#CW: mentioned mpreg
sephirthoughts · 2 months
sliding more snacks into your inbox > A-Z ask game: O(tailored) bc I'd like to put a song in your hands[And Then is Heard No More, Library of Ruina], W, X please!
O - Choose a song, what ship or character does it remind you of?
You chose the song and let me tell you what happened. I accidentally opened it in two windows, asynchronously, offset by almost exactly 42 seconds, and then i didn't shut the second window because it blew my fucking mind. Now I can't stop listening to it like this. 😂 It clashes in a couple places but that just feels appropriately eerie because it's such a weird fucking song. Like if i didn't look at the windows, i couldn't tell you when one ends and it's only the other winding down. I'm pretty sure it only works so well because the vocaloid's cadence and intonation are all so bizarre. Anyway that's where I'M at.
The song SCREAMS Sephiroth/Cloud to me. The lyrics just go right along with their whole story, plus the fact that its weird and kind of disembodied fits their mental states really well.
W - A trope which you are virtually certain to hate in any fandom.
hoooo boy, there are many of these. i stuck with my top two for the sake of not being here all week. also, before i dive in, i wanted to say that if a trope is done really well, i will likely enjoy it anyway, and i LOVE subverted tropes, especially for comedy purposes.
1: Woobified badasses. I really dislike seeing characters who are grown-ass adults who Have Seen Some Shit de-fanged, de-clawed, and behaving like teenaged girls (unless it's forced feminization for BDSM in which case we can talk as FUCK). Anyway, we are all free to play-pretendsies however we like and i'm not offended—it's all fiction—i just don't really want to read it. i don't mean tough-guys having soft moments, i actually LOVE that (give me sephiroth gently carrying a kitty cat to safety before he goes back to finish immolating nibelheim any day). however, oftentimes i see this particular trope happening and it's clearly because the writer has too little scope or empathy, and can't inhabit a character's actual perspective enough to write them in-character. which is perfectly fine, but not for me. i don't demand rigorous adherence to canon (obviously considering every single character i write is trans and/or gay and/or pansexual) but i like the fictional characters i like to at least be recognizable.
2: Pregnancy. Ugh. First of all, it's never done well. Second of all, I am not interested in it whatsoever, even if it was done well. male pregnancy is even more of an ugh. two reasons...three reasons. 1) pregnancy is an eldritch horror beyond my will to contemplate, let alone write or read about in fiction, which i write and read FOR FUN. 2) mpreg is almost guaranteed to be some deeply misogynist shit redirected at male characters (i'm talking to you a/b/o) OR plain ol fetish stuff (which is great have your fun but it's not a fetish i have, so it's not for me). and before anyone says well transmasc people can get pregnant, welcome to reason 3) if it's not omegaverse, it's the transmasc character being made to pop out babies for people's heteronormative family-dynamic fantasies. which sucks. because why must parenting be biological to be valid? why is adoption less worthwhile? why must trans men be forced back into female gender roles to serve as baby machines? i don't speak for everyone on earth and have fun with that if it's your bag but i can't hang with it, so no thank ye. in this house, boypussy is for sexy fun times ONLY.
X- A trope which you are almost certain to love in any fandom.
enemies to lovers enemies to lovers enemies to lovers, or just enemies to enemies who fuck, either way i cannot get enough of hostile sexual tension
sunshine X dark and scary sunshine protector. even better if the dark and scary one is actually protecting everyone else, because the sunshine is secretly a walking apocalypse
our souls are bound together in eternity and i will find you in every universe you stupid bastard
character A: i am unworthy to even think of B so i shall secretly worship them from this respectful distance whilst wasting away from lovesickness because i respect admire and adore them far too much to ever let them know of my disgusting perverse obsession with their angelic self character B: when the hell is A gonna fuck me?
Thank you so much for the ask! Sorry it took so long to get to! I am slowly working through my inbox between family stuff and no-lifing every FF7 game.
