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bornobsession · 8 years ago
Roy kim is a fucking GOD
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scoobydoozombieisland1998 · 8 years ago
eric nam is 12 years older than somi who just turned sixteen 
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wooperlooper · 6 years ago
a look at: ONF
ONF, a seven member boy group that debuted in august of 2017, under wm ent. below is a concept image from their debut album.
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this is a group i would occasionally see on my dashboard sometimes, but i didn’t pay much attention to this group (or any attention at all). for the past 2 or so years, i didn’t have the same energy i did following new groups’ debuts as before. i wasn’t the same person that would listen to nearly every single music release that came out from 1thek or cjenmusic (now stone, i believe?). so when i saw onf among other rookie boy group names, i didn’t spare them the time of day, as the little interest i had left in kpop was devoted to the 2 groups i closely follow. 
this was a mistake on my part.
ONF has no gimmick that sets it apart from other similar groups in the industry at first glance, but what was really mind blowing was when i decided to listen to new releases all of a sudden, in the beginning of march. their latest comeback, we must love, came out in the beginning of february.
the first thing that grabs your attention in the song are the verses, with the vocalists and rapper complementing each other well. but once the chorus comes, the sudden intensity is quite shocking but in the best way possible, and the rest of the chorus is just as fun to listen to. the verses come around again, but with more instrumentals in typical pop fashion. this is a well crafted song from beginning to end.
 i was immediately enamored, and wanted to know more. upon further investigation, i realized that this was the first time the group had a relatively more “dark” concept than before, as their first 2 comebacks had more of a bright, upbeat vibe (what i would expect from a group under wm ent). this came as a pleasant surprise, as their previous songs complete and on/off are even better than we must love. it seems that various people under monotree have written and arranged their music, so it really isn’t a surprise that i’ve fallen in love with ONF’s title tracks, as monotree have an extensive track record of beautiful music.
though on/off is their best title track (and their debut), it is the weakest extended play out of the 3 they have released, as the rest of the tracks are just standard boy group fare that doesn’t particularly stand out. but the title track itself is great, and is one of the best songs i have heard in a long time, especially amongst the sea of edm type releases in the industry that tend to be really weak. every time the chorus comes back, it returns better with its new musical additions. the melody of the instrumental in the verses after the chorus are nice, if not amusing.
their 2nd album complete contains the notable songs: the title track complete and fly me to the moon, a song performed alongside complete (though very rarely, it appears). complete is bombastic and wonderful, though i don’t find it as musically pleasing as on/off. out of the 3 title tracks released so far, i find myself listening to this one the least, maybe because i feel that some certain lines in the chorus are too disruptive.
fly me to the moon, in its first few seconds, has this mysterious energy, and this melody is used throughout the song and gives it an interesting feeling. while the verses and vocals during the chorus don’t necessarily feel as if they fit this melody, it still works. the only flaw is the somewhat weak bridge. the dance in its entirety, which i believe is somewhat changed in the above video, is beautiful to watch and is probably my favorite choreography i have seen from ONF.
the album we must love, other than the title track which shares the same name as the album (common for most groups), has the notable tracks yayaya and ice and fire. they are songs that are both good, but they take 1 or 2 listens to grow on you. yayaya has a great intro and the hook is dramatic, though this drama may let the chorus seem more dull in comparison. the synthesized violin right after improves the chorus greatly, and near the end of the song. ice and fire is a more subtle song, especially in its verses. but the catchy hook and chorus are what make this song good.
it seems that with each album, they seem to get better as a whole. i am definitely looking forward to their future releases. if they were to go back to a brighter concept, i think it would suit them a lot more (especially if they went back to something like on/off, but with a more focused choreography like their later releases). and if they were able to make very memorable ballads, that would probably be even better. ONF is a very promising group and i strongly dislike the fact that since they only recently came back, i’ll have to wait a long time until their next song.
a side note: i feel like one of the members, MK, has a striking resemblance in voice to jinyoung, (formerly of b1a4)...while i am uncertain for the future of b1a4, i am glad that ONF will be able to fulfill the longing b1a4 has caused me.
