#Buy frozen passionfruit
creativegourmetau · 7 months
Buy Frozen Fruit in Australia for Fitness
Frosty fruits have become a sought-after option for fitness freaks. They are the best for busy people looking ahead to a nutrition-packed diet. Freezing locks the nutrition of these fruits.
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persianflaw · 5 months
emoji meal for the ask game <3 🧃🍜 🍉 ??
ty mj!! :D
🧃 favorite cold drink 🧃
i am a big fan of lemonade! many fond summer memories of mixing up a big cold pitcher of minute time lemonade for my parents to drink after gardening. back then i mixed my cups super strong, but these days i really like lighter and reduced sugar lemonades; they taste more refreshing to me that way.
🍜 favorite dish 🍜
if it's got carbs, i probably like it. right now i'm thinking about tortellini, one of my favorite pastas. it's wonderful with pesto, obviously, but there's something about a plain, reheated tortellini that hits different 😌💭 this might just be what i'm craving rn tho lol
🍉 favorite fruit 🍉
IMPOSSIBLE QUESTION, fruit is the best. my favorite day-to-day fruit is raspberries or strawberries - i've been on this kick lately where i buy bags of frozen strawberries at the grocery store and just eat them with a spoon. (i usually add a sprinkle of sugar because the ones they freeze are generally more sour.) raspberries are god tier as well, although they're a little more expensive so they're one of those "on-sale only" fruits lol. but when i was in middle school, i had a fresh passionfruit for the first time, and oh babey....... any time i see one in the grocery store, which is rare where i live, it's going in my cart. passionfruit i love you
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weezlbot · 1 year
Frozen fruit tier list (yes, this is every type of frozen fruit I remember trying)
S tier:
Mango (legit has a texture like ice cream, also sweet)
A tier:
B tier:
Bananas (note: if you try to just freeze bananas you’ll freeze your hands trying to peel them once they’re frozen. buy bags of prefrozen banana slices or peel/slice them before freezing)
C tier:
Passionfruit (good but you can only use a tiny bit, it’s extremely sour) (or at least the kind I tried was)
D tier:
Raspberries (tend to crumble to bits when frozen)
F tier:
Pineapple (becomes far too tough and fibrous when frozen, and the taste does not make up for it)
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vapehk1 · 3 months
Top 10 Raz Flavors
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There are many Raz Flavors options available there is no reason to have a hard time deciding which need to buy and taste. To make the process simpler for you, we've put together a meticulous selection of the top 10 Raz vape flavours that we're sure you'll be amazed by. 1. Dragon Fruit Lemonade Dragon Fruit Lemonade tastes as if you're eating the ripeest dragon fruit you can get. The sweetness isn't overwhelming the Dragon Fruit Lemonade is rather subtle and honeyed. As the dragonfruit steals the spotlight, the sharp taste of fresh lemonade emerges. 2. Crushed Berries The juicy blueberries, the plump strawberries, and the tart raspberries mix to create a vibrant dance offering a sweet and refreshing taste that's not too strong and is full of summery flavours. This is an expertly designed harmony in which every fruit can contribute without overpowering other fruits. 3. Frozen Strawberry Make up yourself for the first explosion of cold intensity. It's more than cool. it's a brain freeze that's in the form of a bottle. It's like drinking a freshly cut ice cube, covered in deliciously juicy strawberries. The cold shock is the catalyst for the savour of fresh strawberries. 4. Miami Mint Miami Mint is a gateway to a thriving beach town that is awash in cool mint and tropical heat. Think about the sensation of sea air accompanied by the fresh scent of mint, or the refreshing sound that stimulates your senses and takes you to the sun-kissed beaches. 5. Watermelon Ice It's like shooting into a pool of watermelon flavour on the hottest day of the year. It's like a bite into the most delicious watermelon you've ever imagined. The menthol accentuates the sweetness of watermelon without overwhelming it. The watermelon is a fantastic base for coolness to play with. 6. Cactus Jack The Cactus Jack offers a way into the stark, but rejuvenating landscapes in which sweet cactus fruits meet exciting beverage ideas. The first puffs of the Cactus Jack can be astonishment. 7. Hawaii Sunset Its initial puff roars out like the sun's rays crashing over your fruit. Imagine gnashing your teeth into a juicy mango and its scrumptious flesh filled with the scent of passionfruit and pineapple, each competing to catch your interest in lively music from the tropical lands. 8. Polar Ice The flavour of Polar Ice is desirable defined as a dive deep into the freezing waters in the Arctic Circle, where crisp mint dances along with a hint of sweetness that leaves your body refreshed and renewed. 9. Nightcrawler NightCrawler is much more than the flavour of a vape, it will transport you to a neon-lit nighttime candy shop in which juicy berries and chewy treats dance beneath an enchanted veil of sour delight. 10. Mango Colada The drink is like a trip to a beach-side bar where the scrumptious mango and coconut move in harmony, taking your taste buds to the paradise of each puff. Conclusion We also discussed different flavors that are unique in their manners like Mango Colada, Polar Ice, Watermelon Ice, and Frozen Strawberry. All of them acted as a spokesperson for each of their own. It is possible to purchase them now on their site, and all of that said, which ones are you planning to get in the first place? Read the full article
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Hello, so I’ve seen your posts and I love them , they’re really helpful. But I wanted to ask something. As a person struggling w/ severe depression, I am losing my appetite and the energy to make meals is diminishing. So I was wondering, in order to get my food quota, if I could buy a blender to blend vegetables into a smoothie. Seeing as that I am already struggling to make basic meals, when I DO eat, it’s fast food. Will blending veg smoothies be helpful for my body? Since I can’t really cook
thank you! i’m sorry you’re struggling so much, hon, but i feel you.
i know a lot of people swear by vegetable smoothies, but tbph it’s such a pain in the ass. you have to buy a bunch of fresh produce all the time, you have to use it before it goes bad (and a lot of greens go bad within just a few days), and then you have to clean the whole blender every time. yes, they’re good for you, but when i’m depressed i really don’t have the energy or motivation to do all of that, and then the food goes bad and i feel even worse because i let it go bad.
unless you feel confident that you can accomplish all of that regularly, may i suggest that you try buying some packages of baby food? “baby food” might elicit the thought of like, pureed peas, but the variety of baby food has actually become huge, and there are a ton of flavors out there that are shockingly delicious. 
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here, you can see that happy baby has flavors like pears, kale, and spinach, apples, guavas, and beets, and pears, pumpkin, and passionfruit (my favorite). happy baby and plum are my preferred brands, but there’s a ton of options out there, and you can either check the baby food aisle at a grocery store and see what they have, or try some sampler packs through amazon.
they can be a little pricey (up to $2/4oz package, but i can often find them on sale at the store or wait for the amazon price to fluctuate down and get them for more like $1 each), but considering the price of a good blender and of fresh produce, it’s not that bad. and they’re invaluable when you consider that they’re non-perishable, don’t spoil for months, portable, and overwhelmingly convenient. you can keep some next to your bed and still get some fruits and veggies even when the depression has you unable to get up.
you’re going through a rough period right now and getting decent food in you is important, so take whatever shortcuts you need to get the job done. get some prepared food like pre-cut apple slices or carrot sticks, fruit cups in juice, some fresh bottled smoothies or frozen smoothie packs, and/or some dried snacks like kale chips or beet chips, whatever you actually like the taste of. 
it’s tempting to buy a lot of healthy food that you know is good for you but you don’t really *like*, and then you end up not eating it because you just can’t make yourself do it, so try balance optimism-purchasing with the reality of what you know you’ll actually follow through with eating. and it’s okay to also balance the healthy you-know-you-should-eat with the easy you-will-eat; i like to have some frozen broccoli when i heat up frozen mac and cheese, or add some shredded cabbage and carrots to my ramen. if you make it convenient, easy, and just add it to something you already eat, it’s much more likely that it’ll get eaten.
but ultimately, even junk food is better than no food when you’re in a really bad place. if all you can is potato chips, it’s better than eating nothing. don’t beat yourself up if you can’t maintain a balanced diet while your brain is trying to kill you.
my eating tag has some more suggestions for easy meals and dealing with a low appetite, and my depression tag has some advice too. take care, dear. 
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silverlightqueen · 4 years
moral of the story
taehyung x reader - angst
word count - 2.2k+
warnings - none, just some real sad stuff
based on Moral of the Story - Ashe
a/n: I got obsessed with hearing this song in tatbilb2 (even tho it’s super cringy when Lara Jean lipsyncs to it and floats down the corridor lol) so here ya go
silverlightqueen masterlist
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‘y/n?’ I hear from behind me, and the voice makes me go cold all over. I slowly turn to face the boy that I already know is there, my heart jumping when my eyes land on him. ‘Taehyung!’ I exclaim, my mind and body completely frozen. ‘Oh, my God, it is you. Wow. Hey. How are you?’ he asks, a smile on his face, and my heart aches. 
He looks… really good. He’s filled out since the last time I saw him, broader and taller. His fashion has changed too; his outfit of a pair of black slim-fit trousers, white shirt and black brogue shoes would never have been in his wardrobe back then. His face has matured, thick eyebrows and strong jawline giving him a manly and masculine air. His hair is back to his natural colour, brown and chocolaty, long enough to rest in pretty curls at the nape of his neck. But his smile, and his eyes? They haven’t changed in appearance. He still has the same boxy smile, the same big, brown eyes. It’s just that… I didn’t see much of his smile then. And his eyes never shone the way they are now.
He was never this happy.
‘I’m… I’m really good, actually.' 'I’m glad to hear that,’ he says with a big smile, and I can’t help but smile back. ‘How are you? I can’t believe it’s been so long,’ I say, both of us moving forward in the queue.
‘I know, it’s crazy. But, yeah, I’m good. Are you, um, still teaching?’ ‘No, I’m not. I, uh, I opened a dance studio, with Lisa. You remember Lisa, right?’ I ask, and he nods, smiling. ‘Yeah, I remember Lisa. Wow, that’s amazing, y/n. You always wanted to dance, so I’m glad that you followed that dream,’ he says, looking so genuinely happy, and I beam back at him.
