#Candles reads mpreg
Are these their titles why is Ultimate always capital
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reallyromealone · 2 years
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Muzan x male reader
Warnings: Omegaverse, male reader, mpreg, gay, arguing, shit gets weird ngl
She's a long fic
Tengen set (name) behind him as the pillars drew their blades at the demon, the scent of pure rage falling off them in waves as Akaza smiled playfully before rushing at them.
(Name) saw the damage being done and made a run down the hall, not an easy task with a pregnant belly. The Omega realized how much of a maze this place was as the sound of crashing could be heard getting closer "nonono!" (Name) said shaking with fear for his pup, clenching his eyes closed as he hugged his belly, the sound of a woman laughing could be heard and it was almost in slow motion as black wisps covered his vision as a woman with white hair crashed through the wall fighting Shinobu, the pillar and (name) locking eyes before he blinked and was in...well he couldn't tell you where he was....well he didn't know where he was.
"H-how..." (Name) mumbled as he held his belly, looking down at his pup "did...did you do this?" (Name) was confused as he gently rubbed his belly, feeling a small foot kick back "thank you for protecting me my little dove" (name) said before standing and looking at his surroundings, he was in a field somewhere "might as well find shelter..." (Name) said wondering in a random direction, hard to see in the darkness.
He was thankful Muzan purchased him thicker materials, the night air slightly chilly against his skin "don't worry, I will keep you safe my darling" (name) said as he continued his journey.
"Where did he go?!" Tengen freaked out as the fight stopped for a second so all could process what the fuck just happened "where the fuck did you take him!" Tengen hissed out as he slashed at Akaza "we know as much as you do" the upper moon said causally "though our he won't be pleased with his mate and pup missing"
The realization amongst the demons dawned at the fact that they lost their Lords mate and Muzan was already well aware of the situation and like that the moons were gone.
"We have to find him before them" Tengen said coldly.
(Name) had been walking quite a distance before he came upon a shrine, old and abandoned but shelter none the less.
"Thank goodness your papa let me read those books, once I'm rested we can find food" (name) said as he sat at the tiny Engawa as the storm clouds rolled in, covering the dark sky "let's find some light..." He said worried.
Thankfully on the old shrine there were some candles and some match sticks "luck is on our side little one" he whispered as thunder rolled in "we got in just in time"
The storm raged on for hours, (name) humming his unborn pup a lullaby as he looked out the window, heart growing fond at the thought of his mate.
"I know this isn't the best but we will make it through this"
Muzan was ravenous with rage as he ripped apart the home he made for (name), the Alpha having moved the omega and pups belongings back to the infinity castle "when he returns he will never leave the castle" he hissed out all the lower moons bowing before him "find him, if he is harmed in any way you know what will happen"
It was a race between the slayer's and the moons, night and day for the Omega.
(Name) learned the shrine wasn't abandoned for too long, maybe a few months give or take, finding bedding and the like in a small closet "we really are lucky aren't we?"
(Name) constructed a small nest in the corner and removed his robes, revealing his shift that Muzan gifted him as apparently omegas wore these under clothes in the west.
The robes were large enough to suit as a makeshift blanket as he snuggled into the nest, the sound of rain soothing him as his pup moved slightly.
(Name) woke to the sound of cicadas as he opened the sliding doors to see the morning sun shine down on him, the rain completely gone.
Dressing himself the Omega stepped out and took a full look at his surroundings, what he thought was a shrine was actually an old farm "where there's a farm there's people" the Omega said softly while taking in his surroundings "I guess we're here for now..." (Name) said going back inside and taking a full look at his new temporary home "we should probably find people, we need food"
A month had passed, (name) using his survival knowledge Tengen taught him growing up and the Botany books Muzan let him read, finding roots and such and generally surviving.
He was outside sweeping the Engawa when a carriage with two women passed by and stopped while waving at him.
Curious (name) wandered to them "are you alright?" A woman asked curiously and (name) sighed "well you see... I have been stranded here" he explained and the two nodded "this farms been left behind by the former owners, the wife actually lives at our home..."
"Oh?" (Name) asked curiously "yes, you're welcome to come with us, we have a doctor in the village not to far from our home"
(Name) agreed to come with them, the women calling their home "eternal Paradise" where omegas and women go to find sanctuary under their ruler Doma.
Where had (name) heard that name before...?
The members of this place doted on (name), not a lot of people got pregnant here, having escaped abusive mates and the likes.
They spent their time bonding with the Omega, helping him get used to the space and finding darling baby clothes.
"I-I am actually trying to find my alpha... Or my brother, either is fine really" (name) said not wanting to admit he wants his alpha a little more, feeling a sense of betrayal at the thought of choosing between them.
"Maybe our Lord may know!" One of the omegas said happily as he cuddled (name), the Omega having spent a few weeks with them and though they were kind to him, he needed to get out of here.
"Of course, he's all knowing!"
(Name) was brought by the members of the 'eternal paradise' to their leader, a man with white blond hair and eyes (name) had never seen before "my... Hello little Omega, are you alright?" The man's voice was almost clipped, staged and calm.
"Hello lord Doma... I'm sorry to bother you like this" (name) said softly and doma smiled at the shy Omega "leave us" he said to the cult members who bowed and left the two alone "come here Omega..."
"You been through so much..." Doma said sweetly as (name) sat before him "why do you come to see me?"
"I-im looking for someone... Or someone's to be specific"
"I see... You must have travelled far"
"A bit, you see my brother doesn't approve of my relationship with my alpha and tried to take me back but I just wish they could talk a-and maybe work things out"
"They seem to really hate one another..." Doma said softly as the Omega nodded "they do, I-I just wish they could get along for the pups..."
"Well little one, you're welcome to stay in eternal Paradise for as long as you may need" Doma said softly, the demon letting (name) ramble and talk before the pups decided they wanted to have the attention "oh! Sorry... They have strong kicks" he said softly and doma looked curious "may I?" He asked and (name) let him gently place his palm on the others belly, feeling the movement.
"I'm having twins, my alpha is very excited" (name) said "oh! How rude of me, I spoke so much about myself but I haven't asked you about your day"
This actually threw Doma off for a second, people only come to him for guidance as they believed he could speak to the gods "My day was wonderful thank you" Doma said though today had been quite boring, hearing peoples woes and such.
But it was nice being able to talk about himself "I'm glad you had a good day! It must be hard running all this"
Doma didn't know why he let the Omega come see him every day, the two talking for hours.
Muzan failed tell Doma who his Omega was, the Alpha seeing as Doma never left the cult he wouldn't need to do so.
(Name) stayed for the remainder of his pregnancy, helping as he waited for the Alpha Doma wasn't looking for, the demon having grown attached to (name) who never asked from him anything but his company, the Omega clearly didn't understand what this place was or exactly what power Doma had but the Demon didn't mind.
"Oh... Oh no" (name) mumbled as liquid leaked down "no...! Alpha isn't here... He needs to be here..." (Name) sobbed out as the members tried consoling him, bringing him to Doma "I-I need alpha...! I need Muzan!"
The room halted at the name the Omega cried out, as Doma came to check on the issue "you're... That (name)?"
Another contraction rolled through as Doma began blasting his thoughts for his lord to hear "where is he?" Muzans voice spoke clearly before seeing his Omega get soothed by the omegas.
"You where here...?" Muzan felt like an idiot, not bothering to check with Doma because well as mentioned before, why would he?
He liked to keep out of the blonds head as much as possible.
The room cleared out of the members as Doma watched the two interact, he didn't know what he considered (name), the psychopath was attached to him but was quite pleased to know that they were mates with his lord.
That meant he could see him more.
"Shhh, dont fret Omega" Muzan said softly and like that Doma alone, the sound of a biwa heard.
He missed the peppy Omega already.
(Name) was clinging to Muzan as the Alpha tried soothing him, poor (name)s emotions spilling out fully as he tried to remain strong and calm but....
He missed his alpha so much.
Another contraction rolled through and (name) shook in agony "m-my brother..." He sobbed out "I-I want..."
Muzan kept trying soothing his poor omega "p-please... I need to see him..."
Muzan could feel the anguish from the bond and sighed summoning kokushibo and giving very clear instructions on what to do next.
It wasn't tengen who found the note in the night, attached to an arrow imbedded into a wall of the slayer's headquarters but instead Tanjiro who curiously brought it to Tengen as it was addressed to him.
