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overthecl0uds · 2 months ago
Period Snack🎀✨🩷
I don't care if someone thinks that this topic is inappropriate but I am on my period currently and even during the deepest hours in my disorder I told myself 'calories don't count on period'. I bleed like hell and on the first day I sit around in pain on the floor and cry because of the cramps so I deserve all the treats that my mind wants. That doesn't mean that I ate/eat like trash the whole week but I don't question when my brain wants a certain food. Today it was spekulatius which is kinda like german gingerbread (?). 🧸
I don't care that it's just September, if the stores sell Christmas treats, I am allowed to eat them haha 🎄
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This was the finished plate:
one green apple with cinnamon
some pieces of dark chocolate
a scoop of 100% peanut butter
the spekulatius cookies
mango soy yoghurt with chia seeds, oats and cinnamon
don't matter if you're she/her, he/him, they/them or someone else..
treat yourself on your period 🎀✨🩷
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schmedterlingfreud · 16 days ago
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🍂​ Day [23 of 100] of Productivity 🍂
Writing: - La cosa più pericolosa; Chapter 22 -- Finished and posted!
With this Chapter 22 we finally start the new story arc "Se tutto andrà come si spera" ("If it's all going to be well"). As I was previously saying, I consider this the central point, the pivot that separates the two big sides of the entire story, so it's going to be very important but very difficult to write as well. Despite that, I'm very excited about starting it (well, I've already started it, lol), and I hope to make a good job out of it. A certain little bun is already baking in the oven, eheh. Wish me luck! ஐ
- Effetto Luna; Chapter 20 and 21 (... work in progress) It's going to take just five chapters to the end of the longfic. My idea is to step on my pen gas and to dedicate my time just to "Effetto Luna" until the end of the story. Once I have completed this longfic, in fact, I want to start working on the next project that will be…
- Meduse a centinaia (something like "Hundreds of jellyfish" -- already work in progress), which is going to be the fourth story being part of "Le Cronache di Portorosso". This is going to be the smallest -- nine or ten chapter max --, and the least important of the saga, speaking of narrative and plot. But I hope to have fun writing it, and to make my readers happy, of course. (,,>ヮ<,,) And no... this is not the "Brand new mysterious project" I started working on this summer... but let's keep an eye on that 👀.
Reading: - The Man in the High Castle, by Philip K. Dick - The Bell Jar, by Sylvia Plath - The Handmaid's Tale, by Margaret Atwood (Completed)
Listening to: Power of the Beast, by Beast in Black
Snacking on: Butter spekulatius cookies
Extra: Fighting my latest and multiple mental breakdowns, it seems my mood is improving! Are the magical herbal drops from the friars working? I'm not really sure about it, but I hope to feel energetic and productive as long as possible. Please, don't take my vent posts too seriously, okay? "( ^-^) But thank you again to all of you for sticking with me even during my whining and pitiful crying. I want to do my best, and I want to make my readers happy -- you readers are the real reason I manage to stay sane in my life, all right? Please, always take care of yourself, of your body and your mind. If my silly little stories can be a tiny help to keep you company during difficult and hurtful times, I will always be the happiest writer in the whole world. ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
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linaselandbasil · 1 year ago
Lance and Valkyon are like peanut butter and spekulatius creme because one is sweet, one is salty and my mother can't tell them apart.
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gargamel1961 · 1 year ago
Winterliche Quark Sahnetorte
Winterliche Quark Sahnetorte Winterliche Quark Sahnetorte mit Spekulatius-Keksboden und Mandarinen für eine kleine 20 cm Springform. Ein leckeres Tortenrezept von Susanne Keller. Winterliche Quark Sahnetorte Bild und Rezept von Susanne Keller 📖🔎 für den Boden: 150 g Spekulatius Kekse *fein zerkleinert 75 g flüssige Butter Beides miteinander vermengen und dann in einer mit Backpapier…
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caspianxth · 1 year ago
My celiac twin! Honestly you fully saved me MetLife 2 when my body decided it was done functioning, Schar cracker squad forever (also their baguettes are so good? The hell). Getting to know you online has been incredible, whether it’s Shawn Mendes videos or me being insane(which is an hourly occurrence) 🥰
schar really just Hits like most all of their products are so so so good I just have to watch for corn syrup sometimes. when I was in europe I got their butterkeks/petit beurre cookies and they're SO GOOD they're just like danish butter cookies that I don't have to make. also are their spekulatius cookies which are dutch windmill cookies slap. they're both so good I've considered getting them thru an import site but I can't justify the prices. also yes their baguettes are like, real baguettes. idk what ur local grocery stores are but kroger's simple truth brand makes fire gluten free meatballs and if u toast a schar baguette, put some meatballs in it (u can microwave them) and then add some marinara and ur eating a subway meatball sub.