‘Thank you. I’m glad I did too. I love it there. But, anyway, what about you? You’re not still at that office job you hate, right?’ I ask, and he shakes his head, laughing. The sound makes me melt. ‘No, thank God. No, I actually… I’m a musician. Finally put all my saxophone lessons to good use,’ he jokes, and I’m shocked. But happy.
‘Wow, Tae, that’s so cool, I’m so happy for you. So, do you like, play gigs and stuff?’ I ask, and he shakes his head. ‘I’m in, like, a band, and we play weddings and parties and stuff. I do shifts at my parents’ shop during the week, because obviously, the income from playing weddings and parties isn’t really enough, but I’m happier doing this so… yeah,’ he says, grinning, and I feel so warm inside, inexplicably happy for him.
‘God, Tae, I’m honestly so happy that you’re happy. How are your parents?’ I ask, and he laughs. ‘They’re good. I’m sure you can imagine how they reacted when I told them I was quitting my job to join a band. Thought I was going through a mid-teens crisis,’ he jokes, and I laugh, knowing his parents well enough to know their reaction to his new career path.
‘They were probably just worried,’ I begin, but then I reach the front of the queue. ‘Let me get your drink,’ he says, and I shake my head. ‘Come on, y/n, for old time’s sake,’ he says, and I raise an eyebrow with an amused smile, the same thing on both of our minds; our first date at a coffee shop, when he insisted on buying my drink.
‘She’ll have an iced vanilla latte with a shot of caramel, and can I have an iced mango and passionfruit smoothie please?’ he says to the barista, and my heart warms that he remembers my order. ‘That is what you wanted right?’ he asks, and I nod with a grin. ‘What else would I have?’ I say, and he laughs. He pays and we move to the side to wait for our drinks.
‘So, how are your parents?’ he asks, and I roll my eyes. ‘They’re good. You know what they’re like,’ I say, and he laughs, knowing exactly how much they used to nag me all the time. ‘Do they still get on at you about getting married?’ he asks, and I can feel my happy face slip a little. ‘Well, I’m actually engaged now,’ I say, his smile faltering, which makes my heart jump. ‘So now they’re stressing me out about wedding planning,’ I say with a forced laugh, shock still clear on his face.
‘Wow, y/n, congratulations. I’m so happy for you. Who’s the lucky guy? Do I know him?’ he asks me with a grin, nudging me, and I laugh, trying to put his initial reaction out of my mind. ‘You do know him, actually. Remember Jung Hoseok? He was in the year above us at school? Good friends with Namjoon, and Jimin?’ I say, and he nods, looking surprised. ‘Yeah, he, um, he started working at the studio, and one thing led to another, and now we’re engaged,’ I say as he nods with a smile.
‘That’s amazing, y/n. How long have you been engaged?’ he asks. ‘Only a few days, actually. Which is why you haven’t heard about it. We haven’t told anyone but our parents yet. So if you could just keep it to yourself…’ I trail off and he nods with a smile. ‘Of course, of course. Send my congratulations to Hoseok too,’ he says, and I smile, putting in as much warmth to cover the icy feeling inside.
‘Thank you. Maybe you could play at our wedding?’ I joke, both of us laughing. ‘Joking aside, though, you know I would if you wanted us to. I’m always happy to help an old friend out,’ he says, and my smile drops a little at him calling me an old friend, when we were so much more. ‘Thank you. I really appreciate that. But, anyway, how are the boys? It’s been so long since I spoke to any of them,’ I say, and he laughs with a roll of his eyes.
‘The boys are the boys. Jin’s head chef at this fancy restaurant in the city, and he’s engaged too. You probably saw that on your socials though. Yoongi’s a producer and Namjoon’s a manager, both at the same company. Jimin recently quit that office job he was doing, so he’s just doing a bit of part time work before he starts at another full-time job, and Jungkook’s working at a video games company,’ he says, and I’m surprised to hear about everyone’s career paths.
‘Wow. That’s… that’s so great. God, that’s so good to hear. For Jimin… he loved to dance, right?’ I ask, and he nods. ‘Well, we’ve got an opening at the studio for a teacher,’ I start to say, and his mouth falls open. ‘He’d love that! Shall I… do you want his number?’ he offers. ‘How about you give him my number instead, so he can only contact me if he’s interested?’ I suggest, before realising that this means I have to give Kim Taehyung my number. ‘Yeah, that’s fine. Here, just…’ he says, getting his phone out of his pocket and handing it to me to put my number in.
I save myself as a contact and try my hardest to ignore that, when I type my name in, my old number comes up, the contact name still the same as it used to be; my name, with a pink heart next to it. ‘Here,’ I say, handing him back his phone, and when he takes it, our hands momentarily brush. I try not to flinch.
‘One iced vanilla latte with a shot of caramel and one iced mango and passionfruit juice?’ the barista says, and Tae takes both of our drinks, thanking him. He hands me my drink, and that’s when I spot it. The initials tattooed on his hand. ‘Wait. What does this stand for?’ I ask, wondering if he’s in a relationship, and Tae looks down at his hand before he looks back up at me with a smile.
‘Eunji. As in Jung Eunji. She’s my girlfriend,’ he says, and my mouth falls open. He’s with our school’s Regina George equivalent? ‘You and Jung Eunji?’ I ask incredulously, and he winces, nodding. ‘I know, I know. She wasn’t exactly the best person back then, but she’s changed in adulthood,’ he says, very vaguely, and I nod, with a raised eyebrow.
‘How did I not know about this?’ I demand, and he rubs the back of his neck embarrassedly. ‘We’re pretty lowkey. My parents thought it best not to make a big deal about this relationship when…’ he trails off, and I nod, already knowing the end of that sentence. ‘When our one didn’t work out,’ I finish, my heart heavy and he nods.
My mind flashes back to that last night, in that house we bought together. The house we made our own. The house we started a life together in. Having to tell him that I fell in love with the wrong person, and it hurting when he told me that he thought the same. Us realising that just because we still loved each other, didn’t mean we were still in love.
The last words he ever said to me ring in my ears; ‘maybe, one day, we’ll meet again, and we’ll fall in love all over, and it’ll be right. I hope so anyway. I can’t imagine my life without you in it, y/n. I love you. And I always will.’
‘Well, I mean, I’m surprised to hear about you and her, but your happiness is all that matters,’ I say, my heart aching, and he smiles gently. ‘Thank you, y/n,’ he says softly, and we both just smile at each other. It’s a sad moment, bittersweet to say the least.
‘Well, anyway, I better get going. My shift starts in half an hour. But, um, it was nice to see you, y/n,’ he says, hesitating awkwardly before he pulls me into a tight hug. It takes me off-guard, the force of his grip making me feel… safe. ‘It was nice to see you too. And I’m glad to see you happy,’ I say, hugging him back, and I hold back the tears at the feeling of his arms around me. Such a familiar, but strange feeling. ‘Thank you, y/n. And I’m glad to see you happy too,’ he says, pulling away from me, and just staring at me, an almost pained expression on his beautiful face.
He looks as though there’s something he desperately wants to say, but he closes his mouth, taking a deep breath. ‘Congratulations on the engagement, y/n. I wish you and Hoseok all the happiness in the world,’ he says, my heart hurting, and he leans forward and presses a kiss to my cheek before he disappears, leaving me in shock, my cheek tingling.
I turn to watch him go, the door shutting behind him as he walks away hastily, shoulders hunched and head down, and I turn back after a few seconds, heading to the table in the corner.
‘Took you a while. Who was that? Old friend?’ Hoseok asks, watching Taehyung go as he takes a sip of my drink. ‘Um, it was Kim Taehyung,’ I say, his jaw dropping. ‘That was your ex-fiancé?’ he asks, and I nod, feeling slightly numb. ‘God, I didn’t even recognise him. He looks different. I bet that conversation was difficult,’ he says, and I nod again, smiling sadly. ‘Just a little. But it’s fine. We caught up and that’s it. We’ve both moved on. He’s in a relationship,’ I say, and he grins, loving a bit of gossip.
‘Who with?’ Hoseok asks, and I grin. ‘Jung Eunji. Jung motherfucking Eunji,’ I say, and Hoseok doesn’t react at all. ‘No, he isn’t with Jung Eunji,’ he says, and I look at him in confusion. ‘Yes, he is. He has her initials tattooed on his hand,’ I say slowly, and Hoseok shakes his head. ‘I ran into Han Seungwoo a couple months ago, and he told me that he was dating her – I forgot to tell you. But, I’m sorry, there’s no way he’s dating her if she was dating Seungwoo a couple months ago. Okay, they might be dating, but it can’t be serious enough for him to have her initials tattooed on his hand,’ Hoseok says, and my head is whirling.
‘But… he wouldn’t lie,’ I say, and Hoseok raises an eyebrow. ‘You told him you’re engaged, right?’ he asks, and I nod. ‘So, he’s saving face. Trust me, he feels embarrassed that you’ve moved on, and he hasn’t,’ Hoseok says, and I’m still sceptical. ‘Maybe he’s just… not taking this relationship as slowly as with me. He might be serious about Eunji,’ I say, and Hoseok shakes his head.
‘No, y/n. Taehyung was serious about you, but you know he’s the type of person to take things slow. He doesn’t rush into shit,’ he says, and I sigh. ‘So what do the initials stand for then?’ I ask, and he shrugs. ‘You were the one who nearly married him. What’s important to him? Parents? Or someone famous?’ he suggests, and then I realise, my heart stopping momentarily.
‘His siblings. Eunjun and Jeongyu,’ I say quietly, and Hoseok nods, sitting back in his seat. ‘There you go, then. He lied,’ Taehyung says, and I feel sick at the thought that he lied to me. He’s never lied to me. Not once. ‘Why would he lie?’ I ask sadly, and Hoseok puts a hand over mine comfortingly. ‘Isn’t it obvious, y/n?’ he says gently, and I already know what he’s going to say, my heart breaking as the words sound in my head. ‘He’s still in love with you, y/n.’