'Tengen Uzui
Remember what killing me will do to your brother and the pups before reading the rest of this'
A thinly veiled threat Tengen noted as he continued.
'your brother and my mate is in labor though he demands your presence, bring whomever you desire but remember.
This isn't a battle.
Remember what this will do to (name)'
An address was added to the bottom, the Hashira shaking in rage but had to consider his brother.
It was a threat yes but... He needed to see his brother and the pups.
The address wasn't far, the slayer's managing to get there within half an hour as the moon hung high, the slayer's able to see the moons on guard both upper and lower "our Lord is with his mate, only the brother is allowed to enter" kokushibo said simply, eyes staring down the slayer's who were equally on guard, tengen walking forward "what is this is a trap?"
"He wouldn't risk killing his mates brother" tengen knew Muzan wasn't that reckless, the affects of that could put (name) into a drop or even a sleep especially seeing as the two siblings are incredibly close.
Tengen was let into the small home where (name)s scream could be heard, the Hashira rushing to see his brother being consoled by Muzan "hold his hand, he desires your comfort"
Tengen couldn't believe he was taking orders from a demon but when (name) reached out to him so teary eyed the Alpha instantly was at his brothers side as he gripped his hand almost painfully "darling I'm going to need you to push now" Muzan said and (name) shook his head "c-cant!"
"Yes you can... Come on darling, don't you want to see our pups?"
(Name) was sobbing as he tried pushing, letting out a painful groan as tengen supported his brother, whispering encouragement to the Omega "Fuck!" (Name) hissed out and that was the first time either alpha had heard him swear but not the time.
The slayer's and moons dead stared each other as Zenitsu tried not to make eye contact with them and Doma waved at Shinobu flirty to the woman's disgust "so.... Who thinks the pups will be human or demon?" Zenitsu asked finally and everyone stared at him with a look "they will obviously be human/demon!" And that created a debate as the poor Omega after four hours have birth to the pups, Muzan cleaning the pups before handing them to the Omega who looked at the two alphas "look pups, it's your uncle and papa..." (Name) was a mess but deliriously happy as the pups made little noises as the Omega scented them "thank you...both for not fighting" (name) said "I-I know this was..." (Name) was teary eyed as he clutched the pups "thank you..."
"Of course"
"Anything for you"
(Name) let the alphas hold the pups and watched Tengen make silly faces to the youngest pup, Muzan wrapping the pup so the folds moved to the left opposed the the right like the eldest.
Muzan was quiet with his pup, the two obviously bonding as the babe grabbed his finger with his tiny hand, the Alpha unblinking as he gently scented the pup.
The two alphas didn't want to admit it but they both had a deeper connection now that the pups were born.
Tengen knew he couldn't make his brother a widow and leave the little ones without a father and Muzan was well aware of the betrayal it would be to (name) to kill his brother.
It would be unforgivable.
"I... I don't want to be seperated from either of you" (name) said softly, playing with his fingers as the two alphas looked at him "please don't make me chose..."
(Name) never voiced his feelings on this but it was damaging that he was seperated from his loved ones because they hated each other.
He knew he was asking the impossible but he just wanted his family to get along.
"He eats people (name)..." Tengen tried reasoning with his poor brother who looked so heartbroken "I-I just want... I just want you guys to get along" and began sobbing, his distressed pharamones making the pups cry, the alphas now trying to soothe a crying Omega and two new borns, both looking alarmed though tengen was more openly worried "give me my pups!" (Name) hissed and the alphas complied "I-I just want my pups to have their family!"
Logically (name) knew why it wouldn't work but he just gave birth to two pups and his Omega was on high alert.
"(N-name)--""no! Out! Both of you!"
The two alphas were stunned but weren't given room to argue as the Omega growled at them.
And that's how tengen and Muzan were standing outside the small home wide eyed and kind of shocked.
"I- what...?"
"I wasn't aware my omega could react like that"
"Hes a Shinobi, he's capable of anything"
"...what happened?" Rengoku asked confused and Tengen didn't even process he was around demons "he kicked us out?" Tengen said still shocked.
"What did you two do?" Shinobu asked with a raised eyebrow and Muzan glared at her slightly "we didn't do a thing..."
"We refused to comply with what he wanted" tengen said "and what did he want?"
"For us to get along"
The moons and slayer's all looked at each other almost disbelieving "they literally eat humans"
"That's what I said!"
"Well unless you guys want (name) to let you anywhere near him or the pups, we can't fight" Tanjiro said simply and the two alphas realized he was correct, that would just make situations worse.
None of them knew how to proceed, a temporary truce being formed until they could settle on how to handle this.
(Name) was seething with rage as he flicked between consious and feral as his pups fed, the Omega kissing their tiny heads as he kept them close.
When the pups fell asleep, the Omega tucked them safely into the nest, body in pain from giving birth but he needed to keep his pups safe.
Crawling to the door he cracked it open to make eye contact with a six eyed demon and waved him over, completely ignoring his alpha and brother.
Kokushibo listened to his Lord's mate as he was held to equal importance by the moons, (name) whispering into his ear "could you tell Shinobu and Tanjiro to come here..." He asked softly, voice hoarse from screaming for four hours.
The demon nodded to the Omega who thanked him quietly before closing the door and returning to the pups.
The moons knew better than to not listen to (name) if they didn't want to face Muzans wrath.
The two slayer's went into the house where (name) doted over his babes "Shinobu... I want you to be the god mother...." (Name) said softly, not looking at them "I know if god forbid anything happens you will make sure they are loved and valued"
"I understand (name)" the Omega said watching the other "Tanjiro.... I have a request of you, I know it's a lot to ask but could you please get me supplies for the pups, I know you know what a pup needs and... Would you be willing to stay with me? Nezuko can stay as well but.. this is my first time really around children.."
"I-I would be honored!" Tanjiro said and bowed to the Omega "thank you...." (Name) said ushering them close "this is (child A) and this is (child B)" he introduced and Shinobu gently traced (child A)s cheek "they're beautiful..." She said softly "absolutely stunning" Tanjiro said genuinely as he smiled at the pups.
"I'm not leaving my pups with slayers" Muzan seethed as Shinobu explained the situation, and Shinobu wasnt having any of this shit.
She wasn't very happy her dear friend was mates with the king of jackasses but there wasn't much to be done!
"Well until (name) decides he wants to even look at any either of you, we will work in rotations on who watches him"
"And why should we listen to you?!" Daki hissed out, not wanting to take orders from a human "because I'm those pups god mother and what I say goes currently" Shinobu said with a smile.
Everyone could agree this was the weirdest and most uncomfortable time for everyone involved and no one was happy "where's Tanjiro?" Tengen asked confused and Shinobu just wanted to go home at this point "(name) chose him to essentially be a midwife of sorts to help him with the pup"
Muzan was furious at this, ready to rip the door open and bring his mate to the castle and force him to forgive him but it wasn that easy.
It never was.
So begrudgingly they worked out a crude schedule.
The forest was dense enough to keep out sunlight so it was one Slayer and one demon per shift.
Each shift being twelve hours.
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allwaswell16 · 1 year
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Part two of a fic rec of One Direction fics that have touch deprivation in them as requested in this ask. You can find part one here! If you enjoy the fics, please leave kudos and comments for the writers! You can find my other fic recs here. Happy reading!
✦ Light, Spark and Fire (series) by green_feelings / @greenfeelings*
(E, 239k, music industry) Harry’s working on taking Louis’ walls down, until he builds his own up.
✦ The Longer the Waiting the Sweeter the Kiss (It's Better My Darlin' I Promise You This) by pleasinglouis
(E, 160k, small town au) Louis is a big city omega that can't stand stubborn alphas and Harry is the southern cowboy that hates the city
✦ Invisible String by BoosBabycakes / @boosbabycakes28
(E, 84k, pack dynamics) Louis swears on his life that that man came out of literal nowhere and he thanks each lucky star for having good breaks in his car.
✦ Your Gift is Wasted On Me by therogueskimo / @bravetemptation
(NR, 54k, neighbors) Omega Louis has severe touch deprivation and is averse to touch. But he’s fine. Really.
✦ You're Not My Type (still I fall) by Imogenlee / @imogenleewriter*
(NR, 38k, farm) Harry is only twenty-four and has no inclination to settle down at all, especially not at the behest of an Alpha.
✦ Follow Your Arrow by LadyAJ_13 / @ladyaj-13
(T, 36k, canon) They said Louis playing alpha wouldn’t affect anything.
