rosykims · 2 months
girl so confusing but its about button and hope lol
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urf1lterr · 9 months
moonlight | m.yg [1]
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next chapter: soon
summary: when it’s finally the week of your big sister's wedding, you’re more than excited for it to be over as responsibilities come flying your way. however, you can’t seem to stop thinking about a particular groomsman with blonde hair.
pairing: groomsman!yoongi x bridesmaid!y/n
genre: wedding!au, strangers to lovers au | awkward, fluff, angst, mature
word count: 7.4k
status: in progress
author’s note: reposting this bc i miss him. i’ve been wanting to do this for sooooo long but never had time- still don’t but oops.
Sleep is what you really needed right now, especially when you already lacked it in your daily life. But no, that wasn’t really an option right now, not when you had to wait for your sister to pick you up from the airport and get dinner afterwards. 
Realistically, you could’ve slept on the plane ride here, but you hated the seat you were in. At first, you sat in the aisle seat because it was always the fastest way to exit afterwards, but you had to give that up when a man probably in his late 50s basically ordered you to move to the middle because older people need "more" room. 
You weren’t happy, but you weren’t about to argue because of this.
All you wanted to do right now was go to your old bedroom and change into some comfy sweats and an oversized t-shirt before pulling your blankets over your head to sleep in peace. You knew it was not going to happen any time soon, but a girl can wish. 
As you finally saw your suitcases at the baggage claim area, you grabbed one, almost falling by how large and heavy it was. You cursed at yourself for overpacking, but you were staying in town for two weeks and could not risk the chance of not having enough clothes. Luckily, your other suitcase was fairly smaller.
Walking to the other side of the terminal, you saw the exit to the pick up area, immediately moving your legs faster because you couldn’t wait to get out of here. There were too many people walking slow, it surprised you how calm you’ve lasted.
Once you reached a bench in front of the area, you noticed that the weather was not that great. It was raining, which you loved- but your sister planned most of her events outside so this is probably going to make her cry for hours.
And you really don't wanna be the shoulder she cries on- she is very dramatic when she sobs.
Pulling out your phone, you noticed you received three texts. One from your sister, mom, and boss. 
[mom] 5:57pm: were you able to land safely? don’t look tired and try not to be introverted, namjoon’s mother is joining us for dinner. put on some makeup, love you!
Rolling your eyes, you shook your head. You weren’t surprised in the slightest, you knew how your mother was. She didn’t mean any harm, but she loves to impress others. By looking a bit tidy, she thinks people wouldn’t think lowly of us. However, she fails to understand that we’ve known your future brother-in-law’s family for almost six years now, you don’t believe they will call off the wedding by seeing their future daughter-in-law’s little sister bare faced. 
Plus, his mother is the sweetest. If anything, she always told you how much she loved seeing natural faces compared to the overdose of products people nowadays use in which she refers to “tiktok trends.” 
[jae] 6:01pm: the office is going to miss you! tell ur sister congrats again, and then do it again for me once she’s actually married lol. don’t you dare ask if there’s work for you to do it in the next two weeks! 
Laughing to yourself, you quickly replied with a small “thank you, i will tell her,” along with a “darn, now i cant use work as an excuse to get out of wedding duties. but if there is work needed to be done just text me.”
[violet] 6:13pm: almost there!! look out for a black suv. hope u don’t need to go home, kinda planning to go straight to dinner bc our reservation is at 7 and joonie doesn’t want to be late! he’s scared they’ll judge us, see you soon <3
Of course he would think that, coming from the man who thinks texting and walking is rude- it's debatable!
That’s when you looked at the time, noticing that it was exactly 6:20pm. There was still time to make it by 7, you were sure of it.
As you were about to reply to your mom and sister, you heard the sound of tires screeching with constant honks. You looked up, noticing a very expensive-looking suv pulled near the curb, still beeping.
Was this your sister? I mean, it was black like she stated it would be.
Your question was finally answered when you noticed the passenger window being rolled down, revealing two young looking men with bright smiles eagerly waving, the driver still beeping with his other hand causing many people around to glare as they walked by.
You noticed the man with very shaggy hair, wearing what seems to be a white t-shirt, black slacks, and sneakers as he opened the door. “What’s up, y/n,” he smiled, making his way towards you.
“Taehyung? What are you doing here? I thought Violet was going to pick me up- is she in the backseat?” You questioned as he automatically went to grab your bags. “And what is this moron doing here? I thought he got his license taken away last month?”
Looking back to the SUV, you saw your cousin in the driver’s seat with what seems to be him fighting off a man with a bright yellow and green vest knocking violently on his window side. 
“You cannot park here, you’re holding up traffic!” the man yelled, causing your cousin to roll his eyes before rolling down the window maybe two inches before yelling back.
“You’re the one holding up traffic standing in the middle of the road!”
“Don’t make me call security! Park in the parking lot!” The man dragged on, hitting the side of the car repeatedly and motioning his arms to drive away at the same time. 
"Aren't you security?!" Your cousin honked before glaring at the man. “And you scratch my car, you pay for it!”
You stopped watching their little altercation as Taehyung began rolling your suitcases towards the trunk of the car, making you follow along. “She wasn’t able to come, apparently she had to go pick up some materials she ordered for the centerpieces,” he stated, setting the bags inside before closing the trunk. “And I am not sure why he is driving, I think everybody forgot he shouldn’t be and I am too lazy to do it, I was not able to take my nap today because Namjoon made me paint the photo booth all morning- it was exhausting.” 
Opening the passenger door for you, you quickly jumped in as he shut it before jumping into the seat behind you. Turning to your left, you could still see your cousin arguing with the man before Taehyung told him to drive already.
“No! I hope you have a shitty day, you asshole!” Your cousin screamed before speeding away down the street. After literally two seconds, he looked your way while smiling brightly. “I missed you!”
Giving him a dirty glance, you slap his arm. “Ow! What was that for?” He whined, rubbing his arm with his free hand.
“Jungkook, why the fuck are you driving?” you declared. “You’re not allowed”
“Says who,” he rolled his eyes.
“The state,” Taehyung says from the backseat.
Jungkook scoffs, shaking his head. “They can’t do anything, I pay my taxes.”
Groaning, you rub your forehead. “This has nothing to do with your taxes, you imbecile.”
He gives you a confused look for a quick moment before moving his eyes back on the road again. “You don’t need to use big words to attack me, y/n. This isn’t law school.”
You heard Taehyung sighing at how annoying his friend was being. To clear things up, Taehyung was actually a close friend of your side of the family through Jungkook, the two of them being inseparable since kindergarten. 
You just so happened to know him well since he always followed Jungkook everywhere he went, same vice versa, as you saw your cousin basically everyday due to only being one year apart and both your mom’s being sisters. But with Taehyung, you happened to be the same age, same with their other friend in their trilogy, Jimin. In which you were surprised he wasn’t here because Jimin loved going to dinner with them. 
“Why are you driving?”
“I got my license back,” he smiled, nodding heavily when he saw the questionable facial expression you were making. “I swear! I went to the DMV and everything. I got it back after paying like $3,000.”
Choking on your saliva after hearing how much he had to pay, you gasped, “Why so much? What exactly did you do?!”
Jungkook awkwardly moved both his hands on the steering wheel, obviously not wanting to answer your question as you heard his friend chuckling in the backseat. “Yeah, tell her Jungkook, what did you do?”
Throwing a small box of tissues he had left near the middle cup holder to Taehyung, Jungkook began his excuse. “I’m not really sure, apparently it’s illegal to drive through rain puddles,” he shrugged.
You shifted your head a bit, “that’s not illegal.”
“It is when you purposely speed through them to get people wet,” Taehyung giggled as Jungkook groaned in annoyance.
“Dude! You weren’t supposed to tell her that part!” Jungkook whined.
“That is so rude,” you pinched his arm as he tried moving away from you, knowing your first reaction to things were mostly violence. “How would you like it if someone did that to you?”
“I actually wouldn’t mind it,” he stated. “Saves me money from going to a waterpark.”
Sometimes, you wondered what goes on in that big head of your cousin. Not much common sense, that’s for sure.
“Anywho,” you spoke up, trying to change the dumb conversation you just had. “What’s the plan for tonight? I heard something about a dinner, but other than that I have idea what’s going on. No one told me anything.”
Jungkook shrugged, glancing at you a few times as he answered your question. “I know we have dinner with some of Namjoon’s friends, his mom, your parents, and then you sister’s friends. But afterwards, no clue.”
“Why are you and Taehyung going then?” 
He scoffed, looking offended. “I’ll have you know, we are very much indeed Namjoon’s friends,” he proudly said before giving in once he saw how that did nothing. Maybe acquaintances but definitely not friends. “All the groomsmen were invited.”
Ah yes, you almost forgot Jungkook, Taehyung, and Jimin were appointed groomsmen which was a big shock considering they were not close to Namjoon like that. 
But to be completely honest, your sister did have six bridesmaids while Namjoon only had three real groomsmen he wanted. So, she was able to convince Namjoon to allow the other three to take apart on their special day because they were basically like family.
And because he had no one else to call.
Although, it didn’t take much convincing, Namjoon did love the guys and they all bonded really well whenever they did interact.
“So, Jimin’s going?”
“He should be,” you heard Taehyung answer. “He couldn’t come with us to pick you up because he had to drop his little brother off at baseball practice- but I think their mom is going to pick him up once he’s done.”
You nodded, understanding the situation. To be honest, you were happy the three of them were going. It’s not like you wouldn’t know anyone tonight, maybe only a couple people, but the rest of your family never knew how to make you feel comfortable the same way the boys did.
Maybe its because you basically grew up with them and how you were all close in age, but you felt more open and less forced to act a certain way when they were by your side. 
Throughout the car ride, you had to constantly bicker with Jungkook about slowing down and to avoid potholes as it kept getting in the way of you applying concealer and powder from your seat. You especially yelled when he almost made you smash your mascara wand in your eye, causing Taehyung to hide his laughter as he scrolled through twitter. 
Finally, after small loads of traffic and listening to Jungkook’s ‘go crazy, go stupid’ playlist in which consisted of old Taylor Swift and Hannah Montana songs, you made it to the restaurant. The problem was, the rain was hectic. You’re surprised Jungkook didn’t crash into a pole trying to see through his windshield wipers.
Once you parked, Jungkook sheepishly smiled. “Okay so we have a small problem- nothing serious,” he stated as you gave him a look for him to continue. “We don’t have an umbrella.”
“What-” you and Taehyung said at the same time. “I can’t show up in there all wet, it’s pouring outside!”
“-and I can’t risk getting my shirt wet, I didn’t bring a sweatshirt and I am wearing a white top- my chest will be see through if it gets wet!” Taehyung cried out. “I don’t want people violating me.”
“Calm down, drama queens,” Your cousin rolled his eyes. “Y/n, cover your face with your arms to protect your makeup- that’s the only thing you should save. Taehyung, wrap your arms over your chest, don’t you dare lift them until we are sheltered. We got this guys!”
You scoffed as he cheered you both on. At least you all will be drenched together, you thought. 
Getting ready to jump out of the car, you looked down at your outfit. You were wearing an oversized dark brown crewneck sweater, black thick leggings, and your white platform sneakers. At least you were kind of warm and didn’t have much to damage from the rain. 
Looking back at how far the restaurant was from your parking spot, you three basically had to run the side of the building to get to the front. It wouldn’t have been a problem if it was regularly raining- but as it was lashing down with some now background sounds of thunder and lightening, you knew this was going to be a bad idea. 
Jungkook gave you two a confident nod before aiming towards his door as Taehyung and you gave each other a worried look, eventually doing the same. “On the count of 3!” Jungkook yelled from his side. 
Once we were all ready, hands on the door handle, you heard Taehyung start, “1-”
“-3!” Jungkook screamed and ran out the door, hearing the door lock as he ran his distance. 
Taehyung and you looked at each other in shock before chasing after him. As you took more and more steps, you could tell that this rainstorm was probably one of the worst you have ever encountered.
But to be fair, you should have checked the forecast and remembered to bring your own umbrella. 
After what seemed like minutes, the three of you finally made it to the front of the building in which you were blessed with a roof for your protection. At this moment, you have never been happier. 
Moving your eyes to the two boys standing near you, you noticed how even though Tae’s hair was swamped, he managed to barely get his chest wet. Jungkook’s hair began curling up on the sides, but only that and his shoulders were fairly drenched. 
You tried straightening out your sweater while looking up at Taehyung. “Do I look alright?”
“Yeah, you totally don’t look like you just ran through the rain.” he nodded, even though you could feel your hair soaked. 
“Your makeup still looks intact,” Jungkook added, “but your hair- eh.”
You glared at him as he lifted his hands up in defense. He shouldn’t be talking, his hair was soaked too.
Trying to make yourselves look presentable, you didn’t notice someone rushing near you three, only when you felt a pair of arms wrapping behind you, causing you to squeal.
Moving your head to see the owner of the arms, you immediately hugged them back. “Jimin!”
“Y/n!” he giggled, but suddenly pulled away. “Ew, you’re drenched.” Nodding towards Jungkook, he quickly understood what happened. “Why didn’t you just tell me you guys were here? Jungkook, I texted you that I had an umbrella if you needed one.”
Taehyung and you turned to glare at Jungkook as he turned red and stammered, "I’m sorry, I-I didn’t see the message!”
"Hold on, man. Didn't you just dropped off your brother? It's pouring," Taehyung.
Jimin shrugged, "Do you think the MLB teams stop their games over some rain."
"In some cases, yes."
“Y/n! You’re here!” you heard that familiar voice squeal behind you, followed by a pair of arms once again hugging you. “I would totally not touch you, but I haven’t seen you in three months!”
Smiling, you held your annoying sister until you heard a cough. You let go to see your parents standing near her, your mom pushing her to the side, making your sister almost fall to the ground, before wrapping her arms around you. “Y/n! How was your flight? You never replied to my text, young lady,” she crossed her arms. Oh, how you love when your mother’s mood changes constantly.
She suddenly touched your face lightly, “Your face looks lovely! You’re hair though- uh its alright! The rain is our excuse!” she beamed.
Same old mother, but at least you knew she did not want you to take things seriously. 
You felt your dad lightly wrap an arm around you, giving you a short greeting, probably not wanting to hold up our reservation as well but not because he didn’t want to be rude, he wanted to eat already. 
Noticing no one else was outside, you sister began speaking. “Namjoon, his friends, and mom are inside sitting at the table already. I told them not to wait up on us so we don’t cause much of a disturbance inside.”
Nodding, she then began guiding everyone inside with your parents following directly behind her while Jimin, Tae, and Jungkook walked right along with you. It was a short walk inside, but you noticed that the table must have been all the way in the back, maybe in another room by how far in you all were going.
Being right, you could see that they reserved a private room which was extremely crazy- this must’ve been so expensive for a casual dinner! 
The first person you noticed was your future brother-in-law sitting at the middle of the wide circular table, a seat empty right beside him for your sister you assumed. You identified his mother pretty clearly as she sat on the other side of him.
Your parents quickly sat on the seats right next to where your sister just sat. You moved your eyes to see most of the bridesmaids, who you knew for the longest as they all either went to school or worked with her, sitting right near you parents and across from them. 
There was only one seat next to the last bridesmaid that was opened, so you assumed it was for you as it was across from your sister’s seat. Looking at the boys, you frowned, realizing you would be separated as they only had empty seats on the other side of the table where Namjoon’s mom sat. At least you could look at them from across the table.
Jimin fake pouted before they all walked to the available seats. You finally noticed the three other boys sitting beside them, only recognizing one of them, Hoseok. You were happy to be seated right next to him as you two have met many times in the past, but you couldn’t help but wonder who the other two were and why you weren’t introduced to them earlier. 
Hoseok was actually a close friend of both Namjoon and your sister, in fact, he was the one who introduced them many years ago. He was probably one of the few close male friends your sister even had who she trusted with all her heart who didn’t want to sleep with her.
You also befriended him as he was the only one who wouldn’t complain but encouraged you to hang out with them during their high school days when your sister pulled the ‘hormonal teenager who hates everybody’ phase.
“Nice to see you, y/n. Thanks for coming, I know you must be exhausted from your flight, but it means a lot that you were able to make it,” Namjoon kindly greeted you, in which you smiled in return.
“It’s okay,” you shyly reply, feeling your nerves kick in because you suck at public speaking, even when it’s with people you’ve already met. 
“Now she’s shy,” you heard your cousin stifle in a low laugh before Jimin kicked his leg, in which he groaned in pain, trying not to make any noise as he clutched his knee. 
As you gave Jungkook a dirty look, you began turning, quickly taking a look at the guests you didn’t know. One seemed to look slightly tall, or you assumed he was by how long his torso was. He was very good looking, just not your type.
But the other one was already looking at you, his eyes quickly moving away when he realized he was caught, not seeming to care though. He had very beautiful eyes and bright blonde hair, but he looked very intimidating with his blank- almost cold expression. 
“You look dashing, y/n!” You heard Namjoon’s mom exclaim, making you turn extremely red. God, you hated when people gave you compliments, especially when others were around. You did not like the attention it brought.
“Thank you” you looked down, trying your best to make your face cool down. You wish you were in the rain right now.
“I take full responsibility for her hair not looking the best,” Jungkook spoke up, making you immediately cover your face with your hands, praying he stop talking. “I forgot the umbrella.”
You heard him groan again, maybe from one of the boys kicking him for his irrelevant comments.
“I know the struggle,” You heard one of the unknown guests Namjoon had, the one who looked tall, begin. “I tripped while trying to walk in and landed on a puddle.” This caused you to giggle, happy that he was willing to embarrass himself to deflect the attention off you. “But it’s alright, luckily I had extra pants in my car.”
“Now that you mentioned that uh- fascinating information,” Namjoon awkwardly started. “Y/n, I realized you never met my other groomsmen-”
“Groomsmen? How dare you” You heard the same friend fake gasp, causing Hoseok to groan right beside you. “I am the one and only best man” 
“So, that’s Jin,” Hoseok finally spoke up, rolling his eyes at his friend who you realized probably loved the attention more than you actually knew.
“Oh, hi” you shyly waved as he gave you a cheesy smile. 
“Sorry about him, he’s a little over the top,” Namjoon sweetly mentioned to you, causing Jin to scoff. “-but in a good way!”
Just by observing their attitude towards each other, you can tell Jin was the friend who made Namjoon be more confident and open-minded enough to try new things. He seemed like the hype man of the group.
“And that’s Yoongi,” Hoseok added, pointing to the man on the left of him, the one who looked like he did not want to talk to anybody. You began to realize this Yoongi guy was more reserved than the rest, giving you a small nod as you awkwardly looked away.
“Sorry about him, he seems quiet- but he does talk! Quite a lot actually,” Jin added, causing Yoongi to nudge him. 
“Same with this one,” Violet giggled, looking your way causing you to glare at her. Way to put the spotlight on you. 
Luckily for you, your mother just knew so many topics to talk about that she carried a conversation fairly quickly right after your sister’s comment. 
You would have listened to it all the way, but to be honest, you were mentally exhausted. Work had you up till 10pm last night and with it being such a jammed pack month already, you completely forgot to pack until this morning. Having to check in two bags, you had to arrive at the airport three hours early to make it in time to depart from all the long lines. 
You don’t think anyone beside your dad and Namjoon’s mom were listening to your mom because as you looked around the table, you realized people were either making faces at their friends or just looking anywhere else but the speaker. 
That’s when you noticed Taehyung making a silly face your way, causing you to smile at him. But when you did so, you saw from the corner of your eye the restrained individual placing his eyes on you that didn’t leave until he was about to be caught again.
Yeah, you wished this dinner would be over soon.