Also love being ur celiac twin and I will always give u cracker packets when u need them <3 and I'm just as insane I'm sure u've seen my narnia or other fandom sprees kldjdkfjgkgf
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konsum · 5 years ago
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EDEKA Butter-Spekulatius, 200g
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felikatze · 5 years ago
fuck the equinox autumn starts when stores start selling spekulatius
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pastelsandhazelnutcoffee · 4 years ago
Advent and Christmas vocabulary - German/English
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die Kerze - candle
der Adventskranz (D) - Advent wreath
der Adventkranz (Ö) - Advent wreath
der Adventskalender (D) - Advent calender
der Adventkalender (Ö) - Advent calender
anzünden - to light something
der Zimt - cinnamon
der Zucker - sugar
das Kakaopulver - cocoa powder
der Kakao - cocoa
die heiße Schokolade - hot chocolate
die Maroni - chestnut
der Keks - cookie
das Plätzchen (D) - cookie
der Weihnachtsmann - Santa Claus
das Christkind - Christ Child
das Geschenk - present
das Päckchen - parcel
die Krippe - crib
die Tanne - fir
der Tannenbaum - fir tree
der Weihnachtsbaum - Christmas tree
der Christbaum - Christmas tree
der Weihnachtsmarkt - Christmas market
der Christkindlmarkt - Christmas market
der Wintermarkt - Winter market
die Girlande - garland
die Lichterkette - fairy lights
das Lametta - lametta
der Lamettafaden - a single string of lametta
der Stern - star
die Christbaumkugel - Christmas ball
der Strohschmuck - Christmas tree decoration made out of  straw
das Rentier - reindeer
der Schlitten - sleigh
der Advent - Advent
der Adventsonntag - Advent Sunday
der Punsch - (hot) punch
der Kinderpunsch - children´s punch
der Stand - stall
schmücken - decorate
aufputzen - decorate
dekorieren - decorate
glitzern - to glitter
leuchten - shine
der Christbaumbehang - Christmas tree decoration
die Tannenbaumnadel - needle of a fir tree
der Christbaumständer - Christmas tree stand
die Zipfelmütze - jelly bag hat
der Jutesack - tow sack
der Krampus - Krampus
die Schokolade - chocolate
der Teller - plate
die Glocke - bell
das Glöckchen - tiny bell
der Stiefel - boot
die Kohle - coal
der Nikolo - St. Nicholas
der Nikolaus - St. Nicholas
das Geleeringerl - a ring made of jelly, covered in chocolate,  that is hung on the Christmas tree as sweets
der Schokoschirm - chocolate formed like an umbrella, covered  in shimmery foil and hung on the Christmas tree as sweets
das Windringerl - meringue with sprinkels, formed as a  ring, hung on the Christmas tree as sweets
der Weihnachtsstollen - Christmas stollen
die Rosine - raisin
die Erdnuss - peanut
die Haselnuss - hazelnut
die Mandarine - tangerine
die Orange - orange (fruit)
das Weihnachtsgeschenk - Christmas gift
das Geschenkpapier - wrapping paper
einpacken - to wrap
auspacken - to unwrap
schenken - to gift somebody somethink
verschenken - to give something to somebody
bekommen - get
die Geschenkkarte - greeting card
der Geschenkanhänger - gift tag
der Wichtel - imp
der*die Elfe - elf
der Nordpol - north pole
die Wunschliste - wish list
der Weihnachtswunsch - Christmas wish
der Weihnachtsgruß - Christmas greeting
die Weihnachtskarte - Christmas card
der Punschstand - punch stall
die gebrannten Mandeln - roasted almonds
die Zuckerwatte - cotton candy
die Buchtel - yeast pastry filled with jam or  something similar
backen - bake
der Zweig - twig
der Schmuck - decoration
die Dekoration - decoration
die Gewürznelke - clove
der Lebkuchen - ginger bread
der Spekulatius - speculoos
besinnlich - tranquil
die Liebe - love
die Familie - family
der Zusammenhalt - solidarity
Einen schönen ersten Advent! - Have a nice first Advent!
