#CME Programs
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vijaykumarpradhan · 1 year ago
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Innovations in Mental Health Webinar Secure your spot for the upcoming mental health live webinar to uncover the advanced therapies and integrative approaches in mental health treatment
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emed123 · 1 year ago
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HIV/AIDs Research and Treatment Breakthroughs
Explore the latest breakthroughs in HIV/AIDS research and treatment, that have the potential to reshape the landscape of HIV/AIDS management.
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residencyinusa · 6 months ago
How to identify the best resource for CME preparation of your choice?
Continuing Medical Education (CME) is an indispensable pillar for healthcare professionals, facilitating the constant evolution and enhancement of their skills and knowledge in a rapidly advancing medical landscape. In today's dynamic healthcare environment, staying abreast of the latest innovations and research is beneficial and essential for optimal patient care.  
This article serves as a comprehensive guide, aiming to assist healthcare practitioners in navigating the vast array of available options and pinpointing the best CME resources tailored to their specific learning objectives and professional needs. 
Through a strategic and informed selection process, readers will gain insights into identifying and leveraging these top-tier resources, ensuring that their CME journey aligns seamlessly with their aspirations for continued excellence in healthcare practice. 
To Know more: CME preparation
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torchiiko · 2 years ago
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i drew this on my phone and spent way too long on it and then it didnt even save so i cant ever edit it again. i still have not seen either movie
original vers below the cut 👍
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ralfmaximus · 1 year ago
Remember that 737 MAX whose door plug blew out in flight?
A boeing whistleblower created a burner account and reported the following (reproduced here in its entirety in case the original gets deleted):
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Current Boeing employee here – I will save you waiting two years for the NTSB report to come out and give it to you for free: the reason the door blew off is stated in black and white in Boeings own records. It is also very, very stupid and speaks volumes about the quality culture at certain portions of the business.
A couple of things to cover before we begin:
Q1) Why should we believe you? A) You shouldn’t, I’m some random throwaway account, do your own due diligence. Others who work at Boeing can verify what I say is true, but all I ask is you consider the following based on its own merits.
Q2) Why are you doing this? A) Because there are many cultures at Boeing, and while the executive culture may be throughly compromised since we were bought by McD, there are many other people who still push for a quality product with cutting edge design. My hope is that this is the wake up call that finally forces the Board to take decisive action, and remove the executives that are resisting the necessary cultural changes to return to a company that values safety and quality above schedule.
With that out of the way… why did the left hand (LH) mid-exit door plug blow off of the 737-9 registered as N704AL? Simple- as has been covered in a number of articles and videos across aviation channels, there are 4 bolts that prevent the mid-exit door plug from sliding up off of the door stop fittings that take the actual pressurization loads in flight, and these 4 bolts were not installed when Boeing delivered the airplane, our own records reflect this.
The mid-exit doors on a 737-9 of both the regular and plug variety come from Spirit already installed in what is supposed to be the final configuration and in the Renton factory, there is a job for the doors team to verify this “final” install and rigging meets drawing requirements. In a healthy production system, this would be a “belt and suspenders” sort of check, but the 737 production system is quite far from healthy, its a rambling, shambling, disaster waiting to happen. As a result, this check job that should find minimal defects has in the past 365 calendar days recorded 392 nonconforming findings on 737 mid fuselage door installations (so both actual doors for the high density configs, and plugs like the one that blew out). That is a hideously high and very alarming number, and if our quality system on 737 was healthy, it would have stopped the line and driven the issue back to supplier after the first few instances. Obviously, this did not happen. Now, on the incident aircraft this check job was completed on 31 August 2023, and did turn up discrepancies, but on the RH side door, not the LH that actually failed. I could blame the team for missing certain details, but given the enormous volume of defects they were already finding and fixing, it was inevitable something would slip through- and on the incident aircraft something did. I know what you are thinking at this point, but grab some popcorn because there is a plot twist coming up.
The next day on 1 September 2023 a different team (remember 737s flow through the factory quite quickly, 24 hours completely changes who is working on the plane) wrote up a finding for damaged and improperly installed rivets on the LH mid-exit door of the incident aircraft.
A brief aside to explain two of the record systems Boeing uses in production. The first is a program called CMES which stands for something boring and unimportant but what is important is that CMES is the sole authoritative repository for airplane build records (except on 787 which uses a different program). If a build record in CMES says something was built, inspected, and stamped in accordance with the drawing, then the airplane damn well better be per drawing. The second is a program called SAT, which also stands for something boring and unimportant but what is important is that SAT is *not* an authoritative records system, its a bullentin board where various things affecting the airplane build get posted about and updated with resolutions. You can think of it sort of like a idiots version of Slack or something. Wise readers will already be shuddering and wondering how many consultants were involved, because, yes SAT is a *management visibilty tool*. Like any good management visibilty tool, SAT can generate metrics, lots of metrics, and oh God do Boeing managers love their metrics. As a result, SAT postings are the primary topic of discussion at most daily status meetings, and the whole system is perceived as being extremely important despite, I reiterate, it holding no actual authority at all.
