtle crack in Ghost’s voice. Soap was speechless. He lost someone he loved so dearly in a matter of seconds. Kneeling down beside you, he stared at your face. Your once vibrant eyes now a dull lifeless hue, glossed over with a grey tint of vacancy. Those lips he longed for, now held a shade of blue, and your skin becoming a deathly pale. Your face painted in heavy red liquid, your final moments spent drowning in your own blood. The room now emanated a heavy stench of death, so thick it nearly made him gag. “This is all my fault,” he whispered in a voice laced with pure grief. He placed a tender hand on your ice cold cheek, the voices of his comrades blocked out by the overwhelming sorrow inside him. He prayed to take your place, wanting so badly for the claws gripping his heart to relent. Oh god, the agony you must have felt, the burning sensation in your lungs being the last thing you experienced before death took you from him. He couldn’t help but clutch his stomach in hopes to ease the nausea building in his system. Beside the body of his friend, lover, and comrade. Silently, he mourned.
The bomb was diffused, they had once again defeated a grand plan of Makarovs. But at what cost? “All stations - this is Bravo in the blind. Threat neutralized. Bomb is safe…” Price looked down at your body like a father who lost his child, “one KIA.”
The team gathered on a cliff overlooking a pristine lake. The sun beginning to set over the horizon, casting a golden ray upon the landscape. The view would be breathtaking, if it weren’t for the reason they had come here. Your favorite spot, they knew it was. From all the stories you told them of this place, of how much it meant to you. You had even planned to take Soap there, take them all there, you promised you would. A promise you would have kept if it weren’t for your untimely death to the hands of your enemy. Even in the afterlife, in your place among the stars, you held no regret for how you died. You saved him, saved the man you loved most, you saved Soap. “They were the best of us,” Price said, his voice low. “The toughest,” Gaz held his hat to his chest in respect, his eyes closed as he listened to the gentle tune of the birds song surrounding them. “They would have fought the world bare handed,” Ghost never once breaking eye contact where the sky meets the mountains. “They had a heart made of gold,” Soap’s voice broke as he spoke, looking up at the sky as if speaking directly to you.
He reached down to his bag, the reason they were here becoming reality. For a second, he held the urn to his chest, taking in a deep breath before holding it in the center of the group. They all collectively placed their hands on the cold metal, before one by one they spoke one last time. First, was Price, “who dares wins..sleep easy soldier,” then Gaz, “see you down range, friend, we’ll take it from here,” and Ghost, “Rest in peace, y/n.” Then, it was Soap’s turn to speak, yet the words caught in his throat. He nearly felt the tears track down his cheeks, pleading so desperately to hold it together and stay strong. Why couldn’t this have just been a fucking nightmare? When will I wake up, he thought. He took a shaky breath, before letting his deepest feelings flow, “I’ll miss ye, my love.”
They watched as the wind carried your ashes, spreading each particle into the water below. Perhaps, the wind will carry your soul with it, to the next life.
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hirik0 · 3 months
Desiered by the gods part 1
AlphaGodGhost/OmegaSacreficeSoap/AlphaGodRoach | Omegaverse
Ten years of war, ten hard years of war. A famine is now one bad harvest away, many Alphas dead by now. It is a desaster and the people are getting angry with the crown. Alpha King Shepard at this point is only intressted in securing the throne. He looks at his most loyal Knight the Alpha Phillip Graves giving orders.
