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weirdmixedthing · 1 year ago
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akaanuar · 1 year ago
Ladytron, The Chemical Brothers, Pet Shop Boys y The Cure en el Festival Corona Capital 2023
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cinemedios · 1 year ago
The Cure, Feliz-Triste
El viernes 17 de noviembre da inicio uno de los festivales de música más importantes, el Corona Capital y entre muchos otros artistas, sorprendió y agradó la aparición de la banda británica The Cure, por eso ahora aprovechamos la oportunidad para hablar de la historia de una de las bandas más importantes del rock. The Cure | La Historia Hasta Ahora En 1973, Robert Smith, Michael Dempsey, Lol…
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nacorock · 1 year ago
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hannahstinks666 · 1 year ago
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One year ago today, Gerard Way performed as Joan of Arc in Mexico City (November 18 2022)
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future-crab · 2 years ago
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This was revealed to me in a vision.
[ID: The prep-goth jock-nerd alignment chart, filled in with images of Gerard Way from the 2022-2023 MCR tour. In the far prep/jock corner is the Cheerleader look. On the prep axis are the Riotfest and Atlanta outfits (a dress and trenchcoat with a floral headscarf and oversized sunglasses, and a red crop top with khakis, oversized sunglasses, and floral scarf, respectively). In the prep/nerd quadrant is the Princess Diana outfit from MCRLA2 and the businesswoman look from MCRBrisbane. In the Jock/goth quadrant are the looks from the Glasgow, LA5, and Philly shows (Gerard in a tank top covered in motor oil, gerard in a skull-and-crossbones shirt, and Gerard in a tee shirt that “Pool Boy at the Vampire Mansion,” respectively). On the goth axis is the bat costume from the first New Jersey show and the “Black Swan” look from the first Boston show. In the goth/nerd quadrant is the Joan of Arc look from the Mexico City, and the Dracula costume from LA4. End ID.]
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jukeboxofjellycat · 2 years ago
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El crédito corresponde a El Deforma del facebook.
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roanofarc · 6 months ago
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chappell roan & gerard way stage outfit parallels
chappell looks:
vmas, sept 11 2024 / hinterland, august 4 2024 / bonnaroo, june 16 2024 / hangout fest, may 18 2024 / coachella, april 12 2024
gerard looks:
corona capital mexico, nov 18 2022 / london, nov 2005 / detroit, sept 13 2022 / los angeles, oct 11 2022 (but first worn in nashville, aug 23 2022) / sydney, march 19-20 2023
PART 1/2
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on-this-day-mcr · 1 year ago
On this day, November 18
In 2022: My Chemical Romance performed their 61st show of the 2022-2023 Swarm tour (the last of the North America leg) at the Corona Capital festival in Mexico City, Mexico. At this show, Gerard Way wore a Joan of Arc inspired chain mail outfit, with a long red cape and a streak of fake blood painted on his chin and neck. "Muy feugo" [sic] was written on the drums. (🖤)
Watch the show here!
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Lulu Urdapiletta
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dailyniallnews · 1 year ago
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Corona Capital | November 18, 2023
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mondomoderno1 · 1 year ago
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A fines de mayo, tuve la oportunidad de visitar la fascinante arquitectura moderna de Santa Rosa, la capital de La Pampa, y también de conocer en vivo la obra de Santiago Swinnen. Nacido en Bélgica en 1933 y criado desde niño en Jáuregui, en 1958 desembarcó en una ciudad que contaba con unos 23000 habitantes. En ese momento, la Casa de Gobierno estaba en construcción bajo la dirección de Clorindo Testa y dentro de su equipo, se encontraba un profesor de Jaak en la UBA, quien lo recomendó para la Dirección de Arquitectura provincial. La Pampa había dejado de ser Territorio Nacional en 1951, necesitaba obras públicas y así fue cómo SS encontró su lugar en el mundo. Durante la década de 1960, Swinnen recibió encargos privados en Santa Rosa y otras localidades de La Pampa. Su primera obra en la ciudad capital fue la casa del Dr. Srur (6) en 1960 y el diseño del Barrio Calfucurá con 80 viviendas en 1967 (7). Pero la obra que marcó su carrera y el horizonte de Santa Rosa fue la remodelación de la Catedral, que ya había comenzado a construirse. Swinnen tuvo la audacia de introducir una fachada completamente moderna en un contexto religioso. Utilizó hormigón armado para crear una estructura con aires brutalistas, que destaca por su expresividad y sobriedad al mismo tiempo. Cada hexágono en el frente simboliza a uno de los apóstoles, mientras que el de la corona representa a la Virgen y el de la cruz a Jesucristo. Swinnen no sólo transformó la Catedral, sino también la arquitectura religiosa en La Pampa. Sus refacciones y ampliaciones de iglesias existentes mostraron su creatividad y sensibilidad únicas. Un claro ejemplo es la Iglesia Nuestra Señora de Fátima en SR (8,9) o la Iglesia Nuestra Señora del Rosario en Macachín. (10) A partir de 1970, Swinnen se mudó con su familia a una casa que él mismo diseñó camino a Toay, cercana a los médanos, donde siguió trabajando y desarrollando su otra pasión: la pintura. A principios de 2023, esa vivienda fue comprada por el futbolista Alexis Mac Allister y sus hermanos. Santiago Swinnen falleció en Santa Rosa en 2010, dejando un legado que perdura en toda la provincia.