✦ Too Young To Know by @2tiedships2
(M, 35k, exes to lovers) the one where Harry doesn’t present as an alpha… until he does.
✦ Compass to my Soul by LadyLondonderry / @londonfoginacup
(T, 31k, canon) Louis Tomlinson, omega, is 1/5 of world famous boy band One Direction. He spends his time hoping his bandmates don’t notice him.
✦ never been a fan of change, but we’re still the same by fearsparks / @onlythebravest *
(T, 27k, uni au) after Harry's omega unexpectedly causes him to drop in the pub, their relationship is no longer the same.
✦ tread lightly on my ground by fairytalelights / @lookslikefairytale*
(E, 20k, mpreg) the one where Harry is having Louis' baby, but Louis doesn't know it's his.
✦ Keep Me Closer by zanni_scaramouche / @zanniscaramouche *
(T, 18k, uni au) Louis expects Harry to react poorly, maybe even file a formal complaint and that’s gonna suck ass but Louis won’t say shit cause he knows he deserves it, so he prepares an apology before Harry’s even turned around.
✦ how do I stay tender by jessicamcqueen
(E, 16k, neighbors) Louis has touch depri and Harry is the alpha neighbor that offers to help.
✦ Captain Cupid by @2tiedships2
(NR, 15k, friends to lovers) the one where Niall enlists his friends to help start a speed dating side hustle. Things don't go as planned... or maybe they do?
✦ Breathe me in, breathe me out by @lunarheslwt
(G, 14k, candle shop) Louis is drawn into a quaint candle shop in his desire to find ways to soothe himself while struggling with touch depri.
✦ A Fateful Snow by @parmahamlarrie *
(T, 13k, Christmas) Will Harry allow a simple misunderstanding keep him from the hottest alpha he’s ever seen? 
✦ Get Nesting & Soft Knots by ishiplouis / @pocketsunshineharry
(G, 5k, youtube au) AU where Omega Louis who runs a nesting materials Youtube channel meets Alpha Harry who knits his own blankets
✦ Perfect, For Now by @parmahamlarrie *
(T, 5k, neighbors) Moving to a new city is always hard, being away from home, finding your new community - none of it is easy. Dealing with all of this while being touch deprived is even more difficult.
—Rare Pairs—
✦ (I Was Broke) You Healed Me by @fallinglikethis
(T, 12k, Niall/Harry) Niall Horan is an unmated pregnant omega living on his own after his alpha boyfriend leaves him. 
✦ a little tenderness by @disgruntledkittenface
(NR, 10k, Harry/Niall) Harry’s never been around an omega in depri as bad off as Niall looks; most of the time, there’s an alpha friend or family member who can help out with scenting and physical contact.
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babygirl-diaz · 3 months
Happy Birthday, Evan (Omegaverse Mpreg)
Let's just pretend today is Buck's birthday too
It was Buck's birthday, and he was very excited. It wasn't the birthday he was excited about. Turning 33 was nothing special. It was more so what his omega had planned for him. Granted, he didn't know what it was, but Tommy had been secretive for a few weeks and Buck knew he was preparing some kinda surprise for him.
"You okay?" Eddie asked him.
Buck looked at the other alpha and realized that he was bouncing his leg while looking at his watch repeatedly. He had abandoned the birthday cake his team had gotten for him.
"Got somewhere to be?" Eddie continued to ask, and a small smirk played on his lips.
"No, just- Tommy's got something planned for me and I wanna know what it is," Buck replied.
"Ohhhh...." Eddie trailed off and his smirk grew wider as he took a bite of his cake.
"What? Do you know something?" Buck asked, narrowing his eyes at his best friend.
"Know what?" Chimney asked, taking a seat across from them at the table with his own cake.
"Tommy's got something planned for Buck's birthday and Buck wants to know what it is," Eddie replied.
"Ohhh..." Chim trailed off as well and smirked, much like Eddie.
Buck narrowed his eyes and looked between the alpha and the beta. "What aren't you telling me?"
Chim and Eddie shrugged and went back to eating their cake. Now Buck's curiosity had gotten worse.
As soon as his shift was over, Buck threw on his clothes and practically ran out of the firehouse like his ass was on fire.
"Have fun!" He heard Eddie yell and laugh behind him.
As soon as Buck got into his jeep, he received a text from Tommy. -Hey, baby, can you pick up my favorite biscotti from Costco on your way home?-
Buck frowned when he read the message. -Costco is 20 minutes away from here-
-Please? 🥺️-
Buck sighed and texted back. -Fine.- He drove to Costco and got Tommy's favorite almond biscotti with a chocolate layer on the bottom.
When he got back home, Buck found a note taped to the door. He picked it up and read through it. "When you come in, you'll find a red blindfold on the side table. Put it on"
Buck felt a thrill pass through his body as he read that. He went through the door and found the place covered in darkness, only lit up with tea-light candles. Buck couldn't help but chuckle. Tommy was such a firefighter. Of course, he wouldn't use real candles. A path led up to their bedroom, decorated with red rose petals and tea-light candles.
Buck put the biscotti and his keys down on the side table and picked up the silk red blindfold instead. The cloth had a note stuck to it. "No cheating," it read.
Buck put on the blindfold and tied it behind his head. He then slowly walked towards their room, hoping he wouldn't trip up on anything. He had noticed that Tommy had moved all hazards out of the way.
"Hi, baby."
Buck jumped slightly when he heard the voice in his ear. "Whoa, warn a guy next time, princess."
Tommy laughed in his deep voice and kissed behind Buck's ear.
"Happy birthday, Evan," he whispered in his ear again.
"Um... Thanks, but what's happening?" Buck asked, confused.
Buck could feel Tommy move around to face him and then he leaned in to kiss the alpha. Buck eagerly kissed him back. Soon he was pushed on the bed and it bounced under him as he landed on the mattress. The omega climbed on top of him and Buck's hands immediately landed on his hips. He could feel something silky under his fingertips and he moved his hands down, feeling the silk material. His hands moved to Tommy's thighs and felt the netting and some kind of hook. His breath hitched and he moved his hands inside feeling his bulge straining through what felt like a thong. "Shit... Are you wearing lingerie?"
"Yes," Tommy simply replied.
"Fuck... This is a great surprise," Buck said. He was dying to remove his blindfold.
"That's not the only surprise," Tommy replied. Instead of saying anything, he removed one of Buck's hands from under the lingerie and rested it on his flat stomach. "...So my last heat did the trick it seems."
Buck was a little confused and then it hit him. He opened and closed his mouth a few times unable to believe what he was hearing. "You're pregnant..." he trailed off.
"I am," Tommy confirmed.
Buck immediately removed his blindfold and threw it aside. He grinned like a crazy person and felt himself tear up. Tommy was smiling back at him with tears in his own eyes. "We did it," he said. "We're FINALLY having a baby."
Buck laughed and sat up on the bed, wrapping his arms around his omega's gorgeous body. He leaned up to kiss him. "God, you're so perfect."
Tommy laughed and shook his head. "I love you."
"I love you too," Buck replied and kissed him one more time. He carefully flipped them around and continued to kiss Tommy with his hand slipping under the lingerie dress again.
But then he remembered something, and he stopped. "Wait... Did you tell Eddie and Chim about the pregnancy before you told me?"
Tommy let out a long-suffering sigh. "You don't wanna know how they found out."
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a-being-of-chaossss · 6 months
Kiri linked a Saiouma mpreg fic and I checked it out as a joke but it's actually really good and them Candles took it and now Static's going to read it and I don't know what's happening help
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brideofhantengu · 1 month
Pregyotengu mpreg Gyokko x Hantengu human!au pt. 4: Conception (18+ ONLY!!!)
This one is a flashback/rewind sort of story about the night that led to Gyokko falling pregnant with sons Ebisu and Zoha. Enjoy <3
"HYOOO! What's all this laid out before me? An altar for my righteousness, Hantenguuu???" Gyokko displayed an ear to ear grin as his eyes followed the rose petals laid out in a trail from the front door and through the new house they'd officially purchased together. He plopped his handbag down on the counter and took off his blazer, tossing it over a chair. He noticed all the lights were down and pillar candles were ablaze, which they rarely ever saw unless the power went out in a storm. "Oh Hantenguuuu! Where are you? I'm just dying to see what you've done for me!" Gyokko passed large pop-art images of himself displayed on canvases along each wall, complimented by an assortment of vases each hand made and painted by Gyokko. Gyokko finally arrived at their bedroom door upstairs, where the petals stopped, and knocked. "Anyone hooooome?" "Come in!" As Gyokko opened the door Hantengu quickly pulled the sheet over himself to cover his nude form. "I must admit Hantengu, the effort is astounding. I'm somewhat-" "Over the top?" Hantengu interrupted. "Yes, exactly! But my impeccable taste in furnishing paired with your conventional romance marries quite well into eachother, don't you think?" Hantengu scoffed, "Couldn't have done it without you." "I love it! Truly sublime! To be frank I had no idea you had it in you to do something like this for me. I just love your playful moments!"
