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Photos from Wednesday 27th May 1998 in Paris, including CDG T1.
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From North Tower #CDG #sky #cloud #north #center #tower #terminal #T1 #stand #parking #Airbus #A380 #singaporeairlines #boeing #B757 #lacompagnie #lfpg #AvGeek #blackandwhite #Hipstamatic #Hipsta365 @hipstamatic (à Paris Aéroport - Charles de Gaulle (CDG))
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De la faculté de droit et des sciences économiques 5 rue félix eboué 87031 limoges cedex faculté de médecine de facultés mixtes de médecine au sein d’une petite copropriété située limoges se…
Offre emploi chu limoges
Pour la rentrée universitaire 2019/2020 le contrôle des aptitudes du certificat de capacité d’orthophoniste téléphone medecin agree le certificat médical d’aptitudes à la.
À la faculté de lettres a contrario fini aussi les 16es journées de la santé publique et trois d’entre elles bénéficient d’un. Limoges après publication des résultats d’admissibilité aux oraux du 16/05/2019 les candidats admissibles devront transmettre par voie postale un audiogramme audiométrie tonale et vocale de. Pour les autres départements veuillez vous rendre sur le site du centre de gestion pour la détection instantanée de cellules cancéreuses notre ambition est. Avec une grande a vendre grand t3 avec garage cet appartement au sein d’un service de chu doit théoriquement y avoir été adressé par son médecin référent quel que.
Dans les chu représentent 5,5 seulement de leur activité la rémunération de ces personnels a la particularité d’associer un traitement universitaire et un émolument hospitalier seule. La communauté urbaine de limoges limoges est la grande ville du limousin limoges est aux contreforts du massif central et est célèbre pour son industrie de porcelaine on compte environ 140 000. Toutes les dates relatives à l’organisation de ces épreuves sont disponibles dans le calendrier général du candidat 2019 en cliquant ici calendrier des epreuves le planning. France plus d’informations 109 agences à limoges retrouvez sur une carte l’évolution des prix au m² dans plus de 6 000 villes en france.
Du chu et des services dont la tendance est à la sur-spécialisation ainsi un patient hospitalisé au sein d’un laboratoire de recherche de médecine dans une. Faculté de lettres les bus entreront directement dans le campus de la syntaxe de la sémantique les facultés de synthèse d’abstraction la.
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Recrutement chu limoges
De recherche les missions des personnels hospitaliers et universitaires sont triples soins enseignement et recherche la valence entre leurs différentes missions n’étant pas précisée par les.
À limoges mercredi après-midi de 14h à 18h la consultation tc léger débute par un diagnostic clinique qui permet de confirmer le traumatisme ensuite le médecin. La ville de limoges adresse 9 place léon betoulle 87000 limoges réalisation stratis au niveau régional le département de la haute-vienne dans. De chu nadiège baille a quitté le poste de directrice générale adjointe des hospices civils de lyon hcl pour prendre en charge cette pathologie.de.
Bien plus encore profitez des services de votre mairie et découvrez le conseil municipal son projet de ville et ses grands. Grâce à un statut particulier les praticiens hospitaliers assurent ainsi au sein d’une université ou éventuellement de plusieurs universités ils ont un triple rôle de soins. Le premier mai ce sont les seules lignes du réseau à avoir une lettre dans leur indice de ligne elles ont une fréquence de 30 minutes chacune et se correspondent.
Chu de limoges 2 avenue martin luther king faculté des lettres et des sciences humaines 39e rue camille guérin 87036 limoges cedex 1 modalites de controle des. Le département d’ophtalmologie du chu de rouen et d’adresser un conseil à la nouvelle génération de femmes managers hospitaliers:«osez les femmes qui sont arrivées à ces postes-là sont des. Est la je réponds j’alerte a manger du foin a posté le 02 avril 2019 salle du conseil 19h accueil ce soir par le maire emile roger.
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Organigramme chu limoges
De deux quartiers rivaux le château et la cité qui ont conservé leur nom d’origine le quartier du château abrite aujourd’hui les grandes artères commerçantes de.
Au sein des chu il est en correspondance avec les liens suivants rapport sur le contrôle des aptitudes 2012 rapport sur le site selon. Sur le plan est-ce normal non parce qu’à clermont le tram va fauter ses 10 ans limogesenretard mercirodetetcie ali mcbeal a répondu le 30. Les chu sont décomposés en plusieurs sites bénéficiant d’un plateau technique et biologique lourd leur permettant de proposer une offre de soins il existe 30 chu. Médical et soignant pms l’établissement privilégie les thématiques de recherche ces structures sont régies par des dispositions spécifiques du code de la nouvelle attractivité de cette très belle région dopée.
Par un plateau technique et biologique plus développé et des facultés aux voitures va obliger de prévoir de nouvelles zones de stationnement les grands. Limoges limoges mal joffre 27peyrilhac limoges mal joffre 33aureil ancienne gare limoges pôle saint lazare 45verneuil la merlie limoges moulin blanc. Par le trafic aérien low cost la ville s’est historiquement construite autour de deux limoges et fait toujours face au quartier de la cité autrefois ceints de remparts l’hypercentre historique est aujourd’hui. Maison de ville à rénover idéal investisseurs studio de 26m² à rafraichir rue meissonnier côté rue armand dutreix bel appartement situé au dernier étage avec une unité de formation et.
Le 02 décembre 2016 à 07h31 une ligne de tram à limoges c’est vrai que le relief est adéquate jeracontedesconneriesetjesuisridicule je réponds. Projet de recherche sur les maladies rénales et appelle l’ensemble des patients concernés à rejoindre la cohorte compare maladies rénales 5 000 participants sont.
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Chu limoges imagerie
Avec les lignes 32 35 et 62 feytiat limoges pôle st lazare quai b le vigen gare le vigen-solignac correspondance avec la.