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myreputatioooon · 6 months
Eldritch crptid batfam au I made three days ago in meme
idea inspired from writing prompts in memes, and these Lady Gotham AUs
Cryptid batman prompt & au
cryptid batfam cuz lady gotham (dpxdc)
cryptid batfamily writing prompt memes
eldritch batfam writing prompt memes
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((bonus points if you can figure out which memes are and aren't in-universe btw, doubly do if you can do all of them because I sure can't minus like the last two lmao))
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ikemenomegas · 3 months
Levi decides he wants a baby. He doesn't have an alpha, but this is the modern era. Who needs an alpha to have a baby...
But the thought of a total stranger siring his child doesn't satisfy him either. After a year of thinking it over, he finally brings it up in front of his friends and someone recommends
Deeply suspicious of an alpha "chill" enough to simply stud for free, and recommended by his friends no less, he accepts an invitation to a group gathering where he spends the whole time not so subtly eyeing you and then pretending not to.
And when you finally get the opportunity to talk to him, you're so offensively nice, Levi has to hold himself back from ruining the encounter
But you can tell he has something on his mind. He doesn't tell you, but your receptiveness, laughing at his clumsy attempts at humor, it all lower his guard.
So when he finally meets you, formally, at a cafe with plenty of private space for you to talk, it's just a tiny bit less awkward.
He reminds himself that he doesn't even need your body. He just needs you to agree.
And he's so frustrated, because you don't. You want to "get to know him", whatever that means. And he knows it's reasonable. He does. But he's waited for so long. He's not getting any younger. And he's waited so long to bring it up and it cannot be so easy yet so impossible.
And again, you're so patient with him, with this frustration so deep that it nearly brings tears to his eyes.
Levi has spent his life carving space in the world for himself, surviving things that aren't so hard for other people, and it's painful, knowing that this thing is so important, that he can't just do this himself.
But you meet again. He wonders, mutinously, which of his acquaintances (...friends, temporarily downgraded) has turned rat on him to make you so nice, kind, patient, attentive, interested. In him.
Yet somehow, before he knows it, you've gone six months. Somehow, it's nothing like he'd expected.
"My answer is yes," you said, in a gap between conversation, cupping a lavender latte, a travesty but so far his only complaint today, between your palms. "But..." you hesitated, but then your resolve seemed to crystalize before his eyes, "I'd like to be involved. With the baby. If you'll let me, if you're open to it."
Levi knows his eyes go wide, and he knows he all but flinches, because he's never even imagined you asking this, never imagined asking you. That's not what this is. You're a donor, a practical stranger. That's what he keeps telling himself rather than wonder if he's just someone you humor on the weekends or odd weekday morning, rather than wonder if he'd rather you actually spend a few nights with him, instead of going through the procedure Hange had told him about, rather than wonder if the kid's going to have your eyes or your smile or your way of folding a napkin with perfect corners after a meal.
His heart is pounding and you look obviously worried, like you've gone too far. It's just...
"A baby is a lot of work," you say, waving your hands like you're showing him you're not a threat. Your scent turns placating, when did he start being able to scent you even under the scent patches? "Even with your family helping. And even if we're not mated, I've been doing research. They say having the donor alpha offer pheromones can help your recovery, and if the kid is omega or alpha, it helps them bond stably." You're babbling. This is surely not what he wants.
"You know what, never mind. I'm sorry. I know you value your privacy, and you won't need another person intruding on your space after the birth. It was wildly out of line for me to--"
"Can I think about it?" he chokes out before you can rescind the offer. "If you, if I, shit," he curses, his cheeks are flushed, but he's cold, but he's not scared. It's just unexpected.
You relax, but he can still see that you're uneasy. He's so stupidly grateful when you nod though and he wonders if you can scent him too, if you can taste it wafting faintly from his neck, that relief.
Neither of you manage to stomach anything more than another tea, and your smile is as weak as his joke about the second latte you order. When you turn your wrist, he can see the rapid flutter of the pulse there and he knows your heart is hammering. He blames it on the caffeine.
