I hope we get more Bad Batch related stories after this (in any medium), so many possibilities.
- More missions with the OGs
- Cadet Batch
- Missions with Echo before order 66
- Slice of life Pabu fluff
- Rebel Omega
- Literally anything about Emerie's backstory
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Clone force 99 has a new comic coming out on January 2025.
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This is my favourite clone expression, the Fett scrunch.
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Parallels my beloved <3
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Sigh 😍😍😍
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Yeah, Echo showing off his one-arm pull up is one of the moments I always watch several times over when rewatching "Rampage." Partially because I've been working on pull ups for years now and still can't do even one, so I'm always impressed by those who can. But also, it's Echo 😍
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Oh yeah Saw would definitely go this far for the sake of the greater good or something.
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bad batch ficlet
owkayyy i have a delightfully angsty bad batch fic idea that im so excited about and can’t contain so I’m sharing a snippet on here.
if only I could publish “They get into a situation. *insert delightfully angsty scene I’ve been writing in my head for days* “Then they get out of the situation. The End!”
“Saw, what is this?” 
Saw’s face is grave. He looks almost apologetic. “By now the whole galaxy knows that the empire wants this kid at all costs. Alive. And from our intel, we’ve learned exactly what they want her for.”
There’s a hint of something else there on his face, something Hunter can’t identify but scares him more than the ambush or the armed men or even the gun pointed at Omega. Saw continues. “If the Empire attains her again… it’s unthinkable, the amount of power it will give the emperor. It can’t happen. We can’t allow it to happen.” 
Hunter looks from Saw to the gun pointed at Omega, and back again. There’s a buzzing in the back of his head, as if someone far away is frantically trying to warn him of something, but he can’t quite catch the words. “Saw…”
“For what it’s worth, I’m sorry. I wish it didn’t come to this.” Saw’s face has lost its apologetic veneer. “We have no choice. The consequences, if they capture her alive again, would be disastrous. We can’t risk it.” He unholsters his blaster. “I’ll make it quick. She won’t even feel it.” 
It’s pity, Hunter suddenly realizes with crystal clarity. He ‘s looking at me with pity.
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Someone needs to make fanart of the Mon Calamari version of TBB
Rebuild the galaxy ep 1 got me thinking
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I wish it weren't so
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It's such an amazing episode dare I say a masterpiece. People who dismissed it as " filler " were out of their minds lol.
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need these two on my screen again more than i need oxygen
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I bet one of the happiest moments in Hunter's life would be finding out that Omega got promoted from sergeant.
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This is so adorable, lovely headcanon ♥️
Since the day she first encountered dirt, Omega developed a special interest in every type of terrain that can be found in the galaxy and their various properties.
The moment she steps on a new planet she dips her hands in the dirt and collects some to take back to the ship.
She info dumps so much about it, that Hunter has found himself dreaming about dirt more than once, he’s kind of scared of this.
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Canon as far as I'm concerned
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Yeah, I love both but prefer but Omega's story just resonated with me more.
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Very funny
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Genuinely would love to see them meet. They have such polar opposite worldviews despite sharing the same traumatic experience of losing a sibling. Similar circumstances too, both Tech and Steela fell to their deaths and both losses were sudden and untimely. Plus the extra layer of Saw being at least partly responsible (or fully depending on who you ask) for Tech's loss.
Basically let Omega beat the shit out of Saw after a lengthy philosophical discussion. 🧐🔪
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No wonder he left
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It's quite interesting how TBB wrapped up the Project Necromancer plot in a way that works just as well with the sequels as it does without them. I think that's kinda neat tbh.
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Some thoughts on "attachments" in Star Wars:
For as long as I can remember, there has seemed to be a lot of confusion around whether "attachments" are actually good or bad... And I think much of the confusion stems from the fact that "attachments" and "relationships" are almost always used interchangeably within the stories, even though they really shouldn't be.
Let's be clear: "attachments" as in selfish obsession/possession of self/others along with the inability to let go of people/objects/experiences IS A BAD THING because 1) that's not actually love and 2) acting on that fear of losing self/others is what makes one fall to the Dark Side. Anakin fell to the Dark Side because he acted on his selfish fear of losing his wife, rather than acting out of his love for her. He was redeemed later because he acted on his selfless love for his son. Anakin wasn't lost because he had a relationship; he fell because he insisted on acting selfishly - he had an attachment to Padme and wouldn't relinquish this possessive obsession with her.
However, the prequels establish that the Jedi Order mistakenly equated "attachments" with "love/relationships" - yeah, sure, compassion is fine, but according to the Jedi Order one apparently can't actually feel selfless love toward biological family members or spouses or children so they're just going to nip those relationships in the bud: if you join the Jedi, it must be when you are a child before you develop any clear memory of your biological family, and creating a nuclear family of your own is grounds for being dismissed from the Jedi Order.
I am very much pro-Jedi, but I have always - always, even as a kid - found the above application of avoiding attachments to be wrong. Just flat out wrong. It doesn't make the Jedi Order evil, of course, nor does it make the individual Jedi bad. Still, forbidding not only romantic but also familial relationships in the name of avoiding attachment is a mistaken, flawed, incorrect application of the principle.
And yet, Star Wars itself throws around the term "attachments" so loosely it still tends to be conflated with "relationships."
This view is even reiterated in Bad Batch, when Ventress tells the brothers that if Omega was Force sensitive and did want to train to wield the Force, she'd have to leave them behind. Of course, given that Ventress is partially a product of the prequel-era Jedi Order understanding of attachments, I guess it makes sense that she'd perpetuate this interpretation; however, it still muddies what is supposed to be the actual definition of "attachment."
Heck, even Din Djarin doesn't really understand what is meant by "attachment" - the Armorer tells him Jedi are to forego all attachment and Din replies that this is the opposite of the Mandalorian Creed which endorses loyalty and solidarity. They AREN'T opposites: loyalty and unity are not Dark Side traits nor do they define attachment (and I'm pretty sure the Jedi endorsed unity with each other) - in many ways, such traits are selfless. But the mistaken idea that attachment = relationships keeps being perpetuated.
Frankly, that's why I'm still a little disappointed by how Luke words the ultimatum to Grogu. Grogu needed the opportunity to make a choice, of course, and staying with Din might interrupt his Jedi training anyway should Din decide against staying on Ossus himself (which, let's be real, Din would do anything for Grogu so I doubt that would be an issue...); but framing it that Grogu choosing Din means "giving in to attachment" lowkey makes me want to pull my hair out. Grogu's love for Din is not and does not have to be selfish. He can still shun the Dark Side and act on the Light Side of the Force, act out of a place of calm and peace and selflessness in the defense and interest of those he cares for - and actually, he consistently does this in season 3, which is great to see. I just kinda wish Star Wars would more clearly and openly acknowledge this distinction between "attachment" and "relationships."
Because really, avoiding attachment to keep oneself open to the Light Side of the Force (and away from the Dark) can be boiled down to: **Don't be selfish and angry; do be selfless and calm.** Really, that's all there is to it. And Star Wars does a stellar job displaying this - with Jedi, too! - in the form of Kanan and Ezra in Rebels, so I hope they make this idea more common in the future.
Come to think of it, they do have an opportunity to pull off a similar feat in Rey's new movie and firmly establish what "attachment" really is, distinct from "relationships" - and if they do, well, I'll be ecstatic!
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I'll never get over how smol™ she was back in S1, especially compared to Boba at around the same age.
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Omega tucking herself in closer to Hunter when she’s scared !!! I’m unwell
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