The petals and candles were a massive reach for Hantengu and despite Gyokko's self-absorbed approach to everything, he was more than impressed. Hantengu was very secretive about his thoughts and had a general disdain for society and humanity. He preferred to be at home while his husband made a living. The two men came into money on multiple occasions thanks to Hantengu, but where exactly that money came from was a mystery. It was exciting for Gyokko to see Hantengu share any sort of miniscule fraction of interest in public displays of romance, which only ever arrived in the side swiping of fingers against eachother when standing closely, which Hantengu didn't like. Gyokko was the only person who was allowed anywhere near Hantengu, and too near could be anywhere between three feet away to miles away. In their private life, however, Hantengu loosened up and found himself at home with Gyokko, peacefully reading his daily paper and doing crossword puzzles. Needless to say, Hantengu was someone who NEEDED to be taken care of, and Gyokko was someone who NEEDED to be admired. Everything balanced out in time when they both realized they were approaching older age and didn't have another option but to settle down somewhere.
The petals and candles were a massive reach for Hantengu and despite Gyokko's self-absorbed approach to everything, he was more than impressed. "You're always doing something nice for me, and I wanted to do something for you. It's not much, and I don't know what I'm doing, but I felt like it was something you could appreciate." Hantengu said with his eyes fixed on his fidgeting hands. "Hantengu, I appreciate you because you're you." "R-...really?" "I married you, didn't I?" "Well yes, but," "No 'buts'. This is lovely and I'm so happy you remembered our anniversary!" Gyokko ran over to the bed and jumped on, causing Hantengu to yelp. Gyokko leaned in to kiss him passionately and as Hantengu loosened himself up into their kiss, the blanket slowly fell off of his shoulders and revealed his tan and aged chest, nipples hardening. Gyokko noticed his nipples and pulled away from the kiss, licking his lips at the sight. "Are you cold or just super turned on at the sight of me?" "Agh," Before Hantengu could get any legible words out, Gyokko's mouth was parallel to Hantengu's nipples. "May I?" "Y-mhm." Hantengu nodded shamefully and hid his face with his forearm. Gyokko circled his warm tongue around Hantengu's hard teats, suckling on them and moaning as his sucks became harder and harder. "Agh, fuck." Gyokko giggled at Hantengu's gasp, "Mmmhmmmyou like that baby?" Hantengu let out a shrill squeak as Gyokko started running his hands up and down Hantengu's sides, feeling up his entire torso as he switched between nipples. "Fuck, I missed you all day."
Gyokko began unbuckling his belt and undoing his jeans as his heart rate increased. The dim lights and scent of roses were further intoxicating the couple in their passionate session. Gyokko kissed Hantengu's chest and stomach, instructing him to lay down as Gyokko pleasured him. "I love seeing you all turned on like this," Gyokko sighed. Gyokko adjusted his body comfortably on the bed as he reached a hand down to pump himself while licking Hantengu's stomach, leaving a trail of spit that cooled his skin with goosebumps as the air hit it causing his cock to grow stiffer. Hantengu was dreadfully embarrassed on the outside, continuing the victim act out of habit. Deep down, he felt sinful thoughts and pleasure rising and waiting to erupt like molten lava taking down everything in it's path. Gyokko traced his finger tips up and down Hantengu's sides and stomach, making him squirm around and squeak. "Fffuuuck, Hantengu... I'm salivating for that cock of yours." Gyokko pulled the blanket off of Hantengu's erection and it sprung lightly. "Mmmhmmm that's it. So fucking hot. Look at that sexy cock..." Gyokko pulled his shirt over his head revealing beautiful pale muscles, "Can I take you in my mouth, baby?" "Y-yes, please!' Hantengu was so hot and bothered beyond his own comprehension he couldn't believe the quickness of his own words that followed his husband's plea. "Ack-Augh!" Gyokko took Hantengu in a deep throat, slurping and gagging up and down his shaft and drooling all over his balls that were lightly peppered with wiry black hair.
"You like that?" Gyokko asked while looking up at him with an intense and romantic glare. Hantengu's jaw hung open as he nodded, struggling to silence his groans. Gyokko massaged Hantengu's testicles as he sucked him fast and hard. Gyokko kept pumping his own cock as he pulled away from giving head. "Hmmm, I don't want you cumming just yet..." Gyokko said with a breathy hum. Hantengu was biting his own knuckle at this point, "fuck, please don't edge me like that, agh!" Hantengu thrusted his hips into the air as Gyokko opened the nightstand drawer for the lube, pouring some onto himself. The sound of wet fapping assaulted Hantengu's ears as Gyokko pushed Hantengu's legs open with the other hand, positioning himself in-between them. "Fuck, you ready for me, baby? You look so fucking hot right now," Gyokko pumped himself so hard his tip was becoming a darker shade of red. Hantengu gasped as Gyokko entered his asshole. As he thrusted, Hantengu's penis flapped up and down occasionally hitting Gyokko's pelvis and stomach as he picked up the pace inside him. "Fffu-ah!!! Gyokkoooo!!!!" Hantengu reached both arms up to grip Gyokko's big, tight shoulders as he took him. "Fuck, I love that tight little ass of yours! Fuck! That's it, take that cock! Take my sexy fucking cock so deep inside you like that, mmmmhfuck yeah."
Hantengu audibly expressed his pleasure as he dug his nails into Gyokko's alabaster flesh. "Fuck, fuck! Pull out, pull out..." Gyokko quickly pulled out respecting Hantengu's wishes, "You alright, baby?" "Yeah, I, agh, fuck, turn over." Gyokko got on his knees and propped himself up by his arms, giving Hantengu full access to his holes. Hantengu spit and stroked his penis, smearing some clear pre-cum fluid over his tip and pushed it into Gyokko's intersex pussy. Gyokko cried out as Hantengu grabbed Gyokko's hips and began pounding into him, their bodies clapping together with sweat and speed. Gyokko pumped his penis once again as Hantengu fucked his cunt and the sense of an intense orgasm crept up his tense calves and into his thighs, filling his ass cheeks up with warmth as it crawled up his body. Gyokko's purple hair came lose from it's half bun and swung around his face as Hantengu fucked him. The friction into Gyokko's g-spot was utterly amazing as Hantengu's tip grazed over it again and again with increasing strength. "Fuck, fuck, I'm so close, Gyokko..." Gyokko threw himself down onto the sheets and took a mouthful of his own hair, moaning and sweating prefusely. "I wanna cum with you, please cum with me..!" Gyokko whined out. "Agh, mmmf, I'm gonna cum, a-are you ready, baby?" Hantengu panted. "Yes, yes I'm ready I'm-ah! Ahhh!!!!" Gyokko shot hot cum into his palm as Hantengu's cum flowed through his shaft with a hot pulse, pulling out quickly to let most of the cum drip out onto the bed to avoid insemination (or so he thought.)
The men collapsed beside eachother and Gyokko licked his own cum off his hand. "Mmm that was so fucking amazing. You're so amazing. Who am I kidding, I'm amazing." Hantengu rolled his eyes back and shut them, too tired for Gyokko's self worship. "Happy anniversary, baby." "Happy anni-...Hantengu?" Hantengu was snoring within seconds. Gyokko cuddled up to him and closed his eyes, smiling to himself and wrapped his strong arm over Hantengu, pulling him into the cuddle. "Sweet dreams, papa."
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luvtonique · 5 days
I dunno if this is a temporary thought but it's something that's been in my head for a few years now.
I'm kind of growing tired of the fetish scene when it comes to art.
Like, I'm growing less and less interested in just kinda nasty pictures of characters fucking with like, new evolving fetishes showing up every other day like urethral knotting and ball-breasts being the latest I've been seeing.
I've also been seeing a bunch of like, ultra hyper obesity stuff lately, with like asses that have double cheeks like a neck has double chins and they're like squishing over their clothes and they have like 2 foot low dangling sweaty nutsacks and stuff.