"That was probably one of the best steaks I have ever digested," Namjoon smiled while wiping his mouth with a napkin.
"Did he just say 'digested'?" you heard one of your sister's friend, Mina you believe, whisper to her other friend, Hani, who just shrugged.
After about an hour of awkward conversations that consisted of when Violet and Namjoon would be making babies and who would take custody if they both randomly die, dinner was finally over.
To be honest, you were glad that you were mostly not chosen to speak. That was until your mother thought it would be a brilliant idea to bring up your personality compared to your sisters, in which she made sure to mention the one time in 4th grade when you threw a tantrum and bursted into tears because you didn't want her to leave you alone on the first day of school.
Violet made sure to clarify how immature you were as a fourth grader, in which you thought if it would really be bad punching her in the face right then and there. You were sure makeup could cover the bruises.
"I should probably get going, I think your father is getting off soon from work," you heard Namjoon's mom say, slowly standing up before giving her son a warm hug.
Following the signs, everyone began standing up, getting ready to say their goodbyes. That was until your sister suddenly spoke up, becoming an announcer.
"Wait I forgot to mention, tomorrow is day 1 out of 7!" she cheered as her fiancee placed an arm on her lower back. "Don't forget to bring your shoes!"
"What's tomorrow?" You thought, but apparently out loud as everyone glanced your way, causing you to look back at Violet.
"You don't know?!" she gasped, looking back towards your mom. "Did you not tell her?" Watching as your mother softly gave her a small smile, your sister's eyes made their way back to you in disbelief. "It's our first dance rehearsal."
"Dance rehearsal?" You squinted your eyes, not believing how in the world she planned to make people learn a dance in under a week. "You do understand your wedding is in 6 days right after tomorrow, right?"
"We couldn't plan practices earlier because you and Jin don't live near here and we didn't want you both going out of your way to get here for it," Namjoon commented. "That would've been too expensive."
Realization hit you, you have to dance...in front of people.
Looking up, you tried showing a relaxed expression, but you're sure you only pulled out an uncomfortable one at the thought of having to publicly dance when you are in fact the worse dancer ever.
Truth be told, you wish you can easily agree and go with the flow, but knowing yourself the best you know you cannot pull this off. There is a reason why you dropped dance class in high school and it was because you kept making your partner's toes bleed from stepping on them so much.
But before you could speak up, or as if you were going to, your sister beat you to it. "You're doing it, no exceptions," she pointed a finger at you.
"You can be my partner!" Jimin exclaimed, wrapping an arm over your shoulder, trying to cheer you up. "I'm a great dancer."
"I beg to differ," Taehyung crossed his arms. "Have you seen these hips? Been shaking them since I was eight years-old."
"Just Dance doesn't count," Jimin hissed, making Tae scoff.
"It does when you're undefeated!"
Before the two of them could continue their bickering, your sister intervened. "None of you are dancing with her, I've already assigned partners," and right when they were going to ask who she added, "and you're not finding out until tomorrow. I don't want you trying to ask us to privately change your partners tonight so deal with it."
That definitely made them shut up before she carried on saying farewell to everybody.
You being you, you stood there stiff as everyone hugged each other. Never knowing how to really say 'bye', you often just waved. It was your thing.
You felt large arms wrap around you, causing you to gasp for air from the tight hold. "It was so nice meeting you, y/n!" You heard Jin burst out before pulling away. "Hoping we end up as partners, you seem so chill."
Certain that that was not going to happen, you sheepishly nodded. Not that you did not want him as a partner, to be fair, you probably would have chosen him as one of your top choices if it were up to you only because he seemed friendly and welcoming.
However, he was the best man.
Everybody knows the best man always gets paired with the maid of the honor, in which you believe was Naile.
Once he moved passed you to say his goodbyes with your parents, you noticed Yoongi finishing his farewells with Namjoon's mom before turning in your direction.
Shifting your eyes somewhere else in the room, you felt a weird feeling in your stomach.
For some reason, interacting with someone else who is also quiet but now intimidating made you extra nervous, fearful they might randomly lash out on you.
Just before Yoongi could at least give you a small nod, like he had done earlier, Namjoon announced that we should all be on our ways as the restaurant probably wanted us gone by now.
Running up to Jimin, you followed your friends and cousin out the door. Not noticing the pair of eyes following your every move up until you were out of sight.
Finally, now you can go home and sleep.
Waking up this morning was hard for you, especially when you knew how stressful it was going to be.
Maybe it was because you knew what was to come but didn't at the same time. It was safe to say you were panicking the whole drive to the small park your sister booked for the morning.
However, your sister was nothing close to nervous, in fact, she was beaming in joy throughout the car ride, constantly telling you she was excited to be a day closer to her wedding.
"Don't freak out too much about practice, okay?" Violet began as she parked the car. "None of them have experience dancing, except Hobi and maybe like Jimin and whatever Tae thinks is dancing, but other than that we all suck."
"Thanks for the pep talk, I feel so much better," you sarcastically declare before opening the door and getting out.
"I'm serious! I know you well enough to see how anxious you are about this," she argued. "But I made sure to pick an easy dance we all can learn within a few days"
You only sighed. There was nothing you could really do at this point so there was not much convincing she was doing to make you feel better. Plus, it's her day. You kind of have to do whatever she wants whether you like it or not.
Following her to a medium-sized building, you noticed how nice this park really was. There was a huge duck pond on one side with a beautiful garden all around.
Where does she find these places?
As you two opened the doors, she led you down a hallway until you were walking into a pretty large banquet room. You saw mostly everyone was here, besides Jin and Namjoon, but other than that everyone was here.
"Where's my man?" Your sister questioned, setting her bag on one of the side tables as you closely followed behind her.
"Trying to figure out where he put his dancing shoes," Hoseok stated, lying back on the chair he was sitting in. "Hi, y/n."
You softly waved, seeing that Taehyung and Yoongi were sitting right next to him. Tae was too busy playing some game on his phone to notice your presence as Yoongi just gave you a brief glimpse before going on his phone as well.
"What took you forever to get here?" Jungkook asked, pulling up a seat right next to you on one of the empty tables you sat in. You felt Jimin sit next to him, waiting for your answer.
"Violet couldn't leave the house without shaving her face," you whispered, hoping she didn't hear that or else she would come up with something 10x worse to joke about you.
"I did notice something was different about her," Jimin joked, making you all laugh.
After talking for some time as your sister kept trying to call her fiancee, you heard the slam of a door with the sounds of footsteps nearing.
It appeared that Namjoon probably found his shoes with the help of Jin as they both ran in together, breathing a little heavy as your sister put her hand on her hip.
"Ready," he smiled, trying not to provoke your sister anymore.
Knowing your sister, she was probably going to hire some dance teacher to teach you guys proper techniques. What you did not know was that this instructor was going to make you freestyle your own ending steps with your partners.
Or at least that's what the instructor mentioned after they showed up fifteen minutes late due to "traffic."
But now that they have said it, no one knew who their partners were.
"Time for the moment everyone's been waiting for," your sister stomped her feet and motioned everyone to come near her. Once we did so, she asked, "who wants to know first?"
Jungkook raised his hand quickly. "Me!"
"I think we should make this a little fun," Violet smirked. "Let's write the pair's names on paper, randomly mix them in a bowl and then draw."
Namjoon nodded, not really caring too much about how this was going to be done. He just wanted to begin lessons, already knowing that he wasn't quite the best when it came to body movements only for the world to see.
You were despising every second of this. As the clock kept on ticking, you kept thinking about who your partner would be.
It's not like anyone here was truly horrible- or so you thought.
Plus, you had a high chance of getting the three boys you loved to death. However, your sister did say Jimin and Taehyung were out of the picture, so your only hope was your cousin.
But in your opinion, you weren't familiar with Namjoon's friends. Jin seemed like a sweetheart, but maybe the close proximity of dancing with someone who was practically a stranger was getting in your head.
The main person you were worried about was Yoongi.
It's not like you completely disliked him, you never dislike anyone unless you had a reason to. It was that you didn't know him.
You didn't know Jin either, but the difference was Jin made an effort to communicate to others. Yoongi just sits there with a blank expression, making you question if he is judging or ignoring you.
It's quite intimidating, really.
And with you being extremely quiet too, well... two quiet people don't really work well- or in a situation where both have to actively dance.
"Jimin and Leia!" you heard Namjoon announce.
"Sorry, y/n," Jimin mouthed, making you swat your hand in reassurance that you were fine. I guess he's known you for so long to understand how frightening this was for you.
But you're a big girl, you'll get through this.
"Taehyung and Yuna!" Your sister roared.
Okay, maybe not.
Finally, after Hoseok and Jin were called, your nerves were getting to you. Now was not the time to overthink, whatever happens- happens.
Jungkook wasn't making this easier as he kept waving his arms around, mouthing the words "we're definitely partners." And for a split second, you began to believe him.
Well, that was until-
"Y/n and Yoongi," Namjoon called out, making your face fall. Violet began clapping her hands while her fiancee proudly smiled.
Feeling your face turn red, you continue staring at Namjoon as he slowly tilted his head to the side for you to go to your new partner, in which you responded with continuing on your stare.
It felt like hours before you felt someone's presence beside you, causing Namjoon to fix his attention back to announcing who's Jungkook's partner was going to be.
Moving your head slightly to the right, you could make out the bright blonde hair immediately. Yoongi was sitting next to you, oh my-
"I guess we're uh- partners?" he lightly squinted his eyes before looking directly at your own.
You felt weak at the knees by this eye contact, how are you going to make it through the week?
"R-right," you began, mentally screaming at yourself for stuttering "I mean right! Yeah, how uhm..cool?"
"Not really," he sighed, making your eyes widen. Was he really not that happy by this decision? "I don't dance much"
Relief hit you by his answer, okay maybe he doesn't hate you. "Don't worry, I'm on the same boat."
"Namjoon knows I don't do any of this," Yoongi cringed to himself. Does he mean dancing? "I'm sure your sister knows you aren't great either, they should have just partnered us up with someone who wasn't going to make us look humiliating."
Ouch, that stung.
You shut your mouth, not sure what to reply. You understood his point, but at the same time you didn't. It was beginning to become clear now that maybe he wasn't happy with this setup.
"Are we ready to begin?" you heard the instructor exclaim, causing you to look past Yoongi in which you were grateful this small conversation would have to be cut. "Please come forward and spread out, only your partners should be near you!"
Rubbing your fingers, you slowly followed after Yoongi who took the lead towards the middle of the spaced out "dance floor," or the only area in this room that did not have folding tables. The two of you ended up on the side while the others placed themselves throughout the middle and front of the teacher.
After listening to him ramble on about the needed chemistry between partners and showing how our hands must be placed on his practice dummy, who was Namjoon- which Violet did not like, it was time for everyone else to follow.
"Remember, the men are the leads! Take your lady's hand with your left and place your right on her hip! I want to feel the sexual tension from here!"
"Or a comfortable tension," Namjoon interfered.
Looking up at Yoongi, you saw him dully take his left hand out to grab your right one. By his lack of emotion, it triggered you to malfunction and embarrass the hell out of yourself.
He could feel how stiff your body was once he grabbed your hand, beginning to place his right hand behind on your mid back.
"Closer!" the instructor popped out of nowhere, causing you to flinch and almost trip over Yoongi's shoes. Yes, you just stepped on his shoes- he probably hates you now. "Hand on hip! You'll get the rhythm faster."
"No thanks, I'd rather not," Yoongi plainly stated, but was pushed inches away from your face when the instructor pushed you both forward.
You tried your best to look anywhere then at him, but it was incredibly hard. You did catch him throwing out a few glances a few times, but he would always divert his attention somewhere else when he noticed how uncomfortable you reacted to it.
"Do y-you think we should do what they are doing?" You asked, referring to steps that were just given to follow. Everybody else were figuring out the new footwork, but your partner just stood there as if he wanted to die already.
He simply just ignored you, only looking at what Jungkook and his partner were doing. In which, your cousin was swinging the poor girl around while she tried to slow him down in fear.
God, you wish this was over already.
"So...how did you like it?!" Violet questioned, sitting down on the bed in your old bedroom while you hid under the blankets. "It was fun, huh?"
"You call that fun?" You groaned, sitting up. "I want a new partner."
"What? No way! Yoongi will be hurt you wanted to switch."
"How if he was the one who questioned why we weren't switched in the first place?"
Violet gasped, "He said that?"
Nodding, you wiped some hair away from your face. "He also refused to put his hand on my hip. Is my body too gross for him or what?"
It did hurt your feelings he wouldn't listen to the basic suggestions, but if he didn't want to then there was nothing you could do.
"Maybe it was a respect thing- like to make sure he wasn't crossing any boundaries?"
Thinking about it for a second, she could be right.
"We just don't mix well, he would just ignore me any time I asked questions or spoke up," You sighed. "Please change my partner-"
"-I can't, we already began rehearsals," She cut you off.
"But we only learned basic steps! I can dance with a whole other human being and get it down with them! Please, please-"
"I can tell he despises every minute of this," You whine. "He's not into it and I'm just holding him back! You already know how scary this is to throw myself out there for this dance, at least let me be with someone who seems comfortable with me. It'll make me less anxious."
Your sister gave you a look, taking her time to think hard about this. She wanted you to feel fully comfortable, but it would be so unfair to switch partners the next day after announcing them.
"You know I want you to feel at your best, but the decision has been made and I-"
"If you let me switch I'll clean your room for a year," You rambled.
She rolled her eyes, "nice try, you don't even live nearby!"
"I'll send you money to buy your favorite meals twice a month!"
Violet gave you a stern look. "Y/n, no means no. I-"
"I'll say a speech at your wedding!"
That made her shut up.
This shocked you too because you avoided this topic from the start when she told you she was engaged. You hated talking, better yet- talking in front of people? No way, impossible to do!
"You would never, you can't even order your food without stuttering."
She didn't have to come at you like that..
"I promise!" you begged, jumping in front of her as she rolled her eyes.
Hearing her sigh, you felt weight being lifted off your shoulder. "Fine! You can have Hoseok, he's a quick learner anyway."
Almost making your sister fall off the bed as you tackled her in a hug, you cheered. "Thank you! Thank you! Tha-"
"Shut up already," she scrunched her face, pushing you off harshly. "I'm only doing this because you seem to feel really uncomfortable being near him and my sister instincts are going off."
You nodded quickly, trying to be on your best behavior so she doesn't change her mind.
"It kind of sucks though," she shrugged. "Namjoon and I thought you would be the perfect fit, you two are so alike"
"Being antisocial doesn't automatically mean we'll hit it off."
"Sorry, wouldn't know what that's like," she smiled and stood up from your bed. "I'm gonna go check on mom and the centerpieces, you should text Hobi a heads up for this week."
Once she left the room, you pulled out your phone to text him. You hope you weren't being a total bitch for doing this, but you doubt Yoongi would get offended.
He was the one who suggested it.
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arlerts-angel · 10 months
hi!! would i be able to request a smut drabble where the reader meets eren at a party and they end up fucking? erens lowkey a manwhore but when he meets the reader hes smitten immediately <3 theyre both super hornt but the reader is shy n eren takes the lead. sorry if it isnt specific enough or u dont feel like writing. manbun jaeger just has me in a chokehold icl
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✎ᝰ a/n: ahhh thank you for this request!! it's a big longer than a drabble (i hope that's okay!) and i hope i did him justice! this is my first eren fic 🖤
☆ wc: 1.1k
⚠︎ cw: dom!eren jaeger x fem reader, porn with some plot, semi-public sex (outside jean & eren's place) degradation, oral sex (m&f receiving), gagging (while sucking him off), penetrative sex, eren has a tongue piercing, pet names (good girl, slut, brat, baby, pretty girl)
♡ taglist: @callm3senpaii @levilxvr @fuyuswifey @stoned-eren @jeannineee @angelescent @softlilpeachxx @girlybelle @arlertwitch @crazychaoticizzy @i-literally-cant-with-this
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"christ, kirstein... there's no way you know all these people." eren thinks to himself, pushing past everyone in the congregation. he opens and shuts the door quickly. he grabs the pack of cigarettes in his pocket and taps it on his hand before taking one out and lighting it. he brings it to his lips.
he closes his eyes, soaking in the sound of mostly silence, accompanied only by muffled music and his thoughts.
he blows a cloud of smoke past his lips and is greeted by a voice behind him. "do you mind if i stay out here with you for a moment?" truthfully, he did mind... until he got a good look at the girl approaching him.
"nah. you good?" he asks, taking another hit of his cigarette. you nod. "yeah, just over the party already." he smirks. "you too?" you nod and giggle. "yeah, one of my friends dragged me here." "i see. name's eren." he glances over at you and offers you his cigarette. you shake your head and politely decline. "no thank you, i don't smoke."
"oh yeah? you're a good girl then, huh? that's why you don't wanna be here." your cheeks grow warm at the sound of "good girl" coming from the pretty boy's lips. you try to respond but words fail you, causing you to stutter helplessly. he takes one last drag before putting the cigarette out.
"you liked that. i can tell." he licks his lips, a hint of light shines on the ball of his tongue piercing. he looks you up and down, feeling a tent grow in his pants. "good girl, hm? bet you fuck like a slut." he grins, glancing over at you. you squeeze your legs together, feeling your wetness collect in your panties. "wouldn't you like to know?" you retort.
"oh, is that right?" he inches closer to you and grabs your jaw in his big hand, forcing you to look at his green eyes. "i love putting brats like you in their place. get on your knees or i'll put you on them myself." your eyes are glossy with anticipation and excitement. as quickly as your heart beats you fall to your knees, looking up at him as he unbuckles his belt.
he pulls his massive cock out of his pants and pumps it lazily in his hand. "open that pretty mouth, baby." he growls. you open your mouth at his command, jolting at the feeling of his cock slapping against your tongue. "now be a good girl and suck my dick." you hesitate for a moment. "i can't, 's too big. i'll choke—" he pulls your hair into a messy ponytail in his hand. "ah–!"
"you'll sound so pretty choking on my cock." he coos, pushing the tip past your lips. that was all the encouragement you needed. you accepted each inch into your mouth until you couldn't fit any more. you begin bobbing your head up and down against his shaft slowly, working up the courage to quicken your pace. you look up at him, batting your tear-soaked lashes at him. "fuck i can't look at you like that. i'll cum." he groans.
you hum around his cock as your tongue swirls around his tip. he grips onto your hair tighter and fucks his cock deeper into your throat, making the walls of your throat contract as you gag. he grunts as he feels his cock twitch. "god damn it. i like that, baby. think you can handle one more time?" you nod and allow his cock to assault your throat. once more, your throat tightens. "ah fuck— just like that baby." he groans, shooting his hot load into your mouth. "so good. so fuckin' good for me."
you swallow the semen he so graciously gifted to you. he helps you off the ground and kisses your lips hungrily. "your turn, princess. can't wait to taste you." he slides your dress up and rubs your pussy over your wet panties. "no use in wearing these. they're soaked baby... and i haven't even touched you." he smirks and hooks his fingers into the hem of your panties, sliding them down your legs and tossing them to the side.
with your back against the wall, eren gets on his knees and licks stripes up and down your slit before tongue-fucking your entrance. "sweeter than fuckin' candy... this pussy... it's fuckin' mine now." his tongue settles at your clit, flicking it eagerly. the vibrations of his grunts and groans against your bud and the silver ball of his tongue piercing stimulate you further.