You give him space, although you continue to text him regularly. He's stupidly grateful that your texts are normal, even though he appreciates the effort it must take to pretend - because he knows you, and he feels the same way. It takes effort to reply, but he does, because he doesn't want you to think that he wants this to be over.
He's not running away. He's just thinking.
Erwin is no help, happily mated as he is, but he is comforting and encouraging, and being around Erwin's two-year-old, which is really not as bad as people say it is, helps.
Seeing Erwin's alpha doing the normal childcare things Levi has seen a hundred times and thought nothing of helps too.
Hange is clinical and excited about it, spouting unhelpful statistics about post-partum alpha-omega bonds, even between unmated pairs, and mentions studies done with surrogate couples. That makes Levi flush, briefly imagining he's having your baby and not his own, something he quickly shakes off.
Mikasa is surprisingly, or maybe not so surprisingly, level headed about the whole thing. The only thing she's never normal about has been her own mate anyways.
And she asks him the question everyone else may have also been asking, but he hadn't heard.
"What do you want?"
And then he gets to sourly sit through dinner where Mikasa looks at Eren like she wants to literally eat him, like down to the bone, and he excuses himself, wondering how long it will take until he's soft and sluggish, until he can't move so fast that Eren can't tell when he's moved.
Then he sits in his house for a week. He asks you not to call, not to text. To give him time. And you do, and he hopes that you hate it, at least just a little.
At the end of that week, he can't eat in the morning. He turns his phone over and over in his hand before he takes a deep breath, feeling like he's going to throw up.
And then he calls you.
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mushroomnoodles · 4 months
Does Simon sometimes just stand Infront of a mirror and just stare at his belly?
tw/cw for sfw and non kink mpreg
trying out a new brush
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but yes he does but not often + usually to either figure out if he can get away with hiding his bump (especially forever seal universe) or to see if maybe, realistically, that sweater will ever fit him again. rarest third option is to go "my fiancee fucked me up" (not his words) and remind himself he's a person and not just. a physically exhausted entity.
he didnt do much looking earlier in the pregnancy (and most of mid-stage too) since that's where he was having the most issues, but to a degree later on he has sort of accepted he just. is very pregnant with a giant god spawn.
but generally he tries to avoid too much mirror gazing because his thoughts drift somewhere along the lines of "i look (and feel) like a beached whale" and to frown at the stretch marks
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lexirosewrites · 4 months
(Here's the kinda long Slick Sunday ask I promised before!!)
So, Lady Kailitha has a fic where Steve is a "golden Omega", which just means that he isn't able to have pups normally, but in exchange his possibilities of getting pregnant during a heat skyrocket.
Now, I was half asleep when I thought of this, but!! Dark omegas.
They are as unusual as they're rejected, physiologically there's nothing different about them, psychologically...
Let's say that they're kinda intense.
These kinds of Omegas imprint on an Alpha seemingly at random and will stop at nothing to get with them.
Of course some omegas have shown more self restraint in these sorts of situations, each individual might vary in their willingness to commit crimes, for example, some omegas might commit murder if their chosen alpha mates someone else, some others might choose to take their own lives, others might lock themselves for the rest of their lives, etc, etc.
When they successfully mate their beloved these omegas tend to be the sweetest, nicest people you've met... Unless they feel you're a threat to their bond.
No one is actually sure what triggers this kinda instincts, as the studies have shown they show up no matter the demographic, income or lifestyle.
Enter Steve. A packless Omega suffering of isolation sickness meets Eddie, a nice dude who was just trying to help the guy who looked about to kneel over and, coincidentally, an Alpha.
Steve gets one(1) whiff of Eddie's scent and his Omega instincts go overdrive, deciding in that exact moment that this random guy is going to be their mate. No. Matter. What.
So it starts small, with Eddie taking care of Steve for a bit, just until the omega feels well enough to get home, but before he leaves Steve asks for the Alpha's name and phone number. (And if Steve leaves that interaction with a new hanky for his nest? That's nobody's business)
And Eddie is a weak man in the face of a pretty guy, so he gives it to him.