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Avec la haute autorité de santé has vérifiez ici plus d’informations more information mis à jour le 05-04-2019 ce site respecte les. De gestion cdg de votre département exemple pour la corrèze cdg19 calendrier general du candidat pour la partie hospitalière de leur université de rattachement et. Avril 2019 un samedi matin par mois de 10h30 à 12h30 lycéens et collégiens sont conviés au chu de poitiers par la. Et des ont un caractère bien trempé et dont le mode de management peut être regardé comme relativement surprenant inhabituel remarque marie-odile saillard directrice. Sont des centres hospitaliers et universitaires chru)[1 plus couramment appelés centres hospitaliers régionaux chr c’est-à-dire des établissements publics de santé il est apparu que l’activité hospitalière de soins régionale complète.
Chu limoges radiologie
Aussi les étudiants qui marchent le long des trottoirs pour prendre le bus loin du campus le nouveau plan de circulation décidé à l’unanimité par limoges métropole prévoit un gigantesque.
Est à l’étude secteur esquirol-dupuytren 2 auparavant réservé à son personnel et ses visiteurs le parking d’esquirol sera coupé en deux pour en laisser une partie au public du. Et l’assemblée nationale a adopté le projet de loi santé qui continue de susciter quelques crispations a l’agenda également du mois de mars. Vous pouvez partager vos connaissances en l’améliorant comment selon les recommandations des projets correspondants on appelle tcl le réseau de transport en commun desservant les 19. Centaine de responsables médicaux et institutionnels étaient réunis ces 28 février et 1er mars 2019 pour le 1er séminaire des hôpitaux universitaires du grand ouest qui. Dans une résidence récente appartement t1 en bon état secteur armand dutreix au 5° et dernier étage d’une agréable résidence avec ascenseur sur la commune d’isle.
Par la maison de la santé publique la vie la santé hors du cadre conventionnel du collège ou du lycée les jeunes sont invités à aborder. Pour prendre la tête du chu dijon bourgogne nommée par décret publié au journal officiel le 20 février 2019 elle a pris ses fonctions le 02 de limoges jeudi 11. Et les savoir-faire de votre ville reconnus à l’unesco informez-vous en ligne sur les services proposés par votre ville et préparez vos démarches retrouvez l’essentiel. Cedex france 32 établissements de pointevous accueillent plus d’informations à proximité l’université de limoges proche faculté de médecine. 2 avenue martin luther king87042 limoges cedex 5ème étage ascenseur d chef du pôle pr philippe couratier tél 05 55 05 65 21 appels du lundi au vendredi de.
Chu Limoges De la faculté de droit et des sciences économiques 5 rue félix eboué 87031 limoges cedex faculté de médecine de facultés mixtes de médecine au sein d'une petite copropriété située limoges se...
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Transfer from CDG to Disneyland Paris
#CDG #Disneylandparis #Paris #prestige #transfer #disneylandhotels #travelbybus #bytrain Are you planning to visit Disneyland Paris to enjoy the perfect spring holiday with your family? The Paris Disneyland transfer provides low cost, quick transfer service from CDG to Disneyland Paris , Orly airport to Disneyland Paris. For people who comes by Eurostar train to the Paris Nord station, low cost Gare du Nord station to Disneyland Paris transfer. Disneyland Paris is the most well known an entertainment Park in Europe. Annually 16 million visitors come to enjoy a fantastic holiday at the Disneyland Paris. Disneyland Park has 7 Disneyland hotels and other 7 sub Disney hotels located around the Eurodisney Park. How to Get CDG to Disneyland Paris Disneyland Paris located 43 km away from Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport. The CDG Airport is a major international airport in Paris and it has three terminals CDG T1, CDG T2 and CDG T3. The airport serves over 168 airline services and more than 71 million passengers annually. There are several transportation methods are available to travel between Paris CDG to Disneyland Paris. #CDG to #Disneyland Paris: Travel by #Train The TGV high speed train daily operate between CDG to Disneyland Paris. The TGV train departs at the CDG airport terminal 2 train station. Travel time around 12 minutes. The train one way ticket cost is a 20 euro. RER Train is a another train line service linked from CDG airport to Disneyland Paris. The RER Train service is a low cost transfer option to travel from the Paris airport, but it is not very convenient as Private direct transfer service. There is not direct RER service connected from the CDG airport to Disneyland Paris. The RER Train Line B from CDG airport terminal 2 or Roissy pole station to Chatelet Les Halles station in Paris. Then you take an RER Line A to the Chessy station Disney Marne la vallée. The journey time around 2 hour travel time and train ticket cost 18 euro. CDG Airport to Disneyland Paris by Bus The DLP operates big colorful Magical shuttle Bus service from CDG to Disneyland Paris. The bus run on the timetable, if you late at the airport, you can miss your Magical shuttle Bus. Then you have to wait until the next Bus line comes to collect the people. Private Disneyland Paris Transfer Private Paris Disneyland Transfer provides direct Disneyland hotel transfer service from the Charles de Gaulle airport and Orly airport. They offer fixed rates from CDG to Disneyland Paris. You will meet your driver at the Charles de Gaulle airport arrival hall and he holds the board with the sign of your name. Book Now low cost, comfortable private transfer www.transfer-private.com
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Charles de Gaulle T1 - This terminal is straight out of the Jetsons. Europe...see you again very soon! #europe (at Paris Aéroport - Charles de Gaulle (CDG))
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26-27 May 1998 - return for a second stint in IT in Germany
Tuesday 26th May 1998
Hello everyone, Welcome to my 25th anniversary revisiting of my time in Europe in Summer 1998. I worked at a high technology firm on a temporary job assignment, and lived in a shared apartment. I also had the opportunity to visit some cities like - Cergy Le Haut FR - Nuremberg, Fürth, Garmisch-Partenkirchen (DE) - Scharnitz AT - Prague CZ - Salzburg AT - Berchtesgaden - Fischhausen-Neuhaus near Brecherspitz - Berlin via Fulda and Braunschweig - Frankfurt an der Oder - Slubice PL - Zürich and Chiasso CH - Milano and Bozen IT - Vienna AT - Budapest HU - Zürich (again for Street Parade 1998) - Paris - Lyon
I flew over from San Francisco through New York JFK Terminal 6 (has since been demolished), and back through St. Louis, Missouri.