Eine schöne Adventszeit! - Have a nice Advent!
Frohe Weihnachten! - Merry Christmas!
das Weihnachtsfest - Christmas
die Ofenkartoffel - baked potato
die Bratkartoffeln - potato wedges
der Bratapfel - baked apple
der Gänsebraten - roast goose
das Rotkraut - red cabbage
der Liebesapfel - candied apple
der Kerzenständer - candlestick
die Mohnnudeln - potato noodles with melted butter and  poppy seeds
das Sauerkraut - pickled cabbage
der Glühwein - mulled wine
die Kartoffelpuffer - potato fritter
die Gulaschsuppe - goulash soup
die Folienkartoffel - jacket potato
das Raclette - raclette
die Brezel - pretzel
das heiße Kiachl - Bavarian doughnut, either with pickled cabbge or jam and sugar
die Waffeln - waffles
die Palatschinken - pancakes
die Marmelade - jam
die Schokosauce - chocolate sauce
das Apfelmus - applesauce
der Zwetschkenröster - stewed plums
handgemacht - handmade
die Vanille - vanilla
die Vanillesauce - vanilla sauce
der Powidl - plum jam
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hallizora · 3 years ago
Kalorienarme Spekulatius
Rezept :
100g = ca. 251 kcal (statt 500)
150g Mehl
15g Backpulver
150g Xucker light
Schuss Flüssigsüßstoff
Etwas Zimt
1 Ei
Prise Salz
100g Butter light
40g gemahlene Mandeln
Alle Zutaten bis auf die Butter in eine Schüssel geben. Die Butter schmelzen und dazu geben. Nun mit dem Knethaken verkneten, bis sich alles verbunden hat. Jetzt mit den Händen für ca. 3 Minuten weiter kneten, bis der Teig schön glatt ist. Zu einer Kugel Formen, in Alufolie wickeln und für 30-60 Minuten im Gefrierschrank kühlen. Wenn die Zeit um ist, einfach raus holen und auf die bemehlte Arbeitsfläche legen. Immer ein Stück vom Teig entnehmen und flach ausrollen. Jetzt könnt ihr mit Spekulatiusformen oder ganz normalen Plätzchenformen, nach und nach ausstechen. Diesen Vorgang so lange wiederholen, bis alles aufgebraucht ist. Die rohen kekse auf ein Backblech legen und für ca. 10-13 Minuten bei 200°C Umluft backen. Keine Sorge, sie härten später noch aus.
Gutes gelingen! 😊
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do-androids-dream-ao3acc · 4 years ago
Write an overly dramatic paragraph about Spekulatius and its wonders plz
Speculoos. A miracle from the Far East. Well, that's not actually true, because the pastry probably comes from Belgium. Maybe also from the Netherlands. But! The spices! The mysterious, exotic spices that make the Spekulatius a traditional pastry in the first place! Cardamom, cloves and cinnamon - oh, the holy trinity that turns plain dough into a revelation. And its variants! With plenty of good butter or with crunchy almonds - oh, if you don't like Spekulatius, you don't like life. Speculoos has healing powers like no other pastry due to its unique blend of spices. The lame will walk, the blind will see again - but only if an exact mixture of spices is met. In most factories, however, this is a family secret, and the Spekulatius you can buy contains a cheaper variety. 
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niuniente · 5 years ago
I love ice cream and it is the only thing I miss a lot - and eat at times when I shouldn’t. Especially when I’m traveling and can get new flavors and flavor combinations. 