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Jin has been mistreated by BigHit for 4 years, he’s been forgotten on CJENMUSIC header on Youtube, some fake ARMYs are trying to justify Jin’s lack of lines in every single BTS’ song ever by saying that he’s just a visual, he isn’t stable enough, or he can’t dance and Jin stans are just pissed, tired and we just stand there like
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neonpinklove · 7 years ago
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On Saturday 10/14, when You are streaming Nu'est W “Where You At��� and the next time You launch the video the views surpass 3 million views….because that DID happen…You screen record the entire thing so You can have gifs that are real and look like this. You tweet them. Then You have to leave so You can’t fully attend to your Tumblr.
Then TWO hours later, You jump back in and the views are at 280- something-thousand. What the hell just happened? Why is it some 200K less? You know You didn’t dream it. You RECORDED it. From 5:42 - 5:52 am Central Time You recorded it. Yes, the recording is 10 minutes long and that video is only 3 minutes and 18 seconds, and You know exactly how long it is because you’ve been devotedly watching it and hardly anything else since Tuesday 10/10…but You had to walk away so it was recording a video on YouTube on an account where autoplay was turned off.
Anyhow, You have proof that it DID happen. Then You finish this view and jump over to CJENMUSIC’s channel. Now, here is the rub…when the official channel was at over 3M and You were screen recording it, You also had a different device streaming CJEN and that channel’s view count was only EIGHT THOUSAND away from 1,000,000 views. You choose to wait til it hits that nice magic number and then You will screen record that so You can throw that glory all over the interwebs, too. But, alas, You had to walk away so You did not do any of this for CJEN.
When You jump over to CJENMUSIC after you’ve been robbed on Nu'est official channel, You see you’ve been robbed here, too. 200 some odd thousand views have also been wiped from that view counter.
Now, You are all over that official channel’s comments about YouTube froze that view counter for TWENTY FOUR hours. From approximately 8 am 10/11 until approximately 8 am on 10/12 U.S. Central Time, that view count was frozen at…. 1,640,197.
You know it by heart because you’ve looked at that number for 18 of those 24 hours. A girl has got to sleep sometime….
You’re not tryna hear anything about bots this and bots that. That excuse is garbage, and this is why:
First: The criteria is a live human has to be present the entire time the content is airing? Even Nielsen ratings aren’t that strict. If it’s playing, it counts. You got doctor offices and Burger Kings left and right with a TV just on. Still counts. So whatcha saying YouTube is I’ve got to not avert my gaze once while viewing, let alone actually leave the room while the content is viewing? No potty breaks for you! YouTube needs to remote access into your device, access the camera, and watch You watch the video. Some retina scan might be involved. You’re not quite sure. ….GTFOH!
Second: Umm the service has an autoplay feature. If your views from a playlist don’t get to count, then You are gonna need an affidavit signed with YouTube blood that anything viewed solely because of the autoplay feature should also not count as a view. You didn’t actively select it. YouTube did that for You.
You are still actively streaming, and repeatedly telling YouTube that they are garbage. You are tweeting into the Twitterverse all of it: recordings, screenshots of your feedback. You will continue to do so whenever YouTube keeps robbing your boys, but still racking up advertising time & space and later bills companies for all of the ads You watch in full….and some of those are like damn infomercials all 30 minutes long ffs. Hey, if You watched that damn ad in full, then your view for this music video should also count.
You have not stopped being upset about continuously seeing this…. YouTube = 🐍
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anyhao-archived · 7 years ago
im so upset... @ god leave nuest alone holy shit? 
not only does youtube freeze the views on both the original channel + cjenmusic, for over twelve hours, and then doesnt count the views in that time period... BUT they actually have the audacity to TAKE AWAY views??? 
what the fuck? where you at hit 3 million views several hours ago, i saw it. now i went back and it was at 2.8m. im so upset What is going on??????
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onf · 8 years ago
How to Support ONF’s Debut!
If you’re interested in supporting ONF with their debut then this post might help!! The tutorials are linked with permission from the original poster, if you have an issues message me!!
💡 Physical Sales 💡
Places to buy from that help with charting:
Yesasia + 2 Posters
💡 Digital Streaming 💡
This is the most important aspect of supporting their debut!
How to make a MelOn account
How to download the MelOn App
How to buy a streaming pass
How to stream on MelOn
💡 YouTube Streaming 💡
Watch the music video on ONF’S official YouTube Channel. Streaming on CJENMUSIC helps, but not for all music shows. Prioritise the official channel.