Then Steve starts inserting himself into Eddie's life under the excuse that Eddie saved his life (not that he's wrong.....), so Steve MUST pay him back, with cookies!
Eventually it gets to the point where Steve actually gets to meet Eddie's friends, a few guys that are also in a band with him, all of Eddie's sheepies.
Omg, imagine one of the hellfire guys is a Omega and Steve is going insane(/neg) about it, he low-key wants to murder the other guy, but knows the dude is like Eddie's brother (even if his instincts disagree), so Steve calms himself down by breaking into Eddie's trailer and Scenting every piece of fabric he can get his hands on, but he gets so engrossed in his task that he misses when Eddie gets home, only to find Steve, on his floor rubbing his clothes to the Omega's scent glands, Eddie is both endeared and horny about it.
Eddie's entire room now smells like a mix of both of their scents and a bit like Omega Slick, Steve clearly enjoying his task, even if he's not bothering to stop.
So once Steve finally realizes Eddie is there, he immediately gets upset bc Eddie smells like another Omega, and Steve hates that, Eddie is HIS Alpha, and his inner Omega is in so much distress he actually says some of it out loud, so Eddie of course does the only reasonable thing and allows himself to be thoroughly scented by Steve.
And maybe that's when they start courting, and Steve is overjoyed, so much so that he immediately starts getting making bold, visible claims over Eddie so everyone else gets discouraged.
(Maybe the next day Eddie tells the corroded coffin guys like "isn't Stevie the cutest 🥰🥰" while the band is like "😰😰 Eddie no"
From then on Cc fears Steve just a bit)
After he begins hanging out with Eddie and friends Steve is clearly happier than ever, and it's around this time when a bunch of middle schoolers (one of them was even his ex's little brother, life is so weird....) get attached to Steve.
Steve's Omega is thrilled to have so many pups around him. And soon begin the jokes about Steve and Eddie being the pups parents, which are doing nothing for his obsession, if anything, it's making it worse.
(This is just like, a piece of info that occurred to me later on, and I was like. This isn't going to be knowledge for the characters, this is for my own need to know™ but I think the Dark Omegas! Psychological response is basically an attachment to the first alpha they "imprint" during isolation sickness, a moment when they feel extremely vulnerable and could literally die.
So imagine, isolation sickness is something that can happen to anyone, but most of the time it happens to omegas, who don't realize they have it because it's not a widely spread knowledge, most of the time it gets misdiagnosed as something different.
And most of the Omegas who suffer from it commit suicide out of sheer despair or just pass away from the sickness.
Most alphas find easy cures because their society favors them, while Betas don't have that much propensity to it.
So imagine Steve is the Omega son of a beta pair, so when he asked for affection his parents told him he was being too needy and annoying, so Steve found affection somewhere else in the form of Tommy and Carol, and then all the girls he dated, until he presented while dating Nancy Wheeler, his first love who dumped him not long after.
And now Steve is completely alone, his parents are on a vacation on god-knows-where, Tommy and Carol left soon after Nancy disapproved of them, and Nancy had left him for a different Omega.
Hence the isolation sickness.)
And idk, I've been brainstorming this thing for like 2 weeks now, and I'm getting sick of looking at it, so I hope you enjoy it.
I support omega rights, but more importantly, I support omega wrongs🥰 Steve should get his alpha, no matter the cost to anyone else!
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lunee-bat · 4 months
I'm crying at the image of the radioapple baby just sprawling on the floor while learning to wall can I please gave more of that au
AND YOUR WISH IS GRANTED bc it’s mine too lmaooo
Also I gave her a name UwU
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She looks scary and is a dangerous chaotic neutral but she loves snakes and watches Snake Discovery
So,,,,this weird lil creature has some lore behind her now too bc my adhd finally let me type it out (still working out some kinks tho so it’s pretty rough),,
CREDIT GOES TO A DEAR FRIEND OF MINE who runs a lovely blog called @mpreg-nouveau (BLOG IS 18+!!) where you can find a mix of sfw and nsfw Mpreg art! Incredibly creative ideas behind the art as well, so know she’s truly a fountain of ideas when it comes to writing Mpreg lore (which is why I’m grateful for their creativity when I came to her and said HELP I MADE AN OC BUT IDK THE BACKSTORY YET).