Here’s a list of the unusual flavors + combinations I have had so far, excluding the traditional strawberry-vanilla, mint-chocolate etc.
salmiakki / ammonium chloride
vanilla with orange jam
brandy hazelnut
green tea / matcha
roasted tea
roasted milk tea with cookie crumble
apple pie with apple jam
blueberry pie
cinnamon roll
carrot cake
blue cheese + licorice
Switz milk chocolate-rum-raisin-almonds
strawberry + basil
cookie dough
mascarpone cheese
strawberrycake Oreo
cherry flower
combinations of sorbet + ice cream 
sweet potato
pumpkin pie
amanatsu (Japanese citrus fruit)
latte machiato / coffee
tar (from wood)
blueberry + cardamom 
different non-dairy ice creams made from soy, oat, corn and rice
roasted soy beans / kinako
maple syrup
raspberry+white chocolate
vanilla-cherry-chocolate chips
lemon pie
blueberry + rye
raspberry + chili + salmiakki
lemon + licorice
lingonberry - caramel
black currant
mud cake
Finnish Spoon cookies + raspberry jam
raspberry + salmiakki (ammonium chloride)
German Spekulatius Christmas cookie
cashew milk-berries-caramel cookie
salted caramel brownie
blueberry - white chocolate
mango - chocolate
sugar root
azuki red bean 
gingerbread + blue cheese
pear marmelade + vanilla
fig + white chocolate
lemon pound cake + white chocolate
Japanese pumpkin
purple sweet potato pie
passion mojito
raspberry cheesecake
bounty killer
Twix-chocolate bar
mint Oreo
Royal Milk tea
Ruby chocolate
White chocolate + passion fruit
soft orange cake
Tosca bun (Finnish almond-sugar roll)
Kinder Bueno (official)
Finnish Dacapo chocolate bar (rum-chocolate)
orange-chocolate brittle
Grapefruit-Salmiakki-Lemon sauce
Tangerine-Yogurt-White chocolate
Finnish Marianne candy
pineapple-mojito (sorbet )
salty caramel-chocolate cookie
salty caramel- chocolate chip
Bailey’s ice-cream (official)
Bailey’s Strawberry & Cream (official)
blueberry muffin
honey + almond
lemon + ginger
dragonfruit + chocolate chip
German apple strudel
Roasted butter fudge
Fruit Salmiakki
Sea salt - Caramel
Black sesame - caramel
Lemon-white chocolate
Cardamom-Hazelnut-Caramel-Gingerbread cookie dough
Roasted butter-salty caramel
Mango-white chocolate-coconut
Raspberry yogurt + chocolate
boysenberry + cheesecake
peach + vanilla
Hibiscus-yuzu-dragonfuit-yogurt (with white chocolate shavings)
mochi-salty caramel-blackcurrant
mochi-tropical fruits
Cream - Amaretto
Lime Raspberry
Sangria (vanilla-wine sherbet-wine &berry sauce)
Apple- Cheesecake
M&M (peanut butter - chocolate [yellow])
Ferrero Rocher
Banana-chocolate chip- caramel
Blackcurrant - Vanilla
Lemon-raspberry-white chocolate
White Chocolate Twix
Suffeli chocolate bar
Domino cookie
Geisha chocolate bar
Caramelized butter - Pinenut
Marshmallow - Biscotti cookie
Caramel apple
Baked apple
Caramel - Chocolate Cookie
Brownie - Cookie dough
Caramel - Cinnamon cookie
White Chocolate
Finnish Tupla brand chocolate
Finnish Tupla brand vanilla
White Chocolate - Caramelized Butter
Strawberry & Raspberry Macaron
Honeycomb - Chocolate honey comb crumbs
Pumpkin Spice (Pumpkin with seasoned caramel sauce)
Peach - Passionfruit
Polka candy
Honey - Orange
Vanilla-caramel white chocolate-chocolate-blueberry&raspberry sauce
Vanilla-chocolate-cookie dough
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elyspantry · 6 years ago
Spekulatius or Joghurt no-bake cake!
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Last week I was grocery shopping and I saw in the fresh cheese section Quark mixed with Joghurt and Spekulatius spices. I bought still don't knowing what to do with it, but very intrigued buy the holiday flavour. Then it hit me: just do the regular no-bake joghurt cake and swap the joghurt with the quark! This is my go to cake for the summer usually, because it's no bake, so no switching on the oven in the heat. It can be done with any kind of full fat joghurt or quark I might say now!
400/450g of full fat joghurt ot quark with joghurt
200g of cream to whip
250g of butter cookies or in this case Spekulatius Cookies
70-100g of butter, melted
Gelatine enough for 500ml of liquid
A tin that opens of 24-26cm of diameter.