We now return to our incident aircraft, which was written up for having defective rivets on the LH mid-exit door. Now as is standard practice kn Renton (but not to my knowledge in Everett on wide bodies) this write-up happened in two forms, one in CMES, which is the correct venue, and once in SAT to “coordinate the response” but really as a behind-covering measure so the manager of the team that wrote it can show his boss he’s shoved the problem onto someone else. Because there are so many problems with the Spirit build in the 737, Spirit has teams on site in Renton performing warranty work for all of their shoddy quality, and this SAT promptly gets shunted into their queue as a warranty item. Lots of bickering ensues in the SAT messages, and it takes a bit for Spirit to get to the work package. Once they have finished, they send it back to a Boeing QA for final acceptance, but then Malicious Stupid Happens! The Boeing QA writes another record in CMES (again, the correct venue) stating (with pictures) that Spirit has not actually reworked the discrepant rivets, they *just painted over the defects*. In Boeing production speak, this is a “process failure”. For an A&P mechanic at an airline, this would be called “federal crime”.
Presented with evidence of their malfeasance, Spirit reopens the package and admits that not only did they not rework the rivets properly, there is a damaged pressure seal they need to replace (who damaged it, and when it was damaged is not clear to me). The big deal with this seal, at least according to frantic SAT postings, is the part is not on hand, and will need to be ordered, which is going to impact schedule, and (reading between the lines here) Management is Not Happy. 1/2
However, more critical for purposes of the accident investigation, the pressure seal is unsurprisingly sandwiched between the plug and the fuselage, and you cannot replace it without opening the door plug to gain access. All of this conversation is documented in increasingly aggressive posts in the SAT, but finally we get to the damning entry which reads something along the lines of “coordinating with the doors team to determine if the door will have to be removed entirely, or just opened. If it is removed then a Removal will have to be written.” Note: a Removal is a type of record in CMES that requires formal sign off from QA that the airplane been restored to drawing requirements.
If you have been paying attention to this situation closely, you may be able to spot the critical error: regardless of whether the door is simply opened or removed entirely, the 4 retaining bolts that keep it from sliding off of the door stops have to be pulled out. A removal should be written in either case for QA to verify install, but as it turns out, someone (exactly who will be a fun question for investigators) decides that the door only needs to be opened, and no formal Removal is generated in CMES (the reason for which is unclear, and a major process failure). Therefore, in the official build records of the airplane, a pressure seal that cannot be accessed without opening the door (and thereby removing retaining bolts) is documented as being replaced, but the door is never officially opened and thus no QA inspection is required. This entire sequence is documented in the SAT, and the nonconformance records in CMES address the damaged rivets and pressure seal, but at no point is the verification job reopened, or is any record of removed retention bolts created, despite it this being a physical impossibility. Finally with Spirit completing their work to Boeing QAs satisfaction, the two rivet-related records in CMES are stamped complete, and the SAT closed on 19 September 2023. No record or comment regarding the retention bolts is made.
I told you it was stupid.
So, where are the bolts? Probably sitting forgotten and unlabeled (because there is no formal record number to label them with) on a work-in-progress bench, unless someone already tossed them in the scrap bin to tidy up.
There’s lots more to be said about the culture that enabled this to happened, but thats the basic details of what happened, the NTSB report will say it in more elegant terms in a few years.
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spacetimewithstuartgary · 4 months ago
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NOAA releases imagery from world's first operational space-based coronagraph
NOAA today shared the first images from the Compact Coronagraph (CCOR-1), a powerful solar telescope onboard the new GOES-19 satellite. CCOR-1, the world's first operational, space-based coronagraph, began observing the sun's corona, the faint outermost layer of the solar atmosphere, on September 19, 2024.
CCOR-1 monitors the corona to forecast coronal mass ejections (CMEs), which are large expulsions of plasma and magnetic fields from the sun that can produce space weather impacts on Earth.
When directed toward Earth, CMEs can cause geomagnetic storms and other types of space weather that can impact satellites, navigation systems like GPS/GNSS, astronaut safety, aviation communications and electric power grids. On Earth, the familiar aurora displays are the visible manifestations of these storms interacting with Earth's upper atmosphere.
CCOR-1 delivers uninterrupted coverage of the corona with a new image every 15 minutes. CCOR-1 uses an occulting disk (the dark blue circle at the center of the video) to eclipse the sun (depicted as the smaller white circle) so we can view the extremely faint corona.
The sun also dazzles with its small and large streamers, bright radial structures along which the solar plasma travels steadily outward. The CME explosions bend and sometimes disrupt the streaming plasma, buzzing past it at speeds of hundreds to thousands of miles per second.
CCOR-1 is the first in a series of NOAA coronagraphs. Similar instruments will be placed on the sun-Earth line and around the sun, as part of NOAA's Space Weather Follow-On and Space Weather Next programs, respectively.
GOES-19 is currently undergoing post-launch testing and checkout of its instruments and systems. After GOES-19 is assigned the operational role as NOAA's GOES East satellite in spring 2025, NOAA's Space Weather Prediction Center will begin using CCOR-1 observations to inform and improve its forecasts and warnings of impending space weather.