Play the video without pausing from start to finish.
Have the volume on YouTube above 50%.
Play the video at 750p quality at the very least. If using a playlist set the quality to HD and it will remain HD throughout the streaming session.
Do not click replay/refresh the page when it’s finished as this will be considered spam. Search for the video again in a new browser or tab as well as in ingocnito mode (ctrl+shift+n on chrome).
If watching the video in a playlist, make sure to clear the browsing history and cookies every so often. [PLAYLIST]
💡 Music Shows 💡
This is a general guideline on how you can help ONF be more successful in terms of music shows:
SBS The Show
MBC Show Champion
MNet M!Countdown
KBS Music Bank
SBS Inkigayo
MBC Show Music Core
💡 Other Ways to Help 💡
Searching 온앤오프 on Korean sites helps with SNS points. Search on websites such as Naver, Daum and Nate!
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benji-bae · 8 years ago
Honestly when will GH ent. learn how to promote their artist properly? B.I.G has flop for 3 years straight, they should use another approach for Apple.B sigh I'm so mad why can't they learn from other companies sigh sigh sighhhh youtube is free just upload dance/song cover or something and release the teaser one by one not several members per day, only 2 out of 5 of them made it into soompi/allkpop article! Why don't they use 1theK/CJENMUSIC channel to release the teaser/mv. Just invest a little bit more, they're talented why would you waste such talent, you already wasted B.I.G sigh sighhh dumb company
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sailoriuppiter · 8 years ago
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I got angry that Jin was excluded from CJENMUSIC's YouTube header so I did a thing :)
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fuyu-r1n · 8 years ago
RANT RANT RANT.Call me a hater or whatever you want, I’m sick of this bullshit.
Lately I’ve been seeing a lot of drama around Jin with Seo Taiji’s remake of “Come Back Home.” 
I’m a Jin fan, and I love him just as much as everyone else who stans him. He’s my drive to almost everything and he’s the reason why I’m trying to be a better person for myself and for others around me. I’ve learned so much from him and he will always be my number one, even if I love all the other members, he’s special to me. 
Yes, I am annoyed that he doesn’t get enough lines or screen time, and yes I am annoyed he wasn’t in the banner for CJENMUSIC’s banner, they’re being rude and disrespectful to BTS and Jin for leaving him out, and thanks to many ARMY, they changed it. 
What I’m super annoyed at this point is how people started fanwars based on their own assumptions and calling Jin fans “antis” because they don’t “stand up” for him, and also spreading hate towards the company.
To start off, I’d like to say “Come Back Home” is a REMAKE of Seo Taiji’s original song, it’s NOT ABOUT BTS, IT IS NOT BTS’S SONG, IT’S SEO TAIJI, and to disrespect the legendary Seo Taiji by saying he’s “nugu” because people will only think of the remake as a BTS song, then you seriously need to do your research. Seo Taiji is HIGHLY RESPECTED IN SOUTH KOREA. Don’t assume BTS is the only group in the world that everyone cares about.
okay, let’s move on...let’s continue with BigHit.
Many ppl starts calling them “BigShit” because of the way they “mistreat” Jin. I get it, he doesn’t get enough lines in their albums, I’m upset as well. 
First off, BigHit started off as a very small company, they had nothing, for a company that starts off with nothing and still treats their artists like human beings is rare, do you think they would let Jin or other BTS members upload videos about them complaining about the company? no! if this was SM or YG, they’ll have to either leave the company to do so, or get into serious trouble from the CEO.
As for Jin’s voice. Jin said so himself that it’s unavoidable if his voice doesn’t suit the “color” of their songs. I agree and disagree to this, but it doesn’t mean BigHit has brainwashed him to think his voice isn’t for BTS and only suits ballads. If they don’t his voice only suits ballads, why did they even debut him with a HIP HOP GROUP??? Think about it. If Jin’s voice doesn’t suit BTS, why was he in BTS in the first place? why did they debut him as one of BTS? for visual? is BigHit that petty? is Bang PD that much of an idiot to put someone in a Hip Hop group just for looks? They’re saying his voice suits ballad because it’s soft and full of emotions, they’re not telling him that to put him down. BTS isn’t a group that sings about heartbreaks and love between lovers. Their main genre of music isn’t ballad, they don’t DO ballad. They can if they want to but that’s not who BTS is.