"I dont care how you make the Omega priests to complie just do it", Shepard is ordering and Graves heart is dropping. He still bows down and leaves the throne saal. The oldest priests will not give in lightly to this. Hes not even sure they have a Omega for what they are planning. He walks out the courtyard towards the temples. This can't go on, if needed Shepard has to go, his King and the Emporer of the North are in rivalry and bound in hatred for each other for decades and everybody but the rulers are suffering. He remembers what Baron Price and Barrones Laswell said, for the kingdom to survive the King has to go and he slowly is at the point where he is agreeing. Mainly to secure his own place in the high society, being close to the King is not smart anymore. His Shadows, suffering under the constant attacks of Makarovs Konni unit. He's lucky he meets nobody on the way, the peasants are not holding back the hostility and aggressive towards the crown and its loyalist anymore. When he enters the main building of the temple he sees priestess Farah, talking with a family with a baby, he stays back, don't understand the words but hears the desperation in the voice of the mother. The baby is likely sick and dying like so many of them by now. He stays in the shadows let Farah handle the situation, because his presence could easily escalate a already desprate situation. The mother starts to cry, to whaile in agony, when Farah is shaking her head a pained expression on her face. Maybe Shepards plan is not that insane anymore. The next generation is dying and it would be a save way to end the war. The mother is falling to her knees her pain to strong yo keep standing. A daily tragegy by now, mother trying ot find a way to save their dying children, fathers and sons that never come home again. Soilders fall to protect their families from war and lose them to nature. Farah is saying something to the woman, but shes jsut screaming at her, not understandable over the pain shes feeling. He sees the anger for a short moment on Fahras face and he understands that is is likely not the first mother, she cant help in this war. Farah is leavin the building signaling him to folow her and he does.
"Kight Graves", she greets him, while they walk towards the temple of the sea goddes.
"Priestes Farah" She looks at him learning from the tone of his voice he has bad knews.
"What does youre majesty wants?", she aks coldly, a flare of anger in her jasmin scent.
"He wants the high priest to to a special ritual to win the war", he explains, they rush throw the halls of the goddes.
"With what resurces?", she asks him.
"Its, an omega for the war god", Graves explains what he understood, Farah stops, her eyes wide, color leaving her face.
"He cant be serious, its not so bad for that and to the war god? The only god know to never having an Omega? The god told to fall in love with powerfull Alpha soilders, that god?" Farah has a point here.
"Its about the slic." Farahs mouth dropps open at this.
"Alpahs will lose their mind if they smell an Omega chossen to serve the gods, this will be just as dangerous for our troops as the enemies", she hisses, the King is mad and desprate a dangerous compination.
"What do you mean?", Graves asks confused.
"An Omega must smell so good that even the gods get tempted, it can cause a mortal Alpha go into feral, violent rut and they will fight to death to get this Omega, against everyone they see. This is insane, the smell is so powerfull it can even override a bond. Hes mad, Graves, your serving an mad man." Farah explains getting more and more angry at this. The whole weight of what the King is asking him to do crashing down on him. He would have to remove all Shadows from the main battelfield, he will not sacrefice them for this.
"What about true mates?", Graves asks atleast its said nothing an break the bound of true mates. Farah huffes looking at him as if hes dumb.
"It's the most powerfull Omega scent you can ever smell, not even a true made could save you from going mad." She scolds him disgusted, her smell now filled with a sour under tone.
"What if its only a hint of the smell?" She gives him an angry look, a constand smell of rage slowly erasing her jasim scent. He is testing her patients and she dont need to answer him. With the look on her face its clear there is no save dosis with how potent the smell is.
"The temple cant be use for weeks to make sure every trace of the omega scent is faded. Gets heavely cleaned every day till its demend save to use for Alphas again." Farah explains, before they reach their goal the living buildings of the temple area.
The talk was long and fruitless. The only one wanting to do this is the King himself. Graves feels miserable, knowing what happens to the Omega feels wrong. Learning the full truth about the ritual left a bad feeling behind. Its truely a cruel fate to who ever is chosen. He needs to talk with Baroness Laswell and Baron Price, before he returns to the King. In the end Shepard will force everyone to participate, but maybe they can delay it for a just a short while. He walks straight towards the district Laswell lifes in. Laswell born into a long line of fabric traders, that is bringing a lot of wealth in the kingdom and took over the buisness as the only heir with a lot of reservation from her father to give the buisness to a Beta. Her best friend Baron Price is from a long line of Knights that are loyal to the country but rarely to the ruler. The Price family is very popular with the common people.
Together the two are in opposite to the King in the council and a pain to work with, normaly. But with him now rethinking his loyaltis working with these two is likely the smartes move he can make. Graves knows he has to push his own problems with the two aside for now. He walks the street only a few people are outside their homes. They all look, aged beyond their years, the war making some of them to a husk. Eyes dull, no hope left, grieve about losing multiple family members, he don't want to know how the people in the countryside look, if that's how the people living in the city look like. Not to forget this is one of the better districts, the situation in the poor parts gone from barely a live worth living to absolute apocalyptic. He walks up to the Laswells small town villa, knocking at the door. A young maid is opening, her face lost the youthfulness.