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unitchiefs-blackbirdphoenix · 9 months ago
CME 17x02 Spoilers/Thoughts
(there's a couple of theories I have regarding this ep that I will get to in a bit, but feel free to send in some if you have something now. Once again, I am late to posting this lol but I gotta do it before the next ep. Admittedly, part of it is a rewatch lol. And some revised stuff)
��Directed by A.J. Cook” let’s fucking goooooo!
Ok I'm also studying AJ's directing choices bc I love it so much and rewatching it is so much better now that I have some more thoughts
Okayyyy, I am still not enjoying this enucleation thing. I have a weird thing with eyes that I don't enjoy seeing
That is so fucking closeeeee ughhhh, damn AJ (love the suspense tho)
Ok JJ standing in the video like that is kinda funny ngl. She's just like 🧍‍♀️
"run his... big mouth" JJ you wanted to say "his fucking mouth" I just know you do
Marriage, kids.... I knew this would play out in some way, I've been saying this since s16!!
JJ and Luke team up!!
I love the continuous shot in the beginning (I'm no film major and I only have limited knowledge through like a few electives in film lol)
Tyler and Rebecca were kinda funny in this continuous shot haha
Yeah Garcia, I agree upon seeing those photos ugh
Babysitting Tyler ("not you Garcia", "I don't want to do it") 😂
Yessss JJ vs. Voit interrogation scene!!!
Luke and JJ pretending to be a couple pretty much reminds me of Derek and JJ pretending to be one in s9. I love their team up!
"Come on, it's so good" I'm sorry, I'm having thoughts with the way she said it 😳
She's got eyes in the back of her head, that's the mom thing I swear. Like that one ep in s8 with the girl in the house who killed her sister and faked trauma and she heard her coming.
"Not your wife, maybe." Yesss get him girl
JJ looks so good in this. I had to rewatch this bc I wasn't paying so much attention until halfway through lol
Now my evolution jemily fic is looking pretty good with what's happening so far...
"That hurts my feelings. That you think I care enough about you to betray my oath." That may be hinting something... and also get him girlll
Ulterior motive that he might try and find... and JJ just looks at him with a straight face
JJ smiling when he agrees to see the file
She looks taller than him (and I know it's her shoes but it's still funny)
Them walking away at the same time, love it! AJ's directing choices here! She knew what she was doing.
Jemily interaction (over the phone) love it!! Hey at least JJ's calling Emily by her first name and not Prentiss, so that's good 😂
"We'll get him on the record, Emily" "ok", they're so soft signing off, I'm sorry
Utahhhh (never been actually lol)
Emily being so confused hearing her name and going "ok" when Rossi hallucinated Elias 🤣
Emily is going to have some tunnel vision on the Gold Star case. She's dead set on it being connected to Gold Star.
Tyler and Tara are actually pretty funny in the car scenes ngl
Then we throw Rebecca in it. It's awkward haha
I know a lot of people have some thoughts on Tebecca and Tyler just as a character, but I honestly loved their car scenes together. It's pretty fucking hilarious and AJ having to direct them is so good.
Tyler did work in Afghanistan, so did JJ.... 👀 It wasn't mentioned when tho I don't think
"It's her deodorant" omg. Tyler feels so awkward hanging with both of them lol. Also wtf Tara 😂
"what do you see?" "Your obsolescence"
JJ's "I should've known" look, my girlllll
Voit is looking scared and quickly denies it.
JJ being a smartass back at him yessss
"Yes I do" "No you don't" with the scoff
Social contagion
JJ was so done with him
JJ was getting closer and he knew it.
Emily with a kid!!
Idk if this is intentional but the kid talking about his guilt and Emily talking to him and saying it's not his fault. Emily.... you (and like JJ and Rossi) need to listen to your own words
Behavioral modification program?
Ok I have mixed feelings about the whole scene with Rossi and Emily. Rossi shouldn't have done that in front of the officer yes, but also this whole time, Emily's been super biased and set on the fact that it could be Gold Star. Like yeah, it's embarrassing to have that happen publicly and I would've reacted the same as Emily tbh, but they still don't have the whole profile on Gold Star. How sure could she be? (just saying it here now: the case ended up not being connected to Gold Star)
Rebecca's phone going off and Tara calling her out on it lol
Poor Tyler (never thought I'd say that). He's so done with them
I know some people think it's childish of Tara and Rebecca fighting in the car but I'm like laughing over here ahahaha
Tyler leaving ahahahaha
I've seen people say it's a "Hotchniss" moment when she mentions him, but.... I don't see it. Not bc I don't ship them, but it's not really a good thing for Hotch or Emily. She basically said that Rossi would've never called Hotch out, like ever. Especially not in public. She knows that Rossi would've backed Hotch up no matter what and supported him, which I think is where people we're talking about in this scene. However.... Rossi is also right in what he says here. He shouldn't have embarrassed her like that earlier, but he calls her out on her biased thinking. That's way too many consequences to deal with emotionally, but also legally. (big spoilers on the case here: the unsub ends up dead).