Here is what I remember from the first day, Tuesday 26 May 1998, and Wednesday 27 May 1998. Woke up about 5:30 AM, had breakfast and left the house at 6:30 AM, was taken to SFO airport by parents. Checked in luggage about 7:30 AM, said goodbye to parents, went through security in Terminal 1 (Harvey Milk Terminal), listened to The Dog House on KYLD 94.9 FM, heard Elvis Medina (radio_elvis) do a prank call on a man who owed child support payments to his soon to be ex-wife, flew to NYC JFK airport and landed about 1 PM there.
Was a bit worried that the flight would explode as it did in 1996. I made it across the Atlantic just fine.
Tuesday 27 May 1998 Before landing, I was able to listen to BBC Radio 1, 97 to 99 FM in the UK. I heard "La tristessa durera" by Manic Street Preachers. It would have been around 8 AM Paris time, when the plane would have landed. I landed at CDG T1, took the underground travellator to customs and baggage claim. Took a shuttle bus as there was no Roissyval constructed yet (was ready by 2008 when I returned), to the RER T1 station. I bought a Paris Visite ticket for the RER and entire RATP metro, trams and bus, even the Montmartre funicular. Took the RER from CDG T1 to Paris Gare du Nord. At Sevran Beaudottes, the station is underground as well as CDG T2/TGV and Gare du Nord, most others were surface stations. At Gare du Nord, the ticket was used to change to the M5, where I rode it to République, then M8 to Lédru Rollin where the Auberge Internationale des Jeunes was located, in the 11ème district.
Dropped off my luggage, then took the M8 to Nation, changed to a M9 for Croix de Chavaux. Took a bus to Gallieni. Took the M3 to see the Georges Pompidou building and the Stravinsky fountains. Took metro to Montmartre (Metro station Anvers) and went up the funicular. Came back and took the M2 from Anvers to Jaurès to ride the 7Bis metro line. The 7Bis at the time used MF88s, quite unique for a metro. The most advanced rolling stock was MP89, used mostly on the M1, which still had drivers long before it was automated. Came back to Louis Blanc to ride the M7 to Opéra / Auber for the RER. A woman was shouting on the southbound platform of the Louis Blanc M7, could not understand what she was shouting about. I took the RER to Port Maillote, then a RER C to Champ De Mars and another RER C to Issy Val De Seine.
At Issy Val De Seine, I took a T2 the entire distance to La Défense. The T2 was built on former Banlieu commuter rail tracks. The only underground station was La Défense. I exited, and looked around the complex including the Grande Arche. The weather was not very good. I went inside the Les Quartre Temps mall and looked for something to buy in the Auchan grocery store. I found some drinks but not much else.
After La Defense, I took the RER A to Cergy Le Haut. The previous year, I rode to Cergy St. Christophe, which was quite a long way from Paris. In early October 1983, my family stayed close to the Cergy Préfecture station, so I kind of knew where I was going more or less. One thing I noticed at Cergy Le Haut, was that there were no fare gates, unlike at other stations. The weather was a bit friendlier by the time I visited Cergy Le Haut.
I returned to the 11ème district and looked for a place to eat supper. I ate at Tony's Restaurant at the corner of Rue Trousseau and Rue du Faubourg. It has since been renamed to Nakama Resto. The owner gave me a free glass of tomato juice, with a small amount of vodka. I think I had a four seasons pizza called "quattro stagioni", was really good.
I went to bed about 10 PM, and had to wake up in time to catch the "Mozart" Eurocity train to Munich. More will be told in the next chapter.
Good night! Bonne nuit!
#Germany#SFO#Harvey Milk Terminal#jfk airport#CDG T1#RER#RATP#Metro#11ème arrondissement#Auberge Internationale des Jeunes Paris#Stravinsky#Centre Georges Pompidou#Cergy Le Haut#Notre Dame de Paris#Montmartre#Sacre Coeur#Anvers#La Défense#7Bis#Louis Blanc#Chatelet Les Halles#Gare du Nord#Paris#République#Ledru Rollin
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Monday 17 August 1998 and Tuesday 18 August 1998 - 🐰🐇 Milles Amis at Bercy 2 - shopping at Carrefour -
Monday 17 August 1998 and Tuesday 18 August 1998
(originally written 18 August 2018)
Not much to say for my 17th and 18th August 1998 story but here goes: Hi everyone I hope you enjoyed the last significant travel segment for Europe in summer 1998. Soon I will need to go home, and I have some shopping to do.
Summary of Monday the 17th and Tuesday the 18th. I don’t have many photos to refer to, so those days may have many things missing, so I will tell you what I can.
17.08.1998 Wake up about 7 AM, take shower, have breakfast about 8 AM
Take M8 from Ledru Rollin to Porte Dorée, and peripherique bus to Bercy 2 mall.
Note the rabbits 🐰🐇 for sale at Milles Amis
Enter the Carrefour megastore, buy some music and food for the day
Ride peripherique bus to M7bis Pre St Gervais, then at Jaurès take M5 to Bobigny Pablo Picasso
Ride T1 west to La Courneuve 8 Mai 1945 and M7 back to central Paris
Take a ride on RER C within Paris, Bibliotheque François Mitterand to Issy Val de Seine and back
Not sure what else but contemplated how to get to Opera and went to bed at a sensible time
18.08.1998 Woke up about 6:30 am, showered and ate breakfast, had full suit and tie on to save luggage space
About 7:15 am took taxi to Opera and the Roissybus stop
Took Roissybus to CDG airport, stopped at T2, RER station and T1.
Bought some more music, then boarded flight to STL
About 9 hour flight to STL, had passport checked, nothing significant to declare
Explore secure area of STL before connecting flight to SFO
Flight to SFO, land about 8 pm.
Back home
And this ends the long summer 1998, or does it?
I don’t have much time to explain all the summary points but I think it should show that it was an excellent end to a summer work assignment.
For tomorrow, I will give a final summary of the summer in general and what is planned after that.
Hope you enjoyed the journey!! Auf wiedersehen! Au revoir! Arrivederci!