Secondly, when the producers reject his songs/melody etc.
If a melody or lyrics does not fit a song they’re producing, it doesn’t fit. There’s no use sugar coating it. Tae had his lyrics and melodies rejected just as much as Jin has. They’re artists who wants to produce quality music, The line distribution isn’t decided just by Bang PD and their producers, Namjoon and Yoongi are also part of the producing process. The other producers don’t half ass their job, if they do BTS wouldn’t be where they are today. Yes JK gets too many lines, but his voice is known to be very versatile and it’s just the right sound that suits BTS, I’m not saying Jimin, Jin and Tae’s voices don’t suit BTS, I’m saying JK’s voice is “known’ to be the “sound” of BTS, he’s the main vocalist. it’s not something you can just “create” just so people don’t get emotionally hurt in the process, it’s business, this is the real world, wake up.
Third. The case with Jin getting injured and BigHit “not giving a shit” about him. Have you stopped to think about the possibilities as to WHY they didn’t? BigHit has posted a statement in the past when Jin was injured during ISAC. They’re not neglecting him, and knowing Jin, he probably didn’t want to make it a big deal either. The case with Namjoon’s toe was because it happened the day before their last tour dates, wouldn’t people think “Geez, why isn’t he dancing like the others? what’s wrong with him?” it would make sense for the company to inform the fans that he wasn’t allowed to dance BECAUSE OF DOCTOR’S ORDERS, you think Namjoon would want the whole world to know he stubbed his toe that his nails were “lifted”? hell no!. Jin at Kcon was AFTER the performance, he probably didn’t want to make such a big deal about it and hope it would go away if he rest. 
If BigHit is the spawn of the devil, why would they bother to let the boys rest? they might as well drive them like slaves like the other companies do. BTS CHOSE to work hard, they CHOSE to practice, they’re grown men and they have a say in things.
Another thing I would like to point out and it has been driving me nuts...Jin did not cry because Japanese ARMYs clapped for him after Awake during that ONE tour, no, they’ve been clapping for him since DAY 1 whenever he finish singing Awake, this wasn’t a one time thing, don’t blow things out of proportion. I was at 7 out of 13 of their Wings tour in Japan, don’t tell me what I didn’t see.
Jin also got to sing an OST with Tae for “Even if I die, it’s you” If BigHit really treats him like shit, they would easily give that part to JK. 
As for Jin not getting any lines for Special stages, I’m also salty and disappointed that he didn’t get any.... but also he’s not the only one. The maknae line was chosen more of the time because their voices suits it more, can you imagine Jin singing a rock or rap song? (Don’t lie, we’ve all heard him rap) 
Another thing people have been pointing out is from Bon Voyage episode 2. Jin mentioned he makes himself act goofy and silly to see other happy makes him happy. Don’t misinterpret his words. There are many ways to approach this. From my point of view, I see Jin had taught himself how to be happy by making others happy, he’s not forcing himself to do things he doesn’t like, he said so himself he likes to goof around as well, he felt free. 
Lastly, calling someone “fat” isn’t emotional abuse. If you don’t understand asian culture and have only understood it from watching your oppa through a tv screen, then you need to do your research on culture. It’s very common in my country and in Korea to say “oh, did you gain weight?” or “oh, you got fat.” as a sort of greeting. I get called fat ALL THE TIME whenever I visit home, and I weigh 46kg. If Bang PD really didn’t care about Jin, would he pay so much attention to their growth? Bang PD mentioned how Jin’s down to earth personality doesn’t change, he watch these boys grow as their own sons, especially in Asia where showing “love” isn’t as open as what your culture would be like. (my parents still feel awkward saying “I love you”)
There’s so much more I want to say and my thoughts are all over the place, but I’m going to stop here before my blood boils. You can think whatever you want, you can send me hate calling me a fake fan or whatever, I’m simply stating my opinions just like you. I’m just sick and tired of teenagers with thousands of followers on twitter thinking they know shit when obviously they don’t even do basic research. It’s people like you who spreads hate thinking you’re spreading awareness that’s toxic to the fandom. How do you think Jin feels that he’s sandwich in between the company and you people? he’s stressed enough.