The girls are fighting
Oh and the queer girls are also fighting lol
"Fibrous" Tara you just farted 😭
Tyler looking for more clues and there are passports involved and finances I think....
JJ's angry at herself
"Agent Jareau has proven herself untrustworthy."
Fucking kidding me? It's always a threat with the "BAU can't do shit"
Luke going in now!
JJ directing him on what to do yessss
"Let's get started" Voit just did what JJ said to him in the last ep. He's in control, like JJ was in the beginning.
JJ being proud of him tho aww. I enjoyed that little moment. It got them somewhere.
"Jennifer" fuck you
I can't tell if that's a lie or not, that the profile is all wrong. I'm still fucking confused.
Omg wait. The cuts between Voit talking to Luke and the unsub in Utah with his victims. I think it's supposed to show the audience that the team has to pretty much start their whole profile over. Especially with the Utah case going along with what he's saying. Everyone will believe the lie all they want, could get someone killed, the BAU's methods is profiling based on abusive childhoods affecting the unsub, and in this case, it got "someone killed before he could spread it" = the unsub. Because of this, the director will make the BAU not work with Voit any further bc they screwed up. Basically, the case is not connected and that drives the team farther away from Voit's answers and Gold Star as a whole.
"Jennifer" fuck you again
Garcia confirms Aiden Keller's not part of it.
Emily beating herself up again :(
Oh fuck off
Luke you're like... giving JJ another hearing trauma
Injure, Jean, Fear, dot, Z, Y, Q. (as everyone guessed, yes it is an anagram for JJ's name). So my initial thoughts was either a file or website link, and from an article, it's a website link!
(There may also be deepfakes involved according to AJ 👀)
I think this whole thing is still government or military related (JJ, Luke, or even Tyler would know)
I think JJ might be accused of committing a crime with the deepfake.
Also it looks like JJ might know something. The look on her face.
Onto the next ep!!
Ughhh this got me hooked now!!
Ok I just wanna say the directing choices especially in the cell scenes, AJ has said that the cell becomes its own character in a way. In this case, the cell (bars) could indicate who is really “in prison/behind bars”, Voit or JJ/Luke. It’s the most prominent with JJ and Voit tho bc there’s a lot going on. The closeups with the two of them, especially JJ, could be hinting at something. (And if you’ve followed the articles and interviews of the cast, JJ will be involved in some way). (Forgot about this in the middle of the post lol)
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overpoweredcacti · 8 months ago
Promo Pics and Synopsis for CME 17x08
Synopsis: The BAU tries to get ahead of Jade and Damien who are on a killing spree. Rossi must confront an old flame to unpack the secrets behind the Gold Star program. Tyler and Rebecca attempt to gain leverage over Elias Voit’s lawyer.
(source: Paramount Express Press)
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stories-of-the-nrm · 1 year ago
King of the North
Narrator: It was a solemn spring day in 1941. On top of hearing the daily news about the bombings throughout the UK, the LNER engines have learned that Sir Nigel Gresley had died at the age of 64. Sir Nigel Gresley was not only the Chief Mechanical Engineer of the railway, but also someone who many of the engines called their father.
(We cut to Sir Nigel Gresley's funeral.)
Narrator: Since the railway still needed to operate only a select number of engines were able to attend the service. Gordon, Scott, Mallard, and Great Northern were there.
(Mallard is crying while Great Northern comforts him while they remain in their engines.)
Mallard: He was so good to, to me.
Great Northern: I know, young one. I know. He was good to all of us.
(Gordon and Scott are standing by his casket. Scott's tearing up to while holding onto Gordon.)
Scott: I can't believe he's gone, brother. I never thought it would happen like this.
Gordon: That illness seemed to be worse than we thought. Humans are after all very fragile compared to us.
Scott: I know but still. He's our father! He made us. We wouldn't exist if he didn't create us.
(Gordon sighs.)
Gordon: At the end of the day, he was a business man. He always wanted us to compete for his favor. You saw how he praised Mallard. He only did it because Mallard broke the speed record.
(Scott looks at his brother feeling even more dejected.)
Scott: Gordon how can you say that? He loved us!
(Gordon backs away.)
Gordon: No. He loved you.
(Before Scott could say anything, Gordon goes back to his engine.)
Narrator: Scott wants to go after Gordon. He knows something is bothering his brother.
Great Northern: I suggest you leave him be, Scott. Gordon clearly needs to have some time alone.
(Scott turns his head.)
Scott: How can you be so cold, North? Gordon's our brother. He's the oldest out of all of us and would've known Sir Nigel Gresley the longest.
Great Northern: Scott you need to understand that not all of us were cared for by him the way you and Mallard were. Gordon has a lot of feelings about him that need to be processed alone.
(Scott looks confused and dejected.)
Mallard: North what's going to happen to us now? Are we going to be scraped?
Great Northern: No Mallard. We're in the middle of a war and are very vital to the evacuation program. We are at our top forms and can't be scrapped. While most of us are only given numbers, all of us are important. The railway can't afford to scrap us now.