Tras las huellas de “Jaak”, Revista 88x96, mayo 2022. La Catedral de Santa Rosa: construir en el cielo - @lapampanoticias . Ana Pessio @anaabra abril 2022. Los hermanos Mac Allister compraron Vuriloche, la emblemática Quinta de Swinnen - @datapatagonia , febrero 2023.
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no-distance-left-to-run · 1 year ago
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Damon Albarn at Corona Capital Mexico 2023 by David Barajas
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damonalbarn · 1 year ago
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Corona Capital, Mexico, November 18th 2023. Ph: Alvarrock García.
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songtwo · 8 months ago
in other news that corona capital lineup is SO bad like 😭 imagine going from having liam gallagher, paramore, yeah yeah yeahs, miley cyrus, mitski, arctic monkeys and my chemical romance as headliners on 2022 then blur, pulp, noel gallagher, the cure, pet shop boys, alanis morrissette and the chemical brothers in 2023 to . zedd. empire of the sun. shawn mendes and melanie martinez as headliners likeeeee 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 first of all none of those ppl are headliner material second how do u downgrade so bad 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😔😔
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hannahstinks666 · 2 years ago
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And now I know how Joan of Arc felt…
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mmazzalai · 4 months ago
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Ooops,, forgot to update/continue the story.
So,, I added Chris to my "Celebrity crush" list,, and focused my attention on trying to get to know more about the band altogether,, while still keeping an eye out for any additional posts/pictures/stories/interviews I would find that featured more details about him (which, eventually I did find!).
And so I decided to expand the list of Phoenix songs I was currently listening to (which was: 2 songs).
I wasn't sure where to start,, so I turned to various internet forums to look up their best/most popular songs according to fans as well as the ones they played the most at concerts so that I could at least sing along to them in case I were to attend one.
And I ended up with a Playlist consisting on 12 songs. The first couple new ones I added,, actually came from their YouTube comments section.
As I mentioned before, I kept playing Lisztomania and Tonight on loop, and in one of Tonight's comments, there was one saying how the vibes of that music reminded them of "Ti amo" so I played that one next and LOVED IT. Again, I played it on loop for a bit, til I saw a comment underneath it mentioning the "Ti Amo speciale" and J-boy, so that was the next one and then the chemistry in my brain was forever altered because I fell IN LOVE with that song. Remains my favorite one til this day. The rest of my initial playlist followed soon after.
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So by now it was almost the end of 2023, and it still hadn't occurred to me to look up their upcoming shows or something. I did discovered that they has come to my hometown at the end of 2022, shortly after I discovered their first song, and just assumed that they would return or come play somewhere near where I could attend. I'm not a big concert goer so traveling for a concert was not something I had considered at that point.
Around November 2023 I attended a wedding, and some of the people that were seated in the same table as mine made comments about how they were soon to attend the Corona Capital festival in CDMX and how one of their friends bailed and they had an extra ticket (reader, if you think that good news and a pleasant surprise are to come, you are about to be as disappointed as I was back then).
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