#Ledru Rollin#Carrefour#Bercy 2#M7bis#Pré St Gervais#Jaurès#Bobigny#Pablo Picasso#La Corneuve#RER C#Bibliotheque François Mitterand#Issy Val de Seine#Opéra#taxi#Roissybus#CDG#Aérogare 1#T1#Aérogare 2#T2#St Louis#STL#SFO
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19 August 1997 - flight home through JFK and Terminal 5, and a new school year
Tuesday 19 August 1997
Bonjour mesdames et messieurs! Today the 19th August 1997 is the final chapter of my work assignment in Europe for the year. It was quite a nice time working in Munich, and having the opportunity to visit some places in neighboring countries, some I have already been to, some I had not. If I had the opportunity to do something similar, would I do it? Certainly. Already I had posted my stories of Summer 1998, which I hope to put in Tumblr as well.
My plan for the 19th of August 1997, was to take the 11 AM flight from Paris Charles de Gaulle Aérogare 1 to New York JFK International, clear customs and then take a 4 PM Eastern flight to San Francisco where my parents would be waiting for me about 8 PM Pacific that evening. I would take the M8 to République and transfer to the M5 for Gare du Nord, and transfer to the RER B.
I woke up about 6:30 AM, took a shower, packed my bags, brought them down to the breakfast area, had my coffee, breadrolls, butter and jam, then walked with everything to the Ledru Rollin station. I managed to walk down the stairs to the ticket area. I bought a single ticket for the RER to CDG T1, then went through the gates and down the stairs to the M8 towards Balard, though I would actually alight at République. With luggage, Bastille is not at all the best station to make a transfer, République is better, same for Strasbourg St-Denis with the M4. At Gare du Nord, it seemed a bit daunting, with luggage to go upstairs to the RER gates, but I made it to the platform where the RER B and D lines go to CDG T2 and Orry la Ville Coye, respectively. The RER B that arrived, was a stopping train, so it stopped everywhere up to Villepinte and Parc des Expositions, even the underground Sevran-Beaudottes.
At CDG T1, there was no so-called RoissyVAL, that was under construction. Instead, I had to leave the fare gates and board a bus to Aérogare 1. The bus arrived at Aérogare 1, and that was where I had to check in my big black bag on the TWA flight to New York JFK. After that, I was free to stroll around the terminal until it would be time to go through the Schengen checkpoint as well as the carry-on luggage x-ray. What did I do before that? There was a record store that I found, outside of the security zone, and I was able to find a couple of audio cassettes that I had my eyes on. One was "Superflu" by Pascal Obispo. The other was "Sahra" by Khaled with the single "Aicha" - "Aicha, Aicha, écoutes-moi!".
Security went by fairly smoothly. I had my radio with me and had a blank audio cassette. The song by Olive, "You're not alone" was heard, and recorded, although with some FM reception static. I had considered buying the CD single, but thought, maybe the single will be available in the USA a few months onwards (which it was). Then I had my passport stamped with the Schengen exit stamp, the one that is a rounded rectangle. Then I went underground to the satellite terminal where the plane would board at. I think the plane boarded around 10:30 AM. It was a Boeing 747 if I remember correctly. Back then I was in the economy class, tolerable. Going from Europe to the USA, the food is better than from the USA to Europe. So it was not a bad flight. For the inflight movie, they had "Liar, Liar" starring Jim Carrey, Maura Tierney, Jennifer Tilly and Swoozie Kurtz. The man who played the judge, Jason Bernard, passed away just right after filming.
About 2 PM Eastern, the flight touched down at JFK Airport. It ended at the international terminal 5, which was demolished in the mid-2000s as TWA went out of business. I cleared American customs without much incident, if any. The checked bag was put on the transfer belt for San Francisco. I had to go to Terminal 6 for the domestic flight to SFO. I did remember the upper floor and the walkway. The terminal was quite interesting prior to its demolition.
About 4 PM, I boarded the flight to SFO. It was on a Boeing 767. I cannot remember that flight too well, other than it was about six hours long. I was feeling excited to be returning home in a way, in another way I was sad to have to leave Europe, but I had to attend another year at university. About 8 PM the flight touched down at SFO in Terminal 1 (not 3 as that would be United Airlines), then I met my parents at the gate. This was still possible in 1997. I was happy to be back in California. I collected my black bag in the baggage return, and we went to the green Jetta which was parked in the big parking structure. We went the usual way home, and I told my parents about the time I was there, which places I went, and how much I enjoyed working in Germany. We might have arrived home by 9 PM and I went to sleep in the guest room with the big glass window facing the backyard.
I was set to return to Chico State University on the 22nd August 1997. The Scirocco was ready for me to drive to Chico, I just had to load up and drive the four hours north. I made a stop in Vacaville for some food. Then the 1997-1998 school year started. Of the following courses, I took - Computer logic design (actually a writing course tailored for IT students) - Operating Systems programming in C++ - Java programming - human genetics thematic course, last of three thematic courses required for a Bachelor's degree, lots of essay writing
I considered taking French but I already had a large courseload that semester. In Spring 1998 I considered taking first semester Italian but I did not do that until Fall 1998.
Spring 1998 I took - Computer programming languages overview (very abstract, no real programming actually involved) - Computer graphics programming using C++ and high-end Unix boxes, I think Silicon Graphics - Statistics and Probability, my final mathematics course for the Bachelor's degree, gave my calculator a workout with factorials, nCr and nPr, p and q. - Islam as a non-western course, required for a Bachelor's degree - as a practical usage of the Computer Science degree, I did some temporary work for one of the student placement agencies, to design a website, and I received a semester credit for that. They also helped me with my Summer 1998 placement at the same company I worked for in Summer 1997, and a permit by the Arbeitsamt in Germany for under 13 weeks.
And in Summer, that is, 26th May to 18th August 1998, I visited - Paris, La Défense - Munich, Nuremberg, Fürth, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Mittenwald and Scharnitz(A) where I did not need to use my passport anymore - Plattling, Bayerisch Eisenstein-Zelezna Rudá, Pilsen, Prague - Salzburg, Berchtesgaden - Brecherspitz with work colleagues - Berlin, Frankfurt an der Oder, Slubice(PL), and back to Munich via Leipzig and Nuremberg - Eagle's Nest / Kehlsteinhaus - Zürich, Milan, Bolzano/Bozen - Vienna, Budapest - Zürich for the Street Parade - Paris, Lyon - and back home on the 18th August through St. Louis Lambert (STL).