Like, as I've been working on Melodi I've really been thinking a lot about how overt fetish porn is just getting gratuitous at this point.
I remember when the grossest thing in the world was Mpreg. Remember that?
Remember when unbirthing was the nastiest thing ever? Or even vore? Remember when vore was so nasty that people were like puking over it?
We're at a point where vore is basically tame now. People are so desensitized that they don't even care.
We're seeing every character from every franchise now regularly being turned into a morbidly obese sweaty fat blob that's spreading their massive donut-shaped asshole open and getting 16 giant sweaty horse cocks from tiny-headed hyper muscle women shoved into it at the same time and the response I keep seeing is just "God this is so fucking hot"
And I'm looking at it like "Does every fucking thing have to turn into hyper fetish shit now?"
I just read a comic earlier where the premise is that a girl breaks into a room, rips her clothes off, shoves a candle up her cunt and sprays pussy juice all over an entire tavern, and I'm sitting here like "Why the fuck is this what people are drawing now? What the fuck happened to characters just being attractive? Why do they have to be these fucking insanely fetishized sex freaks?"
Dunno how long this feeling will last but like... I'm kinda sick of ultra fetish stuff. I kinda want vanilla porn back.
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woodsworth · 5 months
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Laois waking up, feeling like he’s having a nightmare – something heavy is resting on chest? He is cold, and an unpleasant sensation of movement beneath him, crawling over his skin… He is in danger! He opens his eyes to find an unsetteling familiar and yet changed face smiling at him, fangs glistering in the candle light. He shudders as he is greeted by the demon wearing Kabru’s face…
STOP- screech- This is what I sort of had in mind, demon!Kabru surfacing and fucking Laios and breeding with demonic bodyparts and mpreg/omega shit going on and all angst between Kabru!human and demon batteling and and and … But since Dungeon Meshi is so funny and light to read/watch the following stuff blocked the serious depraved fanfic in my mind from getting written. Have some lore/production notes/bloopers to read on A03 if you want to, sorry/ not sorry for not delivering ^^
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thatoneluckybee · 6 months
I can’t believe I just had to put down ‘​Candles reads mpreg’ as a reoccurring tag
I'm trying so hard not to burst out laughing in the middle of a cafeteria by myself rn (ITS LOUD I managed to snag a table for my own and it's quiet so I can actually eat) but OH MY GOSHH
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ao3feed-jaydick · 1 year
here comes the candle
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/50585254 by scrylirious “Does Bruce know that you’re pregnant?” Jason blinks once, twice, his throat slippery with panic. He’s not wearing scent patches, he realizes all at once. This whole time— this whole fucking time he’s smelled like knocked up omega and Tim didn’t say anything. He swallows. "No. It’s not any of his fuckin’ business that I am. It’s nobody’s business.” “You don't have to tell me,” Tim says, looking caught between guilty and surprised and something else that Jason thinks might be a little hostile. “I won’t tell him.” A pause. “Or Dick.” A series of vignettes, of sorts. Jason Todd— dirty, toothy, vindictive— can’t quite figure out how something as small and fragile and helpless as a fetus has taken root inside of his vile uterus. Words: 12665, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Batman (Comics) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, Bruce Wayne, Selina Kyle Relationships: Dick Grayson/Jason Todd, Tim Drake & Jason Todd Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Implied Mpreg, Omega Jason Todd, Alpha Dick Grayson, Alpha Tim Drake, jason gets the snot kicked out of him, dick is a beautiful bastard, selina kyle briefly adopts jason todd, there’s a baby in here somewhere read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/50585254
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Real Baby or Food Baby?
Read here or on AO3! - ⚠️ ABO/Implied Mpreg/Feminization ⚠️
Spending the night before creating a plan, Jungkook sent an ominous text to Jimin that morning.
The alpha knew his mate probably was thinking about it all day because he loved when Jungkook planned something more special than just a standard stuffing.
Jimin enjoyed an extra push or being sent out of his comfort zone and Jungkook was nothing if not an alpha who provided for his mate.
Jungkook had told his mate to put on one of his stretchy, fitted dresses and set up the table for dinner. The alpha was picking up a significant takeout on his way home from work and looked forward to seeing how much Jimin could handle that night.
It had been at least a month since their last proper session so the alpha decided his omega deserved to be spoiled while also having a little treat for himself.
After debating between sushi and pizza, Jungkook ended up going with jajangmyeon. Jimin loved it with a decent heat level and somehow, he could always finish his noodles when motivated the right way. 
Although this time, the alpha bought three orders and was going to see if his mate was up for the challenge.
Between the hefty servings of noodles taking up space alongside the nice effect the spice would have on Jimin, the alpha knew it was going to be fun no matter how much his omega finished. 
Jimin met his alpha at the door when he arrived home, looking beautiful in his dark green dress. The fabric clung to his soft tummy that was finally starting to show in tight clothes all the time instead of just when he was full.
Jungkook knew that everything would be set exactly as he asked - the only thing Jimin loved more than his alpha and good food was praise. 
The table had plates and utensils as well as an assortment of water, soda, and beer. Jimin had even turned on quiet music and dimmed the lights with a few candles that created a nice ambiance.
They both enjoyed creating romance and intimacy out their nights like this, not necessarily into the messier or more intense side of their shared kink. 
Jungkook started unpacking the containers and noticed the omega’s eyes widen when he counted four orders of noodles, meaning three were intended for him.
Jimin almost seemed a little nervous, but the alpha could tell he was excited more than anything else - his sweet honey scent filling the room.
Once it was all spread across the table, Jungkook encouraged him to dig in while he went to change. The alpha knew that Jimin probably expected him to come back in comfy clothes for the rest of the night, but he actually just exchanged his suit for a casual t-shirt and jeans look.
Jimin paused mid-bite and looked at his mate in confusion, asking if Jungkook had plans after dinner.
The alpha simply told him it was a surprise and to keep eating his noodles. The instruction sparked new energy in Jimin and he eagerly dug back into his first container.
For the next ten minutes, the couple ate together in comfortable silence - mainly because Jimin kept a steady stream of food going, only taking breaks to sip on his beer or soda. 
Jungkook was honestly impressed to see how quickly his mate finished the first container. Jimin set it down on the table in front of him, the metal chopsticks clinking together as he leaned back in his chair and chugged down the second half of his beer.
The alpha noted the start of a swell to Jimin’s belly already filling out his dress, the savory saltiness of the noodles paired with both his frothy beverages bloating his stomach. 
The alpha swapped the empty container for the next full one after refilling the omega’s drink selection, tenderly rubbing Jimin’s stomach as he whispered praises in the omega’s ear.
Jimin’s cheeks flushed from the encouragement as he started in on container number two. Jungkook went back to slowly working through his own portion of dinner, mostly caught up in watching his mate enjoy their meal. 
Jimin paused, once again, to take a drink which end up being him draining his second glass of beer in one go. The noodles were very savory so it made sense that he needed a little palate cleanser.
Jungkook was well aware of his omega’s high tolerance, but he grabbed the glass and pushed the soda closer to him - making it clear to go for that one next. He had plans for the evening that didn’t involve getting tipsy although he did tuck that away for another night. 
While Jungkook arranged Jimin’s drinks, he watched his mate rubbing the side of his stomach; his chest was heaving just a bit after chugging his beer and it took him a couple of seconds to catch his breath.
The alpha kissed his forehead and decided it was time to do a check-in. Jimin seemed grateful for the question as he asked for a little break to digest. 
The omega’s stomach was forming a sweet little paunch; his dress continued to accentuate the bloat of salty noodles and carbonation.
Stuffings had started giving him such a taut roundness to his tummy now that he had added a bit more weight to his frame. Jungkook recognized the feeling was from a very primal place within his alpha, but every time he saw Jimin like this, he was absolutely love-struck by the sight. 
Jungkook encouraged him to keep going after a few minutes of gentle massage, knowing Jimin ate more when he ate faster. The little stomachache afterward was always worth packing more in given the results.
The omega nodded and jumped right back into his second container, now halfway gone.
The next half went down like a dream and Jungkook was genuinely impressed at his determined second wave.
Jimin looked at him, waiting for number three with a polite hand over his mouth to cover a few tiny hiccups and belches from the amount he had just sent down. 
Jungkook asked if he was alright and if Jimin was certain he could handle the third container, not wanting to push too far but leaving the decision in his mate’s hands.
