Just another Bad Batch Fan
167 posts
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justanotherbadbatchfan · 12 hours ago
these silly screenshots make Hunter look like he's being the BIGGEST jerk lmao
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"ooOoOoOoOoOooooh you wanna go back to Tantiss??? you think that's a good idea????? yeah???????? ooooooh #bighero"
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"ooOoOoOoOoOooooh you shot an imperial officer?????? yeah?????? oooooh what a badass"
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justanotherbadbatchfan · 4 days ago
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justanotherbadbatchfan · 6 days ago
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Yes I know I spelt show wrong no I am not remaking this meme
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justanotherbadbatchfan · 10 days ago
All I can think of when listening to that song is Crosshair and Omega.
Do not listen to Fix You by Coldplay and think of the Bad Batch I repeat do NOTTTT listen to Fix You and think of the Bad Batch
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justanotherbadbatchfan · 11 days ago
Happy Anniversary to The Bad Batch!
Five (5) years !!!!! since their introductory arc in The Clone Wars Season 7 (February 21st, 2020)
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and one (1) year since the final season of The Bad Batch, Season 3, premiered (February 21st, 2024)
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justanotherbadbatchfan · 13 days ago
Clone Force 99 to Doctor Hemlock'
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justanotherbadbatchfan · 16 days ago
Okay, I can get behind this.
... ok hear me out, i have a batshit theory idea.
what if hemlock never got tech's body?
we only see him with tech's glasses, and no indication that he or the stormtroopers under his command were the ones who found his body once he fell.
that tidbit is important.
tech "died" on eriadu. eriadu is governor tarkin's homeworld and homebase. and tarkin, as seen in s1, is FASCINATED with the bad batch's capabilities. to have the smartest, and arguably most technologically knowledgeable batcher, is an opportunity i don't think he'd hand over to hemlock.
what i'm saying is that the winter soldier tech theory could still be true. even if it's not in the context of the original bad batch show, we still have the potential of imperial tech, even if he may be much older and wiser facing off against omega trying to break imperial programming and bring him home, a la bucky barnes.
i think an older omega facing off against a winter soldier tech is INFINITELY more interesting angle than it happening in the bad batch show, because of the depth of time since his death had passed. they all have grieved and moved on, keeping pieces of tech with them as they settled into their civilian lives and got their bittersweet ending. uprooting that approximately 12 years in the future, where omega had lived longer without him than she had lived with him (around a year post order 66, my timing with the later seasons of bad batch make more sense than the timeframe of s1 to me) would be INFINITELY more interesting and thought provoking than it would have been to bring him back in the bad batch s3.
and on top of the drama of a grown-up omega meeting an imperial tech and having to come to terms with the fact he survived, tarkin having his brain? having him working on the project stardust? foaming at the mouth. dying, even. (also itd be funny if tech and galen erso became friends at some point if tech was working on project stardust at all.)
not to mention the rest of the batch.
disclaimers: i know he's dead. his death makes sense with the rest of season 3 to back it up and subtly support it.
this is just a fun what-if theory.
if apollo's dodgeball of prophecy smacks me in the face in a few years' time i WILL be resigning from the internet and living as a hermit for the rest of my days.
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justanotherbadbatchfan · 18 days ago
The Acolyte is the only Star Wars thing that actually managed to make me angry. For most of it I thought it was pretty forgettable and middle of the road but then the ending happened. It felt so wrong how it framed Osha embracing the dark side as something positive and liberating instead of the tragic outcome that it really was. I can sort of get what they were going for but a Star Wars show wasn't really the right place for it .
Something I have not done. And I want to be real careful with this. I don’t personally hate any Star Wars show but it’s something I am interested in seeing. If you call anyone stupid for what they like or don’t like fuck off. Be civil.
Reblog for bigger sample size
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justanotherbadbatchfan · 22 days ago
Reblog to trample Pong Krell with an AT-RT.
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justanotherbadbatchfan · 23 days ago
Me when I see someone hating Hunter for trying his best to keep his family safe while living under the rule of an all powerful fascist regime:
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To all the Hunter critics please ask yourselves what you'd do if you found yourselves in the exact situation he was in.
Just as any person thinks when they have a beloved fictional character, I genuinely don’t understand how people could hate Hunter like he’s just trying his best to keep them all alive PLEASEEEEE HE LOVES THEM ALL SO MUCH
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justanotherbadbatchfan · 23 days ago
Do you think Nala Se was happy that the first four experimental batch members survived?
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justanotherbadbatchfan · 26 days ago
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Yeah, not surprised one bit.
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justanotherbadbatchfan · 27 days ago
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Michelle Ang wants to record the audiobook of the novel with Dee Bradley Baker yeah I’m cooked in the best way possible
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justanotherbadbatchfan · 27 days ago
Was hoping for something set after S3 but I'm cool with this too. Excited for more TechPhee and Phee in general since we didn't get that much of either in the show. Also Hunter POV, more Pabu, more Omega and Lyanna.