(Mallard settles down.)
Mallard: I understand. So why are you not crying like myself and Scott?
Great Northern (sighing): I admit that I have similar feelings to Gordon. Our creator has not always been so kind. He might have been akin to a father figure, but we are still machines. He simply can not care for us the same way he would his own children.
Scott: Not you too, North. I've never seen him bad mouth a single engine in my life. How could you say that our creator was so cruel?
(Great Northern says nothing.)
Scott: I don't know what you and Gordon have been through, but our creator is still our father. No matter what happens, Sir Nigel Gresley would have never been so awful.
Time Skip
Narrator: Four years have passed as WWII ended. Great Northern had just been selected to be rebuilt by the new CME, Edward Thompson. It was the night before work began and the engines were allowed to have a party.
(Everyone is in their human form.)
Mallard: My word you look wonderful North.
Scott: Indeed. You look like a member of the royal army in that uniform.
(Great Northern stands in the middle of the room with pride.)
Great Northern: Why thank you. This is something that I will never forget. If only Sir Nigel Gresley was alive to be here.
Gordon (huffing): You wouldn't be in this position if he was alive. Sir Nigel Gresley would have never approved of your rebuild. Why you're still in fine condition just the way you are.
(Great Northern smiles solemnly.)
Great Northern: I understand your concern, brother. But for tonight, I simply want to enjoy myself. This is my first time out of my engine and I wanted to look my absolute best. I had heard that Scott brought a camera courtesy of his driver. Would you mind taking my picture in this uniform?
(Despite his bad mood, Gordon accepts.)
Gordon: Why of course I will. It wasn't my intention to try to spoil your evening. I will need Scott's help with the camera though.
Narrator: The brothers and Mallard all help with setting up the camera. Great Northern stands in front of the wall looking like a royal officer.
Mallard: This is an amazing pose.
Gordon: Just move a little to the left.
(Great Northern moves over a step.)
Great Northern: Is this better?
Mallard: Yes I think you have the right spot.
(Scott finishes setting up the camera.)
Scott: Ok so just stand still. I'm going to take the picture... now.
(There's a bright flash as the picture is taken.)
Gordon: Done.
Great Northern: Excellent. Now when will we know what the picture looks like?
(Scott thinks.)
Scott: I have no idea. I'll have to ask my driver in the morning.
Great Northern: I see. Either way, thank you all so much for making this night special. I hope to continue working alongside you once my rebuild is completed.
(They all hug.)
Mallard: You will always be our King of the North.
Great Northern: Thank you, Mallard. Thank you.
Narrator: As the night goes on, everyone enjoys themselves. When they were asked to go back to their engines, they all had hope that things would get better. Little did they know, a plan to make nation wide changes to British Rail affecting thousands of engines would be implemented just three years later.
AN: Shout out to @nlliah for requesting this interaction. If anyone wants to request a story feel free to send it in. The next chapters of The Great Race Rewrite and Time Doesn't Heal All Wounds will be my next releases.
Tagging: @pxmun2, @klein-sodor-bahn, @jayde-jots, @bluy1206, @sketalya, @ladychandraofthemoone, @fabianvalencia561, @eyesinspaceisgone, @ethereal-capricorns-blog, and @itsonlyprogrammed.
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doctorofwhut · 1 year ago
CME program on Long Covid I watched today explicitly called out medical gaslighting and mentioned that long covid patients were “victims” that needed support and validation of their symptoms and experiences.
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medcadre · 1 year ago
How to Become an Aspiring Medical Professionals in the US?
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Aspiring medical professionals in the US embark on a rigorous and rewarding journey that requires dedication, perseverance, and a passion for helping others. 
Here's a comprehensive guide to becoming a medical professional in the United States:
Educational Requirements:
a. Undergraduate Degree: Complete a bachelor's degree in any major, but it's recommended to focus on science-related fields like biology, chemistry, or physics to prepare for medical school prerequisites.
b. Medical School (MD or DO): Earn a Doctor of Medicine (MD) or Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO) degree. Medical school typically takes four years and involves a combination of classroom learning, laboratory work, and clinical rotations.
2. Premedical Preparation:
a. MCAT (Medical College Admission Test): Take and score well on the MCAT, a standardized test that assesses your scientific knowledge and problem-solving skills.
b. Shadowing and Volunteering: Gain hands-on experience in healthcare settings by shadowing physicians, volunteering in hospitals, or participating in research projects.
c. Extracurricular Activities: Demonstrate your commitment to healthcare and community service through extracurricular activities related to medicine or public health.
3. Medical School Application:
a. Strong Academic Record: Maintain a high GPA in your undergraduate studies, particularly in science courses.
b. Letters of Recommendation: Secure strong letters of recommendation from professors, mentors, and physicians who can attest to your academic and personal qualities.
c. Personal Statement: Craft a compelling personal statement highlighting your motivations, experiences, and aspirations in the medical field.