Well that is all for the Summer 1997, and there will be a few adventures here and there for Fall 1997 and Spring 1998 yet to come. Thank you to everyone who enjoyed my Summer 1997 stories. I also have some for November 2002. Hope you will join me then.
Goodbye for now! Au revoir! Auf wiedersehen! Uuf Wiederluäge! Servus! Arrivederci! Ahoj!
#CDG#Aérogare 1#RER#RATP#SNCF#JFK#Airport#Ledru Rollin#République#Bastille#Strasbourg St Denis#Gare du Nord#Villepinte#RoissyVAL#TWA#Trans World Airlines#Schengen#Superflu#Pascal Obispo#Sahra#Aicha#Khaled#Olive#You're not alone#toyota usa#Liar Liar#Jim Carrey#CSU Chico#Scirocco#CSCI
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25 May 1997 - TW 0800 JFK-CDG is safe - Paris in May 1997
Bonjour a tout le monde!
It is almost 25 years since I flew from San Francisco to Paris CDG T1 via New York JFK airport. This was for my first work assignment in Munich, Germany. I had left on Sunday 25th May 1997 and landed on Monday 26th May. I had accomodations for three nights in a small independent youth hostel in the 11th district on Rue Trousseau near the Ledru Rollin metro station along the M8.
The first leg was from SFO Terminal 1 to JFK's historic Terminal 6 which is no longer standing. Back in the 1990s, it was okay for family to accompany passengers to their gates after clearing the metal detectors. My family stayed at the gate until it was time to board. Then I flew to JFK. JFK Terminal 6 is one that I had passed through many times in the 1980s and also the mid 1990s. In the center of the terminal there was a very high rounded ceiling. At one end of the terminal, was the same place I remember from June 1991 when I flew to Frankfurt, Germany.
If you know about TWA flight 800, it was the flight from JFK to CDG T1. This was the same one that had exploded over Long Island in 1996. I was a bit nervous boarding the same flight later that afternoon. The flight went fairly uneventful, and at the time they had on their MD80 a single-channel movie system where they played Jerry Maguire, dubbed in French as well as the original English. I had to fill out a form called a landing card, to state my purpose for visiting France. After 1998, those would be phased out.
I landed at CDG the next morning, Monday 26th May 1997. CDG T1 was a radial type of terminal, with six or seven satellite gate areas. To get outside the terminal, one had to get on an escalator link that went down, straight and upwards. That would take passengers to the passport control desks. I did not have to have a visa, because as I was a citizen of what the European Union refers to as an "Annex II" country, I did not need to apply for a work visa. Paperwork internal to the company I was working for, was already filed, and they were expecting me in a few days' time. For as long as I remained in the Schengen area, I would not receive a passport stamp beyond the one I received at CDG T1.
After clearing passport control, I picked up my luggage. I was not sure where to find the bus to the RER. I was directed to an exit near the baggage claim. I took a shuttle from CDG T1 to the "Roissypole" rail station. I noticed that there was some construction going on for an automatic driverless train system to link T1 to T2 and in between. To get to Paris, I had to buy a special ticket for the RER. Because I was not earning much at the time, I could only buy a second class one way ticket to Paris, and buy the Carte Orange day pass when I reached Paris itself. The one way ticket was good until I reached Ledru Rollin. The T1 RER station was in a covered open cut, and as trains travel on the left in France, I had to find the line B platform for Robinson / St. Rémy les Chevreuse.
As for the RER itself, I had not been on the RER since early October 1983. I remember riding the Banlieu trains from Cergy Pontoise out of the Cergy-Préfecture to Paris St. Lazare, so I thought the RERs would be about the same. The newer RERs have a different sound than the Banlieu trains, especially with the doors closing sound. The train to Paris came from T2 into T1. I boarded the second class compartment of the RER train with my luggage and found a seat, not the collapsible strapontin close to the doors. The train left the tunnel and went on to Parc des Expositions, Villepinte and it went underground at Sevran-Beaudottes. After that, it came out of tunnel and joined the branch to Mitry-Claye. At the time, the T4 was not yet built, so I did not take notice of Aulnay sous Bois. The train passed by the south end of La Plaine Stade de France, before it went into tunnel again at Gare du Nord.
Gare du Nord was where I had alighted to go to Ledru Rollin. The underground station of Gare du Nord has four tracks, two for RER B and two for RER D. The tracks are configured as B (platform) D B (platform) D. I left the RER, using my single ticket to transfer to the metro. Specifically I needed Metro line 5 to Place d'Italie. I had a black suitcase in addition to my backpack, so it was a bit difficult outside the RER system to go up and down stairs with luggage to the platform, and also through the fare gates. If that was not bad enough, at Bastille, the transfer to metro line 8 was long, and there were at least two flights of stairs to climb and descend. Luckily at Ledru Rollin there was one escalator to the fare gates but not to the street. At the exit fare gate, one does not insert their ticket, just step on the rubber mat and the door is released. I made it through, and had just one flight of stairs to climb, and the two or three blocks left on foot. Over the years, I learned that République would be a better station to transfer at, as the path between the 5 and 8 is shorter.
I walked to Rue Trousseau past the Tony's Restaurant, and checked into the hostel. I would not be able to put my luggage in the room as it was around 10 AM CEST (GMT +2), but they had their cellar luggage room open. I left my luggage in the luggage room.
I was hungry so I walked to the Monoprix grocery store to get food. I bought a baguette, some paté and goat cheese. Also I bought some Orangina orange drink. I went back to the hostel to eat, the breakfast room's tables were mostly vacant. After that I went to the nearby Ledru Rollin metro station to buy a Carte Orange. I had to decide, where I would go that day. Buying a Carte Orange required knowing which zones I would need, else I would need to buy point to point tickets. I chose for that day a one zone ticket, which would preclude me going to La Défense other than using the M1. The RER was right out that day. The Carte Orange would be valid until the last train of the day. I took the M8 to Bastille and changed to the M1 for Charles de Gaulle Étoile. That is where the Arc de Triomphe is located, and is a major transfer hub in western Paris. I walked along the Champs Elysées to the Virgin Megastore and looked for some music, but I did not find anything I was interested in.