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Blog series where I share recipes I’ve tried and liked, with commentary, occasional pictures, and changes I’d make
These months’ bakes :)
Nutella Lava Cupcakes  These.were.PERFECTION! Really bomb and sweet, buy nutella-y sweet, not powder-sugary-overwhelming, you know? Textures A+
Award Winning Banana Bread This was the perfect balance between soft and bread-y, you know? Really flavourful and quick to make.
Passionfruit Vanilla Layer Cake I did this gigantic cake for my sister’s quarantine birthday and it was delish. Great combo of passionfruit for those not too keen on it. The chunks of white chocolate in the cake are glorious. Changes: I doubled the amount of passionfruit concentrate, as it was a frozen combo of passionfruit and mango and without more the frosting was way too sweet for my tasting. Notes: I got a LOT of leftover frosting. It’s okay, I froze it, but considering how sweet it is I’d make less for a next time.     
Claire Saffitz's Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream This has been a life-saver in my journey to making ice-cream. The base is flawless and so wonderfully explained. I’ve made Christachio Morachio, Andy Banandi and Brewed Leone and they’re AMAZING. Changes: Also made an almond version tweeking the base with a like 1/2 a teaspoon almond extract and adding a dash of xantum gum to make up for the oiliness of it. Also added almond praline (made from scratch) while churning. Super recommend.
Simple Sandwich Loaf This took a looooong time to make overall, but it did taste good, yielded a lot, and cut super easily.
Have any comments? Suggestions? Recipes you recommend?
Please send them my way :)
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prettybossvibe · 5 years
16 Sacral Chakra Healing Practices
1. Practice emotional catharsis
Best suited to: deficient sacral chakra blockages
Open the “frozen” energy channels within yourself by purging your emotions through catharsis. Try jumping, screaming, laughing, crying, or other physical forms of catharsis that release built up emotions.
2. Explore creative self-expression
Best suited to: deficient and excessive sacral chakra blockages
Pick an activity that you’re interested in such as sculpting, drawing, photography, quilting, jewelry making or cooking, and give it a go! Remember, art takes time, dedication, and practice. Don’t expect to be perfect at what you choose immediately! Think of what you would like to mentally or emotionally express, and paint, weave, build, tie or photograph those inner desires.
3. Identify your sexual blockages
Best suited to: deficient sacral chakra blockages
What beliefs, ideals, and prejudices towards sexuality were you taught as a child? You might like to write these blockages down or speak about them with a good friend or counselor. Once you identify these blockages, you can then proceed to deconstruct them.
4. Meditate with and carry crystals
Best suited to: deficient and excessive blockages
Use sacral chakra crystals such as carnelian, orange calcite, jasper, and moonstone. My favorite sacral chakra crystal is amber, which you can buy here.
5. Become mindful of your emotional triggers
Best suited to: excessive blockages
Explosions of emotion can be balanced by becoming mindful of your emotional triggers. For example, if you discover that your fists start to clench when you get angry, slowly uncurl them and breathe deeply. If your blood temperature rises around a certain topic, become aware and present with that emotion.
6. Increase your intake of ginger
Best suited to: deficient blockages
Ginger is a warming and stimulating herb that is terrific for the sacral chakra. Try cooking more with ginger, using ginger oil, or drinking a ginger tea infusion. I recommend this 100% organic ginger infusion from Buddha Teas.
7. Explore the root of your addictions
Best suited to: deficient and excessive blockages
Addictions are a way for us to cope with our reality and fill empty holes in our lives. In a journal or with a friend or therapist, explore why you are addicted to something. Ask questions such as “What place was I at in my life when I started getting addicted to this?” “What do I feel this addiction brings me?” “What is this addiction trying to hide about who I believe I am?” If you’re suffering from a serious addiction, make sure you schedule an appointment with an addiction specialist.
8. Practice
towards your body
Best suited to: deficient and excessive blockages
Explore empowering resources such as books, workshops, and guided meditations that will help you to accept your body type and other physical quirks. Stop apologizing for how you look and start embracing your unique body and its needs. Join online or real life groups that help you to love your body. Find out what eating plan suits you the best, and cut out processed foods. For the sacral chakra, try eating fruit and vegetables such as coconuts, oranges, apricots, almonds, sweet potatoes, carrots, mangos, passionfruit, and papaya.
9. Try color therapy
Best suited to: deficient and excessive sacral chakra blockages
Introduce the colors orange, peach and apricot into your life as the color of the sacral chakra is orange. For example, wear orange clothing, surround yourself with orange objects, and creatively express yourself in the color orange.
10. Do a sacral chakra visualization
Best suited to: deficient and excessive sacral chakra blockages
Imagine a throbbing or swirling ball of luminescent orange light three inches below your bellybutton. Feel the ball of orange energy dissolving all blockages or aggressive flows of energy within you.
11. Do something spontaneous
Best suited to: deficient sacral chakra blockages
Give yourself the permission to do something that you wouldn’t usually do. Break the cycle of rigid and uncreative living! For example, watch a movie you’d never watch, travel to a place you’d never thought possible, take up a wacky new craft, you name it!
12. Get sexually creative
Best suited to: deficient sacral chakra blockages
If you have a partner, explore different creative forms of sexuality. For example, discover what fetishes or sexual positions you’d both like to try out together to spice up the bedroom. If you’re single, explore different creative forms of self-pleasure. If blockages such as guilt or shame arise, question them.
13. Cleanse the sacral chakra with aromatherapy oils
Best suited to: deficient and excessive sacral chakra blockages
Use oils such as ginger, orange, jasmine, neroli, rosewood, and bergamot.
14. Clear blocks with yoga
Best suited to: deficient and excessive blockages
Yoga is an amazing way to open up blocked constrictions of energy in the body. Try the cobra, butterfly, camel, goddess, reverse warrior, and pigeon poses.
15. Say daily affirmations
Best suited to: deficient and excessive sacral chakra blockages.
What you think is what you manifest. Support your sacral chakra healing by repeating the following affirmations with sincerity and open-heartedness, “I allow myself to feel my emotions,” “I create healthy boundaries,” “I embrace my inner passion,” “I value and respect my body,” “My sexuality is sacred,” “I release my inner emotions creatively.”
16. Chant “Vam” to yourself
Best suited to: deficient and excessive blockages
This sound matches the vibration of the sacral chakra. Try drawing out the letters into sounds, such as “vaaaaaammmmmmmmm.” You might also like to listen to binaural beats (a form of music healing therapy) which helps to activate and clear all the chakras through alternating sound waves. Try these chakra healing songs.
You can also try to incorporate more humor into your life. Try watching funny movies or surrounding yourself with lighthearted people who are in touch with the sacral chakra. You might also like to explore belly dancing which is a wonderful stimulator of the sacral chakra
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piacemia · 5 years
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01/19 - 05/19
January: Citrus shrines galore with constant imports of lemons from Fullerton to Idyllwild, getting tix to Vampire Weekend and Passion Pit, meal prepping all the veggie pesto pasta, and discovering our love for Whole Foods olive bars.  February: Getting ALL the candy, including a surprise sneaky shipment, eating at Crest Cafe for Valentines with all the other partner couples, enjoying the rare sunny days and sometimes the pretty cloudy days, discovering the wonders of Carnival and mexican supermarkets in general, found the love of our lives the fish taco truck in the target parking lot, moved the house around and prepped for Julia to move in! March: Having Issy and Urique come to visit and eating Crack Shack, watching the big St. Patricks Day Parade from our bedrooms while I ate salmon and eggs on toast, then on to the festival in the park complete with corned beef sandwiches, brats, and weirdly waxy ice cream. Oh and seeing your coworkers in the beer garden! Finishing Freedom by Jonathan Franzen, getting wildly sick the first day of vacation, heading home for spring break for family time, adventures in Berkeley (Shattuck Hotel, Halal Guys, Morning Trips, walking through the prettiest weather to shattuck and telegraph streets, amoeba music), SF (Stratford Hotel, Senor Sisig, eating in Dolores, heading over to Haight via Muni and almost dying in the Whole Foods, then a free happy hour and dinner at Et Tutto Quoi and drinks at Vesuvio. Next day included sisig fries and pineapple buns for lunch), and Oakland (mario party party and friends of friends), and then a trip to Bali that will be detailed someday.  April: Making rabbit food and eating trail mix, FINALLY getting to Swami’s for the most gigantic acai bowl in the history of the world, working on BTSA forever and ever, endless musical practice, getting visits from multiple easter bunnies, making chili & cornbread, finally making it to explore more of the park, buying pool noodles from the dollar store.  May: PASSION PIT and the first ever concert at North Park, going to Fullerton every weekend just for fun (Babysitting, then parents were there for mother’s day, and then heading to Sacramento with tita), playing baseball in the park, eating at the new Din Tai Fung in San Diego which made us wait an hour and a half, flying to Sacramento for issy’s GRADUATION (seeing old town sacramento, eating at the cutest patio mexican food, and falling asleep in a hotel with Issy asking to go out in the rain), finding my love for Chile Lime Corn Rolls is complete and everlasting, discovering Bronx Pizza and RK Sushi in mission hills, going on a Memorial day extravaganza with Julia which included having sushi and salt and straw with Julia’s friend in which we argued profusely, drank sake/beer, skipped the line for new flavors, didn’t get any new flavors, and talked till midnight. Next day was walking Mission Beach and PB, getting frozen strawberry lemonade, and Julia making delicious amazing bbq burgers. Next day, walking to hillcrest farmers market, eating lebanese wraps and waffles, and then hanging out at Better Buzz being relaxed, cleaned out our entire wardrobes, ate the second two burgers, and then got the best dessert at Extraordinary Dessserts: the passionfruit napoleon. From there we quickly discovered lice possibly maybe who knows and the night devolved into rite aid, vaccuuming, sticking things in trash bags, stripping beds, shampooing, and combing out hair with new girl in the background. Also with booking a trip to Seattle. And that was that. 
