#CF 99
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pedroam-bang · 23 days ago
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Star Wars: The Bad Batch (2021-2024)
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amalthiaph · 9 months ago
Clone Wars era Bad Batch but it's Jimmy Neutron quotes
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Source: The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius S1 Ep 5A: Raise the Oozy Scab
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pabudayszine · 3 months ago
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Another artist preview coming at you! This time we have @lamiliani !
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prompts-of-bad-batch · 7 months ago
Are you lacking the creative juices to write that fan-fic? Or maybe you want to draw some fan-art, but have no ideas?
Well, my friend, then you have come to the right place!!
On this blog, I’m going to be posting not one, but two creative prompts a week, and you get to turn them into Bad Batch fan-fic/fan-art!! The show may have come to an end, but the fandom certainly hasn’t! I don’t want the beautiful fire of creativity that this fandom has to sizzle out for good, I want to fuel it and keep it alive!
But I can’t do this alone…
I need each and every one of you Bad Batch fans to do this!!
So, starting on September 1st, every week I’ll drop two prompts for you! Some will be just a vague idea or a single word, others will be more specific dialogue prompts. And the best part? No due date for any of the prompts! I’m just here to fuel your creativity my friend! There will be a few guidelines your art or fic will need to follow if you want me to reblog it (which I will do for all that follow the rules!) but they aren’t to strict, I promise.
Here’s the thing though…
I need you to help me create these prompts!
Do you have a good prompt idea? Please share!! Just put them in the ask box and who knows? Maybe yours will be chosen for a future week of prompts!
So friends, remember! September 1st is when the first set of prompts will be dropped. As soon as possible I will post the guidelines/rules for this, but until then…
May the force be with you!
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techs-goggles9902 · 10 months ago
Now this may not get a lot of notes but I worked really hard (over the course of several days and a lot of late nights) and I wanted to share this. I’m an amateur at best but i drew these with that one TikTok trend for my friend @dangraccoon (congrats on marriage!!) this is their OC Jaine Vale (go check them out!)
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As I said, I’m not the best artist but I’m really proud of these :)
Tagging my friends so it can get at least four notes 😭 @sevdidntdie @janthesevenette @fionajames @will-is-silly @imconfusedbutok @hellhound5925
(The last picture is a picture of my own hand that I traced because I CANNOT figure out how to draw hands. I traced the first pic because I started crying when I tried freehanding the hands.)
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daddycephalopod · 1 year ago
Every time the others kneel down to Omega’s height to talk to her, my heart explodes.
My ovaries do too, but that’s besides the point.
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pinetree-tbb · 7 months ago
"Precautioned Recording"
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
( tissue warning, because I made myself cry writing this )
- late evening on Pabu, a day after the events on Tantiss -
[ sits up in the tree on Pabu, listening to Tech's recording again ]
- You will be there for him, right?
[ slight audible outrage ] Of course I will, he's my brother. Di'kut head he is but he's my brother. [ calmer ] But, come on, he won't come to me, he doesn't even really like me.
Oh he does. I even think he was the first one to like you when we rescued you.
[ softly ] calling me out ey?
No. Just watch him. He's not much of a talker but his body language speaks sentences.
Don't worry, you'll get the hang of reading him eventually. [ audible smile ]
Well, guess he did managed that eventually. [ smiles ]
Right... The recording is still going.
Oh, right. End supplemental.
[ short static noise ]
[ leanes back at the trunk, lowering the datapad in his lap, closing his eyes ]
[ another short static noise ]
... Second supplemental...
[ confused, looks at datapad again ]
[ slowly and hesitantly ] Right... If you are hearing this Crosshair, that means that you deserted the Empire and decided to come back to live with us...
Well, obviously that's the reason...
[ a bit mumbly ] But, I suppose there could me other ways that managed you to gain access to this file again, [ quickly ] but I doubt it.
[ takes datapad in "both hands", looks at it ]
The reason why you are listening to this recording again is probably because you are having another panic attack and we are not around to help you, though given the fact that the war is over now and we have a rather calm live here on Pabu, I suppose you just listened to it for old times sake and hear me ramble...
[ sit's up more, listening carefully ]
But I suppose the many people on Pabu might overwhelmed you a bit and you just need some alone time.
Or there is another reason why you listen to it, could be, I can't look into the future. [ sighes ] Gaah that's beside the point...
[ rusteling from the audiofeed, sounds of scratching (like scratching the back of the neck) Tech sighes again ]
What I want to tell you... what I fail at terribly to say [ scoffs slightly ]
Is... that we don't blame you... After everything...
I am not...