"Yes?", she asks him, watching him over assecing if she should close the door in his face or not.
"I need to talk with Lady Laswell, its urgent", Graves explains, she rolls his eyes, she likey figured that our already.
"And who am I to announce to the Lady?", she asks nervously as if she's having the position not that long.
"Sir Phillip Graves." With that the young Omega is letting him in and tells him to wait in the salon. He dont bother to sit down, Kate will be here soon enough to get him out of here as fast as possible without being rude. He hears footsteps echoing through the entrance hall and Kate swiftly walks in the room.
"Graves", she greats him coldly not liking how grimme Graves is looking.
"The King is getting desprate and he will force the priest to perform a ritual, they are against." He explains his viste. Kate is pressing her lips together, her gaze darkening.
"Which ritual?" She needs more information. Probably also assecing if this s a ploy Graves is laying out infront of her.
"Omega sacrifice to the gods. He also wants to use the slick from the Omega on the battlefield." The face of the Baroness is turning pale, she claws at her dress. Graves would never lie about something this urgent.
"He's insane", she wispers in the silent room, waiting for Graves to disagree, being genuine suprised at him nodding. The front door opens and they hear somebody enter.
"Kate I'm... what's he doing here?", Kates protégé John MacTavish is asking. The Omega not hiding his dislike for the Alpha Knight.
"Johnny", Graves greats the Omega big smile on his face knowing that he absolutely hates being called that. Soap presses his jaws together to not say anything unwise. Displeasure slipping in his rose scent.
"Behave both of you." The Beta is scolding both of them. No fighting on her house, they can do it outsite of the front door if they have too.
"You will inform Price about what we just talked about? I still have to report back to the King", Graves asks, knowing no to overstay the littel hospitality he's given.
"I will", she agrees and with that the Alpha is leaving her house, leaving the worry he brought with him here. Soap looks at the Baroness, Graves viste means bad news, really bad news.
"Why was he here?", Soap ask knowing he will get a dismissive answer at best.
"Bringing bad news Soap." Soap sents get a flare of annoyance in his scent he figured out that much himself. Kate is asking herself if she should send Soap home to his family. He insisted on staying over the war to complete his training, but she has this bad feeling, now. Soap knows that look on her face, she's thinking of sending him back home.
"I will not leave", he tells her and he sees tears in her eyes. What ever bad news means they must be really bad for this reaction. A littel stone is forming in his stomach, maybe he should viste his family if she ask him to do so.
Soap, is the youngest and only Omega of 5 siblings. Born into a powerful clan up north in the parts that dont belong to the Empire, with so different rules about how to be a proper Omega. Sent here to learn to become a good trader to profit the clan. Hes now living 12 years with the Baroness from the 20 he's suposed to learn from her. He rarely allows himself to go back home, the feeling if not fitting in at home getting stronger the longer he stays here. His best friend is Kyle Garrick, the adopted son of Baron John Price. The Beta training hard to become an excellent Knight just like his father, only survivor of his childhood home being attack by bandits. At the moment they try to listen what both their parental figure are talking about in Kates office. Ears pressed against the wooden door. They both now its useless, the door being made to make eavesdropping impossible.
"Graves told it to her personally?", Gaz asks about what happend earlier again, disbelieve still strong in his voice. Must be really bad for Graves to consider working with Lady Kate and Price.
"Yes, Kate cried." Gaz frowns trying to put the informations togehter. They fall over when the door is opend suddenly and they sheepishly look up at their mentors parental figure.
"Bit to old for this to happen", Kates comments their behaviour, a thight smile that not reaching her eyes. She reallly taught Soap better then this.
"Not to forgett you know the door is sound proofed", Price reminds them. The two are getting up looking at the floor, Soaps face blushing in embarrassment.
"Also what you tried could be considered spying on the council." With that Soap and Gaz mumbel one apology after the nother. Getting a amused smile out of Price and another head shake from Kate. Children both of them thinking fondly.