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farzanatrading · 2 years
Here are a few delicious superfoods.
Do you have an event coming up? Is it safe to say that you are scrambling for the ideal gift? Farzana's organic product containers offer the best arrangement. Fitting for any event, these sumptuous hampers come overflowing with the best produce Australia brings to the table. Our items are local by craftsmen focused on the specialty of creating solid and tasty organic products. Joined with chocolate, wine, or cheddar in our dazzling handcrafted hampers, our gift crates mix extravagance, polish, and wellbeing to cause your cherished one to feel genuinely revered.
A banana is essentially a yellow well-being cosmic explosion. Bananas are famous for giving a speedy increase in energy, exactly what you want before an exercise or to shake off that mid-afternoon droop. They're loaded with fiber and nutrients, particularly potassium, L-ascorbic acid, and vitamin B-6. Vitamin B-6 assists the cerebrum with creating serotonin, which eases sorrow. Since bananas additionally contain the protein tryptophan, a known state of mind enhancer, bananas can encourage you as well as look great. So next time you have the beau blues go after a banana before the frozen yogurt. In a flash, you'll be off the love seat and ready once more!
Who realizes that an apple daily truly does ward the specialist off? Since they contain intensifies called flavonoids, apples are among the not very many food varieties that have been helping demonstrated to forestall specific sicknesses like bosom, lung, colon, and liver malignant growth as well as Alzheimer's, asthma, and cardiovascular illness.
These delicious treats give up to multiple times the suggested everyday admission of nutrients and C, helping your resistant framework and expanding energy. Mangoes likewise decline indications of maturing, as they aid cell development and fix. Disregard that costly facial, have a mango all things considered!
This scrumptious and sound tidbit is brimming with iron, which helps your body to ingest its ample L-ascorbic acid. Passionfruit is an extraordinary treat for that large number of mothers-to-be here as they safeguard both you and your little knock from contamination.
Buy fruits online to keep hunger at bay and to feel fuller for longer. They make excellent finger food for youngsters because they are high in vitamins and minerals and keep those small bellies content.
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creativegourmetau · 7 months
Buy Frozen Fruit in Australia for Fitness
Frosty fruits have become a sought-after option for fitness freaks. They are the best for busy people looking ahead to a nutrition-packed diet.  Freezing locks the nutrition of these fruits. 
Be with us to understand why you should go with frozen bananas in Australia. Furthermore, unwind the secrets to choosing the best products for a balanced diet.
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What Makes Frozen Fruits a Healthy Choice?
Frozen fruits offer abundant benefits that add to good health. Review some of the advantages of adding them to your diet.
Powerhouses of Nutrition
These fruits have high nutritional content when compared to fresh fruits. Due to freezing, essential nutrients stay intact.
Hence, Buying frozen fruits in Australia is an assured supply of healthy nutrients throughout the year.
Culinary Versatility
Frozen fruits are versatile options for people who love fruit recipes. One can make smoothies, juices, and desserts using these fruits. 
Consequently, you can enjoy their irresistible flavour in every dish you like. Besides, these fruits have a long shelf life, which makes them a convenient option. 
Factors to Consider for Choosing Frozen Bananas in Australia
It is vital to consider a few things to buy quality frozen fruits. Let’s look through some of the factors.
Product Quality
Look for a reputable company to ensure the high quality of products. In addition, check whether the products are free from unfavorable chemicals.
Secondly, you must keep an eye on the packaging. Buy frozen fruits in Australia with sturdy packaging. It ensures you are getting the fresh products.
Go with a brand that offers a wide variety to accommodate your dietary needs, including preferences. 
Creative Gourmet presents a wide range of frozen fruits for fruit lovers.
In summary, frozen berries are a healthy choice. Apart from deliciousness, they offer a diet rich in vitamins & minerals. 
Study the above points to find the right company selling frozen bananas in Australia. 
0 notes
charllieeldridge · 3 years
7 Best New Orleans Cocktails (+Where to Drink Them)
When it comes to the best cities for cocktails, it’s hard to top New Orleans. After all, the motto of the Big Easy is “Laissez les bon temps rouler” — “Let the good times roll.”
Those good times are fueled largely by booze, thanks to the abundance of excellent New Orleans cocktails.
I often complain about my home country’s uptight drinking laws, but thankfully those puritan rules go out the window in the Big Easy.
Here you can drink in public, bars can stay open 24/7, and there are even drive-thru places for frozen daiquiris.
Speaking of partying, I most recently visited the city during our year-long party celebration There are so many New Orleans festivals and events!
Rest assured that I did some quality research in order to present you with some of the best cocktails in New Orleans.
In this article, I’ll run the gamut from the classy to the debaucherous, which can usually be accomplished in half a city block here.
There are so many fun things to do in New Orleans (don’t miss the swamp tours), and if you fancy an adult beverage when you travel, you’re going to love visiting the Big Easy.
Read on for a look at some of the best New Orleans cocktails and recommendations on the best bars to get them.
Wondering where to stay in New Orleans? Don’t miss our epic guide to the best Bourbon Street hotels and information on staying in the French Quarter.
1. Sazerac: The Official Cocktail of New Orleans
Rye Whiskey
Sugar Cube
Lemon Wedge
Of course, we have to kick off our list of the best New Orleans drinks with the original.
Some actually claim this to be the oldest cocktail in the United States, as it dates all the way back to the 1830s. As with many things in New Orleans, there’s an interesting backstory behind this classic drink.
As the story goes, a Creole man named Antoine Peychaud came up with the recipe. He was the owner of an apothecary and a big fan of a brand of French brandy called Sazerac-de-Forge et fils.
After hours, he would serve up a mixture of the cognac with his own home-made bitters. He served the drinks in an egg cup known as a “coquetier.” Some believe to be the origin of the word “cocktail,” but apparently that’s a tall tale.
While historians may debate whether or not this was actually America’s first cocktail, one thing is for sure — the Sazerac was an immediate hit.
A saloon named Sazerac Coffee House started buying Peychaud’s Bitters and mixed them with the cognac and sugar. The new cocktail was the talk of the town and was immensely popular.
A few decades later, the main ingredient changed from cognac to American rye whiskey.
This was due to an epidemic in Europe that destroyed many of the vineyards in France. Without grapes, people turned to grain alcohol like whiskey. Another change to the recipe came shortly thereafter when bartenders added a dash of absinthe.
Things were going great for the Sazerac until absinthe was banned in 1912 because it was thought to cause hallucinations.
Bartenders replaced the banned booze with anise-flavored liqueurs. The most common was Herbsaint, which was made right in New Orleans. It’s still used to this day, alongside Peychaud’s Bitters and Sazerac Kentucky Rye Whiskey. Add in a sugar cube and a lemon wedge as a garnish and you’ve got an official Sazerac!
The Sazerac is so important that a Louisiana state senator even tried to have it declared the state’s official cocktail. While this wasn’t approved, his efforts were not in vain. It’s now the official cocktail of the city of New Orleans.
You can order up a Sazerac all over New Orleans, but the best place to have one is definitely the Sazerac Bar. After all, it’s right there in the name.
This bar is located in the Roosevelt Hotel (click here for directions). Other popular spots to try this classic New Orleans drink include Sylvain Tavern and Arnaud’s French 75.
If you’re interested in experiencing these bars with a fun and knowledgeable local, check out this walking and drinking tour. Four cocktails are included in four different bars, plus an informative guide.  
RELATED POST:  10 Best Bars in Chicago – A Guide To The City’s Nightlife
2. Hurricane: One of The Best New Orleans Cocktails for Rum Lovers
Passionfruit Juice
Orange Juice
Lemon Juice
Simple Syrup
What is the most popular cocktail in New Orleans? These days, one of the quintessential New Orleans cocktails is a Hurricane.
It’s probably the most popular cocktail in the city for visitors, who enjoy slurping one of these potent concoctions as they stumble along Bourbon Street.
The Hurricane drink dates back to the 1940s and the post-prohibition era. Local tavern owner Pat O’Brien invented the drink when he needed to get rid of a bunch of rum. You may be wondering why he had an excess supply of rum. Of course, there’s a story behind that as well!
You see, rum was one of the least popular liquors at the time. O’Brien’s distributors forced cases of rum on him before they would sell him more popular liquors like scotch. He decided to whip up a concoction of rum with passion fruit and lemon juice.
The drinks were served in hurricane lamp-shaped glasses, and thus the Hurricane was born.
The recipe is still basically the same after all these years, and Hurricanes now include a garnish of an orange slice and a cherry or two.
Pat O’Brien’s bar is still a mainstay in the city and is the top place to try the famous Hurricane drink (click here for directions). In addition to their signature Hurricanes, you can also enjoy dueling piano music as you sit by their flaming fountain.
Since you’re in New Orleans, you might as well take advantage of the fact that you can drink in public and order daiquiris from a drive-thru.
Go ahead and grab a Hurricane to-go for a wander up Bourbon Street. You can also try one of the frozen varieties from a drive-thru. When in Rome!
3. Brandy Milk Punch: Best Brunch Drink
Powdered Sugar
Our tour of New Orleans cocktails moves on – or should I say “stumbles on”? – to Brandy Milk Punch. The Big Easy didn’t invent this classic cocktail, but the city definitely perfected it. Once again, there’s a lot of history behind the drink.
The story of Brandy Milk Punch in New Orleans goes back to the late 1940s. At the time, Dinner at Antoine’s was a popular murder mystery. The name came from a local restaurant, which was the setting of the story.
The owners of Antoine’s and several other restaurants and bars would often gather to play poker.
Owen Brennan owned a bar on Bourbon Street at the time, and the other guys made a bet with him that he couldn’t open a restaurant. A friend remarked to him “If there’s dinner at Antoine’s, why can’t there be breakfast at Brennan’s?” 
We have this interaction to thank for the beloved modern-day tradition of brunch. The idea of a late and lavish breakfast complete with cocktails started at Brennan’s in New Orleans.