4. Residency Training:
a. Match Process: After medical school, participate in the National Resident Matching Program (NRMP) to match with a residency program in your desired speciality.
b. Specialization: Residency training typically lasts three to seven years, depending on the speciality, and provides in-depth clinical training under the supervision of experienced physicians.
c. Board Certification: Once you complete a residency, you become eligible to take and pass the board certification exam for your speciality.
5. Licensure and Continuing Medical Education:
a. Medical License: Obtain a medical license from the state where you intend to practice.
b. Continuing Medical Education (CME): Commit to lifelong learning by completing CME courses to stay up-to-date with the latest medical advancements and maintain your license.
6. Career Options:
a. Physician: Choose from a wide range of medical specialities, such as internal medicine, pediatrics, surgery, family medicine, or psychiatry.
b. Physician Assistant: Work under the supervision of a physician to provide comprehensive medical care.
c. Nurse Practitioner: Provide primary and specialized healthcare services independently or in collaboration with physicians.
d. Other Medical Professionals: Explore various healthcare professions, including dentists, pharmacists, optometrists, and audiologists.
Once you are ready to join organizations to offer your services, you need a platform to help you get a job. Check MedCadre, and you will get what you seek as an aspiring medical professional. 
How does MedCadre help Aspiring Medical Professionals?  
MedCadre is a one-stop solution to find the right job for you. The platform helps aspiring medical professionals get placement in the medical field. 
All you have to do is visit the website, click on the form, and fill it out with relevant information. Once we verify your Resume, we will get back to you. 
Becoming a medical professional in the US is a challenging yet fulfilling career path. With dedication, perseverance, and a passion for helping others, you can make a significant impact in your patients' lives and contribute to advancing healthcare.
Submit your Resume to MedCadre to enhance your career in the medical profession.
visit our site by clicking the link: https://medcadre.com/careers
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emed123 · 1 year ago
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Exploring the Links Between GERD and Mouth Cancer GERD Cancer Risk,
Dive into the intricate relationship between GERD and Mouth Cancer in the comprehensive exploration. Uncover the potential links, risk factors, and preventive measures.
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bhupender7956singh · 2 years ago
CPR in Redlands: Promoting Healthier Lives through Education and Certification
Looking for CPR certification in Redlands? Look no further! Palm Desert Resuscitation Education (PDRE) is your trusted provider of healthcare and non-healthcare classes, courses, seminars, and continuing education credits (CEUs) in Southern California. As an authorized training center for renowned organizations such as the American Heart Association (AHA), American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), and American Red Cross (ARC), PDRE is committed to delivering up-to-date education and information on life-saving techniques.
Valencia Lea Adult Mobile Home
3850 Atlantic Ave. (Hubbard Hall)
Highland, CA 92346
At PDRE, our mission is to reduce the morbidity and mortality rates associated with cardiovascular diseases, strokes, and other medical emergencies. We achieve this by offering evidence-based learning and professional education in accordance with the most current guidelines and recommendations from leading organizations in the field. Our dedicated team of highly qualified professional educators and experienced healthcare personnel ensures that you receive top-notch training and certification.
BLS Certification in Redlands
ACLS in Redlands
Whether you are a healthcare professional, an allied health professional, or a non-healthcare provider, PDRE has the courses and certifications to meet your needs. We offer a comprehensive range of classes, including CPR, first aid, Basic Life Support (BLS), Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS), Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS), Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NRP), and more. With both classroom-based and online options, we make it convenient for you to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to save lives.
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ACLS Certification in Redlands
PALS in Redlands
When you choose PDRE for your CPR certification in Redlands, you can expect nothing but excellence. Our instructors are passionate about empowering individuals with the confidence to respond effectively in emergency situations. They bring their wealth of experience and expertise to the classroom, ensuring that you receive the highest quality training. Through hands-on practice, interactive discussions, and real-life scenarios, you will gain the practical skills and theoretical knowledge needed to handle emergencies with composure and competence.
PALS Online in Redlands
NRP in Redlands
Not only do we offer certification courses, but we also provide continuing medical education (CME) opportunities. As healthcare guidelines and protocols evolve, it is crucial for professionals to stay updated. PDRE offers CME courses that cover the latest advancements and research in the field of resuscitation and emergency care. By participating in these courses, you can earn valuable credits while enhancing your knowledge and skills.
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At PDRE, we believe that everyone has the potential to be a lifesaver. That's why we also cater to novice laypersons who want to learn CPR and first aid skills. By making these courses accessible to the general public, we aim to create a community of individuals who are prepared to respond effectively during emergencies. Whether you are a parent, teacher, caregiver, or concerned citizen, our classes will equip you with the confidence and competence to make a difference.
So, if you're looking for CPR classes in Redlands, PDRE is here to meet your needs. Our commitment to excellence, evidence-based education, and professional certification sets us apart as a leading provider in the region. Join us in our mission to promote healthier lives and make a positive impact on the well-being of our community. Visit our website or contact us today to learn more about our courses and schedule your training. Together, we can save lives.