Hand-mixer to whip the cream
How to:
Cover the bottom of the tin with some plastic wrap or baking paper
Grind the cookies - the finer the better and mix with the melted butter
Put in the tin and press the crumbs together with a spoon. You can put some cookies on the sides as well, but not necessary
Put the tin in the fridge to harden
In the meantime prepare the gelatine as on the package
Whip the cream
Incorporate the gelatine into the joghurt
When the gelatine is well incorporated mix in the whipped cream, make gentle movements from top to bottom
Pour the cream-joghurt mix on the cookie base, decorate if you wish to, and put back in the fridge for at least 2 hours.
If you like more cream, double the joghurt amout and use more gelatine
I tried with also just joghurt and no whipped cream, still good, but not as creamy
I also tried with Skyr joghurt (high in protein)😋
Fruit joghurt is my favorite, but you can also use plain joghurt and put fruits on top
It can also be done in glasses or cups to eat from the glass
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twistednuns · 3 years ago
December 2021
I've come to the realisation that I just fucking love Christmas movies this year. Emotional manipulation - I'm here for it.
Swimming. The first time in the water for months. Swimming laps in a nearly empty pool (thanks to 2G+) one Saturday evening for about 70 minutes. I just enjoyed it so much. Hanging out in the warm outside pool for a while, breathing fresh air. I felt great afterwards. Both my body and mind were at ease. I really need to find a quicker way to get these Covid tests so I can go more regularly.  
Spekulatius almonds. Highly addictive with the true taste of Christmas.
Oh, and obscure crisps flavours: salted egg and umeboshi.  
A new toothbrush head with hard bristles. 
Dreams about bookbinding, travelling, academia, mystery games, my old favourite students coming back, a library. 
A change of perspective. Writing it all down. Figuring out my priorities. Trying a new approach.
I've just started watching American Gods and I have a feeling that it's gonna be really good. The first episode was immensely promising.
For unknown reasons: Pennies from the Heaven
My old favourite - salted coconut porridge - with persimmon.
A nightly bike ride just to breathe some cold fresh air before going to bed.  
Being in the mood to sing.  
A very good Tuesday evening in the kitchen. Coming home from swimming. Making mapo tofu, drinking a glass of Bailey's on ice, listening to Pomp&Circumstance with a face mask on.
A bubble tea revival. 
Buying a bamboo steamer for all the delicious baozi from the Asian supermarket.
I had to spend two more days at the hospital and I was lucky with my roommate again. This time it was 18-year-old Angelina with Colitis Ulcerosa. Unfortunately she had to have major surgery a few days after we met but I was lucky to share a room with her for a night. Also: my procedure went really well this time and I feel really good. Solving a hard
SZ Str8s at the hospital. 
Swimming, then remote yoga with Manu. 
Brussels sprouts and cheesy potatoes.
Folding complicated origami stars and working on my grannysquare blanket.
I just found out that the actor who plays Eddie in Dawson's Creek is actually Kate Hudson's brother. 
Laura's style in the first Santa Clause movie. She looks like Mia Wallace. Very chic. 
A proper cinema date with lots of sweet and salted popcorn and House of Gucci. 
Breakfast in bed with Mickey's Christmas Carol. Pub Quiz evenings with Margit, Dennis, Raphael and Wolfi. Highly entertaining.  
A Macarena revival.  
Madeleine Olivia's vlogmas videos. 
Two pieces of good news on a Monday: there is a new night train connection from Munich to Paris and people with a booster vaccination don't have to bring negative test results for places with 2G+ regulations anymore! 
Coming home. So cosy. Pampering, food, fairy lights, a shower with an ice cold finish and a loevly warm blow dry afterwards, cuddling in bed. Sometimes my apartment feels like a hotel suite these days. 
It's crazy how good my exhausted body feels after an hour swimming laps. 
Talking to Franzi on the phone.  
The little birds finally found my fat balls on the balcony and sometimes come over for breakfast. 
Starting a little dance while baking lebkuchen and coconut macaroons, listening to Christmas songs. 
Visiting Manu. Yoga, a booty test, playing around with uv resin (I made a sparkly little moon); a herby present.