Basically—out of gratitude/apology for How Things Went when Charlie and Vaggie visited Heaven, Emily sends them a lovely little miracle that’ll let sinners have a child (logic being that Vaggie’s a sinner so she and Charlie can’t have kids). Lucifer and Alastor, being Lucifer and Alastor, find a box marked “for CHARLIE and Vaggie” and get in a petty spat over delivering Charlie her mail. In accordance with Murphy’s Law, they bust open the box and detonate the miracle. They’re too busy arguing about the ordeal they don’t even really know *what they did* at first until Charlie finds the note from Emily explaining the contents of the box followed by “p.s. don’t tell Sera” and “p.p.s. Sir Pentious says hi” and, well, Alastor and Lucifer DO NOT take the news well.
They’re VERY not interested in each other in this au (Alastor’s not interested in ANYBODY and Lucifer’s interested in ANYBODY BUT ALASTOR), but they agree to coparent the kid together—Lucifer wants a second chance after Charlie, and Alastor wants his own Prince or Princess of Hell he can mold to be the exact breed of evil he wants. Enemies to coparents not enemies to lovers, y’know?
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tyrianludaship · 2 months
Yesterday, I had to explain Medic getting Classic Heavy pregnant with baboons to my irl best friend.
I kinda forgot that when you mention this part, there's a good chance they're not gonna get it and you'll need to elaborate.
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And Medic is still going :D
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lizzemea · 8 months
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This is an au by @mushroomnoodles where my Boi is made of candy, special thanks to mush for letting me draw this simon! He is adorable 💖
(I was unsure what he should do, so I drew him reading a comic about other simons in the multiverse, I hope it is alright)
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helluva-family · 1 day
hey um moxxie this might be a bit difficult for you but your wife does have a right to know you're um...
expecting a new kid. in like three to four months. maybe weeks.
(prepare the nonalchaholic wine mox. placebo it all out if its too dificult.)
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Moxxie and Millie sit together in the quiet guest room, the low light from a nearby lamp casting a soft glow over them. Maddox is sound asleep in the bed, curled up with his teddy bear, unaware of the weight of the conversation his parents are about to have.
Moxxie: *Sitting beside Millie, his hands fidgeting nervously, eyes cast downward* Millie… *His voice is quiet, almost shaky* I love you so much, and I need you to know that not a single day went by where I didn’t think about you. Even when things were… bad, I held on to you in my mind. You kept me going.
Millie, still processing everything, reaches out and takes his hand, giving it a comforting squeeze.
Millie: *Softly* I know, Mox. I never stopped thinking about you either.
Moxxie: *Pauses, swallowing hard* But there’s something… something I have to tell you. And I’m so sorry…
Millie’s eyes widen slightly, her hand tightening around his.
Millie: What is it?
Moxxie: *Takes a deep breath, forcing himself to meet her eyes, the guilt written across his face* I’m pregnant, Millie. And… it’s Striker’s.
The words hang in the air, heavy and suffocating. Moxxie’s heart races as he waits for Millie’s reaction, fearing the worst. He searches her face, looking for any sign of anger, hurt, or disappointment. But Millie just stares at him for a moment, processing.
Millie: *After a long pause, her voice is steady but soft* Mox…
Moxxie: *His voice cracks, tears welling up in his eyes* I didn’t want this to happen. I fought him, I tried to get away, but I had to protect Maddox… I couldn’t let him hurt our son. I’m so sorry, Millie… I didn’t want this.
Millie watches him for a moment, her own emotions swirling, but instead of pulling away, she leans in closer, her voice calm and understanding.
Millie: *Gently* It’s not your fault, Mox. None of this is your fault.
Moxxie: *Shakes his head, tears now streaming down his face* But I feel like I’ve betrayed you…
Millie: *Her eyes softening, she pulls him into a tight embrace* You didn’t betray me. You survived. You did what you had to do for Maddox, for us. You protected our son. That’s what matters.