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neeraj297pal · 2 years ago
CPR Certification and Classes in Moreno Valley: Empowering a Lifesaving Community
CPR Certification and Classes in Moreno Valley: Empowering a Lifesaving Community
Introduction: Are you looking for CPR certification and classes in Moreno Valley? Look no further! In Moreno Valley, Palm Desert Resuscitation Education (PDRE) is dedicated to providing top-quality healthcare and non-healthcare courses, seminars, and certifications. As an authorized training center for reputable organizations like the American Heart Association (AHA), we are committed to empowering individuals with the knowledge and skills to respond effectively in emergency situations. Join us in creating a lifesaving community in Moreno Valley.
Valencia Lea Adult Mobile Home
3850 Atlantic Ave. (Hubbard Hall)
Highland, CA 92346
Comprehensive CPR Certification and Classes: At PDRE, we offer comprehensive CPR certification and classes to meet the needs of healthcare professionals, allied health professionals, and individuals from various backgrounds. Our courses cover not only CPR but also other essential certifications like First Aid, Basic Life Support (BLS), Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS), Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS), and Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NRP). Whether you're a healthcare provider or a concerned citizen, our courses will equip you with the skills needed to make a difference during critical moments.
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CPR in Moreno Valley
CPR Certification in Moreno Valley
CPR Classes in Moreno Valley
First Aid Certification in Moreno Valley
BLS in Moreno Valley
BLS Certification in Moreno Valley
Experienced Instructors: Our instructors at PDRE are highly qualified and experienced professionals dedicated to providing top-notch training. They bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the classroom, ensuring that you receive the highest quality education. Through interactive discussions, hands-on practice, and real-life scenarios, our instructors will guide you in developing the confidence and competence to handle emergencies with ease.
Flexible Learning Options: We understand that individuals have different learning preferences and schedules. That's why we offer flexible learning options to accommodate your needs. You can choose between classroom-based courses or take advantage of our convenient online learning platform. Our online courses provide the flexibility to learn at your own pace and from the comfort of your home, without compromising on the quality of education.
Continuing Education Opportunities: To stay up-to-date with the latest advancements in resuscitation techniques and emergency care, healthcare professionals require ongoing education. PDRE offers continuing medical education (CME) courses that cover the most current guidelines and recommendations. Our CME courses provide valuable credits while enhancing your knowledge and skills, ensuring you are at the forefront of healthcare practices.
Creating a Lifesaving Community: PDRE is committed to creating a lifesaving community in Moreno Valley. We believe that everyone has the potential to save a life, and it starts with proper CPR and first aid training. By equipping individuals with the skills to respond in emergencies, we aim to reduce the morbidity and mortality rates associated with cardiovascular diseases, strokes, and other medical emergencies.
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Join Us Today: If you're in Moreno Valley and seeking CPR certification or classes, PDRE is your trusted partner. Our commitment to excellence, evidence-based education, and professional certifications make us a leading provider in the region. Take the first step towards becoming a lifesaver and join our courses. Visit our website or contact us to learn more about our offerings and schedule your training.
Conclusion: PDRE in Moreno Valley is dedicated to empowering individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to save lives. By offering comprehensive CPR certification and classes, flexible learning options, experienced instructors, and continuing education opportunities, we strive to create a community of confident and competent responders. Join us today and be a part of the lifesaving mission in Moreno Valley. Together, we can make a difference when it matters most.
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imexi2025 · 5 days ago
What is Manufacturing Excellence?
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Manufacturing excellence is a strategic approach to optimizing production processes, reducing waste, and improving quality. It involves implementing best practices, advanced technologies, and continuous improvement methodologies to ensure maximum efficiency. In today's highly competitive market, businesses striving for excellence in manufacturing gain a significant advantage in terms of productivity, cost-effectiveness, and sustainability.
Understanding Manufacturing Excellence
Key Components of Manufacturing Excellence
Manufacturing excellence encompasses several crucial elements, including:
Lean Manufacturing principles
Advanced automation and technology
Data-driven decision-making
Employee skill development
Sustainable production methods
How It Enhances Productivity and Efficiency
By implementing Manufacturing Excellence strategies, companies can:
Reduce waste and operational costs
Improve product quality and customer satisfaction
Increase efficiency through automation and lean methodologies
Enhance workforce engagement and innovation
The Integrated Manufacturing Excellence Initiative
What is the Integrated Manufacturing Excellence Initiative?
The Integrated Manufacturing Excellence Initiative (IMEI) is a framework designed to integrate various best practices into a unified system. This initiative encourages collaboration, process optimization, and the adoption of modern technologies to drive sustainable improvements.
Key Goals and Objectives
Enhance global competitiveness
Promote innovation and continuous improvement
Encourage sustainable and smart manufacturing practices
Develop a skilled workforce
Benefits to the Manufacturing Industry
Companies participating in the IMEI experience:
Higher efficiency and productivity
Improved quality and reliability
Cost reductions and better resource management
The Role of the Center for Manufacturing Excellence
The Center for Manufacturing Excellence (CME) serves as a hub for research, innovation, and training. It provides manufacturers with the tools, resources, and expertise needed to implement best practices.