Swimming fast as fuck. 
A mulled wine walking tour through Giesing with colleagues. My first time on the Nockherberg. 
A luxurious porridge breakfast with Christmas spices, persimmon, dark chocolate, roasted almonds and hazelnut butter.  
Taking care of two enormous feline fluffballs! Catsitting is the perfect way to spend more time with cats - you even get paid for it! 
Margit and Dennis cancelled the pub quiz last minute and I was pretty grumpy because we couldn't find any substitute players but then I asked Darren to find me new teammates and it actually worked! Max and Laura joined me and Raphael and we had such a lovely evening! Great conversation, interesting questions... and in the end we WON!! (mostly thanks to Max who even KNEW the answer for the shots round so we smugly sipped our Bailey's / strawberry limes)
Without much hope for a reply I asked someone I follow on Instagram (but never met or talked to before) for advice on admission regulations for my upcoming flight to Mexico and she didn't only reply but sent me a video response from the beach! What. Now I really wanna go, the palmtree and the weather looked gorgeous. 
Lots of fun with my class on the last school day before the Christmas holidays. I got lost of presents (mostly tea and chocolate but I also got TRUFFLE OIL!! I'm psyched.) We had hot drinks and cookies, exchanged gifts, sang Christmas karaoke, danced to the stupid Helikopter song and even had a limbo contest. Also, I santa-fied Kevin and made him a beard out of cotton wool. 
I went down a festive Pentatonix rabbit hole. Christmas dinner. Playing Krazy Pix. Receiving so many gifts from my wish list.
A giant potato chip (still obsessed with the salted egg and umeboshi flavoured crisps).
Going to Mexico was such a good decision! There was a bit of Covid-anxiety involved because I felt a bit sick around Christmas and didn't know if I would pass my antigen test for the flight but it all worked out perfectly and I had such a good time. Here are some highlights from the December part of my trip: Oskar (who gave me one of his pinata ornaments and drove me to the bus station) and his cat Mami at the guesthouse in Cancún / giant fruit juices from the market / a bike ride along Isla Mujeres; snorkelling (the bike rental guy had told me about a great little beach!) / enjoying the sunset facing Cuba (at least I thought it was the right direction) / Chilaquiles, tacos con huitlacoche y nopales, lime with everything, French toast / the incredible beach at Diamante K in Tulum; hopping along with the waves, feeling truly happy.
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stylingqueenblog · 3 years ago
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Der Weihnachts-Schüsselkuchen
Ergibt 1 Stück
Für 1 grosse YIV- Schüssel
Butter für die Form
200 g weiche Butter
200 g weisser Rohzucker
4 Eier
2 dl Milch
400 g helles Dinkelmehl oder Weissmehl
2 TL Backpulver
150 g Spekulatius
250 g Mascarpone
125 g Caramel-Brotaufstrich (z.B. von Lotus)
Puderzucker zum Bestäuben
Den Backofen auf 180 Grad vorheizen.
Die Schüssel mit der Butter ausstreichen.
Die Butter mit dem Rohzucker in einer Schüssel schaumig rühren. Die Eier und die Milch nacheinander beigeben und gut rühren. Das Mehl mit dem Backpulver mischen und portionsweise unter die Masse rühren. Die Spekulatius in einen Gefriersack geben, mit einem Wallholz grob zerdrücken und mit der Masse nur kurz vermischen.
Die Masse in die vorbereitete Schüssel füllen und in der Mitte des vorgeheizten Ofens etwa 55 Minuten backen. Herausnehmen, etwa 10 Minuten in der Form abkühlen lassen, aus der Form stürzen und auf einem Gitter auskühlen lassen.
Den Kuchen 2-mal quer halbieren. Die Mascarpone mit dem Caramelaufstrich gut verrühren und in einen Spritzsack füllen. Die Hälfte der Crème spiralförmig auf den unteren Boden spritzen, den zweiten Boden darauf legen, die restliche Crème auch darauf spritzen und den Kuchendeckel darauf legen. Den Kuchen mit wenig Puderzucker bestäuben und etwa 30 Minuten kühl stellen.
-       Diese Torte ist gut zum Vorbereiten und ist zugedeckt etwa 3 Tage im Kühlschrank haltbar.