With a need for eye-opening cocktails, Brennan went with Brandy Milk Punch. As you may have guessed by now, the key ingredients are in fact brandy and milk!
Add powdered sugar (or simple syrup) and a dash of nutmeg on top, and you’ve got one of the best cocktails in New Orleans.
Tourists outside of Brennan’s
Not surprisingly, Brennan’s remains the top place to try Brandy Milk Punch (click here for directions).
You might as well go ahead and do the whole brunch thing there during your weekend in New Orleans, as many say that if you haven’t had brunch at Brennan’s, you haven’t really been to the city.
For a different spin on this drink, head to Bourbon House to try their frozen Bourbon Milk Punch.
RELATED POST: Want to get your “brunch on” in other cities in the US? Here are some of the best places to eat in Chicago, including breakfast, brunch, lunch, and dinner. 
4. Ramos Gin Fizz: A Cocktail for Gin Lovers
Lemon Juice
Lime Juice
Flower Water
Egg Whites
Powdered Sugar
The Ramos Gin Fizz is one of the most well-known New Orleans drinks. Its name comes from Henry C. Ramos, bar owner and inventor of the drink. He came up with the cocktail back in 1888, and it has been a staple of NoLa ever since.
Ramos invented the drink at his bar called the Imperial Cabinet Saloon by mixing gin, heavy cream, powdered sugar, lemon & lime juices, an egg white, and orange flower water.
His recipe called for 12 minutes of vigorous shaking, which is quite a lot of work to make a single cocktail!
When he sold the bar and moved to a new place he called The Stag, he actually hired a whole team of shakers to help whip up his signature drink.
He basically set up an assembly line where each person would shake it for a minute and then pass it on. After sufficient shaking, they added a bit of soda water on top to give the drink its fizz. 
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He originally called the drink a New Orleans Fizz. Years later, the Roosevelt Hotel bought the rights to the drink from Ramos’ son after Prohibition ended.
To honor the inventor, they named the drink after him. It was also at the Roosevelt Hotel that former Louisiana governor Huey Long fell in love with the drink.
Apparently, Long loved the Ramos Gin Fizz so much that be brought a bartender with him on a trip to New York just so he could teach people there how to make it.
This guaranteed that Long never had to be without his favorite cocktail on his frequent trips to Manhattan. What a legend!
The Roosevelt Hotel remains the best place to try one, so you might as well order one up after you try their Sazerac to make for an epic tour of New Orleans cocktails. Another good spot to try one is the Carousel Bar (click here for directions), where you can try several other famous New Orleans drinks.
RELATED POST: 21 Fun Things To Do in New Orleans – A Guide For Travellers
5. Vieux Carré: For Those Who Want a Strong Drink
Just as is the case with New Orleans food, there’s an obvious French influence with the city’s cocktails. Just take the classic Vieux Carré, which is French for “Old Square” and a nod to the French Quarter.
Much like the city itself, the Vieux Carré is both potent and smooth at the same time. This signature New Orleans drink dates back to the 1930s and the Carousel Bar in Hotel Monteleone.
The bar is still there and it’s definitely the best place to try one of the top cocktails in New Orleans. It’s actually centered around a vintage carousel that you spin around as you drink. How cool is that?!
It’s a melting pot of a drink, with French cognac, Italian vermouth, American whiskey, and Caribbean bitters. Drinking a Vieux Carré is kind of like drinking the history of New Orleans! It typically comes in an Old Fashioned glass along with a cherry or lemon wedge as a garnish.
6. Pimm’s Cup: Simple and Refreshing Cocktail
Cucumber Garnish
As a city that gets very hot and enjoys day drinking, New Orleans needs a light, refreshing cocktail. Cue the Pimm’s Cup, which came to the Big Easy via London a century after its creation.
We have London barkeep James Pimm to thank for this delightful concoction with a recipe that remains secret to this day. Over the years, he actually came up with six different variations of the drink.
Pimm’s No. 1 Cup is the one that made its way across the pond when the owner of the Napoleon House gave it a New Orleans twist.
He took the popular tonic and added lemonade, 7-Up, and a cucumber garnish. This is definitely one of the most refreshing cocktails in New Orleans!
The Napoleon House is still the best place to try a Pimm’s Cup in the Big Easy (click here for directions).
Isn’t it awesome that the places where most of these famous New Orleans drinks originated are still going strong? Another great spot to enjoy a Pimm’s is Bar Tonique, where they’re just $5 on Mondays. I’ll drink to that!
7. Hand Grenade: A Dangerously Strong Cocktail
Melon Liquor
Simple Syrup
Water to Dilute the Alcohol
Fresh Cantaloupe or Honeydew Juice
(The ingredients are a “secret”, but this is pretty close.)
Our tour of New Orleans cocktails comes to a fitting conclusion with the Hand Grenade. As the name implies, this drink packs a serious punch. If you’re looking to crank it up and get crazy on Bourbon Street, this is your ticket!
Owners of the Tropical Isle bar, Pam Fortner and Earl Bernhardt, invented this dangerously strong cocktail. They describe it as “a wonderful melon flavor drink with lots of liqueurs and other secret ingredients.”
A Hand Grenade comes in a green plastic yard glass with a base that resembles, you guessed it, a hand grenade.
Much like a grenade, you’ll want to exercise extreme caution with one of these in your hands. The creators themselves warn that while #2 will give you a nice buzz, #4 might result in public nudity. They even say you’re on your own after the fifth one!
You can only find Hand Grenades at the various Tropical Isle locations along Bourbon Street (click here for directions to one of the best). You can also get them at the Funky Pirate bar, which is a great place to catch some live blues.
Tourists drinking a hand grenade at Tropical Isle
If you can manage to put down an entire Hand Grenade, you’ve got a nice souvenir cup to bring home to remember your trip. Of course, if you had one too many Hand Grenades, remembering anything might be a bit difficult…
Ready for Some New Orleans Cocktails?
It’s really is fascinating to learn the stories behind some of these classic New Orleans cocktails. Read this post out loud as you sip on a few of these drinks and you’ll have your very own episode of Drunk History.
While many tourists to the Big Easy get stuck drinking overpriced, watered-down cocktails on Bourbon Street, there’s a lot more to discover when it comes to drinking in NOLA.
Get out there and start your day with a Brandy Milk Punch at Brennan’s, then move on to a Gin Fizz during the hottest part of the day. 
After a nap and some tasty New Orleans food (probably a po’ boy or a bowl of jambalaya), you’ll be ready to hit the streets again in search of the best cocktails in New Orleans.
Go ahead and grab yourself a Hurricane or a Hand Grenade and join the revelry at least once.
If the crowds and the noise drive you crazy, there are plenty of chilled-out bars you can retreat to. Best of all, many of them never close. And they say New York is the city that never sleeps…
Have you been to New Orleans and have a great recommendation for a specific cocktail or bar? Drop a comment below and let us know about it!
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  The post 7 Best New Orleans Cocktails (+Where to Drink Them) appeared first on Goats On The Road.
7 Best New Orleans Cocktails (+Where to Drink Them) published first on https://travelaspire.weebly.com/
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thepingingchook · 3 years
Invest a little time preparing for your travels!
I’m probably preaching to the converted but just so we’re all on the same page, we’re talking about food on the road, not haute cuisine, just simple, yummy stuff. There's so much you can do if you have a huge larder, big fridge and freezer and a stove with oven, but if you don't have those things, or have limited/spasmodic access to fresh food - because you are living the life and travelling away from the pack or you simply want to be completely off the grid, you can live quite well on tinned or packet stuff with some extras tossed in to tart things up. This is not a long term option for me though, it’s just for those times when you’re caught out.
We’re fortunate to have a reasonably sized fridge and freezer (total 185L) plus 75L car fridge/freezer. They have been completely worth the investment for us.
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I know lots of people prepare and dry meals and other food items prior to departure and I do too. Some pies, slices such as zucchini and spanakopita, biscuits, fruit cake, etc
If you're not up to that or can't be bothered, it's still not a bad idea to do a little bit of preparation. Create a little stock of condiments, herbs and spices and the like to add zing and depth to whatever you’re cooking. It's all about pleasure! Here are a few suggestions.
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*Harvest your own herbs or take advantage of times of abundance. You don't have to have a huge garden to produce at least some fragrant herbs for your table. I usually take a huge bag of fresh herbs as well as little bags of a variety that I’ve dried.
*Dry or freeze excess herbs from store-bought bunches as well as your own.
I take frozen sage leaves, fresh bay leaves, Vietnamese mint. Supplement these with a selection of semi dried herbs from the fruit&veg section of the supermarket - parsley, chilli, ginger etc.
*Make sure you have a stock of tiny plastic bags or small plastic containers the kind you get sauce in with your take-away meals, or use iceblock trays to freeze juice or grated goodies. Glass and rough roads don’t go well together.
*Passionfruit - buy them when there’s a glut and eat till you've had enough (if that’s possible) then freeze the pulp or whole fruit.
*Citrus fruits - freeze whole or in segments in their skins. But definitely juice and freeze in ‘serving size’ quantities in tiny plastic bags or in ice cube trays. Before you juice them, however, make sure you collect the zest either with a zester or vegetable peeler and bag that too.
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*Preserve a few lemons and limes - they add fantastic flavour to all sorts of dishes - fish, casseroles, stir fries etc
*Lime leaves - Kaffir or Tahitian limes, freeze well either shredded or whole. Great for curries, soups, stir fries, steamed fish.
*Ginger and Lemongrass - grate or slice then freeze in little plastic bags.
*Dried Mushrooms - blitz a few and package in airtight bags or the like to add to casseroles, soups or to sprinkle on risotto - yum! Use sparingly however as the flavour can be overpowering.
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And no we don’t have infinite space. This is my spice drawer. We had that and the narrow pantry underneath built in to replace the stock-standard wine cooler - we drink red after all! It’s jam-pack with a wide assortment of spices both ground and whole in that little drawer (and I carry a wee mortar and pestle).