"We, need to talk with you about this, especailly Soap", Kate tells them a grim look on the face damm the rules. The stone in Soaps stomach is growing, understanding why Kate wants him to viste his family, the situation is getting so bad that its better to sent him with incompleated training home then the faith of death with how worried they look. The two young men are sitting down on the couch, Kate sits down on on a arm chair, while Price paces up and down infront of the fire place.
"As Soap already told you Graves visted and he brought bad news. The King will force the priest to perform a specific ritual." Kate starts to explain and Soaps mouth is getting try. King , force and specific ritual are word you never want to hear in one sentence. A cold feeling running down his spine.
"He wants to sacrafice an Omega to the gods. From the few thinks that are know to the public is not very much, but also very concerning. An Omega is choosen, by qualification unknown to us and forced to get an unnatrual heat. Their scent becomes so strong that not even a god can resist the temptation, but the Omega dies. A live of an Omega for the help of the gods." Gaz is nodding along, its not that bad of a trait one Omega against help from the gods, its a good trade, what is the life of one against an whole army. Price as if he knows what his son is thinking stops pacing, shaking his head.
"Its not a good trade, and there are a few stroies telling that the gods did not ecapted the ofer, its a slow and painfull dead", Price conters the toughts of the young Beta.
"If the scent is this tempting, what happend if a non god is smeeling it?", Soap asks, dreading the answer, the stone heavy and nausea spreading. The feeling he knows from story told by his grandmother when he was a child. An Omega smelling so good driving every Alpha into madness.
"Madness", Kate answeres and Kyle is putting the pieces slowly together. Soaps scent chages to absolute terror, hes not even angry about losing controll over his scent like this.
"So if you would use the scent on a battel field, it would be a masacare", Kyle concludes, voice heavy and his face turning pale.
"Yes", Price confirms and Soap dont dare open his mouth anymore. He will likely puke all over the floor if he does.
"Not to forget the few survivers also would to be killed, because no one that deep into being feral rud is coming back", Kate brings up, Soap is not listening anymore. The horribel realistion washing over him, turning his scent in something extreamly unpleasent because Price opening a window. The sour smell of a distresst Omega filling the room. Like the sky is blue and the sun is rising he knows that its him. He wants to melt in the couch cusions.
"The council?" Gaz asks them, luckly not being able to smell anything as a Beta.
"From the 12 only we and Graves are against it. Its unsure if we an get three more on our site." Price explains starting to pace again infront of the window.
"Many have Omega children, but the chances that one gets picked are small, but many just want the war to end and willing to give up of their children." Kates makes the situation even worse.
Kyle know that something is wrong with Soap. The out going Omega is pulling back further with every passing day. He also knows his best friend is worried ever since they were told the Kings plan. He cant watch Soap being this worried any longer. He can escort his best friend home and hide him till its save to return, he just needs a bit help from some their mutal friends. Hes walking over the market place, the ones overflown booths now only have the necesaties on display. The war reached the capital last summer. He walks into Farah whos in a discousion with one of the fabric traders.
"Do you understand how expensive this is?", the trader is asking her, looking at her as if she had two heads. Kyle frowns, keeping his distance observing their interaction with intresst and worry.
"Its on order of the King, so you dont have to worry about the pay", Farah answers him, she needs the fabric.
"This fabric was already expensive before the war and from the Empire getting one is nearly impossible now", the trader explains making Farah think. She needs a good alternetive then. Fabric thin as air and in a crimson red, they told her no other fabric is aceptable for the war god.
"You have an alterative?", Farah asks, becasue this could be a small act of rebelion the priestes can get away with. A chance of sabotaging the Kings efforts a tiny bit.
"Well getting other the fabric as the one you're asking for is no problem, there are a lot of diffrent silks, the problem is the color. The dye is hard to get and even harder to use. If you are insisting on the color then there is non." Disapointment is sneaking in Farahs scent.
"You have a red just as bright?", Farah asks, sure the King is forcing them, but shes unsure if hes willing to pay this much for fabric that will profit the enemies econemy non the less.
"It is the best red dye we know of, no other red is as vibrant." Farah sighs at this, she can only hope the other parts that orderd to get for the sacrafice are as hard to get has the fabirc. If they atleast already had an Omega so the simstress could know how many fabric she needs.