"shit—! e-eren–!" you mewl, grabbing onto his hair for leverage. your legs begin to shake and you feel yourself getting close. "gonna cum–ah–!"
eren moans while watching you cum on his face. he slurps up the rest of your juices before slipping two fingers into your pussy. he kisses his way up to your lips, sloppily making you taste yourself. you whine as he pulls his fingers out. "i look forward to breaking you, princess. ready for my cock?" you nod in response, dropping to all fours.
he rubs his cockhead up and down your wet slit, teasing your needy, achy cunt. "gonna mold this pussy just for me." he sighs, slowly sliding the tip into your inviting entrance. once he's past your folds, he thrusts a couple of times to fit himself all the way in you. "shit baby. pretty tight for such a slutty pussy." he slurs.
"mmph–! eren–! fuck me already–! please..." you beg. "tch. you want it so bad? fuck yourself on my cock." he growls. you groan and thrust yourself back and forth on his shaft, quickening your pace as you adjust to his length. he holds onto your hips and pulls you back faster and harder on his cock. "keep it up baby, just like that. shiiiiit..." he groans and reaches a hand under neath and rubs your clit vigorously. "want you to cum all over my cock, pretty girl. mkay?"
you nod and shut your eyes. "fuck—! eren–!" the knot in your stomach tightens and snaps. your walls clench around him as he fucks you through your second orgasm. "fuck yeah baby, i'm gonna cum–" he says with gritted teeth, thrusting one last lazy time into you before pulling out and painting the small of your back and ass with his cum.
for a moment you both collect your thoughts and catch your breaths, looking at each other and smirking. you can't help but hope to keep seeing him. he's mesmerizing, fun, and undeniably gorgeous.
he helps you up and into his arms. "wanna join me in the shower? i'll take care of you... you can even borrow one of my shirts." you accept his hug and agree. "sure, but only if i can get your number." he rolls his eyes light-heartedly and leads you to the door.
"tch. like i'd fuckin let you leave without it."
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dividers by benkeibear
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euphoricwritez · 2 years
hi girlie pop hope you’re happy and very much alive
could you write a smut w fem reader x ethan landry where he tries to be a dom or whatever and he’s wearing like just boxers and the ghostface mask and he makes her give him a blow job🫡 but she’s like tf no so she doms him and like maybe overstimulates him and he’s really sensitive and whiny😍
sorry if it’s too weird😓 but i think the point is just ethan tries to dom but reader says no no and does not let it happen🥳🥳 if you do write it, which you don’t have to!! you could totally change it around😽
★ Carved ★
ethan landry
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cw: FEM READER!!!!! smut, dom to sub, attempted (failed) domination, slight mask kink, knifeplay i think, praising, reader is kinda nice to him, handjobs, blowjobs, overstimulation (he cums three times!), unprotected p in v (wrap before u tap sluts), cumming in pants, whiny ethan, kinda unhealthy, s&m i think, choking, riding, cumming inside 😓, mentions of safeword but not used
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you unlocked your dorm and went in with a sigh. today was fucking exhausting. you just wanted to see your boyfriend. you ran your hand through your hair as you put your bag down. "ethan? are you here?" you called out for him but didn't get a response. weird, he said he would wait for you in your dorm until your classes finished. you went to your room and started changing out of your jeans and sweater. that's when a figure in a ghostface mask appeared and pushed you down onto your bed. you started giggling, "ethan what are you doing?" he put the knife in his hand up to his masked mouth, signaling for you to be quiet. his hands were running over your body and you couldn't help but look at him in confusion. "ethan what's gotten into you? are you sick?" he tilts his head as his hand reached for the clip of your bra. "ethan tell me what's going on," you laughed. "just lay back and- shit," he realized his voice changer wasn't on. you laughed once more and he took of the mask. "babe you're not supposed to laugh, you're supposed to feel good," he pouted, at this point you were in a laughing fit. "i'm sorry babe- i didn't mean to laugh! it's just, i guess i just never saw you as dominant," he crossed his arms and looked away in embarrassment. "where'd all this come from anyway, ethan?" "i guess i just- when you are on top of me, i feel so good it's like seeing stars. i guess i just wanted to make you feel the same," this made your heart flutter. "aw ethan, you know, when you feel good, so do i. your moans get me off more than you could think," this made his face go a deep red. you pulled him into a kiss, flipping him over so you could be on top of him. his whimpers and whines turning you on even more. "please babe, i wanna be yours," he moaned out. "yeah?" you kissed down his neck. "please! mark me please, make me yours, please i want to be only yours, no one else matters!" "if you really mean it babe, you will get what you want. i love you," you took the knife that was previously in his hand and pressed it to his neck, carving your initial onto it. his moans of pain and pleasure made you rubbed your thighs together. there was something in the way your barely clothed body, the knife in your hand, the small amount of blood falling out of his neck that made him feel painfully hard. "please! more! more! i'll do anything!" that's when you put the knife down and your voice took a softer tone. "are you sure baby? you could use your safeword if you need to," you made sure he was comfortable. "yes please! just more!" you picked the knife again, lifting his shirt. you gently carved a heart with your and his initial in it. he started crying in pleasure. he was saying so much, but little of it was understandable. that's when he let out a high pitched whine and he came. he started spouting out "thank you" and "i love you" many times. "you're welcome baby, but i'm not done with you. i want to make you feel so good you cant think of anything but us, right here," that's when you lowered yourself a bit, unzipping his jeans and pulling them down. you started licking at his clothed cock, you could taste the cum that leaked through. "fuck ethan, you taste so good," you continued your motion. ethan was moaning at smallest bit of touch, as he is falling into overstimulation. "please! please touch me!" "i am, aren't i? or do you want me to do something specific? i'm not a mind reader, baby," he whined as he tried to muster up the word. "p- please! i want you to put it in your mouth!" you smiled to yourself. "see baby, it wasn't that hard was it?" your hands reached to lower his undergarments. you pumped his cock a few times before entirely taking him into your mouth. you bobbed your head, pushing it further and then deeper into your mouth. "fuck! please! i'm gonna cum!" he was practically screaming for you. it was no doubt everyone in their dorms could hear you giving ethan the time of his life. you knew he was about to cum any second by the way he was yelling your name out. with one final moan he came in your mouth.
you swallowed all you possible could, with some leaking out. you removed your mouth from him, licking the rest of the cum on his cock, causing him to moan. "wow ethan, i thought you would be able to last longer." he covered his face, which muffled his speech. you removed his hands from his face, asking him to repeat himself. in a quiet mumble, he said "it's you. you're so perfect, i just can't control myself." "aw, you're so sweet. my sweet boy," you cooed, cupping his cheek in your hand. you leaned down and gave him a passionate kiss. "can you cum for me one more time? just for me?" you looked up at him with those eyes. he couldn't resist you. he nodded without hesitation. you took off the little bit of clothes you had on, so you were now completely exposed to him. you were quick to make your way on top of him, not wanting to waste a single second more. you sunk down onto his overstimulated cock; he was basically screaming for you at this point. he was sure people from across the hall could hear, but he didn't care. you started going up and down on his cock, moaning quietly in comparison to his loud and breathless ones. your hands reached down to put pressure on his neck, the feeling of the pressure on the previous cut felt so good to him. he knew he wasn't going to last like this. "i'm gonna cum! please let me cum!" he was begging for you. "can you hold it for me? just a bit longer? you're making me so close baby," you kept on riding him, slipping your fingers down to rub your clit. "fuck- ethan i'm gonna cum! are you going to cum with me?" you asked and he nodded with enthusiasm. "then cum, sweetheart," with that, you both orgasmed. when you got off his cock, he was panting and breathing heavily. "did you feel good? i didn't go too far did i?" you turned to face him as you clipped your bra back on. "no no, you were perfect. i love you," his voice was quiet and hoarse from the previous situation. you kissed him as he was drifting off to sleep. you loved him more than he could imagine.
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the ending sucked and i rushed it 😝 also it's 1 am and i'm exhausted but i needed to post here🤗 this was definitely a more smutty smut yknow so like yeah 🤗 hope u enjoyed this girlies 🙅‍♀️
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veryinnovative · 19 days
hi my beloved <3 sliding into ur inbox with flowers and puckered lips.. giving u a lil kiss..
can i have number 67 for the drabble thing?? pretty please?? i don't care much about the ship, so it's ur choice !! i just know im gonna eat it up <3
(and them doing the devils tango is . also up to u . if it happens then it happens i definitely won't complain MWAH)
<3333 kissy you. also @static-radio-ao3 also sent me 67 but for jeggy so ur both getting it. i wasn't feeling devils tango for this one. also Oh my god I am so bad. I lost muse towards the end I’m so sorry so it just. Stops Abruptly. Anyone who is reading this…Forgive me…It was supposed 2 be short. Anyways Regulus was moody bc James didn’t kiss him during breakfast which is Very routine and then James forgot smth important, I cant come up with what he couldv forgotten to make reg mad, and bc I couldnt figure it out I immediately lost the will to write but I was alrdy at 500 words and didnt wanna start over
“Of all the people I could’ve gotten stuck in an elevator with,” Regulus starts, sounding almost petulant when his attempt to come across vicious falls flat—feebly—in the space between them, “and it just had to be you.”
“Calm down there, don’t sound too excited about it,” the voice just an arm’s length away from him snorts, belonging to none other but his boyfriend of three years.
Regulus shoots him a scathing glare, one which is received with a lazy, taunting, almost self-complacent ‘you-will-get-over-this-fairly-soon’ brand of James Potter smiles. The very one that never fails to drive to the brink of madness. Interpret that however you’d like.
He doesn’t dignify the remark with a response. Instead, he keeps pressing the button, persistent even after the kind, soft-spoken Anette assured them that the issue would be resolved soon no longer than five minutes ago. Despite this, Regulus continues to repeatedly jam his thumb into the first level button, as if perseverance alone could rescue him from his predicament.
“That’s not going to do anything,” James huffs.
Regulus ignores him. Keeps pressing.
“Maybe if you press it a hundred more times?”
Regulus. Keeps. Pressing.
“Fine, a thousand?”
Regulus. Keeps. Fucking. Pressing.
“Oh, are we playing the ignore game?”
“I’d rather play the ‘who can be quiet the longest’ game. You should try it sometime,” Regulus grits out, now keeping his thumb pressed to the button.
That is, until a sudden weight leans against him, pressing him against the wall, face smothered by a broad chest (very unsexily) and the faint smell of their shared fabric softener. 
“James—” Regulus garbles.
“You’re grumpy and won’t tell me why. So now, I’ve gotta guess.”
It’s a futile attempt, but Regulus still tries to free himself. He should’ve seen this coming, truly. Their current position is not any different from when James sprawls himself over Regulus, effectively caging him in when he’s hellbent on delivering the silent treatment.
“Let’s see,” James murmurs. “Is this because I hogged the blankets at night?”
You always hog them, Regulus thinks.
“So that’s a no,” James confirms. “Is this because I didn’t squeeze the toothpaste from the bottom?”
Again, a common occurrence.
“Is it because I didn’t manage a Sunny-Side Up and—” the words stagger off into a sudden silence, disrupted by none other than Regulus’ stifled grumble.
“Hm?” James hums. “What was that, baby?”
“Before,” Regulus begrudgingly admits, face still swallowed by James’ sweater. “It was before that.”
“Before,” James repeats. Regulus can feel the calloused skin of James’ fingertips following the curve of his ear shells, undoubtedly dusted pink from the sheer embarrassment. “Was it also before the bathroom?”
Regulus shakes his head.
“So during breakfast?”
A nod. 
There’s a brief stretch of silence, filled with nothing but the mechanic sounds of their breathing and the distant clamor of what Regulus assumes to be the handymen working away with a control panel located on one of the odd floors.
Finally, “Okay, something I said or did?”
“Both,” comes the immediate reply.
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httpiastri · 4 months
okay i was wrong i had a lot to say so now its three vv long asks in your inbox
THE PEPE BLURB HAD ME ON MY KNEES I SAW THE TAGS AND LIKE I AGREE STUBBLE annoys me a bit but i don’t mind if it’s him 🤭🤭… and also this is so unrelated but i also read through the blurb about him helping you sleep and… i used to have a sam and colby phase and there was a video where colby was playing with his own hair to fall asleep (he basically has really obsessive fans and can’t really date for the partner’s safety… a bit like those fans who stalk the wags obsessively im so sorry 😭😭) but like
THAT WOULD BE PEPE imagine hanging out together and youre like sitting cross legged on the bed doing something (i crochet and do crafty stuff so maybe rhat but we could also just be folding origami idk) and he’s laying next to you watching you while getting sleepy and he just starts playing with his own hair to help himself fall asleep and you just notice and set aside your stuff and do it for him instead idk 😞😞 i just miss him so bad
and like you’re right?? idk why i feel like pepe would unintentionally be so strong or just have such a strong grip that sometimes you have to tell him to loosen up a bit when hes holding you in a hug or just… in general and i have especially weak… everything basically because i don’t do anything physical (unless you count my 1-2am workout sessions where i increase my step count by 5k by listening to music and daydreaming 😊😊) and i have low bp so yeah pepe’s grip and him in general would be a little too strong for me but IMAGINE him trying to be gentle for you like UGSHHDJDHD i want to kiss him soso bad even if he fails at being gentle the only thing that matters to me is that he tried
and about my c.ai pepe, he’s soso sweet and endearing but as your streamer c.ai he was being so cocky after some time?? he was sweet but there would be random little comments being made and christian would just leaning over to me to tell me pepe was only putting on a show in front of me and that he was actually insecure deep down?? 😭😭 i still love him though ❤️❤️
also my asks seem so choppy to me recently but i think this is still okay-ish? and i hope you have a lovely lovely day/night (depending on whenever you’re seeing this) and an even better tomorrow!
- 🪷 (💗)
hello again !! 😚
screaming crying, im so glad u liked it 🥺 oh gosh no i find like one man with a beard attractive but uhhhh pepe stubble 🤭 makes me all giddy to even thing about aaaaaa...... but !!! bestie you're making me cry rn !!!!! im so soft, thinking abt him having his head in your lap because he's so tired after a long day and getting to feel his hair between your fingers, hearing the soft breaths he lets out when he just relaxes fully into you............. :(
(also sorry but very interesting that u said origami out of all things bcs i used to be obsessed w origami 😭)
aaaaaaaaaaaa im crying yet again at the thought of him doing his best to be gentle for u, idk why im thinking about like standing in the kitchen at midnight after coming home from a dinner with friends and you're just soft and tired and wanna hug him 🥺 and so like his grip is so soft because he knows that's what you need rn and you're resting your head against his shoulder... and he presses his lips to your temple..... but im also going crazy about him not being able to hold back when he wins a race etc, like he would be holding you so tightly that you're like "bb i cant breathe" but it doesn't matter because he's just so happy and so thankful to share this moment with you!!!!
also !!! you're so true abt the walks, i used to haaateeee going on walks but last summer when i realized that it's just a way to daydream while still feeling kinda productive ??? y e s, i could walk for hours 🥰
plsssss that's so 😭 i usually put in the like character definition that he should be sweet and such lmao but i now really wanna make one who's cocky from the start instead.........
they're lovely bb!! not choppy, it's totally alright!!! i love love love reading them, so thankful for the time u put into writing to me 🥺<3 have a lovely day/night/anything and a good weekend !!!!!!
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daphnebowen · 9 months
percy jackson and the olympians tv show episode 1 thoughts
finally have gotten around to writing all my thoughts down from the premiere episodes! in honor of the third episode streaming tonight, we’ll say.
beware. lots of screaming, fangirling, and nonsensical English recorded below. (Also spoilers, altho if you haven’t seen it already… who are you??)
(also I’m basically just copying these word for word. These are my real reaction. Continue at your own risk)
I already mentioned this in another post but the way I was fangirling throughout the entire introductory monologue as it was word for word accurate (I was shaking the whole couch lmao)
baby Percy is LITERALLY Walker
grover is 💋 *chefs kiss*
WALKER IS SUCH A CUTIE he is going to be a heartbreaker in a couple of years
sally is perfect, I will protect her with my entire being 🫶🏼
I wanna hear snappy sassy Percy - oh there he is “no, I was thinking I want to shove Nancy in the nearest dumpster” THATS MY BOY (no joke that’s exactly what happened I thought “where is my sarcastic child” and then he said that and I died laughing)
alecto is creepy as FREAK and exactly how I pictured her lol
HE STABBED HER YES PERCY YES although it looked kind of like an accident HAHAH
GROVER WHAT ARE YOU DOINGGGG RATTING OUT PERCY LIKE THAT OMG that didn’t happen in the books did it?? I get why Grover did what he did, he’s getting Percy out of there to protect him, since that’s his job. But in all honesty, Nancy’s bullying went on a lot longer than Percy’s one time shove, so if he’s getting expelled for that Nancy should get punished for all her bullying!! don’t they have a no tolerance bullying policy or is that another school??
DUDE. DUUUUUDE. DUUUUUUUUUDDDEEEE!!!!! “logical” by the one and only freaking olivia rodrigo??? absolutely perfect for this moment! The whole song basically describes Gabe and Sally’s relationship!! I freaking love it
i hate gabe
percys mom is such a baddie I LOVE HER
i hate gabe
percy is SO CONFUSED right now but u love it because it’s basically canon that Percy is eternally confused about everything and he just rolls with it, like it’s a well known fact
percy and sally racing inside is so cute
”you fell in love with god?” “Like- like Jesus?” KH MY GOSH I CANT HES TOO PRECIOUS
”Grover why is there half a goat in your pants?!” iconic. just, iconic. And his little voice crack too! 🫶🏼
Percy is so pissed at his mom lol she’s not telling him NOTHIN
The way Grover nonchalantly dropped the “I’m actually 24” bomb and Percy was just like “exCUSE me?!” and then moved on
bro that car accident was so scary and the way sally reached for Percy’s hand 🫣
sally is the freaking best
the scene where everyone thinks she dies is absolute perfection AND THE WAY HE PULLS OUT THE SWIRD GO GET EM PERCY GO GET EM
“He must be the one” yes yes he is Annabeth yes he is
final thoughts: dude, that episode was the literal first episode of the first season and it’s already perfection. I’m in love with the characters, the action, actually seeing what I’ve imagined in my head for so long. and I’m falling in love with the storyline as if it’s for the first time all over again and it’s amazing and I absolutely love it.
there we go lol
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hakuna-my-ass · 1 year
Call me a bitch one more time
Maybe ill believe you
Call me a whore again
Maybe ill conceive you
Call me a slut to my face
Maybe ill believe you
Cause the way
I wade through the dirt
Is a pain
You cant see through
Call me your mom, call me your baby, call me your daughter
Call me whatever you want
I thank god im not your father
I would beat you, mistreat you, just like mine did
I wouldnt eat you, id leave you
To rot in your sins
Not here to please you, just deal you with the cards of your kin
Calling me your queen wont work cause bitch im a goddess
On the scene when i twerk
Cant help it im flawless
Tell me again how youre gonna cum all over my face
Show me again the way i feel pain
Tell me again about my ass and my titties
Like my uterus wasnt enough to give a buck fifty
Ya'll niggas iffy, filthy... long john? miss me!
Your bullshit squishy
According to the stars and the cards im a bull, hard headed
According to my pops, he's a dog, im hot headed
If i listened to any of you bitches id be mal tempered
I guess this is why rap was invented
Telling me i got legs for days when i got bills to pay dont distract me with your petty bullshit
I got brains for decades dont trash me ill behead you
Asking me for head? Youd rather be dead
Spitting on your grave, does that count?