*Onions are an essential for us. I carry fresh as well as frozen. Also capers. They’re great in smoked salmon sangers and crispy fried they are a delicious topper.
*Small cans of mushrooms and capsicums can be a useful addition.
If you’re going for a long haul, pack in the extra bits that you might need if you have to make more to keep you going.
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I also pack in bread mixes for when we’re ‘out there’ and the ingredients to cook fruit cake in my ‘DreamPot’.
*As a cute kitchen mate I have a kitchen 'blow torch' - well, that's what I call it. Plug it onto a butane gas cylinder and you can add an extra little je ne sais quoi to a whole lot of things. How about tinned asparagus with melted cheese topping. Of course it's not as good as the fresh stuff! I know that, but hey you're out there in the bush doing other magic things. Or should be!
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And don’t forget to look for local food to supplement your larder. Here we were camped at Cockle Creek in Tassie and gathered enough cockles, mussels and oyster for a sensational meal.
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There are lots of goodies to forage along the tracks but get yourself a good book
And make time to kick back and soak up the magic - save done coals to bake some bread in the camp oven!
Chat another time, maybe from Arnhem Land or the Tanami desert and hopefully with some pix. Bon appetit!
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mrfogmaxpro · 3 years
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Price : 12.99 $
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Have you at any point knew about this ? The Mr Fog Strawberry and Passion Fruit mixture is an uncommon experimentation, consolidating the solid enhanced, tart energy natural product with the tart, yet overwhelmingly sharp however somewhat sweet strawberry. Mr Fog Pods has set a standard to acquire the best and ripest strawberry gathers so as to strike a harmony between sweetness, acridity and pungency in a three manner based flavor delight. There will never be a superior time to turn into another aficionado of Mr Fog than now. 
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passion fruit gin liqueur passion fruit gin boe passion fruit gin asda passion fruit gin and tonic passion fruit gin recipe passion fruit gin tesco passion fruit gin morrisons passion fruit gin liqueur morrisons passion fqdn passion dq passion fruit curd passion fruit cake passion fruit nz passion fruit nz price buy passion fruit nz malibu passion fruit nz growing passion fruit nz banana passionfruit nz yellow passion fruit nz frozen passion fruit nz planting passionfruit nz wild passion fruit nz passion fruit batida passion fruit batido passionfruit bath and body works passion fruit batida cocktail recipe passion fruit bath bomb passion fruit bath salts frozen passion fruit batida passion fruit in batangas batch passion fruit sour bath bomb passion fruit passion fruit bbq sauce passion fruit in egypt passion fruit recipes passion fruit plant passion fruit cheesecake passion fruit in spanish passion fruit vine passion fruits passion fruits benefits passion fruits farming passion fruits 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xmas cool math games strawberry xmas strawberry xmas tree strawberry xmas game strawberry xmas cool math strawberry xmas hats strawberry xmas santas strawberry xmas walkthrough strawberry xmas cookies strawberry father xmas xls nutrition strawberry xls strawberry shake pmd amplify xl strawberry xls medical strawberry shake amplify xl strawberry slam ixl strawberry jam strawberry shortcake costume xl king mass xl strawberry strawberry mansion hoodie xl xls nutrition strawberry 400g strawberry festival wv wv strawberry festival 2019 strawberry festival buckhannon wv strawberry festival buckhannon wv 2019 strawberry lady charleston wv strawberry lady charleston wv 2019 wv strawberry festival 2020 strawberry festival buckhannon wv 2020 strawberry lady wv wv strawberry festival pageant strawberry woo woo strawberry weed wbls strawberry letter today wbls strawberry letter 107.5 wbls strawberry letter amp wbe strawberry wbng strawberry festival wblk strawberry letter strawberry water strawberry vw strawberry cut strawberry vulgar strawberry perl vulnerabilities belle vue strawberry gardens vuse alto strawberry louis vuitton strawberry earrings louis vuitton strawberry louis vuitton strawberry bag strawberry beach vung tau strawberry cream cheese frosting strawberry crumble strawberry vrbo strawberry crepes vrbo strawberry az vrbo strawberry ca vrbo pinecrest strawberry vrbo strawberry arizona strawberry vodka strawberry vk vk strawberry and lime strawberry team vk.com strawberry summer vk strawberryville farm strawberry hemangioma strawberry health benefits strawberry hair mask strawberry has vitamin c strawberry hard candy strawberry hot springs strawberry svg strawberry svg free strawberry svg file free strawberry svg file strawberry svg images strawberry shortcake svg strawberry shortcake svg file strawberry wine svg strawberry fields forever svg strawberry seed svg strawberry valley strawberry uw strawberry utah strawberry utah weather strawberry uterus strawberry ut weather strawberry utah fishing report strawberry utensil holder strawberry utah land for sale strawberry uti strawberry utah real estate strawberry utah weather forecast strawberry uses strawberryurin strawberryurin instagram strawberry in weight gain uq significa strawberry strawberry upside down cake strawberry up close strawberry up in smoke strawberry u pick strawberry up and go strawberry upc strawberry upside down planter strawberry upside down cheesecake strawberry upc code strawberry upside down cake delish strawberry uk strawberry uk season strawberry uke chords strawberry ukulele chords strawberry ukulele strawberry uk cosmetics strawberry uk price strawberry ukraine strawberry uk bag strawberry mug cake strawberry mug strawberry mug cake keto strawberry mug asda strawberry mug cake healthy strawberry mug pie strawberry mugs nz strawberry mug muffin strawberry mug cobbler strawberry types strawberry twizzlers strawberry tv show strawberry turnovers strawberry tours strawberry tiramisu strawberry thief strawberry tea benefits strawberrytart strawberryta strawberrytaaay strawberrytar strawberrytae strawberrytaay strawberrytattoo strawberrytamil strawberry substitute strawberry star strawberry square strawberry spa strawberrysoup strawberry sorbet strawberry snacks strawberry slushie strawberrysingh strawberry simple syrup strawberry scones strawberry swing strawberry syrup strawberry salad strawberry seeds strawberry shortcake characters strawberry sauce strawberry rxbar strawberry rx mendrx strawberry hill met rx strawberry protein aliens rx strawberry cough strawberry rv park strawberry rv & trailer park strawberry rv strawberry rv park ct strawberry rv park preston ct strawberry rv park az strawberry rv park connecticut strawberry fields rv park strawberry fields rv park chiefland florida tennessee rv strawberry plains strawberry runners strawberry road auto strawberry rum strawberry rum drinks strawberry rum cocktail strawberry rum cake strawberry rum punch strawberry rum lemonade strawberry rum smoothie strawberry rum mixed drinks strawberry rum margarita recipe strawberry rum smash strawberry rhubarb pie strawberryreef strawberry recipes strawberry rdr2 strawberry rd strawberry rdr2 mayor strawberry rdr1 strawberry rdr2 map strawberry road auto sales strawberry rd prunedale ca strawberry rdr2 secrets strawberry rd ellington ct strawberry rdr2 real life strawberry radio strawberry q tips strawberry q tip lipstick strawberry q tip lip gloss strawberry q tip lip tint strawberry q tip makeup strawberry qt5 strawberry stone qt strawberry lemonade qt strawberry shake strawberry qs strawberry arizona strawberry art strawberry arms strawberry arkansas strawberry arugula salad strawberry arnold palmer strawberry arizona drink strawberry ar strawberry arizona weather strawberry army strawberry juice calories strawberry jelly cake strawberry juice recipe strawberry jelly cake recipe strawberry jelly calories strawberry for dogs strawberry flower strawberry face mask strawberry finch strawberry facts strawberry filling strawberry frozen yogurt recipe qcarbo20 clear - strawberry-mango qcarbo20 strawberry mango qcarbo16 strawberry mango strawberry shortcake qc qcarbo strawberry mango qcig strawberry strawberry cakes in qc strawberry qb strawberry pie filling strawberry pie from scratch strawberry pie glaze strawberry pie with jello strawberry pie strain strawberry pie without jello strawberry pie crust strawberry pie near me strawberry pie mcdonalds strawberry puree strawberry potassium strawberry pot ideas strawberry pot size strawberry pot home depot strawberry pot terracotta strawberry potted plant strawberry pot herb garden strawberry pot planter strawberry potting soil strawberry prince strawberry plants strawberry poke cake strawberry pot strawberry plains pike strawberry festival plant city strawberry perl pkg-config strawberry pajamas strawberry pj strawberry pj set strawberry pj new town strawberry pj state strawberry pj shorts strawberry pajamas toddler strawberry cafe pj strawberry fields pj strawberry ph level strawberry png cartoon strawberry png transparent strawberry png clipart strawberry png hd strawberry png vector strawberry png icon strawberry png free strawberry png drawing strawberry png free download strawberryperl strawberry peels strawberry picking season strawberry pictures strawberry picking farm strawberry picking jobs strawberry pics strawberry picking nc strawberry picking virginia beach strawberry picking farm near me strawberry picking charlotte nc strawberry pb2 smoothie strawberry pb2 strawberry pb and jam monster strawberry pb smoothie strawberry pb&j smoothie strawberry png strawberry pb smoothie bowl strawberry pbr strawberry pb&j strawberry pb overnight oats strawberry park strawberry osrs strawberry ostara strawberry os strawberry oscar strawberry ostara review strawberry oscar fish strawberry osmosis strawberry osrs ge strawberry oatmeal strawberry oreos strawberry onions strawberry online strawberry ok for dogs strawberry okay for dogs strawberry ok for cats strawberry plant strawberry ok for baby strawberry ok for diabetics strawberry ok for keto strawberry ok ko strawberry okay for baby strawberry planter strawberry oil strawberryzoe strawberry octoploid strawberry oatmeal bars strawberry nz strawberry nz cosmetics strawberry nz growing strawberry nz price strawberry nz perfume strawberry nv strawberry cookie henderson nv strawberry st7701 nv file strawberry cookie nv strawberry fields henderson nv strawberry creek campground nv strawberry creek nv strawberry shortcake henderson nv nvidia