Hopefully there will be more bad batch novels in the future. I think that depends on how well this one does though. If we do get more I'd prefer if they're outside the show's timeline, like Cadet Batch, Emerie backstory, Rebellion Omega, Post S3 Pabu slice of life.
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justanotherbadbatchfan · 27 days ago
the [official] news about the TBB novel, and the fact we've got the TBB 4-part comic starting next week, makes me really really happy :)))
it's just nice to see The Bad Batch getting the love and attention and expanded lore outside of the show. i understand these things are years in the making, so yeah the comic and book were probably approved and started while the show was still airing, but their completion and release means there was, and still is, a significant interest in the show and expanding upon it.
will TBB have the reach and lasting power of The Clone Wars? maybe, maybe not. but to this very day, i read online about fans who are trying TCW and Rebels for the first time after all these years. so there's hope for TBB yet :)
in the meantime, i'll enjoy every morsel of extra content they give us!!! 💀❤️
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justanotherbadbatchfan · 28 days ago
" Even if she's always going to be Hunter for others he's the only Hunter for her "
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Omega and Crosshair's story in The Bad Batch season 3 mirrors Hunter and Omega's story in The Bad Batch season 1, but with Omega taking on Hunter's role and Crosshair taking on Omega's.
Something the show did really well in season 3 was prove just how far Omega has come, and how she's become so much like all her brothers in different ways. Personally, I see a lot of Hunter in her, mainly for the way she's always tried to emulate him ever since season 1. That's what started to lead me on this path to discovering that, in season 3, she takes on Hunter's previous role from season 1, especially where Crosshair is concerned.
As always with any analysis, this is a disclaimer that you may view these episodes in an entirely different way due to various biases, one of the most notable being based upon your own favorite characters and your own life experience. All I ask is that you read through carefully before chiming in with any counterarguments!
The basis of this analysis, or at least what clued me in to this, are these two moments, and the similarities of the stories Hunter & Omega and Omega & Crosshair have in seasons 1 and 3, respectively.
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It's important to note straightaway that these two stories do not line up exactly the same. There are, rather, thematic similarities, and enough potential parallels that bring everything together just enough to show us how everything falls into place and brings season 1 full circle in season 3.
At the beginning of season 3, Omega and Crosshair are both imprisoned in the same place. Regardless, they're both being treated very differently. Omega has more of an illusion of freedom in having time on her own while she tends to her tasks. Crosshair, on the other hand, is either held in his cell or is actively being tortured/conditioned.
Metaphorically, this was also where Hunter (and the rest of the Batch) and Omega were in season 1, too. Hunter and the boys had the illusion of freedom in getting to leave Kamino and participate in missions, but they still had a duty to serve the Republic with no real choice ever being presented. Omega, on the other hand, was confined to Kamino, even kept hidden for the most part as Nala Se's lab assistant.
The dynamic between Omega and Crosshair shifts when Omega gets older. As I pointed out in this analysis, Omega's growth, and her shift into the role of Hunter, is made evident through the use of shadows when she talks to Crosshair in his cell. When she's younger, she looks as if she has Crosshair's marksman tattoo. When she's older, the left half of her face is concealed in a shadow, like Hunter's skull tattoo.
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While this is showing Omega's growth by taking her from emulating the youngest of the Batch to the oldest, it's also foreshadowing how Crosshair is going to be taking on younger Omega's role, too.
It kicks off the strongest in episode 3, when it's time to make their escape. Omega insists on freeing Crosshair and taking him with her, despite him telling her that she should've left him behind—and that he wouldn't have thought twice about leaving her behind, either. But Omega refused to leave him behind. Why?
She's one of us. We're not leaving her there.
She learned that lesson from Hunter, who brought his entire squad back to Kamino just to free her from where she was being confined. Omega, now embodying Hunter's role, does the same for Crosshair here. She takes the risk to come free him and to make their escape together.
From then on, Omega actually calls a lot of the shots, if not all of them. Like Hunter, she's the strategist, guiding Crosshair but also considering and listening to his insight. Crosshair obeys, albeit more reluctantly than Omega used to obey Hunter—although she still used to protest if Hunter was sidelining her for her protection, so there are a few little similarities there.
(I would be remiss not to note here that the only glimpses we really get of Omega being a child again rather than the leader she learned to be from Hunter is when she's actually with Hunter. The face she makes when she runs to him during their reunion, melting into his embrace, snuggling Lula on the Marauder, leaning her head on his shoulder on Pabu... he's the safe space where she can fully relax and just be a kid again, because even if she's always gonna be Hunter for others, he's the only Hunter for her.)
