#Michelle Ang
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queen-daya · 10 months ago
Free Therapy for Bad Batch Fans
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melymigo · 1 year ago
Every scene is a favourite!
Watch the final season of The Bad Batch streaming on Disney plus.
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pedroam-bang · 22 days ago
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Star Wars: The Bad Batch (2021-2024)
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lightwise · 1 year ago
I love them your honor.
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twinsunstars · 11 months ago
honestly i love dee bradley baker and michelle ang with all my heart, but i need more bad batch interviews that aren't just them. give me noshir dalal talking about his character and showing how he voiced those glorious screams in this week's episode. give me keisha castle-hughes talking more about emerie in a video interview rather than just an article one and what she thinks of emerie in season 3. give me jimmi simpson and how he nails hemlock's voice while not sounding like him at all in real life (at least to me based on whatever i've seen him in, I can't hear it). give me wanda sykes and how much she puts her own personality into phee.
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marvel-starwarsfangirl · 1 year ago
More Omega Appreciation
It's no surprise that I love Omega, I make that pretty apparent. After all, she's my sweet bean, my little sunshine. I adore everything about her. In fact, I'd put her in my top 10 fave characters because of the impact she's had on me. But what makes her so endearing?
To me, it's her hope and compassion for others. Omega is full of life and wonder. Every situation she's thrown into, Omega takes with full stride. I remember falling in love with her in the first few episodes of season 1 when she goes to Saleucami. I think most of us want to go back and relive childhood where everything new was exciting and magical. And while she's certainly matured over the course of this series, there's still so much wonder in her. We can call it filler, but don't deny how adorable Omega is when Phee tells her stories. The way Omega lights up around others and new situations is adorable and makes her incredibly likable.
I'll go back to my point about her hope and compassion. Omega truly sees the beauty and strength in others, no matter who they are. Where Hunter is always distrustful of Cid (and rightly so), Omega still tries to help her. Yes, Omega is child and she is naive, but I still find her traits endearing. With Batcher, she believes in the hound's strengths to survive even with Hemlock trying to tell her otherwise.
But the most important character that Omega's kindness touches in my opinion is Crosshair. She never gives up on him even though she could. All throughout her imprisonment on Tantiss, Omega keeps her hope alive. Not a day goes by that she doesn't look for a way out. Crosshair, however, has given up. Everything that's happened to him has broke his spirit. But then Omega shows up and the fight is put back into him. Throughout the entire show, Omega continues to believe in the goodness that Crosshair has within him. She's always the one to reach out to him. I love that about her. I feel that we need more people like her in the world. It's so easy to not care about something or dismiss someone who might have differing opinion. But Omega teaches us that a little kindness and persistence can go a long way. I honestly do see so much of myself in her as a result.
I don't get personal on here, but I'll just say that there are times in my life where I've been put in Crosshair's position. I've felt trapped in my own Tantiss. Yet, there was always an Omega in my life trying to help. Omega, to me, represents the pure love and hope that people, especially family, can have for each other. No matter how dark things get, she keeps fighting and hoping. She never gives up on her family.
She is the emotional core of "The Bad Batch." It's through Omega that the Batch begin to see life in a different lens. They realize that they don't have to be soldiers. They begin to grow in different ways. Tech and Crosshair become more emotionally vulnerable around her. Hunter and Echo become more paternal. And Wrecker gets to let out his inner child more around her. She shows them new ways to love and care for one another.
I hope sweet bean never loses her endearing traits by the end of show. Sure, she will have gained more life experience, but that light she carries better stay alive. It's so important. It's one of her best features and it leaves an impact on those around her. The Batch are lucky to have Omega in their lives. Guys, if you have an Omega figure, someone who's filled with love and joy and always supports you, give them an extra tight hug.
I'll get off my soap box now, but she is truly one of the best Star Wars characters to come out in recent years.
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quitoollero · 11 months ago
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May the 4th be with you! Celebrating this Star Wars day with Omega, all grown up and flying for the Rebellion! I loved the Bad Batch finale so much and I know there’s more stories still to tell about our girl so I’ve got my fingers crossed that we get to see them someday 🤞
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sudden-stops-kill · 11 months ago
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the bad batch
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queen-daya · 11 months ago
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Hunter Being Omega’s Dad -> The Summit
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melymigo · 1 year ago
Can we play The Bad Batch too??
The final season of Star Wars: The Bad Batch is coming February 21st, with a three-episode premiere, only on Disney+.
Taken from Star Wars and The Bad Batch Instagram account
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starrymush · 11 months ago
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“Crosshair is a lost soul”
“this little shining light to turn him around”
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lightwise · 11 months ago
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girl4music · 10 months ago
AKEMI: “I’ll be your student, Xena. You’ll take me with you. You’ll teach me everything you know.”
Oh, the audacity, Tapert. THE AUDACITY!
I swear this was riskier than the actual episode.
Xena. The woman warrior known for picking up young girls and falling in love with them. And then they die.