Moxxie clings to her, his body trembling with emotion, but Millie holds him tightly, stroking his back soothingly.
Millie: *Whispering against his ear* I’m just glad you’re here. We’ll figure this out, Mox. Together. Okay?
Moxxie nods into her shoulder, the overwhelming sense of relief washing over him. For the first time in years, he feels like maybe, just maybe, things can get better.
Moxxie: *Sniffling, his voice barely above a whisper* I love you, Millie.
Millie: *Pulling back slightly to look at him, her eyes filled with love* I love you too, Moxxie. Always.
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Thought you could for Vanilla my bad sorry. But still it not a good idea to be doing them around babies or children period. It could make them very sick or worse.
Angel: That’s why I do it in the bathroom and not near them.
Lucifer: Angel. I’m very disappointed in you! You put children in danger! You’re own children! Plus your here to get clean! So hiding dr*gs around here is a no!
Angel: Don’t yell at me Mr. High-and-Mighty! I bet you’ve done much worse!
Lucifer: I’m not putting my kids in harms way!
Alastor: Lucifer, don’t antagonize him. It’s what he wants. He wants an out! Already sick and tired of parenthood Angel?
**as the arguments continued, no one noticed Husk waking up and being in severe pain. He tried to call out but no one was listening to him. He looks around and finds his Pumpkin nearby. Quietly, he reaches for the small plush and holds it close as his body feels like it’s tightening in on itself and he’s trembling, tears flowing down his face and his grits his teeth through the worse of it**
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ifearifearifear · 3 months
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I want to leave him locked in a room with the Fazbear Frights books and see how long it takes for him to have a breakdown.
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wishing-stones · 1 year
Oh I saw a question about the boys handling kids of some sort of relatives of Ren or a stranger, but what are their thoughts on having kids? Or it Ren ever gets pregnant? (Assuming both parties are alright with it and Ren can produce a child?)
This is a great hypothetical, and I get to talk about human x monster (and monster x monster) reproduction here too!
Popping this under a readmore for potentially sensitive content, PLEASE read the tags before reading more.
So, generally, in order to make a new life, monsters have to make a new soul, which takes expenditure of soul magic. This oftentimes has to be done consciously, but may be more subconscious if they're in heat or caught up in their feelings.
Still, it takes two, so accidental pregnancies are incredibly rare, and indicate that both parties were thinking about it enough to want it to happen anyway.
This applies to human partners as well-- a human partner must also want that to happen, and with human souls and the magic surrounding them, it's a little more difficult and requires a bit more of a conscious effort.
Since monsters are born from magic, either parent can carry them. Monsters are born from soul magic, so they are carried in the soul until their body begins to form, at which point they are born. Soul gestation takes roughly the same time as human gestation takes, but it does vary from species to species.
With a human involved, a physical body must form. It's easiest for a partner with female reproductive parts to be able to carry the baby, but it can be that their monster partner could also carry the new life. The process is largely the same-- the soul is gestated within the carrying parent's own soul, but it matures a little faster, eventually migrating to where the body is forming, and merging with it. From that point, the pregnancy carries on as a fairly normal one. There are still risks and complications that can happen to the carrying parent, but most pregnancies and births are aided by magic and go fairly smoothly.
Human x monster unions create mages every single time. Mages are generally human in appearance but may bear some monstrous traits-- ears, a tail, scales, different eyes or teeth-- or even none at all. Mages are born with an innate ability to use magic, but the kinds of magic they can use largely depend on the monster parent, and the mage offspring's soul type. A soul of patience might find magic revolving around cold and ice more readily available, while a soul of justice might find ease in commanding electricity. They also might find utilizing the type of magic their monster parent has at their beck and call fairly easy-- so most of the boys' offspring would be able to use blue magic, and potentially have access to bone bullets, or blasters when they are much, much older.
Having covered all of that, let's get into the boys' thoughts on the matter.