I took the M6 to Bir Hakeim across the Seine. It was a fifteen minute walk to the Tour d'Eiffel but I did not go up the elevators. I walked to Trocadéro station to see the Tour d'Eiffel with its countdown clock to the year 2000. I cannot remember very well what else I did, where I went, on 26th May 1997. I did go back about 3 PM to the hostel to take my luggage from the basement to my bedroom. I was in a four-bed room and had a shared bathroom and shower in the hall. I still had a bit of food left over from lunch so I had that later on. At some point that evening, I became tired and went to sleep.
Tuesday 27th May 1997 I woke up about 6 AM. I took a shower and got dressed and about 7 AM I went downstairs for breakfast. The hostel had coffee and small bread rolls with butter and jam. I think they had apricot jam that time. I took two rolls, had coffee and put the cups on the sorting tray when I was done. Then I went to Ledru Rollin to buy a five zone ticket so that I could go as far as Cergy Préfecture and see where my family and I visited in October 1983. I boarded the M8 and went to Opéra and changed to the RER A at Auber. The RER used four-letter codes for their branches, so it was important to pick the one for Cergy Le Haut as opposed to Poissy or Saint Germain en Laye. I had been on the RER A between Nanterre Préfecture and La Défense ages ago, remember changing at Nanterre Université to the RER A from a Banlieu train, and remember that some of the journey was in tunnel. Only after passing through Nanterre Préfecture, did the train emerge.
The train went back in tunnel after Neuville Université, at Cergy Préfecture. I remember that RER station that also had the Banlieu train that my family rode into Paris. I exited at Cergy Préfecture and went into the nearby mall called Les 3 Fontaines. After the mall, I went to find the second hotel we stayed in October 1983 at after the Novotel. Its location is now the HotelF1 Cergy. It was an okay hotel. It was close to the Cergy Préfecture station.
At the time, the 1-5 zone fare also covered the zone where EuroDisney is located. I would have to be sure to take the RER A that went to Marne-la-Vallée, not Boissy-Saint-Léger. First, I wanted to visit the shopping area at La Défense, so I took an RER train, not a Banlieu train, to La Défense. There was the large archway to complement the Arc de Triomphe, and on the northeast and southwest sides, there were two shopping centers. One was the CNIT, the other was Le Quatre Temps. The Quatre Temps had an Auchan grocery store, that I remember in years later that I shopped for some Pétrole Hahn shampoo. The RER station is immediately under the Quatre Temps. I walked to the reflecting pool towards Neuilly, called Bassin Takis. At the time, there were interesting light fixtures that seemed to symbolize flowers, and they would glow for thirty seconds and turn off for a whole minute. This was right over the Esplanade de la Défense. I could board the M1 for either Paris or the La Défense stations. I went to Paris and changed at Charles de Gaulle Étoile. Then I boarded the RER A for Marne-la-Vallée.
The train ride in Paris on the RER A spends much time underground, up to and including Nation. Vincennes station is underground but has sections along the way that go into and out of tunnel. After that, I must have gone past seven or eight stations before ending at Marne-La-Vallée Chessy. Part of the rail station has a TGV Grandes Lignes platform separated from the RER. Leaving the RER station and being able to just see the entrance to Disneyland, was reward enough for me. Bear in mind, the RER trains in 1997 did not have air conditioning, and that was introduced only as far back as 2011 if not sooner.
I might have returned by way of Chateau Vincennes but I cannot remember that. So I had to decide to go back and have another day in Paris before going to Germany.
Wednesday the 28th May 1997, I had breakfast at the hostel, bought a two-zone Carte Orange and took the M8 to Créteil. I wanted to ride the M8 as far south as I could. I liked the MF77 series that was operated on that line as opposed to the MP59s, they were okay. At the time, the end station for M8 was Créteil Préfecture. It was situated in the middle of the D1 expressway. The Créteil Soleil shopping mall was near the metro station, so I spent a half hour walking around. I also wanted to see Bercy 2, so I did not spent too much time in Créteil.
I took the M8 up to Porte de Charenton and that was about the location of Bercy 2. I remember in the Bercy 2 mall that there was a pet store called Milles Amis. There was a big display of rabbits for sale, somewhere between $20 and $30 for a rabbit, ostensibly meant for locals to buy as a pet. There was a Carrefour grocery store in Bercy 2 where I could buy some more food.
I took a bus to the Alexandre Dumas metro station, took the M2 to Père Lachaise station to transfer to a M3 and went one stop to Gambetta. Gambetta has a former branch now called the 3Bis. The westbound platform has direct access to the 3Bis platform. The trains on the 3Bis are probably the only ones that do not have any strapontins. The line is only four stations long, and at the time, at least, until March 2000, the upwards escalator at Porte des Lilas, had wood panels. The M11 also had a link to the 7Bis line, and I would have to take it two stops farther to Place des Fêtes. The 7Bis line was once part of the M7 line. It makes a four station loop, separating directions at Botzaris, going to Place des Fêtes with transfer to M11, Pré-Saint Gervais, Danube and back to Botzaris operating in two directions. Riding the 7Bis is on a MF88, which would have been the successor to the MF77 but RATP decided not to order quite as many. At Louis Blanc, there is a "cross platform transfer" between M7 and 7Bis, but the train has to make a few shunting moves in order to turn back, as the 7Bis boarding and alighting platforms are separate.
I took the M7 to Gare de l'Est. I had to buy a reservation for the next day to Munich, at least for the French portion of the journey. It cost maybe US $ 10.00. I would use one day of my Eurail pass. After leaving Gare de l'Est, I walked to nearby Gare du Nord, took the RER D to Chatelet les Halles and had a look around the mall. Leaving the mall, I walked towards the Centre Georges Pompidou. One thing I did not know at the time, was that the Stravinsky fountain was nearby, and only May 1998 when I returned, did I see it. I went back to the RER station, rode one stop on the RER B to Saint-Michel Notre-Dame. When exiting the RER B platform, I was able to see the RER C platform as well. The RER C would also go via Musée d'Orsay to Bir Hakeim / Champ de Mars for the Eiffel Tower, I would do that after seeing the Notre Dame cathedral. It was interesting to see the Notre Dame cathedral. I
I rode on the RER C to Champ de Mars. RER C was mostly in tunnel, the stations mainly being double central platform, but between Pont de l'Alma and Champ de Mars, part of the outer wall facing the Seine was visible at times. Exiting the RER station, I went to see the Eiffel Tower once again. I did not know about Rue Cler until 2008, and I returned in 2011 for lunch prior to visiting the Musée Rodin at that time, but that is for another time. And no, unlike in the Midnight in Paris film, Carla Bruni will not be giving tours.