And I know you, I know that when you regret something that you will go down this... Self destructive hole, where you believe that you're not worth it, where you believe that you deserve to be punished.
Don't try to deny it. It happened more times than I want to admit... [ takes a breath ]
[ softly ] But it's not true. It's not, true Crosshair. You are worth it and you deserve to be happy and save. You deserve to be loved, wich I do, we all do brother.
[ begins to tear up ]
You are one of us... You are my little brother, whether you like to hear it or not. I'm not angry at you because of the things you've done, you... weren't really yourself... You were made believe things and wasn't able to see... well [ sarcastically ] the big picture...
[ takes a shaky breath, whisperes ] Tech...
I... I hope the reason why you are listening to this is just because you came home and pressed play for old times sake...
And/or you need to have some time alone... [ sighes ]
... Just... [ softly ] please, remember. That you can still talk to us. All of us. Even Omega, she would love to be around you, I just know it.
[ softly sobbing laugh ] You were right on this one...[ sniffs ]
And if you don't want to talk with any of us, then that is okay too. You can talk to Phee. She will listen and understand. She will give you advice when she can and would later on tell you that the conversation didn't happen.
She's a good person. Kind [ audible smile ] and nice to be around...
[ amused ] Someone's in love?
[ clears throat ] You can wipe that oisk eating grin off your face.
[ smiles, sadly laughes ]
... Please don't cut yourself off. We are all still here for you Crosshair. You are not alone anymore and will never be again...
I won't let it happen...
Talk to us and stay with us... You're gonna be okay...
I Love you Crosshair... We all do... And always will...
[ sounds of someone coming up the ramp of the Marauder in the distance ]
[ audible smile ] Tech, come on, food get's cold.
I'll be right there Omega.
Copy that [ runs off again ]
[ inhales deeply ]
[ chuckles softly ]
I... I hope you came back. And if you did...
Welcome home brother... [ audible smile ]
End second supplemental.
[ short static noise, recording ends ]
[ let's out sobbing gasp which he suppressed, sniffs, looks up into the stars ]
I am... I am home now... And I will stay...
[ tears ran down Cross's face but he smiles into the stars ]
I love you too brother... And I miss you- [ voice cracks at the end, sniffes ]
But- [ wipes nose with his wrist, sniffs ] I'm sure we'll meet again... [ smiles, wipes away tears ]
[ sad but happy laugh ]
Some day... [ inhales ]
Some day... we will all be together again... [ smiles into the star enlightened sky ]
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gun-roswell · 8 months ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars: The Bad Batch (Cartoon), Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Clone Force 99 | Bad Batch (Star Wars) Characters: CT-9902 | Tech, CT-9901 | Hunter, CT-9903 | Wrecker, CT-9904 | Crosshair Additional Tags: ndtech2024, Neurodivergent CT-9902 | Tech, Cadet AU, Team Dynamics, Verbal Insults vs Fisticuffs, Neurodivergent Tech Week 2024, CT-9902 | Tech-centric, Fan Event Prompts Series: Part 1 of Neurodivergent Tech Week, Part 11 of Clone Cadet AU Summary:
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Tech gets into a fight, even he had been trying to use his words to defend himself.
 Fan Event: neurodivergent-tech-week.tumblr.com DAY 1: The Cadet Batch
Part of Neurodivergent Tech Week / Star Wars Clone Cadet AU series
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namesmox · 2 years ago
Denial is a river in Egypt Tech is happily sipping on mimosas with Phee on Pabu
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annwayne · 2 years ago
The Clone Wars
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S7 E1: The Bad Batch
These guys are clones? They don't look like clones to me.
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pabudayszine · 3 months ago
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Hello again all, we are back with another writing preview, this time from @jedipoodoo !
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loge2718 · 2 years ago
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techs-goggles9902 · 10 months ago
OH an idea struck and I just knew you were the person for the job 😌
I would like to request the Bad Batchs reaction to the reader blasting your favorite Ghost song on the Marauder 🤭 (also RIP to my fave ship 😮‍💨)
Head cannons or a one shot, it's up you 😊
TBB Reacts to The Band Ghost
Warnings: cursing, satanic music (duh), Hunter can't sing (eardrums tortured in a loving way)
Word Count: 1718
A/N: lmao I took waaaaay too long for this. I went super overboard with Hunter and well... I re-did it so I could post them all at once. No fr I went back and re-wrote the entire thing multiple times lmaoo
You couldn’t play it too loud, of course. Hunter was here. The others had gone to the docks littering the lowest level of Pabu. It was just you, your man, and your favorite rock band. 
You began to connect your datapad to the Marauder’s control panel. Hunter was who knows where, lurking around the ship doing who knows what. As your deft fingers tapped away at the buttons, you knew exactly what song to play. 