Jimin admitted that it was going to be a nice stretch and he genuinely had more room, cheeks probably flushed with a little embarrassment if they hadn’t already been tinted red from the efforts of eating over the past hour. 
The alpha knew his mate’s stomach capacity had certainly been increasing over the past few months, but Jungkook made a point to check as Jimin sometimes would get caught up in wanting to please him and end up uncomfortably full following some more intense stuffings.
He trusted Jimin’s answer and slid the last container closer, deciding to feed it to his mate himself. 
Bringing big bites to his mouth, Jungkook immediately noticed that the third container was a slower process, with more time chewing and more sips of his soda in between bites.
At the halfway point, Jimin reclined back into his chair instead of leaning forward over the table - needing to let his belly stretch and accommodate his full stomach.
Jungkook’s eyes were stuck on his midsection. Leaning back showed the damage of the stuffing so well.
His belly was perfectly round, bloated, and tight to the touch - only further highlighted by the perfectly formed fit of his dress. The alpha abandoned the container to get his hands on Jimin’s body.
The omega had been moaning and groaning through each bite and finally said he didn’t know if he could finish the third container.
Jungkook stilled for a moment in thought and almost gave up on his plan to push his mate through the last part of the noodles, but he was looking forward to tonight’s idea so he decided to call it. 
Jungkook put the lid back on the container and told Jimin that he did an amazing job. He did ask the omega to finish the rest of his soda, the carbonation good for the tight bloat of his stomach.
The dress stretched nicely over his belly and he watched it expand just a little more as Jimin chugged down the rest of his glass.
Jimin went to press on the top of his belly, probably to push his food toward digestion, but the alpha stopped his hand.
Jungkook wanted him to stay stuffed tight for as long as possible. He gave one gentle press to the top of his mate’s stomach to push out the pocket of air.
Jimin let out a short belch and Jungkook watched as his stomach pushed just slightly farther, settling more after the air was released to its final stretch - not his max capacity but pretty close considering his plans for the evening.
Jungkook was going to test something out that Jimin had mentioned during the last big stuffing about three months ago.
At that moment, the omega said that his belly was so prominent that he looked pregnant.
Although the couple both didn’t want kids at that time, something about the comment had Jungkook thinking. He wondered if they could stuff Jimin so well that someone would think he was expecting and they were going to find out.
Offering his hands to help the omega stand, Jungkook smirked while Jimin looked at him as if he were insane.
If anything, they typically camped on the couch for at least an hour before moving to the bed. Getting up and out was going to be a challenge and the first time they tried anything like this.
With a huff, Jimin accepted his alpha’s hands and scooched to the end of the chair. Jungkook couldn’t help but laugh when Jimin moved one hand to his lower back to help himself up.
This may be easier than he initially thought if Jimin kept up those little habits that really sold the look of a pregnant omega.
Jungkook encouraged him to walk to the door and wait for him to grab their jackets and his wallet. The alpha told him that he would help with his shoes in a moment.
Jimin’s eyes widened and he looked down at his prominent bump.
The omega gulped nervously and brought a hand to rub the top of his belly in a soothing motion. “We’re going out? Like this?”
The alpha smiled and winked. “Yeah, baby, you deserve dessert after that performance.”
“Oh, um, okay, thanks,” Jimin replied, not sounding entirely convinced and quite nervous. 
Jungkook walked over and cupped his mate’s cheeks, offering a kiss.
“Hey, we don’t have to do this. Tell me to stop and we will go lay in bed, put on a movie, and cuddle. It’s just an idea that I thought we may like to try out.”
Jimin looked at him with complete trust and knew that Jungkook would always take care of him. “No, you planned such a nice date night. I’m sure it will be fun.”
“Great. I wanted to take you to that new ice cream parlor. We can take the train,” Jungkook replied, instantly easing the mood back up with his excitement. 
The omega just nodded and watched as Jungkook bent down to slip Jimin’s sneakers on and tie them. Jungkook put the jacket around his mate’s shoulders and appreciated how his belly was peeking out from the side.
With a bolstering kiss, they left the house and started walking towards the train station.
Jungkook held Jimin’s hand and tried to suppress his smile at seeing the omega waddle a bit to accommodate his full stomach. The food must have been heavy in his belly, barely digested, and topped up with carbonation.
Jimin was an absolute vision in his eyes.
As they approached the train station, the couple caught the eyes of an older beta woman who smiled as she passed them on the street. She looked from Jimin’s belly to the couple’s connected hands back to the omega’s belly.
Jungkook held his breath, hoping she would say something but no comment, just a pleasant smile.
Arriving at their boarding stop, the stairs were an unexpected challenge. Jimin groaned on each step down, mumbling about how full he was and that he felt huge.
Jungkook assumed that his mate might’ve been teasing him, knowing comments like that would rile the alpha up. 
However, when the omega was actually short of breath at the bottom of the stairs, Jungkook realized that Jimin had absolutely meant what he said. The alpha had to maintain full restraint not to openly ogle him in the middle of the train station. 
The timing worked well, and the train came just a few minutes after their arrival. Jungkook led them into a fairly full train for mid-evening and he searched for two open seats to no avail.
His mate honestly looked like he was a little teary-eyed at the thought of standing for the entire ride, wanting to rest his full belly after the brutal staircase. 
Jungkook rubbed the small of Jimin’s back to comfort him when an alpha spoke up from the bench next to them. The woman got up from her seat and gestured for Jimin to sit.
“Here, sweetheart, take my seat.”
“Oh, thank you, ma’am,” Jimin replied and he moved his hand to rest on his lower back before lowering himself to the seat.
Jungkook didn’t know if his mate was moving that way subconsciously or if he was onto the alpha’s plan, but Jimin was certainly playing the part of the pregnant omega very well. 
Jungkook moved to stand beside his omega, appearing to be the fully protective alpha, and said thank you to the alpha who offered her seat. She looked to be older, maybe in her fifties or sixties, and Jungkook waited in anticipation to see if she had more to say.
After a few moments, the woman said what Jungkook had been waiting for since you left the house - making the entire plan absolutely worth it. 
“First-time parents?” she asked nicely, her tone genuine and sweet. 
“Hmm?” Jimin responded, feigning innocence as if he didn’t hear the woman’s question.
Jungkook could tell that his mate was a little shocked by the implication even if he was just as hopeful for that appearance as the alpha was.
The woman smiled and asked again, “You both look pretty young. Are you expecting your first?”
Jungkook had to fight off his feelings of smugness, plastering an excited smile on his face and replied, “Yeah, we are pretty excited.”
The alpha then noticed another elderly mate couple that was smiling from the next bench over, listening to the entire interaction.
The elderly omega joined in their conversation, asking, “Boy or girl?” 
“Keeping it a surprise. The whole idea still seems so new,” Jungkook replied, earning a pointed look from Jimin that was hidden from the others when the omega turned to face his mate. The alpha had done his best to stop laughing at his mate’s reaction.
“Ahh, we get it. Congratulations either way!” the alpha who offered them the seat for Jimin said, still smiling at the young couple. 
Jimin returned their happy sentiment, finally finding the words to speak. “Thank you! We appreciate your kindness.”
The alpha seemed endeared by Jimin’s sweet response. “Of course! I couldn’t make you stand the whole time. I remember when my wife was in the second trimester - lots of back pain. She would’ve had my head if I kept you on your feet.”
Jungkook looked down to see Jimin’s cheeks shining bright red as he smiled, rubbing his belly gently.
Before any more could be said, the train came to a stop and the alpha offered his hand to help his mate stand up.
Nearly making the alpha laugh again, Jimin made a show of getting up, pushing out his belly, and thanking all three of their kind observers again.
They walked off the train and Jungkook instantly directed them to a quiet corner to get his hands on his mate’s round middle.
“You hear that, baby. Second trimester. I wonder what he would have thought if I said you were stuffed to the brim with noodles instead of a baby,” Jungkook teased, peppering Jimin’s red cheeks with kisses as he tenderly rubbed his tight stomach. 
Jimin whined and tried to cover his face. “Oh God, it was so embarrassing. I can’t believe that just happened.”
Jungkook scoffed, landing a few gentle pats on Jimin’s stomach and making it jiggle up and down a few times.
“Was it? So embarrassing that you were waddling and laying it in thick with a hand on your back, pretending like you weren’t just well-fed and bloated. My pretty Minnie looks all knocked up.”