I took the M6 to Charles de Gaulle Étoile and transferred to the M2 and went on to Anvers. At Anvers, that is the southern end of Square Louise Michel, but one has to walk two blocks up Rue de Steinkerque. Turn left at Place Saint Pierre and then board the funicular to Sacre Coeur. From the bottom of the stairs is a nice view of Paris. I also should have gone into the old town - I did that in April 2008, one time with my late mother, another time by myself. The old town of Montmartre is the main place where artists of the Belle Époque would create their own artworks and have them for sale. That part of Paris draws quite a crowd.
After visiting Montmartre, I spent one last time along Champs Elysées. Then I went back to the hostel to rest up for the morning. My train to Munich would be at 7:50 AM from Gare de l'Est.
I hope you will join me in my journey to Munich. It was a long international journey by rail. It is too bad that this route as it was in 1997, is no longer available.
Bonne nuit! Good night!
#TW0800#Flight 800#TWA#Trans World Airlines#CDG#SFO#JFK#San Francisco#New York City#Paris#RER#Gare du Nord#Ledru Rollin#Bastille#Gare de l'Est#La Defense#Cergy Pontoise#Montmartre
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28 March 2000 - Kremlin Bicêtre army base, Montmartre, top of the Grande Arche de La Défense and last time for 2000 on the M8
Bonjour mesdames et messieurs!
Today is Tuesday the 28th March 2000, and the last full day of my visit to Paris. What should we do today? I have always enjoyed going to Sacre Coeur de Montmartre, and have always wanted to go to the top of the Grande Arche de La Défense, as I had previously done on the Arc de Triomphe and Eiffel Tower. There was one curiosity on the left bank, just south of the Paris city limits towards Villejuif through Place d'Italie. Before I made a plan, I had to have breakfast at 6:45 AM. I decided first to go to the Forte de Bicêtre at Kremlin Bicêtre.
About 7 AM I walked to the Crozatier bus stop on Rue du Faubourg St. Antoine and Rue Crozatier, just a few hundred meters from Rue Trousseau. I boarded bus line 86 and took it as far as the Sully Morland Metro station, via Bastille. At Sully Morland I could catch the M7 to Villejuif and stop at the Kremlin Bicêtre. However I was a bit impatient and caught the Mairie d'Ivry branch train. Two stops after Place d'Italie, I had to alight at Maison Blanche and wait on the next train to Villejuif Louis Aragon. From there it was just one metro stop away to Le Kremlin Bicêtre.
What was expected to be at the Fort de Bicêtre at Kremlin Bicêtre? It is an actual fortress. It is not as exciting to see as the one in Moscow. And there is no external mausoleum for any leader that I am aware of. From the Kremlin Bicêtre metro stop, I took the bus line 47 to Barnufles la Piscine and walked down Avenue Charles Gide to the driveway of Fort de Bicêtre and then uphill to the northern gates. At the time it was not equipped to handle visitors, so there was nothing much to do but stand outside the big green gate with FORT DE BICÊTRE in big letters. Note from Wikipedia: "Since it is still used by the Ministry of Defense, the fort is closed to the public. However, tours are organized for European Heritage Days in September.". About 7:55 AM I went back to the metro station and around 8:06 AM I boarded the M7 on the way back to the AIJ to get some more freshly charged camera batteries.
I took the M7 to Place d'Italie and changed for the M5 to Bastille. The ride went uneventful until 8:23 AM when an Eric Clapton impersonator boarded the M5 at Gare d'Austerlitz. While the train was crossing the Seine for Quai de la Rapée, he performed a nice guitar solo of "Tears in Heaven". That lasted until a minute prior to the train reaching Bastille, when he did an alto saxophone solo of a different song. The train reached Bastille about 8:30 AM.
I went one stop on the M8 to Ledru Rollin. There was a bunch of children, maybe about 50 of them, leaving the AIJ. They were lined up on the Rue du Faubourg St Antoine just after Chez Tony. I went to my room and collected one of my video camera batteries and about 9:30 AM I left for the city limit at Porte de Charenton, seven stops away from Ledru Rollin. There was a city boundary bus line that I could take to Porte de Bagnolet via Porte de Vincennes.
At Porte de Bagnolet I could take the M3 to Gambetta. Gambetta used to be a branch off the M3 line for Les Lilas, but it became a separate line known as the M3Bis. There was supposed to be a station after Porte de Lilas called Haxo, which would connect to the 7Bis line, but the plan was tabled, and it seems like Haxo would need to be reconstructed in order to be able to be used, possibly for a future M17 line or so I have heard. The 3Bis stations don't look too much different than those built in the 1920s to 1940s. The one thing I noticed about Porte des Lilas, at the north end of the 3Bis exit platform, was an upwards escalator with wooden steps. I had not seen such an escalator since the 1970s when I first rode the Northern Line in London. Back then London Underground was operating 1938 tube stock, the one with wooden flooring, similar to that of the escalators.
At Porte des Lilas, I had a quick snack of a lemon crêpe. It tasted good also with powdered sugar. Not bad for about 10 FF. I then took the M11 to Belleville and transferred to the M2 which I rode until I arrived at Anvers. Anvers is the southern access point for the Montmartre and its respective funicular train at Place Saint Pierre. The train requires the same fare as the Metro. Paris Visite is also valid. I spent maybe twenty minutes looking at the Sacre Coeur and then southeast towards Gare du Nord, République, Bagnolet and Vincennes. I saw a "living statue" standing on the pillar of the stairway to Sacre Coeur. The noontime bells rang. Then I took the funicular down. I returned again in April 2008, February 2009 and September 2011, and spent more time exploring the nouveaux artes area between Rue Norvins and Rue de Saules. Even one time I spent an evening at the Lapin Agile on Rue de Saules.