strawberry navy strawberry strawberry nose strawberry hill taos nm strawberry perl nmake strawberry peak socorro nm nm cafe strawberry butter strawberry road belen nm strawberry shortcake albuquerque nm strawberry nj strawberry njoy pods strawberry nj picking strawberry picking season nj strawberry farm nj strawberry picking nj 2019 strawberry festival nj strawberry hill farm nj strawberry pizza nj strawberry season nj strawberry nice cream strawberry nails strawberry mx strawberry hill mx mxd strawberry daiquiri strawberry hill mx park strawberry hill mx track mxd strawberry daiquiri calories strawberry hill mx schedule strawberry hill mx sc sci mx strawberry mxd strawberry daiquiri review strawberrynet singapore strawberrynet malaysia strawberrynet india strawberry mp3 songs strawberry mp3 songs download strawberry mp3 strawberry mp3 song download masstamilan strawberry mp3 songs tamil strawberry mp3 cut songs strawberry mp3 starmusiq strawberry mp3 ringtone download strawberry mp3 songs isaimini strawberry moon strawberry milkshake without ice cream strawberry milk tea strawberry milkshake powder strawberry milk korean strawberry milk carton strawberry milk powder strawberry milkshake calories strawberry mango strawberry meng twitter mfg strawberry mfused strawberry sour diesel infused strawberry lemonade mf strawberry strawberry panic mf strawberry md strawberry md 20 20 strawberry md price strawberry festival ridgely md strawberry picking frederick md strawberry blonde ridgely md strawberry village pittsville md strawberry picking md strawberry hill apartments md strawberry festival md strawberry margarita recipe strawberryluna strawberryluna etsy strawberry lube strawberry quik strawberry quartz meaning strawberry quick bread strawberry quinault strawberry queen strawberry quartz benefits strawberry quality street strawberry quinoa salad strawberry logo strawberry ln strawberry ln cleveland tn strawberry ln roanoke va strawberry ln louisville ky strawberry ln hudson ma strawberry line strawberry ln clarkston mi strawberry lane apartments strawberry ln hooksett nh strawberry lanes strawberry picking strawberry banana smoothie strawberry pretzel salad strawberry smoothie strawberry lips strawberry legs treatment strawberry legs treatment cream strawberry legs meaning strawberry legs baking soda strawberry legs treatment at home strawberry legs home remedy strawberry legs laser strawberry legs pictures strawberry legs sugar scrub strawberry lb cake strawberry lb strawberry lbs per acre strawberry calories 1 lb 1 lb strawberry clamshell strawberry nutrition 1 lb 1 lb strawberry jam recipe strawberry gate lbl lbc strawberry wheat 9lb strawberry strawberryland strawberry laces strawberry kwame kilpatrick strawberry kwa kiswahili strawberry quartz strawberry kw kwality walls strawberry cheesecake kwik trip strawberry smoothie strawberry farm kwinana strawberry picking kw strawberry kvass kvoss strawberry peppermint kvossnyc strawberry peppermint lindahls kvarg strawberry kvmr strawberry festival kvarg strawberry kvarg strawberry lime strawberry kvass recipe how much alcohol is in kvass how to drink kvass strawberry kiss strawberry keto strawberry kiwi smoothie strawberry keto smoothie strawberry kush strawberry kit kat strawberry kush strain strawberry kisses lyrics strawberry kiwi juice strawberry kanne strawberry kale smoothie strawberry ka hindi strawberry kale salad strawberry kanne lyrics strawberry kawaii strawberry ka paudha strawberry kanne song strawberry ka spelling strawberry ka photo strawberry koi strawberry kmart strawberry kms kmart strawberry daiquiri kmart strawberry shortcake kmart strawberry cushion strawberry pillow kmart strawberry clouds kmart strawberry shortcake kmart australia khm strawberry farm kmpno strawberry strawberry klondike strawberry kg strawberry kg price strawberry kg sedia strawberry price per kg kg strawberry limeade 1 kg strawberry price strawberry per kg kg strawberry limeade font strawberry cost per kg strawberry rate per kg strawberry kwd strawberry kbbi kb strawberry strawberry dalam kbbi kboom strawberry bomb kb strawberry shortcake font kboom strawberry kbc strawberry kbl strawberry fields kboom strawberry explosion strawberry kit jw marriott strawberry buffet jw dongdaemun strawberry buffet strawberry juice strawberry jsc strawberry js strawberry js framework when is strawberry season strawberry rhubarb jam strawberry perl json strawberry witch jsk strawberry whip jsk when is strawberry festival strawberry jr strawberry jello cake carl's jr strawberry milkshake carl's jr strawberry cheesecake price carl's jr strawberry milkshake calories carl's jr strawberry cheesecake neocate junior strawberry carl's jr strawberry lemonade strawberry shortcake nick jr strawberry jokes strawberry jing syuan tea strawberry jelly strawberry jb sweet strawberry shortcake jb jb strawberry milk got7 jb strawberry milk strawberry izze strawberry is a vegetable strawberry iqf strawberry iqf frozen strawberry iqf fruit iqf strawberry suppliers iqf strawberry egypt iqf strawberry specifications iqs strawberry gummies iqos heets strawberry strawberry whole iqf strawberry challenge vex iq strawberry dip strawberry dipping sauce strawberry dipped cone strawberry dipped in chocolate drawing strawberry dipper strawberry dipped in nutella strawberry dipped in sugar strawberry dipped in white chocolate strawberry dipping kit strawberry iowa strawberry iodine strawberry iodine content strawberry io strawberry iowa weather strawberry iodine allergy strawberry or strawberry ios wallpaper strawberry ios app strawberry one strawberrying strawberry inn strawberry images strawberry og strain strawberry og seeds strawberry og allbud strawberry og indica or sativa strawberry og harmony strawberry og flowering time strawberry og grow strawberry ogura cake strawberry og wax strawberry ideas strawberry ice cream strawberry hydrangea strawberry hut strawberry hr strawberry brownies strawberry hr ltd strawberry grouper strawberry hrvatska miss strawberry.hr strawberry shake hruta durgule strawberry seed hr strawberry festival hours strawberry hq mp3 songs hqd vape strawberry strawberry banana hqd strawberry mp3 hq strawberry fields forever hq strawberry letter 23 hq strawberry hohos nsw strawberry hills hnh strawberry strawberry hill house strawberry hill wine strawberry hills hotel strawberry hill farm strawberry hill jamaica strawberry hills post office strawberry hill rose strawberry hill sf strawberry hill station strawberry hk strawberry hk net strawberry hk english strawberry farm hk strawberry watermelon cake hk strawberry net hk review strawberry net hk english strawberry hill hk strawberry farm fanling hk strawberry picking hk strawberry hedgehog strawberry hd strawberry hd images strawberry hd wallpaper strawberry hd pic strawberry hd movie download strawberry hd images download strawberry hd png strawberry hd picture strawberry hd video song strawberry hd video songs download strawberry haze strawberry gw2 strawberry ghost gw2 gw2 strawberry patch strawberry picking gwinnett county gw2 strawberry pie filling gwyneth paltrow strawberry cauliflower smoothie strawberry picking gwent strawberry picking gwynedd gw2 strawberry farm strawberrygum limited strawberry guava strawberrygt strawberry gq strawberry gingivitis strawberry gin strawberry gin cocktail strawberry gin and tonic strawberry ginger strawberry gin fizz strawberry ginger smoothie strawberry ginger ale strawberry ginger hair strawberry gin tesco strawberry glycemic index strawberry glaze strawberry glaze recipe strawberry glue gk strawberry resistant strawberry girl strawberry gif strawberry gifts strawberry gift box strawberry gift ideas strawberry gift bag strawberry gift set strawberry gift wrap strawberry gift tag strawberry gift stardew strawberry gift meaning strawberry gb strawberry gb ultrasound strawberry gb radiology strawberry shortcake gba strawberry shortcake gba rom gbk strawberry milkshake calories gbk strawberry milkshake recipe gbk strawberry and elderflower gbom strawberry pops strawberry shortcake gba video strawberry garden artisan ninja fx strawberry fx cbd strawberry lemonade dub fx strawberry man fx cbd strawberry kiwi strawberrytfs twitter strawberrytfs deviantart strawberry frosting strawberry fq strawberry fox art strawberry fanta strawberry fan strawberry fancy dress strawberry fanny pack strawberry fanta calories strawberry fanta strain strawberry fanta near me strawberry fantasy strawberry fanta caffeine strawberry fan garnish strawberry fm strawberry flan strawberry fluff strawberryfrog strawberryfrog careers strawberryfrog llc strawberryfrog linkedin strawberryfrog jobs strawberry frog nyc strawberryfrog india strawberry frog agency strawberryfrog llc linkedin strawberryfrog dubai strawberry festival strawberry fc strawberry town fc fcukin flava strawberry jello strawberry fields fc fcukin flava strawberry ice cream fcukin flava strawberry jello review fcukin flava strawberry lemonade fcukin flava strawberry fc strawberry puree fc strawberry frosting font strawberry farm strawberry extract strawberry vitamin c strawberry emoji strawberryelf strawberryelectric48 strawberryelf tiktok strawberry earrings strawberry dump cake strawberries calories strawberries nutrition facts strawberries for dogs strawberries and cigarettes strawberries pronunciation strawberries smoothie strawberries and cigarettes lyrics strawberries and cream strawberries near me strawberry drawing strawberry dp strawberry dphue strawberry spinach salad strawberry pack msp strawberry spinach strawberry dips strawberry sponge cake strawberry spinach salad recipe stroberi dp mall semarang strawberry dp mall strawberrydota strawberry donut strawberry dna extraction strawberry_doll strawberry dj strawberry dj song strawberry dj video strawberry dj seattle strawberry dj remix dj strawberry net worth djs strawberry patch dj strawberry maryland dj strawberry mother dj strawberry instagram strawberry dipped in chocolate strawberry dna dbz strawberry saga strawberry hill d'box strawberry perl dbi module strawberry perl dbi strawberry perl dbd oracle strawberry perl dbi install strawberry perl dbd oracle windows strawberry crisis dbu strawberry perl dbd mysql strawberry cupcakes strawberry cream strawberry cartoon strawberry cake recipe strawberry carbs strawberry cake decoration strawberry captions strawberry cake calories strawberry cake recipe easy strawberry cake joy of baking strawberry core strawberry cmyk strawberry compote strawberry cms cm farms strawberry festival strawberry blonde cmyk strawberry color cmyk strawberry hall cm5 0ep strawberry red cmyk strawberry pink cmyk strawberry perl command strawberry clipart strawberry cheesecake strawberry cervix strawberry az weather strawberry az cabins strawberry az real estate strawberry az elevation strawberry az hotels strawberry az camping