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After the reunion, we see Crosshair struggling at first to be back with his squad as their new history stands between them, mostly due to Crosshair's own guilt and hesitance and Hunter's desire to learn more and understand what happened. Because of their issues, Hunter doesn't have the established trust he needs yet to help Crosshair the way Omega can. That's why Omega, in a way, takes on the role Hunter used to have in Crosshair's life—at least, in this season.
Omega is very protective of Crosshair during this time, in a way that's reminiscent of how fiercely protective Hunter always has been of Omega. Of course, Crosshair is also very protective of Omega, too, and we also saw this with Omega regarding Hunter (and the others) in season 1. She was constantly worried about them when they were on missions without her, and that relieved way she says Hunter's name when she realizes he's alive after his shootout with Cad Bane will always get me.
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The biggest thematic similarity between season 1 Omega and season 3 Crosshair, however, is their motivation, as far as the rest of the squad is concerned. Omega tries her hardest to earn their trust and their approval by training with her bow, strategizing, following orders, and more. Crosshair wants the same thing; he wants to regain the trust and approval he had from his brothers before everything happened. He practices shooting with his rifle and is frustrated when he can't protect them the way he wants to.
Just as Omega's past haunted her in the form of bounty hunters throughout season 1, Crosshair's past haunts him in the form of his hand tremor and CX-2. Omega's worst fear became returning to Kamino, and Crosshair's is returning to Tantiss. This is what they're trying to run from the entire season, despite the fact that all paths start to lead right back to those places.
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Eventually, the Empire becomes a threat again, and escape becomes impossible for season 1 Hunter and season 3 Omega, respectively. Both of them give themselves up to protect others. Hunter orders Tech to leave him on Daro, while Omega insists on turning herself in to protect Pabu and her brothers. They both do so without fear, intent on either getting themselves out of their situation or depending on their squad to help them.
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(Crosshair technically substituting for Tech here, too... I'm emotional.)
This is when we get the pinnacle of season 1 Omega's and season 3 Crosshair's arcs: they go back to the place they fear the most solely for the sake of their Hunter-figure. This action alone proves the growth they've done over the course of the story, as the trust, connection, and love they truly, deeply have for that person they look up to encourages them to be brave and to face their greatest fears to save them.
Season 1 Omega returns to Kamino for Hunter, and season 3 Crosshair returns to Tantiss for Omega. We all know that Omega is exhibiting peak Hunter behavior here as she looks after the younger children imprisoned with her to help them escape, but that's beside the point currently. We fast forward to their reunions, when the immediate threat is gone and the Hunter-figures realize what their Omega-figures sacrificed to save them.
Not only that, but they're also reminded that it was because of their own initial actions that the Omega-figures found the bravery and inspiration to conquer their fear. Season 1 Omega reminds Hunter that he had gone back to Kamino for her first, and season 3 Crosshair doesn't have to say anything for Omega to remember the way she risked her own escape attempt to free him from his cell first. They never gave up on each other.
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I, of course, don't miss the significance of Hunter being in the latter scene when this all happens. Again, while Omega may act like Hunter to many others, only Hunter himself can take on that role in her own life. Here, Hunter gets to see how his actions when they first took in Omega have influenced her and, now, his youngest brother. It's such a heartfelt and rewarding full-circle moment, with Omega being the mend between these two formerly torn-apart brothers. It's such a large step ahead from where they were before.
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The epilogue essentially becomes a lighthearted display of the similarities between Hunter and Omega. He stresses that he and his brothers want to keep her safe, and after reassuring him that she will be, she asks him to look over their other two brothers—proving that both of them are still protective as Hunter-figures over those they see as their Omega-figures. All the while, of course, they're protective over one another, too, even if it goes without saying.
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Essentially, Hunter became who he had to be to take care of Omega, and Omega followed that example to take care of Crosshair. This is, in my opinion, probably why we didn't get as much Hunter and Omega in season 3 as we did Crosshair and Omega, but not for the reason many may think. It was because Omega was already in Hunter's role, and Crosshair was in Omega's role.
It's really sweet to see how full circle the story has come from season 1. Crosshair is getting the treatment and attention Omega got in season 1, but he's getting it from Omega herself, because that's what Crosshair really needed. Hunter couldn't be in that role anymore because of their own hurt—plus, their relationship is just different. Instead, we get to see what Omega learned being passed on as she grew, and how it ultimately helped to heal Crosshair and the rest of them.
If you enjoyed this analysis, here are some other ones I've done:
Hunter and Crosshair in "The Return"
Crosshair taking the shot in "The Calvary Has Arrived"
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justanotherbadbatchfan · 1 month ago
I think my favourite thing about Omega and Crosshair's relationship is the fact that for the most part Omega is the supportive older sister.
It honestly wouldn't have made sense with any of the others since they had been well established as her caregivers since the start. Omega technically being older than them wouldn't have changed that.
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