Basically, what I want to say is, don’t blindly believe what others say about BTS and BigHit, please judge them through what you know of them and not what people tell you after bending the truth. I’m not saying BigHit is the perfect company, a friend once told me “All bosses are evil, it’s just how they express it.
Jin wants to sing, he wants to shine, we all want him to shine and he shined like the brightest start when he sand his solo “Awake”, but don’t throw shit at the others, without the other members or BigHit, there won’t even be a BTS. Please know when to be grateful and when to speak up.
 I love BTS, I love Jin, Namjoon, Yoonji, Hobi, Jimin, Tae and JK, BTS isn’t BTS without all 7 of them. I will continue to support them despite what you think of me. I’m an ARMY and you can’t take that away from me no matter what. Don’t even bother to justify yourself and proof me wrong or some shit through replies and reblogs, because.....
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 I don’t give shit and I don’t give a fuck.
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[TUTORIAL] How to Help B.I.G on the Charts :)
We really want to see B.I.G charting better (or at least having more views on their MV), we have listed few ways to help them, if you have anything to add or fix, shoot us an ask
The MV will be uploaded on both CJENMUSIC and GH Entertainment channel, it will be nice if you can stream on both channels but to make it easier, we will accumulate views on CJENMUSIC channel
Make sure you’re logged out from your account.
Watch the video in HD, use auto HD extension so that you don’t have to change the quality each time.
Set the volume to more than 50% (you can lower your system volume but don’t mute it)
Do not touch the time bar while the video is playing and watch it until the end
Do not replay the video after it finish, reload your browser and watch it again, auto reload/auto refresh extension may help
Clear cookies/browser history every 5-10 views, watch in incognito mode is the best option, close your browser/take a break once in a while to prevent youtube count your view as a bot.
Watch in multiple devices and multiple browsers
Other things you can do on youtube
share the MV, do not reupload the MV, just link the video to the official MV (on CJENMUSIC channel)
like and give positive comments on the MV, PSA: do not fight in the comment section, be a nice, mature and full of pride fandom
create a playlist (put other B.I.G’s MVs on the same playlist or use both MVs from CJENMUSIC and GH Entertainment channel; using the same video too many times might create a suspicious traffic)
if you have an active youtube channel, put the MV as your featured content (my channel > video manager > channel > featured content)
if you make any B.I.G related video (color coded lyrics, line distribution etc), put the MV on your end screen, put the link on your description and comment and pin it.
Kville Entertainment make a ‘Top 60 Kpop Song’ chart every week, place your vote and help B.I.G stay on the chart until the 10th weeks.
Make sure your account is public (unlock/not private)
Use hashtags #비아이지 #HELLOHELLO #헬로헬로 
Add some words before, after, and in between hashtags to prevent being marked as spam.
10 retweets with the hashtags can give 1 point
RT tweet from B.I.G’s official twitter
Follow, subscribe, retweet, like and share posts from all of their official sns (links on sidebar)
Search for 비아이지 on korean search portal 
It’s recommended to search for them as soon after the MV released and after/during music show
Click on the news link, stay on the page for 1 to 2 minutes, clean your history/cookies and repeat it again
Sign up to the fancafe (tutorial)
Buy the album from sites that count towards korean charts (info)
Stream on korean music site/request the song on korean radio station
Buying their song on itunes/spotify didn’t count into korean chart but... just purchase it
If you made any edit/gifset etc on tumblr, always make sure to put the MV link in your caption, link it to CJENMUSIC channel
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blockbteam-blog · 8 years ago
[LIST] BBC’s Daily Schedule
Buy the physical album
SEARCH 블락비  & song title  on NAVER, DAUM,NATE and MELON
The Show voting ends at 12PM KST
Watch the MV on Tudou + voting
MCountdown ONLINE VOTING ends at 9AM KST
MNET japan/global
INKIGAYO pre-voting end
voting on SBS website
CHINA VOTING (laifeng)
KOREA VOTING (SMS to #1119/+821119/+82101119/00821119)
for nomination ONLY