Since we've covered that Ren is AFAB, they could carry if they wanted to. If they didn't, one of the boys could, and I'll cover those opinions as well.
Killer would like to have a kid of his own eventually. He doesn't think he's in a place right now to be able to have one, or that he'd make a very good father, anyway. It's kind of a pipe dream for him-- he wants one, but... he's not really fit to be a parent. He's more than happy to be "Uncle Killer," though. Killer would rather not carry, but could be convinced. He'd ham it the fuck up, though, so that's a bit of a double-edged sword. Dust similarly thinks he'd be an unfit parent. He's really unstable, dangerous, and unpredictable, even to those close to him. He'd love a kid someday, but he doesn't feel like that day will ever come. He doesn't much care for kids, but he's great with babies. Especially newborns. But despite that, Dust would not carry under any circumstance. He's too dangerous and unstable to bear that responsibility. Axe wants a big family. Several kids, and if Paps ever finds someone to settle with, several nieces and nephews. Since he's a little more stable nowadays and isn't struggling so hard, he'd probably be the one to entertain the thought the most. He's a lot anxious that he'd accidentally hurt such a fragile life, but he's unbelievably gentle with babies. Also the most prone to baby naps. He'd be worried about his magic getting wonky, but he'd absolutely carry if he needed to. Cross is hesitant to have a kid right now, but he does want to be a father, if for no other reason than to be better than his. He also wants to be a dad because he wants to, but... those feelings are a little harder for him to wrestle with. More than one kid, eventually, but not right now. He's... got a lot to contend with at the moment. Cross would rather not carry, but he'd step up if he had to. Baggs is difficult to answer this for. He's not in a spot where he'd be comfortable with a child right now. Too much going on, too many other responsibilities he'd have to bear. Perhaps one day, he'd make a fantastic father. Right now... he can't. And he won't. He also won't carry. He'd be too worried about stress effecting the soul, and that would stress him out even more. Plus, he isn't sure his magical system and body could handle the diversion of energy it would take-- he runs on fumes as it is. Nightmare would love children. More than two, if he could swing it. He wants to be able to raise a child better than he and his brother were raised. It's almost a form of redemption for him, but despite his tendency to project, he'd be amazing as a dad. Still... at the moment, he's not prepared for them. He'd like a little more secure stability, and to make sure any and all threats to his get would be eliminated before they're even conceived. Ren feels... conflicted. A pregnancy would slow them down for a while, and we all know how they feel about being benched or not useful by this point. Maybe later. They might get a little anxious about carrying the child, but would more than likely tough it out like they always do when faced with a challenge. They aren't too sure about being a parent, either, but... with the boys, it would be raising the kid as a unit, so it isn't just on them and whoever the other parent is.
Additionally, since the boys would carry the baby in an ecto body, when it's time for them to be born, the ecto would just... vanish, and poof! Baby. Carrying might have various unpleasant effects, but the birth, at least, is a complete non-issue.
(This might not be something that's popular with a lot of people, but I've sat on this headcanon for a long while. The entire mpreg aspect is completely not there for the sake of being there, it's part of the relationship and responsibility of bringing a new life into the multiverse. It's just something that's there and an option.)
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mushroomnoodles · 11 months
PB worried about Simon because she fears he will develop Preeclampsia. Simon is not young. Besides, he is terribly weak.
pb was worried, but more worried about simon having the baby at all, lowkey! not to say she doesn't care about simon. she does, dearly. but she has to put her citizens (and the world) first. you know who was even more worried? marceline.
tw/cw for a LOT of pregnancy complication name mentions, and sfw + nonfetish mpreg.
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she didn't convince simon but she sure scared the hell out of marcy! marceline doesn't even know what half those words are but that's a fuckin lot of complications!
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antlered-dragon · 11 months
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Alright so I have been working on this for a few days. After I saw duncandeeznuts fanchild my mind really wanted me to create my own so I guess here is mine. Originally it was just going to be just Jay but then while I was at work I had an idea for Bonnie (mostly goes by the nickname Willow) as well so she is here too. And then it kind of just turned into this AU sort of thing.
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