Hunter never minded you playing your music whenever the others were out, mostly because with all the different preferences of music, no one was satisfied whenever someone’s song came on - except Omega, who liked all her brothers music, bobbing her head to whatever was playing, but that was a different story. 
The pad of your finger selects your chosen song, a gray swirl floating around the screen as the datapad loads. You sigh and tap your foot impatiently. How long has it been since this ship has experienced your glorious, powerful tunes? How long has it been since the soundwaves have echoed through the durasteel walls of the ship? Too long. 
The swirl faded away and the familiar intro to your song starts blaring through the speakers. The loud piano fills the ship and you hear Hunter shuffle around the back of the ship.  
“Damn it, Wrecker,” you mutter as you fumble with the volume switch, turning it down to a more… healthier level. You turn around to face Hunter, who’s slowly uncovering his ears and staring at you wide eyed, as you mouth sorry. 
“Was that Zenith?” He asks.
“Yeah. But I didn’t know it would be that loud, sorry,” you reply, giving him a guilty look. 
“Don’t worry about it, cyare. Turn it up a bit. I like that one.” He comes over, wrapping his arms around your waist from behind. He presses a soft kiss to your temple and taps his fingers on your belly to the beat. “I saw some post on the Holonet about Zenith.”
“Mmhmm,” Hunter hums, “apparently it means ‘the final end’. Do you think that means Co-”
“No. Don’t. Copia lives forever and ever,” you cut him off, shaking your head. Hunter gives a low chuckle. You reach your hand up behind you to run your fingers through his hair.
“Play it louder.” He hums the tune of the song in your ear, swaying you gently. 
“This is not the right type of dancing we should be doing to rock,” you whisper. 
“Shhhhh… ‘s the best part.” Hunter leans his head back a little and starts to sing, “Time will soon be gone… Right will turn to wrong.” He’s incredibly offkey and he knows it, curling his fingers around your wrists, moving them up and down like he’s trying to make you dance. You giggle. 
“Winds come on strong! So, help you God! Call on meee…”
“Hunter, baby, love of my life, stop. Please, you’re killing my ears.” You grin, laughing as he whispers a soft ‘no’. 
“You’re set free!” He twirls you around and dips you dramatically. You can’t help but laugh. His chocolate eyes gaze into your own as he leans down and presses a tender kiss to your lips. 
“You can’t sing for shit…” 
“I love you, too, cyare.” 
The signature rapping of drums and the low strumming of guitars filled the Marauder. You sat back in the co pilot's seat with your feet up on the console. You imitate the drums, tapping your pointer fingers in the air like you’re Pebble or Mountain on their stage. 
Tech’s somewhere on the ship, findling with whatever needs repairing. You’ve all stopped at some backwater world, the rest of the team going out to the local town for supplies. Tech’s never had an issue with your music, in fact, he lets you blast it as loud as you want when it’s just the two of you. 
I have my headphones, he’s told you, you rarely get to play your music. I do not mind. 
But, you were nice enough to never play it on full blast. Just loud enough to feel every time the drummer’s sticks hit the instrument. 
You don’t hear the footsteps behind you, not noticing Tech had come to the cockpit until he touches your shoulder. You gasp, jumping a little. Tech’s big amber eyes widen and he allows his lips to form a soft smirk. 
“Scared?” He rubs the pad of his gloved thumb over the bones in your shoulder. 
“Maybe a tad, yes.” You grin, putting your hand over his. 
“Mummy Dust, correct?” He lowers himself down into the pilot’s seat, his fingers trailing down your arm before slipping off. You nod. Tech’s head bobs slightly as the tempo quickens.
You and him both mouth ‘dust’ as Tobias Forge begins singing. 
“I was carried on a wolf’s back…” you mumble.
“To corrupt humanity…” Tech whispers back. 
“I will pummel it with opulence…”
“With corpulence and greed…”
You both sing, “In God you trust… My mummy dust…” You look up at Tech with a grin and you both - him less aggressive as you - bob your head to the beat of the drums. Tech gives you a soft smile and a low chuckle. 
The pair of you sing the next verse together, alternating between lyrics. His eyes close and he tilts his head back against the headrest as the keytar solo begins. His slender fingers twitching slightly, as if imitating the musician. You watch with a little grin.
“Having fun?”
“You know, if we were to acquire a keytar, I believe I could execute that solo to perfection. With some practice, of course.” Tech opens his eyes and looks over at you. 
“Don’t get ahead of yourself, hun.” 
“I am merely stating facts, cyare.”