Nomination check our twitter timeline
SEARCH 블락비 & title song on  NAVER, DAUM, NATEand MELON after perform on THE SHOW
Show Champion Voting start 12 AM KST
Idol Champ (3 votes per account)
Mango TV (every 30 minutes)
MBCplus webpage (iOS only)
INKIGAYO pre-voting start
voting on SBS website
SEARCH 블락비  & title song on  NAVER, DAUM,NATE and MELON after performance on SHOW CHAMPION
Show Champion Voting
Idol Champ (3 votes per account)
Mango TV (every 30 minutes)
MBCplus webpage (iOS only)
INKIGAYO pre-voting
voting on SBS website
MNET MCOUNTDOWN LIVE VOTING (SMS to #2336/+822336/+82102336/00822336)
for nomination ONLY
Nomination check our twitter timeline
SEARCH 블락비  & title song on NAVER, DAUM, NATEand MELON after performance on MCOUNTDOWN
The Show pre voting start
Watch the MV on Tudou + voting
Show Champion Voting
Idol Champ (3 votes per account)
Mango TV (every 30 minutes)
MBCplus webpage (iOS only)
INKIGAYO pre-voting
voting on SBS website
SEARCH 블락비 & title song on NAVER, DAUM, NATEand MELON after perfromance on MUSIC BANK
MCountdown ONLINE VOTING start 11 AM KST
MNET japan/global
The Show voting
Watch the MV on Tudou + voting
Show Champion Voting
Idol Champ (3 votes per account)
Mango TV (every 30 minutes)
MBCplus webpage (iOS only)
INKIGAYO pre-voting 
voting on SBS website
SEARCH 블락비 & title song on NAVER, DAUM, NATEand MELON after perfromance on MUSIC CORE
MNET japan/global
The Show voting
Watch the MV on Tudou + voting
Show Champion Voting
Idol Champ (3 votes per account)
Mango TV (every 30 minutes)
MBCplus webpage (iOS only)
INKIGAYO pre-voting
voting on SBS website
SEARCH 블락비 & title song on NAVER, DAUM, NATEand MELON after perfromance on inkigayo
MNET japan/global
The Show voting
Watch the MV on Tudou + voting
Show Champion Voting ends at 11:59 PM KST
Idol Champ (3 votes per account)
Mango TV (every 30 minutes)
MBCplus webpage (iOS only)
INKIGAYO pre-voting
voting on SBS website
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yugyeim-archive · 8 years ago
Idk if u like chill songs but i asked if u liked block b bc kyung just came out with his new song and its on the cjenmusic channel and i rlly liked it and thought u might too ^-^
Oh cool ! what's the name of it I'll check it out !
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tescodisxo · 8 years ago
I wholeheartedly agree but could you pls explain why is everyone 20x more pissed about Jin not being treated well today than usual?
i dont know what else to say other than, it’s been 4 years and it keeps happening, with them getting more popular it’s a bit ridiculous for it to keep happening. but i think the concept book was the start, the last few days have just been really bad because people are dismissing his treatment due to “vocal colour” thing, even though jin himself said he’s waiting for a song that “might” suit him. then you have the cover song situation and now the header where cjenmusic excluded jin from the graphics
i don’t think this explains it well but, it’s pent up anger and honestly, since bs&t most jin stans have been really upset and on edge (and other stans ofc!!) because he had one line that he shared, then the mv that shall not be named came out with spring day - 3 seconds screen time or something? and yeah it’s just a lot of anger just spilling over because things aren’t getting better
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writernxtdoor · 7 years ago
Mini Review of Wanna One ‘Boomerang’ MV
Mini Review of Wanna One ‘Boomerang’ MV
Wanna One’s new song, titled Boomerang is a typical love song that confesses of being deep in love with the woman and hoping to spend the rest of his life with her. Being completely honest, the song couldn’t make my heart race or even keep me focused. They were many tunes in its; EDM, Trap, Electro, and some betas did make my bob head, however, I can’t say that I liked the entire song. I don’t…
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highlightasia-blog · 9 years ago
Hi:Asia "Voices You Should Know": Kim Feel
Hi:Asia “Voices You Should Know”: Kim Feel
South Korean born, Kim Feel was the runner up contestant on the popular search for new Korean artists, ‘Super Star K,’ during it’s 6th running season in 2014, and his style of music is truly unique!
Kim Feel has been active in the industry since August of 2011, before his rise to fame following Superstar K. He is currently signed with CJE&N Entertainment and debuted with a song called ‘Marry Me.’
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