-       Statt Caramel-Brotaufstrich, Nuss-Nougat-Crème verwenden.
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cookmalda · 3 years ago
CookMalDa November 2020 - the_mob
Zander/ Rahmsauerkraut / Birne / Wirsing / Erbse / Kresse
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Zander auf der Haut krossbraten.
Aus der Birne Perlen ausstechen, den Rest der Birne mit Schalotten im Topf angehen lassen, rohes Sauerkraut zugeben, mit Weißwein ablöschen und Sauerkraut gar ziehen lassen, dann Sahne zugeben und Flüssigkeit reduzieren lassen.
Birne in Streifen schneiden und im Topf mit Butter und Zucker karamellisieren.
Auf blanchierte Wirsingblätter das Sauerkraut legen, zwei bis drei Birnenstreifen dazu und das Ganze eng einwickeln.
Die Wirsing-Sauerkraut-Rouladen mit der Wicklung nach unten in der Pfanne, ganz langsam anbraten, dann wenden. So bleiben die Rouladen zusammen und man benötigt keine Faden o. ä.
Schalotten angehen lassen, Erbsen dazu, mit Weißwein ablöschen, Gemüsefond/Fischfond dazu, etwas Sahne, einkochen lassen. Kurz vor dem Anrichten, Kresse und Butter hinzugeben und mit dem Zauberstab mixen.
Sahne Zander Wirsing Sauerkraut Birne Kresse TK-Erbse
Lamm / Kaffee & Kreuzkümmel / Aubergine / Datteln / Bulgur / Joghurt / Limette
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Dunkelgeröstete Kaffeebohnen mit Kreuzkümmel fein mörsern. Dann mit Butter, Semmelbrösel zu einer homogenen Masse kneten. Abschmecken, Salt, Pfeffer und ein Eigelb zugeben. Masse zu einer Wurst rollen (geht am besten mit Frischhaltefolie), dann in den Kühlschrank legen.
Boskoop / Kartoffel / Spekulatius / Lakritze / Whisky
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Boskoop in feine Würfel schneiden, mit Zimt, Sternanis, Zucker angehen lassen, mit Whisky ablöschen. Nicht verkochen lassen!
Kartoffelteig machen. Gekochte Kartoffeln mit Mehl, Gries und Ei zu einem Teig kneten, bis dieser nicht mehr klebt.
Kleine Kartoffelknödel formen und diese mit dem „Bratapfel“ füllen.
Whisky-Lakritz Sabayon Zwei Eigelbe, Zucker, Lakritzwürfelchen, Whisky, etwas Weißwein zu einer luftigen Sabayon aufschlagen.
Spekulatius zerbröseln und mit Butter zu einer Schmelze für die Knödel in einer Pfanne angehen lassen. Die gekochten Knödel unmittelbar vor dem Anrichten darin schwenken.
Spekulatius Meringe Whisky Boskoop Lakritz Kartoffeln
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sandrapaul1302 · 4 years ago
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... das war der reinste Plätzchen-Back-Marathon und es sind die leckersten Weihnachtsplätzchen entstanden: Champagnerplätzchen, gefüllte Zitronenherzen, mit Marzipan gefüllte Spekulatius, Butter-Schneebälle, ...! ... und wir haben an alle unsere Lieben gedacht und eine Kostprobe mitgebacken. 🎅🏻🎅🏻🎅🏻🎅🏻🎅🏻🎅🏻🎅🏻🎅🏻🎅🏻🎅🏻🎅🏻🎅🏻🎅🏻🎅🏻🎅🏻🎅🏻🎅🏻 Danke an die fleißigen Weihnachtshelfer @nicole_bolze @wilkbeate @christiane_paul_16.06.19 #plätzchen #plätzchenbacken #weihnachtsplätzchen #backmarathon #backenmachtglücklich #spekulatius #zitronenplätzchen #champagnerplätzchen #butterplätzchen #weihnachtsbäckerei #weihnachten #christmasiscoming #weihnachtenstehtvordertür #berlin #germany @christiane_paul_16.06.19 @wilkbeate @nicole_bolze @sandrapaul1302 (hier: Französisch Buchholz) https://www.instagram.com/p/CIfzlMbMlka/?igshid=1400kcgfnu3y4
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