The intro to the song plays loudly out of the speakers. You bob your head to the guitars and tap your foot. You feel strong hands grab you from behind by your waist just before you could sit back down into the copilot’s seat. 
“I’ve been lookin’ so long now for you now you won’t get away from my grasp…” Wrecker sings along to the song, Phantom Of The Opera, giving your waist a gentle squeeze. You smile. 
“What’re you do-” You’re shushed as he whispers into your ear, “You put on my favorite song, mesh’la…”
His deep, rough voice carries over the ship’s speakers. He spins you around, holding your hands as he dances you through the ship. His smile never fades as he gently holds you but aggressively sings. 
“Watch your step, he’s out to get you!” He tickles your stomach, your laugh drowned out by the music. “Come what may… Don’t you stray… from the narrow way!”
He lets go of you to vigorously shred his nonexistent guitar. 
“You’re runnin’ and hiding in dreams. I’m always there… I’m the phantom of the opera, I’m the devil. I’m just out to scare!” 
“Wrecker, you couldn’t scare a baby tooka if you wanted to.” You grin.
He stops singing and dramatically gasps, “What?! This face has scared quite a few clankers in its day.” 
You roll your eyes with a joking scoff. The song ends a moment later and Wrecker leans close to you. His lower lip juts out slightly as he whispers, “I’m scary.”
“No you’re not.”
“Yes I am.”
“Nuh uh.”
“Yuh huh.”
Your finger hovers over the screen of your datapad, ready to play your song. You’ve settled on Respite on the Spitalfields when someone’s long fingers curl around your ‘pad from behind you, gently pulling it away.
“That’s a good song, but if you’re going to play Ghost, play a better song,” Crosshair rasps in your ear. His deft digits scroll through your playlist. 
“Oh yeah? What’s better than Sodo’s solo?” You turn your head to look at him.
“The intro to Secular Haze. But the If You Have Ghost version.” 
You cock a brow. “Not Infestissumam?”
He scoffs, “The intro for the one in If You Have Ghost is better. Tobias’ vocals are better in Infestissumam. They have their differences.” 
A smile tugs at your lips. “Okay, Cross… Didn’t think you were paying that much attention to my songs.”
“I always pay attention to the things you like…” His slim arms loop around your waist as he pulls you in. His lips hover next to your ear. 
“Oh… Well… what other songs have you been paying attention to?”
“Mm.” Crosshair pauses for a moment. “Take It From Everyone by that one band with the members from Ghost in it…”
“Drag Talk?”
“Mmhm.” Crosshair rests his chin on the top of your head, swaying a little and taking you with him. You lean your head back against his shoulder and let out a content sigh as the guitars break through the silence of the ship as Secular Haze plays. 
It was just you and Echo on the ship, for once. The pair of you lie on his bunk, your head on his chest with his good arm around you. His prosthetic feet tap against each other as your music plays through the speakers of the ship. 
His lips brush against the top of your head as he shifts a little. What sounded like a clock ticking cuts through the quiet of the Marauder. Echo looks puzzled. 
“Never heard this one before,” he whispers. You can’t help but grin a bit. 
“Just listen…” 
In this your time of need
You're turning to the light
You had just begun to explore the dark
In the urban night
Echo nods a little. 
The world is on fire
And you are here to stay and burn with me
A funeral pyre
And we are here to revel forevermore
He presses his hollow cheek to the top of your head as the song plays. 
“I like that… Kinda sounds like a love story.”
You look up at him. “I think it means like… The absence of God or something.”
“Well, I think it has something to do with love. The world burning but you’re here to stay and burn with me? C’mon, that sounds something like love.”
“Um… sure, hon.” A small giggle escapes your lips. “Whatever you say, Echo.”
He jabs a finger lightly into your side, making you squirm.
(no dividers since I'm lazy)
Taglist:@fionajames @will-is-silly @dangraccoon @hellhound5925 @skellymom @sevdidntdie
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ladykagewaki · 1 year ago
Re-blogging last year's Kid Batch Halloween 🎃
@zaya-mo @chrissywakingup @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond @aintinacage @ladykatakuri @marierg @isthereanechoinhere96 @thecoffeelorian
Bad Batch Kids: Halloween
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phantom-of-the-501st · 6 months ago
I love how Echo went from "I read the reg manuals for fun and insist we do everything by the books" to "I'm going to sneak onto this heavily-guarded imperial ship by myself and hope that I can get you guys on here too before I'm taken to an unknown location where I'll probably die. Oh, and I'm gonna do it by going up the droid chute."
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justanotherbadbatchfan · 6 months ago
I bet one of the happiest moments in Hunter's life would be finding out that Omega got promoted from sergeant.
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