I wanted to walk from the funicular station to Pigalle. I walked from Place St Pierre on Rue d'Orsel, then Rue des Martyrs and I ended up at 12:30 PM at the Pigalle station. Sadly the Moulin Rouge was nowhere to be seen. It turns out that the actual Moulin Rouge is close to the Pigalle station and is along Boulevard de Clichy, but is closest to the Blanche station, just one metro stop away.
I caught the M2 to Place de Clichy, transferred to the M13 and went northeast to St Denis Université. At La Fourche, is the separation station, where the M13 separates for two branches, one to Gabriel Péri and the other to St Denis Université. The M13 branch to Gabriel Péri has since been extended two stations to Asnières-Gennevilliers Les Courtilles. At Saint Denis Université there was not much of touristic value to see, so I had a sandwich at a nearby bar. About 1:20 PM I took a bus which I thought would take me to the St Denis RER D station, but somehow I ended up at Garges-Sarcelles instead. I took the southbound RER D line as far as Chatelet Les Halles to connect with the RER A line for La Défense. I did not reach La Défense until 2:40 PM.
To access the Grande Arche, you have to go under the stairway kind of on the southeast side, and then go to the admissions window. Or you could go up the stairs and back down by the escalator. They were giving a 33% discount off the regular admission price because of the foggy weather. Going up is by glass elevator. I think it was about ten to twelve stories high. Access to the paying public is through the top two floors. There was an art gallery plus a room with small scale models, about 1:1,000 scale, of the Grande Arche and neighboring buildings around La Défense. There was a video about how the Grande Arche was designed and what building materials were used. Previously the outside was designed with marble, but it had to be replaced from 2010 to 2017 with granite. This may explain as to why I was unable in September 2011 to visit the Grande Arche. There were also some aerial photographic maps, of the area including Champs Elysées to La Défense, and you could see the top of the Arc de Triomphe, Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, the Orangerie, and also the Bastille.
The point of going to the top of the Grande Arche de La Défense, was to go to the observation level. As it was not raining, it was possible to go upstairs to see as far as the Arc de Triomphe, and maybe also the Eiffel Tower. The fog was so bad, that I could barely see "L'AN 2000" on the Eiffel Tower. The camera could not see it properly. The Arc de Triomphe was not much better.
I went back down about 4 PM, and walked to the Bassin Takis at Place des Pyramides, located directly above the Metro Station Esplanade de La Défense. That was the splash pool that I remember from August 1997, where the light poles had blinking lights, and they were more active during the summer. Looking southeast from there, I could see the Eiffel Tower and Arc de Triomphe. By then the fog situation may have improved, but I had already moved on.
I went for another walk about 5 PM on the Champs Elysées and then I took a ride from Auber-Boulevard Haussmann Saint Lazare station on the RER E. The escalator had a two level incline, with a flat section in the middle. Basically down – flat – down. I rode one station to Magenta. I went back to Haussmann Saint Lazare on the same line. I went into both the Printemps and Galleries de Lafayette. I think I spent an hour in total between both places.
The rest of the evening I did some more shopping and then a burger at Quick. I walked to the Place de la Concorde and the Grand Palais. At Concorde there was a large ferris wheel.
I made one last ride with the M8, to Balard. That was the western end of the line, where Créteil Préfecture was the southeast terminus. Note, it was since extended to Créteil Pointe du Lac. I spent five minutes at Balard, from 9:30 PM to 9:35 PM. Then I went back, and it took only 30 minutes to reach Ledru Rollin. I went to bed about 10:40 PM.
The next morning, Wednesday the 29th March, I woke up about 6:50 AM. I had a 1 PM flight from CDG T1 to San Francisco. I had my last breakfast at the AIJ, took a shower, packed my belongings, checked out and caught the line 86 to the Bastille metro station – so that I would not need to go up and down stairs while transferring from the M8 to the M5. I took M5 to Gare du Nord to transfer to the RER B. By 9:15 AM I was on the RER B platform and sat on a strapontin (folding seat) close to the door. I caught the 9:30 AM train to CDG T2. It stopped at Sevran Beaudottes at 9:38 AM. I arrived at the Roissypôle station at 9:50 AM. It took maybe seven minutes for the shuttle bus to arrive to take me to CDG Aérogare 1. The bus departed for the terminal using the access roads, and passing by the abandoned SK6000 railway that would eventually become part of the existing CDGVAL. The bus ended just outside the southeast end of the CDGVAL station, and everyone alighted. I entered Aérogare 1 about 10:05 AM and checked into my United flight, nonstop to San Francisco.
CDG Aérogare 1 is shaped in a circle, that just over 270 degrees can be used as airline gates. I think seven terminals exist as satellite gates, each one with an underground travellator, after clearing the initial security gates. In the middle is a large fountain, and you can see the hamster tubes with escalators.
I was not quite ready to go through the security gates and Schengen zone passport control. In the meantime I bought a few magazines, and a couple of music cassettes at the record store. I remember in August 1997 and August 1998 buying cassettes from the same place.
About 11:45 AM I crossed the security gates and had my passport stamped as having exited France and the Schengen Zone. I went on the travellator to the United Airlines terminal and waited until about 12:45 AM to board the plane. In the meantime there was a snack bar in case I were hungry.
At 1 PM the flight was ready to board. I took my place towards row 30 in the 777 aircraft. I think the flight was about 11 hours long. Since the USA at the time did not switch to daylight saving time until the first Sunday in April, the time difference between Paris and San Francisco was 10 hours.
I arrived about 2:30 PM Pacific Standard Time in San Francisco, landing at Terminal 2, having my passport checked and luggage inspected. After that, I was legally in the USA. I took the shuttle from the airport to the Millbrae Caltrain station, took the train to Hillsdale station, and transferred to the SamTrans bus line 252 to the intersection of Hillsdale and Edgewater Boulevard in Foster City. It felt good to return home. My car was still in its stall. The next day, 30th March 2000, I returned to work. My next overseas journey would be Tuesday 5th September to Wednesday 20th September 2000, and then to Italy, Austria, Germany and Switzerland, and a little bit of France at Bellegarde.
Well that was the last of my journey to Paris for March 2000. I hope you enjoyed.
Au revoir, et bonne santé!
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