"I can maybe get a few meters, but three whole bolts? Impossible." Kyle frowns why do they need that expensice fabric and why so much? Farah is thanking the trader before walking away, worry on her face. He jogs up to her.
"Farah", he greets her, making her flinch with how deep shes in trapped in her head.
"Kyle"; she greets him, the worry not leaving her voice or scent.
"What was this about?", Kyle ask her not hidding he watched her interaction.
"I dont know what you mean"; she dismisses him she cant talk with Kyle about this.
"What do you need this fabric for?", he dont lets up. The Omega is rolling her eyes at him.
"Cant talk with you about it, Kyle", she tells him this must be about the sacrafice.
"Soap is worried", Kyle tells her instead of pressing further for now.
"Soap, our walking sunshine?", Farah asks frowning pressing her jaws together. Worry clauding her scent now.
"Yes, its because the thing you cant talk about", Kyle explains his suspicion and that he knows about whats going on.
"How do you know about this?", Farah hisses pulling him in a site street. Shes pretty sure only 10 people know about the preparations.
"Graves told Kate and father, who told us, because you know Soap is also an Omega so he can make the choice to viste his family", Kyle explains to her hushed. The Preistres relaxing at this, meaning their are no rumors on the streets yet.
"Does he thinks hes getting chosen?", Farah asks him and Kyle nods. Her heart drops at this, she only ever thought about a poor faceless Omega but now she only can see Soap.
"What are the chances, we even find a worthy one and its Soap", Farah says sceptical more to calm herself down then being convinced, getting a shurg out of Kyle. They nearly dont here the steps aproching them.
"Gaz, Farah?", Alex Keller is asking them. Looking from one to the other noticing the worried faces. The Beta is frowning, this are bad news. The young nobel returend from the battelfield after he lost one of his legs.
"Alex", they both greet him, trying to hide that something is going on. Poorly because they are visible in a site street talking in hushed voices.
"Whats going on?", Alex asks them but they both shake their head, this is not a talk for a site street near the market. The three walk towards a small pont hiding in an hollow old widdow.
"The King is a mad man and wants to scarefice an Omega to the gods", Kyle give a short run down. They see Alex processing the information his face going from confused, to concernd to paniced.
"What?", he aks more to say somrthing then to really ask them.
"I need to get a specific fabric, Hadir and Livia are getting juwelery and special oils." Farah explains whats happening in the temples to her friends. They are already in preparations for everythink so the moment they have an Omega everything an go as quick as possible. So no spy can report fast enough of what they are planning.
"At least they will look good, while they die", Kyle says grimmly.
"Kyle", Farah hisses the we maybe talking about Soap stays unspoken.
"What, Im not wrong", Kyle hisses back, they will look good if they wear expensive shit.
"Wait the Omega dies?", Alex asks now understanding why his two friends are that concerned.
"Yes and Soap thinks its him." Kyle shares his informations. So thats why Soap is so sad looking at the moment.
"Well good luck to the god, because Soap will talk back and insult them", Alex jokes but the other two dont fell like laughing.
"If the gods dont want the Omega they die for nothing", Farah explains and Alex face drops, bad time for a joke.
"What happens if the gods take them?" Ales ask unsure, how are they suposed to know it worked when Soap dies either way.
"We dont know, besides they will do what asked for", Farah explains.The friends sharing worried looks. They can not lose Soap, he makes this war a bit more bearable.
"So we need to get him out right?" Is all that Alex says because losing Soap is not an option.
The council meeting is an absolute shit show as to be acepcted. The King, angry at them for the status of the war, when nobody really can do anything about it. Them begging the King, to pull Betas from the front to attent to the fields. The same disgusion as always, Laswell, Price and Graves, on edge waiting for the King to drop the big bomb.
"Order, order", Shepard yells and everybody is going silent. Graves, feels his heart drop. Its time and they need to get 3 people on their site for it to be pushed to the next meating atleast. To buy a littel more time.