Illy for years, been down south
Been in cuffs but i was rough before they tried to put me down
Like i cant fight, dont have might, i wear my horns like a fucking crown
Cause just like a bull i see red
But as a taurian i get paid diamonds, no respect
So tell me again how horny you are and how i make you
Show me again how you cum
And i may believe you
Born in May so its easy to distinguish sun from rain
All ya'll bitches run when you see me in pain
Cause my limit is about where my choker is
You helped me reach it so lets not forget i know how to choke a bitch
Like i said call me a bitch one more time
Call me dumb, ill show you whats mine
Cause none y'all have the stripes im covered in
Chinese eyes, my chinese sign starts roarin in this bitch
Y'all came straight outta hell
I came from something even lower
Learned and broke yall spells STOP FUCKING CALLING ME BROKEN
They tried and failed not even the universe could own her
Put her in a ditch, shell make a pie and make you eat
Youll attempt to take everything
Fucking fakes nothing more than leeches
Got poems so old, damn i should start preachin
Cant say ive never been to church
The bible aint a secret
Y'all preaching to the choir
So i brought a choir just to sing this
Bring me down to the ground
I might believe you
Silencing me
Wicho irritating sounds
Yous a nuisance
Thinking yous all that?
But aint got time to prove it
The grass is greener where i smoke it
The waist got leaner
Now they tryna poach it
Taking credit for my successes, my strength, my will and why im the bestest
But i didnt see NONE of yall when I was in duress, hella stressed, just tryna make it out w me n mine
Yet over time i realised its just me and im mine
To make things CLEAR
Im not here to fall into your sextraps
Sextrolling while im rolling
Youre fucked cause i got strapped
Youve never seen a gem like me?
Thats common knowledge.
Oeh im so different?
Caught me yawning
Turned up the degrees to see where youre boiling
Dashed so fast couldnt even keep it a hunnid
Annoying. Disgusting.
As a vegetarian i dont eat meat
Why dfq do u think id wanna see yours when i open my feed
Yall aint got nothin better to do than to focus
On fucking
I got better shit and poo so i focus on commas
The only zeros im interested in are the ones on my bankaccount
I like danger and dangerous numbers that make me moan and shout
Not yo itty bitty dick wrapped up in clout
Next time you see me dont ask me how im doing cause good girls do it bad and bad girls do it badder and im the worst
Your sins cant make it better
Scratch that
Royal Deity
The unholiest chick with the most purity
Chique, fine and thick
But you wouldnt know bout nunna that
Intelligent, since we keepin it straight facts
Sharp shooter, never miss my aim
Even if i fail, still winnin this game
S/o to all the gamers, the players, the fakers
Addressin y'all as my main haters
Slapping my insecurities in my face
Like i might do somethin w it
Undress, heaving chest, make a mess in the kitchen
Callin me gay just cause yall aint got a pot to piss in
Mad pissed, yall blocked, try to mess with this bitch
On all fours like a horse come too close ill stomp ya face in
Insulting me vagée, she's not an animal, yall the pussies
Saying put it on my face
Like you got the right or earned it
Yall demands undeserving
High on supply i dont follow commands
Baby your stressed let me help you with that
Bitch please take a seat id rather do a handstand
Know your place before its too late and yo ass gets jabbed
Call me baby one more time i might believe it
Call me sweet once mlre and ill know youre deceivin
Call me your love, your honey, babycakes, babygirl
Havent been a baby since i entered this world
Tell me that you love me one more time and ill bust out my edges, limited edition blade collection
Jessica rabbit blasian
Blazing stages
Saying you wanna fuck
So i did
Sorry not sorry i fucked you up instead
Mustve been a slice of miscommunication
Over time i developed a bullshit translator
Not sick in the head, just sick of y'all
Planning me demise and downfall
Ik ben een lijdende leider, een overlevende strijder
Thats why i give myself errything i be wantin
Preparin myself for these scheming ass bitches that be hauntin
Mightve gotten startled in the past
But im badder and better so issa wrap
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ask4mycashapp · 2 years
purrs of delight and embarrassment
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"tighnari," ignored. "tighnari," ignored. "tighnariiiii-"
"what do you need now, y/n?" tighnari sighs, finally responding. there isnt any point in ignoring you, youll just get more annoying.
"you know what im gonna ask you, so whats your answer?" you smile, trying to look as convincing as possible.
tighnari glares back at you, why cant you take no for an answer? he wouldve let you later but hes busy and theres ppl around. "no y/n, you cant pet me right now. one its dehumanizing and two im busy." he finally responds, only succeeding in making your smile fade, your resolve isnt broken yet.
"but think about it foxy! i get to pet your ears and tail and you get to be pet, its a win win deal!" you try your best to reason with him and you swear you see him contemplate it, but alas his response barely differs,
"y/n there are people around." you quickly catch onto whats going on, so you do your best to tease him, "oooh i get it! your shy arent you foxy ;D?"
"y/n stop calling me foxy!" he hurried to hush you but failed.
"if you were shy you coulda just told me yknow! ill get us out of here ;)!" you wink at tighnari before making an automated vine bot to do his work for him using your dendro vision.
(reader has a dendro vision that can make vine people or animals that do wtv she wants. lmk if u wanna see more of that concept ;p)
you smile, proud of your creation. you also snicker at tighnaris shock, "now your workll be done and you can come home with me! lets get going foxy!"
"y/n since when could you-"
"since forever, now come with me!"
you and tighnari set off to go to your house. when you get there both of you take showers, change into comfy clothes tighnari stays over alot so he has clothes at ur place ;) and crash on your bed.
once you get comfortable on your back you open your arms, waiting for him. tighnari wordlessly settles in on top of you, laying with his head on your chest and his arms circling your waist. this position gives you full access to his ears and even his tail and he knows that, thats why he did it. you smile at him knowingly, but all he does is scrunch his eyes shut.
with a giggle you place one hand on his ear, rubbing circles into the base of it. your other hand is on his tail petting it. you think a little bit about what would happen if you gave it a tug but dismiss the thought in favor of enjoying this moment with tighnari.
and then... he starts... PURRING!
your beloved foxy is purring, you need to engrave this moment into your mind forever, but then he quickly stops. tighnari burrows his face further into your bust in his embarrasment.
"awe, didnt i tell you you dont need to be shy? its just us, no one elses here. its just me and you at home foxy <3." you reassure tighnari to the best of your ability and slowly he starts to pur again.
after 15 minutes of staying like this tighnari falls asleep. you smile down at his sleeping form, glad that he feels comfortable enough with you to be vulnerable like this. you fall asleep a little bit after him with your face snuggled in between tighnaris ears <3.
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i was so close to making this smut, but i decided on fluff. maybe ill make a tighnari smut post later idk. i have a bunch of drafts and a few requests im working on so ill probably be posting more <3.
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yumehoxo · 4 years
⚠️WARNING⚠️ 18+ content (contains threesum, vaginal sex, oral sex, etc..)
~You’ve been best friends with Armin and Eren since you were really young but as time grew on you all changed leading to the conversation of having a threesum with them~
You’ve known Eren and Armin since elementary school you guys were always together, you watched them grow up with you, you were with them for all their ups and downs and you even watched them as puberty slapped them in the face during their last year of high school. You weren’t always the type to go after looks but damn did these boys get so fine as time went on. Everything changed when they both changed their hairstyle, eren letting his grow out, and armin cutting his short. As they went into college tattoos and piercings came along with them, armin got his neck tatted and ear, eyebrow, and nose piercings. Eren got a full sleeve and half a sleeve, with tongue and ear piercings.
Armin and Eren never seemed like the type to smoke or drink they were always agaisnt it, but after a little convincing from Mikasa, Jean, Connie, and Sasha they caved in. It was like their whole personality’s changed, from one party to another, one girl to the next, it honestly shocked you that these were the same boys you ate sand with when you were 5.
“Y/n!... Y/N!!” You herd your named being called but it was barely audible over the sound of the music. You turned around to see Eren and Armin doing a little jog uo to you, their eyes were bloodshot and there were two blonde girls following them. They looked at you like they were in trouble and it took you a minute to find out since your thoughts seemed to have come in slow motion since you just smoked not even 5 minutes ago. They didn’t want to be rude and tell these girls to ‘fuck off’ since they were Mikasa’s friends.
“Act like you need us” Armin whispered in your ear as he hugged you from behind.
“U-uh where have you guys been?!” You asked them raising your voice little bit to make it seem like you were upset.
“Haha..sorry we couldn’t find you” Eren said with a nervous smile on his face as his eyes widened and shot a look to the shirt blonde girl next to him. She was clinging onto his arm like it was the only thing she knew how to do.
You grab both of them by the wrist and drag them along behind you, the two girls letting go of them
“oh sorry bye Historia!” Eren said to the blonde girl unlatching her arm away from him.
“Bye Annie” Armin said as he slid out of her grip.
“Oh my fucking god thank you so much” Eren said rubbing his arm like some type of bug just touched him.
“They don’t know how to give up, that fucking bitch Mikasa and her weird ass friends” Armin said with a look of anger and discomfort on his face.
“Y’all bitch asses owe me.” You said through gritted teeth upset since they pulled you away from a conversation with Sasha.
“Yeah yeah sure we do” Armin said rolling his eyes.
“How about all those times we had to save you from the guys at Marley University hitting on you” Eren said with a smug smirk on his face knowing that they won this conversation.
“Yeah yeah shut the fuck up” you said rolling your eyes back as you maneuvered your way around the crowd making your way upstairs to where Jean and Connie were. As you made your way up the stairs you held onto their wrists as you saw Annie and Historia shoot dirty looks at you from the first floor. Finally making your way up the stairs struggling to keep your grip on the both of the boys you were greeted by Connie and Jean who looked like they were about to pass out as they lazily raised they’re hands and gave you a short ‘wel-c-om to the partyyyyy’ they both said holding up their beers immideatly laughing afterwards so hard that they almost started crying.
“Uhhh let’s just go onto the balcony” Eren said as he looked away from them before they ask for him to come over there.
“Yeah good idea” you replied. You three made your way to the balcony closing the double doors behind you. You three sat shoulder to shoulder letting your legs hand out from the gap of the fencing, as you passed your last blunt around.
“So.. y/n” Armin said turning his head to you.
“Hmm?” You said lazily not even bothering to meet his gaze.
“If you had to fuck one of us who would it be” he asked with a smirk on his face, the sudden question causing Eren to turn his gaze to you. The question gave you butterfly’s in your stomach, you’ve always thought about it wondering if you had to choose one to hook up with who would it be, but as always you came up to the same answer...
“Both of you” you said taking a hit from your blunt and passing it to Eren. He didn’t even bother taking it as both of their heads shot in your direction since you sat in between them.
“Ayo.. did you really just say.. both?” Eren asked you with a smile mixed in with a look of surprise.
“What are you? Deaf?” You answered his question taking another hit since he decided not to take the blunt.
“So if we asked you to fuck right now you would say yes?” Armin asked with a lustful smile on his face, you could only imagine what he was thinking.
“Most likely, but I’m not fucking on a balcony where all the people below can see our sex show on display though.” You said passing the blunt to Eren and he actually took it this time.
“Damn that was the last answer I would expect from you y/n” Eren said while exhaling
“That’s what they all say”
As time went on you all scrolled through your phones until your high wore off so you could go back to your apartment, they decided they were spending the night since your the one that drove them here and they couldn’t be bothered to go back to your apartment, just to have to drive back to theirs. You three made your way home as ‘Deam Man Walking’ played from Erens phone since he had the aux Armin was sitting in the back seat with his legs spread out and his phone in his hand. Occasionally Armin would show Eren a photo or video and earn the reaction of ‘damnnn whats her @‘. You finally made it home parking in the car garage for the apartment building.
“My feet are killing meeeee” you whined.
“Want a piggy back ride?” Armin asked you.
“Is Annie going to get mad?” You teased.
“Oh my god please shut the FUCK UPP” his voice echoed through the empty parking garage.
“Shhh, it’s like 3 am” you said while climbing onto his back. The scent of his cologne and marijuana lingered. You placed your head on his shoulder, he still smelled like a little boy, you had to admit it was adorable. As you guys walked ahead Eren stood behind as he was texting Mikasa that he was with you and he was going to spend the night.
“She still treats me like I’m 4 I swear” you heard him say about 6 feet away from you and Armin. He sped up to you guys suprising you by smacking your ass causing you to let out a little scream.
“Eren! What the fuck?!” You whispered screamed to him. The only response you got back was a smirk. You three made your way up to your apartment door, handing Armin the keys to open it. You were so glad to be home greeted by the scent of your place. Armin carried you all the way to your room as Eren followed and threw you onto the bed. Eren turned off your lights and turned on the led’s instead putting them at red. You were laughing mess as you fought Armin to stop tickinling you only earning Eren to help restrain you.
“PLEASE- I CANT-“ you yelled through laughs. Eventually Armin stopped tickling you to grab your lava pen on your night stand but eren still held on.
“Wanna hit?” Armin asked you teasingly.
“Arminnnn I just bought that cart yesterday!”
“And it slaps as fuck” he responded back.
“Armin- Eren I swear to god if you don’t let go!” You said to him trying to keep a serious look but need up failing from his cute smile.
“Here I’ll let you have a hit” Armin said rolling his eyes with a smile on his face.
“Bitch-” you were cut off as Armin put the tip of the pen in your mouth.
“Finally got you to shut up” Armin said. You started kicking your legs at Eren
“LET ME GO IMMA BEAT HIS ASS” Eren obeyed letting go but the second you say up you only got pushed back down by Armin falling into erens chest as he sat behind you.
“Who’s ass are you going to beat?” Armin asked you while lifting up your chin to look at him.
“Hmph since your being an asshole I’ll take back what I said about fucking you both earlier.” You said with a pouty look on your face. You were basically on Erens ass now his hands wrapped around your stomach with his phone in his hand.
“Oh is that so” Eren whispered in your ear, soon afterwards pressing kisses down your neck to your shoulder soft moans leaving your mouth as his kisses were warm and wet. Armin’s hand made his way to your face holding onto the sides of your jaw making you look up at him, his lips crashed onto yours and your tongues started gliding over each others in sync. Soft moans left your mouth as you felt Eren grow hard underneath you, his hands wandering around your body. Armins grio was still tight on your jaw as you both were engaged in a heat make out session saliva dripping down the sides of our mouth and occasionally the strand that connected your lips for when you both needed air. Eren tugged at the hem of you shirt indicating that you pull it off. Armin let go of your jaw as he and Eren removed their shirts while you removed yours, Eren unhooked your bra and taking it off completely. As your back was pressed up against Erens chest he left bight marks and hickeys all over your neck and shoulders, Armin took one breast in his mouth and massaged the other with his hand, causing you to whimper. Erens hand traveled down to your already slicked heat rubbing circles over your clit making you moan loudly as your legs slightly shook. It didn’t take long for you to cum as Armin sucked harder on your breasts leaving hickeys all over your chest and how eren slipped his fingers into you curling them so they hit your g spot making you see stars. Eren and Armin were both hard by now you could see their cocks aching to be free’d from their pants.
“Scoot to the edge and get on your knees” Eren said. You obeyed so your backside was facing the headboard and you were facing the end of the bed. All of your clothing was now off by now and so where Armins and Erens.
“Open your mouth and stick your tongue out” Armin demanded. He placed his tip on your tongues as Eren positioned himself at you entrance, Eren took his time going in, while Armin didn’t, he grabbed a fistful of your hair and started thrusting in and out of youR mouth. Erens pace picked up as time went on. Your moans were cut short from Armins’s member making its way in and out of your mouth, barely being able to take his length spit and precum leaked down the side of your face. The sounds of sweaty skin slapping and moans and grunts filled the room. You could feel both Eren and Armin twitching by now and it didn’t take long for them to release, your moans turning high pitched from all the pleasure as you reached your high aswell. You stuck out your tongue to show Armin that you swallowed it whole earning you smile from him.
“Sheeesshhhh that felt so good” Eren said while fixing his buckle.
“Yeah you think” Armin said glancing over at him. You didn’t say anything since you were quite surprised from what just happened.
“I’m going to go have a shower” you said. Good thing Eren brought you a towel already.
“Tell me when your done so I can have one too” Eren said.
“Same here” Armin said as he lied on the bed shirtless.
“Who said I was going to let you guys have showers and use my soap” you asked them raising one eyebrow as you held the skimpy towel over yourself. They both busted out in laughter..
“Yeah yeah OkAYYY” Eren said in a mocking tone.
“I hate you guys” you said turning around and slamming the bathroom door behind you.
“We love you too y/n” they both said in unison.
Authors note:
Omg please don’t kill me this is my first threesum smut 😭😭✋ALSO I DO NOT HATE ANNIE AND HISTORIA PLS DONT GET ME WRONG I LOVE THEM!
But uhh anyways tell me if I should change anything!
Love y’all *muah* *muah* 🥰🥰😍😍😚😚💓💓💘💘
Btw I do requests!
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wizkiddx · 4 years
worst case scenario part 5
finally!! so sorry its been an age to anyone still here but lives been interesting atm so....  also this really feels a bit rambley and the ending is deff underdeveloped but I just kind of wanted this done tbh x 
[previous part] [part 1] 
warnings:  hospitals - ICU, ventilation that sort of stuff, just a lot of ANGST post a difficult birth - please don't read if this could be upsetting for you, and my inbox is always open if u wanna chat :) 
In a complete 360 degree flip from earlier that day, after leaving the hospital Tom had become obsessively attached to Aurora. They’d got back to his parents place in Tom’s car; Aurora in the carseat Y/n and Tom had ready in their car door for her arrival. Clearly his parents had already pre-warned his brothers, who had thankfully already gone over to Tom and Y/n’s - collecting the Moses basket amongst other items Harry had been listed off from his mother. 
Apart from explaining a little behind her name to his parents on the journey back, Tom had spoken very little, choosing to keep himself to himself - physically stationing himself beside the Moses basket the whole time. Of course, there had been a bit of light conversation and almost procedural passing round of Aurora between all her uncles and grandparents, which Tom had kept a wether eye on - but ultimately not engaged. 
He also knew that physically his body was failing him. Although eating a little of the lasagne Sam had made for everyone, he could only stomach a minuscule amount, which did little to boost his energy levels. It felt as though sleeping was the enemy, because he was neither ready to leap into the car if the phone went; or to hear the smallest sound from the wicker basket, suggesting something was wrong. So as much as he tried to fight it, before even nine o’clock he began to dose off on the familiar couch of his parents sitting room - occasionally jerking himself awake before loosing the fight once again.
Nikki had tried to gently push him to take a break in the spare bedroom, which had been Tom’s before he’d moved out, but was unsuccessful - every time he retaliated with a stern shake of his head, while checking his phone just in case he’d missed a notification. Eventually Nikki relented, later in the evening both her and Dom retiring to bed; once Sam had agreed to stick around downstairs till a bit later - as a chef he worked till late in the nights, so even on his days off like today, his sleep schedule was just a little fucked. 
Left alone with his new little niece and now pretty firmly asleep brother, Sam draped a blanket over the latter just in time for Aurora to start fussing in the need of a bottle. His mum had explained how to do everything, how to mix the formula and heat it up, so after scooping up the little wriggling girl in the hope his brother wouldn’t get disturbed, Sam dealt with her. To be honest no matter how clueless and useless he felt, Aurora was just so cute - if a little wrinkly and alien looking, but in a good way. This was the first baby any of them had had, so the first time Sam experienced this instant connection and love for the little being that was his niece or nephew. It was terrifying, lifting the bottle against her lips for the first time, but then it just sort of seemed to work. She was incredibly smart for less than 24 hours old, instantly latching on, like she had done for Haz at the hospital. 
That gave Sam a little confidence in his ability as an uncle, giving himself a satisfied nod while swaying from the kitchen to move back into the living room. It was just a preference to be within reach of Tom… just in case. His poor brother still hadn’t moved, slumped against the corner of the sofa, leaning toward the now empty Moses basket. Normally, Sam seeing his supposed heart throb of a brother looking as rough as he did now - double chin, mouth hanging slightly open, deep sunken eyes - he would’ve taken a photo to blackmail him with. Now though, it was just desperately sad, seeing his brother like this, hand still clutching his phone tightly above the blanket. 