Jimin moaned quietly as his alpha continued his discreet belly massage. Between the situation of what just happened, the weight of his belly, and the fact that this conversation was happening in public, the omega was completely overwhelmed.
Teasing at home was one thing, but Jimin was definitely discovering something about himself in the semi-private corner of the train station. 
“Still want that ice cream? Gotta keep this belly tight and round for the ride home. You might get another free seat if they think you have a baby in here instead of a food baby,” Jungkook asked, continuing his verbal and physical taunt that was definitely affecting them both.
Feeling a little weak in the legs, Jimin leaned further into Jungkook as he knew his alpha would be glad to wrap his arms around him.
“Yes, please, need more. Want more.”
“Of course you do, always need more. This nice belly needs to keep growing. Maybe next time, they’ll say the third trimester,” Jungkook whispered in his omega’s ear, his arms sneaking around Jimin’s waist and feeling his omega’s stuffed belly fighting against him. 
“Next time?” Jimin whimpered, the omega ready to melt into a puddle of embarrassment even though he absolutely loved the idea of doing this again. 
Jungkook knew that he needed to bring it back down, pushing Jimin very far in a very public area, but he couldn’t resist one final comment.
“Oh yeah, next time. We’ll go farther, and see how long you can be stuffed up. We will have to stop along the way to refill, won’t we? Maybe we’ll go on a trip, and keep you stuffed the whole time.”
Jimin had to bite down on Jungkook’s shoulder to hide his guttural moan. “Fuck, yes, please.”
“But first, ice cream,” Jungkook prompted, encouraging Jimin to leave his little hiding place.
His touches became more caressing than teasing. As soon as his omega pulled away from his shoulder, Jungkook pulled him into a tender kiss. 
Taking a moment to breathe through his lingering arousal, Jimin finally came back to himself and gave his alpha a beaming smile. “Okay, ice cream.” 
Jungkook chuckled, completely endeared by his mate, and leaned back in for a chaste peck. He offered his arm to Jimin with a gentlemanly gesture making his mate giggle and hooked his arm through the alpha’s elbow to direct them toward the station exit. 
Jimin halted as the station opened up to the street. “Damn it, more fucking stairs.” 
The alpha spent the entire ascent laughing at his mate’s pronounced waddle up the staircase. Jimin pouted and scolded him the entire time, feeling breathless once again at the end. 
“Okay, new rule - no stairs next time,” Jimin declared, hand on his belly as he panted through the effects of carrying his stuffed self up the stairwell. 
“Well, someone came around to a next time pretty quick, huh?” Jungkook teased, starting their walk toward the ice cream parlor with a smirk. 
Jimin smacked his arm and rolled his eyes. “Oh hush, just keep walking. I want mint chocolate chip with sprinkles like right now.” 
Jungkook leaned over and kissed his temple with a little huff of laughter, followed by another tap to the omega’s middle.
“Man, you are really committed to the act, baby. Playing up the cravings and everything.”
The omega gasped as the blush returned to his cheeks, smacking the alpha’s arm once again. “Oh my God, shut up!”
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I’m overstimulated who wants to read some more mpreg
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kirexa · 6 months
Kirexa this is spiraling out of my control (Candles is reading the fic.)
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allwaswell16 · 2 years
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A fic rec of One Direction fics with an established relationship and domestic fluff as requested in this ask. You can find all my other fic recs here. If you enjoy the fics, please leave the writers kudos and comments! Happy reading!
 ҉  Larry  ҉ 
the most domestic husbands (series) by trackfive
(G, 164k, canon) little scenes of louis and harry being so ridiculously married and disgustingly in love
All About Us by LHStylinson / @lhstylinson9193
(G, 137k, kid fic) Throughout the night and protests from their daughter, Louis and Harry reminisce about how they met and overtime share their story with the boy that seems to look at their daughter the same way Louis once and still looks at Harry.
Worth the Wait by lovelarry10 / @chloehl10
(M, 117k, mpreg Harry) Louis and Harry had long ago come to terms with the fact they couldn’t have children. Rapidly approaching their forties, they’re settled at work, and more than happily married. Life, however, has other plans for the Tomlinsons.
Hands Clasped Tight by @afirethatcannotdie
(E, 44k, secret relationship) the one where Harry and Louis are high school teachers and their students have been playing matchmaker for over a year. Little do they know, Harry and Louis are already married.
So Long I've Been Waiting by kikikryslee / @flamboyantommo
(T, 14k, mpreg Harry) the one where Harry and Louis are having their first baby, and keeping it a secret until the end of the first trimester is a lot harder than they thought it would be.
Want you more than a melody by @softfonds
(E, 13k, mpreg) His band is about to release their third studio album, he's dating the hottest football star on the planet, and tour is going to start the following year. But one trip to the doctor's office changes all his plans for the future, and he wonders if Louis is ready for it as well.
Fine Lines by lsforever / @kingonafiftymetreroad
(E, 11k, mpreg) Harry gets the surprise of a lifetime and decides it’ll be the perfect Christmas present.
You Came Along And Moved Me, Honey by flowercrownfemme
(T, 8k, secrets) In which Louis thinks Harry's hiding a life of crime and Harry just really likes candles.
Secret Admirer by Jennifer_Kaid / @poetsreprieve
(E, 8k, a/b/o) It was kind of silly how their actual relationship had started, but they were just teenagers back then, a little scared of rejection and too deeply in love.
Dip you in honey by @lunarheslwt
(M, 7k, baking) Harry has been baking cornbread for seven days in a row. Louis has no idea what’s going on, but is ever the sweet and supportive husband. At least their baby, Amelia, seems placated by the bread.
To Carry Love by dimpled_halo / @comebackassholes
(M, 7k, mpreg) During One Direction's hiatus, Harry becomes unexpectedly pregnant, and Louis does his best at becoming the most supportive husband he can be.
Play Me Something Sweet by nonsensedarling / @absoloutenonsense
(E, 7k, cellist Harry) Harry's good at a lot of instruments, but his favorite one to play is Louis.
In the Heat Where You Lay by @marchessa
(T, 5k, a/b/o) the one where Louis tries to balance work life and his marriage while he also has to protect Harry from himself since the omega is danger walking on two marvellously long legs at the best of times.
tissue-thin lies by @helloamhere
(G, 5k, sick fic) Louis has a cold but he's FINE.
The Origin of Love by TeamLouis / @teamlouis2022
(E, 4k, canon) A mini break in the countryside, terrible weather and slow morning sex are the best way to recharge Louis and Harry's batteries after a long tour
lazy days and pancakes for two by @cyantific
(T, 4k, canon) What better way to spend a much-needed tour break than having a lazy day watching shit TV and having breakfast in bed with your husband.
Gonna Dress You Up In My Love by @fallinglikethis
(T, 3k, knitting) Harry decides to take up knitting. He's horrible at it. Louis wears everything anyway.
Changing Weather (For Worse or For Better) by @haztobegood
(M, 3k, vignettes) Five times it's raining and one time it stops.
catch a wave and take in the sweetness by docklands / @hershelsue
(M, 2k, canon) Harry has a hard time asking for things he needs sometimes. Gently, Louis pushes him to do it.
never just the heat of the summer by @orchidsbyjune
(T, 2k, self acceptance) A story about a bad day, a set of nail polishes, a good lover and whole identity packed in one.
If Wishes Were Dishes by LadyLondonderry / @londonfoginacup
(T, 2k, housework) Why is Harry doing his dishes? He must be mad at Louis.
Baby, Don’t Apologize by @neondiamond
(T, 1k, a/b/o) Harry being an asexual Omega means his Alpha Louis has had to spend his ruts alone for the past decade despite being mated. He’s not sure who feels most hurt by it.
 ҉  Rare Pairs  ҉ 
Tie Me to You by rivers_bend / @river-b
(E, 8k, Niall/Niall Breslin) Niall’s body clearly knows he’s about to see his mate, and he’s doubtful there will even be two more days. 
stuck on you by clairdeloune
(T, 2k, Louis/Nick Grimshaw) “I’m not letting you call our dog Stinky,” Louis protests.
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teamhauntediiau · 4 months
Now that Balloon is here..
Ahem ahem..
Silver, Balloon, let me read you a story called.. "Silver Suffers With Morning Sickness".. /j
Balloon: "Uhhh, right now, Silver's checking out the bedroom with Candle, so I'm just going to check it out and see-" ... Balloon: "Why is it tagged Mpreg."