"We will ensure the victory of the war with the help for the gods, for that I need ALL of you to work on makign the ritual work." Shepard looks towards Laswell and Price at this, knowing these two will be his worst problem, not knowing that one of his most loyal knights is about to switch sites. Some members are squirming in their seets, they cant give anymore, they are at the limit for years by now.
"We will sacrafice an Omega to the war god and ask him to help us win the war." Graves wants to throw up when he sees how so many change from worried to relaxed, what is one Omega to them, aparently nothing.
"What if it dosent work and the Empire does the same? And is sucessfull" Kate asks the King already having everything ready to get Soap out the country to night. The King makes a dismissive hand gesture with his plan it wont be of concern. No god can proteced you from going mad, by the most tempting Omega. The suport on of a god is not even his main concern its to get the sick.
"It will be a sucess." Shepard simply states his first yes men already nodding along, very prominent Graves is not. There is no going back now the 3 of them now damed to work together. Price feels dread at this, the King is to sure off this.
"What if the gods rejects the Omega?" Graves asks he and Farah looked in the archives for what happends besides the Omega dying a slow and painfull death. The King looks at him understanding Graves is ready to chage site if needed. Keeping his anger for that betray at bay, he will deal with Graves later.
"They cant." Graves keeps his knowledge hidden if he stays silent he can play this of as being concerd over the plan failing.
"How do we even find the right Omega? We surely cant just grap on off the streets", Countess Valeria Graza points out, she is considering suporting the plan under cetain circumstances.
"The priest will find a worthy Omega." The Kind simply stattes he himself never thought about this, what if they dont find one? Well his Kingdom is big and there must be atleast one. Valeria frowns at this, thinking if she would give up one of her servents onder such vague terms. She eyes Graves, who never would ask question he at least suspect the answer. Honestly Graves of all people may being against it, is all the prove she needs to not suport this.
"So you already have candidates for us to look at?", Laswell asks, knowing the answer is no even with the King already sending out priests to gather everything needed for the ritual thanks to Kyle, Farah and Alex.
"A few promesing ones yes." Shepard lies he knows he only needs to play it of well enough to get the everyone else on his site. What are three traitors gone do? Start a rebelion?
"Who?" Price asks knowing the King will make up an excuse.
"This is secret till everything is ready to go. Cant risk a spy finding out about this, no?" Kate grinds her theets at this, how dare he using her own concerns as a smokescreen.
"Would the family or employer of the choosen one get compensation after the war?" Barron Westers asks greed in his eyes. The Baron would sell his own mother for profit. The King thinks about it he dont want to, but if it get more peopel on his site its a bit of honey for them.
"Of course." Graves clentches his jaw yeah this will get most people on the Kings site, greed a to big motive.
"The priest can look at all my Omega children and pesants." The first member pledges his agreement.
"And my too." The next voice their suport. A few still think about it, but especaly the one with land in the poorer parts of the kingdom cant really temped a good amount of gold coming their way. Graves looks at Valeria he thinks shes not thinking about it, made up her mind. So they are four they need two more, to stall one more week. To give everyone that does not agree to sent their Omega servents to safty.
The King knows he cant give everyone to much time to think and especally not to talk. Laswell and Graves can honeyy up everyone in this room, with enough time. He cant give them any time to mendel with the other nobels in the room. This is an urgent matter so he simply can make them vote right now.
"All in favor raise youre hand." HE bellows and sees 7 hands up in the air, its a close win.
"All not in favor." Graves, Laswell, Price and Graza raise their hand.
"Undesidet?" One hand, not that the Count could change anythink, it would still be 7 vs 5, 8 vs 4 would fell better but he cant risk a second vote where his suporters may change sites. And now to punich the traitors, Graves is easy sending the Shadow to the most deadly front parts.
"We start at with Barroness Laswell." He stattes a smug satesfection spreading through hos body. He will make something up to not pay her if one of her servents is choosen. Finally he can crush the Laswell family, they are questioning the royal family for to long. Kate keeps her posture, as long as they dont show up today, she can get Soap to safety, that is her only prioraty for now.