Rather hoping the calm would last for a while, Sam successfully finished off feeding Aurora; winded and then put her down to sleep again just in time. Because, perhaps expectedly, Tom’s phone began to blare off the default iPhone ringtone making Tom jump and throw the device across the room as he awoke with a start. Sam ran to grab it off the floor, mainly with the hope of turning it off before Aurora was awoken too - knowing that it was best tonight to tackle one thing at a time. 
And so he immediately swiped to answer the call, not even registering who the call was from, much rather just wanting the noise to stop. 
“Sam? It’s Harrison” Tom had jumped up from his seat hovering beside Sam with petrified look. It took barely seconds for Tom to snatch the phone back, launching questions down the receiver. 
“Slow down would you? Y/n is fine I was just phoning to check in.”
“Oh er yeh… um sorry I just… just thought…”
“It’s the other way mate. Nurse says she’s starting to get there cos first she moved her arm a bit when we pinched her shoulder and then I just called because she started to like gag and now the ventilator thing is gone.”
“I think she’s breathing by herself? Like she’s got an oxygen mask instead of the tubes down her throat.” Clearly Harrison was not, by any means, a medical expert. 
“They said she would have the ventilator for a few days at least.”
“I guess Y/n got bored? To be fair she couldn’t ever sit still.”
“I’m coming to you.”
“Tom it’s nearly midnight, I was supposed to be kicked out at 10. Just come back in the morning, they won’t let you in I’m pretty certain.”
“What if she wakes up!”
“Then they’ll call you! She’s getting better Tom you should be try and relax for like a second.”
“FUCK OFF HAZ! If she wakes up all alone and terrified then-“
“I’m not going to having a screaming match on the phone with you. I think we both know you wanting to come is more for you than for Y/n, because Y/n would want you to be looking after Aurora.”
Again guilt tripping using the newborn. Harsh but effective. Stopping Tom’s anger dead in it’s tracks.
“Look I can put the nurse on for her to tell you they won’t let you in and they’ll call if anything happens - but you already know that.”
“Yeh sorry fine … I know don’t bother.”
“Okay… I’m was gonna head back to my place and I know you’ve probably got your mum begging to fuss over Aurora but if-“
“Can you come?”
“Didn’t need to ask mate.”
And that’s how the night went. Until Harrison arrived at the Holland family home, Tom had spent the time pacing back and forth, blatantly ignoring the pleas of Sam just to sit down. Once he arrived though, going through all the updates in a lot more detail Tom seemed, for the first time, optimistic. By no means could you call him relaxed or happy - but compared to the rollercoaster that had been the last 24 hours, Harrison thought that was more than enough. Aurora had started fussing again at 1 but by the time it had turned into a full blown scream at Tom, Sam already had the bottle ready. It took a little bit of encouragement and promise that Tom would be able to feed her but actually, she instantly latched on, settled in her Dad’s hold while guzzling down the contents of the bottle. 
After a bit of winding she ended up falling asleep on her dads chest, only when he felt himself start to flag did Tom place her back in the basket. Harrison and him ended up crashing on the sofas, Sam retiring to his own room. Phone still tightly clutched in Tom’s grip.
The first thing Y/n became properly aware of was this intense heaviness all over her body. It felt as though her limbs were all composed completely of lead, meaning as much as she was just craving rolling over, it was as though her own body was holding her down. A very alien feeling that unsettled her slightly, trying to shake of the misty feeling in her head to work it all out. It took a while to drag herself out of the depths of sleep, to the point where background noise slowly faded in - an alien beeping as well as distant shuffling making her heart thump with unease. Finally, perhaps most distressingly , her eyes felt glued shut. Not because they were heavy, in the way someone extremely sleep deprived cant keep their eyes open; rather stiff like they hadn’t been used in so long they’d rusted over or something. 
The feeling  was quite horrific and isolating- as though she were locked into her body without an escape in sight. Whilst trying to calm her racing thoughts, Y/n chose to focus completely on the one thing she could do. She could listen. She listened to the beeps, focusing on the type of sound, the way it chimed so regularly; and it’s form. It was familiar, for that she was sure but for now at least she couldn’t place it. 
It felt like an investigation, trying with all her might to try and workout what the fuck was going on. To put it mildly. 
The most useful clue though, a breakthrough if you will, is when a voice sounded - clear and familiar. 
“Excuse me nurse?” It was Nikki. For sure. It was a clue, but didnt seem to make a hell of a lot of sense. Y/n was so focused on why the hell Nikki was apparently watching her sleep unconscious, she completely missed the reference to the nurse. As in hospital. As in Y/n was in hospital. “… I’m just going to swap out for my sons friend.”
“Harrison?” That voice seemed new and unfamiliar.
“Yes, he won’t be a second I’m sure.”
What was Harrison doing here too? 
It was all very confusing and hurt Y/n’s brain to try and unpick. Gradually then, everything sort of melted away, diving back into the darkness.
The next time Y/n woke up things were different. This time she woke up like she would at any time of day. She woke up and her eyes followed suit. Not particularly easily, since as soon as they cracked open she was almost blinded by brilliant white lights, it taking a build up of willpower before she tried it again - bracing for the pain. 
By now she knew something was wrong. She remembered all these patchy and hazy periods. All full of confusion and disorientation but with different voices keeping her at least semi calm. Familiar voices, all too often laced with such emotion. Especially Tom’s. She couldn’t remember what he had said, nor had she probably been able to understand it at the time - what stuck was the tone. The sadness, the hopelessness , the emptiness. 
It was scary. But it made her want to help. Made her want to open her eyes. 
After wincing at the dazzling white surroundings, Y/n blinked her eyes quickly, in an attempt to get them to adjust quicker. She saw an unfamiliar ceiling, one that was tiled in a similar way to her old school canteen. There was a  weird pressure round her mouth, eyes quickly darting down to see edges of a clear mask pressed up against the bridge of her nose. That wasn’t it though, the further she looked the more her eyes panned down this pale blue blanket, following the outline of her legs to the bottom raised edge of the bed. The hospital bed. 
Her hospital bed. 
As much as she wanted to jump up in panic; physically right now that was an impossibility. So instead, Y/n focused on trying to gleam as much information from the situation. It took a hell of a lot of effort, her muscles literally stiff and ridgid with disuse but with a small groan her neck eventually agreed to follow orders. Just a small tilt to the left and suddenly Y/n felt so much more less panicked. Everything was that bit less scary because there was Tom. 
Admittedly he didn’t look amazing, or even not bad. Tom was sat with his back pressed against the side of chair, so his body faced her. Had he not looked so ruined, Y/n would’ve laughed at the side of his face squashed into the back of the seat. But he did look horrific, for lack of a better word. His brown eyes were locked shut, but also looked puffy and red, while dark at the same time - as though he’d been attempting to gouge his own eyes out prior. He looked like he hadn’t slept in weeks, hence why he had appeared to have collapsed in the arm chair. At least though , he wasn’t in a hospital bed himself.
That was Y/n’s pleasure. 
Her next job was to get her neck muscles to pull her head to the other side. It was a slow wincing gesture, yet she was so aware of another presence that needed to be addressed too. But actually it was 3 people.
Right at the back, a nurse sat on a little spinny chair, scribbling something down in a file of papers but to be quite honest that wasn’t were Y/n’s focus zeroed in on. Instead on Harrison who was sat in chair mirroring Tom, except instead of being passed out asleep he was cradling a baby. Her baby. 
Y/n literally felt her heart in her throat at that point, eye widening almost comically. That was her baby - it must be? The monitors all started to loose their regularity as Y/n threw an uncoordinated limb to that side of the bed- already having realised her throat was way too scratchy to try to say anything comprehensible. 
Immediately that got the attention of both the nurse, who immediately leapt up and called for support, as well as Harrison - who looked like he was seeing a ghost. 
“Oh my-Y/n-?” Luckily he kept the baby safe in his arms rather than dropping her in shock, whilst Y/n kept her eyes locked onto the bundle in his arms. Nodding down, she tried to remove the mask (actually just very slightly knocking it to one side) and attempted to ask of the baby. Her throat, being inhumanly dry and scratchy, didn’t really work but Haz still got the message, scoffing in amazement. 
“Aurora… here’s your mummy.” Harrisons voice was quiet and wavering as he delicately held Aurora against Y/n’s collar bone, the babies little tuft of har tickingling her chin. Now Y/n was crying with happiness, looking up at Haz’s icy blue eyes and questioning her name. Harrison confirmed with another disbelieving whisper, whilst the arm that wasn’t still holding Aurora clasped Y/n’s hand with a death grip. “Tom’s choice.”
The mention of him had both of them shift their gaze across the room to Tom’s chair. Even with all the developments, Tom still seemed completely unaware, fast asleep with the side of his face squished against the back of the chair making his lips slightly askew. Y/n were acutely aware of the small congregation of doctors that had accumulated in the corner of the bay but they seemed to be respectfully waiting before they would prod and poke. Haz went to call Tom’s name, before he could though, Y/n squeezed his arm and minutely shook her head. That wasn’t what the blue eyes boy had been expecting, causing Haz to unfold and bring Aurora back up to his chest as he quirked his eyebrows at her.  
She didnt need to be filled in on the situation to know exactly what was happening. She had no idea why she was in the hospital bed; how long it had been since she’d given birth - but she knew all she needed to. From Harrisons unbelievably shocked face; and from the state of Tom - it hadn’t been good. Her fiancé looked almost ghostly, it seemed evident that he needed her. First then, she gestured to Haz for some water, which after a panicked look to the nurse; then from the nurse to various doctors; she was eventually given permission. 
After somewhat alleviating the sandpaper feeling in her throat, Y/n then croakily asked for a bit of privacy. Right now the doctors all were gawking, Harrison assumed it to be because they’d all led him and Tom to believe she wouldn’t wake up for a while- and even then she was supposed to barely be awake, not able to talk and drink or anything of the sort. With an ecstatic nod Harrison, shuffled out - while doing so prompting the medical people to draw the curtains completely shut round the bay.  
Already Y/n had tears welling up in her eyes, purely because she hated seeing him like this. He just looked so broken and shattered which honestly felt worlds worse than the labour she’d gone through. Her whole body still hurt, stiff and achy for reasons yet to be explained to Y/n. None of that mattered though, as she strained her arm out to the side in order to gently reach his knee that was folded up and sticking out awkwardly at an angle. After swallowing one again, Y/n squeezed round the joint and tried to shake it slightly. Instantly the man jumped up in his seat, heavy eyes blinking quickly and repeatedly as he tried to adjust to the room. 
Being so sleep deprived and stressed out, Tom’s brain was not working normally, instead with a delayed haze as he apparently skipped over Y/n in the bed, rather surveying the the closed curtains and Harrison’s now empty chair. As he was lifting himself to sit more normally up, uncurling from the armchair, was when he noticed the hand on his knee. Breath caught in his chest, Tom instinctively bit his lip as his eyes gradually traced up the hand, to the forearm, up to the shoulder. It felt like a fever dream, as though all it would take is for him to move and she’d slip away again. But there were her green eyes, gleaming in a way that literally lifted a weight from his shoulders. Her smile was tired and a little confused, but so her - after spending days of just seeing all her features lax, Tom swore that it was the most beautiful thing in the world.
Only when Y/n finally croaked out a small ‘hi’ did Tom gain awareness of his body, or rather control of it, enough to leap up and leave over the bed - cradling her face in both his palms. Like a psycho he stared intently, swapping his focus from her left to her right eye like a madman. 
“Your-I-I” He was trying to speak, trying to communicate all the thoughts and regrets of things he wished he’d said to her all at once. Weakly she reached up to fully remove the oxygen mask, dragging It down to below her chin, before squeezing his wrists in comfort. Only then did Tom notice the small puddle that had collected on her cheek, which made him realise he was absolutely bawling. 
“You ‘kay?” Her voice was like sandpaper but everything about her was so completely Y/n and it was just giving Tom this unreal wave of euphoria. Physically incapable of replying, the brunette just scoffed, leaning over the bed even more so he could press his forehead on hers. He was laughing too, the fact she was asking him that seemed so preposterous, given all the tubes and wires attached to her at the moment. It took Y/n squeezing his wrist harder again to make him lean back a little, searching her eyes with his. She seemed so worried; seemed so full of concern - only then did Tom consider quite how much he’d ‘let himself go’ the past couple of days. 
It had been two days since Aurora was born, only 48 hours. But the transformation was mad, none more so than mentally. 48 hours had quite literally changed everything for Tom; changed life forever and himself too. It was showing in his unshaven face, with unwashed  greasy hair, everything just looking ‘tired’.
“‘m just really glad your awake.” It was so honest and sincere it did have Y/n wondering what had happened and for how long. What had she put her fiancé through?
“How long?”
“The worst two and a half days of my life… I got you now though, yeh?” Tom whispered wetly, while stroking the side of her cheek - wiping both his and her tears away.
The doctors and nurses then came in, podding and poking Y/n like no tomorrow while Harrison and Tom stood back a little - excitedly grinning at each other and the sleepy girl Haz was cradling, before Tom stole her off him. There was a momentary sick-to-his-stomach feeling after some of the professionals had cleared, seeing her eyes shut again felt like everything was crashing around him. Thankfully though, one of doctors noticed the look of despair on his face, explaining to the two men that she was just asleep normally. That although sh’ed spent along time unconscious, waking from a medical coma is in itself exhausting. 
After the initial excitement of Y/n waking the next couple of days were pretty samey. She’d been moved down to a normal ward, no longer needed all the incessant bleeping machines but still had to stay in hospital. Tom found it tricky too, he just always felt he needed to be by her side ‘just in case’. In fact, it had been a source of a bit of tension between him and his fiancé - she could see how exhausted he was from looking after Aurora, plus the stress of being in the hospital for hours a day with her. As Y/n got better and more switched on to the state of him, she realised it was inevitable he’d crash at some point.
But after a week and a half in hospital - comprising of a baby, emergency surgery, 3 days on intensive care, followed by 8 on the ward - Y/n was discharged. Nikki and Dom moved in to Y/n and Tom’s place, to provide care support both for Aurora; and Y/n for the rest of her recovery; and secretly Tom for everything he’d been through. 
She was still order on bed rest due to her surgical scars, so Tom and Nikki helped to set her up in the master bedroom as soon as they got in. Of course, everyone was aware of Toms odd mood that day. Until then the only thing he wanted was to get his fiancé back at home with him but now she was over the threshold his excitement and joy appeared to have been zapped out of him. In fact, he’d barely uttered more than a couple sentences. So once Y/n was properly comfortable and Dom had brought Aurora and the cot into the room, Tom’s parents quickly made themselves scarce. 
Tom hadn’t stopped, finding some reason to rummage around in the chest of drawers m while Y/n chewed at her bottom lip, watching him. 
“Tom?” All she got in response was a light hum. “Tom please will you come and sit down for a minute?”
“I just need to-“
“Tom!” Her exclamation finally properly got Tom to listen, jumping round to face her. “Please... please will you just stop for a second?” Y/n’s eyes felt as though they were boring holes in his skull. Really, Tom knew he’d be forced into this at some point because he couldn’t avoid Y/n. She had some power of mind reading over him. So with a defeated nod and sagging shoulders Tom rounded the bed, weaving between his side and Auroras cot - where she was sleeping soundly. 
A silence overcame the room as he heavily planted himself on his side of the bed, mirroring Y/n’s posture leant against the headboard. 
“I think we need to have an honest conversation T.”
“If you want.” Nothing about his reply was the picture of enthusiasm, causing Y/n to hesitate a little. 
“Look I am so beyond grateful for everything you’ve done while I was in hospital... and it doesn’t take a genius to tell you’ve worked yourself half to death-“
“I’m fine-“
“Don’t lie to me. I know you’re trying to protect me but please... will you just talk to me? Honestly?” 
His reply this time wasn’t completely unforeseeable but it still shocked Y/n quite how quickly it happened, especially almost unprovoked. Because that’s all it took for Tom to break, for the past 2 weeks to get their vengance, for all the repressed emotion to escape. 
He was crying- well more accurately sobbing- into his hands, his back quaking. Naturally Y/n reached out to pull him into her side, suppressing the groan of pain as she moved a little too much for her abdomen to handle. “I’m here T. I got you and I’m not going anywhere m‘kay?” 
And that’s how they stayed, for at least 10 minutes, with Tom crying into her shoulder as Y/n rubbed up and down his back. Eventually though, everything did calm down and Tom repositioned himself to lean his head on her shoulder just facing forward and focusing on playing with her fingers, lacing them fingers with his. 
In all the time since she’d woken up, Y/n was yet to broach the subject of their babies name yet. She sensed it was a sensitive topic to say the least, so had thought it best to wait till they were properly alone - not in a ward of 6 strangers where the only privacy came in flimsy blue curtains. 
“So…. Aurora huh? Thought it was too airy-fairy, head-in-the-clouds for you?”  Smiling lightly, both of them were transported back to the pregnancy when they spent hours and hours bickering over names. Aurora had always been Y/n’s favourite but to Tom thought it was more a name for a hippy kid who went around clad in tie dye and bandanas. 
“Still is a bit...but I needed a bit of a miracle and Iceland was in my head. Plus I sort of accidentally word vomited while shouting at Haz, for being nice to me.” Iceland as in when Tom had proposed under the aurora borealis in the freezing sky - when Y/n had agreed, promised even, to be with him forever.
“But you like it?”
“Of course... mother always knows best after all.”
“I think it suits her too. One of your best choices to date, listening to me.” Y/n mused, earning herself a very delicate but still playful elbow in the side before the room drifted back to a much more comfortable silence. 
“We’re gonna get through this you know? Me, you and her, we’re together in this... I’m sorry I wasn’t in the beginning and I’m sorry I hurt you but now? I promise you got me and I’m not going anywhere…” Y/n needed to say it and needed Tom to properly listen. “ ...literally, I still cant walk properly.” Tom chuckled wetly at that, which made Y/n feel a lot better too. 
To be completely honest, Tom was still hurt and he knew it’d take some mending to move past everything. By no means did he blame Y/n in anyway but just the fact he was left alone and abandoned - well, it was the worst time in his life. The way Y/n understood that and had apologised to him - if completely unnecessarily- meant everything. Meant she would help him to heal... whilst he helped her too. 
“Can we just go to sleep? I need to wake up beside you in our bed not at tiny hospital one.” It was only 3 in the afternoon but because of Y/n’s medicine she was constantly drowsy and Tom? Tom was still in this permanent state of exhaustion. So it wasn’t so much of a weird request as it was on the face of it. With a nod, Y/n shuffled down on the bed a bit more resting her head against the top of Tom’s. It was exactly what they both needed, just a bit of peace with each other. 
That lasted all of 5 minutes before Aurora woke and started to scream. 
Life had most definitely changed. Especially for Tom. Because even though he was he was mentally and physically exhausted,  he only appreciated his daughters screams whole heartedly... because Y/n was there groaning with a tired smile too. They were in this together. 
 I really hope the ending didnt disappoint too much, im aware its rushed as hell, but thank you for getting this far! And I hope maybe this series has done a teeny tiny bit to normalise not everything in pregnancy and child birth being perfect - that there is morbidity and mortality associated. Obviously this is all fictional (esp the amazingly quick recovery and lack of neurological/other impairments) and not medically accurate in the slightest !!
my inbox is always open :) t x
Tagging : @whitewolf51 
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scandeniall · 4 years
falling in love | atsumu m.
pairing: atsumu x reader
warnings: few curse words. Yk the usual; aged up/post time skip
alternatively; what its like falling and being in love with atsumu
thank u all for the thoughts on the sakusa version. figured i’d give another boy a try and am considering making this a series 
Falling in love with Atsumu feels like being on a roller coaster. There are so many ups and downs but you never want to get off. Falling in love with him requires time but once you do its the most amazing thing in the world. 