strawberry az restaurants strawberry az map strawberry az land for sale strawberry boxes strawberry box cake strawberry box cake mix strawberry box house strawberry box cake cookies strawberry box planter strawberry boxes walmart strawberry box cake with jello strawberry boxes near me strawberry boxers strawberry wallpaper strawberry butcher strawberry bread strawberry bbq sauce strawberry bbq strawberry bbq chicken strawberry bbq rub strawberry bbq ribs strawberry bbq glaze strawberry bbq meatballs strawberry bbq holcomb mo strawberry bbq dry rub strawberry bbq sauce southern living strawberry boots strawberry milkshake strawberry meaning strawberry muffins strawberry mousse strawberry mask strawberry mojito strawberry milk recipe strawberry mousse cake strawberry macros strawberry birthmark strawberrybih strawberrybih twitter strawberry bag strawberry bagel strawberry bag planter strawberry baguio strawberry bagel recipe strawberry bagatelle strawberry begonia strawberry bagan strawberry bagel spread strawberry baguio price strawberry fields forever lyrics strawberry banana strawberry az strawberry au lait strawberry daiquiri strawberry daiquiri frozen strawberry daiquiri virgin strawberry daqs strawberry daiquiri strain strawberry daiquiri with vodka strawberry daiquiri mocktail strawberry daiquiri cocktail strawberry daiquiri sobe strawberry daiquiri syrup strawberry applesauce strawberry twitter strawberry patreon mmd strawberry strawberry and co strawberry jam calories strawberry jam cake strawberry jam tart strawberry jam without sugar strawberry jam tart recipe strawberry jam with honey strawberry jam pie strawberry jam bars strawberry jam calories per tablespoon strawberry allergy strawberry akeil strawberry ak strawberry akeil grow strawberry ak terpenes strawberry acai strawberry akeil review strawberry ak 47 strawberry akutaq strawberry aesthetic strawberryade strawberry lemonade strawberry acai bowl strawberry calories strawberry skin strawberry shortcake cartoon strawberry nutrition facts strawberry tongue strawberry blonde hair strawberry wine strawberry tree strawberry shortcake strawberry rita strawberry quotes strawberry pie strawberry og strawberrynet strawberrynet nz strawberrynet hk strawberrynet reviews strawberrynet promo code strawberrynet fake strawberrynet uk strawberrynet sg strawberrynet aus strawberrynet usa strawberrymilkispink strawberry milk strawberry legs strawberry kiwi strawberry jam strawberry hill strawberrygirlkairi strawberry grove strawberryfield park strawberry fields strawberries strawberry desserts strawberry cake strawberry blonde strawberry
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contactvishalkadu · 4 years
Processed Superfruits Market, By Form (Liquid/Concentrated, Frozen, Powder/Dried, Canned), By Application (Food, Beverages, Cosmetics), By Region (North America, Latin America, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, APEJ, Middle East & Africa) - Size, Share, Outlook, and Opportunity Analysis, 2020 - 2027
Processed superfruits have additional health benefits in terms of nutritional content compared to normal fruits. It has the highest content of antioxidants, minerals, amino acids, vitamins, and healthy fats. It can be used in preparing various beverages such as energy drinks, ready-to-drink, and flavored drinks.
The global processed superfruits market is estimated to account for US$ 47,678.7 Mn in terms of value and 12,979,203 Thousand Tons in terms of volume by the end of 2019.
Driver 1
Rising demand for natural flavors in the smoothies and other food products is projected to augment the market growth of processed superfruits. This is attributed to the rising demand for processed food products without any artificial additives. Moreover, growing demand for organic and natural food products that do not have artificial preservatives is further anticipated to propel the market growth of the processed superfruits.
Driver 2
Growing demand for superfruits-based antioxidants is primarily fueling the market growth of the processed superfruits. Growing demand for natural antioxidants from food & beverages industry where it is used in the preparation of energy drinks, powders, and bars is expected to foster the market growth. Moreover, superfruits-based antioxidants have various health benefits such as they reduce the chances of disease such as obesity and diabetes. All these factors are expected to bolster the market growth of processed superfruits.
North America region dominated the global processed superfruits market in 2019, accounting for 27.8% share in terms of value, followed by Western Europe.
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Figure 1. Global Processed Superfruits Market, Revenue Share (%), By Region, 2019
Market Restraints:
Restraint 1
Consistency problem associated with the superfruits flavor is expected to pose challenges for the market of processed superfruits market. This factor is expected to hinder the market growth.
Restraint 2
Lack of proper infrastructures such as lack of high-tech production facilities and shortage of power across the Middle East &Africa region is expected to hamper the market growth.
Market Opportunities
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Figure 2. Global Processed Superfruits Market – Opportunity Analysis
Opportunity 1
Growing demand for superfruits in the anti-aging natural cosmetic industry as superfruits have a high content of antioxidants is expected to represent significant opportunities for the market of processed superfruits. Growing demand for natural anti-aging cosmetic products due to rising awareness regarding the negative impact of the synthetic anti-aging products is further expected to bolster the market growth of the processed superfruits in the near future.
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Opportunity 2
Increasing use of processed superfruits in dietary supplements as functional ingredients are expected to offer immense growth opportunities. Moreover, the growing demand for natural food colors with nutrients is also projected to foster the market growth of the processed superfruits. Furthermore, the market growth is also attributed to growth in the food &beverage industry due to increasing consumer and government spending.
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Figure 3. Global Processed Superfruits Market, Revenue Share (%), By Application, in 2019
On the basis of application, beverages dominated the global processed superfruits market in 2019 with around 66.2% of market share in terms of revenue, followed by food and cosmetics, respectively.
Market Trends/Key Takeaways:
Trend 1
Consumption of healthy drinks such as ready-to-drink and functional beverage among consumers is a trend in the market and this trend is expected to foster the market growth of the processed superfruits. For instance, in April 2019, GacLife, launched G?c: a line of seven daily health beverages that aid in sleep, skin health, energy, relaxation, and detoxification. GacLife also stated that after scientific research, it took one of the world’s rarest superfruits, g?c, and created an all-natural, organic vegan health drink with no added sugars.
Trend 2
Shifting preferences of consumers towards mixed superfruits for increasing the intake of nutrients is expected to be a major trend in the market. This is attributed to the growing health wellness trend which is escalating demand for mixed superfruits snacks. For instance, in July 2018, Welch’s has expanded its fruit snacks range with the launch of new Superfruit Mix, with each pack containing blends of pomegranate-passionfruit, starfruit-kiwi, dragonfruit-blackberry, açai-blueberry, and goji–apricot.
Global Processed Superfruits Market - Impact of Coronavirus (Covid-19) Pandemic
There have been unprecedented variations in the global sales of food products owing to the changes in purchase patterns among consumers. Rising trends of bulk buying and stockpiling of perishable foods has led to certain foods being in very limited supply, which in turn has led to price fluctuations in global processed superfruits market. This scenario is expected to hinder the growth rate the market till the early months of 2021.
Competitive Section:
Company Names:
Symrise AG
SunOpta Inc.
Kerry Group plc
Agrana Beteiligungs-AG
Del Monte Pacific Limited
Ocean Spray Cranberry Inc.
PepsiCo Inc.
Dabur India Ltd.
Uren Food Group Limited
10.Frutarom Industries Ltd.
Few Recent Developments
Ocean Spray Cranberry Inc.
In January 2020, Ocean Spray Cranberry Inc. introduced Ocean Spray Brew, a first-of-its-kind hybrid drink made with superfruit juice and cold brew coffee.
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Coherent Market Insights is a global market intelligence and consulting organization focused on assisting our plethora of clients achieve transformational growth by helping them make critical business decisions.
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Contact Us:
Mr. Shah
Coherent Market Insights Pvt. Ltd.
Address: 1001 4th ave, #3200 Seattle, WA 98154, U.S.
Phone: +1-206-701-6702
Source:  https://www.coherentmarketinsights.com/market-insight/processed-superfruits-market-3956
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eatmovesmile · 5 years
Food Wastage
Grow your own and/or freeze!
I am not much of a green thumb but after years of buying herbs from the shops only to use them once before they go old my housemates and I decided to give the veggie garden another go. After planting a variety of fruits, vegetables, and herbs, making sure we watered them regularly, and crossing our fingers for luck we were rewarded with a beautiful and prosperous garden.
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The passionfruit vine in particular was so successful that we had more than we could eat ourselves (or even give away!). To stop them being wasted we poured them into empty ice cube trays and froze them. The result was perfectly sized passionfruit servings that we can use in our smoothies, fruit salad, or even defrost for cooking!  Passionfruits are not the only fruits that can be frozen so before you bin it- STOP- and have a think how can YOU fight against the war on waste?
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The NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) estimates that 35% of the average household bin is food waste and that 1 in 5 shopping bags ends up in the bin (that is equal to $3,800 worth of groceries per household each year!). 
Growing your own fruits, vegetables and herbs as well as utilising fruits and vegetables in creative ways, such as freezing, are ways we can ALL do our part to reduce food wastage.
Have a think about what you could do at home to reduce your food waste and check out our other gardening posts for tips on growing your own.
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