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the-wild-card-hand · 3 months
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//I haven't really developed or fleshed out any Headcanons for Andrei Nolan in awhile but after replaying the MWIII campaign I definitely have thoughts. Nolan when we meet him is dedicated to Konni Group and is enticed by the charisma of Vladimir Makarov, sees him as an inspirational leader type at the start of the campaign but he's not like 'The Guy' yet but they have history, he becomes more connected to him when he saves his life, only when the Squad Leader gets set up to be executed for his incompetency is he brought in to be Squad Leader, he's made the guy. He's buttered up, given his own command and given power and Makarov has his wrapped around his finger. When he gets captured though and imprisoned who comes for him? Not Makarov. Nolan has his own motivations for going against 141 now since they tortured and beat the crap out of him, but you gotta wonder if he's got some hatred to Makarov for letting him burn like that. Cause since he was imprisoned in came Warden who was essentially Makarov's 'Ghost' almost like its a taunting head game. That must of caused a rift.
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soapfcrce-a · 11 months
now that I’ve taken some aggression out on returns at work here’s the not at all complete list of mw3 campaign wank under the cut
spoilers obviously
Speeding M*karov was certainly A Choice they made that it honestly felt like they were relying on the player already knowing him from the original games. His wanna need to start WW3 doesn’t really make sense when it’s such a blink and you’ll miss it thing, and it all comes off as very Muslim hatred corn that it feels forced. And then sacrificing a lot to weaponized incompetence just to make him seem omniscient and badass bad mans is just… lazy.
And oh lemme list you the ways how this annoyed me the most:
You’re telling me the Kremlin’s just gonna bury this guy in a gulag? This guy who clearly did a terrorism on your front door to make it an international incident? That’s like… blacksite burial or a very convenient accident sort of crime.
This one’s unrelated probably honestly I don’t remember but what reasons do Farrah and Alex even have to trust Shepard and Graves? And same question in reverse, too, cuz as far as I can remember Urzikstan’s still considered a terrorist hotspot and Farrah’s group are still on the list. There’s probably more here for that but atm I don’t have enough alcohol or gummy bears to process.
You’re also telling me at some point after calling The Gang, Shepard’s found and kidnapped? Like the guy went off the grid to avoid this and Konni found him in like an hour? LOLOLOLOLOL
If Shepard’s supposed to be the Shadow leak then above lol but multiply it by 1000.
Going back to the flashback that’s a whole anger point but here’s one: why wasn’t it capture or kill? There was proof he was going to strike the airport and he did strike the stadium so why not roll up M*karov or bury him?
You’re telling me no one noticed the mystery drums or drum sized cargo getting set up? In London? Listen I get lot of people just wanna mind themselves but I don’t believe for one second there wasn’t some underground maintenance worker who noticed Tom from the day shift didn’t clock out or something.
Where was Gaz? Where was Ghost? How did neither of them not notice M*karov just walk up like that? Like I get bomb focus but you mean at no point did no one look up and go hey wait that’s a fucking problem going on over there.
I realize not all of this can be blamed on incompetence but there’s enough for me to say when you gotta make your good guys look bad at their job so the bad guy looks like a threat then your story kinda sucks.
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hitmanprompts · 2 months
47 is in the shisha café in Marrakesh. He is listening in on a conversation between a bodyguard and Konny Engström.
Trope: Fake Dating
Include these random words: forgiveness | hatred | optimism
Include this line of dialogue: "I had no idea you were into this!"
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Hitman Prompt Generator | Hitman Prompt Meme | Smut Prompts
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nonmaliamc · 4 years
Im curious, what are your headcanons for kondraki?