Its meeting at Onigiri Miya after he’s had a long and rough day at practice and you two order the same meal. The order is called off and in a haze of exhaustion he thinks its his grabbing the bag almost immediately bumping into you and dropping the bag. Hes so so tired and so so hungry that he nearly tears up before mumbling a series of expletives, not even processing any of the spew of apologies you shoot at him. Even worse when he finds out it wasn’t even his order he dropped, because so much for a free meal. He’s in shock when you decline him buying you a new one because he “looks ready to drop dead at any moment.” He barely processes the way Osamu comes out both annoyed at the mess and amused at his frozen twin before telling you a replacement was on the house and forcing Atsumu to go nap in the back for a little because driving home. 
Its how after that night, he’d started seeing you more and more at the shop, very brief conversations here and there leading up to him asking for your number since “ya seem to come here as much as me.” At some point he found out that its because its your roommate’s favorite spot and picking up dinner is on your way home (not that you've ever mentioned that you’d gotten to enjoy the view of both the cook and his brother.)
Its the friendship you develop with his twin and fit right in with their friends. In some whirlwind of conversation you expressed concern for him (as a stranger) to where his brother said it wasn’t unusual for him to come in, half dead, eat and sleep off some of his exhaustion before heading home. It wasn’t all the time, but often enough. However, accidentally stealing someone else's food was a new one for him. You jokingly called Atsumu sleeping beauty, which was the start of it. The two of you frequently teamed up against the twin, to tease at him and no matter how much Atsumu claimed to hate it and he wishes you two despised each other, he cant hide the smile that tugs at him. 
Its the moments like the one when you met where you end up picking him from practice, catching a ride to the gym because he's so so tired and wants nothing more than to stuff his face and sleep for days. Just months into your friendship he’s trusting you with his car, because you seem that dependable. The praises of you being a good friend as his hand lingers against yours after passing the keys over to you. The way he looks slumped against the cars window has something stirring inside of you. You take a picture for blackmail later and to reinforce how much better he is when hes not talking. 
Its how he sits on your couch eating all your snacks while he shit talks all the guys that appear on your tinder. Calls some of them jobless losers, and its the frist time he admits that he thinks you're hot. “Yer too hot for that guy”, while swiping left on all of them (even the ones you would’ve gone right for.) The way you retort confirming that he thinks you’re hot has him speechless and stuttering, insisting that he didnt mean it like that, yet can’t explain how he meant it. 
The times you bicker and he suddenly becomes the worst friend you have. The time you two had stopped talking for like a month, mad over something you’d forgotten a week later. Yet, all you knew is that you were supposed to be mad. He could “go to hell” and you were “so fucking annoying.” Over the course of your friendship he’d made it a habit of taking things from you; your favorite mug because he still had a drink in it when it was time for him to go. Your fuzzy socks that he’d claimed during a movie night, because your apartment was way too cold. The spare reusable bottle because he forgot his and was already on his way to the gym. You’d resorted to trying to slowly get your stuff through Osamu, but by week 3 he’d grown tired of it. He promised you both a free meal if you came and helped him close up one night, before forcing you two to talk it out. Within five minutes the two of you are laughing. 
Your first date had been one by accident of some sorts. You’d been walking around a shopping center at night and he’d caught view of a new ice cream shop. It was his cheat weekend and he suggested stopping. His treat. Some time in between you going home he’d teased that it felt like a date. You both were hit with a oh shit kind of moment because it was true. Throughout the night your hands had brushed several times, and you’d both even let the other use your spoon to taste your different ice cream flavors. 
Atsumu’s feelings came relatively easy. He thought you were kind, funny, interesting, and of course attractive. You had a way of leaving him speechless with your quick and witty comeback, and it was refreshing. It’d been something he hadn’t seen much since his high school days with Aran. However he’d denied the feelings for the longest, swearing to himself that he’d never have a crush on you. You were just one of the bros, but better.But, after that first date its like the feelings just flooded out. It’d ended with you hinting that you’d be interested in going on another one, “perhaps a real one this time,” and he just nodded. 
There weren’t many dates before the two of you dived into your relationship. Afterall, you’d been friends for over a year and if he’d thought you were annoying he wouldve “been gotten rid of you.” His first act of the two of you becoming a couple, was a cute picture for his new wallpaper. It’d been a hassle to get because with every picture, one of you had a problem. The first time his roots were peaking through too much and he fussed at you for not telling him he needed a touch up. Then the one he liked you were blinking, and hed insisted you looked good anyways (or that he did). He’d recounted a time where he didn’t care about making memories, but it was different now. They made him who he was, and wanted to keep the memories of your growth. 
Its the nights before games that he spends with you doing self care (an act he used to pretend like he only did because you wanted to, before just begrudgingly admitting that he liked it too.) You’d gone to look for a specific face mask, before he admitted that he stole it and forgot to bring it back (when really he used it all up and was just waiting for you to buy another one so he could take that one too). When you rolled your eyes at him, he’d just brush it off a promise of returning it before opening his arms for you to return to your cuddle position. You were supposed to be watching a movie, but he’d pulled up old games of his future opponents and kept showing you interesting plays. One hand holding the phone, the other unconsciously rubbing circles onto your back. He asks if you’re paying attention to him and you admit that you aren’t at all and he sighs in over dramatic disappointment before locking the phone and focusing on you.  
Its the argument that almost led to your breakup that happened due to a miscommunication. You’d been out with friends, Atsumu already trying and failing to coax you into staying the night with him instead. All it had taken was a picture taken completely out of context for him to feel hurt. He really really liked you (borderline was ready to admit loving you)!and thought you’d at least felt a fraction of the same emotion towards him. That night he hadn’t thought through anything before sending the picture (snapped on who knows who’s phone) to you with a simple ‘I see how it is’. What made it even worse is that you hadn’t seen the picture right away. 
It’s how your heart dropped later that night when you were finally ready to head back to his, and your heart ached at how you called him several times only to be sent straight to voicemail. Your attempt at reaching his twin was lucky as he hadn’t even told him about what he thought had happened yet. Another strike of luck when Osamu believed you and ensured that this was a case of his brother acting first and thinking later. 
The makeup had been one both of relief and realization that the two of you needed to talk. It’s when you found out that he was in love with you and that he really did love hard. Just like with volleyball, he wasn’t sure what kind of dumb shit he’d be getting into if you weren’t there. Having to sit through the conversation was uncomfortable for him as he was often the one doing the scolding to others. However the difference was that you admitted that you could’ve handled it better as well (something he doesn’t do when he’s complaining about others).
Its the nights where he hits you up at 2am already outside begging you to just take a late night drive with you. He knows you can’t tell him no so he’s offering a smirk pushing the door open as you sleepily make your way in. His eyes soften at how cute you look (he’s definitely known to slip up and talk in a baby voice like this and yes you’ve blackmailed that ass when he annoys you). You tell him that you look like shit at the moment and he agrees before backtracking and still saying you look good. 
You end up at some late night drive through arguing about fries because “ya didn’t even wanna come out in the first place” and you both don’t need them. You could just share. The workers in the drive through literally have to tell y’all to hurry up to where he just glared at the faceless menu. You have to end up shouting over him the order that he still ends up complaining about. Even though you end up with the two different orders he eats all yours and every time you try and swat his hand away he exclaims that he bought them. 
Those nights you wake up pretty easily because he lowers the windows and turns up his throwbacks playlist pretty loud and sings terribly and just looks so happy. Beautiful Soul by Jesse McCartney comes on and he loves grabbing your hand at it while singing along. Those moments are a different kind of joy from when he’s playing volleyball. He’s not focused on a win or his team and how to celebrate. He’s living in the moment, happy and carefree and with his favorite person.
a/n: um yeah cant lie I do like the sakusa version better but here we go. another middle of the night ramble. 
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merlinssaggyyfronts · 4 years
BBC Merlin Rewatch:
01x01: The Dragon’s Call
aw look at merlin all happy and smily, walking into camelot like he isnt going to witness the death of his best friend/king and basically everyone he loves
“like everyone, he must live and learn” yo shut ur bitchass up lizard man u literally tried to murder everyone in camelot that one time
“his name: traumatised 😍😍”
fuck ur bitchass uther no one likes u
“i pride myself as a fair and just king” sir didnt u like basically kill ur wife... and thousands of peo- OH MY GOD MORGANA BB ILY
oh jesus okay hes dead um chile-
“when i came to this land” wait i thought he was raised kn camelot brb i forgot im an idiot wait,,, does this mean before this it was the du bois family on the throne of camelot?? also, mired in chaos? u mean like.... before ur wife died and everyone was living peacefully? ....okay
“merlin, seeing a person who's been stated had been studying magic get beheaded: [a magical being himself] ah,, welcoming.” -my gf
“since the great dragon was captured” ....so did no one think about where they put a dragon?? a captured one at that. ud think he’d be more smart but nah he just left a random ass dragon under his castle like THAT is going to end well
“a son for a son!” omg why couldnt u have killed uther bb ur the perfect villain i love u ur literally just a loving mother i-
.....why is there a bunny mask in there
why is thERE A BUNNY MASK-
why didnt merlins eyes glow when he dragged the bed to gaius to save him
also whats this slomo magic why didnt he do this after this why did season one haveso much magic and like every other season was just everyone throwing it back
like i get instinctual magic but like.... if its instinctual wouldnt it happen more especially when his powers get stronger-
gaius: what did you just do?!
also gaius, five seconds later: i know what it was!! i just wanted to know where you learned it
merlin: 😐
merlin, about his magic: i was born like this
gaius, who knows full well warlocks exist: impossible!
(are warlocks naturally born knowing how to use magic without learning? i mean if u have to learn magic like a sorcerer then whats the difference between a warlock and a sorcerer cuz wouldnt sorcerers atleast have to have some magic in them to actually cast spells? am i dumb or do i just not get it)
wait so merlin arrived in camelot on a wednesday
merlin, walking into camelot: it is wednesday my dudes
merlin: [witnesses an execution] aaaAAAAAA-
“someone that might help him find a purpose of his gifts” oh honey he’ll get something mUCH LARGER THAN THAT-
“the more brutal you are, the more enemies you’ll create” oh the waY SHE PREDICTED THEIR FUTURE OO
ah bless u lady helen/mary collins we love them spicy villains
...why do you have a dressing table in a tent
[watches mary collins murder lady helen] i never snitch on dadd- ...someone pls delete me
merlin, about his instinctual magic: i just do it!
gaius: ...lord have mercy what did i just sign myself up to
what ever happened to sir olwen did he die from accidentally overdosing
merlin looks so offended, oh god i could watch this whole scene for HOURS
“do i know you?” “im merlin” “so i dont know you” ugh theres already sexual tension
“i would never have a friend who could be such an ass” “or i one so stupid”
also them, ten years later: “i use my magic for you arthur, only you” “just hold me” “i cant lose him! hes my friend!” “thank you..”
“tell me merlin, do you know how to walk on your knees?” OOOOH THE BOYS ARE FLIRTING
im convinced atleast half the knights with arthur were like “ayo thas kinda sus bro 😳😳 ayo 😳😳”
arthur: tell me merlin, do you know how to walk on your knees? would you like me to help you?
merlin: ....i really dont know how to answer that
imagine being paid to throw fruits at colin morgan omg id be so thrilled
gwen: well, arthur looks like one of those, save the world kinda men... and you dont
merlin, 1500 years later, having failed his destiny: well i mean you’re not wrong
gaius: uther banned magic a long time ago
merlin, flabbergasted as if he wasnt raised on tales of the death of his kind every day in the kingdom right next to his: why?!?!?
gaius: the dragon is imprisoned where nobody can free him
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(that is the face of someone knowing full well hes going to free that dragon. look at him. he’s already made up his mind.)
[sees merlin and arthur in the marketplace] oh heres he is again heres the lil bitxh ooo theyre about to FIGHT
god hes flirting so hard without even realising it, oh my god
“i could take you apart with one blow” “i could take you apart with less” um sirs this is a mcdonalds drive thru 😃
arthur: ahah, you’re in trouble now~ 😏😏
....yall are yelling very loudly, um, arent there guards near yall? people passing by? please relax
“im just a nobody, and i always will be” OH IF ONLY YOU KNEWWW
“if i cant use magic, i might as well die” ....well, ive got a surprise for you-
“maybe theres someone with more magic than me?” like... a whole dragon? i mean if you say so 👀
merlin about why he was born like this: if you cant tell me, no one can!
a fucking dragon, basically every magical creature and the druids: WELL-
the camelot guards are so stupid how the hell is this kingdom still standing
how does kilgharrah know merlins name? in prophecy hes known as emrys (and we see basically every magical being call him emrys and not merlin,, i think). so how does he know? did he stretch his neck long enough that he could somehow hear merlin? is it cuz theyre kin? is it cuz merlin and gaius were yelling so loudly that kilgharrah could hear them all the way in his cave? ig we’ll never know 🖐
merlin: where are you?!
kilgharrah: without you, arthur will never succeed.
merlin: ....oh look, im already paranoid
the amount of sadness i feel hearing kilgharrah say “none of us can choose our destiny, merlin. and none of us can escape it” is INSANE cuz in season one you can SEE merlin trying to escape it. hes doing his damned best trying to have some control over his life. and then in later seasons you can see the light slowly drain from his eyes as he becomes just another toy for the gods to be entertained by. he realises he cant control a single thing about his life so he does the one thing he can: protect arthur. and he loses SO MUCH because of it! its not fair, he deserved so much, and when he finally got everything he could ever ask for, it was taken away from him by his own mistakes.
arthur, seeing morgana in a beautiful dress: god have mercy 😍
uther: .....um
the way they set arthur and morgana up as if they arent gonna make them siblings i- what the fawk 😄
person A, who knows arthurian lore: oh no! arthur is going to have an affair with morgan(a) and have mordred! oh no!!
person B, whos seen merlin: oh no in this show its worse
person B, knowing full well theyre siblings: much worse....
gwen: who’d wanna marry arthur? 🙄
gwen, getting crowned queen of camelot: well fuck
hhhnghnh yes queen sing them to sleep yes murder his bitchass (and fail but like its the thought that counts)
on a sidenote tho this is such a fun way to murder someone, id try this
the absolutely OFFENDED “FATHER!” and the horrified look in arthurs eyss when uther announced merlin would be his manservant is PRICELESS OMG
oh the way uther unintentionally plants the first seed of his sons love story omg 😍😍
Conclusion: this episode is a 10/10 greatest episode with so many iconic scenes omg. mary collins u will forever have my heart for unintentionally kickstarting merlin and arthurs relationship destiny. i loved the whole thing and oh GOD does it already hurt knowing full well how the show ends
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cassyapper · 4 years
this is gonna be very messy cause i WILL be jumping back and forth as things come back to mind so uhh pls enjoy this absolute ramble <3
anyway. i continued playing omori and boy do i have some Thoughts
so first session; i went through the pyre(something i forgot the full name sob) forest/sprout mole village/sweetheart’s castle in one go and let me TELL YOU. DOING THAT WAS FUCKING INSANE I WENT NUTS holy shit.
so anyway.
pyre forest!!!! the lil race against the big spider coming after u for disturbing the smaller spiders mechanic was very fun i had a lot of fun figuring out the best routes to take. i know normally mechanics like that lead to ppl getting frustrated cause u have to keep retrying but i had a lot of fun!!!! sum annoyance but good natured type, th kind that just makes u try harder u know? i just enjoyed it JKFN;FN; candles in the foggy forest....now That is an aesthetic
the rare bear scared the fuckin shit out of me i remember it didn’t attack me straight away so i was like “aw (:” but then when i press x on him it takes me to a BATTLE SCREEN AND SUDDEN THAT MF IS TERRIFYING I WAS LIKE WHWHWHWHWKJDNJ. very funny i honestly wished i recorded my reaction
also omori is afraid of drowning...................................i am breathing heavily. i think whatever happened to mari is related to at least one of the things omori is scared of. so either heights, spiders, or drowning it seems. spiders doesnt seem super likely as a contributor to her death, and while falling from a height is more realistic, such a senseless way of dying doesnt seem to rlly fit ? with the vibe i get from the kiddos in the real world. which makes me think maybe drowning/otherwise suffocating is how she died...but we’ll see. also due to the forgotten library part, we know omori explicitly feared spiders/drowning before mari died so it’s also probable im jus talking out my ass here but still,,,,thoughts
also this motherfucker?
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literally fucking terrifying. IT’S BODY IS MADE OF SUCC’D SPROUT MOLES...i still have no idea what exactly it was doing to them but jesus h christ!!!! evil and fucked up. do not feel bad for curbstomping it
sprout mole village!!!! very cute, im v excited to send that one dude his brother’s care package. i like how, when theyre not lost, sprout moles can be real endearing lil guys,,,theyre not my fav lil enemies but (:
also for some reason omori is the first game ive played where i really care about getting achievements ? so i literally did the back and forth on my save file just to get all the season sprout mole achievements JKDJFJ;. i ended up sticking w spring tho before moving on for real cause spring is my fav season irl (:
also i felt SO BAD for cutting down that one sprout mole’s chistmas tree he was just trying to celebrate but i wanted to see that present and coincidentally becoming a christmas ruiner was an achievement so all’s fair in love and war i suppose
ALSO. th fuckin plant monster thing under the scientist sprout mole’s room. major little shop of horror vibes from the design, absolutely adored it!!!!! originally i did  just cut the wire holding the piano over it, ending it in one go, but i was very curious abt it so i reloaded a save file to actually fight it and
i know it only spread that gas to make the kiddos happy cause being happy reduces attack i think ? it decreases attack/defense but seeing the kiddos smile so much was nice (:
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omori...sunny....son boy.........u good ?
and now. sweetheart
the way the sprout moles completely adore and depend on sweetheart gives me such awful evil vibes and combined with such a luxurious background was fucking incredible
sweetheart herself, speaking of. bitch (sorta affectionately, certainly not derogatory)
i talked to every sprout mole in the audience before taking my seat and i literally dont know why. even when i picked up the pattern of where the unique dialogue could be found (usually the sprout moles farthest right) i still talked to all of them......just in case ? i have no idea. i dont know why i did that. i feel it’s important that i note it tho
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also sprout mole mike describing 3′7″ inches as ”towering” was the FUNNIEST shit i have ever seen. also i have to wonder, since sweetheart made up the whole show of sweetheart’s quest for hearts in the first place, if she was seriously down to marry a sprout mole if one suited her fancy. jus v funny to me honestly. SPEAKING of sweetheart’s dating patterns I NOTICED THOSE FEM SKELETONS IN THE DUNGEON!!!!! BI SWEETHEART!!!! SHE’S JUST AS DOWN FOR GIRLS AS SHE IS BOYS
i know TECHNICALLY not everyone is in the dungeon for failing to be a good enough suitor but STILL...COME ON. THIS WAS BEFORE WE KNEW THAT. SWEETHEART BI I WILL DIE ON THIS HILL
when the lights when out and lightning struck the third contestant, i knew Immediately something was gonna go down. and when the mustache sprout mole was like “oh yes!! u!! in the striped pjs!! u absolute beast ur perfect!!!” i KNEW hero had just been selected as the replacement i was goign completely fucking nuts i was like OH MY GODNFNG; HIS HEART IS ALREADY TAKEN BY MARI!!!!!!! STOP
i ended up taking so many screenshots during this part cause i was going feral so here take a glance just cause i love, uh, hero
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hero shaking on the stage when he was introduced...oh my HEART....IM SO FOND FOR THIS BOY WTF!!!!! DKJDN;N
this is not really NEWS to me since it’s implied hero is tall but like come ON..... sorry just every time i find out a character is explicitly taller than me i need to huff about it, moving on,
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sorry i just have so many screenshorts during this aprt cause i was going fucking crazy but
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literally terrifying! sweetheart bathes in that shit!! christ!