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onlythebravest · 2 years
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recently read: january 2023 🪐
I did say I was going to try and make a list of what I’ve read each month. First month done! I decided not to include rereads (which I do a lot), because then the list would never end.
If you decide to check any of these fics out, make sure to show the author some love. Leave kudos, a comment and, if possible, reblog (or retweet) the fic post! and a big thank you to all these amazing authors! thank you for sharing your writing with us!
Little Taste by @wabadabadaba​ (G, 1.2k, domestic fluff, age regression) A morning with little Harry and caregiver Louis.
I loved As It Was and was so happy to see that the strawbaby universe had gotten another fic! I had missed those two.
yeah, he's a looker (but i really think it's guts that matter most) by @thedevilinmybrain (E, 40k, non-au, established, friendships) Five times Oli was asked to do something that was outside of his job description, and the one time he didn't have to be asked.
amazing characterization! Jennifer never fails with writing amazing characters, but this was just something else.
Can I Watch? by @larrysballetslippers (E, 4.9k, poly, established, smut, voyeurism) Harry never thought a horrible encounter would lead to some hot loving from his boyfriends.
Chicago by @hellolovers13 (G, 3.5k, exes to lovers, famous/non-famous) They hadn't seen each other in four years, why was Louis still writing songs about Harry?
London by @hellolovers13 (M, 2k, fluff, established, famous/non-famous) A lazy morning in bed. Finally home.
Bless You! by @neondiamond (G, 2k, kid, established, fluff) Harry and Louis’ young daughter, Ava, really enjoys when Harry says ‘bless you’ after she sneezes.
you can always expect amazing fluff from Jess, so you know you’re gonna leave the fic with a warm feeling in your chest
Tender Hearted by @polaroidlouis (E, 3.3k, established, mpreg, smut, service top L) It hadn’t taken long then for Harry to clue in the fact that Louis was enthralled with his newly bloomed breasts.
Just To See That Smile by @homosociallyyours (NR, 6.7k, uni au, fake relationship, pining) A fic where a hastily faked relationship and a lot of miscommunication almost ruins a perfectly good dance.
One for the Books by @neondiamond (M, 25k, advent fic, strangers, winter, fluff) Or the one where there’s a bookshop, a cat, OT5 friendship, a budding romance, and all the festive vibes.
Hike Up Your Skirt (And Show Your World To Me) by @twopoppies (E, 17k, CEO/employee, dom/sub, smut) Louis has a very hands on approach to training his new secretary. How else can he make sure Harry realizes his full potential?
I really enjoyed reading a character that isn’t really a good character and now I want more of these morally gray characters.
It's Thursday. Let's Get (un)Dressed. by @bananaheathen (E, 9k, genderfluid H, pining) When Louis is peer-pressured into downloading TikTok over the holidays, he fully expects to hate it. And he does hate it. All of it. Well... except for aspiring OOTD influencer, @ harrystyles.
edible stars by @forthetherapyy (E, 10k, uni, friends with benefits, dom/sub) They take a test and the results change things for Harry and Louis.
Fellowship of Eroda by @sadaveniren (E, 5.3k, enemies to lovers, dom/sub) aka Louis may have had a four night stand with Harry and now he's stuck in a DND campaign with him.
Fun Time Candles by @sadaveniren (T, 1k, kid fic) Harry makes candles shaped like dicks. Harry also has a five year old learning to read. These two things should never interact.
The animals play by @sadaveniren (M, 1.2k, kid fic, dom/sub) Harry and Louis play a game of cat and mouse.
I love this parenting while actively in the bdsm community series! all of them are amazing
Counterculture by @sadaveniren (E, 6k, a/b/o, pack dynamics, scenting) It all culminated to this: Harry in the middle of a crowded basement, music blasting from the live show on the far side, shirtless amongst alphas and omegas who all weren’t covering their scents. He took a deep breath of the heavy air and he felt alive.
(yes, I had a little sadaveniren marathon and I’m not sorry)
A Bright and Blazing Flame by @greenfeelings (E, 23k, a/b/o, established, famous/famous, all the good omegaverse stuff) Bonded, engaged, and moved in together — there’s nothing to daunt Louis and Harry’s happiness. Until the past catches up to them and everything comes crashing down when they least expect it.
I have so much good to say about this series and not enough words to express myself. it’s got everything you can want from an a/b/o fic, and more
Late for Flying Practice by @jaerie​ (E, 2.5k, elf/reindeer, smut) Louis is a hybrid reindeer gearing up for his first year as navigator for Santa. Harry is one of Santa's elves in the middle of his 99th season as head cookie designer. They've been having an affair for years. This time it doesn't exactly go well. Or does it?
Secrets, Santa? by @indiaalphawhiskey (E, 19k, boss/employee, christmas themed, awkward H, dirty talk) Right, okay, so Harry had confessed his deepest, darkest, dirtiest secrets to a stranger who turned out to be his boss. No big deal. This was probably just the beginning of Harry’s own hilariously heartwarming, wildly romantic Hallmark Christmas movie, come to life, right?… Right?
this was hilarious and found myself having to stop myself from laughing while reading it
Wanna play you like a game, boy (what's the thrill of the same toy?) by @thebreadvansstuff (E, 10k, boss/employee, dom/sub, humiliation) Louis is Harry's boss, and Harry has a humiliation kink.
He's Got the Money, Baby Honey by @larry-hiatus (E. 10k, dom/sub, financial domination) Finsub Harry forgets his dom’s weekly gift. Louis makes him pay for the mistake with a shopping spree.
I loved reading about this kink and way of domination that was completely new to me
On the naughty list tonight by @lunarheslwt (E, 6k, established, dom/sub, Christmas) Harry has a little bad habit- he peeks at gifts early because he is too impatient to wait to open them. Louis is determined to catch him this time, and show him that actions have consequences.
enough to make a girl blush by @disgruntledkittenface (E, 22k, a/b/o, girl direction, childhood friends, self discovery) When Louis moves from her small hometown to the city, she runs into her childhood friend Niall. Despite her surprise at learning that Niall presented as an alpha, she’s immediately drawn to her. As their relationship progresses and Louis settles into life in the city, she learns that love, sex and identity aren’t always as simple as she’d been taught growing up. And she wouldn’t have it any other way.
I loved learning about girl alphas in this! I know I’ve said it every time I talk about this fic, but I can’t help it. it was so fun learning about it
Unholy by @wicked-archer​ (E, 11k, religios kink, priest/demon, smut) When Harry Styles started acting different after his 26th birthday, Father Louis Tomlinson is the only one that may be able to save his soul. He has successfully performed exorcisms before. This should be easy. Until it isn't. Harry is more than he seems. The battle of wills test every bit of faith Louis has. And Harry? Well, he's just getting started.
positive feedback by @sun-lt (T, 4k, a/b/o, established, nesting) Louis pretends he isn’t insecure about his nest, Harry pretends he isn’t inconveniently horny, and they both see right through each other.
you know you’re gonna have a great time when you’ve get a notification about a new Essie fic, and this one was no different!
Control by @zourry-a (E, 1.7k, smut, public sex) "M'gonna finger you," he said softly. "Right here in front of everyone, like you want. Do you want it, Louis?"
I Built This Bed For Two (I Built This Bed For Me and You) by @yafookinlousah (E, 8.9k, exes to lovers, cuddling) Harry and Louis broke up after uni and haven't seen each other since—until they're roped into doing a Buzzfeed video together. Featuring awkward cuddling and a reunion that just needed a kick in the arse, gleefully provided by Niall.
One Touch Is Never Enough by @kingsofeverything​ (E, 3.8k, werewolves, funny) It’s been a rough year for Louis. First, he was turned into a werewolf, which hasn't been so bad, except that he didn't anticipate how it would affect his love life. Maybe it’d be easier to ignore if he wasn’t constantly bombarded by the sound of his two werewolf best friends getting it on in the next room. At least they were nice enough to give him a gift certificate for a massage.
I'm Sure It Happens To All Alphas by @jaerie​ (E, 3.7k, a/b/o, awkward sex) Louis has trouble popping a knot.
I said a little while ago that there aren’t enough fics where the sex isn’t perfect, and then I stumble upon this. I was so happy!
pink like the paradise found by @disgruntledkittenface​ (M, 18k, girl direction, uni, bartender L, coming out) Harry's friends take her out to the local lesbian bar to celebrate after she comes out. They joke about getting her laid, but the way the hot bartender is looking at her makes her think it might actually happen.
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