I always love seeing how other people headcanon characters. ~Bones
oh boy!! surprisingly enough i don’t have that many when it comes to doctor konny, but here goes:
an absolute boomer. this is the man that literally states "classical music is the only true music" on his personnel file. he loathes rap/techno/hyperpop. one time wap played on the foundation speakers at site 17 and he did not stop bitching about it even when the suspect was caught and severely reprimanded. clef meanwhile has learned the easy way to piss him off and has the whole song memorized "in case of emergency"
on that note: probably owns a facebook (a strictly monitored facebook account). his posts are either Angry rants About millennials and politics!! with incredibly off putting punctuation ! or absolutely gorgeous landscapes/nature pictures. no in-betweens
big ancap vibes. might or might not own one of those "no steppy snek" flags
"listen, jackass, it’s not like i’m helping you cause i want to or anything, i have to, otherwise they’re gonna blame your death on me and light won’t shut the fuck up about it, so get your ass up-" *cue the shoulder he offers to hoist someone up*
covered in scars. maybe a few on his face (?) but definitely everywhere on his body. running across his back, on his hips and even legs-man’s has the self-preservation instinct of a toddler sticking a fork in an outlet. and his body is proof of that
back pain/knee pain. hey, he ain’t no spring chicken, his age is catching up to him. but he would rather ingest a grenade than admit that
has stayed up until 2 am watching cat videos at some point, probably
big soft spot for cats/dogs/animals/cute things that, again, he would rather Die Than Admit
bipolar like bright so the two can get relate to each other’s experiences. they’ll spend a lot of evenings drinking together, just ranting or rambling or doing dumb shit to take their mind off things. may or may not be plotting to overthrow the foundation someday
forgets he has to take his meds every other day, then wonders why he’s acting up/feeling like shit. no, he won’t set a reminder because he’s a stubborn ass and assures you, next time he’ll remember
a HATRED of therapy. he’s one of those people who absolutely loathe the notion of having to sit down and talk about their feelings while the doc "scoops his brains out and examines it under a microscope". it’s actually just his fear of opening up to people and a dislike of sharing more intimate parts of himself with others. he’ll be damned if he tells anyone about that time he pulled out chunks of his hair, scratched himself until he bled, broke all the shit on his desk after throwing it to the ground and bashed his head in a wall. and promptly drank himself into a coma right afterwards, of course
(clef finds him. but he’s used to it. the good cold shower does it, he thinks, and nearly exhausts himself half to death as he drags him all to the way to the bathtub, dunks him in it and turns on the running water. freezing cold. kondraki curses, threatening to cut off his balls, but he’s ultimately too tired to really do anything. clef doesn’t mind, though. he doesn’t mind his outbursts, he doesn’t mind the times he isolates himself and refuses to talk to anyone. he understands. neither of them are okay, but they know that, and they do their best to help each other)
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irasciblempresse · 7 years
🚼💧 💔
     Make me Think - Not Accepting
🚼 - How would your muse react to losing a child? How would they cope?
               Very badly. Iracebeth dearly,dearly loves her children. In her main verse, she was lucky enough to have 10uncomplicated pregnancies that all carried to term. When Checkpox ran throughthe court, Adorava and Konradarmin were children, she worried herself sick overtheir health. Adorava never caught it, but little Konnie did. She was up at allhours with him, since he was only three years old. The doctors were shockedthat he pulled through, but she couldn’t have been happier.
                With that said, coping would depend onthe timeline. If her husband is still alive, it’d be easier. She would stillcry over it, pray and curse the gods in turn, but she would probably pull throughit after a few years of high grief. 
💧 - How would your muse react to losing a best friend? How would they cope?
                  Hergrief over the loss of a friend isn’t nearly as dramatic, but it’s still verydeep. After she returned from banishment, she found that her old friend andadvisor the Mock Turtle had passed on. Though she had no one to blame – Mock Turtlesaren’t as long lived as humans. For his species, he had already lived anabsurdly long time before the Frabjous day. However, it still took its toll.After her banishment, she was almost entirely alone in the world. Stayne,Acheonickolas, Mock Turtle, and most of those she knew as a child had died. Shemostly internalized it, but kept them – particularly the latter two – in herthoughts until the end of her days.
💔 - How would your muse react to losing a romantic partner? How would they cope?
                 Ah, mon ami, c’est pas clair.The only romantic partner she didn’t have killed was Time, andtruthfully she tried her damndest in that case too. Stayne’s death came andwent almost without note. They’d been on poor terms for such a long time bythat point, joined only by a need for survival, it was certain that one of themwould kill the other. In Acheonickolas’s case, it wasn’t so straightforward.The death warrant was tear-stained, and she couldn’t even bring herself tooversee his execution as she had all the others. It took two years for her topull herself out of the void of self-hatred that his death threw her into. Theywere married for a century and a half, had ten children together; to mentionone was to mention both of them in the same breath. Essentially, she nevermoved past that grief.
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