is blood good for ur skin? i imagine, so long as like...gore isnt in it and it’s solely blood it cant be BAD necessarily......but good ? regardless very fucked up. besides the fact that well, uh, BLOOD, blood is also sticky as hell. ur telling me sweetheart willinglhy bathed in that shit? disgusting. at least thin it out
also the lil sir maximus bit.........i honestly felt really awful over having to kill them ): i think i even tried running once but it wouldnt let me...it hurt man ): they were just a family....
um but anyway,
i think it was rlly sweet how aubrey protested to the wedding cause she was worried abt sweetheart,,,like i cant rlly explain it idk how to put it into words,,like sweetheart is clearly not mentally well and having an episode, and aubrey being the only one to say “hey what ur doing is self-destructive and isolating” just mmmh. she cares a lot,,,and *i* care aubrey
ah but alas
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im so worried about basil ):
and it being so obvious that none of the others can see...........them asking omori if he’s okay.....oh my god. i go nuts
and then...the forgotten library part
i literally cried, again, oh my fucking god
these kids loved each other so much they ADORED the time they spent with each other and im QUAKING to know WHAT HAPPENED TO MARI......HOW DID THE FALLOUT GO. I NEED TO KNOW I NEED TO KNOW I NEED TO KNOW
i know there are multiple endings to this game and on god i am not QUITTING until i get the happiest ending there is for these kids im literally a goddamn fuckign mess oh my god
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okay sorry i just. ive said ti before but the grief in this game is so real and palpable and it aches, it aches so bad. also the white egret orchids in the library...i see u
but regardless.... session two real world electric boogaloo
LOVE that kel is like “so i need to run errands but u wanna come with me right? of course u do!” like fuck i rlly do. kel is just so delightful i would literally do anything to spend time with him
ALSO i noticed u can just refuse to open the door both times kel’s knocked now and it makes me wonder....if u could choose to ignore kel ? and then venture out urself or just ? i wonder what would even happen if u chose to not open the door. im CERTAINLY not doing it myself at the very least not this playthrough but i am curious...i bet that’s how u get a bad ending, by not talking w kel
but anyway....
aubrey and her gang not saying anything in the pizza parlor........i jus think abt that is all
ALSO!! pet rocks!!!!!!!!! LOVE this lil thing it’s so cute. jus rock paper scissors it babey
speaking of lil bits, love all the mini quests in the real world...it’s just rlly fun and builds up this cute lil town........it also makes me think that whatever happened to mari cant have been anything except an accident, bc no one comments on what a tragedy it was to omori. like if it was murder, there’s no way such a horrific situation wouldnt engulf the town for a bit and sweep over it for weeks at least, but that just doesnt seem to have happened. this is def me reading too into it tho;; point is neighbors nice (: also i got the seashell necklace and i go apeshit
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baby has acquired baby
kel’s family is rlly cute,,,,v heartwarming. i trust them
i do worry abt like...the stark difference between recognizing kel’s accomplishments and hero’s...i just idk. i just keep thinking abt that bit in kel’s story abt hero’s depression when his parents focused on hero and ignored him, and i just. kel’s family is good People but i worry if kel has a good support system...i jus........): i am watching
oh my god kim like asking for aubrey all concerned before deciding to trust her and leaving.....kim i diagnose u with lesbain
the whole fucking. basil almost drowning scene. i seriously feel like ive changed like as a person over it. i am thinking . i am thinking. i am only evee thinking about mari and how omori just loved her so much and how the thought of her gave him strength. th pic of her ghost holding omori’s hand in the water made me cry
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god i feel so bad about leaving aubrey tho. shes so clearly not okay and she so clearly did not mean to push basil in and oh my GOD I JUST...PLEASE....PLEASE CAN WE JUST TLAK TO HER I NEED TO TLAK TO HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I NEED TO FUCK
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the ghosts of omori and aubrey on the swings made me cry out like i had been physically assaulted
oh my god but the day ending with hero and kel sleeping over at omori’s house...im kdnd im jkdim im not uhm okay THEY BUILT A BLANKET FORT PLEASE..I LOVE THEM
goddd hero going into the piano room....playing sum........and then asking omori abt the song he and mari used to play on violin...and then THE TITLE SCREEN MUSIC STARTS PLAYING....HI. HI HELLO HI YOU CANT FUCKIGN DO THAT HI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK YOUFBJFGJNGN;EJNE; IM GOIGN NUTS
also the name omori comes from the piano.............interesting...i wonder why sunny likes being called omori in the dreamscape...
god but omori not having a srs hallucination cause he’s w his friends and he feels safe...im gonna sob
ohh my god this GAME
so finally i ended up in whitespace again. do NOT like that omori is completely alone in the world!!! what the FUCK!!!!!!!! I AM SO SCARED AT ALL TIMES. im literally about to go play sum more tho after dinner so i will see what happens. god i jsut......this game is so fucking good it has me by the balls dude. SO glad i decided to play it bruh
anyway thanks for reading all of this if u did, it’s an absolute monster ik and ur a real one
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ayyyoonohwhatimean · 4 years
highschool!boyfriend haechan
mode: fluff, comedy and a lot of bickering! 
haechan x reader! 
p.s.: hii it’s been a long damn time I haven’t written about nct-related kind of things lol anyways I hope you guys would like this one eventhough it’s quite long and I had so much fun writing it! haha I would appreciate it so much! happy birthday to lee donghyuck, our pride, our fullsun haechan! I love you. ♡ (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)
ridin and rollin oh baby 
first of all y all know haechan aka lee donghyuck 
such a pain in the ass jjsjsjs jk 
he would literally annoy you every second, every minute everytime hes with u 
bcus he loves u 
like he finds u cute he loves seeing reactions 
so u guys go to the same highschool and obviously classmates duh 
and imagine him in a smart highschool attire esp with his body proportion  and his hair up showing his forehead omg 
he would wait for u outside the school bcus u’re too slow jsjs
too slow too fasT 
but whenever ure done and is finally outside the school w him, he would hold your hand tightly and kiss ur knuckles as he swings ur arm
when he sees the other guys tryna check u out oof boy he snapped 
“what are u looking at she’s mine u flat ass”
u guys aren’t seatmates but he’d literally push ur seatmate mark lee away so he can sit with u 
“get away im lee haechan aka y/n’s boyfriend” 
and whenever it gets cold and u fall asleep in the classroom he’d silently wrap ur body w his sweater or jacket 
hanging out at the canteen with the dreamies!! 
haechan would literally steal your food when you look away 
and out of anger and annoyance you’d pull his hair literally 
you guys would literally chase each other haha 
god hes so annoying 
but i love him 
btw hes such a bad influence 
you guys will be doing the baekhyun’s candy dance challenge in the school’s hallway!!
u’ve never ever skipped ur class in ur entire life until like u guys met and got closer im srs 
“duDe aren’t you bored? this class is so boring i might die lets sneak out together and ill buy u food” 
“shut up im trying to focus here dumbass” 
“u can’t tell me what to do” 
“im gonna get in trouble again if i follow all the things that u said wtf-”
“well u only live once oh come on please pls-” he replied back w his pouty lips and u know that kind of sad cute eyes 
“what food where” 
“um me cus im a snack-” 
“i bet u taste horrible-” 
“oh no i mean im a wholemeal and i bet u taste even more horrible” 
“right now im not even surprised if i have a damn high blood pressure bcus of u”, you replied to him 
“me too bcus u’re old”
the no ending bickering jsjs it’s a MUST 
he loves to pick a fight w u for no reason man I SWEAR TO GOD
no bickering, no haechan
no haechan, no life
bcus he thinks ure cute when ure about to explode and get upset 
omg remember when he talked about renjun being cute whenever they bicker and he makes him feel upset uwu
he be gettin all the attention skrrrttt skrt
but anyways u guys ended up skipping class and went to eat at ur favorite restaurant or whatevahh 
he attac but he also protec 
u guys went to his house after chillin and eating at the restaurant cus why nOt 
it’s normal sometimes u would spend ur time at his house or he’d come to ur house so that u guys can spend ur time together ehe 
spending time at his house with him is so much fun even his parents adore u 
his room would be filled w michael jackson’s songs, ur and his loud laughter, a lot of love and just pure affection uwu 
u guys would study together and help each other whenever one of u have trouble in understanding smthg, eat and even cook together eventho it’d be a mess, play games, listen to the playlist that he made for u, listen to his smooth  honey voice singing to u, dancing w just the two of u together like u guys are just vibin y knoww 
he might be a pain in the ass kind of boyfriend but deep inside his love for u is soooo deep u can’t even see 
he has this special soft spot for u but he doesnt rlly show it but its obvious most of the time lol 
“hi baby”
“im literally sitting beside u haechan” 
“hello my name is haechan” 
you giggled, “what’s up, baby?”
“um nothing but like have u ever thought about your weakness? do you even like exactly know what are some of ur actual weakness is?” he suddenly asked
“honestly yeah i do think about it a lot and yea i know what are some of my main weakness is it’s quite...a lot”
“what is it?” 
haechan pulls u closer into his arms till u guys are like in a cuddling position next to each other on his bed and then he plays w ur fingers w full of love as u continue
“hmm like um failing? like i can’t accept my own failures” u hold his hand while stroking it up and down gently 
he might be annoying and always love to tease u nonstop and like how u guys would bicker and everything 
BUT having a deep heart to heart conversation w him is the best 
he loves it and treasures it so much and so do u 
he’s very attentive and a genuine good listener, like when he listens to u, he ACTUALLY listens 
he knows when to be goofy and tease u and when to actually be serious 
“failures? baby, you’ve been doing great and working so hard especially in your studies! I can’t even do it like you and in fact you’re the smartest person I’ve ever met and known” 
you shrugged, “I mean yeah sure but like I feel like I’ve been lacking a lot especially in my maths! you know how I’ve always dreamed of studying actuarial science for my uni major and it’s rlly deadass tough-”
haechan then holds ur chin up so that u can look at him and he cups ur cheek as he looks at u softly 
“hey, if you fall, I also fall. I’m not letting you give up so come on what do u need help with ur maths? I can help and teach u” 
you chuckled as ur eyes met his eyes and sigh, “hey, thank you for existing, hyuck. really.” 
he smooches ur whole face and coos at u, “no problem, I’m ur fullsun” uwu 
haechan wants to go to the bathroom so he stands up from the bed before making his way 
“hey wait, wait a second, I have something to tell u before u go to the bathroom-”, you said trying to stop him 
he looks at you with a curiosity, “hm, what is it?” 
“your breath...smells kinda bad just now” 
he rolls his eyes showing his disbelieved facial expression, “i swear to god don’t even start you-” 
and thennnn it beginsss 
anyways u guys spent ur time together in his room that day with him teaching u maths in the topic that u had hard time understanding and solving it 
hes so good at teaching and explaining that u can’t help but to stare at him in awe 
“sTop checking me ouT” 
“wtf hyuck i aM noT” 
jamming to love again while studying together!!
after like half an hour, u guys wanna take a break and u wanna eat some snack so u go to the kitchen 
haechan wraps his arms around your waist as he snuggles his face into your neck, “I thought you want a snack” 
“babe, i’m trying to cut these oranges stop bothering me” you replied to him while struggling with cutting the oranges 
to be honest ure not really good with cutting fruits :’) but u love oranges 
ten can’t relate oops 
haechan watches u from behind with his arms still wrapping tightly around ur waist and stops u
“hMm wait hold up, who the heck cuts an orange like that-” 
“I-I actually am not really good at cutting fruits-”, you replied as u look at him
he giggles while shaking his head, “shut up you’re cute” 
he then proceeds to hold your hand and fingers holding the knife carefully as he stands still behind u and shows u the right way to cut the orange at the same time teaching u slowly too
isn’t he lovely made from love 
you guys would always end up watching the same movie haha
so the two of u lie beside each other on the couch w some of the snacks that u guys prepared at the kitchen 
cuddling is a must!!! 
he prefers to be the big spoon and u the smol spoon 
but when he doesn’t feel well or stressed out, you’d be the big spoon 
he loves to wrap his arms around your waist and just having your hand in his hand
he would kiss your knuckles and stare at u but as in like lovingly and admiringly 
he loves giving u smooches and lil kisses all over ur face eventho u might act disgusted but u love it too deep inside lol 
“hey, look at me” he whispers to u as he entangled his legs w urs 
pls just look at him or else he’d make u suffer with his otteoke otteoke song aegyo 
anyways the movie got boring so u just get closer to him and lay your head on his shoulder while putting ur left arm around his waist tightly 
“hyuck baby, sing me a song”, you telling him 
“you’re my missing puzzle piece”, he starts singing softly in ur ears while playing with your hair gently using his delicate fingers 
you rub his cheek slowly as u admiring his tanned skin, the details on his face and his beautiful honey brown eyes 
then u fell asleep 
he pulls the blanket nearby the couch and wrap the blanket around the two of you tightly so warm like a tortilla 
haechan looks at u w that soft eyes for awhile and smile before closing his eyes
“7 days a week, I’ll always hover by your side”, he whispers lightly 
“I love you”, you mumbled before going back to sleep 
“I love you too, idiot.” 
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prouvaireafterdark · 5 years
I make no apologies for this. Y’all asked for filth, so here’s 5k+ words of it.
Also, this fic exists in an alternate timeline where Michael never slept with Maria or went to her after Caulfield, but they’re still not together yet because they’re giving the whole friendship thing a go while they sort their bullshit out.
Written for this RNM Kinkmeme prompt. Should go without saying this is nsfw
Also on AO3
Intellectually, Michael knows this is a bad idea.
Not the worst he’s ever had, but it’s definitely up there.
Michael considers throwing his phone out the window of his Airstream to save him from himself, but he’s hard enough to pound nails and if his recent sexual experiments have taught him anything it’s that there’s only one person who can help him right now.
Before he can talk himself out of it, he sends a text.
Alex is sitting on the edge of his bed, about to take his prosthetic off for the night, when his phone buzzes on the nightstand. Buffy lifts her head up at the noise from where she’s curled up on the bedspread, but then huffs and lowers her head, disinterested.
Alex sighs and reaches for it, hoping to God it’s not that blue-haired twink he went home with the other night after the Senses Fail concert. A clean break is what they both need after that mess of a—
Oh. It’s from Guerin.
Alex unlocks his phone, strangely relieved that there might be some new alien emergency he’s got to deal with instead of the aggressively nice guy who couldn’t make him come no matter how hard he tried—and oh did he try, whispering encouragements as he jerked Alex off whenever he wasn’t sucking on him, trying and failing to get him hard enough to fuck him.
It wasn’t that the guy was unattractive or bad with his mouth or even that Alex didn’t want it, because he did want it. It was that every time Alex has tried to get off lately he just—cant. Sooner or later, his thoughts shift to Michael and it’s like a shock of cold water to his libido remembering that Michael’s not his and that whatever he’s doing is never going to compare to the, quite frankly, epic sex he’s had with him.
He’d hoped a meaningless hookup would be the answer to his problem, but leave it to Alex to pick up a hot guy without even a passing resemblance to Michael and spend the whole time they’re in bed together thinking about honey-brown eyes and unruly curls.
In any case, he’ll gladly take an extraterrestrial crisis over having to hear the words “Hey, it’s okay, dude, I’ve heard this happens sometimes to a lot of guys,” ever again.
Shaking the memory from his mind, Alex goes to his messages to read Michael’s text. When he finds it, he stares at it, caught somewhere between confused and annoyed.
U up? the message reads.
Is Guerin… Is this a booty call?
As sexually frustrated as Alex is these days, they’d agreed they weren’t going to do this. They literally had a sit down about it last month where they laid out boundaries for their new friendship so they wouldn’t fall into old habits while they got to know each other again and late night booty calls were specifically off the fucking menu.
Alex is calling him before he can even think to stop himself, his fingers braced on the bridge of his nose while it rings.
Michael picks up on the third ring and Alex doesn’t even let him get a ‘hey’ in before he’s asking, “Did you really send me a ‘u up?’ text like you’re some kind of undergrad fuckboy?”
Michael laughs abruptly like he wasn’t expecting Alex to say that. “Sorry. Too worked up to be original,” he apologizes, and there goes any doubt in Alex’s mind that Michael might not be hitting him up for sex right now.
A surge of want rises inside him in spite of himself and he wonders what Michael looks like right now. Is his hair mussed like he’s been running his fingers through it over and over? Is his bottom lip pink and bitten raw where he’s worried at it with his teeth? Is he spread out on his mattress in the Airstream, naked and fisting his cock while he talks to him?
His mouth waters just thinking about it, and—fuck, no, he can’t do this. Why is he even considering it? He can’t let Michael ruin their progress like this, he can’t—
“You called, though, so that’s a good sign,” Michael adds suddenly.
Alex is so distracted by his internal struggle that all he can think to ask is “A sign of what?”
When Michael answers, his voice is low and rough. “That maybe I’m not the only one who needs this.”
Alex hates how that voice turns his belly to liquid. His cock twitches in interest, but Alex refuses to let himself be swayed so easily. “That’s not—that’s not the point, Guerin,” Alex argues indignantly.
“So you do, huh?” Michael asks, a smug quality to his voice that wasn’t there before. “You need it too?”
“We said we wouldn’t do this,” Alex argues, holding onto whatever scraps of sanity he can grasp.
“Not an answer, baby,” Michael drawls. Alex can hear his self-satisfied smile.
“Just jerk off and go to bed,” Alex snaps, trying and failing to ignore the way the pet name makes him feel. God, he really needs to get off the phone before he does something stupid.
“Unless you wanna talk me through it, I don’t think that’s gonna work for me,” Michael responds ruefully and isn’t that a thought. “My solo act hasn’t been very successful lately.”
“Then go find someone else,” he grumbles, though it pains him. They’d agreed they could—should, even—see other people, but it’s one thing to vaguely know Michael’s sleeping around and it’s another thing to tell him to do it.
“No.” The simple negative makes Alex release a breath he didn’t even realize he was holding.
“Why not?”
“Because no one else can make me come.”
Michael says it like it’s obvious and Alex is about to argue that that’s ridiculous, but then remembers that he himself had the most uncomfortable blow job of his life the other night, so he supposes he knows what Michael’s talking about. Still, he’s not about to let that statement go unquestioned.
“I’m flattered, but what makes you so sure?” Alex asks.
“Empirical data.”
“What?” Whatever he’d been expecting to hear, it certainly wasn’t scientific jargon.
“I’ve been experimenting,” Michael admits.
“Experimenting,” Alex repeats flatly.
“I’m a scientist, it’s what I do.” Alex can practically hear him shrug over the phone. “Call it a scientific inquiry into my inability to orgasm. With terrible results, I might add, but I didn’t text you to tell you about all the bad sex I’ve been having.”
Alex doesn’t want to hear about all that bad sex either. “And how are you so sure it’ll be any different with me?”
“Because it’s always different with you,” says Michael softly and there goes all the wind out of Alex’s sails.
“Michael…” Alex whispers, clutching his phone to his ear. How is it that Michael always knows just what to say to break down all of his defenses?
“Look, I know we made a deal,” Michael starts. “It might not seem like it right now, but that does matter to me and I don’t want to go back on it if it’s going to break us.”
Alex’s heart beats faster at the word us, but he tries not to dwell on it. “I’m sensing a ‘but’ here,” he says.
“But,” Michael concedes, “I miss you. And, correct me if I’m wrong, but I think you miss me too.”
“Of course I miss you,” Alex says. “This has never been about me not missing you.”