Smart Manufacturing and Its Role in Excellence
Smart Manufacturing integrates IoT, AI, and data analytics to enhance efficiency. Examples include:
Real-time monitoring of production lines
Predictive maintenance to reduce downtime
AI-driven quality control systems
Achieving Manufacturing Excellence in Modern Industries
Key strategies include:
Implementing Lean Manufacturing
Utilizing Six Sigma for quality control
Investing in employee training programs
Manufacturing Excellence Recognition
Companies achieving excellence can receive industry recognition through certifications and awards. These include:
ISO 9001 Certification
Shingo Prize for Operational Excellence
Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award
Challenges in Implementing Manufacturing Excellence
Common Barriers
Resistance to change
High implementation costs
Lack of skilled workforce
How to Overcome These Challenges
Encouraging a culture of continuous improvement
Investing in employee training and development
Leveraging government incentives and grants
Manufacturing excellence is the key to staying competitive in today’s evolving market. By integrating best practices, adopting smart manufacturing, and continuously improving processes, businesses can achieve superior productivity and sustainability.
What is manufacturing excellence in simple terms?Manufacturing excellence is the practice of optimizing production to ensure efficiency, quality, and sustainability.
How does smart manufacturing contribute to excellence? Smart manufacturing uses IoT, AI, and automation to improve production processes and reduce errors.
What is the Integrated Manufacturing Excellence Initiative? It's a framework that integrates best practices and technology to drive manufacturing improvements.
Why is employee training important in achieving manufacturing excellence? Skilled employees ensure higher efficiency, better problem-solving, and innovation in manufacturing.
How can companies gain Manufacturing Excellence Recognition?By adopting best practices, improving quality, and applying for industry certifications and awards.
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spacetimewithstuartgary · 3 months ago
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How the sun heals after plasma eruption: New findings on coronal dimmings
A research team has presented a mechanism that explains how coronal dimmings—darkened, depleted areas on the sun caused by intense plasma eruptions—recover.
This study offers valuable insights into how the solar corona replenishes after a coronal mass ejection (CME), advancing our understanding of the processes that drive extreme space weather events. With the current solar cycle nearing its peak, these events are becoming more frequent. The study's findings are published in Astronomy & Astrophysics, and the team includes researchers from Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, Politecnico di Milano, NorthWest Research Associates, the University of Graz, and the Kanzelhöhe Observatory.
Coronal mass ejections are giant, billion-ton bubbles of magnetic plasma that burst outward from the sun, reaching Earth in just a few days and triggering intense geomagnetic storms that disrupt the technology we rely on daily and, ultimately, impact our lives.
As recently as May 2024, an extreme storm forced transpolar flights to be rerouted, and spacecraft had to perform more than 5,000 maneuvers to stay in orbit. The challenge is that detecting a coronal mass ejection in its early stages is difficult; typically, these events are only spotted once they are well-developed and visible to coronagraphs that simulate a total solar eclipse.
However, we can track signs of these eruptions on the sun by observing coronal dimmings—dark regions that appear in extreme ultraviolet (EUV) images of the solar corona that indicate a loss of material during a plasma ejection and offer insights into its mass, speed, and direction.
The team developed methods to analyze the lifetime of coronal dimmings, revealing how and when the solar corona recovers and replenishes after a CME, using long-term, multi-viewpoint observations of coronal dimmings over several days from the onset of the CME.
"Thanks to high-resolution images from the SDO and STEREO spacecraft, we're now seeing coronal loops expand and brighten over dimming regions after CME eruptions. These loops, which appear both before and after eruptions, steadily cover and refill the dimmed areas, revealing the mechanism behind the sun's recovery process," says Giulia Ronca, a study lead author and graduate student of the Politecnico di Milano, who came to Skoltech under the Erasmus exchange program.
"We shouldn't study the signatures of solar active events in isolation," says Galina Chikunova, study co-author and Skoltech Ph.D. alumna, now continuing her research at the Hvar Observatory of the University of Zagreb.
"By extracting as much information as possible from solar images captured by various satellites, we can uncover unexpected relationships. We've observed that dimmings, the traces of solar explosions, often fade more quickly than expected.
"By examining both the darkened and brightened areas of the corona, we've uncovered the ongoing progression of coronal loops—an essential recovery mechanism that helps explain why dimming disappears sooner than anticipated."
"Coronal loops emerge in solar active regions, constantly forming and dissipating as they expand into the upper layers of the solar corona. While these loops are less bright than the surrounding structures, and are therefore challenging to detect, their expansion plays a key role in speeding up dimming recovery," added Skoltech Associate Professor Tatiana Podladchikova, a co-author of the study.
This study sheds new light on eruptive solar phenomena, offering valuable perspectives on the processes that govern the sun's behavior and its stormy mood.
IMAGE: Mechanism behind the recovery of coronal dimmings, driven by the expansion of coronal loops (shown in yellow and red) into the dimming region (gray). The CME structure is depicted in blue with dark gray footpoints, representing the core dimming areas. A dashed circle marks a nearby active region (AR), while the recovering areas of the dimming are highlighted in light gray. Credit: Astronomy & Astrophysics (2024). DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/202347934
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