Except it was the other way around this time. Xena died. And the young girl had to live without her. Until she died and then they’d reunite again in another life.
And on and on and on. To me this was way better than “happily ever after” but I digress. I’m one of the very few longtime Xenites that actually likes ‘AFIN’. Appreciates it for its beautiful aesthetics even if the story is a little whack and the endgame is so unfair.
However, watching ‘AFIN’ in the Spaghettl Order is not that bad considering it’s a mid-season finale instead and ‘When Fates Collide’ rewrites the timeline and then it moves straight on to The Ring Trilogy.
Anyone else find it ironic that Xena’s sins with the most grievous consequences were unintended arson?
Cirra, Callisto’s hometown. A fire she never intended to cause wiping out Callisto’s family all except for her, resulting in her going on a life-long venge-streak to hunt Xena down and absolutely destroy her soul.
Higuchi, capital of Japa. A fire she never intended to cause wiping out 40,000 men, women and children because she was intoxicated and grieving over a young girl she had fallen in love with and committed seppuku to whose souls ended up becoming devoured by Yodoshi, Lord of the Darklands so that they died unabsolved, were trapped and had to be avenged.
It’s just ironic to me that the things that had the worst consequences for Xena were things she never even meant to happen. Has anyone else even picked up on this parallel and about Xena’s individual arc in general?
The things she meant to do, she never payed for.
The things she didn’t, she payed a huge price for.
It’s like it’s saying it doesn’t matter what she does - be it good or evil - she can’t escape from it and will suffer.
Imagine purposefully committing all these crimes, destroying all these lives and causing so much pain….
And yet you’re brought to justice over something you never even meant or wanted to happen. It’s insane.
But it’s as I keep saying. Redemption is not chosen. You can’t make it happen. It’s decided by others.
You can devote your life (and your unlife) to redeeming yourself from the evil you’ve done (or haven’t done)
It makes no damn difference because what YOU do wont’t ever matter. All that matters is what you do.
So absolutely,… the greatest consequences to your actions may not even be actions you ever intended.
Which just goes to show you how much actions in general do have consequences. There’s no control. Things spiral out of order and the chaos will damn you.
I understand ‘AFIN’. I don’t like what it’s telling me or showing me but I understand the awful message of it.
Redemption isn’t earned. It can’t be. It’s only decided.
It’s not up to you. You either get it or you don’t.
So whatever you do to atone for your sins or continue to perpetuate those sins doesn’t matter at all.
You just do it anyway because that’s all that matters.
Xena got let off for everything she intended to do.
But she paid the worst cost for everything she didn’t.
The only choice she could make in this was what happened to her. The choice to stay alive or stay dead.
She chose to stay dead and leave behind her love.
THAT is what ultimately redeemed her.
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westofessos · 11 months ago
Oh my god 😭
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hannahwatcheshorror · 4 months ago
💁‍♀️Strong Female Lead
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This movie doesn’t mess around. It has a story to tell and it tells it well. Found footage piece under the guise of an Alzheimer's project (that they are somehow getting paid handsomely for? Good on them for acquiring funding). Plays a bit on the “old people are scary” idea but much less than movies like The Visit.
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Deborah and her daughter Sarah are taking part in a study on Alzheimer's but there is something atypical about Deborah's case, she seems to be able to teleport a little bit and has quite an affinity for snakes. But pay that no mind for now! At first Deb is a normal lady who is just trying to keep her head on her shoulders and Sarah is the typical caring daughter who is being stressed out by the failing health of her mother but things quickly unravel. One night Debbie is nude in front of her old switchboard machine (that she used to operate way back when) crying and going on and on. The gang finds out that maybe Mama Deb has some secrets.
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When Deborah led the switchboard, she kept a lot of secrets for the people around town so maybe she found out something she shouldn’t have? Anyway they figured out she was switching the boards for a serial killer who was into some serpent demon stuff that would grant him eternal life but he didn’t quite finish the ritual (how sad). But maybe his spooky spirit is back to try and finish the job? But why with Deb? Because she is vulnerable and NO other reason (there is another reason). It comes to light that Sarah was going to be the final victim of the serial killer's way back when, and Deborah put a stop to it by putting a stop to the killer. A bold move from a bold lady. This of course put a target on her back for the angry spirit though and now Sarah and the camera crew need to burn his body.
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Debbie is pretty much totally under his control at this point and has kidnapped a fresh child from the hospital to detach her jaw and eat, really it is quite a sight to behold. It takes Sarah to scare her mom off with a gun and then she burns the bones. Everything seems relatively alright other than the fact that they are underground still and Deborah physically hurt. Deb still has to pay judicially for the crimes committed by the serial killer when he inhabited her body but she is deteriorating so quickly she probably won’t be seen as fit. The little girl who was almost all ate up recovers from her illness and it is implied that perhaps she is the reincarnated serial killer but they burned his bones, so no way, José. The movie ends happy for me.
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