“What’s it about then?” Michael asks softly. “Because from where I’m sitting, there’s no point in denying ourselves something we need that we’re both so good at giving to each other.”
God, Alex wants to say yes. He wants to throw caution to the wind and crash into Michael like he’s always done. He wants to feel Michael’s warmth beneath him, around him, wants to hear those precious little gasps he makes as Alex fucks him, wants to look into Michael’s eyes as he comes undone, but… if they’re going to do this, Michael needs to make a choice.
“I can’t have casual, uncomplicated sex with you, Michael,” Alex says, and he hears Michael sigh, imagines him hanging his head in disappointment. Alex swallows before adding, “It’s all or nothing. If… If we do this, there’s no going back.”
Michael seems to digest that for a moment before asking, his voice carefully controlled, “What are you saying?”
The fact that Michael is asking for clarification instead of making assumptions gives Alex hope that maybe this can work. Maybe they’re ready this time.
“I’m saying that I’m not going to fuck up the last chance I have to build something real between us for a one night stand,” Alex explains, laying it all out there. “I want a relationship with you, Michael, a real, committed relationship that neither of us is going to run away from so if all you want is sex right now, I can’t give it to you.”
“I don’t want a one night stand. Alex, there’s nothing casual or uncomplicated about the way I feel about you,” Michael says, indignant and more than a little desperate. “If you’re telling me that the only way I can have you is if I have all of you… I mean, fuck, that’s all I’ve ever wanted.”
Alex closes his eyes and takes a deep breath as those words sink in.
“Fuck. Fuck, okay. Come over.”
Alex is pacing around his living room when he hears Michael’s truck pull up outside. His stomach clenches a moment later when he hears a knock at the door. He takes a deep, steadying breath before he answers it.
Michael stands before him looking slightly disheveled in his oil-stained jeans and a flannel that’s been haphazardly buttoned. The porch light gives him an almost ethereal back glow, making him look every bit as otherworldly as he is. Michael’s always been beautiful, but there’s something about him tonight that takes Alex’s breath away.
“Hey,” Alex smiles.
“Hey,” Michael echoes.
“Get dressed in a hurry?” Alex asks, eyes stuck on the expanse of Michael’s chest peeking through the collar of his shirt.
Michael huffs a laugh, taking a step forward. “Maybe. That a complaint?”
“Definitely not.”
“Good,” Michael says, his smile turning a little wicked. “Figured my clothes would just end up decorating your floor in a few minutes anyway. What do you think?”
“I think you should get over here,” Alex says as he opens the door wider, and Michael heads straight for him.
They reach for each other in the same instant, Michael’s arms wrapping around Alex’s waist as Alex buries his hands in those gorgeous curls, tugging Michael into a searing kiss.
It—God, it feels so right that for a wild moment Alex thinks he’ll cry with how much he’s wanted this, how long he’s waited to have Michael ready and willing in his arms again. Michael’s fingers dig harder into the skin of Alex’s back, as if to claim him, and Alex wonders if Michael’s thinking the same thing.
The door slams shut seemingly of its own accord and Alex flinches a little at the noise, pulling away to look at it.
“Sorry,” Michael soothes, and it’s the steady pressure of Michael’s arms around him that keep him grounded in the moment. “You okay?”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m good,” Alex says, and leans back into Michael’s space to kiss him again.
Alex lets Michael crowd him against the wall as he deepens the kiss, opening his mouth under the insistence of Michael’s tongue. He’s pleased to find he doesn’t taste like cheap whiskey and relishes the way Michael melts against him with a groan when he tugs a little harder at his curls.
Michael grinds his hips forward, making Alex feel the hard line of his cock through the layers of denim separating them. They rut against each other like teenagers, pressed flush together, the need for physical contact overtaking higher brain function. Michael gasps against Alex’s mouth when he bites down gently on his bottom lip and Michael decides he’s had enough. He starts kissing a trail downward, lingering at his neck where he sucks wet bruises into his skin to a chorus of Alex’s moans, marking him as Michael’s for all the world to see. Michael leans back to admire his work, a slow smirk making its way onto his lips, before he drops to his knees with a loud thunk.
Already well on its way, Alex’s cock reaches full hardness fast enough to make his head spin as he looks down at Michael on his knees like that, pressing his mouth against the bulge of Alex’s cock like he’s about to lick him through the fabric. Michael looks blissed out already and they’re still wearing all of their clothes.
“I don’t want to interrupt the moment you’re having right now,” Alex says, fighting a smile as he reaches for Michael’s curls and sweeps them off his forehead, “but these pants are getting a little tight.”
Michael laughs and looks up at him with sparkling eyes as he says, “Sorry. Just getting reacquainted.” He fumbles with the button at Alex’s fly, but once he’s finally undone it he yanks the zipper down and tugs Alex’s jeans down to his mid-thigh along with his underwear.
“God, yeah, there it is,” Michael says to himself as he frees Alex’s weeping cock. “Been dreaming about this dick.”
“Yeah?” Alex snorts, not sure if he’s more amused or aroused by the filth coming out of Michael’s mouth.
“Uh huh,” Michael hums as he leans forward and catches the drop of pre-come beading at the tip with his tongue. “You better fuck me with it later or I’ll never forgive you.”
Okay. Definitely more aroused.
Michael takes him into his mouth and it’s so fucking good Alex barely stops himself from thrusting forward, the slow drag of Michael’s tongue nearly too much. Alex watches him with rapt attention, traces his thumb around the edge of Michael’s lips where he’s stretched obscenely wide over him.
“Fuck, Michael,” Alex gasps as Michael takes him all the way down to the root, gagging just a little. Michael moans, little shockwaves bursting over Alex’s skin and suddenly he’s dangerously close to coming. It’s a revelation in and of itself that Michael is able to do in barely five minutes what that blue-haired twink couldn’t in an hour, but Alex doesn’t want this to be over just yet. “Shit, Michael, you gotta stop,” Alex says, shoving gently at Michael’s shoulder.
Michael hums in disagreement, shaking his head as much as he can in his situation, unwilling to release him.
“Michael,” Alex warns, a little more force behind his voice. “I’m gonna come if you don’t stop.”
Michael pulls off with a pop, using his right hand to slowly jerk Alex off as he rasps, “Good.” He presses a kiss to the swollen head of Alex’s cock, his tongue peeking out to play with his frenulum. “I’ve missed the way you taste.”
That well and truly fries Alex’s brain, so when Michael grabs him by the hip and encourages him to feed his cock back into his waiting mouth, Alex can do nothing but give in to him, all thoughts of prolonging this out the window. Besides, Alex thinks as the head of his cock hits the back of Michael’s throat, we’ll have all night.
Alex’s knees almost give out as Michael immediately starts sucking harder, bobbing his head faster, on a mission this time. His hand comes up to play with Alex’s balls before sliding back to dig a knuckle into his perineum and Alex screams as he comes hot and hard down Michael’s throat, the pleasure so intense it’s almost as if he’s feeling every orgasm he’s been denied the last few months all at the same time.
Michael sucks him through it, pressing Alex’s hips back into the wall to keep him upright and moaning softly along with him. Alex hisses when the stimulation becomes too much and Michael finally releases him, standing up on shaky legs.
Alex pulls him into another kiss, groaning softly as he tastes himself on Michael’s tongue. Michael pulls Alex’s jeans back up as they kiss to make sure they won’t fall down and make him trip when they take things to the bedroom.
“Come on, Private,” Michael pants when they part, pupils blown. “My turn.”
Alex kisses him again, quick and dirty, before he grabs onto his hand and leads him back into the bedroom.
“Take your clothes off and get on the bed,” Alex says, pulling his own shirt over his head.
“Sir, yes, sir,” Michael says with a leer aimed at Alex’s newly bare chest.
Alex watches him unbutton his flannel and toss it on the ground, his jeans, boots, and socks quick to follow. Alex sits on the edge of the bed and removes his own jeans before getting to work on his prosthetic.
Michael climbs on the bed and settles behind him. “How do you want me?” he asks, dropping a kiss on Alex’s bare shoulder.
“On your back against the pillows is fine for now,” Alex says. Michael kisses him again, on the cheek this time, and does as he’s told.
Once he’s naked and his prosthetic is off, Alex reaches into his bedside table and pulls out lube, a box of condoms, and some wet wipes. He places them within arm’s reach on the bed as he settles beside Michael, facing him with his head on the pillow. Michael curls on his side and moves closer to him, meeting him in a kiss that starts slow, but builds and builds in intensity until Michael is groaning and rutting his erection into Alex’s hip.
“Alex,” Michael whines, throwing his leg over Alex’s hip and grinding harder into him. “Please, I-I need—“
“Shh,” Alex hushes, leaning in to kiss him again, just a barely-there press of his lips that makes Michael absolutely melt. “I know what you need,” he says, the hand that was cradling the back of his skull sliding out of Michael’s hair and down his back, leaving a trail of fire in its wake.
Michael instinctively hikes his leg up higher on Alex’s hip as his hand moves further south, cupping one cheek and giving it a gentle squeeze. His fingers slip between them and seek out Michael’s hole. Alex intends to reach for the lube in a minute, unable to resist teasing Michael a few seconds longer with the dry press of his fingertips, but he finds his hole already stretched and wet with what feels like lube. The angle isn’t ideal, but Alex sinks two fingers into him with ease.
“Oh fuck, Alex,” Michael moans happily, clenching down on his fingers, and it would be one of the hottest things he’s ever experienced if he wasn’t suddenly thinking about what Michael had said earlier about empirical data and wondering if maybe he isn’t Michael’s first booty call of the night. As soon as the thought enters his head, he has to know.
“Michael,” Alex starts, his fingers stilling inside him. “Did you—did you fuck someone else tonight?”
It’s stupid. He loves Michael, would move heaven and earth for him, and it’s not like he doesn’t already know Michael’s been hooking up with other people. They weren’t even together an hour ago, so, really, Michael could’ve fucked a whole football team tonight and it wouldn’t be any of Alex’s business. It’s stupid, he knows it is, but… but Michael is his now and the thought that someone else opened him up and fucked him tonight has the possessive part of him absolutely foaming at the mouth.
“No,” Michael pants, shaking his head. He pressing his hips back against Alex’s hand, encouraging him to put his fingers to good use. “I did fuck myself though.”
That ugly, jealous feeling curling in his belly dissipates as quickly as it had come with the image of Michael fucking himself on a thick dildo, desperately seeking release that never came. Alex moans and captures Michael’s lips in a bruising kiss.
“Couldn’t get yourself off, huh?” he asks, moving his fingers slowly out before pushing them back in again. He’ll need more lube in a minute, but there’s enough for now if he goes slow.  
Michael shakes his head again. “Told you. Need you.”
“When was the last time you had an orgasm?” he wonders aloud.
“You should know, you were there,” Michael gasps as Alex nudges his prostate.
Alex has a sudden vision of himself sucking greedily at Michael’s cock with three fingers curling inside him while Michael screams loud enough to wake the dead.
“You really haven’t come since then?” Alex asks, head tilting to the side.
“You callin’ me a liar, Private?”
“No, it’s just—that was almost six months ago.”
“Fucking tell me about it,” Michael sighs in frustration, bucking his hips pointedly against him. “So you wanna quit teasing me already? After how good I sucked you in the living room I don’t think I deserve this.”
“I’m sorry, you’re right,” Alex laughs, and gently removes his fingers from Michael’s ass.
“No, what are you doing? Come back,” Michael whines, grabbing Alex’s arm as he tries to pull it away.
“Relax, I’m just getting the lube. You’ll need more unless you want me to hurt you,” he explains. Michael pouts, but lets him go.
He’s reaching blindly for the lube behind him when it floats down into his field of vision as if dangled on an invisible string. He looks to Michael who’s pout has transformed into a self-satisfied smile.
“Neat trick,” Alex comments, plucking it from the air. He flicks the cap off and coats his fingers.
“Baby, you got no idea,” Michael smirks, and then an invisible force is tugging him closer to Michael as he rolls over onto his back, settling him between Michael’s spread thighs. It’s an indescribable feeling, being held by Michael’s power. Alex doesn’t usually like giving up control, especially when it’s related to his mobility, but Alex can’t find it in himself to be put out about it when Michael wraps his legs around him and purrs, “Now get to work, Private. That’s an order.”
Alex captures his lips in a kiss that’s mostly tongue and does just that.
He reaches down between Michael’s thighs, sliding two lube-slick fingers inside him with little preamble. He watches Michael’s face, slack with pleasure, as he scissors his fingers to test how open he still is.
“Oh, fuck yeah,” Michael gasps, pushing back greedily onto Alex’s fingers. “More, baby, I won’t break.”
“You’re a real bossy bottom, you know that, Guerin?”
“Don’t pretend you don’t lo—oh fuck,” Michael keens as Alex works another finger inside, per Michael’s request, not giving him a second to adjust before he starts fucking his fingers in and out of him.
“Yeah, that’s it,” Alex smirks as he curls his fingers upward, watching the way Michael’s breath is hitching in his chest and his mouth has dropped open on a silent moan. “Feels good, huh?”
Michael nods his head and answers, breathless, “Yeah, fuck, so good.”
Alex leans over Michael to press open-mouth kisses onto the soft skin of his neck, his chest, anywhere he can reach. He swirls his tongue around Michael’s right nipple and bites just hard enough to sting a little, making him squirm.
“You’re so sensitive,” Alex says, feeling Michael clench down on the three fingers he’s fucking into him when he blows cold air over the nipple he’s been playing with.
Michael buries his fingers in Alex’s hair and tugs him, gently, further up his body until he can kiss him again. The movement makes him more aware of his own cock, hard once more now that he’s had some time to recover from the mind-blowing orgasm Michael gave him earlier.
“Alex,” Michael pants into Alex’s mouth when he works his fingers over his prostate once more. “M’so close, fuck, right there.”
“You want to come on my fingers or should I get a condom?” Alex asks, and without a word from Michael, the box of condoms flies from its spot on the bed to hit Alex in the chest. He bursts out laughing, but judging from the exasperated look on Michael’s face he’s the only one amused. “Guess that answers that question.”
“Like you had to ask,” Michael shoots back.
Michael whines as Alex removes his fingers from him to grab a condom from the box. He fumbles with it a little, his right hand too slippery to get a proper grip, but once he gets it open and rolls it on, he slicks himself with more lube and covers Michael’s body with his.
Michael wraps his legs around him, urging him on, but Alex takes things slow as he slips the head of his cock inside him. Michael’s hole offers more resistance than Alex is expecting and he groans at how hot and tight it is.
“Oh god,” Michael whimpers, bearing down and breathing through the stretch.
“That’s it, baby, let me in,” Alex encourages, smoothing a hand down Michael’s flank as he presses deeper inside, one inch at a time. His eyes never leave Michael’s face and all Alex can think is how beautiful Michael is like this—his eyes intense, lips red and shining, breathing ragged, skin flushed and covered in a thin sheen of sweat. Alex never want anyone else under him like this for as long as he lives.  
Alex starts moving once Michael is used to the stretch, a slow in and out rhythm that quickly builds until Michael is clawing at his back as Alex fucks him hard, just the way he likes, the way he knows he needs it.
“Fuck, oh fuck, Alex, I’m not gonna last,” Michael pants, brow creased as he looks up at Alex.
“Come when you need to, baby, don’t hold back for me,” Alex says, grabbing hold of Michael’s cock and jerking him in time with his thrusts.
Alex aims more directly at his prostate and Michael howls, his spine arched and his head tossed back against the pillow.
“Oh, oh, oh my god, right there, fuuuck, Alex,” Michael sobs as he comes in thick, hot pulses between them, all over his own stomach and Alex’s hand.
He’s vice-tight as Alex fucks him through it for what feels like an age, Michael’s euphoric cries spurring him on.  He’s so focused on Michael’s pleasure that his own orgasm takes him by surprise and suddenly he’s coming right along with him, grunting as he spills into the condom and sinks his teeth into the join of Michael’s neck and shoulder.
Alex slows his hips to a stop a moment later, the post-orgasmic hum of his body and his own ragged breathing drowning out all other sound. It takes a few seconds for him to realize that Michael is crying.
As soon as Michael’s hitched sobs register in his ears, it’s like a bucket of ice cold water has been dumped over him.
“Hey, hey, what’s wrong?” Alex asks, lead sinking in the pit of his stomach as he pulls back to look at Michael’s face. He wipes away his tears with his clean hand, but Michael won’t meet his eyes. “Oh, baby, talk to me,” he pleads. “Did I hurt you?”
Michael shakes his head and pulls Alex back down on top of him, burying his face in Alex’s neck, unwilling or unable to speak. Jesus, he’s trembling.
Alex tries to move to pull out, but Michael stops him, not permitting a single inch of space between them. Alex relents and settles against him, stroking his hair and whispering sweet nothings against his temple until he calms down. It takes a minute, but eventually his breathing evens and he lets his head fall further back against the pillow.
“Hey there,” Alex says when he does, offering a smile he hopes comes across as encouraging and not scared and confused like he really feels. He’s known Michael a long time and he’s only seen him cry like that once or twice.
“Sorry,” Michael mumbles, eyes still glossy with tears.
“Don’t be sorry,” Alex says, kissing his forehead. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” he says, voice rough. “Yeah, I’m okay. That was just…”
“A little too intense?” Alex guesses. It’s been so long since Michael’s had any sexual release, Alex could easily understand Michael being overwhelmed by his orgasm.
“Yeah,” Michael laughs softly. “Amazing though, Alex, Jesus. I don’t think I’ve ever come that hard in my life, I don’t know if I’m gonna be able to walk tomorrow.”
Alex warms with praise. “You were amazing too,” he says, leaning down to press a soft kiss to Michael’s lips. “You always are.”
Michael gives Alex a fond look. “I love you,” he whispers, reaching up to caress the side of Alex’s face. “So much,” he adds, his eyes shining once more with the beginnings of fresh tears.
Alex leans into his touch. “I love you too, Michael,” he whispers back. “I’ve always loved you, even when I was terrible at showing it.”
Michael’s smile is blinding as he surges up to meet him in another kiss. It only lasts a few seconds because they’re both smiling too much to kiss each other properly, but it’s maybe the best one Alex has ever had.
The moment is ruined a little when Alex shifts and is reminded that Michael’s come is drying between their stomachs.
“So you think you can use your alien superpowers to get the wipes over there?” Alex nods to the package on the far side of the bed. “We should clean this mess up before it dries.”
Michael’s nose wrinkles in disgust like he’s just noticing it too and the package comes floating over. Alex gets to work and once the wipes and used condom are in the trash beside the bed, Michael hits the lights and Alex rolls onto his back taking Michael with him and pulling a blanket over them both as he gets comfortable against Alex’s chest. Alex trails his fingers up and down Michael’s back until he hits that ticklish spot right near his armpit and Michael whines as he jolts against him.
“Sorry,” Alex apologizes, not sorry at all.
“Mm,” Michael acknowledges him, burrowing deeper into Alex’s chest.
If someone had told him at the start of the day that by midnight he would have Michael Guerin—now his boyfriend—in his arms, he would have never believed them. They didn’t get here quite the way he thought they would, but Alex wouldn’t trade it for the world.
Well… he thinks, considering.
“Pancakes or eggs?” Alex asks, nudging Michael back from the edge of sleep.
“Hmm?” Michael asks.
“Thought we could do some brainstorming over breakfast.”
“We are not telling people that we got back together because you booty called me.“
Michael giggles against his chest. “Why not? I think it speaks volumes about our sexual compatibility. Don’t you want all our friends to know how completely you’ve ruined me for anyone else?”
Michael laughs again and snuggles closer. “Yeah, okay. Pancakes sound great, baby.”
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